
Tuesday 5 June 2012

Without A Trace Pilot Review

A woman on the street is seen talking to a man.  She enters her building on Tuesday at 10:47pm.  Jack (Anthony LaPaglia) does a voiceover; Maggie Cartwright, 28, single, a marketing executive.  She didn’t show up for work

34 Hours Missing

There was no forced entry and her door was open.  She left everything behind.  She spoke to her mother and disappeared after the call.  Her boss sent out the missing call.  The police canvasses the neighbourhood and found nothing.  Jack picks up a book in her apartment: Karma & Reincarnation and reads a highlighted passage. She has travel books and Danny (Enrique Murciano) says she went backpacking.

37 Hours Missing

Maggie (Arija Bareikis) was vice president of marketing.  Her mother is Nancy, her father is Paul (Bruce Davison).  They were divorced in 1982.  He’s single and lives at Alphabet City.  Danny finds the night foreman at Maggie’s building has a record for dealing cocaine.
11:02….  Tom Wilkins is the last person she called so Jack tells them they must speak to him first.  The security footage shows she left work at 6. 
 Jack introduces Martin, (Eric Close) a rookie and new member of the team.  Martin didn’t want his father to call Jack.  They don’t know if Maggie’s been murdered or kidnapped.

38 Hours Missing
Maggie had a meeting that day and her boss says it was the best presentation she had ever given.  Everyone respects her and she was promoted to president of marketing.  Martin thinks he may have been sleeping with the boss and since she’s been climbing the corporate ladder.  Jack tells him he loves her but isn’t sleeping with her as he’s gay.

39 Hours Missing
 Martin adds she doesn’t have a computer.  Danny says the doorman saw her with a man, blonde, 6’1”. Viv Marianne Jean-Baptiste) says Tom (Taylor Nichols) arrived at Heathrow on flight 43.  He’s staying at Claridges.  Maggie sent an e-mail to Brian Docherty on Tuesday.  Jack deciphers it’s true meaning.  Her position on the relationship was clarified, she was sleeping with him so they have a suspect.

41 Hours Missing

Brian paid off a witness in a Federal investigation.  It was meant to be a fling and he called it off weeks ago.  He was in Philadelphia at a conference.  Maggie’s computer harddrive was being formatted, except for her e-mails, everything else had been wiped out.
Her father describes Maggie as independent.  She dated Tom for about a few weeks a year ago.  She told him about her affairs.  He spent $300 on her Saturday night.  Sam thinks this behaviour odd.  Men only spend so much out of guilt or romance and no one goes to ‘Carmen’s  unless it’s Valentine’s day or to propose.  Jack asks how she knows. Sam (Poppy Montgomery) thinks he treats her like his mistress.  Jack calls her a role player as everyone in her life treats her differently.

44 Hours Missing
She had problems with her files, internal e-mails.  Martin doesn’t think there was anything suspicious and no internal competition at work.  Tom is a tax attorney, 41 and divorced.  The computer technician at the company tells Martin Maggie was trying to hide something.  Sam says they don’t know where she was between 9:15 and 10:47pm.  Danny says the footage form the security camera in the alley of her building shows her with a backpack at 2:32am.  The 'ying & Yang’ logo matches the one in her photo.  None of it makes sense.

Jack ponders why she left through the alley.  Sam replies she may be hiding, or adds Jack, escaping.  Her backpack had personal items form her childhood etc.  Sam thinks maybe she’s committed suicide.  Jack say she has no friends, is an only child and she role plays.  There’s a ransom note received.

Viv finds she made withdrawals from an ATM every year and then stopped.  Danny thinks it could be related to drugs or blackmail.  Her doorman is a dealer.  Martin suggests it could be Brian, perhaps Maggie threatened to tell his wife about them.  No one saw him until 9AM the following day.  The last train left from Philly at 10:30PM or he could have rented a car  There’s an 11:15 New Jersey transit to New York at 2 AM and he could get here and back within 4 hours.  Sam thinks it was her father so he could get the money.  Viv suggests Tom.  Jack wants her to get him back to New York.

Sam recalls her father wanted to pay the ransom so she suspects him.  She used to tell him everything and now he knows nothing.  Tom arrives on Concord. (Which is no longer flying.)

He was with clients in London.  He dated Maggie a few times.  He saw her Tuesday she had something to tell him, but in the end she didn’t.  Jack thinks it convenient all that money is in London.  Tom hasn’t checked his answering service.  Jack tells Sam it’s not Tom.  Things aren’t normal.  Maggie saw Brian, her mother, father and Tom: she was saying goodbye.

48 Hours Missing
Viv checks the names of an employees travelling and finds Bartholomew Higgins, (Bradford Tatum) the computer technician.

Higgins has gone for home for lunch.  Sam asks about Martin at the office.  They find photos of Maggie at work.  Martin spots Maggie’s backpack at his apartment.  Sam and Jack find Martin passed out on the floor and Maggie's in the bath.  Danny arrests Higgins with the money.

Jack tells Martin off for going in alone, he almost got her killed and shouldn’t have gone in alone.  Maggie wanted to disappear back to Nepal.  Higgins understood her so they began hanging out after work.  She brought the wrong passport.  She left the apartment like that, she was dreaming.  Jack tells her she wanted to be found.  Higgins real name is Joseph Deemar, wanted for murder in Delaware; he would’ve killed her.

The pilot episode didn’t have any opening credits only cast names.  This episode was also directed by David Nutter who directs most Pilot episode such as Dark Angel and the X-Files.
 A good opening episode which not only introduces the team at work but also Martin, the newcomer and all his naivety and mistakes, of which he makes many and also in episodes to come.  Also it appeared that anyone who knew Maggie was suspected at one point or another so it took a while to find the real suspect.
It was fast paced and action packed compared to some other episodes and especially compared to some season 2 ones.  Which were markedly slower and had less in content, plotwise, with fewer suspects.

The highlighted passage reads: For his past works – he shall return once more to birth, entering whatever from his is set on.

Danny: “Two years working white collar in Seattle and he gets this assignment.”
Sam: “Doesn’t hurt to be Victor Fitzgerald’s kid.”
Danny: “No wonder he’s smilin’.”
Sam: “Not a bad smile either.”  First day on the job for Martin and already they’re gossipping about him.  As well as knowing who he really is, i.e the son of the deputy Director of the FBI.

Martin: “I don’t want nay preferential treatment.”
Jack: “Good, cos you’re not getting’ any.”

Jack: “We’ve gotta work from the inside out.  Once we find out who she is, odds are we’ll find out where she is.  In most cases after 48 hours, they’re gone.”  Not only giving insight into how they work to find missing persons, but also the time factor involved is important.

Martin: “What cos he called her a fireball?”
Jack: “No, cos he was checking you out!”  Didn’t Martin notice?

Jack: “Everyone skeptical of you white collar guys.”
Martin: “yeah, I’ve noticed…password is ‘Nepal’.  Think it means something?”
Jack: “What’s your password?…see.”  We’re not told what his password is but judging form the conversation about women they have later it’s probably something unmentionable anyway.

 Viv: “…had to get them to put down their fish and chips.”  That’s very stereotypical.  Viv got this line, she’s from London.
Jack: “Sam you in a trance?”

Danny: “Maybe a booty call.”
Sam: “Your mind is always in the gutter.  There was no call.”
Danny: “Tom Wilkins, 11:48.”
Martin: “in my experience, there’s usually a 3 hour lag between the call and the delivery.”  Everyone looks at Martin.

Sam: “Think a fresh change of clothes will make up for last night’s lack of sleep?”
Jack: “If I looked as good as you in black, I wouldn’t need to change.”
Sam: “Jack, your collar.”
Jack: “You’re starting to sound like my wife.”
Sam: “You should listen to your wife.”
Jack: “Do this for Dr Fred?”
Sam: “sure.”
Jack: “How is Dr Fred?”
Sam: “Busy and unavailable, just the way I like ‘em.”
Funny, in the previous scene jack has just been analyzing Maggie’s intimate e-mail and here there are intimate goings on too.

Jack didn’t wear black in this pilot episode, but began to wear it from episode 2.
 Sam seems to have something against her father of fathers in general.  But everyone has a suspect  they like to link to her disappearance in this episode also.

Jack: “That’s our job.  It’s what we do.”  Again, the episode finishing with Jack summing up they’re here to find missing persons.

 Personal Window
The conversation between Jack and Sam is very intimate and personal, not to mention flirtatious.  It all seems harmless until Jack mentions his wife. So we suspect there’s something going on between them.  Her line about being ‘busy and unavailable and how she likes them' : a possible reference to Jack.

Sam’s had 2 relationships in this season plus Martin’s enamoured with her too.  Plus she keeps commenting on martin’s pretty face and nice smile so she must feel some sort of immediate attraction towards him.
Sam mentioning Danny’s mind is always in the gutter, what about her and her beaus?
Martin not only embarrasses himself on the first day by that ‘booty’ conversation but then proceeds to play hero and gets told off for it.
Said Eric: “Obviously when he first joined the team and he had that moment where eh went in and tried to stop the criminal and then almost got himself killed – that was in the first season, and that was embarrassing for him.”

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