
Monday 13 January 2020

Doctor Who 12.3 "Orphan 55"

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Graham (Bradley Walsh) wins a voucher for a break and puts the pieces together before the Doctor (Jodi Whittaker) warns him it will actually transport them there now and they haven't packed.  Graham is disappointed that he hasn't packed his speedo, cos he's wearing it.  Didn't see him sunning in any speedo, infact he wore a jumper, ha.  They arrive on Tranquillity Spa and you know there were many instances of deja vu already with this episode.  Not listing any but I'm sure the one with Clara and Doctor Twelve comes to mind with the smiley faced robots in Smile etc, though it wasn't really a spa etc.  Then the Doctor Who ep with the bus in the desert - Planet of the Dead).

Upon arrival they all go their separate ways and the Doctor says she'll investigate.  Ryan (Tosin Cole) gets infected by a Hopper virus from the vending machine which the Doctor must remove from him and leaves him to stick his thumb in his mouth and suck on it for the hallucinations.  From the Hopper she posits something is wrong here and attempts to investigate further.  Okay scratch the attempt, we know she'll succeed.  As Hyph3n (Amy Booth-Steel) is asked why she's using high level security key for the cupboard and wants in, showing her psychic paper as she's a resort inspector.  Kane (Laura Fraser) tells them they've already been inspected but she manages to get in and finds the ionic membrane is not working.  Asking her to explain what's happening, since they don't use guns, as a message for a drill is heard.

Ryan in the thumb sucking position meets another fellow thumb sucker named Bella (Gia Re).  She claims she's a hotel critic as Ryan says he's a doctor for pilots.  Failing miserably with his pick up lines.  Yaz (Mandip Gill) stumbles upon an elderly couple where Benni (Col Farrell) is about to ask Vilma (Julia Foster) to marry him.  Graham meets Nevi (James Buckley) and his son, Sylas (Lewin Lloyd) at the vending machine as they're trying to repair and his son tells him what to do to effect repairs.  There's a massive hole in the and the Doctor fixes the membrane showing the spa is surrounded by a dome, as Graham walks into it.  Yaz turns up with the same news, late as always.  The planet is a 'fakecation' since it's not real but is cheap for those wanting a getaway.  The creature inside the dome (Millennium Dome anyone?)  rids most of the holiday makers before it's transported out and they are known as Dregs.  (Dregs of society no doubt.)

The species is meant to have survived some sort of war and as more attack, they are summoned to the linen cupboard.  Ryan and Bella don't make it there and neither does Benni who goes back for Vilma's hat.  They look for the others and she wants to find Benni so they get on the vehicle which is the only mode of transport as the air is toxic and oxygen is limited, using nose clips and bracelets to indicate oxygen level, the Doctor forces Kane to take them on Benni's trail. Vilma even pays Kane with her necklace to make her follow.  As the vehicle is damaged they get out only to be attacked and must find other ways of leaving.  Benni says goodbye to Vilma after proposing and asks her to kill him.  Escaping through the hatch on the floor they run to underground tunnels and the Doctor finds the sign in Russian showing the tunnel is a Siberian underground network.

They realize this is Earth in the future and after the Doctor has explained the significance behind orphan planets where some war has been fought and after time are taken over.  This one was taken over by Kane and she is Bella's mother.  Bella having an agenda for wanting to burn down the spa.  After a Dreg enters the tunnel, Ryan saves Bella and they are transported back to the spa were she sets about threatening Ryan with gun and setting the timers on the bombs.  Using the tunnels to return the Doctor finds the Dregs omit oxygen and breathe in carbon dioxide and this can be used to defeat them.

They transport father and son and back home and Kane and Bella remain behind to fight the Dregs as the others return to the TARDIS.  The Doctor explaining she only realized this was Earth a few seconds before they did.  Thus the future is bleak and a topical episode which some will have found to be so preachy in respects of scientists warning of global warming etc but humans not listening.  How they can change their future with billions of voices and action.  Yeah well a good start would be the BBC toning down the music so it doesn't drown out the dialogue.  Thus half the episode came across as garbled, I mean how loud must the volume be to watch the bloomin' show!
Most of the characters were used as Dregs fodder and again showing how people became dregs in the future.  Most of the episode was sombre and not as light hearted as the others, yes the subject matter in reality was grim, but still a little interjection of humour would've helped.

One thing I wanted to mention was how this episode followed after the Doctor finding out the revelation of how Gallifrey is no more and burns.  To see Earth suffer much the same fate, at the hands of humans, whereas that was at the hands of the Master.  How the 'timeless child' was mentioned and here the planet is known as "Orphan 55", another child reference.

Digital Spy mentioning Planet of the Apes as did my sister.  Also I mentioned Alien, Godzilla and other freaking monsters!  Digital Spy also does a good review on the political statements from past eps so I don't have to, ha and I especially like how they put forward the case of how so many people out there are just on the "leftist this and leftist that" bandwagon and critics of this.  At the end of the day you have to take a side and decide what you want for the future, for your children, your legacy and humanity in general.  You can't forever live like an ostrich and bury your head in the sand (radioactive) shirking responsibility and denying.  You are responsible for what is happening even if you don't want to be political.  As I've said a thousand times politics makes the world go round (not flat) and it affects you even if you are closed off to it!  And OMG stop with the "woke" already, fed up of hearing that everywhere!

They mention Doctor Three's story The Curse of Peladon (read Pelaton into that ha!) and show that politics in the show went as far back as the early seventies.  And kudos for saying how all the ranting for Doctor Thirteen and her stance is jealousy on the part of men.  Women can't - but men can...!

Thursday 9 January 2020

Hellier 2.9 "The Center of Your Mind"

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Greg speaks with Amy and she tells him she was arrested after she contacted him.  She heard 'UFOnaut' when she was going through some things.  She heard a girl screaming when she was by the lake camping.  She was third grade teacher and what she's experienced has "ruined my entire life."  Green men are in the caves and underground and warns against digging into something he won't be able to "unsee."  Tyler saw a green man in the tree after everything Amy said about being seen,  as well as alluding to Pan and his relevance to the green man.  Everything was linked eerily.  Amy's green men are "literal green men."  Bringing them full circle to goblins as Greg explains.  Doug told her to find out about someone who did this, referencing Greg.  He's an old man she's known for 20 years.  She believes in the pagan rituals in the caves but there's much more going on in her view.  Inexplicably and no one lives there.  She's certain it's the government.  Amy warns: "dig quietly."

Greg believes she's trying to make some sense out of what she's seen.  Connor thinks it would've been better if Greg called her when they were far away, not within the town.  The "scary people are literally surrounding us right now."  Marginality is more apparent in smaller areas as Connor says.  They should look into the creatures in the caves.  Greg wants to continue the ritual.  In The Mothman Prophecies it was written that all UFO encounters were hallucinations as Karl reads.  They suggest Karl should use the Estes method as he's more objective.

"What's going on in Hellier?"
Karl: "A other's closed...I'm supposed to open it...need to come out [when it opens].
"What's going on in Somerset"
Karl: "The fringe is here...between..."

Karl explains a similar phrase in the tin can ep season 1, where do we use this?
"In the space between."  He has liminality on the mind but he thinks it's subconscious as he wouldn't have connected it.

"What happened to Indrid Cold?"
"What happened to David Christie?"
"Keep saying he's dead."  They hear noises almost like footsteps upstairs.

"What are the goblins?"
"Are they there to keep us out or show us in?"
Karl: "The gate exists so the gate keeper exists in turn."
Do they need some sort of signal to allow access to those gates?
Karl:  "They have the means of something - an offering of bread?"

Karl: "create a fountain..don't know how [to create.]"

He's gone to 'that other place' where he can communicate with someone. They'll know if 'it's them.'
Talking to a preying mantis.  The symbol is like a pyramid with light coming out of it... Illuminati is what came to my mind.

Karl attempted to do word association in a trance-like state.  The fountain was in a cave, of stone or a stream akin to a landmark.  Mentioned the well and anyone who drank from it would return to Somerset.  Speaking of this he explains how it could be the all seeing eye which was in the pyramid at Somerset.  Showing there's more happening than just his subconscious.  The bell was placed in the wall and could have had a fountain in it.  Greg reads of the "Intergalactic radio like the blindfold with a note like the Estes Method."

Greg doesn't like ghostboxes.  Tried the Estes method which he called "weird."  Using the Franks box, Dana felt a tingling sensation". 
"An early version Frank Sumption built under the influence of ETs and are rare."  He gave them to people "he felt were right."  They got one days before heading to Somerset which made them think they had to use this in conjunction with the Estes Method.  Tyler tried it and got a "strange accent."  They get a thread about Indrid's family and they don't know what to do with it, Connor and Connard.  Tyler: "leave it alone and point to the story."   Dana feels he's communicating with Indrid.
 "He is one."

Why did Tyler make me think of Captain Kirk (William Shatner) with that accent?? 
He calls himself "Michael."  Greg asks where he's from?  They hear him reply sunny - a talisman."  Connor asks what he looks like, he says "angel."  Connor had a talisman with different predications and gave Tyler a St Michael ,medallion.  He says Connor is "wigged out." 
Didn't hear anything under the ledge but it came when he mentioned "adrenalin"???  I think it was like a response to that word, either whatever stirred there felt it had to get away or it was an adrenalin fuelled reaction from Tyler, in either wanting him to react that way.

Tyler hadn't gone through anything like that.  He's not religious but he thinks angelic entitles are all part of this: "I think one man's angel is another man's alien."  They needed to do a ritual in a cave and invoke Pan...

I actually do like ghost/spirit boxes and didn't much like the Estes method.  Also since I didn't like the blindfold being used and not being able to listen for myself what was happening and what was coming through.  That's my only criticism, I like to be involved and see/hear for myself.  That being said I do get why they use this method, for them it's tried and tested.  I also think they got good responses from Tyler, coming through Tyler.

Monday 6 January 2020

Hellier 2.8 "Secret Commonwealth"

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May 23 10.23am in reference to synchronicities and it's #FolkloreThursday mentioning bluebell fairies which will lead adults around for days, in Somerset.  At 10.28 for Fae in Somerset 1684.  Oakmen are also mentioned.  Searching Somerset on Twitter Greg finds tweets on Somerset, Kentucky mentioning UFOs and also Somerset, England, The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies and the author "paid a heavy price for revealing these secrets.  His name was Robert Kirk."  Re Neukirk and he's an ordained minister like his father.  Dana feels they're being pulled into an initiation.  After a month Greg got a book he was looking for from someone.  The Rebirth of Pan by Jim Brandon, which is a pseudonym.  He read it all in one go and makes notes from it.  Referring to the footprint they found in the cave in Hellier - three toed print which they didn't know the significance of until now.

Power names were in the book but not in relation to HP Lovecraft, but Crowley, McGee, Parson, Pike etc.  Parsons and Pike are power names and connected to Hellier.  Pike County.  Orion and Sirius.  Bad aliens chase after dogs and hate dogs.  David's dog vanished.  Sirius is called "the Blue Star" which Connor says alludes to the blue star balloon they found.  20,000 BC was recorded as the first appearance of Pan in a cave.  Some believe this was to meet the sorcerer...Trickster Prophets Kadir in Islam and are green men.  False prophet, trickster.  Pan becomes puck in Shakespeare, to chaos.  Christians eventually took the image of Pan and turned him into the devil.  Most Christian sites are built on pagan sites.  Shows up in religions, horned entities all return to Pan.  Crowley invoked Pan to speak, communicate with extra terrestrials and any entities he wanted to converse with.  Dana thinks they should make a fairy alter at the cabin and let them know why they're there.  Cinnamon, cakes,  white candles, honey etc and show they want to communicate.  She had a list of what she wanted to put on the altar from the woods, such as cloves, bluebells.

Kyle Kadel lives in Somerset and has a paranormal museum.  Ghost sightings, trains, secret cults, sightings.  He spoke of secret societies in the area and of questionable activity since the '50's.  Which they should fear.  Nathan, Kyle's friend who has a podcast and mentioned quartz which led to hallucinations in people.  NASA's website has maps and he got the electromagnetic map.  South Eastern US.  Pennyroyal Plateau above the cave system.  His wife is named Amy.  She mentioned the thermostat flying off the wall in a triangular movement and she saw it twice, and again about 3 years later. The number 3.
70% of people at Eastern State are from Somerset.
The Blue Gas theory about paedophiles and the woman who mentioned it was raided by the police and they found meth.  She wa salmost killed in a hit 'n' run.  Greg mentions Amy got an e-mail from a woman who saw people in the caves and doing rituals in robes.

Connor wanted to leave Somerset at once.  They may chance upon a 'human monster.'  All of the synchronicites all ended up back here at Somerset and it was something they had to follow through on as with everything else.

Sunday 5 January 2020

Hellier 2.7 "The Trickster"

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Meeting Allen Greenfield for the first time and his thoughts on Hellier.  Being lead to "access to a greater public, the very things they have been discussing here."  Alan referred to numerology as the number 93 shows up.  Took him 30 seconds with a list he sent to Greg.  Allen is a tholomite in the footsteps of Aleister Crowley.  As 93 refers to Christ which Greg found significant cos of David Christie, specifically his last name.  Aleen thinks they should keep going until it becomes dangerous to their health and thinks it is a ritual.  Suggesting they should ask who is behind it and who the source is behind all this.  Bring them to "a higher level of understanding of nature."  He thinks Terry Wriste is being associated with here and what Terry said was real.  Terry would be 75 now.  Allen said he has a code word he would give Greg off camera if they try and contact him.  Due to the existence of tricksters.

He suggests they run "Hell ier" through the secret cipher as Terry spells it.  Terry reactivated his e-mail which Allen is typically Terry so he wants to meet them on his terms when he's ready.  31 is significant the only authorized edition of The Ufonauts was edited by Allen.  Magical significance as 93 related to Libra 31 or 7 7 7.  He feels the numbers are a code but he's not a code breaker.  Allen doesn't recall the name of the town until Greg brings up Ashland and he says it could have been.  Karl thinks the '70's are what they were looking at.  Greg felt Allen wasn't Terry and Connor agrees.  Allen saying they were "being guided by The Third Order."

Conner asks why they would do that: with reference to initiation, "the creation of a crisis and the resolution of a crisis and the assimilation of that crisis resolution dialect."  They wanted to get abducted by aliens back in 2012.  Greg thinks an experience is more about the movement of the mind rather than their body being relocated.  So they did the reverse and only came up with lights in the sky which were the only phrases that came out.  Show Allen footage of this 'experiment.'  They interviewed the subject years later and he's now afraid of extra terrestrials.  Allen and Greg thinking that he might have already had an experience.  Allen thinks if not a physical experience then they could be unethically introduced by another human, or they tuned him in.

After the interview they spoke of the balloons Tyler found in the woods.  4 Feb 2019 California: they met a man at a bar and he shows him a video with a silver balloon floating down which had 'happy birthday' on it.  The balloons happened on the same day.  The dates in February were important as the Wriste/Amy e-mails were received.  He thinks they're on the path due to these synchronicities.  When they returned from Atlanta they went to Somerset.  The tree on the road prevented them from going any further.  They find a balloon here.  Allen told them they weren't "impressed" by the two balloons.  Is that why they got this one now and shows there's something more to it than just coincidence, more than a synchronicity.  Allen calls it a 'gift.'  He mentions balloons on 5.26 on the clock time; but the interview ran far longer than this after beginning at 3.27 on the clock behind Allen.  As Connor says they mentioned the balloon after the interview??

Aleister Crowley is mentioned so many times in so many places and in reference to the paranormal, occult that to not know him or his works by now is unmentionable.  There seem to be more than just synchronicities again with the balloons and their appearances, just as they dismissed them as being nothing. Then to find one again and being led on that direction or path, just pulls everything they find into relevance again.

Doctor Who "Spyfall" Part 2 Review

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As we return to the gripping finale, though this is Doctor Who when do we ever get a finale as certain scenes lead on to more questions - unanswered - and more episodes tailing off from them.  As the plane hurtles towards certain doom for the three on board, Ryan (Tosin Cole) finds some messages on the walls of the plane for him, some mostly at eye level on the floor by the seats.  The laminated message in the back of the seat leads him to open up an app on his phone which tells him how to fly the plane, as he remarks to Yaz (Mandip Gill) he can't ride a bike but he can fly a plane.  The Doctor (Jodi Whittaker) also appears on the monitor on the plane as a pre-recorded message so she tells them they can't ask any questions.  Also telling them that the cockpit door must be shut and it's very robust, which Graham (Bradley Walsh) closes.  Without Ryan being able to level out the plane.  This allows the plane to land safely back in England and Barton (Lenny Henry) is told it's due to it being pre-programmed.  The Master/O/Oh (Sacha Dhawan)is very upset that this happened as is Barton who turns up at the airport.  The staff being angry since he didn't inform them of any tests.

The three watch him and as this is Essex, Graham's haunt; he knows the area.  As they traverse the high street, Barton locks into them via their phones and via message on the big screen tells them they can't escape him nor can their families or friends.  Ryan smashes their phones and Graham takes them to a development where there isn't any available tech.  Here they think what the doctor would do or say and Graham reassuring them she's not dead and will return.  Graham says she wouldn't want them to give up and Yaz says they shouldn't panic.  As the creatures return and surround them wherever they run to. 
[Perhaps this building site was more of an homage to where Graham and Grace first encountered the Doctor in the 11.1 opener.]
The alien creatures are now given names as the Doctor finds out they're called the Kasavin.  Ryan and Graham try to fend them off using their gadgets which they both confess to have maintained, including Graham's laser shoes which come in handy, although he doesn't know how to use them.  This leads them to the warehouse where Barton killed his mother.

He apparently brought his mother (Blanche Williams) there so she can tell him he's done well, but of course she's the first sacrifice of his to the Kasavin who finish her off.  As Yaz calls her sister and tells her she's alright, they track them down and again the laser shoes are used by Graham to steal their car.  As Barton tells them he's only 97% human since he allowed them to experiment on him, revealing the larger picture, they can now take over humanity completely, wipe out their DNA and use them as human storage.  As he gives his keynote speech later on.

The Master found what the Kasavin were going to do and intervened to ensure this happens but also so the Doctor would get involved.  The Doctor meanwhile finds an ally within the Kasavin she was transported to and she says the creature is her guardian.  As it shows up, the Doctor takes her hand and is transported back to her time - being in the nineteenth century.  She meets Charles Babbage and finds out the woman is Ada Lovelace (Sylvie Briggs) Lord Byron's daughter and the achievements she and Charles Babbage (Mark Dexter) will make for the future.  The Master shows up there too and uses his device to shrink people out of existence.  As the Doctor tries to stop him, he tells her to kneel and call him "Master" in an attempt to garner her to obey.  Ada returns and uses the machine gun to stop him, as well as shooting him in the shoulder, which he later calls "painful" and throws a 'cluster' bomb at him.

Escaping him they return to Babbage's house where he shows them the Silver Lady.  A light statue which the Master also had in his TARDIS (the farmhouse) apparently it's not bigger on the inside?!! He's using the statue to transport the Kasavin and the Doctor says she needs to return to her time using the statue.  However as she leaves, Ada grabs hold of her hand and they end up in Word War II Paris, 1943.  Ada disrupted the line so she couldn't return to the twenty first century.  They're met by a woman who takes them to her house for safety, as a German patrol approaches, led by none other than the Master.  He enters her house and has the soldiers shoot at the floorboards where he believes the Doctor must be hiding.

He then leaves and the woman who turns put to be a spy named Noor Inayat Khan, codename 'Madeleine' (Aurora Marion) uncovers the Doctor and Ada beneath another part of the floorboards, where she keeps her machine.  The Doctor sends out a message on the wireless and it's in the form of the Master's heartbeats, a rhythm we're familiar with.  She gets him to meet her alone on the Eiffel Tower of course.  He tells her the Nazis accept his appearance as he used a snippet of psychic paper on them.  Telling her about the destruction of Gallifrey, how it is burning and there is nothing left of it.  She leaves her phone with Ada who uses it at a particular location and the Doctor uses her Sonic to send a message to the Nazis.  Who decode the message finding that the Master is a double agent who's been sending Nazi info to England.  They come for him as she removes the psychic paper so they recognize he is not a Nazi.  Meeting up with the others she has gotten hold of his TARDIS and uses it to return home.

Barton at his speech hooks the users onto their devices, including Yaz's family as he continues with his plan.  When she returns, everything stops and his plan is foiled.  She tells the others how she went back into Barton's office last year and messed with the statue in his office.  As well as showing us how she used the Master's TARDIS to send messages in the plane for Ryan and the others to save themselves. 
In the TARDIS by herself she goes to Gallifrey where she sees the horror of the destruction firsthand and is able to communicate with the Master who tells her he was the one who did this and how they were lied to. 

When the others meet up in the TARDIS they tell her how she knows everything about them but they know nothing about her so they ask about her home.  She tells them where she's from and how she can regenerate, the Master being an old friend, she stole a TARDIS and ran away, time travelling.  But she can't take them to Gallfrey just yet.  Not only as she's just processing the horror of what she's seen but effectively she hasn't worked out anything about the Timeless Child and the lies.  Once again finding, realizing that she's the last of the Time Lords.  Doctor Thirteen finally gets to show some emotion concerning her own character and history from the result of the loss of her home.  Something she didn't get to do last series as everything was new and we were just getting to meet the new characters. 

Actual history alluded to here with Noor and Ada and two female heroines of their times.  Nothing to do with the Doc being a woman of course.  As well as being topical when Noor asks if the Fascists win.  "Never not as long as there are people like you."  Having to brainwash Ada and Noor's minds at the end since history can't be changed.  Sad as Noor died at Dachau at the age of 30 and didn't get to see her work and sacrifice for the masses and the defeat of Fascism.  And Ada having the technical achievement erased from her mind too, as the Doctor lets slip the word "computer" in front of her.  Ada also dying young at 36.

Thursday 2 January 2020

Hellier 2.6 "The Altar"

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Yes the tin, thought that too, if it was such significant why leave it behind?! That's how my brain works, occupational hazard...David's house was burned down. Don't know why the pic blurred there on the video? Aside from hiding its appearance.  Greg hoping they're contacted by others, including someone who knows who David, Terry are etc. Any takers I wonder?  The press/media ensured season 1 had publicity with plenty of e-mails especially from Kentucky highlighting their own experiences as well as of others.  Cipher 11 was carried out by a viewer and analyzed how wind-ow was misspelled by Wriste and came up with Ash.  Though he didn't associate it with Ashland. Thus more synchronicity.  Someone on Twitter tweeted about The Wagon Wheel in Ashland, Ohio.

Greg didn't expect to hear from occultists.  Karl mentioned an e-mail he got from Greg which was sent to him by Jeff Richmond. Implying David and Terry are sigils.  (See Supernatural 1.17 Hell House for a good visual explanation of sorts.  As well as their mention of Tulpas.)  A sigil being a term associated with a magic symbol.  Come to be associated with an angel or other entity.  Again relevant in this show.  George P Hansen, parapsychologist who wrote a book named The Trickster and the Paranormal writing that "marginalized people and disarray tend to manifest paranormal activity."  Connor refers to this as the "teenage stage;" as Greg comments on poltergeist activity happens to teenage girls.  Greg referring to Amy as "marginalized" even before the e-mails they got from her.  As Connor calls him this too, "in-between living in one place and between another" as he moved to another place just recently.  George P Hansen sounds so familiar to me, perhaps as I didn't opt for a career in psychology, which my have ended up in parapsychology.  Though I have done reading on this area, sure I read him for my Supernatural book.

Greg thought of a live investigation where the tin can was discovered.  Doing a live EVP session, with music coming up. "Bing bing" from the can.  Tyler has read about people hearing music in caves.  Dan thinks this experiment was more vital.  Then thought they should play the notes in a constant harmony and it would open up something.  Tyler saying "it takes three of them" to make the sound thus opening a portal.  It is only natural that music and harmony go hand in hand, not so much harmony as in peace, but more the rhythm associated with it. 

They also received an e-mail from someone who said he met Terry Wriste.  Wriste being a Tennessee name.  He met him in the '70's with his father.  Terry being a "tunnel rat in Vietnam."  Terry said he met little men, Goblin-like creatures in the tunnels as well as VC.  They spoke with Vaughn who sent the e-mail.  He had worked with ciphers before and he found Terry had spoken of blowing things up and he met cryptics in Vietnam and saw him as unstable.  He pronounces Wriste as "Reeste."  Vaughn said that Terry Wriste was his real name, whereas Alan Greenfield didn't think so.  Greg asks if Terry used "sluff" when he was shooting and used so many profanities and he was angry about so much.

Terry also knew about Kentucky and what was happening and Vaughn thought if he'd run into him again, ie he'd probably be shot by Terry.  Greg would only want to meet him "on a good day."  With people saying they were doing an "initiation ritual" for Greenfield.  And what was the reason behind it.

Wednesday 1 January 2020

Doctor Who 12.1 "Spy Fall" Review

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Doctor Who returns for a 10 episode run and this one was an homage to James Bond no doubt.  As well as an allusion to Men In Black with the appearance of men in black to escort them to MI6.  Of course that was a little conspicuous to be transported to there but then again can't say anybody was really looking or noticed, aside from the aliens of course.  As the driver is picked off via a bullet through the Sat Nav and why did he really need a Sat nav anyway.  Presumably he should've known the route and which way to go!  Seems strange that Ryan (Tosin Cole) and Yaz (Mandip Gill) also knew they were going to meet up and go an on adventure, but that was a little preemptive since the TARDIS was being repaired at the minute.  So why all the rush to pack and find excuses to tell people they're going travelling, or a secondment/undercover.  Well she got her wish.

As the Doctor (Jodi Whittaker) stops the car from killing them due to the SatvNav reading "DIE" x 1,000+ times.  Backseat drivers who needs them, but at least the Doc knows how to drive, ha and saves them.  Contacted by C (Stephen Fry) who needs help as agencies all over the world are being hacked by some unknown alien threat and agents are being killed.  C even manages to get them the customary Bond gadgets before he's taken care of too.  Those aliens with the bright lights were a little X-Files-yin appearance.  The Doctor sending Ryan and Yaz to investigate VOR and Daniel Barton (Lenny Henry) as the CEO behind the vast social media company and taking herself and Graham to Australia to meet with a contact she'd meet before, only once but they texted a lot; who tells Graham about the Doctor being a man before but didn't believe her.  This followed on the trail of Graham being mistaken for the Doctor by C.

Ryan and Yaz infiltrate VOR using the Doctor's hacking their fake IDs and interview Daniel to find he has 93% human DNA as Ryan takes photos of his ID card so they later return to search his office.  He returns as Yaz still has some data left to download and he speaks with one of the aliens telling it he wanted them to be more discreet.  As Ryan and Yaz leave, they are confronted by an alien who appears to swallow Yaz inside of him and she ends up in a maze of DNA.  In Australia, Graham and the Doctor are greeted by her contact who tells them his name is O (Sacha Dhawan).  Oh for goodness sake this joke was done to derth.  He has massive computers and books, etc where he's been keeping track of everything going on in Intel agencies and the aliens finally arrive killing the Aussie secret service agents, as they would.
As well as O being able to contain one in a glass contraption.  They've come from the far corners and beyond and want to take over the universe.  Finally Yaz is released and transferred into the container.  Does this mean they have some sort of a connected DNA system.

So the Doctor resolves to get to the bottom of this delving much further and beginning with Daniel's party to which they've been invited and naturally cue James Bond scenes as the party is also casino themed.  She confronts him right away but he says he doesn't know what she's talking about.  As he leaves they give chase on bikes and end up at the airport and Daniel's plane.  Where O reveals who he really is and turnss out he's the Master and dropped hints about this when he mentioned how someone must be the spy master behind the whole plan.  As he leaves a bomb behind in the cockpit, the Doctor finds herself back in the same place Yaz was.

Well who else would have done such extensive research on the Doctor, who else but the Master wouldn't really have to considering he knows enough about the Doctor anyway.  SO what of the Master's words to the Doctor before he made his escape of  "everything that you know is a lie..."  Does this continue on from the season 11.2 episode as the Remnants spoke of  "the timeless child" and we didn't get any answers on that.  And how it "was hidden even from yourself" thus tying in with the Doctor being lied to as she's told here.

Jodie sporting a bowtie as in Matt Smith's Doctor Eleven era, though yeah I know they all were wearing them except Yaz and it was for the Bond theme but still, "bow ties are cool!"

Thursday 26 December 2019

Hellier 2.5 "The Unknown Country"

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Aphrodite, goblins, Ufonauts, Crowley are all connected.

Karl thinks Amy doesn't feel real since they had so much info from her, which is what I kinda said since it was like they were being fed info.  However they needed to find out whether everything was real or not. Agh my ears with the profanities!! Ha.  Tyler thinks she knows "sluff" as Wriste is a "puppeteer" who Karl refers to as a "player."  Connor didn't want to follow up on the emails.  He was frustrated they couldn't throw the e-mails out.  Greg had an argument with Tyler as he wanted to plan everything out, but Tyler just wanted to go ahead with it now.  Tyler and Greg did a recon at Somerset which Dana was against and added her own warnings about what to do and what not to do.  Against her warnings they did end up in caves.  They heard noises akin to whispering.  Chancing on a plethora of gigantic bones. 

Karl expresses his opinions over the differences between Amy and David's e-mails since he was more eloquent and she was to the point, using her phone to send them.  Connor thinks she's frightening since she knows of the terms of sluff and also Ufonauts since it would've required research.  Also concerned about "the Gatekeeper."  She shouldn't have had knowledge of  'staffs and wands.'  As well as "cloaked figures."  Tyler refers to Brad Steiger and his mention of Norma Hall's encounter with a humanoid.  As well as their sensitivity to light.  Reading from BN Nunnelly, The Humanoids: Real Life encounters With Beings That Can't Exist, about two campers who heard screaming from the copper mine.  Spotting two hooded men carrying wands.  Human sacrifice, torture turns up but Tyler posits there would've been reports of missing persons, yet there are bones in caves.  Mentioning the death and disappearance of one person with remains found in the cave.

Some have mentioned the green, shiny eyes at 22.00 minutes on the YouTube upload and again a few seconds later.  Not sure if they are eyes, though they do appear so as they seem to have moved, wonder if it was some equipment glare??

With Tyler's research, Greg thought back to Hellier, such as the cave systems.  Karl did a search on Somerset and the Green Man and mentioned Julia Somerset, wife of the Earl of Somerset.
The Green Man in reference to Beltane, the Celtic Fire Festival which is about life and new creation.  Karl looked at the locations and all of the points are on the 37th Parallel and between the 36 and 38 paranormal phenomena is seen.  Karl dissected maps with the relevant locations and found some intersecting near Hellier, some from Point Pleasant, others even end up near his apartment.  Where Derrenger met Indrid Cold at Ashland and Somerset was on that same line.  So did Indrid visit there.  He also added some test areas such as John Tenney's at Royal Oak and didn't pass there.  Adding straight lines can't be drawn on a globe.  Which is why maps are used: flat.  Flat earth theory?? has been eluded to by some saying that's one reason why the earth isn't round.

Greg found Amy was in jail as he didn't get any replies to his e-mails.  Thus they assumed she was in a safe place.  But how safe with those undercover cops running around.  How did she end up there with break and enter charges for starters.  Being kinda suspicious aside from her brother being a criminal.  From watching far too many paranormal shows and reading books, I always said Kentucky has a hell of a lot of paranormal activity of all kinds. 

Saturday 21 December 2019

Hellier 2.4 "Your Green Man"

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During their live stream for their Travelling Museum, Greg noticed an e-mail with "Urgent life or death please respond" in the subject line.  A longer version of an e-mail David had sent before.  Tyler had planned the trip and before he left for a lead, Greg told him of the e-mail.  From an Amy referring to "Ufonauts" as Dana says only someone familiar with that term would use it.  Amy says she's next on the list...With reference to "the Green Man; the heart of your Green Man is here."  Greg thought someone had watched Hellier and was trying to ingratiate themselves in this.  Thus as Tyler remarked, Greg went paranoid at the thought of being watched.  The Green Man is a pagan face, surrounded by leaves, a symbol which is familiar.  It is associated with the growth cycle each Spring and a symbol of rebirth.

Greg looked at court records and finds Amy's legitimate and has a brother in prison until 2026.  The e-mails originated from Somerset, Kentucky so they spelled panic for Tyler heading out on his own.  Greg saying that John Tenney is the only one who he's heard using "Ufonauts" but that's since he's "old school."  Tyler explained how he would annoy Greg over the Goblins way back even before the e-mail and how years ago he received a book, The Humanoids and refers to 'cave captives' from the book and missing persons along the Appalachian trials.

The woman, Amy wrote again at 3.58am as she went camping by the lake with her ex boyfriend.  Greg thought her emails were akin to providing answers to the David e-mail.  Such as addresses which they didn't have for him.  She e-mailed around 9 times.  "Sluf" also mentioned in her e-mail which was on the old photos of the coordinates of Terry Wriste.  Slang from the Vietnam War meaning "short little motherfu**er" a racist term for Vietnamese.  'Short' as in goblin.  The same coordinates Tyler was going to.  He was more interested in finding out what was happening than being afraid to venture out there alone.  He finds a happy birthday balloon in the middle of the woods as almost a marker, crumb of a clue.  But he found nothing at the coordinates .  He hears a "rumbling" in the distance which turns out to be a helicopter.  Police helo??

Amy was told to contact Greg by a 'Doug.'  They'll "know him by the warning."  Tyler lost his compass in the woods as he texted Greg and got lost then chanced upon finding a trail.  Coming to a road in the distance.  One last thing Tyler had to find out was who lived at the white house by the coordinates.  The door is opened by an old woman and he spots a carving in the tree nearby.  He asks if it's the Green Man but she says it's only an old man.  As he thinks if maybe it's a conspiracy everyone's in on.  A policeman approaches him and asks what he's doing.  Taking his info down.  He was undercover and a whole squad of them followed him out of North Carolina.
Amy vanishes after telling them she had proof of the Ufonauts, the rituals in caves and sacrifices and "scarier versions of the stuff in Hellier." 
Greg thought of doing the 'alien abduction experiment' but stopped it.  At Brown Mountain and the goblin aspects seemed unrelated.  Greg had the intention of being at Brown Mountain to be abducted.   

Can't get past the coincidences for want of a better word that keep popping up here and any cynic would think they were being led down this merry dance by someone or something just to see how far they would take the bait and lead to nothing coming out of it at the end.  Don't get me wrong I like the twists and turns of this and the mystery in between the lines and all the info they keep finding, just can't help but think someone wanted them to come down to earth with a bump.  It is intriguing none the less as I like a good investigation and this one joins all the dots.  As well as wanting to know about the murder, yet to watch.

Hellier 2.3 "Borderlands"

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Point Pleasant and The Mothman area is where Greg and Dana road tested their very first car and this place and the Mothman "has become like a representation of change." Karl says the Mothman case might be related to Hellier but they had to check it was investigated. This is where Point Pleasant is relevant to both these. Greg refers to the God Helmet
(used by Nick in an ep of Paranormal Lockdown 3.6 Bobby Mackey's Music World - so if you've seen that then you know what this helmet is, how it works and what it does. Thought how cool it was that Elizabeth redesigned it for use here.) 
Dana wants to wear it and do a 30 minute session.  Connor has his doubts especially since his season 1 experience where he saw the tin can which left him shaken.  And also now since they want a message from 'them' out there, so they're kind of provoking all of this in order to take this further.

Dana thinks the Domes is where Mothman hangs out and is unsure if it's where there is energy. The God Helmet has given people visions of God and hence the name.  So this device simulates those areas.  It is used in psychiatrist experiments and they can further add to someone's psychic abilities.  Dana has worn the helmet in the region of ten times. She also had side effects in needing to be alone and needy in the ten days after wearing the helmet in the past.  So it is overwhelming for her.  This version is the only "non-official lab model" of the helmet.  The effects are felt emotionally and physically.
Greg prompts her to think of Indrid Cold and who he could have been in contact with.  Dana sees a non-human, long face.  Greg tells Dana to ask questions and this leads to a conversation.   She was told there was a database of English language and emotional communication was the key.

Connor in the 'Estes Method' (see season 1) found the words and signal decreased in volume.  The session was longer than 30 minutes.  Dana says the aliens use pictures and emotions to communicate.  They refer to borders and bridges, Ashland, Point Pleasant, are all border towns with bridges. These are key and Tyler refers to travelling and "transition" and it could be a "doorway or window oo another place."  I thought of portal when that was said.  One location connected with Terry they say is Ashland where he met Indrid Cole and the other is located where the coordinates he sent to Greg.  These were in the middle of nowhere.  Tyler travelled to those coordinates and the night before leaving, Greg received an had to watch the next ep just to find out what this email contained.

Thursday 19 December 2019

Hellier 2.2 "And the Dead"

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Re the obit from ep 2.1, nothing was posted.  Finding out that Indrid was dead was a big blow. But Connor suggested they could speak with Taunia as she's a little lady and only three and a half hours away by car in Parkersburg.  She relays her father's experience and her mother didn't let the children hear.  They were in a ship, Indrid was chasing 'humanoids' and the ship crashed.  The two visitors to see her were Indrid's sons, Connor and Connard [how I spelled it] (that speaks of being 'conned' which crossed my mind just now) described as normal looking.  She thought they're all here re Mothman etc since the Appalachian Mountains provide a convenient hiding place. The best way to contact the Cold family was through her, so they leave a note.  Any results?

Karl says that it's all about looking at information they couldn't know of and not seeing whether Taunia's details are right or not true, that is irrelevant.  Derenberger says Indrid was just visited by him as they just wanted to meet their government. Whereas Terry Wriste is some sort of a general.  Greenfield's book was about the cipher so could figure it out, which Karl worked out and tried to crack it.  They found the address in Ashland, Kentucky.  Boy one hell of working out in that cipher! Upon reaching Ashland they're told that mental health is a big problem.  The town also has burial mounds and Charles Manson lived there as a child for a time.  That gives credibility to the mental health element in some ways.  How much of an influence did this town have on him at such a raw age.  It was meant to be the age of innocence, the eyes of a child and all that. The library was the only place open.

The Wagon Wheel restaurant was only there in 1978 but in 1979 it's gone and covered by a parking lot (move over Richard III!)  Which was close to their timeline of events located at 123 17th Street. As the restaurant existed they thought Terry Wriste is real and he exists and he was actually there.  Karl couldn't find any record of a cemetery near a church.  The title referring to the burial mounds and not necessarily a cemetery.

They also find 'Parsons' on the ground, the name of the police chief in Point Pleasant and also mentioned in Derenger's book.  Tyler felt they were walking "in the footsteps of Terry Wriste" and where that would take them now who knows.  This episode was following the trail they found and reminded me of following a breadcrumb trail that someone has left for them purposely.  That someone possibly being Terry if indeed he is real.  Then his name in anagram has 'twisterer' in it too, so were/are they being led round in circles being fed ample snippets of clues.  Or is something major on the horizon.  Onwards to ep 3!

Wednesday 18 December 2019

Hellier 2.1 "Noise and Signal"

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Hellier returns for season 2 with more into their investigation started in season 1.
Cincinnati February 2018.

The hand of Fatima/Mary/Miriam was spotted by me when the camera was panning the bookshelf. Here and in the world for those who do garner meaning from it.  Also known as the Hamsa - five (Middle Estern) as in five fingers.  A symbol to ward off evil and evil gazes.  It is about protection, bringing good fortune.  Okay that was digression.
Also the synchronicity element is so relevant too, firm believer in that as well, as it's affected me in lots of ways and not just in relation to the paranormal.

Lots of talk on Tyler who's really into this, as well as his research skills, enthusiastic and being hands on with the investigations.  That'd be me then, love my research in whatever I do, not just the day job! This looks at what new information has surfaced since season 1 and how it affects the current season 2 aspects of the investigation, deciding what they want to continue with.  First off the list was David who appears to have vanished off the face of the earth.  As Greg said he wasn't sure of he even exists or was just a 'conduit' per se to get them to investigate.  As well as mentioning the house that Greg and Dana had found.  Having footage of the house too.  David Matthew Parsons owns the house after researching this address.  David was found online and they realized that the wording in his Facebook posts and the emails didn't fit and he wasn't a doctor either.  Taking that as a strange coincidence and they accepted it wasn't who they were looking for.  Except for the synchronicities.

Connor explained how the Harliss name and his sister's research into their family ancestry with their grandmother, found this name in relation to family and how their great, great, great grandfather was named Joseph Harliss who owned land in a part of Pikeville, Kentucky.  So the goblin pics could've been taken at Harliss Creek.  Which he thinks could be "noise" in this area.  Needing to see if they can follow leads due to such discoveries. Greg wanted to email David and Terry again.  Connor wondered if Terry had seen their 'teaser' for this case and started the email again, and whether it's someone who follows either Dana or Greg on social media.  So Greenfield could be Terry.  Allen Greenfield is the author of  Secret Cipher of the Ufonauts thus concentrating on who Terry is.  According to Woodrow Derenberger, Indrid Cold was accompanied by two others, Karl Ardo and Demo Hasan.  So the EVPs they got in season 1 could have been in reference to that Karl.  That has to be more than synchronicity.
Stillwater Bridge was in Minnisota and where Indrid could be.  Eerily similar to Point Pleasant, such as the bridge and a Mothman statue also found in Point Pleasant, Virginia.  Taunia Derenberger-Bowman wrote Beyond Lanulos Our Fifty Years With Indrid Cole. It says that Indrid is dead. Posted on Facebook by Taunia 18 September 2018.

A little more summary in this opening as a recap which may have been useful or helpful if you haven't watched season 1, but I just wanted to get right into it.  Forget impatience but there was a lot I wanted to see in this ep especially since I won't have a chance to watch them all in one go. But glad to see the synchronicity element was still present and how that still played a big part in their clues and search for some sort of meaning to what has gone before and was yet still to come.  As the title suggests some critics have viewed the first part as being just that - 'noise' with little going on here.  At least there were pieces to the continuing puzzle that could be seen as possible signs, a 'signal' to their quest, in my view.