
Saturday 13 September 2014

Doctor Who 8.4 "Listen" Review

                                                                                       This ep begins with the Doctor (Peter Capaldi) talking to himself and making theorizations about what happens when we talk to ourselves and why do we do it.  Meaning there really must be someone or something else out there that is listening to us, using that chalkboard again.  Clara (Jenna Coleman) on a date with Danny Pink (Samuel Anderson) messes up cos she makes a remark about him being a soldier and how he saved a village full of people, also asking if he knows a pupil at the school, who tells Clara she's got a "wide face."  Speaking of wide faces, that was mentioned enough times with reference to Clara and the Doctor did most of the mentioning too.  When he tells her to stop looking at Orson Pink with her eyes and to put them back.   Then mentioning she needs three mirrors to look at her wide face.

She leaves, gets home and the Doctor is waiting for her in her bedroom in his TARDIS.  Now if this had been Doctor Eleven (Matt Smith oh how we still miss thee!) there'd have been plenty made of that since obviously we all know Clara was in awe with him, as was Amy Pond, well not just cos of his face of course.  Okay, maybe exactly cos of his face being so young (looking) who was also in Amy's bedroom when she kissed him before her wedding day.  Although it didn't seem appropriate for the Doctor to be in Clara's bedroom, it was cos he thought if she brought her date home, then she wouldn't come up there.  Showing he's not big on dating in the modern world, since most people do and would exactly end up in the bedroom, first date or not!

He wants her to come with him cos he needs her, but she doesn't want to go.  He didn't ask her about her date cos she's upset and she's taken off her makeup he tells her, which she hasn't.  She goes reluctantly and he asks her about the dreams of being in bed, seeing something there, opening the light and no one's there.  Then you put your feet down and something grabs your leg.  That maybe everyone's had that dream at once in their lives, er, no! (Got nothing but shoes and shoes and shoes under my bed!! ha.  Plus it's too low for hiding under!)  He makes her place her hands into the squelchy stuff  which will see her memories/thoughts, so she mustn't think of anything dirty.  Also helping the TARDIS to fly.

It lands at a place, a home, where he says she must have been at once, but she had parents didn't she, didn't they bring her up?  Clearly the emphasis is on Clara and her story, who she really is.  He tells her not to go in cos she might see herself and that would be bad.  He goes in and talks with the caretaker, again asking him about anything strange that's happened. The Doctor's a school inspector, inspecting at 2am, "the best time."  Yes, you could say that, by investigating what exactly spooky goings on when children etc are half asleep already.  The caretaker's noticed the TV goes off by itself and also his coffee is missing sometimes.  This time it disappears, cos the Doctor takes it.

Clara sees a boy in the window who turns out to be Danny Pink, here known by Rupert (Remi Gooding) his first name.  He's afraid and he's not in bed cos he had a dream.  She lies under his bed and tells him there's nothing there.  The Doctor reads books, or looks through them, looking for Wally, who isn't in every book Rupert tells him.  They then see the bedspread over someone's head and body and he tells them to turn away, to not look at it, cos it wants that.  It eventually leaves the room.  Clara wondering if that was really a child trying to scare.

This time the TARDIS brigs them to the end of the world,  Or rather the end of time.  Where they find a soldier, Orson Pink who appears to have been stuck out there by himself for six months at least.  So gets lonely and needs companions, a blatant reference to the Doctor and his needing companions if ever there was one.  He wants to get back home, he's a time traveller and he asks the Doctor if he'll take him back straightaway cos he doesn't want to spend another night here.  But the TARDIS needs recharging so they can't leave.  He stays here and Clara and the Doctor stay outside the TARDIS.  The airlock is locked and soon there's knocking coming from outside.  Clara is sent into the TARDIS and the Doctor has to see what that is.  He unlocks the airlock with his sonic and the TARDIS screen malfunctions.  Eventually finding he's holding on, Orson brings him back.

The Doctor's passed out, so Clara must fly the TARDIS once again.  This time she ends up at a barn with a child crying and a man and woman saying he should come into the house.  That he doesn't want to be a soldier.  Giving us also a flashback to the Doctor, (John Hurt's War Doctor version) walking to the barn, which was shown in the Day of the Doctor episode.

Clara must hide under the bed and the Doctor awakes and is searching for her, as does the boy who sits up and puts his feet on the ground.  She grabs his leg and makes him go back to bed.  Reassuring him that there's nothing there and talking about his fear.  So the twist being that she was the one who started the dreams about there being things under the bed.  Well that was put to bed, so to speak, ha.

The Doctor asks her about Orson since she was connected to him as her timeline took her to him, he's someone from her future.  So we assume he's her grandson or great grandson, getting together with Danny Pink.  But she doesn't tell him about her date or his name.  Though she bangs her head on the table, just as Danny did.  She returns back to her date and watches herself leave, asking if that's how she looks from the back, she looks good.  Returning to the date, she tells him it's her mouth which runs away.  Then calls him Rupert, he's curious as to how she knows and thinks she's making fun of him.  He gives up and leaves, but Clara goes after him and they share a kiss.

Guess this shows how dreams, hypnotic suggestions, can manipulate peoples' lives.  The Doctor planting the suggestion of Dan the soldierman into Danny's head and he grows up to become exactly that, a soldier.  There was also a harkback to things/themes already done in the show, such as The Eleventh Hour, with the Eleventh Doctor and the things we see from the corner of our eyes!  As well as holding one's breath.

That appears to be some sort of a home for children as the couple are not his parents, which is kind of similar to Clara, who also appears to have been in a home.  Just thought, did she only arrive here via the TARDIS squelch cos she was meant to meet Rupert/Danny and this connection was already in her timeline and is why she was led here, rather than actually being here as the Doctor tells her.  Was the Doctor mistaken when he says she's here, since her timeline is bringing her to Rupert/Danny.  This wasn't about her at this point.  It seems this way.

But the Doctor doesn't want to be a soldier, yet all of his comments have been allusions to soldiers, going back to the very first ep in which he says he doesn't take orders.  The biggest clue to him being the Doctor is that he won't go to the academy and won't be a Time Lord.  But soldiers have been in the Doctor's timeline, recall the Tenth Doctor (David Tennent) and John Smith, who was a soldier during the First World War, for starters.  Whereas Clara's destiny seems to be leading her right slap bang towards a soldier.  A family of soldiers, as that's what Rupert says when Clara leaves the toy soldiers to guard his bed.  The colonel doesn't have a gun and as she explains, he's the boss so he doesn't need one.  Another allusion to the Doctor and how he doesn't need guns.

There's also that line from the Doctor where he says, "the silence at the end of the world" or something along those lines.  Again it seems to be going back to the Silence, all through most of the Eleventh Doctor's early time.   Silence also when you are asleep, or by yourself, so you begin to talk to yourself.  This ep really did have you thinking about the Doctor's questions at the beginning, and nicely showed you the fear that lurks within us all, but was toned down when it's Clara who was really under the bed and put all those notions into the Doctor's head as a boy.  It's as though the TARDIS led her there to show her she was a big influence in the Doctor's life as a boy and that she was destined to meet him again, but she's also forgotten that she did this, if you know what I'm getting at.  After also hinting that the Doctor is the one who doesn't remember everything.

Friday 12 September 2014

QVC Fashion and Jewellery Show 2014

Another year gone by and Autumn is almost upon us as was the QVC Fashion Show 2014.  This year held over two days 11/12th September at the Vinopolis at London Bridge.  This year's show was hosted by Miceal Murphy, expressing his interest in fashion and joined by special guests, including Ashling McCloy,  Dennis Basso, Trinny and Susannah, to name a few.

Once again the fashion was spot on and there's plenty to look forward to over the coming season. Got my eye particularly on this wonderful sparkly jumpsuit as modelled by Rosie by Ronnie Nicole. (On air December, so just in time for Christmas and lots of others watching out for this too.)


Some other treats for the party season include some amazing dresses/trousers.

More spectacular coats from Dennis Basso, we caught Dennis filming some of his creations from his reserved guest spot too and got to chat wit him afterwards. He enjoyed meeting some of his QVC customers and viewers and to actually put some faces to them too.

One more for luck, ha, but you'll get a glimpse of some of the stuff you've got to look forward to.

Some forthcoming jewellery trends.

A fun show and a great time was had by all! Until next year!

CSI 14.15 "Love For Sale" Review

Felt like back to old territory with this CSI ep, which kind of wanted to put in twists and turns at every instance to make the episode appear a little different, but really didn't make much of a difference.  Oh and my suspect I got straightaway, sorry if you don't like me always writing that, ha, force of habit! The DB of a girl is found in her car on a highway and it appear she's been there overnight, after the driver abandons the car there and leaves on the headlights.

Nick (George Eads) arrives at the scene where Det Crawford (Alimi Ballard) is already examining the CS.  The Vic was Debbie Logan (Hannah Kasulka) a sixteen year old girl, but there's no evidence to indicate she was actually killed in the car.  She has a headwound and Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) finds the car seat had been pushed back and the seat was too far for her to have driven it herself.  Yes it was the 'old seat in wrong position' ploy.  Greg (Eric Szmanda) finally manages to get a print off the passenger door and this is matched to a thief, Ernesto Sanza (Emiliano Torres) who also left a flyer on the screen of her car.  There was no rain, so the flyer must've been placed there during the night as it's still in pristine condition.

Autopsy evidence reveal Debbie was sexually assaulted and there's also trace under her fingernails. The DNA from which doesn't lead to a match in the system.   Finn (Elisabeth Shue) is dismayed at yet another young rape Vic and once again it's a case close to her heart, since she was almost in that position too in Girls Gone Wild, not so long ago and it seems she still hasn't been able to come to terms with what's happened.  She still has trouble believing this could happen to someone so young and vulnerable.

DB (Ted Danson) talks with Debbie's parents, as he's more usually tasked with that lately.  Her parents had no idea that she was out and she'd taken the car.  Her father, Jim Logan (Jack Coleman) is a Reverend and they took her phone from her cos of falling grades.  Nor did she sneak out to see boys.  In short, she was the perfect child, with the perfect life.  Now the reason why I thought it would be one of them, is the way her mother, Carolyn (Rya Kihlstedt) held onto Jim's hand, there was just something about that in terms of not all couples acting in this way.  Especially since he was a Reverend and the way he had the Bible.

Ernesto states he uses the flyers to steal from peoples' cars but he didn't kill her or rape her and he put the flyer up in the desert.  The car was at a certain spot and he gives them the location.  Here Nick and Greg visit and Nick finds a flyer, so he may have been telling the truth about dumping the flyers and going home.  They knock on the door of the building and are let in as the bartender,Rex (Paul Telfer) assumes they're the Harris brothers.  Nick and Greg looking like brothers, ha.  Well, obviously no one would use their real names etc.  They're lead inside and can pick any girl they want and Nick notices the blue tinsel which also was found in Debbie's hair.  So apparently, they're 'accosted' by the girl's and Nick insists they're not going to get what they want here.  The brothel owner, Madame Suzanne (Sherilyn Fenn) turns up and she claims she hasn't seen Debbie nor does she pimp out sixteen year old girls.

She lets them look around on the condition that Nick lets her know if anything catches his eye.  They look at the different signs to the doors and Nick seems to have a particular penchant for the 'Asian Room', ha.  Greg takes the 'Western' room to analyze and he notices the coloured bottles on the table. Similar to the shard of glass Doc (Robert David Hall) found embedded in Debbie's knee which came from an apothecary bottle. Nick also finds blood in the floorboards and Greg finds more broken glass.

Everyone is brought out of their rooms and the clients are arrested. One of them is a prominent supervisor for Brine County, Roger Ridley (John Heard) and he helped Suzanne open up the place legally.  She tells them that Rex told her about the girl he found outside and she told him to dispose of her DB.   Rex made it so she'd be found and wasn't trying to hide anything.  He also covered over the blood on the ground.  Then hitched back.  Nick telling him he's an idiot, yeah you messed up the CS and took the DB away too.

Hodges (Wallace Langham) and Henry (Jon Wellner) (who made an appearance this ep, finally, as Sara and Brass vanish, ha.)  Check the dirt and Hodges finds a 1926 penny, he wonders if it's worth anything.  Henry finds a piece of turquoise, whilst asking Hodges about the story going round that he frequented a brothel too.  He replies he did but it's another story.  Henry handing him the turquoise saying, "don't say I never give you anything."

Nick also finds the rock in the bushes that was used as the murder weapon and also footprints from a pointed shoe, possibly one with a high heel.  Finn and Greg takes samples from the shoes the girls are wearing and one of them calls Greg 'Prince Charming', ahh.  He also gets a sample of a shoe (it's a flip flop, okay and not a thong, we don't call them thongs here!) which has glass embedded in it.  Finn saying Kirsten (Tina Ivlev) told her she wasn't in the Western room.  She tells her of how they sometimes find runaways here and she didn't want Suzanne finding out she was here.  She's about to tell her more, which Greg thinks could've been a confession, but Jim walks in and stops them. Okay he goes on to reveal he's her father.  That she ran away from home and this is the only chance he gets to see her on a Tuesday.  He pays $500 for the privilege.

So he does frequent the brothel but not for the reason they earlier believed, as he also has an alibi for the day Debbie was killed.  He'll get the best lawyer for her no matter the cost.   DB and Finn discuss the case and they are told that there's DNA in the Asian Room belonging to the same person that raped Debbie, leading back to Roger, of course.  He used to play Calleigh's dad in CSI:Miami, hmm, wonder what she'd say about all this? Ha.  This is where Nick and Crawford head and arrest him, but her father ha already beaten them to it, holding a gun on him and threatening to shoot.  Nick talks him down.

Crawford says they have evidence he raped Debbie and it wasn't consensual, as he points to the scratch marks on Roger's face.  Finn later confronts her mother as Roger''s made a statement telling them she was behind selling Debbie to him.  Carolyn was a prostitute herself and was arrested three times, but she Lord what she did.  She wanted her daughters to do the same and she's not remorseless at all, especially since they were adopted.  Also she married Jim but she didn't have a perfect life, he was stifling and she hated being married to him.  They also have the bloody shoes she wore at the CS and Crawford shows her the photo of the turquoise bracelet she had at home, from which she lost the stone.

Jim is distraught at what's happened, feeling he wasn't there for his family, but DB tells him it's not too late, as Kirsten walks in.  At least he has the chance to make amends with one daughter.  But it's often the case, when helping others, it's family members who garner the least attention.  Paul Telfer played Marine Corporeal Damon Werth in three eps of NCIS and was the man Tony (Michael Weatherly) thought Ziva (Cote de Pablo) was seeing.

Saturday 6 September 2014

Doctor Who 8.3 "Robot of Sherwood" Review

As the Doctor (Peter Capaldi) once again scrawls more equations and the like onto  the board in the TARDIS, a continuation from the last two eps, cos obviously they're part of some foreshadowing involved.  He asks Clara (Jenna Coleman) where she'd want to go or who she wanted to meet and she comes up with Robin Hood, cos she's it's like a dream of hers to meet him, but he says he doesn't exist, he's not real.   But plots in a date and place for the TARDIS to land.  Cue Robin (Tom Riley) and demanding the TARDIS is his to take.  But he's not taking that without a fight.  When Clara emerges, she's dressed as Maid Marian of course, or rather a Maid Marian. 
So naturally they have a sword fight but the Doctor doesn't have a sword so he puts on his glove and takes out  a spoon which doesn't really get help much, but he manages to push Robin into the stream.  
Saying, "I am the Doctor and this is my spoon."  So where'd he rumble that from, the Victorian restaurant in the first ep, The Promised Land.

Heading back to their camp, they are introduced to the rest of his Merry men and the Doctor takes samples from them to analyze and see if they're real.  Then asks what season it is since it's too green. Whilst Robin and Clara have a meaningful conversation about why he's sad, she knows cos he's always laughing.  Mentioning Marian and how she told him to never give up.   Clara knows him as the Earl of Loxley.  Anyway championing for the poor, he's entering the archery tournament and he knows it's an obvious trap.

The Sheriff of Nottingham (Ben Miller) meanwhile takes prisoners from the village, even killing one of them.  At the arrow shooting, of course Robin wins the golden arrow, but he's then matched by the Doctor, thus starts their constant getting one better one each other, until the Doctor says he's bored of this and blows up the target with his Sonic.  But the Doctor doesn't want the arrow, he wants "enlightenment," As he tells the Sheriff.  As a fight ensues, the knight gets his arm cut off and it's a robot.  Thus the Doctor gets himself and Clara arrested; cos that's the best way to infiltrate for info.  In the dungeon, there's more fighting talk and competition with each other and eventually Clara tells them to shut up.  They must have a plan and well neither one of them do.  The guard takes Clara away.

As she dines with the Sheriff he wants info about who she is and the like, but she gets him to tell his story of the lights in the sky and the ship landing.  She got him to do the talking again, as she did with the Half Face man in the first ep.  He wants her to be his consort.  The Doctor and Robin still bickering over who's better and Robin making lost of comments towards the Doctor being old, which we knew would come eventually since his change of face.  Robin pretends to have a nervous breakdown as the Doctor tells the guard and knocks him out.  Then fight for the keys again, which fall through the grate.  Well good thing Clara wasn't here to see that, the Doctor adds.

Getting out, they find the spaceship and the Doctor accesses its databanks, finding more reference to "the Promised Land."  Once again being Missy territory, who doesn't featured this ep.  He recalls that was what the Half Face man was in search of and no more is said of it.  The Sheriff is melting down gold and it appears he's making a giant computer chip out of it.  Which the Doctor tells him won't fly the ship as it doesn't have enough power to fly and will take out most of the country with it.  But the Sheriff is blinkered in wanting to rule and oust Prince John.

The robots try to take out Robin, but Clara stands in front of him and he makes his escape by jumping from the window into the moat below.  the Doctor is locked with the workers and he meets the woman who was taken for the village and they hatch a plan to destroy the robots.  This they do by reflecting their laser death rays back onto them using the golden trays.  Those robots did fiendishly resemble the Cybernauts from The Avengers TV series.

Robin demands to know who he Doctor is.  Though he did appear sinister when he asks that. Leading to another showdown in the ship, where this time Robin fights the Sheriff as they end up on the catwalks above the melting pot.  Taking a leaf out of the Doctor's playbook when he threw him in the stream, he does the same, leaving the Sheriff to fall into the pot.  The Doctor says the ship still doesn't have enough gold to make it fly out and so they must use the golden arrow.  Having to admit he cheated by planting homing devices in the arrows.  Robin can't shoot cos of his arm, so he suggests they make it a team effort.  Hitting the ship, it enters orbit and explodes.

The Doctor tells Robin he is eventually forgotten being real and becomes a legend.  With Robin adding, he's as real as the Doctor.  He's the Last Lord of Gallifrey who took the TARDIS and helped people, which is what Robin does.  The Doctor is perturbed that Clara told him that, she wasn't supposed to.  The Doctor leaves him a present, Marian (Sabrina Bartlett).  The woman from the village and the melting works.  But hey it appears the Doctor gave him a picture of Clara for his locket.

Not only was there that arrow shooting scene with an allusion to Robin Hood Prince of Thieves, but Clara even goes so much further as to mention it. The Doctor also commenting he's bantering and how he hates it.  Well Doctor Eleven (Matt Smith) would know plenty about bantering!  "I am totally against bantering."   Though come on, must admit he looked liek he was enjoying the bantering.  So after the colours, are we still on that?  Last time it was Pink and Blue and now scarlet, when Will Scarlett was introduced.  There must be something more to this.

When those pics of Robin Hood were shown, there was one, deceptively resembling Errol Flynn's turn as the Merry Man, (taken literally here with the jokes!)  Especially after that reference to Errol Flynn's 'private parts.'  A brief reference to Carnival of Monsters (with Doctor 3 Jon Pertwee) but at the end of the day, funny it may have been, the epsiode didn't really do much other than reinforcing how this Doctor  doesn't want to be reminded of being a Time Lord and his 'helping' others.  Even though it was written by Mark Gatiss, it delved too much into the comedial aspect, which is fine for an early ep, but it's the darkness that I and many others want from this season/series.

Am looking forward to next week's ep, where things come out from under the bed.  Er, that's cos it's where you put stuff right.  Whenever you lose something, always look under the bed first! Ha.  Have to mention the BBC production of Robin Hood from a few years back in 2006 (with Jonas Armstrong and Richard Armitage - probably the only reason worth watching it, !! But this ep just seemed like a poor imitation or attempt at emulating it.)  What is it with the BBC and their 'attempts' at Robin Hood?

Wednesday 3 September 2014

CSI 14.14 "De Los Muertos" Review

                                                  CSI; Crime Scene Invastigation - S14 E14 De Los Muertos (1)
Doc (Robert David Hall) is at a funeral where a friend's daughter, Ana (Vanessa E Garcia) has been murdered and her father, Gabriel (Benito Martinez) suspects there's more to it than a drug overdose since she didn't take drugs.  He begs Doc to go to Mexico and find out for himself.  DB (Ted Danson) agrees to pull strings for him and Nick (George Eads) goes with him, he can also help Doc with the Spanish.

Greg (Eric Szmanda) Sara (Jorga Fox) and David (David Berman) are called to a CS where a couple's DBs have been found in concrete.  From the photo it looks like a husband and wife, Brett (Graham Hamilton) and Clare (Monika Casey) Marsh.  Someone used some sort of cement expanding material wrongly which expanded the concrete and revealed their DBs.  A man rushes in saying it's his home and sees his wife.  It's Brett, as Greg recognizes him from his photo and says he was away and that his brother, Jeff, was doing some renovations for him, he thought he'd mess up but not get killed.  Sara agrees to help David take the bodies out of the cement and at the lab she finds Jeff had a gun in his hand. Greg assumes that Brett killed them cos she was probably having an affair.  Sara doesn't think it's likely since Clare has blood spatter on her and is dressed in a revealing outfit.  She also has a finger nail missing.  Sara posits it's a double homicide.

In Mexico, Agent Javier Silva (Bayardo De Murguia) from the Federales drives Nick and Doc to the morgue, talking about how the Cartel practically runs the town and that the police are corrupt.  Dropping them at the morgue, the coroner, Dr Blanco (Julio Oscar Mechoso) is less than pleased to have Doc encroaching on his territory and remarks on how much they get paid over there.  Doc is less than impressed by the conditions of the morgue and the overall state of the office, which is in stark contrast to their own LVPD lab.

Doc insists on carrying out the autopsy and he leaves him to it.  Doc finds trace in her hair and it appears her feet have frostbite, strange for somewhere where the temperature hardly drops. Doc finds evidence of drug use.  Nick finds corn husk trace on her dress and also has a sample of the cocaine.  Nick has some tacos and looks at the paper where Javier tells him murder is big business and sells papers.  Nick notices the men who were killed also had corn husks and he rushes to the make-shift cooler where the DBs are kept.  Dr Blanco wouldn't allow cross contamination.   He tells Doc that he picked up the DBS, but then got a call saying he missed a DB.   At the dump site, Nick finds tyre treads in blood, but they seem to have been made after the initial blood had already dried up.  Whilst there, they're visited by some Cartel men, wanting to know why they are here.

At the lab, Finn (Elisabeth Shue) finds the gun barrel is damaged so chiseled out the interior of the gun to match the striations of the bullet.  As well as finding a single hair.  It's identified as belonging to Brett, but he tells Greg he didn't do it.  Greg once again putting forward his story about Brett returning early to find Clare and Jeff together.  He claims she didn't even like Jeff since she had the house fumigated last time he was there.

Hodges (Wallace Langham) tells Doc that Ana's blood didn't have any drugs and Hodges makes judgements about the office, pointing out mould spores and the like.  Doc saying he's a hypochondriac and insane.  Doc takes one of Ana's hairs and finds it's got traces of heavy metal poisoning.  He finds mease lines on her nails, again an indication of poisoning and could explain the frostbite on her feet, as she'd be trying to keep them cool, after feeling them burn.  Nick wonders what was in her nose and uses Doc's water to put some of the cocaine in the bottle, but it doesn't dissolve.  He examines part of it under a microscope to find it's pulverized plastic, used in making milk jugs.  There's a plant outside the town, again run by the Cartel, but Nick insists on going and takes Javier with him.  He returns with a file of trucking records, as do the police.  They arrest Javier for Ana's murder.

Nick calls Brass (Paul Guilfoyle) to tell them about this and he has the State Department ready to get them out.  He tells them Nick and Doc are persons of interest in Ana's murder.  Nick looks through the records and finds there was a delivery made from Las Vegas.  Nick calls Brass so he can find the trucker.  Mateo (Jorge Jimenez) is on his way back to Vegas.  Brass questions him and he says she was already dead in one of the drums.  He left her with the other DBs so she would be found and her parents would get some closure.

David shows Doc the DBs in the morgue as Doc's passing the time, not checking up on him.  He finds that Clare also had traces of heavy metal poisoning.  Meaning the two cases are related and they didn't need to travel to Mexico after all.  Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) mentions the green paint on Clare's shoes and Sara tells them that Clare may have been seeing an artist.  She finds that the painter was renting out a room, but no one can recall his name.  They find Ana's painting there and a sketch of Clare, ready to be painted.  Greg also finds a broken wine glass which has traces of thallium.  So they were both being poisoned.  He kept them there so that they would have to depend on him, but took it too far.  Sara finds a letter from Ana saying she's leaving.

Sara also finds Clare's nail in the back of Ana'a painting.  She must have recognized her.  Brett doesn't know his name cos he wasn't interested in hearing about him.  DB talks with Gabriel, but he doesn't know who it could be as he owns the company but DB isn't accusing him of being involved.  Obviously he knows who the employee is, cos he goes after him.  Sara finds an artist, Keith (John Ruby) was commissioned to paint for them and he worked at Ana's and Clare's school.  His phone is tracked to Gabriel's house.  DB arrives in the nick, ha, to save Keith and prevent Gabriel from pulling the trigger, telling him it's not what Ana would've wanted.

Doc tells Blanco he apologized to the Police Chief, which he sees as a breath of fresh air, cos no one's that honest here.  Doc leaves him his tools and wishes he could do more.  Blanoc replies it's faith.  Nick tells Javier to look him up when he's next in Vegas.

An ep where they start out with two different cases and evidence leads them to one case.  Haven't done one of those in a while in CSI, love those eps.  So good to see Nick take an active role in the ep too, considering he was made to miss out on five.  Sara's back, but Henry's (Jon Wellner) still missing, ha.  Also one of those eps where the husband didn't kill the wife, as they normally suspect, but funny to see Greg still going for that angle with his theories.

Fake fingernails lost at a CS have long been the vain of many a CSI ep ranging from CSI itself to CSI:Miami and CSI:NY so they're too numerous for me to list here, but nice to know that they're still going strong on that evidence front.  No pun, re strong and nails, since this sometimes can't be used in the same sentence. Though must stop as this is fast becoming a fashion piece!! ha.

Saturday 30 August 2014

Doctor Who 8.2 "Into the Dalek" Review

As a spaceship hurtles through asteroids, chased by a larger ship, which is finally blown up.  The pilot says sorry to her brother next to her.  Then finds herself face to face with the Doctor (Peter Capaldi).  He rescued her and he wants to be thanked by her, but she's not happy since he couldn't do the same for her brother and he replies well, she's alive. She asks him to take her back to her ship, Aristotle.  Meanwhile, Clara (Jenna Coleman) has a productive day of her own at school.  She meets new teacher, Danny Pink (Samuel Anderson) who was a soldier.  He's asked questions by one boy in class, if he's shot anyone.  He replies, he's one soldier who's shot other soldiers.  The boy then asks if he's killed anyone who wasn't a soldier and he sheds a tear.  Clara meets him and practically invites him out for a drink.

The Doctor carries coffee around and turns up to get Clara.  He left her and they were meant to have coffee in Glasgow three weeks ago.  He needs her help, cos apparently he's a Doctor, mistaken for a medical one and he must help the Dalek that they found in space.  They're to be miniaturized and put inside of the Dalek so he can find the source of the problem and help it.  The Doctor saying being made smaller was better as a movie.  Referring of course to Fantastic Voyage (1967) which was about a crew of doctors/scientists placed inside the body of the man they're trying to cure.  (Anyone any flashbacks to the ep of Doctor Who with the Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) and that miniaturized humanoids, Teselecta, Let's Kill Hitler. Cos I had one here.  Think the show makes these subtle references to past stories when it's not supposed to, but kind of keeps coming back to them.)

Anyway they think that the Dalek is good since it says that Daleks are bad.  Travelling to its nerve centre, cortex, there's a lot of talk about morality and whether a Dalek can become good, this one at least. They need to reach the bottom of the Dalek to see what's wrong with it and one of the token extras, ha, Ross, shoots a cable grip for them to do this.  But the Doctor warns not to do that cos now they're going to be attacked, by antibodies.  Ah yes, typical scene from the movie.  The Doctor throws him a battery and says he can swallow this, thinking he'll be okay, but instead he's just dead.  "Trust me," says the Doctor.  Remember he lies, though it's not apparent he actually recalls that now or not.   He was dead anyway, in a bid to justify his actions, but the Doctor wanted to see where he would end up.  Coming to a chute of some sort which he tells them they must go down, otherwise be attacked by antibodies.

They end up in the Dalek's stomach, when he says that they sometimes save their food, which turns out to be humans.  Another flashback moment when Doctor Eleven and Amy ended up in the bowels of the ship in The Beast Below.  This Dalek has seen beauty is says, the birth of a star. Finding the source of the leak, a radiation leak, the Doctor puts it right by sealing it with his screwdriver.  Again that leak looked more like that dreaded Crack they were chasing, or rather was after the Eleventh Doctor since the moment he became the Eleventh.  Well it did.  More deja vu.

Of course you knew that once this was done, then the Dalek would immediately change back into the menacing force that they are.  This Dalek now sends word to the ship outside and goes on a rampage. There was no good Dalek and as the Doctor corrects Journey Blue (Zawe Ashton) he didn't say they were good Daleks.  So after plenty of exterminating and the like, the Doctor thinks if he could reach out to the Dalek and talk with him, he can make him remember his memories and the beauty of the star it saw.  Was carried away writing there calling the Dalek a 'he.'  Carried away by its morality, or lack of.  So if he can change this Dalek' perception of morality and convert it back to being good, then maybe he can do the same to the others.

But before that, came the slap from Clara, when the Doctor says it can, "die all you like, not my problem." Showing he's not really bothered with what's happening.  Clara needs to get back to the top and asks how she can do that, well Gretchen (Laura Dos Santos) obliges and sacrifices herself in the same way, by shooting the cable grips and asks to be remembered for doing something good.  Cue her ending up with Missy (Michelle Gomez) in heaven.  That place does not even feel like it's heaven.

Clara managing to get back up using the cables, thinks the lights/bulbs are its memories which have gone off. Thus she tries to get them back on, so it recalls its repressed memories.  In time for the Doctor to get through and make it recall seeing the birth of the star.  At the same time, Rusty, as the Doctor named him (so why didn't I just use this all the while I was writing 'it', ha) also sees into the Doctor's soul, "I see beauty, I see divinity, I see hatred."  Saying Daleks are bad and need to be killed.  Then ends up killing its own who are on Aristotle and attacking the soldiers.

The Doctor also recalls he called himself "the Doctor, but it was just a name.  Then I want to Skaro and then I met you lot and understood who I was."  The Dalek calls the Doctor a Dalek too and has called off the ship's attack, giving orders for it to retreat.  He must go and kill them.  Journey wants to go with the Doctor but he doesn't take her.  Clara returns to her closet in school and has changed her clothes for the leaving party and Danny notices she has changed her clothes.

This episode appears to be stepping back into darker territory as the Doctor acts far beyond is name and isn't really bothered with saving anyone and it's left to Clara to make sure he does this, by resorting to the use of a slap.   Doctor: "what's that look for?"
Clara: "It's the look you get when I'm about to slap you."

She's the one who's done a lot of growing up and maturing over the past year and must keep him in check. Thus her response to his question at the end, "you asked me if you are a good man.  And the answer is, I don't know, but I think you try to be."  Reinforced by the Doctor wanting Rusty to see the good in him, which it doesn't do, but would pick up on his hatred and specifically hatred for the Daleks.  With the Doctor and Rusty acting off each other, picking up on what he wants the Dalek to see in him, but he sees only the hatred, since it too has the same hatred.  Only this converts into the Dalek wanting to use that hatred to kill of its own kind.  Which might necessarily not turn out to be a good thing in the long run.

Getting the Dalek to recall may just be parallel to Clara also helping him to recall, just what it is he does and who he is. Doctor Twelve plays it close to the chest, not letting any emotions get in the way and is clearly a more darker Doctor in many ways.  The moments of darkness that were hinted at in Eleven, which have come to the fore in Twelve.  Thus needing Clara to make sure she's the voice of reason and in some ways, humanity.

As for Danny, of course the story will take time to develop with him, but Clara makes an immediate observation that she's met someone else who also has a colour for a last name and not putting it together yet, that he's also a soldier too.  The Doctor not wanting Journey with him as she's a soldier.  With Danny saying something similar about being an ex-soldier and how this hasn't deterred her.

Clips from the eps Dalek, The Stolen Earth, Journey's End are shown when he tries to access Rusty's memories.
Into the Dalek marked a change from the usual eps with the Daleks and focused instead on looking at what the Dalek is like from the inside and not just inside its body but also its brain, morality, memories.

Then again, in yet another flash, remember (Clara) Oswin Oswald was also inside a Dalek looking out wasn't she in series 7 Asylum of the Daleks.  Seems she's forgotten that along with the writers. Who seem to be trying to get away from this series for some reason.  Or am I wrong?  Since she doesn't mention that at all. Perhaps she's not meant to know this just yet or delve into it.

Tuesday 26 August 2014

CSI 14.13 "Boston Brakes" Review

As journalist John Merchiston (James Callis) waits at a coffee stand to meet someone named Suvari.  He asks for change of a $50 for coffee, cos that's all he's got.  All the while he's being watched and listened to. A woman approaches and says that Suvari sent her and covertly hands him over a flashdrive.  As they leave, a car races out of the garage and speeds down the road and is chased by a police car.  Moments later, the car explodes.  Finn (Elisabeth Shue) arrives on the scene with Sean Yeager (Matt Davis) so she's stuck with him for now.  The car hit a lamp post and exploded on impact.  Inside a photo is found of John and this leaves Finn in shock.  As the DB is also burned.  Sean comes up with the line about there being a story to this.

DB (Ted Danson) arrives and she tells him how John was working on a story about the government spying domestically on its citizens and using drones to do this.  DB gets the impression she and John were close and there's more she's not letting on about their 'relationship.'  But he's told her what he was working on.  For this reason, Finn doesn't believe it was an accident. His rental car had a black box in it which Greg (Eric Szmanda) finds, showing the internal systems of the car, but there's no bomb evidence there as Finn was hoping to find.  Sean and Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) look at the video footage from the cameras and follow the car back to the garage and also see John talking with the woman.  Doc (Robert David Hall) finds that he was over the limit and there was evidence of drug use, which Finn knows isn't right cos she just finished telling DB that he didn't drink or do drugs.  So he's ruling it an accident cos he shouldn't have been driving at all. Doc was rather callous in his reasons to her, yes if that had been the case he shouldn't have been driving, but it wasn't.  He was IDed as John from dental records.

DB meets with John's attorney, Jill McDermott (Kate Danson) who says he was unhappy that his story was leading nowhere.  The person he was looking at was an airforce General Robert Lansdale (John De Lancie) out of Nellis and that's why John was in Vegas a lot.  She doesn't recognize the woman in the photo.  As DB leaves, he's approached by John in the shadows telling him that his death was faked.  The person in the car was Brian, his assistant and he gave him his coat and car to drive.  The dental records were faked by John, just as the government hackers faked the toxicology report.

DB takes him to Finn's place where he thinks he'll be safe, but really wouldn't he just be putting her in danger too.  He tells them of the flashdrive which DB takes and gives to Greg to analyze when he breaks the encryption code.  John also telling them about Project Jericho, the domestic spying programme.  He only met the woman on that night cos Suvari would communicate using dead drops.

Nick (George Eads) and Sean take the call on the mystery woman who's DB is found, cue Vegas rain, but her DB's shielded by a tarpaulin.  She's IDed as Emily Rey (Monica Dean) and an object with a fingerprint is found by Sean, used to bludgeon her.  He takes a picture of the bloody print on it and it comes out with that of John.  But she was killed 6 hours ago and John was meant to have been killed 36 hours earlier.  Nick concludes he's still alive and tells DB this.  As the FBI enter the Vegas lab and proceed to take over all the evidence and remove it. DB tries to call Finn, but she's in the shower and then has a conversation with John about something that happened to her recently, but she's not ready to talk about it, thus missing DB's call. Agents raid her place along with Brass (Paul Guilfoyle) and take them into custody.  DB tells Nick about what's happening, saying that John took a forensics course with Scotland Yard and so wouldn't be clumsy enough to leave behind his fingerprint and leaves him in charge.  He has to get him and Finn off the hook.

DB is  questioned by Lansdale himself and tells DB how he knows about his parents in the '60's and what they did, but he went the other way and became a cop despite that.  Also telling him he has a family and disguising his questions as threats against them.  Agent Sturgis (Greg Ellis) interrogates Finn and accuses her of workign with Suvari and also helping John with his story.  Brass interrupts by telling him to screw himself, cos that' what Finn wants to say, when he gets too personal.  This is his home and his people and he's going too far.
Brass: "This is my house, these are my people. And if you don't start acting nice, I'm gonna kick your FBI ass right out of here."

Nick, Greg and Morgan talk about the case and Nick took a photo of the print form the phone.  He asks what's wrong with the picture and Morgan notices the prints don't have pores, thus they were planted.  Greg tells her about Millander and how he planted Grissom's print with latex and this wouldn't leave any pores. Thus they know John is being set up.  Also Hodges (Wallace Langham) walks in timely, or untimely as the case might be and he's the only one who can come and go without being suspected.  Greg gives him the flashdrive to unencrypt.  He does this and tells Greg about Project Jericho, including technology that could override a car's CPU.  Including black boxes, like the one in Johns Camero.

Nick gets delivery of a phone he didn't order and a message wanting to meet him at the same coffee stand. Yeah, people are being watched using drones etc and what does Suvari do, send a message to meet at the same obvious place.  Jill turns up and obviously the coffee stand man is Suvari.  She says her client can help them.  She drives with Nick and suddenly loses all control of the car.  They miss driving into an oncoming vehicle but head for the stationary truck in the road.  Thanks Channel 5 for that ad break in that place! Suddenly the car shifts gears and grinds to a halt.  Coffeeman gets out and leaves a coffee cup behind, along with a control box.  Inside, Nick finds another flashdrive.

Jill's car is taken apart by Greg and Hodges and they find a black box attached, thus clearing DB and Finn. The FBI saying they're all on the same side.  Nick says Suvari left behind a cyber footprint when he saved them and they can trace this back to his location.  So why didn't he think of that? When they arrive, they find him dead apparently of a rug overdose and a note claiming responsibility for the murders, how convenient. Sturgis also tells him about a DOD employee, Cheryl Perez who had the same "Boston brakes" used on her too.  She was Lansdale's mistress and had a son with him, but was 'killed' in a car accident.  Suvari's real name is Joseph Powers and he was a contractor on Project Jericho.

DB confronts Lansdale about this but he can't prove anything.  DB is certain he'll get him someday, or someone else may develop a conscience.  But in the meantime, DB could be leaving his family to be targets of Lansdale, though it's unlikely a car accident will work in the same way for him.  John leaves but tells Finn he's a a good listener if she wants to talk about what happened to her.

John was previously seen in the conclusion to the two part story Skin in the Game begun in season 13 finale and the season 14 opener, The Devil and DB Russell.  Obviously he and Finn were going to get close cos all the signs were there.  Of course she cant resist a man, as I've written several times over, ha. DB is weary of him when he turns up as he doesn't really know anything about him, but we get a flashback to the season 14 opener when he asked DB about what will happen when the work's all over.  He doesn't trust anyone except DB and the CSIs.

Greg references Paul Millander again, from Pilot, Anonymous and Identity Crisis, who was the thorn in Grissom's side as he spent many an hour trying to catch him.  It's good when CSI alludes to some of its best eps and stories and to mention Grissom now and then, especially being an integral part of his team.  Ted's daughter, Kate makes another appearance as she was last seen in Sheltered.  Of course as Lansdale 'gets away' with it for now, it's likely he will return at a later date.  Brass had a small role this ep and he exerts his presence and closeness to Finn when he tells Sturgis to back off, showing once again that he's concerned about a CSI and after what she went through in Girls Gone Wild.

Sara was absent once again, as was Henry!  Really people will talk!  Probably one reason why Sean was brought in again, not that he and Morgan mentioned anything, but they just did their work.  It was good to see nick being put in charge and being recognized as a superior CSI, cos he gets the job done, as we knew he would! Ha.  Boston Brakes referred to the CIA and it involvement in causing car accidents and there are many articles relating to this online.  This one is particularly interesting:

NB the link is for info purposes only!

Sunday 24 August 2014

Ghost Adventures Rocky Point Manor

Hey guys for us newcomers, newcomers to the show that is, not to believing!  Can you debunk this, or should I ask can you debug this instead?  From the ep Rocky Point Manor

Doesn't seem to look like dust cos there wasn't anything visibly flying throughout the whole time in the battleground, also not remnants of Zak firing the gun either, cos they dropped straight down.  Could they be bugs?  But then again nothing was flying round throughout the entirety of the filming.

First 3 seem to "fly" from the ground when Nick walks back from the camera.

The last one comes in from left to right (video below) and when Aaron talks about the graves and asks if all the guys hang out like a family?  Before the gunshots are heard. 'The light' goes behind Zak but doesn't come out anywhere.

Well I would have tweeted, but no vids can upload and then I'm not on other social media sites.

Saturday 23 August 2014

Doctor Who 8.1 "Deep Breath" Review

As Vastra (Neve McIntosh) Jenny (Catrin Stewart) and Strax (Dan Starkey) look at the commotion at the River Thames, they see a dinosaur in the river.  Which then spits something out, turns out to be the TARDIS. Cue the new Doctor Twelve (Peter Capaldi) followed by Clara (Jenna Coleman).  Dinosaur in Victorian London, wait, where have we seen dinosaurs before, er, in space perhaps.  (Dinosaurs On A Spaceship). Though he doesn't seem to recall who he is, or anything of the sort, this Doctor doesn't recall much of anything and has a lot of help and needs it as he too adjusts to his new face.  Seen when he has a turn and faints and is brought back to Vastra's house.  Where he wonders why there's a room with just a bed in it and where you go when you're awake.  As well as the comments about seeing the face in the mirror.

This scene is later revisited in the alley when the Doctor goes missing after the Dinosaur is set on fire.  He jumps into the River.  Before pondering some questions.  What is the question they all ask, and who is the strange man wondering the bridge when everyone else is gawking at the burning dinosaur.  As said, alley scene where he's rummaging around in the rubbish and finds another mirror to look at his face again.  But we don't get any comments about where he came from or what he looked like before, whether he has a nose. Sorry I added that in, ha.

Vastra also talking to Clara with her veil on, which slowly vanishes.  It's not as if she hasn't seen Clara before, but she's trying to get her to see that he really is the Doctor even if he's got a different face.  Clara saying he's, "renewed" himself, but he's old.  Though she's adamant she didn't flirt with him, he flirted with her.  Vastra reinforcing it doesn't matter what he looks like, underneath it's still him.  (Though millions will argue that point.  Ha.)  Clara also facing some home truths and who she really is.  The Impossible Girl, but is she still this?

She finds an ad in the paper where The Impossible Girl is invited to lunch, but she doesn't know where.  "On the other side."  It's a puzzle, and she reverses the paper to find out where she must go, Mancini's family restaurant.  He arrives wearing a smelly coat which he got from the tramp in the alley, but says he paid for it, without money, meaning he took it from him, but says he gave him his pocketwatch, which Clara loved.  So there goes the pocket watch now.  But he's certain he didn't place the ad.  he wouldn't recall her as the Impossible Girl, since as said, he doesn't recall anything.

He takes a strand of her hair and tells Clara there's no air, meaning the people aren't breathing and they're not eating either.  They're robots, as he finds out when he removes the waiter's face. Of course, worked that out ages ago.  Again another reference to face.  His face, being different.  Transported to the basement and using the Sonic to get out of their bonds, actually call it a screwdriver, not a sonic.  The Doctor feels he's been here before.  Finding the man/robot who took the eye of the man in the street, they find he's turning himself into a man.  As he wakes up, they manage to leave, but Clara must return for the Doctor, only for her to get stuck with the man.  As the Doctor runs out on her, it's better for her to be caught than both of them. That came as a shock to her, cos the Doctor (Eleven)wouldn't leave her behind.

She tries to escape, holding her breath and trying to act like a robot too, which works until she can't hold up the pretence any longer and is caught again.  He wants the Doctor, but she won't talk, going back to her teaching days where the unruly pupil tells her to, "do it then."   Which Clara tells the man (Peter Ferdinando) to do as well, if he's going to kill her he should do it, cos she won't talk.  However she gets him to talk, giving up he wanted something from the dinosaur's optical nerve.  She knows that the Doctor won't give up on her and will be right behind her, as she holds out her hand, wishful thinking perhaps, but he does turn up.

The Doctor ends up in the balloon made of skin with the ship being there for millions of years, cue aspects of The Lodger here.  With the ship and the house.  Also reference to the lodger here too as he mentions the woman who leaves messages in the shop, thus she must have placed the ad in the paper for her.  Although it's more an allusion to the woman in the shop in The Bells of St John episode.  The first one with Clara. Not forgetting to mention he says he wishes Amy was here, re her legs. The Impossible Astronaut.  Why did Clara ask who that is?

So he has a conversation with the man/robot about how he's looking for the Promised Land, cos he's looking for it too, but he won't find it cos he's old now as well.  Convincing him that it doesn't exist and he ends up on the spire.  Causing the other robots to cease functioning too.  After being engaged in a fight with Vastra, Jenny and Strax.  Did the man/robot fall or was he pushed?  As he ends up in the Promised Land with Missy (Michelle Gomez) a bit boring wasn't it, a long way off from Victorian England.  What's Missy's game then? Or as Vastra would say and did in this ep, "the game's afoot. [Sherlock]," I thought to myself, ha.

The title telling us to take a deep breath as we go into the new series with a new Doctor.   Was Strax's examination of Clara for a reason?  Lots of Scottish/English references too, with him turning up in Glasgow he thinks at the end when Clara wanted to go home.

A new interior TARDIS and he finds a new outfit to wear as well.  It takes a phonecall from Doctor Eleven (Matt Smith) to convince her to stay with him and to help him, cos he needs her help.  This may have been talked about on the Net and elsewhere, but luckily I didn't see or hear any references to it, just as I like it, so it came as a nice surprise, shock, but took us back to the final moments with Matt in the Christmas special when he left, so it brought it all back again, just when we had laid to rest those feelings of not seeing him as the Doctor anymore and moving on!  Thanks Moffat! Taking us right back to the sad moments of remembrance all over again! All that hurt too!

He calls from Trenzalore telling her he's changing, but it's still him, also making reference that he's older now, he wasn't expecting that, even if he is really old in reality. "Help him, and don't be afraid."

One for old time's sake!

not forget having to clarify to Clara that he's not her boyfriend, which she knows.  But spelling it out for her, even if he had a young face, it wasn't about the romantic aspects, but somehow, you know it was, cos as Eleven, he didn't really set her straight, even if River was his wife.  Those little flirty moments were a nice touch with Eleven cos we knew they wouldn't really go anywhere and anyone would have been in awe with Eleven!  Clara saying twice she doesn't have a boyfriend.  Thus they go for coffee.  It was a little sad? that he needed to be Eleven and she had to hear it from him before accepting the Doctor (or at least his face) is not what she'll see anymore, or reaffirming there'll be nothing between them.

But that little hint of romanticism was fine by me and many others with Eleven or even Ten.  But rightly so, different face, 'older' Doctor means it doesn't feel right.  Oh and yes I did/do still miss Matt, always will and no, I'm not a teen fangirl!  Cos he really did take the Doctor to a new level and took on the mantle brilliantly from Doctor Ten in David Tennant.  But then my Doctors will definitely always be Ten and Eleven.

There's some hints of Ten and Eleven though, when he traipses out over the rooftops to get to the Dinosaur and constantly saying, "Shut up."  Then there's his own lines, with saying his eyebrows "are attack eyebrows" well maybe they are, pretty scary too, cos there's no fun in this Doctor, he's more serious with maybe a dark sense of humour.  "Beware the eyebrows!"

"Hold your breath", "Don't blink."  Oh and one last final "Geronimo!" As well as Clara getting to say Ten's line from The Day of the Doctor, " you've redecorated, I don't like it;" when she enters the TARDIS.  I said that too.  It's got too many round thingys! Making it feel kind of claustrophobic and compact, instead of looking bigger on the inside.  Some other differences from The Eleventh Hour was that this Doctor already has a companion, but she can't accept him with that face.  Doctor Eleven had to come to terms with his regeneration alone and had to find his own companion in the form of Amelia Pond.  Or rather she found him, in a way. Doctor: "Planet of the pudding brains"  Anyone for fish fingers and custard? Ha.

Other hints here and references were to the sister ship of Madame Pompadour which was the SS Marie Antoinette and references to The Girl In the Fireplace, as he recounts he's come across robots harvesting human organs but can't quite put his finger on where.  The opening titles were inspired by Billy Hanshaw, a fan and motion graphics specialist, which he put on Youtube and Moffat loved them.  Though they were very steampunk in nature, extending back and referencing to the age of the Doctor, which went well with the Victorian London aspects of it. Not sure about fitting in with the entire series though, given also the reference that he gave his pocketwatch away, the clocks seemed to fit.

Then he mentions having a scarf but it looked stupid, well don't let the Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker) hear you say that.  He's positive he's seen his face before, an allusion to The Fires of Pompeii, where he played Caecilius.

Tuesday 19 August 2014

CSI 14.12 "Keep Calm and Carry On" Review

A woman on a plane is harassed by a man who wants to have a good time with her.  The stewardess takes her bag and places it in a compartment as she reluctantly lets go of it.  The man wants a drink but the stewardess refuses.  Hey she needs training you don't call passengers, "sweetie!"  Also the mouthy woman sitting behind, was meant to have her seat in an upright position when the plane was landing.  Upon landing in Vegas, the man realizes his watch is missing, after he helps the woman with her own bag.  There's a scuffle and she's desperate to get off the plane.

Later Nick (George Eads) and Sara (Jorga Fox) are called to a CS where the same woman has been found. Nick would like to go to Morocco and Sara laughs that he'd like to open a bar in Casablanca and Nick says she can call him Rick, at least that was his name was, of course it was.  They see the Vic was either pushed from a car or was fell out.  Sara and Nick measuring the distance from where she was found to where she could have been thrown out.  Sara equating the distance, with Nick estimating a 1.  He comments on her being a Physics Major and being able to work these things out.  They estimate the car was speeding around 45mph.  Nick finds skid marks and reckons she was thrown out from there.  Sara notices a laser on Nick and tells him to get down, thinking it's a shooter.  They see two boys and give chase.

Brass (Paul Guilfoyle) and Finn )Elisabeth Shue) question the passengers and ask if anyone's seen the woman but they complain about their personal items being missing.  They recall the man who tried to pick up the woman and he now sports a black eye.  Brass asks him how he got the shiner and he says it was from the old man on the plane.  The woman is identified as Janet Riggins (Ellen Hollman).

They have Janet's bag but not her personal belongings.  Sara goes through them and DB (Ted Danson) checks out her licence which is a fake since Sara's licence has the outline of the State of Nevada around her picture, but Janet's one doesn't. Hey why does Sara carry her licence around with her in the lab? Surveillance from the airport shows shows Janet in a hurry to leave the airport and without her luggage. Then the same man follows behind her. Kenny Greene (Jaleel White) the man from the plane follows her and he doesn't have a black eye there.  Kenny thinks they've found his watch, but Brass questions him about the black eye.  He says he was trying to speak with her and she punched him.  He didn't see that coming.  For someone who had been the Vic of assault, she was violent herself, though it's a reflective action, gotta wonder why she didn't do the same when her husband would beat her.  Anyway Kenny took her phone to bargain with so that she'd give him back his watch.

Doc (Robert David Hall) carries out the autopsy on Janet and finds she was bruised over the years and beaten up.  Some of her injuries are older as he tells Greg (Eric Szmanda) and she got a blow to the head when she fell from the car.  Doc took his time getting to her DB, since it's morning when Nick and Sara go see the man on the phone.  This is after Hodges (Wallace Langham) finds a number on her phone after Janet called him.  The call was made to,Jefferson Nally (Ethan Embry) who has a cleaning business.  He used to know Janett as Helen and she was coming out here, but he didn't know when.  Also they had contact over the past six months online, but when he found out she was married he ended things.  He knew her from high school. Yeah a likely story, he was my suspect!  Sara is angry he didn't help her, but gives them his card and says if they're looking for anyone to do clean up for them.  Nick replies sarcastically he's got other things to do.

DB, Brass and Finn see which passenger was able to keep an eye on the overhead compartments and Brass says a thief would sit round the back area and be able to see all of them.  Thus they think it was the old man. I actually loved the reconstruction they did in the season 1 plane episode Unfriendly Skies.  That was a great ep and one of my all time faves!  It also had to have been someone who boarded early, meaning Hank Kasserman (Joel Grey).  He's brought in and was found with all of the stolen property in his hotel room, as well as using Janet's money, $30,00 at a casino.  He waited until people were sleeping and ensured Kenny had been drinking, then stole the things.

Janet's luggage is finally located, they must've got lucky, ha, no one took it, or it didn't go missing.  Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) checks it out and finds things like her small bronze shoes, lots of other pairs of shoes, her teddy bear and Nick comments they're things you take when you're not returning home.  She was going to leave her husband, Allen (Todd Cahoon).  Who turns up at the morgue and threatens Doc cos he won't let him see her.  Who let him down there unaccompanied.  He pushes Doc back just as Nick arrives and tells him he's investigating her murder.  Allen found out she was having an affair and then she took his money.  He got on a flight so he could meet her here, but his flight was late due to mechanical problems, which alibis him. Worse luck!  he was a smarmy piece of work, secretly wishing Nick could've given him a taste of his own medicine, all in the line of work of course, well he did assault Doc.

Sara questions Jefferson who says he set her up with a man named 'Wolf' who would give her a fake ID and make all the arrangements for her location.  Sara's still disgusted he didn't help her, but he says he did this for her.  The Wolf wanted money in return but she didn't have it.  He has his phone number, all so very convenient for him.  Hodges further analysis into her fake licence reveals a security strip at the back, which is actually used for security badges like theirs and was printed on a high quality printer. He finds out which place has one of those and the woman tells them, they could print a fake licence, but it's illegal.  She recalls the security guard or the cleaning crew were here after hours.  This being Jefferson of course.

Nick brings in the boy, (Matt Shively) who along with being placed in the room with rough looking men, finally recalls he saw a farmer with a pitchfork, identifying Jefferson's truck, a man with a broom.  Jefferson admits he was the Wolf, but she didn't have her money.  He was helping her, which wasn't very noble at all, cos at the end of the day it was just his greed.  He gave her a lift and she wanted out when she found out it was him.  They fought and she attacked him, he pushed her out of the truck.  Couldn't she have waited until later, gosh she had a temper too.  He claimed he loved her, but Sara replies if he did, he would've gone back, instead of driving off.

Some great scenes between Sara and Nick in the opening and later on, as well as betwen Brass and Hank.  He calls Brass a young man and so he should be on the ball looking for her killer, knowing she was beaten since she hid her bruise with make-up, when Brass refers to him as an old man, he emphasizes he has a limited social security cheque.  Thus he steals.  Also good was the scene at the end, when Nick waits for Allen after returning his money to him.  He sends the cab away and has Officer Mitchell (Larry Mitchell) arrest him for assaulting Doc.  Whether the judge actually accepts his argument of him assaulting Doc or not is anybody's guess, but Nick's happy just having him in lockdown, since it's late on a Friday and there's no court until Monday.  Though he should've gotten much more than this for the type of lowlife he really was.  At least Nick gets a chance to ensure he gets some time behind bars.

Seems Jefferson was no better, though he professed to love her, he didn't really show much love when all he could were are dollar signs.  Same as Allen, he was more physical and obvious in his abuse of her, but Jefferson was more subtle, until he struck her in the truck; neither of them being any good for her, though she didn't realize until it was too late.

Tuesday 12 August 2014

CSI 14.11 "The Lost Reindeer" Review

The episode opens with a woman reading about the Lost Reindeer, sounded like Finn (Elisabeth Shue) to me.  Then a Santa's DB is shown in the snow as DB (Ted Danson) and Brass (Paul Guilfoyle) talk about what happened. Brad Scott Zeller) from the realtor company played the Santa and DB comments on the snow and Brass tells him it's real.  Apparently the sleigh on show cut through his legs.  David (David Berman) however finds that he was stabbed five times in the back. The owner of the house, Ryan Bonham (David Alpay) where the party took place tells DB he left round 9, to put his son, Blake (Jadon Wells) to bed.  His wife, Eva (Rachelle Wells) was killed on Christmas Eve in a bank.  Greg (Eric Szmanda) takes a sample of blood from the reindeer in case the blood could be from the killer and Jayson (David Ury) is possessive and obsessive about Dancer.

Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) tells Greg she's never worked a CS with snow before and he says the blood spatters are difficult to tell.  Later Hodges (Wallace Langham) points out Blake in the window and Morgan thinks he may have seen something.  They speak with him and he watches his mother read the story of the reindeer, but stops before she gets to the end.  Morgan asks him if he saw anything and he says he saw a reindeer by the stairs and hid in his room.  Hodges replies he was probably dreaming, using big words about science.   Morgan and Greg collect samples of the snow and the blood around it.  Blakee asks if Santa is real and Morgan quickly replies he is.

Greg watches the ice samples melt and notices a chunk of meat in there which was probably frozen in the snow.  Finn thinks it could've come from the DB's intestine.  Nick (George Eads) speaks with Doc(Robert David Hall) about the autopsy and offers to open his Secret Santa present, herbal tea, Nick guessing it's from DB, who else.  Hodges also finds that the DB was punched before he was stabbed, with a reindeer suit glove.  "If the glove fits you must not acquit."  Hated that saying, even the paraphrases of it!  Since a fibre was found in the wounds, which matched the reindeer outfit.  Nick finds footage from the party showing that there were actually two Santa's.  One was drinking wine and the other had milk and cookies in his stomach contents as Doc told him he was teetotal.  He also shows DB the stain on the Santa Suit sleeve showing there were two wearing the same suit and their watches were different.  Thus it was a case of mistaken identity and the wrong Santa was killed.

Brass interviews Rachel (Alexis Krause) who was in the reindeer suit as Morgan found she works as a stripper, after finding her contact lens on the step, which is what she was looking for when Blake saw her. She was filming with the Santa but he wanted to go further than that, that's when she punched him.  She left with Fred (Joshua Kwak) the video guy, but swears he was alive and footage from a diner shows they had breakfast there.  Greg sees Morgan open her present which is red nail polish for her "mistle-toes," that could only have been Greg who'd know she'd love that gift.

Greg finds the piece of meat was actually Pacific bonito fish, used in sushi and there wasn't any served at the party, but traces of cocaine are also found on it.  This leads him to check out the Winter Wonderland Company, which shows Jayson makes trips to Mexico and smuggles drugs inside the fish.  Finding out Jayson was wearing the Santa suit earlier on, they realize he was the intended target.  Meanwhile DB notices the expensive bracelet Finn is wearing and she thinks it's from DB, but he says it's not him.  Meaning he'll miss out on the expensive gift she had in store for him.

Greg realizes Jayson was in contact with his brother, Gary (Patrick Kilpatrick) at the prison and has his texts and from the court transcript he finds that he's in the hospital now as he needs a kidney.  Jayson turned State's evidence against Gary and they think Gary wanted revenge on him for this.  Visiting Gary in hospital, Nick finds he made a deal with Jayson and they agreed he'd donate a kidney to him, thus he would want to keep Jayson alive.  He was also going to testify that he made up his testimony.  Nick posits that the killer stabbed him from the back, so he was ensuring that his kidneys would be damaged.  Also that Ryan's wife was collateral damage in the bank as Gary used it to launder his drug money, thus Ryan was the killer. Well took them long enough! Ha.

Ryan wanted to make sure that Gary wouldn't be saved and thus he killed Brad, assuming it was Jayson. When Brass arrives at his house, he finds Ryan gone and Blake hiding out in the closet.  Ryan is kidnapped by Jayson.  Blake only wants to speak with the "funny science man."  Morgan suggests a bar of chocolate to break the ice (no pun!) and he's allergic.  Hodges adds he is too, already thought that.  Blake likes him using big words and said someone was talking about the compressor not working.

The truck is spotted heading out on the highway and Brass arrives just in time to save Ryan.  He wants Jayson to drop the gun but he doesn't do it, with Ryan wanting him to shoot him.  Brass tells him he'll drop one in his kidneys if he doesn't comply.  Then arrests Ryan.  So now his son has lost both parents, so was it really worth in the end.  Hodges explains that Blake will be taken to his grandparents.  Well at least he had family.  Small comfort.

At the office party everyone finds out their secret Santa's, Doc and DB share a herbal tea.  Nick was Finn's Santa, Greg was Morgan's and she was Hodges, she gives him a Las Vegas snowglobe. A happy ending for them but Sara was missing again this ep, as was Henry, spending Christmas together, ha.  No, not like that! A bit of a seasonal ep, who would've guessed, especially with all those Christmas jokes and one liners coming in thick and fast, like the non existent snow in Vegas.  Liked David's corker as some may say, about grandma getting run over by a reindeer, but "Santa got sleighed!"  (Or slayed.)

Ryan (AKA Silas from The Vampire Diaries) though revenge would set his mind at ease for the murder of his wife, but in the long run, it was always going to be Blake who would suffer.  This was like a CSI:NY ep where Mac (Gary Sinese) or one of the team would always ask the question of whether it was worth it in the end.  It's always the children who miss out.

Secondly, Brass tells DB that Jayson got lost it the system and is probably in Buffalo by now, so he won't make the surgery tomorrow.  Knowing that this will impact on Ryan and in the end, revenge is sweet, but only if it doesn't involve killing.  Recalling how Brass understands what happened to his wife.  He's been through it too, DB not knowing what to say to him.  Hey, didn't Brass get a Secret Santa, that wasn't fair. Hodges explanation of REM sleep to Blake was sweet, especially in comparison to how his science father ruined his Christmas for him.  Thus it's touching when Morgan gives him the snowglobe as a gift and calling him her hero too on the card she gives him.  Most definitely a Hodges' ep.  Hodges gets to hear the end of the story as Blake reads to him.

Snow episodes in CSI:NY such as Tanglewood in season 1 and Sanguine Love in season 6, shows how evidence is collected in the snow.

Hodges: "I wish. Instead of regaling me with stories of Santa, my scientist father lectured me on the implausibility of the whole thing."
Morgan: "What, he didn't think a fat man in a sled could make it around the world in one night?"
Hodges: "He also had a problem with the climate damage caused by toy factories in the North Pole."
Morgan: "God, I hope I don't have you as my Secret Santa."

Jensen Ackles On Supernatural and more

We don't much get the Supernatural cast in photoshoots, only usually of TV magazines or guides, something to do with publicity for the show, so when one does come along, it happens to be in a Chinese version of a magazine, widely available worldwide.  Well perish the thought we'd ever get one here featuring Jensen Ackles, we don't even get Supernatural here anymore!  That's how much UK TV channels think of the show and its fans, absolutely nothing!  First ITV2 stopped showing it, then it was bought by Sky Living on subscription and then they decided they would discard it too!

The September 2014 issue of Harpers Bazaar features Jensen as many will not have seen him before.  Only rarely do we get a good interview to match the photos and this is one of those times.

A great interview in terms of Jensen being so very honest and sincere, not that he ever isn't this. It's a breath of fresh air to see he's got his priorities right of always putting his family first.  As he says, "I am gentle and accomodating in real life" and is as far removed from Dean as he could be, not liking 'adventure.'

A gifted actor, as well as a kind, generous and down to earth man.  He is a credit to his parents and this is also apparent by him wanting to be like his father to his own daughter Justice Jay Ackles.  The world needs more people like Jensen!  He's someone I will never tire of writing about or being a fan!

Right where are all my Chinese friends, I need this mag!!