
Friday 13 April 2018

The City and The City Series 1 Part 2 "Ul Qomo" Review

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Part 2 was more of an extension of what we learned from part 1 with Borlu (David Morrissey) heading to Ul Qomo to find out further about Mahalia.  Of course before that he had to get into more strife otherwise his job wouldn't be worth doing.  This means heading to Major Syder (Danny Webb) and getting into an altercation with the TC - True Citizens: the Fascist mob.  Well it was more getting beaten up by the mob cos you just knew that that cue ball was gonna hit its mark and that was gonna be someone's head!   He's also stomped upon in fascist fashion, leading the Beszel authorities to hand over the investigation to Ul Qomo.  He can be a part of it but will require permission and training.  Of course Corwi (Mandeep Dhillon) is peed with this and enter her usual f**ing around in no uncertain terms.  It's just so funny listening to her cos that's today's society also for ya!  You'd think they'd have found an alternative expletive, especially since they managed to come up with 'wanker' in Ul Qomo speak!  Yeah as said before, it's so Big Brother 1984 territory!

Borlu recalls how he met Katrynia (Lara Pulver) and attended that training and how even the children were being taught at an early age about Breach and outcasts.  Taught by a school teacher who gets into a bit of a tizzy when she asks Borlu about the car and he tells her all the details about it.  Obviously no one in Beszel would be able to afford that.  He asks Katrynia to lunch of the liquid variety and also he reads up, well picks up the book by Dr Bowdon (Christian Camargo) The City and The City which tells of Orciny.   Borlu also attends a lecture given by Bowdon and sees Kat again as she draws that symbol like a compass point in circular fashion.  He tells her not to be so loud about it.  At the lecture he speaks of those symbols and how they're calling out. 

Corwi is angry about being off the case but he still wants her to investigate for him.  Arriving at Ul Qomo, one side of the street is blurred out cos it's the other City and isn't meant to be in view and then he crosses the border with us seeing red everywhere literally !  Ha.  Then comes back in a red taxi later on.  He's picked up by his other half,  Senior Det Dhatt (Maria Schrader) in that city and she gives him the lowdown on things and how they work there.  He doesn't really have any authority and advises him to stay in his hotel as much as possible.   Also gives him a phone which was bugged apparently.  As well as smoking being frowned upon as shown by the doorman of the hotel.

Borlu visits the site where Mahalia was digging and professor Nancy (Paprika Steen) in charge but he's restricted in what he can do and ask there.  They've been finding artifacts from the other city and one of the workers there, Rebecca (Marama Corlett) asks him for a light whilst asking about Yolanda who has vanished now.  She was also her best friend.  At the bar he speaks with Dhatt who wants to know who the woman in the photo is after they stake out Bowdon'd room but he's not around.  He tells her about Yolanda and her call, well he had to after putting his foot in it by letting slip she was Mahalia's best friend. 

Borlu meets with Rebecca who takes him to the dig and the vast symbols everywhere.  Telling him they can go to the other city but they must be invited. Where there's none of this rubbish that goes on here.  They are found out and the guard pushes him over the edge, as he falls and lands in the water.  That fall took forever!  He also rescued Kat earlier on when they first met, as she fell off the bridge or was she pushed after an argument with Bowdon.  She's wearing yellow, a colour not to be worn in Ul Qomo and so Borlu goes after her.  Just as well then.  As said not much going on here just bits and pieces setting us up for the next part which is about the third city Orciny.

Some people have been confused with the blend of the two cities but it works well and can't really see what's to be confused by it, especially once you grasp that Beszel is the poorer forerunner of Ul Qomo which has excelled in terms of wealth but by removing immigrants and not allowing them in with stringent checks and controls.  These are found on the other side in the city of Beszel, the poorer relation, if you like, which is all yellow and stained in a sense with the stench and pee of that other world where all live.  Ul Qomo being a clinical state of pureness.  Thus it's red signifying danger but also coldness in stark contrast to yellow.  Perhaps they're more confused by Breach and what this is which will be dealt with in Part 4.

Thursday 12 April 2018

Paranormal Lockdown 3.7 "Return to Monroe 'Demon' House" Review

Nick and Katrina's return to Monroe House aka Monroe Demon House, Hartford Indiana, was always going to be eventful from the findings of last time and this episode was no exception.  They have been researching the house further over the past year in an attempt to find out whose bones they found: who was/is still buried in that crawl space.  Even taking their findings/photos to an anthropologist who stated the bones were indeed human, but belonging to someone who was not fully developed yet.  Thus most likely a teen (my opinion.)  However upon return they spoke with homeowner Eddie, who told them he had two different policeman here and one of them told him to step back from these events/findings and leave it alone as there were no missing persons reported.  However how do you leave something like this alone, without closure not just for yourself as a homeowner, but also to the person who is buried there after meeting such an alleged gruesome end.  They were real people, had a soul and need their voice to be heard.

Eddie continuing with repairs to the property, also had to board up the entrance to the crawl space for legal reasons and so that no one interfered with the findings there.  There is plenty that speaks volumes when a policeman tells you to let things go, why?  As a homeowner you have the right to find out what went on in your home even if the police don't want to investigate further.  Nick and Katrina said since they can't interfere with any of that for legal reasons, they can still conduct their paranormal investigation in the hopes of finding further answers and any findings they could give to the police in the hopes of opening the investigation and getting closure for all concerned.

Eddie told them that the activity at the house has gotten worse and people telling him they were doing rituals there.  As well as one group getting into a physical fight.  Some voices on the Geoport with Nick's name coming up quite a number of times.  "Nick Groff" or 'Nick Off' as it sounded like; as in 'get lost.'  Even being antagonistic towards them, a negative presence telling them to "fu*k off" on numerous occasions coming through.  Katrina saying it was a difference between the positive and the negative which was attempting to frustrate them and get them aggressive.  Most of the negativity took place on the first floor: kitchen/living area and the basement felt more positive.  Not surprising cos of that spirit or whatever is buried there and needing help in getting the story told for all to hear.  The past needing to be brought into the present.

There was more water in the kitchen again but only in the lower cabinets and Katrina even had a taste of it!  YUKKKK!!  The expression on Nick's face when she did that when it could've been anything!  The house shook again and Nick saw a shadow figure which didn't get picked up on camera.  Actually when he saw that my phone lit up for no reason at the same time!!  Was it telling me to tweet something??!!  Ha.  Or was it something more sinister.

Nothing concrete (no pun) was found in the kitchen when Katrina also slept there on the second night after Nick did and he slept in the basement (knew he would) inside a sensory deprivation tent.  Where you float in the water and get transported to wherever.  Katrina was up before Nick who she said was stuck in the tent for longer than he should have been.  He later wanted them to follow his journey as he was in there, which took him upstairs to the front door and out of the house.  He was taken to the garden area where he felt something woody, like a coffin.  This prompted them to get in a ground penetrating radar expert (I said they should do that too!) and he found that the thermal image was an old flattened coffin.  Meaning there was also a body outside or something buried there.
Obviously they can't dig it up and Eddie said he needs closure so he was going to contact some people and let them know what he's done.

They used the thermal camera and the 3D camera inside and they got a figure appearing in a funny way.  It was doing something and as Katrina walked through it, the figure grew like it was shooting out some form of energy.
The figure in pink looked to be studiously at work digging, watch it closely when you do and also in the above pic looks like it's got its hands around someone's throat and is int he process of strangling.  of course this is just an observation on my part, but clearly makes sense if you look to the first episode where they got those voices telling them to "dig."
Also Katrina got holy water and sprinkled it on the walls and the house shook, with Rob being moved back by the tremor.  Katrina also felt pressure, a little nauseous and also compression on her heart whilst there.  The water being a sign of demonic activity which isn't surprising with all the occult rituals carried on there.

This house was also in Indiana, why is that State such a 'demonic' hotbed of activity?  Remember Zak's Demon House.  Sorry it's not often, if at all, that I bring in other shows/investigators but this house wa sso similar in many ways.  Even the front design of the porch.  In actual fact it just completely reminded me of Hinsdale.  Not only in terms of its design too but also of the activity.  So in many ways not surprised Nick's name came up quite a number of times.  Also Eddie's name came up too when asked about the activity, "it's Ed" was heard frequently.

All in all there were still more questions than answers still and the police being no help whatsoever.  And no answers as to who Anna is as Katrina said this was the name that they kept getting.  Awaiting more news on this as it's one investigation that needs not only answers but also closure.

This was Ep 5 shown as ep 7 here.  Monroe House season 2 investigation.

Thursday 5 April 2018

Paranormal Lockdown 3.6 "Bobby Mackey's Music World" Review

Nick's return to Bobby Mackey, Wilder, Kentucky,  again in a bid to find out what is really haunting the place and again to confront it and to put to rest those feelings and what he went through the last times he was here.  He does say it himself how he said he would not come back but cos he was followed and had those attachments from here which affected him at home, he was going to return for closure.  As I already wrote about in my Nick book.  Katrina and Nick did their own research on the history and the hauntings and discovered that the murder of Pearl Bryan took place a few miles away from here.  Pearl Bryan’s decapitated body was discovered on John Lock’s Orchard in Fort Thomas,  along Alexandria Pike Road.  As well as her killers, Scott Jackson and Alonzo Walling and who were hanged away from here.  The news reports having stated that Bobby Mackey's was not the site of the murder.  Thus to find out who or what was and is really haunting the place.

Katrina felt pressure one her chest, under her neck as soon as she entered the place and this was a first for her.  She had only ever heard about the hauntings from other investigators and now she was in awe at actually being here.  The atmosphere was different and Nick had feelings of nausea and other emotions.  He met Bobby and his wife.  She believes in the paranormal and the haunting's here, having seen figures here and apparitions on the dance floor.  As well as caretaker Mike, who you will recall from before and from Nick's visit here filming Ghost Adventures.  Bobby however remains sceptical about the place.  He wanted to start a country music bar and here he is 39 years later, as he commented.

In Carl's apartment upstairs there were a few light anomalies/orbs that were seen and Rob felt touched on his ear.  The orb shoots out from where he is.  Also Katrina felt her hair being tugged.

Plenty of bumps and footsteps were heard mostly.  Katrina spending the first night on the dancefloor, sorry did that sound like a pun, ha, sleeping on the dancefloor and was really tired.  Nick chose to suspend himself over the well in a hammock, which he had brought along with him for the occasion, setting up some lights which would come on when there was a presence or movement there.  They did come on a few times.  Both days Nick was up before Katrina.  Using the Geobox they got some responses such as telling them to go to the basement.  Katrina asks "where are you, show yourself" and it responds with "basement." Where that particular energy and weirdness was felt.  Again a more darker atmosphere here.  Nick stepping into the well and feeling dizzy when he came out of there.  Guess nothing happened to Nick when he had to use the loo there for three days.  Well one must ask such things mustn't one!

They also got "Nick Groff" afterwards Katrina says "he's back" and they get the reply, "yep" on the Geobox.  Using a God helmet, originally called the "Koren helmet" and invented by Stanley Koren and neuroscientist Michael Persinger, used for paranormal research, religious experiences.  Todd Murphy tested the results of the God helmet.

 Nick sat by the well blindfolded and wearing the helmet when he said he saw an old man trying to get in through the wall.  Katrina used the 3D mapping camera and managed to get a stick figure.  What was amazing was the night before, the camera caught a mass of energy moving towards her when she was sleeping and it appeared to grow in size.  So it was no coincidence that when she used the 3D she got the figure there. 
The ball can be seen in the video, hopefully it works! Otherwise have got some pics below it.

They also got that growl there.  Strangely wonder if that could have been Carl.  Kind of more of a deep moaning.  However Nick said he thought Carl was watching over him when he slept in his apartment and protecting him.

Nick felt he got his conclusions and what he was after.  That the haunting, whatever was present there, was there for years before anything else and before the hauntings began.  Something very ancient.  Which made me think of Ghosts of Shepherdstown season 2 and that dark entity being there for decades before and even itself saying that it is ancient. 

It was good Nick went back there with Katrina this time and they hope to return again.  It's always better to confront whatever is affecting you than to show it fear and never go back.  Even if  there wasn't that much they caught there, but that light ball of energy was a great catch.

This episode was 3.4 but shown as 3.6.

Tuesday 3 April 2018

Supernatural 13.16 "Scoobynatural" - My Musings

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Scoobynatural good idea or bad?
Prima facie it could have become too overdone or overboard but it wasn't like that at all! It was a Supernatural episode after all with the dudes doing what they always do, hunt.  This time that took them to a lizard dinosaur and all Dean (Jensen Ackles) wanted for taking care of the family business was that gigantic TV screen which didn't really look that big in the scheme of things.  But already it was a 'she' to him.  It was apparent they would go through the TV and enter another realm and it had to be one of Dean's fave cartoons.  Giving him a chance to make a move on Daphne at every turn!

I think Dean's cartoon/animation took a little getting used to.  A- for effort ha!!
But the scene with the sandwich Leviathan anyone. ha  Deano wishing his mouth was so big in real life, well you know for food that is!!
                                     Image result for cas scooby

Sam (Jared Padalecki) being pursued by Velma forget about ghosts and solving the mystery, his broad shoulders just got in the way of most everything for her!!
Some good lines and animated scenes which really corresponded to Scooby Doo and also making this a great homage.  As said to sis was waiting for the Scooby theme song but it didn't appear until a ways into it during the customary being chased by ghosts scene.  But glad to see Cas  (Misha Collins) get 'cartooned' too.  And shall I say it!!  Yes to a Constantine/Supernatural crossover ep.  I mean we've even got Cas immortalized as a cartoon now too.  As is Constantine Animated on the CW Seed!  With Matt Ryan's voice. SO a cross-over could go either way, although I would prefer live action personally.
Hey don't forget my crossover dream after all from months ago!

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But yeah, Sam and Dean going through a TV screen into a cartton this time, did have a flashback to 5.8 Changing Channels when the Trickster (Richard Speight Jnr) made them appear in all kinds of TV shows, thus Dean mentioning it could be the Trickster/Gabriel again, but he's dead.  [Well no, Gabriel was alive in this season, but they don't know that yet.  Hey could that be a piece of future foreshadowing for what's to come.]  Though when Gabriel left Heaven cos he was fed up with all the fighting between God and his brothers.  Of course it appeared he ended up in that very same fight again.  Reasons for him being alive yet to be explained as we know.

Dean smashing the TV - oof that would've hurt and he didn't even have it as long as Baby!
Reminded me of that scene from 21 Jump Street 3.16 High High when Booker (Richard Grieco) smashed all those TVs! (Below pic) So good to know sometimes allusions come in all shapes and sizes to haunt me again.  Supernatural also having done a 21 Jump Street ep of sorts in season 4.13 After School Special!  Deano in shorts  ha!  Where Dean tells the school children on the bus that "I'm like 21 Jump Street..."

However returning to Scooby Doo it was easy to see why they needed to get such an episode in.  Season 13 it was about time some more of their childhood and past came back to 'haunt' (no pun) them yet also serving as a detraction from the events of Apocalypse World and their search of the ingredients for that spell.  Which Cas managed to find and ends up smack, dab in the middle of the cartoon as well.  So if anyone had moseyed on along, not that they would, it was the bunker after all, they too would've been dragged into the TV.  Also how they were already at the conclusion of investigating their case and managing to explode the stuffed dinosaur.  Would have been good to see how they actually got into it and how it led them to the store.

So by now you will have gathered this errs very little on the side of Scoobynatural itself.  I could write all the references and allusions from the Supernatural eps to Scooby, but then you probably know them all and well let's leave this episode forever manifesting in our memories in the manner of an homage to Scooby and the Scooby Gang, aka Mystery Inc, that we've been accustomsed to over the years from Deano et al! 
My Supernatural/Constantine dream!

Friday 30 March 2018

The X Files 11.10 "My Struggle IV" Review

                                               Image result for x files my struggle iv
The X-Files finale seemed to end on a cliffhanger - of sorts considering it was apparent William (Miles Robbins) would come out of the water and wasn't really dead.  Question is why Mulder (David Duchovny) and Scully (Gillian Anderson) didn't believe he was still alive.  Of course he wanted his freedom, to stop being chased by people who only wanted to use him for their own purposes.  However Scully with her psychic connection to him should have known he was still alive.  Did she just choose to let him go and concentrate on the new baby instead.

Salvator Mundi was the tag line at the end of the opening credits which means "Saviour of the World" in Latin and is also the title of a Leonardo Di Vinci painting. 

William narrates his life and being born.  Being adopted and known as Jackson Van Kamp.  Not knowing his real parents or his birth mother, but always being on the run.  Finding out he was different at school, dealt with bullies and became a criminal.  Having to change schools when people found out he was different.  He heads back to where we came in before in Ghouli and to Sarah (Madeleine Arthur) and Brianna (Sarah Jeffrey).

We get flashbacks to what is happening or is about to happen, including Mulder being shot and his confrontation with CSM (William B Davis).  Beginning with Kersh (James Pickins Jnr) having another go at Skinner (Mitch Pileggi) for Mulder going rogue and how he was supposed to take their badges.  With a news story running on Tad O'Malley's (Joel McHale) channel about the Global pandemic and Mulder is filmed walking around bloodied.  Skinner adding what if it's not really "fake news".  Kersh adding it wouldn't make any difference.  This story's been leaked to he press and Kersh thinks Mulder's behind it.  Aptly as Skinner exits his office there's a photo of Drumf and that in reference to fake news was one final dig at the ludicrousness of all this "fake news" et al crap!!

Scully approaches Skinner asking for help for Mulder and admits she was the one behind the story not Mulder and also he tells her he was meant to be taking their badges.  He's always got their back.  As Scully flashes to going to Mulder's place and asking him for help with William as she's received a call from Reyes (Annabeth Gish) telling them William is on a plane and the message of "whoever controls William, controls the future."  Leading Mulder on a chase to Tennessee and meeting up with  Mr Y (AC Peterson) again at an airport and being threatened by his men.  He makes a break for it and heads to his office and manages to shoot him.  Well Y was easily taken care of. 

Scully tries to locate William again and finds he's heading to Norfolk.  He won lotto and shared his winnings and Mulder finds him on the CCTV footage.  At the gas station a tracker is planted on Mulder's car.  That pesky tracker responsible for everything.  As CSM also begins his search for William again.  The man trailing Mulder passes him on the road and he picks up a hitch hiking William after he scares the truck driver into stopping his truck.  Mulder realizes where William is heading and asks Brianna for help.  But he's not there.  Before turning up at Sarah's where William had been before wanting her to leave with him.  She tells him to head to a motel where he'll meet up with him.  Instead Mulder gets the info and tells William he's his father and he will protect him.  That Scully gets the same visions too.  William would rather be dead than alive like this and wants to end it all.  However Erika Price (Barbara Hershey) finds the DB of the man who gave William the lift and there's blood everywhere but the tracker is still working, leading her to William.  Who proceeds to blow them all apart with his mind.  Cue Mulder caught on the news footage as he leaves. 

However CSM gets the tracker and follows William to the sugarfactory by the docks.  Here Scully also turns up and finds Mulder.  However it was apparent it wasn't Mulder but William who tells her he loved her and she asks how William would know this.  The real Mulder shows up and they chase after William.  Skinner spots the car in the ally and heads for it.  Mulder shoots  Reyes as the CSM accelerates towards him running Skinner over between the two cars. 

CSM gets to William before they do and he still has Mulder's face.  Asking how he could kill his first born.  CSM replying he also killed his second born.  Mulder was CSM's son and Jeffrey Spender was his second born.  He shoots him and Mulder shoots CSM both ending up in the water.  Scully arrives, late as usual and he tells her William's gone.  She tells him she wasn't really his mother, she carried him and bore him but he was just an experiment in the lab.  Mulder stating he is no longer a father, but she tells him he still is one, pointing to her stomach and placing his hand over it.

SO this was how Scully leaves the show. As for William when he returns in the water he still has the bullethole in his head, signifying the Stigmata.  As well as some sort of an allusion perhaps to an  'immaculate conception' for Scully since Mulder says it's not possible for her to have a baby.  This ep seemed a little rushed, consisting of chases and running around.  Not even giving Mulder and Scully their final swansong to investigate together.  Instead it took the easy way out and ended up shooting or exploding to bits anyone and everyone connected with William and who were after him, including Reyes and Skinner.  His demise just didn't seem that credible being chased by a car and well there wasn't much done or said that was satisfying, just in my opinion of course.  My Struggle IV - a struggle to know why the season went this way without much of a clearer and better conclusion.

Thursday 29 March 2018

Paranormal Lockdown 3.5 "Cambria County Jail" Review

The Cambria County Jail located in Pennsylvania was used to house some of the worst criminals and also had a wing for female prisoners too.  When I saw this jail it reminded me of Old Geelong Goal in Australia, especially the style of the stairs being located in the middle.

There was also an Execution Wing where prisoners on Death Row would be locked up awaiting their hanging.  One such prisoner named Michael 'Smitty' Smith became legend when his cell was found empty on the morning he was to be executed in 1884.  Thus sparking off many questions and mysteries over where he vanished to.  Did he escape or did he reach a more sinister end.  Apparently he left a note for the Warden on his bed. The Jail also boasts a Dungeon in the basement which was accessed by a trap door in the Warden's room where prisoners were placed to suffer inhuman treatment by the guards.  Receiving some of the most harshest punishments they could mete out.  The jail was closed in 1999.

Nick and Katrina ventured here to investigate the hauntings and also to see what happened to Smitty.  They met with Darcy from the Corrections Service and he told them of Smitty.  As well as how he saw a man at the top of the Bullpen but when he approached him he vanished.  This was after lockdown when roll call ha already been taken and all the prisoners had been accounted for.  From the outset you could tell this was going to be an eventful investigation and thus far aired, one of the more interesting ones this season.

There were numerous orbs/light anomalies flying around here and also random noises, such as doors banging and footsteps.

Nick used the Geobox and received various voices coming through.  Such as when he asked what happened to Smitty?
Sure I heard "he left us."

Nick: "who just slammed the door shut?"
- "I did."
"Did you escape?"
"No."  Wonder if that was Smitty coming through.

Nick: "what floor are you on?"
"Seventh Tier."  I heard 7 too.  The "seventh tier" as Nick explained is what the levels were referred to as and the seventh tier was on the fourth floor.  Hearing more doors banging loudly.

Other voices heard were "Smitty."  "Smith."  "Smitty" and "I didn't run."  Of course this could be confirmation that he did not escape or was executed but met a more crueler fate than that at the hands of the guards or even the inmates.
They also heard "Dungeon"  which needed to be investigated since Nick and Katrina were the first ones to investigate here, thus the jail had remained devoid of any human presence for all these years.  Katrina also said how the guys, Nick and Rob were the only ones who were affected and she hadn't been at all.  Not even by any female prisoners still lingering here.

When Nick's name came through the first time you could clearly hear it even before Katrina repeated it; after Nick asks "what did you see?"
Nick chose to spend the first night on the catwalk where the presence of a large man has been seen.  Leaving the Geoport on to detect any voices.  He was awaken by noises and when he analyzed the recordings next day he caught: "the town ruled" and "money."  Which had an impact later on when they showed their findings to Darcy.

Nick's name comes through again as if he was drawn to that Dungeon and I tweeted if Nick was going to be brave enough to sleep there?  Well a bit of a rhetorical question on my part!!  Obviously.  In the Dungeon they heard noises again and growling, almost heard some deep breaths too.  Rob was attacked on the neck.

Nick decided to stay in the dungeon by himself and heard more growls as well as turning off his night vision to show how dark it was down there.

That's when he also said he saw a man pass him by after looking at him.  With a scruffy beard.
When examined there seemed to be some sort of a dark figure on screen, but it wasn't too clear.
This was the photo from Nick's camera and there does look like a bearded man there to the right in the light blue circle.
This is one I messed around with using their pic above and on the right light patch you can see a man's face. 

In the photo below you can see a man's face  in the blue circle.  This I got on 'pause' before it moves to the right where they showed it.

Was that a shadow on the left corner in the Dungeon. It moves when Nick and Katrina are to the right but it doesn't seem to be Rob.  See above pic. You have to see it in the moment when it moves.

When asked if it is getting attention a voice is heard to say "I did" again.    And Dungeon also comes through again.  As the sun was nearly rising they decided to get some sleep, with Katrina sleeping in Smitty's cell and Nick opting to sleep in the dungeon as I said.  Hmm, how come none of the guys went to the women's cells?!!  They heard noises and clear footsteps could be heard coming downstairs into the dungeon, causing Nick to wake a few times just as he was falling asleep.

Nick used the VFL: Video Feedback Looping which would help the spirits to communicate and using the projector to relay images on the wall and a figure appeared to be projected onto the wall
With Katrina taking photos with a vintage Polaroid camera, but don't think anything was caught in those.  I love those Polaroid's still have mine!

Katrina decided since they were getting more responses and activity when vulnerable and alone that they should split up.  Rob went into the cell where he was attacked, Katrina went to the other end and Nick stayed in the Dungeon where he saw the solid figure of the man previously.  Rob stating he heard "Nick" being said again.
Nick asks "why stay here?"  And the answer comes through "secure."
Rob hears "disappeared" in the cell.  Was this a reference to Smitty?
Nick asks if "they're angry"
- "we're stuck."
-"They beat us."
Nick" they beat you?"
"Murdered."  Was that again a reference to Smitty?

The connection as they were told is that Smitty could well have been 'taken care of' by the guards since he killed a man from Johnstown and tied that with the voices Nick got of "the town ruled" and "money" there could be a connection here.  As he also mentioned the town was associated with corruption, which they didn't know about until now at the end.

This ep was labelled as 3.7 but shown here as 3.5.
Next ep Nick returns to Bobby Mackey!!  That should be an interesting ep!

Wednesday 28 March 2018

Once Upon A Time 7.14 "The Girl in the Tower" Review

                                            Image result for once upon a time the girl in the tower
After writing about some serious stuff, previous post, let's go into some fantasy mode!
It's Alice's (Rose Reynolds) birthday as she's grown up now and she's more Tilly here in appearance than the Alice in last ep.  She makes a wish wanting to get out of the tower and moments later it comes true.  She finds the roof ripped away and a giant peering inside as he takes her into the palm of his hand.  He let's her go and in the woods she falls into the trap set by Robin (Tiera Skovbye) hoisted up into the cage.  Didn't this happen to Snow and Charming too.  After she spies Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) with baby Lucy.  Anyhoo, Robin set the trap for the giant since he's been terrorizing the village.  Alice wants to get out of the cage and Robin finally lowers her down after she tells them she was spying on her papa since he's cursed and she can't be with him.  Alice has been searching for a cure everywhere and in Wonderland and we get a reference to the Mad Hatter as she has one of his hats.  Which got me thinking how did she get the hat in the tower cos if that's the case, surely she could've used it as a portal.  Or did she make it herself.  She does have magic and that she inherited from her mother Gothel.   Maybe I was overdoing it in thinking too much!

As they arrive at the inn, they find villagers taking refuge there and when they learn Alice wants to save the giant they imprison Alice and Robin.  Robin shows her photos of the Bug in Storybrooke and how it belonged to the sheriff and she went for a ride in it.  Alice is impressed by her phone and the photos on it.  They escape and come across the village folk, menfolk, trying to kill the giant.  Robin shoots at him with an arrow and she tells them who she is.  They're not impressed but as they're cornered again, the Yellow Bug comes to their rescue and Robin tells Alice she is magical.  As they come across the giant again (in resemblance or allusion to The BFG - which isn't a Disney creation so no reference could be made to it by name.)  Robin tells her that she wished for the giant and so it saved her so she can wish him away.  As she does so, he turns into stone.  This is the same statue that is in Hyperion Heights and in its hand he holds the Bug.

As we return to Hyperion Heights and Hook or Nook as Zelena (Rebecca Mader) called him, with Alice's joke of calling Robin 'Nobin'; is trying to find an alibi for Tilly for the murder.  However he can't and he brings her to Henry (Andrew J West) as they need somewhere to escape.  She can't recall where she was at the time of the murder.  When they leave she finds a fruit sticker stuck to her shoe and asks all the people there at the market, but no one recalls her.  She's invisible to everyone.  Hey that's what I call myself, Invisible Girl, ha!  As she walks past the dumpster she finds her backpack in there and Hook and Henry have to save her from the police and Hook must take her in.  Tilly turns up at the statue again and here she meets Robin as she returns to Hyperion Heights.  They have a conversation about the book she's reading amongst other things, Alice in Wonderland, Tilly was reading Robin Hood earlier on.  At least she glanced through it when she was at Henry's.  Obviously they had a moment as Robin and Alice in the other realm.  This kinda leads to Tilly noticing the red light in the statue's eye, thus a CCTV camera.  Hook finds the time stamp and clears her name.  He also offers her a spare room at his place as the killer is still on the loose.

Reggie (Lana Parilla) and Lucy (Alison Fernandez) go ahead with their operation and Lucy thinks it's old fashioned to use walkie talkies (well it was good enough for her father!)  Reggie distracts Facilier (Daniel Francis) and Lucy breaks into his place to find evidence or clues.  Reggie convinces him to go on a date with her, a walk and they're interrupted by Zelena who knows Facilier is aware they know who they really are.  He leaves them and get backs to his place and Reggie can't get through to Lucy.  Zelena adding they should've used walkies.  Lucy finds the cards on his table and takes a photo, hiding from him, but he was aware she was there and sees her reflection in the mirror.

He brings back her woolly hat for Reggie and also gives her the Empress card, it's what she wants he tells her.  She admits to Zelena she does have feelings for Facilier also revealing he's after the Dark One and his dagger but doesn't tell her about the card.  Does Reggie still harbour Evil Queen tendencies now?  Robin returns and Zelena is glad to see her.

Another turn of events now and will Robin be helpful in finding the witch killer or is she just a distraction for Tilly and a potential love interest.  Hoping this is resolved quickly.  Henry wasn't much help this episode.

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Zak Bagans "Demon House" Review and Commentary

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A few SPOILERS so don't read if you want to watch it first!  There my Disclaimer!!

Zak Bagan's Demon House Documentary was much anticipated and a long time coming since its announcement.  But after filming this lengthy, arduous and in some ways momentous journey, it was in post production for a while.  A number of years later and after watching it, it was easy to understand why this was the case.  As it was a lesson in filming documentary per excellence, bar none.  Containing the right amount of background especially for those unfamiliar with the house and the possessions/hauntings of the family that resided there.  So that was my little gripe since much was already reported in the media and by Zak.  Although in this doco Zak chose to edit what he deemed necessary to provide the relevant facts without going overboard and keeping it concise, punchy and on point.

I was disappointed however that there wasn't any  opportunity to film the family affected as they refused to appear on camera or off.  Money over "public service" since someone else was making a Hollywood movie about the house also.  Including how the person involved having the audacity to threaten Zak.  Heck whose house was it anyway.  But interesting to hear from the police, the Child Protective Services' personnel involved and others too, for their experiences from just stepping foot inside the house.

Meke visiting and bringing her family inside was a moment of contention since the children of the Ammon's family were already affected by the house as well as the adults themselves.  Though Meke was willing to take that chance, having lived there herself.  But her daughter did have a change of character and expression when she returned from the basement and was asking Zak questions about his investigations and how he is affected by them.  There was something happening with her, that much was obvious.  Don't know if anyone else noticed this when filming and whether Zak did too.  Since a few days later (not rightaway) Meke called Zak to inform him of what happened to her daughter.  Which was disturbing to say the least and requiring an exorcism.

The other disturbing aspect of this was how the people who entered the house from Zak's team were affected, especially cameraman, Adam and also Dr Barry Taft.  I recall when he investigated the Oman House in LA, he stated he wouldn't return to it after the negative effect it had on him.  It is thus sad then that this Demon House also took a toll on him healthwise and affected him too.  Hoping his health will improve.

Secondly Zak deciding on being locked into the house by himself especially after many warnings.  How he was affected by feelings of anger and lashing out in the basement and the house in general, when he vented on Jay.  Setting up 'house' in this place with all the doors and windows boarded up for the purposes of the investigation and sufferance for his his life's work.  When I say that I do not mean it lightly or in a nonchalant way.  I genuinely felt for him in this and it was a decision he didn't make off the cuff or faint heartedly.

Sure enough it was an eventful night with those footsteps (sounded like hoofs on the wooden floors to me.)  Then the voice he heard inside.  To me it sounded like a very distinct English accent, it didn't sound like an American accent to me.  Then waiting for events to unfold, it was expecting something bad to happen.  I felt it.  My eyes were focused on that right corner where it appeared there was something there, perhaps it was just how it was filmed by the camera.  But that's the way he saw that dark mass or figure that flashed across the hallway.  Not even flashed it appeared to manifest out of the side of the hallway.  The camera went blurry and moved.  Thought he had moved it himself but on several rewinds, it moved by itself. 
There was a light anomaly that flies on screen when Zak is sitting on the bed and sure saw another one there too in the front room in the next shot..

Then the intense headache he got and the end result of his eyes being affected and having to permanently wear glasses, prism glasses.  That was a heart stopping moment.  Suppose there's something about that story I mentioned on Twitter about the man who put recording devices in a grave to record anything that went on in there and he went deaf.  Suggesting there are many things we are not meant to know yet or perhaps even at all.  Not being cruel here or anything, just making a general comment. 
Zak: "More importantly, in the bigger picture of this [his eyesight affliction] to know that this hit me within a day after I left the Demon House. There's no explanation to that. I'm looking for someone to explain to me how that couldn't be related to what was going on inside of that house."
One interview article stated how he was affected by the house re his eyes as he demolished the house.  However this happened before the house was even demolished.

I was fine watching throughout all of it, except for that part towards the end!  Not only did I have some kind of pain transference, hand on heart, next day I had a pain across the right side of my head, the back of my head and the right eye.  When I closed my eyes all I could see was that moment replayed over and over.  Still happens now three days later.  Plus there was an overwhelming feeling of deja vu on my part; a strong feeling that I have seen that room before and the way the furniture was set up with the pink chair!  Yeah that pink chair dude!!  Pink not being a good colour when it comes to certain Ghost Adventures eps!  Anyway this isn't about me.  SO moving on...

It really brought home the dangers of such investigations and the dangers of how some put off or dismiss such evil as not being real! It was an effective and moving piece of documentary filming and making and no matter how people have dissed it as fake, it was and is far more real than even the most hardened sceptic could even imagine.  It was Zak's cross to bear and it was burdensome and no one would have been equipped and able to handle something this destructive and perilous.

Not to mention too much, think I already have,  it is worth watching for yourselves and I will be watching again.  However, I have to say it left more questions than providing answers, opening up a whole can of worms! Such as the effects on the neighbours etc. Seems after this experience the Ghost Adventures episodes, some of them, became more darker too and also helping people more who have been and are, the victims of possessions, more so than in the past. Did this experience impact on that?

Wonder if Zak is going to put into his own words, in another book or something, all of his experiences there, including the aftermath.  Since there is so much I want to know and am sure others will too.  At least those genuinely interested in such paranormal encounters.  It's something that needs to be addressed in a lot more dialogue and detail.  Perhaps an eventual DVD release with some extra additions on this. 

In my book on Zak and the book review of Zak's second book I Am Haunted I wrote:
"Life's journey takes us on different paths - sometimes for the better - sometimes not.  Zak's life took him onto the one where he's constantly on a quest to find answers, search for them pertaining to the afterlife and much more .  He might not believe in coincidences or destiny, but this was his fate..." 

Thursday 22 March 2018

Paranormal Lockdown 3.4 Jim Beam Distillery

This one was going to be different with getting in as many puns/jokes over the spirits and spirits in a  bottle.  Came up with plenty but too spiritual to include here ha!  The distillery boast many a haunting and well, it's no wonder, who'd want to leave this place.  The Beam family emigrated from Germany and their actual name was Bohm.  "Reginald" Beam began making whiskey, he was a farmer and it became known as bourbon.  Jacob and Mary Meyers Beam settled in Kentucky.  Jim Beam also married a Mary in 1897.

Katrina and Nick being shown how to savour the tasting of bourbon.  Leaving their glasses there for later.  Hey they used some bourbon in the shot glass experiment with the lights inside the glasses and decanter, in the actual Beam house, but other than a thud sound, they didn't get any reactions or activity.  Not until fellow investigator and friend of Nick, Lee Kirkland shows up, being a native Kentuckian.  That's when the decanter and glasses began to light up and Lee's name came though twice on the Echo Box saying his name "Lee" and "hello Lee."  Seems as Nick said they were more at ease with Lee being around.  And guess what during this part of the show my TV switched off by itself!!  Probably got too many bourbon fumes coming through.  But what sort of WTF moment was that anyway??!!  That's never happened.

Lots of noises in Warehouse K and Warehouse D and Katrina seeing some mist but wasn't caught on camera at that point during the first day of the investigation.  A shame cos I mean she did have her camera with her.  With me thinking if you're not going to use the camera why carry it around, especially if the order of the day is to document whatever happens or doesn't happen and that's the entire purposes of camera and equipment, so it can be captured and shared with others.  So it was great when Rob on the final day,  actually managed to catch that mist manifesting, almost like a woman in a white dress and then they caught the whiff of flowers, a perfume-y scent.  Funnily enough when I took a photo of the mist, the 'Face mapping' feature on the camera and phone focused exactly where the mist appeared.

This pic shows it a bit better:
Seem to see some faces in this too...
Earlier on they used the Echo Box, which echoed their voices when asking questions and they got some responses on that, even getting someone saying "it was me."  Though they didn't ask who me was.  As well as a woman's voice with "yes."  Katrina also managed to get her name come through, maybe why she felt nauseous there.  As she said it was a bit of an unusual investigation with them having to continue during the day alongside the workers which she believed would give them more results.  They also got the name "Daniel" when Lee was around.  Which of course had nothing to do with Jack Daniel's [whiskey]!!  (Joking!)

There were just voices and more noises coming through, so as said, glad when they got that mist seeing as most of the employees saw that there.  As well as the light sensors lighting up where the spirit of Mary has been seen looking out of the window.  Nothing negative or dark here though and the spirits appear to be still at home with the, er, spirits!

NB noticed that Quest Red is showing eps with different numbers, this one was listed as 3.6 but I've labelled them in chronological order.