
Thursday 3 April 2014

The Vampire Diaries 5.14 "No Exit" Review

Damon (Ian Somerhalder) still on his ripping spree and Enzo (Micahel Malarkey) find a farm and take it over by making sure Damon feeds on the farmer.  But first he's turned into a vampire and he and Enzo bet on his wife leaving him and who she left him for, well it wasn't the pastor!  Damon poses the man on a chair and doesn't like to put the head back on the body, that was Stefan's thing as he liked to make everything look normal.  Enzo sticks with Damon and won't leave him even this means he could be next.  He has at least 8 hours before Damon's next frenzied feeding attack.  Too late though since they find they can't leave as Maxfield (Rick Cosnett) and his travellers have found them.  They chant a spell to hold them inside and Maxfield wants to conduct some more research.  Like how long before Damon attacks and Enzo and chaining him to the chair isn't any good since he'll break those and of course Maxfield is happy cos he can now test Damon's strength in the process.

Enzo calls Elena (Nina Dobrev) for help since he knows she and Stefan (Paul Wesley) will come to him but Damon doesn't want that.  Katherine and Stefan having set out on their search for Damon come to stop at a petrol station and whilst Stefan's inside, Katherine breaks the fuel pipe off Stefan's car, after she has a go about it being as old as he is.  She also spotted a hotel a few streets away and ensures she gets oil on her so she has to wash up, having in mind the old shower ploy.  Stefan takes her there and whilst in the shower, Enzo texts her the address of where they are but she wants her dirty way with Stefan first.  She gets out of the shower and asks him for her green top, then leaves the door ajar so she can tempt him with her body. Oh please it's not like he hasn't seen her naked before.  But true to form, for a vampire that is, Stefan can't help but look!

Funny Katherine took so long putting that top on that when she came out wearing her jeans too, she had a bra underneath her shirt! What she took it off again, ha. Stefan is right vampirely seduced and they share a moment before having to head off, he tells her he can't cos of Damon.  Since Matt (Zach Roerig) knows about Katherine being Elena, she wants Nadia (Olga Fonda) to take care of him and she coming up with ways as she tells her.  Nadia sits with him until the vervain wears off and they too have a moment together, as Matt bids a means of escape.  He kisses her and then texts Caroline (Candace Accola) with her phone, "Help. K."  He's too slow though in terms of typing, I mean did he really need that full stop there, well it looked like a full stop on our screens, could have been a comma, ha; it's only a text, not an English essay. Perhaps a continuation of the joke where Tyler's (Michael Trevino) mother wrote his English paper for him.

With Damon going on the rampage, he realizes the traveller's spell has made Enzo's blood acidic and as Maxfield tells him, Damon's drinking hydrochloric acid.  Maxfield offers Enzo an out, if he helps him one more time he can leave here and also he'll let him go for good.  Damon tells him to go.  When Stefan and Katherine arrive, she walks in and tries to talk Damon out of sucking her blood and ripping her apart, by cutting her palm and forcing him to resist.  The urge is too much and he falls right into her trap by feeding on her too.  Exactly what Katherine wanted.  Stefan tells him to feed on him instead and Katherine slyly points to the stake on the floor.  The chair leg that came apart when Damon was chained to it.  Of course Stefan goes for the glass instead and snaps dear brother's neck.

Nadia chases after Matt and means to end him, but Caroline arrives and demands to know what she's up to. Nadia saying it's all Matt's fault.  Tyler also bursts in and pulls Nadia off Caroline, in the struggle, Nadia manages to escape, leaving Matt pondering why this is his fault.  Damon is chained in the Salvatore cellar and wonders why he left here.   Damon knows what Elena/Katherine was up to and knows she wanted Stefan to pick up the stake and kill him, so he'd be out of her hair forever.  Stefan and Caroline talk about what happened and she shows him Matt's text, leaving Stefan to put two and two vampires together and come up with the solution that Katherine is actually inside Elena.

Katherine meets up with Nadia and can think of nothing but food and Stefan.  Nadia doesn't want to hear it and she won't be sticking around either as she shows Katherine her arm, Tyler bit her. Leaving her with a dilemma of how to save her.  But with Damon locked up and chained, how is he going to be cured, if at all and what did Enzo have to do for Maxfield.  As well as the question of how Stefan and Caroline will deal with Katherine now her secret's out the bag.  Oh and someone please sound Bonnie out for not playing the part of anchor as far as Katherine's concerned, that is too much of an oversight on the part of the writers. As was Damon being brought back home so easily.

The Vampire Diaries 5.13 "Total Eclipse of the Heart" Review

Katherine's (Nina Dobrev) now taken to writing in Elena's diary about how perfect she is, how perfect Katerine is of course.  Saying she's got a perfect life, is young, gorgeous and has rid her of Damon (Ian Somerhalder) cos she's after Stefan (Paul Wesley) and the two of them are destined for one another, how many times have we heard that one.  Replacing a pic of Katherine and Stefan for her phone.

Caroline (Candace Accola)  Bonnie (Kat Graham) and Elena/Katherine attend a lecture, surprise, surprise but they don't really get anything from it, other than Bonnie finding another witch on campus!  As the girl next to her does a floaty, spinning thingy with her pen. Bonnie should have been more preoccupied with why she hasn't been anchor to Katherine and seen her to the other side, but no, did she get her brain back when she became the anchor, sounds harsh, but how can she miss such a big plot point, writers be darned!  Caroline tells them they're going to Whitmore's 'Bitter Ball' once again showing there's no getting away from a party for whatever reason!

Stefan finds Aaron's DB in the back of the car which has been driven drunkenly onto the plants at Salvatore manor.  Stefan can't believe what Damon's done since he got dumped he went on another killing spree, "be more predictable."  Enzo (Michael Malarkey) admits it was cos of him but Stefan doesn't care and so he shouldn't, Damon should be responsible for his own killings. Damon doesn't want or need saving as he and Enzo plot their next Vic which will be Maxfield (Rick Cosnett).  Katherine asks what Elena would say and Matt (Zach Roerig) figures she's after Stefan again, also adding how Bonnie's real name is Sheila, was that necessary, ha.  Nadia (Olga Fonda) compels him to forget what they spoke of and this compelling is becoming old hat too.  Nadia wants to spend more time with her mother but she's more into spending time with Stefan and referring to Matt as "Matty Blue Eyes."

As for Maxfield, he's experimenting on another vampire called Joey who has his arms chained.  Maxfield bemoans funding and up pops the answers to his continuing research.  A woman named Sloan (Caitlin McHugh) not to be mistaken for the show A Man Named Sloane, ha.  She has been following his experiments and wants in.  As well as breaking the news of Aaron's death to him.  Well whose fault was that.

Damon and Enzo continue on their murder spree this time killing a woman from campus security who covered up student deaths by faking suicide notes for them.  Enzo gets clean up duty cos he's so happy to do whatever Damon wants of him.  Stefan finds him there and questions as to why he needs to drag Damon to this entire killing scenario and manages to attack him with his own shovel.  Enzo as said in previous reviews is no match for him and Stefan questions what he could do to him that he hasn't already suffered.  Warning Enzo when he's through with him it'll be final.

Katherine invites Stefan to the ball and manages to convince him to come.  Caroline thinks she's flirting with Stefan.  Tyler (Michael Trevino) drowns his sorrows at the Mystic Grill and sees Nadia there too.  She's wallowing cos of her mother dying and Matt tells Tyler about Katherine.  Also about how she locked him in the safe.  Tyler wants to do shots.  Complaining of their mothers and how Tyler's mother wrote his English paper for him.  Nadia's mother compelled a whole town to be her friend.  Matt's mother got it on with Tyler. He heads for the little boy's room and Nadia asks who Enzo is, then compels Matt to forget which Tyler hears cos of his super hybrid hearing.  He tells Matt what happened and ensures he drinks coffee since the sheriff has made sure it's got vervain in it.

As Bonnie and Jeremy (Steven R McQueen) get ready for the ball, Damon swoops in wanting Bonnie to do a locator spell so they can find Maxfield.  Enzo appears from behind and kidnaps Jeremy, much to Bonnie's protestations.  Bonnie tells Damon how angry Elena will be but he tells her they're broken up and he's written a country song about it too.  Bonnie can't do the spell but he's certain she can find some witch around campus to do it.

Katherine proceeds to hog Stefan as soon as he arrives and is trying to get close to him when Caroline interrupts and takes her to the shredding room to shred Klaus's picture he gave her of the horse.  Stefan was trying to find the right time to tell her about Aaron but didn't think it was now cos she was so happy.  Stefan reveals to Caroline how Damon always wants people to hate him when he goes off the rails and he does this by causing as much pain as he can.  Some would call that being an adolescent brat!  Bonnie finds Liv (Penelope Mitchell) who is catering the party.  Stefan asks what's happening and Damon shows him a pic of Jeremy being tortured.  Katherine sees and feigns concern, before she turns away and smirks with some eye rolling!  Cos she couldn't care less.

Katherine asks what Elena would do about Jeremy and Nadia warns her everything possible to save him. Katherine thinks if he dies then Stefan will comfort her.  Matt sees Nadia with her phone and she compels him into revealing if Stefan likes Caroline or Elena.  Matt on vervain doesn't know what's happening then when she leaves he tries to tell Tyler, but Nadia snaps his neck.  Oh how convenient!  Bonnie tries to get Liv to help and doesn't oblige until Caroline shows her fangs.  They head for Salvatore mansion, home for all wayward waifs it seems and Bonnie teaches her how to scry.  Damon calls to tell Enzo they're not getting anywhere and he tortures Jeremy with a plastic bag.  Katherine knows where Jeremy is cos it's the Whitmore house which she recognized from the phone pic and takes Stefan there.  He fights Enzo, not being able to finish him off for good as he told him before and Katherine has to give Jeremy CPR, ha!  Her just desserts for  being so callous!

Tyler doesn't know what's going on with Matt and storms off as Matt gets into the car with Nadia.  He realizes Katherine is alive and took over Elena's body but he's threatened by Nadia who chokes him. Damon and Enzo find the lab where Maxfield's hold up and Damon sees the vampire Joey.  Maxfeild injects Damon with his Augustine vampire serum and Damon proceeds to rip Joey to pieces.   He's in full blown ripper mode as he rips his head off too.  Katherine tries to get Stefan interested in her by wanting him to remove the splinter in her back placed there courtesy of Enzo.  She finds out about Aaron and then says she can't get with Damon cos he tried to kill Jeremy.  Stefan almost falls Vic to her seduction, but Caroline walks in.

Really not much to comment on in this ep, seems we've seen it all before.  Damon who was supposed to be all pally and big brotherly with Jeremy now has him kidnapped just to locate Maxfield.  I mean he's a vampire he can't search him out and have a sixth sense about such things.  Then again they couldn't find Elena when he had her either.  It appears Jeremy only crops up when he's going to be the Vic in some form or another.  So much for his abilities as hunter, what happened to all that fight training he did?  Nadia and her constant compelling of Matt is just beginning to annoy.  That's been over-used and very convenient as a tool for too long.  Especially since Tyler's found out about it but still the compelling continues.  You'd think if Tyler really wants to help Matt, why doesn't he hang around more and listen out for what Nadia's really up to.

Damon and Katherine evolve as characters, redeem themselves over and over and then go back to being bad and self-absorbed, only looking out for themselves.  With Damon it's understandable, after all he doesn't have anyone watching out for him but even when he did, like Alaric, he would always be the butt of his anger anyway.   Just prolonging the agony with this Augustine vampire story and how long will this Sloan be around anyway, she just seems pointless too.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

The Vampire Diaries 5.12 "The Devil Inside" Review

This time round we get Katherine who removes Matt's (Zach Roerig) vervain bracelet to get him to divulge on Elena's (Nina Dobrev) character traits and how to act like her.  Otherwise, we'll see it's Nadia (Olga Fonda) who will do most of the compelling to keep Katherine's secret and the others from finding out she's taken over Elena's body.  She also needs to know where Damon (Ian Somerhalder) buried/hid Katherine's DB but he's not giving anything away.  You see, the traveller's need the body so that the switch is permanent and Elena won't be able to get her body back.  Which sounds good to me, I mean the longer we don't have to see/endure Elena the better.

Tyler (Michael Trevino) tells Matt his revenge plans are finished and he wants to start afresh, which will probably mean getting back with Caroline (Candace Accola).  To this end, Matt thinks he should throw him a party, oh really, another party and they're not even at college!  So how many does that make for the show now into its 101 ep?  Maybe they should rename Mystic Falls as Party Central or something, ha!

Aaron (Shaun Sipos) tells Caroline that he's cut off Maxfield's funding and so his plans should be awry now, but that won't really stop him, he's too determined to continue.  Elena realizes what's happening to her as she's handcuffed to the bed, but not for long.  Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Caroline wonder what's happened to Elena especially since Stefan convinced Damon to return to Elena.  Well shouldn't have bothered, for starters there was no point, they weren't a good match and secondly cos Katherine's got her now and won't be leaving anytime soon.  As Elena manages to escape her cuffs she's caught by Nadia. Bummer, ha.

Stefan tries to get Damon to return Katherine's body who also wants Elena back but she's not answering his calls.  Katherine gets the notion to attend the party and find out the whereabouts of her own DB.  Here she asks Caroline about her and Klaus and how they did the dirty so that Tyler hears.  Oops, Katherine really pulled a fast one there.  Well there go his plans on getting her back!

Enzo (Michael Mularkey) brings Aaron to the mansion and he wants to kill him but is giving Damon the option of doing it himself. Katherine asks Stefan where the body is cos she wants to leave some flowers there but he doesn't know.  Damon chooses to snap Enzo's neck instead cos he won't kill Aaron, since he's Elena's friend and she won't be too thrilled about that, nor will she forgive him for it either and take him back. So he compels him to leave town and never return.  Katherine finds her body in the tomb under the church.

As they try to perform the spell on the body, Elena escapes and tries to call but there's a lock on Katherine's phone.  She gets to Damon but the spell is completed and Katherine has her body.  Damon wants her back cos she's good for him but Katherine breaks his heart telling him she doesn't want to be the only one he lives for and nothing else.  Stefan punches Tyler when he tells her about Caroline and Klaus.  She asks Stefan if she's horrible for doing that and Stefan agrees jokingly.  Katherine wants Nadia to stay and they can be a real mother/daughter, yeah believe that when I see it, ha!  Cos she really wants Stefan to continue the doppelganger prophecy.

Enzo stops Aaron from leaving and Damon kills him cos he's Elena's friend and he's got nothing to lose now. In a reversal we get Damon playing Stefan, mercilessly ripping him to shreds, so ends the Whitmore line, or does it? Just seems at the first sign of any trouble, Damon turns to his ruthless instinct, no matter what.  So he was rejected by Katherine as Elena, it's not the first time he's had to suffer this.  All the time she was with Stefan and he pined for her, wanting to turn her into a vampire against her will and everything.  Now Damon is hard done by again and just loses the plot, seems strange to keep going round in circles like that, he's a big boy after all.  Seems he relies too much on people to keep him in check, he did the same with Alaric.  Guess you do gotta feel for him when he's let down so much when trying to come good.  The same thing with Tyler and Caroline, they have caused so much pain to each other that Tyler thought cos he wants to, he can just come back and get her back after letting her down when she needed him.

As for the title which is a reference to Katherine inside of Elena, it could just as easily be more appropriate for it to refer to Damon, lashing out as usual.  Also why didn't Elena have the sense to kill the traveller, she staked Nadia but left the traveller alive who was more of a threat to her.  Seems nothing will come of the knife that Nadia leaves with Matt, as yet, which can kill Katherine, since he's been compelled so much he doesn't knowi f he's coming or going.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

The Mentalist 6.14 "Grey Water" Review

The gang back together again - but not for long!!  Oh put down that teacup Patty!

As the search for the killer of LaRoche and Ardiles continues, Van Pelt (Amanda Righetti) and Rigsby (Owain Yeoman) find themselves in Austin, after the killer tries to gun them down in their own home. Would've thought Rigsby would've noticed the cellar door was ajar, I mean you'd notice things like that in your own home wouldn't you!  The FBI is now on the case too as Lisbon (Robin Tunney) tells them cos whatever you want, the FBI gives you.  They narrow the suspects down to 12 cos Ardiles put them away, but that's a bit too obvious, why not someone they met or encountered outside of work.  Patrick (Simon Baker) tells them they're wasting their time going after 12 suspects when they should use their instincts to narrow them down.  As he proves a point to Cho.
Lisbon: What do you think we should do?
Jane: I think we should trust our instincts.
Cho: You mean take a wild guess.
Jane: 80% of the time, a detective's first guess is right.
Cho: You just made that up.
Jane: And you knew that because your instincts told you.
They all pick a suspect, Lisbon going for Haibach (William Mapother) Rigsby and Cho for Hutten (Paul Schulze). Patrick tells them they have 5 suspects now, he'll be on his couch if they need him.  Not for long since Fischer )Emily Swallow) uses him on a fracking case in Bradley, Texas. A man was killed and he was against fracking.  His farm had methane in the water and he was bringing a lawsuit against the oil company.  Patrick immediately reads the foreman at the ground as being the manager, Jason Kern (Colby French) since he's got creased jeans and shiny belt buckle.  He claims the anti-corporate protesters probably killed him and put the blame onto the company.  They're only a regional company and not a huge oil company as Patrick described them.  Well he was a bit smarmy so you know he was up to no good, even if he wasn't the killer.

They then speak with the man, David's widow, Molly (Milena Govich) and his friends.  Patrick would make a beeline for the kitchen as we know and talks to Molly.  She tells him to use bottled water since there's methane in their water.  She ignites it to show him afterwards.  One of his friends, Bryce (Judson Mills) has an outburst after an argument with one other friends, Emmett (Sean O'Bryan) who he claims sold their land for money and couldn't wait to do so.  He tells Fischer that David was beaten up to prevent him from testifying.  When Patrick and Fischer arrive at the corporation's HQ, they see graffiti outside and the boss, Samuel (Gary Grubbs) is in front of the computer watching a hacked video.  He recognizes the music everytime it comes up but he claims he's done nothing wrong.

Rigsby and Cho pay a visit to Hutten who is married now and he's glad to spend time with them since he's eager to leave the house.  But before they can take him in, the FBI arrives since he's helping them with catching bank robbers, that's why he was let out of prison early.  Agent Miller (Todd Williams) tells them he was monitored all the time and had a bracelet attached to his ankle.  Of course you know there are so many ways around this so that doesn't necessarily confer an alibi on him.  Haibach, Linda (Penny Peyser) sends his attorney to liaise with Abbott (Rockmond Dunbar) and Lisbon since he claims she spoke with his work and his colleagues.  Abbott tells him this won't happen again since he claims to have an alibi, but Haibach wants an apology from Lisbon.  Abbott isn't about to give up on him and tells her to get surveillance onto him.

Patrick asks Wylie (Jason Adler) if he can get all the info on a person from just the Internet and of course that's possible since he has a hunch, after paying another visit to David's house with his friend's present. None of them recognize the music, London Bridge is Falling Down, but Patty knows one of them is lying.   He also manages to find the hacker since he's using the library to hack from.  He claims David approached him for help and he found out that Kern has a little black book with all the names of the official he's bribed kept in his office safe.  Patrick of course finds this, but Kern refuses to give up the black book, denying its existence.  He also says something else was taken since the desk has been moved, but it was a heavy desk so David couldn't have moved it with his bad back.  This leads Patty to hatch another scheme to catch the killer by getting Abbot and another agent to siphon petrol from the Bryce's car; knew it was him since he was rather eager to point the finger.  Abbot and the agent drive up playing London Bridge and he's distracted when Patty hacks into the petrol pump and tells him he killed David.

He finally confesses it was over the money he stole from the company.  David wanted to give it back but he deserved it and wanted to keep it.  They fought and he hit his head with a rock.  Samuel comes in with the little black book and wants nothing more to do with Kern,whom he fires.

Rigsby has a hunch about Hutten since he hasn't been able to get a hold of him and they find he's made his phone mimic his ankle bracelet signal and is off floozing behind his wife's back.  So he has an alibi for San Jose too.  Rigsby wants to go out for a drink with the boys and Lisbon says she's tired and declines.  He calls Van Pelt to tell her and she falls asleep with the killer in their hotel room.  Again it was obvious and once more they're being really lax when they should have been more paranoid.  If the killer is after the entire team/CBI then of course he'll know where everyone is.  Thought Lisbon would have spent some more time with Van Pelt or that she'd be the one in danger, but it had to be Van Pelt cos they're leaving the show as we know.

Thought this was just a routine ep and I know I shouldn't say that cos I have enjoyed most of the eps but it just doesn't seem the same show.  Once again Lisbon and Patrick don't work together and instead of helping them out on this, aside from telling them to narrow down their list and go with their instincts, they could have saved time if Patrick did help out.  I mean won't he also be a target too.  Why don't they utilize him more and why doesn't Lisbon insist on using him more!  She did complain about him going off on his own for two years but now he's returned, it's like she wants him out of her hair!  Was good to see Cho and Rigsby reunited though even if that'll be short lived too, as Cho refuses to let him drive cos he's only a consultant and that's Cho's rule.  But I didn't like the way Patrick kind of acted so cold towards them, if Cho could hug them when they arrived then why couldn't Patty!  Come on he's known them so long and well he couldn't even put down his cup of tea.

There's so much that's changed in the dynamic of the show and characters and not for the better either. Really can't get into watching the show with Fischer playing so big a role, she's not very charismatic and can't charm the pants off Lisbon either!  Not that I'd want her to or anything! Ha. Even Patty's one liners have gone amiss lately! Why did Lisbon not pick Volker as a suspect straightaway after everything they went through and especially her, he does seem the type to exact revenge.  Even Van Pelt didn't get to shoot the killer dead in his tracks but managed to shoot O'Laughlin a bit far fetched, cos it would've ended that storyline quick smart.

Saturday 29 March 2014

The Vampire Diaries 5.11 "500 Years of Solitude" Review

After their night of passion together, Katherine wakes to find her hair falling out and rushes out of bed before Stefan (Paul Wesley) can see! Er, he already knows she's dying.  He still recalls how vain she is even at this time, well he tells her that later when she's on her deathbed.  Only you know no one really dies on this show, until, well, they die so obviously there was bound to be some kind of reprieve for Katherine.  This comes in
the form of Nadia (Olga Fonda) wanting to do a spell on her so that she can latch onto someone else's body. She says it'll be Nadia but Katherine doesn't want to go through with it.  Even though Nadia finds a traveller who can do the spell.  She conveniently waits for Elena (Nina Dobrev) to sit with her alone, cos Elena being Elena wouldn't be able to resist clearing her goody goody conscience.

Damon (Ian Somerhalder) has a drinking game going with Matt (Zach Roerig) and Jeremy (Steven R McQueen) where they drink everytime they can beat what Katherine did to each of them, especially after they find Damon at the bar drinking himself to oblivion as usual.  Wallowing over Elena dumping him.  Elena joins in even if they're no longer together and so does Caroline (Candace Accola) and Bonnie (Kat Graham).  Caroline forgot to tell them about Katherine and Stefan together and also that Nadia is Katherine's daughter.  Matt goes form more booze in the cellar and is caught by Nadia and buried in the grounds of Salvatore mansion.   Stefan refuses to drink to Katherine's past actions and all the hurt she's caused but chooses to recall the best in her, much to everyone else's chagrin.

Katherine dreams about giving birth to Nadia and having her baby taken from her by her father without her having a chance to see her.  Some would call that her just desserts, but as Stefan tells her later, she didn't deserve to be treated like that cos she was just an innocent seventeen year old girl.   Nadia arrives telling them she wants help in saving Katherine cos she can't do it alone, but no one wants to help.  As Damon tells her that's unanimous.  That's why she has buried Matt and without his ring.   So they hunt for him in the grounds and Caroline also realizes Bonnie and Jeremy have done the dirty and she exclaims how "scandalous sex" is even better, since Elena doesn't know.  Which Caroline'll soon learn will come to bite her.

Damon sits by Katherine's side and is about to suffocate her with a pillow when she's stopped by the sheriff (Marguerite MacIntyre).  She's brought sedatives for her and tells Damon that'll be murder, yeah like he cares! Ha.  I mean he is a murderer after all.  Caroline bumps into Klaus (Joseph Morgan) or rather he bumps into her in the woods and he's here to make Katherine's last moments hell.  They have a drawn out conversation about what Caroline really wants and after she admits that hell leave and never come back.  SO they kiss and do a little more than she should be unhappy about.  That's her "scandalous sex" line coming back.  Rebekah (Claire Holt) rescues Matt since Klaus heard his screams a while ago, but we don't really get to see what they get up to if anything.  Hey they don't even share a conversation together on screen!

Katherine sees Elijah (Daniel Gillies) but Damon tells her he's not there.  Nadia enters with the traveller after she steals blood from the doppelgangers, Stefan and Elena, after holding them up in an abandoned house and using fellow travellers to chant their spells.  Thus ensuring Stefan and Elena can't escape since they don't have their rings either.  Caroline rushed back in to see everyone looking when she had leaves stuck in  her hair but no one even thought about what she may have been up to.  Appears Klaus compelled her to forget.

Stefan tries to ease Katherine's pain by removing the bad memories for her, of her father being killed by Klaus which Damon revelled in and finding her mother dead too.  Damon telling her it was all her fault cos she ran away.  Katherine also recalls the first time she saw Stefan with his carriage broken down.  So they kind of bid farewell to Katherine but Bonnie being the anchor sees her and will probably have to pass though her.  Whilst they wait she tells them she sees the others on the other side, like Vicki and she has a message for Matt, that she's always watching over him.  As well as as Alaric (Matt Davis) coming back too, just to see how Damon is still making an ass of himself.  Leaving Elena alone with Katherine, saying she forgives her for everything she did. Not what Katherine expected to hear from her and Katherine ceases her moment to pounce and chant the spell.  Thus taking over Elena's body.

Tyler (Michael Trevino) turns up just so he and Caroline dredge up the past again with their never ending problems.  For the one hundredth ep, this could have been so much better, than just mostly flashbacks.  Also Klaus took his sweet time coming onto the scene and he wasn't even there to gloat over Katherine, but to get it on with Caroline.  What was strange was that Bonnie sees Katherine but she doesn't pass though her, so much for her being the anchor, what happened there then?  Even adding some scenes with Jenna (Sara Canning) and the dagger Katherine used on her, or John (David Anders) chopping off Katherine's fingers couldn't rescue this hurriedly put together mish mash of an ep!

The Vampire Diaries 5.10 "Fifty Shades of Grayson" Review

So Elena's (Nina Dobrev) being held captive by Maxfield (Rick Cosnett) and tells her he's using her father's research to condition other vampires into only feeding off each other.  Elena doesn't think that's very humane, well vampires aren't human are they.  She has flashbacks to her father in the basement of their house and hearing screams when she was little.  No ep is complete without a flashback is it!  We also get to see how Damon (Ian Somerhalder) escapes his cell and goes in search of Elena, using the bullet and a piece of rock from his cell to break open the door, which he managed to kick in.  That seemed simple enough.  He goes straight for Aaron (Shaun Sipos) in a bid to find out where she's being held.

He threatens Aaron's life and uses him for leverage, but Maxfield refuses to help him.  Instead he sends Enzo (Michael Malarkey) with the promise of getting out of his cell for a while, but injects him with poison beforehand so he must return.  Damon is shocked to see he is alive, surviving after he was saved by a scientist to conduct more experiments on him.  But Damon isn't willing to talk.  He just wants Elena.  Aaron bargains for his life by telling them he has files which Maxfield gave him and may reveal her whereabouts. Aaron says he's done with his uncle since he won't rescue him and hands Stefan (Paul Wesley) the files.

Elena discovers Megan, her roommate at college, was saved by Grayson Gilbert (Jason Macdonald) and she was one of the people he had in his cellar.  Her father was doing research on vampires in the hopes of saving humans.  Katherine hires Matt (Zach Roerig) as her personal trainer cos she thinks exercising and drinking liquidized kale will prolong her life.  There's more arguments between her and Nadia (Olga Fonda) but when have they not done that.  Seems like Enzo had the perfect opportunity to kill Maxfield and end everyone's agony once and for all, but was more into following through on finding Damon and having some sort of tete a tete with him.  Enzo it seems isn't big on brains and certainly won't be much of a foil for the Salvatore's or anyone else really.

Damon takes him back to the lab and injects him with the antidote which makes them even.  Damon tells him he has no remorse cos he turned off his humanity when he couldn't save him and it didn't bother him after that. He was more hell bent on sacrificing the Whitmores, saving one of each generation and this is what Aaron tells Stefan.  So he wants Stefan to kill him cos he has nothing to live for and will die anyway, well that was a bit of pre-emption on his part, ha.

Elena's storyline is as boring as ever, and fine the break up was coming we knew that, but it's Damon who ends it telling her he's ruthless and he can't change no matter how much she wants him to or tries to change him.  She languishes over whether to burn her father's file or not.  With everyone, meaning the rest of the cast, hanging on the sidelines with not much to do, this was the US mid-season finale, but luckily we didn't have to wait more than a week to watch it.

This show was fast becoming Buffy but has surpassed it in terms of bore factor.  Remember that awful season 4 of Buffy with the Initiative! These numbers flying around for the Augustine vampires was too Dark Angel for comfort, since it was like the barcodes they had in that show.  Need something different and exciting here soon and not something tired and tedious and done in other shows.

Friday 28 March 2014

Revenge 3.12 "Endurance" Review

So Emily's (Emily VanCamp) still in the hospital recovering from her wounds but she doesn't have a shortage of visitors.  To keep a close eye on Emily and to ensure she doesn't blab Daniel (Josh Bowman) shot her, Victoria (Madeleine Stowe) has her removed to Grayson Manor to recuperate.  Did anyone have pangs of Lydia here, how Victoria had her living there too after she fell from the balcony.  Emily did manage to get a visit from Nolan (Gabriel Mann) in hospital, dressed in his candy stripers outfit, Emily adding it was just an excuse for him to get that jacket!

Niko (Stephanie Jacobsen) volunteers to come with her and look after her medically, well not volunteers, Victoria's paying a salary to her.  She tells Emily she's there to protect her and shows her her tattoo, she's Takeda's daughter.  Possibly she was trying to kill Emily last ep cos she thought Emily killed her father, if only she knew the real truth.   Anyway she is living at Takeda's house and is suspicious his death wasn't a simple burglary.  Aiden tells her he and Emily got together and she's surprised considering she and Aiden were also together when in Japan, but he left her.  They kiss and he just forgot about Emily, forget about the fact Emily told him they were over and she's staying to finish the job.  He was just all over Niko so quickly, which makes you ask where his feelings really lay.

Emily tells Niko she's decided to give up her revenge plans and she wonders why she went through all this just to give it up, especially after she finds out Patrick (Justin Hartley) has told Victoria about Emily's box which he sees at Nolan's house.  She doesn't care anymore so Niko punches her in her wounds to make her come down to reality with a thud and some real pain!  Patrick rakes up some hair brained scheme to get the box so Victoria can use it to blackmail Emily into keeping her from revealing Daniel shot her.

Emily is also visited by Jack (Nick Wechsler) and Charlotte who brings Carl to visit, it's the only way he can see her, but he has to leave when Victoria returns.  Leaving behind Carl's teddy, Jack wondering why she didn't turn in Daniel.  Saying she wants to leave and have a family of her own. Of course we know Teddy's got something in there to help her communicate with Nolan and she's given him the head's up on Patrick's plan.  To the point where Patrick tries to get Nolan drunk so he can open the safe.  Nolan drinks water and is discovered by Patrick, with Nolan telling him he didn't want to lose control in front of Patrick.  Uh oh, Patrick hits him from behind and steals the box anyway.  As Victoria opens it, she finds it's got photos of Daniel in there and how Emily has been stalking him for years and is nothing more than a common con artist. Thought the box had a hidden compartment for a while there, until we realize Emily got Nolan to change the things inside and that secret smirk of hers.  At least she got one over on Victoria this time.

Daniel still pining over Sara (Annabelle Stephenson) stops by at the Stowaway and she tells him she was drunk and passed out in the bath, she wasn't trying to kill herself.  Jack takes one look at him and can't keep from punching him!  At least he knows how to defend a woman's honour and life, meaning Emily, even if it is with fists.  Daniel deserved that and then some.  Lots of son slapping this ep, as Victoria slaps Patrick after he tells her she'll "choose your blood over your bastard".  Of course she only has Patrick left as she keeps telling him, but how long will he stick around, especially after she was adamant she didn't want him retrieving Emily's box.

Emily has her hopes dashed when Victoria tells her she spoke to her doctor and she told her Emily can't have children, another reason why she chose to end it with Aiden.  She needs to get her own back now more than ever.  Also Jack must back down when he tells Margaux (Karine Vanasse) it was Daniel who shot Emily cos she told him and Daniel does everything to pull the Voule issue together and get it to print. Margaux holds off publishing until after Emily gives a press conference and tells them it was Lydia who shot her.  Emily tells Victoria and Daniel that she still loves him and isn't going anywhere.  Funny Emily adding she and her husband are offering $10 million for Lydia's capture, who's money is that going to be then, since Victoria finds out Emily is really broke.  Well not for our purposes, it was just to fool Victoria.

That didn't stop Daniel from running to Sara but he neglected to tell her he shot his wife.  How far will she run when she finds out and yes she really does need to know what sort of a man Danny really is and how he covered his tracks. Conrad (Henry Czerny) was around to offer some advice to Emily.  SO is Victoria being honest when she told Emily that she can't have children, or was it just another ploy.  Then again it gave Emily the determination she needed to stick withe her revenge plans instead of giving up like she said she wanted to.  As she said, they took her family and now the chance for her to have her own family.  Think Victoria would have been better off if she didn't tell Emily this, of course thinking she'd gotten one over on her.

Still hope Sara discovers the truth soon cos I want her to leave, really bored with her.  Wonder what Conrad is up to, planning on publishing some revealing moments in his memoirs to do with Victoria and Daniel.  Or just some way he can have Lydia back which is unlikely.

Victoria has a new throne, but I want the old one!! ha.  This one just doesn't do the business!

Tuesday 25 March 2014

The Mentalist 6.13 "Black Helicopters" Review

This time round we get another 2 days earlier as the action begins with Patrick (Simon Baker) driving up in a truck and telling the FBI that they can talk about this.  The FBI investigate the murder of an Attorney, Firlock (Kathleen M Darcy) after she's found in Juarez, Mexico.  Patty feeling right at home here as he's made friends with the local Commander Delgado (Benito Martinez).  He's also figured out that Firlock was dressed in a t-shirt and as a happy, she was IDed by the medical bracelet she was wearing, showing she suffers from an allergy.  Patrick offers tea to Cho (Tim Kang) and Fischer (Emily Swallow) but they decline. Lisbon's (Robin Tunney) not around as she spends the time stuck in the office, investigating the Ardilles' murder.  Though they didn't really have much to go on.

Patrick also buys them Tamale's for lunch as well as getting Cho Mexican jumping beans cos he likes them. He can get Fischer what she always wanted but she doesn't really believe him.  Patrick arrived in Mexico in his newly acquired wheels and cruised on down Mexico way.  They also don't know how Firlock came to be there since they haven't found her abandoned car.  Patrick does his own investigating and appears to go off grid when he calls Fischer and cuts off.  They follow his signal to Gentry, Texas, where the landowner, Phelps (Karl Makinen) drives up and holds a rifle on Cho and Fischer.  Later Patrick talks on the phone since Fischer dropped it to pull out her gun and comes out of a secret tunnel.  That's how Firlock got to Mexico.  He said he allowed the Cartel to build it there cos he was threatened and dumped her DB so it wouldn't be found on his land.

Lisbon is pursuing who is after them and Patrick suggests she should ask JJ LaRoche (Pruitt Taylor Vince) for help.  He's in IA now but won't be willing to help since they lost him his job.  Patrick tells her to say he owes him a favour.  Van Pelt (Amanda Righetti) and Rigsby (Owain Yeoman) pay him a visit and do that. He agrees to make inquiries and get a warrant for the building and wont let Rigsby come with him.

Patty drives down again with Fischer and he wants to look at the farmer's market.  But wants to wait until there are less people and so curls up under his blanket.  Fischer can't wait and shows the photo around but everyone clams up when they find out she's FBI.  She shows the photo to Clancy (Kevin Daniels) recalls letting her try the peanut butter.  Marcia (Cindy Pickett) comes out telling her to go away and asking who she is, the FBI everyone's been talking about.  But Fischer doesn't put two and two together until Patrick later tells her that she was allergic so she wouldn't be eating peanuts.  Patrick buys some peanut butter and peanuts and befriends Alex (Taylor Nichols) from Gadsen Grove. He invites Patrick back to the farm.  He calls Lisbon asking for a black helicopter and lots of FBI vehicles, including a tank.  Fischer is angry Patrick drove off but Abbott (Rockmond Dunbar) is too engrossed with the robot Patrick gave him, cos he always wanted one.  Telling her that he's trying to fit in.  Having given a Tamagotchi to Wylie (Joe Adler).

So the FBI approach the farm and Patrick tries to reach an amicable solution between the two.  He will find out who the killer is and that way the FBI won't have to come onto their land, Alex agrees to this.  He does this by his usual process of elimination of suspects, until he finally gets the killer to pull out her gun.  Knew it was Marci, since well, there really weren't that many suspects around and she was too eager for Fischer to leave.  She confesses she was part of Firlock's past and was wanted for bomb offences as an eco terrorist. Firlock found her and wanted her to turn herself in.  Well you're caught now!

Rigsby gets Van Pelt to give him the location of the warehouse LaRoche is headed to and he gets there too. LaRoche later calls for him to help cos it's too creepy in there and walks into a booby trap and is shot.  SO that's another CBI loose end tied up even if it was unintentional, yet obvious.  Guess Patrick was right, he won't owe him anymore.  Didn't much like this ep since it just seemed routine and dare I say it, a little boring. Lisbon had nothing to do so we got stuck with Fischer and who cares if she always wanted a wand to make things better, cos we know there's more to her than she's letting on.  Just like Lisbon had her whole backstory with her family.  Quite frankly, not really interested in Fischer and her secrets, even though the producers/writers are trying to make her appear more endearing to us, it's just pointless!  We really want Lisbon back with Patrick on cases, I mean what the point in Patty wanting her back if she's just stuck behind a desk all day and without him.  Though he did ask where she was at the beginning.

A shame LaRoche was killed off since there was more they could have done with him and he was a well liked character.  His last thoughts were for his dog.

Patty giving out wishes or fulfilling them more like, just as he gave Lisbon the pony in 1.20 Red Sauce. Where he also guessed what the others bought her for her birthday.  More Lisbon and Patty scenes purlease!!

Monday 24 March 2014

Revenge 3.11 "Homecoming" Review

Everyone frantically searches for Emily (Emily VanCamp) and even Conrad (Henry Czerny) throws his weight around as wanting, no demanding more helicopters involved since he was once Governor and knows how this works.  The spotlight falls on Victoria (Madeleine Stowe) as a suspect as Emily wanted it to but things don't turn out that way.  As we know from past eps her revenge plans have gone awry many times over, but this is one that wasn't expected or where the outcome could have been predicted.  That's cos there's no guarantee you'll be entirely alone whilst on a boat in the middle of nowhere!

Lydia (Amber Valletta) lies to the police when she's questioned saying she was with Conrad but of course, she was with Victoria at first when she gave her the photo and then later said she was waiting for Conrad in the cabin. Emily gets to the buoy but her case goes under as she can't keep ahold of it.  She manages to get the GPS on her garter working but loses the signal.  Aiden (Barry Sloane) and Jack (Nick Wechsler) are frantic and Jack blames himself since he gave her the deadline.  Aiden gets the signal from the GPS and goes to to rescue her.  She has managed to climb onto a fishing boat and needs immediate treatment.  The captain of the boat discovers her after Aiden makes some noise.

Daniel (Josh Bowman) can't face seeing Emily and is stuck in the hospital corridor, cos he can't really leave either.  The doctor tells him about the baby and that there isn't one, but he wants it kept private.  Victoria is warned to stay away from Emily and Nolan (Gabriel Mann) wants to see her cos he donated to the hospital but that doesn't buy him a way in.  Victoria objects cos it's family only, well why was she barking out orders about who Emily can see since she wasn't exactly in charge or allowed to see her either.  Nolan thinks Patrick (Justin Hartley) will back him up but he doesn't, choosing to help Victoria and stick by her.  She finds out he was with Nolan and so wasn't on the boat with her.  Patrick is no help but Nolan leaves behind his phone to get a hotspot signal and so hacks into the files to read about Emily's condition.

Aiden suggests Jack ask Margaux (Karine Vanasse) what happened since she was there and she keeps back some of the photos from the night.  Aiden breaks into the hospital with Nolan's help and they think she's feigning her amnesia, but when he gets there she screams and presses the button for help.  Not recognizing him of course.  Funny how when she came too in the hospital, she grabbed hold of Daniel's hand, yes you would-be murderer, as if to accuse him!  Charlotte (Christa B Allen) finds out Sara survived, oh do we really care!  All this is her fault anyway! Daniel was only drinking cos of her.

Daniel comes clean to Victoria that he shot Emily cos he was outraged by what he heard.  Victoria can't recall what happened to her as she was in the cabin when she woke.  He wants to confess, well it's a bit late to be all noble now but Victoria doesn't want him to.  Jack sees the photos from the night in the stateroom and they show Lydia wasn't there.  Victoria finding the perfect foil to pin the shooting on.  Especially after she finds her at the manor and sitting in her perfect chair!  Which she throws wine on after Victoria argues with her.  They even go at it physically! Ha, didn't think Victoria could lose her cool like that.  Conrad adding the she claims she's not a murderer, but look at her behaviour, so catty.

She tells Conrad about Daniel and that Lydia should take the fall, It's about time he learn what betrayal is like. Considering she's been betrayed enough times by him.  He sees Lydia and shows her the photo, telling her he'll stand by her and doesn't want her to leave.  Of course using reverse psychology on her since she's going to do the exact opposite.  Which she does and it's all over the news too.  Aiden recognizes the doctor who treated him on the hospital security camera but why was she trying to inject Emily and what with, before Charlotte walks in with Jack.  More importantly, how does she know who Emily is?

Jack being there cos Emily wakes and tells Charlotte her father's name is David Clarke.  Jack tries to convince her she's Emily and that Amanda was his wife, giving her the charm bracelet.  Victoria sees Margaux thinking she'll be an effective ally and knowing Jack told her what Conrad did to his family.  Emily takes the bracelet and recalls, "Daniel shot me."

Think best scene would have to be Conrad and Daniel cos Conrad doesn't realize they're as bad as each other, like father like son.  Conrad was responsible for the plane and also framing David, but Daniel shot Emily in a moment of drunken weakness, no excuse but the two aren't really the same.  Daniel he says reprobates his sacrifices since it means losing Lydia when he found his happiness but he doesn't care! Daniel's scarified enough, still lamenting Sara, in which case, where was Daniel all those years ago when he could have made amends and been with her instead.  Conrad telling him to get down on his knees when he needs help next time and pray to the "heavenly father because your earthly father is done with you!"

Patrick sees Nolan put away Emily's box behind the painting and tells Victoria about the infinity symbol, which Victoria shows him a photo of as a  tattoo on Emily's wrist.  What a way to have a photo taken!  SO her secret's out or is it.  She has no other choice now but to come clean, especially since there was the photo  from the party and she's told Charlotte who her father is.  Personally now that Victoria no longer has her throne, I want that chair!!  What about that doctor, Niko (Stephanie Chaves-Jacobsen) and what is her real connection to Aiden, other than treating his gunshot wounds.  He's made some sort of a promise to her and they kiss, which he seemed to enjoy.

These shows are hard done by in terms of finding American actors, now we get an Aussie from Home and Away playing, what, another doctor, she played Dr Charlotte on the show and she guess what, drowned at sea when she left the show!!  Poor Nolan put through the wringer again and doesn't see how fickle Patrick really is. He's proved several times now he has no loyalty and is completely his mother's son.  As Nolan put it he's got no time for "mama's boy."  I'd like to see Daniel stay married to Emily for as long as possible so that way he gets his just desserts in having to see her all the time.

Are the tables going to be turned now as Revenge kind of comes round full circle with Patrick vowing revenge on anyone who ever wronged Victoria, going up against Emily!

Sunday 23 March 2014

Captain America and The Winter Soldier at the Apple Store Event With Sebastian Stan 21 March 2014

Okay there were others  present at the event than just Sebastian Stan, but thought that'd get your attention!  It was also attended by directors Joe Russo and Anthony Russo and actor Anthony Mackie, as well as Sebastian Stan.  But true enough the ladies in the audience were there purely for Sebastian and though if I really admit it, so was I!  So grab me with the Winter Soldier's bionic arm and sue me!! Ha.

The event was billed for an hour, but unfortunately it was only for half the time!  Bummer since many people, specifically me (cos this blog is mine! ha) didn't get to ask Seb any question!  Particularly wanted to ask him about Once Upon A Time, turning back the clock of course cos we all love and miss our Jefferson/Mad Hatter from the show.  Sebastian was busy filming the Captain America movie back in 2012 to be available to star in the show again which is why we only got him in one ep in season 2, We Are Both and 2.3 Lady of the Lake.  Well if I was up to it, I would have shouted that from my seat and mostly got booted out, ha!!
Anyhoo, after a trailer or two, the talk was centred on the movie, Captain America and the Winter Soldier, which had its UK premiere the night before at the Vue cinema, Westfield, London.

Lots of talk about Sam Wilson/Falcon played by Anthony Mackie and his concealed jet pack.  Although no one really asked him about his near-death stunt experience during filming.  One fan did ask if they plan on filming in London in the future and having a Captain Britain?  Cue Anthony and his put on 'Brit accent.'  Not bad. Another mention of Anthony's singing too, but no requests were entertained.

Not to mention Sebastian and his being shirtless, well he almost was in person, he managed to unzip his jacket!! Ahh spoilt sport! Ha.  Liked his answer when asked who he'd like to be if he was a superhero, adding he is his own hero.  Hey he was mobbed on his way out when he stopped to sign a fan's arm cos she was dressed like the Winter Soldier and hey he looked straight at me too!  Yeah my claim to fame, sharing eye contact with Seb!!

SO near and yet so far!  But with another three movies still in the Captain America franchise to go and Seb having signed on for another nine movies, cos we know Bucky takes on the role of Captain America eventually, that's so many premieres to go!!  One day I shall get my Jefferson, ha, well hands on him!!

Plenty of fun moments were had, so do have a listen and watch the podcast too.

The talk will be released for downloading, podcast and audio podcast on Apple itunes.  Available now.
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