
Sunday 24 February 2019

Ghost Adventures 18.1 "Gates Of Hell House"

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Another episode focusing on darkness, evil and negativity.
Would love to see a 'normal' mansion episode investigation just once!

The question of why anyone would actually sign a waiver to go through something so sadistic and being able to do that even if you sign a waiver and consent to it.  They're still criminal activities and so if someone is killed, gets killed, is that going to be written off as being 'signed on the dotted line'!
The crew getting touched and more pain on Zak's lower back, signalling a dark, demonic presence. The voice on the spirit box at around 5.39 sounds like "is it evil?"  It's not very clear but it doesn't sound like "animal" to me.
Lots of the staff were affected and left including Staysha, now working at The Haunted Museum.

So Anton LeVay rears the satanic verve once again and as Satanist John says there are Satanic symbols everywhere on the walls in the Coven of 13 house.  Such as the witch going off without the sensors being turned on.  The inverted pentagram with the goat as symbolic too.
Zak quotes: "Fear is pain arising from the anticipation of evil..."  Aristotle 
Probably more than anything was him quoting Aristotle, blown by that! ha.  John mentions how the "intent of the user" is what gives a place its satanic influence, activity and connotations!

As for the 'Leviathan cross' aka the cross of Satan, is where my computer froze!  Great!
Aaron's phone goes off with the message "did you accidentally summon me?"  Oh Siri you're getting satanic tendencies now too! Sending communication through an electronic device, a phone, a harkback to the Demon House doco where electronic equipment was affected before and after filming there, affecting the men in this way.

As for sending in Aaron alone, yeah we've heard it before. But Zak should've gone in too alone since he was screaming too when they set up the static cameras.  The presence of Spanish there, why? "Abierta." = open.  The gates of hell are open sounds logical!!  and more in tune with the presence of a portal there.  (Here we go with the portals!)  At 27.16 I don't hear "the baby" but "look behind you."  It wasn't just babies that were sacrificed and so would be unusual to come through, though not unexpected.  What exactly was behind Aaron??  So having asked this, I recalled how Aaron was standing in front of the satanic symbols on the wall when he got the phone message.  Also perhaps why the voices said behind him on the spirit box; albeit a little too late.  The Talking EVP device says "salvation" and nothing else.

The new thermal camera and also the stick figure, appears to be stomping its foot on something/someone with some weird kinda dance.  This creepy skull-like face wasn't my imagination, saw it on the TV too right in the centre of the cross when Zak was filming with the SLS!

When Zak got touched on his leg, that's where the figure disappeared, it looks like it does a somersault and vanished on the ground.  Strangely the voice on the recorder sounds like "Zak's neck" to me, yeah hilarious in that he was touched there and his neck was cold.  More touching in the chain link room and an anomaly.  "Evil, lamb" comes up on the Ovilus.

"Fire, hunt, threat."  Also came through in the bloody bathtub room.  Like eeww why would Aaron get in the tub!  Crazy!  Yeah Zak "you see what happens!"  Wonder if they got any attachments when they left here, or anything negative?

Saturday 23 February 2019

Paranormal Disparity - A Commentary

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[Photo: Nick's Instagram]
There are only a handful of shows that come along that can peak my interest at any one time.  Even if they are relating to, or about, the paranormal.  These for me included Ghost Adventures and then Ghost Stalkers, Paranormal Lockdown, Ghosts of Shepherdstown (Seasons 1&2) and Ghost Brothers.  These shows for me were innovative, compelling, funny, serious and some contained a wealth of knowledge on research and equipment used during investigations for evidence.  As well as each one having their own style of gathering and garnering evidence and presenting.

My fave at the time was Ghost Adventures.  This was especially when I began watching it and was still finding its feet and immediately I loved the investigative style of Nick, particularly his ability to form links and connections to the location they were investigating and during the interviews with witnesses.  Although he was just filming, he did have and make a significant impact to the show.  His was always to think outside the box (and I know I said it before - outside the spirit box.)  Yet it's true.  Sadly having left, having to "leave" the show as I wrote before; I felt his creativity and views were being stifled and the direction he would want the show and investigation to head in.  From the outset, Nick had more to offer in terms of  his approach as to how the paranormal should be investigated.

Always making new inroads and advances with this wealth of knowledge he accumulated over the years.  Thus when he came up with Ghost Stalkers that also piqued my interest and that of other fans too!  It didn't matter he was only behind the scenes.  The premise of the show with the investigation and research into portals was immense and intensely immersing to anyone who loves the paranormal.  Not just for firm believers but for all concerned!  This was what investigating and advances, the evolution of an investigation always contained.  To take what you know and develop it further.  Trying to find how spirits not only communicate, but where they go, come from and how they materialize, for want of a better word.

Ghost Stalkers went a long way in trying to find these questions posed and that amazing capture of that naked figure, it looked like a named spirit, at Old Taylor Memorial Hospital, alone was justification for the show.  That it should have carried on.  Also boasting the presence of John Tenney and all his years of experience and weirdness amassed over the years; provided more sobering insight than just jumping on one's high horse and exclaiming it was this, that or the other.  he was sceptical and he too was critical in the way the network approached the show and what lengths it went to, to add their own 'version' on the production side and what they wanted it to encompass!  Always a wrong thing to do. Executives have no knowledge of the paranormal, let alone what viewers should be watching!

However, it wasn't given a chance to develop by, yes you've guessed it, the TV network.  Always to blame for their inability to see the real picture as far as what these shows involved and what they were attempting to incorporate and bring forth.  Such shows weren't about the money, the profits, the ad revenue.  They were about genuine research and investigation.  Brought to us in a way we could relate to, not get bored and switch off.  Yes Ghost Stalkers had its critics, but all shows get that: fact or fictional.  Part of human nature to be critical and vent, even when we don't like something.  That's how opinions are formed and debate carried further.  Yet this too was/is suffocated when TV executives keep the wrong shows on for the wrong reasons.  (My pet peeves: were two in particular, one no longer on, but one in its third season.  I did name them, but this piece isn't about them, so I edited the names out!)  Now I know people won't agree and well, as I've just written, they're my views!  But I can't fathom (I can) it's just a figure of speech, why no Ghost Brothers renewal.  And yes I don't mouth off at shows I don't like cos as I said why waste the energy and effort, I just don't watch!

Ghost Brothers was a breath of fresh air and when no renewal came for that but did for other shows,  I along with others, had to ask why?  And yes maybe it was unfair but I did tweet about the race card.  Look how many paranormal shows do we get to see with minorities getting to investigate and put forward their passion!  Same with Asians/Indians.  Kinda get lumbered into the mindset of how you gotta be of a certain persuasion to investigate!  Soon they'll be telling us there's only ghosts existing of one colour (the grey - yeah bad joke.)  But I'm sure a lot of us will get the gist what I'm saying!

So then we get that vid from Nick on 13th February (yeesh! that damn number!) updated Valentine's Day of all days; telling us that Paranormal Lockdown was cancelled and it was out of his hands!  WTF I screamed and ranted on from there.  I haven't stopped raving about that yet cos it just left me reeling!  Another show with Nick!!  WHY??  First Ghost Adventures and now this.  Someone must be taking the mick surely!  To be it mildly!! There is absolutely nothing wrong with this show and to be singled out again for cancellation and without public explanation is beyond the pale!!  TV channels owe its viewers a reason/statement why it took this step.  I have a fair idea but obviously I'm not going to write it here.  Not for fear of backlash or trolling, but as I said it's only an idea and it wouldn't be fair to mention it without proof or back-up.  That's just how things are.  Know enough about the law to know how TV companies operate and use it for their own agenda!! As tweeted in my tweets to Nick!  See below!

It just doesn't warrant thinking about that he is once again on the receiving end of all the crap that gets thrown at him for absolutely no valid or sane reason at all!  Paranormal Lockdown was a brilliant show, pushing boundaries and as Nick said, "pushing the envelope" of investigating!  Why should it get this treatment.  So blatantly unfair.  It beggars belief and to me, at times, it seems like it's just some freakish nightmare we, I, will wake from and find it's not real.  As for making Nick censor his earlier video, well again that was disgusting and despicable!!  Ghost Adventures, Paranormal Lowdown: his babies and brain child!!  Yet he's forced (coerced?) into removing "original content" as he put it.  Why?  How many shows, comments is he going to be forced into withdrawing!  There isn't any reasonable justification for it.  Are they just going to get Ghost Adventures, Paranormal Lockdown from every single tweet, post, book, review censored, or censured under the guise of "professional conflict" no doubt.

All I know is that people who have influence, so-called, usually think they're doing a bang up job in getting such shows stopped.  What happened to paraunity now?  I wrote about that in my 2015 book Did that suddenly vanish and did that suddenly turn into a free for all and if you don't like another man's show, so do everything you can to get it pulled off air!  I know some pieces have mentioned "TV politics!"  Seriously it seems this only happens to Nick and no one else.

What made me also fume was how there's going to be a Ghosts of Shepherdstown season 3 but not with the original cast, as in of investigators!  What?  Why not?  So why even bother making another one series.  It seems silly if you're going to get someone different, how real will that show appear now?  Adding more fuel to the fire of those naysayers who shout "fake" at every opportunity they can.

Here's to moving on and leaving the negativity behind!  We don't need it and Nick will always come up with shows which will always make advances in paranormal investigations and that break through one day where most of our questions about the paranormal and the afterlife may be explained.  Whatever comes next, we will be there every step of the way...

[Read Disparity for Opinionated Rant]

 Feb 13
Replying to 
That’s so sad to hear! It always happens to the best when you put in your heart & soul! Hopefully you will come up with more intelligent programming & content! No one can drive you from your destiny & push you out!! You have integrity & honesty! To the future! Much love! x

 Feb 14
Yes & the best ones are cancelled or not bothered with! I always like(d) Nick's shows, still do and as a paranormal investigator and just general all rounded great person!

 Feb 14
Replying to  
We've become desensitized to it all! Need something new! Which is why I liked and , ! All got raw deals cos trying to go beyond what we know in alternate ways!

 Feb 14
Replying to 
The arrogance of TV/film companies! Dealt with them for my ‘day’ job! They censor people who know how they operate & how they use legal loopholes is a tome in itself! But to censor & have you remove your own work is disgusting beyond belief! We stand united behind ya!

NB Nick's new executive produced show from his Twitter 23 February:
New series I’m Executive Producing! Checkout the trailer. Premiering in the future on VIDI SPACE Great work and team!

Nick's Twitter: @NickGroff_

My book: … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

Sunday 10 February 2019

Hellier 1.5 "The Heart Of It" Review

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They undertook to conduct an experiment to "enhance any latent psychic abilities" which Greg carried out.  It involves the" senses are blocked out which give you input... Placing ping pong balls on your eyes and put white noise in the ears.  A form of sensory deprivation."  Leaving him to focus on his thoughts and you can't hear anyone around you.  He thought he was on a train and going through a tunnel.  Which is where they were before and still there now.  Karl hears a voice " guys."  Greg sees a grey alien with blue eyes and someone on YouTube comments, Anziroth42  mentions the book, Whitley Streibers' Transformation references this to a book on Greg's shelf with a photo on the cover resembling what he saw.  So did he see this for real, or was it just a thought resonating in his mind relating to this book, what he had already seen before.

Maybe it's just me but I feel the use of more equipment might've helped, such as Infra red cameras or the use of more static cameras pointing in different directions.  Something to capture what the eyes wouldn't see or the ears wouldn't hear.  Perhaps a more balanced form of investigating too.  Yet again I'm not being critical, just some suggestions!

Dana saying there was something watching them and was curious and making noise to show something is there.  Karl felt too comfortable with the surroundings which he said shouldn't be happening.  Dana did a Tarot reading in the tunnel: "loss of comfort, stability, material possessions."  Re the Hangman card: "looking for answers which were turned upside down."  Since what they started out looking for: goblins, they end up with spirit box sessions and hearing voices, relating more to the paranormal phenomena of ghosts/spirits. 

Connor does another spirit box session, again we don't get to hear it, which is a shame.  At least parts of it would've been audible to us, just to for more of an explanation of what was happening and what he was hearing coming through.  They find a girl may be there, or a boy.  Which doesn't explain their initial quest for goblins etc.  With a name such as "Ivan" coming up.  Greg saying some spirits were coming through and how it was all random, as well as some spirits they thought felt familiar.  Again what was this session turning into?
However they felt they had got what they came for.  It was more than just goblins.  Connor felt the same as Karl, "comfortable." Using the phrase "celebrate activity" he heard on the spirit box and they felt they found the caves and things and the "investigation made sense" to them.

Greg met thoughtful people through his work as an investigator, looking at things introspectively.  He met John Tenney when he and Dana made fun on the Internet about him.  Stating they didn't think much of his opinion.  Later they met him and they got on so well.  He's "one of the smartest people I know when it comes to paranormal phenomena."  He investigates using his own methods and ways of looking at such phenomena, explained Greg.  
John: "it's not about solving that mystery...but the experiences are to reinforce the fact that these experiences happen."
They wouldn't get "closure" here and they knew that.  As Greg remarked it's people who decide on closure whether they get it or not.  It's not real.  However one day they might find that this is what they found today and how it might affect them in the future.

Cincinnati, Ohio

The Newkirk's apartment and Connor finds a book by John Keel Flying Saucer to the Centre of Your Mind, edited by Andrew Colvin.  The first page was an article from 1972 Anomaly Magazine relating to different sounds that people hear at times of  "high strangeness," John wrote of audio hallucinations: sounds of a baby crying (amongst UFO and monster witnessing) and unseen car door slamming."  Connor explains that's what the residents of Hellier heard and told them about: a baby crying.  The car door slamming which was the sound of a car door locking for them, when they were in a cave tunnel in a Kentucky forest.

October 2017

Synchronicity can be used for psychic phenomena.  "Synchromysticism" was developed, again from the writings of John Keel.  

Loveland, Colorado

Karl looking through The Mothman Prophecies again in November 2018, referencing to the bi-ped extract, assumed they were confronting demons...left footprints behind...chimera described them..." also referring to "animated tin cans."  Andrew saying "a chimera can take the form of a tin can..."  This was written 50 years ago, but they came across a tin can in the tunnel.  Another form of a synchronicity?  

Greg their Hellier story "was similar to David's..a stranger and the phenomena drives you out..."  He'd want David to contact them and Terry too, since he appears to have started all this.  Someone watching this doco may lead to someone else finding something new one day, perhaps goblins, whatever, and maybe get a breakthrough in the longrun.  

As much as this was interesting, I'd like them to apply some same methods to investigating a location which is more haunted and less to do with goblins and UFOs, applying their experiences to more ghostly hauntings.  Yeah that's just me again!! 

Saturday 9 February 2019

Hellier 1.4 "Slivers of the Future" Review

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Three Days Earlier

They felt like they were being teased with everything happening, even more than explaining it by using synchronicity.  But Greg thought the synchronicities were leading them the right way, including being at Hellier and going there to begin with.  Karl was taught about synchronicities by John E L Tenney.  With issues John was having with some "goblin creature."  To John, synchronicities weren't coincidences.  He said they could be "manifestations of a phenomena" showing up with them and communicating with them.

Connor called Jack (from last ep) about the toe print and he told them of other stories.  Including a UFO sighting when he was 12-14 years old.  A disc shape with portholes.  He actually said he saw more than one.  Even up to about two years ago.  As Greg explained was also the time the activity in Hellier stopped. Greg thought it was a hoax when the IP address came up with Ajax, Ontario and that's where Greg and Dana were living when they were told of the events.  They began to think of who they knew in Canada. In the words of Duran Duran someone should've said  "don't monkey with my business."  It did feel as though they were being led a merry dance out of some sort of revenge or cruel joke.
Also going back to mentioning David not being real.  Steve, a tech friend of Connor's analyzed the e-mails.
So they didn't get any e-mails from Kentucky, but since 'whoever' was using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) they had no idea where they were coming from.  Something many people use, especially professionals when they don't want others getting hold of their IP addresses.

Greg explaining Terry wasn't able to be contacted as his name was a pseudonym.  They needed to know what was happening in Hellier. So instead of the cave, they went to the train tunnel, even though the train tunnel was connected to caves.  Was it just easier that way?  Or was something actually leading them towards this?

Eastern Kentucky

The tunnel was empty and it was clear of any graffiti.  Though they chanced upon a can!!  Like the one Connor spoke about in the spirit/ghost box session.  They had no explanations as to how the can got there and yet he says they knew they had to be there.  He describes it as a "waking dream" more than deja vu.  Connor seeing it as a sign they were meant to be there.  Dana: "a little sliver of the future pops into your mind."  It must've been more than synchronicity.  Even with all that e-mail stuff and being led around in circles, it appeared, they still managed to find that can and decided on the train tunnels instead of the caves they were told about with the footprints.  What does that mean for the sceptics, as well as those who believe since Connor thought of the can in his mind.  Someone couldn't have just read his mind and 'planted' it there.

The thing about Hellier, is it appears prima facie, to be fictional, (don't get me wrong, I actually enjoyed it) a fictional quest beginning with that e-mail.  Then things have happened which in some ways can't be explained, even if they did encounter a hoax, or what they believed to be a 'hoax' in Greg's words.  But at the end of the day it's convincing cos of their experiences and what brought them to where they are now with getting on the road and investigating.  Even if people weren't so forthcoming with them  I had Scully's  (Gillian Anderson) (X-Files) voice inside my head when I was typing this; back when she spoke of the episode where Mulder (David Duchovny) was supposed to have died.  When she spoke of the "hoax" he was subjected to and how everything was a lie.  In many ways, some parts of this ep of Hellier echoed that "hoax" bit.

Here are my extracts of the musings on that X-Files season 4 cliffhanger, Gethsemane
Did he "Believe the lies".  After being through so much - experiencing the unexplainable, such as the disappearance of his sister, Samantha; the murder of his father...we are to believe this was all an elaborate hoax by the Government - but why?  (What about the expense involved - the tax payers millions - they obviously have no regard for human life.)

Scully's scientific opinion, "over the course of three years he became a victim - a victim of his own false hope and of his belief in the biggest of lies" is of no use!  But fear not - for Mulder returns to get to the bottom of things (thank goodness).  After all the "Truth is [still] out there" but whose version or creation?

Hellier 1.3 "Trapped In A Maze"

                                               Image result for hellier episode 3
As they were lighting candles for the elementals and they hear a "woody knock."  Which I didn't hear and I'm always on the ball with sounds!  Spirit box may be controversial, but it has been used by many investigators and no I don't believe you hear what you want to hear and I've written about this elsewhere.  So why couldn't we hear what was coming through.  I'm not being sceptical or overtly critical, but it's all part of the process of knowing what's happening if you're doing this kind of investigation and running experiments, you need to be more open about it.  It's not just for personal investigation purposes since this was a doco being filmed.  Anyway, that's my opinion and what I believe, you don't have to agree with it.

Connor saying he heard 'Karl' a lot with the random words during the session.

The Estes Method has been tried by others too.  I haven't heard it being referred to as this method. Nick and Katrina have used their 'version' of it in a Paranormal Lockdown ep as he did with Elizabeth Saint in a Ghosts of Shepherdstown ep.  [S2 I'm Your Greatest Fan.]  Where they asked questions and then waited to hear what answers one of them would get and whether they got any correlation.
Karl and his synchronicity about the lead Joey came up with and the lead on the three-legged bird.  Describing it as an impossibility of sorts.

Their recording of the session lasted 48 minutes which is what Connor asked when he was conducting the spirit box experiment.  Which they called a "prophecy."  Since it was so uncanny.

Planet Weird replied the following
2 weeks ago on youtube:

"Most of us are of the mindset that these things aren't exactly biological entities, or are part of something that exists half in and half out. Most of the old contactees from the 50s and 60s said their communications happened via telepathic messages, so it seemed worth attempting some parapsychological experiments. [Thus the spirit box session.]

Our view of ghosts isn't "dead people" so much as free-roaming intelligences, which we're starting to believe these entities are, especially in connection with the phenomena."

Heading to Pikeville they ask about Christie again and look through town records.  Concluding David Christie didn't exist.  But people told them stories of paranormal events and called them "critters"  even in reference to UFOs or demons.  Even down to the priest referring to them as such.

Footprint photos and Joey mentioned a cave they could investigate.  He had photos of himself and the carvings.  Greg speaks of sychronicity between the Mothman cave and the Ink and the Black.

Their method:
"Spirit Box so ingenious is their technique called the Estes Method, which was developed by Connor Randall and Karl Pfeiffer.  In the Estes Method, only one person listens to the radio with sound canceling headphones and a blindfold on, while the other person asks the spirit questions. The blindfolded person has no idea what’s being said or asked, but is merely saying out loud phrases that the radio stops on. The dialogue that occurs with this method is beyond fascinating."

Saturday 19 January 2019

Hellier 1.2 "Ink and Black"

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Spirits of the Stanley was Karl's documentary about the hotel.  He asked Greg to go with him to Hellier and he finally agreed.  Connor is more into asking and questioning everything and everyone (like me).  Greg said they're more sceptical than him and Dana and so it was better they were like this in helping them "search for goblins."  Karl mentioning the synchronicities appeared again when they were trying to find a date to head to Hellier.   As Karl said Greg began getting e-mails from people who wanted to film for TV, others's blogs and were asked to appear at CryptidCon where they would have been anyway.  Dana: "synchronicities are meant to capture your attention."  She experiences them "during an important keep our brain from settling into that mundane autopilot brain."  Agree with that in many ways.  I'm really into the whole synchronicity side (of life) since I've experienced it so many ways, but not with many people.  It is something widely present in the paranormal arena.

Karl mentioning his association with The Mothman Prophecies book.    About a Woodrow  Derrenberger who came across a UFO encounter of his own.  A cipher from Aleister Crowley and these occultists didn't break the code, explained Karl.  He sees "ink and black" on the page.  The ultraterrestrials communicated with other people so they can now intercept the code.!  Terry Wriste took this and applied it to the cipher and he interprets where Indrid Cold's house was.  Apparently Indrid was related to The Mothman Prophecies.

More on Aleister's encounter here:

Dana felt weird about Hellier and being there.  The locals were curious and the team felt being watched, one man claims he doesn't know anything.  That they weren't meant to get to the moon.  He's never heard of Dr David Christie.  They get out the Tarot cards in a hotel room.  Where Dana interprets the three cards that 'fall' out of Greg's hands.  Coincidentally I bought a book of Tarot last month, haven't read it yet, but it was just out of interest and nothing more.  I won't be doing any readings.  Dana explaining you become the Devil (as this was one of the cards Greg gave her) "when you want to manipulate people."  With this doco they want to see things in a certain way and so they could be seen as the Devil. 

They found no help from the locals, the police, the local TV station and the radio station weren't interested either, now if that didn't smell of coincidence in terms of  'conspiring' perhaps, then I don't know what is.  They had to go looking for David's house themselves using clues from his e-mails.  Christie is assumed to be an alias.  Greg spoke of the footprints being made of "slurry...when an old mine is boarded up so to stop people from going there.  The two men they spoke to said the pictures looked like "coal slurry."   Connor suggested they should just go out into the woods and investigate for themselves.  That's the only way they would find out what was really happening when reaching so many dead ends.  The mystery deepens...

Hey where'd the cool music go at the end?!!

Aleister Crowley appears in many shows too and I mentioned Constantine last ep and he was also mentioned in that too 1.10 Quid Pro Quo

Hellier 1.1 "The Midnight Children"

                                          Image result for hellier tv show reviews
People will get to thinking it's very X-Files in tone, perhaps it is in some ways.  But not so in many others.  This isn't some cheap budget TV show (not that the X-Files was that at all! ha) which just fills the minutes up with cheap thrills.  It's real and what's more the way it's presented, researched and actually documented and filmed, makes you believe it is real and makes all the difference when you watch.  With fictionalized TV you come away thinking well, "that'll never happen."  With this, you know something did happen.

What's more it's free!  No need for costly subscriptions and sign ups and having to decide what to watch, when to watch, just to get your money's worth.  If you don't particularly like a subject matter or don't have much interest in it (admittedly I am not that big into UFOs) but I absolutely love other paranormal areas and 'legends' such as goblins, Tommy Knockers and the like. You don't feel cheated or short changed if you miss something, like you would if you had to pay to view and thought, well this is all about one subject, or thinking you won't come away with anything.
You also get John Tenney's wealth of knowledge and narration included!  Also for free!

Greg and Dana Newkirk are behind the show along with Planet Weird and Karl Pfeiffer as director.  He was paranormal investigator at the Stanley Hotel (wanna go there!)  This episode focuses on Hellier, Kentucky (Kentucky has its fair share of paranormal activity!) where they are called to investigate UFO sightings and goblin-esque men.  They were contacted in 2012 by 'Dr David Christie' and he said he was hounded by this occurrence nightly.  Seething out of the mineshaft located on his property. Having evidence in the form of photos.  He then vanished. This small town is affected quite a lot.  Greg was interested in this as he felt it familiar and similar to the Hopkinsville, Kentucky goblins of 1955.  The famous UFO case involving aliens. 

Then in 2017, which Karl describes as "synchronicity" where he and paranormal investigator, Connor Randall, contacted Greg and Dana to unravel the events.  Ground breaking methods including parapsychology, which I always wanted to study but didn't, turn this into an interesting premise and well worth a watch.  It took seven years to come to fruition.

You can binge watch all 5 eps on platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo and Hellier.TV
It's a must-see and I especially likened the mesmerizing music to Crockett's Theme from Miami Vice!  Thanks for the Like on Twitter Greg and John!

Tommy knockers in Constantine 1.2 The Darkness Beneath.

Other shows are also available too!  But there's so much history and research out there on the topics focused on that you can, which will really get your brain in gear.

Tuesday 15 January 2019

Insentient - Short (2013)

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Contains Spoilers

As far as short stories go, you can take them or leave them.  Usually I'm a fan of these (they're also easier to write and more pithy.)  This short based on one such story, sets up the plot in usual fashion; where two men meet to discuss a plan they're hatching.  Well one of them is, Stan (David Arkema).  Built up and filmed to make it appear they're gonna go in guns blazing and pull off a heist.  You're not wrong there.  It is a heist - of sorts.  As they get guns a-ready and Marty (Clayton S Myers) asks if he misses her still.  The unknown woman of the piece and then it turns out he might be planning on taking her out.
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Interspersed with flashes of Elizabeth Saint, credited as "Attractive Woman. Until we see her at the end. It appears she did the dirty on him and now he wants back what's his.  A box full of empty promises?  Well we're not shown what's in the box he wants, but it's been frozen and he wants it back.  It's his, no she says "it's mine now."  As it happens, none of them get it, but Stan does.  For someone who couldn't pull the trigger, he sure did get trigger happy and then walked away, casual as Larry.  Not only doing what they intended but also shooting Marty through two hearts!!  Was it worth it?

This to me came across as being very tongue-in-cheek (yeah using another body part reference!) and ironic.  He gave her his heart, she betrayed him and now he wants it back.  The end piece being ironically each of them end up being the losers in the narrative!  Though the title of the short story it's based on gives it away! The Death of A Frozen Heart by  Sohale Dezfoli. It's more about how you fall for someone, get hurt and need to move on, not fester and think revenge.
Obviously I thought Stan would be the one who would get Marty and yes it happened, but not in the way I expected!  Oh well and Elizabeth was a mere token love interest and kinda wasted, but if you're a fan of hers and her other paranormal achievements, she will have you glued to this!  Hottie with a loaded weapon!

Insentient: the inability to understand, lifeless, inert: a reference to Marty or to the boxed object. Take your pick.

Nominated and Winner of the following:

Winner - Best Narrative Short - International Independent Film Awards (2014)
Nominated - Best Dramatic Short - Burbank International Film Festival (2014)
Nominated - Best Guerrilla Film - Action on Film International Film Festival (2014)