
Friday 12 June 2020

Ghost Adventures "Quarantine Perimeter of Fear"

                                        Ghost Adventures: Quarantine' Isn't Your Typical Night at the ...
IT took a pandemic to get more coverage of the Haunted Museum, though it seemed like much of a recap episode with just how certain people have been affected. Re summaries about the said artefact and its history.  I see there was no disclaimer for Peggy now, that flew out the window, so much for banging on about this and forgetting about this now.  SO where was your legal team now?!  Or have susceptible people/viewers gotten over looking at her when her eyes are meant to instill heart attacks in people. 

In the Kevorkian room he shows women fainting and passing out.  One of them screams when she wakes up and says something was there in the room staring at her. So if that ii happening to women, why is it only selected women and why not all of them or more than just one or two one each occasion.  Spirit's fancy.  Zak asks why women are being attacked and doesn't get any response on the recorder.  Ah remove your mouse from Mike's face.  He just tells Zak what he already told everyone about screaming.  As Staysha also says the same.  Took a while to get the others out of the room though.  Aaron gets a weird feeling like someone/something is affecting his heart.

Gretchen doll was from England as she threw things off the wall and moving by herself.  She's terrifying his staff affecting their breathing.  Cynthia spoke to them when Bloody Mary was involved in a ritual and called her "mama."  Lily's hair came from a little girl who was the victim of violence.  Peggy we know about. 

He also talks of the room where he keeps Natalie Wood's artefacts and objects.  A glass case with the candles from the table where Robert Wagner broke a wine bottle came part on one side.  Zak was removing a mannequin and put it on the floor.  Well nah he chucked it on the floor.  Dennis, the captain of their yacht had an experience at the same time.  Where all his things were thrown and messed up and he says they were just flying out.  Mannequin was "placed" three times on the floor.  Again they had to show it that many times.  He and Zak feel the connection.  Dennis apologizes for the way things turned out that night.  Zak talks of the pandemic and how it may have a "rippling" effect around the world.  Well it's a global pandemic so obviously there's much more going on than anyone can say.  People are afraid and there is massive energy around for spirits to feed on.  I've said that before.

Zak gets an anomaly on the SLS when he hears a knock and sees it disappear into the clown dummy.  Though they have no idea what that was or who.  He sends Aaron through a secret room with a tunnel where he crawls into a gypsy wagon.  Huh thought of Gypsy (Rose Lee) for some reason and Natalie Wood starred in the movie version!  Have no idea why that popped into my head.  Aaron runs a spirit box and hears a female and male voice.  Something is thrown in the Sideshow room.  Zak uses the Ovilus 5 ITC feature where spirits can draw pictures.  He sends Billy to the Kevorkian van room and carry out some communication.  When Zak asks why he's affecting women, the reply is "Enjoy slaves."

Aaron uses the spirit box and hears a female voice "behind you."
Man: "don't look back" is what I hear not 'move' back.  Aaron gets aggressive and demands answers but he was just doing what Zak does and when he demanded as the owner for an answer.  There an anomaly go past Aaron.  Obviously it's not dust!  Billy asks why he makes women faint in the room.  Reply: "shock."
Message says: "a quite in pain old person here."  I hear "look like in pain old person here."
Aaron gets the same male voice: "it's me" not "it's hiding."
The puck says "killed gently." "Gail Guess."  Jay finds it was a Hugh Gail who was killed in the van. "I'm tired, I'm burning"?? is what I hear when Billy gets the breathy voice. 

The haunted dolls experiment with all four dolls.  A stick figure appears next to Peggy, knew that would happen to her.  It was incredibly large. Was it on stilts ha. Aaron feels two hands on his back after he sees Lily.  Billy's full spectrum still photos shows a figure or an outline of a child.  Though I saw a face or two.   

Monday 25 May 2020

Dead Air Resurrected: Nick Groff & Elizabeth Saint

                                              Paranormal Channel - Ghostwatch Paranormal Network
Just a quick summing up of the interviews on the show and some comments on the main points.
Agree an open book and how the Ghost Adventures doco was made. so much blood sweat and tears and cheers to us for getting to watch it. Those shows were amazing and so fun to watch. I don't really think people as mike said this was you r show and you came up with the idea. Which is what I wrote when I penned the book and it's obvious also from reading Nick's own book!  Even the name of the show wasn't his creation! That's what grate from the beginning and even now. As there's a certain book out there which has Zak taking complete credit for the show which isn't the case and I hate that.  I know I shouldn't take it personally or anything and I don't but I have ranted plenty on it, but it's so damn unfair taking all the credit for something that he didn't even think about doing!!  Anyway, water under the bridge now.

But moving on this was a great listen so open and honest as Nick always was and still is.  Nick was watching the Sallie House news and he saw it live and came up with the idea of a show in that sense of investigating and the paranormal was his interest since he was little.  So the show was his baby.  As was the idea to just go off and investigate the paranormal in locations he was interested in.

Nick: "It was my journey it was meant to be!"  Wowee the title I used for my book included journey too, Nick Groff A Paranormal Journey!  Great minds ha!!  The rest as they say was history if you haven't read his book do so, it has all the lowdown on everything!  GA came from Nick.  When Nick decides to come clean on what really happened between him and Zak it'll be on the show, I'd love it if he does reveal it on your channel not cos of some morbid curiosity but for closure and to put it to rest once and for all.  At least for the fans. I know Nick has put it behind him but sometimes it helps to know without being controversial or bringing up old wounds.

Looking for ward to the new show: Nick Groff Investigates and pushing the limits of investigation using different ideas/theories.  Communication is key with each other as human beings and validate with documentation and he's at a different point on his life right now. Journey is about gathering info for these brains forget to live, laugh enjoy life...forget to live a little bit doesn't have to be so serious all the time!"  So agree with Ken and should let children be children and not have them subjected to watching such shows until they're able to make their won informed decision.  Just not for the sake of watching it.

Great to get a shout from Nick live on air!!  Here's my comment: "Great to see Nick and being so fun and so completely honest as always! Always good listening to him and his ideas/thoughts etc!"

Elizabeth Saint spoke of her time as an engineer, paranormal investigator, actress/model.  As well as the sad loss of her sister and not being able to be with her family at this difficult time.  But she hasn't let anyone publicly know about it.  Which is fine as grief is very personal to all of us.  Her daughter Charlize also is five now.  Wow time does fly.

George asked an interesting question about the paranormal and this pandemic, which is what I also mentioned on #HauntedHour (Paranormal chat on Twitter.)  She said it wouldn't be difficult to say that there wouldn't be.  Referring to the energy, as it's global grief.  Not being to "mourn properly" and they can't do that right now.  Like being together and just hug.  Not knowing how long it will take to be able to see loved ones.  "I think the energy of that and mention building up overtime I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't ramp up the paranormal...has the ability to open new passive many of us are forced to be internal and react to what's going on."  There aren't distractions they can turn to being in quarantine.  "Interesting to see the outcome of it, the overflow people not being able to celebrate the loved ones that have passed."    Elizabeth has had experiences with her sister too a few weeks ago.  Pause for thought.

She also thinks that investigations and experiments can be done remotely instead of in person.  Especially with being in lockdown.  Elizabeth says you can be influenced when surrounded by a group of people. Either passively, psychically.  Yes I noticed some activity going on behind her, over her right shoulder.  Watch that side of the room behind her.  Thought it was me, but George mentioned it in the end.   Towards the red marked area.

A response is just that and in a period of time and take it as that.  Sometimes she said people can get lost in the technology of a human event.  The technology can validate but should retain "the purpose of what they're trying to get out of it ad sure as hell shouldn't be causing arguments."  Which is so true, won't bring up 'paraunity', really how much is there out there as everyone is trying to outdo each other in making the next breakthrough or discovery.

Elizabeth calls herself  analytical and self-critical as she's got so much going on in her head.  As well as talking about her great gadget inventions, always so interesting to hear.  "As well as removing the human element as I think people affect their equipment more than they realize."  When she spoke of her communication boxes.  "Experimented with light, lasers, mirrors and using different elements to reflect off the lasers to see how that would affect the space."  See there's so much out there to use to investigate and make new inroads without having to use the same equipment which can get tedious if everyone is using it. 

Paranormal Lockdown UK was shown in the UK so we did manage to see some more of Elizabeth's equipment and it did come in handy and results/activity were obtained.  She'd recommend a recorder and "just experiment using a circuit."  George saying Elizabeth is ahead of her time in investigating since she has her engineering degree and experience.  The Geoport is a good piece of equipment and people have had activity with it.  Activity has been experienced and also in the home.

Thanks guys, George, Mike and Ken for a great show!
Dead Air Resurrected: 28 April 2020

Sunday 24 May 2020

Ghost Adventures Screaming Room: Demons In Seattle Decoded Commentary

                                         Watch Ghost Adventures: Screaming Room, Season 1 ...
Just a commentary on what I saw and made some notes in response or just in general. It's not meant as a 'be all and end all. to this investigation, but more as so if you wanna jump in and criticize, or get your knickers in a knot go ahead, it's just an opinion and not written in any particular order.

What about making money off it.  Well what about other cases where this has happened re Black Swan Inn, with children and subjecting them to that activity and not moving out but didn't criticize that. To name one investigation.

Reading people: yes by all means go ahead, but not judging them when you don't know them personally just for the sake of it; which is how this came across. There are ways to express one's feelings tactfully and with some decorum and respect but in this instance looks said more than words and oh boy, if looks could kill!

It's not the first time they've encountered anyone whose life is in danger or they perceive it to be in    danger themselves. again I could go into the investigations but if you're that interested I don't need to do it, look them up for yourselves and do your own research.
With respect, Bishop Brian D Ouellette hasn't been on every single investigation with Zak when he tweeted he's encountered activity every single time when their investigation involves demons and can only speak to the ones he has been on.  Each case is not the same as the other.

How is Zak even judging what women will do in such circumstances, none of you are women, we're not all the weaker sex even when such activity is concerned don't speak for all women. Did you ask anyone or take a female investigator along - no!

It came across as how they were all in agreement and trying to justify each others' opinions, all you were doing is recounting that investigation and your own feelings, opinions.  Did any of them carry out any objective, unbiased research of their own or read what is out there instead of outright dismissing it all.

No Aaron spirits don't always know your names but do want you out. You misinterpret EVPs so much so who are you to judge and then make ill-found assumptions based on them.  Anything pointed out to them they don't want to know or even bother going over again, unless the mood strikes them, or whether they see it tweeted from followers.

So what happened with IR light on camera???? Didn't say! What happened to the camera going out in office?? How did it drain unexpectedly??  From getting no activity to this equipment "malfunctioning" but they didn't offer any explanations for it.  Was it malfunction or something paranormal??

How can Tina "check him" when they're in the dark??  Also it's not funny as they burst out laughing! Plenty of other people have done much worse to them.  Don't forget this was all edited for the show.

Why wouldn't spirits want to check them out without actually revealing themselves - they haven't seen them before.
But you all also do know that not one investigation reveals all.  Manifestations don't occur on command.

Zak's 'influenced by hysteria' too in other cases and he can talk about sensationalizing, he asks leading questions. Not all demonic infestations will be felt, at least not immediately.
Look at the doco and the UK team research. They found others living there more so the Irish settlers in the past.  Demons In Seattle Uncovered
with parapsychologist Steve Meera and paranormal analyst Don Phillips.  Does it make any difference if he hadn't heard of them or that they were from the UK.  No not an iota and well, many haven't heard of Zak either.  What's that got to do with the credibility of an investigation. All you need to know are credentials and their findings.

Not talking about it objectively but passing judgement as if they're all right and there are no other explanations.
Why would everything be captured on camera.
They've had other cases where I thought the show has been boring cos of little or no evidence and not much was going on. So again contradiction that everything will happen on cue and will get activity every single second there.
Did Zak even watch the doco so now he's tarring investigators with the same brush they can say the same about him, you don't need to know them just how they conducted their investigations and they're findings.
Stop being defensive recall their first GA doco and how they went to experts to explain their findings and show not made up, same thing with Keith. (I'm leaving Nick out of it) well you Zak say you research, do research, look them up. He has researchers do your jobs. Also it was as if someone just said to him 'oh so and so came to investigate the house from UK, mention that too.'

This ep more like a gang initiation of 'if you don't agree with us, you're wrong.'  Okay maybe gang isn't the right word, a college initiation for a fraternity.  Steve is a veteran parapsychologist with many credentials approved. NO research into the history of the land not in depth anyway by GA.  How was this episode 'decoded' when all they did was just share the same views they held back when they investigated.  We had already gathered which way the investigation was headed and the outcome, conclusions from it.  Just adding their voices here to what they already said and thought.  Sorry (not sorry) but with so much controversy involved in this, there had to be some give in actually doing something about it if not convinced first time round.  There could have been a return but no.  They didn't even question past residents of the property.  Though Zak had wanted to do a Ghost Adventures ?? episode on the investigation.  How would that be any different or varied when he wasn't willing to accept any further evidence or debate findings rationally.

Where they took samples of the substance pouring down the walls and analysis in the doco, found it was some form of oil.  Don discovering another case in Australia where this happened too, there was the occurrence in Zak's Demon House doco, where oil poured from the blinds in the window. Showing this can't be so easily dismissed.

They went into this ep blind without finding out what's been happening so not in any position to actually talk with an unbiased opinion. Especially with the 'oh really is that what happened' attitude from Billy and Aaron and I would've expected more from Jay.  Also in that he would have had something more to say than just being in agreement.

SO anyone looking for any rebuttals, further instances of contradiction.  In Zak's book Ghost Hunting For Dummies let me be so bold as to add the following.  Oh who am I kidding, I don't need ot be bold or anything of the sort.
P9 "there are many different types of hauntings.  No two cases are ever exactly alike. When conducting your research, you're bound to discover various kinds of activity and sometimes, believe it or not, it will be at the same location."

Also para 5 P9: "ghosts don't always make an appearance."  he explains how tehre can be noises, footsteps and the like. Or objects flying around as by themselves.  "...lights and appliances behave erratically or phantom smells come and go without logical explanation."  With reference to the IR light and the camera going out, which as stated, the cause behind it wasn't explained; was the problem even found.  "In other words you never know what you will find in a haunted location and hopefully, this book will help you prepare you for that."  Clearly it did not help this particular episode of the show.

& para 6 P9: where he says that you will probably find certain things in a haunted location, but not everything.  "there exist a great many misconceptions about ghosts and hauntings..." such as not having sheets over them, or chains making sounds (as in A Christmas Carol) and he says they're not out for revenge to to kill/harm.

P10: "There seem to be few clear-cut answers when it comes to ghosts.  For decades, ghost researchers have wondered what force or intelligence lies behind a haunting."  Yet many a time just don't want to put in the hard yards of revisiting a location to carry out further investigations even after being invited to do so.
Granted this book isn't  good one to turn to for answers or quotes as I didn't find it very good, but it was a starting point.

P11 "Paranormal researchers do not uniformly agree on what makes a place become haunted, how spirits behave, or even about what ghosts actually are.  There seem to be very few clear cut answers but that should never stop us from searching them."

P138-139 What Are Hauntings? contains some more points too many to mention here which are relevant in this context .  Basically P138 is just a repetition of P9 in relation to sounds etc, however he again mentions "manipulation of lights, electrical devices..." once more in the context of their equipment being affected.  (See above.)

Some paragraphs for perusal from the Zak book I wrote back in 2015:

Locations:   Yes GA investigations take take three full days and nights.  Historical research, interviews, experiments and lockdown.  Not just one night."  as I said sometimes it'd be good if can do more than one night especially if there's not much happening at a location on that night.  The next night might prove more fruitful.  Also I'd be good to try  Lockdown longer than twelve hours and the usual "from dusk til dawn."  Maybe 24 hours and see how the investigation differs or changes over the two nights.  Whether they'd get the same evidence or something completely different.  Zak: "I don't believe length is important.  I believe the right energies within people can open a location's doors to spirits."
In the documentary they spent over 2 weeks investigating various outcomes. Let's also say that sometimes length is important particularly if nothing is coming through.  Come back later, different times, days etc.

But sometimes the length of a lockdown could be seen as important if can't find anything the first night or not much happens, as said, leaving time to conduct other experiments too and with varying pieces of equipment.

Zak: "because investigations don't end when we leave - that's why I did 'Aftershocks."  28 April 2015.  Somehow I get the impression he was meant to say cos spirits still carry on after they leave their investigation.  
Or perhaps that's when more activity begins,  They're no fools do they really want to be observed, at least not every spirit wants their haunting captured on camera for the living. 

To end let me quote this, it's not just about writing, it's also about filming, interviewing, analyzing, discussing...
It's another reflection of the world we live in and quite frankly it doesn't hurt to be civil, especially if you're writing something about someone which will be read by plenty of people knowing full well you're going to garner all sorts of reaction from it - good bad, positive, negative.  It's just pandering to the masses who are quick to judge everyone and anyone who may have a viewpoint different to their own.

Friday 15 May 2020

Ghost Adventures "Bloodshed in the Bordello"

                                             Ghost Adventures S21E12 Bloodshed in the Bordello (May 14, 2020 ...
Another episode where there's more skulduggery, murder and mayhem in a town where saloons and bordellos from the past lead to all manner of hauntings for the present. They find themselves in Globe, Arizona again and this time investigating the Drift Inn built in 1902.  As I said bound to be many spirits driftin' in here.  In particular they investigate the apartments above the bar where residents say they have seen and heard ghosts.  Megan mentions her grandson's room and he speaks of seeing monsters where they fight other ghosts.  Zak saying he's referring, or could be, to the murders that have taken place there.  In particular two.  One where Joe Ludwig was lured upstairs and had his throat cut, perhaps by a prostitute, then had his heart ripped out and dynamited.  However his murderer was never found.  So that right there is one lost and uneasy spirit.  Even after all that happened to him, they couldn't find his killer so he didn't get justice.  Also why rip his heart out, what was behind that??

Zak saying "this town is pretty haunted." Yeah dude like you haven't been there before, The Gila County Jail ep back in season 16, 2018.

The second Vic, Richard, also met his demise in the same room 18, however as the rooms have been renumbered no one knows which room it is.  But they suspect it could be the one where they placed the static cam and got a white misty figure or light anomaly.  That looked like a woman in a white dress to me, or wearing undies!  The room where the camera went blurry and where Aaron was affected as they separated later in the night.  He was really affected in that space and was there a long time.  Zak saying he was marked since he felt a burn at the back of his neck and found a red mark there.  Warning he should never go back there.  Using an SLS near Aaron reveals a stick figure which appeared to be engaging in some sort of activity in an angry manner.  Appeared to be fighting, which is what Megan's grandson described.

Also since there were two similar murders in bars in the town where a gunman shot and killed four people.  As well as the same happening in 2018, as described by Stacey, where four were shot again.  Including her best friend.  Jay and Zak saying it's history repeating itself on a loop and the same events being played out over and over.  This time the spirits selecting one person, vulnerable or not, who lets themselves be influenced and opens up to them to carry out the crime.  My sister said the same at the same time about the history aspect.

As Zak enters her grandson's nursery, he places a toy truck on the stand and as he goes to look inside a tent, which in itself looked strange as he appears to not poke his head inside.  He says he felt he was pushed.  As he stands up and walks past, the truck slides off the stand.  After various debunking, such as walking past and I said he should just jump again, which he did, it doesn't move at all.  Hey similar truck parked outside in the alley when Zak tells Billy and Aaron that they should leave a recorder upstairs and then use a walkie to talk through it in an attempt to catch them off guard. 

They capture an EVP which says "go upstairs and I'll cut your throat."  Then why would it actually say that if a victim is being lured.  They, he wouldn't reveal its intention.  "Go upstairs and I'll cut you" is what I hear as if he's warning the person not to go up there. Perhaps since another murder, or drugging was taking place.  They do hear noises, banging and screams.

Aaron gets "hello" on the spirit box.  As well s a male voice, "listen" on the Direct Link.  A woman says "just step back."  Male says "three" spirits are here.
A few anomalies are caught, one coming out of Zak's left side of his chest when he asks about why his heart would be removed from his chest and voices coming through on the Direct Link Device.

When they investigate separately, Billy lies on the bed, which they think could be the original 'murder' bed. Using the Ovilus he gets two responses: "Nice that" and "Their Violent."  Agh Ovilus and spirits can't get your grammar right!  Ha.  Billy then gets uneasy and hears Zak scream to find he had gotten himself stuck in the child's chair and it fell off his butt.  No one realized that Aaron didn't come running.  When they check on him, he's not doing good at all.

Friday 8 May 2020

Ghost Adventures "The Graber Farm Entity"

                                               Ghost Adventures investigates California's Graber Olive House ...
Not to be confused with 'grabber' with the amount of olives Zak was eating in this ep.  He doesn't drink alcohol but he sure could capture the bouquet of an olive tasting or several.  This ep turned out to be poignant as it was a location visited by Debbie and Mark Constantino.  Where during their investigation Robert tells of how a person ran away after an encounter and drove away, Scott saying she would never investigate the paranormal anymore.  Robert tells of a dark entity coined "the Creeper".  Seems there's a lot of creepers around in the paranormal world and we thought creeps only inhabited the reality of our world.  Yes Zak, Robert looks 125 years old!

They also saw stills from Marco who saw a boy with a ball and got an EVP in response to Luke, when he asked him if he was here, Luke.  He replied "yeah."  In a roundabout way, Zak did imply that the Creeper could be inhabiting the boy, mimicking him, or changing shape and form (as elementals do.)  Also Zak says that the boy could be residual, which doesn't explain the EVP when he responded to Luke and said he was here.  That wouldn't have been residual.  As the same question wouldn't have been played over and over or asked by anyone else of him.

Only Kitty recounted how she saw something from the periphery of her eye in the loft and saw  the creeper climbing up the wall.  She called it an elemental, rather than anything darker.  Cue a definition of elemental (most commonly would be fairies.)  As Zak ate olives, assuming Jay researched as he spoke of the original land dwellers, The Grabolinos who had their land taken away from them and were known as The Tongva tribe.  Earth-loving, hence elementals.  As Jay explained (before getting interrupted by Zak at every second - he may as well have spoken for him!  Very annoying and unprofessional!)  Jay talks about shamans who could be men and women and Zak then mentions Skin Walker Ranch with the shape shifting Skinwalkers.

An anomaly is seen and they feel cold.   Their investigation left Aaron alone in the vat room. Could be the boy or the creeper.  Some kind of anomaly is seen when Aaron is investigating where the creeper has been seen and they also got a stick figure on the SLS standing by the vat with the lid closed.  Billy's left alone in the vat room now and he screams like he's done before but this one was more screechier!  When Billy says hello and a noise is heard it sounds like one bounce of a ball.  He then asks the entity to show himself to him.  Zak and Aaron find some dead flowers outside like a shrine.  And I thought Anna at Preston Castle.  (Somewhere Zak never went back!)

Jay watches Billy in awe as he looks like he doesn't know what to do to help him, or if he should and lets him run out, radioing Zak.  Aaron saying it sounded like a woman was murdered!! Ha!!  You know after the jokes about Aaron being the woman of the team!! Billy ran out as he heard something being thrown.  As they enter they see a closed vat lid which they say wasn't already closed.  In the loft they get two voices on the spirit box, one woman says "give me a break" or "we need a break."  The man sounds like, "get the f**k out."  Well they always get such EVPs!!  And no I haven't got cursing on the brain! ha.

From the digital recorder in the vat room two voices are speaking:
"they gotta figure back" ??  Was this referring to the SLS figure they caught or something completely different.

Saturday 2 May 2020

Ghost Adventures "The London Bridge"

                                          The Ghost Adventures Crew Investigates Arizona's London Bridge ...
Was looking forward to this episode after all the hype and publicity but turned out it wasn't quite what I expected and sure many of you thought the same.  Let's call it anti-climactic.  The history of London Bridge is well known especially if your're Brit and obviously was just touched upon by the show.  Putting it into the context for the investigative purposes of the show.  Interviews ranged from between asking the James Kislingsbury of the London Bridge Experience in London, about the history of the bridge and finding those eighty bodies when it was being dismantled for shipping to the US; including five children.  We all know the hysterical one about Tower Bridge being bought but London Bridge actually being sent out.  Zak also spoke with people who have heard voices telling them to jump off the bridge, notorious for suicides and also from Wayne of the yacht club who along with his father-in-law saw a black mist by the bridge and something shadowy and dark in the water of Lake Havasu.

Perhaps Arizona really needed a watery attraction.  He also spoke to Gary Asbury of seeing a dark figure there, which could have been Jack the Ripper, reported to have used the actual bridge.  There was a film called Terror at London Bridge (1985) with David Hasselhoff and Stepfanie Kramer about Jack the Ripper being transported along with the bridge and reeking havoc by continuing his murdering spree in modern day Arizona.  A bit of hokum fun if you're in the market to watch it this lockdown period to while away an hour and  a half.  Wonder if they had any unusual experiences.

Billy and Aaron were sent inside the tunnels of the bridge to investigate whilst Zak interviewed people at the same time.  They heard a voice, at least Aaron did which whispered "you" to him which is barely audible on the playback.  As well as hearing a scream.  Aaron feels a little uneasy as they near the end of the bridge, where the Gate would be located with the heads on sticks which served as a warning to anyone entering the city.  When Aaron came out, he was all panicky and irritable, yet Zak still got him to go back in, as he investigated the lake with Billy and Jay accompanied Aaron.  Jay also finding information on some of the disasters on the lake, such as the suicide of the doctor and a couple in an accident on the lake.  SO many lost souls there, perhaps still haunting.  When Zak is on the boat he sees a ring-like shape walking along the bridge which can't be debunked as paranormal, so is labelled inconclusive.

They use an underwater drone, which Billy is unfamiliar with and so takes a while to get it started and they don't find anything underwater.  Zak spots a shadow figure near the bridge and is filmed, but  can't say if it's a person or not, this one looked more of a shadowy spirit than a person, a person was more obvious in the Horror in Biggs episode where he looked like he was pacing up and down and watching them??  Jay and Aaron use a new laser grid and get some results with it as the temperature fluctuates.  As well as getting two stick figures on the SLS, one appears to be hitting Jay on the head.  He says he can't go forward into that tunnel.  Aaron is scared by a bat.  They both hear screaming again.

Zak concluding that the Stone Tape Theory and the bridge being constructed from granite shows the nature of the hauntings, as well as them being mostly residual.  But Jay did get the stick figure to appear on cue.  Also why didn't Aaron use the spirit box now or the Direct Link device instead of just the recorder.  Take it nothing was caught.

Friday 24 April 2020

Ghost Adventures "Industrial District of the Damned"

                                           Ghost Adventures S21E09 Industrial District Of The Damned WEB x264 ...
Vincent Lords told them of this location and texts them telling them to be careful and about a break-in and everything was ransacked and he thinks there's an open portal there and 'something' broke in.  Calling it a "psychological attack."  With reference to an "old hag" attaching itself to people and believes this is demonic.  A question Zak had to get in.  The building is in Salt Lake city's industrial district.  He thinks it is a open to darkness.  Hraefn tells them about the break-in and in the basement he found a pentagram made of sticks with flowers too.  As Jay explains it was made on the Winter Solstice so they were trying to summon whatever and a means to bringing nature inside. They could have summoned something "unnatural."  He explains how he saw a woman after he heard a whisper.  He saw an image in his head of a crazy woman with wild hair.  Referring it to as "old hag."  The spirit of an evil witch, who turned demonic and feeding off the living spirits of people.  He says it was attached when he went home.

Zak also gets an image in his head too.  With a woman laughing which Hraefn says he heard that too.  Misty, a psychic medium shows Billy and Aaron a mirror which the old hag uses as a portal and says there's a picture of her in the mirror.  Where Misty also shows them the mirrors where she has also been seen.  Her friend, Maxine also experienced the same and got an attachment.  She doesn't recall looking in the mirror and being so angry.  This happened a year and a half before the ritual was performed.  Thus the location was active even before.  As Santa shows up!  So if Zak was cold why doesn't he wear more layers and a decent jacket!

Aaron and Billy get a voice saying "awful."  Then they heard a voice come though three times. "Break it...something??" It's Craig..." ??
Another voice at 16.28 says "Ich bin...nothin" and that's what my sis said but I dismissed it until listening with my headphones.  And darn I'm the one who knows German!! Ha.  Ich bin is German for "I am."  Could this be a German hag or spirits coming through the portal.
Zak says some vagrants would've died here and the ritual changes the investigation.

Billy sets up a meter which tests resistance and put a metal screen over the whole mirror with crocodile clips connected with a continuity tester.  It has to be zeroed in.  If there's a disturbance in the EMF field from the mirror then the needle will move.  It's not affected by any mobiles or other equipment.  Zak has a feeling before they sync all their cameras together.   Bad intuition.  Was this a premonition of the mirror activity.  Aaron's Geophone picks up interference and Jay mentioned the woman being pushed down the stairs.  It turns blue as Billy asks if it's taking credit for it.

Sitting at the location where the pentagram was found, the temperature drops and something is on Zak's back as it's freezing cold there.  Jay sets up a Tesla coil creating high voltage at a low current.  Making wireless electricity.  Charging the area to reopen the portal.  They plug a spirit box into it.  You can hear the sweeps in the air, transforming the audio frequency into EM energy into the air.  An anomaly goes through Zak when he jumps.  A woman says "talking."  When they daisy chain the entire connection I don't hear "you get 'em" but "you damned."  Which makes more sense when you think about it.  Not withstanding that was the title of this ep!  They had to shut the experiment down when they were getting somewhere.  They hear footsteps upstairs.

When Billy dares it to come through I see faces in the mirror, don't know about anyone else. They can't be reflections that clear at least as they're filming in the dark.  I didn't hear a laugh but a deep breath unless it was one of them breathing.  Two stick figures are caught on the SLS coming through the mirror.  Then Aaron sees a face in the mirror to the side.  Where Zak captures the face of an old woman on the Polaroid.  It resembles a ceramic doll face.  Also what's that puppet-like face on the right of it.  Which I don't see in any of the other pics, not that we saw all of them.  There aren't any objects/mannequins like that.  There appears to be a ceramic mask-like face next to the larger mirror but not where he took the photo so it wouldn't be reflected like that.  Also it's facing the wrong way.

Aaron sees the hag with his own eyes and Zak takes some Polaroids.  Capturing the hag.  What's the other face next to it on the right, it even looks like it has eyebrows.  Marked in yellow.  But actually there's a lot going on in that pic, I see more than the hag's face, but other smaller faces too.

Sorry they wouldn't rotate and the bottom one isn't so clear...

 When he takes the Polaroid in an effort to debunk it when both the hag face disappears but also that puppet-like face too that was on the right??? which isn't in any of the other angled shots either.