
Thursday 11 August 2016

The Musketeers 2.4 "Emilie" Review

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Emilie (Emma Lowndes) preaches about her visions from God where she's been told to help France and the people rise up against Spain and defeat the Spanish.  As she does this, the people take to the streets and attack the Spanish as Navas's (Oliver Rix) carriage is taken over and he's left for dead, suspended from it.  Louis (Ryan Gage) wants something to be done about this and as the Musketeers arrive at the camp, they hear her talk to the people.  Rochefort (Marc Warren) is given the task, but he is convinced by Treville (Hugo Speer) to let them handle it.  Aramis (Santiago Cabrera) is to enter the camp and discredit Emilie as he is an authority on the Bible and as he arrives at the camp he's stopped by the guards.  Emilie agrees to speak with him and she tells him of her visions.  He tells her he's deserted after hearing her speak.

That night he hears Emilie's nightmares as she screams out.  Anne (Alexandra Dowling) arrives at the camp again thinking that if Louis won't grant her an audience, she can speak with hr and make him see things differently.  Unfortunately she's recognized by Raymond (Charles Venn) and she and Constance (Tamla Kari) are held at the camp.
Aramis: "faith has little to do with reason."

Perales (Will Keen) finds himself in danger and is taken by D'Artagnan (Luke Pasqualino) Athos (Tom Burke) and Porthos (Howard Charles) to the garrison where he'll be safer. He tells Treville he's been granted passage home by Philip and asks him if he's ever eaten an orange from Seville.  Before he's taken away, he visits Rochefort's prostitute and pays her money for taking care of him.  But he stops her and asks who orders his death.  After she tells him, Rochefort strangles her and sends her ear to him at the garrison.  Porthos asks who would do this and they know it's someone who knows he's here, but once again, Rochefort isn't the immediate person they think of. Perales says he will tell them once he's safely away and a carriage is ordered for him by a letter meant to have been signed by Rochefort.

Rochefort wants Milady (Maimie McCoy) to do something for him and she has to agree. D'Artagnan is sent to check the carriage and as Porthos, Treville and Athos escort Perales to the carriage, D'Artagnan tells them it's a trap, but they're too late, as Milady has already struck, poisoning Perales with a prick on his hand.  So once again, Rochefort gets away with it.

Constance is told to eat her soup as Emilie says she's not hungry and that night, she has nightmares about Anne and Louis being murdered and an axeman.  She wakes up and doesn't know why she's had such nightmares since this is the first time.  Aramis takes the soup to be analyzed and asks Constance to give it to doctor (Ed Stoppard).
Lemay: "I'm a doctor, not an alchemist."  He tastes it and find it's been drugged with some sort of mushroom, thus Emilie's visions aren't from God, but her mother has been drugging her.

Athos has to stay with her cos he's familiar with such things and he and Constance make sure she gets over the withdrawals.  They tell her that her mother's behind it and she rides into the village telling everyone it was all a fake, her mother is behind it.  They should disband and go home.  As Raymond throws a rock at her mother, who dies.  Emilie tells them to leave her alone. Once again Rochefort gets everything he wants, including info from Allard (John Harding) on Milady which he used to blackmail her, as he also blackmails him about his wife not knowing of his mistresses.  Being the cardinal's man he would've known everything about her since she was in his pay.

A bit of a Joan of Arc episode which doesn't really go that far as Emilie's visions are not from God but manipulated by her mother to further her daughter's name as well as her own and some kind of feeble attempt to wage war with Spain.  Well it wouldn't be her fighting for France.  Once again Anne goes head first into the camp again without thinking, as if she could possibly influence the rabble and once again must be rescued.  Well that's okay then, as her saviour and hero Aramis was there and does just that.

Wednesday 10 August 2016

The Musketeers 2.3 "The Good Traitor" Review

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The Muskeeters capture Spanish General, Tariq Alaman (Colin Salmon) and he tells Treville (Hugo Speer) he needs to see the king urgently.  At the palace Louis (Ryan Gage) is angry he's been woken at this time, people talk of seeing the sunrise when it happens everyday anyway.  Tariq sets a charge and the statue blows up with the head rolling by Louis's feet.  He will give them the powder if they rescue his kidnapped daughter, Samara (Antonia Thomas) from Baltasar (Finbar Lynch) who has taken her hostage.  Also involved is a cipher which he promises he'll give to them in his fight against the Spanish.  Showing them how he was badly treated by them and tortured as he's also a Moor.

They plan to meet in the market to make the exchange, with Aramis (Santiago Cabrera) as the sharp shooter who will take out his man.  As they make the exchange, Aramis is distracted by a woman carrying a baby and he hesitates, then is unable to take his shot as Tariq obscures his view.  A moment's lapse in hesitation and being emotional is what Athos (Tom Burke) told D'Artagnan he shouldn't do all the way back in season 1, that he was too emotional and he needed to set his emotions aside, which is what Aramis didn't do.  This is cos he learns from Constance (Tamla Kari) that the dauphin is gravely ill and could die.  Anne (Alexandra Dowling) is beside herself, as is Louis and he gets in a Swiss doctor, Lemay (Ed Stoppard) to help.  Though he proves useless.

They fight and Porthos (Howard Charles) is hit by an arrow in his leg, as Samara tries to escape but is taken away along with Porthos.  She tries to help him but gives up as she's not a nurse but a poet and goes back to reading her poems.  Porthos doesn't read Arabic, but she reads to him cos it's better than anything else they have.  She asks him where he's originally from as he says he's French, but African on his mother's side.  Samara is from Morocco and she tells him his country will only let him down, so he should find his roots.  He needs to get the arrow out and tells her to pull the belt tight and hold it whilst he pulls it out.  They have a weapon now.

Treville tries to renegotiate with Perales (Will Keen) again and Tariq tells them if they get her back he will give them the cipher and show them how it works.  D'Artagnan gets onto his carriage and ends up where they're holding them hostage.  Tariq tells Perales and Baltasar he'll give them the cipher if they let Samara go. Gunfire is heard as D'Artagnan is unable to hod them off and after a fight, they still haven't managed to get Tariq free or Samara either.  But Tariq says he'll give them the cipher if they release her and they can have him too.  Which they'll have to agree to.  When they leave, Tariq tricks Baltasar into giving him the cipher which was in Samara's book and he throws it into the fire, then sets off the explosive.

Constance kidnaps the dauphin but to make him well again and she's stopped by Rochefort (Marc Warren) who just gets everywhere and tells him she's been summoned by her husband.  She takes him to the laundry where the steam will clear his lungs, or at least she hopes so.  Rochefort also gets Anne's attention when she asks him to sit with her and he tells her he loves her, "like a subject."  Well that was convenient after his 'role playing' with a prostitute dressed up as Anne, clearly he's delusional and dangerous.  Milady (Maimie McCoy) gets to see Louis but he sends her away as he's concerned with the dauphin's health, but he then decides to have dinner with her after he sees her in her 'alluring dress.'  Where she seduces him and gives him back his ring, of course he can't have been that worried about the dauphin if he had time to indulge in pleasures of the flesh.

Next day they find the dauphin's gone and Anne finds them together under the table. so much for her having to be faithful and loyal.  After searching, Rochefort finds Constance at the laundry and tells her she'll be charged with treason.  When they take him back, they find he has recovered and Lemay tells her she was right on this occasion, but leeches do work.  The king rescinds his order for her to be hanged.  As Aramis prays and Porthos says goodbye to Samara.  She tells him she's returning to Morocco and he should think of doing the same.  She misses her father and he tells her she can grieve for him and have her memories but he didn't know his father, he abandoned them.

Here was a topical episode if ever there was one, so many connotations and allusions to the real world in many ways.  Well there was racism, with Tariq saying he's treated like he is cos of his colour, Samara saying only his own country will be his home, not the garrison as Porthos tells her, oh and there was Tariq (the Moor) blowing himself up to save the cipher.

Tariq: "I have never understood irrational hatred.  It stifles every decent impulse, destroys common sense and reason.  The moment a man says, 'all Moors are this or all white men are that.'  He has abandoned his sanity and revealed his weakness."
Baltasar: "yet it is not me who is weak, not me who will die on the scaffold."  What's weakness got to do with it, he wasn't talking about being weak but how people are treated on the basis of who they are and their skin colour, where they come from, etc.

Louis tells Treville and the Musketeers they've let him down yet again and he takes comfort in Rochefort who doesn't let him down.  Treville telling him they don't have the cipher, but neither do the Spanish.  Bonacieux (Bohdan Poraj) being shocked at seeing Constance with a baby, then asking if it's D'Artagnan's, I mean if he's been with her every minute, how could she have had a baby!  ha. Can't help but think the title was an allusion to Rochefort, though he's far from good!

The Whispers 1.12 "Traveller in the Dark" Review

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Minx Kylie Rogers) has a nightmare four years earlier and Wes (Barry Sloane) teaches her 'twinkle, twinkle little star' which seemed appropriate under the circumstances as we're dealing with aliens.
Present day: Frommer David Andrews) is sure that Drill has gotten inside of Minx but Wes tries to convince him otherwise.  Of course that was opportune for Drill as he uses Minx as a scapegoat and yet more revenge for Lena's betrayal in trying to take Minx away.  However Frommer thinks Claire (Lily Rabe) can be of more help if she speaks with her.  Minx is in solitary with gloves on and is restrained.  Claire removes her gloves and as we know Minx is aware that whatever she says will just lead them to suspect her more.

Daniel (Tom Butler) speaks with Jessup (Derek Webster) and Sean (Milo Ventimiglia) and thinks Drill has something to do with the government's nuclear plans and wants to write the story.  Claire wants Henry (Kyle Harrison Breitkopf) to tell her his version and if it was Minx who grabbed Cassandra's (Kayden Magnuson) arm and he's positive of what he saw.  Silas (Teo Briones) tells Wes and Claire that he saw Minx with Maria on the night she was killed and the activity on her computer shows that the final note she made was deleted and this was to do with Minx.  Claire is convinced that Minx is hosting Drill and Wes knows she's wrong and he's right.  He isn't just concerned as her father but cos he knows it can't be her and yet Claire doesn't give her the benefit of the doubt.  So much for being concerned about them both.  Seems she was more interested in saving Henry.

Sean and Jessup need to find away to convince Daniel to break the story so that the government must check their facts and what is happening, thus delaying the deadline for the press conference.  Wes visits Minx and tries to calm her also recalling the poem again.  She can't recall it all and also realizes he's testing her, reminding him he's her father and he must believe her.  Minx knows Henry can hear her in the next room and pleads with Henry to tell Claire she's not Drill.  Frommer however is convinced cos of Claire and takes Minx away, urging the president (Martin Cummins) to deal with her, as they didn't deal with Nicholas.  Claire and Wes are removed from the facility and Frommer is going to use the EMP device to kill Drill.  The children are removed and Minx is strapped to a table. Claire makes it to the Whitehouse to get to the president as he prepares for a press conference.

Sean and Jessup mention Orion to Daniel and he tells them all the president's family have code names and Orion is Cassandra.  Oberon is the president and Olympia is the first lady.  Wes tries to get to Minx and Claire realizes the press conference is what Drill wanted all along as he's going to use the live feed to send a message/signal.  Claire is stopped by the Secret Service before she reaches the president.  Cassandra faces the camera and screams thus sending out the signal via the live broadcast. Wes reaches Minx in time and Frommer stops the EMP from being used.  Cassandra tells Claire she's not going anywhere and Wes and Minx say the poem again when she was younger after she had a nightmare.

This episode seemed like a filler to the final episode and very little was done in terms of plot.  By now we know Drill wants to send out a message and contact the others, that was part of his entire purpose for being here.  As well as this, it also proves to be a testing ground for Wes and how he will do anything to save Minx especially since he doesn't have anyone on his side anymore.  Even Claire deserts him in many ways by convincing herself and Frommer that Minx is Drill without a moment's hesitation.  As long as Henry was okay that's all that mattered.  Even Henry didn't do anything to advocate Minx's case and it's really hard to believe him when he says he saw Minx cos there was quite a lot happening and really anyone could've grabbed Cassandra's hand.  So much for Henry being Minx's friend.  Drill also fooling the president when he says in his speech that his daughter told him to be brave.  Especially when those words came from Drill!  

Sunday 7 August 2016

The Musketeers 2.2 "An Ordinary Man" Review

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Louis (Ryan Gage) insists on spending life as a carefree citizen of Paris, well I shouldn't use citizen as they haven't had the French revolution yet, more like his subjects.  Cos they really do have nothing but happiness and joy in their meagre existence, with nothing to look forward to and he wears the clothes of one of his servants.  At the tavern he insists on drinking and playing cards, too making a general nuisance of himself when he accuses a man of cheating.  He gets the Musketeers into a fight as they are accompanying him.  As D'Artagnan (Luke Pasqualino) takes Louis out the back way, they are ambushed.  The others can't find either of them and they question the tavern keeper who denies knowing anything.

They search the morgue where we see a woman, Simone Pepin (Sandra Reid) with her daughter looking for her husband who's gone missing.  The attendant tells them someone matching their description was brought in but it's not either one of them.  Athos (Tom Burke) recalls what happened on the streets a few years ago, when drunks were abducted and a man was held responsible.  He had a brother who is a blacksmith. He also denies knowing anything and Aramis (Santiago Cabrera) finds he's making shackles, the type that are used by the Spanish in their gallies.  They head back to the tavern where he says a man pays him to do it and he was afraid of losing his inn.  Aramis asks where the panel leads to and at the back Porthos (Howard Charles) finds the street has been scrubbed clean and finding blood.  Also the door handle has been removed so they can't get in again.
D'Artagnan and Louis are shackled and are lead in the woods with other men, one of whom is Pepin (Micah Balfour) the woman's husband.

He falls and is threatened with being killed unless someone carries him, D'Artagnan agrees to do so and Louis asks why they must carry him, well he's not the one doing the carrying.  Also saying he should tell them who he is, which would've been stupid.  Showing why he needs his advisers around him and is lost without the cardinal and also Anne (Alexandra Dowling).  They search for them and Treville (Hugo Speer) says his men are looking.  However Rochefort (Marc Warren) says the Red Guard will also search and will fare better, what happened to them then.  He also thinks D'Artagnan led Louis astray and shouldn't have accompanied him.  Constance (Tamla Kari) stands up for him saying he's the king's champion, as Rochefort later tells her not to defy him as she's just a servant, a commoner.  He later sees how close she is to Anne and apologizes, knowing he can get her to reveal Anne's confidences, which she plainly refuses to do.

Rochefort then gets Anne to write letters to her brother in Spain, so that if Louis is killed then she will remain regent and with Spain's help will remain on the throne.  She's reluctant to sign and Constance suggests he should hesitate, but she goes ahead anyway.  Time is running out as the dauphin will be christened and Louis needs to be there.  Rochefort suggests they tell everyone Louis is unwell and Anne tells Treville this will buy them time to find him.

At the camp, a woman rides in and it's Milady (Nainie McCoy) she's behind this as she steals the men's valuables.  She sees the king's ring and recognizes D'Artagnan and helps them to escape. However they don't get far and are caught, as she packs her things and leaves.  Once again she meets up with them and brings horses too for which Louis is grateful and also develops a soft spot for her helping them, as Pepin also helps him but is killed when the inn keeper arrives with his men and is told to finish everyone off by Rochefort. The Musketeers get his brother to tell them where the camp is after he gets his foot caught in a bear trap and he is told by Louis he will be pardoned if he stays and helps them as Porthos takes Louis back.  Also he tells Milady she is pardoned too after D'Artagnan tells him she's a thief and Aramis adds they don't know what else she's done.

At the christening Louis turns up in time as does Milday who watches as well.  Showing Anne was hasty in writing those letters.  Aramis gets a chance to see his son being christened too.  Louis later tells him the innkeeper's brother he's to die and he's showing mercy by executing him, he orders D'Artagnan to carry out the execution, but he refuses since he's a soldier, not an executioner. Rochefort obliges and stabs him with his sword, currying more favour in the eyes of Louis.  Telling D'Artagnan off and the others too for convincing him to go was uncalled for and we know Louis wouldn't accept responsibility for his own actions.  But he still didn't see how his subjects really live and he got no sense of their struggles, even after he was abducted and contrary to what he said to Pepin about changing the laws and ensuring this doesn't happen, he does nothing, easily showing the concept of the 'divine rights of the king' where he stood above the law and subjected himself only to the law of God.

As for Pepin's widow and daughter, all five of them pool together their money and D'Artagnan gives it to her, telling her how her husband died in the service of the king, saying the money was from the king.  Louis still did nothing, so much for reminiscing also with D'Artagnan about his own father, Henry and how he was eight when he was assassinated.  D'Artagnan also saying his father was killed, which is the only thing they shared, being worlds and emotions apart.  Louis caring for no one except his throne and the dauphin, but D'Artagnan having a heart and morals.

Thursday 4 August 2016

The Whispers 1.11 "Homesick" Review

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This episode starts with the repercussions for Wes (Barry Sloane) after Lena's death and how he must carry on, without having any time to wallow or grieve, since he has Minx (Kylie Rogers) to think of and especially more so, as Minx is about to have health problems, which is the least of her worries. Sean (Milo Ventimiglia) and Claire (Lily Rabe) arrive to offer their condolences at the wake, but he doesn't want them here.  Just an inappropriate time as she's back with Sean and has her family intact, but it was rather harsh of Wes to turn them away.  Henry (Kyle Harrison Breitkopf) leaves a card for Minx.  Wes's anger is shown once again as he smashes the bathroom mirror.  Once more he doesn't have time to spend alone as Minx mentions the medicine that Henry's grandmother gave her isn't working and she doesn't feel well.  She faints in his arms.  At the hospital we find that she's not alone and all of the children contacted by Drill, at least as many as are shown, are in the same position. Explaining Henry's dilemma last ep too.

Maria (Catalina Davis) puts Minx in the MRI machine and informs Wes of the influx of ill children flooding in, as things begin to reach a climax in the show.  Obviously it's an attempt by Drill to remain close to the children but also in his search for the ideal child he's looking for.  Maria tells him Drill has put some sort of a 'mark' in their brains.  Cue flickering lights as Henry arrives with Sean and Claire and Henry tells them Drill isn't speaking with him.  Claire follows the light and finds Harper (Abby Ryder Fortson) who tells her Drill told them not to worry and they'll be better soon, "as soon as he finds Orion."  They have no idea what that is, thinking it's the constellation.  They need to protect the children and Wes suggests to the president (Martin Cummins) that they place them all in quarantine, which may have sounded good on paper or out loud, but wasn't in practice.  Drill is using their minds as some sort of "symbiotic link".

How will they protect the children considering they tried that with Nicholas last ep in the abandoned building and Drill still managed to get the better of them.  Jessup (Derek Webster) looks for 'Orion' or whatever he can find and the parents of the infected children are told there's an encephalitis scare, so they need to be checked out.  All the children displaying symptoms of Drill are rounded up and taken to the new facility.  Wes also wants Henry brought in, which at this point just looks like sour grapes on his part, in that why should Minx be the only one who's brought in and singled out and not Henry. DOD men are sent to bring Henry in and go about it heavy handedly, even attacking Sean.  Which Claire isn't happy about.  Sean thinks Drill is affecting them now cos he wants the adults to listen to his demands.  A pity then that Sean didn't have more contact with Drill as he was able to communicate with Sean before.  So that we could've had some adult contact and not just with the children.

The children isolate Minx as Wes is the one in charge and think she's the child Drill is after.  Maria finds some anomalies on the computer and is attacked by a boy and killed as she was also earlier on   the phone to someone.  Her DB shows a burn mark in the form of  a child's print.  The children lose their symptoms and Frommer (David Andrews) now realizes Drill is in confinement with them.  Wes wants Minx to 'spy' but she doesn't want to do it.  Instead Claire will speak with the children and see the 'tells' exhibited by them.  The children are shown being questioned and each one has a different reaction, Henry is unsure, Harper is angry and Minx acts all grown up as she always does.  Harper's funny line when Claire asks, "I dream..."  Harper answers, " you will stop asking these questions." Clearly she was getting nowhere and was quite boring in her approach, I wouldn't have opened up to Claire if I was a child.  Even if she is a mother, yawn!  Ha.  Claire asks Silas (Teo Briones) who the child was that Drill has taken over, showing him photos including Minx and Henry.  He's afraid Drill will hurt his mother and narrows down the photo... just then the alarm sounds and a girl pushes past Minx, later claiming that she grabbed her.  Showing them the marks.  But Henry was there too so how come they just narrowed it down to Minx.

Sean finally gets his hands on the man with Lena and finds he's a reporter, quelle surprise, Daniel Goetz (Tom Butler) and Maria told him to contact Sean if anything happened to her.  Minx is too obvious as the child, Lena was killed by Drill and it's unbelievable that she would help Drill in any way cos of this and it can't be Henry as he's Sean and Claire's son and if anything was to happen to him or he'd be the 'chosen' child something would've happened by now.  It's apparent Drill is after something more bigger than these children can offer, as shown from his actions at the nuclear power plant and in getting the codes from Nicholas and using him.  He's looking for reuniting with his world but also something much more closer to home for the adults here.

Still this episode sets up many scenarios and the penultimate must provide some revelations but Frommer right now is the ugliest threat, we know he's not immune to having to kill a child if necessary and is able to talk the president around, for the greater good and all.  Just a thought did they not use infra red and thermal cameras this time round in the facility instead of the tedious interrogations, I mean Q&A from Claire.  The other thing was when Sean was standing by the poster of Orion golf course, that was funny cos it was clearly a blatant attempt at putting people off the right track, but not a word was made of it from Jessup or Sean even.

Tuesday 2 August 2016

The Musketeers 2.1 "Keep Your Friends Close" Review

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As everyone attends Cardinal Richelieu's funeral, Louis (Ryan Gage) asks Treville (Hugo Speer) to take over his position and become a trusted minister.  However he declines as he's not into politics but is more of a soldier and can better serve interests there.  He even refuses Anne's (Alexandra Dowling) behest and Louis is clearly disappointed he had the audacity to refuse him.  He'll be lost without the cardinal.  So much for him being spared last series, not that we're told what he died from, aside from Athos (Tom Burke) saying "he wore out his heart in the service of France."
D'Artagnan: "It's a pleasant surprise to hear he had one at all."
As the Musketeers ride away, they come across a masked man being hanged by the villagers as he killed an inn keeper in cold blood.  They protest and that he should be given justice in the proper way. Then Athos says they should hang him after he finds out it's the Comte de Rochefort (Marc Warren) the cardinals trusty man.  Athos strikes him saying he wanted to know how that felt and "it felt good."

He says he needs to speak with Louis urgently but won't tell them why.  There's a fight as he tires to ride away, stealing a horse and he shoots the man dead.  Catching up to him, they take him to Treville where he tells them that General de Foix (Dominic Mafham) is being held in Spain and he was with him.  Rochefort escaped whilst being transported elsewhere.  This is dire news as he holds all of France's military secrets and strategies which will prove useful to Spain if there's a war.  He's taken before Louis and Anne tells them he advised her on her marriage to Louis and he is respected at court.  His plan is to go to Spain and rescue the general, but Treville says the Musketeers should accompany him and Athos will give the orders.  They can't wear their uniforms which Porthos (Howard Charles) says will mean they'll be executed as spies.

Anne asks Constance (Tamla Kari) to be her lady at court, as all the others gossip about her and make fun of her as she's Spanish and Bonacieux (Bohdan Poraj) thinks she should do this.  Also I thought it'd be easier for her to see D'Artagnan (Luke Pasqualino) at court as well, if ever the desire arose, especially since it' be more convenient than meeting on the street, as per their usual public displays of affection in the past.  Rochefort is of course in league with the Spanish as he meets with the Spanish ambassador in secret to inform him of their plan and also that his men need to kill the Musketeers. But he and the general should be spared.  A priest interrupts them and Rochefort kills him just to be safe, so no one discovered his body and cried 'murder in the cathedral!'

D'Artagnan and Constance have an awkward meeting when he suggests they should carry on their illicit affair and she tells him how hard it is for her in her position.  She needs Bonacieux cos she'd be disowned bye her family and her friends would cross over when they see her.  It's not easy being a woman without any income and if she left him for D'Artagnan she'd be given no benefits or pension were he to die, she'd have to live on the streets or become a prostitute and his children would be bastards.  So clearly, or seemingly, this puts an end to their affair for now.

As the Musketeers travel to Spain, they are ambushed and D'Artagnan leaves them to enter the stronghold on his own, he hears the gunshots but must keep going, entering by swimming the mort. Athos is almost fired upon and tells Rochefort to shoot but he hesitates and only does so when he hears Aramis (Santiago Cabrera) and Porthos approaching, saying he didn't have a clear shot.  The man speaks in Spanish to Aramis telling him nothing really and insulting them.  He should've just given Rochefort away, but that'd be too easy, Rochefort wouldn't have understood his Spanish and then they'd have an entire series trying to bring him down, which would've been too easy a plot for some.

D'Artagnan climbs up the well and enters, dragging the unconscious guard with him, when a woman turns up for a bath.  She says he should've taken his entertainment elsewhere, but he says the guard is unconscious.  She introduces herself as Lucie de Foix (Olivia Llewellyn) the generals sister and she takes him to the general. The general plays chess with Governor Alvarez (Andy Lucas) and refuses to tell him anything.  D'Artagnan ties him up.  If they don't get there in time, then D'Artagnan will have to kill the general and those are his orders.  He points a gun at the general as the man comes round to check on him, but luckily they arrive in time.  The general tells Porthos he looks familiar to him and asks his name.

As they try and leave, they're ambushed again and it is apparent they have a traitor in their midst. However no one does anything about it for now, as once again Rochefort hides out of the line of fire. Lucie says there might be another way out and they head that way with the guards still in pursuit. Alvarez tells Rochefort this wasn't in their plan.  They have to cross the ravine in a basket used for provisions and as they arrive at the other side, the general is shot, so much for rescuing him. Rochefort takes aim at Athos but fires away from him, Athos thinking he was going to shoot him. Which obviously he would've done.  On their way back to France and having crossed the border, Rochefort kills Alvarez stating he was attempting to escape.  Of course it was to cover himself.

At court, Louis is impressed with Rochefort and rewards him by his becoming the Captain of the Red Guard.  He can now manipulate his way into getting things done his way for Spain.  The general tells Treville he needs to tell Porthos who he is and he needs a clear conscience and soul before he dies. Treville doesn't think that's a good idea since they left him and his mother in the slums and she died out of despair.  D'Artagnan and Lucie kiss and Constance sees them, him saying she could be with him, but she refuses.

In a reversal of saying they have honour at the end of last season, Porthos now says praise and glory are two of his favourite things.  Amongst honour and money!  Peter Capaldi as we know was the new Doctor Who and thus could not accommodate the schedule of both shows being filmed.  Thus not returning to season 2, though he would've been more interesting to watch than Rochefort, cos basically he's just a similar character to the cardinal.  Rochefort is the new thorn in their side and already we see how devious he is, even more so than the cardinal.  Though in all fairness the cardinal did take lives at his own hand and to keep himself above the rest.  Just like he killed his mistress Adele.  There's no subtleness with Rochefort as he goes in for the kill at once and then smiles on the other side.

Sunday 31 July 2016

Ghost Adventures 12.11 "Return to Winchester Mystery House"

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Return to Winchester Mystery House marked a welcome return, which as said needed to be done. Yeah I tweeted a return ep several times over to no response, but that's nothing new.  Anyway if you recall the first investigation which was also alluded to in this episode, they were conducting an experiment to see     the effect of the portals at Winchester and whether spirits would, could actually travel through the portals from different locations, this being The Goldfield Hotel and Bobby Mackey's Music World, in Kentucky.  The results and the investigation were abandoned when they had negative effects coming through, especially with Aaron.  But also with Zak too when he felt he couldn't continue any longer. Later finding out his grandmother had passed away.

From the outset Return to Winchester yielded results with the figure at the window observed by Zak, which was actually known as The Wheelbarrow man, also seen by John, the docent in the basement. Winchester is clearly a portal as was shown by Zak when he came to that crossroads, but rather more so with the evidence he caught of the hand by the mirror.  Yes it was a thumbs up, what it also reminded me of was the mist caught on camera by Nick during their Ghost Adventures Documentary, though not as visible as it was here.  Looking back to the first Winchester investigation and their experiment, could very well show the existence of portals.  Though some may see it as far fetched.

Ghost Adventures Documentary (2004)

Good to see there wasn't any licking of wallpaper this time round and no shenanigans! Ha.

Then there was the 2015 Hallowe'en special at Deadwood: City of Ghosts where Zak felt the stabbing pain on the stairs when he called out the spirit, which also affected his lower back.  Here at Winchester he was pushed back on the stairs again affecting his lower back.  Am thinking portals once again, or not.  Also wanted to add that it was the same section of staircase at Winchester where Zak felt dizzy first time round and claustrophobic, there is something strange about that particular staircase.
Just wanted to add at Deadwood he was also asking questions about the male spirit which was behind the attack.  Which responded to him.  At Winchester the spirit of the child also responded, when Zak asked his name, it said 'Lucas' on the spirit box.  Aaron then asked if he pushed Zak and the voice replied, "didn't."  When Zak then asks again what the spirit's name is and whether it attacked him, a male voice responds, "what if I did" and not "f**k you".  The voice also sounded much deeper than the first EVP.
It wouldn't be unusual for the spirits of children to be at Winchester since Sarah Winchester did invite local children onto the grounds and inside the house itself.  Maybe some came back as they had a better time of it here than in their own homes.
Thought the voice of the child which he first heard which was described as 'unexplainable' was more residual.

Of course this isn't definitive, just putting forward some theories and ideas. But hey I did warn Zak about stairs on many occasions in several tweets and being careful on them!

There was still some amazing evidence caught here.  However Winchester Mystery House remains not only a mystery still, but it warrants a much more fuller investigation, if only this episode had been a longer special.

Thursday 21 July 2016

The Whispers 1.10 "Darkest Fear" Review

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Drill had plenty of plans here for the children, as the action hotted up and right about now, we get to meet Nicholas (Darien Provost) you know the usual child, a loner, bullied by the others and his claim he saw a ghost wasn't even entertained by his aloof father.  It's no wonder he was so neglected aside from his mother.  His father, Brewster (Jeremy Guilbaut) also busy at work, but again he had a strategic job, so it was easy enough to get Nicholas to do Drill's bidding for him.  First we get him being abused by the bullies at the playground and then Drill makes his move.  Even later on getting the other boys to see him as a friend and help him.

Wes (Barry Sloane) and Claire (Lily Rabe) think they could maybe draw Drill into a corner as they can detect him on the thermal camera, they can lead him away from the main power supplies and into an isolated location where they can take him out.  Of course Frommer (David Andrews) objects and it's up to the president to give the go ahead.  This leads them to the abandoned house which was Riverview Asylum again (yay always loved that place) as was also used last ep with the hospital where Wes and Lena (Kristen Connolly) found the Rabbi. Oh and an aside, I would love to see what paranormal photos Milo caught when he filmed here and took pics, but alas he didn't post any on Twitter or anywhere else!)

As they get Drill into he building, Wes says he's got to go in after him and get the boy out, but Claire won't let him do it alone.  They have him cornered but can see Drill is in the boy and they don't want to take him out.  That was what Frommer told the president, that he's go to be ready to give the order to have that one child destroyed so that Drill too will be finished, only bet he didn't bank on who that child would actually be.  Wes and Claire try to talk Drill round, but that's no good, they either let Drill go or he will end Nicholas.

The scenes where Henry (Kyle Harrison Breitkopf) and Sean (Milo Ventimiglia) were stuck in the power outage, blackout or whatever you want to call it, were more interesting.  As Sean has to take Henry in the car and then drive over the pavement just to beat the traffic, where he gets into an           accident and has to get help to pull Henry out of the car.  Maybe Drill also wanted Henry hurt like that, I don't know cos he has Claire where he wants her and here Henry may have needed to have been used as some sort of leverage or bargaining power by him.  It's so apparent there's no easy or simple answer or clue as to Drill's actions or 'thoughts.'  This is where the show came into its own     and really heated up after such a slow start, but alas it was a little too late, as you can already tell the show's days were numbered.

This of course was after Sean took Henry to hospital cos he was getting sick and as we will learn, he's not the only one, most of the children visited by Drill are developing some sort of mystery illness. Either cos of Drill being into their brains, or some other reason.  Either way this was yet another of Drill's plans/manipulations, to get its way.  Though I think Lena thinking taking Minx (Kylie Rogers) on a cruise would help get her away from Drill, may have looked good on paper, but in practice it was a stupid time to go.  She should've taken Wes's advice and gone when he told her to stay withe her mother or something.  Cos flights are delayed and then the blackout, she just gives up and decides to come home.  Here she meets a man who offers her a ride and it was obvious he wasn't doing it out of the goodness of his heart.  Knew he was a reporter (Tom Butler) yes he was that apparent, making notes and everything.   Guess what they now needed was this to hit the news so that others would be aware of what was happening, but again that came too late and would've only sparked more panic as we'll come to see.

Oh what a mistake, whereas some thought Lena would be killed by the mysterious do-gooder, it's actually Drill who does the dirty, guess we shouldn't have been so shocked.  The way the trail lead to the fridge and uh-oh, bzzzz!  Ha.  Sorry but that was coming, no one wears shoes, well she didn't in   that house and Drill couldn't let her take Minx away.  That was his punishment for her trying to do that, she probably also knows too much and he did get what he wanted from her in killing Thomas, or helping to.  Some would say it was her karma for the shooting.  But she was an adult and collateral damage.  Though Minx did look like she was genuinely upset when Wes comes home and finds her and just as things were better between them.  Ultimately it was to get back at Wes and for his interference with Nicholas.  But it was poignant for Wes to come home and find her like that, which he wasn't expecting and was seriously complacent about, just how much of a threat Drill really is to his family.

Heck Minx, we're meant to suspect she will be the one child Drill wants, but with three eps to go still, that'd be too obvious, she's more likely the red herring.  Seems everything is going to go wrong for Wes which is the complete opposite for Claire, as she gets her family back, in that Sean returned to her, was that some sort of karma too for their affair, never did find out why they had one.  I know it's ancillary and a minor plot point but I wanted to know how she'd cheat on Sean with Wes!  They're not exactly the same and why would anyone cheat on Sean!! Ha.  Obviously Drill needed the codes from Nicholas's father which is why he became so interested in using him, again the operative word being 'used.'   But Frommer is so despicable as Drill in terms of being a human and even if he has national security at heart he's more interested in what this can do for him and his career.

At least Sean and Henry got some bonding moments in the gridlock, such as the Peter Pan reference, "second star to he right and straight on til morning."  Strangely it was such a topical reference looking to the heavens where Drill lurks and thousands or millions of others like him out there.  But also one about a boy who never grew up and Drill ironically being able to communicate only with children. Could also be an inadvertent reference to Sean himself, seeing as he was the only human that could communicate with Drill and vice versa.  Was it a coincidence that no sooner had Sean said that, then their car is hit?!