
Saturday 15 September 2012

CSI: NY Season 9: More Photos and Guests

With less than 2 weeks to go until the season 9 premiere of CSI:NY on 28th September 2012, more photos have been revealed from the episode to air on 5th October, Where There's Smoke... continued on from the season's first episode Reignited as they chase serial arsonist, Leonard Brooks.

Gotta say, Flack (Eddie Cahill) looks positively beguiling, even when he 'dons' (my great pun!) that cute frown on his face.  Well, you know me, I had to say it!!

Don't know what to make of the new detec though, Jamie Lavato (Natalie Martinez) as long as she's not another detective love interest for Flack we're okay with that!  Come on, I mean another detective after Angell (Emmanuelle Vaugier) let's give him some credit for having a private life that doesn't revolve around work or female detects!

Yep the CSI's (Sela Ward, Carmine Giovinazzo, Hill Harper, Gary Sinise) are all gathered and ready to impart some serious forensic justice!

Other guests signed up for the show include Meredith Monroe as April, a mother whose son has been missing for 20 years, reports Zap2it.  This is the fifth ep and is also the one flashing back to Flack and his sister, Sam (Kathleen Monroe) when they were both younger, with their father.  Marilyn has been in Criminal Minds.  Another two cases the team must solve which span a multitude of years.

Tara Summers from Ringer, also guests in an ep later on where she plays a psychiatrist, Dr Carly Emerson, whose patients are killed.

Desperate Housewives - 7.22: "And Lots of Security..." Review

Susan is questioned about Paul's poisoning. Lee tells Bree that Chuck is gay and Lynette and Tom's reconciliation weekend ends in disaster, signifying the end of their marriage.

Mary Alice: (Brenda Strong) "Susan Delfino (Teri Hatcher) had always played by the rules...obeyed every label...performed her civic duties.   So when she was questioned about the poisoning of Paul Young (Mark Moses) Susan was more than a little upset." Susan is asked her age by the detective and she asks why he wants to know that.   She lies by saying she's 38 and says Felicia (Harriet Sansom Harris) poisoned Paul.   The detective still thinks Susan was Felicia's accomplice, as she was the one who delivered the food.   She liked Paul's wife, she gave her a kidney.   Which the detective adds was Paul's fault since he caused the riot in the lane and suspects Susan poisoned the school since she didn't get her job back.   Mary Alice: "Yes, Susan Delfino had always played by the rules...she was about to find out, this wasn't a game."

Mary Alice: "Sometimes it's the little things that make us feel old friend at bedtime...small comforts are up against big challenges..."  Lynette (Felicity Huffman) thinks they should have gone away ages ago.   Chuck (Jonathan Cake) wants to wait to be with Bree (Marcia Cross) until after his divorce comes through.   Bree kisses him.   Bob (Tuc Watkins) tells Susan evidence was found at her house, but Susan insists she was framed.   Mike (James Denton) admits Felicia called him from prison and offered him money to kill Paul.   He considered it and there was a time when he would've killed Paul for free.

Juanita (Madison De La Garza) is eating again and Gaby (Eva Longoria) is being watched.  Carlos (Richardo Antonio Chavira) is away on business and they both want him to bring them something back.   Gaby asks Bree for a gun and states she lets Bree borrow things all the time.   She'd like a small gun, the type Nancy Reagan would use.   The detective calls Felicia in for questioning and she gets worried.   Lynette suggests they should go candle-making.   Tom (Doug Savant) would rather work things out and talk, that's what they're here for.   They meet Lisa (Erin Hayes) and Andy (Jonathan Scarfe) who are here for the third time, agreeing to go candle-making with them.

Mike is adamant that of all the people who want Paul dead, Susan isn't one of them.   Lee (Kevin Rahm) asks Bree about Chuck and wants all the gossip, he tells her Chuck is definitely gay.  He saw "Detective Hottie at the gay bar."  Lee has a 'homographic memory.' They haven't been together yet and thinks Chuck needs a girlfriend for show.   Lee: "Time of gay: 11.21."  Tom and Lynette avoid being alone and he accuses Lynette of always stealing his punchline.   Lynette knows how to tell a story and he's always complaining about money, but she was the one who wanted him to take the job in the first place.   (Makes you wonder if Tom doesn't think he'd have been better off with Renee (Vanessa Williams.) Just a thought.)

Chuck is free for dinner and introduces Bree to his work colleagues.   She looks at photos of Chuck and Pete, they were partners for 9 years.   Bree getting the wrong end of the stick with the word 'partners'.   Pete transferred and she thinks Chuck was in love with him.   Gaby attends gun classes and the instructor asks if she could fire a gun, shoot him and live with killing him.   She leaves.   Paul cleared Susan of the poisoning and he's leaving, he doesn't belong here and the past caught up with him.   Susan believes he's a good person and he could start over.

Bree takes Chuck to a gay bar for a nightcap and Chuck attempts to explain he's not gay.  He worked here undercover and he loved Pete like a brother, but Pete had an affair with his wife.   She wants Chuck to mess up and he doesn't want to sleep with Bree until after the divorce.   Lee was wrong so much for his gaydar.   Gaby eats a snack and replaces the empty box back on the supermarket shelf.   Yeah, the number of people who get away with doing that!  A man follows her.   She wants to look at the security footage claiming someone took her purse.   It's her stepfather, Alejandro (Tony Plana)  he's meant to be dead.  Said that was him last episode.   Gaby fires a gun in class.

Lisa and Andy are fed up of Tom and Lynette who just want to tag along with them, they want to be alone.   Knew Felicia would go after Paul, this storyline wouldn't end that easily.   Tom and Lynette resort to weather speak, just grasping at straws.   Lynette recalls if they were in a room together twenty years ago, they wouldn't talk about the weather.   She doesn't think Tom's trying and he gives her a ring, he changed the stone for a real diamond.   He recalled he'd give "her a decent ring someday."  But Lynette never being satisfied with anything, liked the old ring.   She joked about the ring but still loved it.   Tom is out of ideas on what to do.   Lynette says they've survived so much, so why can't they get out of this bind.   Tom doesn't like what's happening to them.

Felicia threatens Paul with a syringe through the heart, whilst she's slowly poisoning him on the drip.   She speaks with Beth's ashes, who she claims was always here.  Susan sees them.   Felicia demands repentance from Paul for Martha, but she drove Mary Alice to suicide, Paul isn't sorry for her, Martha got what she deserved and Felicia records what he says as a confession.   They'll find him dead and this video.   Paul will always think she's crazy.   Sirens are heard but it's just MJ's car.   Anyway, Paul doesn't actually confess to killing Martha, since he only says she deserved what happened to her.   Felicia attacks Susan and Paul strangles Felicia.   Susan wants him to stop, letting her escape again in the process.   But she can't be that lucky can she.   Paul killed Martha, he wants to be that man again and gives the police a statement.

Mary Alice: "A sense of security is something we all search for; whether it's knowing we're desired...taking control of our fears or finding the strength to do the right thing - but the danger of a sense of security is that it may prove to be false."  Felicia knocks over the urn with Beth's ashes in the car and drives into a truck.   Will that be the end of her.

Coming to the end of the season, things were a little rushed to say the least.   Bree finding someone else already, whereas she would've mourned  and moped for a lot longer.   Paul admitting he killed Martha, so what happened to him and is Felicia really dead.   Also Susan conveniently getting back her house when Paul was so reluctant to leave.   Finally Tom and Lynette just fed up with each other, when not that long ago she was seducing him into taking the new job and doing his office up for him.   That was fast moving on their parts, especially after not wanting their children to be affected by their marriage failure.

Friday 14 September 2012

CSI: NY - 7.16: "The Untouchable" Review

Mac is abducted and warned off an investigation. Finding a DB in an alley of someone he knew, he is determined to find her killers and solve the murder she told him about a year earlier.

A couple dump a hooded man in an alley, who turns out to be Mac (Gary Sinise).   That didn't come as a shock but more of  a surprise.   Since if it had been someone else, they most probably wouldn't have been dumped alive.   He was tasered in the neck and they threaten to shoot him next time.  Should've recognized his striped shirt!  He calls on the emergency phone and asks for Jo (Sela Ward) at the New York crime lab.

48 hours earlier.    A DB of a woman in an alley is found, Flack (Eddie Cahill) says by uniforms.   Jo thinks she died from an overdose.   Danny (Carmine Giovinazzo) finds traces of heroine and candy wrappers on the ground beside her.   Lindsay (Anna Belknap) doesn't find any prints on the syringe, most likely wiped down.  Mac knows her and IDs her as Tessa James (Kate Towne).   Jo questions Mac, "...enough of this quiet man crap."  Mac tells her Tessa would always find him; he met her almost a year ago, which he terms a "series of strange encounters."  Jo thinks it may have been romantic, that was funny for a brief moment.  

Tessa believed she was being followed and she can trust Mac, she saw him in the paper.   She describes a woman with purple feathers and blood on her face.   She saw bright lights and angels.   Men carried the woman away.   She is dead.   Mac couldn't find Tessa, only that she was fired from her job.   Jo thinks she could be suffering from extreme OCD.   He didn't have any proof of her story, but he believed her, because of his gut.   Jo comments about Mac telling the others to use their heads and not their hearts, but he corrects her, I said my gut."  Which is not the same thing at all.   Yes recall him telling Stella (Melina Kanakaredes) to use her head and not her heart, in one investigation all the way back to season 1 in the episode Creatures of the Night.   Mac: "City's the city...  use your head and not your heart."

Sid (Robert Joy) found heroin in Tessa's system, but no other drugs and no track marks, just one injection mark on her arm.   Mac doesn't think she was an addict.   All organs were healthy and the injection site was on her left arm, but she's left-handed so someone else injected her.   Mac says her death was disguised, she was  murdered.   Lindsay wonders if it's a grease stain on Tessa's coat.   Danny, "...hope it's that given where we found her."  That wasn't a nice thing to say from either of them and excuse me, Lindsay, urine would stink!  What, did she have a blocked nose.   Danny finds a paint chip in the seam of her jeans.   (Something or another is always found in, or on the jeans.)

Hawkes (Hill Harper) analyzes it to find layers of other paint underneath.  There was lead in the first layer, the others were more recent and lead free.  Mac guesses the building was painted before 1953-1983.   Hawkes found the more recent paints were industrial.   Cue Lindsay butting in, with sulphur dioxide being found in killer smog, between 1953-1966, the stains on her coat show she came into contact with this smog.   Danny finds the price tag on the sweater was made in the 1970's.   Mac recalls Tessa carried a 'Braggmans' paper bag.   Leading to where she lived.

Flack, Jo and Mac check out the building, a sky bridge near to Braggmans.   With lots of clippings on the wall, along with masks and photos.   (I thought of Mardi Gras before Jo says it, cos of Tessa's reference to purple feathers.)  Flack: "I don't think the elevator goes to the top floor, if you know what I mean."  Why give him that line, it implies Tessa was crazy and she wasn't.  Mac spots a green napkin with a logo, which Hawkes discovers is an 'L' and a 'T' for 'loyalty and trust,' belonging to the Vonner Club.   Lindsay has to be given yet more lines, asking Mac if there was any hard evidence indicating Tessa witnessed a murder.   Mac replies there's nothing to disprove she didn't.   (She didn't actually witness a murder, she witnessed a body removal.)  She wasn't delusional but Tessa was murdered for what she knew.   Mac comes up with Tessa not being delusional now, but was silent when Flack had that line to say earlier on.

Jo comments you need to be a billionaire boy and know the funny handshake to get in.   Mac asks her why she's got a problem with gentlemen's clubs, being a Southern girl.   It's not the clubs she has the problem with, but with gentlemen "who may have committed murder."  Mac recalls Tessa saying it was cold and asks what time of year is on the clippings.   February 17; which Jo connects to Mardi Gras.   They need to know how the club celebrated.   Mac asks the manager of the club, Keith de Young (Matt Corboy) for a guest list and they need to look around.   The club does have a room with bright lights and angels.   Mac uses ALS to search for blood.   Flack observes there being plenty of sex taking place, so the VIP room means something else.   Mac replies sex isn't a crime, oh but it can be.   He finds blood spatter on the wall, suggesting a GS wound.

A woman falls in front of Mac on the road, so we're back to what happened 48 hours later and he notices a black SUV in the mirror.   He is tasered when he gets out.   (Roadside abductions seem to be the norm for CSIs, as Calleigh (Emily Procter) and Ryan (Jonathan Togo) also got abducted in a similar fashion in CSI:Miami.)  He's put into the back and he describes what he felt and heard to Flack and Jo.   He felt the seats, he didn't see the woman, he got fibres under his fingernails from the car and he felt metal under his shoulder.   In a reversal, it's Mac who now becomes the Vic and has to be processed by Jo for evidence and there's plenty of that.   Jo thinks there could have been trace transfer onto his shoulder and takes a sample, revealing a licence plate.   Jo: "...all the little details that criminals never pay attention to...I love this job."  Which manages a smile from Flack.

Danny sends the photos from the wall to Adam (AJ Buckley) to compare with the guest list from the club, but none of them match.   Mac surmises they had a smaller party of their own.   Well they did, in the VIP room.   He recalls Tessa telling him about three men with a girl: a "crying man with white hair; muscle guy with a tiger."  Jo notices the Stratford candy wrapper on the wall, similar to the candy wrappers found at the CS.   Tessa brought them there.    The inside of the wrapper reads, 'Comisky'.   Which Danny alludes to Charles Comisky and the Chicago 'Black Sox' incident, referring to the Chicago White Sox team.   Lindsay has to get the comment about Danny being obsessed with baseball, which we already know from past episodes and also because Carmine is a huge baseball fan.   It was going to be his intended profession.   Tessa mentioned George Weaver, the third baseman for the team.   They threw the World Series in 1919.   Danny refers to them as the bad guys.  

Whittaker owned the team, like Matthew Stratford (Don Fischer) owns the confectionery company.   He's the "white-haired man" Tessa described.   Lindsay recalls all the articles on the wall are about death, except for one about Derek Perry (Jon Fleming) who is Weaver.   Perry was suspended from baseball for a year after taking cocaine.   Gleason saw Tessa.   Danny tells them Billy Gleason was the manager of the Sox, so he's the manager of the club.   This is how Tessa put together all the bad guys.   The manager of the club wanted the fact he gave Mac the list kept quiet.   They exchanged cards.

Flack says they found the luxury car service with the number plate.   Mac recognizes the man's voice and he attempts to hide between the cars.   Was he really getting out of there, apparently not.   He almost shoots Flack and he just happen to knew that Flack would look under the cars at the particular moment!  Peter (Steve Richard Harris) doesn't talk, he'll be killed.   His accomplice, the woman,  is also arrested.   Flack comments, they "work together, play together, kidnap cops together."  Lindsay throws her weight around, now they've got her conducting an interrogation with Jo, oh dear.    The manager denies seeing Tessa, but he's bad with faces.   So how come he described Tessa to them so they could find and kill her!  Tessa delivered papers to the club.   He feels sick.   Jo tells him to go ahead, she's used to it as she's got two children of her own and was covered in it for most of he life.   Lindsay has to agree.

Sid finds the Jane Doe Mac asked him to look for, a strangulation on February 16.   In the flashback, Mac says February 17.   Her DNA matches the blood found at the club.   She had cocaine in her system and blood in her nasal cavity.  She OD-ed and was strangled.   She had a tattoo on her arm, which is the symbol Tessa drew.   Hawkes examines the buttons from Jane Doe's coat and Adam finds a foreign print on one of the buttons, matching to the manager, of course.   That wasn't a surprise.   He had to know what was going on there.   He didn't kill Jane Doe, but he let them know about Tessa.

Mac says his compassion gave him away.   They matched his print from the card he gave Mac.   He let Tessa in and she saw them carry her out.   Perry and Stratford left him to clean up the mess.   The manager saw Tessa and he took his gloves off to button Jane Doe's coat as it was so cold outside, when he dumped her.   Flack's look on his face when arresting Stratford, turning his nose up at that club and rightly so.   It was left to Danny to arrest Perry, so not one of his baseball heroes!  Also the cocaine connection should have been made to Perry earlier on.   Sid tells Mac she'll be buried in a pine box as she didn't have any friends or family to make a formal ID.   Mac sees the clipping on her wall with his name and 'trust' written on it.   Mac says he's her friend and identifies her as Tessa James.   In contrast to the first Jane Doe, who will be buried as such.

An episode also showing Mac's compassion for Tessa too and especially when she became a Vic herself, of the very people she was attempting to get arrested for Jane Doe's murder in an ironic twist of fate.   One episode where the rich didn't get away with murder and the moral being, you can't kidnap and threaten Mac and get away with it.   Speaking of Jo inferring Mac and Tessa may have been romantically involved, what happened to the doctor (Madchen Amick) Mac was seeing.   Ahh, Jo she's such a romantic when it comes to other peoples' love life, what about her own!

Mac is from Chicago, but it was left to Danny to draw the necessary inferences to the Chicago White Sox.   Danny and Lindsay working together again.  Not a highlight!

Thursday 13 September 2012

Supernatural's Super Seven Years

So as all Supernatural fans know today marks the seventh anniversary of the show when it first aired back on September 13 2005.  At least for the US.  Can you cast your minds back and remember what you were doing on that day.  How many of you watched the show out of curiosity and how many watched cos they knew it'd become a sure fire hit?  Oh here's a dreaded question, what would we have done if there was no Supernatural?  OOh sorry, someone has to ask.

Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki wowed, charmed, broke hearts, fought demons, themselves, family.  Met friends, lost family, loves, each other.  Only to come back over and over.  Met an angel or two, fought Lucifer and much more. I along with many others can't really imagine a day or year going by without watching Supernatural and having it in our lives.

It may just be a show to some, but for many others, devoted followers, it's more than that.  It's a way of life, a phenomenon.  We've been there every minute laughing, crying, sharing the jokes, songs, movie refs and wish we could also share the Impala too!!

To me, it's more than a show, admittedly I watched cos of the amazing trailers we got down here and the tagline for the UK: "Scary just got sexy!"  Well, okay the tagline wasn't my main reason it was Jensen.  Having watched him in many other TV shows, films, he became a firm favourite with me over the years, so naturally I would watch anything with him.  Another reason for me which is extremely personal and painful was that at the time we got the show, I had just lost my father and season 2 In My Time of Dying, with John Winchester (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) dying struck a cord with me.  In short, it was there when I needed to see something like that.  To go through the emotions and the loss which was so real to me.

No matter what it means to each of us, we're all grateful for Supernatural being a part of our lives.

Okay, deep breath!  In essence the show has continued to capture the hearts and minds of so many, not just in its native US but also globally.  It's astonishing, but not surprising that Supernatural can unite so many people from all backgrounds, faiths and countries as it continues to go from strength to strength.  Propelling two of the nicest guys in showbiz into household names and what makes it even better is how Jensen and Jared have gotten right in there with the show, not only in terms of being there for fans, taking part in conventions and well, just being Jensen and Jared!

That goes for the rest of the cast too, in Misha Collins, Jim Beaver, to name but two out of many, as well as the excellent crew, writers and well, not forgetting Eric Kripke who brought it all together for us to begin with in his love of urban legends.

"Carry on my wayward son" to another few good years of Supernatural and here's to season 8!!  Let's keep on this never ending roadtrip.

The Closer 7.14 "Road Block" Review

Flynn (Tony Denison) and Provenza (GW Bailey) engage in a phone conversation and Flynn tells him the co-eds were too young, but they wouldn't be for Provenza.  Flynn got a professor's number.  A car driver hits a motorbike and drives away.  Gracey tells Flynn she only saw the headlights.  The driver is a woman and a drunk and she dumps the car in an alley and heads back to the restaurant.  Here she feigns having her car stolen, with her bag.  She's the Police Commissioner's wife.

Gail Myers (Elizabeth Perkins) is paid a visit by Flynn and Provenza at home as Pope (JK Simmons) would like her to come down to look at some photos.  She's taken to the Murder Room.  Taylor (Robert Gossett) tells her they're not looking into the case just cos she's the Commissioner's wife, but only two cars have been stolen in that area and they want to keep it that way.

Brenda (Kyra Sedgwick) walks in and tells Gail it'd be worse for her if her bag was stolen as she keeps everything in it.  She hasn't cancelled her credit cards.  Witnesses described her car being involved in a hit and run.  After Gail leaves, Brenda tells Pope, "what - a - liar."  She'd be crying too if she did the same.  Pope needs proof.  Brenda would "come up with a better excuse."  Pope was the one who made the case a Major Crime and the officers who took her home said she reeked of alcohol.  Pope didn't see this in the report, well obviously not if she's the Commissioner's wife.  Brenda tells him to inform the Commissioner they're investigating.

She asks Flynn to find the accident reports and he doesn't need a counsellor.  Have you noticed whenever something bad goes wrong, Flynn is either involved and helps out Brenda or it's the other way round.  Last time he told her about his sister having throat cancer.  Gail doesn't have any DUIs in California.  Provenza calls to say they found the wallet in the gutter, "where she boozed it up last night."  Buzz (Phillip P Keene) tells her the daughter's friend's stepmother is here.

She (Maggie Wheeler) wonders why Gail didn't valet the car.  Their daughter's Kelly (Aimee Lynn Chadwick) and Caitlin left and they had wine.  Gabriel (Corey Reynolds) asks how long before Gail returned to the restaurant after leaving.  The car is also found in an alley, unlocked with keys inside.  Brenda calls Fritz (Jon Tenney) to say no one at the LAPD knows about the car being found and they need the FBI's print unit - EAB.  Pope tells Provenza to get in the car after Brenda mentions he's looking trim and should get in.  Then says the seat is adjusted for a lady and Brenda fits comfortably behind the wheel.  They always come up with the old seat not adjusted in car angle in such cases.  Classical music also pays on the radio.  They can only charge her with vehicular manslaughter.  Pope asks how they plan on doing that and Fritz replies, "one day at a time."  As is the credo for AA.

Flynn finds they have a vacation place where last Summer, Gail got a ticket outside a bar.  The record was expunged but Brenda says Fritz could get the info.  Adding that having a previous DUI makes Gail smarter.  Fritz did something about his problem.  Myers (Mark Moses) tells Pope that asking their friends about her drinking habits is embarrassing.  Why cos she's an alcoholic and has been allowed to get away with it for so long.  Gail shows them photos Kelly posted which show a Latino with a tattoo, Jose and perhaps he stole her bag, which is seen on the back of her chair.  Pope writes down 'daughter Kelly - on pad.  Myers makes a jibe about Brenda and her lawsuits and "whether she's really worth it."

Pope asks why she said her bag was stolen if the keys were in there, so why did she go to the car to look for her bag, as she doesn't recall, she should say she was a little drunk.  Pope tells Myers he doesn't want him throwing his weight around.  In the last DUI she paid a fine, made a donation, hired a lawyer.  Gracey's parents arrive with her photos.  They take them out to the CS and Flynn tells them Gracey talked about them.  Her mother wants to see the person who did it but they didn't have such a scene.

Tao (Michael Paul Chan) shows the text on Gail's phone, sent by Kelly warning her of a DUI checkpoint, that's why she was driving in the opposite direction from her home.  Provenza thinks she could have got snapped on the red light camera.  She was in the car 30 seconds after the hit and run, but it's only manslaughter.  Pope says her parents won't be allowed to testify in court to convince a jury so Brenda decides they should use them now.

Kelly is left to wait with Gracey's parents as they sort through her photos and Gail is left in a separate room.  Flynn tells her he lived on candy bars when he quit drinking.  He made a choice between drink and his badge.  They show Kelly photos of Gracey and Sanchez (Raymond Cruz) tells of how her helmet came off after her mother ran into her.  Kelly was trying to protect her father.  Gail had 3 vodkas and drinks at the restaurant.  "She was bombed."  Brenda talks about Fritz and how he's a decent and wonderful man but he needs help to stay sober.

Myers tells Gail Kelly won't take the stand and Gail didn't care about the girl she ran over.  He's resigning and Gail's on her own.  Gail insists she's not a drunk.  Brenda says, no, she's "a murderer."  She asks who will help Gracey.  Then says they can't be in anymore trouble than they already are, for going after the Commissioner's wife.

Yet another emotional episode for the show and one where the suspect is close to home.  Brenda has her pegged as a liar from the onset, cos of her work and also with what Fritz has been telling her about himself as a former alcoholic, which all helps her to see the tell tale signs.  That woman was a piece of work, having a daughter of her own, she still felt no remorse or guilt whatsoever and that everyone should be at her beck and call cos of who she is.  Thus Pope's remark about this not going down well with many in the LAPD.  As Brenda rightly says, they have nothing more to lose, what with her lawsuits, as mentioned by Myers earlier on.  At least he did the decent thing and resigned and had more consideration for Kelly.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Desperate Housewives 7.21 "Then I Really Got Scared" Review

Susan is suspected as poisoning Paul when he suffers chest pains. Gaby and Juanita watch scary movies and Juanita thinks someone's watching them, which Carlos and Gaby think are the result of the movies.

Mary Alice: (Brenda Strong) "Susan Delfino (Teri Hatcher)  was charitable to a fault...couldn't resist lending a when it came to a neighbour in need, she was only too eager to help."  The doctor tells Paul (Mark Moses) he's been poisoned and he tells Susan it's just stress.  There was anti-freeze in his oatmeal.   Would've killed him eventually.

Mary-Alice: "Susan Delfino was charitable to a fault and just couldn't resist lending a hand...which was about to cause her some trouble of her own."  Just goes to show all good deeds finally catch up to you in the end.   Perhaps that should be all deeds catch up.

Mary:Alice: "No matter how secure we are, we all experience moments of dread...hand over a note from our teacher...and sometimes we have no one to blame but ourselves."  Gaby (Eva Longoria) and Juanita (Madison De La Garza) watch horror movies and Carlos (Richardo Antonio Chavira) berates Gaby for showing her these since she's going to have nightmares now.  Tom (Doug Savant) arrives home for dinner and he's bought plane tickets to Hawaii, for their annual family vacation.   Lynette (Felicity Huffman) is angry since she's planed the camping trip and put a deposit on the RV, also she wants to visit her sister.   Lynette wants things her own way as per usual.

Susan has been e-mailing Principal Hobson (John Rubenstein) asking for her job back, but he refuses due to her Internet antics, which he saw.  He claims parents have all the power in private schools.   Bree (Marcia Cross) didn't lose Chuck Vance's (Jonathan Cake) card and he won't ask her for a second chance again.   The second times means courtship.   The third time he'll be considered a stalker.   Paul gets the food tested for anti-freeze.   Renee (Vanessa Williams) invites Bree to a jazz club but she's got a date.   Renee gives her advice on always running a background check before she dates anyone.

Lee (Kevin Rahm) asks why Gaby let Juanita watch horror movies, he used to have bad dreams too, but he outgrew them.   He tells Juanita about his brother's stories, which were real.   How they found missing children in a ravine.   He was just showing her that his stories are way scarier than Juanita's fears.   Susan volunteers to help out the school, she did things she's not proud of, nonetheless was a good teacher.   Renee gets back to Bree with the background check and tells her his salary alone makes Chuck undatable.   She needs to look at Page 3 of her file.   Bree asks about Chuck in their date.   He has two children and Bree judges him for still being married.   He admits his divorce isn't finalized yet.   Being a policeman he's done the same thing on Bree, so she shouldn't be surprised and mentions Orson, (Kyle MacLachlan) the hit and run driver; or the murdering pharmacist.  She's dangerous too with her array of guns.

Lynette is angry and Tom isn't in charge of this family, he suggests they let the children decide which trip is better, after their presentations.   Chuck picks up a prostitute to drive to the woman's shelter and Bree hates him and he tells her that Bree used to be on the streets before she started her catering business.   Paul's test shows the amount of anti-freeze wouldn't have killed him, unless it continued on a routine basis.

Gaby tents out with Juanita on the lawn to prove there's no scary man there; but doesn't she have a back garden.   That was camping out on the pavement (sidewalk) practically.  Gaby has to put it right and Carlos says it's fun to sleep outside.   Gaby: "that's why the homeless are so cheery."  Chuck wants to take Bree on an ordinary first date.   Felicia (Harriet Sansom Harris) turns up at Susan's like clockwork.   Susan thinks Paul should have more tests done, Felicia was a nurse, but still no one made a connection and what if someone else ate the food.  Felicia: Susan's "doing more for Paul than she could possibly know."   Tom and Lynette present their vacations.

Gaby tells Juanita there's no killer and takes charge of her fear.   A shadow appears on the tent of a man with an axe and Gaby didn't recognize Lee, or thought it would be him.   It's just a plastic axe.   The children choose Hawaii, but Lynette brings out the shark.   She wants to be in charge all the time and is a control freak who has to have the last word on everything.   Ten years ago she said when he makes money, then Tom can make the decisions, he makes more money than she ever did.   He comments she's turned into a "raging bitch."  Penny's (Darcy Rose Byrnes) upset, she doesn't want to choose which parent to live with.   Tom is frightened to open his mouth lest Lynette shout at him.   Lynette suggests they need a vacation, alone.

Susan takes cookies for Paul but the woman at school takes them instead and Susan's allowed to return to work at the school.   Paul points out Susan never eats with him and wants her to have some lasagne, she refuses and he thinks she should just stab him with a knife and end it all.   It wasn't her or Mike (James Denton) behind it and she recalls the cookies, but when she gets to the school, she finds all the cookies are mixed, shouting out her cookies "are poison!"

Mary Alice: "No matter how secure we are, we all experience dread...when we ask ourselves will anyone believe I'm innocent, will my daughter be a child of divorce; will this man break my heart.   Are there things that go bump in the night and sometimes the answer is 'yes.'"  That man has to be Gaby's step-dad cos he had to have been mentioned for a reason in the past episode since she hasn't put her nightmares to rest either concerning him.

Susan finally realizing about Felicia whilst she's too busy seeing the best in everyone.  A man is outside the tent and Gaby thinks it's Lee.   Getting a bit tedious seeing Lynette and Tom cover the same old ground like their marriage is just a competition to score points against each other.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Stargate Atlantis 5.16 "Brain Storm" Review

Sheppard (Joe Flanigan) asks if Rodney (David Hewlett) thinks Ronon (Jason Momoa) will make a move on Jennifer (Jewel Staite) and Rodney's not interested, yeah a likely story!  He has a secret presentation and wants her to accompany him.  Rodney hasn't published a paper in almost ten years and if he showed up with a woman then he wouldn't be seen as a loser.  Jennifer says if he wants to ask her out, then he should just do so cos she'll say yes.

Malcolm (Dave Foley) will turn on the tornado device tomorrow and his staff are nervous.  Rodney and Jennifer fly out in a private jet.  Rodney can't eat strawberries.  Jennifer thinks he should be happy for his friend's success, who will just show Rodney he's more successful than he is.  Rodney eats a strawberry.  When they arrive, they must sign 200 pages worth of disclosure agreements.  Rodney and his plate of food, well it's free, like he hasn't eaten in ages.

Rodney talks with Neil  DeGrasse Tyson and Bill Nye.  The idea hasn't been stolen from Rodney.  Rodney thinks Malcolm's idea is bad.  Rodney used to be abrasive and not everything has to be a competition.  Which is what Daniel Jackson told him.  The presentation is on global warming.  Malcolm believes it's time to help the earth and cool the planet, which will just form a heat sink as Rodney says.  Jennifer thinks he's arrogant.  Rodney asks where the heat goes  in a space/time matter bridge.  Rodney says that's his idea, he came up with it along with his sister, Jeannie.

Rodney doesn't want the device turned on with them here as bridges can be unpredictable.  Rodney breaks into Malcolm's office and the temperature keeps dropping.  The bridge has to be collapsed.  It will continue to take heat from the heat sink.  Most people think Rodney's lost his mind, just like Howard Hughes.  Rodney hacked Malcolm's computer and is caught on camera.  Rodney was looking for the paper he published, Malcolm saw the project that was shut down.  He read it and ignored the warning on the original author's work.

Rodney believes they must overload the bridge when it peaks and crash it.  A man is frozen by a lightning bolt.  Rodney sees it as a cooling beam and calls it "freeze lightning."  Hey there's always some reference to Rodney having an argument over what to name things, just as with Zelenka and the forcefield, stun bubble incident in Prodigal Son.  They need to call in the military but Terrence refuses.  Rodney says they can't control it or continue with the research.  They all argue.

Jennifer interjects that they have a room full of geniuses.  Rodney and Malcolm: "that's debatable."  Rodney thinks they need to create a cold front.  Another bolt strikes.  They all bicker.  Jennifer's uncle said the planet will always be here.  His work is about saving lives.  It's too late to make the call since it won't go through.  They must introduce heat into the cold and create a vortex storm.

Jennifer takes the phone as she may get a signal.  Rodney says they must wait for the bridge to peak and  collapse it and throws everyone out.  Jennifer gets through to SGC but loses the signal, there's more lightning and the pipes burst.  Jennifer is stuck.  Rodney must starve the bridge of power and this could be done with another bridge. Malcolm says Rodney's smarter than him.  (That's what Zelenka told Rodney in their hallucinogenic state last ep.)  Rodney leaves and rescues Jennifer as she freezes.  The second bridge outed the power supply, collapsing both bridges.

Jennifer kisses Rodney, she love shim and has done so for a while now and they fly back on the jet.  Nye tells everyone Malcolm turned the device off.  It was his idea and his contract is up this year.  Jennifer adds he loves his job.  Rodney replies the horrible thing is he's a hit with the ladies.

A bit of an ep for those who love the 'sciency' Stargate Atlantis type ones, whereas everyone else goes along for the ride and a funny one it was too.  Jennifer and Rodney finally get together and she admits her feelings for him, it was bound to happen.  Not many were happy with this ep in the final season being devoted to Rodney and Jennifer, entirely and I agree to a point as I wanted me some Sheppard action!  That being said, it gave Rodney a chance to showcase his talents once more.  Ronon and Teyla seem to have vanished.  Rodney mentioned the bridge in season 3's McKay and Mrs Miller and his idea being stolen was mentioned in season 4 Trio.  Jennifer's line: "I love you, I have for some time now."  Is what Rodney told her in The Shrine ep.  Rodney: "just because I don't call anymore - doesn't mean I'm keeping my urine in jars."  When he's likened to Howard Hughes.

Also when Jennifer talks of Uncle George, this is a reference to George Carlin, a stand-up comedian who said something along those lines of the planet still being around.  Jewel's character in Firefly, Kaylee had a penchant for strawberries.  A little Stargate Atlantis homage to Firefly there.  Also Jennifer was in danger of 'falling' out of her dress anytime now.
David Hewlett posted on his blog, "I'm sad to see the episode go as it was a real high point for season 5 and [more importantly] my life as a nerd."

Monday 10 September 2012

CSI:Miami 10.8 "Dead Ringer" Review

The CSIs surveill Esteban: the 'Miami Taunter' and Horatio (David Caruso) and Tripp (Rex Linn) arrest him for picking up a prostitute, who claims to be his cleaner.  Tripp is surprised to receive a call about another DB, Vanessa.  She's found at the beach and her DB displays the same signs of the 'Taunter's' handiwork.  The CSIs have now become Esteban's (Kuno Becker) alibi and any old fool knows it was all a ploy to get Esteban off their radar!  ME Tom (Christian Clemenson) tells them Vanessa's liver temp is 18 degrees below normal, thus she was killed within the last 12 hours.  Natalia (Eva La Rue)  says they've been following Esteban for 24 hours.  Clearly this episode can't be a continuation from the earlier one, 10.4 Look Who's Taunting since they've had other cases in between.  SO why follow him now, when he could have been up to anything in the meantime.

Vanessa's parents arrive to see her DB and are interviewed by Calleigh (Emily Procter) and Tripp.  Her mother received a call from the Taunter but didn't say anything (conveniently) as they always received similar horrible calls.  The answering machine should have picked it up.  When Tripp and Ryan (Jonathan Togo) arrive to collect it, the machine has vanished but Ryan finds blood on the back door where the glass was broken to gain entry.

Calleigh has been looking at Internet activity related to the Taunter and they could be looking for a "tribute killer."  There's a posting which has a photo of Vanessa's DB before the police even arrived at the CS, as Vanessa has both earrings.  Whereas when she was found, one had been ripped from her ear.  The IP search leads to Phil, (Greg Cipes) a man working at the dog pound.  He puts the dog away and Ryan and Calleigh don't get it into their heads that he's gonna do a runner.  Cue yet another chase.  Calleigh, beforehand, accesses the computer to see Phil was on the very same Internet page.  When they catch up to him, Ryan notices he's wearing her earring.  He heard of the murder over the police scanner and wanted a souvenir.  Ryan messes up his shoes on the dog poo!

Ryan and Walter (Omar Miller) then search Phil's van, which is also a mess and leads Walter to comment the smell may be from Ryan's shoes.  They find other souvenirs, jewellery, belonging to the other Vic's, Angela and Nikki.  Ryan also notices a hair on the earring when he processes it.  This Natalia identifies as belonging to Esteban.  Of course Vanessa was another one of his patients.  SO he's a doctor into leaving trace behind on his patients, eeww.  Esteban claim he has an alibi when Delko (Adam Rodriguez) questions him.  No surprises for guessing who that is.  Elizabeth. (Olivia Taylor Dudley)

Natalia analyzes the blood from the door and doesn't get any result as the sample's degraded.  Former nightshift, 'newbie' Sam (Taylor Cole) (for a moment there, it looked like she was in league with O'Shay (Ed Begley Jr) who also rears his head.)  Natalia suggests she should quit, so she signs out, but Walter talks her out of it, she should make good on her botch up.

Delko talks to Elizabeth and then notices the bruise when he grabs her arm.  She admits Esteban beat her and made her lie about the alibi.  Horatio suggests Walter tell O'Shay about the missing answering machine since they know he and Diego Navarro (Carlos Bernard) are also in cahoots.  It's not Esteban's voice on the recording which Diego brought in, along with a lawyer.  The machine he claims was found in a dumpster by PIs he hired since they couldn't do their jobs.

Sam analyzes the vomit on Vanessa's dress which Natalia dismissed as being Esteban's.  Why? and shows this belongs to another man as she gets a hit on CODIS.  To a Michael Galliver (Graham Shiels).  He doesn't have any priors but works in construction.  A check also reveals his mortgage was paid in full to avoid foreclosure.  The construction aspect being the Diego connection.

Esteban is arrested again and his driver, Terrence (Dwayne Adway) gets into an altercation with Tripp and punches him, ensuring he too is arrested. Natalia wants to speak with Michael again but she and Tripp find him dead in holding - an apparent (or not so) suicide.  However, ME Tom tells them the cut on his wrist was too perfect for a suicide - there are no hesitation marks as the skin is not so easy to cut.  Natalia notices the spatter on the cell bars and next door is, yep you've guessed it, Terrence, looking as pleased as punch.  He has arterial spatter on his shirt and he admits to killing Michael and they should reward him with a medal.

Esteban is released to a press conference and the media believe he's not the 'Miami taunter.'  Horatio tells Diego he's still coming after Esteban.  As for the machine being found in the dumpster, could the Navarro's be anymore guilty.

Walter and Ryan sharing another moment when Ryan comments on the smell in the van.  Delko rescuing Elizabeth again when he promises to protect her (don't believe him!)  This as we know is Horatio's forte and should remain so.  Sam, it seems, cooked the blood using too much radiation and in turn destroyed the blood.  (Sam wanting Sam in Supernatural and now gets to play a Sam too.  Groan, okay, I could have come up with "Play it Sam" instead.)  Sam then getting her own back on Natalia when she proves her evidence collecting left a lot to be desired as well as her analysis.  Touche!  Natalia's lax in doing her job and conducting a thorough investigation, especially when Esteban is one step ahead of them.  Vanessa's dress was cotton and thus the salt water wouldn't have destroyed the DNA so readily.  The DNA would be intact if the killer ate before the murder.  As for Natalia reprimanding her, what about Natalia's actions as a mole and she was accepted warts 'n' all.

Michael wasn't even a suspect and shouldn't have been seen as one since they knew Esteban was their killer.  As for being out into a cell next to Terrence - huh amateurs.

At the end the evidence boxes are placed in storage and marked as 'solved.'  Horatio tuns up and mark's Angela's case as 'unsolved.'  Walking away with shades donned.  Thought they would have continued the Walter/O'Shay ruse for a while longer especially since they still haven't got Esteban.

Sunday 9 September 2012

Doctor Who 7.2 "Dinosaurs On A Spaceship" Review

1334 BC Egypt  The Doctor (Matt Smith) is with Queen Nefertiti (Riann Steele) and finds himself in a bit of a bind.  She has him backed up against the TARDIS, as she makes a play for him - just like Amy (Karen Gillan) in season 5 when she returned home for her wedding to Rory (Arthur Darvill).  Clearly these women always have him pinned against the TARDIS - what's that about then?  (Or perhaps I should just add - who wouldn't?!!?)  He is called by the Indian Space Agency (ISA) in 2367 AD, who inform him of a spaceship due to crash into earth in 6 hours and he brings Nefi (which I shall call her majesty!).

African Plains 1902 AD.  Here the Doctor comes for explorer, John Riddell (the Indy Jones of Doctor Who).  Riddell  (Rupert Graves) tells him he went for liquorice and didn't return.  Riddell (surely a pun on riddle) claims, complains he only had two dowagers for company.  Back on earth, Rory's father, Brian (Mark Williams) is helping him with repairs and the Doctor 'materializes' around them taking them on board.  Funny moment, the Doctor not realizing he's taken Brian with him and doesn't notice him until they're out of the TARDIS and thinks he snuck on board and was sent by someone for nefarious purposes.  Amy tells him he's been away for ten months this time (that wasn't long considering how long he was away from her in the season 5 opener.)

They come across dinosaurs on the ship.  Leaving him to exclaim, "dinosaurs in space."  Then mentions he's brought the others along too, a gang and he's never had one of those before.  He accesses the ship's computer to find the engines and accidentally transports himself, Rory and Brian to the beach, or so it seems.  Brian asks if he sees a kestrel.  Well seeing as we're in dinosaur territory, it'd be a Pterodactyls.)  The beach isn't earth as the Doctor sticks his tongue out to find the air is too metallic for earth.  There's something below them and Brian gets out his trusty trowel and digs.  He's always prepared.  They are still on the ship as they're attacked by a swarm of Pterodactyls (is it a swarm, well I've called them as such).

Amy, Nefi ad Riddell explore the ship and come across an area of flora, where Amy finds the computer and accesses the ship's database, something she learned from the Doctor.  She also tells Nefi she's famous and she studied her and she's also a queen.  Though not to tell Rory she's his queen.  The ship is Silurian as they abandoned their home, bringing along dinosaurs.  Amy calls it a "Silurian Ark."

The others come across a Triceratops after they are found by two 'tantrum throwing' robots.  The Triceratops licks Brian's face, as he has some sort of floral trace on him.  I.e his balls as Brian says, with the Doctor giving him a funny look.  They are taken to an old man who was waiting for a Doctor to arrive to fix his leg after he was attacked by a dinosaur.  He's not a medical Doctor but obliges.  Solomon (David Bradley) took over the ship, being a black market trader and jettisoned the original inhabitants which the Doctor knows were Silurians after Amy's call to Rory.  The Doctor abhors his actions, as Solomon deals in "piracy and genocide."  He refuses to help him but the robot is ordered to attack Brian.  Rory helps Brian with his first aid kit he carries around, allowing him to see his nursing skills in action.  Something which he hasn't done.  Solomon knows the Doctor will have a price but he's not identified on the system, he "doesn't exist;"  which pleases the Doctor no end.  They make their escape via Triceratops ride and the use of Brian's last remaining golf ball.

Solomon arrives and demands Nefi instead as she's just as valuable.  She agrees to accompany him.  Indira (Sunetra Sarker) refuses to abort the missiles, so much for needing the Doctor's help.  He reaches the control room of the Silurian ship, which needs two people with the same genes to fly it, cue Brian and Rory, as Brian tells him they can do it.

The Doctor and Amy thus have a chance to have a moment, or an intense conversation about her giving up her work (modelling).  She hasn't seen him in so long and doesn't want that, cos something may happen to him and she'll never know, as she'll always be waiting for him to arrive, or something may happen to her.  That was ominous and that look on the Doctor's face, as if she's hit the nail on the head and said something he may already know.  Rory and Brian can't believe they're flying a spaceship.

The Doctor cunningly magnetized Solomon's ship so he can't fly.  Now did he really think he'd just let him leave with Nefi like that.  He comes to rescue Nefi and leaves behind an orb which the missiles will target.  Solomon begs to be saved and the Doctor asks, coldly, if the Silurians begged him for the same?  That look on his face where he shows 'mercy' is not his middle name.  So "don't mess with the Doctor."  Of course, some will say he shouldn't have done what he did , but it was his version of justice, vengeance, whatever you want to call it.  Solomon displayed no mercy towards the Silurians and to all the others he must have peddled in misery for the highest price.  The missiles attack his ship and he's blown to kingdom come.

Brian asks for a favour, to see earth from space.  (Wasn't that like wilf??)  Amy asking if Riddell and Nefi are "the new us?"  Doctor: " thought we might need a gang. It's new."
 Riddell was disappointed he didn't make it into the history books.

Not sure if the Doctor being 'obsolete' is a continuation from last season with him wanting to disappear and making everyone believe he really is dead (well the ISA know.)  Or whether they're making everyone forget about him.  Re the Daleks, last episode. (7.1 Asylum of the Daleks.)

The Doctor once again demonstrating his outright refusal and defiance to do what he's ordered to do (not with a gun to his head or anyone else's) and then displaying such sad emotion at the same time when the Triceratops is killed.

Amy listening out for the sound of the TARDIS, being unable to sleep and he tells her, "you'll be there 'til the end of time."
"Or vice versa" Amy responds.  Cue long pause, lingering looks.  Then when the Doctor stood behind them as Brian watched the earth, something seemed to concern him.  He appeared sad when "the Ponds" wanted to return home.  Well, they've been together for a while and obviously he knows what's coming.  He has to, right?  He's the Doctor - considering he knew of his own fate, he has to know about theirs.

Nefi being left with Riddell; the choice being a "sleeping drug for a man" or 'one with a big weapon.'

The Doctor kissing Rory on the mouth and Amy only on her forehead!!  Ooh er!  The Doctor may be a Sagittarius.  Doctor: "You don't have any vegetable matter in your pants, do you?"
Brian: "Just my balls."

Amy and Rory receive postcards from Brian, who has caught the travelling bug and one from the Doctor after he returns the dinosaurs to Siluria.

The Doctor's dark side on show with Solomon, demonstrating he sent him to his death cos he could.  Since in the past or on other occasions he hates killing, a last resort and when there are no choices.  He killed out of necessity, remember the Time Lords).  Here he he has a choice but chooses not to exercise it.  This episode was meant to be fun and light hearted, but was interspersed with darker moments, what better way to add those.

Solomon was based on a "well known nightclub owner with long hair."  David Bradley was Argus Filch from the Harry Potter movies.  Mark Williams was Arthur Weasley also from the Harry Potter franchise.
The beach scene was once again filmed at Southerndown, Wales, as seen in Doomsday as Bad Wolf Bay and Journey's End.  Also in The Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone.

Saturday 8 September 2012

Is the Castle Pairing on Par?

Well yes after three seasons of the old 'will they/won't they' questions, the inevitable became 'evitable' (my word ha) at the end of season 4 when Castle (Nathan Fillion) and Beckett (Stana Katic) finally got it together and spent the night together.  So it was game set and match for him, but what about her.  She was always adamant about not doing the 'deed' and he always wanted to as soon as he laid eyes on her.  (Perhaps 'laid' isn't exactly the right choice of words here, but never mind.)

SO how will their relationship fare when we all know such pairings never last and always have a rocky outcome.  As for calling them Caskett, well that suggests a doomed future.  It was the same in other shows, Remington Steele, when they got together it made the show go downhill.  (Okay I will forever harp on about this show!) Will this be the same?  In short, the answer is 'no.'  Today's audiences are different to a certain extent and demand such relationships with their lead actors, (I don't) so it seems rating will be the same, don't know about the stories though.

Andrew Marlowe, executive producer said in an interview with Xfinity. "in terms of the Castle/Beckett relationship, we felt we owe the audience the opportunity to see them wake up in the morning and see how they both felt about what happened the previous night." Guessing Castle will have plenty to say and Beckett will have plenty to keep quiet about swearing him to secrecy.  Apparently Marlowe said the two will be happy about their relationship and have to keep it under wraps cos of the NYPD rules forbidding people who work together to engage in a relationship.  Ryan and Esposito will of course get competitive and try and put the pieces together and Lanie as she's so clued in on whether Beckett is getting any will probably figure it out even before they do.

There's also an episode where the pair end up at castle's place in the Hamptons.  "Despite the well laid plans for a romantic weekend away, they end up enmeshed in a murder investigation...In honor of Jessica Fletcher always having a body drop no matter where she goes, that episode is called Murder, He Wrote."  When Five aired Castle in the UK, they had a play on the Murder She Wrote, line too. Calling the show, "Murder HE Wrote!"

As for us here, we haven't even gotten past season 2 yet!  SO it''ll be a wait for the DVDs to come out at the end of season 5, cos not everyone has satellite/cable.

Desperate Housewives 7.20 "I'll Swallow Poison On Sunday" Review

Felicia excels in poisoning Paul, conveniently turning up Susan is cooking for him. Lynette and Renee get to interior design Tom's office. Gaby brings the girls round to stay with Bree.

Mary Alice: (Brenda Strong) "Bree Van de Kamp (Marcia Cross) had occasionally found her home invaded by household pests...she smashed them poisoned them, executed them...with the latest pests who invaded Bree's home extermination was not an option."  Gaby (Eva Longoria) brings the children along to stay with Bree after deciding she'd leave Carlos (Richardo Antonio Chavira) for making her choose between him and Bree.  The girls trample mud all over her home and eat all the cookies.   Gaby promises it will only be for a few days.  Gaby warns Bree not to leave the food out.   Bree thinks she needs to teach them some discipline.   That's easier said than done, remember like mother, like daughters!  Mary Alice: "Yes, Bree van de Kamp had finally met  two pests she couldn't smash, poison or shoot, that's not to say she wasn't sorely tempted."

Mary Alice: "Good deeds aren't always done for the purest of reasons...acting out of guilt, expecting something in return, but occasionally good deeds come from the heart."  Susan (Teri Hatcher) brings Paul (Mark Moses) sandwiches; he seems to be eating rather a lot for someone who didn't want any food.  She's cooking for him now, it's about the future, not the past and she looks forward to seeing him;  and is shocked to find Felicia (Harriet Sansom Harris) there.  Paul is still suffering from the mistaken impression(read delusion)  that they've kissed and made-up, without the kissing part.  She can't wait to tell the others.   Bree calls Felicia "Snip, snip Tillman." They warn Susan to be careful as she doesn't owe Paul anything, but she insists he deserves a second chance.

Renee (Vanessa Williams) and Lynette (Felicity Huffman) celebrate the end of their recent designing project, with Lynette buying cheap champagne.   Tom (Doug Savant) offers them $20,00 to redecorate his office.   Gaby gives Bree flowers from the girls as a way for saying sorry for breaking her mirror and the serving dish, which were so obviously picked from her garden.   Bree breaks into a police car to get the driver's attention, as it's blocking her drive, unaware it is a police car; belonging to her new beau, Det Chuck Vance (Jonathan Cake).  Now Bree will chase after him.   That was a fast turn-around from Keith.  Bree tells Gaby there are other ways to discipline the girls than threats.  "My house, my rules."  They need to behave whilst they stay here.  But they run off.   Just like Gaby they don't pay attention either.

Tom wants his office re-done in the style of Donald Trump.   Renee tells Lynette "no man wants to be referred to as soft wood."  When Lynette tells her it's not Tom's style.   Felicia donning a rouse, attempts to be friendly with Susan, feigning that part of Beth (Emily Bergl) is alive somewhere.   Susan just happens to be cooking for Paul.  Yes and any fool can see she's going to poison his food.   Felicia's read up on using toxins in small doses, specifically using  anti-freeze.   She wants to make Paul think it's his heart.   How was she so certain that Paul would actually be the one eating it.   Susan notices Paul's condition getting worse so she promises to bring him breakfast too, why didn't she just cook for him at his house.

Carlos has a talk with Juanita (Madison de la Garza) which we're meant to think is a revelation about Bree and how she kept the secret of his mother's death.  Mike (James Denton) can't believe they actually have money in the bank after Susan's gambling antics.   But doesn't want her gambling again.   He suggests they should move back into their house now.   Bree gets the girls to eat Brussel sprouts or there'll be no cupcakes for dessert.   Gaby is astounded.   She attempts to get Juanita to eat a cupcake and takes a bite out of one.   Notice the cupcake has changed on the plate and faces the other direction, when the camera shows the other view of the platter.

Lynette goes ahead and gets her own choice of furniture for Tom's office.   She's saving them time as she knows what Tom really likes and wants.  Renee tells her she's ignoring Tom's wishes yet again cos being a control freak, she wants to get her own way in everything.  Carlos blamed Bree for him and Gaby being apart, which is what he really told Juanita, when Juanita thinks Bree's about to kill her, cos she's misunderstood what Carlos attempted to tell her.   Thus they behaved so wonderfully for her.   Vance arrives again, cos he so wants to see her (and he and Bree can get married and she can be called Bree Van de Kamp Vance, ha.)  Bree tells Gaby to go home and they can stop being friends.

Susan wants Felicia to try a Brownie and she pretends to be allergic and then throws up in her bag, yuk.   Tom loves his new office, as Renee changed it back to how he wanted it.   It's for the Tom who is running this company, but Lynnette has to accept it's what he wants.   Tom needs to show he's powerful.   Thought Lynette was proud of him when he took this job, she got what she wanted then as well.  Paul's no longer hungry and he thought Susan really cared about him, but was being nice just to get the house back.

Mary Alice: "People do good deeds for many reasons, but sometimes good deeds have bad consequences...correcting a colleague's mistake could lead to resentment - trying to bring a spouse closer might push her away...that's why there's an expression about helping people: no good deed goes unpunished."  Paul collapses.

Again Paul being so gullible really thinking Felicia and him could be best buddies.   Susan getting in the way of the two cos we know she's going to be blamed for the poisoning.  As for the title, the show is shown here on a Sunday night.  Oh let's hope Felicia gets her comeuppance really soon as this storyline's wearing thin already!

Friday 7 September 2012

Supernatural Season 8 Still Soldiering On

Supernatural fans and in particular those who are adamant that Misha Collins belongs right up there with Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki in terms of star billing and heart throb status will be pleased to know that thus far, Misha will be appearing in 8 episodes of season 8.  Now who wouldn't swoon at the thought of everyone's fave blue eyed angel Castiel and tingling, toothy smile 'n' all being around.

There are some who were peeved to say the least when Misha dropped his billing status as a regular to occasional guest star, after helping the Winchesters through so much he deserved better.  Even if he was, at times, a thorn in their side as only Cas would know how.  Mind you, there are other hardened fans who believe the Winchesters should be left to their own devices, only Sam and Dean together on the road, as in the old days.  Sadly they won't have that dynamic again, at least not foreseeably, since they've come too far and the plots no longer just focus on a 'monster of the week'.  Firmly believing three's a crowd.

The jeering, the leering, the unabashed naivety of Cas, not to mention womanizing in the future in season 5 and pot smoking, the fight in heaven, with hell, other angels, working for Crowley, would all lead him to end up in Purgatory.

Misha is glad to be back for more eps and so are we.  In an interview with IGN he said, "the way in which I do come back is not at all what I expected.  I'll be back much more significantly this season [8] than last."  As for his disappearance at the end of season 7, that will be revealed in episode 2, so US fans won't have to hang around long for that mystery.  Alas the same can't be said for other fans around the globe.

Season 8 Supernatural titles so far are as follows, (just in case you too have been sitting in limbo and have missed them)
8.1 We Need to Talk About Kevin  Think this would have looked better as just We Need to Talk.
8.2 What's Up Tiger Mommy?
8.3 Heartache
8.4 Bitten
8.5 Blood Brother
8.6 Southern Comfort
8.7 A Little Slice of Kevin
8.8 Dean Amuck

Don't know about you, but I liked the titles from earlier seasons, okay some of them were songs, movie titles etc, but they went well with the episodes and also the subject of the episodes too.

CSI: NY - 7.15: "Vigilante" Review

A call to the police before a murder takes place opens up an investigation where a vigilante appears to be getting their own brand of justice for serial rapist: those that the system couldn't put away at all, or for long enough.

Women work-out at a gym.   That was a conspicuous gym, who'd want to work out displaying themselves to any old pervert or weirdo.   Not to mention voyeurism!  And it was on the ground floor too, that's just inviting trouble.   A man outside watches a woman leave and follows her.  A 911 call is made reporting a murder about to occur right now, by what sounds like a man, at first.   That voice was too mechanical, emotionless and monotone to be an actual voice.    Instead of a dead woman, as we'd expect to have been found, it turns out to be a dead man.   He was "beaten, bound and gagged, shot three times - it's about to happen..."  Flack (Eddie Cahill) reports the call was made at 11pm by an unidentified caller.   Mac (Gary Sinise) comments every Vic of the Prospect Park rapist was found within  a mile of  where the DB was dumped.   Flack doesn't see it as a coincidence and all of the trappings were made to resemble the rapist's signature.  Mac: "Only this time the Vic is a man."

Hawkes (Hill Harper) matches the prints to the Prospect Park rapist, indicating someone knew who it was.   Mac thinks it's a revenge killing; two shots to the groin, one to the head, the killer's sending a message.   Hawkes notices the blood pool but no high velocity blood spatter.  Meaning the DB was dumped here.   Hawkes processes the DB and finds duct tape with a hair stuck to it and removes the rag from his mouth.  Sid (Robert Joy) comments he paid for his sins in death.   With multiple fractures, broken ribs, a fractured skull.   Mac says the head wound is close range.   The stippling on his tongue isn't caused by a disease or a medical condition.   Under the ALS Sid found traces of UV resin and pepper spray under his eyes.   Sid  believes "someone gave him a taste of his own medicine."  (And he was right.)  Mac comments this man wasn't identified as the rapist and the NYPD spent a lot of time on him.   He considers it to be the work of a vigilante.   Thus the title.

The news report talks of the women being attacked brutally and transported back to his van, where they were sexually assaulted.  Jo (Sela ward) questions one Vic, she had nightmares for months and she asks if she has any male relatives or friends.   Flack questions another Vic and he tells her a man called 911.   No one she knows would have the courage to do something like this.   See, didn't see Flack making a judgement when she said that, about whether he deserved what happened to him or not.   Unlike Lindsay (Anna Belknap), cue Lindsay!   She questions the rapist's first Vic, Kate Price (Lindsay Price).   She refers to her as Det.  Messer (Up).  As soon as she said Lindsay was at her support group, dread struck!  This episode went on to focus on Lindsay more than it did on the Vic's and their grief and what they suffered!  Kate doesn't ID his photo and she didn't get a gun.   Lindsay gave her pepper spray and there isn't a male in her life.   She doesn't get out much, but she's the only one who asked Lindsay for a gun.

Adam (AJ Buckley) and Danny (Carmine Giovinazzo) listen to the call.   Danny thinks he wanted them to know of the murder.   Adam says a disposable phone was used.   Danny believes there must have been a small window to beat and kill the Vic, Adam should analyze the background noise; which he says is impossible.   Danny: "Nearly impossible means is a little bit possible, so go forth and conquer." Jo finds the GCMS revealed high levels of pesticides so he was likely exposed to them.   He worked at a pest control company as an exterminator and is identified as Garland Clarke.  (Kevin Interdonato) He's been missing.   Lindsay found the duct tape at the CS and that used to bind the Vics came from the same roll.  Mac calls the killer smart as he figured out who he was, stalked him and told them about it before killing him.   Hawkes surmises the he is most probably a she and the hair on the duct tape matches Kate.

Lindsay interrogates her and again, Kate denies seeing him, she was home alone, watching Letterman.   Lindsay tells about the hair on the DB and that this is serious.   There she goes accusing her on the basis of one piece of evidence.   Judge, jury and executioner all in one is Lindsay.  That hair could have come from anywhere and if he's identified as the rapist then it could have been on him or any part of his clothing.   Yes even a year later.   She tells her of the photos found in her apartment, by Danny.   Lindsay: "We thought you were telling the truth, until we opened your desk drawer" and what's this we business anyway.   Then Lindsay being surprised she wanted a lawyer, it's due process, she is entitled and how many times was Lindsay going to stress how serious this is.   So is what happened to Kate and the others.   Annie (Megan Ward) was a public defender once.   (Clue.)

Flack tells Danny, the van was found in a loading zone and towed.   Garland subdued his Vics and brought them back to the van; dumping them by the navy yard.   In the beginning, the news reporter said that the Vics were taken back to the rapist's van, but how could they have preempted this and known already, when the Vics were subdued.   SO they shouldn't and wouldn't have any idea of where they were attacked.   Therefore this wouldn't have been reported to the police.   Hawkes finds biologicals in the van.   Danny: "Anyone wanna go and grab a bite after."  He should be glad Flack didn't near that comment, loving his food as much as he does.   This was not the time or place for that comment!  Danny refers to the van as Garland's lair.   Flack finds gloves, tape and a pair of scissors, which he used for souvenirs of his Vics; cutting off locks of their hair and keeping them.   Only 5 Vics came forward and there are more than 5 hairs.   Hawkes analyzes the hair to match to the Vics.  Samples match the Vics and Hawkes determines there was DNA on the carpet from when they were raped.   Since he took their hair, a strand of Kate's hair could have gotten onto the tape.

Hawkes is angry they've been "wasting man hours hunting a killer who should get a medal for doing the community a service."  (Lindsay got a medal in the first episode of this season for shooting Shane Casey - how was that different.   Cos she was saving her family; in the line of duty and double standards too.)  Lindsay feels the need to remind him they have a body on the slab (oh boo hoo!)  Hawkes is surprised to hear she's defending him.   Lindsay: "Why, I'm a woman, I should cheer his death."  This is one line she always comes up with, that she's a woman, and she's being rather defensive here and she'll use that line with Flack later on!  No, you can do your job without displaying feelings as Jo will say and "put them in a box."  She says she's a cop first and "doesn't advocate vigilante justice."  Hawkes reminds her his girlfriend was raped (the episode Help) she was here and she didn't remember that.   No, cos everything's about her.   Killing her rapist crossed his mind.   Then she comes up with the old reverse psychology argument about how he'd have to treat him if he came into his ER.   Which is different since doctors have their code, cops don't have a Hippocratic Oath, which is why this argument is entirely different.   And I don't mean they shouldn't investigate his murder, but she's not being objective and only thinking of herself.

Hawkes says she knows Kate, but she doesn't "feel for her."  Lindsay replies she does feel for her but she doesn't know her.   Whose fault was that.   You don't have to know Vics to know what they're like; what they're going through or to feel some sort of compassion for them.   Lindsay keeps chopping and changing her reasons, opinions and what she thinks of Kate here.   Point is, she couldn't be bothered to get to know her.   As for saying she's not Kate's counsellor or priest and she's going to put her away if she's guilty, how self-righteous was that.   (Mac's school of thought.)  See, Lindsay's changed her tune again and especially at the end when she, hypocritically, gives Kate her card.   Should've thrown it back in her face, no seriously, it was too little, too late.   What was the aim of the talk and why send Lindsay to give  it anyway (other than self-defence with a pepper spray; which Mac and Jo will show doesn't even work on everyone and handing out a leaflet.)  That was her compartmentalization of the Vics she gave the talk to; out-of-sight, out-of-mind.   She goes on about being a woman, yet the sort of actions she carried out a year ago, you'd expect more from a man.

There's another 911 call and another murder.   Flack says the call had the same signature as the first and the phone hasn't been turned off.   Danny tracks the signal to the basement garage.   Anyone can see that man was dead and yet Mac shouting to him, what would he be doing in such a position for so long.   Danny finds the phone under the truck and the shell casing from the CS.   Adam reconstructs the technical device found at the CS and puts it together.   Jo, Danny and Mac have a conference and Mac thinks the plan went wrong.   The pepper spray didn't leave any irritation on the Vic who is identified as Tomlinson (Michael Duisenberg) who was immune to the effect of pepper spray.   I was just about to say, Lindsay's missing and half expecting her to burst in and interrupt; when she calls instead using a voice distorter.   Stealing the credit from Adam, who was the one who put it together!  Mac: "What would be cool is if you were working  on those 911 calls, like you were supposed to."  Mac tells Adam to reverse engineer the voice and check the 911 call database for the last three years.

Jo asks what elements combine to make sweat ointment which was found on Tomlinson's collar.   It preserves sweat and had female DNA.   Danny says he "respects their determination" and he "can't say he wouldn't do the same thing in their position." At least someone who, like Hawkes doesn't tow Lindsay's line, but be careful not to let Lindsay know Danny doesn't agree with her!  Strange she didn't turn to Danny with her woes.   Kate asks to speak with Lindsay, who asks where her lawyer is with such contempt.   Kate asks what if she confessed and called it self-defence.   Lindsay's adamant no one would believe that.   Another body was found.   Now Lindsay says she doesn't think Kate killed anyone, but she's covering for someone, just cos the murder took place whilst Kate is in custody.   Otherwise Lindsay would have been flogging the same dead horse.     Lindsay believes Kate doesn't think she cares about her and the other Vics, but she does.   Kate reminds her she recalled her at the talk cos she checked her watch over and over and couldn't wait to be out of there.   That's how they all felt.

Jo has to give Lindsay a pep talk.   Lindsay wallowing in self-pity by saying she's getting Kate's flak but she didn't even work that case.   She regrets not reaching out and helping Kate.   Lindsay calls herself a cop but she's not very understanding.   Jo tells her about her case at the FBI where DNA was mishandled and the rapist got away.   The Vic looked at her in a way she's never been looked at, with "utter contempt."   She says again if that happened to her daughter, she'd want him dead.   Jo: "Even if good people get hurt and bad people go free - but it's what they do, it's hard."  She goes on to add, "We meet these people on the worst day of their lives."  Adam matches the voice to a Heather Marist (Eva Mauro).  

Lindsay had to accompany Flack to arrest her!  Flack notices the pole dancers and says it's good cardiovascular exercise, so he's been told - what's it to Lindsay anyway!  It wasn't Danny making the comment!  Knew that box was coming - it was that obvious.   Flack pulls out his gun and Lindsay had to jump in! and take her down.     Flack comments that hit was hard.   Lindsay: "what you mean for a girl."  (I could scream right about now!)

Flack  has to justify his comment, "No, I mean for anyone."  Heather tells Jo it took the cops 30 minutes to arrive and she was already attacked by then.   Adam finds the crystal chard he recovered from the voice distorter belonged to an earring, bought a year ago and has a serial number, which Mac identifies as an ID using micro-dot technology, put on jewellery so it can be identified.   Annie killed them.   She worked on Tomlinson's case six years ago and she made a deal.   Her boss called her "his go to gal for perps" and she quit.   Kate saw him one day and took his photo.   Heather didn't tell Kate to go to the cops and they didn't have his description.   Heather and Annie fantasized what they'd do if they found him.   They waited for him and killed him.   Kate admits she feels relief he's dead.   Tomlinson only got 5 years because of Annie.   Mac agrees he should never have been released but he can't sympathizes.   Annie can't apologize for her actions, he got what the system couldn't give them.   Mac says that retribution isn't the same as justice.   Kate feels responsible for Heather and Annie being arrested.   Kate believes she owes them and Lindsay tries to convince herself that what they did was wrong.

It was apparent the 911 phonecall reporting the murder to be was made using a voice distorter.   The voice sounded so robotic, surprised no one picked up on that, even Adam until much later on.   Lindsay's smug expression when she made the call to Mac using it and her expression didn't change when Mac was telling Adam to get on with analyzing the 911 phonecalls; whilst she stood around.   Doesn't Mac see how hard Adam works and yet he still gets the abysmal treatment form him.   Then Lindsay with Flack, taking down Heather the way she did - talk about showing off!  (She did that in season 6 when she confronted the woman who had a knife on Flack, whom she took down because he hesitated in shooting her.   She's only in the show to test me, no really she is!)  Then the sexist comment when Flack said Heather hits hard, Lindsay: "...for a girl."  And Flack feeling he had to add "...for anyone" otherwise he might get a serving from her.   Also her comment when he remarked on the women in the gym - as if she's never stared at another man before.

A support group meeting with Lindsay attending would make me run a mile and what exactly did she offer in the way of support?  As Kate said, she kept looking at her watch and that's why she recalled her.   So unsympathetic and condescending.   Giving Kate her card at the end, what took her so long.   She's a year too late and just trying to ease her guilty conscience for not helping her back then and only because Jo spoke about her  FBI case and how to deal with Vics.   Since Lindsay didn't want the look of "utter betrayal" from Kate and other Vics she's let down in the past.   Lindsay's reactions were so forced in this episode, where having Jo as lead investigator would have fared much better and more interesting too.   Then Lindsay accusing Kate of being the killer when her hair was found on the duct tape and interrogating her so callously; as a suspect and not as a Vic.   Later in the cell, she tells Kate she doesn't believe she murdered Garland when Kate asked to see her.   What was that line about her lawyer not being present now.   When Lindsay didn't want Annie there when questioning Kate first time round.

Different views and opinions from the CSIs this episode.   Jo would kill anyone if that happened to her daughter (as we know her feelings from past episodes and especially from Do Not Pass Go.   Danny convincingly saying if he was in the Vic's position he knows what he would do (no mention of what if it happened to Lucy).   Then the scene  between Lindsay and Hawkes was wasted when someone else would have injected more emotion into it.   She came down as being a hardened cop, firstly and foremostly, saying there's a DB on the slab - she wants justice for him.   Much better explained by Calleigh (Emily Procter) in a CSI:Miami episode, when Ryan (Jonathan Togo) made a similar comment about having to investigate the murder of a criminal, she told him they're CSIs - it's their jobs to investigate the deaths of all Vics.   Hawkes understanding what it's like for the Vics since his girlfriend went through it and it ended their relationship.   (No one asked what Lindsay would do, or how she would feel if it happened to Lucy and I can tell you now, she wouldn't have any hesitation in blowing the killer away.   She wouldn't be so judgemental then.)

Mac's opinion on what Heather and Annie did wasn't justice but retribution.   Harking back to the age old debate about whether justice is retribution or revenge.   He was unsympathetic in the usual Mac manner, but such thoughts of retribution would have entered his head when he lost his wife.

The premise of the three CSI shows was given to Jo in the line: "We meet people on the worst day of their lives."  Often quoted by Anthony Zuiker and other cast members.   They do meet them on the worst day but that should make them all the more understanding and patient, not jump the gun and accuse them of being suspects and deal with Vics and their families in a gung ho manner.   Kate following her assailant and taking photos of him is exactly what Aiden (Vanessa Ferlito) did in the season 2.23 episode Heroes.   She took photos of DJ Pratt, the rapist who also stalked women before he attacked them.   He got away for so long without being meted out his just punishment.   Not alluded to here and how Aiden met her demise trying to put him away and the lengths she went to keep her promise and get him off the street.   That when it comes to such  a heinous and debilitating crime as rape, lives are ruined and it's not so black and white, lines are blurred and it's not easy to condemn point blank, those who feel the need to resort to such action because the law fails them.   (Even if it is wrong.)  Aptly said by Annie.   A bold attempt for this episode to highlight  such differing views, but not in handing the emotional crater to Lindsay, too willing and ready to jump the gun, even before all the evidence was in.

Lindsay price played Navy Lt.  Pam Kim in the season 3 NCIS  episode Frame Up.   She put Tony (Michael Weatherly) on the Herpes watchlist as revenge.   (OK not the appropriate time to mention this.)  Megan Ward's second appearance in a CSI episode, the first was in CSI 11.8 Fracked.   She would have made a great CSI character.   In the CSI:NY episode Commuted Sentences, two rape Vics took matters into their own hands when they killed the men responsible.   SO this has been covered before.   As well as in the CSI:NY season 1.2 episode Creatures of the Night, where Stella (Melina Kanakaredes) felt she hadn't done enough to solve the rape and for the Vic either, where she felt dirty and ended up taking a shower.

Duct tape being used from the same roll to bind Vics also done in CSI:NY season 1 episode Outside Man.