
Thursday 6 December 2012

Scandal 1.7 "Grant: For the People" Review

Ahh poor Gideon (Brendan Hines) lying there in agony and along comes Quinn (Katie Lowes) and what does she do, practically kills him off! Did no one tell her you do not pull out sharp objects when stuck in someone's neck, causing massive blood spoutage!  No the first thing she does is remove the scissors and then call for help, Agggh!  Hey if I had my way I wouldn't have cleaned up the mess for her.  Then she calls Olivia (Kerry Washington) and she brings in the others and why, cos if they call the police then they'll fingerprint and find out her real ID, cos Olivia knew all along who she really is.

Olivia decides on covering everything up even if this means losing the evidence that will find Gideon's killer, charming, we'll just let him walk ten.  Obviously Gideon's killer was Billy (Matt Letscher) but there was something more to Amanda's killing, if Billy had killed her, why would he go to all the trouble of staging the set of it being suicide and having the DB dumped in the river.  Then all of a sudden Billy becomes sloppy and leaves Gideon lying there, still alive, knowing full well he could implicate him in all sorts of "scandals."  See no one thought of the 'sloppy' angle side of things.  There was more going here than meets the eye.  Though he does get to go free, re Gideon, as he tells Olivia she cleared him of that.

Stephen (Henry Ian Cusick) debates the legality of covering up the evidence and cleaning up, since most of them are sworn officers of the court/law and this is not what they do.  Harrison (Columbus Short) doesn't want to end up in prison.  Olivia calls it, protecting Quinn is more important and they reluctantly have to follow the boss gladiator.  Quinn's real ID being the cliff hanger for season 2.  Not sure whether to read up on this and spoil it for myself or wait until Spring to watch it.  Then it'll probably end up being a total anti-climax!  Harrison finds clothes for Quinn to wear, Gideon's clothes, as well as bagging the evidence of their 'one night' thang and grilled cheese too!  Gideon's last meal, ha.   She has to change in front of everyone.  Huck (Guillermo Diaz) recalls his phone and they take that too, as well as all his story info.  Finally Olivia calls and leaves an anonymous message for the police.  Leaving Gideon all alone...  Wonder if Brendan Hines kept a straight face through all that?!

                             Click to view full size image
The scissors??... gone...aghhh

Back at the office they try to  figure out what happened and who was behind it.  Quinn wants to help but can't.  Billy gives the VP Sally (Kate Burton) a note, obviously his 'confession' about what happened, but she doesn't really seem to share it with anyone, cos it's back to business as usual .  Billy hijacks the Whitehouse Press conference and admits to his affair with Amanda but also that the President had an affair too and how there's a sex tape with his voice on it, which will be revealed to them.  Cyrus rushed to have him removed from the podium but it's a little too late.  Sally tells the Pres she had nothing to do with Billy's outburst and was shocked when she read the letter.  Then smirks as she walks away from him.  She's probably peeved she didn't think of it herself.

I like the way he later manipulates her by telling her the news about her daughter's abortion, obtained with her consent in Georgia and the line about "let him who is without sin cast the first rock, stone..."  She needs to be put in her place with her 'holier than thou attitude.'  You know she was secretly hoping he would resign and she'd take his place.  Mellie (Bellamy Young) walks out on him too.  So Olivia is brought back in to help.

Olivia doesn't want him to resign as she voted for him and he needs to do the job he was elected to do.  He wants to resign so he can have the woman he wants, but Cyrus (Jeff Perry) gives her a sob story about how the country needs him and she makes a deal with Mellie, who blames Olivia for Amanda and her actions.  Thought she knew about Olivia and the Pres, or did she just vent to Olivia and keep that to herself.  "I did my job, why didn't you do yours..."  She shouts at Olivia.  Being the First Lady is just all in a day's work.

Rosen (Joshua Malina) wants Quinn and he knows about the destruction of evidence they engaged in.  Stephen tells her to give Harrison a dollar, that's his retainer so he's her lawyer now.  Stupid Quinn, asking why?  Ugh if this revelation about her is something lame, I'll scream!!  She later makes another mistake when Rosen tempts her with Chinese food, putting the container and fork back on the table with her DNA all over it!! Don't tell me she doesn't know you don't touch things either.  Also when Rosen was at the office he dials Gideon's number, don't tell me (number 2) no one switched his phone off!!  Wonder if I'd hire them!!

Huck offers to take care of Billy but Olivia doesn't want that and makes him promise, so he does the next best thing, turns to Charlie (George Newbern) instead to do the dirty deed.  He tells Huck that Billy contracted him for the Amanda job when he clearly knows who it really was.

Oh Olivia's deal with Mellie. I got side tracked before, it's not seeing Gideon again you see...Rosen saying he was only 29...oh yes, she gets Mellie to agree to give an interview with Pres at her side saying it's her on the recording and she's upset at their privacy being invaded, thought for a second she'd say it was Olivia and she 'lies' that she's pregnant, but they'll have time to work on that.  Perhaps cunning Mellie agreed to that cos she can manipulate her husband all over again, as she's the one behind the presidency and being so instrumental in ensuring he stays elected.  Then she can get him in her bed again!  Maybe he's piked up a few pointers about manipulation from her when he makes Sally go on air.

Funny line Cyrus saying he'll be known as a slutty President.  Of course Cyrus is a bit of a dark horse like Mellie, he's another one who keeps exclaiming he's worked so herd for the President and he'll be damned if he watches him throw it away, blah, blah, another master manipulator.  It's partly cos of him that Olivia is determined to see her beloved remain President.  She returns to the office in despondent mode and Stephen admits to her that he's been cheating on his fiancee and Olivia said he should try to go 'straight' then at least he'll have nothing to be ashamed about.  Pep talk over and it's business as usual.

The VP goes on air denouncing Billy as a liar and needing help and as he takes the lift, Charlie enters, see they don't acknowledge each other.  If Billy contacted him surely they would at least do that.  Rosen tells Olivia he printed Quinn himself and wants to know about her, Olivia giving her the option of telling everyone herself.  Let's hope it's not witness protection or some domestic or other type abuse thing.  So Quinn isn't Quinn, which explains why she's rather inept at the job, forget about her being new and green behind the   ears.  Olivia kept referring to Quinn as "the client" in the ep, so maybe she could be a client.  Oh okay stop sniggering all you who have watched it!

Charlie comes to see Cyrus asking for the rest of the Amanda money.  See, Cyrus you conniving devil!  One Chief of Staff is as bad as another!  The team did look like they could have engaged in super clean-up tactics before, but it is immoral.  Think of what else they could have gotten up to, not to mention does Olivia still wear her white hat that Harrison mentioned quite a bit, especially to Quinn.  Ha, Quinn knowing all about Olivia and let's see keeping secrets from her associates, that's not on is it.  I expect to see some fall out from this, especially from Abby (Darby Stanchfield) why didn't she trust them?  That whole hat Olivia's probably handed over to Rosen as she tells him to use it, but he's a stickler for the law and upholding it, until he finds out about Quinn.  That's something he'll keep to himself.

Olivia and the Pres getting carried away under the cameras and he doesn't care, she didn't either until that conversation with Cyrus.  Though people may be shocked the Pres actually wanted to tell the truth and come clean, yes shocked, okay even if it was only cos he could finally have Liv, so he's a fundamentally flawed character.  After all, he's just a man with manly urges.  Sure they could have come up with something more for Gideon to do than just bite the bullet, suffer the scissors in the neck...

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Without A Trace 3.18 "Transitions" Review

A choir woman goes missing.

70 Hours Missing

No one has seen her in 3 days.  She attended St Urban’s for the past year and helped with the prayer group and youth literacy.  She was a private person.  Danny (Enrique Murciano) asks why he’s sure she hasn’t just gone away for the weekend?  He replies because she specifically requested a hymn for Sunday : Be Thou My Vision, it was Irish and from the eighth century.  Her name is Stephanie Healy (Sandra Nelson).

71 Hours Missing

Martin (Eric Close) says her car isn’t in the garage and Sam (Poppy Montgomery) tells of her neighbour overhearing an argument on Wednesday night and things being broken.  Sam finds a missing picture frame from the wall and broken glass on the floor.  Martin comments her Pinedale bank mug collection remains intact and he hates that bank as it sends him so much junk mail.  He then finds flowers and a teddy bear in the bin.  Martin assumes she had an argument with her boyfriend.

Viv’s (Marianne Jean-Baptiste) husband Marcus (Joseph C Phillips) comments on her doctor has told her the beta blockers are doing nothing for her.  Viv thinks perhaps a new dosage will help.  He mentions steptoe ablation myectomy and the only other option is open heart surgery.  Viv reassures him she won’t go through with anything until she gets a second opinion.  Viv reminds him he has students waiting for him.

72 Hours Missing

Viv tells Sam when Stephanie can’t sleep she watches  QVC as she’s made 11 calls to them.  Her family doesn’t keep in touch.  Sam asks Viv about her test results.  She’s still waiting on them.  Sam mentions she looked up everything on halter monitors online and it looked serious.  She’s concerned and asks if she should be at work?  Viv ‘s doctor said it’s okay.  Sam tells her Martin told her of the Chelsea Prince case and what happened there.  Viv swears her to secrecy again.  Martin finds Stephanie’s work history shows she’s had 4 jobs in the last 3 years, all in banks, but she keeps on moving.  Her DMV photos show she also kept changing her appearance.

The bank manager tells Danny and Jack (Anthony LaPaglia)  that Stephanie hasn’t been stealing from the bank, she didn’t check out her last job references because she told her she’d been sexually harassed and she respected her decision.  Danny asks about references.  Kirk (Brian Tee) saw her 4 days ago when she withdrew money and gave it to a man outside the bank.  She was overdrawn $187.  They argued together.  Jack asks for the security camera footage.

73 Hours missing

Edward Ferguson (Dale Midkiff) sent her the flowers.  He lives in her building and has been seeing her 8 months.  They fought Wednesday night after he heard a message on her answering machine asking for Steven.  Stephanie told him Steven was her.  She had a sex re-assignment 4 years ago to become a woman.  Edward pushed her away and broke the frame.  This was the last time he saw her and 2 days later sent her flowers.  He loves her.

77 Hours missing

Danny says the phone message outing Stephanie came from a hospital payphone in Stanford.  Sam says she was issued with a new birth certificate but her social security number was the same: Steven Patrick Healy.  Martin says this explains her moving around.  Sam thinks maybe the payout was for the man to keep quiet.  Danny discovers her gender Re-assignment doctor was Dr Vernon Metzger (Tony Pasqualini).

78 Hours Missing

She wrote a cheque to the doctor last December.  He performed the surgery on her 4 years ago after a psychological evaluation, as well as some cosmetic surgery.  Danny thinks she may have been the victim of a hate crime.  The doctor says he was desperate for love and affection and probably looked in the wrong place for it.  Viv says family members could be violent.  Jack pays a visit to Lisa (Stephanie Venditto) and asks for a prescription because he can’t sleep but he doesn’t know why.  She writes him one this time only.

79 Hours Missing

Sam finds a photo of Steven in the New Haven register.  He was married 7 years ago.  Martin tells her ERT went over her apartment and didn’t find anything.  There was no record of Lillian J Schneider there.  Stephanie’s e-mail record from 1 week ago was from Larry (Kevin Rankin) in Allentown, PA.  There’s a record of  a Lillian Schneider.  Martin deduces Larry and Lillian are the same person.  He’s in the photo from the bank footage.

Larry went to a female support group when he began his transition  She wanted him to give the money to a friend at home.  She didn’t want to go back herself and he thought she should be proud of who she is and follow her advice to him.  The money went to Bridgeport, to a Maura McConnell (Eileen Ryan) at a a pub.

Maura knew Stephanie since she was little.  Danny asks what the money was for?  Her father’s memorial.  Her ex-wife and children moved away.  Danny asks if she stayed in touch.  She didn’t call back after her mother died but but she wanted to sing a hymn at her father’s funeral.  Her brother Robert (Jamie McShane) couldn’t afford to throw a party.  Danny asks if things between them were bad.  Robert was surprised when she turned up and didn’t recognize her at first and was angry.  She disgusted him.  They went outside together and he had his hand in a towel when he returned., bleeding.

82 Hours Missing

Robert says Stephanie left.  She broke their parent’s hearts and said he wanted to do this since he was little.  He divorced Bev and moved to Danbury.  She remarried, someone named Eastwick, he thinks.

83 Hours Missing

Danny notices something wrong with Viv which she puts down to tiredness.  The barman recalls Stephanie was here Saturday night and was upset.  Her children’s photos were old and he said she deserved a more recent photo.  She made a call at the payphone and left.  Viv uses the restroom.  Danny thinks he was trying to contact her children.  Martin finds a call was made to Dwight Eastman (Michael Toland) at 7:31.

84 Hours Missing

Bev (Maragret Welsh) doesn’t want to talk with Danny and Viv.  Sam brings a search warrant.  Her car was in the driveway.  Danny wants to hear Eastman’s version of what happened but he asks for his lawyer.  Bev says she was here a few minutes when her husband was out.  He made a mistake leaving her.  Her husband returned and knew she was her ex.  Martin finds Eastman used the ATM near Fairfield Mall at 11:39pm.  He was abusing his wife as the police stopped by the house because of domestic disputes.  He went out at 10:45pm.  Sam promises he won’t hurt her anymore.  He dragged Stephanie out and took the car.  He returned late.  Sam finds a broken heel outside and assumes he got violent.  Viv tells them he’s not talking.  Sam thinks the money was for a taxi.

Danny and Viv find a broken road barrier where the car must have driven off.  Danny goes down to look and finds the body in her car.  She’s still alive.  Viv collapses in the rain.

Stephanie was missing for 3 days before anyone noticed.  This case went over the customary 48 hours and remarkably she was found alive.

It appears that things are a little better between Sam and Martin in this episode though no explanations for our benefit.  Oddly they both go to her apartment and find the scenes of a fight and Martin finds the flowers.  Signs of a lover’s quarrel, something they’re both familiar with!
Viv: “So you two have been discussing this?”
Sam: “No, he noticed something, he came to me.  I didn’t say anything.”
Viv: “not an issue and I would really appreciate it if you kept it to yourself.”  So Sam managed to keep quiet about it and didn’t let slip in an argument.

Martin: “She okay?”
Sam: “”I don’t know.”

Martin: “I can’t believe we didn’t know she used to be a man.”  This could be interpreted to mean a criticism on his part.  Viv just happened to have done the legwork in this episode along with Danny rather than staying in the office, leading up to the final moments of this episode.

Jack says his daughters are like “little women.”  Referring to the book perhaps of the same name by Louisa May Alcott, since they’re miles away, having to deal without their father being with them nearby.  They think Chicago has “funny accents, weird pizza.”  Obviously he’s not a fan.
Jack can’t sleep and pays a visit to the shrink, Lisa for reasons other than talk, at least in this episode.  His lack of sleep builds up nicely to episode 22 where one could say the pills seem to have a strange effect on him, at least his dreams.
Jack: “They can read that.”

For such a thought provoking episode in the controversial area of gender re-assignment, leading to all sorts of problems such as hate crimes, as mentioned by Danny, strangely not one of the team had any thoughts on this or any comments to make.

Robert mentions the famous Irish saying of “may you have gotten into heaven half an hour before the devil knows you was dead…”  Of course said by that other Irish half-man, half-demon, Doyle in season 1 Angel.  Played by Glenn Quinn, sadly no longer with us.

Also mentioned is the movie The Witches of Eastwick, though makes you wonder why he thought of his name being Eastwick, something to do with witches or being a monster Eastman.

Danny: “Wanna rack ‘em up?  Viv, what’s going on?”
Viv: “I’m just a little tired today.”  So she could’ve asked to work in the office or Sam could’ve offered to take her place in the field.

Danny asks if she’s okay again?  Viv was too ready to reveal what was wrong with her.  It was for the benefit of the viewer – we already knew.  Then Sam looked it up on the Net and told her blatantly.  She didn’t say she was worried first and then looked it up.  She should’ve talked to Viv about it instead of going behind her back, then she has the nerve to accuse Martin of keeping things from her, like not talking about Viv’s condition with her, she didn’t do the same after they all found out.

Danny likes to throw his weight around with suspects like ordering them to sit own.  So does Jack as he always invites people to sit down next to him on the sofa.  As for Eastman using an ATM machine when he clearly needs an alibi, well couldn’t he have paid for the taxi when he got home or did he not have any money there either.  When Viv collapses it’s left to Danny and Jack to find her as if there was no one else bout.

The well-known storyline done on CSI where the man finds out about the woman not being as such and then things turning ugly.

Danny has his own umbrella when they find Viv and also he found the missing person again, though this time she was still alive.   Danny got his hands on a an umbrella finally.  Yeah, it was Viv’s! as he didn’t have one in season 3 episode 2 Thou Shalt Not either!

No one commented about the operation in this episode, as if everyone was trying to be all PC.  Remember the season 2 episode 10 Coming Home, when Danny commented on how the man should’ve made up his mind if he was gay or not before he got married to save everyone the trouble, whereas Sam thought he was being homophobic, which he wasn’t and when Jack said it’s not their job to judge but only to find the missing person.  Also no one said anything to Martin when he said he couldn’t believe she was a man.

Viv in the field with Danny when she obviously wasn’t well, as opposed to Sam volunteering to take her place.  By now even Danny sensed something was wrong.  Viv should’ve confided in him – not like he would’ve blabbed and he could’ve kept a closer eye on her!  Not like Viv did in episode 21 when she called Jack and told him about his visit – granted she was concerned but Jack wasn’t with him; so couldn’t really keep an eye on him.  Danny wouldn’t have expected that from her.

No one came up with any 'he/she' comments.  Martin saying he couldn’t believe they didn’t know she was a man without anyone making a big deal about it.  Also season 2's episode, which I have already mentioned, never mind,. When Danny said he should’ve realized his sexual orientation before he got married so he wouldn’t hurt his wife and save everyone the bother etc and would probably still be alive and Jack having a go at him by saying they only find them and it’s not up to them to pass judgement.  Also Sam implying Danny was being homophobic.  Especially since Danny wasn’t or making such a comment either.  He knew he was gay and yet he hid behind a sham of a marriage – did he love his wife and if he did, he had an affair anyway.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

CSI: NY 7.19 "Food for Thought" Review

Hawkes skips work spend a day with Camille at a gourmet food festival, where he witnesses a murder and gets into trouble with Mac, so what's new.

Hawkes (Hill Harper) attends a food festival, coerced by Camille (Lesley-Ann Brandt) where one of the food truck explodes.   The chef, Derby Chayson (Daniel Bonjour) is dead.   Flack (Eddie Cahill) thinks it may have been a terrorist attack.   Mac (Gary Sinise) states the position of the truck and the time of the blast would not lead to loss of many lives.  Mac finds traces of TATP, an explosive made from household chemicals, that's why liquids are not allowed on planes.   Jo (Sela Ward) comments on Hawkes calling in sick and he should save the explanations for Mac.   Jo finds a bottle lid on the floor.  Mac indicates the splash pattern shows the blast originated from the side panel, where the propane tank would have been located.   The ignition source was the bottle.   Mac thinks if they piece together the shrapnel it may tell them something.

Regular as clockwork, Lindsay (Anna Belknap) pops up.   It's a CS, but she's complaining about not eating anything.   No, it's all about her again and her food cravings, though she's not pregnant.   I won't repeat the hefty food list she asks Danny (Carmine Giovinazzo) for.   Lucy is now 2, that was fast.  Danny and Lucy made her breakfast and she says it was 2 years ago for Mother's day.   Now she's keeping score!  That was a boring, senseless scene, she's not the one into food, that's Flack and Jo! But she gets all the foody lines and the food!  Instead of doing the job, she's more worried about not getting out before it's dinnertime.   Jo scarcely mentions it's lunchtime, later on, but we don't see her and Flack grabbing  a bite.  

Danny tells Hawkes, he'd have taken a day off for Camille too.   Don't let Lindsay hear that!  Hawkes notices writing on the inside of the takeaway container, but why write on the inside?  Sid's (Robert Joy) autopsy reveals the force of the blast, smoke inhalation and burns were the COD.   His apron kept him intact and prevented the flames from coming into contact with his T-shirt.   Which reveals a contusion on his chest.   Sid's seen the pattern somewhere before but he can't recall.  


Camille calls Hawkes about a  party she's throwing and talks him into coming even though he's busy with work.   Thought Hawkes would have had more restraint and will power than to give in to her so easily.   She's a bad influence on him.   Danny brings Lindsay a burger, if they can't eat in the lab, why's she telling him to bring it in and she was going to eat with those dirty hands of hers.   She found dark surfaces on the propylene tank.   Wasn't it full of propane as Mac said earlier on.   Danny thinks it could be glue used to attach the bomb to the tank.  And she couldn't work that out for herself either, until later, no she has to run off with the burger bag.  (Thought she'd disappeared for good!  No such luck.).  

At the party, Hawkes walks in on people smoking joints (weed).   Camille refers to herself as a goody-two- shoes, yeah maybe in another life.   Hawkes tells her he's "done many things in his life and, not all of which he's proud of."  Camille's never smoked a joint before and wants to live for now.   Hawkes oversleeps the next day and Danny covers for him.  Showing how far their relationship has come, where it was probably second nature to him.   Adam (AJ Buckley) analyzes the T-shirt to find traces of bird spit from the Chinese Cave Swallow saliva.   Mac has to say "excuse me."  Still don't know what Mac's problem with Adam is, well I do, and it's not even funny, but it's getting old news by now, not one nice word to say about him and Mac's always so abrupt with him too.   Not like Adam's done anything wrong, or was he venting a little of his anger over Hawkes onto Adam.  

The stain is where Derby was hit on his chest; but Adam can't find anything exotic on the menu, and he can't find the 'No 3 Special' either, that Hawkes told Jo about.   Adam questions Mac whether if a bird spits on you if it's the same good luck, and Mac walks off abruptly, telling him to work it out for himself.  No need for that type of behaviour.

Flack tells Jo he sometimes has thoughts of the pastrami truck outside, okay, he said he looks at it, and there's plenty of competition between gourmet trucks.   He found 8 complaints against Derby, filed by one man alone, Odelin Gonzalez, (Raoul Trujillo) who owns a hot dog stand nearby.   Flack asks him to tell them about his "au natural beef" with Derby.   Jo and Flack believe he isn't capable of murder.   There are plenty of hot sauce bottles with those lids in New York.   Jo mentions the TATP trace on the bottle fragment, (it was a lid), and that they need "hard science connecting him to the CS."  Jo uses science instead of evidence, which is the normal word used.   Danny and Hawkes are selected for random drug testing, causing frustration for Hawkes...we're meant to believe he shared a joint with Camille.

Sid tells Mac about the Summer cookery course he undertook and recognized the contusion pattern is from a potato ricer, which is part of a chef's kitchen.   Adam finds that bird spit is used in bird nest soup, which Jo immediately tells them is made from the nests of the Chinese Cave wallow, so all he had to do was ask Jo, ha.     Which was used by the former employer of Derby.   Jo states they should have focused on fine dining.   Mac: "Let's go see if murder is on the menu."  Braxton Langley (Anthony Azizi) says Derby was stealing his recipes so he beat him with the potato ricer.

Mac, "there's a nice table waiting" for him downtown.   Hawkes matches the writing on the take away box, which points to a hotel address and a Gus Stilton (Matt Nolan).  Okay, this is about food, partly, but did they have to call him Stilton, as in cheese.   Flack knows the name but can't place it.   He owns 50% of the truck, as well as owning 6 other trucks.   He has a record for pandering, which is why Flack recalls the name.   There's a lot of that going round in this episode, first Sid not recalling the potato ricer, then Flack not remembering Gus and Hawkes bumping into the bomber in the opening.

Flack had some "fun" with the 'No 3 Special,'  so at least some laughs from him.   Flack: "Am I gonna get everything I paid for...on second thoughts I'm not that hungry!" Great!  Mia (Tyler Kain) tells Jo it's better than working the streets.   Flack recalls Gus trying to keep warm with his girls under a bridge and guess who had the blanket!  Mac calls him a pimp and Flack calls him a criminal.   Jo asks Mia how she felt about Derby and she replies it was good work.  Jo: "And all he had to do was serve you on the side."  Well, at least she got one foody remark in.   Derby turned away customers.  

Gus says he had a perfect operation going on without the knowledge of the NYPD so why would he kill Derby.   Mac is perturbed they don't have any evidence on either of their suspects and no lead on the killers.   Hawkes concentrates more on looking at the drug testing guys.   Cue Lindsay, as smug as ever.  Thought she was missing as per usual and had to make an entrance.  Finding a partial print on the ceramic glue, well Danny already said it was most likely glue; belonging  Odelin Gonzalez, Jnr (Alex Merz).  Quick someone wipe her smile off her face!

First thing I said was all that pottery was gonna smash!  Flack had to announce their presence.   Hawkes recalls passing him at the festival now.   Finding the son as the killer was a bit convenient and too easily wrapped up.   Flack tells him he made  a mess (and not just of the pottery) of things.   His father didn't have a future with his business.   Hawkes suggests he could compete by working harder, that's easier said than done, does he think it's easy making a meagre living from a hot dog stall!

Made Hawkes look like a complete unintelligent fool in this episode (Sorry Hill!) and we know he's far better than that.   Hawkes should apply that logic to himself where Camille is concerned, he can't help being led astray by her and he should work harder at thinking for himself.   They question him at the shop and not downtown.   Odelin knew the best meal in town doesn't cost $500 and something was going on.   Mac posits he did something his father wouldn't do and blew him up.   He was rather clumsy getting glue on his fingers and leaving a print behind, considering the number of ceramics he must have glued together.

Mac waited until the end to give Hawkes his dressing down and that was a bit of an anti-climax.   He didn't have much to say and Hawkes sounded like he was just making excuses for himself, exactly the same as Camille said about her life passing her by and not living.   Mac doesn't want to talk about this at all.   Hawkes says he wasn't using and that the cannabis was secondary exposure.  Mac has to believe him, like Mac adds he had to believe he was sick.   The show likes these lines in here, you know, believe and trust like in season 3's  episode where Flack said why should he trust Mac after what he did in Consequences episode.

Mac tells Hawkes it's about bad choices, not bad luck.   Hawkes and his sob story about having to do good and not being able to do anything else, Camille understands that.   There's no policy against having a good time and he should show up tomorrow and honour his oath and get some sleep.   Yeah don't think so.   He didn't have any problems like this when he was an ME, that's cos he didn't venture out, ha.   Ahh the good old days.  Camille turns up naked and he can't say no to her.

At least Hawkes didn't get "told off" in front of the others.   Hawkes gets a love interest , but clearly she's no good for him and he's too easily swayed by everything she wants.   As for her being a goody-two-shoes, she isn't really.   She knows who Hawkes is and what he does but she still insists he should cross the line: miss work by taking a 'sickie' and then drag himself to her party when he needs to work.   He needs to either find a way to put her in her place, being blunt, or ditch her.   It's what Jo said in the Smooth Criminal episode when we first encountered Camille and she saw them together, she said they look like they're talking about "hot, steamy sex."  It's more "lust at first sight" between these two than anything deeper.   Let's face it, does Hawkes really want or need someone like Camille in his life.   His character is much stronger than that and she's just bringing him down.

TATP was mentioned and used in CSI season 11 episodes, Shock Waves and Targets of Obsession.    In CSI episode Recipe for Revenge, a chef was also killed.   Lots of food episodes in CSI:NY, including season 1 Grand Master, where food was served on nudes and Danny was way into that!  had lots of one- liners in that too, including 'the killer being the table'.   Season 2 Dancing with the Fishes, where a food market was involved.   Also Fare Game which had an exotic cuisine event boasting strange creepy crawlie delicacies of the several-legged variety.   Also many bomb episodes, including Charge of this Post and Green Piece.

Great to see CBS have renewed the show for an eighth season, but no news on the number of episodes yet.   Finally seeing sense.   Yay, more Eddie/Flack fixes for me!  ha.   Also that means we can watch the remaining three episodes of the season without baited breath, done that already with the earlier episodes.   Wonder if the season finale will be viewed by us in the same way as US viewers, that the episode could have been the series finale.   Expect some people just won't care either way.  (Written a while ago)

Monday 3 December 2012

The Vampire Diaries 4.7 "My Brother's Keeper" Review

Stefan (Paul Wesley) tells Caroline (Candace Accola) he and Elena (Nina Dobrev) have broken up and he's not coming to the party, the annual Ms Mystic Falls pageant.  She has feelings for Damon (Ian Somerhalder).  Caroline: "He's Damon...and I'm revolted."  Being a vampire has changed Elena and all Stefan wants to do is to rip into someone's neck, oh dear wrong choice of words from me, you know, he was the Ripper after all.  Klaus (Joseph Morgan) sneaks up as usual and is angry Stefan's told everyone about the cure.  He has to find more vampires for Jeremy (Steven R McQueen) to kill.

Damon comments on "Shady Stefan being back."  Stefan breaks the news to Damon which is music to his ears but they need to find a different hunter.  Damon also mentions Shane (David Alpay) being "shadier than you are."  Stefan tells Damon not to "pretend this isn't the best day of your life."  Well what's to follow will ensure that it is.  Caroline knows Stefan is Elena's soulmate but Elena says she's confused as per usual.

Elena is going with Matt (Zach Roerig) and Jeremy is April's (Grace Phipps) escort.  Jeremy demonstrates his super strength to Matt now by lifting two kegs when Matt couldn't manage one.  Also should I have remarked on his strength being superhuman?  Stefan looks for patients for Jeremy to kill and finds a murderer, so he's now judge, jury, executioner and vampire.  Caroline has to plan the pageant again and Klaus arrives asking for his date.  Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin) wants to go to the pageant and also cos it's at Tyler's house.  Hayley is just a troublemaker and is up to no good, she just wants to see Tyler get jealous of Klaus but there's more to her.  Don't trust that shifty smile of hers.

Jeremy stops acting like Elena is his sister and dreams of strangling her and wakes up with a knife in his hand without knowing how it got there. He confides in Matt and thinks he could be turning into Alaric.  Matt orders him to tell Elena or he will.  Caroline and Elena help April pick out a dress for her and Damon turns up to express his opinion, he thinks red, Elena has agreed on blue with Caroline, but as soon as Damon opened his mouth, Elena changed her mind.  Caroline calls him a "lurker."    This hasn't been the best year for Elena.  She talks to Damon about Stefan who says he went on about it but he didn't.  He hardly said two words, oh okay, four words.

Damon tells Shane he's looking for a hunter as the potential is a problem and asks why Shane is here?  How did he convince the Pastor to kill all those people?  Stefan gets Jeremy to kill and to convince him it's for Elena.  Oh cunning, evil Damon knowing about the sire bond all along. Especially since he had Klaus's blood in him when he was bitten by Tyler in season 2.  Suppose this was the only way Damon could get Elena to succumb to his wily charms.  Let's hope they can break the bond cos I for one don't think Elena and Damon should be together, especially since she doesn't really want Damon.

Caroline thinks Klaus is perfect and can't look at him, she sees Tyler (Michael Trevino) with Hayley.  Matt blabs to Elena about Jeremy's nightmare and Damon convinces her to let Jeremy go.  He's not worried so Elena shouldn't be either.  Caroline thinks Damon is sneaky and he's "never right."  She doesn't like seeing Elena with him and she opens up as a friend, she's also trying to warn her but Elena doesn't listen.  SO where was Bonnie?  No one mentioned her, didn't they notice she wasn't there.  Stefan knows Elena isn't herself anymore and now Jeremy's into sticking knives into Stefan and he can't be compelled.

Klaus wouldn't take the cure since he'd stop being the most powerful creature on the planet.  Tyler watches them.  Jeremy tells April her father died a hero and he was doing the right thing for the town as we see more of Jeremy changing.  Shane doesn't know of any other hunters and Damon reveals he's a vampire to him, which he knew anyway.    Only a certain witch can perform the spell so even if he finds all the pieces to the map, they'll still need Bonnie.  April is crowned Ms Mystic Falls and Jeremy thinks Connor was right as he can only think about killing vampires.  He must kill Elena as she's one too.  She sees blood on his hand and he stabs her in the neck.  Hayley asks Tyler if his mother (Susan Walters) has the gene but his father did, she seems to be curious all of a sudden, why ask now?  She also lies by telling him she's only just met Shane.

Klaus thought about being human when on a trek in the Andes, he saw a humming bird which had to stay alive everyday and work hard at it.  Stefan takes the blame for Jeremy but Elena doesn't want him to lose his humanity just for her and Stefan shouldn't love her like that, no cos only Damon wants to and that's what he's been telling her all along.  The old Elena died when the car went over the bridge and he should let her go.  Matt moves in and tells Jeremy Elena's gone, yeah to be closer to Damon, why couldn't she just go somewhere else, no she has to torment Stefan even further and so he moves out, well crashes elsewhere.  Hayley tells Shane they broke another sire bond.

Damon won't give up on Elena, he thinks she's more alive now than ever before.  She recalls when they danced together and they do the same thing now and that dance turns into one of a different kind.  Caroline doesn't want Stefan giving up on Elena cos "you and her...epic."  Something's wrong with Elena and Caroline has a revelation as Elena has one of her own, she and Damon get down and dirty.  Klaus said Elena has problems and Damon is there solve them for her.  She did everything Damon told her to do, name one vampire who can't drink from a blood bag.  Damno said she couldn't.  Damon's blood made her a vampire, what if this is really happening?  Stefan:" Elena's sired to Damon."

Jeremy's turn to go darkside now as the pull of the hunter is too great for him to resist.  How many times did they want Matt saying he's human, "I'm not one of them..." Once was enough.  Caroline and Klaus seem to be the couple of the moment, at least fans want them to be, he rather acts the perfect gentlemen vampire around her.  Caroline working out the sire bond, so she's not just a pretty face, ha.

Sunday 2 December 2012

The Mentalist 5.5 "Red Dawn" Review

Patrick Jane (Simon Baker) comes to the CBI for news on their investigation into Red John who committed the murders of his wife and daughter.  Looking dishevelled and rather out of sorts, though his hair is immaculate ha.  Lisbon (Robin Tunney) is adamant about sharing the info but he is determined and he wants to speak to her boss, Minelli )Gregory Itzin)  who is sympathetic towards Patrick and wants her to show him the files.  Hannigan (Gar Basaraba)  is  weary of Patrick and doesn't like him when Lisbon asks him to show  Patty out.  Patrick questions him about the Red John case and he can't divulge.  His advice is to move on, find someone else, which he takes exception to.  Next thing you know, Patrick gets another punch in the face cos he antagonizes Hannigan by asking why Lisbon made boss and he's much older and didn't.  Adding "That's why they gave you to Lisbon, cos no one else would work with you."

Well who would, the man was downright cruel and unfeeling, you don't talk to Vics or their families like that, which explains why Lisbon has him stalk around the office, or gets someone like Cho (Tim Kang) to go with him.  Bet Lisbon was glad to see the back of him when he left, not that she couldn't handle him, but constantly having to keep him in check would have wasted valuable time on her part.  Nor that she doesn't have to do that with Patrick, but at least he helps her solve cases.  As well as not being bad to look at either!  A call comes in about a homicide ad Minelli tells her to take Patrick.  Also so he doesn't sue the CBI for assault.  Oh the line about who talks to Vic and their families like that, scratch that, Patrick often gets away with doing just that!

Strangely Lisbon tells him Sacramento PD (SAC PD for short) lost track of him about six months ago and we get to know why at the end of the episode, though we already know having watched the episode Red Brick and Ivy when we found out Patrick spent time in a mental facility.  And we were also shown his psychiatrist, Sophie Miller.

A driver is found dead in the car and Patrick tells her to find the woman Winston (Christopher Carver) was on a date since had had breath mints, heavy scent and his clothes and Hannigan fears he really is a psychic.  Patrick: "there's no such thing as psychics."  Later on he says he hasn't met one yet, well that was remedied later on with the introduction of Kristina Frye.  Liked the way Patrick tells Cho to ignore him and that's exactly what he does.  Before telling Lisbon what they discovered at the CS.

Lisbon interviews the Vic's father, a judge and Patrick isn't meant to be part of the conversation but inadvertently becomes part of it.  Judge Dillinger (David Clennon) explains how any of the defendants he imprisoned could have a motive for killing his son, adding if you want to hurt someone you "don't kill the man, you go after his family."  Exactly the Patrick Jane scenario, that would have hurt.  Patrick discerns his son was an alcoholic and misreads the judge here by saying he was disappointed in his son.  The judge replies he's annoyed with himself  for the way he brought him up and asks if Patrick has children.  Again an oft asked question, of course he did but he won't say that.

Cho explains Winston had been on a date and she's in the interview room, Lisbon thinks that's a good call, but Patrick interjects it was based on a cold reading.  Something Lisbon isn't familiar with so he gives her an example using her "Dysfunctional, alcoholic" father as the subject and that's why she puts up with Hannigan.  Lisbon suggests he should move away, get on with his life and Patrick responds Hannigan said the same.  Thus having a change of heart she tells him to come back in the morning and to lean up.

Patrick turns up next day much to the surprise of Cho and Rigsby (Owain Yeoman) and adds Lisbon told him to come by to look at the Red John files.  They point him to a desk by the window in the corner, well a table really, the same on in his attic now?   Lisbon is also surprised he came back and at this point in time she only had a cubicle for an office.  Rigsby tells her the files haven't arrived yet.  Lisbon commenting also that Patrick has "a homeless vibe about you."  Grief will do that to you.

The files finally arrive and being called "an eager beaver" by the delivery guy, Lisbon asks Patrick to help her solve the case.  Before we get into that, there are other suspects not mentioned, the officer, Nathanial Kim (Ian Anthony Dale) who investigated the drink driving case and the killing of Maria De Santos who tells Cho there was no match to her blood.  He was my suspect, sorry he was cos he could get away with so much being a former policeman.  Cho doesn't look too happy about him wither, not that Cho looks happy about much of anything.  We didn't get his character trait here of enjoying his reading either.

Maria's parents were also possible suspects.  They found out the Vic was dead as their lawyer told them, they were suing him for wrongful death.  Another suspect was Emmet (Ryan Ahern) who is brought in for questioning.  He was going to rough Winston up and steal some money from him but denies killing him.

Lisbon tells Patrick everyone's gathered in the room and one of them must be the killer.  Patrick tells her he's not a psychic, he's a fraud.  Lisbon: "...whatever it is it's a gift..." Plus she has no leads.  Patrick asks for tarot cards which Lisbon doesn't have, so he draws his own.  He leaves them on the table and asks them to close their eyes and think of the last fearful dream they had.  Even Rigsby does the same, until Cho looks at him.  He was a bit like Van Pelt here (absent from this episode and taking time off as she was pregnant at the time.)  Van Pelt is always willing to take Patrick on when he comes up with something.  Maria's mother dreams about helping her daughter but she can't.

Kim had the magician card cos he can get away with anything cos of his job.  I said that even before Patrick did, great minds, ha.  Emmet had the magician card also but Patrick says he couldn't have had that.  Neat trick, notice Patrick kept one card back for himself, this was the hanged man card which he swapped with Kim's card.

Kim tells Cho the motive behind it, being a silent owner of the bar he was being sued and would have gone out of business.  He made a deal with the judge he'd doctor the evidence, keep his son out of jail if he ruled in his favour in the civil trial.   He was called out to the CS and Winston was going to expose the deal if he didn't help him, so he shot him.  Cho tells him he ran over a deer, so really it was for nothing.  Lisbon is happy with the outcome, Patrick also caught a crooked judge too.

Patrick is now consultant with the CBI and she leaves him with the files. Also finding him asleep on the couch, his home from now on.  Rigsby and Cho look through the files for a new agent as Hannigan refuses to work with Patrick and Rigsby takes a shining to Van Pelt.  Cho telling him she's out of his league.  A throw away comment, as she certainly wasn't.

Minelli thinks Patrick an asset to the CBI.  He gets a call from FBI Director Alexa Shulz (Polly Walker) (whom we met this season) and tells him she would appreciate heads up on the Red John case if they uncover anything.  Also not so subtly adding Patrick has been in an asylum for the past year.

Immediately alarm bells start ringing since we know that Red John has mole in the FBI and other acolytes.  Minelli believes in inter-agency cooperation and agrees to this.  She hangs up and asks the man, Robert Kirkland (Kevin Corrigan) in the car with her  if that was okay.  Was this our first glimpse of Red John?  That would be too easy  For all the time we've heard his voice and decided he could be a she, this man did have effeminate features, so...for the one hundredth episode of The Mentalist were we indeed given a shot of him?  More like we were being teased to keep us guessing and our interest peaked.

Patrick hugging Lisbon was cute, not in the romantic way either.  She was surprised and a bit reluctant to hug him back.  Rigsby with a goatee, made him look a little older, didn't like Lisbon's wig, but hey we can't like everything but the cast did an exceptional job in going back to their (pre)season 1 personalities and characters.   Though they don't seem to have changed much, aside from the two leads.  Patrick showed his vulnerability here and how he was rather coy and reserved when talking about his family and wanting to know how the investigation is proceeding.  That didn't last long.  A nice touch was also the way in which he was hit by Hannigan, something which is an ongoing theme for him.


Note this ep was billed as taking place "Several years ago."  Note it was actually nine years ago as they have been together for four years when he joined them in season 1 and we're into season 5, so simple maths here.  Also this ep told us the real reasons behind Patrick being at the CBI, it was for info and not to seek revenge, though at that point he could have been doing both.  We know how cunning he is and how his mind works, maybe he had the year to think about revenge during his time getting help and treatment.  He just didn't reveal it here. Especially since his emotions at losing his family were still very raw.  Lisbon then hired him and from presumably reading the files, getting to know them inside out, his thoughts turned to revenge, or at least catching Red John himself.

I still think he manipulated Hannigan after cold reading him and thought he could get some info out of him.  He got out of the asylum and he came here first, which explained his physical appearance, but that's cos he had made up his mind about revenge over Red John even before he got here.  Also why would Minelli be so eager to keep Patrick around, lawsuit aside, the police don't do things like that, was it to keep a watchful eye on him, perhaps he's in league with red John, then again he got he call from the FBI after Patrick was already hired as a consultant, so I don't think he's a possibility of being Red John or being in cahoots with him.