Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) comes to rescue Belle (Emilie de Ravin) when she's being held in Regina's (Lana Parrilla) castle and he kills the guard. He's not a slave "I'm a captain." He wants info from Belle, who's been counting the days of her captivity on the wall of her cell. Hook wants to stop the Dark One and she wants to talk to him as he's not a monster. She doesn't know how to kill him, so he's not here to rescue her since she can't help him. "So pretty, but so useless." Regina says she's not useless. Regina refuses to return his hook to him. She knows all about him and what he wants to do to Rumples (Robert Carlyle). Regina can help him kill Rumples if he does something for her. That being going to Wonderland through Jefferson's hat portal and killing Cora (Barbara Hershey). She tells him about the curse and "a land without magic" so he won't need any magical weapons to kill Rumples. Cora isn't to follow her there.
Charming (Josh Dallas) needs true love' kiss and won't wake until Snow returns. Gold thinks that's optimistic of hRegina, saying "until" she returns. None of them want Cora to return. They must destroy the portal so they can summon magic between the two of them and stop Cora. If they stop Snow (Ginnifer Goodwin) and Emma (Jennifer Morrison) Regina becomes Henry's (Jared S Gilmore) mother. She doesn't want to lie to Henry. She must prove it if she wants to be better.
Snow et al arrive at Rumple's cell where Aurora (Sarah Bolger) finds a scroll with "Emma" written several times on it. Henry reads to Charming and Regina tells him it will happen. She needs to prepare for their return. Gold takes Regina to the mine and takes all the diamonds and the dust with a dead fairy's wand. Regina returns Hook's hook (ha) after enchanting it to rip out one heart, Cora's. Which explains why he was able to take Aurora's heart. SO at least that question was resolved. He has to take back Claude, the dead guard to Wonderland, "one goes in, one comes back..."etc
Cora reveals herself as the Queen of Hearts, which is who I said she was in an earlier review. Hook is unable to take her heart as she's protected herself and doesn't keep her heart inside of her. But she reaches for his and he's made to tell her everything. Disappointed she didn't use her "off with his head line" here as she did with Jefferson. So Cora took Jefferson's heart. "when you hold a heart, you have the power."
Aurora throws the ink pot and seals them in Rumple's cell. She's helping Cora. Cora was wrong when she says Rumples couldn't escape from the cell. Actually he didn't want to escape. Said that too. Since he knew about the ink all along so he just wanted to wait and see the product of "true love." That being Emma.
Hook says he wouldn't have abandoned Emma on the beanstalk and shows her the bean, a souvenir of his conquest and a symbol of hope and magic. Hook to Emma, "Dried up, dead useless, much like you." Yes loved that line, ha. Oh another thought, could Hook have been taking about Emma her also, since it turns out she has magic. Then again how would he know?
Grumpy/Leroy (Lee Arenberg) calls Ruby (Meghan Ory) and shows her the empty mine. Emma blames herself for getting them into trouble, that's true. She realizes it was Gold's plan for her to break the curse. Cora takes Hook to Lake Nostros where they will cross into Storybrooke. She uses magic to make the water flow again. Hook asks for honour for her to kill him. Regina should have killed her herself. Cora used Hook too, so he was used by both mother and daughter. She can give him what he wants. Seems everyone knows of Hook's vendetta aginst Gold except for Gold himself. She says the curse will make him forget but she'll help him remember. Hook brings back Cora's DB and Regina says goodbye. So who's heart did Hook give her? Or didn't Regina ask for one. She recalls Cora telling her "love is a weakness." Regina loves her and she's her weakness. Her grip on "my heart is just too strong" and she can't be weak for what she must do regarding the curse.
Hook returns and they set their plan into motion since Regina will need Cora in Storybrooke to pick up the pieces. Also they must protect themselves from the curse. She uses magic to leave a part of the Enchanted Forest protected by a 'dome'. The curse will end in 28 years. He'll be frozen with all those in this corner of the land. Regina "will lose everything and that's when she'll truly need me." As Henry is taken from her again.
They get to the well and await for Cora. Snow realizes the ink is on the scroll and how she watched Cora practise magic. "The spells were in the book." Snow blows the words onto the cell and they escape. Mulan (Jamie Chung) will retrieve Aurora's heart. Cora opens the portal. There's a fight at the lake and Emma gets the better of Hook with a punch. What are you man or pirate, getting knocked out like that. Mulan leaves Snow her sword as it deflects magic.
Emma and Hook's little tete a tete or heart to heart may appeal to fans. Especially when he enjoys other activities when a woman is under him. Emma takes the compass. Hook catches Aurora's heart from falling in. He can't have a woman lose her heart "unless it's over me." Well he's captured many a hearts. Snow tells Emma "good always wins." Just as Cora tries to take Snow's heart, Emma steps in and she tries to take Emma's heart. But she can't. Emma contradicts her by telling her "love is strength."
Henry wants Regina to stop but Cora will destroy everything she loves, including Henry and she can't let her. Regina and her favourite word again, "destroy" you. Should be her catchphrase. Henry wants Regina ot have faith in him and Regina stops the magic, allowing them to return. Emma thanks Regina and so does Henry.
Gold thinks he owes Emma an apology but she wants to know how he knew about her. He didn't create her, she was the product of true love. But he did set in motion those events and he needed them to find those things in the cell. He created the curse and took advantage of what she is. So she's powerful and done everything for herself. Cora tried to rip her heart out and failed cos of magic and he didn't do that either. Mulan and Aurora go in search of Phillip.
Hook and Cora arrive in Storybrooke as he uses the rejuvenating powers of the lake where he throws in the magic bean and it brings them through on his ship. Well his ship is necessary for things to proceed as it will come into play later in the season. Funny Emma didn't tell Gold about Hook and his revenge, well she doesn't think he'll come here.
It was kind of a good twist seeing Cora wants to help Regina whereas Regina doesn't want her setting foot in Storybrooke. Of course it could all still be just a rouse, but imagine if they teamed up, what a formidable force they'd make, much to Gold's dismay! Emma is revealed as having magic too which does make her a savior but not in the sense she thinks.
Many will be pleased with Snow and Charming reuniting with true love's kiss since they found each other as they always do. Emma also thanking Regina but she's left all alone and Gold's words are no comfort that they may invite her to dinner one day. Especially since right now she's all alone and vulnerable and would easily be manipulated by Cora and become evil again, just for the sake of it. Though she would have kept Emma from Henry here as she did last season.
Hey just thought in last season's ep where Jefferson wanted Emma to make another magic hat, he knew she had magic already and she only now realizes this is true in season 2. Just thinking of the possibilities they could have had with Jefferson still in the show, gosh darn it!
Can't help noticing they've been alluding to Pirates of the Carribean a lot throughout as well. Well there's the compass, the ship, Hook of course and there were little nuances of Captain Jack Sparrow in this ep of the show that Hook displayed. The way he said "gentleman...pirate;" he wouldn't let a lady lose her heart and so on. Yes there is more which I'll reveal in posts later on.
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