
Thursday 3 October 2013

Scandal 2.14 "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot" Review

The action moves on ten months with Olivia (Kerry Washington) now having taken up swimming, as she later tells Abby (Darby Stanchfield) exercise helps, or dating, or work, since it's obvious Abby still has feelings for David (Joshua Molina).  Olivia meets a mysterious stranger at her coffee place who asks her what she does for a living.  It's Washington, they both make up fake jobs, him an office supplier.  He tells her to let him buy her a doughnut after dropping her phone.  Of course the two will meet again!

Fitz (Tony Goldwyn) plays with the baby and Mellie (Bellamy Young) doesn't have the patience for it as Cyrus (Jeff Perry) tells her he's not confiding him and he needs to trust someone or else he'll go elsewhere.  Some Americans are kidnapped in Kashfar (yeah a weird name for a fake country if ever there was one!!)  Fitz prefers to 'run' the country by himself as Cyrus puts it cos he's not using him as his chief of staff, his dragon, watchdog etc.

David wakes next to the body of a woman, the oldest frame job in the business and the police knock on his door too after a neighbour hearing screams.  So they really didn't buy the TV being too loud excuse.  His neighbours must be experts in women screaming then.  He calls Olivia for help cos he's really got nowhere else to turn.  After the Defiance fiasco he's lost his job, applied for many, even tried opening up his own firm, Harrison (Columbus Short) referring to the business cards as 'cheap'.  Flimsy.  Well he's on a budget.  Olivia asks if he wants her help, he can go to the police to whom he just lied and they'll really not investigate or they can move Wendy's DB.  Wendy whom he met in a bar and spent the night with, much to Abby's dismay.  He decides on her help.

Huck (Guillermo Diaz) puts her DB back in her apartment and makes it look like a B&E.  Quinn (Katie Lowes) wants to know how clean up is done so he gives her a knife to restab the DB.  She then finds her computer is missing.  Huck finds several calls made to her phone and also photos of men.  They piece together the photos and find she was sleeping with men and stealing info from them before turning in stories about them.  David is arrested and tells his successor that he can do what he did , arrest him and pursue this case like he did the Defiance investigation and then end up with egg on his face really, for lack of evidence.  After Harrison tells him to keep quiet.  David then thinks Olivia may be the one behind this and wants to pay her fee for services rendered since she's been after him since day one.  Olivia replies he couldn't afford her.  Huck also finds she made calls to someone at the Pentagon where Olivia meets the same man again.  Captain Jake Ballard (Scott Foley) who works Intel for the Joint Chiefs.

Jake can't tell her anything and neither can Olivia so he asks her to dinner which she turns down.  Yeah but not for long.  Olivia asks Cyrus if he's making sure the Defiance story is put to rest by framing David and he denies it.  He thinks the story is laid to rest with Verna's demise.  Olivia tells him Fitz knows what they did and Cyrus should have known that's why Fitz is freezing him out all of a sudden.  He tells Mellie to handle it and she does so by talking Fitz round insisting it was all Cyrus who came up with the plan to steal the election and talked everyone round.

Fitz wants SEALS sent in to rescue the hostages even if they are spies for the US even after telling Cyrus he'll hold off on it.  At the christening of Cyrus and James's (Dan Bucatinsky) daughter, Ella, Fitz has a momentary lapse of his libido, (ha) and has a final 'stab' at Olivia.  Then saying it's finally over and he may not be able to control himself but it won't happen again.  Yes a likely story.  Seems he can get his own way when he wants but then put it down to lapse of judgement or loss of control.  Olivia apologizes for the election but he doesn't want to hear it.   Cyrus tells him they're going in but when the SEALs arrive there, the hostages aren't found.  Concluding they have a mole. Now who could that be?

David finds a flashdrive which belongs to Wendy and Olivia realizes it contains classified info no civilian should have.  David needs her help again cos he won't last in prison and Olivia talks about him wanting the white hat to come out again.  Olivia calls Jake who was expecting her call and they arrange a date.  She likes quiet but he likes watching people as he has a ringside view of all of Olivia's apartment.  Even her little smile at the end when he hangs up.  Ah Olivia so gullible, he's a complete stranger and she goes gaga over him. What a creep.  Well it's apparent he knows more than he's letting on about Wendy and probably who was behind framing David, even if it turns out not to be him.

Mellie you sly dog getting into Fitz's good books and even his shower when she thinks she can mould him into her world.  Of course she wanted the Whitehouse which he knows but he seems to fall for her explanation.  Either that or he's playing her too considering she's just as guilty as the others for the vote rigging.  An accomplice, accessory whatever the label, she's not innocent of wrongdoing.

As for the title read into it what you will.  Oh you know WTF, as in what's happening here?  Or WTF everyone wants a piece of Fitz, in the shower, closet or wherever! ha.  But really not believing Olivia would be so gullible so as not to have her place checked especially since she's got the best in the business working for her, yes I mean Huck.  As for her 'stalker' their meeting was no coincidence cos really how can you make someone drop their phone, or drop it for them when the place isn't even crowded.  Fitz even more gullible for trusting Mellie and Cyrus not believing Fitz would know, may know, after all he was the last one to see Verna alive.  Oh and maybe Fitz's suddenn binge drinking has more to do with guilt, he did take a life after all, rather then those around him stealing the election for him.  Let's face it, he was losing and what exactly would he be doing now.  One way to figure out if he would have won, maybe when he runs again he'll be able to run a more 'honest' race.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

CSI 11.18 "Hitting for the Cycle" Review

The CSIs bet on who will win the cycle: they have an accidental death, a suicide and a homicide, needing a natural death to complete the cycle. Stakes are high, as is finding whether their cases will fit the mould.

Henry (Jon Wellner) reminds Nick (George Eads) about the cycle and doesn't mention it cos they'll jinx it.   Nick tells Greg (Eric Szmanda) he's having A Beautiful Mind moment.   For the cycle to be complete they need a natural death for the graveyard shift.   Hodges (Wallace Langham) knows exactly how long it is since the cycle was last completed: 4 years ago.  As for Henry thinking they'll jinx it he adds, "We're men of science not superstition."  Hodges has been superstitious on a few occasions in the past.   Hodges bets on Nick who's on a roll, and not just because Nick is Co-supervisor.   There's his position being mentioned again, wonder if this means anything for later episodes; or next season.

Doc Robbins (Robert David Hall) has a new assistant, Kevin (Travis Aaron Wade) who is adept in making annoying comments and irritates everyone.   He's from LA.   Sara (Jorga Fox) wants Greg to give the cycle a rest.   The DB died at her desk and Doc removes a paper clip from her intestine, she swallowed it, which makes her death an accident.   They get a 419 call out.   Greg: "Where there is death there is hope."  They investigate the death of DV8 Avenger, aka Steven Pyles (Ramsey Moore) who wears a diaper and was AFK.   Unfortunate name as they say and AFK, Greg explains means, 'Away From Keyboard.'  He's a serious gamer and Brass (Paul Guilfoyle) makes his exit.   Kevin keeps smiling at Sara,  ooh creepy.   Kevin says it's natural causes, just cos the Vic was overweight and probably binged on one pizza too many.   Greg sarcastically says, they all can go home then.   David (David Berman) tells Kevin they need to wait for an autopsy.   TOD was 6-8 hours so the body temperature should've been lower.   Sara says they can't rule out homicide and she was right.

Nick and Ray (Laurence Fishburne) are paired together again and arrive to find a DB in the pool.   Benjamin (Victor Brown) was crashing here after his divorce.   Ray notices the shoe prints on the door and believes it was a forced entry, there's glass on the ground.   Nick notices the window was broken from the outside in.   He thinks it's a robbery/homicide.   Making a lot of judgements here the CSIs, without all the evidence being in, was the cycle turning their brains to mush!

Doc tells Catherine (Marg Helgenberger) he had Kevin remove the diaper.   And Catherine always ends up in autopsy with Doc Robbins, that's a habit now.   He finds undigested food in his gullet, there was a violent regurgitation and he was unable to expel.   He had healed contusions on his tongue indicative of a history of seizures, so he was most likey epileptic.   Catherine's bet $200 on there being no natural causes death.   Greg read about cases of gamers who suffer epileptic fits whilst playing.   Steven used to record his games so he may be able to find the last moments before his death.

Nick fishes the gun from the pool and doesn't need a forensics lesson from Kevin, he knows what he's doing and he'll put it on the bag to dry.   Kevin is in awe of Ray crossing swords with Haskell (Bill Irwin) and since he's mentioned, he's bound to turn up soon.   David tells them Kevin's from LA.   Nick: "That explains it."  Benjamin probably tried to free himself of his restraints and sustained a single GSW to the back of the head.  Ray notices the woman in the photo and from his own personal experience says it's his wife since he was still wearing his wedding ring.

Greg tells Catherine that Steven was playing an MMORPG, so he had opponents.   The players weren't supposed to use a flashpan otherwise points would be deducted, one of the players, Ninja assassin, did.  So he could have caused the seizure.   Catherine surmizes if he knew about his epilepsy then it could be homicide.   Brass asks him if Steven mentioned his medical condition to him.   He "kinda new."  So Brass adds he'll kinda need a lawyer.   Lots of funny one liners from Brass in this episode.   Nick tells Doc there are plenty of people betting on him, but Doc holds his cards close to his vest and his money even closer.   There were teeth marks on his restraints  Nick thinks the bullet now exited the back of his head, but the real entry wound was in his pharnyx.   Ray talks to Benjamin's ex-wife.   He knows what divorce is like.   She bailed him out of jail (and he offers her wine!)  Hodges tells Nick he's not going to look for the bullet in the pool as he's having a good hair day, unlike the season's second episode; Pool Shark, where he was in the pool with Henry.    Nick finds the bullet in the pool cleaner.   Hodges is elated and has to utter, 'team Stokes.'  Now they just need a natural to win.

The Tox screen shows Steven had sleeping pills in his system and was asleep when the flashbangs went off so Ninja Assassin didn't kill him.   Sara noticed a prescription bottle in the trash, but it wasn't collected since there wasn't any direct link to the case.   So where did these new rules spring from, thought if it was in his trash, it could have been pertinent to the case.   She scans the barcode revealing the bottle belongs to Evan Ferrari (Kaitlin Doubleday).   She's a blonde, Steven's girfriend, which surprises Greg.   Brass refers to her as the "Italian sportscar girlfriend" and Steven must have been upset at what she was doing.   She specifically mentions men and how he was the one who looked past her looks.

Nick found two contributors of DNA.   Ray ran the prints and came up with Carl Jansen (Sal Lands) a loan shark.   Benjamin owed him bigtime so he wouldn't kill him, he wanted his money so he stole from the house.  Catherine tells David she won't repeat what Kevin said to her in the washroom and asks him to take a look at the DB: an old woman whom he determines died accidentally.   Kevin asks him to keep that to himself, but of course David wouldn't do that.

Evan insists she loved Steven too much.   Greg tells Sara gamers have groupies.   Henry finally gets round to examining the rest of the evidence and finds Steven had ementine in him.   The ingredient for Ipecac.   The prints on the pizza box and pill bottle come back to Monica, aka DJ Drang ( Nathalie Kelley).  She wanted Evan back.   So it was just easier to end it all, how would that get her back.   She assumed no one would notice or investigate the death of  a fat guy, who would appear to have died from overeating, just as Kevin said.   So if he'd been investigating, he would have said he died from natural causes.   Didn't she realize all deaths are investigated, at least they all get autopsied.

Catherine spoke with the insurance adjuster who said a sculpture was missing from the house.   Hodges determines the trace on the front of the gun was human tissue, from Benjamin's tongue.   Catherine empties her gun and Hodges quickly apologizes.   The evidence says the break-in was staged.   Catherine uses Jelloman's head to test fire the gun.   The fibres in his teeth showed he tied the knots himself.   Catherine finds the flames from the bullet extinguished themselves when he fired the gun underwater thus no GSR.   Ray explains he wanted to make amends and pawned the sculpture for a million dollars; paid off his insurance policy, for his ex wife.   He never stopped loving her.   Like Ray still has/had feelings for his wife.   If a man lets his wife down he can also lose himself.   A failed marriage makes them feel like they failed.   All personal experience on Ray's part, since he must have felt the same way too.   Ray seemed kind of dejected and distant in this episode, know Haskell's escape is still weighing on him, but that coupled with this case being a bit too close to home for him, he didn't seem to be his usual self.   As he tells Nick if he wants to bet he'll go to a casino and Nick doesn't pursue the point any further.

Doc bet on David since as an ME, he'll always come across a natural death, before a CSI will and David is always there when a body drops.   Doc wins the bet since they get a natural after all in the guise of Kevin, who died from an aneurysm.   So he completed the cycle for them.   That was obvious from the outset since no one liked him and thus no one bothered to look at the symptoms he was exhibiting, the hangover, the headaches.   They just all saw him as annoying, which he was.   Going back to Gil (William Petersen) in the season 1 episode Unfriendly Skies, when he said if one person took the time out to talk to the Vic and see what was really happening to him, then he could have been saved.   Doc was a little cold and unfeeling here, but then he didn't really know him, so he'd treat Kevin like any one of his other DBs.

Lots of references to marriage break-ups since Ray's been through his own.   Also he tells Nick that Benjamin was still wearing his wedding ring, Nick knows that's a sore point with Ray and in All That Cremains, Nick was the one who advised Ray should remove his wedding ring before he attended his ex's wedding.

Nick really has a competitive nature when it comes to winning and winning big, must be a sore loser; shown in Man Up, when he bet with Greg but gave him back his money as it wasn't tasteful.   Also with Warrick (Gary Dourdan) in the Pilot episode when he bet on who'd make CSI 3 first.

It was apparent Benjamin had killed himself, noticed that straightaway.   Ipecac is mentioned quite a bit in CSI episodes, most notably in Fur and Loathing in Las Vegas.   Also the episode You've Got Male had a similar storyline to this and in the Pilot episode, the killer used the DB's shoe to break the door down and mask the fact he really killed his wife's brother; but not in self-defence.

Tuesday 1 October 2013

CSI:NY 9.13 "Nine Thirteen" Review

A man chases another man on the street and catches up to him as he pushes him onto a taxi, just then a body falls from the top of a building and lands on the taxi.  Sid (Robert Joy) arrives at the scene and Flack (Eddie Cahill) asks why they let him out on the weird cases.  Sid says he asked for this one and came by himself. Mac (Gary Sinise) recalls the story of Wentworh who was a recluse and had an illness to the sun, thus he wore a leather mask to hide his face and this DB is wearing something similar.  His girlfriend, Wilma killed herself shortly after his death.  There are claims of a blonde woman mysteriously walking the building.  Flack doesn't really believe in urban legends but he does in this one.  The DB is the 37th person to have 'jumped' from the building after the first death in 1929.  Sid finds a laceration to the DB's neck and believes it to be murder.  Mac tells Flack he shouldn't give up the search for the blonde woman.

Lindsay (Anna Belknap) arrives to process the CS, regular as clockwork she's become so predictable you just know she'll be first on the scene.  Sid tells her about a woman who jumped from the observation deck of the Empire State building.  She landed on a limousine and they found her clutching her pearls.  Lindsay recalls it as "the beautiful suicide" coined by Life Magazine.  Flack is unable to find any ID on the DB, some people knew him as Jason or Jake.  He used to work the floors and take photos with tourists.  The lipstick mark on his face could be from the killer and Sid also theorizes that the DB could have lost his bearings after being attacked and fell from the top.  Which turned out to be the correct theory.  He asks Lindsay why she looks so piqued and obviously it's cos she's preggers.

Sid examines his DB and finds black trace in the wound as well as some black flecks.  Adam (AJ Buckley) processed his jacket and found a whole stash of valuables and jewels.  Adam vents to Mac about the Vic even though he's not meant to about how he stole from unsuspecting tourists.  Mac wants him to ID who the phones belong to since one of them could be the killer and specially a text from someone who says he will find him and get him back.  Mac being terse with Adam as usual as if he doesn't do his job.

Jo (Sela Ward) picks up some clothes for her son from a store and notices a man picking out ties who seems to ask for help in choosing one.   She comes over and tells him he needs to try one on and pulls it tight at his throat.  She knows he's been following her and wants to know why.  She tells him she's a Marshall, an FBI agent and carries a gun.  He wants to talk with her in private but in a public place to explain.  His name is Grant (Johann Urb) and finally tells her he was suffering from a heart condition and needed a transplant.  He got her sister, Leanne's heart.  After he tells Jo they're from the same place, Alabama.  He looked for her but took him this long to tell her, cos he didn't know how to bring it up.  Jo recalls the drunk driver and how her sister was dead before she even left the drive.  She was so caught up in the driver that she didn't find out who the recipient was.

Jo is overwhelmed and has to leave.  He follows her later and gives her the bag she left.  Leanne wasn't married either, just like him but they both came close.  He's a professor and Jo asks him if he's a good man. He thinks he is.  She's glad he found her and he recalls September 13th was the date of his transplant and that it was a Friday.  Just like 2013 had a Friday September 13th too.  Not to mention the building number was also 913, the supposedly cursed building and this ep is 9.13.  Jo asks him what he saw when he woke up and he tells her a woman.  Seeing Jo he now realizes it was her sister.  Jo wants to listen to his heart, as it beats strong.

Sid found a screwed up piece of newspaper from the Vic's mouth and also he was stabbed by some bent weapon.  Lindsay is unable to get any results on the paper and is flustered.  She returns form the toilet and has to count on her fingers, what how late she is or the number of testes she's done! Ha.  Why was she acting so confused anyway after all it's not her first baby.  Mac talks with her and he's so nice to her, as usual, even when she tells him she's come up blank on the paper.  Mac calls Christine and tells her he's won the bet and she owes him $10.  He will get proof.

Hawkes (Hill Harper) finds the black fleck were sequins.  Wentworth would allow women to the building if they wore sparkly clothes so they would bring him some light.  Danny (Carmine Giovinazzo) questions the man who left the text, Calvin (Robert Baker) and he claims he was looking for a woman but she probably stood him up cos he didn't have his phone with him.  He has a right to be 'peeved', which Danny and Lovato (Natalie Martinez) find so funny.  Did it really take two to question him, more like they were ganging up on him, which required the useless effort of Lovato.  Really don't know why she was needed in this ep.  Danny shows him the footage from the lift when he went to the nightclub and also the one from the street when he accosted the DB.

Danny and Adam go to building and Danny tells Adam they don't need to search the entire floors but between the 6th and 10th floors, as he read Sid's autopsy report.  Adam doesn't think he read the report and he replies, Mac told him.  They find the primary CS and Adam notices the blood spatter on the wall, which means the killer was facing the Vic and was the same height.  He also finds a void in the spatter.  Also Danny finds the blood pool showing the Vic bleed out in a spot away from the edge but the killer left behind footprints so came back to the Vic to put the paper in his mouth.  Danny believes he tried to get up and was disorientated and fell over the edge when he walked in the wrong direction, which is what Sid said.

Hawkes finds the blade was probably made in prison.  The killer took a gum wrapper foil and placed it against the two ends of the battery thus getting a flame.  Then lit up some corn chips to prolong the burning of the flame as the fat ignited, whilst getting some plastic, such as a toothbrush or a fork and melted it down. This formed a long object and then was placed into water to harden it.  Filed and then repeated.  Thus the killer made a shank.  Lindsay still gets nowhere with the paper and gives up.  Adam tells them the Vic's name was Alex (Moneer Yaqubi) since one phone he found actually belonged to him.  Mac thinks the date is relevant to the killer and a number of suspects who had cases with that date are found.   Just then Danny notices the blonde woman in the mugshot and recalls she's the same one in the footage from the lift, Macy (Laura Vandervoort).

Flack and Lovato find her apartment empty but he finds the bloodied scarf and she sees her dyed hair in the sink, using a fork to pick it up, how ridiculous, what she didn't have a pen like Flack.  She's reported to be seen at the station and after a brief chase where she has a leaflet stand fall on her she's arrested.  She tells Mac she was innocent but no one believed her.  Alex called her and told her to bring a bag from their apartment and she got run over, all the stolen items came out of the bag.  Mac tells her she was an accessory but insists she had no part in the theft.  She thought they just took photos and made money. She got him back for what he did to her and she's not remorseful since she was after revenge even if it means ending up back inside.

Jo arrives to find Sid winning his bet when Lindsay tells Danny she's pregnant.  Took her long enough.  Danny shouts it to the entire lab and it was funny Sid getting the bet money considering only last ep he'd given away millions.   An episode which was clearly a bit of a mish mash with elements that were already done before in past episodes.  The urban legend areas were already done in eps such as the eyeball in Stella's coffee in No Good Deed, the building where people were still stuck in, in Death House Flack's urban legends ep from season 1.15 'Til Death Do Us Part when Aiden and Stella tried to scare him with the ghost story about the haunted monastery.  Also the ep where the money jewels fell from the sky and the woman became an accomplice in 7.5 Out of the Sky.  Suppose there are a lot more eps but these were just from the top of my head.

This episode also had a little bit about Jo's past since everyone was getting personal stories this final season. Except we haven't had any for Danny or Hawkes yet.

Sid's story of Evelyn McHale clutching her pearls when they found her was reported in Life Magazine from the 12th May 1947 issue.  A patrolman saw a white scarf float from the building and then moments later, Evelyn's body came down.  Strange that a sequin scarf should be used here to give away Macy as the killer.

Monday 30 September 2013

CSI 11.17 "The List" Review

Whilst investigating the murder of an ex cop in prison, Nick finds a list in his belongings naming many of LVPD's detectives. Lots of twists in this episode which made great viewing.

A fight ensues in prison where one man is killed.   Nick (George Eads) and Ray (Laurence Fishburne) back together again.   Nick: "Hate that sound" when the prison gates close.   The Warden (Chris Ellis)  suggests they might want to turn their jackets around as half of the men were put here by them.   Maybe half of them are here because of Nick, but Ray hasn't been here that long.   Ray's unperturbed by them and Nick is ready to face them too.   "Let them take a good, long look then."  Brass (Paul Guilfoyle) explains the DB was an ex cop, Vance (Bryan Friday) and he worked some cases with him in the past.   He had a short fuse.   Nick finds multiple stab wounds.   Vance killed his wife, Anne Marie (Dina Meyer) who was also a cop.   Vance was getting a new trial.   There's medical tape on the handle of the shiv so there won't be any prints from it.

Ray shouts out orders to the prisoners, demanding their clothes.   Ray: "There will be consequences - prison will not protect you."  Ray in full anger mode.   Was probably taking his anger over Haskell (Bill Irwin) out on them.   They process the prisoners and Ray ends up with the Arian, who thinks he can scare Ray.

Doc Robbins (Robert David Hall) and David (David Berman) count 27 sharp force wounds and David says prison is an ugly place to get killed.   Catherine (Marg Helgenberger) comes in for her usual lowdown with Doc Robbins.   Catherine comments Vance used to be good looking and was quite the charmer.   COD was exsanguination due to sharp force injuries.   The killer had to have been covered in blood and was right handed.   Nick checks Vance's cell and finds his notebook with the list of names inside, including Brass.  Nick doesn't tell Brass what he's found and he didn't like 'lying' to Brass or keeping things from him, from the uneasy look on his face, but it really wasn't his place to tell him.   Brass describes Anne-Marie, Annie as he calls her, as sexy and wasn't the type to settle down.   He ponders why Vance has photos of her in his cell if he killed her.

Greg (Eric Szmanda) checks out the video surveillance from the prison, but can't see anything in the tussle.   The colours of their clothes are like a Redskins' game.   Ray calls it a hit.   Greg and Ray use dummies to reconstruct the fight and the stabbing, and work out the blood spatter on their clothing using lasers.   Carlos (Rey Gallegos) and Jose (Hector Atreyo Ruiz) were on the side and Tomas (Luis Jose Lopez) stabbed Vance.   Brass questions Tomas and does a 'walker' motion, indicating he'll get old in prison.   The hit was a favour for someone on the outside.   Nick tells Catherine about the list.   Vance had a case for a new trial and Annie was sleeping around.   Catherine knew Annie and she wasn't doing anything that men wouldn't do, it's double standards.   Nick comments it's cos they were doing it with her.  The list of "bedfellows" includes Brass, Ecklie and Vartann (Alec Carter).   Catherine calls it ancient history; commenting Brass was a player back in the day and had this Jack Nicholson thing going.   The killer was a cop on the list.   But you know it won't be one of their own.

Half of the list worked Annie's murder case.   Brass was the lead and Vartann was his second.   Catherine wonders why they didn't recuse themselves.   When this hits the fan, it will reflect on them.   No wonder Sara (Jorga Fox) wasn't around in this episode and neither was Hodges (Wallace Langham.)  Brass explains he met her at a homicide convention in New Orleans, she was sexy, as he told Nick already, and they hooked up, but he told his boss about it.   Ecklie (Marc Vann) describes his meeting with her as "dinner with benefits"  and he didn't handle any of the evidence personally.   This lot come across as having very loose morals don't they, anything for a pretty face.   Catherine suggests they start with the gangbangers.   Nick and Ray throw Carlos and Jose's things from their cell when searching.   Ray finds a phone belonging to Carlos.   The Warden says the visitor's log had Jody (Melinda Page Hamilton) visiting Vance.   She was Annie's sister and tells Nick Vance wrote her everyday and one day she decided to read the letter.   Notice the photos of Annie everywhere, just like Vance had photos of her in his cell too.   She tells Nick what they already know, that Vance was getting a new trial and many of them investigated her murder.   Vance believes he was set up.   Annie was in love with someone else and was leaving him for another cop.   Jody was a bit cagey, saying she believes he didn't kill her, because she just knows.   Yeah, cos she knew Annie was still alive.

Catherine meets with Vartann and asks about his leg, which he injured in Targets of Obsession episode.     So haven't they seen each other since then.   It's new to him seeing her out of the office, during the day, with clothes on.   Vartann met Annie at the academy and they had some good times.   Catherine asks why he didn't recuse himself from the case.   No one looked past Vance as a suspect and brings up the CSIs investigating Warrick's (Gary Dourdan) murder and how Nick nearly put a bullet in McKean (Connor Farrel).  (In For Warrick, For Gedda.) She asks what evidence they had.   Her body wasn't found (clue) the car was burnt out and had blood inside, clothes and a kitchen knife were found in a dumpster.   Catherine believes the evidence was too good and Vance was smart enough to make the evidence disappear, not leave it where it could be found.   Yes and why not leave the evidence with the body if the body would never be found!  She wants Greg to process the evidence from Annie's case again.

He finds the blood evidence had high levels of EDTA.   The time stamp on the photo was two hours after the car was found and blood clots in 20 minutes.   There was no clotting in Annie's blood.   So how come the CSIs on that case didn't find the EDTA evidence and they were part of Ecklie's team.   Nick says the anti-coagulant was added, so posits Greg, the blood was transported and planted.   Nick believes Vance was framed; by adds Greg, someone with knowledge of serology.   Nick recalls the matchbook trick: what cops know about forensics they learn from their cases.   Lucas Martin (Louis Hertum) was the investigating officer in the other matchbook case and his name isn't on the list.   He must be Annie's mystery lover.   Nick knows where to look for her DB.

Ecklie tells Catherine there was no 419/420 and asks for a full 411.   They're looking at a 10 year old CS.   Martin worked the case in the desert.   They find Jody's DB instead with 2 GS wounds to the back of her head, with a 9 mil.   Martin turns up and proceeds to tell Catherine "Screw you bitch."  Catherine: "I think you mean screw you CIS Willows."  Doc comments Ray's started without him, his wife also starts without him, dinner that is.   Jody was pistol whipped and Ray finds all the evidence points to a cop.   The 2 bullets match Martin's gun, which he doesn't have anymore and Brass charges him.   Ray subsequently finds Martin had an alibi when Jody was killed, he was at work.   They're still waiting for the epithelial results.   Ray threatens to put Carlos' sister in prison and her children removed if he doesn't tell him who ordered the hit on Vance.   She was paid $5,000.

Greg knocks everything over in his path, in his haste to get to Catherine with the epithelial results.   Catherine: "Running from another stripper."
Greg: "Burlesque dancer and that's not funny." So how many strippers do they have at the lab, aside from Catherine.   He could always have replied, it takes one to know one (stripper.) ha.   Oh someone mentioned that episode again, A Kiss Before Frying.   Thought that was forgotten.  The epithelials were female and matched Annie.   Planted to cover Annie's disappearance, they were led by love.  Martin's not helping her anymore.   Vance was innocent.   Ray thinks Annie killed Jody and Martin gave her his gun.   Annie's framing Martin now.   As they say, what goes around, comes around.   Martin told her he was about to retire and she stopped calling him.   He was sending money to an orphanage fund Mexico, which was really to her.

Nick and Greg search Jody's place, she received Annie's life insurance.   Jody knew Annie was alive and didn't want Vance to remain in prison when he was innocent.   The last transfer of funds was made after Jody was already dead and Martin was in jail.   Annie had to kill Jody before she ratted her out.   Vartann says Catherine only needs one guy to depend on.   Namely him.   He finds the connection between Annie and prison.   One man at the academy who couldn't hack it, Malone ( Max Martini) was on Vance's cell block.   Malone gave himself away when he looked behind him when making the call to Annie, meaning they probably contacted him.   Annie checks him for wires.   He doesn't trust her, she killed her sister.   Annie replies, men can't be trusted, well she was right about that.   Brass arrests her and comments she died once so not to do it for real this time.   Vartann would shoot her and says she's lost her touch cos these days the entire world is wired and they didn't need a wire on Malone.

The last scene where Brass and Vartann make the arrest was good to see for a change, since it's usually the CSIs present at the final scene too.   Since it was an episode about the cops more than the CSIs.  Dina Meyer in convincing bad role, she knows how to play those.   Pity her appearance was so short.

Haven't seen a CSI episode this good in ages, even if you hadn't worked out Annie was still alive, it would've kept you guessing til the end.   Also what  gave it away was that Dina Meyer had to get some screen time, otherwise it would have been pointless having her in there just for photos.  I Iike Dina, she's always worth watching;  been in quite a lot from NCIS, to the Mentalist lately.  Of course none of the Vegas PD would be involved since their "relationships" with Annie were all in the past and besides they wouldn't keep it to themselves if she had been in touch with any of them.   As Catherine rightly tells Nick  - it's in the past, referring to Vartann and Annie.   Also good for her referring to double standards, men can play the field but when women do the same, it's frowned upon.   Even though Annie used her feminine wiles to make men do whatever she wanted, men have other means to get what they want, ranging from threats, etc.   She just used what she was born with, rightly or wrongly, in this case wrongly, and more fool the men for falling for her.

Ray and his tough guy portrayal in front of the prisoners, to show he's not afraid of the monsters behind bars and in a way to reinforce his toughness on the dregs of society, now that Haskell is at large.   It was great to see Ray show exactly who was in charge and order the prisoners around, not being intimidated either.   Though I have to say, the opening scene was more like that of a CSI:Miami episode.

In CSI episode 7.13 Redrum, blood found in the car had high levels of EDTA (Ethylene Diamine Tetra-acetic Acid) .   The car was sprayed with blood from an officer when Catherine and Keppler (Liev Schrieber) faked a crime scene to catch the killer.   In the same way EDTA was also used on the blood in Annie's car, which also turned out to be a faked CS.   CSI episode Ch-Ch Changes again mentioned EDTA, as did CSI:Miami episode Camp Fear.

Sunday 29 September 2013

Downton Abbey Series 4 Part 2 Review

A parcel is delivered for Mary (Michelle Dockery) and Mrs Hughes (Phyllis Logan) thinks it would be better if they let Robert (Hugh Bonneville) have a look at it beforehand incase there's something in it to upset her. On the contrary it was upsetting but not for Mary.  Robert looks through the box, Matthew's belongings from his office and a letter falls out.  A letter to Mary with Matthew's intention to have her as his sole heir. Robert shows it to Dowager Violet (Maggie Smith) who thinks eh should show it to Mary.  Naturally he's upset as it will mean he can't run the estate anymore, though he seems to be more worried about paying death duties twice over, as they have nowhere to do this from.  He thinks perhaps by selling off some land and paying it off in one go is a good idea.

Robert tells Mary about the letter and that she should read it but she insists he read it to everyone.  He wants to send it to Murray to ensure its legality and whether it can be used as a will.  Matthew wrote it when they went to Scotland and knows he needs to make a will at least for the baby, which the Dowager agrees with. Isobel (Penelope Wilton) is happy to hear of it cos it means Matthew can now have his say.

Anna (Joanne Froggatt) tells Edna (Myanna Buring) to be weary of Thomas (Rob James-Collier).  He didn't speak to her before but he will now cos she's a lady's maid and she messes up a dress of Cora's (Elizabeth McGovern) and Thomas says she shouldn't come clean about it.  Though she shows it to Cora, she doesn't want to turn the culprit in, as Thomas also tells Cora.  Of course they blame Anna.  Don't know why Cora was fooled by that cos she's known Anna longer and I didn't know she'd do something like that and hide it. Robert has words to Bates (Brendan Coyle) about it later and that Anna should be less angry about it and more understanding in future.  Bates doesn't know what he's talking about.

Rose (Lily James) wants to go to a tea dance in York but it's for servants and 'commoners'.  She thinks Anna can chaperon her and Mary might let her go, but Anna has to ask Mary's permission who tells her to take her.  Jimmy (Ed Speleers) is also there cos he talks Mrs Patmore (Lesley Nichol) into getting permission from Carson (Jim Carter) to pick up some fish for her and follows them in.  Rose wants to dance the one step as she's been practising and talks Anna round as Bates isn't really into dancing.  Jimmy dances with Anna and Rose pretends to be a lady's maid and tells Sam she's from Downtown.  There's a scuffle and a fight breaks out when Rose refuses to dance with someone else and they must leave before the police arrive.  In the trailer for this week's ep it looked as if there was going to be more trouble than that, which seemed to fizzle out.  Guess they had to make people tune in on that basis, ha.

Edith (Laura Carmichael) wants Michael (Charles Edwards) to come to Downton and meet the family but he's reluctant to do so and at any rate, a divorce will take a long time yet.  She tells him she's surprised he can boil a kettle cos Robert can't and he'd probably be sprawled dead on his way to looking for the kitchen if he had to fend for himself.  Cora's throwing a party soon so she tells him to come and he can just blend in without questions being asked.  Cora likes him but Robert doesn't, which isn't surprising since he doesn't really like any of his daughter's beaus or suitors.  Edith telling him it's getting harder for her to keep her hands off him!  Though she does arrive back late to dinner.

Anna finds Molesley (Kevin Doyle) working the roads and he owes money.  She can lend him some but he won't be able to pay it back yet and he won't take it outright either.  Anna tells Bates about this and she's upset by it.  Bates comes up with a plan cos he doesn't want to see her upset and forges Molesley's signature on a promissory note he owes him. Then invites him for tea.  Molesley can't recall lending Bates £30 when he first arrived and Bates tells Anna, she's done so much for him that it's about time he did something to make her happy.  Prison was an education he tells Anna when she asks him how he managed that.

Bates tells Anna about Edna and she's surprised since she wasn't harsh to her.  They then see Thomas and Edna together and having a laugh.  Well it wouldn't be hard to tell they're in collusion together now that O'Brien is gone, Thomas needs someone else to make mischief with, another partner in crime.   Jimmy gets permission to take Ivy (Cara Theobold) to the theatre and Alfred (Matt Milne) mopes around cos he thinks he's just doing that to get back at him.  Daisy (Sophie McShera) doesn't understand men.

Isobel finds a job for Grieg at the theatre in Belfast and Carson is convinced to see him off before he leaves as he tells Mrs Hughes about his lost love Alice.  Alice chose him and not Carson and regretted it, before she died she wanted things to be put right and wanted Carson to know she should have chosen him.  They shake hands and part as friends and Carson wants to repay Isobel for what she spent on him.

The Dowager also suggests Branson (Allen Leech) whom she must call Tom, show Mary the workings of the estate and take her on his rounds.  The letter is attested to as Matthew's last will and so Mary owns half of Downton, much to Robert's chagrin.  He shows this by bombarding Mary with questions at dinner about how she'd handle the problems, trying to put her off.  He says it's to show he the hardships of running an estate.  So she's convinced she won't be able to do the same.  More like Robert seems to get a perverse sense of pleasure or relishes in putting his daughters down, as well as Cora on occasions!  But Granny, I mean the Dowager is having none of it.

Pretty convenient a letter turning up from Matthew just when everyone was despondent he hadn't left a last word or something from beyond which would give everyone encouragement.  So lo and behold a letter is found, by none other than Robert which gives him more cause for concern.  A recycled plot point in that Lavinia Swire, Matthew's fiance also sent a letter to Matthew after she passed telling him to move on and be happy with Mary.  Seems everyone leaves these behind.  Which is funny, cos only last ep it was said Matthew didn't believe in writing a will so soon and now here's a letter which is just as good as.  Of course he wouldn't be around to go through with the formalities.  Though he did add in the letter, "I shall sign this and get off home for dinner with you.  What a lovely, lovely thought."  Dinner was more important it seemed. Yes he was right, for a lawyer he didn't come across as very bright as far as making his family's future secure was concerned.

Sam arrives looking for Rose whom Anna dresses in maid's outfit and she tells him she's promised to a farmer. As if she didn't know that was going to happen.

Funny scene when the Dowager threatened to send for nanny and have Robert sent to his room without any supper, cos he was behaving that childish!  Oh you know women's rights are non-existant so he'll hold onto his position as lord and master for as long as possible!  So if we're talking recyclable plots let's also mention the fracas caused when Sybil attended that political meeting with Branson where there was, let's see, a fight and he had to take her away.  Just as at the The Dansant.  That'd be tea dance to us.

Since I'm mentioning funny scenes, another was Carson turning up at ye olde steam train station to make amends with Grigg, emerging from the steam, like a reenactment of The Railway Children, or some romantic black and white flick! Ha. That and Mary's line of her room smelling like that of a tart after she drops the perfume bottle.  is she reminiscing about her one night with the Turkish gent in series 1 one might ask! ha.

Judging from next week's trailer, they're in danger of turning Bates into a possible Norman Bates when he gets jealous over Anna and another man.  It's that "prison education" he's gleaned, you know.  Well at least it'd make the show a little more exciting.

Saturday 28 September 2013

CSI 11.16 "Turn On, Tune In, Drop Dead" Review

The CSIs investigate the reports of possible zombies, when two men reportedly presumed dead, turn up alive. Ray still deals with the fall out from Nate Haskell's escape.

Ray (Laurence Fishburne) still having to battle his demons with Haskell (Bill Irwin) being on the loose.   News reports of Haskell's escape and Ray doesn't want Brass (Paul Guilfoyle) turning off the TV due to him.   Brass can't report there have been any sightings of him.   Ray explains Haskell isn't any ordinary criminal and so the search for him, that should be manhunt, should also be different.  Ray: "Until he makes a mistake, we just satisfy ourselves picking up bodies."  Well, like it or not, it's what they do; unfortunately.

 A man presumed a DB is picked up and brought to autopsy.   Before David (David Berman) can cut him open, he gets up and walks out of the morgue.   David faints.   Lucky for the DB, David got a call otherwise he'd be cut open; but he turns out to be not so luck after all.   CSI delving into zombies for the twenty-first century.   No wonder the scene was shown from the 'DB's' point of view, as he wasn't really dead.   David only took photos and made an incision to determine the liver temp.   David's line of having "a customer waiting" was funny since he's not expecting his customer to walk out of there.   Like he's got a conveyor belt of DBs to handle.

Brass asks if the DB just left and David replies he had to "defend my domain."  So who found him passed out, or did he recover and get help.   Brass: "suspect has left the building."  Prompting Catherine (Marg Helgenberger) to add the funny line: "Dead man walking.2 The EMT declared him dead and Catherine surmises dead men don't sweat.   Ray replies, as often as they get up and walk away.   Ray looks at an old notebook, which refers to 'Stonewall' and is full of data.   There's different writing on the last pages.   Greg (Eric Szmanda) looks over the surveillance footage of the 'DB' and comments they're looking for the Anti-Christ to make an appearance.  To Ray, Haskell being on the loose is enough to fill that void.

Sara (Jorga Fox) is called out to another CS with Officer Mitchell (Larry Mitchell) but he too turns up missing.   There's a blood pool on the ground and Sara thinks he could have hit his head on the gutter.   There's surveillance footage of him walking away too.   Brass appears to be holding Officer Mitchell responsible for the disappearance of this body and asks how he would explain that.   Officer Mitchell: "Zombie epidemic."  Police officers mimic zombies behind him.   Nick (George Eads) checks the first 'DB' using the facial recognition software of the DMV and comments half the people who work there are the walking dead anyway.   Henry (Jon Wellner) brings in some results Hodges (Wallace Langham) was meant to have analyzed and relays his message that they should refer to CODIS as 'ZODIS', Zombie DNA Index system.   Hodges determined the blood was consistent with normal human blood.    Nick jokingly says that brain hungry zombies can say the same thing about Hodges: "minimal sample."  Adds Henry: "fairly useless."  Hey Hodges wasn't there to hear that!  No fair making jokes behind his back, ha.   Pity he wasn't in this episode as this would have been right up his street.

Greg researches the notebook entries and finds a Defence Department programme from the 1970's being conducted at the university, entitled 'Stonewall'.   Relating to ESP, out of body experiments, which Ray denotes as science fiction.   Dr Aden (Howard Hesseman) was the doctor involved, a psychoanalyst, who fell down the "rabbit hole of psychedelic drugs."  Ray works with Sara this time round and not Nick.   Dr Aden doesn't recognize the first 'DB' and refers to reanimation, it's not easy bringing back the dead.   Aden asks Sara; "What's your clearance?"  To which she replies, "About 5' 9."  Hey a funny line from Sara, he wasn't referring to her height but whether she's been cleared to talk about the research!  He didn't ask Ray this question for some reason.   He says he has the "Ithaca of mystery" in his sights.   Sara never saw The Dead perform in San Francisco, she was too busy  with the dead everywhere else.

Catherine talks with Ecklie (Marc Vann) over the phone and suggests they come up with a new name for this, "DAWOL" which was a joke.   Nick matches a DMV facial recognition of the first 'DB' to Max (Keegan Allen) a psychology grad student.   Aden discovers someone's been using his office.   His research subject was death.   So of course there's more going on than he's letting on and he would have had to have been involved in these experiments since he wouldn't just give up on them; when he had such an active role in the 1970's.   Ray feels they were going on hallucinogenic trips and weren't zombies.   A junkie (Joe Hursley) is arrested with Max's credit card and a "phone thing." Which Archie (Archie Kao) identifies as a camcorder.   Footage from this shows three of them were experimenting, one was a woman and the second 'DB' , Kurt (Christoph Sanders) from the alley is also on there.   Max didn't tell them what pills they were taking.  He calls her Alice (Camille Chen).   Aden has poisonous fish in the tank and they're still being fed.   Another clue connecting Aden.   Aden locates his sensory deprivation tank and Kurt is dead inside.  Ray: he got "de-animated."

Sara's mother took her to see the movie Altered States (1980) and Ray went with some good friends of his.   Ray: "I know I only talk like a square." Sara adds, in the movie, William Hurt was in the tank, naked.   Maybe the tank wasn't Kurt's idea.   Doc Robbins (Robert David Hall) finds some bruising on Kurt's back so he took some infra red photos, revealing a  handprint.   Meaning he was held down in the tank.   COD was drowning.   Henry comments chaining them down should help ensure they didn't get up, but cutting them will also do this.  He found traces of Tetrodotoxin in his system; found in sea creatures.   That was obvious from the fish, even though the poison itself wasn't obtained from them.   Doc Robbins posits this poison would cause paralysis and they would be mistaken for being dead.   There was also LSD and cannabis in his system.   Doc refers to "the body was frozen, mind was ablaze.   I've been there."  Doc tells the EMT in no uncertain terms that she had the EKG calibrated to the wrong setting; that's why she didn't pick up their heartbeats.   Meaning if she had done her job right, then Kurt would be alive now and so would Max.

Nick notices saltwater footprints leading away from the tank, so Max came back first and finds blue fibres from his shirt.   He was decompressing in the tank, they fight and he drowned Kurt.   Nick finds Kurt's camera.  Aden tells Ray designer drugs don't produce the same results in everyone and Ray shows him footage from the camcorder.  Aden believes Max didn't tell the others the effects of the pills.   Nick and Sara just deduced that already; that Max killed Kurt.   Ray says Max was working like Aden.

Greg finds Kurt's e-mails to Max and Alice.   Catherine must find her.   Alice's brother saw her three days ago.   Sara notices a Shinto shrine dedicated to her mother in her room and photos of her grave on her computer.   Aden's notebook is also in her room and she appears to be travelling in search of someone.   Catherine thinks they'll find her at the grave, but they find Max instead who runs when he sees them and is run over - knew that was coming.   Officer Mitchell decides to handcuff him anyway, just incase.   Like Henry saying they should chain Kurt down!  Catherine analyzes the ink from the notebook in Alice's room.   It was manufactured from 2008-present and the writing matches Aden's.  Nick discovers Aden and Alice e-mailed each other.   Alice was the one who found the others for their experiments.   From Kurt's video, Archie  finds Kurt picked up Alice's signal and they see Aden's car on campus.

At Aden's house, Ray finds recent video tapes with Alice.   Sara finds the Tetrodotoxin pills he supplied them.   Ray notices the camcorder and finds a tape inside with Aden taking the pill himself, he's found outside.   He deprived his brain of oxygen for too long, he's inside, but he won't be coming out.   Sara mentions Alice in the rabbit hole, Alice and the rabbit hole are often used as references to psychedelic drug culture and Greg mentioned the rabbit hole earlier on too.   Probably no coincidence for the purposes of this episode that she was called Alice.   Nick finds Alice at Aden's office and she's found what she was looking for, her mother, who told her to go back.  

Ray concludes they were inducing chemical dreams.   To Doc Robbins, all visions can be explained by neuroscience.   He sees life as part of death and it's meant to be a mystery.  "I see people on the last worst day of their lives." He believes they go on to a better place.   Doc was taught that in Sunday school, before he went to medical school.   Ray believes that people who bring suffering and pain in the world, "should have it repaid to them, either in this world or the next."
Doc warns Ray to be careful as "evil has  a way of making friends with the good and dragging them into darkness."  That is true, since Ray will go on in his quest to bring Haskell to justice and enter into a spiral of darkness, which won't be so easy for him to leave behind.   He already has begun this descent.   It's a case of evil preying on good.   Would their conversation have been so philosophical if Haskell wasn't on the loose.  also an allusion back to Greg's comment and reference to the anti-Christ earlier on.   This conversation was one you'd expect  Gil (William Petersen) to be having about science and evil and religious beliefs.   In Alter Boys, Gil said, "I believe in God.   In science..."

Doc Robbins mentions here, meeting people on the last worst day of their lives now applied to those who have passed on.   Usually the phrase is the CSIs "meet people on the worst day of their lives" as it refers to the Vics and their families.   Just said by Jo (Sela Ward)  in episode 7.15 Vigilante of CSI:NY.   Ahh Tetrodotoxin takes me back all the way to season 1 of CSI:NY and the episode, Grand Master, haven't heard that poison in a long time.

I would've thought Ray would be motivated to conduct the hunt for Haskell, his own private search since he knows him better than anyone else, so any input he could give would be helpful in locating him; just a thought as he's so involved and so angry at the same time with the thought of Haskell running amok, potentially.

Friday 27 September 2013

CSI:NY 9.12 "Civilized Lies" Review

A man locks up a cash place and is called by his son.  He agrees to meet for dinner as a car drives past and stops.  Three men get out and attack him.  One takes his gun but he pulls out another one and fires.  He is shot and left for dead.  The man is a policeman, Mark Riley (Gary Kraus) who moonlighted at the shop as a cashier.  Flack (Eddie Cahill) and Mac (Gary Sinise) question a suspect at the hospital who was shot and Hawkes (Hill Harper) tells Mac he was shot from six feet away so he was standing right on top of the policeman.  He says he was on the other side of the road but the evidence doesn't show that. Mac is angry he didn't return to help the policeman but he says he was shot too.  Flack tells him they wouldn't have known about him unless the hospital called them due to the gunshot.  Mac arrests him.

Adam (AJ Buckley) checks the security footage and finds three black men as were described by witnesses but nobody can place Anthony (Kris Lemche) at the CS.  So the CSIs plan an elaborate rouse whereby they use interrogation to break him into confessing and giving up the other suspects.  Flack brings him into the station where the others are watching a news report which says the policeman is stable.  Of course we know that's not true since we were just shown him being killed off at the hospital.  As Jo (Sela Ward) and Lindsay (Anna Belknap) waited to process his clothes.  Lindsay of course knew him, cos she knows everyone and feels particularly sad.  As they speak with his son, Jason (Chris Brochu).  He's at the academy and following in his father's footsteps.

Jo and Lindsay process the policeman and Lindsay forgot to take her silver case back with her.  No all she did was carry out a cardboard box.  Mac loses his cool with Anthony even pushing the chair back and telling him to give him a reason.  Clearly Anthony is upset and scared and then Flack is left alone with him.  Anthony thinks Flack will play good cop, but Flack doesn't know how to behave.  Since Mac's the good cop and he isn't usually.  Lovato (Natalie Martinez) watches with Mac from the window and boy was she excess baggage for no reason.  Talk about not doing anything!  She wasn't even needed in this episode, or any episode.

Flack tells him his boss is looking to pin this on him and Anthony had to be standing right over the policeman but his story doesn't make sense.  He finally admits he was standing over him but wasn't part of the shooting and doesn't know the killers.  Flack wants him to write it down even though he says he's not good at spelling, Flack adds he isn't either.  He's pissed Anthony didn't tell him this sooner and they wasted time.
Anthony: "Spelling's pretty bad, right?"  He's worried  about spelling at a time like this.
Flack: " It's terrible.  There's no such word as 'runned.'  It's ran."

Danny (Carmine Giovinazzo) and Jo process the evidence from the CS as Danny retrieved the bullet and Danny bets Jo lunch his results will show up sooner, she bets him dinner and her computer pings.  She finds latex and silicone from under Mark's nails and Danny finds the same from the bullet.  Mac brings in a box from Anthony's apartment after they issued a search warrant and this contains latex masks.  There were no black men involved.   Flack acts disappointed and adds his daughter will most likely grow up without him and forget him as he's looking at 15 years.  Mac knows he's covering for someone cos he's afraid.

Jason wants to know how his father was shot and Sid explains how the first shot wasn't fatal, one went through his ribs, shattering some of them and the mark on his face was where the gun was pressed up against him.  Jason says he was executed.  Jo checks Anthony's associates and thinks the shooting was out of character for Anthony.  They also used pepper spray which means they weren't intending on shooting him. Danny says they've found the car which is processed by Adam and Hawkes.

Mac tells him Mark is dead and when they catch his accomplices they'll be dealing and then Anthony won't have a chance to deal.  Jo walks in with a camera as a man in a red hoodie walks in with walking sticks. He's Ided as Benitez (Riccardo Lebron).  Of course that was a plant.  Flack tells him he's making a deal right now and shows him to Anthony.  Of course we're then shown Adam being Benitez and manipulating his image over an old recording of Benitez.  Flack walks in with his confession and Anthony wants protection for his family.  Anthony worked with Mark at Brigstar and decided on the robbery since Benitez owed drug money to the third man, Eric (Grant Harvey).  He's afraid of him and says he didn't know Mark carried another gun.
Danny, Lindsay and Lovato arrest Eric after he fires on Lindsay and Lovato.  They lock him up and he lawyers up.  Mac says they may not be able to get a confession from him but Anthony can and so he's locked in the same cell.  Not realizing there are cameras there, Eric tells him Benitez is dead and he left him in the trunk.  He then says Anthony told them he killed the policeman and realizes his mistake.  The camera sees it all and they have their case.  As Mac thanks God for "civilized lies."  Don't know what Lovato was so happy about, she did nothing.
Flack: "In the boat, filleted, pan fried, on the plate."

Lindsay takes Danny to Jason's and gives him his father's shield, he was proud of him.  The date Adam has on screen is the actual airdate for this ep, 11th January 2013.  An episode where they don't really get out as much as possible and need to find other evidence or methods for proving the crime and the presence of the suspects at the CS when forensics draws a blank.  Thus resorting to confession evidence and tricking the suspect into confessing.  As you will recall from CSI:NY season 1.9 Officer Blue episode, the NYPD is legally allowed to lie to suspects during questioning.

Enjoyed watching the scenes with Flack as he actually got more to do than usual.  So much for Lovato telling Mac Flack was being too soft when questioning Anthony.  Of course she expects everyone to go in with both barrels blazing like her and kick the crap out of them!
Mac: "He's being patient.  I can't think of anybody I'd rather have in that room."  Yeah certainly not you Lovato!