
Saturday 14 March 2015

The Mentalist 7.5 "The Silver Briefcase" Review

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This episode of the Mentalist, directed by Simon Baker, really went old school in terms of being akin to a Columbo ep, where we get to see the killer first and then figure out how Patrick (Simon Baker) would prove that he did it. As we see a man wash his hands and put away a knife.  He then turns the thermostat and fan on and leaves the house.
Lisbon (Robin Tunney) and Cho (Tim Kang) are on a training session with the army and the FBI happens to win the match, with Patrick acting as a 'pretend hostage.'   Colonel Aaron Raymond (Wiley Pickett) congratulates Abbot (Rockmond Dunar) and says he'll win them next time.  The same Colonel just shown leaving the house.  Lisbon asks Patrick what they would do if they left the FBI and she says that he loves the job really.  The Colonel greets Lisbon and Patrick asks her about him. She asks why he asked if she didn't have a fling with him?  Then remarks on how he lost his wife, she was murdered.  Patrick says there's something about him and he thinks that he's the killer.

He talks to Abbot about this but he doesn't have any solid proof, it's just his instinct.  Lisbon says his instincts haven't been wrong in the past and Abbot lets them reopen the case but quietly.  Zach Jefferson (Brandon Fobbs) was arrested for the murder cos he was driving the Colonel's wife's car in a bad part of town.  Cho talks with the investigating officer, Det Rios (Daniel Edward Mora) and tells them the prisoner is opening a civil rights case.  He says that they caught him with the car.

Lisbon and Patrick talk with Zach and his lawyer, Linda Berry (Lisa Kaminir) and he tells them he didn't kill anyone.  Patrick tends to believe him and Linda says she wants to hear how they do.  On the way back, Patrick thinks they should pay a visit to the house, which is now for sale.  Did you see the Sale board was already displayed in the CS photo.  Patrick calls the agent, Judy Lomax (Allison Dunbar) from the car and tells Judy he and his girlfriend want to view the house now.  Lisbon acting all coy when he mentioned the word, 'girlfriend.'  When inside, Patrick asks Judy what she's not telling them and gets her to admit there was a murder in the house, with Lisbon remarking that there's some law where she was meant to tell them that.  Patrick wants to view the house alone and pulls out the file on the case.

Looking at the CS photos, he notices the window was open and there's a playground across the street, so if the killer broke in through that window as the police said, he'd have been seen.  Patrick adding he could've used the side window to break in.  He then looks at the fan and the thermostat and Lisbon thinks he could've turned it on high and told his wife, Nicole (Cheryl Bricker) it was broken, but left it on with the fan, so that it would change the time of death.  Patty bringing up how his aunt used to cook a roast, by turning the oven all the way up and then turning it off.  Strange way of doing that. Funny him asking Lisbon if she's ever cooked a roast before.  They then comment on how the prints were wiped off the door handle, why would they be if it was his house and Patrick thinks that he wiped them off cos he had another woman with him.  In which case he'd have needed her for the traffic cam photo at the red light.  See, a text book Columbo ep!

Silly scene where they had Vega (Josie Loren) telling him how 'curiosity killed the cat;' oh she's so pointless and irritating and a loose end, they did not need in the final season!  I mean even Cho hardly featured in this ep.  Other than watching Vega clean her gun and sending her out with Wylie (Joe Adler) to find the other woman's discarded clothes.  After Wylie is sent to the office to find out which woman he was seeing.  Pretending to be IT.  He notices Denise Cortez (Jama Williamson) is the only other woman there and has African art in her office, which Patrick earlier pointed out he didn't have in his home or the office.  After he'd gone to see the Colonel, just to check him out.  With him saying how war is the only real thing they have left and Patrick wondering why he'd say that, as well as Patty quoting Napoleon.

Wylie and Vega time how long it would have taken for Denise to change her clothes and discard them and Wylie finds a piece of clothing near a homeless person's tent.  Which is being analyzed. Colonel complains about why he's been investigated and Abbot says he knew.  He wants this stopped. They believe the forensics may lead to something but Abbot won't hear of it.  Thus Patty gets an idea to use a sealed silver briefcase and get them to confess.  He arranges a meeting and tells them the first one to confess within 5 minutes will get a deal, otherwise he'll open up the case and see what forensics revealed.  Before the 5 minutes are up, Colonel says she did it, she adds he's a liar and he killed her.  Then back at the office, they go through their versions of who killed her and how.  It's a case of 'he said, she said'.  He says she killed his wife and she claims he did it.

Patrick doesn't care who did it but Vega can't let it go.  She opens the briefcase when Patty leaves it there and it has a paper with 'curiosity killed the cat' written on it.  As he goes 'meow.'  Lisbon asking him what they'd do of they left.  He'd like to go to Polynesia, lie on the beach with hammocks, sip cocktails.  She says he could get run over by a bus and it's so boring.  He'd want to sail around the world, something he'd always wanted to do, or beekeeping.  She look good in a beekeeping suit.

Like I said a bit of  Columbo ep, even down to the photo being taken at the red light, see the ep Columbo and the Murder of a Rock Star (1991) where Columbo proves that the photo taken by a traffic cam was manipulated by the defence lawyer to provide himself an alibi.   When in actual fact he wasn't even driving the car, but it was his female accomplice.  Pretty similar here as Denise wasn't his wife in the car with him.   Nice touch when Patty sends Lisbon out to do what he does and make a connection with Denise to find out what she's like.  Drinking black coffee, four sugars, tip the server when she's looking at her and she talks to Lisbon when she asks her about her bag.  Which Patrick knew would get them talking, cos it always does with women.  Last ep it was Patty getting Lisbon to take his place in unmasking the killer and this week she does a cold reading, of sorts.
Also Patty telling Vega to call Wylie over when he looks at her next time was funny.  Of course Wylie's smitten with her.

As for the Colonel, what a cad, he certainly was no officer or gentleman.  He kills his wife and then gets Denise to take the blame, who's idea was it anyway and more importantly, why did he do it if he couldn't hack it, no pun.  It had to have been him otherwise why show him in the beginning, otherwise showing Denise would've messed up the storyline.  Unless they deliberately did that to make sure we didn't guess there was another woman involved.  Ahh, Simon you have a devious mind when it came to directing!

What about Lisbon and Patrick sharing a little more personal time together.  Have they even been on another date, not even another, but a proper date?

How can Patrick leave the FBI, going back to his agreement with them, he made a deal he would not face prison if he worked for them in relation to the Red John killing.  Not to mention he only agreed to it if they brought in Lisbon to work with him, but now he wants her to leave with him.  You know the ending I would've liked, if secretly Patrick was Ped John but only the audience saw that reveal. The possibilities!!

Wednesday 11 March 2015

The Vampire Diaries 6.8 "Fade Into You" Review

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Caroline (Candace Accola)  organizes a 'Friendsgiving' as Damon (Ian Somerhalder) Alaric (Matt Davis) and Stefan (Paul Wesley) head to Portland to find the Gemini Coven.  Stefan says there's nothing here which he saw for himself a few months ago and on the phone Alaric tells Elena (Nina Dobrev) that Bonnie (Kat Graham) is still alive.  Which Caroline overhears and says that's something to be thankful for.  Stefan warns him not to give too much away since he found nothing last time, so he doesn't want to get their hopes up.  Stefan again says there's nothing here and kicks Miss Cuddles, Bonnie's teddy bear where it lands on the porch as an invisible house is revealed.

Flashback to 1994 where Kai (Chris Wood) is on a murder spree having killed four of hi siblings after the remaining two, hide under the bed with Jo (Jodi Lyn O'Keefe).  Kai brings Bonnie to Portland too and says he wants to have a Thanksgiving dinner with her, also wanting to show her his house.  There's no psycho parents here, so she can come in.  Caroline's invited Tyler (Michael Trevino) Jo, Liv (Penelope Mitchell) and Luke (Chris Brochu) as well and Elena probably invited Liam (Marco James).  He apologizes cos he checked Lady Whitmore's records and found there was nothing strange there.  He should've double checked before he went off at her.  Elena realizes Jo switched records.  Luke brings out a video of himself and Liv when they were children and Jo says that's her voice, she made that video eighteen years ago.  Of course they had to be related which was apparent from the flashback when they're hiding under the bed.  Kai is Jo's twin.  Liv storms off as she doesn't want Caroline making fun of her family.  Luke explains that there can only be one leader of the Coven, so when they reach 22, they merge and one of the twins dies, and the other gets their power and becomes leader.

They realize that like Jo, Bonnie put her magic away and put it inside Miss Cuddles.  Damon can't enter the house, but Alaric can and goes in.  Outside an old man greets them, he's Kai's father, Joshua (Christopher Cousins) and Jo's and the twins.  He transports Damon away into the house by himself and wants info from him.  Damon wants the gadget, called the Ascendant but he won't give it him cos Kai will return and consume Jo, taking her power and killing her.  He puts Jo's locket with a photo inside a cauldron and does a spell.  Jo realizes her father's trying to kill her, but why.  I mean if Kai's not here then why is he killing her.  It defeats the entire purpose of having Kai stuck in 1994, if their father was going to end her life now.  Liam tries to save Jo but it doesn't work, not until Elena gives her own blood to her.  Telling Liam she's a vampire.  That she can't do this cos it's too complicated and she'll see him on Monday and they'll just be friends.

Kai cooks dinner and agrees that if she shares dinner with him, he'll let her go and even give her the car keys.  Bonnie actually trusted him.  He tells them how Jo agreed to merge with him on the eclipse, but instead they used a spell which sent him here.  As in the flashback, Jo makes the twins invisible and tells them to run.  She hides her magic in a knife and buries it in the tree stump, which she tells Aalric about on the phone, so they can save Damon.  Realizing that Jo has the Ascendant all along, it was a wasted trip.  Alaric won't let them have it cos they'll bring back Kai in the process of bringing back Bonnie.  Of course Damon compels him into getting it when they get back.

Caroline's saved Stefan leftovers and he says he pushed her away after Damon but he was wrong to do that.  As Caroline walks off when he's not finished speaking.  Elena tells Damon she doesn't know if she wants to try again with him but she could ask her friend for her advice and wants him to help her get Bonnie back.  Which naturally he'll do cos he wants Elena so badly.  Tyler tells Liv he'll help her and make sure the coven doesn't get to her.  Also that magic doesn't work in Mystic Falls so they'll have a hard time finding her.  Did I miss something here, are the male member of the coven, the male twins, meant to be more stronger than the female, or is it the first born who are meant to be merged and weaker?  Will have to watch again.

Elena wanting Bonnie back so she can give her advice one her lovelife was selfish, what happened to bringing her back cos she's her friend and it's the right thing to do.  Really, why, didn't she like Caroline's advice last ep.  It's ridiculous how Bonnie keeps listening to Kai and his excuses and lies. She didn't realize he would run out on her after he found the knife and got the magic back.  Of course he'd stab her and run.  But seriously what was she thinking, you don't need the Bennett witches for everything.  What sort of a coven needs siblings to be merged and the other one to be killed to be claimed leader, preposterous!  Just prolonging this storyline here.  Damon's throwaway line of having to undress at airport security and finding it funny Stefan wasn't invited to dinner by Caroline!

Monday 9 March 2015

Revenge 4.10 "Atonement" Review

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This one was definitely a Daniel (Josh Bowman) episode if ever there was one, but also it was apparent what was going to happen.  Though I did read quite a while ago that Daniel was going to be killed, it was more for season 3.  Anyway he tells Margaux (Karine Vanasse) he wants to be there for the baby, even if she doesn't want to take him back.  He doesn't want to be like Conrad (Henry Czeryn) and she doesn't think he can change and be different.  She doesn't trust him and doesn't want him in their lives.  She later looks through a photo of Conrad with Victoria (Madeleine Stowe) and David (no surprises for having him in the pic with them) and Victoria approves the proof.  She asks what's wrong with Margaux and she asks Victoria if Conrad was always like he was at the end. Victoria says he was neither good or bad but he wasn't so cruel.  Margaux telling her she's pregnant but all she can recall of her own father was how he was never there for her.  Victoria reassures her Daniel isn't like that and he loves her.  Margaux asks what if she doesn't love him, but Victoria replies that her tears show she still does.

Nolan (Gabriel Mann) and Louise (Elena Satine) plan a party like one the Hampton's have never seen before at his newly acquired yacht club and she seems to accept his apology for what Margaux wanted from him, but he didn't have any choice.  Anyway she's still going ahead with the story. Daniel plays golf and in so doing has flashbacks to his father playing on the beach and telling him who he should stand up for Andrew over what he did to some woman and stand by him.  Andrew is a fraternity bother which means more than some woman and his father is powerful.  Conrad instilling in Daniel at an early age of how he should behave and not stand up to his peers when they do wrong, or be true to himself and do the right thing.

Emily (Emily VanCamp) believes that Kate (Courtney Ford)is corrupt and is working for Marcus Black, as Emily walks into her hotel room and takes her prints from the furniture and the glass.  On the way out she bumps into Ben (Brian Hallisay) who's on his way to drop off some papers for Kate and he tells her about Jack (Nick Wechsler) and Kate.  She's surprised and angry at the same time as she couldn't wait to get out of there and she tells Jack what she suspects about her.  Of course Jack isn't ready to believe her but Emily wanted to tell him so he watches his back. Adding also that Kate will find some way to stay and won't head back.

Victoria thinks that David (James Tupper) should pay Malcolm Black the money David took from him and he'd leave him alone.  Emily's got enough money to do this.  But so has David, I mean what about all the dosh he's got stored away in that safe still. Why has Victoria forgotten about the safe? She's not one to misplace money or forget about it.  He doesn't want to do that and will take care of the problem himself, but of course Victoria can't help interfering.  Kate pays her a visit and shows her the photo she has of Emily.  She says that all she wants is rid of Black, for him to take the money and leave her and David alone to get on with their lives.  She doesn't care who she throws out to the wolves and scavengers and here it's Emily.  The daughter of the very man she betrayed and claimed to love.  She tells Kate to work out why she sent her Emily's photo.

Of course it didn't take Kate long to realize that she's Amanda and she confronts her with this at the party.  Nolan tells Emily he hasn't found anything on Black, there's not even a photo of him.  Emily needs to get Kate's sat phone which Nolan saw on the footage of the cameras in her room and she shouldn't have a second phone which isn't really FBI issue.  Nolan throws his drink onto Kate by accident (on purpose) and Emily brings her water to clean it, whilst taking her phone from her bag.  It would've been silly if she hadn't noticed that heavy thing was no longer weighing her bag down.  As Nolan downloads the info from the phone, Jack tells Emily if Kate's corrupt he wants to know and if she isn't, then he expects an apology.  Jack needs to distract Kate as Emily puts her phone back, but Kate already knows she took the phone.  Emily tells her they'll meet at her house.  Nolan and Louise share a dance and he finds out she's running away.  She can't face going through all that again, especially with the secrets that her brother has.  Oh and David told Emily not to get involved whatever happens cos he's got a plan.

Victoria sees Daniel in the bar where he says he wants to make a new start and he wants to do the right thing. She should do he same instead of lying to David.  He also tells her he's sorry for everything that he did, including trying to shoot his ex-wife and that she was right.  Emily was trying to get them to change but they didn't want to.  Of course that's something that Victoria wouldn't want to hear.  Did you notice Victoria's bangle, when she had her arm on the bar it was on her right arm and it was sticking up.  When Daniel leaves it's in her left arm and further up, where it stayed in the next scenes too.

David meets his former cellmate who comments on his getting parole and David being resurrected. He makes sure David knows what he's doing as he gives him some deadly nightshade.  Which can cause a heart attack and will be undetectable.  But we didn't guess he was going to use it on Victoria, who didn't take the wine!! OH!! Instead she saw this as the moment to come clean and admit that she took his computer and gave it to Conrad so  he could frame him.  She was afraid for Daniel, but when they decided they'd take their children and run, she found out his wife was alive.  He lied to her when she wanted him to tell her the truth.  No, Victoria is always putting herself first also I wouldn't really believe that explanation of hers.

Kate shows up and Emily takes her gun, but gives it back to her.  She doesn't trust her or believes her about Black having her mother.  She just wanted her out of the way of 'innocent civillians', well that backfired on her.  Kate was going to kill Emily after she got the money, also revealing that her mother is married to Black, her father.  Well that was obvious.  So she turns the gun on her but Emily shows her the magazine she took from it.  Emily telling her that her cover's blown on her security cameras.  So she couldn't feel the gun was lighter now, stupid woman!  She throws the gun at Emily and they fight.  Don't know why idiot Kate was running up the stairs when she could've been out the front door.  Then they go over the balcony, as was apparent.

Daniel reads the letter he gave his father when he was going to turn himself in at the courthouse and he stops him from doing that, calling it his 'suicide note' and talking about Momas, the God of writers and poets and how he was turned out of Mount Olympus.  As Daniel gets back into the car with him. He reads the note and then leaves as Margaux calls him and tells him she wants them to be a family and wants him back.  Nolan brags about his party being a success and Jack hears the computer get a hit with Kate's prints, identifying her as Katherine Black.  He runs out and tells Nolan to call Emily and warn her not to meet her.  Too late.  Daniel walks towards the house and Kate manages to load the gun.  He comes to Emily's rescue stepping in front of her and taking the bullets for her.  Jack arrives, too late but manages to shoot Katherine.  Daniel dies in Emily's arms as she tells him she did love him and Margaux pretties herself up for Daniel, well she'll have a long wait!  Yeah Margaux, it was your fault for turning him away.  I'd say it was Daniel's final selfless act for the woman he once loved!

With everything that Victoria's done, including killing Aiden when Emily had nothing to do with Pascal's death, can't feel sorry for her for losing Daniel, especially since she's throwing Emily to the dogs at every minute she can and so I didn't blame Louise for trying to kill her.  Wonder if Louise's gotten over that yet.  But it was sad to see Daniel go and in his last moments he did become a hero since he saved Emily.  Also showing that she did have an influence on him and that he did love her at one point too.  Beware the knives Emily and watch your back cos Victoria and Margaux will be gunning for you!  Emily telling him how she did love him and it wasn't about him.  Which she says he knows.  Ah, and not a dry eye around.  For all his faults, at least he was trying to change, he saw the light and he did want to be a better father than Conrad ever was.  So it was a shame that he was robbed of this.  Though some of us were also robbed of seeing him and Emily back together.

But that fight scene, funny and silly all in one.  Especially since it was kind of poetic, not sure if justice is the right word, considering that was the same banister where Amanda was pushed from when she was with Victoria.  Now it was Amanda again, as Emily who went over now.  But Kate landing on top of her.  Glad she met her doom by Jack's gun.

Did it seem strange that Conrad mentioned the Greek God of writers, Momas and their whole conversation about him being kicked out of Olympus.  How he was the god of criticism and was exiled.  Trying to show Daniel was doing the same when he wanted to turn himself in at the courthouse.  But for all of Daniel's shortcomings, I have to say I'd have preferred if Margaux was gone instead.  She's such a weak character.  Going on about Daniel and his father, when hers was no better.  She couldn't decide what she wanted.  Jack was a little taken aback in the sense of not wanting to see that Kate was trouble.  Sorry Jack you won't be getting that apology anytime soon, er, I just said sorry there!  Ha.  At least Emily and Victoria will never be friends after this and that after all, is the premise of the show.  Not least cos she killed Aiden.  But the number of times Emily told Daniel to stay out of it and he didn't, including telling him to run now, damn it man you were going to be a father!

However he went out on a high realizing he wasn't his father and didn't have to be, more importantly, he didn't want to be.  SO saving Emily lead him to a hero's death, in the same way that Conrad didn't want him to be Momas.  But he didn't realize Daniel never would have been that weak if it wasn't for his father.  Daniel didn't want to be associated with that sort of a Grayson, like his father.  Anyway, the Graysons are getting thin on the ground now.  As long as we don't have to suffer Charlotte again! Who is really a Clarke. She should have been the Grayson thrown under the bus!! A for Jack, well he just stood there doing nothing, but shaking his head!

Sunday 8 March 2015

Mr Selfridge Series 3 Episode 7 Review

The episode opens with everyone gathered at Doris's wake which has been organized by Miss Mardle (Amanda Abbington) at her own home.  Harry (Jeremy Piven) also arrives and he was unexpected, he had to be here obviously, but Billy (Craig Fletcher) was also unexpected, who turns up with flowers. Miss Mardle sends him away telling him where Doris is buried, facing west, towards the morning sun.  Whilst Grove (Tom Goodman-Hill) watches them from the dining room.  Well, he just had to be sitting by the window.  Harry spends time with Nancy (Kelly Adams) again and he is in tears as he recalls how this has brought it all back for him after he lost Rose, knowing how hard is it for Grove.  He takes Nancy out and to the Selfridge store, where he lavishes her with perfume, a dress and lots of champagne.  She thinks it's all too much, but she takes it all, naturally.  felt like saying greedy sod here for some reason!  ha.

He also tells her he's not the majority shareholder in the store anymore since he had to sell his 5% shares to finance the Selfridge Estate.  She thinks it's all too much and he shouldn't have done that, damn right he shouldn't have, cos we all know who got those shares.  As it happens, Crabb (Ron Cook) has organized the shareholder meeting, just as Rosalie (Kara Tointon) gets back from Paris and Harry lets them have tea on him at The Emporium.  Of course, the Princess (Zoe Wanamaker) wouldn't object to that.  Just as all is going well at the meeting and Harry has convinced the board and shareholders that are doing as well as can be expected, guess who arrives, yes that nasty little man, Loxley (Aidan Mccardle).  Well, sorry excuse for a man!  Ha.

He says he's got 5% of the shares which gives him a right to be here and again he yabbers on about how Harry is treating the store like his own personal 'bank' and using the name for the furtherance of his own name.  When Harry replies he sold the shares of the Estate, he even adds that's him just trying to do it for his own purposes.  Well, Loxley, it wasn't that long since he did the same when he said he wants to do charitable work to gain back his reputation.   Gordon (Greg Austin) tries to defend him and Loxley admonishes him for his loyalty coming from the 'heir to the throne.'   As does Nancy try to defend him.  Harry promises the shareholders that within the next three months they will see a 10% increase in their share price, which is no mean feat and Crab wonders how they will achieve that.  Harry reassures him they'll do it. Crabb also adding that his children are "ambassadors for the store."

Harry sends Nancy away in a taxi and Loxley shows up saying he doesn't have 5% but he has 7% which gives him a seat on the board.  He acquired the extra 2% when Serge (Leon Ockenden) sold Rosalie's shares.  Harry asking how he knew his personal, family business, it had to be Serge of course, when they were friends.  Which makes Harry livid.  When he returns home, Harry confronts him and Serge says he needed the capital for his business venture in Paris.  His wife's shares are his. Harry is angered by his betrayal and for not thinking about what he was doing and he wants him out. Serge tries to rip up his aviation plans once again, but Rosalie stops him.  He's always stopped whenever he does that.  She's pregnant and she will talk to Harry about him staying here.  She tells him if Serge goes, then so will she.  He didn't maliciously betray him and tells him the news of his grandchild.  If he goes, then so will she.

They celebrate as Harry lets Serge stay, which was music to the Princess's ears.  She can't wait for champagne, as they break the news and Serge promises he will do everything he can to make it up to him.  Harry shakes his hand and replies, "you're damn right you will." Nancy is upset, a little that Harry has been making all these sacrifices, but she's talked round again into continuing by the mention of America and a fresh start.  So why couldn't Harry get his majority shareholding back by buying back the children's shares, or at least one of the children's shares.  It would be after all, still keeping it in the family.

Victor (Trystan Gravelle) takes Violette (Hannah Tointon) for a drive to the White Cliffs of Dover in his newly acquired car, cos he appears to be raking it in.  She asks him how he would furnish the houses and he replies with a kitchen table and a comfortable bed.  That's what the married soldiers all dreamed about, a table for their children to sit around and a bed to cosy up with their wives.  She thinks it's spartan and he asks if she could live like that.  Knew her answer would be depending on the right person.  Can't see her living that sort of a life though.  He's got problems at the club though as Regan (Sean Campion) pays him a visit asking how things will be done and George (Calum Callaghan) tells him they'll bring the gamblers round to the back where he shows him the roulette table.  Regan also has some of his cohorts come round and Victor realizes they're doing drugs there. He's not too happy about it, but he's not really willing to make waves, cos the club's doing well.

George calls him out on it cos they've seen what can happen to people when they take drugs, like the soldiers did.  Anyway he thinks it's bad news and wants to call Regan to tell him it's not on.  Victor tells him he'll do it but he doesn't of curse.  George saying he had a job for life at the store but he came here cos Victor needed him.  Though Victor can't see past that, he tells George to listen to himself, cos he 'needed him.'  That George is always playing it straight, he has to understand the world isn't the same anymore and people want to take risks after the war, cos life is short.  George gives him his keys and leaves.  Later Elsa (Naomi Ryan) finds one of the men passed out from the drugs and wants to call a doctor, but Elsa advises against it cos he bought the drugs from one of Regan's men.  He eventually gets him to regain consciousness and throws him out. Violette is disturbed by it all and Victor ends it with her.  Saying Harry was right, he's not good enough for her.  She returns home miserable listening to the others celebrating still.  Yes Victor, no wonder Agnes left him.

Everyone can see Miss Mardle isn't herself as she ignores the store assistants and Kitty (Amy Beth Hayes) too when she invites her to dinner. Crabb notices too and asks what's wrong.  She tells him everything about Doris and Billy and he tells her she needs to tell Grove.  Which she does, but of course he doesn't take things well.  Especially when he hears that it was her idea and interference which led to Doris's accident.  She thought it best that Doris should meet Billy so he could meet Earnest, his son.  She's not completely to blame, it was Doris who ran out into the road without thinking or looking.  He tells her to leave and to take Earnest with her.  He's upset, he had to comfort their daughter and stay with her all night, having told them the news about their mother.  He thought Miss Mardle was a friend, but he blames her for everything.  He wasn't going to take such news well even if Doris had told him in person, cos that's the sort of man that he is. Though it's ironic he was having an affair with Miss Mardle whilst still married and looking after his wife. It's always the way, double standards, one rule for men and a completely different set for women.  So really what's changed?

With three more episodes to go, it appears everything will culminate in a showdown in the finale cos at the moment we're just being set up with more storylines and plots.

Saturday 7 March 2015

CSI 15.7 "Road to Recovery" Review

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The ep opens with a woman drinking, dancing, kissing randoms and using drugs, before she's found. Nick (George Eads) and Greg (Eric Szmanda) are called to the CS where the same woman's DB found in a pool, thought that pool looked familiar, they've been to a similar pool CS in S11 Pool Shark.  Nick uses Greg's mini ALS and finds that the DB had been to different clubs as she has stamps one her wrists.  People heard noises but no one saw anything, as is always the case.  Also mentioning that she partied like there was no tomorrow and Nick replying for her it didn't.

Her name is Daycia (Marielle Jaffe) (what kind of a name is Daycia) and she was married to a rich husband from Utah, Martin Fox (Chris Browning).  Infact David (David Berman) thinks she was a working girl, but Finn (Elisabeth Shue) identifies her clothes and shoes as being expensive.  DB )Ted Danson) talks with Martin who tells them she was in rehhab and she used all their money on partying and expensive stuff. Wouldn't think Vegas would be the first place anyone went to for rehab purposes.  Too much going on here!! The rehab place is expensive at $8,000 and in a beautiful setting, as Finn tells Nick, she'd never leave here.  It's run by Adam (Mark Blucas) who thinks that Daycia has gotten herself into trouble again, but it's much worse.  Plenty of suspects here, didn't they go through the list there though, just incase we didn't suspect the right person.  It was obvious that none of the ones they suspected were the killer.  Cos of course the killer was easy to spot.  Twyla (Merrin Dungey) takes the therapy group and Len (Greg Grunberg) is almost done with his therapy and would be able to leave soon.

Nick and Finn check out the room where she stayed and we're shown bottles of her bath oil and lavender, which Finn had no clue about, until Doc (Robert David Hall) finds foreign traces in her lungs.  Doc asking Greg if he knows whether there was chlorine in the pool where she was found or saline, cos there was no trace of either in her lungs.  Hodges (Wallace Langham) also finding that the Ph levels were similar but there was no chlorine in the water, meaning she was killed in tap water. Leading Finn to return to the room and find the bottle of bath oil etc.  Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) looks for evidence in the bins outside and is met by Zach (Brandon Quinn).  He's a womanizer really, cos women are "his kryptonite" as he tells Morgan.  He saw Daycia leaving with a cowboy, last time he went out with her.  Henry (Jon Wellner) is unable to identify the trace under her nails to any DNA match. but found he could only match four loci.  Morgan finds the towels in the bin outside the clinic and also candle wax.

She pieces together the wax which leads to the same four loci on the towels, belonging to Adam.  He is arrested and when he's taken away Martin walks up and shoots him.  Again that was apparent he would do that, so much for standing around and watching him.  Adam tells Finn he didn't kill her but disposed of her DB by the pool.  They had an overdose a few months ago and the place was under scrutiny.  He didn't want her found there.  He went looking for her and ended up bringing her home in a taxi and put her to bed.  He later went to check and found her in the bath.  He thought she must've had a relapse and didn't want her found here.  Which was logical and even I said that.  But Finn didn't and still assumed he was the killer.

The taxi is found but the driver doesn't recall the man.  As DB says he was only interested in the woman.  Nick processes the taxi and takes dozens of prints from it.  Morgan manages to put together the candle wax and finds an imprint which she says came from a ring.  Nick thinks the 20/12 could be a score from a game and Morgan searches Zach on the Net, coming up with the same score for a uni game.  Zach can't recall what happened, but she came to his room and he couldn't resist.  They went back to her room and got it on, which explains the scratches on him and the trace under her nails.  He woke in his room but didn't know where Daycia was.

Doc tells Greg he found she had burst alveoli in her lungs, as if water had been pushed into her lungs at great force after she died and they burst.  It would take someone with premed training and Hodges finds trace which could have come from bird or fish poop.  Morgan recalls the fish tank and Greg and Morgan find tubing for the tank and other equipment used to clean it.  The pump is broken but it can't be used, however it has Twyla's prints all over everything cos she used to clean it.  Except for the tubing which is wiped clean.  Greg thinks maybe the killer used the tubing and sucked through it.  DNA is found matching Len.

He says she came to his room and had left a bottle of his brand of bourbon. He had two days left and would've been able to leave, but she kept taunting him.  He confronted her and she wouldn't stop drinking and he finally wanted her to shut up so he suffocated her.  Well, he won't be seeing his children now except in prison visits.  So what was stopping him from not going back to his own room and locking himself in, or going for a walk to get away from her.  Ironically, he tells DB afterwards he didn't even feel like a drink.  Same thing with Daycia's husband and shooting Adam, he was so sure that he'd done it, was it really worth it all.  Which time and again is the question that these eps set up.  I couldn't see anything different in this ep that hasn't already been done before.

Finn tells Twyla she doesn't know how she does this and she says if they don't do it who will.  They have two more patients coming in, when Finn starts prejudging that it's all about the money, but not for Twyla it's not.  Finn and her smug attitude.  I have to ask why Len used the fishtank water, since he had EMT training and would know how to intubate, why not just use the bathtub water.  It was there after all as he tells DB he saw the full tub.  Also why put the tubing back, which really was the whole basis on which he was caught!

See Sara done a runner and wasn't in this ep, not surprising, it was kind of the worst one I've seen in a long time and in this season too.  So the casting had to include Greg Grunberg and Merrin Dungey who were both in Alias.  That muts've been some on-set reunion!  Or not.  ha.  Also Mark Blucas was Reilly in Buffy.

Thursday 5 March 2015

The Vampire Diaries 6.7 "Do You Remember Your First Time?" Review

                                                     Image result for vampire diaries do you remember your first time photos
Back from its Christmas break (ha) on an ep it shouldn't have been left on, sees Damon (Ian Somerhalder) still pining for Elena (Nina Dobrev) even though she can't remember and won't be getting her memories back.  Which is a good thing really, cos love it or hate it, they shouldn't have gotten together to begin with.  He wants to try and get her to remember but she has given up; telling Caroline (Candace Accola) who thinks it's a good thing that she doesn't recall, especially someone who killed her brother.  She's happier now and she's living her life doing what she wants.  Look another fundraiser now at the university and (Jo (Jody Lyn O'Keefe) is the guest of honour.  Which is also attended by Elena with Liam (Marco James).  Caroline also advising that he has nice eyes too, when all Elena could recall of Damon was that he had pretty eyes.  Anyway Damon doesn't give up and compels Liam to get Elena Chardonnay, which she hates.  They dance and she says she wants to remember after getting some air and she wants to see if they can make it work.

She wants him to take her to the place where they declared their love.  He tells her about the meteorite shower, where it rained instead and she said it would clear up and they waited.  Which just happens to be near to the town border it seems.  But she can't recall anything even if they were 'in the moment' so to speak.  She ask him what happened but he doesn't answer.  As she runs to the border she gets flashes of memory of her and Damon, but nothing returns.  He tells her she'll hurt herself if she keeps trying it.  That it turned muddy and cold and they went home.  Watch this ep for Damon's speech alone when they're at the fundraiser, quite a heartbreaker, coming from him.  Damon calls it quits cos she's happy and she deserves it.

Enzo (Michael Mularkey) has Trip (Colin Ferguson) but thought they'd torture him some and get some answers from him.  Telling him there are others like him, doing what he does.  Matt (Zach Roerig) thinks they can let him go and compel him to forget after the vervain wears off.  Caroline gets called by her mother (Marguerite MacIntyre) who's been held hostage by his men for an exchange.  Caroline doesn't want to be friends with Stefan (Paul Wesley) anymore, as we know, but he's with her when her mother calls.  They take Trip for the exchange, but not before Enzo tells Stefan how Caroline has "a thing for him."  That's why there were in Savannah.  Caroline says she did but she doesn't anymore and doesn't want to talk about it ever again.  They agree to it, but in fact, they don't agree, it's what she wanted.

They make the exchange, but as soon as he crosses the line, Trip dies.  Apparently Enzo turned him which explains why he had all that blood on his hands and couldn't answer his phone sooner, cos the touchscreen wouldn't work.  Didn't know whether to laugh at that or not, cos they actually trusted him with Enzo, he's not exactly going to be Mr Hearts and Flowers all of a sudden.  More like, also puts his foot in everything, as well as blabbing.  At the hospital Caroline said she did have a thing for Stefan, cos she thought he was her friend, she trusted him, but he doesn't feel the same way. Stefan doesn't know how he feels cos he was in a different headspace at the time.

Bonnie (Kat Graham) gets away from Kai (Chris wood) and manages to get some painkillers, as well as putting together the gadget to get home.  Unfortunately for her, Kai is always one step behind her, or in front of her.  Cos he wants to leave here too and lies about having changed, that Bonnie changed him into being the better person.  He regrets killing his family and could have taken a better approach to sorting his problems.  As soon as Jo said family and the conversation between Alaric (Matt Davis) and Damon where she says she's 'put' her magic away, knew that Kai was her brother.   Even more so after Alaric sees her scar where her psycho brother tired to cut her.  Also when Luke (Chris Brochu) mentions to Liv (Penelope Mitchell) how they'll have to go once the coven summons them.

Having set Tyler (Michael Trevino) to work helping Liv serve at the fundraiser, but it doesn't mean they're even for her having to kill someone to stop him from turning.  Liam finds out that lady Whitmore no longer has a shoulder injury which cleared up and he's going to get to the bottom of it.  Especially after Damon, who was meant to be her dead boyfriend turns up.  As Damon in wallowing mode as usual, finds Bonnie's teddybear at the cemetery, knowing she's alive.  Cos she put her magic into him and transported him here instead of herself and Kai.  Also Bonnie saying she 'put her magic' away just as Jo said she's done the same earlier.

Suppose this ep will also be remembered cos it had the best songs, especially in the Elena and Damon scenes and Stefan and Caroline ones.  As well as Damon's best speech, a little similar to the one he gave in 4.22 The Walking Dead, or am I not remembering this right like Elena?  ha.  Well I have a lot on my mind!

The Mentalist 7.4 "Black Market" Review

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Lisbon (Robin Tunney) tries on an expensive ring in a jeweller's and she asks Cho (Tim Kang) if they should go ahead and buy it.  Of course we were meant to think that it was Patrick (Simon Baker) who was buying the ring for her, for their impending nuptials, ha, not such a spoiler cos we all know they were going to go there, this being the final season.  Cho pulls out his credit card.  Patrick waits in the car since he can't go in there and yes a plot ploy, this time round he has a nasty cold.  So he wasn't able to do much, which was a shame.  No wonder they must've decided to bring in the storyline with Abbot (Rockmond Dunbar) and his wife Lena (Christine Adams).  She's going to be selected for the high powered job in Washington.  Anyhow, getting back, Lisbon hands the ring to a woman who appraises it.  The diamond is part of the stolen jewels.  They head back to the jewellery store and inside Lisbon IDs herself with a badge.  She tells the jeweller that two guards were shot in the heist and shows him their pictures.  He claims he was out of the country and bought the diamond from a reputable source.

Patrick tells Lisbon that the jeweller, Joubert (William Abadie) and his assistant, Wren (Devon Barnes) are in a relationship and he won't leave his wife for her.  Lisbon asks if he's hiding assets cos he's getting a divorce but he insists he won't leave his wife.  Patrick saying if he cheated on his wife, then she'll be next.  Vega (Josie Loren) asks Cho about the arrest and he's not really talking with her cos he has trust issues.  As I said, it's Cho, trust is an important issue for him.  She also says that she came clean to Abbot about lying when he didn't give permission for her to accompany Cho in the last ep Orange Blossom Ice Cream.   She wants to know how she can make it up.  Patrick makes some hot lemon and honey for his throat as Lisbon and Abbot both say that he looks pale.  Lisbon also asks if he's heard about the promotion for his wife yet.

Wylie (Joe Adler) says the receipts confirm Joubert bought the diamond at the jewellery show. Abbot tells Cho to take Vega to the show, but he'd rather take Lisbon.  He finally gives in and tells her to come.  Cho asks if she's interrogated a suspect and he tells her to follow his lead and not to lie to anyone.  Oh Cho rub it in, ha.  Kirk (Will Green) Rene Rivera) asks if they're looking for Rosales (Rene Rivera) and the security man, Bell (Leonard Roberts) shows up.  He is concerned someone is using the black market to sell off the stolen jewels.  Rosales sells to Joubert every year and Vega starts speaking in Spanish to him.  Bell takes them outside where they find Kirk's DB, he's lying on    the stairs.

Abbot tells Wylie to check out the security footage and he tells Patrick he should go home.  Patrick looks at what's happening there live.  Lisbon talks with Kirk's ex who mentions him having a scheme every month and so she broke it off.  He got into the jewellery business as he needed money for his children and hung out with a bad crowd.  Mentioning Walker Pond (Jeff Branson) who Cho speaks with.  He says Kirk was good, but always in a rush, he wanted to teach him the tricks of the trade but he was too impatient.  He saw Kirk with Greta (Claudia Christian) who's an appraiser.  Greta says she keeps the sellers honest and he daughter is also there, Bibby (Amelia Rose Blaire) chewing gum. Which really isn't a look that should be seen at such a show.  That was a clue for later.  Patrick watches them on the footage and tells Cho his fly is undone! Oh Patty, the oldest fly ploy going!  ha.

He feels faint and Abbot tells him to go home again.  Yeah to the Airstream.  Kirk left his booth after he spoke to Cho and they look for Pond, but he's not there.  He packed up and left in a hurry.  Wylie gets a hit off Pond's card and is heading to an airport in Galveston.  Abbot tells Wylie to send Cho as he's meeting his wife.  He and Lena meet Bob (Larry Clarke) about her confirmation and that the other side doesn't want to take her on cos of something that happened with Abbot, called Rio Bravo Station.  But she doesn't know what happened there.  Abbot was a newbie back then.  It had to do with taking down drug cartels, which Bob says can be dirty, especially with many law enforcement officials involved who can turn bad.

At the airport, they find Pond who thinks they're working for Losa as shots are fired.  Cho gives chase and Vega apprehends Pond.  Pond tells Lisbon Kirk is dead cos of him, he borrowed his hoodie and he borrowed money from Losa's boss.  Kirk went out the fire exit cos it's a secret area for smokers. She also tells him that Losa wasn't there as they tacked him.  Patty's not psychic, ha, but he tells Lisbon to look at the smoking aspect of the case.  He's too ill to do it, but she should come down and bring him soup, tomato or bean.  He wants her to stand in for him and bring out the killer, should I say smoke out the killer, ha.  He'll practice with her, but she's nervous.

Bob tells Abbot that his wife can get the promotion if they appear to have trouble in their marriage and separate.  She won't have to lie about it.  Abbot tells Lena he can't go with her, he's too invested here and they can make their marriage work long distance.  He can't tell her about Rio Bravo station so she can say she doesn't know what happened.

Lisbon pretends to be psychic at the show and puts on a show of her own.  Was a bit disappointing without Patty there, but I guess they had to give Lisbon a go at doing what he does.  He talks her through it and Wylie identifies a woman there called Mary Kate Barrows (Dinora Walcott) and that she's lost her dog, Roger, who says he's doing okay.  Patrick's sofa is moved to a position in front of the screens.  Lisbon pretends to hear Kirk's voice and says that she'll speak though him.  Saying one of them was his friend but that's what they did to him.  Listening to Patrick she tells them that the killer chews gun and he hopes there's nicotine gum in prison, referring to Bibby.  She also says she wants her mother to see the shame one her face.  Lisbon adding if the killer confesses she'll get a deal from the FBI.  Bibby loses her temper, again and says she's smart.  She met Kirk at a bar and they both needed money.

She would steal the gems and replace them with the ones not registered and sell them on the black market.  She lost her temper at him and couldn't stop hitting him.  She asks how he knew about the gum and Cho tells her that her mother wouldn't let her chew bubble gun in that place.  Vega brings in Bell and puts him in interrogation.  She thinks the trust building exercise will work for them if he catches her and she catches  him, but he's not into it.  Yeah can really picture Cho doing that!  Ha. He finally relents and ask if she wants to got to the firing range.

Patty ponders what would happen if they gave it all up and just left right now.  Lisbon doesn't want to cos this is who she is.  He says he was just thinking out loud and she leaves him to get some rest, as she too sneezes.  Er, Patty spread the dreaded lurgy! ha.  Will never forget that from school.  As I said a little on the dull side cos Patty wasn't his normal self, but Lisbon did her best.  The Abbot storyline along with Vega was just filler.  Nothing exciting there.  Except the Abbot one will probably turn up again later to tie up loose ends.

Monday 2 March 2015

Revenge 4.9 "Intel" Review

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As Emily (Emily VanCamp) kicks ass, ha, like she's never done before, beating up the man for Intel (hence the title) we see her really get into it, and about to brand him with the hot poker.  Saved by      the bell, as they say, it's Ben (Brian Hallisay) who's come to be honest and ask her on a date.  She's not dating now and besides, he ruined a perfectly good torture scene, so no points to him for spoiling the fun.  The man eventually tells her that he and the other man were hired, but he doesn't know who by.  The other man's name is Peter Dunn and he dealt with the details.  Well, that was shortlived, no pun.  As Alvarez (Nestor Serrano) tells David (James Tupper) and Victoria (Madeleine Stowe) that they arrested Dunn, but the other man got away.  Just wanted to laugh then considering he was being held by Emily.  At the station, between Jack (Nick Wechsler) making goo goo eyes at Agent Taylor (Courtney Ford) and being interrupted beforehand by a call, they find Dunn hanged in the interrogation room.  Cue suspects, anyone who had access to that room.  This leads Emily to think it was Alvarez.

So she changes her mind about Ben and asks him out for a beer.  She questions him and he plays darts, saying that whoever gets the higher score gets to ask the question.  Of course it would be Emily.  By the end of the night, she finds out Alvarez was Ben's mentor and he was seeing someone who just used him to get out of a spot.  She left him.  He reaches to touch Emily's face but she grabs his wrist.  He realizes this wasn't a date, but a fact finding mission.

Nolan (Gabriel Mann) tries to get in touch with Emily, but she's not picking up.  As Louise (Elena Satine) opens up to him about her family and being put away in a mental institution for the first time. Also mentioning her father.  Nolan relays this info to Margaux (Karrine Vanasse) who still needs him to hack into her criminal record.  Nolan's being too trusting again, especially since Louis overhears him leaving a message for Ems and then tells her he's protective of family and friends.  Louise later finds out that he betrayed her when she tells him the Le Marchel people were digging up dirt on her father and he was the only one she told.  Nolan is angry with Margaux and says he no longer wants to help cos he doesn't want to see Louise end up like he did with David.

Probably another reason Nolan doesn't want to help is that David apologizes to him realizing he did look after Amanda.  Also Nolan tells him David owes him a new phone and his Twitter followers. He reassures him Emily won't be pursuing this and David knows it's dangerous for her.  That's why she hasn't revealed who she really is.  Victoria thinks David is keeping secrets from her and tells him she does love him.  That she has the date 1 September 1993 imprinted on her memory.  It was the day they were meant to take Daniel (Josh Bowman) and Amanda and run away together.  She saw him everytime she looked into Charlotte's eyes.  Well that must've been a chore!  Ha.

Daniel brings Margaux breakfast but she doesn't want it and tells him to leave again.  As well as Victoria telling him how she's lost everyone now.  Patrick, him and Charlotte, but she's not going to lose David.  Daniel replying that it won't work cos everything she's told him is based on lies.  Emily goes back to see Ben and says she owes him a date.  He says she's good at everything, including basketball and she asks about Alvarez, telling him she suspects him of killing Dunn, he replies that was a high level security interrogation room and the only one who has access was Alvarez, but he was with him, he passed him on the way from the beach house when he came to see Emily.  So that leaves the FBI.  Knew little Miss Agent was dirty.

David tells Nolan about a dangerous man named Marcus Black in Canada, even more dangerous than Conrad.  He got him to launder money and now he needs to find him.  Nolan finds the location of the man Emily was holding cos she freed him and made him drink a tracker in the water he gave him. David finds the safe where he concealed $5 million that Victoria stole from Conrad for their life together and he hid the safe but Victoria knew the combination.  Obviously he knew it was the date they were meant to leave together.  He places a flashdrive inside there.  Then gives the envelope to Nolan incase he doesn't return.  However, he's able to give it to the assailant instead at the airport.

Meanwhile Victoria calls her PI and gives him a photo of Emily revealing who Amanda is.  The same photo that's delivered to Taylor.  Ahh, Jack you fell for another floozy and a corrupt one at that! She gets Emily's photo.  Liked the scene with Emily and Daniel again as he tells her this is the one time they've been the most honest with each other.  But she told him to go away.  He says she looks good so she must be on a date with someone who wears his heart on his sleeve, so she can tear it from him. Emily also adding that he's never fought for what he wanted in his life, as he tells her his woes about Margaux.  He loves her and finally he turns up there drunk cos of what Emily said and she rejects him again.  This time telling him she's pregnant.  She also gives the go ahead for the Louise story to be printed even if she hasn't got any facts in support.  

Victoria lying when she tells Daniel, she almost died and has had enough of the revenge, that she is willing to live with Emily and David as a family.  Who's she kidding, especially as she endangers Emily now.  Alvarez also telling her how the two men were after David and he found Vince dead, the man who kidnapped David and was behind his attempted hit and run.  As well as Nolan getting involved with Louise who is unhinged and no one realizes she tried to kill Victoria.  Think the show is covering old ground with Emily getting back into revenge mode and all for David again.  This time it's not about Conrad but Victoria and Marcus.  Still waiting for someone to find out about Victoria's attack, but it appears the writer's don't remember that.