
Thursday 17 April 2014

Revenge 3.15 "Struggle" Review

Emily: "We spend our lives struggling to hold onto the things we value most.  To the people and things we believe we could never exist without.  But our memories are often an illusion protecting a far more destructive truth."

Jack (Nick Wechsler) hasn't returned any of mother (Gail O'Grady) dearest calls after the shock revelation and he doesn't want anything to do with her.  She left as soon as Jack was born but now wants to make things up to him by making it possible;e for Jack to get his dream home and set up house with Margaux. Patrick (Justin Hartley) attends the wake for his dearly departed father, Brennan, but soon gets into turmoil when he tells his friends that he wasn't the perfect man they make him out to be.  On the contrary, he's a rapist.  Cue brawl.  But Victoria (Madeleine Stowe) was there to rescue him as per usual.  Strange how the two of them just keep sticking up for one another over and over. They really do seem to go over and beyond the call of mother/son.

Emily (Emily VanCamp) is still suffering those blackouts and this time she brings out the knife and destroys the infinity symbol her father (James Tupper) carved on the porch of the beach house.  Seems if she can't dig the knife in deeper to her friends, there' always the pieces of wood, furniture.  She ran to Nolan (Gabriel Mann) who wanted to leave town with her, but she instead decides she wants to kill all the Grayson's.  Fitting revenge indeed, or should that be end.  Daniel (Josh Bowman) meanwhile hires a PI to follow Emily so he can dig up dirt on her and finally get a divorce and her out of his life.  Or maybe to use for other purposes against her.  He's gotten his own PI cos he doesn't want the relics used by his parents.

Nolan asks Aiden (Barry Sloane) for help but he's not too eager to oblige.  Now for someone who claimed to love her forever, he should have jumped at the chance of helping her out.  I'm sure she's helped him many times in his past and with finding out about his sister too.  Aiden says she's out of control and tried to kill him too, at least have him killed, but Nolan adds if she goes through with her plan to kill the Grayson's, she won't snap out of it.  To this end, Emily headed for the Southfork Inn and to kill Conrad (Henry Czerny) but she's interrupted by someone.  Of course from the shoes, it was obviously Aiden, ha.  He kidnaps her and ties her to a chair, using the method Takeda would use on her if he was still alive.  ironically it was Aiden who killed him.  She must confront her demons and find out why she's going after her friends, instead of going after the people she wanted her real revenge against.

This he does by wanting her to reach her subconscious and by dunking her head in cold water.  Probably a good idea since her mother tried to drown her when she was little and also Takeda used to do the same for her, when he tied her underwater, probably more of the reason why Aiden did that.  She has flashes to her father and how she found him and Victoria together.  She ran away and he came after her.  He's the reason she's losing the plot.  Emily tells him Victoria hates her and he shouldn't trust her but he refuses to give up the woman he loves.  Emily gets better and thanks Aiden for helping since he was the only one who could get through to her.  They kiss and obviously you know Daniel's PI is hiding around somewhere.  So this time they finally get caught on camera and Daniel has his pics to move forward with his own plans now.  Emily knows she has to clear her father's name.

Victoria attends Nolan's meeting where he plans to set up an Artwalk for artists to display their work and she wants to do something for Patrick.  But she blames Nolan for being the one who sent Patrick on the path to find his father and on the path of self destruction too.  Maybe Victoria is to blame for that too, she's got a knack for attracting the wrong men in her life. Prompting Nolan to visit Patrick who is shirtless yet again!  He tells him how he's changed being here and he's truly sorry for what he did.  If he knew the gory details, he wouldn't have said anything to him.  Nolan tells him there's a place for him at the Artwalk which will be attended by a famous painter.  Sure enough he turns up and is impressed with his work, offering Patrick an internship in Tuscany.  Later we find out that Nolan paid him off to take Patrick on as he and Victoria share a drink together. Victoria: "What no snappy rejoinder?"
Nolan: "None needed, you let me help break your heart."

Jack comes to Emily for advice and she tells him to get to know his mother, Stevie.  He takes Emily's hand to thank her.  Wonder what went through Emily's mind then as far as Jack was concerned.  She tells him how she was a drunk and had to leave him so he'd be looked after her. She couldn't look after him until she could look after herself.  She only found out she was pregnant when she was in rehab.  It took her so long cos she's only now gathered the strength to face Victoria and Conrad, who are triggers to her.  Victoria also shows up with a council leader who tell Stevie she'll have a fight on her hands if she levels the mansion as it's a historic site.

Nolan brings Emily a new infinity box, one that can only be opened with her fingerprint.  Inside she looks at the journals and recalls how Jack said his mother was an alcoholic and how her father mentioned Stevie who wanted to take on his case, but she had been disbarred.  Leaving Emily with another dilemma, can she take revenge on Stevie too, she being Jack's mother, or will she pump her for info.

Charlotte (Christa B Allen) finds out Margaux's father is coming to town and Margaux did exactly what Conrad knew she would do.   He invites her to sit in on the meeting which is what she also wanted since now she can run off and tell Daniel everything.

Revenge says goodbye to Patrick but he wasn't the character he could have been.  He was mostly just used by Victoria in her struggles against everyone after her and all the bad decisions she'd made.  We didn't get to know much about him or his past and whether he was always so dark and had been in trouble before he came to the Hampton's.  As Nolan tells him his troubles started when he arrived here, but that's just his view. There was nothing to cement Patrick as a character except for being Victoria's son and always wanting to help her out, even if this involved murderous intentions.   He got close to her though he didn't know her that well himself.  So she hatches the plot to get him to leave otherwise he would forever be helping her out of her troubles.  Could have done so much more with him.

This was more of an ep for tying up loose ends than anything major and opening up new plots with Stevie and Conrad and Pascal when he arrives.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

The Vampire Diaries 5.16 "While You Were Sleeping" Review

Elena (Nina Dobrev) is back in her own body now which leaves her to catch up on what's been happening around her.  Of course this she did in t he most part by having a phone conversation with Damon (Ian Somerhalder) surprisingly the phone battery didn't run out.  Oh and Matt (Zach Roerig) falling for the same ploy as Tyler did when Damon needed to get out of his chains.  I mean do they not communicate with each other.  So Stefan (Paul Wesley) has Elena at the dorm with Liv (Penelope Mitchell) having done a spell to keep her in.  Feeding her periodically with his blood.  There's no known cure for the virus she's been injected with and Caroline (Candace Accola) goes in search of this at Maxfield's lab.  She finds a recording of his saying how he's mixed in wolf blood into the serum, which potentially makes it more dangerous.  Elena is dying, booo hoo and she's revisted by hallucinations this time round, guess they got a budget now and didn't have to resort to old flashbacks, or new, ha.

Aaron (Shaun Sipos)appears to her and she thinks it's cos she's the one who killed him, so when she asks Damon he changes the subject or he's interrupted by Matt cos it's feeding time and so doesn't have to tell her.  At least not yet.  Anyway Enzo (Michael Mularkey) returns to the lab and he and Caroline work together to find the antidote which he tells her he has, but first she's got to do something for him.  This involved her and Stefan.  The Travellers want to use Stefan to locate his doppelganger, oh man, there's another one of him and apparently he works as a paramedic in Atlanta.  This was good to see cos it shows Stefan moving away from Elena and Damon in terms of not really wanting her back, as Katherine wanted him and getting something different to do.  Elena asks him if he and Katherine got together and he tells her they kissed but he stopped it.  Clearly he doesn't want to go there.

Elena wants to get out of her dorm prison and Luke (Chris Brochu) turns up whom she almost bites but sends him away by compelling him, or so she thinks.  But she doesn't have second thoughts when she sees Liv with Bonnie (Kat Graham) who doesn't want her getting out.  So she throws a sharp object at Liv and she needs Elena to save her life now by feeding her blood, but why doesn't Liv get affected with the virus too.  Okay she's not a vampire, but technically she should have some trace of it inside her.  Anyway this leads to Liv showing her true colours since she's just going along with Bonnie until the time is right for her and Luke, her gay brother, to pounce in with their new plans.  I don't like the way, just when Bonnie thinks someone is a friend or actually helping her, they turn on her and the others.  They have done this so many times now, it's getting boring.  Think Prof Shane.

Elena once again hallucinates and sees Aaron but this time Damon is there to help her, as is Enzo with the antidote.  Leaving Elena and Damon to have a heart to heart and a bit more than that.  He tells her he killed Aaron after she rejected him but she somehow manages not to blame him but everyone else, such as Katherine.  He calls their relationship "toxic" and they need to part ways.  Elena comes up with how she always has to defend him again and be there for him to help him out again.  Or the way she said again,
"ag-gen!"  Cos anyone can see what was coming next.  Another falling into bed scene and another Damon shirt being ripped "ag-gen."  Oh come on, so bored with their on/off relationship and make-up sex.  Elena can't change Damon and he won't ever change either.  New plots now please.

So many holes in this ep, ag-gen, ha.  For starters why would Enzo help Elena, she's just a nagging pain and he was happy being 'ripper' pals with Damon on their killing spree.  He doesn't even know her.  Why would Caroline just jump at the chance of killing Stefan's doppelganger.  She's not really a cold blooded killer and how could she just murder his lookalike anyway?  Are the Travellers so strong that they can't work to defeat them instead.  Bonnie once ag-gen (ok I'll stop copying Elena's 'again' now, ha) keeping things to herself, like not telling them about Katherine being dragged to hell most likely and not passing through to the other side.

Anyway Enzo and Caroline head out to kill the Stefan doppelganger and Caroline thinks this is okay to do cos Stefan would do the same for her.  Leaving us to also ponder what Luke and Liv will be up to and will this tie in with the Travellers.  As for Sloan (Caitlin McHugh) being their leader, she's the one who came to Maxfield, saying she'd fund his research further.  That was a bit of a dead end (pun fully intended) so presumably the antidote and meeting up with Sloan was what Maxfeild wanted Enzo to do for him, before letting him go.

I can't believe someone actually got Stefan to say he worked out Elena was Katherine after they kissed. Cos the text Matty Blue Eyes sent to Caroline helped, as did Caroline herself.  It wasn't a lone man effort.  Cos it also rings the opposite of what Elena said to Damon, that it wasn't her and Katherine was in her, he didn't know, when he should have known.  Well they didn't really snog each other if that's how they're now saying Stefan worked it out.  Lazy writing here for a show in its fifth season!  Also Stefan implying he stopped the kiss cos he worked out it was Elena, means he actually still has feelings for her, if you think about it.

Funny scene had to be Elena hallucinating herself dancing on the bar and Matt telling her to rip off her top, which she does.  Something she wouldn't do.  Perhaps rename the title 'While We Were Weeping' for Katherine and her quirkiness and downright 'not giving a damn for anyone' attitude, which is now missing.

The Mentalist 6.16 "Violets" Review

A gallery owner, John Hennigan (Trevor St John) is robbed by a group of masked men and when they try to steal a portrait which is close to his heart and his wife Sylvia's (Samantha Smith) he is brutally shot.  The FBI Art agents are trying to apprehend the gang for a number of years and Patrick(Simon Baker) stops by knowing he can help them out.  He offers some advice to Sylvia, telling her that John's not really dead but lives on inside of her.  Something he knows all about since he's been through the same and mourned the loss of his wife and daughter for many years.  Even took him a number of years to catch the killer, as we know.   Ah for the days of red John.  But he reassures her they will get the killer.  Also Patty doing some analysis of the agent who arched his shoulders showing they're in need of his help.

Abbott (Rockmond Dunbar) agrees to Patrick helping out since the gang has alluded them and tells Fisher (Emily Swallow) they'll go along with him.  During their briefing, they ID one of the men.  Lisbon (Robin Tunney) walks in and catches the eye of Agent Marcus Pike (Pedro Pascal).  Patrick has a plan and Lisbon is surprised he already has one, don't know why though, since she's been working with him a long time too and knows how he operates, at least how his mind works.

Patrick is out shopping and Wylie (Joe Adler) walks in with shopping bags and instructions which he had to write down on a notepad.  He gives Abbott a jacket as he's going to rope in Seth (Aaron Pulaski) as he knows about boxing, which Abbott says is true but he didn't tell Patrick.  No need, he knows everything! Ha.  Lisbon is handed a white dress cos she's going to be the 'inside man, er woman' and play Patty's girlfriend!  He must be thinking, if only, Patty that is, and so are we.  He can't stop acting so blase and so cool about this for very long, cos it'll get too old too soon.  Though most of us weren't expecting anything romantic between Lisbon and Patrick, think it's about time that changed.  Oh come on, we know Patty has deeper feelings for her than this.  He really can't fool us any longer!

Cho (Tim Kang) is going to be the muscle so he can find his own clothes too and Fisher will make goo goo eyes at Seth and reel him into the bedroom.  Adler of course will be watching their every move since they've installed cameras in the bar and the 'party house.'  Which Marcus tells Wylie they found in an operation.  So Patrick's plan goes according to clockwork and Abbott makes his move in the bar talking about boxing. Thus naturally he fools Seth into a false sense of security and befriends him, gaining his trust.  Wylie telling Marcus that the mark will trust Abbott and open up to him when he removes his hand from the bar since it means he's opened up to him.  Patty told him that.

Cho pretends to lose his shot in his pool game and accuses Seth of putting him off by his annoying laugh. There's a fight and Cho pulls out a gun, prompting Abbott and Seth to run.  Abbott gives him a lift in his flashy car to his boss's house.  Said boss being Patty, cue scarf round his neck, so very arty!  Wonder where he went shopping for that.  Mind you that's the only piece of wardrobe he adds to his usual clothes.  Yep still wearing the socks Lisbon gave him!  They're very treasured by now.  Lisbon feels self conscious in her low cut number as she looks at her cleavage.  Patrick invites Seth to the party and he meets Fisher.  They talk dirty and she leads him upstairs, just in time for Patrick to arrive and get them out of his bedroom.  And time for him to notice the artwork on the walls, which Patrick tells him are fakes.  Of course they're all stolen property recovered by the FBI.

Wylie watches on camera and Seth calls another man, their 'leader' and the shooter to the house.  When the guest leave Patrick finds him in his bedroom again and he tells Patrick the paintings are real.  He realizes he's about to steal something, but warns him this is his town and he should head for Miami instead.  Patrick deals him in otherwise they'll have bad things happen to them.  He drives them to the museum cos Patrick wants to steal Manet's Violets.  Notice the subtle way in which Patrick describes the painting as being  an homage to forbidden love, painted by Manet for his brother-in-law's wife.  Almost a reference to Patty and Lisbon. Marcus asks Wylie about Patrick and Lisbon but they're not an item.  Seems even Wylie suspected they were together, but aren't.

Lisbon covers Patrick with a throw as he sleeps on the sofa and calls Marcus. She's hungry and there's no food so he mentions pancakes, waffles.  But she can't go get any.  Next day whilst they're at the museum, Seth comes back but the paintings are gone.  He searches to find a hidden safe for which they'll need the combination.  Returning to the house Patrick and Lisbon are held at gunpoint until Patrick opens the safe.  McKay (Charles Mesure) as Wylie IDed him as, finds the tracker on the painting and Lisbon pulls a gun on the man guarding her.  When McKay and Seth leave, they're arrested but McKay manages to escape.  Cho gives chase and he runs into an alley and then approaches the band that Patty wanted, playing Yellow Rose of Texas.   McKay takes a taxi and leads them right to his lair!

He refuses to talk and asks for a lawyer. Abbott tells him he doesn't need to say anything and Patrick asks him what the band was playing, mentioning Yellow Rose.  Them lets him know he used the "illusion of control" to let him think McKay was the one making all the moves.  He'll be charged with John's murder and Sylvia gets her painting back, telling Patrick he was right.  He lives on in her heart.  Cho brings back the tradition of pizza after a bust and Lisbon and Seth head out for pancakes.  Patrick asks where they're going, but lets them go alone.  Huh, Lisbon didn't even ask him if he wanted to come.  No, after Marcus told her he likes her, that was it!  Patty sits on his couch and what sulks, regrets.  He didn't even have any funny comebacks or one liners to throw at him, which was so unlike him.

Am hating where they're taking this, giving Lisbon a love interest, fine she had to have one eventually. Patrick did leave her alone for two years, but that was out of necessity.  He did keep in touch though, but have to wonder and ask where this storyline is heading.  This was an enjoyable episode of late and finally Lisbon and Patrick go to work together and it was almost like an old episode.  It managed to get everyone out of the office and even Fisher was good in it, which came as a shock to me! Ha. Maybe cos it was more Lisbon/Patrick orientated.  With Cho having another chase scene which we're so accustomed to seeing him in from past eps.

If the remaining eps are as good as this, surely we should get a season 7, even if that's the last one, it'll give us time to prepare to say a find farewell.  Oh and did anyone miss Van Pelt and Rigsy, not being horrible and just asking, but this ep didn't make me think about them at all.  Was I wrong to think that way?

Hey look it was Mom from Supernatural, i.e. Samantha Smith, now we know what she did after leaving, posing for nude paintings! Ha. What would Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) think?! Ha.

Thursday 10 April 2014

The Vampire Diaries 5.15 "Girl Gone" Review

As Nadia (Olga Fonda) lies dying (thought I'd paraphrase a previous Vampire Diaries ep from the season 2 finale, As I Lay Dying, when Damon (Ian Somerhalder) was bitten by the werewolf and they needed Klaus's blood to save his life.  We had Elena (Nina Dobrev) by his side and spending time with him, whilst Stefan (Paul Wesley) was put through the rigmarole of having to play Klaus's lackey so he could get Klaus's blood to cure Damon.  Ok a little off point there, but still relevant for many reasons, read my review for that ep to find out why.

 Here Nadia doesn't get a cure since Katherine tells her she can't ask Klaus cos he'll be after her.  Instead she enlists the help of Maxfield (Rick Cosnett) which was not only stupid but dangerous, I mean he's really going to help.  He takes Nadia's blood sample so he can juts whip up something, a magic cure.  Don't think so.

The others meanwhile are on the hunt for Katherine and Nadia and this involves Bonnie (Kat Graham) asking Liv (Penelope Mitchell) for help again with the scrying spell, but seems she only has eyes for Jeremy (Steven R McQueen) which perturbs Bonnie no end.  Many have liked Jeremy and wanted him, many will continue to do so, so get over it Bonnie.  They need to locate Katherine so they can use the gypsy dagger on her and expel her from Elena's body.  Even Damon tries to get Katherine to meet him, but she sees through him, of course she would.  One minute she doesn't want to know him and vice versa and the next he just expected her to come running!  Caroline (Candace Accola) and Bonnie also come up with a plan to reel her in for Bonnie's birthday but Katherine isn't biting.  She knows it's a trap since none of them wanted her around or called her and now everyone's bugging her.  Figuring out they know she's not Elena.

Damon also tells them the same eventually, that she knows he was trying to get her to come down under false pretences.  Nadia has flashes of looking for her mother over the centuries, which was very Katherine orientated in the sense of how she also had flashes when she was on her deathbed of having Nadia taken from her so cruelly and losing her parents.  As well as having eyes only for Stefan.  Maxfield doesn't show up with the cure and Katherine goes looking for him.  That's cos Damon's escaped his chains by luring Tyler (Michael Trevino) in after telling him how he couldn't stop Caroline from sellping with Klaus and he can't resist being baited by Damon.  So Damon arrives at Maxfield's after Enzo tells him where he is but we don't know what Enzo's last deed for Maxfield was.  They fight and Maxfield tries to get his hands on the syringe with the all magic potion, the Augustine serum; but Damon gets his own back by exacting the same torture he endured for five years onto him, but in less time.  A fitting end, ha.

Katherine didn't even look all that distraught, unless she was keeping up a front for appearance's sake.  But she arrives at Salvatore mansion after all to say farewell to Nadia.  Though it doesn't really look like she was really that sad to see her daughter go, not until the last minute.  She tells Nadia she was taken from her and so couldn't be a good mother.  Right, any old excuse.  Nadia dies and Bonnie helps her to cross over. Katherine attempts to escape but is cornered by Damon who's outside the front door.  So that was the only way in and out was it.  She accepts defeat in the only way Katherine could and asks who will do the dirty deed.  It won't be Caroline, Jeremy or "Matty Blue," or even Damon or Bonnie.

Katherine tells Damon she sorry him for turning him, for taking him away from his family but it's just a speech to get him angry, cos she's glad of everything she did to him and he went through.  She turns to Stefan, the love of her life and they share a kiss, before he brings out the dagger and stabs her.  She had to really expect that didn't she, knowing his heart always belongs to Elena and not to her.  So Katherine's gone, or is she?  Probably she will return in some way, shape or form and she gets to the church where Bonnie lights a candle for her father, but Katherine doesn't pass through her and not for want of trying either.  Before she goes she has a nice surprise in store for them and for Elena.  She stole the syringe and injected Elena's body with it, so now Elena's got the ripper virus too, but many times worse since it has werewolf blood.  That should spice Elena up a bit seeing we can't really have the old, boring Elena back.  So she's in league with Damon now, having got what he's got and her turn to play ripper for a change.  As for Katherine, she's dragged to that other side, the hell below.

Tyler tells Matt (Zach Roerig) to bury Nadia in the woods but he tells him she's going to have a proper burial as she deserves better.  We also got to see how he and Rebekah and Nadia spent the Summer together. Matt even pretended to be Gregor so that Nadia could have a less painless passing.   Finally though Tyler's werewolf bite is actually lethal and if Katherine really wanted to be the mother she claimed she was, she should have found Klaus to save Nadia even if that meant losing her life in the process, which she did anyway.  At least she gave Nadia her last perfect day/memory which involved her playing outside and coming home with her.  Just like Stefan did the same for Katherine by removing the death of her parent's from her mind.  Although Katherine didn't go gently, she left them with a parting gift that'll make them remember her.

So Bonnie doesn't know what was happening to Katherine or where she was headed, that can only mean one thing, she's not really gone for good, right?  She's an intricate part of the show and can't really be written out.  She made the show more interesting than the ever-eternal, confounded, continuing love triangle, which this show should never have gotten too bogged down with, drawing away from the real story.  It's not always about love.

Tyler and Caroline faced that inevitable showdown where she wanted to know why he and everyone was down on her for sleeping with Klaus.  Yes, she did it, she tells him, it's in the past, but now get over it. Adding that no one riled on him for killing Nadia with his werewolf bite.  Recall he told Matt he only just nipped her.  Also Tyler bit Damon in season 2 when he was trying to help him.  Thus passed a well loved character in Katherine Pierce.  Leaving us to ponder what lies in store for Elena, but who really cares? Ha.

As sated int he opening there were similarities to Damon's werewolf bite ep where he had flashes and they always involved Katherine.  Vowing he could chase her forever, which he did and finally got to see her die now.  Stefan had to turn into a ripper once again in order to save Damon and here Damon was a ripper too and Elena, well she'll probably be a super ripper, ha.  The title of that season 2 episode alluded to Homer's The Odyssey and mentions the woman wouldn't close his eyes as he descended into hell/Hades, somewhere Katherine is right about now.  I also mentioned in that review about Supernatural making a great cross over ep with Vampire Diaries and didn't Katherine remind you just a little of Dean (Jensen Ackles) and his being dragged into hell for making that deal and selling his soul to save his beloved Sammy (Jared Padalecki).

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Revenge 3.14 "Payback" Review

Emily: "Of all the weapons we take into battle, there is none more powerful than the mind.  It holds our instincts and our training.  It allows us to distinguish friend from foe, love from hate.  But if that weapon is unsound, it is by no means disarmed.  For the mind is all the more dangerous when damaged and there's no guarantee it won't choose itself as its next victim."

Emily (Emily VanCamp) goes in for a cat scan and her doctor tells her there's an anomaly on her brain, for which she needs to see a specialist and that she should also seek professional help and talk to someone about it.  Emily tells this to Nolan (Gabriel Mann) and she's asked him to hack into the security footage of the Southfork.  She's at the bar when Conrad (Henry Czerny) approaches and takes her back to his room, but he leaves her there the entire night.  So much for saying how amazing she was.  Nolan's worried for her since she's living in danger at the mansion and living with the enemy, so anything could happen to her.  It appears she's working with Conrad and he's the one who called his ex, Stevie (Gail O'Grady).  Who just happens to be a hotshot divorce attorney and is helping her with divorcing Daniel (Josh Bowman). Yeah one Mrs Grayson to another.  She can get an annulment from Daniel cos he slept with his mistress in their home.

She tells Emily about the deal she wants but Emily can't recall.  Instead she tells Stevie she doesn't want to divorce Daniel after all but she's not in love with anyone else, which Stevie can't believe cos her eyes betray her.  Stevie: "that look in your eyes is love and not for the man you married."  This really worries Emily cos she almost gave away telling her about Aiden (Barry Sloane) and later she turns up at Aiden's and wants to make mad love to him.  Mad being the operative word.  He pulls her off him and tells her he's leaving for London.  Well not really, just the boot of the car, as Niko (Stephanie Jacobsen) drugs him and takes him back to Takeda's apartment.  Here she shows him the katana and is hoping for Emily to come, as she's left her a clue and then she's going to kill her, just like he murdered her father.  Aiden tells her he didn't, he defended himself and did what his father taught him.  Or else he could have said that someone else did it, but he took the katana for sentimental reasons, that's why he had it.

Emily tells Nolan about what she's done and about Aiden and then sees the katana cover in Aiden's bag. She's the one who had the katana after all and not Aiden, which is why I said he wouldn't be so stupid as to keep that under the bed last ep.  She's worried for him and also that she's trying to get revenge on her friends instead of her enemies.  She turns up and fights Niko, who really doesn't compare to everything Takeda taught her.  Oh, now Aiden manages to undo his ropes, but he couldn't before.  Emily gets the better of her but Aiden stops Emily from killing Niko.  He says they followed a code just like her father and she should just leave.  But has she gone for good.

Daniel plans a birthday party for Charlotte (Christa B Allen) but only after she reminds him.  Also asking him for a job on Voulez.  He responds she's welcome to his job since Conrad has taken over the magazine and he got fired.  Daniel stresses how it's just the two of them against the world.  Maybe until she finds out who really shot Emily.  Just as Conrad returns home, ha, Victoria (Madeleine Stowe) receives word of the fire at the gallery and Patrick (Justin Hartley) admits it was his fault.  He's called Brennan (Brett Cullen) to carry out the repairs and he's more than happy to get into bed with the Grayson's.  Victoria is disgusted with him and leaves but not before begging Patrick not to take drastic measures against him cos she can't lose him.

Patrick almost electrocutes him until he talks of how he had a child, but couldn't get to see him cos his mother took him away and gave him up.  Emily arrives at Charlotte's birthday and she tells her she's happy she's got an internship on Voulez.  Of course Conrad would oblige her.  Charlotte tells Emily she already said that half an hour ago.  Daniel receives a phonecall and Victoria spies Brennan speaking with Charlotte. He's here for colour swatches and then notices that look in Victoria's eyes.  Like she's after him.  Later he puts two and two together and when Victoria shows up at the gallery again, he recalls who she is and how she went after him.  Victoria is outraged and Patrick hits him, he falls and hurts his head, but they don't call for an ambulance.  Instead Victoria has a flashback with his, "face in the concrete line" and they leave him to die.  Patrick tells her he doesn't want to go through that, what were they even doing.  But he's in the clear since the police say he fell from his ladder.  Not very thorough the police in the Hampton's.

Emily finds out she lost the plot with Nolan too and he videoed it on his phone. Only his ego was bruised. She doesn't know what's happening since it's not the anomaly on her brain which is causing the blackouts. She thinks it might be heridatary and she may be following in her mother's footsteps.  She later tells Aiden how she didn't mean to plant the katana for it to be found and didn't want to see him dead.  But she must have her revenge and she cant give him the family he wants.  He tells her all he ever wanted was Emily.

Jack (Nick Wechsler) and Margaux (Karine Vanasse) get a house together.  She also tells Daniel she is trying to save the magazine for both of them since she's trying to see what Conrad is up to.  She's leaving for France to force her father to meet her.  As well as losing it when Conrad calls a creative meeting without her there.  Conrad tries to get into Stevie's good graces by giving her an envelope with something that will make up for the past.  She throws it into the bin.  Later she visits Jack at the Stowaway and sees Carl there, Stevie decides to stay on since she wants to hear what Conrad's been up to with Jack.

Stevie has a deed which shows she's the owner of the manor and wants Victoria out, Conrad joking about how this will leave Victoria homeless.  But Stevie tells him this doesn't mean she's in partnership with him. She returns to the Stowaway and reveals to Jack that she's his mother and wants to hear the story now. Though it was meant to be shocking it was just so obvious Stevie was going to say, "I'm your mother."  That we blurted it out before even she did, ha!  So it seems Jack is in it up to his neck with being so closely associated with the Grayson's and his father having an affair with Stevie, ugh, it's never ending.  Is Montauk so small! The other worst case scenario is that he's Conrad's son, nooo!  But wouldn't that stir up a whole other kettle of fish.  There are plenty of 'halfs' though, as in Emily and Charlotte being half sisters.  Daniel and Charlotte being half brother and sister and then Patrick is also their half brother.  Jack and Declan were half brothers.  Have I missed anyone?

Daniel wants Charlotte to spy on Conrad now she has her foot through the door since once again they've only got each other left.  Again I reiterate, how long before she finds out his lies and shooting Emily.  Wonder if he'll find out Emily and Charlotte are sisters, that'll send his world spinning and rightly so.  Charlotte is worried about Emily and Conrad being so close, especially after Lydia shot her.

Perhaps the highlight would have to be Victoria and Stevie bumping into each other dress shopping.  Then Stevie pointing out Victoria has the same dress as her in her hand!  Touche, ha.  Are their tastes really so alike.  It's uncanny, I mean they both had affairs, both had children who weren't Conrad's and whilst they were both married to him.  Want to know how Jack will take this revelation and how will Margaux's foray into ousting Conrad get her any closer to Daniel.

Is this blackout storyline of Emily's actually going to lead somewhere or is it just a means to keep the show running.  So Patrick has now killed two people for his mother and he's not looking any more endearing as a person.  Just reinforcing the effect Victoria can have on her brood, which I mentioned a few eps ago, both Patrick and Daniel can take other's lives so easily, life is so cheap and they don't have any morals.  What makes it worse is that they can get away with it too, as it's always covered up everytime.  Though Patrick was going to call for help but instead she made him endure his own father's death.  As Victoria replies, "we're victims of our world."  Or rather victims of your own doing.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

The Mentalist 6.15 "White As The Driven Snow" Review

Continuing on from last ep we get to see the call again between Rigsby (Owain Yeoman) and Van Pelt (Amanda Righetti) before she's abducted.  Hey she was wearing her socks on the bed, but when she woke up in the basement, she had her boots on, of course she needed those for when she escaped.  So Rigsby, Cho (Tim Kang) and Patrick (Simon Baker) have a few beers with Rigsby telling Patty he and Van Pelt always thought Patrick and Lisbon (Robin Tunney) would get together, which Patrick just laughs off.  But seriously under that demeanour, he has got a soft spot for her, only we don't know if he would really own up to his feelings and admit them and whether Lisbon would too.  Hey we can cold read Patty too you know! Ha.

Rigsby and Cho grab some dinner and Cho tells Rigsby they should join the FBI.  Abbott (Rockmond Dunbar) wanted him to ask them and Rigsby really thinks they could do that until later on.  Cho notices the hotel room door open and they find Van Pelt is missing.  Abbott wants a search for Haibach (William Mapother) and Wylie (Joe Adler) tries to tell him that he's already here, which we knew.  Patrick finds he's got a plan and had one all along before turning himself in on the basis of being stalked by the police and having a warrant on his head.  But Patty can see through the facade.  Rigsby comes in and blows his top, like that'll make him spill.  Haibach's alibi is checked and pans out but only cos he's got an accomplice.

We see her when Van Pelt manages to escape her prison to find herself in the snow.  Asking the first car that came along for help, which happened to be an SVU and a grey one at that, just like what the FBI saw on some camera footage.  She didn't think that it could be her kidnapper and the person who was really after them.  She takes her back to the cabin feigning Van Pelt can use the phone, until Van Pelt notices there's no electricity, so no phone.  Rigsby really wants Patrick to help him and Patrick tells Rigsby she's still alive, even though Fischer (Emily Swallow) tells Abbott she's already dead by now.  Yeah she'd know.  Wouldn't want to have her on my team or the case either.  So untactful too cos Rigsby heard her and that's the last thing he wants to hear.

Patrick storms into the interrogating room and threatens Haibach, that he will answer to him and he's got nothing to lose, which he hasn't as we know and he's not just full of idle threats either.  Abbott reprimands him but Patrick wants him out of his comfort zone and his plan to be foiled.  His lawyer, Laura (Penny Peyser) arrives and his alibi checks out so he has to leave.  Knew that was Patty behind the wheel of their car cos of his plan.  Fischer even tried to have a talk with Laura as if she'd help.  Though Lisbon would have had a better shot, even if Fischer tells her she already tried.

They drop Laura off on the road and they take him further.  Rigsby threatens him and throws him out of the car, as we know this is Patrick's plan and Rigsby even pours gas over him and lights a flare, throwing his gun down beside him, cos it wasn't loaded.  Haibach gets the better of them which is what they wanted and he leads them to the building but Van Pelt is gone.  He then takes them to the cabin.  Wylie figures out where Haibach would be since he's bought clothes for snow and his sister, Hazel (Lisa Darr) is the logical accomplice helping him out.  He's at Sante Fe at the bottom of the mountains.  Van Pelt tries to talk to her but she doesn't want to hear anything.  She feels guilty about not being there for him when their father did things to him.  I don't know why Van Pelt didn't undo the duct tape from her mouth since  her hands were taped in front of her.

Patrick and Rigsby arrive and he heads straight for Van Pelt not seeing Hazel's behind him.  She shoots him and then Haibach shoots Rigsby again.  Felt sure those bullets would have been fake too, but alas no. Patrick and Van Pelt are taken outside and Patrick is about to have his fingers chopped off one by one.  Oh the look on Patty's face since we know his aversion to pain.  But Rigsby helps them by getting to Hazel and then the helicopter arrives, a little too late though.

Rigsby and Van Pelt don't want to join the FBI but that's the last time we'll see them as one big happy family. That's why the bonding moment with Cho for the last time and asking Patrick for help one last time too.  Though it really seemed slow and like Patrick wasn't his usual self when he was working the case.  He was sitting there reading the file,something he didn't do as much and wouldn't really need to in the past.  You can still feel that something is missing here.  Then it was good to see Patrick and Lisbon share some screen time together.

Also some reminiscing on the part of the boys when Cho recalls that pony Patrick gave Lisbon and he wonders what happened to it.  That's right, buy her a pet and then forget about it, ha.  Patrick mentioning also the title of an ep, A Price Above Rubies.  A good ep to mention since Patrick finds out Rigsby and Van Pelt have a thing for each other, as well as Patrick posing as Lisbon's husband for a moment at the psych hospital.  Hey it was good continuity to mention it here, though he didn't mean as a past ep, since Rigsby says they thought about Patty and Lisbon being a couple.  Besides the episode also guested Callard Harris, so that's a bonus!

Almost like the good old days!  Yes even with their dialogue at the end:
Lisbon: "I was really angry at you for doing what you did, but then I thought better of it.  It was a stupid idea, but hey it worked.
Patrick: "Stupid...not necessarily stupid, simple, not stupid.
Lisbon: "I am still angry at you for not telling me what you were going to do.  I thought you'd gone nuts."
Patrick: "It's not like I haven't abducted people before."
Lisbon was afraid for Patrick but not for Van Pelt or Rigsby.

Longmire 1.1 Pilot Review

A harkback to by gone times, when men were men and women hardly got a word in, ok that's going a bit too far! Ha.  But Longmire is a series which relies more on talk and action than just tech alone.  Never has so much been said in just one look or a few words, even one nod of the head.  Thanks in most part to its charismatic lead Robert Taylor.  He may be Australian but he's got his character of Sheriff Walt Longmire down to a tee, or tee, infact his one liners could be used on a tee-shirt!

Based on the series of books by Craig Johnson,  it really does go back to basic, grass roots TV, no pun, being set in Absaroka County, Wyoming.  Lonely secluded town, aka boondocks to some.  That makes it all the more appealing cos we get to see good old fashioned crime fighting at its best, where little or no tech is involved. heck this sheriff don't even own no cellphone, let alone use a phone all the time.  Also be hard to get him to use a computer.  Which once again adds to the charm of the show, or should I say quaintness.

It's a step away from CSI and forensic related shows, so if you want to get away from those, then tune in to this.  It's not that forensics aren't used or necessary, they're just not featured that much or relevant to a point.  It's more about intellect, and legwork.  It's also more character orientated and with the first scene you get Walt in the shower, showing the scars on his back, what more could you want.  I means in terms of story telling, not having its lead in the shower, but then...

So I'm late in writing about it cos it's into its third season in the US, but it's the UK, what'd you expect, we get most things here late and some pass us by completely.  Aussies and Brits who are Home and Away aficionados will be no stranger to Robert Taylor, who hit our screens in Home and Away back in 1989, playing bad guy Nicholas Walsh.  Morag (Cornelia Frances) was trying to set him up with her niece Roo, but he only had eyes for Stacey Macklin.  Our first glimpse of him was when he went skinny dipping in the sea and was spotted by none other than Celia Stewart, Alf's sister! Ha.  Okay that wasn't our first 'glimpse', if you know what I mean!  Well he had his clothes stolen!! He then went on to star in little known Brit detective show Yellowthread Street set in Hong Kong, so unknown it only lasted one series.  Though it's not available on DVD.  See Youtube for opening creds.  But then many of you will know Rob from The Matrix where he played Agent Jones.  Or even Father Vincent Sheahan in Ballykissangel.

The Pilot concerns a DB found in the snow and leads to a case of a missing girl who is thought to have been taken onto a roving brothel, that's right, an RV brothel.  Lots of tension and emotion played to the hilt here, as Walt offers to inform the Vic's wife of his passing, bad mistake as he loses the plot and has his own case of waterworks.  Understandable since his wife died a year ago and his daughter, Cady (Cassidy Freeman) is, well, hardly daughter material.  He later apologizes to her when he tells her she wore the same perfume as his wife and also breaks the news of her DB husband having a daughter, albeit before they got together.  He was working on finding her which led to his own murder.

Then there's the tension and the frustration since this town also has a Red Indian reservation and Walt is not on good terms with the Reservation police, seeing as he's punched on his first visit back there.  They take policing of their own very seriously and outsiders aren't welcome.  As if that wasn't enough he finds out one of his deputies, Branch Connally (Bailey Chase) is running against him in the upcoming elections for sheriff, what's the betting he won't win.  Walt discovers this after he sees his face staring out at him from a huge billboard.  Hmm, wonder how many people actually use that road, ha.  Compare that to the little sign Walt puts up showing he's in the running too.

Funny scene where Branch asks Walt how he got his info and put two and two together.  Walt shows him the book, The Hound of the Baskervilles, that's detective work for you and instincts!  Hey a homage to our very own Sherlock Holmes, very popular is our Sherlock!  (And I don't just mean the TV series with the eponymous Bene Cumberbatch either!  Well maybe subconsciously I do! Ha.)  But I gotta  ask was that book there cos the building used to be a library, well...

Walt's other deputies include Victoria aka Vic (Katee Sackhoff) from the East, where she was a homicide detective and seems she has her own secrets too.  As well as The Ferg (Adam Bartley)  So the discovery of a man's Wranglers (jeans) leads to a farm and a worker who was on said RV and with the missing girl, with Walt thinking his friend, Henry Standing Bear (Lou Diamond Phillips) seems like he's the only friend he has, runs a brothel out of his watering hole. Which he doesn't by the way.  It's a patron who does this and when Walt meets with him, it can only lead to murder.  Was I the only one thinking 'if someone's trying to kill you, get away from the window.'  Easy target.

Leading Walt to find the killer, none other than the guy who runs the pawn shop.  A shoot out, a chase and leaving him out there without help was the bones of this ep, which just made us come back for more.   Though I have to say the scene where Walt hammers the wooden stakes into the ground looked like he was planting a cross in the ground, but alas no, it was only his 'vote for me' board! And vote for you we shall, ha!

Friday 4 April 2014

Revenge 3.13 "Hatred" Review

Emily: "When I was a child my father woke me every morning with the same phrase, 'life is a great sunrise,' the words shaped the way I saw the dawn, but after my father was taken from me, the morning sun burned like fire.  That's when I learned what hatred was and that it would greet me each day to come."

Emily (Emily VanCamp) enters the bedroom to find Daniel (Josh Bowman) and Sara (Annabelle Stephenson) together and he makes no qualms about what he's done, obviously to rub Emily's nose in it, like she cares, she's been doing that to him for three years!  She knows Sara is Daniel's weak spot now so getting rid of her was as simple as a piece of stale left over wedding cake.  Sara meanwhile was getting the perks while they lasted as she sunned herself by the pool, defying anything Emily had to say to her and even ordering Cristal from the help.  Well seeing as she is such a piece of trash, enjoy it while it lasts, cos it won't be long!  Anyway Emily decides to go spend some money shopping and Daniel fires the staff cos they've been gossiping.  Yeah that'll stop Emily finding out what goes on there.

Margaux (Karine Vanasse) finds out the article in Voulez has been edited since it has words she didn't approve to print.  Stating Conrad (Henry Czerny) gave Lydia the gun that was used in the shooting. Thus opening her up to a lawsuit from Conrad, who was the one who had the copy printed to begin with.  He makes a deal with her to get Daniel booted off the magazine since he wants to buy it and he won't sue. Margaux agrees since she doesn't want her family's reputation in tatters, something the Graysons were once enamoured of, ha.  Daniel is angry that he doesn't have a job now and he rushes to Sara who has cooked a meal for him, yeah showing off where she really belongs, in the kitchen and he decides they should fly to Italy cos he's got a private jet.

Niko (Stephanie Jacobsen) moves into Nolan's (Gabriel Mann) much to his displeasure since no one's told him anything and no one does.  See he removed the Post-it notes a while back, maybe he should have left them for Niko.  She unpacks and Aiden (Barry Sloane) realizes she's back looking after Emily, but Aiden hasn't told her about them.  She pushes her bag under the bed and obviously there's something lurking under there.  Really Aiden haven't you heard everyone hides stuff under the bed!  Niko not realizing the man she's kissing is her father's killer.   She looks at her father's autopsy photos and realizes he was killed by his own katana/sword.  Busy fine peeling mangoes in Nolan's kitchen gives Nolan a change of heart since he's too afraid to tell his ground rules!  She's going to peel the skin off his killer.  Well she's already jumped his bones, what else is there to do! Ha.

Aiden tried to be one step ahead of her when he got Nolan to help him fake evidence to show the man who killed Declan was the same one who killed Takeda.  He tells her he's in Moscow and she should go take care of him on her own.  Finding out Aiden loves Emily more and revenge for Takeda isn't on his mind.  She gets her bag from under the bed and finds the katana there too!  Not so very clever in covering his tracks is he.  Of all the places he could have kept it, he chose his room.  Why is he hanging onto it anyway when he could have disposed off it ages ago too.  Sentimental value?  Was he going to leave it here when he was going away with Emily.  Not too bright.  Emily swims in the pool and finds herself at Nolan's where Aiden tries to speak with her.  She seems to be in a trance or drug induced state, was that Niko's doing, or someone else I wonder, down Grayson manor way.

Patrick (Justin Hartley) wanted to find his biological father, Jimmy Brennan (Brett Cullen) and Victoria tries to put him off, but he's determined.  He finds him and watches him from the car with his other child and Victoria (Madeleine Stowe) was ensuring that's all he does.  Victoria follows Patrick to the bar where Jimmy hangs and she bumps into him when he picks up her bag, she loses it.  Admitting to Patrick that she saw him as a brother when he lived in the same apartment building as her, but he forced himself on her.  She got the scholarship to Paris and a chance for anew beginning, giving him up to the convent where she knew Jimmy wouldn't find him.  Patrick tries to paint later on and drops some paint on the gallery floor.  In his rage, he sets fire to it.  Ooh Patrick that was very Amanda of him, when she did the same and ended up in juvvie. Seems like they have quite a bit in common.

Earlier Nolan was upset with him for assaulting him and didn't really want anything more to do with him.  He choose his side when he decided to be with Victoria and so ends that short lived saga or should I say romance!  Emily gets Sara's mother (Jayne Brook) to try and talk her out of staying with Daniel since Emily pays the hard done by wife and Vic!  Classic Emily really.  Sara doesn't want to leave since she loves Danny but her mother telling her not to return home ever, was too much for her to handle, so Sara leaves.  Yay! Let's hope it's for good.  So what does Daniel do, go on another drinking binge.  Enters Emily's room and knocks her about by throwing her onto the bed and angrily storms off saying, "sterilizing you was my gift to the universe."

Poor Emily, whilst Victoria can't get enough of her wayward children, Emily won't ever have that experience, unless she adopts.  I still wonder why she went with Victoria's say so regarding the doctor's news and she also gets Niko to cauterize her wounds, which means any hope she did have is gone.  We later see Conrad in his room and Emily in his bed, leaving us with the revelation that they slept together.  Did this really happen and why would Conrad let it to begin with.  Not that he has any scruples, but she is still his daughter-in-law, even if in name only.  As if that wasn't enough we get Conrad's first wife (Gail O'Grady) making her entrance.  She's clearly got plans for him and the other Grayson's and we get to see who he left for Victoria. She seems to be another formidable match and here to cause trouble, just the way Conrad likes them.

Meanwhile Charlotte seems to have disappeared this ep and Jack (Nick Wechsler) wants to spend his life with Margaux he tells her, buy a house and everything.  Don't do it Jack!  Clearly over Amanda and Emily. As I said hope that's the last we see of Sara she was a weak character in the sense of getting back with the man who caused her so much misery and pain and so quickly too.  Didn't like the way that was written into the plotline, just to give Daniel an excuse to shoot Emily.  Especially since he hadn't even thought of her in years!  Sara just didn't have the sense to stay away from Danny.  Though her mother managed to see the pain he'd caused her and wanted her to leave, she did get manipulated by Emily so easily.  Daniel just can't compete in the revenge stakes, he seems a little juvenile, okay a lot juvenile, doing things like having his mistress move into the mansion, didn't really make Emily bat an eye!  

Emily: "Many believe there is no such thing as too much love, that its warmth is a comfort from which we never tire.  But when love turns to obsession, it consumes itself.  The flame that nourished becomes merciless, angry and an all consuming blaze.  Leaving us confused by the chill in the air and the hate left behind."