
Monday 20 April 2015

Revenge 4.16 "Retaliation" Review

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Ben (Brian Hallisay)  hands over Emily's 'Amanda Clarke's' birth certificate to Margaux (Karine Vanasse) after she threatens to go after his ex-wife.  She shows him footage of her in a diner.  Later Emily (Emily VanCamp) and Nolan (Gabriel Mann) have the same footage and Emily tells him they have to get to her before Margaux realizes she's been played and the certificate is a forgery.  Emily sees David (James Tupper) on the yacht and talks to him about Natalie (Gina Torres) and how he's seeing her, but he didn't tell her.  Then sees Jack (Nick Wechsler) helping him out.

Ben decides he wants to go it alone, but Emily stops him in the middle of the road and tells him she's coming too.  At the diner, April (Sarah Lancaster) arrives but she doesn't want his help.  She'd rather stick it out here, as she explains that she had to go into witness protection cos of him.  He went to raid the place where Wes Perkins (Trenton Rostedt) had his stash, but it was empty, so he knew she gave him up.  He's coming after her now since Margaux told him where she is after she found out the certificate was fake and Emily tells her that's her fault.  When he gets to the diner, he finds Emily in her place and she hits him, before Ben cuffs him.  It's his third strike and he's going down for life. April thanks them and says she's sorry for acting out cos she's stubborn too, as Emily says she's the same.  April saying he has a type he goes for then.

When Emily and Ben return they pass Jack on the road being stopped by the police.  He's being arrested for drunk driving, but he stresses he's not been drinking and he's got Carl with him too.  They don't want to hear it as they take him away.  Another one Margaux's gonna have to answer for as far as Emily's concerned.

Lyman (Sebastion Pigott) loses the case for Victoria (Madeleine Stowe) and she fires him.  He's not getting a penny so he goes and begs Louise (Elena Satin) for forgiveness, saying he's done her wrong, blah, blah, but they were close when they were little and he's got nowhere to go.  So she invites him to stay with her and Nolan, without asking him of course.  Nolan's angry she didn't ask and also that he coud've stayed on her yacht, unless he gets as sick of the sea as much as he is of Lyman.  We then see him striking a deal with Margaux who's paying him for cosying up to Louise so she can get the goods from Nolan's hard drive on Emily and her friends.  When he returns to retrieve the information, Louise catches him and realizes that's why he wanted to move in.  She takes the flash drive and they wrestle by the pool before he falls to his death on the rocks below.  Dangerous place to have a pool, Nolan.  She's also mad at Nolan for not respecting her and for ignoring her family.  Well he was right to wasn't he.  Also how he keeps taking off his wedding ring and not putting it back on, for which she doesn't berate him.  She tries to tell him she's done something bad, but doesn't get chance saying Lyman's passed out in the guest room.

Natalie throws the Fourth of July party and she flaunts the fact she's with David in front of her.  As well as having all the money which should've been Victoria's.  David seems to be falling for her charms and lies, even after Victoria warns him she's using him cos she's bought a place in Malibu and doesn't intend to hang around.   She's not jealous either.  Natalie latter trips in her heels and asks for some aspirin from her bag and inside David finds a watch.

At the party, she talks to the reporter making David out as having emotional problems and mood swings, which Victoria overhears.  Yes Victoria in her red Special K dress!  Natalie gets David alone in the room with her and rips the sleeve of her dress, shouting for him to stay away.  He shows her Conrad's watch he found in her bag, with the engraving, Bunny and she says Lydia was a whore.  She couldn't get Conrad so she went after his father and his money, which rightly belonged to Victoria. She drugged him until he signed over the money.  Victoria tapes this on her phone and makes her sign the money over or go to prison.  That seemed too easy.  David thanks Victoria for saving his name and she adds it's good that he didn't kill her then.

Did you like that line at the end about first loves and how Margaux went after April, Ben's first love, their weakness and he asks Emily who her first love is and she replies, Jack.  They made it appear he's her first love which is why Ben had to second guess her by asking her that she said Jack.  But she meant Jack was being arrested.  Though of course who's she kidding, Jack is her first love, it's obvious when they were little and it's obvious now.  Think she was feeling guilty about everything they've been through and what she's been through and can't give it up, so she doesn't want to take him down with her.  Though it's not surprising there are dirty cops everywhere, it's just surprising they crawled out of the woodwork now, right after Jack is no longer part of the force.  But he's better out of it.

What was shocking was Lyman being able to get into Nolan's files (ha!) and copy all the data from them, was it really that easy.  As well as finding out he's got the secret laptop hidden away to begin with.  Not even Margaux could've known that.  So that's all Natalie could come up with, no wonder she didn't get far as Conrad's mistress and Victoria takes all the money for Daniel's foundation.

Saturday 18 April 2015

CSI 15.13 "The Greater Good" Review

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A woman is held captive by Jared, the Gig Harbour Killer, and he tells her to run cos he can try to hit her with a crowbar as long as he likes.  It's Maya (Brooke Nevin) and she runs towards the door and sees Paul Winthrop (Mark-Paul Gosselaar) behind it, then wakes up.  She was having a nightmare about him and she speaks with DB (Ted Danson) over the phone.  She's going back to Seattle and is leaving tonight.  A police patrol watches her.  He says he'll drive her but she reminds him he's got that meeting with Ecklie.  So he'll send Crawford (Alimi Ballard) instead.  Daniel (Mark Valley) sits outside and listens to her conversation.  Then makes a call saying it's happening tonight.  

Paul visits Jared (Mark-Paul Gosselaar) as he's been exonerated of all charges and so they can work together, Jared will get what he always wanted.  Of course it's obvious that's going to be Maya.  Paul is talking on the TV and vows to make everyone pay in lawsuits, DB tells Sara (Jorga Fox) and Finn (Elisabeth Shue) he's expecting to be served very soon.  Then Finn realizes that Maya being here was bait and Sara thought she was just visiting.  DB reluctantly tells them she agreed to do it and it was "for the greater good."  Sara also mentions that Hodges (Wallace Langham) is working on the strings and may have a breakthrough, calling it "music to his ears."  Crawford mentions picking up Maya at seven and also that she was always under protective custody.

Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) hears a violin being murdered (no pun) and Hodges is playing one.  He is onto replicating how the Gig Harbour Killer made the strings and has used cat gut.  Explaining cat gut isn't really cat gut but from sheep or goat.  She's happy he hasn't used real human tissue but she hasn't seen Henry around.  (No that's cos he probably would've been off with Sara if she hadn't come in for her two obligatory scenes this ep.  Ha)  He found a match to a woman who made strings and that's Rebecca Lowell, the same woman who was shot by Finn, when she came after Greg.  Morgan takes Hodges with her to her house and they smell a rotting corpse.  Morgan clears the house and finds a DB on the bed but they don't know who she is.  Hodges looks at the clippings on the wall and comments on how the Gig Killer likes to read about himself.  Morgan also notices some ants and looks inside the freezer, finding body parts.

The officers watching Maya get a call about an officer down and take the call, requesting back-up. Obviously that was a diversion and this gives Daniel the chance to move in and take Maya to the airport, telling her he knows DB.  It'd be easier for her if she saw a friendly face.  She goes off with him and you know this was planned, cos she wouldn't just get into the car like that.  David (David Berman) tells Morgan there's no ID on the DB, but the body parts match the missing Vics, Emily and Pamela.  Morgan tells Finn they found Daniel's prints all over the house and so he was Paul's partner. Maya realizes how DB would talk about Fnn all the time, but didn't mention him and that he drives past the exit for the airport.

DB tells Ecklie his house is a CS and that the units are following Maya, she's wearing a wire and she agreed to do this.  Nick (George Eads) and Greg (Eric Szmanda) also follow.  She wanted to do this to end the nightmare and put it behind her.  Finn doesn't think that Daniel is behind this and heads to Rebecca's house for herself.  Here she stumbles across Hodges in the dark, cos Morgan left him to collect evidence, should she have done that without back-up present.  Anyone could've come back there.  He tells her he works in the dark, cos his mentor, Grissom, told him to think like the killer. She prefers worklights.  He comments on the creaky floorboards and she notices scuff marks from a table that Hodges didn't move.

Under the board she finds a chest full of money and a flashdrive.  Also how Daniel's prints weren't found on the clippings, or the table.  Hodges thinks he lounged around and then got into serial killer mode and wore gloves.  Morgan works on the body parts and the larvae she found and David tells her that the DB was Rebecca's sister.  She finds blowfly larvae and beetle eggs which are enemies so they wouldn't be in the same place at the same time.  She suspects the parts were frozen several times over and moved around, so she'll try to find the killer's habitat based on the larvae.  Nick and Greg follow Daniel as he heads into an ally and makes a call.  Maya finds the time to speak with her father and tells him she loves him.  He then drives away and leads them to a warehouse, which apparently only has one exit and entrance.

He plays classical music and tells her to listen.  Also mentioning that the girl playing the violin was beautiful and he didn't deserve something so beautiful.  DB also finds that Paul and his brother landed here four hours ago, so they must be meeting Daniel.  DB realizes Maya isn't saying anything and he gets them to go in.  When they arrive there's just a recording with Daniel talking.  Maya's wire is left on the front seat.  Outside Nick tells Greg to look around for clues and they find her wedding ring on the ground, as well as some chipped red paint from the car, showing they changed cars.  The paint will help ID the make and model of the car.  Finn finds Rebecca ran the escort service and has names of clients on the flashdrie, including judges, police and others.  She also finds Daniel's name there too and finds he was a dirty cop.  Paul's name is also on the list.

Finn sees DB in agony and Crawford tells her he's beating himself up over it too.  Then mentions what Daniel said about the girl.  Maya talks to Daniel in the car and he says he respects her father and she's just like him.  She's resilient and says she won't run, but won't make it easy either.  Morgan tells DB they'll find Maya just like they found her and her father never gave up on her.  She found that the larvae may be infesting the area and she shes contacted the Land Management Bureau to ask if there have been any beetle infestations it he Vegas area.  They return a message specifying an area, and that's where they think Daniel could be heading.  They have units and eyes in the sky searching the area and find the abandoned car.

Finn processes the violin and gets some results.  She tells DB that Daniel has a daughter and that Rebecca's sister, Wendy was her mother.  She should've realized the violin was small, the size for a child.  So Daniel took Maya to exchange her for his daughter, Amy.  Daniel tells her to get out of the car and she tells him he's not a killer or someone who preys on woman.  Inside Paul and Jared show up and Jared is ecstatic he'll get what he always wanted now.  Paul tells Daniel to throw down his gun, but he wants to see Amy first. She hugs him and then he puts the gun down.  But Paul should've known that even if he is a dirty cop, Daniel would still have a throw away, so he shoots him, then strangles Jared with the crowbar.  Then again, Daniel should've known that Paul would be wearing a flak jacket!  He shoots Daniel from behind and as he's about to finish him off, Maya attacks him with the crowbar.

She runs to get help and the police arrive.  Inside Nick and Greg find that Jared's dead, but Paul's gone.  As Nick calls for an ambulance.  DB arrives and hugs Maya, as Crawford tells Amy it's going to be okay.  Finn tells Daniel he shoud've come to her and he won't be able to see Amy, but he wants her kept out of the system and wants to make sure her grandmother in Texas looks after her.   Sara tells DB that Nick and Greg followed a blood trail to a sewer and then to some wash, he's gotten away, but she also says DB's in the drivng seat cos he can plaster his face everywhere.  DB also adds that like an animal he's dangerous when cornered.

The end was a bit formulaic and it was obvious that Daniel wouldn't have turned out to be a killer, especially since he was involved with Finn, and we have to always trust her instincts, don't we.  I mean, I don't, but you have to for the purposes of the show.  Also it was Finn who still believed in him and worked out he wasn't in it for the glory, money or the notoriety, but to get back his daughter, to whom he wasn't such a crash hot father. Guessing they also didn't want Mark Valley to play a killer in this either.

So Sara turns up at the end to give her usual piece of advice she does to everyone this season, Greg, Morgan and now DB, but he's adamant that Paul will go on the rampage still and this still doesn't mean Maya is out of the woods yet.  Thinking she'll still be having her nightmares.  But we got to see that she's not that different from DB and that he's taught her his CSI skills and has the ability to stay calm under pressure and adversity.  Wonder how Nick would've fared with the insect larvae and eggs, but then guess they made this easier for Morgan to work out since he wasn't around in the lab.  Was good to see Hodges get out of the lab and yes, Morgan was right, Henry wasn't around.  Not just a throw away comment, but he really wasn't in the ep!  Mind you, Doc wasn't around either.  Oh well, until the next appearance of Paul.

The Vampire Diaries 6.12 "Prayer for the Dying" Review

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Oh after some more self indulgence with Elena (Nina Dobrev) yet again and wanting a date with Damon (Ian Somerhalder) but boo hoo, he already knows what'll happen.  She should consider herself lucky she was getting a date with him to begin with.  But having said that, I have to say Damon puts his foot in it once again!Seriously, he thinks it's okay to interfere in something that doesn't concern him again and why, cos he thinks he's helping Alaric by saving Jo (Jodi Lyn O'Keefe).  Where was Alaric anyway, shouldn't he have at least been here at this time for Jo.  Then there's Caroline (Candace Accola) and they find out the man she gave her blood to, died and came back as a vampire, making it worse for him, cos he can't die now and he can't live like a vampire either.  never mind, Damon to the rescue, he just swoops in and saves the day by taking his heart and killing him, there problem solved.  Stefan's (Paul Wesley) face said it all really.  Sometimes you think Caroline and Damon are cut from the same cloth.  Always do things without thinking and selfishly, not to help others but what they think they should be doing for themselves.

Think I can say the same for Tyler (Michael Trevino) as well when he wants Liv (Penelope Mitchell) to, er live, but he thinks it's better if Jo and Kai (Chris Wood) are the ones to merge.  I mean he was the one who gave Damon the plan to to let Kai loose, suck up the magic from the sheriff's (Marguerite MacIntyre) body so that she goes back to being terminal, but in a peaceful sort of way and then thinks it's better if Liv and Luke's (Chris Brochu) father, Joshua (Christopher Cousins) makes them merge together, thus Jo won't have to.  Pray then tell what was he going to do with  Kai after the fact, of the mergence.  Sometimes this show, ugh, why do I even watch it still.

Anyway as said, Damon gets the idea from Tyler who was releasing Kai from his comatose, on ice stage and he thinks it's better if he  merges, hello, when or how was Damon going to keep control of the psychopathic Kai, or did he want more vessels in head burst.  Cos no one can control Kai, even their own father runs away after he finds out that Luke has merged with Kai, cos he knows Kai is stronger than him.  SO basically it was suicide for Luke and he knew that Kai would be the victor, but selflessly he wanted to save both his sisters, Liv and Jo.  But I got to ask what it would've been like if Luke and Liv had merged.  There should've been a different outcome to this, instead of letting the weaker siblings live.  Just cos Luke was a loner and didn't have anyone on his side, or was involved, it was a case of he's just expendable.

What else happened, oh, the sheriff promises Caroline she'll fight as hard as possible to be here as long as possible for her and even though there was that moment when she flatlined and was packing her bags, wanting to say her final farewells to Caroline, then finding her all vamp faced and bloody, which made her return to the living.  Caroline didn't do her any favours by going AWOL when she needed her the most.  With Stefan having to convince her to come back since he did the same thing when his mother was ill, went to find her favourite flowers or her favourite tea, so he wouldn't have to be with her.  The sheriff also makes him promise he'll look after Caroline cos she'll need him.  Well that's all he needed.

There Jo and Liv were in despair and what do Elena and Damon do, kiss like there was no vampire tomorrow!  Yeah, cos it's all about you.  I have nothing else to say for this ep, no seriously, I don't. Was that disappointed in it and it wasn't like watching anything new and it's not like it hasn't been all done before.  Just wish Enzo was around to liven things up, cos this lot are so full of themselves, always interfering in things that go wrong and then no one's even thought about Bonnie for weeks now.

Friday 17 April 2015

The Mentalist 7.10 "Nothing Gold Can Stay" Review

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This one was more about the effects of losing one of their own has on the entire team, rather than catching the bad guys, though that was top of Cho's (Tim Kang) agenda since he wanted payback.  As soon as you knew Wylie (Joe Adler) got the courage to ask Vega (Josie Loren) out and she agreed that things would go pear shaped.  A group of robbers steal from the armoured van and make their getaway.  There were three involved and one of the guards was beaten.  Patrick (Simon Baker) and Lisbon (Robin Tunney) have decided to go away for the weekend and she's thinking something more where they put mints on the pillow and he wanted more rustic.  As soon as Patrick gets inside the bank, he knows it was an inside job.  As he shakes hands with all of the staff, he finds that one of them in particular, Fletcher (Ben Begley)  was nervous and sweating.  Also his hand is shaking and he keeps tapping the side of his pocket, giving himself away, Cho tells him to take out what's in his pocket and reveals it's a burner phone.

He's arrested but he refuses to give anyone up, let alone confess to his involvement and his lawyer speaks for him.  Abbott (Rockmond Dunbar) tells him he can get a good deal cos he's not well and wouldn't do well in prison.  He won't give anyone up until they're actually caught.  Wylie asks Abbot about Vega and where he should take her.  He thinks somewhere with table cloths but they don't have to be white.  Also that the hard part is over cos she already said yes.  Abbot lets Cho take over the case and he takes Vega on a canvas of the area where the robbers could have frequented.

Lisbon watches the video footage of the robbers and Patrick brings her mints for her pillow.  He thinks a nice hotel of her choice would be good and she worries it won't be to his liking.  They watch the footage and he notices that one of the men has problems walking also the other one has a similar walk, so most likely they're brothers.  The third one's more ruthless and is probably a newcomer, that's why the big gun and how he watches the other man cos he doesn't trust them.

Vega asks Cho if he's excited about running his own team cos that's all he wanted to do since he can remember.  She thinks he should be more happy.  His new rule would be rookies should be seen and not heard, which is what he got.  Well I wanted that too.  Vega didn't really fit in and now we know she was just that token extra who was going to be killed off, should've been sooner rather than later.   As they enter the cafe the woman doesn't recognize the bank teller but Vega notices one of the robbers is at the table cos one of his shoe heels is higher than the other heel.   Cho approaches them and Ace (AJ Buckley) pulls a gun on them,  he asks where the third man, Steve Sellers (William Gregory Lee) is and he appears from the back and there's a shoot out.  Cho chases Tommy (Alex Weed) and shoots him, as shots are fired behind him.  They escape and he sees Vega on the floor. She asks if she messed up.

Patrick and Lisbon see Vega in the hospital but she's already dead.  Wylie is upset and a Detective Portis (Alex Fernandez) asks him if he's okay and apologizes for his loss.  He's here to investigate the shooting and Abbott tells him he can have the collar but the men are theirs.  Cho breaks the news to her aunt..  There have been sightings of the robbers on the road near a pharmacy and Patrick thinks it's better if they go to them, so they stake out twelve of the pharmacies in the area. Ace finally shows up and a police car goes in with sirens blazing when Cho specifically said no sirens.  He panics, takes a woman hostage and drives to her house.  Patricks' plan is to drive a wedge between them and he gives the reporter a story to read about an unofficial source helping the FBI. Steve thinks it's Ace but he denies it.  Cho delivers them pizza and there's a camera and microphone inside the box.

The old woman is diabetic and they probably don't know that.  Cho tells the robber he can have a doctor for his brother when he gives himself up.  Cho is restless and thinks it's better if they go in now.  He scoped the inside of the place and they can take the robbers.  Abbott thinks they should do that and Lisbon is going in too.  Patrick tells her she can't do that, but she refuses to stay out, it's her job.  Instead of letting her go in, Patrick exchanges himself for the male hostage.  Then makes the woman think she's having symptoms of her diabetes.  Ace takes her out and he mentions there was $800K in the van.  Steve says there was only $600K and he's wrong.  Ace returns and they both find him counting the money.  Each one thinks the other took it and Steve shoots Ace, as Cho shoots Steve.  Well that was payback for him, as said.  I didn't have any qualms about Vega being killed off, I didn't like her to begin with, as anyone whose read my reviews knows, she was just a loose end to me.

After the funeral, Lisbon doesn't think they should go away and he agrees.  Patrick tells her he can't do this anymore, it could've been her in there, instead of Vega.  But she knows it's risky and he can't save her from the train all the time.  Then she adds he went in and he could've been killed.  He replies he did it for her.  Cos it doesn't matter if he 's gone cos he won't feel the pain.  That's selfish Patty, cos Lisbon and everyone else would feel the pain and how right and fair is it for him to get himself killed, but for him to keep saving Lisbon like that.  This ep just demonstrates what Patrick has been saying the last three eps about losing Lisbon and not being able to handle it.  His point being proven when Vega is shot.  But he forgets that Lisbon's been doing this a long time and even before he arrived on the scene.  He says he's leaving and she can come with him or not.  That was an ultimatum and a selfish one at that, if ever there was one.  If he felt that way he shouldn't have brought her here and should've left her in that sleepy town.  Once again, how will he manage to walk away from the FBI and his deal with them?

They've done the inside man bank job before in this and also the hostage takers turning on each other before, so that added nothing new to this ep.  At least we got to see Patty sporting a different pinstripe suit this time round, he should go back to wearing black!

AJ Buckley playing a bad guy here, moving right away from his good guy image as lovable lab rat Adam in CSI:NY, what would Mac have said?  Ha.  Also William Gregory Lee, who played Zack in Dark Angel, well he wasn't the good guy per se, but his heart was in the right place, until he died and they replaced Max's heart with his.

The ep title is from a Robert Frost poem, at least I'm thinking it refers to this:  though it does seem to be fitting under the circumstances, not only for Vega, but also for Patrick and his immensely strong feelings and emotions for Lisbon.  He's been through the grief before and isn't strong enough to face it again.  Even Lisbon said it to him, that this isn't new for him.  SO it's understandable he wants to move on.
Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower; 
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf,
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day
Nothing gold can stay. 

Monday 13 April 2015

Revenge 4.15 "Bait" Review

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Margaux (Karine Vanasse) meets with her detective and tells him that she'll use the footage in one go, which also includes discrediting Jack (Nick Wechsler) as well, so much for being his friend.  She keeps repeating how she's going to get her in one go with more revelations, but then why did she decide to release this footage now.  It wasn't just about Emily (Emily VanCamp) she was being malicious to Jack as well.  Margaux's assistant, or ass of an ant, as Jack and Karen called them in Will and Grace, listens in and then calls Nolan (Gabriel Mann).  Apparently she's meant to be on the payroll, and tells him Margaux intends to release the footage of Jack and Emily the next day.  Nolan wants more info from her and to see if she can get hold of it.  She says she might lose her job and Nolan replies he'll start up his own magazine if he has to, to ensure she has a job.  Ha!  Actually come to think of it, Nolan should start up his own magazine and then be in competition with Margaux.

Nolan shows Emily the footage of them talking about Jack killing Kate and then both of them covering it up from last ep and must find away to hack the footage.  Only ii can't be hacked cos the server is in-house with security.  Margaux calls in the FBI and she tells them someone broke into the server and with her security footage they should be able to find out who it was.  As she looks over at her assistant, no Margaux you're not that good to have guessed that already.

Jack walks along the beach collecting sea glass as he used to do when he was little and sees David (James Tupper).  He's meant to be going for an interview at a friend's firm, but he doesn't want to do that anymore.  He recalls how Jack used to collect glass and says he's got a good piece there.  Jack all the while thinking about Emily and Ben (Brian Hallisay) together.  Jack decides to give her the glass and she thinks Nolan called him, which he didn't.  Jack thinks he can get Margaux to change her mind cos they were almost friends again last night, but Emily doesn't want him to try.  Jack meets with Margaux and shows her Carl and they talk about being a single parent, at least Jack does, so he's got her back and knows what she's going through.  Carl gives her a bracelet which she accepts and wears. I knew it was the bracelet.

Margaux met with Victoria (Madeleine Stowe) who told her about how she's gong to be coming into money from Daniel's grandfather, Edward Grayson who left him an inheritance when he died.  So she thinks she's on her own two feet now without money problems.  Which will come in handy for Daniel's foundation.  She's also glad that Margaux's given up going after Emily and Margaux lies through her teeth and her combover.  Victoria meets the lawyer, who tells him that she's been left his Corgis and their Burberry beds.  She says she was to inherit the money but he changed his will.  In walks Natalie (Gina Torres) of course and introduces herself as Edward's widow.  Edward died a while ago but she wanted to see what Victoria is really like before she introduced herself.

Victoria tells her they need a judge and the will is fake.  Lyman (Sebastian Pigott)  introduces himself as a lawyer and a politician and tells Victoria he can get the will overturned for her for 20%, also helping him with his campaign.  If she gets nothing, he'll get nothing.  She sets him a task to find out the dirt on Natalie and he reports that she was Edward's nurse and married Edward shortly after her other husband died.  She was removed as a nurse and Edward died shorty after.  Later at the club she sees Natalie with her former drinking buddies and tells her she knows all about Natalie  Who puts on fake tears and an act about loving him and being a good wife, unlike Victoria and of course it's all for show, but the idle rich get taken in as per usual.  Also  Lyman is angry at Victoria spilling their beans already but she puts on an act of crying too and tells him now they've got her fake show of tears in public.

Natalie makes a beeline for David after she gives him a yacht in exchange for a drink.  Probably going after him cos he and Victoria aren't together and putting one over on her.  Is he going to fall for that too.  Louise (Elena Satine) wants to go to Italy on their honeymoon, but Nolan has business. They decide Emily has to raid the building and take out the server, only it's all for show.  Emily climbs down the building and Margaux waits with the agents at the server room.  In walks Louise, who got lost to the gym, adding Jack told her it was the eight floor, or Eighth Avenue.  Margaux shows the agent the info she has but she wipes the footage.  Yes Margaux, that bracelet.  She finds Emily in her office who tells her about how she's not better than her and she can keep trying to discredit and destroy her, but she won't succeed.  Then tells her about the bracelet, would've thought she shouldn't have, cos it gave the game away and now she knows Jack was part of it too.  Which means she'll come after both of them, not that she wasn't going to before.

Jack knows about her and Ben and finally confesses it was always Emily he loves, as soon as Sammy saw her.  He wanted to give her time after Aiden but he thinks she's moved on with Ben.  Only she hasn't.  She rejects him and keeps the piece of glass.  Margaux now turns her hand to Ben as she tells him she knows where April is and so unless he helps her, he'll make the wrong people find her.  So it's blackmail she's resorting to now and threats.  OH can't we get rid of Margaux already, waste of space and so amateurish as well!

Nolan realizes he and Louise are more alike than he knows and should've been there for her, as she says she'll give him a divorce.  He doesn't want that though, which just leaves the question of what she's really up to.  Would like to see Natalie get her comeuppance even though she's just arrived. Poor Jack he should've known that was coming weeks ago, what am I saying weeks, years ago.  As I said before he had his chance and quite frankly he should've been honest much faster!  Cos he had feelings for her since Sammy passed, but again even though they kissed, he didn't do anything more about it.

Also hope we get more scenes with Emily and Victoria cos that's what made the show.  This season now seems like a weak laxative version of its former self.  Oh and Margaux had to wear that red Special K jacket, lucky it wasn't a dress though.  I mean give it up woman, how many times are you going to get the floor wiped with your ugly mug!! ha.

Saturday 11 April 2015

CSI 15.12 "Dead Woods" Review

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As a girl, Abby (Ashley Fuss) walks with a boy. Slade (Tyler Forrest) trough a seedy part of town, they're stopped by a homeless man who pulls a gun on them wanting his phone and money.  Slade struggles with him and the man is shot as Slade runs away.  Abby recalls some memories from her past.  Officer Akers (Larry Sullivan) approaches and finds Abby still there, she asks for Sara (Jorga Fox).  She arrives and tells Akers about the case where she was the sole survivor after her family were shot and killed.  Abby tells her she smelled something on the man and that's the same smell she recalled from that night.  Sara tries to tell her that it was her father who shot them all and then killed himself.  That it was a man with a beard that shot her family.

Her prospective adoptive mother, Joanna (Clare Carey) is at the station and Sara's grateful that Abby has her.  Sara notices Slade being brought in and warns him to stay away from Abby as she's not his girlfriend anymore or her face will be the last one he sees.  Akers doesn't see any kind of threat against Slade from Sara.  Greg (Eric Szmanda) finds David (David Berman) processing the DB and he reaches down to smell him.  There's too many odours coming from him and David can't distinguish any from him either.  Greg tells him about the smell that Abby recalled and thinks that the machine will detect odours.  He isolates the smells and one he comes up with is gun cleaner.  Sara goes through the evidence again and has a flashback to processing Abby when she was in hospital and having to tell her that her parents are dead.

Sara mentions kerosene and Greg tells her gun cleaner was found on the DB.  She knows what it's like for one parent to kill another and that's what her mother did to her father.  He doesn't know the whole story and he's not meaning to pry, but he would like to know.  Sara's called and has to leave to see DB (Ted Danson).  She's got 12 open cases and tells her she doesn't have time for this old case. Sara is adamant and how in the Tox report of her father, there was one significant trace that wasn't identified.  DB reminds her that Doc (Robert David Hall) signed off on the case as a suicide and he'd have to change his findings.  He'll also have to deal with Ecklie and she'd better be able to bring him some more evidence.

Doc's not too happy and his report shows that the father had GSR on his hand and a GSW to his head. DB reminds him of the one unidentified trace and he pulls up the blood samples but they were destroyed three years ago.  The only other way they can analyze the Tox is to exhume the father's body.  Abby tells Sara she didn't go to his funeral or the rest of the family's and asks Sara about her father.  Sara wasn't allowed to go.  Doc tells Nick (George Eads) he won't have to do a full autopsy on the father's body cos the funeral home kept the organs in a plastic bag inside the body, when he was buried, so the formaldehyde wasn't affecting them either.  Inside the liver he finds traces of  a drug which knocked him out.  Doc changes his ruling to undetermined.  Sara is given permission to reopen the case and she kept all the evidence boxed and unprocessed cos of the suicide ruling.  So what would've happened all those years ago if Doc had analyzed that trace, or more rather, had it analyzed.

Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) and Finn (Elisabeth Shue) process the evidence since Sara is too close to Abby.  They analyze the tent for prints and the sleeping bags and Finn takes samples of each blood spatter.  Abby and her sister Hannah were both placed back into their sleeping bags after they were shot.  Morgan gets a hit on the DNA from the sleeping bag to a Garth Fogel (Dean McDermott).  He was released after serving a sentence for being a paedophile.  He tells Nick he wanted to see his daughter, Hannah.  He went to see them at the house when they were leaving, but the mother wouldn't let him see her.  He touched the sleeping bag, but he didn't follow them to the campsite. Fogel's alibi was his mother, but she died five years ago.

Greg has an idea that'll make Abby remember and sets up the entire scene at the campsite, videoing the scene for court purposes.  She recalls Hannah getting shot and seeing the man with an arm patch and a logo with antlers or some animal.  Of course for our purposes, the camera shows us already that it's Legend Creek on the patch.  Henry (Jon Wellner) identified animal blood as belonging to an elk. Morgan tries to identify the hunting clubs in the area and matches one with the logo of an elk.  Sara and Morgan pay a visit to the club and ask the owner, Randy (Ben Browder) for his records.  Well he's a suspect if ever there was one.  He refuses and they see stuffed animals everywhere, he's into taxidermy.  Sara hands him the warrant and he hands them the file from 2004.

Abby goes through the photos and IDs Donald Wraith.  When Nick finds him out in the woods, he's been shot inside his truck.  David is glad to be outdoors in the wilderness for once and he says that it couldn't have been suicide as Nick tells him the gun would've fallen out of his hand.  Sara tells DB Fogel could've had hep from Donald.  Hodges (Wallace Langham) tells  Morgan about traces of resin he found on Donald and she jumps the gun thinking it could come from a construction site where Fogel worked.  He tells her it's used in taxidermy.  Which is what I said, see my suspect again.  Aside from the fact that he was played by Ben Browder and that he was also guilty in the CSI:Miami ep he came in.

Sara tells Randy his prints were found in the tent and he says how Donald wanted to have some fun with the mother when they stopped by asking for directions.  They followed them to the site and drugged the father.  Donald took the gun to subdue her, but she fought back and shot her.  Also shooting Hannah cos she saw his face.  Sara tells him Abby believes Donald was there but it was Randy who killed them.

Abby can now move on as Sara tells her to and Joanna picks her up.  Greg looks at Sara's photo with her father and tells her she looks like him.  Her mother told her he was abusive but she doesn't believe he was.  Her mother was an alcoholic and had mental problems, which is why they were "volatile" together.  Also admitting she's a little jealous of Abby as she can 'rewrite' her history.  Greg tells her that was her past but Sara still has a future.  Her mother's alive and she can still make it up with her.  Sara isn't quite sure though.

Another CSI ep which delves back into Sara's past and the story that we are very familiar with by now.  Which is why such cases are so very close to home for Sara.  It was good to see how Sara and Greg can talk to each other about everything really and last time she spoke to him this season.
The CSI:Miami ep with Ben Browder was 1.22 Tinderbox.  Where he set fire to a club since he wanted to become a fireman but was rejected.

Elisabeth Harnois would've had another on set Point Pleasant reunion with Clare Carey as they starred in the show together, but didn't have any scenes in this CSI ep.

The Mentalist 7.9 "Copper Bullet" Review

Rio Bravo, Mexico  Peterson (Dylan Baker) has a grave dug up and retrieves the bullet from the skull of a skeleton.  Obviously it's the DB of the cartel man Abbott (Rockmond Dunbar) shot as he told Patrick (Simon Baker).

Austin, Texas  Lisbon (Robin Tunney) and Patrick and their ice creams, ahh, how sweet doing coupley stuff, though it appears Lisbon has calmed down from last ep.  He tells her no harm was done when he sent her off on a goose chase since they managed to foil the assassin, but it's just not about that.  It's also about her doing her job.  Patrick is called by Wylie (Joe Adler) as he told him to keep tabs on Peterson and he tells him Peterson is in Mexico, yet his office told him Peterson was meant to be at a conference.  He checked his credit card and phone records and shows he's in Rio Bravo, he also called Senator Blatt and may be trying to prevent Abbot's wife, Lena (Christine Adams) from being appointed for the Commerce job.  They return to the office and Wylie wonders what they can do about it, which Abbot hears.  He asks do about what.

Patrick tells him about Peterson having the evidence showing he shot the man in Mexico and Wylie volunteered to help cos Patrick just told him Petersen was making trouble.  He was glad to help. Peterson could subpoena Abbot's gun and he'll be in real trouble then as the bullet would match.  He's not about to go away.  Lisbon asks Patrick what they can do about in in four days and he lies down on his sofa and thinks of a plan.  Abbot tells Lena about Peterson and apologizes for getting in her way of being appointed.  Patrick interrupts them and tells him they're both deciding on who should jump on their sword, but Peterson won't give up.  They need to take him out and if Abbot trusts him, then Patrick knows he can get him, but he can't tell Abbot the plan, so he can deny everything.

Lena telling him how Abbot's told her Patty's got a tricky and devious mind and Patrick enjoys the flattery, though it's not the right time, he'd like to hear more and Abbot trusts him.  Cho (Tim Kang) asks how he can help and Wylie admits he's not good at keeping secrets.  Lisbon tells him they'll be stepping outside the boundaries, but he's used to that, reminding her how Patrick had him pretend he killed a man once.  Wylie finds Peterson is divorced, no children, collects wine and he's also a member of a tennis club.  the only way he can get to do these things is with money and not on a government salary.  Vega (Josie Loren) tries to see what's happening but Cho won't let her in.

Patrick sees an old friend of his, Barsocky (MC Gainey) who he's had flown in and is paying for his expensive motel room.  Patrick tells him about Lisbon and he tells him not to let her get away. Always telling him, maybe it's time he took his ring off an dmoved on cos Angela would want him to. Patrick changing the subject there abruptly.  Barsocky's happy to help him cos it sounds like fun. Patrick forces into the tennis club and tells Peterson he knows of his trip to Rio Bravo and won't let him destroy Abbot.  He's more interested in going after Lena.  Patrick takes his phone.  Wylie checks his phone and falls asleep at the desk.

He didn't find anything showing Peterson's links to the cartel and Lisbon and Cho didn't find any money.  Wylie adding he accompanies DEA agents on low level busts but an agent of his seniority wouldn't do that.  They think he's skimming from the busts and no one will know how much money there was since a senior agent logs it.  Drug dealers will be ignored when they complain.  Wylie also mentions his complicated security system at his house and that's where he'd stash the money. Patrick looks at the schematics and Vega can't resist staying out of it.  Cho finally relents after saying he doesn't want her career to be over before it starts but she's ready.  He tells her to keep tabs on Peterson.  Abbot wants Patrick to stop his plan and he'll take his chances but he refuses, once Peterson is bigger than this, he will always make trouble for them and he'll be promoted to running the DEA, with Abbot in jail and Patrick doesn't want to see that happen

Blatt's aid calls Peterson to make an appointment with her.  Wylie had put an app onto his phone so if he checks inside he won't see them inside his house.  Once they're inside he can only keep it running for at least 90 minutes.  Patrick bets them he can disable the alarm within 90 seconds.  Lisbon tells him she saw him looking at the code on the computer and Wylie text it to his phone.  Patrick telling Cho to get rid of the cat but he's not going anywhere near it, cos cats just jump him.   They search for the money and Patrick sits on the couch.  They don't find any money, but Cho finds some guns. Patrick says that Peterson wouldn't be into candles and one of the candlesticks looks funny.  He moves it and it opens a safe in the fireplace, but they need Petersen's biometrics to access it.

Patrick decides they'll need their own money and he tells Wylie he'll need at least $2 million from the evidence which Wylie's not authorized to do.  So he has to ask Abbot for help.  Wylie has to drive to San Antonio and tells Vega to stall Petersen when he leaves.  She crashes into Peterson's car and he finally recognizes her as working for Abbot.  Wylie arrives in time and they manage to leave just as he arrives.  I would've thought he'd notice that the sun was at a different angle in his photos than to where it really was now, but guess he's not that good!  Ha.

Abbot sees Lena in DC and she wonders why he's there.  Abbott speaks with Peterson and shows him photos of the money in his house, with his cat sitting on top of it.  He takes him into a hearing room and he wants to know if he's wired.  Abbot tells him they both have secrets, but he's handed the bullet into Blatt's aid.  He tells Abbot he'll give him half the stash which is $800,000, but no more.  Vega appears and shows him her phone and she's been recording him.  Patrick shows up with a woman who he introduces as Missy Brammar (Cheryl Lynn Bowers) the real aid.  Petersen is confused cos she's not the same woman he met in San Antonio.

In a flashback Barsocky enters Blatt's office and tells them they're pest control.  The office is emptied and they remove their overalls and sit at the desk.  Peterson comes in and hands an envelope to Samantha Barsocky (Tangie Ambrose).  Which she hands over to Patrick, it's got the bullet in there, which he just casually disregards into the bin.  Barsocky and Samantha wish him well and not to blow it with Lisbon.  Vega arrests Petersen once more and this time for real.  As I said before the bullet storyline was just like Gibbs' one in NCIS with the Reynosa Cartel.

They have a party and Abbot and Lena are grateful.  Wylie and Vega dance even though he's awful and Abbot tells Cho he'll be leaving to work in the DC office.  He can have his job and the team is his now.  Cho is grateful and Lisbon congratulates him.  He heads off for another taco as Lisbon tells Patrick that this is her job and she loves doing it.  There's no guarantees what may happen tomorrow, so they have to live for now, which is pretty good.  She loves him.  She asks him to dance and then adds two dances.  I also think Patrick wear his ring cos he takes his vows and commitments seriously and the only way he'll get that ring off his finger is if and when he's ready to take the next step in his relationship with Lisbon and marry her.

So that's Abbot's storyline done and dusted, leaving four eps to go.  In one of those Patty will have to take off his ring eventually.  But I have to say finally we did get an ep of The Mentalist which went back to the past and doing what they used to do in past seasons, using Patrick's plans and ideas to get the bad guy.  It was funny how Peterson kept a cat.  Also good that Cho finally got some recognition for his work being promoted.  Don't think Abbot would've given it to Lisbon anyway even of she had been the logical choice to be his successor, cos she needs to figure things out with Patrick and she'd be too busy otherwise to make ago of it and do the job.  I don't mean that in a sexist way, but Cho was still the agent who joined the FBI first and also kept on the job, when Lisbon left to become sheriff of that small town.  I also think somehow Patty would've preferred it if she had got the office job, putting her in less danger.

Pete Barsocky and his wife Samantha know Patrick from the Carnie and we first saw them in Cackle, Bladder Blood and in Red John's Rules and they both knew his wife and daughter.

Monday 6 April 2015

Revenge 4.14 "Kindred" Review

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Emily (Emily VanCamp) finds out Nolan (Gabriel Mann) is married now and how she missed it all cos she was being held hostage.  He thanks her for letting him have the wedding reception at her house.  Margaux (Karine Vanasse) is going to be covering the event for her magazine, don't know why Nolan would even let her after everything she did to him and also to Emily and this revenge crusade she's now on.  Oh give it up Margaux, if its anything like your combover hairstyle, you'll really be useless.  Which is the same advice Victoria (Madeleine Stowe) gives her.

Ben (Brian Hallisay) is interviewed on the news about saving the three hostages and removing Black out of the equation for murdering Alvarez and the Chief (John Barbolla) tells them he and Jack (Nick Wechsler) will be honoured by the Mayor (Don Fischer) with a medal.  Jack doesn't want to be interviewed and certainly doesn't want the medal.  As we all know, this isn't Jack and he's all for the doing the right thing.  Even if David (James Tupper) later tells him he's a hero cos he saved Emily and he also saved him.  But Jack doesn't know how he can deal with it.  As they share a beer on the stairs of the beach house, it was like Jack was almost meant to be there along with Emily.

Margaux wants Victoria to admit the truth about Daniel's death since she's starting a foundation in his name which Victoria hopes will benefit the next leader amongst them.  Margaux isn't so forgiving but Victoria adds that going to war with Emily will lead to more pain.  Margaux arguing that she wants justice for Daniel and Victoria should feel the same.  Lyman (Sebastian Pigott) tells Louise (Elena Satine) he didn't know what their mother was up to, but she doesn't believe him.  He gives her a copy of the police report showing she killed their father and how their mother's threatening to expose it unless she hands her back the conservatorship and gets an anulment.  All Lyman cares baout is the money for hsi campaign.

Emily tells david hsi leg his healing but they've both missed out so much of each other.  She picks out the blue tie for him for the reception and he gives her a birthday gift for the birthday he missed a few days ago.  It's a certificate with her name on it, Amanda Clark and foot prints of baby.  Emily is more relaxed as she is now and she doesn't want to go back to being Amanda.  They hug and their photo is taken outside the house.  Of course by none other than Margaux's henchman.  The article later appears in one of her magazines with the headline, 'David Clark's New Boo.'  Yeah right.  Nolan asks Emily if she's seen the magazine, as if they're a couple and she will take care of it.

Victoria meets with her friends hoping to get money for Daniel's foundation, but they seem hesitant to be here.  One woman asks what they should do if someone says it's "unseemly" to do this.  A woman shows up and tells her she's got her chair, introducing herself as Natalie Waters (Gina Torres).  (What another tne of Conrad's conquests?!! ha)  She says she should squeeze in between the other two and ask for some caviar too, as they toast her foundation.  Ben convinces Jack to come to the ceremony.

Louise doesn't want the reception and tells Nolan about the police report.  She was 13 when he feel to his death and her mother said she killed him.  She doesn't recall what happened.  Nolan will get to the bottom of it as he always does.  Emily visits Margaux and tells her about her tabloid magazine. Margaux acting all innocent and saying she's the CEO of the fifth largest conglomerate and can't keep track of everything.  Well she should, that's why she has other staff.  Emily didn't ask this to happen to Daniel and also warns her of the numerous secrets she knows about Pascal and can sink her company.  Margaux agrees not to dishonour Daniel's memory but the news will come out since there are so many news outlets out there.  Emily says she can worry about herself.  The henchman is there and Margaux is angry that's all he found on her, nothing but schoolyard gossip.

Emily meets with Ben for an objective view and mentions how Jack hates the publicity and she's worried about him.  Telling him she was going to be Emily for a while, to clear her father's name and then disappear and become someone else.  Not become Amanda like he wants.  Ben doesn't want Emily to vanish.  Telling her about the time he was undercover, but he assumed that ID for six months, she's been Emily for eleven years.

No one shows up to Victoria's fundraiser at the gallery, except for Natalie and Victoria thinks she may have kept them away.  She doesn't like modern art, but likes 16th century court and that would mean her friends are easily talked around, or that the Grayson name carries no weight.  Emily comes to Nolan's place on his request and he tells Louise that she's going to use a Japanese technique on her to make her recall the events of that night.  Louise must face her fears and danger and she places her hand on the table, as Emily brings the knife around her fingers, pushing it into the table between her fingers, telling her to watch the blade.  Louise recalls her father falling down the stairs and she was trying to save him, or her mother, Penelope (Carolyn Hennesy) pushed him.  Which is what I said a few eps ago.

Jack tells Emily he killed an FBI agent even if she was bad and how he can't live with that.  Yeah great place to be talking outside like that.  She's concerned he might tell the cameras what he did.  At the reception, Penelope turns up with Judge Miller (Rod McCary) and Lyman and she tells Nolan he won't be her son-in-law for long.  Lyman tells the judge to look at the ice sculpture so he can be sure that Louise will sign, so he'll get his funds for the  campaign.  Nolan finds the note she left him and tracks her on her phone.  Emily knows where that is and goes after her, with Nolan handing her a box saying she'll come back cos of what's in there.

She's checked herself into the asylum again and Emily turns up as an inspector and says the man already failed the first test as he was going to leave the desk unattended.  Louise says she killed her father (I bet she did as well - ha, yeah I'm changing my mind again cos nothing in this show is ever simple, or as it appears).  Emily hands her the report which is a forgery and Nolan found the real report from the officer who was on the scene, showing she didn't push him.  Emily takes her back. Louise was trying to grab hold of him and Penelope knew.  She tells her what happened and Penelope threatens her with the report.  She knows that she was having an affair with the judge and her father found out.  She pushed him down the stairs.  Nolan asks to see the judge's cane and he leaves, telling her he'll be in the car.  Lyman says he didn't know, but Louise sends him packing too without a penny.

At the reception, Victoria confronts her so called friends for not being there and makes a speech about friends being a business.  She knows all their dirty little secrets, like how one of the woman's, Heather's (Danielle Rayne) husband had dalliance with the pool boy and one of their husband's is sleeping with one of her 'friends' here.  Also looking at Stephanie (Kim Richards) who was into white powder for weight loss. She asks them to double their donation.  Jack tells Margaux that Daniel died a hero and she's grateful cos no one's said that to her.  He knows about the baby and gets behind the bar to pour drinks by himself.  He threw in his job cos there's too many conflicts of interest and she replies she could've told him that.  He thinks she'll make a good mother.  Not if she carries on the way she is.

David sees Victoria and she asks him what he would have done in her shoes to save his child all those years ago.  He replies he just did it and she already knew he'd say that.  She just wanted tot hear it from him.  He sees Emily and they share a dance, how they used to all the time when she was little. She can't be Amanda, but he just wants her to be happy.  If she comes clean about being Amanda then the whole world will change, well that'll happen now that it's been mentioned.  It's just more foreshadowing especially since it'll either be Margaux who exposes her, or Emily may have to resort to admitting it herself.  I thought it was funny one of the woman asks Jack to bartend at her party, cos that's all he does really!  Ben texts him about quitting and he heads over to see him.  What got me is how Emily got there before him, since she goes over to Ben's house and he wonders who let her in. She kisses him and Jack gets there to see that, cos it's like he had his chance and lost it all those times.

Victoria recalls her old chair (yes the one that I still covet! ha) and Natalie tells her she's impressed by the way she got money in return for secrets.  That Victoria will find out who she really is sooner than she thinks.  Once upon a time, Victoria would've been on the case already instead of waiting around.  But alas that's something that losing Daniel has done to her.  She gets a call saying there's been a death in the family.  Now who could that be??  Margaux's henchman shows her footage of Jack talking to Emily about the FBI agent, but she seems hesitant in wanting to hurt Jack, she wanted the dirt on Emily.  He thinks she should get rid of both of them.  But he's done nothing wrong and either did Emily, Margaux and her petty vindictiveness.

I can't picture spoilt brat Margaux getting revenge on Emily, let alone coming close to it.  Ben is just there for the sake of it and doesn't really add anything to the show.  For Emily to fall for him like that seems ridiculous since he's nowhere near like the men she's been with in the past.  He's another one like Jack who plays it straight, but how can she get anywhere with Ben with all her secrets and everything she's done in the past.  Think David wants to see Jack with Emily too since he made that remark about saving the beer for him, as well as that spot on the porch steps.  Victoria's got another nemesis in the form of Natalie and boy is she still as deceptive as Anna, the character Gina Torres played in Alias.  As for Victoria's phonecall, who's family did the death occur in hers or Conrad's, well you can never tell.

It'd be good to see Victoria using her 'friends' like she's done so in the past since they're just as loaded with secrets as ever.  I mean the Hampton's is the place for buried secrets and bodies too for that matter.  Probably Natalie will make a play for David which will anger Victoria even more.  Ahh, those red Special K dresses have disappeared too from the parties.  Don't see Nolan and Louise working at all.  He may have married her so she could get her inheritance, but they have nothing in common and I don't trust her.  She's said and done too many things and using that drugged up business seems to be an excuse.  We'll find out soon enough.

Speaking of Alias, just incase:

Saturday 4 April 2015

CSI 15.11 "Angle of Attack" Review

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Greg (Eric Szmanda) and David (David Berman) are already at the CS when Nick (George Eads) arrives and they think it was a hit and run, but Nick tells them the angles are all wrong, and the car's direction isn't right to send him in that direction.  The glass on the ground is thick so came from a window, David's found plenty of glass on the Vic.  Nick thinks they may have a jumper.  Greg says there's nowhere to jump from on the block.  David finds his ID shows Silver Spring office tower 30th floor, they all look towards it.  Nick: "well you've gotta admit that's one hell of a jump."  I said he sprung along way! Nick, Greg and David were at the CS in the opening last ep too.  Kind of deja vu.

Greg and DB (Ted Danson) check out the building and DB remarks a tornado went through there. Greg notices the glass is the same.  Two blown out windows like an entrance and exit wound. Something came though one window and went out the other.  Greg says you can hit it with a baseball bat and nothing would happen to the glass and it could be a rocket propelled grenade which could've been on a timer.  DB says the pattern is radial.  The propeller sent him out onto the street.  Greg says what goes up comes down and must be out there.  DB wants the window put back together, needle in a haystick or an impossible puzzle.  Greg and Finn (Elisabeth Shue) put the glass back together on the window.  When they've done it Greg comments it's bigger than any RPG he's ever seen and Finn measures the hole to about 24-30 inches long.

Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) talks with Sara, (Jorga Fox) cos that was her little on air scene this ep and thinks the Vic Bradley Weeks' firm had links to the Colombian cartel.  Hodges (Wallace Langham) analyzes the scorch mark evidence and tries to find what it is, as Henry (Jon Wellner) walks in.  Hodges refers to it as a UFO, not in the usual sense of the word, though he is happy that they're not alone in the universe.  He found jet aviation fuel in the scorch marks and charcoal in the residue which he and Henry both say is carbon.  Hodges might be able to determine if the jet was going fast or slow and finds it was going slow and also whether it was throttling up or down.

Nick determines a general area where the object could've landed and he and Finn find a damaged taxi with the object inside it and the remains of a human body.  The taxi driver (Robert Romanus) says he was home all night and no one was meant to be in it.  Finn finds the helmet and the boot which Nick says still has part of a foot in it.  He and DB watch the video of a man flying in what's known as a wind suit or squirrel suit and which can fly at 200mph.  He sees how Morgan and Hodges are going at putting the suit back together and Morgan mentions her ex used to have a sky diving suit which made him look like a clown, infact a lot of his clothes made him look like a clown.  Nick comments that's why he's her ex.  This suit was more sophisticated and she also found a black box.  Henry tells them he matched the DNA to a military database after getting no hits in CODIS and it belonged to Robert Holland (Cuyle Carvin) he's in the airforce and stationed at Nellis.

DB questions his CO, Major Mills (Matt Letscher) and his wife, Amanda (Tamara Feldman).  Mills says the suit came from TRP a DOD contractor and that Robert wasn't on duty last night.  He was quick to pass the buck to TRP, so he was my immediate suspect and how he kept touching Amanda. Not to mention he also wanted it to seem like Robert was flying when not on the job.  Later Amanda tells DB that she doesn't believe he'd do that and that the airforce will try and take his pension away from her.  DB promises to do what he can.

Greg finds there were two parachutes in the suit but none of them had been used.  He also found a parachute that would've been set off automatically.  Nick places the chute inside the chamber, expecting a pop when the shoot was meant to open at that particular descent level.  Nothing happens and Greg notices the wiring on the chute has been altered, when he rewires the circuit, the chute pops as it should've done.   Nick and Crawford (Alimi Ballard) speak with his boss at TRP,  Claudia Mason (Virginia Williams) who seemed to be flirting with Nick, especially when she asked him what his name was.  She mentions Project Icarus and Nick mentions that's a strange name for a project considering what happened to Icarus in the Greek myth.

At the lab they're introduced to Ferris (Arjun Gupta) who is working on the suit.  He designed his own tools and they take him to the station for questioning, Nick taking a look at that tool too.  He tells Ferris the tool is similar to the one used to alter his chute and Ferris begins to get a headache, asking for something for it.  Ferris tells them he knew about Robert logging extra hours for money after hours, it was an incentive Claudia paid them.  He holds his head and neck and then starts talking about some girl they met before falling to the ground in violent convulsions.  He bleeds out.

Doc (Robert David Hall) calls it a cerebral edema and he could've had HACE: High Altitude Cerebral Edema and he found Robert also had this too.  Finn mentions Nick talking about the hypobaric chamber and thinks Ferris could've also been in this.  Nick has a warrant to search the lab as Claudia is concerned about meeting deadlines and he needs a military judge's warrant.  He tells her he doesn't need JAG permission to search.  She doesn't have the key for the black box, the airforce does.  DB tries to get the key from Mills telling him his wife is concerned and it's the right thing to do, which he agrees to do.  See once again the suspect trying to be too helpful like they used to do in CSI:Miami eps.

Hodges goes through the box and finds that Robert was already dead as his vital signs all indicated zero.  Greg recalls the Sherlock Holmes quote (nice reference again to Sherlock as Greg was in that CSI ep 5.11 Who Shot Sherlock  when he was finishing his proficiency test- some good continuity there) "eliminate all factors, the one that remains must be the truth."  He looks at the altimeter reading which shows he didn't jump from a plane.  He calculates the flight path showing he jumped from Delmar Towers, so he was base jumping.  Where Claudia also had a room.  They figure out they were having an affair and he must've died on her so she put him into the suit and disposed of the DB from the top of the building.

Morgan and Greg check out the room and Greg finds blood on the side of the bed.  He then uses luminol to spray the floor, finding a large blood pool as well as a blood trail leading to cast off on a wall.  The blood pool shows Robert was beaten.  Morgan finds the murder weapon with blood and a hair on it.  Crawford shows them security camera footage from the night which shows Amanda and him fighting.  Claudia denies knowing that Robert used the room and she's lawyered up.  She noticed he'd been acting differently and she thought he was having an affair.  He told her he was doing a base jump.  She's not lying now.  Hodges tells Nick that Robert had furosmide in him and it's a diuretic, used by models and body builders.  In large doses it can be lethal and the sodium inside of him made it worse as he was also in the hypobaric chamber.

Henry process the sheets on the bed and the murder weapon and finds a DNA match, not to Claudia but to Mills.  See, he was so helpful and out of character for military people, who are never helpful. Mills admits they were having an affair but to him it was more.  Robert decided to leave him and he lost it.  He killed Ferris cos he was Robert's best friend and he would'be known about them.  As Crawford shows him the bottle of furosmide they found in his apartment.  He did it not once but twice cos he didn't have a choice.  Finn replies there's always a choice.
DB talks with Amanda who finds there's nothing but an empty house to go to.  She asks if he keeps secrets from his wife and he replies he used to but not anymore.  She tells him she's lucky.  But aren't they having problems together.  We haven't seen his wife in a long time.

A bit of a routine ep but at least we had some interesting scenes with Greg and Nick.  CSI likes to indulge in eps where they have to figure out where the body came from.  They've done quite a few of those.  Like Scuba Doobie Do, 3.10 High and Low where Nick, Warrick and Grissom found a man was thrown from a six storey building was already dead before hitting the ground, that was too similar to this ep.  To name but a few eps.

I always wanted to get my joke in somewhere and now I can, about the Flying Dutchman, aka die Fliegende Hollander in German, thus Robert's last name was Holland and so he could be seen as 'the Flying Dutchman' very appropriate here, don't you think!  Or just one of my bad jokes.

You may remember Matt Letscher from Scandal as Billy, still playing a bad guy here as well!