
Monday 21 January 2013

Revenge 2.3 "Confidence" Review

Emily: "In a race between danger and indecision the difference between life and death comes down to confidence, faith in our abilities and certainty in ourselves and the trust we put in others."

The episode opens with a now familiar narrative by Emily as a prerequisite to what the ep will be about.  Emily (Emily VanCamp) and Aiden (Barry Sloane) are being chased in a maze by dogs and they have to find a way out.  She suggests the only way is to climb over and he picks up the white flag before she does.  Which she calls cheating. Of course Takeda (Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa) will have words of wisdom as to what his actions really mean, trust no one.

Victoria (Madeleine Stowe) watches Emily with Daniel (Josh Bowman) again and he tells Victoria how she cleans when she can't sleep, yeah cleaning up the messes she has with the Grayson's when her plans fall apart.  She steps into the white haired man's (James Morrison) blood.  They search his DB and Aiden takes a key to a motel when Victoria calls Emily.  As well as finding Victoria's fake passport.   Emily asks Nolan (Gabriel Mann) to check out his phone but he can't find anything on there.  There's a number on the simcard belonging to the white haired man and he won't be answering, he tells her.

Aiden drives to the motel and searches the empty room and then looks at the air con sign outside.  Inside the air con he finds the flight recorder, what a stupid place to put that.  He meets Kara (Jennifer Jason Leigh) but doesn't recognize her as Emily's mother.  This was strange, why doesn't he know what she looks like.  He aims to swap the flight recorder for everything the white haired man, Gordon Murphy had on him.  Emily keeps the pocket watch.  She doesn't trust Aiden and he keeps saying Takeda didn't send him but he's also after the Initiative too.   We hear mention of them again but nothing more.

What with more  twists this episode than usual, could that be possible in a Revenge episode.  Victoria has arranged a press conference and she tells Conrad (Henry Czerny) the family will all stay together at the mansion for the Summer.  They are not leaving the house.  He tells her Summer is a long time.  Charlotte (Christa B Allen) feels Victoria should tell Daniel the truth but she's still angry with him for taking Conrad's side and believing his lies.  Thus there's a plane load of people dead cos of him.  She fears for her life and Conrad says the entire family should leave.

Padma (Dilshad Vasaria) rears her ugly head again at the office still under the guise of helping Nolan out, re lunches and tax deductions.  He cancels her meeting with him cos Em's needs him and she overhears his conversation about things hotting up and the ten o'clock news, as does Daniel.  Emily ropes Amanda (Marguerita Levieva) into helping her out again and threatens exposing the truth about Jack (Nick Wechsler) not being the father of her baby.  Amanda says she finally has the family she always wanted and has  no choice but to help Emily out with her scheme of giving Charlotte their father's journal, written by Emily of course, in which she makes statements about Victoria.  Amanda lies to Jack  about going shopping with the godmother since he didn't want her to be anywhere near the Grayson's.

Daniel is angry with Victoria and Charlotte interrupts her interview by saying she knows about her involvement with David Clark and that she's his daughter.  Someone hands in Victoria's fake passport with a note to Daniel and he learns how Victoria faked her own death.  Charlotte admits she wanted to tell him.  Emily is at the mansion too even though she was meant to stay away and Victoria takes the initiative (no pun) and shows a united Grayson family for the benefit of the press.  Introducing Charlotte as David's daughter, Conrad and Daniel, as well as Amanda to the world.

Declan (Connor Paolo) is out robbing houses with his new found buddy and he drops his driving licence behind.  A man, Kenny Ryan (JR Bourne) arrives and wants his belongings back in return he won't go to the police.  Well Jack didn't give him much of a talking to or even ask why he's doing that.  Seems he's preoccupied with Amanda.  Jack tells her he'll accommodate her lies this time and will commit to their baby but he can't commit to her.  She tells him Charlotte begged her to come and he claims he'd do as much for Declan.

Aiden attacks Nolan when he arrives at the beach house and Nolan leaves the house, telling her he's leaving town.  Well he won't really be going anywhere cos the show won't be the same without him around.  Emily explains about the white haired man being dead and she'll try to repay Nolan one day for everything he's done for her. That was a touching parting.  Aiden and Emily were lovers and he tells her even Daniel wants her back and wonders why Emily can't trust him anymore.  Conrad breaks the exclusive news to the reporter about his and Victoria's intended wedding with the honeymoon being in Tuscany.  Payback for sharing how he was a  cuckold to the world.  That's the second time he's used that phrase.  Well she didn't think she could get away with it that easily.  The Initiative will leave them alone if they cooperate and he blames her for having to deal with them again.

Kara calls the white haired man and leaves a message about a detective coming down.  Emily realizes she and the white haired man were intimate with each other and in a first this episode ends without a narration.  Daniel seemed to have doubts about his mother's honesty re her kidnapping and Emily confirms them here by telling him he needs to play her mother's game but be better at it than her, which he obliges as he plays the dutiful, loving son once more.  He may be with Ashley (Ashley Madekwe) as he tells Victoria but he still has feelings for Emily.

Declan becoming a thief in the space of a short while was unbelievable, is he really that stupid and how long did he think he could get away with it without big bro finding out.  Though Ryan clearly has an agenda, calling Jack "barkeep," how does he know that and maybe he'll have something to do with the sinking of The Amanda.  Apparently it was Aiden who revealed Victoria's passport with the note at the mansion, but it looked like it was Emily who did that as she usually does, also cos she was there when told to stay away.  Funny Victoria asked her to stay away from them and Jack asked the same of Amanda, but none of them listened.

Sunday 20 January 2013

Mr Selfridge Series 1 Part 3 Review

Another day, another episode, this time Harry Selfridge (Jeremy Piven) is spending more time with Ellen Love (Zoe Tapper) and she kind of gives him an idea of how he should arrange things in the store and what to stock in plain sight.  Well he was watching her apply her face, you know, her make up.  That and the stench of the horse manure strewn across the road on his way in.  He suggests they move the perfume displays nearer the door so they can smell it when entering the store and it will mask the smell from the street.   A new innovation back then which still survives even today.  Thus you're bombarded by perfume being sprayed on you by assistants as soon as you enter a department store, but I've noticed Selfridges does it a lot.

He also decides they should display make-up and cream as well as other toiletries in one place together so they are easily found.  Currently everything is displayed on different floors.  Pond's Cold Cream is a best seller but it's not selling in Selfridges since no one can find it.  Henri (Gregory Fitoussi) suggests an advertizing friend of his Valerie Maurel (Josephine de la Baume) should come from New York and could give some ideas on what to sell.  Henri being very forward this episode and Harry trying his best to be supportive of him, whilst still fawning over his mistress, Ellen.

Agnes (Aisling Loftes) has to take time off work since her father, Reg (Nick Moran) hits her and gives her a black eye after he gets laid off work and is drinking again.  She can't recall a day when he wasn't drunk.  Victor (Trystan Gravelle) brings her some breakfast he's made himself and asks if she's walking to work.  She suggests he should walk with George (Calum Callaghan).  Seems Victor has some competition from Henri.

Rose (Frances O'Connor) asks Lady Mae (Katherine Kelly) for help with Rosalie's (Poppy Lee Friar) coming out in society and she mentions how the Selfridge's are the talk of the town.  There of course being a difference between talk and gossip.  Then mentions Ellen again and what she means to Harry.  Also that he's bought her a flat.  Rose dismisses her as just a "chorus girl" and she's learnt to deal with Harry's dalliances by just ignoring them.  Lady Mae lets on she was one of those chorus girls too once, showing her a photo of herself.

Ellen sings in the store and dances and asks Harry to dance with her which is seen by his mother, Lois (Kika Markham) and she disapproves of his "relationship" with her, telling him he's got lipstick on his cheek.  Harry's visits to the music hall increase just to see Ellen and he even takes Henri with him.  Where they have an argument as he doesn't think she's pretty but she has "other assets."  Rose returns to Roddy's (Oliver Jackson-Cohen) and thinks he should paint her.  Obviously there's a lot more to this burgeoning relationship than just painting her.

Valerie tells them how powder is on display on ladies' dressing tables for men to see and shows them some rouge and lipstick which has the reputation of being used by prostitutes and suffragettes.  Crabb (Ron Cook) Miss Mardel (Amanda Abbingdon) object at these being stocked over the counter as they are too risque to be displayed.  Since red is associated with arousal within a woman.  Cue guilty glances between Mardel and Groves (Tom Goodman-Hill).

Harry plays poker with Tony (Will Payne) and wins, Tony lamenting he's got plenty of money already.  Harry reminds him the first rule of poker is to "accept defeat graciously."  Of course Lady Mae has plenty to say on the matter, reminding Harry she helped him get backers and he takes her money.  Now she wants a favour, a table for the suffragettes on Tuesdays and to display the colours of the woman's movement, openly supporting them.  Harry is a little dismayed by the colours being of Emmeline Pankhurst as she advocates violence against men, even if it is as a last resort.  Yet he agrees.  She also takes a shine to Victor and thinks it's time to move on from Tony.

Agnes comes in to work and her 'shiner' is noticed by Kitty (Amy Beth Hayes).  She's sent to work behind the scenes amongst the stock, well it appeared that way.  Agnes notices the cologne counter and comments on how she wouldn't touch the bottles since they look expensive and they are priced the same.  Leading Henri to come up with the idea they need a perfume which is the Selfridge own brand.  Something everyone can buy and wear.  Valerie returns to New York and Harry offers her a job here which she refuses.  Henri wants her to stay but she doesn't.  Agnes notices the two kissing.  Henri wants Agnes to hep him with ideas for a fragrance and is about to sniff her lavender when she's called away.

Selfridge wants Ellen to endorse this new scent as the "Spirit of Selfridge.'  Agnes comes up with lily of the valley flowers.  Her mother used to pick them in the country.  Henri goes with it and draws some flowers and a bottle.  Ellen refuses to be the face of the scent as it's cheap if everyone can buy it.  Harry bribes her with the idea of having her own window which she falls for.  Anyone can see by now, if they haven't noticed it before that Ellen is only after what she can get for herself, a veritable gold digger.    Henri takes some shots of Ellen making her look provocative in the poses which was exactly his intention.  Since Harry takes one look at the pouting poses and tells him they're a family store so can't be used.  Henri then shows him the sketches of the flowers and the perfume, calling it 'Unforgettable.'

Agnes looks at the display in the window, as Henri tells her it's her window and Victor watches them from afar.  So he'll have no qualms about becoming Lady Mae's new toyboy.  Harry returns home to see Rose but Rose isn't there, a turn up for the books since Rose is firmly taking a few pages out of Harry's manual on how to have a good time without your respective spouse around.  Okay she's giving him payback for all the times she's had to put up with his 'mistresses.'

Ellen's now shown snorting cocaine a few times and even offers this to Henri who claims he couldn't work without a clear head.  Fans would have been glued to the screens as we got a scene of Harry without his shirt! 'Oh Mr Selfridge you've been working out', ha!  Ugh, Ellen can't sing, she sounds so childish.  She throws the Teddy bear up to the balcony for Harry to catch as he did the first time round, but Harry's not there, ha!  Well he's had enough of her.  Lady Mae also breaks the news about Rosalie's coming out party to Harry which is news to him, as he and Rose aren't talking anymore, could he make it more obvious, aside from the fact Rose is no longer at home.  Thus Harry can no longer have his cake and eat it too!

Was hoping Henri would have given some credit to Agnes for coming up with the idea of the scent, mere thanks isn't enough.  Then again he seems to be a sly one, cos Agnes clearly is more creative than him but won't be recognized for her abilities, cos she's a woman and only a shop girl too.  In contrast to Valerie who is working in advertizing in the US and women working isn't shunned or disapproved of.  Agnes can't resist asking him about Valerie and he states he asked her to marry him and she refused.  Agnes is clearly infatuated by him.

Saturday 19 January 2013

Body of Proof 2.11 "Falling for You" Review

Don't normally review this show, not a huge fan of it as some of you may know, but I had to write something about this one cos of the presence of Brendan Hines (Lie To Me).  Well it's so seldom we see him in anything these days, but we get to hear his music, some small comfort! In his two CD albums, Good For You know Who and Small Mistakes. Check them out!

So anyway, how did I know he would be the guilty party in this.  Ooh trying to get away from his goody character roles, ha.  But hey watching it you wouldn't have pegged him for the killer, (even though I thought it was him, I kept it to myself, cos he was a bit obvious.  You know killer of the bride, let's see, the intended groom) not that he had much of a big part in this either.

So this ep a bride falls to her death from a balcony and the police have to find if she jumped, was pushed or fell, or none of the above, ha.  Well no, but okay, it had to be the pushed choice.  Yet another DB to examine with lots of people around.  You'd think it'd make more sense if you carried out an autopsy without so many present.  There's Dr Kate Murphey (Jeri Ryan) looking at the bones and how they fractured, Bud (John Carroll Lynch) and Sam (Sonja Sohn) there too, as well as Ethan (Geoffrey Arend) and Curtis (Windell D Middlebrooks) working on his own DB, in between hunger pangs since he's on a diet.  How long will that last.  Doesn't help when Ethan's running around with all this food.

Ethan meanwhile asks Dani (Nathalie Kelley) out to a zombie movie but she's busy, she's going bowling with Peter (Nicholas Bishop).  (You'd think they would have found a different name for him since his charterer in Home and Away was called Peter Baker.  Oh and Det Sam is also called Baker, so you have a Peter Baker in the show too, if you get my meaning!)  Ethan then sees Dani and Peter pinching each other's butts and he gets why Dani's not interested in him.  He thinks it's cos he's lanky and not good enough.  He's peeved with Peter getting all "the tail" in Philly and then dropping them, he doesn't want him hurting Dani.

Dani reveals she's not into casual as far as Peter's concerned and wants more of a commitment, which is news to him.  Lacey (Mary Matilyn Mouser) wants to change her appearance too and is met with obstacles from her mother Megan (Dana Delany) at every opp.  Especially when she talks about a nose job, as the DB, also had this done.  Well the DB had everything altered.  Cue the surgeon, Dr Sarah Hughs (Mim Drew) as another possible suspect.  Throw as many suspects out at us, but there was only one in this that stood out.  We kept coming back to the groom, Marc (Brendan Hines) well I did anyway.  Turns out one of her friends, Amy (Brianne Davis) a nurse, gave her aspirin after a botox injection, cos that's what her party involved just to make her get a black eye.  Apparently she saw Marc first but he saw her.  Amy wanted to get even for her stealing Mark.  Megan coming up with the comment that she didn't steal him, he went after her.  Yeah always coming up with these comments is Megan which aren't really clever!

The bride's father Leonard (Patrick St Esprit) is also suspected when they find out he was the beneficiary of her will, but why would he fork out all that money on the wedding only to kill her.  He tried to talk her out of marrying Mark but she didn't listen.  Funny thing is she ended up calling it off anyway.  She still wanted her ex-boyfriend, Zack (Pedro Pascal). He paid for her surgery!!  Funny comment from Dr Sarah to Megan about calling her about a facelift, cos she's at that age.  Also from Lacey when she points out the way Megan dresses.  That's true, don't believe she has a decent pair of pants in her wardrobe!  Wearing skinny pants/leggings all the time.

Lacey wanted to change her appearance cos of a boy and not being invited to her party, but that's kind of what the Vic was dong too, changing her appearance, which only attracted her to Marc.  At the funeral Megan notices the flower Marc's wearing, lily of the valley, which was her fave flower.  So searching through the evidence Curtis finds the flower with the missing anther.  She was calling off the wedding but he didn't want heh to.  Marc pushed her away in disgust and she fell over the balcony, but why couldn't he save her?  She got hold of his flower as there was her blood on the pin.

Leonard drinks the water from the bottle Bud and Sam have cunningly left on the table in the interview room and doesn't take it with him, and his DNA is matched to his daughter's hair found on her earring, showing he did see her before the wedding.  As did Zack.  Bud is angry at everyone cos he's been staying up until 3 and coffee's not helping.  Megan admits she knew it was a mistake marrying her hubby but her mother would have killed her if she didn't got through with it.

Lots of revelations here for the characters with Ethan, Lacey and Curtis having self-esteem issues, Dani finding out what she really wants. Bud admitting he and his wife eloped.  Didn't mention anything about Peter's real birth parents though.

Brendan is really underrated for his acting, you know, cos we don't get to see him in much of anything these days as I said.  I'll always rant about that!
With three of the cast 'sacked' from the show, John Carroll Lynch, Sonja Sohn and Nicholas Bishop and not appearing in season 3, that'll make for even more boring viewing in my opinion.

Craig Edwards - Actor - Biography

Although he is not well known yet, it's only a matter of time before up and coming actor Craig Edwards will make his mark soon enough in the acting world and a huge mark that will be after the release of his short films.

Craig was born on 12th March 1993 in the West Midlands, England.  He is 5' 7" with black hair and brown eyes.
He started out as  a model.  But decided this wasn't for him as his "heart was never really with it."  A family friend suggested he should give acting a go and Craig was hooked.  "I love it.  It's become my passion."  He definitely has the looks for modelling so choosing to go into the acting profession would have been easy. Many actors have started out this way, just like Jensen Ackles.  Modelling stands you in good stead for appearing in front of the camera for hours upon end.

Other passions of his include sports in the realm of football, F1, staying in shape at the gym, which includes  a late-night session, sometimes, as well as martial arts and chess.  he's a stickler for socializing as he loves meeting his friends for a good old natter.  Oh his recent mishap with a towel in front of the postwoman must have been something to write home about! There's a lesson here: Never answer your door in a towel!

A guys got to have a role model, or two, as do we all, someone who inspires and in Craig's case this is actor and humanitarian, Ian Somerhalder.  Craig has been likened to Ian in terms of looks and hey they both play vampires in their respective careers.  On Ian, Craig feels, he's "a huge inspiration of mine.  I like how versatile he is as an actor and my goal is to work to that!"  That's no mean feat, we all need to start somewhere and Ian is a great inspiration to have, being done-to-earth, caring and someone who has achieved so much in his 34 years.  In fact Craig was mistaken for Ian Somerhalder at the traffic lights once when a guy asked him if, "he enjoyed kissing Nina Dobrev?"  As well as the woman at the supermarket check out asking if he's related to Ian.

He doesn't believe you need an "acting degree" or necessarily have attended Drama School.  "Talent and flare are what matters.  I personally think a degree won't 'make you.'"  Which would be good advice for anyone either starting out or thinking about a career in acting.

Craig will be in The Summoning described as a 'supernatural horror.'  It's about "four guys who manage to evoke the devil" and then there's hell to pay.  Filmed on the East Coast of England, and Norwich, it aims to be "a mixture of pure atmosphere and psychology."  The Summoning will be about 30 minutes in length.  Craig also serves as co-producer on this.  He filmed a short called Revelations last December.  As well as another short film entitled Chasing Dad by Gareth Askew.  The Summoning will be followed by a 'film' series all about vampires called Blood Lust which films this 2013, in which Craig removes his shirt an awful lot.  That'll make many run to their screens screaming when it's out!

He is a fan of TV shows such as Spartacus, The Walking Dead, Supernatural, can picture Craig as a vampire in this show!  As well as actors Al Pacino and James Caan.  Music-wise he's into Frank Sinatra, AC/DC, Michael Jackson, Guns 'n' Roses, Jet, Scorpion, Linkin Park, such a varied choice.  Fave food apparently seems to be bacon sandwiches or just plain bacon.

Craig is someone who is down-to-earth, easy going and caring.  He is grateful to his family and friends for being his inspirations also and for getting him this far, without them he doesn't think he would have achieved his goals and is also grateful to his fans.  Of which he has many, an entire fan support network on his Twitter you could say. Craig stay as sweet as you are and he certainly won't forget his fans when he's at the top of his profession.

He thanked his fans several times over on his Twitter and is so immensely dedicated to answering Tweets personally and isn't used to filming or signing autographs, but it's a "dream come true."
He also has a great sense of humour which is also abundant in his Tweets.
Craig hopes to live in the US one day. Sure he'll get there.  Besides he deserves to be cast as an awesome vampire in Supernatural!!  He'll have enough practice for it.

Craig is certainly one actor to watch out for and will be someone who will make an impact on the acting world in no time.  One day Craig will be an inspiration to a lot of people.  You could say he is one now with his determination to get his acting career off the ground.  A positive influence on us all.
One of his own personal quotes: "Always follow your dreams before they become your nightmares of regrets and missed opportunities."
Wise words to live by and aspire to from one still so young!


Friday 18 January 2013

Without A Trace 3.21 "Off The Tracks" Review

Rafi (Alex Fernandez) plays with Nickie (Bobby Chavez) and receives a call asking him to go to work, he tells Sylvie (Marisol Ramirez) it was a customer and says he’ll be back late.  He disappears.  Jack (Anthony LaPaglia) arrives early to work and sees Danny (Enrique Murciano) at the office reciting.  It’s morning but he doesn’t realize.  Danny needed a quiet place to study and his neighbour has a cute but loud 2 year old.  Jack picks up his book, Constitutional Conflicts: Grossman’s Questions and Answers on the New York Bar exam.  He’s taking his Bar exams at the end of the month.  Jack tests him on some constitutional law questions but before he can do so, Danny gets a call from Sylvie and tells him  Rafi hasn’t been home in a couple of days. He’s on parole and works at a body shop.  Danny wants to check it out.

36 Hours Missing

Sylvie called him twice yesterday.  Danny tells her he was out all day.  He would’ve called her today.  Danny asks her if Rafi’s been to any bars or clubs.  She says he’s clean and promised her he wouldn’t mess up again.  Rafi told her he spent 18 years locked up or high and isn’t used to feelings.  Three months ago he took out a loan for his own business from the Small Business Administration for $10,000.

37 hours Missing

Sylvie’s brother says she’s a mess.  He did extra work at night.  He wanted to buy Petersen Bodyworks in Queens.  Danny tells him he looks like he knows he’s hanging with the wrong crowd.  He was hanging around with someone named Luis Vega (Reynaldo Gallegos) he used to work here.  The employees use the payphone to make personal calls.

39 Hours Missing

The call made to Rafie’s apartment was from a cloned phone.  Martin (Eric Close) and Jack offer to help Danny.  Sam (Poppy Montgomery) asks Martin how Danny is.  He’s “rattled.”

Jack bumps into Lisa (Stephanie Venditto) leaving a message for him.  Jack regrets being a grown up.  She asks how the medication is working out?

Danny meets Asher (David Costabile) from the FDA.  He wanted a loan over 2 months ago but was denied as management found out about his background, i.e Rafi’s prison record.  He couldn’t help him but wanted to.  Danny asks him if he knew his brother got money as he turned up to work with money.

Danny gets a call from the NYPD telling him Vega’s car is at a parking garage on 125 Broxton.  The engine’s cold.  Martin says the wheels must have cost at least $42,000.  Danny tells about how Rafi used to take him fishing to the Florida keys when he was little.  He had a 1972 Cherry Lincoln Continental with opera windows in the back.  On the way back he used to pick up small packages.  Danny jimmies open the door and takes the door apart to find drugs.

43 Hours missing

Sylvie hasn’t seen any drugs and not heard of Luis.  She saw the money and asks why he would lie?  Martin calls Danny and tells him Rafi’s prints are on the car.  He suggests they put the car back together  and wait for Luis to return.

Danny has a flashback to when he was little: messing around with his brother at the table.  He spills milk on one of Rafi’s drawing of a car and their father got angry.  Rafi took the blame for Danny and the beating.  Jack tells Danny the DEA has nothing on Rafi or Luis.  He made 20 calls to him within the last week and tells Danny if they’re going to carry on with the investigation then criminal charges will be brought against Rafi.

44 Hours missing

Sam talks with Petersen (Mike Scriba) to confirm Rafi was interested in buying the business.  He made plans for the place but he didn’t get the deposit in time and found another buyer. He introduced his friend Carey Chase (William O'Leary).  They left in a Lexis.

45 hours Missing

Sylvie hasn’t heard of Carey.  Martin finds 3 calls were made to C Chase on the payphone last week.  He works as a broker on Wall Street and has a record for possession with intent to sell.  At 11:30pm security saw Rafi with him last night.

Carey tells them he met Rafi in rehab.  He came to see him last night and told him he was in trouble.    He was high and said he was going to be killed.  He borrowed money and couldn’t pay it back.  He had to pack crystal meth into a car and was ripped off.  He went to look for Luis at his home and threatened a little boy, then saw himself in the mirror.  Danny asks him how long Rafi’s been using drugs, since he didn’t get the garage.  He tells Danny he doesn’t know where Rafi got the money but he needed a fix.

Danny talks with Viv (Marianne Jean-Baptiste).  He knows he’s been avoiding Rafi and has only seen him twice, at Christmas and at Nickie’s birthday.  Viv tells him Rafi made his choices.  Danny wanted to have a drink and came to see her.  He admits he didn’t fail his Bar exam, he never took it because he was late and was arrested for drink driving.  He had a good lawyer and the charges were lowered to a  misdemeanour.  He deosn’t reply to Viv’s question when she asks him what he’s going to do.

Martin arrests Luis and asks about the 8 kilos of meth.  Danny asks him where Rafi is.  Martin says all they have to do is put the word out he sold drugs on the street and he’s dead.  Danny demands to know where Rafi is.  Luis doesn’t know who loaned him the money, he knocked him out and took the car.  Danny’s angry, “you screwed Rafi over…you screwed over my brother.!” And loses his temper before physically attacking Luis.  Sylvie calls Danny telling him Rafi called and was going to kill himself.

49 Hours Missing

The call was made from Carey’s cell.  Martin says they got a ping from a number.  Danny says they should go to his office.  Viv calls Jack and voices her concerns over Danny.  He says he’ll keep an eye on him.
Danny and Martin find Carey dead in his office of an OD.  Martin receives a call telling him the call was routed through a tower in Queens.  Danny knows he’s at the garage.

Danny finds Rafi high.  He asks him when he’s going to stop taking drugs, after his heart stops?  And whether Sylvie and Nickie don’t matter.  He says even if his plan didn’t work out it’s not a good reason to get high and he should’ve come to him.  Rafi knows Danny doesn’t want anything to do with him.  He asks Danny if he remembers the car, he taught him to drive in it.  Rafi cries and Danny holds him.

Danny has a flashback to Rafi telling him he was the “King of Gargantuan…” The NYPD is processing him and Sylvie can see him  soon.  Danny says he’s sorry and they’ll get through this together.  He has another flashback and sees him sitting on the sofa with Rafi when they were little.

Jack asks Lisa for a drink and she hands him a bottle of water.  He’s not the only one without a life.  He doesn’t need a therapist but he can talk to her as a friend.  He tells her nobody talks to him about anything.  He needs something stronger than water.  She‘s not giving him anymore medication.  He can stay if he wants and stays to finish his drink.

Danny wanting to be a lawyer, he kept that quiet...a case of art imitating life there.  Since Enrique at one point studied to be a lawyer.  But you can imagine him as a lawyer in another life.  So being a lawyer was his dream.  Wonder if we’ll find out if he actually takes the Bar this time and passes.
Constitutional Law is a bitch!  There I’ve always wanted to say that for personal reason!  Ha.

Also Danny’s not very good at making coffee.  Lucky he didn't make any for Gibbs (mark Harmon) then in NCIS as 'CI-Ray!
Jack: “You look wired.”
Danny: “Wired, wired’s better than tired – you want a sip?”
Jack: “Oh I’ve tried your coffee.  I’ve got my own”

Danny: “I’m taking the test at the end of the month.”
Jack: “I thought you took the Bar exam when you got out of law school?”
Danny: “I did and I failed it.  So I’ve been brushing up on this over the past year and hopefully this time I’ll pass.”
Jack “ADA Danny Taylor.”
Danny: “Or Taylor and Associates.”
As Danny’s been brushing up over the past year to take these exams, re Martin’s comment in season 2 episode 5 about lawyers.  No wonder Danny never mentioned this and the looks they exchanged.

Danny failing the exams first time round isn’t really believable as he wouldn’t really fail at anything he puts his mind to.

Sylvie calls Danny at work after saying she left messages for him, what happened to his cell, did she try that.  Funny it’s the phone at the table where he’s sitting that rings the one he happens to be sitting across from and not his own phone at his desk.  Did he switch his cell off.

So Rafi got his parole after Danny spoke for him at the hearing.  (season 2 episode 19.)  Martin asks if he wants coffee? Again.  He asked him this in season 1 episode too. He usually does this when it’s a 'Danny episode' - as in  season 1.10 Clare de Lune or when he’s got things on his mind.

Danny looks at Rafi’s record: ALVAREZ RAFAEL
3282443     10.4.95

Martin: “How are you?”
Sam: “Fine."  Now the two of them barely speak and engage in small talk.

Jack: “When I was a kid we used to pass notes under the desk at school.”
Lisa: “Everything’s personal Jack, you should know that.”
Jack: “Sure do.”
Jack chasing after the shrink, Lisa – kind of an afterthought.  Asking her out for a drink.  The story about him sleeping, or not, from season 3 episodes 18 and 21 was leading up to episode 22 as it adds a better perspective on that episode.

Danny’s shocked about Rafi not getting the loan but it’s more so because he thought he’d only end up in trouble again, only a matter of time.
Danny: “Mono en sera.  Mono sequera.”
Martin: “Comprendez the monkey part…”
Danny : “It means you dress a monkey up in silk but he’s still a monkey.”  Danny gets to speak Spanish for a second time in the series.  (re season 2)
Rafi had a ’72 Lincoln in which Danny learned to drive.  It’s mentioned he’s from Florida again  (as in real life).  So why the move to New York other than wanting a fresh start.  Re season 2 episode 23, when Jack announced his move to Chicago and Danny saying New York is his city and he wouldn’t leave it for anything.  So Rafi used to take Danny along on his drug runs.
Danny: “…pick up these special packages.  My brother always had a talent for hiding special packages.”

Martin: “This car could’ve been used to kidnap your brother.  Exigent circumstances work for me.”

Danny: “Because he lies.”  Moot point but Danny told a white lie about not passing his Bar exams when he didn’t really take them.  Maybe it was just easier to say this..

Jack: “If we pursue this – we’re gonna go all the way with this if it’s warranted.”
Danny: “It’s warranted.”
Jack: “We’re gonna make an arrest.”
Danny: “My brother’s prints are all over the drugs.  It’s warranted.”
Jack: “You know my inclination is to pull you off this case.”
Danny: “Why?”
Jack: “It’s obvious why.”
Danny: “I can handle it OK.  We done.”
Jack: “I’m here if you need me OK.”
Danny: “Thank you Jack.”.  Danny wants to stay on the case and is willing to bear the consequences for whatever happens to his brother legally when he’s found.

Pappi's not the same one in the photo Danny put on his desk in season 1 ep 10.  His flashback about Rafi taking the beating for him ties in with what Rafi told Danny when he saw him in prison (season 2 episode 19) about taking the beatings for him and Pappi wasn’t a saint.  So Danny remembers and like Rafi said then, Danny knew it was true if he thought about it.

Jack saying he’s here for Danny, but Danny turns to Viv to talk, though she doesn’t seem to have much to say.
Danny: “All day long today I have been thinking about this tavern that I used to go to.  Open’s at 6.  I used to be really close to the bartender.  So I called my sponsor and he wasn’t around and that’s why I called you.”
Viv: “Well I’m glad you did.”
Danny: “You know how I told you that I failed my Bar exam – the truth is I never took it.  I never made it that far…supposed to drive to Nassau Community College, crammed all night and I was late.  The car wouldn’t start first time and he crashed into a taxi after taking a drink.  The police took a minute I was trying to become a lawyer and the next minute I needed one.”

Viv: “I don’t know what to say…you got lucky.”
Dany: “Yeah I did get lucky.  You know there’s a part of me that just wants to cut Rafi off and walk away from him because the closer that I get to him the more I realize that I am just one wrong step away from being where I used to be.”
Danny finds it hard to ask about Rafi taking drugs again.

(They’ve both been to rehab  - that’s something they have in common.)  Viv saying Rafi made his choices – this is what Danny used to say a lot, season 1 episode.  Danny made his choices too etc.  Like Rafi, Danny was tempted to turn to the demon drink again but didn’t so is stronger in many ways and owns up about not taking his exams.

Danny saying he’s a step away from returning to his past ways could be really do that so easily now especially since he’s got a future; work and most importantly friends who care about him.
He’s actually physically violent with a suspect, well if Martin let him.

Jack: “Nothing gets past you even in your bathrobe.”
Viv: “Danny came by and he seemed a little on edge.”
Jack: “Did he say anything which makes you think he couldn’t handle it?”
Viv: “Just one-day-at-a-time kind of thing.”
Jack: “I’ll keep an eye on him OK.”  Jack is psychic now.  Viv calls Jack not to see how Danny is doing but wanting to have Jack keep an eye on him.  No wonder Jack was frustrated none of his team come to him to talk.  Referring to Sam and Martin and Viv in the season 2 cover up eps. And Danny now.  Though Jack spoke to him before and Danny reassured him he could handle it.

Viv seemed rather aloof when Danny opened up to her: as if to say ‘don’t bother me I’ve got other things on my mind’.

So Danny still goes to his sponsor – wouldn’t think he’d be much help unless with drinking issues.  Didn’t like the part where Danny said he felt like having a drink because he’s known the bartender for a long time, or even the entire part where he said he even needed a drink because of Rafi’s actions!  Danny’s reason for drinking – as we understood it – wasn’t solely because of his brother.  Wasn’t it more to do with losing his parents, especially his mother, than not really having anyone to turn to – re adult.  But we don’t know where his grandmother figures into all of this.  Also where Danny said everytime he tries to get closer to Rafi, he feels he’s slipping into his bad habits again.  Come on – isn’t he much stronger now and older.  He’s come a long way.  He beat drinking, got a good job in the FBI and he wouldn’t become ‘bad’ again as he now also has friends and dreams of being a lawyer.  Though some would say that'd make it worse - shut up!!

It felt like Viv was ratting Danny out when she called Jack about Danny.  Another reason why Jack feels no one confides in him at the end, Danny didn’t come to him, though he offered to speak to him etc.

So does Danny wear contacts now, re his glasses in the flashback.  Not that we know more about Danny than we did before except he wants to be a lawyer and never took his law exams.
You seem to get the impression that Danny wants to wash his hands of Rafi when he tells Jack that legal action would be warranted then he won’t have to deal with him anymore.

Danny: “Don’t make me lie to him – Nickie.  Ten years from now when he asks me ‘how did Pappi die?’”

Jack: “That’s not exactly what I had in mind.”

Jack: “Nobody around here tells me anything.  I mean around here there’s all this stuff going on and nobody tells me anything.”
Lisa: “People usually have a tough time confiding in their boss.”
Jack: “Maybe, I don’t think that’s it.”
Lisa: “Do you confide in them?”
Jack: “I can’t I’m their boss.”
Lisa: “You sure that’s the reason.”
Probably they think he’ll judge them and then think them weak for having all these problems and personal issues.  Like Viv didn’t want to tell him about her condition and Sam about her and Martin.  But to be fair Jack did used to talk to Viv about some things and other times she had to force things out of him, as she said to Jack’s father in season 3 episode 10 that he usually likes to keep things bottled up.

When Danny first meets Sylvie in season 2 episode 19 she introduces herself as Rafi’s fiance.  Here Danny tells Jack she’s his girlfriend.  So an ep all about Danny was was still so sad in places but still enjoyable.  Enrique is a really gifted actor who makes his scenes, especially the sad ones so believable and real.

The episode title could refer to it all going wrong for Rafi and him going off the rails, or in the other sense tracks could refer to needle marks/tracks, re drug use.

Monday 14 January 2013

Revenge 2.2 "Resurrection" Review

Emily: "For those who believe in the resurrection, death is inconsequential.  It's not an ending rather anew beginning.  A second chance, a reunion. The very idea of resurrection is so seductive a concept it's easy to forget, before you rise from the dead you have to spend a few days in hell."

Daniel (Josh Bowman) goes through Conrad's (Henry Czerny) financial statements/records and discovers discrepancies.  Ashley (Ashley Madekwe) tries to distract him with a game of tennis but he's not biting.  Then Emily (Emily VanCamp) calls and tells Daniel about the shady Doc (Todd Grinnell) and how he should help Charlotte.  Cue lots of longing looks, when they meet that is.  Here there were lots of longing sighs on Daniel's part, ha.  Emily plans on taking Charlotte (Christa B Allen) away from Victoria (Madeleine Stowe) just as she took away her own mother (Jennifer Jason Leigh).  Outside the beach house Aiden (Barry Sloane) watches Emily through the crosshairs and keeps an eye out for her.  Nolan (Gabriel Mann) has a conference with his employees and a pushy one, Padma (Dilshad Vadsaria) encourages him to get a CFO.  What's she up to then?  Nolan feels his employees don't respect him and Emily replies it's cos he isn't wearing pants.  Like anyone could see him.

Conrad gets Charlotte declared mentally unstable and a judge gives him her inheritance, which he uses to save Grayson Global.  Ashley declares she couldn't keep Daniel away from his work but he wants her to keep Daniel away from the investors meeting.  Nah, don't bother, Ashley is rather useless.  Emily arrives at the rehab just as Daniel gets Charlotte released and is about to take her home when she walks in.  Charlotte doesn't want to go with him cos he didn't believe her at the memorial and he waited until after Conrad had gotten his hands on her inheritance before bailing her out. He promises to get it back for her.

Emily drives Charlotte to Victoria, who drives her away saying she doesn't want to go with her.  Cos the white-haired man (James Morrison) has taken Victoria's fake passport as collateral until she pays him.  Charlotte bringing Victoria mere trinkets as payment was funny, what was she going to do with those, ha.  Charlotte leaves and Emily takes her to meet her sister, Amanda (Margarita Levieva).  Obviously Emily has a hand in the paternity tests and when they are finally revealed, turns out Jack (Nick Wechsler) really is the father, only Emily cunningly tells Amanda he's not the father and the results were doctored to make it appear he is.

Declan Connor Paolo) is approached by a preppy guy from school, won't say friend cos he's not.  He uses Declan to keep a bracelet for him since his parents will find it and he offers to pay seeing how he's desperate for cash.  Don't know why after what Declan's seen and been though Declan is so trusting of other people still, especially since no one likes him at school.  He tells Jack he'll get place of his own but not until a while yet.

Victoria concocts a plan to worm her way back into society by getting Conrad to beat her up, which he obliges and then feigns a fake kidnapping at the hands of the white haired man.  He arrives and falls for the bait, but leaves before the police arrive.  Of course the clam cam is recording all of this but Nolan isn't monitoring it cos Nolan is distracted by Padma who he makes CFO, that's just what she was after.  Don't trust her she looks too shifty and coming out of nowhere too.  Since she says he doesn't know any of his employees, she could be anyone.

Daniel gives Charlotte his inheritance and Ashley is dismayed at this.  He later tells Ashley they can get a drink or two.  Yeah when all minx Ashley wants is the money.  Victoria returns home and everyone buys the kidnapping story, including the police and Daniel.  Charlotte has to keep their secret and Emily must too.  Daniel thanks Emily for Charlotte.  See, longing looks still...

The white haired man contacts Emily cos he saw the clam cam on the mantle, conveniently, and she has the recording that will clear him.  He tells her about her mother and how he took her away but perhaps didn't kill her.  Then takes a knife out and tries to shiv her; before shots are fired and Aiden saves Emily, again.  The whit haired man notices the cam on the mantle, well he had one of those at his place, not a clam though and obviously it does stick out didn't it?  Also the one in Conrad's office in the picture frame too in season 1.

Emily: "For those who believe in the resurrection, death is inconsequential.  In the resurrection, those who were dead live and those who live, believe they shall never die."

Emily must be going through hell introducing Amanda to Charlotte when she should have be the one in that position.  No wonder she relished lying to her about the baby.  So Amanda was actually being honest about Jack being the father.  Victoria exclaiming how Char could become an aunt, thinking Daniel got Emily pregnant, do you think that should have happened, instead of Amanda and Jack.

The plots are going all over the place here, Emily being evil to Amanda prob cos she can be at her beck'n'call since she'll have the 'Jack isn't the father of the baby' threat hanging over her.  Don't know why Amanda told her about the one night stand thing, Emily wouldn't have known if she had been with anyone else.  Well for someone who had feelings for Jack, seems she couldn't stay away from other men.

Daniel and Emily are a bit of a puzzle, was going to say enigma, but scratch that.  After everything they've been through it's unlikely Emily would want to take him back, especially she kind of learnt the hard way that Daniel is a Grayson through and through.  Though I'm probably wrong.  Hope he finds out about Ashley playing both father and son though, I can't wait for her to get her just dues.  Seems like Nolan and Emily are drifting apart as she tells him he should have a place of his own and a life, not just trying to get rid of him cos of the white haired man meeting.  Thus he shall move towards Padma, er, more trouble.

Daniel seemed to accept Victoria being alive very readily, like he wasn't concerned either way and without questions and she turns up before Char could tell him.  Daniel telling Char he was being nice to her cos Victoria made him promise.  Oh and the 'Single White Female' turns up as Emily's mom, forget to mention that last ep.

Victoria is clearly the one being resurrected here but she was never really dead, so she wasn't really resurrected.  Even though it was meant to look that way.  Conrad and Victoria arguing over why he didn't tell her about the plane and he said he did, of course it was too subtle a hint for Victoria when he told her not to board the plane!  But did he really let Lydia go to her death, I mean he was about to run off with her moments before.  Or did he find out about her testifying against him and didn't care anymore.  Conrad: "So the devil didn't want you after all."  Victoria replies he's the devil.

The white haired man is called Gordon Murphy here and posed as an FBI agent when he took Emily's mother.  Though that's not his real name.

Sunday 13 January 2013

Mr Selfridge Series 1 Part 2 Review

Another episode opens with everyone preparing for another day's opening of the store and Henry Selfridge (Jeremy Piven) expressing yet more enthusiasm for the day.  In jovial mood, he greets his staff on the shop floor and asks what's missing?  With everyone looking puzzled he replies, "Customers!"  That gave them all a fright and didn't last long when Selfridge upstages his window designer, Henri (Gregory Fitoussi) when Ellen Love (Zoe Tapper) complains about the photos for her role as "The Spirit of Selfridge's" and Henri's current designs.  Which leaves Henri angry as his photos are torn up.  Selfridge smitten (more like in lust with) with Ellen will do anything for her and later Henri hands in his resignation since Selfridge doesn't appreciate his "genius" and doesn't pay him any compliments.  Grove (Tom Goodman-Hill) manages to talk him out of it by saying he should think on it cos he doesn't want to lose him, he should do it for Groves as his friend and his 'genius' colleague.

A man walks into the store, rather dishevelled looking and Kitty (Amy Beth Hayes) immediately steps in to serve him as he asks her what he should get for his lady friend, something within his means.  Agnes (Aisling Lofters) notices him and takes over, telling him he should leave.  Obviously he won't until she tells him to meet her at the coffee place on Duke Street during her break.  Turns out this ruffian is none other than her and George's Calum Callaghan) father, Reg (Nick Moran).  He's got a job and needs a place to stay as he's under probation in his job.  Reluctantly Agnes agrees, only if he stays sober which he says he is and he promises there won't be any physical abuse of them.  That won't last long then.

Beforehand, Agnes approaches Grove about a job for George and he thinks she's asking under him duress, i.e blackmailing cos she saw him with Ms Mardle (Amanda Abbington).  Obviously Agnes hadn't even thought of that, cos she's not that sort of girl, but in return for a position in the delivery bay, she must agree to being discreet.  She replies of course they want things kept private, like the fact she's got a drunk for a father. Grove reminding her that "discretion is the word of the day."

Lady Mae (Katherine Kelly) pays a call on Rose (Frances O'Connor) of course it was to see Selfridge's wife cos he wouldn't be around.  She's on her way out and Lady Mae manages to tells her about Ellen and the "spirit of Selfridge's" and how her husband is taken by her.  She's surprised Rose is venturing to the Tate gallery since it will be crawling with commoners and even shocked when Rose takes the underground.  There she meets a painter, Temple who compliments her on her beauty and they talk art.  The cliched 'come home and I'll show you my etchings' rears its head as she does exactly that.  He's more of a romantic painter.  Whilst at his studio he plants a kiss on Rose and she leaves telling him, at last, that she's married.  She didn't do that before since she introduces herself with her maiden name, no doubt.  Have to ask why she does that since she was flirting with him, otherwise she would have told him outright.

Selfridge hears about the Channel crossing made by Frenchman Louis Bleriot (Orlando Seale) which gives him another idea to promote the store.  He heads out there with his newspaper friend Frank Edwards (Timothy Spall) and impresses Bleriot with his uncontained excitement over the flight he had.  How he was "flying blind."  Bleriot agrees to Selfridge displaying his plane at the store and makes an appearance there too.  Henri agrees to stay after Selfridge compliments him, but only cos Grove told him to.

Victor (Trystan Gravelle) is told by his boss, Perez (Timothy Watson) that he got this job also cos of his good looks, not just his references, which will impress many a woman, in all shapes and sizes and he is to oblige their every whim since they want their customers to return. One such woman does pay him attention and invites him round to her house to wait on a party she's throwing, yeah party for two that is.  She later sends him chocolates and he tells Perez he doesn't know what she means by that invitation.  Perez must spell it out to him and tells him to go, "you're only young once."  Victor gives the chocs to Agnes and Kitty and Doris (Lauren Crace) both think he's a charmer.  He asks Agnes out.  Agnes has her hands full with her father who drinks once again and makes light of George and the work they do.  George challenges him to a fight and he obliges, but then jokes he didn't really mean it.

George meanwhile has a bit of a tough first day with Alf (Christian Patterson) who plays a joke on him by making him carry a large sack and putting his weight on it.  He then tells him about the blue trucks which are "special delivery" thus anything he says is "special" must be loaded into those trucks.  Looks like Alf is skimming from the store.

The plane draws huge crowds and Lady Mae openly flirts with Selfridge in front of Rose, asking him if he likes boating, where the man rows and the lady takes the tiller, also reminding him he's still indebted to her.  What with that and Ellen perched on top of the plane and Selfridge unable to take his eyes off her, Rose feigns tiredness and wants to leave. Selfridge begs her to stay as he can't do this without her.  Later he meets Rose in secret in her dressing room and can't keep his hands off her, being interrupted by her friend.  He even buys Ellen her own house in St John's Wood, "the posh part."  Victor turns down the meeting with the woman.

Well we all know where this is headed, what with Rose meeting Temple and getting a few tips from her husband's behaviour, she'll probably engage in an affair of her own.  Funny she doesn't look the type.  As we already begin to see how and why Selfridge died penniless with his lavishing houses on his mistresses and here spending obscene amounts of money on Ellen.  She was after all peeved when he talks of modernity and then leaves her at the cafe when he gets an idea to draw in the punters, er I mean, customers.

Though this episode kept up the fast pace and flare of the opening episode, it just didn't capture the excitement of it all and seemed a little dull in places.  Aside from Jeremy Piven keeping the aplomb and  enthusiasm going, this really wasn't all that exciting and needs to pick up the storylines.  Or maybe I'm just having withdrawals from The Paradise!

Friday 11 January 2013

More Time Travelling In Supernatural

Just when you thought the Winchesters were firmly safe in the present time, we get another time-travelling Winchester this time round in the form of their grandfather, Henry Winchester (Gil McKinney).  Their paternal grandfather and let's hope he isn't as maniacal as maternal grandpa, Samuel Campbell (Mitch Pileggi).   Henry makes his appearance in the episode 8.12 As Time Goes By (and it's not Casablanca either.)

You may recall Gil McKinny who plays henry from Friday Night Lights.  It won't be Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) doing the travelling, though last time in season 7's Time After Time, it was Dean who went back in time and met Elliott Ness (NIcholas Lea).  Hopefully there should be some reveals in episode 12 of the season as the boys should get to know things about their father, John (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) they never really knew.  It will be good to see how the Winchester side of the family fares as there really hasn't been any background on their father and his family ties.  Like do any of the boys have any attributes inherited from John's family, seeing as they were named after their maternal grandparents.  Besides Dean wanting to be just like Dad.

John Winchester, as far as we know didn't hail from a family of hunters, rather Dad was a mechanic and was in the army, so there maybe be nothing 'supernatural' about the Winchesters at all.  Then again you never know what sort of skeletons could be hiding in the closet. We got to meet the Campbell's and Mary's family as hunters in The Song Remains The Same, but John had his memory erased, thus he knew nothing about monsters and demons and the like.  Yet he traded his life for Dean and the Colt back in 2.1 In My Time of Dying, so he came a long way as a novice hunter in fighting the supernatural and in his need to avenge  Mary's death.

Apparently to fit into the premise of Supernatural and the timeline, Henry must know something supernaturally connected since he comes looking for John.  Maybe he has to warn him but finds he's too late.  John and Mary were meant to be together and have Sam and Dean, as shown by Cupid in My Bloody Valentine.  As well as John being the the first to break the seal.  Of course all this came into play when he was much older and after he married Mary.

It's also revealed that Henry will be in pursuit of the demon called Abbadon played by Alaina Huffman (From Stargate: Universe.)  So it shouldn't come as a surprise that Grandpa Henry will be involved with demons, let's not forget Dean's famous line from the Pilot episode about them "hunting things...the family business..." That's what they do after all.  So is shouldn't come as a surprise if John's side of the family were just as involved with demons, they could have been inadvertently drawn into it.  But nothing happens in this show without a reason and let's not forget destiny, even if Dean doesn't believe in it.

NB Abaddon is actually a place like hell, not a demon.  In Hebrew it means "destruction."  However in demonology, Abaddon was the 'chief of the demons' and was known as 'the Destroyer.'  In the magical realm, Abaddon is the 'Destroying Angel of the Apocalypse.'

Thursday 10 January 2013

CSI:NY's ME Sid Not A Well Man

Every now and then CSI:NY writes a story for one of its characters which has a sad and devastating effect, not only on the character themselves but also on the fans and viewers, such as Mac (Gary Sinise) and his long-running story with losing his beloved Claire.  The same can now be said for the one of the show's best-loved characters, ME Sid Hammerback (Robert Joy).  Hot on the heels of becoming a millionaire with his invention in last season's The Ripple Effect.  It is now revealed in Command+P that Sid is suffering from non-Hodgkins lymphoma.

Sid confides this to Jo (Sela Ward) who also knew about his striking it rich.  She is a great character to have in your corner when you need help or someone to talk to and will be great at providing the support he needs.  As writer Trey Callaway told TVLine, " was one of those things which from a writing standpoint, felt perfect....I wrote it and I've watched it several times and I still get choked up."

Yet he assures that Sid is not going anywhere, so if there is a season 10 (fingers and everything else crossed!) he will still be around for that.  Especially since Sid is a well loved character, with his little eccentric stories or comments, needed with what he faces in autopsy as the ME.  He kind of reminds me of Ducky (David McCallum) from NCIS.  They both always have plenty to say and share their thoughts and feelings without being condescending or arrogant; as well as being there for everyone else.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Jensen and Danneel Expecting Baby

It's official Jensen Ackles and his wife Danneel Harris are expecting a baby.
Danneel commented on her Twitter page:
"Thank you all for the well wishes.  We are excited about our soon to be new addition."

This will be the couple's first baby after the two were married almost three years ago.  Jensen will relish his role as a doting father, as does Jared Padalecki, his co-star on Supernatural. Maybe he can give some parenting tips.
The couple will make super parents!

Wishing the couple all the best!!

CSI:NY "Civilized Lies" Flack Photo

Oh here we go again, more pics of Flack (Eddie Cahill) well just the one, but one's enough in my book!  Take what you can get.
Flack's looking jovial here, perhaps it's another of his 'infamous' interrogations where he always has something to say about the suspect.  Always one for a joke or sarcastic comment is our Flack, which puts the fun into Flack!

This episode involves the death of an NYPD officer during a robbery.  The show's done lots of episodes involving robberies too, botched or otherwise. Let's hope this one is different but just as interesting.