
Friday 15 July 2022

Death Walker "Electromagnetic Sanitarium"

Tourists flock to Niagara Falls each year at New York and two miles away a neoclassical style building stands in the form of the Electromagnetic Sanitarium.   Before this it was built as a Queen Anne style masonry sanitarium where the hospital stands today, by BB Barnard who used electroshock therapy  on patients with nervous or mental disorders. t  This was taken over by the Sisters Of  St Francis in 1907 aka the House on the Corner.  The sisters plans for a modern hospital were acted upon and it opened in 1914 and up to 2003 was a working hospital.  It was also constructed using reinforced concrete and thick wall construction which included fireproof and soundproof housing for patients.  St Mary's manor closed in 2003 and was vacant for over 20 years.  The red brick building on a raised limestone foundation, bringing into effect generally the stone tape theory,  the absorption of electromagnetic and psychic energies.  A gothic tomb, where even the neighbours have spoken about seeing light anomalies and shadow figures.  

Nick  is the first to conduct a paranormal investigation here.  Wanting to determine if this location is being haunted by those passed away  and asks for them to physically attack him at the sanatorium.  Scott bought the hospital after falling in love with it.  When he saw the mist of Niagara Falls.  He talks of the energy under the ground, limestone, crystals and has lots of energy here.  Tragedy is here and a hospital built could be housing something paranormal.  He wants to know if it's really haunted.  As he felt something on the third floor and heard whispering.  Children laughing.  He never had experiences like that before.  


Nick and Justin Wear masks to protect against debris.  Lots of holes and shabby paint falling down.  In the ER still old beds and uses the Geoport.  I hear "haunted" come through. "Haunting me" a voice says when Nick turns on the Geoport and "he's here."  Something always comes through when Nick opens up the Geoport but I won't say profound, though last ep could have been!

Nick sees something run by.  Then hears a metallic sound.  "That's me" after Nick says you heard a loud sound here.   I heard a woman moan too.  Around 9.35 minutes in.  Energy becomes more intense the more they delve into the floors.  The same woman's voice comes through.  Do I hear "help me" twice when Nick asks if he heard a lady come though.  "I am, you are" after Nick asks if he's in here.  Many abandoned beds/furniture left to decay, along with the interior of the building.  He thinks it's creepy in one of the areas.  They're off their "comfort zones."  He's been in many please with history and this doesn't feel right to him.  As he's not aware of what's here.  Dilapidated with holes and also missing steps.

He says they're in an active part where the nurses would deal with patients.  "See me" I hear.  "This is my home"?? Found the dentist's chair for the sanitarium.  There's plenty to explore and Nick says he should've brought the other camera, along with the thermal is what I said too.  I heard "oh my God" (around 23 minutes but that's with ads) when they go up the stairs couldn't have been from outside.  Maybe residual as it was so clear as if spoken in the moment, especially through the headphones.   Nick asks them to speak.  "Yeah I am."  No one wants to grab Nick's arm or make physical contact with him.  Aww man, he's too nice for that, until an aggressive spirit comes along.  Not here though or in many other eps either.   Does it say "Nick..." then "help...sad"  when Nick asks if the doctors/nurses still here?  A sound is heard.  "Yes" comes through.  Nick says everytime they communicate with the lady they get a response, a sound like she's wanting them to move to that part of the building.  Leading them with her voice and the noises.

Upstairs he asks where are you?  Male voice says "outside."  In the pink room, probably the maternity ward.  Nick says fraternity, probably by accident.  
Did you die here? "Yes."  
How did you die?  "accident, fell off the top."  That was said before.  He says sometimes spirits don't know where they are.  On the sixth floor you can feel the energy and emotions to this building.  He's heard of stories of a woman falling or dying from the top floor.  
"I am" here.  Did you jump off the top floor?  "No."  A female voice says.  
Were you pushed?  "Yes."  
Name of person that pushed you?  "Off the top"???  "Send a signal."  

I hear a male voice say "Sam." After  Nick asks what her name is?  
Do you have a name?  "Sam."  A male voice says clearly at around 36.35 with ads.  Then a male voice says "Sam" again.  I had that on my voice memo on my phone cos I was recording to type up later.  I would upload it but I sound awful!  HA. But it's uploaded and stored for posterity by me.  See if I can upload it later! 

"She fell, accident"  I hear again.  In a male voice.  Nick asks if they can see them?  "NO."  Nick injured his ankle and wanted to investigate here and so came as is, in pain.  At the roof they feel they're getting info from a female spirit where she fell to her death.  From the seventh floor, can see the mist of Niagara Falls in the distance and can see Canada.  Great view shoulda got a pic (me that is off the TV).  "Yes - up"?? when he asks if she's up here?  
Did something happen?  "Yeah."  He asks if she came up here to see Niagara Falls?  
Were they here when it was a sanitarium and a hospital.  Something happened and might never know as they doesn't seem to be documentation.  Needs research.  Nick says the energy becomes more positive.  They head to the basement.

Tunnels leading to the boiler room.  Hear noises around them, doors slamming.  Chased a female spirit.  He asks if they died here in the morgue, the basement?  I heard a woman moan too.  
"Here."  "Yeah" a male voice says.  No one wants to use Nick's energy.  The energy becomes heavy again.   Heard a sound after he asks for it.  As well as footsteps.  I'm sure I heard 'Sam' again and then the woman comes through.  Do you have a name?  "Sam"  YES!!!!  Then comes through again!! Another sound and footsteps.  (Or Samantha.)  An intelligent spirit and he says they recognize her and trying to tell them what happened to her.  They lose contact with her.  And move on.  When Nick steps on the metallic object that sounds like the first metallic sound that was heard in the beginning.  
Silence and he waits but they don't her anything else.  The spirit give a clue to her death and what happened in the past.   Oh a thought, they could have resembled medical staff by wearing those masks too.  But I don't think that's why Sam opened up to him.  I feel it's more she trusted him and he was so willing to speak with her.  

Nick describes it as an amazing location after being empty for twenty years. Is intelligent and the lady's spirit speaking.  It's haunted with residual and intelligent sounds.  Was active with direct replies to his questions.  Nothing visual was caught, disembodied cries and intelligent replies.  Also a says a 'true earth bound spirit named Sam/Samantha' following them around.  Other sounds could have been residual in nature.  She roams the halls wanting to be heard.  He wants to carry out more paranormal experiments here to reveal what happened to her and why she's still here.  I feel he could get a lot of mileage coming back here, especially as Sam will know him by now and formed a bound with him.  The first time her voice is heard with someone like Nick, wanting to know what happened and taken an interest in her and her story; after who knows how many years.  Hope he does return here! 

Also thanks for the validation for myself, of hearing "Sam" those times before Nick says it later.  Especially since the number of times, people have contradicted what I hear re EVPs etc and even the shit reviews on Nick's book that I received.  This isn't about me, but I just wanted to add that since it's also confirmation for me for what I hear and say that's what it is that's said etc; for all those years now!  

Saturday 9 July 2022

Deathwalker "McInteer Villa"

 The McInteer villa in Atchison , Kansas was built in 1889 by John McIntee.  He built the villa after an investment in real estate.  He making saddles etc.  His first wife died in 1892 and he his married second wife in 1895.  Anna lived in the house in 1916.  Her brother, a judge and lawyer made it their home. Judge found Charles Donovan after he committed suicide.  Isabelle Altus a violinist, then lived there.  She sold the house to George. The lights turn on and off in the tower where there's no electric power.  Objects move and disappear.  Isabelle's spirit is seen wearing a black dress.  There might be a doorway to the other side perhaps in the basement and the owner, Stephanie, sleeps in the basement.  Damn this music is loud and drowns out the commentary.  She's owned the house for three years sand he feels uncomfortable in the room.  Heard a baby crying, shooting coloured lights.  Mediums/psychics have said that there have been illegal medical procedures.  She was playing a game with a friend and she took a photo and the bar was back.  She says something is digging under the ground in the basement.

Altus was a trained violinist and they hear music.  A door opens on its own.  footsteps in hallway, shadow figures.  The attic also has footsteps , she says something will follow you up the stairs.  Furniture can be heard.  Can hear voices, slapped people.  Master bedroom, faces caught in the mirror.  Wasn't very clean was it, the mirror,  ha.   Someone walks across the bed.  In the library Charles Donovan committed suicide and it's colder in this room.  After World War One he was depressed, didn't get over his Spanish Flu symptoms and shot himself.  Esmeralda is a marionette with hair from a child.  Stephanie's been called a 'dumb bitch'.  And have been told to get out.  She's always in a case.  Something has increased activity in the room with the doll here.  

When Nick opens the Geoport do you hear "I was stuck in 1922" it's what I hear.  Was that Charles.  Nick says he's here out of respect.  Just to communicate.  Nick says it likes to laugh at Stephanie.  "Fight me"?/ all sorts of creepy voices can be heard and maniacal laughter even through the Geoport.  Nick hears banging on the wall.  "It's me" after he asks if it's causing it.  It's a man causing this.  John died here "yeah."  More laughter.  Nick believes there's one spirit and other spirits are moving through the house.  "Attic" comes through.  Nick wants to be physically touched.  Something pushes Nick in the attic, thought he tripped but he says something touched him.  Nick sees the door open by itself.  He thinks whatever pushed him ran back downstairs.  Is that why he was meant to go to the attic.  Made him think it might have been a flying bat but they didn't find anything, no animals.

On the second floor he feels the environment change.  In Charles's room.  Can hear all background voices coming through like "he's here" in a creepy way.  Nothing shows up in the mirror.  On the first floor where he asks if funerals took place.  "Yeah" comes through after he asks if this where bodies were laid out.  "Lay down."  Is this the room he asks.  "It's right."  Nick sleeps in the room where people have seen something walk on it.  He's awakened by a loud banging sound like a door closing.  That sounds like the door closing in his room, not in the hall.  Then hears footsteps int he hallway.  He didn't use the thermal camera or digital recorder.  

What was Lewiston that came through and did the voice say "Atchison" and not "Atkinson" considering that's where they are.  He asks Isabelle if she's still in the rocking chair and a woman replies "yes."  The skeleton at the piano and the cat skeletons near the rocking chair.  Was she a cat woman??  Ha.  "Here he comes."  "Nick's here."  "Somebody."  He ask if he's the aggressive spirit?  "yes."  "Him" a woman's voice replies after Nick asks who's hurting people in the house.  He hears noises from the basement.  Thermal or SLS would've been good to use here.  "Nick's here. He's looking for the aggressive spirit.  So much space in the basement like a maze of rooms.  A woman's voice whispering can be heard behind the man.  As something is heard further down.  "I did not want to be here."  A woman is heard.  "I hate, visiting."  "Pushing through."  ""es in front of me" after he asks if he can manifest.  Then asks who's digging the hole?  "I am" I hear.  He wants to know if physical contact can be made after they die.  What happens after death?  "Who's she or he?"  "Hurts."  In reply to his death question.  Nick asks if that's why they're reaching out trying to make them feel what they feel.  

Justin feels he saw something from the corner of his eye.  He hears a noise.  Nick says he saw a dark figure and gets goose bumps. Intense energy lurks in the basement.  Nick sleeps on the ground of the basement.  He asks for a manifestation and he's vulnerable now.  He hears another noise.  He felt like a presence was there and it was uncomfortable.  He says history stays alive through communication and activity.  If there are people just living in the mansion as though time doesn't exist.  He has too many questions about the afterlife.  The energy is within this structure.  He continues his journey to finding that there's more to just dying and consciousness and physical contact can still manifest from the other side.  Here he got a glimpse of the past spirits still in the mansion.  

Wednesday 6 July 2022

Ghost Adventures "Steinbeck House Haunting"

Salinas, California.  Zak says there's something extra dark and special with such a creative mind.  John Steinbeck, Nobel Prize and Pulitzer author born in 1902 and watched his mother, Olive die in 1934.  Reports of disturbing presence.  Is now a restaurant and museum.  He's "seen things walking in the house you should not see."  As Dale says yes, a dark shadow manifests in the dining room behind Dale.  He says his "mind was so different than anyone else's."  Something Steinbeck saw was when his mother died.  Was sent home after a stroke.  (Why did this feel like deja vu.)  He and his first wife looked after her in this house.  He saw a shaft of light looking down at her mother.  In the living room after her death the light came into the dining room.  He wrote of what he saw.

1972 was a boarding house for young women a resident saw the same light, perhaps.  The restaurant chef, Augie, says he feels something behind him.  Dale also mentions a seven year old who came here and saw a girl in blue light.  Zak speaks with Zachary.  Who explains seeing a little girl on top of the picture.  He said her eyes were all black.  Where the girl was seen Zak finds Dale and is the same room where his mother passed.  They carry out a pre-investigation.  Something is in the next room which Zak couldn't enter.  Billy gets EMF readings of 8 and above.  Billy feels the energy go through him.  Zak uses the Ovilus 5 and "lady" comes through.  Zak feels their presence isn't wanted and asks if they can come up.  A banging sound is heard and a growl follows.  

Upstairs Aaron gets scared by a cabinet and gets angry and Zak becomes attracted by the doll on the chair (ha) and gets angry too.  A psychomanteum is found in the next room : where two mirrors are set up to create a loop, a portal.  Billy calls it an "infinite reflection."   Zak says a true mystery is going on here and seeing these entities whilst his mother was dying was something he wasn't meant to see.  He asks if it could be evil, whether the house is a portal.  Was he born into a house where there was a portal to the dead.  Billy was taking full spectrum snaps and get an anomaly, a giant, red ball. Which they couldn't debunk.  Zak says he left a spoon on the dresser and after leaving the spoon falls down.   Got an EVP onto the recorder:  Sounds like something to do with life or light?? "life, go light." ??

Jeff and Aaron are in the basement whilst they review the evidence they caught.  They catch a female voice on an ITC audio device.  "Get the chef" or something is what I hear.  Aaron asks Steinbeck to show himself.  Jeff sees Aaron's stick body leaving itself and come back in on Aaron and Jeff hear a knocking sound and then the door bell goes off by the back door.  Jeff catches a stick figure out of Aaron and climb the ceiling.  They discuss what happened and Jay spots a dark figure walk behind on the camera.  Could be the same one in the dining room - see later.  It walks into the basement.  

Zak uses a boom mic sweep.  The chef won't go upstairs at night.  Zak reaches out to Steinbeck.  Reminding him of how he said the house was haunted.  Noises are heard upstairs and two knocks.  All the sounds stop now.  Zak stays alone.  The XLS camera is used.  Another bang is heard.  Aaron hears a noise in the closet.  Then gets the chills.  Zak asks if the psychomanteum is a portal.  He films in the mirror.   Aaron feels something in the room with the doll.  His stick figure leaves him, grows taller and then the figure faces the doll, then straddles the doll, like it's attacking it.  Zak leaves Aaron by himself.  As he sits by the mirror.  Billy goes to the basement.  

Billy uses the Paranormal Puck 2 allowing the spirit to use his energy to communicate.  He asks if there are spirits here?  "Adam, Melody, Walter."  He asks about the house: "poem."  "Evil" comes through.  He asks who the black shadow is "witch."   Zak wants Aaron to stare into the mirror.  Aaron mentions the black shadow again.  Zak feels ice cold air.  An anomaly is caught and brushes Aaron's leg.  He uses the Poulter Pod, does he say "Seth, set" not "sit up."   The camera behind Aaron goes off.  It still has its battery.  Zak tells him to go to the closet door.  The camera goes off again.  Aaron smells cookie and then smells something rancid.  The camera goes off for a third time. 

Zak uses the full spectrum camera with an illuminator.   The infrared light drains and he has captured a black shadow in the dining room.  Again that's where the first shadow was seen in the Dale interview.  Aaron says it looks like someone's moving the chair to sit on it.  They try to debunk but can't.  The curtains can't be seen through and Aaron doesn't even reach the height of the window from outside.  Zak asks who's in the room?  The Paramnormal Puck says "witch."  For a second time. 

Adam comes through wonder if it's any reference to Adam (played by James Dean in the film adaptation) in Steinbeck's East of Eden or just someone in the house once. 

Thursday 30 June 2022

Deathwalker 2.2 "Broken Bow Asylum"

Broken Bow asylum housed mental patients where the facilities in disrepair.   Was also used as halfway house for teens and locals spoke of the 'underhand' activities going on there. Medical staff refused to work here cos of shadow figures. The trauma complex merged with other centres.  A pastor wanted to make it into a church and left after encounters, leaving behind their expensive supplies.  Ashley bought the place and had encounters too such as poltergeist, shadow figures.  She spoke of the number of deaths.  Up to 90 bodies were recorded here when it was used as such.  As well as deaths from the asylum.  She recalls there being 70 years of trauma and disrepair, with no one to look after them properly especially the halfway house children.  As well as hearing disembodied voices.  Scratching, objects thrown or at walls.  A little girl who says "hello."  Nick from the north wing likes scaring people, especially men and will throw things.  He sets the tone for the others interacting or not.  Nick took place in satanic worship.  He didn't like the church being built here.  

Nick felt the energy in the location, capturing a shadow figure in the background.  That was a good find.  A noise is heard of something moving.  He's feeling angry, frustrated.  their cameras didn't work and their keys were moved down the hallway.  He feels he walked backwards into someone.  The place is oppressive and gloomy.  He says a location can be haunted without any spirits being present.  It's the atmosphere of the place.  Someone mentions "Nick" not our Nick and he's in the north wing.  I hear "pushing" come through.  Was that in response to what Nick was feeling.  "Nick...behind you..."  "Nick's here."  "Immortal" is heard.  It can feel Nick's hand but he can't see him.  Something is thrown at Justin he went first.  "Nick" comes through again after on the Geoport.  The energy he says is intense.  "Nick" is heard again.  I hear "he's here" after Nick asks if he's in here?  Nothing wants to touch Nick's hand.   I hear "yes" after Nick asks if he's in the building.

Nick feels uncomfortable by himself.  Footsteps are heard following him.  Nothing happens in the night as he lies on the hospital bed.  He's drained and needs to continue.  Nick shows Ashley the evidence they caught and she says it appears someone was trying to hit them with the object.  Nick liked throwing things.  It was definitely a "throw."  People feel watched through the window but there's no pane in the window in one of the rooms.  All of their devices have been drained of power.  They're in unchartered territory.  

They feel tense as if the emotions of the people are still there.  He feels like he's going crazy and everything if 'off'.  He uses the thermal camera.  Seems aside from that lob, no other spirits are being allowed to come through by Nick.  He hears a loud noise.  Nick speaks of the energy form that crawls around the ground.  Most of these asylums has one of those, like Transallegheny's Creeper slitherer.   A light anomaly is seen by Nick's left shoulder.  He says "it's a weird coincidence that my name is Nick too."   Heck not even the rocking chair moves.   He says the ultimate question is what happens after death?  Nick takes his finding of the shadow figure to a video expert, Bob, in Buffalo, New York; who confirms it is a figure that he captured.  

Nick wanted to make physical contact with something beyond instead he documented a shadow figure.  A sold figure caught in daylight.  Not only is there residual energy but an intelligent haunting in the form of Nick.  Is more aggressive for those who go into the left wing where he once lived and died.  He feeds off peoples' fear.  The emotions and energies still live here.  Nick saw a glimpse of something living on the other side in this investigation.   Broken Bow sounds familiar or am I thinking of Broken Bow Enterprise ep, ha.

Monday 27 June 2022

Deathwalker 2.6 "Nazareth Hospital"


Mineral Wells, Texas where people travelled from all over to drink and bathe in the waters and the clinics became sanatoriums.  Coca Cola company opened a sanatorium here.  There has been a morgue and TB unit on the first floor as well as individuals with disabilities.  As well as having a crematorium.  The locals spoke of the smell from the stacks in the 1950's. An ER was located in the basement later.  A mysterious fire in the ER occurred and closed in 2001.  Witnesses have encountered the paranormal.  Seen figures of nuns.  Shadow figures and a dark entity will attack the living.  Witnesses, a delivery man, spoke of being on the third floor and the two women there were leaving.  They said a chair was moving and hit the wall.  He tried to move the chair, it was heavy and put it by the desk.  The chair hit the wall.   

Built in 1885 and people wanted to be healed by the 'crazy waters.'  They were too ill to leave, so they were housed in the sanatorium. Many deaths occurred here.  Disembodied voices, dark shadows. A family heard footsteps and they stood still.  They felt something beside them, behind them was water and muddy footsteps resembling hooves.  

A man overdosed in one room on a chair, people sitting there get sick.  People say they've seen blue and white.  The nuns wore blue habits.  The crematorium was in use until 1954.  Next to the crematorium was where they dismembered people before cremating them.  

Nick felt a lingering energy follow him.  Life and death has moved through the halls.  The energy changes as he feels the emotions trapped in the walls.  Nick asks if there's a nurse there or the children.  A door bangs shut by itself.  That was the door in Destination Fear ep when they investigated there too and Chelsea and Dakota were there by themselves.  Sure it was where the tape was moved.  The static camera shows the door closing.  When Nick was speaking of the nun on the third floor.  

Room 218 is where the chair moved.  There's been a lot of residual energy which he calls non-threatening.  Nick wants to communicate with the nurse.  "Yeah I can hear it" when Nick says can his voice be heard.  Says "Nick" too.  The door that shut can't move by itself.  Nick believes there's an afterlife where they can communicate with the living.  He asks if the spirits are still here.  He wants the spirits to speak validating there is life after death.  There has to be something more than completely dying.  A voice replies " yes" but doesn't add to it after Nick asks what happens when you die? No answer again.  Again feels to me like they either don't know what's in the afterlife, or they can't speak about it.  but then they're still here so who would stop them from answering his questions.  SO near and yet so far - again, Nick!  The door closed again after they left there.  Was that a distraction so no spirit can reply in response to the afterlife.  

Nick stays alone.  He feels eyes watching.  He stays where the door closed on the third floor where he lies down.  Nick says it's the worst place to sleep.  A banging is heard.  "I'm in here" is what I heard.  In the basement and he senses death and lots of emotions.  Was also used as a haunted house.  I hear "they're dead" whispered by a male voice.  Nick recalls The Others when he sees a doll figure.  "Polio" comes through.  A knocking is heard.  "Turn around" when Nick asks where it is.  

Nick goes to the crematorium as he feels their energy could be left behind after they were burned there.  He says the building's weird.  I hear "said I died...meets him."  I hear "something else" when Nick asks what happens after you die?  Something moves in the crematorium.  Nick asks if his body was put in there.  "Yes."  Nick has to prove himself mentally to connect to the other side and enters the incinerator.  He feels the emotions are the worst he's ever endured.  He feels the energy leaving the body and there's a thick, disgusting feeling.  A voice replies "right here."  He wants to speak with them.  "Resolution"...let me out."  Nick says it's free to move on.  He asks if they can move onto something better and I hear a faint "yeah."  

Nick just feels sad, nothing negative.  The energy is oppressive as it's the cycle of life and the energy leaving the bodies.  He sleeps there.  He sleeps on the floor in his sleeping bag "one of the most rugged things I've ever done."  It's claustrophobic and the worst experience where the emotions, feeling them die, energy leaving their body like it's trapped there.  He needs fresh air.  He believes the location is residually haunted and has intelligent spirits too as the door closed.  The children are either avoiding him or not being able to come through.  He never felt anything wanted to harm him.   The energy still remains and the memories linger in death.  

As I said before, Nick gets so near to finding answers but then he's prevented by the voices going silent.  He came close here but the spirit doesn't follow through on there being an afterlife.  Also I'm sure I did hear a "yeah" when eh asks if they can move on.  Again nothing else comes through to expand on that.  Again I have to ask, or say, we're not meant to know.  Who knows?? 

Friday 24 June 2022

Deathwalker 2.7 "Old Parke Hotel"

The two story homes existed before the town of Ballinger, Texas was established. Any old records at the courthouse were destroyed by a flood, where the records would state whether the place had a dark history and it also had many uses.  In 1920 became the Old Parke Hotel. The building underwent renovations.  Three notorious  outlaws, John Wesley Hardin, Emmanuel Clements who was shot in the saloon in 1887 by the Marshall Joseph Townsend and was believed to killed by assassin Jim 'Killin' Miller, also known to haunt the hotel.  Miller was lynched by the town. Connie and Dan Lafave bought the house in 2016.  Visitors have encountered ghosts, cowboys, children, a tall dark shadow.  Also rumoured was Bonnie and Clyde stayed in the hotel.  She was born nearby in the town of Rowena, Texas.  Dan also has haunted items in the hotel such as haunted dolls he's brought in from other places.

Connie says that people played poker, a bordello was also there.  Scratches have been experienced, possessions, people pushed down stairs.  Dan tells of hearing the boots of a cowboy believed to be Jim Miller.  People have been thrown out of the chairs.  Before people have been touched, they feel a cobweb and that's when something else happens.  Connie felt her body paralyzed and the entity being on her.  She saw a tall, dark figure and she had to turn the light on then the shadow disappeared.  Dan says psychics have seen a man and woman have a fight and he strangles her in one of the rooms.  

I hear "saw the devil's in here" who said that?  It's whispered around 7 mins when Nick begins investigating.  When Nick says he heard a knocking behind Justin, also a scream.  He asks if it's easier to use him as an antenna or the spirit board.  "It's the devil" comes through again.  A female voice says "identical."  "Devil" comes through a lot.  Nick feels strange in the other part of the building and uses a Puck YG to communicate.  Nick asks how he died?  A female voice comes through.  He asks for a name.  Nick feels like he was almost stopped by cans.  Nick calls out to Emmanuel, Sam and Jim.  "Emmanuel" comes through.  "Shot in the head."  Does the female say "help me."??  Nick feels the energy getting colder.  He feels like someone died in the "gross" room.  He feels nauseous.  

The energy leads them to the other part of the hotel where the murder took place.  Nick lays down on the bed and tries to connect with the spirit that was hurt.  He has to put his physical energy in the area and connect with the spirit.  I hear "me" after Nick asks if someone was murdered in the room.  "Get out."  "Let me out" is what I hear.  He asks who hurt her?  He says Jacob, I hear Peter???  Nick wants the spirit to attack him.  He feels being pushed on his back.  The woman wants out.  Maybe to go to the other side to find peace.  Footsteps are heard.  

Justin stays in one of the rooms and Nick stays in another.  When Nick sleeps the Paralight goes off in one of the other rooms and then the music box goes off.  But he's awoken by something outside his door, a knocking or walking.  More knocking.  The Paralight and music detect fluctuations in the environment.  When it stops the music box is triggered in the doll room.  Nick didn't sleep he could hear sounds subconsciously.  Everything changes in the morning.  Nick uses the Geoport custom designed for him and asks the outlaws to come through.  Emmanuel seems to be the more vocal and actually be there.  "Emmanuel" comes through. "Yes, me."  Nick asks if that's Sam in the photo and "yup" comes through.  

A voice is heard from upstairs.  Also from the attic which is empty.  He asks if the dolls are bringing more energy for the tall man and the entities to come through.  He uses the Puck YG again.  "It's him."  "Outside" after he asks if it brought anything else in with it.  Nick is affected and is being drained.  Was that a "yes" after he asks if he's using peoples' energy.  "Oh yeah" after he asks if the shadow man is here.  "Get out of my room."  

"This is" his room.  A female voice says "yeah" after Nick asks if it hurt anyone in here.  He tells her not to be afraid of him.  "I'm naked." "He's there."  Something touches Nick's head.  There's nothing in either of the attics.  Nick doesn't know if the sound is from the building or something else.  I hear "help."  Also I hear a woman whisper "kiss me."  It's very faint.  Was this the murdered woman, or one of the bordello workers.  

In Bonnie's room and they think Bonnie and Clyde stayed there sometime.  A knock on the wall.  "It's me" a woman says.  After he ask if Bonnie and Clyde stayed here.  Nick sleeps in the room with the doll, Bonnie's room and Justin takes the room in the oldest part.  Nothing happens.  He believes the location has residual activity and is also haunted and by intelligent spirits.  He thinks the tall man is using energy from the dolls and is increasing activity from the dolls. giving the intelligent spirits the ability to communicate with the living who lash out too.  Nick wants to come again and focus on the dolls and the objects to ascertain the energy of the tall, dark man.  I want him to focus on the dolls too since being so many of them there has to be lots to their stories and how Dan brought them here and from where.   

Saturday 11 June 2022

Deathwalker 2.5 "Kendrick House"

Built in 1849 Kendrick House, Jasper County, Missouri.  During the Civil War it used as a field hospital during the battle of Carthage.  35 Confederate guards were killed the Union lost many less.  The wooden table was used during surgery procedures and used as a hospital by the Confederates.  Was occupied by bushwackers and many were killed here.  The Kendrick family and their house survived.  Remained in the home until 1980's.  A slave woman hanged by soldiers has been seen and also shadow figures.  Nick will sleep on the table used.  The family were blacksmiths and were prosperous.  The dining table was used on 5th July 1851 when the first land battle of the Civil War began.  The Union army took the table for using to operate on soldiers.  Under UV light the blood splatters can be seen and where the blood ran off the table into buckets.  Much activity has been seen around the table.  People who lay there felt like they're being looked at by a doctor and some men leave and vomit.

The family made a trap door in the floor to keep the women and children safe.  The slave woman was dragged from the house to the orchard and hanged.  They left her 12 year old daughter for dead and the family nursed her back to health.  Rose is still here and voodoo was used as protection for the women and children.  People have been touched also.  Nick has the keys and remains as a guest.  

Nick does a session with the Geobox/Fentbox.  "Nick" comes through when he asks what his name is.  He places the keys on the bed by the music box and says the spirit should try and take the keys which will trigger the music box on the bed.  Asks for physical contact and he doesn't get any.  They hear footsteps which were clearly heard.  "Who's he?"  Comes through.  I hear 9 first in a female voice when he asks how many deaths there are.  Then 11 in a male voice.  "Both, same sides, no sides."  When he asks what side they were on.  This background music was so very Midsommer Murders ha.  The music box goes off and they manage to capture the keys being moved, the middle and right ones move towards the right of the bed.  Nick hears footsteps again.  I think I heard "Austin" in a low tone, when he asks for a name, "do you have a name?"  Then "house" comes through when asked if they're a part of the house.  

Nick says the energy has changed in the house and the electricity lingers and he feels it through his body.   He's picking up on some soldiers too.  The music box goes off a few more times.  Nick asks if it's Rose when the keys moved or someone else.  Has to be Rose doesn't it especially when her name will come through later.  Whenever Nick asks to be moved physically, nothing happens.  He wants to know if there's something after death.  He asks for the boards to be moved so they can get into the secret space in the floor.  There's spiders down there!  Also he thinks there may be other belongings down there like jewellery and leaving it all there.  Being afraid for their lives.  Terrifying to hear the footsteps and then discovering this hole.  Who moved the keys?  "Rose" I hear first in a haunting voice and then "me, yeah."  Nick asks how something physical can be removed in our reality?  One day he will get a reply to all these pertinent questions.  I really feel that he will.  Whether it will be true or real or not will have to be seen.

"Yeah you're welcome."  After he asks if his energy is being used. Then "Rose" comes through again.  "Yeah after he dies on the table.  Their names: "Megan, Luke, Dixon."  Dixon did the medical procedures.  Then "Noel" comes through.  I heard 20 too after he asks how many have died here.  

Nick enters the slave quarters where he doesn't get anything.  They were either being very cautious or not wanting to get through.  He invites the spirits over to the house to communicate with him and he's going to lie on the table.  He can feel the lingering energy and emotions from the dead.  He uses the thermal but nothing comes through.  Why were those two light dots on the mantlepiece disappearing when Nick was standing to the left of it and Justin wasn't near there??  Nick uses the Tesla coil to generate energy into the room.  He asks for his hand to be used.  He feels cold around the edge of the table.  

Justin leaves and Nick lies on the table.  He says this table is one of only a handful left in the country, from the Civil War.  That's when the house goes off now.  With noises and bangs coming from upstairs and after he hears footsteps walking.  He also has goosebumps.  SO much goes on now but can't see anything.  Didn't even get any anomalies/orbs here.  Wonder why these are only visible in some places and not in others.  Nick feels the energy has changed.  Due to the coil and also maybe since Nick is alone now so they don't feel so threatened.  Were the noises residual like someone is looking for something.  The bushwackers, soldiers or the family?? 

Justin returns.  Nick felt uncomfortable on the table.  Three days brought him closer to those who lost their lives.  'Still plays out the emotions soaked into the buildings and experienced by those who walk the grounds.  Objects moving and sounds still unfolds in our reality.'  He feels the emotions.  The house continues to tell the stories and his investigation shows the emotions of those who passed and how they're able to see glimpses into the unknown and better understand the afterlife.  And the after life bleeding through into their reality.  Sometimes I think we don't need to see the little flashing images with the actors, as I'd rather see more of the location and Nick. 

Deathwalker "Northeastern Hospital"

Built in the late 1800's and housed in a two story brick home and expanded to fit 40 beds for more demand.  Grew in the 1970's.  Also known for accomplishments in the advancement of medicine.  Security guards shared personal experiences in the building.  One story was where a security guard heard a child crying.  Shadow figures been seen and walking into cold spots.  The tenth floor is where the longterm were housed.  Tessa Delzoppo was a patient here in the early 1990's after her body began shutting down after an infection that almost became life threatening.  She believes she touched the other side.  She visually witnessed full body spirits hover over her.  These white lights and faces saw her.  Gail, her mother, spoke about that time in hospital.  Nick has been granted exclusive access to conduct an investigation here.  

Gail says Tessa had five surgeries in four years.  She went into the operating room with her once. That was her major surgery.  Tessa felt there were more people standing around her.  They had to work on her kidneys and organs had to be removed and then replaced when they finished the surgery.  She came so close to death.  "She was hearing more than she should have at the time."  Tessa's memories are still vivid for her.  She felt the anxiousness when she was a child.  She was terrified and her mother was touching her arm.  She saw people looking down at her and she thinks it could have been her loved ones.  Or anyone who could've passed away here.  She believes they were spirits and enhanced her abilities being that close to death.  Her first experience with spirits was here and weird being back after 30 years.  She was in bed for two weeks and she watched the thunderstorm from her window.  The door opened and a white light came in, was warm and surrounded her bed and saw the smiling faces.

Nick says the place has a life of its own when you walk around.  With all the tragedies and deaths here.  A door closes.  He can hear a man talking and someone coughed.  A door slams again.  Foot steps and he uses the Geoport.  

"Sarah" comes through and Tessa said she saw the spirit of a little girl called Sarah who moves around the hospital.  Tessa asks if there's anyone else here with Sarah?  "I missed her"??  Nick tells him he has two little girls too.  A man's voice says "Sarah."  Nick tells them about Tessa being in the hospital and almost dying.  She saw spirits and other things she couldn't explain.  To grab his hand and he feels cold around him.  He asks if she's in room 11.  "Who's she?"  Did the man say "hold her hand?"  It sounds like he doesn't want Sarah to speak.  Says Sarah's in the room.  "Seven" comes through.  Static electricity around him.  "Seven and Nine."  Did he say "Sarah" again and "died here"??  Everytime Nick asks to be touched he doesn't get any response.  He asks if she needs help.  "I was" brought into the surgical suite.  Justin had footsteps behind him, a door slammed.

At the surgical suite.  He says you can feel the trauma, death and trauma.  He feels creepy walking around with Justin in the hospital by themselves.  Feels a cold breeze again.  Nick stands where the operating table was.  Did he say Nick?? Nick asks again if he knows what happens when you die and if they linger here.  He mentions Tessa and seeing faces.  Do they have names?  Nick asks.  "Closure."  Names :were "Leanne."  Did he say Tessa??   "Yeah in the other room" is what I heard when Nick asks if he died here?  

Nick sets up the Tesla coil to see if it will help get more paranormal responses.  He asks if the Tesla is helping his energy?  Then what room he's in.  Nick mentions when he almost died when little after he fell from a tree and ripped open an artery on his arm and he almost died and they saved him.  Saying there's a bigger purpose for living and searching for those answers from the other side.  He wants to trace the chain of events when Tessa et al were at the hospital, bringing him closer to finding out answers to death and what's beyond. 

The hospital is very quiet.  They arrive at Tessa's room lying on the bed and with entities communicating with her.  She didn't know she had the ability then.  He doesn't like this part of the hospital with its creepy vibe.  "In memory" comes through.  Using the Fent box.  Nick asks Tessa if she can hear him.  Imagine as a little girl she can hear him, she saw the bright lights on the camera and her mediumship foresaw them here.  As Justin is wearing a mask.  Nick sees a dark figure behind Justin.  The static camera captured the shadow figure near the hallway door.  Did he say "me" when Nick asks who was standing behind him?  

Nick wonders how many spirits are there.  Tessa was talking about the anomaly forms that would fly into the room and turn into faces and he just see someone standing behind Justin.  The autopsy table he asks what happened when someone died here?  Did they figure out what happened to you after you died?  Do you know that you're dead?  "No."  He asks who he keeps communicating with?   He feels like his hand was on fire.  He feels sad and morbid feeling with everything being drained during their autopsy.  The energy's all dark down there.  He feels like a beacon to the other side where he's a voice for them to move on and get closure.  I hear the voice saying "accident, wasn't me, fell down" almost like something happened to someone and he was trying to tell Nick what it was.  As though it was something bad.  I mentioned it in a tweet to Nick.  

Being the first to access the historical hospital; the epicentre of life, first breath and souls back to the spirit world in the same place.  All emotions and bodies have passed through the buildings and have been through here.  Leaving lifelong expressions on those who feel them, connecting them to the spirit world they don't know before.  Did Tessa's experience open her abilities as a medium he questions.  This hospital and history as he searches for answers on the other side and wants to know how they communicate and their physical presence from the other side.  Voices validating they walk through the doors and interact with the living.  A sign from her grandmother was found on the window sill of Tessa's room. There's so much more to their journey in finding answers.  

I feel perhaps we aren't meant to know about the other side, the afterlife and what happens next.  To remain a mystery until everyone experiences it for themselves.  Kinda would be a spoiler, but also maybe they aren't meant to tells us what happens when we pass.  Maybe they're here or allowed back here as long as they keep things to themselves.  Or perhaps they don't know what happens when they pass since they don't know they are dead.  Or they stay to terrorize, reek havoc and revenge, lost souls, or just don't want closure or to move on.  SO many questions and yet I feel we won't be getting answers.  Cos bless him, Nick keeps trying and he doesn't get any response, though they are sometimes more than eager to communicate and tell their side of the story or to stop others from communicating.  It's all still so fascinating!! And there's still so much to learn too.   At least Nick has made inroads in trying to finding answers instead of just remaining static and just investigating the paranormal for the existence of ghost and evidence.  For those of us who believe don't need to be convinced of this.

Tuesday 31 May 2022

Death Walker "Haunted Hill House"

The house is an hour from Fort Worth and found fame in mineral spring water.  Location known as Haunted Hill House.  Near the Baker Hotel which is also haunted.  Nick says the number of eye witness accounts intrigued him the most at this property.  He had to investigate.  Hill House built in 1892 by Danny Yeager.  Wealthy people came for the water and stayed at the hotel.  The house was a brothel for the hotel.  Several people have died here.  The hotel closed in 1972 and the family living in the house in the '90's and carried on occult activity.  Reported to have nine spirits haunting the house.  People at the house have become ill, hearing disembodied voices.  Shadow figures, anomalies, orbs, items thrown at people have all taken place at the house.  Many have left with scratches and bite marks.  Nick wanted to document physical activity for himself.  The owners, the Estes speak of the occupants and events at the house.  Mentioning Ouija board activity practised by the girls in the family.  

The Poker room has Willy, the scratching man.  He founded the house.  1955 there was a murder/suicide and people hear scratching.  The Axe Room where an axe was thrown at a woman's head.  A researcher found a hand crawling up her bed.  The room appears peaceful but it isn't that way.  The possessions take place in this room.  They communicated with Jacob, he was hanging in the tree outside and told them about the seven "negative energies" brought in by the family.  But he called them "demons."  Toby is a demon and identified himself as such in the Toby Room.  Heard growls, running in stairs and scratches and two people were bitten here.  Nick didn't get scratched or affected in any physical way.  Wondering why that was though he did have moments where he felt being poked and something on his spine.  Maybe it just didn't want to show itself.

Justin closes the doors behind him as though something's following him.  Nick feels like energy has entered his spine as that's how the entities connect.  After doing so much this is how he experiences it. Nick asks for communication and its name. Sure I heard "Nick" and "who are you?" after Nick asks this.  Also "I'm here"??  Nick asks to be physically scratched to show everyone its power.  Repeats "vein" after Nick asks if it can see his vein. Nick says he's been saying a transparent figure in the hallway but it hides.  

Joshua's Room where there is Joshua's actual, did he say rope, was that the rope.  He feels the door pulled back on it when he tried to open it.  He feels they're being followed.  "Nick's here."  "Male." Also heard "grab around??"  Nick feels something against his neck.  Didn't it look like he had a mark or a few whitish marks on his neck not scratches but when you touch your skin or push down on it and it changes colour.  "Jacob comes through." I hear "spirit."  

Nick D'Angelo's Lotus Box, using a spirit box through it minimizing the white noise.  When he asks to be touched he feels cold around his hand.  Knocking is heard.  The Scratching Room "Hard step" comes through.  I hear "Ethan" after Nick asks what his name is.  "Bite you."  He feels drained.  The energy is drained from the Lotus and he has to use the Geoport (which I prefer.)  Justin leaves and Nick stays the night in the Axe Room.  Using the owner's monitors everywhere.  As well his three rules of :1 checking under the bed, 2 lock doors and 3 time to get in bed and sleep.  

In the Poker Room he feels a finger across his neck.  "They call me Seth." When he asks his name.  Going to hurt someone, I heard "I'm here now."  "Right here."  Nick feels a stabbing pain on his back.  In the Shadowman Room the energy feels heavy.  Noises from upstairs.  Feels something against him in Toby's room.  His jacket is grabbed.  Hanging dolls in the room, when Nick says the room's creepy sounds like a "yes" comes through.  Using touch and energy Nick says, is the best way to show what's there.  The paranormal lantern goes off downstairs and there were many orbs around which disappear when they get to the room.  It's cold in the room.  Walking upstairs.  Nick goes through the door in Joshua's room, the tiny attic space.  The lights turn red on the trip wire after they hear footsteps.  

He says that environmental factors to the energy already here with its dark past leading to this haunting.  Two days wasn't enough he says, to experience this location.  That's what I say that 42 minutes isn't enough for these eps, we need at least an hour cos as soon as you get into it, it finishes!

Monday 30 May 2022

Ghost Adventures "LA Police Station Invasion"

Los Angeles Police museum where items connected to criminals in history.  People are terrified of something dark there.  Artifacts belonging to Patty Hearst, Charles Manson.  Was a working police station until the 1980's.  28 Feb 1947 where the officers were involved in a gun battle, took on men in a firefight.  Shot Emile and he bled out in the street, Larry Philips killed himself after being wounded by police.  Zak feels the aggressive energy around him.  The workers feel their eyes watching them.  They've investigated and seen shadows from the display cases and surround them.  The energy hits them.  Zak feels his legs getting cold.  The SLS captures an aggressive figure attacking him.  Emile was shot in the legs.  The security camera captures a dark mass in the same spot as the figure attacking him.  Is it Emile?

Cynthia works at the museum and Laurie has encountered the aggressive spirits too.  The museum was empty when she saw what she describes as a man walking by her.  9th March 1963 officers stopped robbery suspects and one of the officer's guns was taken from him.   The officers were abducted.  The onion field where one was executed in the field.  Gregory Powell was intent on killing someone.  They have his actual guns.  Zak says the air is heavy there and that's where Powell would want to be, with his guns killing.

A little boy was crying and couldn't come into the jail cell area and he had seen something.  Zak says there are items which aren't on public display, such as from Robert F Kennedy's death, Marilyn Monroe's death, Manson murders.  Zak feels something on his neck when standing near Manny's cell.  Who took his own life after molesting a teen.  A police operator, Margaret McClure took her own life and shot herself in the head after a call.  A shooting range where items are also stored.  Zak is shown a room where there are sixty boxes of Manson murders and the Helter Skelter murders artifacts.  He calls it "the most intense moment" of his life. 

Second floor with the North Hollywood shootout incident where Cynthia felt she was going to be pushed.  They hear a noise. Also the SLS captures two figures inside the display case and the glass being attacked by them.  Aaron is affect by the Polterpod.  He was filming the mannequins and got emotional and he felt panicked.  They believe it's cos Aaron looks like he's wearing a tactical vest.  But surely they weren't around back then or in this form.  They hear a bang where Manny's cell is.  Billy feels his pant leg being tugged.  A voice comes through when they ask who's here, "spirit."  & "what it wants to do to us" I hear "spirit" again.  Unless they played the wrong bit.  Then says "lay down."  

Jay and Aaron head to the jail cells.  They hear "hung" on the spirit box and then a banging sound.  As Aaron appears to push Jay against the cell door.  His shirt is torn and he's injured.  It deffo was Aaron running around in a panic.  Zak and Billy head to the basement.  Billy uses a boom mic.  Footsteps are heard.  Billy captures a growl. 

Saturday 23 April 2022

Ghost Adventures "Petrified in Pahrump"

Pahrump Nevada, Pahramp Valley Winery and Zak didn't know they had a winery in Nevada.  He says there's something going on behind the walls.  Asking why this place is "plagued?"  There's plenty of death.  16 fatal plane crashes and 280 car accidents.  Pahrump could be cursed in his opinion.  He speaks with Lisa, the general manager.  She's afraid of the office upstairs by an apartment.  She thinks it feels evil and it gets closer to the Exit.  She heard three knocks on the window which of course he mentions is the mocking of the Trinity.  Someone else in the office heard it too and there was no one outside.  Someone else, who wants her identity hidden, agrees with the movement, shadows and a pair of scissors flew at her.  Lisa named a Native American spirit, Tomahawk Joe.  Which he doesn't like in Zak's opinion!  Lisa believes she's been possessed before as her personality changed.  

Previous owners were in the apartment and they carried out devil rituals and invited the spirits in.  Lisa thinks the "evil one" lives in the apartment and the rest move around.  Previous employees carrying out seances, sacrificing rabbits.  Downstairs in the office. Their camerawoman recalls of Lisa changing and having "dead eyes."  Using a Polterpod they get back "hate" and some screeching frequency sound when Billy holds it.  Then when Zak holds it says "I heard that" and before that it says "Yes, F*ck."  After Zak asks if it likes him?  

Sounds like "it's harder" to me.  Zak doesn't want to leave and wants to stay as he feels like he has a connection here.   He goes alone to the apartment.  45 minutes later he has to leave.  After getting freaked out.  He heard someone at the bottom of the stairs shout "noohhh!"  No one else heard him.

Natalie speaks of seeing shadow figures at the edge of the carpark and thinks they're demons.  And mentioning the plane crash.  Remember those five figures Billy saw in that cemetery in De Soto Hotel and Concordia Cemetery (2017)  Using the thermal camera and eventually sees five 'figures' at least in the desert.  After seeing a light in the distance.  Five anomalies and only one is visible to Zak's eyes.  

Going through the evidence they caught before.  The voice repeats Aaron after he says "hate."  When Zak says " That was weird" and I hear "step" not yep!  There's a clear 's' sound.  I hear "yes f*ck."  But it's not the first time that I have heard cursing, it was also in a previous recent ep that they missed!  To tweet or not to tweet.  Cos no one acknowledges.   Jay is sent to investigate on his own again to the desert.  They use various cameras.  At 24.45-ish sounds like a "haaa" a breathy sound.    Jay hears a growl at the edge of the desert and doesn't catch anything, not even those figures/anomalies again.  

The cam in the office doesn't record anything even though the light is on showing it's recording.  Zak's Shadow camera goes off completely.  Then he feels unwell.  Some sort of creaking or someone sitting on leather.  A black anomaly goes up the screen of the camera.  The IR camera also picks it up.  All the electrical devices in the office turn on and the computer screen turns on and off.  Though can't say it's paranormal.  Zak uses the spirit box.  When Zak ask if that's all it can do I hear "on."  Not "Billy."  As it's in response to Zak asking about the equipment turning on.  

Zak and Aaron see a shadow figure at the same time as something knocks back too.  He dares it to show himself.  A female voice is heard saying something like "hmm."  An anomaly goes behind Billy and he hears growling.  Aaron goes down and Zak gets angry telling him to come back.  Billy provokes the entity to make a noise.  When they get to the apartment Billy goes upstairs alone.  They hear a banging sound and Zak and Aaron run but don't tell Billy that they ran down the stairs.  Like a Laurel and Hardy double act leaving him alone.  Ha. On the XLS Billy captures a figure on the wall and then one hiding under the desk later on when they head downstairs.  Creepy!!  Zak shouts for it to do something now and the TV turns on.   As another black anomaly goes up the TV again on the XLS.  Could this be the evil entity that resides in the apartment?

So much caught in this episode.  I was just thinking how those shadows were referred to as demons since it was also Native land, why can't they be from the past still lamenting the loss of their homelands. and the demon rituals being carried out there.

Monday 18 April 2022

Ghost Adventures "Mountain Oaks Mayhem"

People in the house who have feared for their own life.  The house was brought over 60 years ago.  The son's room wasn't safe and he left for some reason when he was 18 as soon as he could have left and a cause to the family falling apart.  Zak says the places they investigate come to them, not the other way around.  He talks of the chaos and fighting within the family and ask if the cause is the house and what's inside.  Something "powerful and territorial" is awaiting them.  Linda, is connected to the house emotionally and her parents both died in the house.  Zak says the house has been through much.  As well as spiritual happenings.  Linda loves the house and is very emotional about it.  She is estranged with her brother and the house is empty as her brother want the house sold.  He reported her for hurting their mother and someone said he hated her so much that he wanted to hurt her.  She thinks he's possessed. 

A 1970 family Hallowe'en party was photographed by the papers.  Another family were also affected.  Her brother couldn't wait to leave.  He would wake up with someone on top of him when he was little.  Something not human.  Her mother saw a man outside the house and he told them about the house when he was a boy.  He wouldn't come into the house.  He had the same bedroom as her brother and was affected in the same way.  SO why didn't they move him out of that room!  There was a fire in the corner and the bed moved with him inside it.  There were burn marks in his room.  Her brother's not allowed in the house.  Hayley says the room is emotionally draining and led to people being aggressive.  Josephine cared for Linda's mother, Della.  She says every other homecare aid wouldn't come back to the house.  She saw a spirit in her room, a woman.  Her room was opposite Linda's brother's room.  Something took her covers off.  

Linda's father, Bill was a LA sheriff.  He transported Charles Manson, who tried to bribe him into helping him escape jail.  He refused.  Former home of Terry Melcher who rejected his music and that's why Manson targeted Sharon Tate's home.  Zak wonders if he cursed Bill for not helping him and then he bought the curse into the home.  Boy, he got around!  They don't know what they're going to find.  There is geomagnetic energy in the California hills and can create an outlet for the paranormal.  They hear noises from upstairs.  Zak demands the entities to show themselves.  Zak spots a clown doll on the bed.  He asks for the religious doll and says there's nothing religious in the most evil room in the house.  Aaron needs to leave.

They find a Ouija board that was used by Linda when little.  Aaron refuses to use it so Jay does.  The planchette moves and goes over the letters 'E' and 'G'.  Zak has thoughts in his head and says out loud not "to put those thoughts in my head."  The EMF goes up in the room and he has to get out.  Feeling pins and needles in his feet.  A figure is seen on the stairs on the SLS.  A figure is seen going up the stairs.  Aaron comments on the darkness of the room with the spirit board.  The Portal says "Dick" more than sounding like Zak!  It has a pronounced 'D' sound.  They feel hot but Aaron feels cold.  What does the voice say on the portal: "unbolt it?"  What's the point of using the Polterpod if they're not going to listen to the rest of it.  SO easily distracted by what's happening to themselves!  Man investigate! A figure jumps across the bed and reappears again on the bed in the brother's room.

A female voice says "listen" and then a male voice says "I'm bad."  Billy captures an anomaly in the mirror going in or out as though the mirror is a portal.  Zak tells Aaron to lie on the bed.  Zak asks the spirits if they're there.  Aaron refuses to go back into the room unless Zak comes with him.  He then collapses on the bed.  Voice on the recorder sounds like it says "I'm watching after her."  Who was that, Linda's father?? Or is he watching for the clown doll?  Did Zak play the same recording back twice or did the voice say the same thing twice? Zak feels aggressive and Billy catches a light anomaly coming out of Zak.

Zak forces Aaron into the spirit board room.  A click is heard in the master bedroom, the IR light goes up and down by itself and the IR switch is turned off.  The voice they say sounds foreign, appears to be saying "then let's go chaplain."   "Hold up tight"??  Zak uses the Ovilus on the clown doll: "thanks."  'Grace' comes up on the Ovilis.  Then "touch."  "Shy."  "Cook."  "Reveal."  Aaron is in the kitchen.  Zak asks whether Aaron could be feeling the residual energy from Linda's father who died in the house of  a heart attack.  Aaron mumbles and wants to lock them out.   Something flies towards Aaron on the depth camera and IR camera.  

Zak wants the clown doll for the Museum and asks Jay to call Linda and her son, David.  They both say they don't know where the doll came from.  They got the letters 'G' and 'E' on the Ouija board, obviously it must have been spelling the name Grace, yes??  Especially since no one knows how the doll got here and that's what they picked up on the Ovilus too.  They also said it's playing with them.  Could her brother have left it there?  This house was creepy though.  Also I will never understand why parents always leave their children in rooms when clearly something is affecting them paranormally.  Will it kill you to move them somewhere else?  Particularly with babies.  Sometimes it's like they would prefer the child to go through it than themselves!

Sunday 17 April 2022

Doctor Who "Legend of the Sea Devils."

The story takes place in 1807 China and a little before piracy ended in this region.  Though some have said there's no pirates in the sense of the Caribbean.  This to me at least, did have some pangs of Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End movie.  Madame Ching (Crystal Yu) for one having her own ship.  The Sea Devil's ship was reminiscent of Davy Jones Locker and Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest and taking over Ji-Huns ship not for the treasure but for the glowing keystone.  Also these Sea Devils reminded me of Corgis, their heads in particular.  Also the Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) and Yaz (Mandip Gill) dressing for the occasion where Dan (John Bishop) was made to dress like a pirate cos of Yaz.  In search of a beach (still) but they come across one before. They end up here in the murky depths (almost) of this land where they come across Madam Ching fighting with the son of the man who was just killed.  He says she killed him by releasing the devil in the rock, but she insists it wasn't her.

Anyway, they hear screaming and the Sea Devils are marauding the village, thus they try to help.  The Sea Devil (Craige Els) is in search of something and leaves by summoning his ship onto land.  (Shades of Pirates here, no?!)  He was the creature freed by Madam Ching as she is searching for treasure.  The lost treasure of the Flor de la Mar which Dan has heard of.  Yaz and the Doctor head below depths in    search of the location of the ship.  They find the Captain Ji-Hun (Arthur Lee) wants his crew to abandon ship not due to a mutiny but cos of the Sea Devil.  They leave.  However finding that the wreck isn't there, they find the bottom of the sea is disappearing.  Heading back inside the TARDIS, are swallowed by the large creature.  

Dan and the dead man's son, Ying Ki (Marlowe Chang-Reeves) sneak on board Ching's ship and she catches them using them as her crew.  After telling them she needs the treasure to save her crew and her two sons.  She fears she won't see them again.  The sea creature appears again and after throwing back their cannon balls to the ship, it disappears.  The Doctor and Yaz on the Sea Devil's ship come across Ji-Hun in some form of statis pod.  The Sea Devil finds out his keystone has been located and the Doctor doesn't have it.  Though she does tell him in the future his kind are friendly.  

The Doctor et al, miraculously escape somehow and are now on Madam Ching's ship where another battle ensues.  That's cos Ying-Ki has the keystone which belonged to his ancestors and was given to him by his mother.  The Sea Devil gets a hold of the keystone and the Doctor figures he's going to use it to flood the Earth.  A fight ensues with the other Devils and the Doctor saves herself from the Captain Sea Devil's sword using her sonic.  

She finds a way to destroy the Sea Devil's base and their plans but doesn't count on not being able to join the two cables together.  Oh what a cop out in having Ji-Hun step in.  Especially since it was a plot point also used in Village of the Angels with the professor, who was left behind with the Sontarans attacking.  However she had enough cloth on her outfit to actually tie the two cables together.  Also seemed she was hasty in letting him do the 'dirty' work by staying behind.  But had pangs of sorrowful regret when she bemoaned Ji-Hun killing a Sea Devil.  So look can't have it both ways.  Being a little more creative she could've saved Ji-Hun too and was a little not concerned with him dying after being in stasis for so long.  Although he volunteered.  Nope probably too preoccupied with Yaz, who selfishly was thinking of her herself and being with the Doctor.

Thus the Doctor having to let her down by saying it's not that she wouldn't want to be with her, on a date and all that.  But she can't.  Cos she once had a wife and can't go through that again.  Her way of letting Yaz down gently since she knows what's coming for her, re the Flux revelation.  All's well as Yaz and the Doctor end up skipping stones at the beach!  Anyhoo, this ep the Doctor didn't seem too overtly concerned with saving lives and all that and Yaz and her moping didn't help.  Eagerly we await the Doctor's demise, or rather Thirteen's and a regeneration with the Dalek's and the Master around...

Friday 8 April 2022

Ghost Adventures "Pine Street Saloon"

Pine Street Saloon, Paso Robles, California,has been around for 150 years.  The activity is massive and the owner has so much footage of Poltergeist activity.  Such as boxes being dropped, pushed, knife being thrown.  Lots of deaths, four deaths, someone hanged themselves, a woman had an abortion, someone was shot and a farmhand who climbed up a ladder and fell.  Everyone believes the place is haunted.  Zak says that they'll be using Ron's footage as "evidence."  

He also speaks with Roxy, a worker and how a tyre fell when it was propped against the cooler.  Zak believes the tyre was aimed at her.  She had to sleep there one night and she saw a woman sitting on a chair in the room by the bed.  Then she changed into a flying, hovering shadow figure.  The woman didn't have any eyes.  Creepy reminds me of the woman who rang my doorbell twice in the early hours a few years back and who was faceless.  Roxy suffered sleep paralysis.  Also reminded me of my dream before I started watching Ghost Adventures with some old woman in my bed and I couldn't push or kick her out.  I was shouting to my mother for help, but it was like you can't hear yourself do it.  

Zak recalls the myth of The Hag, what the old woman would've been known as.  As Zak et all go up the stairs the energy increases and is aware of Roxy's presence.  Room number 7 crops up a lot in eps.  Zak asks Roxy to sit in the woman's chair and ask questions.  She's clearly distraught throughout.  Zak takes Gracie up to the room where she acts protectively of him and can see something.  She backs out of the room.  Her eyes show fear.  Zak takes photos but doesn't get anything.  Aaron gets a voice on the recorder.  Billy feels something goes past his eye.  I don't hear "Zak."  It was high pitched though. Sounds more like "yes."  

Zak asking for the beer bottle to be knocked off actually happens when he's up there alone when he hears some glasses or bottles clanking.  He captures female voices talking.  He doesn't feel alone there as he uses his boom mic to record and listen to the audio.  Billy plays back the recordings.  After Aaron says "use my energy" the male voice sounds like "caution."  "...moving."  Another voice says: "why are you looking" or "watching"??  The glass sounds like when bottles are shaken in a crate.  Zak feels someone's head close by to him at nerve centre.  Some bald man with a sinister grin.  Aaron also sees someone too.  Zak asks who he saw behind his shoulder.  The voice says "Huggy" not "howdy!"   Zak says he's gonna mess with him and a voice says "not now."  Zak asks the man's name, Billy says "Lincoln" and the voice says "Lincoln too."  Zak asks if there's evil and a voice replies, "Brad does it."  Is what I hear after he says someone touched him.  They see a shadow which isn't picked up since the IR light on the X cam is too bright.  

Zak gets two figure on the XLS either side of Aaron.  One comes off the wall onto Aaron and the other one looks creepy. Billy says something touched his shoulder.  Then something funny shaped appears on the floor, something long, see yellow circle.  The red is what jumped onto Aaron.  Is the yellow circled one the odd shaped manifestation of the hag or the shadow figure they capture later.

Zak goes up and sings, waiting for the old hag "...whose face needs to be covered by a bag..."  The X cam in the bedroom has its night vision switched off.   An anomaly follows Zak into the room.  Aaron asks who's upstairs and Billy and Aaron hear a thud.  The X cam at the end of the hallway captures a dark shadow.  Was this the old hag as it changed when Roxy described it?  Or was it the shadow figure they saw earlier but couldn't pick it up on their cameras?  

Well this ep has left me creeped out more so than any of the others have done thus far in this season.  SO how will the old hag be banished/vanished?  There's no info on her.  Also finally they say here what I've been saying for years now, just cos something is seen to move doesn't automatically mean it's a Poltergeist or Poltergeist activity, could be a spirit behind it, angry or otherwise!! 

Saturday 2 April 2022

Ghost Adventures "Whitmore Mansion"

The Whitmore Mansion in Utah.  Zak says there's something "staring you back."  Native American Indians were massacred and buried in graves.  George Whitmore killed a man for his cattle and believes this place could be cursed since it was built.  Now owned by a family who want to know who is there with them.  Jackie talks of a family member who had a sleep paralysis dream and saw two men in her room, standing by her bed.  Wearing bowties and old fashioned clothes.  Whitmore killed Joe Walker who said his family owned cattle that were given to the family until he could have them when he came of age.  He shot and killed Joe to keep the cattle.  Cari speaks of how the veil between the other side is thin here and that the house has portals.  Her ex husband passed away two and a half years ago.  Her son at three, spoke of a boy named Reilly and she thought he was an imaginary friend.  The psychic medium mentioned the friend to her.  Her ex told the psychic that her son has a dark spirit attached to him.  Cari said there was someone standing next to her.  She thought it was her ex.  He was 6' 9".

Zak stands where the entity was and loses his breath.  The EMF picks up readings in the same place.  A gust of wind comes from the stairs.  The SLS shows something on the stairs.  Aaron's Polaroid shows three glowing anomalies.  Resembling a form of portal.  That's where the figure appeared.  A police officer tells them of some bones found and how they probably those of the massacred of the Goshute tribe.  Peaceful and not into any trouble with the fort there.  Those killed were peaceful and in 'the wrong place at the wrong time.'  The fort disappears and the mansion is built and Whitmore also murders.

The psychic medium, Vivien, she picks up on a little girl, Sarah, who haunts the house.  Seen by others too.  A tall figure appears behind her visible on the SLS.  But they just mentioned, Cari did, that her husband was extremely tall.  Was that her ex, Brandon.  He was there throughout the seance, so maybe he doesn't like her, or that his son wasn't helped regarding the dark entity?  No one even mentioned if that could be him.  No one else is said to be that tall.  Or maybe someone from the portal who resembles her ex.  Their energy is drained.  

Vivien doesn't want to go into the room where the two men were seen.  The room with the turret (see later.)  EVP session: one voice says: "Whitmore."  after Zak says "we know that we're feeling you."  The voice definitely says "I'm Whitmore."  Then they play the rest of the recording and the voice says: "I'm the big man" is what I hear not "ringleader."  See when they play back the EVPs they always play two different ones at the same time, or one that is different to the first.  Like the first voice says "Whitmore" and the second voice says something different.  19.57 sounds like "I'm Whitmore." Then he plays the recorder further and it sounds like "Whitmore killed me."  There appear to be three captures, then that one says "I'm the big man."  Talk about making it confusing! 

Aaron begins acting strangely.  He wants to go to the basement with the Polterpod.  A light anomaly enters Aaron after he asks why he's being affected in this way.  "Careful" comes through when he finds a room.  Zak repeats "go to the bedroom he's waiting for you!" Trance-like almost.  The second floor bedroom was where the two men were seen.  Two men are seen in the thermal photo.  Zak hears a noise and when he heads to the room a hissing is heard.  When Zak asks "what's your name?"  The Polterpod voice replies "visits."   It's not 'Winston.'  

When Zak moves the doll that voice sounds like Aaron.  They go into the turret room.  Billy doesn't feel good.  Aaron sits underneath the turret room.  A ouija board was found in this room in the 1970's.  Zak records an EVP session referring to the doll.  He captures a man saying "Texas."  Where the Whitmore's hailed from.  Billy is confused and says that Zak is playing the recording for a second time.  When he hasn't played it all.  Was Billy in another portal/dimension.  

Aaron leaves and then ends up sitting on the stairs where he scares Zak.  As he doesn't look like Aaron and he cries.  The stairs where the portal presumably is.  He doesn't recall being there.  Paranormal Puck in the turret room.  He asks where Joe is "attic."  Joe wants a "gateway."  The portal is in "hell."  Billy heads to the bedroom again and uses the Puck again.  "Evil" is in the attic.  "Return"  "Attic."  That kinda finished abruptly and warrants a further investigation here.  Need answers as to the evil lurking there and to the  portals.  Heck een the Puck tells them to return to the attic!  Ha.

Saturday 26 March 2022

Ghost Adventures "Pacific Grove Nightmare"

Pacific Grove and the investigation of a doll museum.  Which Zak says contains a lot of energy.  The Carmel Doll Shop.  Where neighbours and employees have complained of noises and snoring.  Michael, the owner says that the place is empty at night.  He says there is energy that remains with the dolls.  They've had complaints for three years of  'construction' noises.  A neighbour says he hears snoring.  Zak believes Michael has a link with the energy.  Employees tell of noises and one speaks of seeing someone watching him.  As well as a book shelf falling.  Zak feels something is missing and he gets an answer from Micheal on the death of handyman, George.  But not in the building.  He had problems in his life and that's when they noticed changes.  So the spirit could be that of George.  Michael was on the fifth step and tripped and ended up in a room like he was pulled.  Micheal doesn't feel the cold presence around him.

Chris talks of the puppets and the dark energy accompanying them.  As they played bad parts.  Zak finds the two evil puppets are still around.  Nothing unusual is found in the second floor.  There is activity on the third floor.  A knocking sound is heard after Zak asks if it's upstairs.  In the bedroom Zak feels different.  This is where the spirit who is territorial resides.  The EMF readings rise dramatically.  He uses a digital recorder and gets affected.  The room gets cold.  His name isn't George and Zak tells him he knows his real name.  The EMF goes off.  A voice says "you won't get through."

Zak wants Chris to spend the night.  Leaving behind a digital recorder.  She confirms the puppets are still there.  They pick up noises through the night.  Then "careful."  "Help me, get me out of here..." is what I hear when Billy plays back the digital recording.  Not "tell me."  Is this spirit trapped here and if it's George then he wants to not be here even though he didn't die there, in my opinion.  Perhaps he's trapped.  Especially if he had a troubled life.  Chris says she heard footsteps and saw a man by the bed in her vivid dream.  Wearing a workman's shirt.  Zak believes she had a "visitation" and not a dream.  

Zak shows redness on his neck that he woke up with and it hasn't disappeared yet.  Zak gets affected and tells the spirit to "back off."  He can't leave and his demeanour changes (as usual.) He wants the spirit to stop.  As Zak confronts the spirit and the EMF readings increase.  He's being influenced.  The feeling is human and not demonic.  Zak leaves and Billy uses the Polterpod.  In the middle of the room, the energy increases.  A voice says "let me in."  Much more high pitched than the one caught on the digital recorder EVP.  This could also be asking to be let in with the knocking they heard.

Zak says he was feeling the spirit trying to get into him and use his energy.  Jay uses some experiments on the first floor with the paranormal puck, microphone.  Aaron is affected and Zak picks up two figures on the XLS which both touch Aaron.  One touches Aaron when Zak asks it to.  The thermal device detects cold air on the table.  Aaron is still distressed.  A spirit box falls to the floor across the room as if it was thrown.  Spirit box is always Aaron's 'go to' as well.  SO that can't be a coincidence. The camera Aaron picks up is drained of batteries.  Also the Polaroid camera hasn't been used thus far anymore.

Zak goes to the second floor and Aaron and Billy to the third floor.  Something touches Aaron's hand and he smells perfume and air around him.  Billy asks it to show as a ball of light around Aaron.  When later on a ball is seen manifesting.  Billy leaves Aaron in the bedroom and sits in the sitting room.  Zak does some EVP work.  He hears sounds and a voice.  Is it "won't stop" that he picks up on the recorder.  Billy says he felt like he died and sees his own body.  Aaron experiences the same and that's where the light is seen.  When Zak plays back the second recording he did which sounds like a voice saying "call it."  It sounds a little like Billy to me??  Using the spirit portal device,  Aaron asks "who are you?"  A woman replies "I don't know" and "help us out."  Is what I hear.  Also Billy says he was touched just like Aaron was in the bedroom.  A woman's voice reinforces Aaron smelling perfume earlier on and the soft touch.  Not really much creepiness from the dolls we saw more a human presence/presences.