
Sunday 16 July 2023

Ghost Walker 3.10 "Broadwell Funeral Home"

The Broadwell Funeral home in Felicity, Ohio.  He thinks in the mortuary that something immoral might have happened leaving it haunted.  Mike purchased it in 2015 and now believes in the paranormal after his experiences during renovations.  Speculations of who the spirits are as it was the family funeral home business until Christopher Broadwell sold in 1944 and Carl sold it in 1974.  Bought in the 1970's by a family and the man of the house passed in the second floor back bedroom and the same bedroom was the site of the similar passing of the man of the house later.  Mike wanted to live there but his wife doesn't want to enter there.  Workers have also left.  Neighbours have seen apparitions out the window.  Others inside have seen apparitions, disembodied voices and a Poltergeist that moves tools.  Others have become ill in the basement area.  On death bods decompose and bacteria digests itself and the funeral home embalmed the bodies with chemicals to slow down the process.  The first law of thermodynamics states that if conscious energy is neither created or destroyed then it must be changed from one form or another.  He wants to see if the two men who died of natural causes and if their conscious energies still remain.  Also if the funeral home has led to the dead peoples' conscious energies remaining or returning.

Mike didn't know it was haunted even though others had said it was.  Plumber left and didn't come back and the electrition said it was haunted.  His tools were moved and couldn't find the wire.  The room Mike was in upstairs got cold in the Summer and when he walked out it was hot.  The dogs would see things and howl and also wag their tails.  His wife hasn't been in here for three years.  There's an entity called 'The One' and he controls the other spirits.  There are good and bad apparitions here.  They were throwing up when they entered the embalming room in the basement.  A bucket moved from under one person after they said they didn't believe.  There were plenty of flies in the window in one room.  They've heard a little girl's voice.  Rosalie lived in this house, she was mentally or physically disabled so the child was hidden away.  She was a Broadwell family member.  She could be the apparition in the window.  

The Amonyx device which I didn't like.  It's like a loud spirit box.  "Me" comes through.  Nick calls for Christopher Broadwell.  His hand feels static electricity.  He feels a stabbing pain, like a hot needle like he's working on him.  The copper wire he set up in the experiment is moving and there's now wind coming through.  Nick jumps to show that the wire shouldn't be moving.  Something trips the laser but nothing was caught on camera, there wasn't a camera there.  Dead flies are at the window.  Nick attributes to a high EMF.  The laser is tripped again.  A girl's voice comes through.  "You ?? with me" sounds like this.  Nick feels a hand on his back.  I hear a "yeah" when he asks for the Broadwell family. 

"I'm in the attic" in a girl's voice.  But no cameras.  " can walk up...Somebody help me" I hear but I don't like this device.  Nick sets up different audio devices in the attic, first floor and basement leaving it overnight.  A girl's voice is heard, footsteps and a voice.  "Sleep now."  "It's me."  Nick asks who me is and it replies "me."  They hear footsteps and Justin says someone's trying to shake the ladder to make him fall.  Nick's name comes through a few times as always.  

In the basement "morgue" comes through.  Did it say "we hunt"??  I hear "Rosalie" when he says if you're upstairs go to the light.  "In the deep" when he asks what they did with the bodies down there.  He uses the EEG band on his head and Austin Maynard will monitor Nick's brain energy.  A lightning storm strikes.  he feels the energy as very negative.  Nick uses the Inkbox built by KD Stafford.  The door didn't move for him as it did for the other investigator.  Nick comes through.  He asks if their energies connect and if the conscious energy can connect.  Is it difficult to break through into their world.  A scream comes through.  "Robert" comes through and "death."  Was that "there is" before the "yeah" when he asks if anyone's buried here.  Was that "him" when he asks who comes down here.  

Nick concludes that something from history let something more powerful to come in and overpower the others.   The spirits that still manifest here but something in the darkness dwells here and also absorbs their energy when they come here and this investigation is just beginning.  He says more research is needed.  The home has dark secrets lost in time and the paranormal evidence convinced him an intelligent spirit haunts the property.  No information is available to substantiate a little girl or Broadwell family member died here so could be a shapeshifting entity that takes on various forms to communicate with whoever's there.  New research and evidence is required to see what happens when a natural body is redistributed into other forms after death.  He feels there's something darker here that disguises itself, something like a shapeshifter.  

Saturday 15 July 2023

Ghost Adventures "Mentryville Ghost Town"

 Ghost towns investigation to Mentrville ghost town in Pico Canyon, California, an oil town.  Alex Mentry discovered oil here in 1876 and was the first California oil boomtown and they investigate his 13 room mansion.  Who'd want a mansion with 13 rooms?!!  Reports of place being haunted and some mysteries.  The oil industry was now in Mentryville with over a hundred families .  With a schoolhouse and 13 room mansion until the wells ran dry and his death 20 years later.  Many Mentrville families were buried in unmarked graves.  Zak feels something here is terrorizing what was once a thriving town.  Evan has had a lot of experiences in that house and he's been caretaker there for 10 years.  He's seen lights like a lantern flicker in the hills.  A Native American village where all the oil derricks were located.  Their sacred ground was desecreted and why there are hauntings here.  An old schoolhouse and Michaela says there's an energy in there and she was alone inside where she saw a shadow on the wall.   A man fell from the flagpole and impaled himself on his own tools.  Hammering the flagpole on a ladder leaning against said flagpole.  Zak needs a walk.

Billy takes high readings in the schoolhouse.  She says the shadow was on the wall near the blackboards.  It's very cold inside.  They don't want them inside the school.  Billy uses a new thermometer as it detects changes in temperature quickly.  It's then hot in here with cold spots.  Aaron feels dizzy and says he's not wanted there.  Johnny Pilcher was the flagpole man and Zak asks if they're is manifestations of him.  Zak spots a floating light in the woods that Evan has seen there.  Could be Native American.  Evan tells him of Alex's father and how in September 1886 he went walking and died there.  They found his skeletal remains in the canyon.  His cause of death was unknown.   Did it have something to do with the land his family pillaged or something else.  Michaela shows them actual oil from the place and could be seen as a trigger object guiding/causing the hauntings.  Zak tells Billy to take a sip and see what happens.  Then they have a squabble over who his best friends are, Billy, Aaron or Jay.

They enter with an investigator, Fidel.  Zak states was already connected to the mansion in his subconscious even before they arrived here.  He had a dream the night before and thinks it could be a forewarning.  He felt a strong presence int he room as soon as they got in.  Zak has a bad feeling.  They sense a shift and there's an overwhelming feeling they have set over a boundary.  Zak wants it manifesting for them.  Billy seems lost as he stands by the window and he tries to get him out of it.  Zak thinks he's put himself in harm's way.  Zak stands by the stairs, ha, that's what I've been saying for years, since 2014 and mentioned it in my book too.  Zak almost falls or is pushed down the stairs as Fidel warns him.  

Billy uses the Polterpod but nothing comes through.  He feels his life force being drawn from him.  Bloody hell Zak's just going to stand there.  He feels a sudden burst of cold energy rushing up the stairwell and Fidel grabs him and Jay gets pushed back, slamming against the wall and getting injured.  Funnily enough in my house the hands free function came on the landline phone as soon as all that commotion and chaos started on the stairs.  A surge of energy came through from the TV ha!  Something intended to harm Zak and Jay as the malevolent force rushed him and forcefully slammed Jay into the wall.    

Aaron in the house alone hears two knocks and feels the chills.  Aaron uses sensory deprivation goggles so his hearing and sight is impeded to open him up to more.  That sensory noise sounds like being under the sea.  Footsteps are captured on the X cam.  Jeff enters with the XLS and gets a stick figure.   Aaron coughs and he says he heard a woman chanting in his ear.  Jay asks what his name is as he enters the house as Aaron looks distressed.  The spirit box is on.  Jeff captures a giant figure resembling a giant spider or something.  Seems like the XLS captured the energy affecting Aaron.  As Jay moves to the corner the XLS then captures floating figures which then go up the ceiling. 

Billy and Zak head towards the derrick in the woods.  Afraid of a mountain lion on the loose.  Zak has a fear of mountain lions and most everything.  The golf cart battery is draining rapidly.  They arrive at a derrick and he doesn't want to leave the cart.  Zak sees some light in the tree, which is finally caught on camera.  He sees something like a shining light.  I said it looked like something was standing there, nothing paranormal, and it is some sort of a tower as he sends Billy to investigate what is it by himself and says he won't have his back.  Zak said he has to pee many times but he's too afraid to do it now.  Well pee by the cart then!  They arrive at California's first oil well now an historic site.  Terrified of the hills towering around them.  Billy uses the Paranormal Puck and asks for Alex: Located Friend Feel then a noise is heard like something was thrown.  Who's here: Being And Woods obviously a being such as elementals and Billy felt like something went through him.  What was taken out of this ground?  Puncture Memories comes through.  Words Children when he asks who is inside the mansion with their friends.

At the mansion they find Jay heard a child's voice.  A little girl.  Does she say "help me or "come out to play."  


Sunday 9 July 2023

Death Walker 3.6 "Darkness In The Granary"

Relics of dilapidated facilities during the industrial revolution can be found throughout the country.  No unions existed and working conditions were difficult causing many accidents.  Many fatalities led to paranormal stories.  A granary elevator in Bryant, Ohio made in the 1920's and was used to stockpile or store grain.  Dust is produced and suspended in the air in the elevator and becomes susceptible to explosions.  Silo gases can cause central nervous system damage, heart disease.  Workers could pass out and fall into the grain.  In 1958 a man lost his life when his leg was ground in the conveyor belt.  Incidences involving car accidents on the granary.  Place haunted and land could be cursed due to negative events.  Reports of a dark entity in the basement area.  Likes to scratch anyone and Nick's been drawn to investigate and see if it can take people over mentally causing them to pass out after being taken over.  In 2018 a girl collapsed and others were attacked by an unseen figure.  Nick will conduct an experiment allowing him to meet the dark entity and how it can physically touch and communicate with the living.

New born babies were found along the rail tracks.  A lot of brothels in the area and this is how the babies were killed.  One was in Bryant in 1905 as Amanda Hoy was preparing dinner and her daughter was at a friend's, she came to bring her home and her daughter ran across the tracks and a train came and the train hit Amanda but her daughter made it clear across the tracks.  A young couple with  two children aged 6 and 15 months were travelling in a car on a misty evening.  He crossed the tracks and a train hit the car exploding the car and was then stuck on the front of the train. He was thrown clear and he landed by the granary.  The wife and children burned to death in the car.  Took two hours to put it out.  Jack was working in the granary and the conveyor belt turned on and he yelled for it to be turned off and he was caught in the belt.  They couldn't free him and he bled to death.  Shadow figures have been seen, a 'crawler'.  People have been scratched and a woman fainted as though in a diabetic coma.  Bangs have been heard.  There are wells under the land since it was founded.  The dark entity is using the wells to travel the entire town.  Don't they always.  

In the basement, "A figure...replacement..."  When Nick asks how it got here.  A noise is heard.  "Next to there...died...Mark."  All comes through.  "I see it" when Nick asks what he sees from the other side.  Upstairs.  Needs their help to find the negative entity.  "Void" on the after side.  "Stomach..."  Nick asks what it's like to leave the body and go to the other side after they die.  He investigates outside in front of the tracks.  Using the Geobox outside.  Uses a spectrum camera but nothing is caught.  He thinks all the people dying is absorbed into the environment.  "Yes" when he asks if he's behind him.  Something moves in the distance and he thought he was going to get hit by the solid figure.  I hear "watch yourself."  Nick asks if the train and energy helps them use their power and manifest.  A sound is heard like a tapping.  He asks if a doorway opened to allow it to come through.  "Run...inhuman" is what he should be afraid of.  The railroad makes it easier for the spirits to manifest and attack the living.  

In the basement he stays alone as Justin leaves and he wants to be isolated so he may get further interaction from the figure.  He uses the Ghost Helmet.  A bat comes flying in.  He feels it's more aggressive.  "I did" try to reach out to him."  "...died..." Something negative here.  "There is...go to hell."  He uses another device carrying out an experiment and he feels something touches him in the back.  He feels like he's underwater making it hard to breathe and feels something with him.  "Hurts."  He asks if things are being thrown at him and he's not moving from here.  "Hack..."  Some man and woman are having a conversation.  "Be"  Nick feels the presence of something evil.  A scream comes through.  Something is thrown twice and once near his head.  He hears a scream.  

He concludes that the dark entity wasn't a living person and is hostile as debris was thrown at him.  It used the kinetic energy of his body and manipulated matter in their reality.  Nick gave him permission to possess his mind and his body and he wants to continue this dangerous approach in his investigations to know if the conscious energies of the once deceased and also the inhuman can willfully possess the minds of the living on this side. 

Saturday 8 July 2023

Death Walker 3.9 "Warwick Prison"

Warwick Prison aka the Mid-Orange Correctional Facility, located in the town of Warwick in New York.  In 1st July 1932 it was a New York training school for boys and later the first substance abuse clinic.  Boys could learn technical skills here.  When Eleanor Roosevelt visited here, she stated the conditions and treatment weren't good.  Richard Biegenwald as a teen was here and accused of theft and helping others to escape. In 1956 after graduating, he began committing murders and became a serial killer and was captured in 1983.  Many had lied about their ages to avoid prison sentences.  A 15 year old in a cottage was beaten by the husband of a woman and was found hanging over a rafter and he loosened the knot and hit his head on the floor, which became the official cause of death.  Converted to a prison facility.  Prison population was meant to be 750 but over a thousand were housed here due to the war on drugs in the 1980's.  

Short in space the gym was used for prisoners too.  In 1984 the AIDS epidemic was rampant and where most inmates were isolated in the infirmary to die.  In 2015-18 the Hudson Sports Complex allowed paranormal investigations to take place.  Closed in 2011.  Shadow figures, footsteps, being touched and some said they have captured Richard's voice.  Nick thinks Richard's negative energy has been embedded into the walls.  He will try and make contact with the entities here.  Try to see if Richard is actually haunting the prison.

Bill was a prison officer here with prisoners who committed every crime conceivable.  All through the AIDS epidemic they had to deal with.  Was all new and one inmate went to infirmary to die and he had to clear all his clothes from his cell and everything was burned.  Frightening due to fights and exposure to blood.  Chris, Bill's son, adds his father worked here for 25 years.  Chris got a job at the sports complex.  Apparitions seen and doors slamming.  Cold spots.  Was alone in the building and he heard noises.  Emotions still linger.  Bill saw droplets of blood in his office and followed the blood trail to the bathroom and a prisoner was cut up using the can tops to slice open prisoners.  Heard boots on the floor and saw a light on.  Doors slamming which Nick caught a lot of.  I didn't hear the loud bang. 

Nick hears another bang.  A lot of energy in the buildings.  Night already and walking though the Mess Hall.  Asks if the energy still manifesting and if  they have the energy to be in the reality to be here and touch things.  Another slamming is heard.  He uses the Geobox after I said he didn't use it!  Ha.  Closing the door he asks if it's the dead prison guard "yes."  "I did" after he asks if he made the sound.  His name is Matt Smith (not that Matt ha!) "Matt died here, is in here" comes through.  Two voices one says "me" and the other says "him."  "Looking at you" I heard.  Nick then uses the Paranormal Sixx device, like the spirit box I don't like the sweeping on this one.  Another banging sound.  

"It's Matt" comes through and 1911 is heard too.  Nick comes through a few times.  "It's what I wanted...why you asking" - he's trying to work out who's haunting here.  Something says "negative."  He wants to know how he can see things in their real world.  "1990" comes through.  Another door bangs.  Nick goes downstairs.  "Shadow" comes through.  "I died."   He wants to put a face to Matt now they've had him come through.  "Here...yeah...."  I hear "Satan" then "stay" comes through from someone who sounds like Nick's voice.  He asks if that's Richard?  Why did some of the voices sound like a child's voice??  "Evil" is heard.  "Look up" comes through but he didn't hear it or do it.  "Richard is here."  He uses the laser to see if any figures can be mapped out.  "Dead" came through a lot of times.  

Uses a loud sounding beeping device to help the spirits use the frequency to communicate.  Nick asks what room number he's in and six comes through.  As luck would have it, the room is locked, now was that a red herring?!  I heard "I'm sad"?? after Nick asks what he wants to tell him.  Another loud noise is heard, was that a distraction?  Going back upstairs to the school rooms/classrooms.  He feels there's something creeping up on them and Justin says the air is stuffy.  Some sort of a cubby hole Nick didn't go into.  What's all this whispering coming through.  What's it like on the other side?  "Absolutely Nothing" comes through.  Don't hear what message they want to give to the living.  Was it Richard?  "Yeah" comes through.  

Nick states they've been throughout all the buildings like the cycle of life.  They were brought to the jail for crimes they committed and anyone was put into the jail and all people who came through here through the years.  The residual energy is still lingering and intelligent spirits are reaching out testing them.  They're still in limbo and all the bad people once living like Richard and others who have died still continuing the negativity in the afterlife, like they're still trapped here.  Doors slamming showing some sort of presence trying to scare them or the energy still here.  People never saw the light of day after they came in and now are still continuing to reach out to the living in the afterlife.  

I like how Nick still asks them about the after life, what it's like and how they are still here and reaching out, but no one answers.  Except for something along the lines of how there's nothing there or it's empty.  IS that only for the bad people or everyone.  I used to say the ones communicating with them are stuck in some sort of limbo, surely the afterlife can't be just "absolutely nothing" as that voice replied.  Perhaps limbo is the nothingness.  SO how do they move on or pass on to the actual other side??

Death Walker 3.8 "The Grey Figure"

Sutton, Braxton County in West Virginia where paranormal anomalies were present even then.  In 1792 Suttonville was a transport hub located in the Elk River and part of the Civil War.  Fighting was around all the transport routes.  The Union army built a mall fort to guard the own.  Eighty Confederates attacked the fort and they fought for six hours and were defeated.  Entire town set ablaze and only six buildings were left.  Rebuilt after war and timber industry let the town become a commercial centre.  Many places built in 1890's.  In 1894 the Queen Anne style house was built.  William Hayman owned businesses and was an attorney.  Emma Catherine, his first wife died there and he married his second wife.  His eight year old grandchild died unexpectedly.  

The house was bought in 2018 by Teresa who saw strange and unexplainable phenomena.  An orb in  the basement and footsteps on the second floor and a woman in white.  House currently has no residents.  People can investigate the paranormal.  Visitors have caught a woman's voice and heard disembodied footsteps and doors unlocking by itself.  Claims of a child in the basement and strangulation is rumoured to have occurred.  Nick's interested in the sighting of a grey figure which he thinks is not Hayman as he left the house in 1922.  Six other family names were in this house for 96 years.  He wants to see if the grey figure will manifest.  Residual energy is also here.

Teresa she had a feeling of being home the first time she entered the house.  She owned it six weeks and was on the porch and saw the fence is wrought iron and it has the same cross railings as the tattoo on her arm.  She found the mirror in the attic and the man said he wanted to cut the mirror three times and saw a grey haired woman and she shook her head and he advised it shouldn't be cut.  Saw shadow figures and she hears footsteps.  Active day and night.  In the dining room her step daughter said she saw someone on the stairs when she went up.  Teresa believes it was Hayman.  This was his showcase house.  A little girl has been heard her giggling.  Her brother heard a little boy near his ear saying "what was that?"  The grey figure in the attic and people have been touched in the attic.  He appears to be real.  She thinks something could have been opened by seances.  Other spirits have been channelled.  Growl has been heard and is it the cause of the grey figure?  

Nick says the grey figure had power over the living.  Nick uses the Tesla coil on to give them the energy to communicate.  The energy changes around them.  He uses the audio device.  He uses the  device with the horrible sounding spirit box, don't like this one.  A woman comes through.  He doesn't want anything negative in the house.  Nick asks where the energy comes into the house and who is touching people.  "Hello"??  comes through.  Was that 'Emma' coming through??  when a name was said.  He uses the Geoport/IDC "inhuman" comes through.  I heard "only you can see me."  Then a deep creepy voice comes through.  "I was" when he asks if the grey figure was brought in through a seance.  "Demon" in response to what the grey figure is?  "Yeah" when he asks if the figure can show himself.  "Behind you...behind Justin."  "Hayman" is heard.  I hear "demon" again when Nick asks about the grey figure.

The Tesla coil enhances the environment and allowing the spiritual communication to be much stronger.  The voices are leading to a seance with a demon coming through.  Since people have died here through the years.  Nick doesn't get into the demon area during his investigations as he wants to communicate with the people in the afterlife.  He believes the entity is playing with them and messing around with them.  Footsteps are heard.  Nick uses the kinetic camera.  He gets a figure on the camera, a stick figure on the stairs.  Appears twice.  Possibly what Teresa's step daughter heard when she went upstairs.  Enters the basement.  There's limestone and quartz crystal there.  As well as a channel with water down there.  Did "Hayman" come through again.  " room"  

Nick spends the night alone in one of the bedrooms.  If he becomes vulnerable and spiritually connect further then the grey figure may show itself.  Footsteps are heard.  It's creepy.  He feels something following him.  Can feel the energy near the stairs.  It was amazing to sleep here and investigate.  He captured something intelligent still lingering here.  

A piece of history lost in time and maybe something appeared from the seance.  Or could it be Hayman appearing as the grey figure.  He's drained and it's strange when alone in a historical location.  "The journey still continues on how the world we live in can continue communication, spirits still appear in time.  How the energy from the living that died and anyone enters the building contains more memories of history and his energy is now a part of the location.  Evolving as a human being as they linger here and finding how they can move in from beyond."  

Friday 7 July 2023

Ghost Adventures "Stow House Haunting"

 A thousand acre farm owned by the Stows.  In 1873 they built a house on this property and tragedy happened there.  Those that look after the house are afraid to walk in the house at night and has talked of an entity as "pure evil," which has been seen by them.  Zak feels energy and recalls La Purisima ep and the Chumash.  He feels their spirit here as it was their land.  The Stows used the same resources and he calls this investigation has grown more than he thought.  In 1871 William Whitney Stow purchased the land and his son had to construct a farm.  The orchard was successful.  The family also increased.  Some of them died early and in the 1960's they left their house and the land.  Recently a dark energy has taken up residence.  

They meet with Tannar who is a docent at the house.  He mentions apparitions and being chased on the stairs, all during the day.  He felt something evil in the girl's room as he was giving a tour and he saw a woman in aback dress ready to attack him.  Zak asks if she could be a Stow family member.  He brought his cross and his holy water he goes in but doesn't want to be an active part of the investigation.  He feels he's a stranger trespassing in someone's home and he feels a 'visitation is happening.  Zak sees something in the mirror.  Workers mention people being dead in the house.  In 1907 Sherman's health worsened and he died as his heart gave way.  Eight years later his eldest son died from appendicitis.  Tannar holds his cross as Zak allows the spirits to use their energy.  "Get out" is heard on the digital recorder.  Tannar prays.  He is let go.  Aaron and Billy go upstairs.  They feel like they're not supposed to be here.  

Billy says they're here with respect.  A worker tells of how the dollshouse doors were opened and the dolls were all strewn all across the floor.  "Jakie" or "Jackie"??   A local legend of a woman drowning on the lake which is on the land.  The Chumash sacred land was used as an airport.  Zak says that's cause for a curse.  The deities could have been summoned.  Zak wants to go to the dollshouse and wonders if the children are still here or possessed by something darker.  He asks for the doll to be moved.  Zak's brought Gummi bears, Aaron carries string cheese with him and has two bananas and fruit snacks which they offer.  They pretend at being children.  Aaron comes up with GI Joe.  Zak's doll's name is Jimmy.  They feel cold air.  The energy goes towards the dollshouse.  Zak doesn't like the girl's room and the black dress is on the mannequin.  

I hear "Jakie" more than Jackie.  A voice comes through when he was praying "get outta should not be here" I hear as the rest of it.  A female voice came in when the cool air came into the dollshouse room "reach out."  Zak asks for a noise and "no!" is heard.  Zak leaves a recorder where Sherman died.   "Leave now...hurry" is captured on the recorder.  An angry "get away" also comes through.  A thud is heard on Sherman's desk.  He captures a mist in one of the Polaroids he took.  He describes it as an arm wanting to grab his full spectrum camera.  Then a noise comes from upstairs like walking.  They hear some evil laughing. 

The teddy bear is left by the dollshouse.  Billy uses the XLS.  Spikes are caught on the Trifield.  Billy catches a black anomaly going from Aaron's head to the dollshouse.  Then shoots out of the window of the house.  A light anomaly enters Aaron.  Something touches the bear.  They just want to talk.  A stick figure sits on the chair and then falls to its knees like it's collapsing.  Could that be Sherman's last hours?  He sends Aaron to the 'bad' room cos he doesn't want to go more likely!  Aaron's walkie comes on and Jay's does the same thing at nerve.  The infra red light also goes out.  Zak invites the spirits to be with them and gives them their respect.  "Lemme talk" comes through.  Zak  says what they've found will help them prove an afterlife.  But it won't help them prove what that afterlife is like, what it consists of and where they actually are.  

Tuesday 4 July 2023

Death Walker 3.6 "The Gallows"


Pennsylvania where the Old Jail stands.  Chambersburg was burned in 1864 by Confederates.  In 1880 the jail was expanded to include brick walls, basement dungeons and gallows and colonists were also around.  In operation from 1600's-1913 and there were executions by hanging which attracted large crowds of onlookers.  Each County was responsible for its own executions.  Hangings were common in this town but Pierce and Scheffer were both convicted by murder.  Something went wrong with the gallows as the crossbeam and single drop door were not high enough and the drop not fast or strong.  They endured death by suffocation.  A man Named William Reed killed Sarah and her body was found on the school floor.  New comer to Chambersberg and was executed 30 April 1912.   The gallows was loaned to Maryland and returned to Franklin County where it's still there.  There were no records and in the early '70's the building was saved and became the home of Franklin Historical Society and plenty of residual energy was left behind.  Nick says the gallows have absorbed much negative energy by its use.  All the negative energy left behind by unfortunate souls.  H will try and find how many restless souls still haunt here and why they choose to remain

Nick's told how some prisoners slept on straw and had buckets for a toilet.  One man in 1856 carved an anchor and dug his fingernails into the door and clawed down the door and found him dead one day.  Hidden passageways.  Was part of the underground railroad as the sheriff was an abolitionist and would hide here and were transported to another place in Chambersberg.  Built in 1818 it saw lots of tragedies and they see visions, shadows, door banging.  People have been touched and told to 'get out.'  Over ten thousand prisoners stayed from 1818 onwards.  Only town was burnt by Confederates.  There's a tunnel here and they haven't found it yet.  From the courthouse they would take prisoners to the jail.  For the underground railroad.  Root cellar is like a tunnel.  Don't know where the tunnel was dug under the street to the courthouse, is speculation a man was murdered by a guard and wasn't found again.  Is dirt floor, could've been buried here or in kitchen area was only dirt too.  Orbs have been seen, shadow figures.  An eerie feeling being in the root cellar.

One cell where a man who wasn't paying child support was kept and he took his belt off and hanged himself.  One day a hacksaw was heard and stopped and heard it again.  On the 1818 side.  Prisoners tried to saw the bars in an attempt to escape.  Men and women were in the 1880 side of the prison.  There were a hundred deaths, were knifed, pneumonia.  Cell 17 and 18 people see something in the corner and moves when get closer to it.  Lots of energy on the top floor.  A man, William Reed, killed his ex girlfriend and went to get some love letters from her, his discharge papers from the Civil War and she burned them.  He fired two shots from his pistol to scare her but she was found shot.  A school was near and they actually waved to the children and he waved to them.  Hanged in 1912 on the gallows at the jail.  There's plenty of events taking place in this year.

Nick hears the metal jail door slamming shut.  Confirmed it was him.  A scream comes through on the equipment.  Nick says he's letting everyone out and are free to go.  Was that "you did," a woman's voice when he asks if he heard you?   Direct Radio Voice (DRV) experiment and amplify and disrupt the energy in the environment and see if can get voices coming through.  Limestone is present.  He asks if someone got buried in the root cellar.  Who was killed down here?  "He shook my hand" comes through and "they didn't do it" when Nick asks if William Reed is here?  "Executed" is heard.  Another noise is heard, a door slamming.  He uses the Connect camera to see figures.   He wants them to use the energy he put into the environment.  There was a figure where the lights were broken on the laser within the grid.  Uses the audio device.  He asks if that was his name from 1886 "yes."  "I was hit in the head" 

I think I heard "Nick."  "Underground."  Tells him to head "up."  "Yes" when he asks if it will reach out if he puts his hand in the jail.  Something hits the bar.  "I'm right here."  Walking is heard from upstairs.  Have you moved on?  "Yeah" is whispered. Another knocking sound is heard.  I didn't hear any screaming.  Nick hears "gallows."  "I did..."  "My last name is..." I heard 'Reed' come through.  "I didn't do it" is what I hear.  He asked if he didn't get his last words on the gallows.  Or is it somebody else?  Nick asks if the secret was buried here with his body parts.  "It was...dungeon...root cellar."  

Nick can feel emotions and energy that went through people before they died, when hanged and they passed away and he was being led through the location with so much history and bloodshed as it's still standing today.  As well as Reed when he was hanged on the gallows.  He went into the dungeon where someone was possibly even killed and buried and the mystery still carries on...  

Thursday 29 June 2023

Ghost Adventures "Fear In Flagstaff"

Zak: "we walk the same ground from generations before, sharing the same air.  What if what we see through our eyes is just an illusion and the reality are the chills that we receive when we cross paths with those who have lived before."

In Flagstaff, Arizona he can feel those who came before and wonders who's watching them as they look for them.  An old place, with an old building and you look up to it and the building knows you have an ability to connect with the other spirit dimension and the sound is deafening.  That's what's happening at the Flagstaff Arizona Hotel.  In 1912 Henry Rockmark, an upstanding person checked into the hotel in October 1912.  He drew his gun and fired at something no one could see.  He didn't know what haunted him and he was enraged and panicked.  Sheriff called in and he continued with this behaviour and he fired at the sheriff and he was shot dead.  That haunting is still within the hotel and is seen by staff and guests.

The Weatherford Hotel needs help.  Sam Green and Henry Taylor have opened the hotel since 1975 and aren't aware of the shooting of Henry Rockmark.  Henry says it's scary to listen to it but in history it is interesting.  Guests haven't wanted to stay after they've checked out.  They've had feelings and seen figures.  Someone who worked for them felt there was a ghost and a bad ghost.  The bad one named Algernon.  Their dog, Mona, was terrified by something in the basement and Sam believes she died by the stress from the building.  Manager Drew saw unexplained activity at the bar.  A bottle fell off the shelf by itself.  Henry bought the place and the ads advertizing for weekly rates.  He's interrupted and prevented from finishing his story by the fall of a crew member.  He collapses and hits his head on a chair.  Gavin is afraid.  What happened to the ads Drew was talking about???!!!  That's what I want to know.  Why was he prevented from continuing his story on how Henry bought the place?!

Investigating the basement Zak uses the Polterpod and Billy interrupts him with the EMF readings.  Zak gets light headed by the door, where Gavin collapsed.  Well the Polterpod session is gone too.  Zak provokes the bad spirit, Algernon.  Aaron's Go Pro stops recording when Billy says his name.  Flowers For Algernon came to my mind for no reason.  Nothing was caught on the digital recorder.  Zak gets an image of a man breathing erratically.  Jay gets a stabbing pain in his stomach and Jay gets a red spot behind his ear and feels burning.  Which gets longer and redder.  He has spikes around him.  Where Jay was standing black marks can be seen on the wall like burning, which weren't there before.  The EMF keeps spiking and Jay looks out of it.  Zak says they've never seen Jay like that before.  It's always Jay who gets affected in some way.  Zak says "Henry wants to kill Jay."  Why did he say that about the hotel owner or the deceased Henry?

Chelsea, their daughter, takes them upstairs.  Room 42 she finds scary and she lived here until she was ten.  She felt a spirit telling them not to come in the hallway and she had a vision of someone killing themselves in the hallway.  A woman fell out of the window and was going through a divorce and she fell from her balcony in Room 59.  In Room 54 the most active room was turned into a maid's closet.  Susan Johnson, historian and author.  In the 1940's a couple came for their honeymoon in were given room 54 and were not seen for days.  The bride was found laid on the bed in her wedding gown and groom was in a chair by the bed with a gun in his hand.  They deemed it a murder/suicide.  Room 59 where the woman fell to her death.  They don't understand the power they're dealing with and they could be in danger.   Billy shows them evidence from trap cams.  In the hallways they see an anomaly and also one goes for the camera lens.  Same as when Gavin was operating the camera.  

In 1897 the hotel was established.  A noise is heard upstairs.  Someone is walking around.  A woman's high pitched voice is heard.  Aaron hears a woman saying hello.  Zak captures a woman on the thermal by the lamp in the room where they heard the woman.  Aaron says she looks like she's got flamingo legs.  

Aaron uses the Polterpod and says Algernon again and a voice comes through saying "evil."  Aaron says a black shadow flies over his head.  "Kids...that's her".  A light anomaly goes into the Polterpod.  I hear "kissed" not kids.  Why would kids come through?  Billy uses the XLS and they hear a laugh.  A figure stands on the chair next to the lamp on the other side of the bed.  

Then a figure shows up on the chair and looks to be firing a gun with his left hand.  

Zak goes into a trance and says "I love you, I love you, I love you too."  He felt nirvana and ecstasy and he wanted to have sex.  Billy says he's channelling.  Zak just wants to enjoy it and not explain it.  That's why I said I heard kiss come through before!  Makes sense now!

In Room 54 outside they hear a bell, I didn't hear it.  Aaron opens the door but looks like something pulls it open.  Two anomalies come from the hallway one enters and one goes towards them.  The motion balls light up.  Using the Ovilus Large Threshold Mop. comes through.  When Zak asks to say something in this room.  A mop in the corner is seen and he leaves it standing.  When at nerve centre the mop falls.  Zak wants someone to go into the basement by themselves and Zak has four throws and ends up going.  Something falls from somewhere.  He calls them back and says he can't go to that room from earlier.  Aaron calls on Algernon again and something falls inside, a screen that was standing up earlier.  Using the Polterpod asking who he is?  "Marcus" comes through.  Zak wonders of Algernon is Marcus and was he named this by the person who saw him.  He didn't sound evil though.   

Wednesday 28 June 2023

Ghost Adventures "Lockdown In Lancaster"

 Lancaster, California where the prison complex Mira Loma opened 1945.  So much violence and blood.  First ones to investigate here.  Was also an an immigration centre, TB centre, juvenile facility.  80 years of suffering here includes accidents, TB, riots and the lingering energy of those murdered inside.  Suicides, electrocution and locked away from the world.  All this has left the energy 'complicated'.  Entered by many gates and had to use golf karts.  All risidual and pain, fear and death is awaiting for them to do what it needs to do.  An interviewee, Clark Nichols, a former guard.  Barracks 23 aka The Hole.  He's afraid of a certain building, the George barracks.  Weird noises came from the inmates housing and no one wanted to be there.  At this building they don't know what to expect.  It's freezing cold inside.  Lauren's heart is racing and she still wants to stay.  She goes into cell 9 the one with the most activity.  Billy closes the door but she can't get out.  As though someone or thing is holding it.  Zak confronts the entity and he felt his heart stop.

Monica joins them, a former employee.  Saying something dark is in G Barracks.  Inside she says you'd feel a dark presence and hear moving.  When she checked everyone was asleep.  She feels anxious and she can't breathe.  A former employee tells them of another dark building.  Many entities can find somewhere to live.  Kitchen mess hall is active with noises and doors opening by themselves.  He sees a dark shadow.  The EMF spikes.  The basement where Aaron feels like being choked.  Bloody handprints can be seen on the wall.  What was that black mass like a large figure behind Zak on the wall and there's a stick figure where Aaron was standing.  Which Jeff doesn't say it's there, but instead he gets angry.  He also got affected at the juvenile facility special ep Devil's Den. Then a figure stands between Jeff and Aaron. If you can see the black mass behind them against the wall and how it seems to be moving and they're not shadows.

The above two photos shows a stick figure on the left behind Zak that Jeff didn't tell them about.

Jay gets affected in the cafeteria and is marked.  Something is around Zak as he asks Jay what's wrong? and he backs away from him.  He doesn't like what he's feeling.  Jay feels it and doesn't like it.  Zak says he doesn't want to attack Jay.  

Aaron feels something grabs his shirt and spider webs were on him.  Zak doesn't lock him in and pinky  promises.  Aaron feels like he's tasting fish and Thousand Island sauce.

Investigating building 22.  In Building 23 some sounds are heard.  A light anomaly lights up the motion sensor balls and the IR light goes out.  They hear banging sounds in what appears to be medium security.  Billy thinks it was a locker.  The Mess Hall where a light anomaly is caught on the X-cam.  The EMF pegs as it's freezing cold.  A figure stands between Billy and Aaron on the thermal camera. 

The camera doesn't pick up shadows.  The figure shows up when the EMF pegged.  Zak feels a breath on the back of his neck and Aaron says he heard Zak call him "a little bitch."  

In the cafeteria he feels drained of energy.  They sit on the seat allowing a spirit and one pulls out the stool and sits there.  A figure comes through and moves the seat out for itself.  On the Polterpod a voice comes through "alright" and then a scream, didn't that sound like Aaron??  Then something is thrown.  A voice says "I'm back of, or I'm Baccus??"  Then "this is Willie" comes through.  "I bit a man" comes through after Zak asks what he did?   

Zak locks Jay inside G Barracks.  Before that he tells him he needs to suffer and be in pain.  So he asks if he wants to get pepper sprayed or eating the world's hottest gummi bear.  Pepper spray would've been better since it wouldn't affect your insides.  Cell 9 EVP session with Jay.  Voices come through.  A spirit says "we love you."  "I'm choking my friend."  Seems Jay was accepted after the distress from the gummi bear.  Cell 5 asks what he should know spending the night here.  A voice comes through "you get up or out??" and then some screaming. 

The investigation gave them the most remarkable evidence ever captured.  The investigation will go down in history according to Zak.  

Monday 26 June 2023

Ghost Adventures "Hotel Barclay"

Downtown LA again where they investigated the iconic evil hotel in the whole of the US, the Hotel Cecil, but now at the Hotel Barclay and he wasn't aware of "the older, wicked brother."   Named the Van Nuys originally it was built in 1896 for the wealthy and changed its name to the Barclay in 1929 leading to a darker era.  It's almost abandoned today.  Haunted by dark entities a result of a serial killer, a murderer who dismembered a woman along the lines of the Black Dahlia murder.  Mostly 13 deaths and other suicides too.  Most of the information they wanted was from witnesses Star Garcia was to speak with them and she turns up late.  Zak says the interview is important.  

James Bartlett, author, journalist and he was at the Hotel Cecil.  James says there's violent crimes here for some reason.  The three hotels are in a triangle, he calls them "the suicide hotels."  One man left a note for his wife who he divorced saying that as he's roasting in hell cos of what she's done and killed himself with cyanide.  Zak describes himself as a sensitive and he feels this residual energy at a high level.  Have been 'Jack the Ripper' style killings, cutting off arms and legs.  Vergi Lee Griffin in 1944, killed by Otto Stephen Wilson and was discharged from the army.  Picked up a woman at the bar, had drinks and he murdered her.   Cut her from top to bottom and then did the same somewhere else.  Zak wants to know why this happens in this area here and doesn't happen in other hotels they've investigated.

The Skid Row Slasher killed eleven and nine others in eight weeks.  Over 40 males and all drunks.  The seventh vic found at the Barclay.  Salt around the corpse, his shoes removed and the killer may have even drank his blood.  3 February 1975, Vaughn Orrin Greenwood sentenced to life in prison after being found guilty.  Room 528.  Star Garcia turns up three hours late.  Lived in room 320 with her boyfriend in 2017 and didn't want to enter it again.  No one was in there just a few people.  On the third floor just her and one couple on the far end and no one else.  The building was completely empty.  She experienced it on her floor.  He was dead for a week right next door to her, three feet from where she lived.  One died in front of the bathroom.  Her boyfriend lived at the hotel for 14 years.  He felt the building wanted him to come back in and after he left he knew the building was crazy.  Star said a ghost threw the platters off the wall and they lived with the ghost rather then the ghost living with them

15th March 1972 a fire broke out on the top floor.  Fires still continue today.  Ronald said it happened four times around 2-4 o'clock in the morning.  No witnesses to describe how the fires began.  Zak asks if the building could be purging itself by compelling others to start the fires.  Sirens go off as a fire starts across the street.  People dressed as Ghost Busters turn up.  A resident asks who they are?  Began their investigation upstairs but the lift doesn't work, as in the Hotel Cecil.  Tragic events here too, waiter Charles Gamble was crushed between the lift and third floor landing.  1901 the janitor watched the lift up the shaft and the weight crushed him.  See Zak in Jerome Grand Hotel ep where he could've met the same fate in that life and had to be dragged out.   Investigate room 320 and the room doesn't open and it's abandoned too.  The stairs are locked too.  He says the vibe here is worse than the Hotel Cecil.

Billy and Aaron investigate the basement and he and Jay go to the third floor to Star's floor and room.  He says they come in peace and just want to study the people here.  Leaves the recorder on.  He can feel the presence and pain of the people who lived here.  A banging is heard.  They see something move in the window.  In the basement, which is very large.  Aaron asks if those mirrors could talk and later on, one kind of does.  They try to speak with Virgie.  The Trifield spikes when Billy speaks to Virgie if she's there and Billy feels pain under his ribs.  They leave.  Zak feels sick too.  Left motion activated game cameras on second and third floors and a time lapse camera.  At 3.24 am they capture a black mass which rises up towards the ceiling.  In the mirror there is something in the mirror in the third photo.  Looks like a dismembered body.  Well Aaron, the mirror talked.  

Looks like a torso without a head

At 3.20 a man comes out and tries to open room 320 and he acts funny like something is after him.  They say just like Elisa Lam in the Hotel Cecil.  The motion ball lights up. 

On the second floor and the temperature is freezing.   The ball lights up on command.  Aaron's spirit box "need to talk" comes through.  Question if it could be Virgie.  "See those workers Aggie"??  "It's not" when Zak says he thinks he heard murder.  "You're right" as Aaron replies maybe it's not Virgie.  Billy takes the Polterpod to the black mass room. "In they go" is what I hear and sounds parrot fashion, like a parrot repeating itself.  A piece of wood is thrown behind them.  An anomaly comes from the door frame.  Billy says they walked into the room and Billy opened the closet and wonders if it happened here.  Aaron asks if she died here "chopped liver" is heard but doesn't sound it.  Then "you're in trouble" comes through.  Billy feels something on his forearm.  'Closet' comes through on the Ovilus.  Then footsteps are heard.  

Zak uses the XLS.  Aaron and Jay in the basement.  The R2600 synthesizer which produces different frequencies, three different frequencies going at the same time like infra sound.   Responses come through.  Does it say her name is Anne?  Then a spirit asks Aaron if he's "ready."  "Here"??  I don't hear "hate him."  Aaron then feels pain.  Zak goes to 320 again.  First the stick figure lays on the ground, then crawls up the wall before heading to Billy.  'Begin Near' on the Paranormal Puck 2.  It touches his hand.  Class A EVP  "door's not open or door's off"???  A light anomaly vanishes into the door handle.  Zak says they received good evidence of poltergeist activity, intelligent responses and a very dark entity.  

This article is a very good potted history:

Wednesday 14 June 2023

Death Walker 3.5 "Carrie Blast Furnace"

 Pittsburgh Steel City has more than 300 steel related businesses.  Pennsylvania was the hub of import/export of iron/steel in the US.  In 1910 more than 60 per cent production of steel took place here.  After World War II the industry declined and there was a crisis in 1974.  In 1979-82 workers lost jobs and industries closed.  Today most were torn down or renovated but the Carrie Furnace still is around.  The two furnaces numbers 6 and 7 built were in 1907 and ran until 1978.  Over 15k steel workers and known for the amount of iron and steel production.  Steel workers still are around today but not here.  Mistakes and accidents still occur on sites today.  Even if they did back then, the public would overlook them and without the safety protocols and procedures today, they had to do what they had to in the early days.  Hot steel burns and once covered a worker's body, would 'cook' them to death.  Also carbon monoxide poisoning would suffocate them.  A National Rivers of Steel Heritage Corporation exits and many paranormal activity documented today at the furnace is by them.  Paranormal investigators and tourists have seen this activity.  Nick uses new equipment built by Steve Haltay, an engineer.   Nick wants to see what extent the spirit can manipulate emotions, conscious and relay messages and give answers and why this place is still being haunted.

Two furnaces in 1907-1978 were the best of the day.  Risk of injury and death was high.  The Stockhouse were shadow figures and apparitions have been seen.  The Stovedeck where many chains rattle.  The locker room with feelings of being sick.  The cast house where people have heard voices. Much power here and people that he knows and trusts have experienced the paranormal.  One saw full body apparitions.  The first night they investigated and one saw a shadow figure appeared.  The Corporation have conducted investigations here and have seen and caught evidence.  And the electricity and force stays.  The presence of the men and women who worked here.  Saw a man with a hardhat and he vanished.  

Traumatic and sudden deaths on the site thus much activity.  Some residual.  As they worked so much here and they know the place.  Casthouse number 6 was where the furnace was opened and iron was taken out.  Sulphur fumes and temperature can reach 400 degrees.  Working 12 hour shits for 6 days a week.  In later years they got regular hours due to the unions.  People would slip and fall in.  Material sticks to the sides of the furnace and slips and forces the plug open and molten iron squirts out.  Which happened in the 1920's and 34 people died.  Furnaces are powered by gas.  Furnaces had to be opened and closed by hand.  In the early years had to be in a gang and if not out in time, needed to be rescued.  Gas level indicators worn today but it's still dangerous. The Stockhouse here materials have been removed.  Many investigators felt something move past them.  His dogs were afraid of that end of the site.  

Nick starts his investigation in the furnace.  Where people died in the gaps/large trenches.  He can feel the energy.   He asks for a name?  He fell into the area "yeah."  "Smith" is what I heard.  He can tell what happened to him "yeah."  He tripped and fell.  No one wants to grab Nick's hand or they can't.  A voice says "no...too hard."  That's what I said: that they can't.  He died " shit."  

Steve Haltay's new equipment: a highly skilled paranormal engineer.  He uses the Tesla coil again.  As well as the The FM Chaos Box and the ITC device.  "I touch it" I heard come though when it's switched on.  "We here."  They can see him from the other side.  His name is "Nick."  "Ghost" comes through; "a little bit."  He ask if they think they're ghosts?  Jim is here?  "Yes."  He's doing "good."  He's working on "the machines."  Was involved in an accident "oh yeah."  "You're a man" when Nick asks how they see him.  "Fell through."  

He uses the Chaos Box.  They're here with him.  "Yeah."  "Edward."  They work all day and night and they come to the locker room but as a spirit they come back not knowing they died to get their belongings.  So much energy and emotion in the room.  Try to use his energy and pass through him.    "Brain injury".  "Hurt.  ""  "Heart."  "Dead...cry."  Nick asks how they know they're dead?  But nothing comes through.

"That's them."  He asks if they can seem them from the other side?  "There's no way out."  I heard a "yes" in response to his question of whether they can see them.  The Stockroom where solid figures have been seen.  He asks if he died right here..."yes...I did."  He feels an eerie presence there.  He can pick up on their emotions.  No reply to what it's like on the other side.  A noise is heard.  Justin says something ran by.  Nick uses the lasers.  Something breaks the lasers, a figure walks through it but not seen on camera.  Justin doesn't see it either but hears it.  "Heat" when Nick asks how hot it gets in here.  What happens when you die, did it say "end."??  It asks "are you dead?"  Nick asks what they see?  Nick comes through.  He's standing right there.  They don't answer as to what it's like on the other side, or wherever they are.  Some sort of sound is heard again, could be residual from working there.

He felt like he walked with the souls who risked their lives to build America's foundation.  The steel stood the test of time through world events.  Communicating with spirits shows energy of people can manifest even in the afterlife to tell their stories, telling them what they went through.  His investigation can document the history of the workers here. 

Sunday 11 June 2023

Ghost Adventures "Lake of Death"

Lake Mead, Las Vegas, where bodies were found, such as at Boulder Beach.  Lake Mead built in 1936 is the biggest reservoir in the US.  Accidental deaths occurred here and is also a good location for murders and the lake drying up by global warming revealing more secrets.  Zak talks of a recurring nightmare and falling off a ship in deep water and drowning.  He asks why he had that dream and his fear of deep, dark water.  He wrote about this in his first book Dark World.  The waterline shows the lake was all underwater, the land is visibly more clearer to the eye.  Life looks like its been sucked out of the lake and blood is receding.  Why is the Lake so deadly?  

Dennis McBride, a former Director of the Nevada State Museum, writer and historian.  He says the earth is a sentient being reacting when you do bad to it.  The government knew the waters were going to rise and flood and have an impact on an entire population when the lake rose by the Hoover Damn.  Dr Travis Heggie: Lake Mead "is the Lake of death".  He's seen 2,000 deaths not to mention the workers who died.  Homicides, suicides, accidents and the Lake is cursed at unheard of levels.  Six deaths so far and they're only getting deaths from this lake due to it being Las Vegas and the mob.  He wouldn't be surprised if a month from now they'd get more bodies here.  He feels he can hear bodies crying at night.

Many have died here, the recreationists, Native Americans, all lived here and are buried here and a ghost town of St Thomas was flooded by the Dam.  The spirits of those residents could still be on the shores.  They took this land and they cry out for the land and their suffering.  He's also a member of the National Park Service member.  He mentions shapeshifters.  That we already know of.  Didn't mention the dispatcher's name.  She and her husband fwork for NPS and would hear reports of shapeshifting creatures at the Lake.  Could have been humans morphing into coyotes.  [See the Ghost Hunters Hoover Dam episode and wonder if Zak got the idea to investigate Lake Mead from there as they investigated  the damn and mentioned the levels in Lake Mead dropping and bodies being found.] Similar to a skinwalker, which we all know about.  Confirmed the existence of shapeshifters.  

Zak talks of twins, Ryan and River.  Hemenway Harbour where there were a large number of drownings.  He feels like being on Mars, hearing voices and feeling energies.  They can hear coyotes howling.  The twins got words from spirits telling them which way to go and this was before the body that was found in the barrel with GS wounds.  They ere swarmed by coyotes and they think they wanted them away from that area.  One coyote didn't seen normal and it looked disappointed at not being able to grab them.  

Billy gets activity on the EMF when he mentions the names of people who died there.  17th November a suicidal woman threatened to kill her son and she killed him in the car by driving it over.  Zak calls the lake "a cemetery, a tomb, a crypt."  Water submerged the sacred land of the native Americans and the town.  A barrel was found with a body and he was murdered.  At the shore he feels the air getting heavier and is intent on keeping secrets.  They felt like they were getting attacked.  He's convinced they're on cursed land.  Dr Heather Leigh believes portal might be located.  The railroad tunnels used when the dam was being constructed.  She could see shadows and a construction worker with a hard hat.  Many men died where they claimed to have died of pneumonia but they actually died of carbon monoxide poisoning.  Hikers were exploring in 1988 and discovered a body.  So the energy could've opened up a portal.  They thought the dam was set up like Satan's throne.  People conducted satanic rituals there.

Zak and Jay investigate the rail tunnels and Billy and Aaron investigate the Government Wash area.  Boulder Dam railroad tunnels, fences open.  A light is seen in the distance.  They travel on a dirt path via motorbike.   They arrive at the first of five tunnels.  Zak is scared of the tunnel.  Zak's camera drains as soon as they enter Tunnel 1.  A scream is heard but kind of sounds more like a coyote than a man, or maybe a shapeshifter.  Zak notices a black hole on the ceiling the Lydar doesn't pick up.  A figure is mapped as if it manifested out of the hole.  It then shifts on all fours as though it's flying.  Must be a shapeshifter.  It's a very tall figure.  Zak demos the figure's actions.

There was a light seen.  Jay sees a light and then a person was standing in the middle of the tunnel. There's a storage container.  I just asked what was there like a dark figure.  Zak uses the DASANC device filtering out the static sweeps and just leaves a spirit voice.  No responses.  Zak sees something in the tunnel looks like a shadow figure.  Which is what I saw later on with a light shining.  Then a head about it as if carrying a lantern. That's what I saw and what the Dr Leigh said about a construction worker.  It's like his head is reflecting as a shadow on the rocks.  

This one above is where it looks like a construction worker with a hat and also carrying a light.

Billy analyzes what they captured.  The XLS figure. and the dark shadow figure.  Zak asks if the shapeshifters are demons and Billy thinks perhaps the men disturbed something in the rocks when they were constructing the dam.  Reports more men died from unreported Carbon monoxide poisoning.  As well as suicides at the dam.  Zak calls this a "nuclear energy" for these deaths.  He used his IR binoculars when he captured the figure.  

The Wash where drownings and deaths have occurred.  Their infrared lights go out and flash beforehand.  A light manifests out of the ground as Billy feels tingly on his head.  At Gypsum Wash Aaron and Billy use the Polterpod.  Another light is being manipulated.  They use the paranormal puck in the sand and hear a man's voice.  "Ready."  "Yes"??  Fick??  Sounds like Eddie not Ben.  Or Freddy??  Aaron says he feels sad before he was hyper and now he doesn't feel that way.  At the launch ramp two bodies were found.  They're going to investigate the ramp and where the water used to be.  Aaron asks what's wrong with land "Reap Before Time" comes through on the Ovilus.  Zak thinks it means the consequences of submerging sacred land.

"July Ninety Cloud."  Billy looks up the date Lake Mead drowning and he wonders how the Ovilus could say that about a body that wasn't found on that date.  "Slain Truth Unholy" they were murdered or slain by something unholy.  "Find Mother Dispose" find their mother whose body was disposed here.  Billy feels the spirits are queuing up to talk to them.  They hear a scream of a high pitch noise.  

They need to investigate the last three tunnels, the largest and scariest.  Zak takes Billy back there with him.  He sends Jay and Aaron and Lauren to Devil's Cove. 13th May 1939 a man was living in a hut at Devil's Cove.  He was reported to NPS as he was chanting at an alter near his hut.  Fishermen asked him to go fishing with them.  He tried to kill one of them and was possessed and took a knife and tried to stab them on the boat.  He was shot and killed there.  There were symbols and markings around his hut so he was worshipping something dark.  He was speaking in tongues in the boat.  Zak asks if he was setting up an alter in order to conjure the shapeshifters.  Devil's Cove on satellite resembles the devil.  Zak says there is tainted blood flowing in the veins of the hosts he was worshipping.

Jay and Aaron were meant to get there by helicopter but they don't arrive by helicopter as the pilot refuses to fly to Devil's Cove.  They travel by ATVs and guides.  They couldn't find another helicopter.  I said it looks like there's a storm brewing.  They try to work out how to get there.  There's overgrown bushes and trees.  They hear something that sounds like water. I didn't hear it.  They leave trap cams on the land.  Lauren captures a light in the side ahead of them.  They're surrounded by fox holes.  They're lost and don't make it to the Cove.  Aaron gets angry and they use an hour trying to get out.  Another light is captured.   Jay says they have to find their cameras as well.  Aaron says he heard Jay chanting.  He conducts a conjuring ceremony to see what the hut man was connecting with.  He sits in the circle and they capture what looks like a figure on the XLS sitting outside of the circle but unable to enter.  The Trifield also detects results.  Blue anomaly on the Polaroid.  

Zak and Billy take off-road bikes to Tunnels 3, 4 and 5.  They hear more screaming.  Tunnel 3 leads Zak to get some pain going through his rib cage.  A male voice says "I don't hear or care"??  Zak tells them to connect to their centres and reveal their identities.  The voice comes through and says "I'm here."  "Come again"??  Billy says all he can hear in his head is '5, 5,5,5,5'.  So that was a forewarning, foreshadowing of what was to come in Tunnel 5.  At Tunnel 4 a voice says "come on."  A knocking sound is heard like someone chipping away at the rocks.  A deep voice comes through.  Didn't that sound like Aaron "gotta go"???  A 13.2 Miligause spike Zak is hit and he feels being hit in the chest with a sledgehammer.  When Billy uses the device on 33 Hertz.  Zak can't breathe.  A ticking is heard.  A ball of mist goes around him and into his chest.  Was there some light anomaly on the ceiling too??  When Zak runs away.  He shows the anomaly coming down where he was attacked.  Was it what I saw the other way on the ceiling.  Zak said he found a frequency it didn't like at 33.  Billy uses the tone generator again.

Zak doesn't want to go back in there.  I saw that too before he asks what was that?  Billy starts mumbling and is out of sorts.  That's the 5's in his head from earlier.  He says "frequency 5, 5."  Zak asks what Billy was doing.  He asks if they've finished.  He doesn't know what's happening.  Then creeps up on Zak causing him to stumble back.  Billy asks if the experiment is over.  Billy panics as Zak gave it permission to enter their bodies and Zak wants them out of there.  Zak says he wants to close and remove itself from their space.  Zak uses the Lydar scanner leaving Billy outside.  

They analyze the hovermap and see something resembling a creature with a rib cage. 

An animal on all fours with a horn.  The figure on the shapeshifters on the wall in Tunnel 1??  Zak says that's what touched him taking his energy to visually show itself at the cost of what they went through.