
Saturday 18 May 2024

Doctor Who 3 "The Giggle"

Soho 1925 as John Logie Baird's (John Mackay) assistant Charles Bannerjee (Charlie de Melo) comes into a toy shop to buy a toy.  But he only wants the one Stooky Bill and not his entire family.  The Toymaker (Neil Patrick Harris) with his crummy German accent (!) converses with him and accuses him of not being British, to which he replies he was born in Cheltenham.  A rather topical, bigoted remark on his part, we modern audiences can easily equate with. He takes the doll to Logie Baird as he uses it to send out the first TV pictures as the doll burns, as it would be too hot for any human to handle such temperatures.  As the puppet giggles, we enter back to today and how the crowd on the streets have gone "proper mental."  With The Doctor (David Tennent) stopping one man from getting run over, he tells the Doctor he's right and he knows he's right that's why he's in front of the car.  The Doctor glimpses a man in a bow tie dancing and obviously he stands out.  However, UNIT arrives and takes them all away, Donna (Catherine Tate) specifically requesting for Wilf (Bernard Cribbens) to be taken care of.

At UNIT HQ the Doctor meets up with Kate (Jemma Redgrave) again and Melanie Bush (Bonnie Langford) who he's overjoyed to see again.  With Donna's comment on how she wasn't the first red headed companion.  There's a spike in the human brain which is causing them to "act" out.  They wear arm bracelets to stop themselves from being affected and even Kate has hers removed to show the full effect of the madness.  Donna meanwhile draws up a musical scale and Melanie hums it.  They've heard it before but can't recall where.  Shirley (Ruth Madeley) pulls up Stooky Bill and his giggle, which the Doctor recalls and his known location was in Soho not far from the residence of Logie Baird, and his first transmission in 1925.  The Doctor gives one of his speeches about humanity and how they're brilliant and intelligent and at the same time can be so violent, destructive and crave the suffering.

Donna mentions how the Doctor can't cope with his companions and what's happened to them.  He says he doesn't feel himself anymore especially with what was endured with the Flux in particular.  However he doesn't have an easy task this week as he's forced to encounter The Toymaker again.  Especially when his superstition over spilling the salt has come true and he says that's the reason he came back, the Doctor opened the way back for him to return.  So for Fourteen, this will be another burden on him having opened that portal and memory, of sorts.  As I said in the previous ep review, his dark foreboding has been realized. 

As the Toymaker "toys" with them, Donna doesn't take the Doctor's advice and return to the TARDIS, as he throws balls at them since it was the first game caveman played, by throwing rocks at others and killing them.  He then vanishes with the two in hot pursuit in a never ending corridor.  They are soon parted once more and the Doctor meets Baird's assistant, who needs his help to return to normal.  But the Toymaker is pulling his strings and he's unable to help him.  Unlike Donna who gets the better of Stooky Sue as she tries to torment her, knocking her head off and warning the babies against attacking her.

In their next encounter the Toymaker runs through the fates of his companions, mentioning Amy and particularly the ones that have passed, such as Bill.  As well as the Flux, causing the Doctor to challenge him to a game.  Playing cards, the Doctor reminds him it's one-all and it's best of three according to his own rules.  As the Toymaker reminds him how he got the better of the (current) Master and sealed him in his gold tooth, now in his mouth.  There's also someone more scary yet to be seen, but he doesn't expand on that.  Donna says she's "already running."  Outside the Toymaker dismantles his toy store and places it in a toybox which the Doctor takes with him to the present.

Back in the present day, the Toymaker gets hold of the Galvanic beam that Kate needed permission to use and got from the Doctor.  As he tries to destroy him and his companions.  But he does get to use the Galvanic beam on the Doctor who begins a regeneration.  So we're sat here thinking it's all over right now and that's it for Doc Fourteen.  Surprise, surprise he recovers and enters into a "Bi-Generation."  The Fifteenth Doctor (Ncuti Gatwa) appears and they have to pull away from each other.  Apparently in the Whoniverse, two Doctors are now viable.  So one can go his own way, to a life he deserves and the new one continues in his place.  As he says to Fourteen, "don't worry, I've got this."  At the end.

As they challenge the Toymaker to a game of balls and he finally is defeated, and boxed away in his Toybox, as well as Kate picking up his gold tooth (potential for a future ep with the Master perhaps.) With Fourteen losing his shoes along the way.  Fifteen also musters up another TARDIS so they can have one each.  

So Fourteen becomes part of the Noble-Temple family and has already had secret trips into the TARDIS with Rose and Auntie Mel is also welcomed.  A time for him to relax and maybe have some adventures of his own.  I couldn't help but think of the War Doctor and those eps with Ten when he had that family life and went off to World War One and the loss of the Time Lords.  Everything bad coming for him.  Now he gets to lay his weary head in a caring family and to use his words, he doesn't have to go anymore...all teary eyed here for some reason!!

I feel Doctor Ten bore the brunt of the human suffering, the fall out of his travels and wars, constant battles and was tired of it all.  Still recalling his regeneration into Eleven, uttering he didn't want to go and well, now he was brought back.  Back for good too.  Even though Eleven (Matt Smith) was my fave, it was great to have Ten/Fourteen back to stay, who knows the possibilities of a future return and jumping into that TARDIS for old times sake!!  Two hearts crossed!  Ha. 

Wednesday 15 May 2024

Doctor Who 2 "Wild Blue Yonder"

I liked this episode for several reasons.  Not least of which is how it begins with Donna (Catherine Tate) having spilled coffee again and they end up in 1666 and having to ask Isaac Newton the year they're in.  As well as pointing out the word "gravity" to him, which he completely misses as "maverty" oh dear.  They even use it themselves in the episode.  Then ending up in a spaceship as the TARDIS gets damaged and buzzes off as it needs time to repair itself, with the Sonic attached.  As the Doctor (David Tennent) recalls the HATS (Hostile Activation Displacement System) system whereby the TARDIS leaves when there's a hostile situation.  But it wasn't just for these reasons.  As they get closer to finding out that whatever landed here when the airlock was opened three years ago, as they try to assimilate themselves into the Doctor and Donna.  But dang those long arms.  It was a good scene where they were hot and cold and realized they had 'doubles.'  Lots of added banter too and some emotional scenes when Donna says she knows what he went through with the Flux and how she read his mind.  What happened to all those people wasn't his fault.  Also how the Wild Blue Yonder is a war song, but when she sung it she was told it was full of fun and joy.  he says it's an Air Force song and not Army.

I think that keeping this episode secret, as Russell T Davis did, worked, if the plot was revealed it would've given too much away and there wouldn't be any surprises if we knew from the start that they'd come across 'monstrous' versions of themselves in a bid to escape the ship they were stuck on.  What was interesting was how the 'aliens' could've mimicked anyone on the ship, but were both fortuitous and at the same experiencing bad luck, in having these two here.  Knowing they'd have no hope to get off the ship.  Loved the references to being brilliant and idiotic at the same time.  It was akin to a screwball comedy with some dark-ish elements thrown in.

Having crashed into the ship, they hear a voice which the Doctor doesn't understand the language of, since well he speaks over billions and this one isn't one of them.  Sufficied to say, whenever this voice is heard, the ship alters its shape inside.  They pass a very old robot (sloth-like) in the never ending corridor and the Doctor calls him Jimbo.  Have no idea why.  He opens up the floor to find a ride which they use to drive down the corridor.  getting to the front of the ship, Donna comments there's no stars and he says they're at the edge of the universe.  Light hasn't caught up with them yet and in a few billion years she can get home to see her family.  Noises are heard throughout, which sound like something's colliding or moving about on the ship.

So as the Doctor gets Donna to move the plastic gadgets in the large drawers, they show them as if they're in an alternate universe and we don't know they have doubles, until their arms grow long.  They find out they're aliens as they shift and alter their body parts to fit in place.  Then get chased by them.  As they do give chase, the imposter aliens suddenly find themselves growing at massive size and speed and get stuck in the corridor.  Thus giving them time to escape for a bit.  The salt scene does suggest they could be vampires and even having large teeth, but this wasn't to be.  They soon realize that they know their thoughts as they are morphing into them.  So the real pair suggest they don't think anything.  Which finally the Doctor finds is too difficult to do.  Donna saying that they didn't get into the airlock, but the Captain of the ship got out, to save the ship and the universe from these monsters getting to reach civilization.  Then she killed herself, but the aliens don't know why.

Donna saying the voice is a countdown as the Doctor realizes what the words mean.  He says that's what he thought from the beginning.  As they race to stop it, he gives up and the TARDIS returns.  Though he picks up the wrong Donna as he questions her on her choir teacher, Miss Bean.  But returns in the nick of time as he realizes the imposter's arm was too long.  The ship explodes after the countdown is sped up.  They return home and to Wilf (Bernard Cribbens) waiting for her, only to find that the people on Earth are going crazy out of their minds and chaos.  

The Doctor has a foreboding about the salt.  As he told them they can't cross it until they count each grain, or if they're not afraid and not vampires etc, they should cross it.  Which does come back to haunt him in the final Specials ep.

Saturday 30 March 2024

Witness For The Prosecution - County Hall, London


Witness For The Prosecution, marvellously curated by Agatha Christie and brought to life in many forms from the film with Marlene Dietrich and Tyrone Power, to the BBC production a few years ago; boasts a whodunnit of intrigue.  At least on first viewing.  The husband accused of killing a middle aged lady he befriended, or she befriended him, for money: s an oft used plot but is made all the more interesting as the barrister called upon to defend Leonard Vole, is taken by his innocence to the point of being arrogant in his defence.  Only to have been fooled by the Voles.  Mrs Vole coming across as a superior intellect and actress in ensuring her husband is acquitted of the crime.

This adds a certain irony in that barristers are meant to be actors themselves when bringing poise and elegance to the defence of the accused, especially when said accused is a bit of a ladies man.  So it's no wonder that the stage production is equally as exciting and fast paced, even if you are familiar with the story.  A brilliant portrayal by all concerned and deliciously evocative in its production at none other than County Hall, London, on the banks of the River Thames.  A most suitable setting if ever there was one.

Very enjoyable and a must-see if you're into your crime mysteries and courtroom dramas.  That had some of the audience gasping at the end reveal.  Though if you have seen it before it won't be a shock, however the mystery still plays to you as you're not quite sure how it will pan out and be true to the original story or not. 

Sunday 28 January 2024

Doctor Who "The Church on Ruby Corner"

 Narrated by the new Doctor Fifteen (Ncuti Gatwa) as he tells of an abandoned baby left by the church and a woman, her mother leaving her behind and she is unknown.  Named Ruby after the church on the street where she was left.  Then back to 23 December 2023 where Ruby Sunday (Millie Gibson) is at a club and things go wrong for her and then the Doctor dances in the crowd in a skirt/kilt.  As she watches him and then he mentions that things will go wrong for her, as she puts her drink on a table , or so she thinks but the glass falls to the floor.  He then sees her in the taxi where a giant snowman is about to fall on her taxi but he uses his new sonic to make the traffic lights change to green.  Then a woman with a pram walks by and it falls onto him.  He comments on her out with a pram at midnight.  She tells him it's her shopping.  Even if she was out at midnight with a pram, so...??  

The TARDIS is parked on Ruby Street where Ruby lives and the neighbours argue over who left it there.  Ruby lives with her foster mother, Carla Sunday (Michelle Greenidge) who's fostered 33 children, as they get another baby named Lulabell coming for Christmas.  A goblin tears Ruby's bag so she drops her shopping.  The social worker brings the wrong nappy size so Carla has to get some as Ruby is meant to look after the baby.  She gets a call from Davina McCall who tells her that they weren't able to find anything out about her parents.  Also she says that bad luck started when Ruby was there and she's been affected badly, sitting on a wheelchair with bandages, as the Christmas tree falls on her and she's knocked out by the star.

Lulabelle is taken by the goblin as Ruby finds his part of his eye and face on the Polaroid under the crib.  As she gives chase through the skylight (which seems to feature a lot re the earlier eps with Doctor Fourteen (David Tennant).)  However she manages to hold on as the Doctor appears and grabs onto the ladder too.  He gives her gloves so she can hold onto the ropes easily and her body becomes light.  Inside the goblin ship as he calls them, they are tied up as the baby is about to be feasted upon.  With a song sung by a goblin.  He works out how to undo the ropes as there is no electricity or wires around, it means the rope must have a certain frequency too.  The baby is about to be fed to Jabba the Hut lookalike and the Doctor and Ruby sing as they save her, using the ropes to get back down.  

At the loft, he finds that everytime he talks about coincidences something bad happens and the ship is still there as they leave a crack in the entire loft as they alter time.  ( Just like the crack in the wall from earlier series.) Ruby vanishes and is back on the ship as a baby.  So he has to rescue her and leaves her at the church where she's found by the priest. He also sees her mother walk away but we don't know who she is.  Though rumours abound about it being River Song.  He then returns and sees the crack is back at the ceiling and Ruby returns.  As he leaves the neighbour. Mrs Flood (Anita Dobson) spots him and his TARDIS and Ruby chases after him.  

We get a glimpse into how things were sad without Ruby being there.  As Carla only fostered when she needed the money and only fostered no more than five or six children.  Ruby reminded me of Clara (Jenna Coleman) she had that much energy and enthusiasm.  From the teaser/trailer seems there are some good eps to come but having to wait until May to watch them, seems so far away.  Also people saying that Mrs Flood is actually River Song: River = Flood.  

Friday 12 January 2024

Ghost Adventures "Devil Island"

Devil Island thought it was called Angel Island.  Zak talks with Felicia who done a doco on the Island and the immigrants there.  Billy nearly crashes into a car, but Zak didn't use to drive that much in the past.  Billy had their equipment almost stolen from the car and one of their crew members got news about a family bereavement.  Angel Island founded in 1795 and was declared a military reserve and to protect against Confederate Civil War attack.  Asian and other immigrants were processed here.  Steel bars and the water separated them from their dream.  Couldn't leave without supervision, interrogated, island of suicide and deaths.  Those that escaped Alcatraz were dragged here by the currents and spending their last moments of freedom here.  

Zak thought of the sensitivities of what happened with the immigrants on the Island and he wants to know what experiences her father and grandfather went through.  They didn't speak of their experiences, pain, fear, the psychological trauma.  Her father was interviewed three times and they had to sign their names and on one document he had shaky handwriting, showing his fear.  There were cases of suicide.  The dark history needs to be explored where the energies are born.  In China Town Jay speaks with Jeff, who speaks of a young bride-to-be, she answered some wrong questions and they deported her here.  So she wore her wedding dress and hanged herself.  Lots of hauntings are associated with her aka 'the White Witch'.  She's been seen wandering on the Island.  Islands keep secrets and the dark past might not be known.  These hauntings are strong enough to last as Zak says.  The perfect environment to get stronger and to breed.  He hates deep, dark water cos of sharks.  He sees the buildings looking back with eyes speaking of the horrific past.  

Former resident, Dan, he worked on the Island as a boat ranger.  He believes it's haunted and has had experiences.  Everyone told him about the hauntings.  She bride walks on Perimeter Road, in front of the house where he lives, the firehouse.  He says it's very dark and how everyone says it should be called 'Devil's Island.'  Zak thinks it's a sign of things to come and he's honestly afraid.  Dan tells of a gym in a warehouse and he went there by himself and heard a blood curdling scream and then it wasn't a human scream.  Was a crematorium on the island.  Zak thinks the scream could be of Civil War soldiers.  Dr Jeff Dwyer heads to the Civil War hospital with them.  Due to no antibiotics many who were here didn't live or leave.  He tells them of a murder/suicide and where they were stored after Emma Spores was shot and killed by Francis Kimmel in 1872.

Ranger Casey tells them of the band leader and another member had a daughter, Emma who was 15 and he liked her and stalked her.  At the party he shot her in the head and then himself.  Billy says that story bothers him and that one stood out to him.  Billy shares his fascination with the murder/suicide calling out her killer.  Aaron says she can leave and doesn't have to stay around here.  4.3 spike on the EMF reader.  Billy says she should stay close by if she wants to leave.  Billy doesn't like it here.  

At the murder/suicide house Zak asks about the dark force on the Island.  'Where are you Emma' 'car' comes back.  Zak uses the Paranormal Puck.  What is inside this house?  'Horrible.'  Voice saying 'leaving.'  comes through.  Billy says Emma's coming with them.  "Crossover" comes through on Ovilus.  "Remove Master" comes through.    All of Zak's equipment stops working since they arrived here.  Voice comes through "there's a tree behind this house"??  Also she sounds like she had an accent: Japanese/Chinese ???

Ranger Casey tells them about symbols painted on one of the rooms: occult symbols.  They are diving deeply into the curiosities of this Island.  They may have been affecting the people on this Island.  Bone wind chimes are found.  Something feels different.  They repainted and found the symbols but they didn't paint over them and they preserved them out of caution.  On the third floor and Zak says he saw a woman with dark hair hunched over.  Billy's hands are freezing cold.  He tells them not to watch the wall.  Jay talks of the symbol directing to Alaister Crowley (of course!)  Seven pointed star a heptagram, part of the Seal of Babylon.  Her husband is the creator of Chaos.  A man and a woman.  Goal of Babylon is to possess a living person and then to manifest his powers of chaos.  The symbol is also inverted.  The Tree of Life and the symbols are out of order.  Hmm I said that voice said 'tree', who knows?  Zak says there's so many different layers on this Island and could be the main doorway with the beast coming through with Babylon on its back.

He's pumped up on this investigation and the clues don't want to be discovered and they're into something that could be dangerous for them.  He and Jay head to the abandoned warehouse, whilst Billy and Aaron head to the hospital.  Billy uses the XLS device to conduct a quick sweep.  Before heading to the murder house.  Aaron says he saw a woman's shadow with long hair but it couldn't be confirmed.  Use the SB7 spirit box.  "I'm glad it good" is what I hear in a man's voice.  They go to the basement where the morgue is.  As they head to the basement they hear "followed me down."  "Here again" or "did it again" as opposed to "not a woman."  Billy says she was sixteen and he got the gun, said bye to his friend and pulled the trigger.  It took her ten minutes to die and he died before her.  A ball of light is seen when Billy talks of the story.  "You see him"?? in the female voice.  Billy tells Jeff to speak to Emma and Fritz and to invite them to the hospital.  A mist leaves through the doorway. 

At the murder house and they're trying to set up an experiment.  Aaron shouts he needs Billy and he felt strange.  A mist is caught when they begin feeling like this.  The Tesla coil turns on by itself.  They argue amongst themselves.  It then just goes off.  They can't even begin to explain what they're doing.  Billy doesn't want to be in the circle.  Aaron is also upset.  Has been over an hour.  Something happens to Jeff.  Billy says they should shut the devices.  He's getting a headache.  Jeff says it's not him.  He needs to leave.   Billy uses infrasound and "homicide" comes through on the Ovilus.  Billy asks if Emma's here?  "Us" comes through.

At the warehouse they hear a scream.  Then some sort of a screeching noise, he calls high pitched.  Was it something being moved.  They then hear a crashing sound.  One of the rooms is empty.  "I want to scream and fight."  On the recorder.  Sounds like Jeff to me.  After they leave the warehouse a black mist is caught on the camera, loud crashing sounds.  

At the ritual house Zak says Jay left him and he says that he was here for him.  There's an anomaly behind him on his left shoulder side at 41.46.  Zak uses the binaural microphone and the full spectrum as he feels something is off in there.  Zak hears a female voice.  "I'm there" or "here."  Sounds like she has an accent again.   Jay begins an incantation of Babylon.  Two snake-like anomalies are captured going in and out of the circle.  They feel ecstasy.  "There's all kinds of... love??'re nothing" not 'awesome.'  "Bend with it..." the paint can is knocked off the shelf downstairs and is heard upstairs.  Something lured them in and he doesn't know how that will affect them.  

Aaron felt like it was jumping through them and he didn't see Billy looking at him.  Billy wanted to hurt them both.  One word to describe what happened, it was chaos.  Said that too.  Jay and Zak experience the opposite.  They hear a scream when they say 'chaos.'  Was the scream Babylon or the White Witch.  They were being seduced.  Babylon is the goddess of sexual impulse and they went through chaos.  Jay goes into Quarters 10.  The three of them head to the Thousand Man barracks.  The human spirits are being contained here and Zak feels they need to help them.  When he saw it for the first time he just saw people and faces at the windows and they were trapped and couldn't leave.  This path they've been led to here.  

At the Quarters building a man was attacked.  Jay hears whispering.  Jay heads to the bedroom.  They saw Jay's face rotting when they conjured Babylon.  On the X camera in the kitchen a black shadowy mass is caught and is translucent, at the same time the motion ball lights up.  

The Paranormal Puck is placed at the doorway.  If they've been followed then guise the spirits to talk to them.  "Where are the trapped souls kept?" "Island."  They can't leave cos of the water and the salt etc.  "What people on the Island?"  "Wars" ie the army barracks.  "Where on the Island?" Witch" comes through and then vanishes.  A voice is caught on the boom mic.  They haven't been in this building before and no one is allowed in.  Something drops or is thrown.  Billy tells the Witch to show itself.  A voice is heard.  Aaron gives Billy the camera and says he's having a heart attack and vanishes.  Billy asks how that would've helped?  Said the same before Billy did.  They feel something.  Zak says something's coming up on him, ice cold.  An anomaly is caught and a breath is heard, didn't even sound like a laugh.  Billy has rapid heart rate.  PSB7 Pro where a girl's voice says "get off me" not "I love you."  Then a disembodied voice says "can you find me?" not "do you love me?"  

They find another door and a large black anomaly manifests on the XLS and climbs the wall.  Aaron walks by a figure on the ground which wakes up and moves up the wall.  

There are lots of sinks there.  The EMF lights up all the way.  Zak goes to find the 'little girl' he couldn't get her voice out of his head.  He uses the night vision goggles and captures a plank of wood falling by itself.  Then a light anomaly leaves it.  As if it knocked it over.  Zak says Emma did it.  A figure crawls up the pillar and to the floor on the XLS.  Were they fooled by something darker or were they in contact with Emma?  They stare back at the eyes of the devil with something having a tight grip on the spirits of the island attached here.  They've only just scratched the surface.  

Well that was an eventful episode and just like the GA doco another piece of wood is captured falling but in this case, an anomaly is also seen leaving it, so it pushed it over.

Friday 22 December 2023

Death Walker 3.20 "Nikola Tesla Building"

Demolished in 1965 the building and adobe was purchased by Pete Fantanorosa, a friend of Nick's family.  Was given access to the power station under the tunnel where he can conduct an investigation and Nick can conduct an experiment wearing a Faraday suit touching sparks from the Tesla coil to intensify his body with electric energy and induce the environment with free energy to interact with the spirits and allowing them energy to communicate.  Pete would drive by here when he was little and the building stood out for him.  Years later and at a real estate office he got a copy of the building and he says he'll buy it.  It was bought from the National Grid and he opened the place for Pete and his father.  He looked at the stone work as his father was a stone mason and his smile was like his father influenced them to have purchased it.  Pete's father told everyone they brought Italians from Italy to do the stonework.  There was stone around the pipes that were buried and had incredible detail.
The discharge tunnel was the first thing they did as the water would come in through the Niagara River.  There were many deaths.  When the station produced power and sent to Buffalo, New York and they had relatively cheap power.  This building was part of the Adams power plant and a listed building.  The tunnels attached to the property used millions of bricks.  The transformer house was built and in the tunnel they lost about twenty people.  Some depths of over 75 feet and Tesla was here.  He was able to do what he dreamed of when he was a boy in Serbia.  Pete believes he's still watching over here.  He's proud to be a part of history.

Hultay is glad to be here as he bases his equipment off energy just like Tesla did.  He was in the tunnels and he got an eerie feeling and with the ultrasonic detector and amplified the energy.  The spirits talk on certain frequencies so they can hear each other and runs on bat frequencies as the spirits use whatever equipment they can use.  The one goal is to make contact with Tesla using different frequencies and incorporate some experiments.  They want to incorporate frequency, vibration and energy like Tesla said and incorporate these to enable spirits to communicate.  Reverberating the sounds frequency and vibration through the tunnels allowing them to communicate and can hear them in real time.  A laser trip wire in the back room and will go off when any spirit is detected.

Nick talks of the workers who built this, who put their blood sweat and tears into the tunnels and building.  He wants to hear their voices.  Experiments to try and touch the other side.  Nick hears a voice come though and he asks it to reach out from the other side using their energy and the electricity.  The men who died building this.  Use the biggest energy source to speak to them using all these energy sources and experiments.  The laser grid goes off.  Did you die?  "Dead...did you hurt me" I heard.  Dead comes through many times.  "Here...dead..."  "Nick Groff" comes through.  Nick asks if they can still communicate when they pass.  "Nick" is said again.  Nick asks who is trapped here?  Some screams come through.  He asks it to reach out from the darkness to the sound of his voice.  Nick comes trough again.

""  "Nick" again and a scream.  A crashing noise is heard.  I heard "trapped."  "Hi're a man...??"  The energy gets more intense the deeper he goes into the tunnel.  He's going to be using Tessa to get a psychic read, the Tesla coil and he's going to push the limits now.  Residual and intelligence is coming through.  Alex says Nick is wearing a Faraday suit, all chainmail and can harness the plasma energy from the Tesla oil and will be grounded through the energy on the floor.  Tessa wears the ghost helmet to amplify her abilities to create energy fields around the left and right side of her brain.  Will monitor her brain to see what the energy looks like when she is picking up on any spirits or energy.  Nick wears the Faraday suit.

Tessa says the energy is overwhelming and lots of energy when she walks in.  Somebody followed them in and there's some intelligent energy where some deaths would have happened and she's drawn to the tunnels.  Tragic deaths she finds someone under the cement and people died tragically or before their time or unexpected and the experiments gives them more of a voice to connect to them.  To figure out what is happening.  They need energy to communicate and it's going to heighten their energy to communicate.

Nick asks if there's anyone here?  "This person..."  Tessa comes through with the number 28 as significant.  Nick asks them to draw in the energy from Tesla.  Asks for Tesla to communicate.  Some voices come through.  Tessa says they're aware of them being here.  They look like workers.  "Nick's here" I heard.  "First death..."  Something was coming in Tessa says.  "Dead..."  Nick asks who died?  Tessa says someone named James she picked up on.  Nick asks if they know Tesla?  Tessa says he died down there.  "She was dead..."  "It will trap you"??  after Nick says he's going to go into the tunnel system.  "Spirits...we will..."    Nick asks how they communicate from the other side?  "Waves."  Nick asks if he's referring to Nickolas Tesla as "yes" comes through.  He asks if Tesla made contact with the other side.  "85" comes through.  Could be the number who died building the tunnels.  "Dead."  "Spirits" after he asks if they moved down here.  

Tessa senses a 'James' and two others and they're intelligent and can use the device.  "Nick comes through.  Tessa says someone drowned as she gets a sense of not being able to breathe.  Someone fell and two people fell.  When she walked in she felt someone trapped down there and one of them, their body is still down there.  There's a sense of being upset like he's gone too soon and there's six members of the family who were left behind.  

Nick gears up in the Faraday Suit and pushes the investigation further.  It's dangerous as the energy is intense and he tries to remain calm.  Tessa asks how many are here?  "Seven."  A voice says Tesla is here.  "I was dead...weak..."  They ask if the energy helped from the coil?  He charges the suit.  The land and the tunnels and when she wore the helmet she held onto the visions longer then she normally would and allowing her to watch in detail like through a window.  The strongest person was a James and he fell from a height and saw a splash.  Six were left behind as perhaps his family and she picked up on a six.  A 'George' name of a 'Frank/Fred'.  Someone drowned and someone was within the walls and got trapped.  A lot emotionally was coming through and there was a sens o f tragedy and leaving things behind.  The mediums want to tell their story.  

What Nick was picking up and what she was doing is a validation for both sides.  "Nick, Tesla, spirit, fell, numbers" coming through.  Hultay wanted to do that experiment with a medium and use the ghost box and compare notes to see if it could be done and no one wanted to do that.  Alex says the number 28 during the tunnel construction where 28 deaths were documented.  Leaving people behind and it reiterates that.

Tesla was a great visionary in science and some of the questions in his own life, to think in terms of if you want to find the secret of the universe and take what they they see, hear, feel and spirits will manipulate to show their presence and make themselves known.   Each location gives Nick so much to learn and his journey is far from over.  He is going to keep researching about what happens when they die.  His journey is far from over.  

Monday 27 November 2023

Doctor Who "The Star Beast"

The Doctor (David Tennant) returns to Earth with his 'new old' face and bumps into a woman carrying packages.  What are the odds she would turn out to be none other than Donna Noble (Catherine Tate).  He replaces the package back he was helping with as he recalls, as do we, that if she ever remembers him again she will die.  Then she tells him to take them back since he was helping her.  As he hears her call out to Rose (Yasmin Finney).  No not that Rose.  She's sending her packages to Abu Dhabi and she has her own small business.  As she takes the packages a starship crashes, which Donna misses even after Rose tells her to look.  Taking it's a starship with a pinch of salt.  

The Doctor rushes to the crash and takes a taxi.  Surprise, surprise, it turns out to be Donna's husband, small world.  Her husband, Shaun Temple (Karl Collins) asks him how he knows her and the Doctor name drops Nerys.  She didn't take his last name cos then she'd have been known as Donna Noble Temple.  The Doctor also asks why she gave away her lottery winnings, £166 MILLION.  She gave it to charity but they only bought the house.  As you recall he returned the pound to Wilf and the lottery ticket she had on her wedding day.  The Doctor recalls that Donna saved him by absorbing all his memories, this would have destroyed her mind, but the Doctor saved her by wiping out her memory of him.  However as she tells Sylvia (Jacqueline King) she has a feeling something is missing in her life.  

As he heads to the crash site, UNIT is already there and so is Shirley Bingham (Ruth Madeley).  He tells her about Donna and why he's hiding out.  Apparently the ship carries a creature, a cuddly type that hides out in the ally by Donna's house, again, small world.  As Rose heads to where the pod landed, following her neighbour, but it's empty.  As she returns she finds the creature, an alien known as Meep the Beep.  She takes him back as he says the others are after him.  They killed his species for his fur.  Also he's similar to some of the cuddly toys Rose makes.  Donna returns to the shed and he's rumbled.  UNIT opens the ship and the soldiers are overtaken by something causing their eyes to illuminate and trance-like as they head to Donna's house.

Donna and Sylvia talk about Rose and her gender change when the boys from school call her out on the street and call her Jason.  She's proud of her daughter as she tells Sylvia.  The Doctor of course heads there too and wants to be let in, but Sylvia refuses.  He uses the sonic and she doesn't want Donna to see him.  She hits him and he says she's done that to him before.  The Meep enters as soldiers have a shoot out and two insect-like creatures appear, known as the Wrarth, to take him away.  The Doctor constructs a forcefield barricade using his Sonic and they head to the attic.  Crossing though the attic of five houses they find Shaun's taxi and make their exit.  But not before the Doctor checks out the soldier's pulse.

Heading back to the steel factory they are chased by the soldiers and the Doctor says maybe the creatures aren't after Meep but are here to protect him, or not.  He uses a Shadow Proclamation to cease hostilities until he otherwise permits and finds out Meep is actually the bad one.  He recalls sun psychosis which affects the eyes.  His race ate the Wrarth.  Meep kills off the Wrarth and the Doctor gets hit over the head, in what seems like such an easy way to get him and the others are taken back to the steelworks.  The Doctor can also draw maps with his Sonic now.  

They make their escape as Shirley helps them by firing darts from her wheelchair and the Doctor comments they have those now.  No, they had them all the time.  The Doctor needs to stop the ship from launching as the drag drive will destruct London killing nine million people.  As he tells the Noble's to leave, Donna goes with him and he needed her help too.  He makes her remember as they recite words in a countdown sequence.  She says she's a nobody and no one will miss her but she has to save Rose and the other nine million.  He says she's somebody to him.  They countdown to "binary binary..." and then she pushes buttons averting the ship from taking off and does succumb to her death.

However, she doesn't die as Rose was also helping.  Donna managed to half the effect of the energy she absorped and is saved.  Rose took on his memories too and she even named herself.  They head off on another adventure and Donna wants to go on one last trip.  If only to unveil the inside of the newly revamped TARDIS.  All clean and steely looking, "chrome" as she calls it.  He even has a coffee machine, mistake, as that's what got her fired from her job, she spilled coffee in the computer.  As she does here.  Making the TARDIS go haywire and they disappear somewhere.

Fast paced scenes and dialogue including a scene where the Meep refers to gender pronouns and says  "My chosen pronoun is the definite article – I am always ‘the’ Meep."  The Doctor replies, "I do that."   Talking of what the Doctor’s pronouns are and surmising that they’re just "the".  This ep was a story based on the 1980 comic book Doctor Who and the Star Beast.  The Doctor also realizes that Wilf is in  a home and isn't dead as he thought.  A nice touch for not having to go through Wilf not really being around.  Good to see Doctor Ten return, one of my faves after Eleven, and another two eps to go.

Sunday 5 November 2023

Ghost Adventures "Orcutt Ranch"

West Hills, California, in the woods with secrets on the grounds leading to a haunting.  William Orcutt built a ranch with an alter in the basement with secret society ceremonies.  Workers see a boy they call an identity disguising himself and Zak asks if it's connected to a double murder homicide next door in 1922.  Zak thinks that if the trees have eyes that they're being watched.  Lots of energy around.  Aaron likes the real bamboo.  In the orchard Aaron goes fruit picking when they're not meant to pick the fruit.  Billy even eats the orange.  Zak says it could be a bad omen to picking it.  Shown by what happened to Billy later, perhaps.  The Orcutts moved to the ranch in 1921.  In 1922 the neighbours were killed and could someone working for the Orcutts could have done it.  He's not saying they specifically did it but it's coincidental.  The killer wasn't caught.  The lights flicker inside and wonders if this could be a warning from the spirits there or the fire that covered up the double murder.  Aaron says it could be the curse of the orange.

Oil pioneer Orcutt built his ranch in 1921 known as Orcutt rancho sombre del oble.  Land once belonged to Shumash Tongvay tribe.  In the 1960's the remaining estate was taken over by LA City.  Need to find the source of the energy holding onto the land.  Christine says the house has spirits and entities.  The forest has a dark energy and they feel watched.  In the forest she says she saw the spirit of a little boy and he watched her and her daughter and then he vanished.  No documented deaths of children and Zak believes it was a malevolent entity posing as a child.  The land has darkness.  Jay and Zak see a solid shadow walking there where the boy was seen.  Zak sees two anomalies.  A strange chair is there and he is drawn towards the chair and sits in it.  "Constant name children" comes through on the Ovilus.  Could it be referring to the boy spirit.  As he gets up "Form thirteen" comes through.  Thirteen is part of occultism and refers to a ritual.  

The Paranormal Housewives wait outside as they enter for the first time.  Cold air greets them inside.  Billy feels warm air around him.  In the basement they got pushed and they're not liked as they're women.  A sacred place for men.  They think thirteen people are in a circle harking back to the Ovilus response.  In the basement they walk into a secret place.  Something was conjured here.  Zak reads from a book of incantations and one of them feels there's something next to her, a portal like a black hole.  They're hot and cold.  Smell perfume and cigars.  In the room with the pink paint they got some EVPs.  Zak thinks the incantation opened a door to the other side.  An EVP is caught.  Two circles of light behind Billy and he felt heat around him.  Same thing Zak saw on his thermal.  There's a third ball on the painting isn't there.  

But that voice "now that I'm older and in control...I have an intention for a hanging."  Zak says the spirit has been carrying out dark deeds.  He thinks the neighbour's killer was caught in the basement.  

In the basement again with the XLS.  At the bottom of the stairs a black anomaly appears.  A male voice is heard in the basement.  I heard that and I thought it was Aaron!! Ha.  Sounds like "it did."  As Aaron sits down a figure appears in front of the door.  It then appears by Aaron and grabs his head and arm. 

Aaron then says he saw a snake on his leg or it could have been an arm.  Billy's heart rate increases erratically.  Was that cos of the orange he ate.  A ball of light appears behind Zak.  As soon as he says Orcutt and asks for the motion balls to be lit up if he wants them to leave.  Aaron stays and the door closes by itself.  

The guesthouse is above the basement.  In the bathroom a noise is heard.  The Ovilus says "Show The Living."  The shower door is heard.  An anomaly leaves the bathroom.  In the main house from the device says "hey."  The lights come on.  A voice says "I did it."  Billy says Aaron touched him, why would he.  One of the crystals on the chandelier moves.  A sound is heard.  A light anomaly is also seen and Billy sees it too.  He says Aaron touched him again.  A white mist appears in front of him again.  In the forest a mist is caught and then a smallish black shadow figure on the throne chair.  Could that be the boy spirit.  Zak says there are compelling paranormal happenings in the house with intelligent responses and mists, anomalies, Poltergeist activity and a figure with Aaron.  Zak suggests that the secrets want to be told.  

Monday 30 October 2023

Ghost Adventures "Scotty's Castle"

 Death Valley, California.  In 1913 the heat reached 134 degrees.  July 2023 tempers almost broke the record.  Scotty's Castle is in a unique location.  Built in 1920's by Albert Johnson after he was lured there by conman Scotty.  Who told him there was a gold find.  Albert lived there with his wife, Bessie.  Zak wanted to come here since the show started.  Scotty wanted money and Albert said he'd give it to him.  Built a castle in the "most inhospitable place on earth."  Jay tore tendons in his ankle during an investigation.  The Park Ranger takes them through the locked gates.  The land was flooded and Zak calls it an intent to destroy the castle.  Like a mysterious fire in 2021 and no cause was found.  Feels energy at the castle that he can't describe.  This place is charged."  He turned the engine off and looked at the castle and the car started by itself.  He joked that Scotty wants them to leave and he sees the cross on the hill where Death Valley Scotty is buried.  Well my joke was probably in bad taste on Twitter when I said "beam me up Scotty" but then maybe not, as further on in the investigation Zak thought they caught a UFO, was only a Starlink train; but I was foreshadowing, ha! He said there were many accounts of paranormal activity online but no one wanted to speak with them.  Workers left in fear of their lives.  Seen a misty apparition.  Feelings of despair, feel itching or tingling on body.  Some believe the spirits affect you in this way.  Some knocking is heard or a bang.  

Park Ranger Abby tells him about the fire which occurred at night and no one was there.  There wasn't any arson and no power or lightning.  They moved a car, the 1947 Passenger Packard owned by Albert Jackson.  He and Bessie were involved in a car accident where Bessie died.  The death record was sealed and was shown that Bessie died when Albert backed his car on her.  Sergio and Tony Mesa were in the 2015 flood when deer hunting and ended up at the castle.  The water rose and they decided not to risk going into the castle.  The lights were flickering in the rooms.  

Patti Negri joins them.  Something is fed by "it" and into "it" she describes as the worst thing in the world.  A place that resembles a ritualistic place with a six sided star or hexagram used as a talisman for conjuring magic.  It's said to have mind control over people.  She says the castle had to be here as this energy couldn't be elsewhere and could start afire.  Patti proposes a chant to heighten the spiritual energy.  In which they all join in.  Sounded like the onset of gurgling, no other way to describe it.  Patti talks of the negative energy.  A tower building which is also active.  Zak asks what lives here.  Patti pictures him: "I Roger" comes through on the Ovilus.  Zak doesn't think his name is Roger but something else.  "It" comes through on the recorder.  (See below.)

Billy reviewed the boom mic footage.  Voices were heard, a breath is heard and a voice.  Sounded like Aaron.  Was that "it" or "speak"??  Aaron captures a ball of light on the bridge.  Zak gets a thermal photo of something in the doorway.  Looks like something like a dog or creature with a gaping mouth.  He says it's white and there's no heat to it.  Doesn't catch anything in rapid fire photos.  In the room there wasn't anyone in there.  Incredible visual evidence.  Not a human spirit.  

Two responses on the Polterpod one sounds like "it or did"  And "hello."  He sees the three conducting rituals.  A crate where the earth combusted.  Strange phenomena are associated with this.  

At nerve centre Billy shows he caught something on the UV camera used by police forensically.  Took a pic of Zak and looks like a triangular anomaly.  Similar to the one he caught behind the door with the gaping mouth.  

They use the SLS.  Zak asks if Bessie is here and what their secrets are.  Zak sees a black anomaly coming out of the room.  A 360 degree mic is used.  Paranormal Puck 2 is on the bathroom.  "Female" comes through.  "Living wrong" comes through.  "Stay" when he asks if there's a portal they can go to.  "Where is Scotty" nothing comes through.  The anomaly follows them.  Something comes through like a "portal burst" over a box.  Billy says it's a historical table.  

Billy feels Zak will map something in the back room.  "God is perfect humans are imperfect" Billy says so here's an imperfection in the tile room.  A stick figure appears like it's leaning back and then a triangular shape comes through on its shape at every movement of the figure.  It crawls like it was coming through at a ritual.  Billy feels hot air.  The black anomaly reappears.  The stick figure also appears and grabbed Billy's foot and turned into a perfect triangle.  

Motion activation balls are placed in a circle as Zak reads an incantation.  When he says "fire" an anomaly comes out, stops and then leaves.  Sounds like "I am out"??  

Zak wears the night vision goggles.  He sees a human shaped mist in the middle of the room and other orbs follow it.  PSB 7 Pro is used.  "In here."  Doesn't sound like it.  "Go" or "hope"?? "Easily. "Her love...galleon"??  When he asks who are you "Scotty?" "yes"  "...??hear the voice."  Zak says they captured some amazing thermal evidence.  

Re the Ovilus saying "I Roger" maybe it's not relevant but there was a Roger Wilson who was part of a survey team at Death Valley.  He was a transitman. Though he wasn't in direct contact with Albert Johnson, he did report to someone that was.  This was when Albert was planning his ranch ie Death Valley Ranch which came to be known as Scotty's Castle.  So there was a Roger around in some form or another.  

Saturday 21 October 2023

Ghost Adventures "Ghost Island"

What's Zak singing for and what about!!??  Getting killed again or was this in relation to the accident he and his assistant almost had on their way to Utah??  The edge of the coast of Utah's Great Salt Lake to Antelope Island aka Ghost Island.  Unmarked graves on the property and an uncontrollable presence to the Mormon Fielding Garr ranch property.  Had to come during a snow storm.  Zak wants them to prepare spiritually being here.  A force prowls the island and the ranch that attacks whenever it wants.  Authorities want help from them.  They feel oppressive psychological weight.  Park Ranger Carl Aldridge believes Fielding is buried on the property but they don't know where.  A noise is heard which didn't sound like snow falling from the roof.  Carl laughs when Zak asks about the ranch hands cos they were hobos and outcasts.  One killed his wife and then himself.  Another drank himself to death after drinking lemon extract.  A visitor experiences a brutal attack inside the ranch and his hands started bleeding.  This ranger guy was abnormally smirking like he's affected by the property.  Even Zak wasn't laughing at all.  This happened in the living room where Fielding was meant to have passed away.

Park Ranger Amy and a friend were exploring the ranch house and she felt a presence and became afraid and she backed against the wall.   She was afraid and trapped.  They came back into the house and they felt cold air outside and they left.  Her friend was badly affected.  The Great Salt Lake where salt is used to contain a negative activity.  The salt is so concentrated and can be used to confine something to the island.  Inside the barn the same sound is heard again but it wasn't snow.  It was more metallic which is what I said.  They didn't investigate the barn at night if it was meant to be really haunted too.  A breath is also heard.  Also some sort of dripping is heard that was probably snow.

They assess the ranch house and Zak says they have to be careful here.  The entities live in the woods and come inside to feed.  An unseen energy.  In 1862 Jean Batiste an undertaker turned grave robber was banished to Antelope Island and a ball and chain was attached to his leg and had a tattoo on his head.  Bones were found years later.  Could he be the evil spirit.  Three members of a local paranormal group tell them about being lost in the woods and lose direction.  That's what Aaron said at the end when he felt like he was in another dimension and didn't know where he was.  Members have been attacked, scratched, things rushing them.  Also reported on the local news.  

They investigate the ranch house and the EMF on the Trifield which shows some of the highest readings they've ever captured.  Even up to a thousand miligause.  In the original part of the house, Zak feels intense fear.  "Close" is seen on the Ovilus 5 and another high spike is caught.  Zak asks who is close to them and it says "Murder."  The living room where he uses the digital recorder.  On the playback he gets touched and his hand gets cold.  That's when it reaches a thousand.  Zak left the recorder on the dining room table recording.  Just as they leave there's just talking the entire time for two minutes.  It's not very clear some sort of growl and aggressive voice but can't decipher them.  He's left the recorder all the time and gets nothing on it after leaving it alone in locations.  On the Polterpod "I love here" sounds more than "I lived here" or "I love it..."???  The other voice says "this is a mess" rather than "this is a man."  "That's a yeah" when Aaron asks if he is the grave robber here.

Jay gets to go solo in the woods like Zak really needed three of them in the ranch house with him.  Jay uses two bodycams front and back.  Jay provokes it and asks for it to show his power to him.  He hears a growl and captures an anomaly on the thermal that could be an animal.  But it doesn't look like it.  Jay swears he heard his voice come through on the spirit box and complains of stomach pain.  He lifts up his top and before he can show the scratch he says something is attacking him as something snaps some sticks underfoot.

Zak goes inside alone with the mic.  A hmm sound/voice is heard.  Something like a door being rattled is heard.  He asks for it to appear in front of him.  Another sound like something on the table.  He says something rushes up on him in the bedroom.   A growl is also heard.  On the kitchen X cam a ball of light enters the dining room at ninety degrees.  He knows it's the man talking to them in the room.  Billy interrupts him to say the man who killed his wife slept in that same room.  Aaron hears a sound and Zak says he probably needs his hearing checked.  He says Zak never hears anything.  The room also had a Polaroid of a feather on fire floating above the bed.  His hand goes ice cold.  "Get out is recorded.  "Yes it is" after Zak asks if it's his land.  

Zak and Billy argue about whose jacket makes the most noise.  I say that to my sis about her coat!  Aaron finds it funny they get aggressive just like the convo they picked up on the recorder.  Billy said he desecrated 300 graves and asks if he's mad since he's stuck here.  He says to do something to show his presence.  The vibe at the table changes.  The EMF sphere lights up and Jay comes through.  Zak asks if he heard that so Aaron had to tell him it's Jay.  So much for Aaron having bad ears!

Something ran up to Jay.  Something moves in the bushes and Zak tells Aaron to go look.  Who says it's Billy's turn.  Billy says something's out there, could be an animal or not and they should just get out.  Is this what the paranormal investigator told them about something being in the weeds and she thought it could be a wolf or something.  Jay's been marked and he asked for it to show itself.  Aaron seems to be lost and he feels he's in some weird dimension.  They left Jay back in the woods and didn't even wait for him or bring him out with them.  Billy uses the thermal cam and they hear a gunshot inside the ranch house.  Zak wore his mask in the woods the entire time.  The XLS cam doesn't focus on Jay.  Was the wife shot by the man??  Or was that something that happened to Fielding since his body wasn't found.  The stick figure goes up to the ceiling and looks as though it's holding a gun.  That was similar to that hotel ep where the groom shot his wife. 

An anomaly manifests under the table.  Jay leaves and finds he's near the woods entrance.  Zak says nothing will attach itself to any of them.  Billy uses some Palo Alto to cleanse Jay and that it won't attach to any of them.  Zak doesn't want to ever return here.  What an ep frightening but funny at the same time with their bickering and petty arguing!  

Sunday 15 October 2023

Ghost Adventures "Sutro Ghost Town"

As they approach Sutro ghost town, a female voice comes through with a message on Zak's phone.  Sounds like "thieves?? or eves rush in with the tide."  Engineer Adolph Sutro moved to Virginia City and added wealth to his assets when a streak of silver was discovered.  At least 12 died during the construction of the tunnel.  

A stake sticks out of the ground with Tucker Lyons written on the stake so it could be the body of a baby but no one knows anything about who he was.  A house burned down and a foundation remains.  Chris also shows them something he hasn't shown anyone before.  Unmarked graves of a family of six who died in a house fire.  Buried on the foundation of where the house burned down.  In 1942 the mansion burned down.  Their research showed the entire family died.  Everywhere they walk Zak says there's a new mystery that hasn't been solved.  A lot of death occurred such as in the building of the Sutro Tunnel.  Many lost souls and bodies buried and other events all come to a head at the exit and entrance of the tunnel.  A woman's then sounds like "It's rushing with the tide??  that's where all the lost souls reside in the tunnel.  Zak gets profound speaking of how as we all take our own steps they all will catch their spiritual connection.  That connection started for him earlier and he saw the image of that house which urged him to come here.  The iage of the Victorian house.

Towards every structure they feel energy squirming towards their body.  Vietnam Vet Greg felt something dark in the house where he used to live, in the upstairs room.  He feels threatened by something there.  The tunnel is an "artery to that network of veins" and Zak feels the tunnel is a portal.  Greg saw a Ouija board and it was never closed.  Water comes out of the ground and Zak says there's a geometric source and the house signifies a beacon for those spirits and this is where they go.  Greg takes them to a cabin where he used to live which also burned down.  All mysteriously.  Greg calls it "The Sutro Curse."  Greg believes the source of the fire is a man who comes through the bedroom door who looked like a soldier wearing a tunic.  He saw him through the door on many occasions.  The soldier is the root of the destruction Zak believes.  When Greg moved to Dayton he met someone who lived in the same house and mentioned seeing the same ghost.  The entity hunting his vics, Zak asks if he followed Greg to the cabin and is he holding others there too.

The souls the soldier has taken for himself are locked in the Victorian house.  Nadine entered the house and was confronted by an aggressive spirit which said "F*ck you" to her.  Collette and Claudia also add weight to the possibility of the soldier being everywhere.  He sends Aaron and Billy into the house without knowing anything and he wants to move somewhere else.  They talk of standing in the room by the wall and there were scratches heard on the wall and someone whispered in her ear.  She felt someone trying to push her over.  Which Billy says he fees the same.  Aaron asks if he didn't like that scary joke??  What scary joke??  A reply comes through "hey" sounded like "huh" to me.  "Held tied" comes through on the Puck.   

Billy says vertical shafts on the maps are different claims throughout all of Virginia City and connect to the Sutro mine and that's the only opening left.  Zak says everyone is calling the tunnel a portal.  It's exhaling all the spirits and residual activity.  Every moment of fear and pain and panic are coming through the Tunnel.  Fire, poisonous gas, explosions killed and injured up to 900 miners.  Zak says the veins in their body ie the network of mines are all they've investigated for the past 18 years and they're calling on those spirits to greet them.  They wire an X camera to the tunnel as they can't go into it.  One camera to the old saloon warehouse.  Billy runs a double copper wire from the gate to the old saloon with a current constantly going through it.  A path will be created when they come out of the portal and travel to the saloon from the Washoe Club, the Bonanza etc.  He says they're playing with a very dangerous portal.  The Victorian is left and they haven't even been inside there and that's where they will end their investigation. 

Billy and Aaron use the Paranormal Puck 2 and old time saloon music to call upon the spirits to come out.  Aaron says he heard singing, which I didn't.  An EMF sphere is on the table and a lantern light on the ground, as well as some bells too in the saloon.  The lamp is being powered with a stake wired to the lamp inside the saloon.  Zak says through the Walkie for the spirits to travel to the saloon.  Heat signatures are caught in infra red on the tunnel.   They feel wind from the tunnel as soon as the music plays and there wasn't any wind before.  Billy tells the miners to follow the music.  Jay and Zak hear a door creak open and footsteps are heard in the saloon.  A spirit could've travelled from the tunnel.  After the footsteps the battery on the camera dies.  The thermal camera battery drains too.  

Billy uses the Puck.  Zak does an Ovilus  when "star hang sand aggression" comes through.  "Plan crossover drunk" also comes through.  "Quickly" on the Puck.  "Fire."    Billy asks "is there anything we should know?"  "Burn" comes through and "drunk" also comes through.  Yeah also foreshadowing for Billy and his whiskey shots!!   Zak asks who's in the saloon they hear walking.  "Judge Edison" comes through.  Zak uses the XLS camera.  A strange mist comes out of the tunnel.  

Billy takes a shot.  They ask for the Judge.  A stick figure lays on the table, one in the back doorway and there's one behind on the stairs.  As Billy takes the shot it tries to grab the glass from his hand.  

Billy feels weight on his arm.  The light on the ball goes off too before Zak says later.  They don't see the motion ball going off already.  Billy's addicted to taking another shot as he says he'll pour another one.  Two dark balls head out from behind Billy.  A knocking is heard.  Coming from upstairs??  There's a drunk spirit on the ground.  Aaron tells them to shut up as a door opens.  There's nothing there.  The bells begin to move.  The motion ball lit up ages ago and it was the same one too.  

Billy says it wants him to drink another whiskey.  He starts acting strangely and he's never had an impulse.  Zak says he'll get drunk.  That the spirit is channelling him to drink the whiskey.  Aaron says he was upstairs and the way Billy said he's going to have another drink.  That's what came through with the plan to get drunk.  Zak says they don't need a drunk paranormal investigator.  Billy asks if his breath smells like the dude at a party.  Aaron doesn't want to smell his breath.  Zak conducts a sobriety test on Billy as he walks a straight line.  Well he could've got Jay to investigate instead.  He passes the test.  In the room where the figure was spotted at the back, the Polterpod catches a voice they say is a scream.  A voice sounds like "get help man" not "get out man."  Aaron says he felt like he was  attacked by a bird.  A mist like anomaly shoots out of Aaron.  Those calls for help allude to what Zak said about whether the soldier is holding those entities inside the mansion.  

Was that a shadow in the background when Billy and Zak are talking about Billy taking a third shot and getting drunk.  Or was that Aaron, don't think it was, but can't tell.  Where was Aaron anyway, still upstairs?? The blue is where some shadow appears and what's on the green bit, a shadow on the wall?? Will add video later not uploading right now!

In the Victorian house noises come from the upstairs room.  Aaron finds a mirror and chair and a light anomaly is seen on the handrail.  Knocking is heard from downstairs now.  The chair by the mirror is ominous.  Zak catches a still of a figure appears to be hovering in the window.  Doesn't it look like a baby??

A growl is heard.  Zak asks if it's the same growl Nadine heard.  Billy says something came out of the mirror.  The recorder on the chair records a voice.  Billy says something grabbed the back of his neck.  An anomaly manifests by the recorder.  Aaron smells cigar.  Funny since Sutro used to own tobacco shops and also sold cigars.  Could he be around still?  Did it say "get the f*ck out."  The ITC device captures a woman's voice "you gotta help" I heard the first time then "help me."  A male voice says "go."  Zak stands downstairs and says he doesn't want to leave.  An anomaly goes towards him and then backs away.  Zak says Aaron's getting on his nerves.  A clear voice comes through.  Didn't sound like a woman.  Did it say "can you help"?????  Zak calls it a "strange f*cking house."  

Friday 13 October 2023

Pygmalion at The Old Vic


Waiting at the side of the stage for the production to begin, a lady dressed in '20's awaits.  A clap of heart stopping thunder  to give you a scare and wake you up just incase you were feeling a little tired! She runs onto the stage and a crowd gathers to begin the conversation.  Cue Eliza Doolittle, flower seller, as she tries to sell flowers and chaos ensues .  Col Pickering is introduced and she owes him a flower.  As Henry Higgins introduces himself.  Each man was on this way to London, India respectively to meet each other, as they have written books on diction!  As they talk, Eliza overhears Henry's address, 27 Wimpole Street for future reference of course.  Henry listens to dialects and is able to tell which country/region people hail from.  A taxi is hailed but as no one is there to take it, Eliza does, adding she has money to pay for it.  Probably a first with a small car as a taxi appearing on stage, at least for me.  

Henry and the Colonel talk about the various contraptions and gadgets Henry has set up at home with recording devices.  As Henry bursts into phonics/phonetics on vowel sounds.  As the audience laughs hysterically.  (Sometimes you wish you wouldn't get that over-enthusiastic belly laugher who drowns out the speech!  Aaah-las what can you do.) Eliza turns up and wants to be taught to speak 'proper.'  Henry takes on the challenge.

Starring Bertie Carvel as Henry Higgins (aka Inspector Adam Dalgliesh from Channel 5's Dalgliesh who puts in a commendable performance as Henry "Just you wait 'enry" 'iggins.  I was immediately taken back to Rex Harrison in My Fair Lady, well maybe some of you may have to squint or close your eyes, but to me he did sound like him especially when I first heard him.  He was also in an episode of series 1 of Sherlock The Blind Banker as Seb Wilkes.  Sufficed to say Patsy Ferran as Eliza wasn't an Audrey Hepburn, though one of her floral dresses and her hair reminded me of her.  I did half expect a burst into song.  Sylvestra Le Touzel as Henry's mother was a great addition.  I recall her from an early BBC production of Mansfield Park, where she played Fanny price.  It was good to meet her afterwards.  Though she was taken aback at recalling some of her earlier starring roles, including Midsomer Murders.  Anyone remember her in her own elocution lesson in the Heneiken ad from way back re "the water in Majorca don't taste like what it oughta" in cockney.  Good to meet Bertie as well, though I was a little surprised me and my sister were the only ones who stayed to meet him at Stage Door afterwards!  Yikes. 

Varied reviews on this from being a hit to barely passable.  Yes the press was rather cruel, calling Eliza's change rushed and hasty.  Well, not much you can do in just over two hours, or more  that could be dwelled upon.  Did they want blood.  Or were their "squashed cabbage leaf faces" too wilted to see the differences in the production to other adaptations.  They can't all be carbon copies.  Even the ending was different, though they did speak of love, Eliza was more interested in being with Freddy (Taheen Modak) and marrying him just as soon as she could support him.  Though she did end up setting up her own elocution school.  As Henry appeared to be more interested in Eliza's soul. 

The show runs until 28th October at the Old Vic, London, if you want to see it and judge for yourself! 

Thursday 5 October 2023

Death Walker 3.18 "The Sentinel Spirit"

 In Albany, New York when celebrating festivities at the Orleans County Fair, a crowd gathered to watch as a man stepped out onto the tightrope.  The bridge gave way due to the weight of the crowd on the bridge.  English block building which was set on fire and and the land was bought by John Pratt who built the opera house.  Grand Army Republic (GAR) meeting room dedicated to Union forces who served in the Army and Marines.  Their motto was "fraternity, charity and loyalty."  The brutality of war veterans face.  For over 50 years war veterans frequented the GAR room and their energies taken out.  John Pratt passed away in 1901 and the stage area in the opera house was enlarged.  Horse shaped balcony has since been removed.  Many emotions are felt here.  During WWII the opera house chairs were removed for the steel war drive.  Michael purchased it in 2005 and restored all three buildings for the past three years.  Vacant parts available for paranormal investigations.  Shadow figures, disembodied voices, footsteps, strong stench.  This location could be haunted by Pratt, his nephew or a Civil War vet who wanted to stay.  Erie canal tragedy could also be the cause of the hauntings.

Michael is going to restore the floors of the buildings, the GAR meeting rooms and the ensignias that were particular to the members.  Historian found an adjoining room with a peephole and the theory is any group that ran the meeting and could stay in there to find out what was going on.  The GAR room was next to it.  He's trying to restore the opera house and have meetings in the GAR house.  Experienced tugs, voices, shadow people, footsteps across the floor.  The shadowman could be John Pratt and he walks along the stage.  The General was scary,  and followed DJ around.  People in the opera house were happy and he feels dizzy there.  Michael said the opera house ran for 50 years and there are many rumours and stories about tragedies.  The block burnt out 1820, 1960 and 1880 and everything burned down was built of masonry.  Otis is a boy who hangs around, tugs and grabs hand.  The opera house has excited emotions and happiness.  The General was a captain who oversaw things here and he hangs around here.  There were two deaths every mile when the Eerie Canal was being built.

A noise is heard on the stage of the opera house.  Nick asks if Pratt is here  "Yes...yeah."  Why do I always hear "help" come through briefly.  "He didn't make it."  A woman's voice comes through underneath the male voice.  Upstairs in the GAR room he asks if soldiers are here.  Asks for the General.  Was that "Alexandra" that came though after Nick asks what their name is.   Nick hears a door open and on replay the door with the peephole can be seen opening.  That was creepy.  The batteries die.  He feels electricity on his body.  

In the basement Nick searches for the shadowman, the intelligent spirit who's been communicating with him.  "John Pratt" comes through.  "Alexander" comes through again.  "I'm the shadowman."  "Yes I did" when he asks if it made the noise.  The General is the shadowman.  "Listen."  "Who's this?"  They want him to go to the GAR room.  Nick knows there's life after death.  The contact made with the General.  He hears a cry come through.  The consciousness of those who died remains in the foundations of the building.  Spirits can communicate from the other side to show what they went though.  He wants a sign that they exist on the other side.  "I understand" comes through.

The opera house.  I heard "please help me" again.  Why - was it to do with the fire??  "They didn't make it" those that died on the bridge.  "Hi John" and a scream comes through.  Residual and intelligent voices come through.  This is the most active night chosen.  Nick asks if they are the ghosts, is he.  "Guide us."  "I am"  on the balcony.  Nick wants validation from the other side.  He asks if they can hear his voice.  "Accident" is heard.  Some man fell through the stage.  Nick uses sound activated lasers to see if shadows are seen or if noise is heard.