
Monday 25 November 2013

The Vampire Diaries 5.4 "For Whom The Bell Tolls" Review

Finally we get to see Bonnie's (Kat Graham) memorial as her friends say goodbye.  Everyone needs her help, Damon (Ian Somerhalder) thinks she can help Stefan (Paul Wesley) recover his memories and Matt (Zach Roerig) thinks she can find what's wrong with him as he's losing time and doesn't remember what he's doing. With Jeremy (Steven R McQueen) bearing the burden of hiding the truth from everyone.  Caroline (Candace Accola) thinks she can get an advancement placement into Maxfield's (Rick Cosnett) biology class and has a study date with Jesse (Kendrick Sampson) who has other things on his mind than studying.

Damon takes Stefan on a drive to tell him about his past and how Stefan killed their father and turned Damon into a vampire, as well as telling them of their uncle Zack.  Stefan thinks Damon is boring and that he's the fun brother so Damon tries to prove him wrong by crashing the car, making Stefan change his mind, Damon's the fun brother.

Matt calls Jeremy for help as he's set up cameras to film what he does.  Later when he watches them back after finding a cut on his palm, Matt's possessed self speaks on the phone and then talks to the camera saying if he tells anyone he'll cut his throat.  His body has been taken over as we know.  Jeremy calls Damon cos he thinks it's about time they knew the truth about Bonnie.  The bell is rung for Observance Day in the town. Stefan and Damon drink and Elena (Nina Dobrev) arrives.   Stefan has a penchant for the barmaid, more like a craving for blood and tries to bite her.  Damon stops him cos that's not who he is now.  He needs to control his hunger. Damon hasn't told Stefan about her or about the two of them being together.  Elena takes him to places to make him try and remember and tells her about himself.  A the school she shows him how they bumped into each other after she came out of the men's room.  He wonders what she was doing coming out of there.  Noticing he's seen a boy with blood on his head she takes him outside and jumps to the roof.

She tells him to do the same and Stefan begins to have feelings for her but doesn't remember and tries to kiss her.  She tells him they're not together and he senses his hunger return and ends up at the cemetery where he bites Jesse.  Caroline stops him and is the only one who Stefan will trust.  She agrees to check up on him every hour, as Stefan goes AWOL and ends up at the Salvatore crypt.

Jeremy tells Damon Bonnie is dead cos nature needs a balance and she died when he returned.  Stefan tries to comfort Caroline at the crypt when she finds out and she's doing all she can not to cry and lose it.  Elena takes the news hard too and doesn't know what to wear for their farewell for Bonnie, where Jeremy speaks and tells them all what her hopes for them.   How she will always be here and never leave them. Tyler (Michael Trevino) arrives for Caroline.

Jesse returns back and Maxfield injects him to ensure he remains a vampire.  Oh no, not another Dr Frankenstein, or more liked Dr Vampire-stein.  These doctors an professors always have hidden agendas in this show.  Which seems to keep covering old ground. The Ripper, everytime Stefan is in trouble or has a crisis out pops the Ripper.  The love triangle which is as old as time too, first with Katherine and now with Elena again.  Let's face it, Elena wanted to kiss Stefan and it wasn't being swept away by the moment or trying to help him, she really wanted to.  Though it's surprising how Stefan could recall his feelings for Elena or be jealous of Damon when he doesn't remember either of them.

Highlights Damon in a suit and hugging Jeremy, so emotional.  I'm waiting for more new stories and some excitement to the show instead of endless repetition.

Sunday 24 November 2013

The Paradise Series 2 Episode 6 Review

A newly wed couple arrive at the Paradise and the wife, Mrs Lucille Ballantine (Liz White) can't stop spending her husband's money, buying dresses and the like, but she has no friends and has plenty of low self esteem.  The women all talk about her.  She was a nurse and nursed her husband, Campbell Ballentine (John Duttine) when he was ill.  She wants Clara (Sonya Cassidy) and Susy (Katie Moore) to come to her house and they can have tea, look at her chandeliers, something which excites Susy.  Denise (Joanna Vanderham) says she can have a fitting at home if she wants to and Lucille asks them to show her how to walk in her dress.  Clara tells her she has a husband who adores her and so should be happy.  At tea she again denigrates herself and thinks they all think she's not worthy of her husband.  Clara replies she's lucky to have found him and repeats the same throughout the episode.  Even when she wants to give Clara a ring to show her how glad she is of her friendship.  Clara rejects it since she could lose her job and she's not her friend, but Lucille's her customer.

Weston (Ben Daniels) and Katherine (Elaine Cassidy) hunt for Flora (Edie Whitehead) in the maze and when Weston finds her he tells her they're not to speak to Katherine as it's a game.  Katherine demands to know why he's been a ghost these past few days and why he is refusing to talk to her.  He takes out the pocketwatch and looks at the time again as he takes Flora into the maze once more, using the pocketwatch to torment her.  Leading to her confronting Moray (Emun Elliott) again for comfort.  She tells him how cruel Weston can be and how she's afraid of him.  Moray wants her to tell him when she needs him and he'll be here for her.  They hug and Weston sees them again.  Well it's not the first time he's seen them together.

Fenton (Adrian Scarborough) suggests they should put forward their plan to Weston to buy the store but Moray doesn't know what that plan is as he's disturbed by Denise.  Moray having caught Denise sitting in his chair feels she's undermining him and Dudley (Matthew McNulty) tells him they've all sat in that chair, including him and Arthur (Finn Burridge) since they all have dreams.  He berates Moray for his jealousy against Denise and her wanting to excel at the store.  Even Katherine tells him as much when she adds that Weston thinks Denise is even better than Moray and could take over the store and excel at it.   Fenton puts his proposal to Weston: that he and his brother have stores in Liverpool and Manchester and are looking to open down south.  He wants to buy the Paradise and says he will employ Moray as manager or even send "him into the wilderness," if he wants.  Weston doesn't know why he's revealing this since he can fight the sale but refuses to sell the store, otherwise he'll be seen as a coward.

Denise believes Ballantine would be a good investor.  He has a brewery he has built from nothing and thinks they could also stock his ales in the food hall.  Dudley thinks she has a good idea to get Ballentyine on board as an investor without telling Moray, which eh isn't happy about and helps her write up a business plan. Dudley believes she' the best person to present it since she's an entrepreneur and will bring her glamour to it. They hear creaking outside the office but there's no one there, obviously it's probably Jonas (David Hayman) skulking around again.

Jonas again gains Weston's trust further and Moray tries to tell Katherine about Weston knowing of the pocket watch being intended for her husband.  Yes Moray you were the one who told Jonas to go ahead with it and tell him.  Denise is upset that Moray still goes to see Katherine and he tells her he must since she's in fear of Weston.  Who she finds in her room at night and also tries to open the door when she locks it. Flora sees the scars on his back when he's changing his shirt and walks away.  Weston admits to Katherine that he's going to sell the store, he's her husband and he can do that.  He wants them to act like they're married, call a truce and they have Flora to think about.  He only came to her room cos he wanted to watch her, not hurt her.  Katherine promises Flora she'll never leave her, then writes to see Moray.  Is Weston really concerned about wanting to make things right for Flora's sake or does he still have another agenda.

Ballantine approves the business plan and wants to see Moray.  However Moray lies to Denise when he tells her he's going to see Ballaniyne when he actually goes to see Katherine.  Who tells him she has a child now, is a mother and must face her responsibilities.  She can't let go of Moray though and he tells her he loves Denise.  Katherine kisses him but he stops her.  She then can't get up from the bench as she falls back down but doesn't want Moray's help.  Weston finds her doubled over in the garden in tears and asks if "he did this to you?"  She replies, "I can't help myself."

Edmund (Peter Wight) thinks he should spruce up the shop with a coat of paint before anyone will buy it and knows Audrey is waiting for him but he can't let go of the shop.  He was the first owner on the street.  Sam (Stephen Wight) helps him out and he and Arthur think he should remove his name from the store as it won't be his and should replace it with "Draper."  Something he doesn't want to do as he finds it's not easy giving up his life.  He suffers a heart attack whilst on the ladder and Denise feels guilty about 'chiding' him and not looking out for him.  He's like a father to her.  Moray isn't there for her and she asks Dudley where he's gone.  Also Ballantine didn't get a note from Moray or even a personal meeting.  However she convinces him to invest.

Moray tells Denise he's sorry and that he was with Katherine but, "I have not betrayed you."  Denise can't bear to look at him since she wants to be alone with her uncle.  As the Paradise celebrates five years since it opened, Moray walks through the store in tears.  He's now a defeated man as his 'scheming' to get back the store has really resulted in him achieving nothing.  He played Katherine off against Weston and she ended up wanting him again when he knew she had feelings for him still and even Denise warned him about this.  Moray couldn't even see how Fenton was using him for his own ends when he came up with the plan of getting between Weston and Katherine.  He tells Katherine he loves Denise but really he has betrayed her too in his blind pursuit of the store.  Not to mention the fact Fenton wasn't even interested in helping Moray get the store back but was only going along with the intention of opening up his own store with his brother, since he was so ready to throw Moray to the wind.  See Jonas didn't tell Moray about this at their meeting, only that Weston has his issues from when he was a soldier.  Something he already told Moray about before.

Clara convinces Lucille she's got a good husband and she should be grateful for that.  Whereas for everyone else their lives have reached a turning point.  Showing how some marriages are perfect and Lucille couldn't see that whereas others are frought with anxieties and heartaches, even when the two parties aren't married to each other.

Even had some future topical references here, like Myrtle (Lisa Millett) saying sarcastically, like they will find rich men, or there'll be a woman PM, or a woman running the Paradise.  Well with Denise's ambitions and maybe society's attitude changing she may do just that!

SO what now for Denise and Moray since she doesn't feel she can trust him even if he loves her.  Will Weston get his 'revenge' on Moray for hurting Katherine, who clearly brought this on herself too.  There's a scene where Moray and Denise steal a kiss together when he tells her he wished they could go back to before and how innocent it all was when he wanted her.  She reminds him it wasn't innocent as he was engaged to Katherine and you can't help but think it was the same thing happening here again.  Moray this time pursued Katherine when she was married and ended up hurting both Denise and Katherine, even himself, as far from innocent as it could get.

Saturday 23 November 2013

Doctor Who: The Day Of the Doctor 50th Anniversary Episode Review

Clara (Jenna Coleman) teaches at a Coal Hill school and is called by the Doctor (Matt Smith) from his TARDIS, as she rides off on her motorbike, he asks where they should go next and the very next second they're being lifted by a helicopter.  As Kate Stewart (Jemma Redgrave) calls him.  They're heading to Trafalgar Square after he hangs out of the TARDIS and she decides they're not heading to UNIT HQ at the Tower of London anymore.  Cue the Doctor hanging from the TARDIS and Matt Smith actually did that stunt.  She has a letter from him sealed by Queen Elizabeth I (Joanna Page).  Inside the National Gallery he's taken to a painting from Elizabeth I with Clara and it's a scene of the Fall of Gallifrey as it burns in 3D, "The Fall of Arcadia"  A Gallifreyian city.

The Eleventh Doctor recalls the Time War, the war to end all wars and how he was a warrior, a War Doctor (John Hurt).  He takes the gun from a soldier as Gallifrey is in flames with the Daleks attacking and writes "No More" on the wall.  Then takes off in his TARDIS as some of the Daleks crash and blow up.  The Time Lords discover the Doctor has taken the weapon, the Moment, a weapon which also has a conscience.  If they do not stop fighting, he will use the weapon.  A fez is on the floor.  Then we get Bad Wolf Girl aka Rose (Billie Piper) sitting on the bomb and asking him if he really wants to burn Gallifrey, asking how many children will be killed and will die.  He hasn't set the weapon off and can still make the right choice.  She's going to show him his future through a time fissure.  She knows she was Rose and is now Bad wolf Girl and she is the way in which the weapon communicates, like its interface.


The Eleventh Doctor reads the letter saying Elizabeth needs his help and adds 'dear husband' in it too.  Kate takes him to another part of the gallery and on the wall is a painting of the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) with Elizabeth I.  As we go back in time to England 1536, where the Doctor takes Elizabeth horseriding and then treats her to a picnic.  Where he tells her she needs to eat and finally she says he will have to marry her.  But he's actually looking for a Zygon, an alien which is capable of shapeshifting into any shape or form.  She tells him she's not an alien but he doesn't believe her, not until the horse shifts into the alien.  Then becomes a clone of Elizabeth.  He tells her to run.

Back at the gallery the Eleventh Doctor is taken to the undergallery where there are kept many artifacts from the past, including his fez in a glass case and he can' help but wear it.  Clara commenting "one day he will walk past those."  He notices some stone dust on the floor and wants it analyzed by the science assistant.  A time fissure opens and  he goes through it.  Ending up face to face with the Tenth Doctor.  A lot of mention of faces here and how his face is different but he's the same, or he "doesn't forget a face."  They realize they're both the doctors as they pull out their Sonics and there's the timely, or common scene with "my Sonic's bigger than yours," which was kind of funny; as the Eleventh Doctor's was bigger by far!



By now the War Doctor also arrives and the three of them meet.  Where they share a conversation with the Eleventh referring to the War Doctor as "Grandfather", and the Tenth Doctor as wearing "sand shoes" which he protests against.  As well as the War Doctor wondering if the Eleventh can talk without "flapping his arms about."  Well no, that's his character trait, at least one of them.  They don't know if they can get back through the portal so the Eleventh Doctor throws in his fez which doesn't get back to Clara.  As does Elisabeth's soldiers.  She turns up too and has them arrested, but not before Clara speaks though the portal and threatens to turn the men into frogs, though she was rather rusty at the whole witchcraft thing.  Which she shouldn't have been since she was teaching.


Kate knows where the Eleventh Doctor end up and what he'll do since he says they need to be taken to the Tower of London.  He finds a piece of metal, that come in handy and begins to etch onto the stone. Kate takes Clara there and adds his companions need to be vetted which they did last time she was here, as there are photos of her on the wall and she doesn't recall being here.  They go to the Black Archives and to the vortex bracelet which needs a code to be activated.  However Kate reveals herself to be a Zygon and Clara takes the code as the picture with the code has been sent through to Kate's phone and disappears.


The Doctors talk of how the Sonic won't work on the door, it's wood as we remember, and Doctor Ten asks if they should get a better class of door.  As well as talking about how they look and have changed and the Time War.  The Tenth Doctor referring to the Eleventh as "chinney" was hilarious since that's what Clara did, when we first met her, saying he's got a big chin.  The Tenth Doctor regrets the War and the Eleventh one forgets it.  It's taken him 400 years to do so.  The War Doctor asks how many children were killed but only the Tenth Doctor answers.  Adding all this time and the Eleventh didn't know, the Eleventh replying he forgot about it and moved on.  As well as the War Doctor picking up lots of his mannerisms going such as his "timey whimey" phrase.  The War Doctor thinks he speaks like a child after all this time.

Clara arrives and opens the door, it wasn't locked, but no one checked.  As does Elizabeth, (the real one) and reveals their plan to them of taking over a better planet as theirs was destroyed during the early part of the war and they've chosen Earth.  As one of the Zygons steps through the painting and that's how they ended up in the gallery in 1975.  Which the War Doctor calls a space cube and number Eleven refers to it as "Cup-A-Soup" and the War Doctor doesn't now what that is.   The painting like the TARDIS is bigger on the inside.

Back at the Tower there's a stalmate as the sciency assistant with the scarf has found out Kate is being held but is still alive.  She returns and orders the self destruct with a nuclear weapon being buried under them which will blow up London and though many will die, billions will be saved.  Seeing as The War Doctor is facing a similar dilemma.  The Doctors return and find out about this but will make them work together to stop the self destruct.  They use their Sonics to make sure no one remembers if they're human or Zygon and so must talk with each other.

The War Doctor is impressed they have actually got them talking as he speaks with Clara.  She can see the sadness in his eyes, she's always seen it, he has much younger eyes.   She knows what's going to happen is in his future and how the Eleventh Doctor has talked about the Time War and tells him he hasn't done anything yet.  As Bad Wolf Girl appears, Clara can't see her but asks who he's talking to, was that Cup-A-Soup he was drinking in his cup?  He leaves with Bad Wolf.  At the weapon he decides he must use that to save the many.  Bad Wolf reminds him of the sound the TARDIS makes as it gives hope to many people, that's what it means to them, giving the other two enough time to arrive.

They all put their hands on the trigger intending to do it together so the War Doctor is no longer alone or carries his guilt alone, but Clara stops the Eleventh Doctor.  They came up with a plan and had all those years to do so but not sure if it will work.  They can freeze Gallifrey in a moment of time and the Daleks will fire on each other as it disappears.  They don't know if it will work but they can try and give Gallifrey hope. They relay this to the Time Lords as they get a message on the screen reading, "Gallifrey Stands."  They're not too thrilled at this prospect as Gallifrey will be lost forever.  But want this to go ahead.


We get the three Doctors in their TARDIS shouting their catchphrase: "Geronimo, Allons-y and Gallifrey Stands."  As we also get the other nine Doctors faces shown in their TARDIS and a glimpse of the face of the Thirteenth Doctor.  As Gallifrey is saved and so are the Time Lords.  The Doctors drink tea and have a final moment together. The War Doctor (he can't be called that anymore) returns to where he came from and the Eleventh Doctor tells the Tenth about Trensinor and how he will return there again.  The Tenth Doctor kisses Clara's hand and once again the Tenth Doctor utters "I don't want to go."  Just as he did in his final moments when he knew the end was coming for him.  Well we didn't want to see you go either.

Don't you wish you could see them together again, they really made a great team of Doctors.  Though we'll have to call them something else besides team.  The Eleventh Doctor thinks he could retire and become the Curator of the museum as the Curator shows up, none other than the Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker).  They talk about the painting and how he regrets Gallifrey is "No more or Gallifrey  Falls."  Which the Fourth Doctor tells him could be read as "Gallifrey Falls No More."

SO it's off to Trensinor for the Christmas Special as Matt will bid farewell to his Doctor mantle, no, I don't want you to goooooooooooooooo!!  Really I don't and watching this 50th Birthday show just brought back all the memories of all the great fun we had with Matt and his bow tie-d Eleventh Doctor.  It was also sad saying goodbye to David once more as the Tenth Doctor.  These two were my faves and it was really heart wrenching to see they won't be the Doctor anymore.  These two really did make a great duo with lots of interacting off each other and the jokes too was all fun, but deep down we knew it was coming, the good times had to end!

Though having said that John Hurt as the War Doctor, or the Doctor in between number Eight and Nine made a good addition to the cast too.  Though there was a moment when he said "fire" and it took me back to Merlin and the ever-wise Dragon! Whose voice John did but just for a moment.  Which showed him to be less menacing than he appeared in The Name of The Doctor the series 7 finale and showed that he did have a heart after all, or rather two hearts and that he ensured the fate Gallifrey originally endured to stop the never ending war did not happen again; albeit he had help of all of his selves.  However it was good to see he was redeemed, they all were redeemed by taking an entirely different path, which you knew they would. Going back to being called the Doctor, as he should.  It was the 50th after all and we couldn't have a sorrowful episode.  (Though it was for many of us! Oh Matt!  Another series would have done us and made us ready for your departure!)


Some great moments with Clara too as she makes the Eleventh Doctor remember he is the Doctor and not a warrior, the one people turn to for help the universe over and he does mention himself as "the Storm" and all that.  Some moments with the scarf reference as "nice scarf" from the eleventh Doctor, as was worn by Tom Baker's Fourth Doctor, as well as the Tenth Doctor having a flash when he realizes who Bad Wolf Girl really is.  

Never got to ask this but think the Tenth Doctor got to snog the most women and companions too! ha.  Well he married Elizabeth I as we know and we got to see the wedding where the other two Doctors were present as well as Clara.  Rose/Bad Wolf girl making a reference to "clever boy."

A super scene at the end where the Eleventh joins the other regenerations of the Doctors and the end of an 'almost' era with Matt's leaving to come.  Okay I'll stop saying that whilst I go and shed some more tears!

Thursday 21 November 2013

Scandal 2.21 "Any Questions?" Review

Cyrus (Jeff Perry) rushes to see Fitz (Tony Goldwyn) but he's still busy with Olivia (Kerry Washington) and Tom (Brian Letscher) won't let him in unless he's got a good reason.  Cyrus threatens to make him guard Ted at the playground and tells him he's having a heart attack. Cyrus bursts in on them both and tells him to "get up!" Don't know who locked more shocked Cyrus, Fitz or Olivia.  Olivia comes up with a strategy but Fitz will tell them what he wants to do.  She returns to work and hears news about Albatross.  They think the mole might be Sally Langston (Kate Burton) since she can get into those files too.  They have to find out everything they can on her.

Harrison (Columbus Short) tells Olivia the news will break and it's only a matter of time before her name is revealed by Mellie (Bellamy Young) and he wants her to be his client.  hHe will do anything for her cos she is his client.  Olivia listens to everything he has to say but in the end tells him she isn't his client and wants him to handle Langston.  She won't tell Harrison her endgame.  Huck (Guillermo Diaz) suggests sending a Trojan horse to Langston via email and when she opens it up they can see her password.  David (Joshua Malina) suggests they use her daughter cos she's easier to hack into and when she opens her email they'll be in. Suggesting send her an email about one of the mean girls who's just had her nose down.  Huck finds it wasn't Langston cos she was with Fitz when someone was hacking into her computer.  Langston with Cyrus going on about marriage being sacred and a "woman scorned" phrase which she claims is from the Bible, Cyrus tells her it's not, funny that, her not knowing where it's from, thought she was religious.   She is wallowing in how Mellie was the one who will bring him down.  Well he's not down quite yet.

Notice the change in Olivia this time round she's walking round as if she's on cloud nine or whatever it is cos she doesn't look like she's really thought about what will happen if Mellie actually reveals her name, thinking everything will come good in the end.  Which it won't, how will she recover being named as Fitz's 'whore.'
Charlie's (George Newbern) in the wind and they must find some way to find him.  Jake (Scott Foley) meets with the nameless man again.

Cyrus must take questions and must keep deflecting them, such as the affair being only alleged, whatever happens between Mellie and Fitz is their business, etc.  Even James (Dan Bucatinsky) is present but obviously Cyrus won't answer him either.  He must go over the same ground with the reporters.  Mellie however is not using the ace up her sleeve and isn't revealing Olivia's name just yet.  Deep down she hopes she can still salvage something from Fitz and hires a fixer (John Barrowman) like Olivia and wants to know why not use Olivia, cos she's Fitz's fixer.  Would have thought that was a little obvious as to why since it's alleged his mistress is someone within the Whitehouse, a Whitehouse worker, ain't it always!

Cyrus tries to talk to Fitz as to how they will spin this and handle it but he doesn't want that.  He's decided he doesn't want to run for a second term either.  Cyrus also takes his wrath out on James for being gullible and stupid at the same time.  Thinking he was the only one his boss would want to interview Mellie, it was Mellie's decision and she played him good.  James can't handle that thinking Cyrus always puts him down and first it was Defiance and now this story.  Cyrus talks down to him and and raises his hand too quite a lot. He leaves and James has no choice but to burst into tears.

Cyrus meets with Olivia and wants her to talk Fitz out of not running for a second term, in fact he's writing his speech and what he will say.  She tells him she can't do that and we're back to Defiance once more.  Olivia reminding Cyrus that park used to be a zoo and some would say, still is.  Olivia also adds that they already messed up the Republic once and really believes he and Fitz can just be happy, especially when there more powerful forces at work.  Cyrus has the footage with Jake and Olivia and can release that publicly so saving Fitz and his running for a second term, but why does he keep it to himself.  Well no sooner has Olivia turned her back when up rears the mysterious man.  Apparently he knows Cyrus and tells him Charlie is dead tt him, he doesn't want him being used by him since he's his operative.

Charlie needs to be taken care of and to this task cue Jake.  He sets up the bakery assistant as one of his own and Charlie's no fool after all he was trained by B613 and he suspects a rat in his pastry.  He checks out the bag which has a substance on it which will enable him to be tracked so he touches practically everyone on the street, though why they'd allow themselves to be touched by some madman like that without crying out murder is beyond me.  So Jake loses his signal and Charlie in the process.  Jake flashing his gun about!  So he meets with the man (Joe Morton) at the Monument and gives him the footage of him and Olivia after watching it one last time, can't believe he hasn't kept a copy though, just for insurance purposes. The man threaten him by telling him they could be meeting at the hole instead of here and that was a piece of serious foreshadowing if ever there was any in this show!  Apparently Jake was working for both the man and Fitz and had to get in between both Olivia and Fitz.

Fitz calls Olivia and then asks what she's wearing.  She hangs up and her phone rings again and she makes the classic mistake of thinking it's Fitz again and tells him she won't tell him whats he's wearing, but it's Jake and he asks her about him again.  Olivia tells him to take care and goodbye.  Maybe he should have taken her advice then cos nothing bodes well for Jake.

Mellie tells her fixer she needs to know what Fitz is writing in his speech and he's good at what he does so he must find out.  Which he does cos it's just been thrown out in the Whitehouse trash, since when was the Whitehouse so careless with its trash anyway?  Meanwhile we get Cyrus deflecting yet more questions and covering old ground as he refuses to give them anything.  Mellie reads the speech and finds he's not budging at all.  She still won't reveal the name.

Cyrus doesn't acknowledge knowing Charlie and so he comes to Olivia for help, holding David at gunpoint. They want the name of the mole and he doesn't give it.  He wants a deal in the same way Huck can live his life out in the open.  But Olivia didn't get him any deal.  Huck takes Charlie and gives him a doughnut before he'll finish the job. Charlie gives him a name and at the last instant Quinn stops Huck from shooting him. Thought Huck would have pulled the empty gun trigger on him to scare him but turns out he was actually going to to shoot him for ruining his life.  Olivia runs to the safe to open it and finds the card is still there, which was stupid of her, I mean she isn't thinking at all here.  Why open the safe in front of everyone.  She's just given Harrison the combination and her brown and black files, brown for those people who owe her favours and the written combination so if the worst comes to the worst, Harrison will take over and run the firm.  But lo and behold she reveals the combination to all and sundry.  Notice David getting a good look at the combination.

David and his remark of who the president banged and how the name will be revealed was kind of unnerving to Olivia as she just looks away ignoring him.  Olivia finds out from Cyrus that Fitz didn't sign the second term candidacy papers and they're still on his desk.  She asks him if he wanted to run and when he decided he didn't want to run and tells him he should run cos he wants it to be legitimate this time round, without his father putting him down and without Olivia et all cheating for him.  He gives a speech saying his marriage is "none of your business."  Then announces his running for a second term.  Harrison calls Olivia and they find out that Charlie's been released and Harrison finds the Cytron card is gone.  Olivia is given the name of Billy Chambers (Matt Letscher) as the mole, as we see him get the Cytron card from none other than David.

So the mole is Billy Cahmers and David turns out to be a turncoat too!  Well it's to be expected he wouldn't let Olivia and associates get away with him losing his job and every other humiliation he went through, not least the which was Abby (Darby Stanchfield) making a complete fool of him too when she lied to him and told him she didn't take the card.  That was one reason why he hung around there like a bad smell and kept going on about how he's "a Gladiator now."  Well who 'invited' him to become one anyway, no one.  But still they weren't weary around him and you know why not just give him all your secrets.  Surprised no one blabbed about Olivia and Fitz in front of him.  It was obvious it would be David and not Charlie, who would Charlie know they have the card, David was always the one who wanted it and knew they had it.

Had a feeling Fitz wanted to run for another term cos he wanted to prove himself and show he is capable of winning all by his lonesome, but how will this affair news fare for him?  Seems like Mellie will come running back too.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

The Mentalist 6.4 "Red Listed" Review

Lisbon (Robin Tunney) and Patrick (Simon Baker) are called to a CS by Reede Smith (Drew Powell) and find the DB is Benjamin Marks and Patrick remarks on how Lisbon gets nervous whenever she's around a Red John suspect.  Patrick tortured Marks in 4.23 Red Rover, Red Rover and Smith suspects Patrick of finishing the job after all he did torture him to make him confess.  He asks Patrick what he can tell from the DB who has had his face burnt and has been tortured.  Patrick notices the sticky substance on his leg which is sap and a pine needle in his shoe, so it's from a pine tree.  He also tells Smith that he didn't kill him cos he would have done it the first time round. Besides Patrick isn't a killer as he later tells Kirkland (Kevin Corrigan).

Patrick goes back to his attic with Lisbon in tow and tells her he didn't kill him but he's partly responsible for getting him killed since he was on his list of fake RJ suspects.  Lisbon wants the other names so they can offer them police protection.  Which Patrick reluctantly gives her since they're not exactly innocent Vics.   He also tells her that he's being watched by the FBI for a while and he's suspected it.  She calls Van Pelt (Amanda Righetti) and Rigsby (Owain Yeoman) to come into work and then hands them out the names of the suspects.  She takes Richard Haibach (William Mapother) who is a paedophile and hides his secret in his basement.  He rejects the police protection.  Haibach was in the episode Blinking Red Light with Panzer, whom Van Pelt mentions.

Meanwhile Van Pelt tells Patrick that Madeleine Hightower's (Aunjanue Ellis) aunt told her about how she and the children were killed whilst on vacation.  They drowned.  Patrick pays his respect to her and takes flowers, but it's apparent that Madeleine is not dead.  He leaves a message for her on the condolences website which he gets Aunt Ruby (Sloan Robinson) to type and obviously it's a message for her to meet him. SO when did they put this secret message together.

Whilst looking out for another fake suspect Rigsby tells Cho (Tim Kang) that they haven't "done it yet" and he's surprised.  Apparently they were both tired and had to much to drink and passed out in the hotel, also they had work the next day.  Cho tells him he saw on the Internet that women lose interest after getting married.  Cue another chase with Cho and Rigsby tackles the suspect into the pool.

Smith calls Robert Kirkland and tells him he has been ordered his superior to fill him in on the case and they meet.  Always had my suspicions of Smith though I didn't place him high up on my list, I will now, especially since they're showing him a lot now and he's particularly creepy.  Kirkland was never my on my list of suspects.   True he had a different agenda which included getting his hands on RJ too, but he was never going to be Red John.  They meet and Kirkland has brought three different types of coffee cos he likes to be prepared.  Though I have to say at this point in time he wasn't really prepared and was rather careless.  He tells Smith about how the police, and other agencies are involved in dirty crimes, covering for each other and uses "Tyger, Tyger" on him and he claims he doesn't know what that is.  Kirkland wants lower level agents to come into the investigation as the higher ups are dirty.  Smith passes the test when he says that, but Smith didn't sound or look convincing to him.  He was putting on an act, that much was obvious.

What Kirkland doesn't know was that Smith was at that meeting with Bertram and McAllister and he has a pretty fair idea of what Patrick must be up to especially when he told Bertram about his news, with Smith questioning what Patrick meant and it was Bertram's responsibility to find out what Patty knows.  SO he already knows about the dirty business and presumably they must have been talking about that.  Also it struck me as odd that he would call Lisbon and Patrick down in the investigation.  Someone breaks into Haibach's house and kidnaps him, from the shoes it had to be Kirkland and Patrick isn't the least bit upset at this piece of news.  He calls Lisbon to give her the news about Madeleine but doesn't tell her where he's going.  Madeleine shows up and knows she's in danger and Patrick tells her he will get Red John and she can come out of hiding.  He asks her about being under investigation from the FBI and how Minnelli struck an agreement with Alexa Schultz to have Patrick watched.  That was nine years ago, which appears to be pretty much when Patrick become part of the team after his family was murdered.  She adds he was suspected of being Red John.  Also he didn't hear this from her.  So Patrick was suspected of being RJ wonder if this is why Minelli wanted him to consult for them and why he agreed to let Schultz in on it too.

Patrick meets with Kirkland and tells him someone broke into his attic and stole his list of suspects, i.e. his men.  Kirkland tortures Haibach but he doesn't say he's Red John.  Patrick is forced to go with Kirkland and he ties him up wanting to know the names on the real list.  Patrick realizes he's not Red John but Kirkland is after him too.  He does have a personal agenda and threatens to torture Patrick.  Lisbon can't get hold of Patrick cos Kirkland took his battery from his phone and Madeleine calls her telling her she can't get hold of Patrick and thinks she may have put him in danger.  Lisbon has Van Pelt find out if she can find any property owned by Kirkland which is near to pines and she finds one cabin in the name of Michael Kirkland. Who as Kirkland tells us was his brother.  Their father was a drunk and beat them all, their mother killed herself and Michael wasn't as strong as him so he couldn't leave.  He got in with Red John and believes he was responsible for his brother's death as he wasn't found.  Well that fits perfectly the mould of RJ as he goes after helpless Vics and their siblings.  A repeat of Lorelei's story with her sister and of course that didn't end well.  Thus it's apparent this will end the same way too.  You know foreshadowing and all that as far as RJ killing everyone off is concerned.

Patrick gives him a name, "Don Thurmy" as in 'don't hurt me' after Kirkland cuts off Haibach's thumb.  Just as Patrick is about to get his dose of torture and we know how he hates being hurt, Lisbon and Madeleine save the day with Madeleine's big gun, ha.  Madeleine tells him to leave her alone now and he kisses her cheek. Smith turns up and say they'll let county take care of him first and then deal with him at Federal level but he now knows Patrick wasn't involved and shakes Patrick's hand again!  Patrick talks to Kirkland but he can't tell him anything right now, he should come see him.  Again it's apparent Kirkland won't be around for much longer and that's why Patrick should have had that conversation right now.  I'm also sure Kirkland would have known his fate too.  Patrick assures him he will pursue this and kill Red John.  He deserves nothing less.

Sure enough Smith arrives when he's being transported in the van and tells him there's a safe place he can go. As well as telling him he's already known of the 'Tyger' conspiracy and is a part of it.  Kirkland reluctantly gets out and tells him to do it here, but he wants him to run, shooting him seven times in the back, was there a reason for seven shots!  You despicable man Smith!  This is obviously meant to throw us off the RJ scent and think he killed Kirkland to save his own skin cos of the dirty police business or he really is Red John now shown taking care of loose ends.  Still seems a bit doubtful though.  Which leads us to Bertram and he was the first one who coined the "tyger, tyger" phrase after RJ.

Patrick mentions they have five suspects left so it's within the ballpark and manageable which means he has crossed off Kirkland and Partridge from the list but McAllister is still on his list.  I have to say Smith is fast becoming my number 1 suspect, but he isn't intelligent enough to be Red John, at least it doesn't seem that way.  Then appearances can be deceptive.

Van Pelt gets a room for her and Rigsby and dresses in her undies and coat at the office.  However the janitor interrupts them in the lift!  Oh so much awaits Patrick in the next episode and perhaps the news of Kirkland's death will hit him hard.  But in true Patrick form he will get to the bottom of this and find out what else Kirkland knew.  It would have been great if we could have found out too but then that'd be giving away too much too quickly.

Patty seemed pleased Lisbon didn't have a case and was packing her off for a mani/pedi and was hoping she'd go for the massage.  Oh Patty so personal, ha.  He was smiling an awful lot this episode even if his fake list will lead to people being killed, criminals at that, as Lisbon tells the team, they have to protect ethically and morally, it's what they do.  But not what Patrick does.  Oh he will get RJ, maybe even kill him but with a song in his heart.  At least we got to hear that Patrick was suspected as Red John as a lot of us did so too earlier on, well yes I did!

As for Tiger or tyger, Partridge also said it to Lisbon before he died and so this must have been a clue as to his killer and now we know what that phrase entails it's meant to narrow down our suspects.  Seems Madeleine doesn't know about the tyger conspiracy as I call it, but what about  Luthor Wainwright, was he part of it too.

Hey just noticed after the RJ reveal in ep 8, the ep titles no longer contain red or variations of the red theme! Must be a good sign then!  Hopefully we won't get spoilers cos we've still got another 4 eps to go!!

Sunday 17 November 2013

The Paradise Series 2 Episode 5 Review

Things are hotting up at the Paradise, finally as the major protagonists all play each one off the other, well aside from Denise (Joanna Vanderham) whose naivety gets in the way, as well as her love for Moray (Emun Elliott) from seeing the real picture.  Moray doesn't see how he's slowly but surely turning Denise against him as he puts a spanner in the works to everything she wants to do.  The only outcome of this is defiance and the future does not bode well for these two lovebirds.  Ahh she called him "sweetheart" this episode but he doesn't do anything of the sort.

Denise comes up with an idea for all the shop girls in ladieswear to pool their commission's so that they share it at the end of the week, Clara (Sonya Cassidy) objects since some of the harder working girls will get more commission than someone like Susy (Katie Moore) who only gets a small bonus.  Denise decides they should vote on it and Clara puts her hand up first in agreement.  Then the others follow.  Denise wonders why Clara went along with it since she objected most vocally.  She replies cos Denise asked them to vote on it and she liked the idea of voting.  Denise wants there to be more voting and she wants the girls to come up with their own proposals.  Clara suggesting is that they have a ladies day out and all go swimming.  To which everyone agrees.

Weston (Ben Daniels) catches Myrtle (Lisa Millett) looking at the shop window of the new Food Hall from outside and is taken aback by how good it looks, as does Weston.  She created the cakes and then he asks her why she's not working, which makes her hurry off.  Moray has a secret meeting with Fenton (Adrian Scarborough) now actually at the Paradise itself, so much for keeping their meetings secret last episode.  Fenton and Jonas (David Hayman) agree Moray must up the stake in using Katherine (Elaine Cassidy) and making Weston jealous.  Think Weston kind of sees though their plan as he stumbles upon the same idea, that he should use Denise, at least he appears to be using her and it's not really in furtherance of the store but rather to also make Moray, not only jealous but also for Weston to keep a tighter grip on the store and also on Katherine.

Weston would like Denise to give a talk to the other Heads of Departments showing how she used modern methods of voting on plans and ideas as it will give them all cause to do the same.  he's pleased with her methods and her progressive ideas when Denise thinks he summoned her to the office cos he disapproves. Denise decides to use all of the girls to present their talk and to demonstrate how they reached their decision by voting.  Moray doesn't know about this but when he finds out he is the one who doesn't really approve. He's still blinkered in his quest to garner back the store for himself and Denise he says and yet he holds her back and stifles her creativity as the store will only grow and get more customers with every idea she implements and Weston approves of.  Weston shows this defiance in Denise when he asks in front of Moray what she thinks about Denise spending a day in each department and seeing what they do with plans of new ideas.  He thinks she should start in the kitchen and spend a day with Myrtle.  Denise jumps at the idea but says she would only do it of the heads agree, the look on Moray's face as he sees the store slipping further from his grasp.  Denise also ignores Clara's warning of what Weston is up to by her phrase of "cat...pigeon."

This comes after he has given Myrtle a brief to come up with an exciting and eye catching window display for the food hall.  But she can't think of what to do.  So cue Denise who convinces her to let her spend a day in the kitchen by telling her she should bake her own cake and call it 'Myrtle Cake.'  They can display it with lots of eggs, she uses 18 and can put live chickens there to. Anyone can have the recipe and she can have customers in the kitchen to explain how she came up with it.  Personally I thought the cake and display looked rather tacky, no really, wait 'til you see it! Ha.

Moray wants to off set the success of the food hall by displaying jewellery in the shop, a display of watches and Weston thinks this is in competition with the food hall as he comes up with the idea on the same day as the opening.  For this Moray asks Katherine for her father's watch to be put on display and form the centrepiece.  Katherine wanting him to call her Mrs Weston and then later changes her mind and he should call her Katherine instead.  She's reluctant cos it was her father's and was meant to go to the man she marries, which she hoped would have been Moray.  He understands this but later Katherine has a change of heart and not mind as she can't decide what to wear to the store, she gives him the watch after all.  Sam (Stephen Wight) is entranced by it and intrigued and she recalls of how it can hypnotize as it's so "bewitching," the same phrase she used and so does Sam now.   Her father used it on her and she found she changed her mind about things, like eating cabbage when she didn't want to when little and talking in a foreign language.

Of course she says it was all in jest and Sam hopes this is the case after he uses it to hypnotize Susy who calls it, 'wanting to be hypnotic."  He makes her buy him a beer and makes her repeat how Sam is wonderful and she likes him.  Which backfires since Susy keeps following him around, calling his name so longingly and he hates it.  Then one evening he finds himself with the watch in his pocket at the pub and Edmund (Peter Wight) says he shouldn't be carrying it around.  Sam feels the watch is hypnotizing him as he can't get away from it, like he can't get away from Susy.  He finds the watch ends up in his pocket again without him knowing.

Jonas and Moray still sneak around without letting Dudley (Matthew McNulty) in on their plan but he suspects Moray's still keeping secrets from him.  He confronts Jonas but he doesn't say anything and Dudley feels it's all Jonas's doing.  Moray only tells Dudley he's doing it for the good of the store, whatever he is doing.  Katherine and Moray promenade around the street once more as they used to do and she finds she misses that and recalls it too.  She wanted Moray to have the watch and tells him her father did too, at least she wanted him to have it after their, yet can't bring herself to say, after their marriage.  She wants to be honest with him and that's why Weston must never know about the watch.  Weston catches Katherine in a moment of happiness after she speaks with Moray.  Talk about sneaking around. Okay he was walking in the street but he turns up at the most inopportune moment, but opportune for him.

Jonas tells Moray he's getting into Weston's good books and gaining his trust and will know what he's doing as he'll eventually confide in Jonas.  Which is true as Jonas hits the wall in a moment of feigning frustration at his treatment by Moray who he tells Weston doesn't recognize his loyalty and years of service.  Jonas later tells Weston he's interested in military history and knows about the Indian mutiny and how Weston served his country, which of course makes Weston like him even more and more importantly trust him.

Weston has news for Denise and invites Moray to dinner which he accepts though reluctantly and even more so when he finds out Weston is also inviting Denise.  Katherine isn't pleased with the idea either and at dinner, Weston can only sing Denise's praises.  Weston telling Katherine, "she's quite something."  meaning Denise.  Moray finds out from Jonas about Weston being injured as he shows him a newspaper clipping and thinks he shouldn't be deceiving a man who served his country in this way whilst he sold ladies fashions. That's why he believes Weston despises Moray.  Weston wants to send Denise to Paris for a week to study the fashions of la bonne marche and she is thrilled to go.  Moray however is not pleased and neither is Katherine.  Though Weston got his pleasure and pound of flesh in watching Katherine and Moray both squirm inside.

Moray talks Denise out of going since they both want the store together and he wants her by his side, it was Weston's suggestion too.  She's not happy cos she's exited by the prospect of Paris, I say old chap it really wasn't tennis was it!  Especially since Moray's been there where he ran off to after he left or got fired from the store and now that she wants to do the same and improve herself and gather some knowledge, he wants her to stay here.  He can't see he's playing right into Weston's hands by stopping her since it will lead to a further rift between them, exactly what Weston wants.  Killing two birds with one stone, making Katherine angry and Moray too at the same time.  It's a case of two can play at that game at work here.

Moray is so angry that he wants Jonas to tell Weston about the watch and how her father's bequest was that she should give it to her husband.  Jonas reluctantly tells Weston this as he sees him in his office, skulking behind the door in secret, well sitting and skulking, ha.  Jonas finally tells him this and he takes the watch. The others find it's gone and Sam thinks he took it in his pocket but it's not there.  He's relieved when Jonas tells him Weston took it.  Later Weston torments Katherine even further by asking Flora (Edie Whitehead) if she'd like to accompany him to the food hall and takes out the watch to check the time.  The look on Katherine's face and she knows she can't say anything otherwise he'll know about her feelings for Moray that she still harbours.  Truth being he already knows the number of times he's sneaked around and so has she.  Katherine wanting to have coffee with Moray sometimes.  That'd be her cinnamon coffee.

So much cruelty going on here by both Weston and I have to say Moray too since they're both using the women in their lives.  I take it Weston must have had some feelings for Katherine when he married her or was it simply to live off her wealth and the store and cos she let him be free with other women. Whereas Moray prevents Denise from following her own dreams and advancing her career just cos he wants the store and so she should obey dutifully and do what he says, typical men always wanting their own way! I'm waiting for their falling out!  ha, or maybe I shouldn't say that but what's to come should hopefully be more interesting when certain plans are foiled and truths revealed.

Especially with Katherine talking to Clara and wanting to know about Denise since they both have been with Moray, she feels they should watch out for her cos they both know what Moray is capable of.  More like she wants to know if there's trouble in paradise (I know I used it again!) between Denise and Moray so she can swoop in.  Clara brings Susy out of her hypnotic state but Myrtle thinks they shouldn't let Sam know that and it'd serves him right too, having fun at her expense.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Scandal 2.20 "A Woman Scorned" Review

Jake (Scott Foley) refuses to leave Olivia's (Kerry Washington) side as he's been ordered to watch her since he's a naval officer and his Commander in chief has ordered him to do so, but she maintains he's just stalking her. He was watching her all that time and he states it was to protect her.  She's back to her swimming now, can't say I was surprised to see Jake standing at the end of the pool, so why was she?  Cyrus (Jeff Perry) wants Fitz (Tony Goldwyn) to do what he can to appease Mellie (Bellamy Young) to stop her from going public and breaking the news of the President and his "whore" live on air.  He tries to tell her to go back cos it'll only affect her and Fitz thinks they can call her bluff cos she loves being the First Lady.  But she refuses to accept the package of becoming senator and then even President perhaps one day.  On the other hand he says he will do everything he can to ensure she doesn't get a political career of her own and make public that she was complicit in his affair and knew all about it.  But Mellie refuses to budge as does Fitz.  Cyrus wants him to go to her and talk to her but he doesn't cos he gives him the idea of exactly what Fitz must do.

Fitz orders Olivia to the Whitehouse and Jake must bring her there but they have the same old argument of not ordering her about and if he wants her he has to earn her.  Jake saying he didn't hear what was said but she raised her voice to him and nobody does that.  She wants a minute but he won't leave her side.  Then watches her as she sits in the chair.  Mellie is informed of Olivia's visit with Fitz and tells Cyrus she too has friends there, more so than he does.  Mellie refuses to give in hoping he'll come through in the final minutes.

James (Dan Bucatinsky) tells Cyrus he's been offered a TV position as interviewer and he's got a great nanny and being surprised that Cyrus lets him take the position, especially since Mellie is about to erupt on TV, didn't he get the hint.  Later they get together and he tells them their marriage is not in trouble.  Until later when Cyrus realizes James is interviewing Mellie and he wants it stopped but it's too late.

The others find out that Charlie (George Newbern) was in the baseball cap since Huck (Guillermo Diaz) recognizes his ear cos Quinn (Katie Lowes) was referring to it a lot and Harrison (Columbus Short) saying they can't ID him with his ear.  They think Cyrus could be Albatross, the mole, since Charlie's been working for him for two years now.  Olivia still calls Cyrus her friend and tells them they need to be absolutely sure Cyrus is the mole cos they already were responsible for one death. Charlie goes AWOL and they pull out all the stops to find him, including tracking him when buying cannoli every Thursday and attending a bookclub.  Where he's apparently got a girlfriend.

Knew that was only a rouse and he was after more cos Charlie and a girl doesn't exactly shout romance! They bring in Tammy (Amy Farrington) from the bookclub under the rouse of having Charlie checked our for a job and she tells them they're meeting today.  But he doesn't show up.  She recognizes David from the Grand Jury trial for the Defiance affair and she had her laptop stolen, her laptop which contained the transcripts, which Charlie stole and was only seeing her for that reason.

Charlie meanwhile has been watching Jake's recordings of Olivia and especially the one of their night together and Jake sees Charlie watching the too as he breaks into his apartment and steals his drink, eww wouldn't touch that bottle!  Funny Jake not knowing his drink's missing from there! Ha.  Cyrus asks Mellie if he could get rid of Olivia would she stop the interview.  He gets Lauren (Sharmila Devar) to call Jake and tell him Fitz wants to see him, but Jake shocks Cyrus by staying at his post cos he doesn't get called away by a secretary, only Fitz himself.  Olivia invites him in and wont believe a bad word against Cyrus, even though Huck told her he had Amanda Tanner killed and he wants her to be careful since she's seeing Fitz too.

SO everyone, all the gladiators know Olivia is seeing Fitz except for David it seems as they all walk out of the office when the interview is on leaving David by himself when he asks, "I wonder who he's banging." Jake asks Olivia what her relationship is with Fitz but she doesn't answer, then kisses him to show him he doesn't have anything to answer for and to throw him off the scent but he's not budging.  Fitz decides to take  positive action and go after what he wants, turning up at Olivia's and sending Jake away.  He tells her he wants his marriage over and has decided he loves her and wants her.  They both wait for Mellie's interview and for the clock to strike 9 as does Mellie.  Thought she'd get a last minute reprieve did she?

SO the interview goes ahead, Cyrus can't stop it and Fitz and Olivia get together.  Thought someone would be outside their window watching the way the camera panned out, well someone could be watching, I mean she didn't even close the blinds rt curtains or anything!  Jake meets with the mysterious man (Joe Morton) from B-613 again.

It was only a matter of time before Mellie would erupt as the entire season's been building up to it, ever since she found about Fitz and Olivia and it would be pretty naive to think it wouldn't happen.  She doesn't really care if she's committing political suicide for herself or anyone else cos at the end of the day she's a woman and a woman scorned as in the title.  She didn't even care about how her children would react or would take the news.  Then again she's not really a proper mother.

Then there was the love triangle, Fitz making goo goo eyes at Olivia still and still thinking she'd be at his beck and call, which she ended up being, woman, thought you'd have more sense than that, cos just where is that 'relationship' heading.  Though she's right to be angry at Jake cos she's in the position of being followed, stalked, being the Vic, she knows now what it's like when she does the same for her clients.  It's the nature of her job.  Though Jake can only defend himself by saying he's protecting and following orders, he's really following two sets of orders and has two 'bosses.'  I was going to say masters but that doesn't seem to be the right word.  But man, if I was in Olivia's shoes I'd take Jake anyday over Fitz, cos how many times is he gonna have Fitz treat her like he does for one thing and then leave him, come back again when he calls and on and on...he does act like a child at times, throwing temper tantrums and the like and in that respect he and Mellie do make a fine pair.  Olivia is just using Jake and seems she'll bed the first man that comes along, cos clearly that night with Jake meant nothing to her and she can so easily blow him off for, that's right, Fitz again!

Fitz thinks he's earned Olivia by throwing away his marriage and they get together once  more but Olivia just doesn't seem to move forward and is always running two steps behind and straight into his arms.  What kind of a sacrifice was that, his marriage was already over anyway, how did that spell out "earning" Olivia?  Just seems to be getting his own way again.

Oh, oh does Jake figure out who Charlie is working for really, that his 'boss' is using Charlie to watch everything Jake is doing cos Charlie wouldn't be doing all this off his own bat.  What would Cyrus have done to get Olivia out of the way anyway, seriously I don't believe he would have killed her, but he knows about Defiance and so can't be the mole and wouldn't have got Charlie to steal the laptop for him.  Though one postscript about Cyrus, he was going to have James killed before he entered the courtroom for the Grand Jury debacle, so he shouldn't be underestimated.  Though who knows what Charlie will do with the Jake/Olivia footage, give it to his 'true' master.  So it can be used against Jake.

Two things: one Mellie kind of put Olivia and Fitz into each others arms by wanting him to "get over her and fall asleep again" when she invited her to that political do and secondly she mentions that whole speech about marriage and how happy it can seem in episode 18 and here it kind of comes back to bite her.  Fitz wants no pat of her and that in some way is her own fault too.

David is in the dark about Olivia and Fitz but when did Abby (Darby Stanchfield) and Quinn find out since Harrison and Huck wouldn't have told them.  Also Olivia already suspected Cyrus killed Amanda Tanner or at least had her killed and yet she doesn't believe she needs protecting from him cos he's "my friend."  A very dangerous friend to have; or to use Cyrus's own word with Mellie, "frenemy."  Why did Olivia lie to Jake about her and Fitz of course he knows there's something there, he saw them at the hospital and really he would not ask him to protect anyone in the way he wants Olivia protected by him.  Wonder when the fireworks will really explode as when Fitz finds out about Olivia and Jake.  What the fireworks already have...