
Wednesday 15 August 2012

CSI: Miami 10.4 "Look Who's Taunting" Review

Jennifer (Emma Bell) searches for her missing sister, Angela (Kenzie Dalton) on the streets of Miami and receives a call from her abductor. Interspersed in all this are flashes of a man torturing his Vic.  The caller gives her a name, Anton LeDoux.  Oh come on even the kidnapper's voice was a giveaway to his identity.  Jennifer heads to the police and Horatio (David Caruso) in particular.  Walter (Omar Miller) looks up Anton and finds he died in 1948.  When his grave is checked in the cemetery, they find a DB there.  It's not Angela, but Nikki (Jennifer Christina).  Her eyeballs have been removed and replaced with glass ones.

ME Tom (Christian Clemenson) says she was tortured severely but her injuries are 48 hours old.  Thus there's a chance Angela may still be alive.  Delko (Adam Rodriguez) finds a footprint nearby and takes a cast of it.

Jennifer tells them Nikki and Angela were both prostitutes working out of Liberty City.  Whilst in autopsy, Ryan (Jonathan Togo) notices Nikki doesn't have any prints.  Her fingers are puffy.  ME Tom recalls there's a certain cancer medication that can cause this, capecitabine.  So Nikki was  a cancer patient at the free clinic and her doctor was Esteban Navarro (Kuno Becker).  He also knows Angela as he treated her too for violent injuries.  Why wasn't Esteban suspected sooner: he knows them both, is a doctor, so he's adept in knowing what medication to use, how to revive etc and how to keep his captives.

Calleigh (Emily Procter) is upset at how so many women are treated in such a despicable way for $50.  Delko uses a friend in Vice to lead him to the street and taking a car from Impound, he drives to Liberty City.  Funny how he happened to pick up the very girl who knows both Angela and Nikki.  He reveals his badge to her.  She says, "what's in a name" when he asks her.  She eventually writes down the names of their 'clients.'

Horatio and Natalia (Eva La Rue) head to question Frank Massey (Todd Stashwick) who has complaints against domestic violence.  He's another smug SOB and says his wife won't testify against him.  He refuses to give them his footprint.  Horatio has Tripp (Rex Linn) follow him.  Frank picks up the same woman Delko spoke to and drives off in his van.  Tripp loses them and when he's eventually stopped, he's behaving violently towards her, which she just shrugs off as the nature of the job.  Again she's just put his name down on the list and yet she drives off with him.

Ryan also finds with Travers' (Christopher Redman) help that the glass eyes have hide paste on them, which is associated with taxidermy.  The cemetery has a hunting ground behind it and here they find Dennis Kemp (Brad Greenquist) and glass eyes.  He didn't kill Nikki but he found her and wanted her spirit to remain intact, he put the glass eyes into her.  He didn't call it in but he recalls seeing a man with a van and a woman with tape over her mouth.  So if he had dialled it in, maybe they would have found Nikki sooner and Angela also.

Natalia returns to collect Nikki's file from Esteban and she notices his shoes.  He says they help him run.  Thought for a moment she wouldn't be able to compose herself - oh and once more we find Natalia being almost in trouble, well judging from her past record it could have turned out that way.  Let's hope she doesn't find herself in any pitfalls this last season.

When questioned by Tripp and Horatio, he tries to be clever and evasive and replies if he uses the word 'lawyer' it would mean he doesn't have to answer any questions.  His footprint is a match but it's not enough.  ME Tom recalls certain doctors use instruments to tie their sutures and this was used on Angela's knee injury, which means Esteban was the one who performed this suture on her.  ME Tom warns it's not a signature but Natalia thinks it's enough to get them a warrant. However it turns out his assistant tied the suture.  Epinephrine was used to revive Nikki from the brink of death so he could torture her again and Calleigh says anyone can get their hands on this.  Again it didn't click that this is freely available at the clinic.

When Horatio and Natalia arrive at Esteban's house they are prevented from executing the warrant by Inspector O'Shay (Ed Begley Jr).  Oh they had to have him turn up again to cause yet more problems.

Walter traces the steps Esteban took whilst out running on his pedometer, he's training for his third marathon.  His heart rate decreased and stopped in one area.  Horatio spots an ambulance here and thinks Dennis probably saw an ambulance at the cemetery. A search of a nearby building leads to Angela who is still alive.

Diego Navarro, (Carlos Bernard) daddy, turns up and threatens Horatio after he's unable to bribe him.  Funny Horatio vents and loses his temper with suspects but he will never be bought. Thus another father/son nemesis  for Horatio and the CSIs.  So obvious Esteban would escape justice, for now.  Horatio calls Angela's phone and Esteban in his arrogance threatens to kidnap both Angela and Jennifer next time.

Diego is meant to be one powerful man in Miami with connections to the mayor (remind you of CSI).  Arent' they all.  So were the Cruz brothers who wrecked havoc on Miami in season 2 Blood Brothers and got their comeuppance with Horatio on their trail.  O'Shay describes Diego as holding "the purse strings on Miami."  Does that include him too. So everyone has to cower in his wake.  Lots of posturing and threats on the part of Diego threatening to get Horatio first and Horatio tells him he'll get his son, "one way or another."  (I feel a Blondie song coming on...)  makes you wonder what he means by that loaded statement; especially seeing the team's action last season and Horatio's treatment of suspects.  But hey this is the final season, so Horatio's got nothing to lose.  Not that CSI:Miami's fate had been sealed yet.

Delko attempting to to help the woman by getting her into a department programme was a bit insulting and patronizing, thinking he could just tell her what to do.  She reveals her name is Elizabeth (Olivia Taylor Dudley) and for a second there, it looked as if she may be Esteban's next Vic.

O'Shay was in the episodes A Grizzly Murder and Bloodline as a supervisor with corruption piled high against him and was involved in money laundering from casinos, but they couldn't put him away.  He now returns to be yet another thorn in Horatio's side.  Let's hope he gets put away with the Navarro scum.  If it's not the Russian mob, it's Memmo, or Julia's husband who become Horatio's enemies.

As for using the name Dr Navarro, this screams of The Closer 6.5 episode Heart Attack, where Dr Luis Navarro (Bruno Campos) was a doctor at a free clinic who also specialized in 'murder'.  That of criminals who deserved to meet their end, in his eyes, as their organs were then used for transplants.  He was playing god, no he saw himself a god and though his actions were condemned and rightly so. He was killing criminals.  This Navarro was ridding women he thought were no better and deserved this end in his sadistic rage.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

The Mentalist: How Much Darker?

It's August and right about this time I stray into The Mentalist territory and give my two cents worth, or maybe a few more pennies worth, gearing up for the season 5 opener.  Luckily we don't have to wait as long  as next year for this show here.

Once again the season 4 finale of The Mentalist ended with yet another killing, only this time Patrick Jane (Simon Baker) wasn't behind the killing, or pulling of any triggers, no he was involved  but as a bystander and as innocent as you think he may or may not have been.  Luthor Wainwright (Michael Rady) was the hapless or helpless Vic this time round, or perhaps he wasn't a Vic at all but another one of Red John's disciples, minions, acolyte,s whatever you want to call him.  That Patty had the argument with him and 'milked' it for everything he had before being kicked out of the CBI seems as though he knew Wainwright may have been involved.  Though he could have been abducted just for the sake of it.

However the main reveal, other than Patrick not suffering any crisis of conscience, breakdown and throwing in the red towel as far as Red John was concerned and it being a rouse all along, didn't come as that big of a shock.  He would never let someone like Red John get to him or indeed rule his mind or actions.  Though Patty has us rooting for him either way, that's how strong a character he is and also Simon's portrayal of him.

His lamenting and agony over his family's anniversary, sharing a drink alone without them and through all this he kept his head to try and coax Red John out into the open, not that that will happen anytime soon.  He did manage to snare the next best thing, Lorelei (Emmanuelle Chiriqui) after spending a night of 'rough and tumble' (did I really just write that?! ha) with her, wonder if he enjoyed that or was it all part of the con?  Can't believe Red John didn't see that coming, may be he did; so the question remains of whether she will help Patrick, or if Red John will get to her first and have her eliminated, as he has always done so in the past.  Except it was Van Pelt (Amanda Righetti) who put paid to O'Laughlin.  What a shame.

Lots of red herrings abound in this show; about as many as the number of FBI agents floating around.  Darcy being so convinced Patrick is connected to Red John in a big way, well he is but not really in the sense she imagines.  I was kind of hoping she would be dealt with swiftly by Red John and that he hasn't just leaves us with more 'suspects' in the Red John pool, is she one of the good guys or someone more evil?

As for Patrick Jane becoming more darker, he always had a dry wit, a wry sense of humour and made no bones about speaking his mind, whether to suspects or to Vics.  Most of them he treated alike, especially if he needed to break the case fast or put  a point across.  He also had his dark moments, setting up Panzer to be killed by Red John and then pleading ignorance in Blinking Red Light.  Getting off in court in season 4.  But says creator Bruno Heller to Entertainment Weekly, that we're about to see him grow even more darker.  "The show is not going to turn into a much darker show, but that character will show more of those colours.  We're getting closer to the meat of what the show is about."  At least this will mean his character will not be stagnant and develop.  It could get boring seeing the same Patty for five years running.  (Patty was always my affectionate name for Patrick.)

He also expects the show to go at least another two seasons; which is great news for hard core fans. As long as the episodes don't become repetitive or slide in terms of story or plots.  He also stated many fans/viewers will be perturbed at Red John's real identity when finally exposed.  Well, as long as it's not Patrick Jane himself.  That'd be too obvious although I did and do have a particular penchant for it to be Patrick.  Maybe it's one of the CBI team.

Since the episode with Rosalind (Alicia Witt) 4.13 Red is the New Black, we saw who appeared to be Red John sitting cross legged, listening to her play piano, cup of tea in hand, a carbon copy or mirror image of Patrick Jane.  No wait, Patrick's got a twin.  I jest, that'd be too unoriginal.  I'm still sticking with Kristina Frye (Leslie Hope) though that's old news by now.  Wait, I've learned with this show, nothing can be considered old news. She will always come close to being Red John for me for so many reasons: her appearance on TV goading Red John, getting 'kidnapped, or 'disappearing' in the season 2 finale Red Sky At Morning.  Turning up unharmed in The Blood On His hands.  When from past experience, everyone Red John has an encounter with never remains alive. At least not for very long.  Her use or Red John's use of the voice distorter when Patrick was abducted himself in the season 2 finale, didn't change her phrases, syntax, pronunciation, etc, as I've said so many times in my other articles.

Heller: "the trick is going to be  - and this is coming - bringing the audience along and making them second guess themselves and ask, 'is that him?  Red John ultimately is just a man and whenever you see the great criminals reduced to the flesh - it's sort of disappointing.  I have two seasons or so to make it come might already have seen him."  Should have used 'him' loosely there?

Cup of tea anyone?

Monday 13 August 2012

CSI 12.21 "Dune and Gloom" Review

The CSIs investigate the burnt out wreck of a vehicle in a race.  Vartaan (Alex Carter) comments there's a trophy for them for getting to the CS so quickly.  He also adds he'd call this case a mystery since when the race began there were two people in it.  The driver is still inside, a DB and the co-driver is nowhere to be seen.  Nick (George Eads) "80 mile an hour missing person's case.  On your marks, get set, go."  Nick also says, "live fast, die young."  David (David Berman) explains his wife wants him to buy a safe car and he doesn't want that to be his child's first impression of his father.  Nick thinks he'll still see his father as the coolest man on the planet, until Uncle Nick comes along in his GT500.

Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) tells Sara (Jorga Fox) she'd rather watch The Notebook, which Sara finds hard to believe.  Hey in Malice in Wonderland, Ecklie made a comment about Sara watching the ads and she didn't like that either.  Sara finds the helmet and fibre glass from the wreck, someone drove over it.  They both reconstruct the crash.

DB (Ted Danson) finds out the drivers' names were White and they were part of A Pharoah's Motorists.  Doug and Alex's rig is missing and it was parked next to the Veck Oil one, just incase you needed a clue.  I was going to say Veck oil rig, ha.

Finn (Elisabeth Shue) says the 'man in black had a secret' after Morgan says the whole thing sounds like a country music song.  The names were aliases and they work on the DB's clothes.  A logo is revealed.  Cathy Veck (Paula Marshall) CEO of the company and the sponsor claims not to have seen anything whilst racing and doesn't have a co-driver.

Doc Robbins (Robert David Hall) states he suffered a blood and cerebral injury as spinal fluid came out of his ear.  He suffered a basal skull fracture.  He also has growths on his eyelids and brain as he suffered from a disease  which meant he had no fear.  He read somewhere that obstruction of the medulla results in lack of fear.

Finn has a conversation with Carlos Moreno and tells him she wouldn't let him sleep in his place and then thinks it was embarrassing when Morgan overhears her.  Morgan is glad she's having a personal life and Finn thought she was dating, Greg (Eric Szmanda) or Nick or Hodges.  To which Morgan gives the loudest denial to.  Me thinks she doth protest too much.  The logo is revealed as belonging to the 530th and the DB was in the military, Jack Breslin (Ryan Ahern).

Greg is studying for his Criminalistic Certification and hated Maths.  He thinks Sara is looking at the case wrong and thinks it was too big for an explosion for the size and direction of the impact on the fuel tank.  It was a larger explosion.  Sara says it was like explosives exploding.  The CS sketches show the distribution of debris spreading out.  Sara: "don't patronize me mathehlete."  The point of detonation was a hundred feet back.  Sara says they should "test your big bang theory."  Dynamite and gas was used.

Morgan and Greg analyze the crash site and she uses a metal detector.  Morgan feels like her grandfather and finds the top of a beer can.  Greg says he'll buy her a beer unless she and Hodges have plans.  Her father and Mrs Hodges are getting on.  Greg finds the detonator, the RF receiver and it was remotely set off.  A metal fragment also reveals a VIN number.  Sara talks with Weber, (H Richard Greene) his wife is dead and he met the boys when his truck had an oil leak and they bought him a new one.  One of them said there's "a lot of bad in the world and they're trying to make something good."

Hodges (Wallace Langham) wears new musk, Rosa Mysteriosa (what just for Morgan, ha) and she says it's too strong.  The treads were unique and the tyres were from two racing teams.  Cathy was behind them and didn't stop.  She has enemies.  DB tells her people also hate him and she gets e-mails everyday.  Ecklie (Marc Vann) comments how he got e-mails from his third wife.  DB thinks domestic terrorists could be involved.  Henry (Jon Wellner) looked at the voicemails from Jack's phone and background noise reveals Athrock the Conqueror' which Finn wanted to watch.  She saw Lord of the Rings forty times.  One motel had this rented out

Vartaan finds cash was paid and the room was paid for by Malcolm and Clive.  A man climbs through the window, Vartaan: "this is a new one."  Sara asks if they're planing another attack.  He notices the camera in the room which DB tells him is for all of their protection.  He likes Db's glasses.  Greg finds photos on Clive's  (Dustin Seavey) laptop of the court, City Hall and Cathy.  They think they entered the race to blow her up.  DB doesn't think Clive was involved as no bomb residue was found and no nitrates in the motel.  Clive was afraid.  Morgan says he was paranoid and is being treated with Malcolm and Jack was an out patient.

The Dr Amy Berkman (Zabryna Guevara) mentions them being The Three Musketeers and Malcolm is schizophrenic.  They all loved racing and got together for a race.  DB reconstructs the anagrams of A Pharoahs Motorists to read, Athos, Porthos and Aramis, and they forgot there was also a fourth Musketeer in D'Artagnan.  DB says he was obsessed with racing and Clive isn't a killer.  His cousin was paranoid when he tells Sara about his 'crazy, wandering family.'  He didn't have a happy ending.  Sara recalls her mother but not her story.  Henry texts her so she's saved by the bleep.  Henry found an e-mail from Malcolm and finds it was routed through the desert.

Nick and Vartaan find bodies in the Veck trailer and also Malcolm, who dies.  Cathy is with him, it has to be Weber of course.  Nick found an empty box of dynamite and 20 sticks.  Morgan says there were no other Musketeers but there were as Finn tells her, though she doesn't want to sound like DB and everyone knows about D'Artagnan.

They're profiling Clive.  This was their chance to show money doesn't rule, but trust, loyalty and truth does.  The bomber had access to the truck and it was Weber's idea to enter the race.  There's "a lot of bad in the world."  Sara's heard that before as it's what Weber told her.  Ferndale Mining Co uses dynamite and is a part of Veck Oil.  Weber used to work for Ferndale and he blames Veck for his wife and his bankruptcy.  Sara says he missed his target and intends to make a bigger statement.

DB takes Clive who manages to talk him round and Cathy's not worth it.  He loved Jack and Malcolm.  DB recalls how Clive saw enemies in every shadow and he met two friends and they fit together.  Sara says someone was lurking in the shadows and it all went up in flames.

So Olivia Hodges and Ecklie are dating which didn't come as a surprise and is mentioned by Morgan here in anticipation of the season finale.  Yet another personal family story from DB which sees him showing how tumultuous life has been with his 'crazy family' as he calls them, which can be equalled by Sara and her own sad family history when she mentions her mother, but not any details.  Think DB was expecting something more from her.

As far as the romance stakes go, it appears Morgan so has the hots for Hodges, I put it this way.  Well her quick outburst when Finn mentions who she's seeing when Hodges' name comes up proves otherwise.  Finn mentions Nick and Greg, but why does it have to be someone from work that Morgan or anyone else may be with.  They do have lives outside of work.  Also Morgan's face pulling, er, facial expression to Hodges' new musk suggests her advice for him to ditch the musk is for her own own benefit.  As for the other 'romace' between Finn and Carlos suggests lots of steamy/sweaty scenes judging from Finn's conversation on the phone, which devoted Enrique Murciano fans would be jealous about!!

Veck reminded me of Lauren Holly's character in CSI:Miami episode from season 2's Grand Prix who was also the team sponsor and a suspect too.  As for Sara's "cite your source" comment to Greg, that was going back to season 1's Unfriendly Skies episode, one of my all time fave CSI episodes!  Grissom: "high altitude enhances the entire sexual experience.  It increases the euphoria."
Sara: "well, it's good.  I don't know if it's good - cite your source."  Grissom has also used this phrase about source citing too.

Sunday 12 August 2012

CSI: Miami - 9.12: "Wheels Up" Review

CSI:Miami ventures into the world of rollerderby, with Walter showing his knowledge of yet another sport. Horatio exhibits more of his anger, venting on yet another suspect.

Women fight in a roller derby and one goes off the track and doesn't return.   She's sick in the locker room and her DB is later found.   ME Tom (Christian Clemenson) identifies haematoma and a rib fracture on her DB.  "Significant wound means a significant hit."  Horatio (David Caruso) asks for COD which he believes to be bleeding out internally, taking 150 pounds of pressure to break a rib.   Intent was present which makes her death murder.   Horatio asks what sort of weapon was used and Delko (Adam Rodriguez) thinks someone would have noticed a weapon.   Not really since anything can be used.    Horatio: "'s called blunt-force trauma."  Well that wasn't much of a one liner.

Ryan (Jonathan Togo) tells Walter (Omar Miller) he hasn't been skating since Junior High.   Walter calls "Roller derby real."  Walter demonstrating yet more knowledge of such pursuits, well someone has to.   Ryan asks how 'bad ass' the women can be, which he soon learns when he sees them brawling and is punched in the face by one when they try to stop them.   Before that he comments he doesn't know if the sight is one of the most scary or sexiest things he's seen.   Also mentioning the Raquel Welch movie, Kansas City Bomber (1972) or most people will recall the Charlie's Angels roller derby episode, 1.12 Angels on Wheels.

Ryan questions Miami Spice who tells him Deb (Zoe Bell) took a cheap shot at her and she ended up in the 'Sin Bin'.   She slaps her butt when she leaves and Ryan doesn't think that's very professional and then adds, "not bad."  Natalia (Eva LaRue) checks out the locker room.   Commenting that Beatdown Deb and the Vic, Wrath of Connie (Clare Grant) were close.  Delko finds her helmet on the floor and the smell of vomit oozing from the toilet.   He didn't take a sample for analysis but instead says ME Tom can check out the remaining contents of her stomach.  Connie spat out her mouthguard onto the floor too.

Dave (Wes Ramsey) checks out the video footage of the game and they find Spice, aka Olivia, (Hayley Marie Norman) was in the Bin when she said, so that's her alibi confirmed.   Walter tells Dave he told him the women were hard core.   Deb left the track and didn't return.   She tells Calleigh (Emily Procter) she went off the track and didn't come back.   She was hurt and had to walk it off.  She was best friends with Connie and she got waylaid signing autographs.   It wasn't as if she knew Connie was being attacked.

ME Tom finds Connie bled out internally, caused by a broken rib.   Saying it's "probably a way of life or way of death" for her.   The way he was ladling out the contents from her DB shows he's really into his work, again.  Yet he still has a caring side.    She ingested Ipecac.   As you'll recall this is the method of choice for CSI shows when someone needs to be made ill.   This was found on her mouthguard which didn't fit her, so it wasn't hers.   Natalia discovers the mouthguard was a DIY version and needed the person's own mouth to shape it but she's only been able to obtain the Connie's DNA profile.   Until she gets another hit.   Travers (Christopher Redman) returns for one scene, but good continuity from the previous episode would have been maintained if she'd asked him how he got on with his girlfriend on his day off, casually, in passing.  

The DNA matches Vince, (Matthew Currie Holmes) he swapped it and Tripp (Rex Linn) tells him "you moulded it yourself, idiot."  He gets some of the best lines in this, along with ME Tom and Walter.   Horatio says they can match it to him and he'll be under an assault charge.   He claims he wanted to make her sick cos his team would only win if Connie didn't play.  Tripp comments he's the sportsfan around, but what Ben did was just stupid.

Connie's roommate, Lucy (Johanna Braddy) is brought in for questioning and she, in CSI:Miami fashion was way too helpful, thus confirming her as my suspect.   Thus showing that the try hard in this show are guilty.    When Calleigh was filmed from the back, to sit down to talk to Lucy, that didn't look like Emily at all, especially since she was majorly thin for someone who was pregnant.   She tells her about 'Tara and Feathered' (Lindsay Pulsipher) and their fight.   Tara's in physiotherapy.   When Horatio and Natalia turn up to question her, they find her in a wheelchair.     She fractured her vertebrae when she hit the rail, but doesn't blame Connie.   Vince arrives up and Tara turns out to be his sister.   Natalia takes him by the arm and drags him out, that was unnecessary.   She then gets angry cos he lied and her sister being inured by Connie is motive enough for Natalia.   There she goes assuming again.  Where's her evidence?    Tara didn't blame Connie and Vince knew of this.

Horatio asks her what Connie could have been struck with and she identifies an elbow pad from the photo.   Ryan and Walter collect pads and the woman who punched Ryan says sorry.  Natalia, now with new lab tech in tow, so what was the point of the other one, tests out which pad caused the injury to Connie.   Forcing the elbow pads into the dummy, called Rick, after Rick Stetler (David Lee Smith) no doubt!    Delko had to walk in and show off, he's got more arm mass and and breaks the rib, then assumes the killer had to be a man.   The tech corrects him on that, it could have been a really strong woman, but both were wrong in this instance.   Seeing as the pads were weighted.

ME TOM discovers the source of the internal bleeding from the thoracic aorta, torn by a dislodged part of her rib.   He finds a fractured rib chard does not fit the rib and the bone has signs of older fractures.   Natalia associates the injuries as intimate and a result of domestic abuse.   Funny ME Tom texted Natalia, seeing as she has experience in that area herself, but he doesn't know that.   At least we don't know he does.   Lucy blames Connie's biker boyfriend, Jake (Todd Lowe).   She recalled his name easily enough and then feigned fear.   She doesn't want to go to court and then she exhibits dodgy eye movements too, lots of looking sideways.   The derby made Connie feel in control.   They rode out to Miami shores.

Tripp gives chase in the car and guess what, Horatio and Delko head him off at the pass, as per usual.  Oh give us something new, not predictable.   Out pops Delko's gun and his venting.   Their apartment is searched and Horatio calls Jake a coward for beating up on women.   The punching bag belonged to Lucy and Connie, see she just gave herself away when she told them about Jake.   The indentations match the elbow pads.   Jake says he'll be out on bail soon.     Horatio replying, "that's all I'm gonna need,2 to get rough and ready again.

Lucy tried out for the team but didn't make it.   Steel weights were placed in her pads and test positive fro blood.   It was Lucy's idea to join the derby and Connie no longer had any time for her, or gave her any tips.   So Lucy got her when she was down.   Natalia posits "Friends forgive."  A bit late for Lucy to apologize now.   Natalia, Ryan, Walter, ME Tom and Dave watch the women at the derby whilst Horatio engages in a "beating down" of his own on Jake.  

Can't believe CSI:Miami is so out of its depth now and Horatio is so out of control, can't also believe (I've used this phrase twice) that he actually keeps getting away with it.   See without Rick around, no one's been found to keep them in check and here's where the show would have become interesting, as it once was, when Rick and Horatio would go head-to-head.   At least Rick only stole from the evidence locker, I'm not in any way condoning what he did in stealing, but Horatio et al, just are persistently rough and a law unto themselves.   It's getting so repetitious having to write that every week.   How is he honouring the badge that he wears by beating suspects, that's what courts are there for.   Hey with what's happening surprised no one, not even Rick cried 'evidence plant'.   Wouldn't it be good if he got out on a technicality and returned.   Cos this show needs a fast pick-me up, okay forget technicality, but was released on the basis of being set up.

Why have none of these suspects complained?  The show is completely unbelievable, even more so than before.   Are there any viewers/fans who actually cheer when Horatio gets his gloves out as his character wasn't like that before,  Yes he killed Marisol's murderer and beat up on the paedophile, but they could be seen as aberrations.   Nowadays it's a free for all and shouldn't he be spending his energies on finding Meemo and other criminals out there, instead of engaging in such despicable behaviour for a cop.   Have absolutely no idea what producers/writers are hoping to achieve here and quite frankly, I don't really care either.    Tripp is  a cop and we don't see him engaging in such behaviour, so what makes Horatio and his team above the law.

Roller derby was already covered by CSI:NY in its season 2 episode Jamalot, where they suspected murder of one of the players by a jealous teammate, or bitter team rivalries between the Manhattan Minx and Brooklyn Clobbers;  but turned out to be the boss of the team.

 Oh spoke too soon, Memmo turns up next episode.

Saturday 11 August 2012

The Closer 7.9 "Star Turn" Review

News reports indicate the disappearance of Ben Michaels in an urban park, as Tao (Michael Paul Chan) says it's a nightmare.  Bob Michaels wanted to make a star of his daughter, Missy (Skyler Day).  Pope (JK Simmons) explains due to budget cuts only Major Case can take on the case as the rangers don't work weekends.  Taylor (Robert Gosset) says it's too early to speculate on the DB they recovered.  Tao thinks he either fell or was pushed.  Provenza (GW Bailey) says he "fell flat."  Fritz (Jon Tenney) is also there and as Bob fell in a city canyon they have to recover the DB and other evidence.  Bob's wife, Beth (Debra Farentino) identifies his shirt and her father, Durant (Ken Howard) has already bought along his medical/dental records.

Brenda (Kyra Sedgwick) has a settlement conference to get to.  Morales (Jonathan Del Arco) finds some redness on Bob's face but it's not from sunburn.  A large amount of pepper spray is released from Bob's face and affects those standing by.  It was reactivated when Morales used water.  Provenza wants to know how he wandered around for five days without sunscreen. Brenda finds the footprints show he went over the cliff backwards and was pushed, all other prints have been brushed away.

Pope tells Raydor (Mary McDonnell) there was no officer involved violence when he explains the pepper spray incident to her.  Goldman (Curtis Armstrong) has an offer which has been approved by the city.  Well they would approve it, anything not to pay is fine by them.  Gavin (Mark Pellegrino) doesn't want Brenda to get too excited when she hears it.  Pope tells Goldman about the pepper spray too, "pepper spray, sorry we can't offer you any."  The family of Turrell have agreed to the settlement being reduced from $20 million to $500,000 and will drop the claim of wrongful death and he has lowered his fees too.  It's about righting a wrong and Turrell's mother wants a house away from where he was killed.  The offer includes no blame will be apportioned to anyone.  Yes, but they've forgotten even if she agrees to the civil case being settled Brenda will still hold herself out to a criminal action.  As in effect she will be admitting she did leave him out there, knowing he would be killed.  She formed the criminal intent necessary.

Gavin tells Goldman they won't be settling today.  Brenda says no one cared about Turrell, at least not until he died. Gabriel (Corey Reynolds) interrupts again to say that the Michaels' are crashing their press conference.  See it's Gabriel once again who interrupts them in Pope's office.  Bruno, (Rick Gonzalez) Missy's manager claims he doesn't want Ben's memory dishonoured.

Durant also tells Brenda that Bob wanted to be famous too and did the King and I in the park.  He wanted Missy to become a movie star and wanted his old job back in Fort Wayne, but he didn't get it.  Beth thinks they're all amateurs.  Bruno wrote the songs.  Brenda wants to talk to Missy and Beth, they'll be like interviews and if they don't she can tell the press they refused to communicate and they will jump to their own conclusions.  Brenda: "You feel me."  At least she's down with the lingo, ha, especially as far as Bruno is concerned.  They have to sign a statement saying it was an accident otherwise she will rule it a suicide.  Bruno in exchange wants footage of Bob being lifted out of the canyon by helicopter for the next video.

Brenda says they're the only ones who know how long Bob was really dead.  Flynn (Tony Denison) tells her Bob ate blue candy and pizza before he died so he was never lost.  She wants the financials on the family.  Referring to the song title, "daddy say yes."  Brenda adds, "I seriously doubt daddy said yes to dying."  Not another episode about becoming famous and making money like they had earlier on in the season.

Fritz thinks the song is catchy.  Bruno gets 80% of the proceeds.  Fritz asks her if she wants to sign the agreement, which states she had a "lack of professional concern for the plaintiff's son."  Which if read as it should be means she's admitting to her liability.  Brenda thinks sometimes life doesn't have to be so complicated.  She can end the civil lawsuit for everyone.  She wants things back to normal and she will have to live with this.  She signs.

Tao prepares a certificate of accidental death for them to sign.  Gabriel found the pepper spray which was ordered by Bruno from the Internet.  Bruno has five complaints filed against him from the father's of other daughters who didn't like his behaviour with them.  However, he's sleazy and wants to make money too, but he wasn't the one who killed him, as he doesn't have a motive, although this makes it appear he does.

Taylor tells the Michaels a Miranda is required and they can't release the DB without it.  He also mentions the pathology line which Missy knows the meaning of.  Flynn: "Someone's been watching CSI."  It shows what her father did before his death.  To my knowledge of watching every singe ep of CSI, this term hasn't been used on there!  Bruno was protecting her as Missy was mugged in LA.  Brenda looks in her bag and doesn't find the spray which she claims to have lost

Raydor comments if she acted rationally then all her problems would disappear just like Brenda.  She needs to review all the legal agreements and won't approve Brenda's settlement as she feels there's something missing from the agreement and doesn't trust Goldman.  Liked when Raydor said she doesn't trust Pope either cos all he wants is a settlement and save everyone the least bit of hassle, especially the city and himself.  Gavin reassures her he can win and that Goldman is desperate who says he only cares for his client.

Bruno had Missy's bag in the office and she missed her audition.  Brenda questions why she had two cars.  There was a motel charge for Gummi bears in blue.  'Hotel mini-bars get you everytime' Sanchez (Raymond Cruz) comments.

Gavin asks if Brenda's decided she can act as her own lawyer.  Buzz (Phillip P Keene) sets up a camera and Gavin thinks Missy's video is the worst one he's ever watched, fifty times.  Provenza is shocked at the cost of Gummi Bears.

Beth is surprised by the credit card bill.  She rented a car before the audition.  Durant already told Brenda Bob didn't have a job to return to.  Gabriel tells Beth he didn't disappear for real and it was just a publicity stunt.  Buzz films her statement which will be needed to get Missy off the hook.  Brenda adds the news will run her story for weeks.  So deep down Beth was also a stickler for fame.  Buzz: "Why do you think they call me Buzz."  He can generate publicity.  Tao and the others eating the liquorice strings!  A habit picked up from Brenda, I wonder?

Beth tells them Bob was terrified people wouldn't believe his story.  Gabriel says there's no evidence of Bob being on the mountain with anyone.  She covered over the footprints.  Bob pushed her and she pushed back causing him to fall.  Brenda adds she missed out the part about the pepper spray.  Gavin asks if Brenda saying it was windy means they'll find the spray on her clothes is true?  Pope replies, he represents her, "it's not true."  Brenda then tells her people will see her in court.

Gavin explains her actions were simple and throws away Brenda's agreement.  She will take responsibility in the murder of Turrell as Goldman doesn't mention he won't refile the same charges again.  they were concentrating only on the settlement, not what was in it.  Gavin watches the Michaels on TV.  Missy tells the press she loved her daddy.  Gavin: "oh my God,"  or should I have written OMG.  Her song will now be called, "daddy you're the best."

After all that Missy still got her record and will get her fame too, at what price?  Her parents   Not that she was too overly concerned about them no longer being around.  So was it worth it in the end?

Liked how Brenda's saga still continues and of course we want a trial, that's the whole reason for bringing in Gavin and paying him too out of Fritz's money, we can't have this case being settled!  Which is just what Brenda wanted, thinking it would just go away if she signed.  That weasel Goldman thinking he was clever in getting her to sign.  Especially since he has that mole and after Gavin telling everyone whatever they say will get back to the mole anyway and to Goldman.  Of course we know Gavin will win, he has to, unless we're heading for a complete turn of events and twists in true Closer style.

Friday 10 August 2012

Without A Trace 3.8 "Doppelganger II" Review

Molly (Jane Fleiss)a homeless woman goes missing from the Canal Street Homeless shelter.  She’s watched by Rick (Tony Goldwyn) before she disappears.

4 Days missing
Martin (Eric Close) questions Peter (John Cothran Jr) a supervisor at the shelter and spots Rick there.  He’s now the assistant director and says everyone thinks Greg (Tony Goldwyn) is innocent.  Rick asks him if Martin’s lost his job and is looking for shelter.  Jack (Anthony LaPaglia) talks to Rick.  He was here the night Molly disappeared.  It was Thanksgiving.  He’s living at Greg’s apartment.  Jack tells him they’ll get the right man this time.  Ned (Ted Louiso)caught Molly with a syringe in her jacket pocket.  She denied it was hers.

Jack says they’ll find Molly strangled.  Olczyk (Bill Smitrovich) won’t let him have a warrant as Greg confessed to killing 8 women. Greg’s changed his plea to not guilty after he was visited by Rick yesterday.  Sam (Poppy Montgomery) stresses Greg didn’t murder anyone.  Rick told him to fight as he was held 9 hours without a lawyer and the FBI doctored the coroner’s report.  Julie wasn’t raped.  Greg loved Tricia (Lisa Marie Zaura).  Rick said no one would know what happened and tells him to plea not guilty and he’ll be out in a few days.  He needs him.  Jack tells Greg that Rick killed those women.

Ned’s car is found with Molly’s body in the boot.  The car’s been there 2 days.  The dead body is about 3-4 days old.  The car’s 3 blocks away from Ned’s apartment near a church.  Jack tells Viv (Marianne Jean-Baptiste) Rick wanted them to find it.  Jack tells the police to hold off searching Ned’s apartment until he gets there.

Danny (Enrique Murciano) finds photos of the dead women in a box in Ned’s apartment.  Jack tells him to photograph them and then put everything back where it was.  He says if the US Attorney sees those photos then Greg will be released.  Jack will take the heat.  Ned turns up and Jack arrests him.

Ned’s car was stolen.  He still has the keys.  He thought Molly took it.  He was shooting up when Julie was killed.  Viv isn’t too happy about them stalling to gather evidence.  Martin thinks Ned’s the fall guy.  Jack knows Rick had duplicates of Ned’s keys made.

Rick turns around at work to see Jack standing there.  Jack tells him of the syringe they found in Molly’s pocket.  Rick carries some in his sample case so Molly must have stolen it.  He was careless and he takes his case to the shelter.  Jack can’t find evidence to associate Ned with the other murders.  Rick keeps a photo of Greg on his desk.

Greg tells Sam about a dream he had where he saw Tricia fighting to stay alive.  He felt he was there and wanted to help but couldn’t.  There were mice over her body.  He had this dream on Thanksgiving; the night Molly was killed.  He used to have dreams when Rick used to take trips.  Sam says they’re both connected so he has these dreams.  She puts Greg on suicide watch.

Jack watches the tape of Rick visiting Greg.  Olczyk receives a call from the 16th precinct.  They received an anonymous tip and found the photos.  Jack admits he was there and didn’t process the evidence.  Someone made those keys.  Jack takes responsibility and tells him only he withheld evidence.  Greg is being released.

Rick collects Greg from prison.  Sam says Greg doesn’t want to face it.  Jack looks at Rick’s divorce papers from 1996.  He didn’t have sex with his wife.   He says all this started with Tricia so they must return to the beginning.

Danny and Viv surveil the twins.  Danny tells her he heard what she said to Olczyk.  She wants to catch the psycho too.  Greg says his fish died.  Rick tells him he’s the only one that matters and hugs him.  Rick suggests they take a trip and relax.

Tricia’s mother tells them Greg was popular especially with all the girls; he was funny, athletic.  When Tricia was killed Greg smelled of alcohol so did Tricia.  No one thought Greg did it.  Rick followed him around everywhere.  He was awkward and lost when Greg wasn’t around.

14/5/73.  The sheriff taped Greg's interrogation.  He never saw Tricia that day.  Rick said he saw them together after school.  He wants to talk with Rick.  Sam comments they weren’t the only ones with the idea to talk to Rick and Greg apart.  Rick says they don’t have anything on Greg, all he has to say is he never saw her.  Greg calls him ‘Mouse.’  Rick snaps not to call him that again.  Mice were in Greg's dream.

Jack invites Rick to sit and pats the space on the sofa next to him.  He tells him he was shy and not the dominant one.  He took control of Greg when he said they can’t trust anyone.  He took everyone away, Julie, Tricia.  Rick took the photo of Julie after he killed her and Sam shows it to Greg.  Jack’s decided Rick killed Tricia first and got a taste for killing.  He tells him he doesn’t like women and likes his brother more.  He saw his face and hated himself but he hated Greg even more.  He was called ‘Mouse’ because he was ascared little boy.  So he hated the name.  Rick kept trophies like jewellery.  Their lawyer wants them released.

Olczyk asks Sam if she was aware of Jack defying orders.  She was and replies if that was true they probably would jump off a building if Jack gave the order.  She asks for a search warrant.  Danny and Martin search Rick’s workplace.  Martin finds photos in Rick’s case.

Sam and Jack go to Greg's apartment.  ‘Greg’ claims Rick beat him up and left.  He told Rick he knew everything about him.  Sam was right about him all along.  Greg tells Rick he saw everything.  Rick tells him he loves him and Greg punches him near his left eye.  Jack sees a blood trail leading to the elevator and calls him ‘Mouse.’  He turns around because it’s Rick.

Sam tells Jack he’ll be fine and won’t get fired.  He should buy everyone a drink.

Martin: “I like that it’s really funny.”  When Rick asks him if he needs a place to stay.

Rick: “…screwd it up last time and left the killer on the streets.  It’s happened again.”  Yes he’s talking about himself again.

Rick: “Anything I can do?”
Jack: “You can confess…we’re gonna get the right guy this time”  and you know he will too.

Again Danny’s there when Molly’s found in the boot.  He seems to be around when the DBs are usually found, that is if he doesn’t find them himself.  Danny and Viv walk in front of the Flatiron Building.

Viv: “now we’re burying evidence.”
Danny: “if we process this and Greg gets out of jail.”
Viv: “Greg’s innocent.”
Danny: “I know that, but we need to keep him in jail so Sam can work on him.  The minute that Greg gets out Rick will never let us talk to him.”
Viv: “I don’t feel comfortable with it.”
Danny: “you have to relax.  We need to stall for a day or two while we build our case.”
Viv: “well stalling for a day or two is also known as evidence tampering and obstruction of justice.”  Remember in previous episodes it’s usually Danny and Viv who used to quote sections of the law and Federal rules, eg in season 2 episodes.

So much for Martin eating a lot in episodes, this time Danny does the eating.
Martin looked so obvious sitting outside Greg's apartment with a paper.  It’s not as though Rick doesn’t know him.

Jack: “what predicated switch?”

Sam: “probably, sir, yes.”  They pretty much would do anything Jack says as they have done here.  Martin would be pleased with Jack taking risks just as he mentioned in the season 3 opener.

Strange how Sam didn’t realize it was Rick who opened the door and not Greg.  But you could tell since Greg only got one punch in in the flashback whereas Rick pounded him.  Also they may be identical but she questioned Greg for long enough.  Obviously his mistake was turning around when he heard that name again.

Do you get the impression Rick would’ve conveniently made Greg disappear when he suggested they take a trip.  Rick managed to stop killing for 5 months.  Also identical twins don’t have identical fingerprints so surely there was some forensic evidence somewhere they could’ve used to tie the murders to Rick before now.

Thursday 9 August 2012

CSI:NY Episode News Season 9

A photo of hotness and gorgeousness!! No the ice won't be cooling either...

Pam veasey, executive producer of CSI:NY states season 9 of the show is meant to have "humor, surprises, gimmicks and personal stories...every character will have an episode where we follow them home on their day off."  So it's meant to focus on more of the characters' personal lives.  Something that was promised about the show from way back in season 1.

As I wrote in my book, New York Minutiae: An Unofficial and Unauthorized Guide to CSI:NY, "this series aims to be more character driven and orientated than the other two - concentrating not only on character but also characterization..."  That's great to hear since we don't get much on some of the 'ancillary' characters which make up the show as a whole, like Adam (AJ Buckley) who is amongst one of my fave characters.  He's so funny and can be so emotional at times too when he needs to be.

We haven't had much on Flack (Eddie Cahill) either so I've got my fingers and everything else crossed we get something really interesting on Flack, being a huge Flack/Eddie fan.  As long as it doesn't stray into any romantic category, cos that  won't really delve into everything there is to know about Flack.  We've already seen him romantic with Angell and he does ogle the women he sees/meets/interviews!!  We don't know what he likes to do, aside from loving sports and being a huge foody fan.  Maybe it may concentrate on the latter.  He could turn out to be a great chef celebre or something.  Though that might be straying into Christine's (Megan Dodds) territory.  Still you never know.

You can just imagine Adam being into his computer/video games but maybe there's more to him than just tech.  Danny (Carmine Giovinazzo) and Lindsay (Anna Belknap) may get boring as regular readers of my blog and other articles elsewhere know, I don't like Lindsay at all.  So I don't find any storyline which features her entertaining in the least.  Danny was better off without her, more fun and way cool.  Carmine put so much into the role of Danny especially when he was single.  I'm also a Carmine addict too!  You may have guessed.

In episode 4, their daughter Lucy, is set to make another appearance, said Veasey, "Danny and Lindsay are out in the city with Lucy and Lindsay finds herself in a little bit of danger."  She turns out to be a 'reluctant witness.'  She also gets injured, though not mortally (ha.)  Darn, hey you have not been subjected to my wicked sense of humour yet!

Apparently the third episode has location shooting in San Francisco.  "The hook is bridge to bridge;" as Veasey reveals.  "Brooklyn to Golden Gate.  There's a murder situation where we start in NY and we travel to San Francisco."  Some may confuse this, or relate it to the CSI Trilogy episodes, where the crime began in Miami, travelled to New York and was solved in Vegas.  So it's not something new, let's hope it will be different.

The season 9 opener will feature an ice hockey match between NYPD and FDNY.  Which is what the photos posted on Twitter by AJ Buckley were all about and there were some fans thinking Carmine, Eddie and AJ were actually playing hockey in real life and not just for the show.  I know how good Eddie is at ice hockey as he played one of his real life heroes, Jim Craig, the 1980 US Olympic hockey goalkeeper in the Disney film, Miracle (2004).
But what a super fun way to start the season.

Wednesday 8 August 2012

CSI: NY 8.14 "Flash Pop" Review

Mac (Gary Sinise) receives a message on his phone whilst in the office.  It's a photo and he looks through the old case files and finds a similar photo of a woman sprawled out in the snow.  The DB has a missing shoe and the CS is similar to this photo.  Flash to 1957 in classic film noir style and old style forensics.  A photo of the DB is taken, who is wearing bright red lipstick.  Her shoe and wallet were found down the street.  1818 Myrtle Street.  The Vic was Lana (Kathryn Collins) and this one is found in the same place with red lipstick.

Mac calls Jo (Sela Ward)  who has the same photo of the NY crime lab tech.  Jo posits this one is also posed like the original.  Adam (AJ Buckley) tries to track down who took the photo.  Flack (Eddie Cahill) finds her shoe, everything mirrors the original DB.  Mac notices the three wounds to the abdomen and recognizes Jessica (Natalie Floyd) from the eyes, one green, one blue.  Flack says there must be a reason why they want them to know they're dead.  Mac: "this time we're gonna find the killer."

Hawkes (Hill Harper) says a wine glass was used to stab her.  Jessica's TOD was two hours.  Lindsay (Anna Belknap) met her parents at the lab.  Yeah she's the only one around who always has done everything.  Danny (Carmine Giovinazzo) doesn't find any blood drops and there are two sets of prints around the DB. No evidence of a struggle or that the killer was here.  Hawkes: "mother nature's an accomplice."  Lindsay mentions how snow powder in Montana is easier to shovel and there could be evidence under the snow, all cos Danny and Hawkes live in a city where they don't get snow!  Such was her smug attitude and how they couldn't think of that!  Well, Mac and Stella did in 1.13 Tanglewood.

Hawkes finds a piece of wood-like trace from the DB.  Sid (Robert Joy) conducts the autopsy and there's a flash to the 1957 coroner too.  Jo thinks a champagne flute was used as its' the same shape and length and it's like a paper spike.  Hate those paper spikes, they're so dangerous and Ziva has one too in NCIS on her desk.  Jessica had heterochromia iridum and she was stabbed three times, bleeding out.  Jo wonders why the murder weapon was changed.  Her wrists were held tightly and there's a Fi Gamma Alpha impression from a ring.

Flack interviews her friends, other lab techs.  Harlan (Aaron Hill) liked Jessica and worked in ballistics.  Kim (Spencer Grammer) says he nicknamed her Lana so he becomes their obvious suspect.  She was putting on an act, see her erratic eye movements. Harlan is missing.  Flack asks Hawkes about him, as well as Jo, Lindsay and Mac, but not Danny and not Adam either.  Jo thinks he was kind.  Flack: "no one can reach him."  
Mac: "doesn't make him guilty."

Mac brings food for the techs and Christine (Megan Dodds) invites him to her parents wedding anniversary and gives him an out.  The techs remember Jessica, including Adam.  Jo gets all emotional and tells Mac she values their friendship.  Mac says Adam's eyes said it all.  Jessica passed her criminal exam and there were two spots open  in the lab.  That was the motive which I guessed.

The original murder weapon is missing and sheets were signed from property by Harlan.  Adam can't trace the phone photo and Danny and Hawkes were the only ones there who took any photos.  Thus the killer took the photo sent to Mac.  Mac thinks it's one of the techs and they shouldn't handle any of the evidence and they need to start over on everything.  Adam takes all this personally since he knows them and calls it "guilt by job description."  Adam doesn't believe any of them did it which is being rather naive.  Yes he works with them but sometimes you can't tell who is really trustworthy and all the rest of it.  Mac loses the plot cos he's not his fave Lindsay.  There's an unspoken rule of trust which is inexcusable.  Jo says this is personal for him.  Adam spent time with the techs and started out with them.  Jessica was his friend.

Adam analyzes the wood-like trace Hawkes found as being part of a stick insect, that was obvious when Adam said there's an eye and it isn't from NY.

At least Danny got to prove Lindsay wrong, yay!  re the footprints.  The property was vacant and was shown to renters.  The footprints are eliminated to two which are heeled.  But he eliminated the women.  Danny: "boom, I'm good right."  Flack finds Harlan and the evidence fits if hes being framed;  he didn't get the file out and his signature can be checked by QD.  He wanted Jessica to get off the bar with Kim and they all passed their criminal exam.  There's that motive again.  Flack and Danny go all quiet when he tells them he didn't get the chance to tell Jessica how he felt.  Especially Flack cos he didn't get the chance to do the same to Angell.

Kim didn't tell Flack any of this cos she says she didn't want to get anyone into trouble.  She was the obvious suspect and says she went home.  Lying again.  Adam checked the cases using EDNA and the insects were being updated onto the system.  All of the techs were involved except Jessica.  Mac gives another speech on the integrity of the lab not being compromised.  It's always the same question and it's always something he's concerned about since that fiasco with Aiden before she was killed.

Mac meets the original detective from the 1957 case, Paul Burton (Lee Majors).  He's here to help Mac and retired ten years ago with solving it.  Why the flashback when Burton (Corey Blair) doesn't look like that.  The colour of the lipstick was DNA: Do not analyze and it wasn't revealed.  So only the killer would know it was red as the CS photos were also in black and white, but that's a colour that was common in the fifties.  The secretary pool was where Lana worked and wore Stormy Red.

Jo says Mac wants evidence not a confession.  Danny finds the footprints don't go up to the door.  Lana wore high heels and Lindsay mentions the heels.  Mac says Kim was jealous about the job.  Jo is disgusted with Kim.  Her grandmother worked in the secretary pool and inspired her to go into law enforcement.  Trace on Jessica and the original murder weapon is found in Kim's apartment.  She claims to be smarter than her and didn't want to go through with it but the glass fell to the floor in the bar and this was a message.  Flash to Lana and the killer being a woman. For a moment there, it looked like it was Burton  the way he came into the office.  Maybe he was just having a flashback moment.  Mac: "taking Jessica's life may have been easy but living with it - that's gonna be hell, I promise you."

Jo wants to solve Lana's case.  She tells Mac to change his suit and lose the tie.  She's trying to help him with his lovelife.  Mac changes and Christine's family expects more from her re men.  Mac says they should give them something to talk about and kisses her on her cheek and she moves in for the kill.  Then apologizes.

The show delves into yet another cold case (there was one from Stella's past in which Danny Pino from Cold Case guest starred, in Cold Reveal.) This time the CSIs are goaded into opening it, which didn't really show Kim to being smarter - if she was, she wouldn't have tried to frame Harlan, not to mention keeping the original murder weapon. She had all this time to dispose of it. Adam's first episode back after two week's missing (no one sent out a search party) and he had a chance to be personally involved; with yet another berating from Mac. 

As for Lindsay's comment and not so original idea about the snow, Mac and Stella did something similar in 1.13 Tanglewood. That was like saying Danny and Hawkes don't live in a city with snow and only Montana has snow. At least this episode had some mystery and the cold case still went unsolved. Either to feature again because the killer still wasn't found and was probably someone closer to home. Here the victim was a lab tech, but who would have a motive to kill Lana? The method of her murder suggests crime of passion. 

Anyway thought it was creepy the way Burton sat at the desk and had a flash. Maybe his arrival meant he wanted to ingratiate himself into the investigation for reasons other than being helpful. Flack had pause for thought when Harlan says he didn't have a chance to tell her how he felt. Again another reminder of his losing Angell. As for Kim, she didn't have any gloves on so why no prints on the shoe or wallet for starters. Those items weren't processed. Oh and I liked the title too, Flash Pop a reference to the past or to the flash/pop of the old fashioned camera when the bulb pops out after a photo has been taken.

Wonder if this is solved next season, or will it just remain one of those that got away!
Aaron Hill was in CSI episode Unleashed and in CSI:Miami episode Raging Cannibal.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Brendan Hines Could've Sworn

Gotta love Brendan Hines and his new single Could've Sworn taken from his next album Small Mistakes.

Judging from his debut album Good For You Know Who he has not made any Small Mistakes with the subtle and catchy tunes of his songs, which are just perfect for when you're in that kind of day-dreamy mood, or any kind of mood really.  Brendan's songs set you up for that perfect feel-good emotion and sentiment and make your day just right.

Could've Sworn is yet another example of this guy's amazing voice and tuneful music, as well as deep lyrics. My fave lines: "...bury me beneath your hair...I can't take the mornin' glare...
I can't wait, Oh I can't wait but I will..."
Sums up so many thoughts in my head. I'm all awash with emotion...

So glad I discovered him as an actor and a musician too.  "I can't wait" for the rest of the songs!

Small Mistakes releases 11th September 2012  which can be pre-ordered here:

Stargate Atlantis 5.13 "Inquisition" Review

Woolsey (Robert Picardo) calls upon Sheppard (Joe Flanigan) to be part of representatives from Atlantis at their meeting of leaders.  They're a loose coalition and it's the IOA's first step towards a Federation.  Rodney (David Hewlett) is only interested if they have technology.  Teyla (Rachel Lutrell) tells him it doesn't mean they can't cooperate and Ronan (Jason Momoa) gets straight to the point that it's about people standing up for themselves. Woolsey tells them the Wraith are at war with each other.  What's with Sheppard and fruit bowls this season! ha.

When they arrive for the meeting they all pass out and are moved elsewhere.  The Council wants Sheppard (and let's face it, who wouldn't want him.) Kelore (David Lougren) Shiana, Dimas (Alan Blumenfeld) tell Sheppard he's been chosen to answer charges and when all the evidence has been heard they will decide the outcome.  They are accused of committing crimes against the people of the galaxy.

Lorne (Kavan Smith) doesn't find them in the village.  They tell Sheppard Atlantis possesses too much  technology and weapons, being responsible for the deaths of people and initiated the encounter with the Wraith.  Sheppard tries to explain they were attacked by the Wraith first and they weren't all in hibernation.  They had to search for their captured people and encountered the queen.  Sheppard killed her, as we saw in  1.2.  Sheppard insists they would have waken up regardless.  Many worlds were scattered.

Sheppard refuses to play their game and they can't put everyone on Atlantis in their jail.  However they can isolate them.  Shiana wants to make an example of them.  Rodney is sure Daedalus can't find them without a gate address and they must convince them they're not guilty.  Teyla knows lives have been lost but there is hope where there was none before against the Wraith.

Sheppard has to play along until they can figure out a plan.  A Coalition rep Myrus (Tobias Slezak) is sent to Atlantis.  The next charge levied against Sheppard is the plague/virus and Michael's work, where he conducted research to solve the Wraith problem. Michael was the  first test subject and found out something was wrong with him. Woolsey arrests Myrus and he accuses them of being rogues arresting the team without due process.

The Genii plan to thwart the Wraith and Sheppard says that's not what happened.  The Genii betrayed them.  They had bombs but no way to deliver them.  Woolsey can't believe the entire galaxy would be against Atlantis and has a plan.  Sheppard managed to take out some hives by them shooting at each other.  They have Ancient technology to use too.  The trial is evidence the coalition  wouldn't exist if they hadn't had success over the Wraith in 10,000 years.  Woolsey is taking over their defence.  They contacted Todd to borrow a subspace locator but have no reply.

Woolsey must win the trial and has had legal experience, as well as being on the Harvard Law Review.  He can handle them.  The Replicators were not Atlantis's allies and were created by the Ancients.  This episode was more of a clip show.  They attacked humans to eliminate the Wraith food supply.  The code was activated for the Replicators to attack the Wraith and they lost Elizabeth Weir.  More lives have been saved than lost.  Shiana (Kaaren de Silva) thinks they're guilty cos she's biased.  Dimas is reasonable.  They can't shoot their way out.

Woolsey knows their game and can play it now.  Woolsey talks with Kelore after bribing the guard with his father's pocket watch.  The Genii want to use the military to back the Coalition.  Woolsey tries to convince Atlantis would be a better choice.  They need someone on the inside to push the agenda and Dimas is reasonable.  Shiana votes against them and thinks they're conspiring with the Wraith.  Sheppard formed an alliance with Todd after he fed on him and their best chance of escape was together.  Todd helped them with the Replicator fleet.  They won and the Wraith are in disarray but it won't remain this way forever.  If they don't want Atlantis around to help them then they should vote guilty.  Which Shiana does.  Diamas and Kelore vote not guilty.  Sheppard claims he "never doubted Woolsey for a second."  He missed the uniform and wears his suit.  Woolsey used his legal skills, eloquence and a bribe to pull this off.  Sheppard asks why they're here if they can't make a difference?

Have to say even if I do so myself, ha, this episode so reminded me of the one I wrote back in 2005 Trial by Gate, (blogged earlier) cos it had a kind of legal scenario in that with Sheppard having to face charges, and I wrote mine before this episode, how uncanny is that.  Spooky!

Whilst not all bad, this episode did have some pitfalls leading to two opposing views.  You can either agree that with Atlantis being found the humans were responsible for awakening the Wraith, using the Replicators against the Wraith was detrimental towards humans as they turned on them, but then again from Stargate SG 1 episodes, the Replicators were already seen as a destructive force, so don't see how Atlantis could be held responsible for this alone.  Then there was Michael and creating him.  But on the other hand as Sheppard said, they would have woken up anyway and it was the Wraith who attacked them unilaterally and nowhere is it said or written that you cannot defend yourself against such threats.  Wraith attacks were ongoing even before the Atlantis team arrived and would have continued regardless of whether they interfered or not.  Come on this isn't exactly the Star Trek Prime Directive we're referring to here.

This episode had the viewers in two mindsets: either acting as prosecution or defence.  The question remains: would these worlds have been any better off without Atlantis being around - considering their primitive nature and having no defences against the Wraith.  Which kind of gets answered in a roundabout way and then doesn't at the same time, if you get my meaning.

The Genii being behind the 'trial' didn't come as that big of a shock as they seem to be the only other ones with weapons to fight the Wraith.  But their intentions to be the might behind the Coalition can be taken with a pinch of salt.  They can't be trusted and have an agenda of their own.  They always have had this.  Again the question : who would you want on your side, covering your back: Atlantis or the Genii?  No contest there.

The episode also demonstrated the 'legal' manipulative skills showing Woolsey is a worthy opponent and not an altogether inept leader.  Mind you Woolsey did have to go resort to the tactics of the Genii by using bribery.
Ronon: "I say we go to Plan B (what was Plan A then, oh Sheppard playing for time until rescued)  wait for the guards to come in.  I beat 'em up, we take their guns, we shoot our way out of here."  And go where exactly.
Sheppard: "What's next on the Agenda?  Did we step on the rose bushes on our last trip to Vidina?"  Was an allusion to Star Trek: The Next Generation and the episode Justice, where Wesley Crusher falls on a flowerbed and is sentenced to death.

As for the clip show, they just made you lament for the good old days of the show, well, it did show how good it was in the past, it still was, but this season was the last one so it appeared the writers etc just kind of gave up on some episodes.

Episodes alluded to here or shown in clips were: Underground, the Hive, Wraith Queen, Spoils of war, No Man's Land, Progeny, Lifeline, Common Ground, be All My Sins Remember'd.  As for the final scene with Woolsey and Sheppard on the balcony with cigars and drink in hand, that was straight out of Boston Legal where two characters would do this.  (Played by William Shatner and James Spader.)

The Federation Woolsey mentions early on is similar to the one in Star Trek: the United Federation of Planets in the series.  In Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode Inquisition, Dr Bashir had to defend himself.  Also in Stargate SG1 episode Cor-Ai, Teal'c faced charges of atrocities whilst serving Apophis and Jack had to dend him.

Alex Levine posted on his blog at, "the coolest part of the show which is why people watch clip shows - is that you'll get to see pretty much every cool space battle we've done - keep your eyes open for the character of Myrus who is played by my real life brother - Tobias Slezak (different last name.)  He did a great job."  Tobias was also in SG1 episodes Heroes Parts 1 and 2.

Monday 6 August 2012

CSI:Miami 10.3 "Blown Away" Review

As three tornadoes rage over Miami, Ryan (Jonathan Togo) and Walter (Omar Miller) respond to a call out at a trailer park. They arrive to a CS and try to protect the evidence and Walter suggests they cut around the carpet to preserve as much of the evidence as they can.  However the tornado hits.  Walter finds a closet for them to shelter in but Ryan tries to move the DB.  Walter throws him a lifeline in the form of some tree lights but can't hold onto Ryan.  He's blown away as the title suggests.

Horatio (David Caruso) and Delko (Adam Rodriguez) come after the two but arrive too late.  They look for Ryan and Horatio hears him.  The search is on for the DB and Natalia (Eva La Rue) says Tripp is searching for her parents among the evacuees.  Her parents arrive and are adamant she's not their daughter, Ellie (Hayley Chase) as she's at Miami Dade.  They didn't check her room when they left.  Natalia runs into a man  who makes a run for it. He calls himself a scavenger and was stealing.  An object is recovered from his bag which Natalia calls a satellite dish.  A rescue dog locates Ellie in a tree and Walter offers to buy the dog the best Porterhouse going.  Ellie must have been a heavy sleeper not to have heard her parents rummaging around the place.

Walter finds the 'satellite dish' is a weather data collection 'thing' as Natalia calls it and he notices the writing on the side has been worn down.  He determines the magnetic pull will be stronger on the inside when he places a magnet there and the iron fillings will cling to it, revealing a phone number.  How come Natalia didn't know all that.  Seems like it was just a lesson for the viewer too.

Horatio has put Walter up for a commendation for saving Ryan's life but he doesn't want it, since he doesn't think he did this.  Notice Ryan and Natalia are the ones who really get put through the wringer on this show and get hurt more frequently than anyone else.  Oh and the sharp projectile hitting the closet door reminded me of Ryan getting hit with the nailgun.

Ronnie (Jamie Bamber) and Leon (Bernardo de Paula) claim to be stormchasers and are in it for the money rather than data collecting, which was a clue, where better to find loot around than in the middle of a storm where no ones around.  Walter finds the data collection dish had a camera and he manages to pull some footage which shows a car and a person outside the park.  The licence plate is identified to Travis (Chris Sheffield)  Ellie's boyfriend, as ME Tom (christian Clemenson) pointed out she was wearing a Claddagh ring.  Travis is an ROTC cadet and wanted their relationship kept secret until he receives his commission in the navy.  He went to look for her and hung around for 20 minutes.  Natalia says there's more to his story and Horatio replies, "there always is."

As Delko concludes his search for survivors, a dog with a bloody paw approaches him, leading him to a man with a wound on his neck.  The wound is bubbling and ME Tom tells him he's still alive.  Delko has to put a tube from a pen in his throat to enable him to breathe and before doing so, he removes a piece of cloth from his wound.

Delko asks Calleigh (Emily Procter) if she can look after the dog as she was looking for one.  She identifies the material as being a parachute belonging to a weather testing probe.  See everything leads back to those shifty storm chasers.  She finds the probe was fired from a potato gun and constructs one of her own.  The probe is still inside the man and must be removed or it will kill him.

Ryan returns to work and he and Walter examine the probe.  He recalls Pa is the Pascal unit for pressure and is used to measure barometric pressure.  They determine the probe was fired before the tornado struck from the readings.  Thus this is no longer considered an accident.  Leon and Ronnie ID the man as Jared (Phillip Jeanmarie) who wanted to be part of their team.  Leon thinks he's dead and conveniently enough Delko finds a bag of loot in Jared's car causing him to change his mind about him.  He's gone from a poor Vic to criminal.  Well that was quick of him to rush to judgement, especially since the evidence isn't even in yet.

ME Tom finds Ellie was pregnant and Travis knew.  Now his CO also knows and he claims he changed his mind about keeping the baby and was there to apologize.  He asks for a lawyer.  Ellie's cheek has traces of steel wool, ketchup and flour which Natalia thinks she could have had for breakfast.  Oh please - as Walter says you don't eat steel wool.  These can be used to make homemade brass polish.  Travis admits he couldn't help her and she died cos he froze.  She was attacked by Leon and Ronnie.  Jared tried to help her and  he was chased.  Horatio tells them Jared called 911 since that led Ryan and Walter to the CS.  Ronnie blames Leon and Leon adds it was all Ronnie.

Ryan and Walter share a moment, Ryan says Walter did save him as he let go of the lights which allowed him to hold onto the pipe.  Walter turned down his commendation.  They can't Hi-5 cos of Walter's hands and Ryan's knuckle, so they bump shoulders.  Delko tried to make Walter look stupid at the beginning and even called him as such - but Walter adds "it was a tornado."  What would he have done?  Delko's too busy later on trying to turn Jared into a thief just cos he finds the loot in his car.  Doesn't for a second think it could have been planted.  Especially since the evidence showed the probe was fired before the tornado hit.  Not to mention he and Horatio driving through the brunt of the tornado to get here. Don't like Delko, never did since season 1.

Ryan says surviving an F2 tornado will get them free drinks for life.  Also Ryan mentioning being called Dorothy when he returned to work, so that must make Walter Toto.  The tornado was probably the highlight of the episode.  The last disaster Miami had was the tsunami in 3.7 Crime Wave and that was an excuse for a bank heist, so this plot wasn't that original.  The suspects were obvious since there wouldn't be that many people crazy enough to be around in an F2 tornado.

Horatio telling her father, Grant (Louis Herthum) Ellie was with people who care was a nice touch, we haven't seen much of his caring side in  a long time.  Not surprised Jared didn't open his eyes when Delko came round since the last time he was was there set him off on a convulsion, but he sheds a tear.

Sunday 5 August 2012

CSI 12.18 "Malice In Wonderland" Review

Andrew and Lisa (Amanda Jane Cooper) have an Alice in Wonderland themed wedding which is raided by  a masked Cheshire cat and white rabbit, with guns.  DB (Ted Danson) says he loves big weddings, the "splendour of a storybook."  Ecklie (Marc Vann) tells him no one saw the getaway vehicle and the mayor has him on the case as big weddings bring in dollars.  It's also a robbery/homicide.  Finn (Elisabeth Shue) hates such events cos her feet hurt from the shoes.  Is that all, would've thought she'd come up with something more personal seeing as she's been married a few times herself.

She notices the blood spatter and the bullet hole to Andrew's head.  David (David Berman) doesn't find any exit wound and DB finds GSR on the Mad Hatter's hat.  The Vic was shot execution style.  Finn tells David she's had weddings and marriages don't agree with her.  Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) refers to Ecklie as a wedding expert.  He replies her mother is a "multiple offender."

Nick (George Eads) promises to get the woman's stolen brooch back.  Lisa met Andrew in English class and he gave her an antique engagement ring.  She didn't let it go and got him shot.  Morgan finds what looks like a button.  Commenting there was something old, new, borrowed and blue, as in the button.  DB sends the ambulance man to help Lisa.  Knew he was suspicious considering you don't get many paramedics with lines in a CSI episode.  They're rarely spoken to.

Mandy (Sheeri Rappaport) refuses to play Hodges' (Wallace Langham) girlfriend since his mother's coming to town with her boyfriend.  He mentioned dating someone at work.  Which was true since he was dating Wendy.  Mandy shows him the "eat me" card.

Doc Robbins (Robert David Hall) determines COD as brain injury.  DB calling it a bullet to the brain.  X-ray didn't show the bullet but the button was fired into his head.  Mandy ran caterpillar's print and came up with a name Charles Dodson.  Sara (Jorga Fox) recalls him as the caterpillar/Alan (Sam Harris).  He says felons can't register as ministers for ten years in Vegas and this was his calling.  Marriage is special and Sara agrees.  Alan calls the criminals efficient and were professionals.

There's another robbery at a drive-in wedding place.  That of Walter (Peter Jason) to Crystal (Nadia Bjorlin) and is caught on surveillance.  Nick finds the SUV was stolen.  DB: "it's official these two are staring to piss me off."  Walter is concerned about his Rolls Royce whereas Crystal is more concerned with the ring.  They have trace on their clothes which Greg (Eric Szmanda) asks them for.

Hodges' mother, Olivia (Jaclyn Smith) says he looks like a real doctor and she's happy he's found someone.  Morgan pretends to be his girlfriend.  The trace on the dress is denture cleaner and Olivia adds, they "finish each other's sentences.  That's adorable."

DB puzzles over the mystery of the button and the gun bruise on Lisa's leg matches a World War II gun. A powder wad to keep the powder in, the blue button they found.  The muzzle was obstructed by the button.  Finn: "have the how, now need the who."  She had to get one of those lines!  Finn says the ring is common in both cases.

Greg and DB visit the ring store and the woman, Emily (Cameron Richardson) asks if they're together?  There's another suspect seeing as she knows all about rings and sold them too.  The ring is rare and Greg comments, "this diamond found a conflict."  She mentions Crystal has been to the store before.

Greg tells Crystal fraud is a crime and she asks if he believes in love.  Of course he does but he can't find the real thing.  Not yet anyway. Olivia invites them to lunch and also asks Ecklie too.  Morgan says the last time she had a meal with him, she was 14.  Olivia made Hodges call him.  Morgan agrees if Hodges puts all of her cases ahead of the trace line for a year.  The Rolls is found and Sara notices the polyester fabric in the car as well as trace on the floor, some sort of filings.  Morgan posits they were melting the gold down.  There are a few shops which do this and Ecklie manages to find one.  He tells Sara she watches too much TV.  Sara wants a break, her husband's abroad and she works the night shift.

Inside the Cheshire cat is found dead and also the brooch is found.  Doc Robbins determines COD to be thermal injuries: gold was poured down his throat.  DB conducts an LRF test and finds the substance is iron pyrites, Fool's gold.  So the DB isn't the real Cheshire cat.  The robbers are planning another job.

Morgan is sorry about lunch and Ecklie says it's a nice thing she's doing for Hodges and it's an excuse for them to catch up.  Morgan folds her napkin like her mother.  Olivia comments Morgan gets her looks from Ecklie and she wants to celebrate young love as Hodges is her only child.  Hodges says they met in LA on the Dick and Jane killer case (season 11) and Morgan was helping on the case.  There was some "cross jurisdictional sexual tension..." as he describes it!  He was getting carried away.

Sara asks Nick if he's working up his commutes but he gave up on that years ago.  He's looking at the traffic map as no one saw the robbers.  Sara says they know shortcuts, so they must be some sort of drivers, taxi or otherwise.  Ambulance as I said.

DB says it was the best day of Lisa's life and her soulmate is killed.  DB found robberies were committed three years ago in New York.  Hey are they implying the CSI:NY lot were useless in not being able to catch the robbers, since such a case would have made it to the NY Crime lab!!  Also there were three in Chicago last year.  Finn makes the comment about three robberies on three consecutive days, so the last one is now.

There might be trace on the cast iron and Mandy checks the latex gloves and the charred skin may be from a finger.  The print matches to the EMT and the polyester was from his uniform.  Kyle (Pedro Pascal) was the same EMT DB spoke to.  He moved here from Chicago and is married to Emily.  Where Olivia and Hodges end up.  Hodges notices the denture cleaner and finally gets it.  They're held hostage.  They're no longer shooting blanks and listened to the police scanner in the ambulance and will leave them in the desert.  Hodges tells Olivia they won't be coming back from the desert.  Nick tells Morgan they're on an open channel and Morgan determines they can hear them too.  Should have known that from the earlier episode when she was kidnapped in the helicopter in 12.5 CSI Down.

Olivia wants Hodges to do something, he's just a lab rat.  His job isn't exciting but the work is fulfilling.  Morgan isn't his girlfriend and he undoes the duct tape, knocking Emily out.  Kyle drives to a roadblock.  Morgan looked worried didn't she, especially as she's been in that situation too.

Ecklie says Kyle admits to everything but Emily threw him to under the bus as Finn puts it.  Finn returns the ring to Lisa.  Olivia admits she doesn't have a count boyfriend, he probably can't even count.  She's proud of her son, he saved her life and he decides to go to Italy with her.  Finn stays for the service and Sara receives a plant from Grissom.  DB looks at his wedding album, what he keeps that in the office.  Morgan brings take out to share with Ecklie.

So CSI had to get in on the whole fairytale/Alice in Wonderland, Once Upon A Time theme with this episode, especially when DB says about the storybook weddings.  Also we've just had the Mad Hatter episode too from Once Upon A Time.

This episode was similar to the CSI:Miami season 8 Meltdown one with the robbery in the jewellery store, where the man's fiance worked across the street.  He held onto the ring and wouldn't give it up and he was there to buy an engagement ring.  The trace found under the DB's nails was latex.  Here Mandy also examines the latex to find a print.  Boric acid was discovered leading Horatio to determine the gold was being melted down to sell and it led Horatio and Jesse to the entire gold melting ring run by women.

Wouldn't have thought they'd have left out Brass in such an episode but they did.  Liked this episode for a few reasons, not least so that Jaclyn Smith made an appearance and she's hardly seen on TV these days.  Also cos it made subtle references to some of the character's personal lives, but not in a full on way.  Sara saying marriage is special and receiving the flowers/plant at the end from Grissom.  Ahh he's always sending her something floral!  Greg being asked if he believes in true love.  Finn being sentimental in returning the ring to Lisa and staying for the service, adding plenty to her caring character.

DB reminiscing about his own wedding.  Morgan and Ecklie breaking the ice between them.  The only one not asked about love or marriage was Nicky!  Not to mention, no one else met Hodges' mother which was  a shame, unlike Ray's wife whom practically everyone at the lab met or commented on.  Let's hope the show remedies that for Jaclyn's next appearance.