
Thursday 5 October 2023

Death Walker 3.18 "The Sentinel Spirit"

 In Albany, New York when celebrating festivities at the Orleans County Fair, a crowd gathered to watch as a man stepped out onto the tightrope.  The bridge gave way due to the weight of the crowd on the bridge.  English block building which was set on fire and and the land was bought by John Pratt who built the opera house.  Grand Army Republic (GAR) meeting room dedicated to Union forces who served in the Army and Marines.  Their motto was "fraternity, charity and loyalty."  The brutality of war veterans face.  For over 50 years war veterans frequented the GAR room and their energies taken out.  John Pratt passed away in 1901 and the stage area in the opera house was enlarged.  Horse shaped balcony has since been removed.  Many emotions are felt here.  During WWII the opera house chairs were removed for the steel war drive.  Michael purchased it in 2005 and restored all three buildings for the past three years.  Vacant parts available for paranormal investigations.  Shadow figures, disembodied voices, footsteps, strong stench.  This location could be haunted by Pratt, his nephew or a Civil War vet who wanted to stay.  Erie canal tragedy could also be the cause of the hauntings.

Michael is going to restore the floors of the buildings, the GAR meeting rooms and the ensignias that were particular to the members.  Historian found an adjoining room with a peephole and the theory is any group that ran the meeting and could stay in there to find out what was going on.  The GAR room was next to it.  He's trying to restore the opera house and have meetings in the GAR house.  Experienced tugs, voices, shadow people, footsteps across the floor.  The shadowman could be John Pratt and he walks along the stage.  The General was scary,  and followed DJ around.  People in the opera house were happy and he feels dizzy there.  Michael said the opera house ran for 50 years and there are many rumours and stories about tragedies.  The block burnt out 1820, 1960 and 1880 and everything burned down was built of masonry.  Otis is a boy who hangs around, tugs and grabs hand.  The opera house has excited emotions and happiness.  The General was a captain who oversaw things here and he hangs around here.  There were two deaths every mile when the Eerie Canal was being built.

A noise is heard on the stage of the opera house.  Nick asks if Pratt is here  "Yes...yeah."  Why do I always hear "help" come through briefly.  "He didn't make it."  A woman's voice comes through underneath the male voice.  Upstairs in the GAR room he asks if soldiers are here.  Asks for the General.  Was that "Alexandra" that came though after Nick asks what their name is.   Nick hears a door open and on replay the door with the peephole can be seen opening.  That was creepy.  The batteries die.  He feels electricity on his body.  

In the basement Nick searches for the shadowman, the intelligent spirit who's been communicating with him.  "John Pratt" comes through.  "Alexander" comes through again.  "I'm the shadowman."  "Yes I did" when he asks if it made the noise.  The General is the shadowman.  "Listen."  "Who's this?"  They want him to go to the GAR room.  Nick knows there's life after death.  The contact made with the General.  He hears a cry come through.  The consciousness of those who died remains in the foundations of the building.  Spirits can communicate from the other side to show what they went though.  He wants a sign that they exist on the other side.  "I understand" comes through.

The opera house.  I heard "please help me" again.  Why - was it to do with the fire??  "They didn't make it" those that died on the bridge.  "Hi John" and a scream comes through.  Residual and intelligent voices come through.  This is the most active night chosen.  Nick asks if they are the ghosts, is he.  "Guide us."  "I am"  on the balcony.  Nick wants validation from the other side.  He asks if they can hear his voice.  "Accident" is heard.  Some man fell through the stage.  Nick uses sound activated lasers to see if shadows are seen or if noise is heard.  

Death Walker 3.17 "The Mountain Clinic"


Nick comments how most people don't like to think or talk about death as a reality but we will die one day.  In the US, 60% die in hospitals and 20% at home.  Many vacant hospitals are hotspots for paranormal activity with people dying unexpectedly.  Here at the Mountain Clinic many former hospital fixtures are real and the original wooden morgue table in the basement.  Built in one year for $1000,000.  There are 35 beds, 10 private rooms and 2 semi private rooms.  Each with a lab and modern equipment.  During the second year over 1,000 patients admitted in the main building and this was enlarged in 1919.  Maternity ward was added and a ward for men.  Dr Ruth Mallen was the first female dentist.

 Nick from his years of investigations has found that odd things occur in places where people died especially in hospitals where spirits don't want to move on, due to their passing negative spirits in the employees and visitors.  Paranormal activity including disembodied voices and things moving by themselves.  There are doctors and nurses wandering the house, as well as aggressive poltergeist activity and he wants to make contact with the spirits who have chosen to stay here for their reasons.  Spirits of doctors and nurses still remain and taunt the old mountain hospital.  Saw an imprint when a former nurse walked through the clinic and moved to the basement morgue.  Quietest place at the hospital.   A book keeper saw all the paperwork boxes emptied and everything was on floor and cabinets were open.  The book keeper left the office.  Mopping floors and speaking with worker the bucket rolled by itself.  In the basement, can feel someone walking behind them.  Can hear whispering.  On the second floor and heard slippers on the hall but no one was there and it was after dark.  Neighbours have seen shadows across the windows.  The Mountain Clinic morgue were the dead were embalmed in the basement.  Can see the imprints on the table.  A family called mentioning a nurse who worked here in the 1940's and had birthing skills upstairs and was transferred in the morgue and they got emotional.

Nick wants to know where the energy goes when a person dies.  He can see the stains on the table.  He says it's creepy walking here with so many people here and being operated on.  Did "accident" come though.  "Awakened" is heard.  Nick asks if that's what happened when they passed.  "Yes" comes through after he asks if they died there.  Nick asks how they can hear him from the reality or the other side they're on.  He doesn't understand how they can hear  him as he can only hear them or is he a ghost and they're living right now.  "You are" meaning Nick's the ghost, possibly.  Disease took his life "yes."  TB was a problem here.  "My throat."  "I hate it...medics."  Justin feels something pull on his jacket and nothing like that's happened to him before and he was pulled back.  "Yes" after he asks if something pulled on his jacket. A woman answers "me."  

Follow the path of the people who died here and brought to the morgue.  He tries to connect mentally with them and try to communicate from this side to the other.  Bodies that died on the table and uses REM sleep enhancer to connect with whatever's lingering.  Justin leaves the building and Nick wears the ghost helmet.  He felt the energy of someone who died here and could see nurses at the same time.  He feels drained and oppressive, the energy is draining.   He was exhausted as something was affecting his throat and was closing it up and could see nurses on the table and feels that the energy was emotionally captured and the body was dead but the energy was still lingering.  He felt the same energy as the spirit coming through saying his throat hurt earlier on.

Important to investigate during the day as it was a full functioning hospital during the day.  A sound is heard upstairs on the third floor in the surgical suite.  He uses the shadow detection device but nothing comes through.  "Yeah" after he asks if he's laying on the bed.  A mysterious echo-y voice like a woman.  Nick asks who's standing there.  Nick says something was thrown at Justin and hit him.  In the same place where his jacket was pulled.  A loud bang is heard like a door slamming.  "Patient" after Nick asks if it banged on the wall.  "Wall" comes through.  Intelligent voices coming through during the day and night and he's picking up the energy of these people.  He asks if the nurse he saw is still here in the morgue.  Nick visually saw her working on the patients when he slept here during the night.  Another banging is heard.  Nick wants them to help him figure out what happens when they die, where the energy goes?  Do you know that you're dead?  "Megan" comes through.  Then "Nick's down here." 

"I hate..."  Nick asks if it's a continuation of energy where they feel they have to stay here working.  "I work..."   "I did..." work here.  Nick gets pushed in the back and hears a voice in his ear at the same time.  He felt a hand on his back.  "I just did" comes through.  "I hate this..."  Sounds like a jumble of voices coming through.  The device goes off.  "Yeah..." pushed him.  Same as Justin and his jacket.  Shadow figures, phantom footsteps, disembodied voices all show a continuing cycle of life but hauntings intrigue him.  Nick feels people are trying to help people and the tragic deaths occurred here from passing away.  The physical energy and consciousness remains here and that's what people experience here.  

Wednesday 4 October 2023

Death Walker 3.13 "Risser Hospital"

Bonham, Texas.  The Risser Hospital built in 1915 by John Sparger Jr and residence for DW Sweeney, purchased by Joe A Risser who renovated the 18 bed house into a hospital.  On 17th November 1961 The Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Sam Rayburn died in the North East downstairs room.  There have been thirty confirmed deaths and more in archive records.  DW Sweeney in 1935 had his funeral here.  Donnie brought it and renovating into a bed and breakfast.  Hopes altered environment stirred paranormal activity.  Also renovated the house next door which is also haunted.  Vacant except his office and he experienced paranormal activity and asked for an investigation.  See if connection between both locations.  Migrating too and from both buildings.  Probably due to construction work. Johnny Haney, a paranormal investigator has seen shadow figures and heard disembodied voices.  An entity lashed out at him and his girlfriend after conducting a seance when they slept there.  

Nick wants to see if spirits of residence and if the deceased patients are fine with the renovation.  See if force will physically attack him.  His brother and sister were born in one of the rooms.  He feels emotional.  Donnie rode his bike there and was drawn in by the house.  Johnny heard footsteps at 5am something kicked the air mattress and moved it across the floor.  Voices yelled in his ear when sleeping.  One investigator scratched and scratched on neck.  Poltergeist activity on second floor and workers hear phantom footsteps, see shadow figures.  One worker saw shadow figures.  Donnie and two of his contractors heard them walking across the stairs and across the street they would see an old lady in the bathroom window.  

Accounts of physical attacks, Nick questioned if spiritual energy can overtake a person's mind and that can inflict self harm on a human body.  He felt dizzy when he walked in and hears footsteps.  Justin heard footsteps and saw something from the corner of his eye.  Nick felt a needle in his side in the surgical room.  He saw tracks and heard dragging sound and sees a wheel chair.  He doesn't know if that was here.  More walking is heard.  A woman is heard crying on the Geobox.  Some creepy voices come through in  the background.   He's curious if they're intelligent.  I hear "Justin" something come through.  "Behind you."  "Nick..."  "Nick said..."  "Hello."  No reply to how they know his name since his name always comes through.  He asks if they can see him. A paralight is on the stairs and will activate.  He asks if there's a doctor still here.  "Yes."  The paralight sounds off twice. "I was" born here.  "I lived here."  The light goes off again.  Nick feels static electricity.  "I'm here."  He asks if it can see him "yes" twice.  He feels cold.  "Yeah" after he asks if he's the doctor.  He's now interacting with something more intelligent.  

He stays alone in the hallway by the stairs now and see if any spirits will communicate with him further.  The light goes off when he's sleeping.  Then goes off again.  He suspects there's still residual energy here.  When he talks about whatever's here the light goes off.  I said the light going off sounds like Morse Code.  Dot dot dash type of noise.  Goes off again and sounds like Morse Code again.  When he says step on the stair Justin hears it say he'll get scratched.  "Risser" comes through..."yeah."  They don't like the renovations being done.  "He asked for it...stop."  Nick says it's now more intelligent and the doctor's name is heard in the surgical room.  Leave his room and go down the stairs.  

He goes next door where the woman who passed away there has been seen in the window.  As well as phantom footsteps.  He feels the energy has changed in there.  It's more peaceful.  He likes the Feng Sui going in there with the colours.  A different feeling when you stand there and look at the hospital.  

Back at the hospital he investigates using the Tesla coil and gets documentation of who the entity is that scratches people.  More footsteps are heard on the stairs.  He asks if they like the new owners and if they'll be nice to them.  A lot of voices come through, that's what I said before Nick did.  Nick says they have to let them do the renovations.  A male voice keeps saying "no."  Nick asks if it's the doctor "yeah."  They must co-exist together and allow them to let people in here.  Just not harm anyone but they want to let the building be alive they have to let people come in here.  Let them finish their work.  "Yes we have to...we have to"  Intelligent responses coming through and he thinks the man now understands that the house is being brought back to life from the dilapidated nature of the house.  Nick slept here and he doesn't feel threatened now as it holds so much history of life and death.    

Death Walker 3.12 "Van Horn Mansion"

The Van Horn mansion was built in 1823 by Justice James Van Horn, his son married a woman named Malinda who was rumoured to have died in childbirth or murdered.  Her body's whereabouts were unknown until the 1970's and human remains were detected in the adjacent to rose garden by cadaver dogs.  Headstone remains where she was discovered with the cracked stone and had it weighted down.  The gravestone would shift to the North and had to be put back into place.  A boy plays in bathroom, under stairs a cook is seen peeking in the basement and Van Horn Senior growling at women, furniture and items have been donated to the historical society.  Some items harbour unnatural spirits.  A ceremony conducted to rid demons on mirrors in display but failed as people can still see them in the mirrors.  Open today allowing humans to freely invade the mansion.  Maid's bedroom in the attic has activity, doors open and shut by some force.  Figures peek out from kitchen.  A hazardous waste company's attempts to build offices failed due to an aggressive haunting so donated the building to the  Newfane Historical Society.  Faces seen and linger in lights on windows.  Nick will try to make contact with Malinda and see if she divulges secrets from her past and with the shadow figure, he will try and communicate why here and where it came form.

Rose says you can hear voices and turn off alarms and sounds like a party and can hear whispering and talking and she's sat in the parlour and can see a dark shadow and she's been in the butler's pantry.  Looked at the pantry door and saw a black shadow with a top hat on and she froze.  Shadows in the master bedroom and she's been pushed and landed on the floor.  The alarm system gets set off by the figures.  A lady trustee on the second floor and a rope tripped her on the stairs.  Twelve Van Horn family members seen, including Abigail, who was Van Horn Senior's wife been seen, has blonde hair and is seem going from Malinda's room to the bedroom on the second floor.  In the basement and something played with the back of her neck.  Her daughter saw a scratch on her neck.   Saw a black figure on all fours and climbed the back of the roof. 

Investigators caught a shadow figure and a child in the hall.  Camera was also moved when no one was there.  Some creature was captured on the other side of the mirror and things have bee captured in reflections and in the attic too.  Where were the photos??  Everything was captured in the mirror and looked like a troll.  

"Dead" comes through.  Feels his energy being drained.  Did that say "there's something with you"??  Sure I heard "Van Horn" too.  "Dead" comes through twice.  He asks who brought them here, "black" comes through.  Nick asks what happened to Malinda?  "Kill" comes through.  Was that "monster"??  "Those were" bones.  Her spirit is "here."  He feels something come in and prevents them speaking about Malinda.  "Dead" is heard again.  "Attic" comes through.  In Malinda's room on the second floor he asks to communicate from beyond.  "Dead" again.  "Took her," "dead" comes through.  A strong energy is felt in the room.   "I do."  I hear "dead" as well.  Some creepy whispering voice is heard.  Nick hears footsteps.  "Speak" is heard - by me anyway.  "Negative" is heard.  I didn't hear "that's right" but "negative."  

Nick sets up lasers.  "Light."  "Died."  "Attic" comes through when he asks if he has to go to the attic.  "Help me."  Sets up light panels to see spirits communicating with him.  The lights light up.  "Seance" comes through and he asks if the entity came through then.  Nick feels burning on his back.  He sees the door move and he heard it creak.  Sis heard it, I didn't.  Intense energy after he spoke about the seance.  Did he have any marks on his back or a scratch??  

Nick goes where the monument to Meainda's grave is outside.  What happened when she died?  "Keep" I heard after he asks if they kept her in the attic.  "Dead...murdered."  He asks if they know Rose as she's seen them.  "No" comes through in a woman's voice after he asks if Rose has seen her inside the house.  "In the head...murdered." 

 "Nick."  "Killed" comes through twice.  A woman's cry was heard.  "Here" in a woman's voice is heard after he says she was found here by the dogs.  Puts motion activated light sensors on the grave to see if Malinda communicates with him.  The light goes off on the side.  Oh to see a shadow/spirit just once!!  "I cry" is slightly whispered by a woman.  He didn't look into any mirrors here.  He hopes the investigation provides some closure for her.  But no answers on what happened to her, whether she was murdered or not.  Logically she must have been murdered for her remains to be found there outside.  Why was her body just discarded like that??

Monday 18 September 2023

Death Walker 3.19 "Greenville Manor"

There's a strong supernatural presence in the manor constructed in 1881 and has a malevolent presence in Greenville manor.  Around a 141 years built for Thomas Gibson who came from England and settled here and made local mens' clothing store and had two sons, Howard and Frank both enlisted and fought in WWI.  Howard found dead in a room in 1930 and was responsible for his death as his pistol slipped out of his hands and hit the floor and his death was ruled accidental.  Lizzie, mother found dead two years later.  Two months later Thomas died.  The Macmillan's took it over and started a funeral business.  Used his skills as an undertaker and cabinet maker and used his skills to make coffins and started his funeral business.  Five generations kept the family business in operation.  Several families moved into manor and left due to hostility from spirits.  Marcus, the owner, allows others to conduct research in the house.  Something with evil intent inhabits third floor and lurks in the attic.  He wants to determine if spirits are part of the Macmillan or Gibson families and the spirit on the third floor has invaded the property and lashes out at those who live in the manor.

Kate speaks of voices being heard and children, doors opened and things being moved.  Walking, touching, yelling, woman crying.  Thousands of emotions and energy is in the building in.  Marcus says the house holds the energy of the dead.  Embalmings were done in the basement and 1940's embalming tables are still there and their tools.  Kate was pushed down the stairs.  Voices and conversations between man and woman.  On the second floor there's some kind of energy in one of the rooms.  

Nick asks for Gibson and McMillan and anyone from the family.  Creepy voices come through the Geobox.  "He has Marcus..." I hear in a woman's voice.  "Accidental" when Nick asks if he's the one who got shot.  The bullet hole is on the wall still.  "Yeah."  A banging kind of noise is heard and the chandelier is moving by itself on the ceiling.  "A man" is moving it.  Nick uses the shadow detection device.  In the basement Nick sits on an embalming table and lies on it.  All the bodies were drained and the fluids washed out into the foundations of the house.  He wants to connect his energy with whatever's in the house.   He wears the ghost helmet and uses a REM sleep enhancer.  He wants to know if a spiritual energy was dragged in through the doorway.   He picks up from the residual energy of the people still lingering or it is something more sinister.  Nick feels sick.  He went into a weird mental state and out of body experience where he saw blood and family arguments were occurring.  An entity was lurking behind them and he had a visual image of it.

He sets up a laser experiment in the room where the dead bodies were placed and wakes were carried out.  He can see if anything disrupts the laser beams and who the entity is that's been communicating with him.  He tells it to move through his body and use his energy.  Nick comes through again many times.  Nick says he wants to get into the coffin and how creepy it would be.  Also how that thought just came into his head to do that.  "Edgar" comes through.  He feels goosebumps and electricity through his body.  Another banging sound is heard like a door closing.  Nick smells cigar smoke in Harold's room and asks if he shot himself.  He hears screaming.  I didn't.  There's something darker here.  "Nick" comes through.  He says he'll be sleeping in the coffin and become vulnerable so he can be communicated with.  Motion sensitive light sensor is left downstairs.

In the attic he feels something being attached to his spine, like energy.    A woman's voice asks "did you hear?"  "You walked into it..." I hear.  Sounds like they were having another conversation between themselves.  The sensor goes off downstairs.  "Nick's down here."  He should come in disguise since everyone knows him now.  Ha.  No one does anything or much of anything except say his name!  On the third floor he goes to the attic "Yes" comes through in a woman's voice when he asks if it's in the attic.  "I can see Nick" comes through.  "I was in pain when I came" or something like that is what I hear.  "You came to us..."  A knocking is heard.  Suddenly it goes silent in the attic.  "Dead" comes through a lot. 

Nick remains alone as his energy is also drained and he feels vulnerable.  He's alone and wants to try and connect with other energy and sleeps in the coffin.  Nothing happens of course.  He's being careful since there's something else in the house, something darker.  Perhaps an attachment that was brought in.  He falls asleep in the coffin.  Must have been comfortable.  He's drained of energy and realizes how a location with emotions can physically and mentally affect the body.  People here had trauma in their lives leaving behind residual energy.  The history and investigation brought him closer to the other side and his experience taught him how fast life can fly and can appreciate how it can be lost.  Paranormal consciousness can possibly continue in the afterlife based on evidence he documented. So if energy can't be destroyed that means part of them was left in this location.  He wants to find out why they can connect and his journey continues.  

Saturday 16 September 2023

Death Walker 3.15 "Haunted Bergen House"

The house was constructed in 1858 known as the haunted Bergen House.  The Heglan's bought it in the 1960's.  Nick investigated the stories of the land surrounding the home and the land is haunted.  A creature resembling Big Foot has been seen and living by the farmhouse is the Bergen Byron swamp. Witches went to the swamp to hold ceremonies.  Cathy Hegland when she was younger was playing in the front yard and used a stick to make swirls in the mud puddle.  Her mother told her to move and felt a jolt under her feet the swirls flowed in the other direction and she felt an arm around her.   A spirit of a Native American man was there but when she looked for her mother, the man was gone.  The house has different activities at different times.  Doors closing lights going on, things moving around the house.  Doll spoke and moved around house.  A young woman committed suicide in the barn and is seen walking along the road to the barn.  Ghostly figures, disembodied voices and growls are seen and heard around the property.  Evil spirit of a man and mounds around the house could be unmarked graves.  Visions of orphan children murdered and buried on grounds.  The Hegland's bought the  home in 1960's.  

Megan Deputy, a witch helps Nick.  He wants to see which spirits come forward and see what happened at this house from the past.  Cathy talks of two hangings, drowning on property.  Native Americans before they were sent to reservations.  Orphan train came to help on the farm and underground railroad.  Built on limestone rock, underground river and a fault line runs through property.  Her mother felt activity when they moved in.  Afraid when father was at work.  A cistern where the man is seen coming through the floor.  Push people, throw things, scratch, pull hair.  Her bedroom where she had her first memory of a spirit.  She had to hold onto her crib and she saw three figures in her room, spirits.  Two men and a woman and the men argued and they left. Sister and her had bunk beds.  A man came into the room and was cold.  Couldn't move and her eyes hurt and she was lifted up with her blanket and was held in the air and when her father came she was let go. 

In the room a shape shifter was in the house.  She spoke to him, he covered her sister up with a blanket.  he said she could sleep at night as long as he was there since he wasn't human and other spirits were afraid.  She brings someone in the house and can't be in one of the rooms alone; it's like a suicidal room and feel that way when in there.  With heavy feelings at night and felt heat from the inside of your body.  Mirror was thrown at her and her mother and the frame broke.  The barn was built in 1888 and was remodelled by the farmer and they think he's the negative spirit.  He yells at people to get out.  A teen boy wrote his name Robert Jenks/Jenkins before he hanged himself and the girl had an affair with the married JP and she got pregnant and hanged herself.   Her father was digging and found a locket with hair and a necklace, a man and a woman's photo.  Was a pile of handmade button and hand painted and material.  Like the front of a shirt.  Found some vertebrae and don't now what he did with the things and threw the necklace away into the ground. She thinks there's some bodies buried, the mounds.  

Megan begins the ritual to open the doorway behind the other realm.  Calling out to the others.  Nick roams the house as she continues the ritual.  Nick asks who the shadow man is.  That bedroom was creepy.  He wants all the energy to rise and interact with them.  A noise is heard.  Megan says there are three wells and she feels there's some ancient entities, not human but not negative.  Upstairs something came from the room into their room and the air got thick.  "They're listening" I heard.  Upstairs Megan says something came from the room and the air became thick.  It was heard to breathe.  Nick asks for the shadowman and if this is his portal.  A voice says they're familiar with Megan and she feels the same about the entity.  Something touches his arm and it replies "yeah."  Megan asks why the shadow lives here.  "Magic" comes through and Cathy mentioned dark magic and the witches in the triangle.  A nose is heard downstairs.

Selenite is a gift for the spirits from the ritual.  Megan says they got bum rushed.  She says he wants to speak more than anyone..." correct my..."  Megan sits in the other room/closet and a deep breath is heard on the Geobox.  She speaks through her mind and pull energy into herself and giving it too.  There are so many powerful beings here.  Nick hears noises and also from downstairs.  "It's right behind you."  Nick feels scratched.  Megan says they're free to talk to Nick and show themselves on camera, lift her hair gently.  Justin felt a burning on his shoulder too by the stairs.  "Who is she?" comes through.  Hey Nick didn't wear his ring this ep.  Nick mentions Cathy seeing the spirits when she was three.  Megan calls it a castle with spirits inside.  Nick said he saw shadow in the living room.On the first floor he uses a mini Tesla coil for more heightened activity.  "Who is that?"  Upstairs a voice comes through saying it's the shadowman with the hat.  "It's magic" stopping them.  Also "shadow" comes through.  "My...spells...what is it?"  

Outside in the barn Megan feels something touch her face.  Nick hears "William" when he asks for a name." happened."  Knocking is heard.  It goes quiet now and Megan feels energy again.  Nick hears knocking.  Did he say Ely?? I didn't hear a long title.  "Who was that...we care"???  Nick says more investigations are needed here.  Megan hasn't felt so much potent magic.  This house was also featured in A Haunting (2022) 11.6 Return to Bergen House.  Megan was very good would like to see her again!  Very insightful.

Tuesday 12 September 2023

Death Walker 3.14 "The Tall Man"

The historic Iron Island so called as it is surrounded by railroad tracks on all sides was 1883 built as a church building and abandoned in the 1940's then bought for a funeral home for fifty years.  Donated in August 2000 to the Iron Island Preservation Society for displaying items and artefacts.  There are twenty four human remains in paint cans in the basement and eight unclaimed bodies belonged to soldiers, one of whom was Edgar, who married and settled down in Buffalo.  He was buried but he still haunts the museum's attic.  One of the most haunted museums in America conduct tours with paranormal teams.  Many TV series have conducted research and captured evidence.  The building is haunted by many visitors, disembodied voices, shadow figures.  One of them is the tall man.  A haunted mirror allows different spirits to come and go.  People believe they are doors to other dimensions.  The tall man uses it as a dimensional rift to enter and interact with the living and Nick believes he could he be an inter dimensional being.  Tessa visited the museum years ago and contacted a 6 year old boy who had his funeral in the 1960's.  Trying to figure out why he chooses to haunt here and how he got here.

The Preservation Society here was started as the neighbourhood was deteriorating.  Marge walked in the front door and felt a presence around her.  Was a good feeling and found it was her son who died at 6 of pneumonia.  Jimmy goes home with her.  Patrick talks of hauntings from children to negative spirits and some kind of a doorway for transient spirits.  Seen shadow figures and head towards folding doors.  A man on a tour got scratched across  his forehead.  Investigator was pushed from behind.  He saw a tall shadow figure with a cloak/hat on.  Many people here and spirits come through here.  A man was seen in the front hall and he had a hat on and red eyes.  Shadows seen in childrens' room.  Seen in the attic and watches people.  Something came off of someone's chest.  Noises heard from the attic and in the military room and stomping near their chairs.  A man and woman talking through the wall and was howling.  Nick caught screaming coming through the Geobox.  Ten shadow figures seen in the  chapel and called for Scott and when he arrived they made room for him to walk to the alter and then vanished.  

Tessa sees the little boy and he sees them and enters another room.  Nick uses a Tesla Forever audio device and Nick wants to draw the energy and see if he's affected personally and understand how they were as people.  Conscious energy of people here so many emotions here since it was a church and a funeral home.  Are residual energies and intelligent too.  'T' names are here like Tom or Todd.  Tessa protected herself before entering the building as pregnant with their son, Luciano.  A boy's voice comes through.  Did he say "help"??  Two names with a 'J' James or John and the 'T' name.  "Tessa" comes through and so does "Nick" many times, at least over four.  The man can say her name.  She sees a shadow man there.  The man is on edge and is watching them.  Nick asks if there's a man there?  "Yes."  Nick asks what happens when you die?  The boy doesn't want to come here.  He's playing with them.

The boy and the shadow man stay away from each other like they're in their own space.  Some intelligent energy when they die and multiple things happen, Nick believes this happens when you die.  Was that "me" or something in a child's voice again.  When Nick asks if the shadow man is there.  In the basement Tessa coughs and a feels a tense energy around her.  Could be the entity that died in the fire here.  No one mentioned a fire here before.  She felt like being in smoke and her eyes were blurry.  Tessa leaves.

Nick asks them to use the mirror as their doorway.  Nick comes through and he feels cold behind his back.  A spirit is behind him.  "Yes."  "Lingering."  A female comes through crying.  "Red" comes through.  Frequencies of vibrations are being used by the voices.  Something is standing next to him "yeah."  "Mirror" comes through.   "Thirty..."  Name of shadow man something like "Theirry" then leave"????  Layers and layers with the history of different emotions of people from the funeral home and a church and all emotions contained here.  In a melting pod of energetic emotions.  Can almost sense the spirits and he wonders about the mirror and how it holds energy of the present, past, future, a void of whoever looks into the mirror.  Space doesn't exist and become encompassed by your own world.

In the attic he sets up an experiment to visually document the image of the shadow man.  Obviously he wouldn't come through and the meter didn't go off either,  The Geobox is much better.  "Shadow man here he is...seen me."  "I'm in here...he's watching...crawl space...hidden...."  "I did...funeral home."  He worked here then.  Nick feels the oppressiveness from the darkness.  Feels him lurking and as he understands the energies and he can observe the residual and intelligent energies.  In the old part of the church.  He stays in the shadows so wouldn't appear.  "Nick's here...I know you..."  that's why they don't show themselves.  They know why he's here.  "The Man."  "Shadow..."  Nick says he's been here before it was a church.  Did he work in the basement and do all the embalming?    Laugh comes through.  "Shadowman."  "A man."  He gives information of the other dimension, what happens when you die?  "Move on..."  Nick feels burning down his spine.  Wonders if the Shadowman is part of the funeral home and there is residual and intelligent still continuing with the objects and they continue in the afterlife of another dimension.  Shadow man controlling and watching and he gets angry when people come in his space.  History, energy emotions and he believes it continues in the afterlife.  New information was received  by investigating this location and that multiple things happen when you die and this is just the beginning of life after death.  

Portals To Hell 2.4 Iron Island Museum with Katrina Weidman and Jack Osborne were amongst the TV shows that Nick didn't mention when he said that shows investigated here.  

Sunday 10 September 2023

Death Walker 3.16 "Fire in the Church"

In 1845 the great hunger in Ireland lasted for 4 years leading to starvation of 1 million and other diseases, up to 2 million fled and came to Buffalo, New York.  The Irish settlers as the old First Ward settlers working on docks, lumber yards, railroads and grain elevators.  Numbers lessened by natural disasters and two months later, in Buffalo a city epidemic ensued as Irish immigrants from Quebec emigrated to Buffalo with cholera.  All transports were stopped and death carts were on the streets.  Took more than 3,500 people.   In 1849 it returned and they believed its return was to punish poor immigrants due to debauchery and sin.  They took over the diocese and St Stephens was a rival church.  Contained residual hauntings imprinted into the land and materials.  27 December 1948 a fire engulfed The building where two priests were killed and the environment may have stains of human suffering. The rectory and other areas rebuilt.  Local sound engineer, Brian, bought the building in 2016 to turn it into apartments.  Workers saw presence.  Nick found from his investigations that unexplained phenomena is linked to traumatic events but also land where construction took place.  Residual energy from tragedy can play like a broken record.  Nick wants to determine if residual energy is positive or negative.  The current owner speaks of the energy still here and recaps the history of the church.  The priests still have their emotions in the church here.

Nick investigates the main building where the alter is and asks if the priests are still here who died in the fire.  "Pain."  "He was in the fire."  After he asks if the priest's still here.  Very creepy voice comes through.  "Burn."  "Emil"??  after he asks who's speaking.  "I did" die in the fire.  "I hate losing??"  I hear "evil" when Nick asks if they can communicate.  The organ plays by itself but not now.  "Can you play" sounds like.  Something is thrown or falls.  The two on the Geobox were having their own conversation.  A female voice keeps saying "ssh."  "A man" made the noise.  "In pain."  Nick asks if he wants to let them know that his energy still continues and watching over the place.  Wonder why a priest would say his energy still lingers here.  When they believe in ascending to heaven.  He leaves a device to sound when something comes near it.  "I see it."  It's radiating EMF.  The alarm on the device goes off when he leaves the place, as usual.

Nick asks if the ley lines are being used under the foundations of the church to use their energy.  Nick asks what's here lingering and whether other spirits are moving through the foundations to the ley lines.  The spirit is near him.  Noises are heard in the basement.  "In there..." another noise is heard.  Nick asks if they can describe what they see and feel.  I hear "surrounded by...let's go in there...ashes" again sounds like two people having a conversation.  Nick thinks this area as being sacred and people passing away.  The past holds the energy and it moves through the ground, the energy, it gathers here.  The pull like a magnet and the foundation releases that energy intelligently.  The emotions of people producing that energy into the environment where things are happening.  The ripple effect continues in this reality.

"Nick alien" comes up and two minutes before I was mentioning that alien limb/arm Nick captured a few eps ago!  "Nick's here" of course they do.  Wants to contact on a different realm and if they can.  "Burn" "I'm outside or upside now" I hear before Nick asks if can hear him.  Asks what people should know that they are still alive?  "Keep living again."  Brian and Jess, the owners.  They're bringing energy here as the living.  Another noise is heard like Poltergeist activity.  He used the motion light sensors.  Hear the voices intelligently responding.  Justin says it's using their energy to interact.  "I murdered/killed a man" came through before.  Nick asks if energy can't be destroyed in bodies we live in can that continue in the afterlife, can consciousness continue in that reality.  Can they move things?  Another noise is heard.  

Nick analyzed the voices and he felt there's something with malice in the basement.  The spiritual energy could be malicious towards a living person under the right circumstances and the supernatural energy from a negative event occurred a long time ago from whatever's in the basement.  The energy chooses to live by itself and observe the living.  He doesn't believe the energy is that of the two priests in the fire.  Also "in hell" came through earlier in the basement when he asked where the spirit is.

Saturday 26 August 2023

Ghost Adventures "The Beast of West Hills"

Shadowland Ranch home of Native Americans living here for 8,000.  Also where a mythical shaman was killed by an eagle after killing the son of a tribal member.  First of many deaths , such as during a drunken brawl where a man killed another man with his bare hands.  In 1936 Willard Paul, parents died and wife died within a week, probably victims of the curse.  Haunting the home now a preschool.  Does something dark arrive in the basement.  Homeless people living by the ranch.  One talks of a little girl who stands around and then runs away.  The man likes to talk to the ghosts.  Zak is uncomfortable from the outset.  Ashlyn visited with her aunt and had a bad experience in the basement.  Living near the Shadowland Park.  She couldn't go down there physically when they came there.  She felt a hand on her chest holding her back.  Lydia, a former custodian had to clean the basement and she saw the writing on the wall, "get out" and a worker saw something down there.  She felt something too.  He asks Lydia to come upstairs with him.  Ashlyn ran away and she feels it again.  She talks of her friend's little bother who passed on one of the benches outside in 2021 of a alleged overdose.  A double murder in 2019 where two men were fatally shot in the parking lot.  She talks of an old man sitting in the window upstairs.  Zak leaves with her as she gets upset.

There's so much violence and death and by the evil energy in the basement.  When the Paul family died they had 13 children.  The youngest twin was a boy and his direct family member, Kimberly, is here.  Her grandfather died of pneumonia and his parents died a few days later and her grandmother died at the funeral.  The children were all adopted.  Lydia only goes there with Zak and won't go into the basement.  A preschool by day he can't understand why.  The XLS and Polaroids are used/taken.  In a room which must have been one of the bedrooms.  A swing can be heard swaying.  He felt an energy go through his body.  The family probably died up here.  Aaron says he heard Jay saying they need to go.  A figure lays under the piano on the ground and then climbs the wall.  

Could this have been a child playing around.  Well we heard the swinging noise and then the pic under  the piano looks like it's on his head almost attempting a forward roll.  Then in the next pics -first and third here- it looks like he's got his one leg folded over the other, or could be jumping.

On the Polterpod voices come through "Who is this?"  A child's voice comes through.  "Evil came the basement."  "Zak you go to the gym?"  Ha funny as that is, I hear "just having a little kid. Under the little kid, sure another voice can be heard which I need to decipher.  "I just passed."  Zak leaves a doll there and then he drops his bottle and maybe it was pushed out.  "Pull out" was that in reference to the bottle.  

They head to the basement.  A noise is heard from the basement.  No X cams catch the growl from there.  The EMF detects high readings.  Zak just wants to run out of fear.  Jay says someone touched him on his left shoulder.  Zak asks if it's a demon or a beast when it spikes to a 4.7.  They all leave except Billy with Lauren.  Billy does an EVP session.  Zak feels like his body is being taken over and feels confused.  It spikes again when he mentions beast again.  Roars come through when the spike occurred.  Sentences came through.  I hear "could be" in the child's voice.  I hear.  When he asks if there's evil here, says "in the basement!"  It was audible.  "That's right."  It's "Just having fun."  Not "Sad and afraid."  "That little kid" I hear not go to the gym??? The spirit tells him he "just passed" him and not he breathed on him.  "It sounds like "yeah" and then "demon" when Billy asks if he's a beast?  Have to determine if it's dark or a demon for the sake of the children.

A teddy bear is left for the children but it doesn't light up.  Children wouldn't be there at night.  Upstairs on the stairs Aaron and Billy feel weird.  Zak asks to see the beast and the EMF spikes again after he says that.  Billy feels hot and needs water and he didn't go outside like they usually do.  Billy asks if he's being targeted since he heard the beast's voice in the basement.  Zak asks if he knows what day it is.  Zak feels like he swallowed feathers and they got stuck in his throat.  Zak notices a mark on Billy's head.  He felt something on his left shoulder and he bumped his head in the basement.  X cam was caught on camera.  Can hear Billy bang his head.  Jay was also touched on his left shoulder too earlier on, when they left the basement leaving Billy and Lauren alone.   

In the basement Aaron felt the same on his neck.  They hear a girl scream.  Jay mentions the Chumash Shaman was killed by an eagle in a cave nearby.  Zak doesn't go into the basement.  A kind of tapping is heard and a child's voice is heard upstairs by Zak.  I hear "father" not "hi."  Billy hears a shuffling sound as Aaron tries to make contact with the beast.  A distraction from doing the EVP session.  Aaron feels something on his neck but it was a fly.  A black mass moves by the window outside.  The beast???  People have also seen dark shadow figures in the park.  "Speak...go back...fight"??  

Another noise is heard.  I hear a voice??  A tapping noise is heard at the time as when the anomaly is seen.  Billy asks if it's under the house.  Zak gets dizzy as he looks down, so he doesn't have to go down there.  Zak calls out the beast and the balls light up in the classroom and a light anomaly moves away.  Billy uses the Paranormal Puck 2 and asks how many spirits are trapped here and the reply comes back "children."  Zak warns anyone coming here no to enter the basement.  It ended rather too quickly when so much more could have been done.  Don't know why the Polterpod was used more especially in the basement and too much reliance on the digital recorder which could've been used in conjunction with the pod. 

Friday 25 August 2023

Ghost Adventures "Terror in Tempe"

Tempe, Arizona the building investigated was an old creamery and now a brewery.  In the back is an old storage room where a very dark entity resides and attacks them.  The current owner, Andy, saw a spirit of the former superintendent of the creamery.  Victor Vogel told him there was a spirit that tried to kill him.  Zak gets the thermal camera and saw a vision where he thought he was talking to someone.  The building is teaming with activity.  He wants whatever's malicious to stop attacking people.  Billy and Aaron investigate the other side of the building.  The deeper into the building he goes, he feels like he loses his sense of time.  He envisions someone screaming "get out of here" at him.  He asks if the building is built on land that cold be cursed.  In 1892 it was first an ice plant and creamery until the early 1950's.  Tragedy was around the factory.  In the mid 1990's the brewery took it over and increased its operation.  An ancient tribe's culture was discovered on this land and the activity has increased.

People say that Victor Vogel, the former superintendent, has caused them to have encounters.  Carter knows of Andy and his conversation with a ghost.  The employee says he was on the late night shift and he saw two shoes when sweeping and saw an old man standing there telling him he died, almost, in the cylindrical tank and the large vats on the floor and a mixer was turned on.  As the big mixer turned and he lay at the bottom for hours crying for help.  The blade was nearer to his nose.  He saw the man in a photo and still looked the same.  Someone or something tried to kill him.  Whatever pushed the button could be terrifying people today.  Other workers have been seeing spirits.  People being pushed more.  A tour guide saw someone in a white dress shirt and Victor's family said he used to wear a white dress shirt.  Room 120 is the one with the darkest entities.  The room behind it is where Anthony lives and he doesn't like people in his space.  He runs up to you and that's what Zak said he felt,  Zak's visions confirmed by Carter.  The aggravated entity could be Anthony.  He could be someone who died by a tribe over a century ago or an entity seeking retribution for the desecration of its land. 

Psychic medium, Pam refuses to go back into the back room.  Was dark in there and felt someone in her face saying "get the f*ck out".  Out of respect she didn't go in.  She felt threatened by the spirit.  The remains of the ancient civilization found under the building.  Zak feels scared to go there.  He says he doesn't remember saying someone was rushing him, but he told Carter that and Andy just before.  Wants to capture Victor's spirit.  She goes into the entity room with Billy and the XLS.  A black ball comes in and goes over her head.  "Synn" comes through.  What's inside with Pam and Billy?  "God" comes through.  "Next stop."  "Plate, Palace" too.  A spike of energy surges through his body.  Aaron thinks it's connected to Zak.  Was this palace haunted?  "Can't stand up."  There are plates by the door and a room.  A stick figure sits on the chair and grows bigger towards the ceiling.   Billy tells Zak about the black ball.  Billy sees the visions as what they caught at the Washoe Club.  "Boss ain't hittin' on me" also comes through.  

Thermal and full spectrum camera.  They believe the voice was Victor's.  Footsteps are heard and a breathy "ssh" is heard.  Zak asks what turned on the machine with the blades as a moaning is captured but don't know if it's paranormal.  Something is thrown or moved.  A figure is caught and then disappears.  He uses motion activated balls.  A light anomaly is seen.   "Hello" and "hi" comes through.  When he asks what's your name, I hear "Bennet."  The unknown voice sounds like "push me."  A loud bang is heard.  Two balls light up in different areas.  "I see...air or Aaron"??  A voice tells them to leave when the light anomaly also appears.  Billy wants him to go in alone but he makes up an excuse that his cloth mask isn't sufficient.  They argue over Zak not going in.  A noise then distracts them so they move away from the closet.  probably got tired of their bickering.  Zak then hears someone run up on him and is caught on the X cam.

Aaron is scratched on his back and Billy said for the entity to go after the bald guy!! The scratches become welted.  Wheezing is then heard.  I heard that before they said it, asking why he's out of breath.  Jay tells them the camera died in the hallway where they got the stick figure.  The battery is dead.  The motorized camera head now stops and Zak's Go Pro camera goes off.  Billy thought Zak was behind him but nothing was there.  Aaron sits on the chair where the figure was.  A voice is caught on the recorder, "don't touch me back" or "my back" as Aaron got it on his back.  The TV screen goes off and then the printer turns on.  "Threshold" "Pam" and she wouldn't go past the threshold.  "Remove" when he asks what it's doing to them?  What did you do to Aaron?  "Welt."  What do you look like, want?  "Dug" dig under the building??  "Seven Spirits" will be found.  Part of a very historic investigation for them.

Tuesday 22 August 2023

Ghost Adventures "Abandoned In Elko"

Commercial Hotel and Casino, Nevada with multiple reports of hostile energy and aggressive attacks. The second floor takes Aaron back to a vision he had last night with all spirits charging at him, happening once in a while. Zak refers to it as a repression type of energy and they feel they shouldn't be here.  These emotions are telling them something and they have to listen to their bodies.  Corey Stanton quit as a security guard here.  Heard someone run from the stairs and back and they're all rooms and so they ran through walls.  Unexplained noises are heard down the hall and something banged.  Annie McManus, he reads names of the hotel list when the EMF spiked.  She was stabbed 55 times.  30 October 1896 Charles Smeed was beaten over the head and found at the back of the building.  October 1896 Roger Bremills shot and killed someone.  Zak asks if the place encourages aggressive behaviour.  John Cobal was in a 'state of altered consciousness' when he shot Roger inside.  One security guard was growled at and had scratches on him.  There is a negative vibe here.  

Inside a room Zak feels it's full of lost souls.  Uses the recorder and Aaron says something grabbed his camera.  Zak wants to know what it's like, what it's like without their physical body.  Are they in danger?  Two replies after hen asks can we hear you?  "No."  Billy struggles to breathe after he heard that voice.  Intensely active location, when going outside it's raining and Aaron is being affected by the energy.  It's better being in the rain.  Lightning hits nearby and they'd rather stay in the rain.  Corey sends them photos of a woman in a white dress in the hallway.  He took two photos where it's no longer there in the next photo.  Aaron says he saw a woman with white hair in his vision.  Corey thinks it was Annie in the photo.  Since being here Aaron's been influenced by the scars and Zak asks "why?"  

A woman in white on the left by the door.

In the basement, Lee shows them the scene of his encounter.  The original foundation holds the memories from the past and portals will be located where all the geothermal energy is found.  Lee was looking for a lamp, Zak wants his torch.  Haven't had a good flashlight in 15 years of the show.  A voice whispered in Lee's ear and a woman asking if she could help.  Zak sees a misty green form and Billy asks if it looked like the picture on the wall.  A noise is heard.  Zak heads to an open crawl space and asks if that's the portal.  More unexplained noises as if they're being frightened away by the spirits and wonders why.  He leaves a recorder here.  They feel like they're being watched.  He can't enter the room.  Zak feels something on his back.  The recorder gets a voice "get the f*uck out of here..." is what it sounds like.  None of them were there when the recorder was activated.  Zak says everyone is affected.  He then leaves to go outside.  The back room where he heard a noise made his heart pound.  

Jay and Zak go to the basement.  Aaron and Billy head to the hotel rooms.  On the second floor, Aaron feels cold air around him.  Billy feels it on his elbow and uses the new meter.  Billy feels dizzy in the hall.  Aaron feels like he's on a boat.  Billy asks the spirit to show itself and do something.  On the XLS letters come through, initial WH on the mirror above Billy's head.  WA Harvey a colonel found dead in his bed in 1880.  There's no letters or writing on the mirror.  Billy says there weren't any letters until he said to come through the mirror.  Zak asks how it appeared on the XLS?  A small figure peaks around the corner in the next room.  Billy coughs again and can't breathe,  Billy says Aaron's eyes were changing and his eyes glowed ice white.  Billy says it's sealed no one comes up there so that's where the spirits would be.  Aaron asks for answers.  They smell death.  Billy says the stuff on the ground is wax and it's a ritual circle. 

Zak talks of the meme which leads to a door and a tunnel.  He heads to where he almost blacked out.  Banging is heard.  Jay thinks there might be some residential energy from workers.  Zak hears a sound and catches something sliding by itself on the shelf.  In an EVP session he asks who's making noises.  Sounds like "I'm gonna pull this off"??  They hear a breathy gasp, I heard that already.  He puts the Polterpod on the ground.  Sounds like "me I spoke"??  He gets angry as he takes full spectrum photos.  He sees a black shadow.  He sees a black figure on one of the full spectrum pics.  Looks like Zak's shadow with a hat on.  He takes more photos in the same place.  He calls it a "top trophy capture" and he couldn't duplicate the photo.  They won't ever forget this investigation and will return.

Sunday 20 August 2023

Ghost Adventures "Village of Lost Souls"

A collection of Victorian houses with a dark history and the people in charge want them to investigate as they're being attacked.  Heritage Square, LA where each house is a tombstone and he's hit by it as a  reminder of those who have lived, loved and died here."  He can hear the people losing the children to diseases.  Mike and Jeff see a shadow figure on the steps of one of the houses.  Zak says the most activity is from the Octagon House and not the Hale house.  He asks why the spirit is attached to this house.  Footsteps can be heard.  He spots a shadow in one of the rooms but they didn't have a camera focused at the top of the stairs.  Why?  When you're going into the house to investigate figures or whatever was seen.  He's overcome with dread and had to get out of the house.  He sends Jeff  into the house.  The house was built in 1893 in Pasadena, California by Gilbert Longfellow.  As explained he was a descendant of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, the poet.  1868 Gilbert also owned an Octagon house in Maine.  Had a wife and six children.  Two died tragically and also he lost his wife too.  He moved West and in 1893 built this house.  He builds an identical home, why?  Zak asks if it's related to his loss.

Josh Rubenstein believes it's to do with Walter, Gilbert's grandson.  Walter had a mental disease and also was bordering on autism.  Josh says some people get physically sick and are disorientated.  The Mortuary Collection Anthology was being filmed here, the costume designer felt the house was alive and felt like being watched.  She set up her equipment on the second level.   She said they would leave the house as they found it.  She heard footsteps in the house.  The make-up artist on the film said the energy was strong.  She felt grief and sadness and it was depressing.  Many guests who get pushed, feel pressure on their chest.  See Jay later.   Josh speaks o f Nora who stays under the stairs in the Octogan house and is afraid of people.  Josh would like to know who's in the house and seeing if they could move on in peace.  

Sacred geometry is mentioned by Jay, who says the octagon is always associated with a sign of rebirth.  In Medieval times was used as the religious architecture of sacred buildings and can also be seen in Da Vinci's drawings.  Gilbert lost his family and he tried to bring them back probably.  As Zak asks if it's the rebirth of a portal to connect inside another dimension.  Jay thinks he might not have wanted his grandson to leave the house and was still influencing them.

Zak's given rosemary by Sasha and she's a docent.  He refuses to accept as he doesn't want protection and takes her in the house at night.  She doesn't want to go upstairs as she doesn't want to cross their boundaries.  So if they don't have entitlement to their home as they're dead, what sort of house does she live in?  One with past owners etc who many also have died there.  Zak gives her the recorder to hold by the stairs.  He ask if they can go upstairs?  A man's scream is captured.  Why does it sound like "get out" to me as there's a voice under the "aaggh"??  A woman's voice is also captured saying "authentic."  Zak still wants to take her upstairs.  He wonders what they know about the upstairs.  He stands by the stairs and asks if it wants to push him and feels disorientated.  Aaron and Sasha leave.  Aaron doesn't like it when they get pushed out.  Zak sees someone standing in the room.  The footage lasted 30 minutes but they thought it was shorter.  Zak asks if this could be a portal.  Jay says it doesn't want them to leave.  Maybe it's Gilbert who wants them there as he lost his family.  

Zak leaves the house and enters a random house they weren't told about.  He goes upstairs and Jay follows.  He wants to open the box and inside Jay finds a book with Gilbert's signature inside it, as well as other plant pressings and things of his.  The Perry bedroom has lots of items and they didn't know  Gilbert's possessions were there.  Zak believes he carried Gilbert's spirit with him to that house - the William Hays Perry residence, he was guided there.  

Aaron and Jeff enter the Hale house.  Jeff uses the facial recognition camera which will pick out a face.  Aaron uses the recorder but doesn't get anything.  Something goes past Aaron and a ball of light is seen in the middle of the room.  IR time lapse camera captures a white mist and them moves to the ceiling and changes its shape.  Where Zak saw the mist-like anomaly before.  There are IR depth and standard recognition on the new device Jeff uses.  Jeff says he saw a shadow with his eyes.  The anomalies appeared in the doorway where Jeff sits and asks for something to show itself in the mirror.  A black ball is captured coming through the mirror. 

As Zak Jay and Billy investigate he Octagon House.  He says he was affected by Gilbert and found his possessions.  The centre of the house is where they had their experiences.  Jay says the Victorians were afraid of being buried alive so they had bells in their coffins so they could be saved if they woke up inside.  He hung bells in the centre of the house.  DASANC device is used.  "I speak"" is what I hear not "ice cream."  "Art" comes through.  Could also mean he's here as in art-are.  "Octagon" comes through and I hear "90" when he asks how many sides the house has.   I hear "open" when Billy asks what he said and then says he repeated it again.  The EMF detector beeps.  See  re "open" coming through as Zak says they open the doorways for anything to join them in this way, which is what came through with "open" before.  He feels something on his back and Billy says something touched his arm downstairs.  The EMF picks up on more energy downstairs.

Billy adds two more EMFs by the mirror on the mantle. Asking it to come through the mirror and the stairs EMF goes off again, before the other two go off.  Did it make them go to the stairs so it could come through the portal/mirror??  Billy says there was tapping on the mirror as a noise is heard.  Zak says they're going to conduct an infrasound experiment.  A theory is it vibrates at certain frequencies to give spirits energy to show themselves or open up a portal.  Billy films from the top of the stairs.  Zak say they want interaction and open the barriers between their worlds.  Jay says something hit him on his chest, see earlier when they were told about people feeling something heavy on them??  Jay felt and saw something in white hit him in his chest and he couldn't breathe and felt his heart stopped.  The woman in white who lives under the stairs?? perhaps he frightened her.

Zak feels being pushed.  What Jay felt through his chest.  Billy captures some black anomalies in the centre of the stairs and then the bells shake and ring.  As Jay tells them.  They're moving the bells.  These bells weren't swaying from the infrasound waves.  Zak says it;s like The Village of the Damned.  They were guided by a spirit where they used his body to find things.  The things will be placed in the house soon and when that happens then the activity may lessen.  They always have these villages of haunted houses amassed together.  Remember Heritage Junction.

Monday 14 August 2023

Ghost Adventures "King Gillette Ranch"

Elizabeth Clare Prophet was leader of a cult preparing for nuclear annihilation.  History of a cult that called it home is fertile grounds for  activity according to Zak.  An archeologist conducting a dig near here and provoked the spirit of the leader and he was slammed against the wall.  Billy said he had that dream where he was picked up by something and slammed against the wall.  Synchronicity like this means they're connected to the location.  Exploring the property Zak feels the Chumash as it was their land and were here until the Spanish placed them into missions.  It bordered the Tongva tribe land and they held ceremonies for the green doors and travel to other dimensions.  Look at the ground on which the buildings are built as they hold the energy of those who were here before. The cult was into angels and elementals.  Was there a conflict between these tribes and the spirits and the cult if they were into bad things.  Which reverberates into the history.  Green doors were also mentioned in the Ghost Adventures ep The Curse of Catalina Island.

Zak spoke of Rob the archaeologist to Joe and psychic medium Vicky and she saw him being lifted and thrown.  He was provoking Prophet.  They believes in alchemy which is ritual based.  Used sleep deprivation among the members, as Jay explains.  As they enter Billy tells them about the EMF detector showing abnormally high readings 72 mG spike.  The energy is reaching out.  He feels like crossing into another dimension and he feels energy being sucked out.  Vicky and Joe enter the house too.  He feels chills.  Vicky sees a little boy and a large tree when the Church of Universal Triumph was here, his name is Timmy and they used to do bad things to children.  He thinks the place is awesome to investigate.  Zak calls on the spirits to sit with them.  Feels chills again and sadness. Vicky senses Prophet at the front with Billy and her energy on the top of his head.  She got emotional due to the children here.  

They use the Polterpod.  Something touches Zak's back and makes him lean forward.  Striving for spiritual authority using sleep deprivation to control.  Billy asks if Elizabeth Clare Prophet came to visit him in his dream.  Joe sways back and forth just like Zak.  Their energy is being absorbed at the same time.  Zak feels drawn to a mirror in the next room.  He could see them through someone else's eyes.  Vicky says there was something behind Joe.  Some sort of light anomaly goes from Joe to Vicky that she spoke about before Zak caught it on his phone.  Aaron and Billy enter the basement.

Zak speaks with a woman who had an experience in the basement.  She sensed something with her and a hand on her right shoulder and pushed her down.  She's not been here at night and it's really different.  He sends her inside as she needs to be in the house at night.  She feels like a bit of the room before her was blocked out.  The entities know they're here and know what they're doing.  The summit lighthouse founded 1958 by her husband.  Their mission was to apply the teachings of the ascended masters.  They were spiritual enlightened beings and according to the teachings a master of light is a divine human being who has taken the fifth initiation and can descend in the fifth dimension and one who has taken the beliefs and dwell in the sixth dimension.  One of physical light.  There are secrets here and why the place is abandoned.  Once Rob challenged Prophet he was picked up as he says she's surviving in the sixth dimension.  A dangerous amount of energy would be left behind that they haven't encountered before.  Billy went into the basement and he provokes Clare Prophet and he got a voice coming through and they hear a roar.  Human Society's plan was to perfect and was being thwarted by dark forces and he thinks maybe the dark force was the roar.

A disembodied voice is heard in their X-cam mic which sounds like "Aaron" or trying to say his name.  A female voice is heard.  Aaron hears people talking.  Another bang is heard from the kitchen again.  Zak tells them they're just interested in the house and not what they were doing, aside from probably the sixth dimension stuff.  A voice comes through saying "17" when asked how many people are here.  The Ovilus answers "west" when Zak asks where they want them to go.  He asks if they'll let them into their dimension.  "Deal."  He asks what they have to do to make a deal with her "beg me."  Jump aggression" comes through when asked what they did to that man.  Motion activated balls are left on the floor and they light up as if walking towards Zak.  Aaron comes back out to dispell any dark energy off him before entering back inside.  The path was further west and was the path the spirit took lighting the balls.  

The EMF sphere sensor using fibre optics detects a spike.  It lights up again.  Zak asks if it's Elizabeth to make the sphere light up.  Billy says it takes a vast amount of energy to spike the ball and light it to red.  They feel like being in the sixth dimension.  Aaron is in the room where Rob was picked up and thrown.  They hear a noise in front of them.  Aaron uses his own contraption in an experiment with mirrors contained a box with mirrors with a two way mirror you can see in but can't look out, normal vision camera on one side.  Inside the box a red glowing anomaly slides through the chamber and then a dark mass blocks out the two lights on the red.  Aaron hears children on his digital recorder.  A child's voice is captured "behind you."  The stairwell door shuts on the left and then Aaron can't get out as the handle drops off.  Then footsteps are heard, were they footsteps or a child playing.  Zak says he asks for them not to attach themselves to him, not any of the others, but him and thanks for showing them the sixth dimension.  I hear "get the f*ck out." After he plays the recorder back.  He believes they have had direct contact with Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

Monday 24 July 2023

Death Walker 3.11 "Old Williams County Jail"


Bryant, Ohio founded in 1850 network city due to underground springs water is an electric conductor can conduct paranormal activity.  All properties were experiencing paranormal activity and one was Old Williams County jail, opened in 1868 and was haunted.  The hauntings were posted in the local newspaper after opening in 1868.  A shadow figure was the ghost of Andrew Tyler, the first and only man hanged in Ohio, a travelling fortune teller.  Another inmate James Robert Ingall in 1946 stabbed librarian Emily stabbed her several times and she was his initial target.  He intended to kill, dissect her body and nail parts to fences and nail her head on a flagpole in town.  He got life but was released on parole.  Stopped acting as a jail but energy left behind by many inmates.  Building was open for public para investigations.  Most activity near solitary cells aka separation cells.  Touched, spirit voices, shadow figures, temperature changes and heavy doors moving by themselves.  Will see if the spirit of Andrew Tyler is in the jail.

Was open until 1980 and had many renovations.  With a brick veneer outside, interior is renovated and was a jail for 130 years.  Austin talks of James Ingall and someone named Mark he's in the segregation cells and they've heard a little girl which he says could be the sheriff's daughter.  The emotional energy is great due to the number of people held here.  One felt like he walked into a giant spider's web.  Something dark blocked out the light in the hallway.  Also had many EVPs.  Writing of prisoners on the wall wanting their families.  People have left with scratches on their backs and one got sick.  One person had something thrown at them when they left an investigation.  

Nick begins his investigation during the day since that had the most activity.  A chain experiment with copper wire to amplify the field of detection to various devices and Rempods.  Asks if Jim is still here "yes."  "Jail" after he asks if it's Jim's cell.  "I am" when asks if he's upstairs.  The experiment detect EMF electricity and change sin the environment.  "Murder" comes through twice and he asks if he was hanged?  The alarm sounds on the experiment.  If it's a prison should've had lights out in the night and film in the dark as usual.  In the jail cells Nick lies on a mattress on the floor right next to a dirty wall.  Did "he's alone now" come though.  "I was executed..."    Nick wants them to help figure out what's out there and just not dying.  

Justin returns and he continues with his questions.  "Get out" keeps coming through.  Nick feels dizzy and his head is being affected.  The alarm goes off again or was it the Rempod.  Something was moving around.  "Nick's head" comes through in relation to making him feel dizzy.  Affecting his head.  Kinda felt the same.  The energy feels residual or intelligent signifying the ongoing cycle of what the person went through when alive.  "It hurts."  He's looking for the connection for the energy and what they went through when alive and in the afterlife.  Static electricity affects the audio device.  He asks for a name.  

At sunset they've should've gone lights out and see what activity, any, would have occurred.  They didn't speak to anyone inside.  Lingering energy is moving through the building and can pick up on      certain emotions.  Like if they were drunk, angry or sad and emotions hit you in certain ways.  The energy focuses on what happened in the jail.  He says the energy has settled down now during the night. "Quarterback" comes through on the device ha.  On the second floor again and how the lingering energy of emotions is projecting in the building.   He says they can leave from their jail cells if they want as the building doesn't exist in that time anymore.  Can communicate if in purgatory and be freed from this place.  "Go back in time..."?? comes through.  "18..."  "That one" when he asks which jail.  

Residual energy of emotions through the day and activity stops at night and the environment feels calm.  No more voices coming through.  Many people came through here committing crimes and emotion sits here and releases.  Understand what's beyond than just dying, the consciousness of our reality and that from the other side.  A residual single energy is released and can feel sick and their emotions of being sad and everything they went through.  Nick: "If these walls could talk they'd have so many stories to tell.  Of people come and gone in this world; died it releases and a wave of energy rushes through you and if it still sits here today.  Haunted."  

Saturday 22 July 2023

Ghost Adventures "Hotel San Carlos"

Hotel San Carlos is investigated.  After opening in 1928, a woman jumped to her death.  An old school was once in its place and there are rumours of many children dying there.  A dark energy for many who have entered their rooms.  A new hotel in Phoenix and hosted celebrities, socialites and politicians.  There's also a darkness there with suicide and tragedy.  In 2004 a man took his life.  Zak wants to know why its named one of the most haunted hotels in the country.  Zak likes looking at the old photos in the hotel and this one of the San Carlos, cos of being a moment in time.  Now their picture of this version is gonna be on TV investigating their time, of the people who died in that building.

Tony has worked here four and a half years.  Articles state it was formerly opened on March 1928. Leone Jensen checked in here after the opening on 7th May 1928 and wrote many suicide notes.  Where she jumped to her death from the roof.  Said to have suffered a mental breakdown but no one knows why to this day.  A school was here; the very first school in Phoenix in 1874.  The school was made bigger and in 1916 it was condemned and the hotel was to be here.  Many children fell into the well on their property.  Why not boarded off.  The well is in the basement of the hotel.  Tony had an experience in the abandoned kitchen.  A piece of pipe flew horizontally by him to the fridge and fell on the floor.  Zak wanted the old GA tape.  Aaron says he didn't use it.  When he's used it, it hasn't ended up in the episode.  They shot at the pipe but didn't catch anything.  Zak then spots the mannequin he calls Beatrice.  Tony feels most negative in the pool area.  Marilyn Monroe wanted a room next to it.  Daniel tells them about the area by the pool and he was working there and heard knocking.  He thought no one could be in the pool.  The hair on his arms stood on end.

On the seventh floor, Leone's room was 720.  Zak tells Billy to sit on the bed.  Perhaps something was affecting her.  EVP session.  He feels a high pitched noise in his head.  Some people have claimed to have seen spirits jumping off the roof.  Room down the hall where Tony tells them of hearing voices but no one was there.  Zak says there's an inter-dimension interlaced with them and their world and he wants to break that and see if they can communicate between the two worlds.  The premise of Nick's Death Walker show!!   

A couple stayed there for their anniversary and she used the EVP app on her phone and she says a bowl of guacamole flew off the table and hit the cupboard.  She felt like someone was there.  Zak says to get a side of guacamole and see if they can connect it again.  Billy wants a side order of  salsa and chips if the guac doesn't work.  In the hotel Zak recalls the heaviness still in the building.  They stayed in 520 two below Leone.  When she was using the app the guac hit the wall.  Zak heard a bang and Aaron says it's from the door.  Zak goes into the other room next door to open the adjoining door.  The key card doesn't work and Zak asks why the door is open.  The light's on and the 'please do not disturb' sign outside.  The three floors are all vacant.  Zak says he saw a shadow of someone in there.  Aaron opens the door and Aaron tells them to leave, a putrid smell fills the hallway.  The rooms were meant to be empty and Zak says he saw a shadow there.  Referencing demon's being accompanied by a smokey sulphuric smell.

Aaron needs to know what's happening.  Zak asks if a demonic force had an influence over Leone.  The bed was unkempt so who was in that room??  She says something bad is here and something happened since they left the room.  When she said evil the EMF increased.  The metre spikes.  Aaron says it's either human or an entity.  Room 607 and Zak can't get the number out of his head.  The keycard didn't open the door and it didn't open, I saw that!  It opened the second time.  He defines the meaning of 'falling.'  Leone falling to her death, children falling down the well.  The unknown man falling to his death.  He asks if something evil could reside here.  "I don't want you here" is caught on the recorder.  I hear "here" too.

Floors 5,6 and 7 are empty.  X-cameras are on every floor.  Jay and Jeff investigate the basement and he has a new device.  hH wants contact with the childrens' spirits.  Opening the door can invite something darker in.  Floor 5 but he doesn't get out of the lift and he ends up on floor 7 again.  A woman's voice says "no."  Aaron says he heard something and walks towards it.  Zak wants him to stay with them.  Billy hears a woman at the end of the hallway.  Squeaky door is all we needed.  Aaron thought he heard someone talking that's why he was drawn to the room where he was walking.  Uses a spirit box.  The lamp turns on by itself when Billy feels dizzy.  A bang sound is heard and apparently the clock falls off the nightstand.  In front of where Zak placed the chair.  Another banging sound is heard.  

The door is now open, was it open when they were in there before.  He gets abnormal spikes around Billy.  There's someone on the bed, but we don't know if it's Leone, as Zak says.  The door to the adjoining room closes by itself.  Aaron checks the room and a light anomaly comes from the door and hovers over the bed.  There's some bloody tissues on the bathroom sink.  Another noise is heard and he asks if someone's trying to get in.  Another anomaly leaves the bed, turns and goes under the bed.  Was it the one that dropped the clock.  Weren't these hotel rooms meant to be cleaned after use and after being used.  

Zak uses the Estes method but without the blindfold.  "Stay out."  Which explains the door play.  "You're dead."  As Aaron complains about his neck.  Billy asks why it took its own life "rapture" comes through but I hear "I should've"??? Room 607 where the keycard doesn't work again until he knocks and then it opens.  Billy and Aaron head to the seventh floor.  Hear the door open and Billy says something came from the other room.  The squeak from the door is heard and the bathroom door closes on its own.  Sounds like a mooing cow.  The door is now back open.  Can see it on Billy's camera.  Aaron says the door should be closed now.  Zak asks if it can sit in the chair and he uses the digital recorder.  "I am" and then "I'm here" or "I'm dead...."??? and a scream.  The clock was flashing in the room with Zak.  

Jeff hears a noise in the basement.  Heard it too. The hole of the well has been filed and Jay tries to communicate with the children so the water retains the memory and he places a mic in the bucket of water and trigger devices.  Jeff's new device, the bottom shows the neck and shoulders and the camera on the top brings the facial features to the screen.  The motion balls light up.  A child's voice is heard.  Does it say "I'm here."  But sounds like "hi." when in the water.  Jay asks the child to show themselves to the toys and a child's face comes into view and smiles.  

Zak concludes they captured some of the most incredible evidence with the paranormal in rooms 720 and 722 and to the capture of a child's face after hearing his voice.  They will return here one day.  More hotels to investigate.  These city ones are just as haunted as the ones in the ghost towns they've investigated.