
Saturday 7 July 2012

Supernatural - 1.18: "Something Wicked" Review

Sam and Dean hunt for a witch who kills children and it's all about Dean's inaction in the past coming back to haunt him when he was left to look after Sam, as he always was.

Fitchburg, Wisconsin:  A girl is abducted by a scary figure through her window.   Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) argue over the coordinates sent by Dad (Jeffrey Dean Morgan).   Dean thinks they're being sent there cos it's something worth killing.   Dean: "...I'm the oldest.  I'm always right." Sam notices the time and how there aren't any children around in the playground, but there is one child there.   Sam and Dean ask a woman (Erica Carroll) about the children and how children are getting sick.   The parents think it's something contagious, well they were right, cos it was catchy.   Sam doesn't want to use the fake ID at the hospital as it says bikini inspector on there.   Dean: "All about confidence Sammy."

Sam introduces himself as Dr Jerry Kaplin and Dean sniggers when the nurse (Stacee Copeland) asks for ID.   Dean notices an old woman in the wheelchair and an upside down cross on the wall.   Dr Hydecker (Adrian Hough) was about to call the CDC.  Think it's pneumonia but the children aren't responding to antibiotics.   It only spreads though families with children and one sibling after another, which should have set alarm bells ringing.   Dean talks with a parent, Mary was affected and Bethany was next.   The window was open the second time round but was closed when she was put to bed.   Dean thinks something opened the window.   There aren't any EMF readings and Sam finds a handprint on the ledge outside the window at their house.  

Dean has a flashback to the same print.   He calls Dad but he doesn't pick up and he's left Sam with Dean again to look after.  Dad tells him to watch out for Sammy.   Dean: "Shoot first asks questions later."  That's where he learned to do that.   Dean realizes why Dad sent them here, he needs for Dean to finish the job.  Sam surmises it's a Shtriga (Jeannie Brockway) and Dean doesn't know much.   He tells Sam that Dad hunted one in Fort Douglas about 16 years ago which Sam doesn't remember.   Dean believes the Shtriga is the same one from before, the one that got away.   Dean however tells Sam nothing about what happened.

They check into the motel and Dean asks for "two Queens."
Michael: "Yeah I bet."  Dean asks what he said.   He pours milk out for his brother and Dean flashes to feeding Sam.   Dad will come at night and Sam hates Spaghetti Os.   Dean hasn't had any cereal but he gives it to Sam.   Sam searches for info on the Shtriga and finds it originates from Albania.   Legends date back to Ancient Rome and it feeds on spiritus vitae: breath of life force essence.   It prefers children as they have a stronger life force.   Dean says it's vulnerable when it feeds.   Sam asks if there's anything else and again Dean doesn't tell him.

It adopts a human form when not feeding and is usually an old woman and that's how the legend about old crones began. The addresses when marked on the map reveal the hospital as the centre prompting Dean to recall the old woman who was too obvious (missing the doctor seeing as he also works at the hospital, so it could have been any of the staff.)   Dean looks at her and she asks "Who the hell are you?"  She sleeps with her eyes open.   She wants the cross fixed and has asked four times.   The Shtriga appears at the motel and takes Michael's (Colby Paul) brother, Asher.    Michael blames himself and he should have closed the window, but that wouldn't have made any difference.   Dean being a big brother also knows how he feels.

Dean drives their mother, Joanna (Venus Terzo) to hospital and comments he's going to kill it.   Sam's discovered the same thing happens in other towns, like Ogdenville and North Haverbrook, which if anyone is familiar with the Simpsons will find these towns are mentioned and are on the Simpson's Monopoly board as monorail stations.  It appears every 15-20 years.   Children fall into comas and die.   Sam looks at the photos of the doctor at the bedsides taken in 1893 and discovers it's the same doctor Hydecker at the hospital.   Doctor tells Dean, "Nothing's more important to me than these kids."  Oh stop trying to be clever.

Dean tells Sam they can't shoot him in the hospital and he doesn't have his gun, he has to eat.   Sam: "Getting wise in your old age Dean."  Dean says they'll use Michael as bait as it'll come after him tonight.   Sam doesn't think that's a good idea.   If he disappears it'll be years before it returns.   Dean blames himself and Sam is angry Dean's been lying to him from the start.   Dean has another flashback.   It was their third night in a rubbishy room and he needed air so he left Sam alone in his bed.   When he returned he saw it trying to feed on him and he was too slow, he couldn't shoot it.   Dad fired but it escaped.   Dad was angry and he couldn't find the Shtriga.   Dad didn't talk about it again, but Dean says: "He looked at me different  - which was worse."

Dean regrets disobeying an order and almost getting Sam killed.   That's why he's such a stickler for orders and it's not just cos he wants to do the right thing by Dad, but disobeying almost lost Sam as a result.   So it's not just that he wants to be like Dad as Sam used to say.   They can't use one of them as bait as Sam suggests, since it has to be close enough to feed.   Michael said it had a black robe and thought it was a nightmare.   Dean: "Sometimes nightmares are real."  As we know from their world.   Dean doesn't know if Asher will get better but they have to kill it, it's what they do.   Sam apologizes for giving Dean hell over following orders and now realizes why he does it.   Dean: "Oh God kill me now."  In another one of his outbursts so they don't have to get  all touchy feely.

Dean sees it come in, he fires at it and it grabs Dean, throws him against the wall and takes Sam.   Dean fies through its head and shoots three times.   Michael is fine and so are the others.   Hydecker hasn't come in today at the hospital.   Sam: "Michael will always know there are things out there in the dark, he'll never be the same.   Sometimes I wish I could have that kind of innocence."   Dean: "If it means anything, sometimes I wish that you could too."

An episode delving into their past once more as children and why Dad was so protective of Sam.   But he depended too much on Dean looking after Sam all the time and how he would just dump Sam on Dean to watch over him.   Dean had to grow up before his time.   At least we get an explanation why Dean follows orders so much cos to him, Dad knows best, which isn't what Sam believes.   Now he knows better too.

The old woman's room at the hospital is 237, which is the room number in movie, The Shinning.   Also used again in the season 2 episode Playthings.   Erica Carroll who played the nurse at reception also played a nurse in the earlier season 1 episode Faith.

CSI: NY - 7.5: "Out of the Sky" Review

Robbers steal precious gems from the apartment of a lawyer. Said gems ending up doing a virtual tour of NY City, leaving a wake of bodies in their path. Danny deals with someone from his past.

Lawyer, Roland Carson's (Gregory Harrison) apartment is robbed by two assailants, whilst one of his clients, Melvin McGrange (Moe Irvin) is attempting to give him his gun for safety.  Carson's bodyguard, James Belson (Coby Ryan McLaughlin) attempts to take them on and is shot.   Melvin goes for his gun and injures one, but is fatally shot.   Belson would have seen the intruders on the surveillance anyway, so it's unlikely he wouldn't have called the police and take on two armed intruders like that; unless there was more going on here, as is always the case.

Flack (Eddie Cahill) introduces Carson as a  "scumbag lawyer" which he prefers to call him.   Belson survived and is at the hospital, he was Danny's former partner when they were on patrol.   Flack: "apparently he's working on the other side now."  They stole $5 million worth of gems.   Mac: (Gary Sinise) referring to the safe as, "it's not so safe after all."  Another of Stella's (Melina Kanakaredes) lines, well  Mac had to say it as she's no longer around.

Lindsay (Anna Belknap) processes the CS by herself; finding 2 bullet casings, sand.   Melvin had 8 entry wounds and GSR (Gunshot Residue) on his hands, with a spent .45 casing nearby.   From his gun.   Flack notices the surveillance cameras in the building.   Carson demands the gems back from Mac and he tells him his 'assignment' is finding the killers, he should let Mac do his job.   Mac: "We work every case equally hard." Carson fears he may be next if he doesn't get the jewels back.   Mac's retort: "We'll  work that case equally hard too."

Lindsay shows Jo (Sela Ward) the video footage, where the suspects wore LEDs to hide their faces.   They were infra red LEDs which aren't on the market yet.   Jo sees the robbers as pros.

Danny (Carmine Giovinazzo) drops by the hospital to see Belson, and tells him he's married with a child.   Don't know how many times that's going to be rubbed in now, we won't be forgetting that in a hurry.   Writers missed out, unforgivably,  on a potential opportunity to make Danny shine in this episode with his story, since he was away from Lindsay and yet it was as if he never left her side.   Belson saw the intruders on the surveillance and got shot.   He didn't see their faces.   Danny doesn't have any plans to retire anytime soon.   Flack finds the helicopter was hired for a private pleasure tour but wasn't returned.   Danny tells him Belson will make it.  

Flack never knew him, but says, "gotta wonder how an ex-cop goes over to the dark side working for a sleaze like Carson."  Danny thinks he was a good cop (aren't they all until things happen to them.)  He just came across bad luck and we get a flashback to Danny and Belson on patrol on a felony carstop.   Flack: "Constructive possession, one of my favourites."  Danny heard a noise in the patrol car but Belson never saw the gun dropped in the backseat, which was later used by a suspect to shoot two officers on the nightshift.   Belson couldn't take the flak (ha, no pun) and resigned.

Flack and Danny getting to discuss the case - again and talking about Belson.   No chases this time around, but we did get to see them out on the 'streets' together.   Flack has a penchant for white shirts this season.   As does Danny, who wore them last season, along with their little jackets.   Just a little NY fashion expose from me.

The helicopter is located with one of the robbers inside, dead.   He bled out.   Hawkes (Hill Harper) takes photos.  The LEDs were still on him.   The strap broke off the bag.   The sand isn't the same as the one found in the apartment.   Danny: "We follow the money."   He makes a mould of the car tyre treads.   Hawkes finds a nano chip when he examines the bag in the lab.

Adam (AJ Buckley) finds it's a tiny tracking device, if there's another chip with the same signal, they can find it and the signal from the other chip is in the building.   Well it would be.

Sid (Robert Joy) mentions the victim of a mugging and Mac finds the chip on the sole of his shoe.   He inadvertently picked up the chip on his shoe.   That's no way to talk about a DB Mac, when he asks, "who the hell is he?"

Jo gets a match from Melvin's gun to a Logan Peele (Austin Priester) a heist man.   Mac sees the sheets on the associates of Peele and refers to them as career criminals, the Vic in the morgue isn't one of them.   Jo didn't get to do much this episode either.

Hawkes finds no wallet or ID and the only thing that links him to the robbery is the chip.   They know how he died, comments Sid, a single gunshot wound to the head.  He was bruised in a fight and a knife mark on his throat.   Hawkes finds another minute particle lodged in the knife mark.   Sid analyzes it to be epithelium.

Lindsay strolling in like she's so pleased with herself again, no knocking, just waltzes right in asking what they wish for.   This is an investigation Lindsay!  Mac's comment, "I'm wishing there was a point here."  Normally he goes along with her but not this time and so he shouldn't, considering he's abrupt with Adam all the time.   She found bacteria and algae which is common in stagnant water and a penny.   Mac comments the Vic made a wish and it came true, the second bag was dropped and it was the luckiest day of the Vic's life, as Jo puts it.

Adam's analysis of the sand reveals GSR trace and Danny gives us the clue when he says it was nowhere near the gunshot.   He finds pollen in the treads.   Adam poses the dilemma, ethical and moral, of what Danny would do if he came across all that money.   Danny would give it back, of course, but Adam would keep part of it.   Danny tells him people get hurt if you keep things that don't belong to you, which in essence was the premise of this episode.   Hawkes gets a hit in CODIS from the suspect's fingernails, to Arnold (Mike Foy).

Flack asks him about his bad habits.   Arnold didn't kill the Vic, he stole money from him but not his gym bag.   Flack calls him the 'dumbest mugger' "those were some valuable gym socks."  Flack sees a blonde standing in the station and asks if she's okay! Jenny Harper (Melissa Ordway) is looking for her missing boyfriend, Heath (Justin Baldoni) who was coming in to return his findings.   He left her a garbled message on her voicemail.   Flack wants to have it analyzed.   Heath found the bag when he was making a wish at the fountain in the park.   Flack thinks he "was lucky to have a girlfriend who pointed him in the right direction."  Heath saved her life.   Flack understood what she was going through and was sympathetic towards her, reflecting his own feelings at losing someone close.   Still at least we got to see more of Flack this episode.

Adam tells Mac about the call he made with his ass one day, when the buttons get pressed accidentally.   He talked about his girlfriend, and Mac tells him that's why she's his ex.   Mac as per usual, isn't amused with Adam's digressions or analogies.  Mac treating Adam with such indifference again, if that's the right word.   Not that he's still not forgiven him for jeopardizing the "integrity of the lab," to the point where Adam is never going to get over being flustered everytime he has to talk to Mac.   He doesn't talk as casually and openly to Mac as he feels he can with Hawkes and Danny.

Danny tells Jo about  the flowers, which aren't native to New York and there's a nursery near to where the helicopter was found.  He and Flack find two DBs in the car, the pilot and the second gunman, shot execution style.   Lindsay surmises that Heath was killed 8 hours ago and the two gunmen, both brothers were killed 12 hours ago.   The brother's lawyer was Carson and all three were shot with the same gun, a Sig Sauer owned by Carson.   Carson tells Mac just about everything, except for denying the crimes.   That was a bit risky seeing dangerous criminals in his apartment.   He threatens Mac and the City with a malicious prosecution lawsuit..   He refers to earning more in a day than Mac does in a week.   Well he was being paid by the proceeds of crime.   (Remember back in season 1's Tanglewood episode, where Stella actually spelled out how much she earned!)

Hawkes finds the bullet pulled from Belson was deformed in such a way it would have been if he had been wearing body armour.  Hawkes test fires the gun to get the same deformed pattern, that's why there was GSR in the sand, as he was shot through a sandbag.   Mac believes he was shot to avoid being labelled a suspect.

Jo thinks they'll be able to trace Belson's movements on his computer.   Danny didn't even think of the possibility it could have been him.   Mac adds you don't know what someone is capable of even if they are old friends.   Luck had noting to do with his actions.   Which also reverts back to Flack in a way, when he shot Angell's (Emmanuelle Vaugier) killer.   That's digression from me.

Adam deciphered the voices, one of them asks, "where is it?" before shooting Heath.   He took his phone to locate where Heath lived.   Mac asks what Belson could want from him.   Perhaps all of the gems weren't recovered.   A bit of a hole in this plot line, considering even after Carson had identified the gems and that a ring was missing, it still didn't occur to Mac that it may still be there - at Heath's place, seeing as how the chip got under his shoe.   That's what Belson thought.

Danny tells Belson his reasons for doing what he did doesn't justify the killings.   It doesn't matter whether Danny had been in his place that night.    For a former policeman, Belson wasn't that bright, leaving the sand behind on the floor.   Danny taking him in so he could continue giving him a peace of his mind.   The differences between Danny and him, Danny was a better policeman and a better person than Belson, no wonder his wife left him and moved miles away.

Flack checks up on Jenny.   Wouldn't turn Flack away from my door!

Jenny throws the ring into the fountain - wonder who's going to find that then?

This episode was not so much about luck, but more like Murphy's Law which states  "anything that can go wrong, will go wrong." The robber being shot, the bag falling and landing in the fountain.   Right when Heath was there.   Taking the bag, keeping the ring.

No one asked at the end why Belson did go to Heath's apartment, after Mac said he was looking for  where he lives.   Did they not question why he was there.   Wasn't it to finish the job off and go after his girlfriend, she didn't see him, so she couldn't ID him, but more particularly because she had something he wanted.   That's what was heard on the deciphered phone message: Belson telling Heath he had something of his.   She seemed surprised to find the ring under the pillow..

As for suspects it could only have been Carson or Belson, since Belson knew all the low down on the security and his clients, as he tells Danny.   Also when he said it could have been Danny in his place that night, which led to his resignation.   However, Danny's been through so much in season 1, such as the episode, On the Job, after he shot the policeman and had to endure the "wrath of Mac" over it and IAB.   Danny has made mistakes of his own in the past, which haven't changed him as a person, he's learned from them.

Anyone could see the flashback was a recent addition, Danny had the same goatee and hairstyle he has now, which he didn't have in season 1.

Friday 6 July 2012

Desperate Housewives - 7.10: "Down the Block There's a Riot" Review

The final episode before the Christmas break sees a riot erupt on the Lane, that's never been done before. Tempers flare, fights galore, bullets sound and anger rages; it's not too long before people get hurt and Paul gets his comeuppance.

Mary Alice (Brenda Strong) "We know what they look like, we know how they dress  and we know how they behave.   Yes we can all recognize the wrong kind of people and when we see them coming, we do what we have to do to protect ourselves."

Paul (Mark Moses) is getting the parolees to fix up the house.   He wants them living on the street where everyone's so friendly.   The women all need to gather support from the others so he can't buy up the last house he needs.

Mary Alice: "My friends went to work trying to stop Paul Young...he didn't care.   He should have...he knew what the ordinary men and women will do to protect themselves from the wrong type of people."  Lots of people packing heat this episode, but of course we don't get to see everyone's faces, that'd lose the mystery and effect.

Mary Alice: "...a woman departed - news of her disappearance would spread and the sound would be deafening."  But a "young man in love had plans to make some noise of his own."  Keith (Brian Austin Green) proposes to Bree (Marcia Cross) but before he can actually get the words out, Bree stumps him with a proposal of her own.   Ain't that the way Bree, always has to interrupt first.   She wants him to move in  ith her.   It's too soon to contemplate marriage.   Keith thinks he can use this as a "tiny napkin ring."  It'd be a hoot how her friends will gossip about her 'living in sin.'  Obviously Bree wouldn't do something like that but then that's the new Bree, a marked difference in her character.   She wouldn't drink, she wouldn't live in sin, or believe in sex before marriage etc, but she does just that now.

Lynette (Felicity Huffman) is approached by the Hydrangea Circle Homeowner's Association for help with getting the halfway house removed.   (The names of these streets must drive people potty, if they're all named after flowers and plants!)  He can scare the hell out of the person opening up the halfway house.

Susan (Teri Hatcher) chats with Mike (James Denton) and how he misses her, he even put boobs on a snowman and the only female he's seen had antlers.   She tells him about Tom (Doug Savant) and Renee (Vanessa Williams) but he suggests she not tell Lynette.  Gaby (Eva Longoria) cries over losing Grace (Cecilia Balagot) and Juanita (Madison La Garza) asks her why.   Gaby forbids her from playing in her bedroom and to not wear her expensive jewellery.   Juanita liked her better when she was crying.

Lee (Kevin Rahm) confesses to Lynette that he didn't know what Paul was planning.   Paul watches from his window and tricks him into selling his own house, so he has the final vote he needs.   Lee thinks Mitzi (Mindy Sterling) has sold her house and so prices will plummet.   Bob (Tuc Watkins) thinks Lee made the right move in selling since everyone on the lane holds him responsible.   Lo and behold, who turns up, none other than Mitzi.   She wouldn't "screw over" her neighbours.   And boy are they right royally screwed!

An episode full of propositions and proposals from left right and centre.   Gaby has to speak with Lynette as she's the only one who's lost a child.   She tells her to write a letter to Grace, but not to send it out.  Her therapist told her this and it worked.   Not surprisingly, Juanita reads the letter, as she never does what she's told and hides under Gaby's bed.   She and Gaby have a falling out and Juanita runs away, after pushing Gaby to the floor.   She's not her mommy.

Richard (John Schneider) attempts to discourage Keith from marrying Bree.   She only wants fun and he's just a "distraction." Paul announces the Mayor of Fairview is bestowing him with an award for Outstanding Public Service and all his friends should come.  Carlos (Richardo Antonio Chavira) asks what this service is?  He has the necessary votes to open the halfway house.

Renee mistakes the schoolbus and the children for 'creepy characters' who were staring at her.   Susan lets Tom know she's aware of Renee's love for him and their weekend in the past; but Tom loves Lynette.   Renee was "forever ago."  Susan thinks he should get Renee to leave.  Couldn't keep her mouth shut, as usual.   Keith wants Bree to wear his ring if marriage is only a formality and they'll be married eventually.   He needs more commitment from her.   See, once upon an eon ago, Bree would be in Keith's position and demand a commitment from the man in her life.   He repeats Richard's line of him only being a "diversion" and how they're not meant to be together.

Lynette takes up the Hydrangea Circle offer of help and thinks they'll be organizing a peaceful protest, with slogans and embarrassing the mayor.   After an ex-con enters Bree's house  by mistake, Richard gets the chance to rescue her from him and kisses her.   So what was said a few weeks ago by me, actually happens.   Bree tells Keith about this and when he confronts Richard outside, one of the protesters thinks Keith is an ex-con, starting a fight, which escalates into a full-blown riot.   Lee packs a gun.   Bree shoots her gun to stop them attacking Keith.   Juanita hides out in Lee's and Bob's car and they're attacked.   Gaby rescues Juanita, but they leave behind Lee and Bob; so much for neighbourly spirit!  It's up to Lynette to come to their help by shouting he's her neighbour!  Lynette accuses Paul of all the trouble and he replies,sarcastically, that the residents were supposed to be better than ex-cons.

Renee tells Susan she's here to stay and they get separated by the crowd, leading to Susan being trampled.   She's unconscious when Tom and Renee find her.

Mary Alice: you "could no longer hear the screams of frightened bystanders...cries of help from the injured...just footsteps of a man who had finally pushed them, who had betrayed them...the silence was broken by what the neighboours would say sounded like that of a gunshot...Paul knew it was the sound of revenge..."

This was the Christmas cliffhanger and it came as no surprise that Paul would be shot, with so many guns around, the question now being who really did it.   My bets on his wife, Beth (Emily Bergl), but you never can tell with this show.

CSI: Miami - 9.5: "Sleepless in Miami" Review

A man in a dream state calls for help and is found in the Everglades along with a DB. he claims he was killing himself. The DB turns out to be a severed head. Is he guilty of murder? Events turn out to be close to home for Natalia.

A man unaware of what he's done calls and reports his own murder in the Everglades.   Horatio (David Caruso) naturally is on the case.   They find a head buried.   Jason (Shawn Hatosy) thought he was killing himself.   Horatio questions him on how he knew about the burial.   He thinks it's a dream.   Horatio: "the dream is over."  Natalia (Eva Larue) collects trace from him.   ME Tom (Christian Clemenson) is distraught as only the head is there and not a complete body.   Walter (Omar Miller) arrives funny comment in tow, "Sleeping Beauty still thinks he's trapped in a dream." He found his car.   It's heard to dream and drive, well Natalia will prove him wrong, kind of.   Jason remembers two dreams, one where he was standing on the dock and throwing a trunk in the water with a DB inside.

Walter has to accompany him and Jason wanders off, recalling throwing something in the incinerator.   Walter finds the hands.   ME Tom can now hope to solve the mystery of how he died.   Delko (Adam Rodriguez) questions Jason, surprisingly he doesn't judge him guilty yet and doesn't think he did it.   Natalia disagrees, the hair found on Jason matches the Vic.   Now it's Natalia's turn to be judgemental and she accuses him of building  a "dream defence."  There's no consistency in their characters anymore.  Natalia's outburst makes him ask for a lawyer.   Natalia is adamant he knows everything cos he did it.   Delko attempts to explain he could have overheard.   Natalia's ex used the same defence, which is why she's got a bee in her bonnet.

Natalia asks Travers (Christopher Redman) to run the hair.   He can only determine whether the hair came from the head or the body.   ME Tom finds the Tox screen comes back negative, but someone wanted him dead.   He was right.   He discovered hesitation wounds and asks for fabric softener, which he uses to hydrate fingerprints.  A match to Brandon Garrett (Jordan Murphy).   Tripp (Rex Linn) visits his wife with Horatio and another funny line from him about not looking like one of their customers.   His wife, Stacey (Merle Dandridge) tells them they weren't having any problems and she keeps touching her necklace, which she calls honouring the dead.   They were divorcing and she's spiritual.

Ryan (Jonathan Togo) and Delko check out Brandon's place and finds it devoid of furniture upstairs.   Ryan also locates  the primary CS as the bathtub using luminol.   A magic fish is found in the bathtub.   Ryan refers to it as a psychic trick, meant to read romantic mood and reacts to sweat.   The name on the fish reads Elena (Beth Littleford) who calls herself a healer.   She reads Ryan's aura which is green.   He's having money issues (doesn't everyone).   She advises him to rub some oil on his forehead and he'll come into money soon.   She touches the fish to read the aura, over-acting, and tells them it belongs to Jason, one of her clients.   Ryan tricks Jason into admitting the fish belongs to him and Natalia tells him the hair came from Brandon's body so he was in contact with him.   She accuses him of killing again, just cos she's hung up on her ex doesn't mean she can treat suspects in that way. Jason recalls being in Brandon's house.

ME Tom finds peticule hemorrhaging on the lungs indicating he stopped breathing suddenly.   Walter tells Horatio Stacey's rich and withdrew money, mentioning snail venom, which is a clue.   Stacey and Peter (Stephen Amell) were having an affair, if you could call it that.   Horatio's "Oh boy" when he and Delko realize what the noises are a sign of!  She saw a psychic to get pregnant.   Peter's surprised, she didn't tell him.   Walter points out an oily substance on Ryan's forehead!  Natalia is sure everyone is lying and Horatio believes Elena holds the key.   Prompting Natalia to come up with the idea of going undercover as a client.   Horatio agrees.   Like no one else could come up with the idea.

Elena notices Natalia's hearing aid and makes her talk about her ex.   She still harbours feelings about her ex.  She makes Natalia breathe into a candle.   Horatio arrives outside and he and Ryan notice Natalia is missing, taking her car with her.   Horatio recalls the GPS in her car and track her to an abandoned warehouse.   Natalia thinks she's in the lab and sees her ex.   She shoots at him, but she's really shooting at Horatio and Ryan, who manages to subdue her.   At the hospital she recalls she went to Elena's.   Ryan says Elena made her as a cop, well she was useless, playing about with her hearing aid like that, so much for going undercover.    She was hypnotized and that's what happened to Jason.   She apologizes, Natalia was also drugged.

Elena's stash of money is found at her house and Horatio predicts she'll return for it, which she stupidly does.   She admits to killing Brandon, she didn't mean to and Stacey wanted him dead.  She thinks she killed him without actually touching him.   Ryan agrees with Walter that they've got noting on Elena or Stacey other than her casting a spell.  ME Tom hears the symptoms Brandon suffered and the numbing began in Brandon's hands, allowing him to examine the hands for entry wounds.   He's so excited about his work,  he examines for neurotoxins.   He was poisoned, his muscles were paralyzed.   This wasn't apparent in the Tox screen  thus he needed to know the symptoms.   The venom was from a cone snail, which is a natural anaesthetic.   A four-pinned prong was used and the killer's hands would have been irritated from the venom.

Obviously it had to be Peter who killed him for Stacey, oh put away the lot of them.   Horatio posits he used a dead fish to extract the poison, which is what Jason saw in his dream, as well as the magic fish.   Stacey is also being charged.   Natalia says they'll help Jason.   Ryan and Horatio put back Natalia's firearm.   No one must know she fired at them, especially Natalia.   Ryan puts money into a vending machine and money falls from it.   Knew that was coming.   No one would believe this, he says to himself.

Some irony here then as Stacey wanted a psychic to kill her husband and yet there was Peter right before her eyes, who was ready, willing and able and did in fact kill him.   Also you'd be forgiven for thinking the opening "dream sequence" was some sort of an homage to Alfred Hitchcock.   He was big on such dramatic, or mind-boggling sequences in some of his movies.   Spellbound (1945) is one that springs to mind, where Gregory Peck plays an amnesiac who gets visions of death and someone being killed, which are triggered by things which seem ordinary to everyone else, such as fork marks on a white table cloth.  The killer appears to have e blanked-out, masked face; similar to the appearance of Natalia's ex.  

How come Natalia recalled so very little about her 'hallucinogenic' actions, whilst Jason recalled so much, conveniently forgetting who she actually shot at, wonder if she'll recall it later on.  Even though he said he had more than one dream.

Anyway, Natalia being in such a vulnerable state still over her ex, wasn't the obvious choice to go undercover; she was susceptible to hypnotic suggestions.  (Obviously Calleigh (Emily Procter) couldn't go.  As for breathing in from the candle; it could have been any noxious substance  she was inhaling.    Ryan's never-ending money woes  seem to always get an airing and with Elena's predictions holding true for him, not that he'll tell anyone, appears Ryan seems to be into this whole psychic gig, especially since he told Delko about the magic fish.   Then again he's probably done a lot of research into it, just like his reality shows; celebrity articles in magazines etc.

Not the first time CSI:Miami has delved into such a case and was in familiar territory in the season 7 episode Head Case where a man was found walking the streets covered in blood.   He also faced jail time, even though he didn't kill anyone, knowingly.  However this episode concentrated on sleep deprivation and its effects.  Delko empathized with the suspect telling Ryan they shouldn't jump to any conclusions.   Empathizing more so with the Vic as he too wanted to regain his memories after his near fatal shooting.   Was directed by Sam Hill too, as was this current episode.  

In CSI:NY episode 6.16 Uncertainty, a man is found wandering the streets, axe in hand and Flack (Eddie cahill) doesn't know what to make of his story when he tells him he was swimming with seahorses and being attacked by clowns.   He wasn't into drugs.   The shower curtains had the seahorses and he had been drugged by LSD and he was innocent of murder.

Thursday 5 July 2012

The Closer 7.4 "Under Control" Review

A frantic mother searches for her son and Tao's (Michael Paul Chan) son, Kevin (William jay Behlendorf) brings him in to investigate.  The boy, Eric disappeared from voluntary Summer camp and no one knew was there or even missing since attendance wasn't taken.  Which is pretty stupid where children are involved.  Raydor (Mary McDonnell) finally gets to question Brenda (Kyra Sedgwick) over the Shootin' Newton murders and plays back the video confession to the killings by Turrell.  Rador claims Brenda knew his gang would kill him and Brenda saw them there.  Brenda insists she took him back home as per his request.  As for what happened to him, she calls it a "happy ending."  Which Raydor explains is why she wasn't recording the interview and how that confession gives Brenda motive.

Tao calls in Sanchez (Raymond Cruz) to help in the search and he talks with the mother, Tina's (Meredith Monroe) boyfriend, Marcus.  Who claims he doesn't want to help or get involved.  He's a yoga instructor.  Eric's parents are divorced and they bicker.  Tina notices the bike and it's propped up.  Clue for later.  Sanchez searches in the helicopter and spots a floating body in a nearby pool.  Kevin volunteers at the camp and helps them out with some information on the parents and other things.  He appears to be on the ball just like his father.  Pope (JK Simmons) suggests to Taylor (Robert Gossett) they get the press involved as soon as possible and meets Kevin.

Raydor tells Brenda her team are capable of handling the case without her.  Kevin and Tao have father/son issues and he needs to improve his grades which is why he doesn't have a car.  Kendall didn't find any signs of abuse or trauma on Eric.  Brenda talks with Glen, (Marcus Giamatti) the father and he isn't told about Eric.  He says he was at a gas station and then went to work.  Whilst Tina had her car detailed.  Gabriel (Corey Reynolds) finds that strange behaviour when her son is missing.  Of course they suspect her but Glen looks more like the real suspect with his overly abusing Tina over Eric and letting him ride the bike.  See at the start he asks Tine how long the bike was there and whether she saw it or not, directing a great deal of attention towards it.  Even saying she wasn't meant to let him ride it irresponsibly.

Gabriel checks their alibis and Kevin points out to Tao that Glen's left the interrogation room.  Why was he left alone anyway like that.  Usually Brenda leaves someone with them.  Glen hears Tina in the other room and storms in breaking the news about Eric to her.  Marcus (Shane Johnson) attacks Glen.  Kevin watches everything as it's the first time he's seen what his father has to deal with at work and it ain't pretty.

Pope asks Brenda about Raydor and she hasn't finished with the questions yet.  She has to deal with this case first.  Which really just gave her an excuse not to deal with it for as long as possible.  Provenza (GW Bailey) goes to find the counsellor.  Glen blames Tina, again with the blame.  Dr Morales (Jonathan Del Arco) doesn't find any foam in Eric's lungs so he didn't drown and was already dead.  He doesn't go into the autopsy room to tell her, preferring to stay outside.  A case which gets to everyone.  Brenda goes in, even though he's not put him back together yet.  He also found purple fluid in his stomach, chocolate and traces of sedatives, which can't be identified until tox results are in.  But if she has a suspect she can get search warrants.

Gabriel found Vicodine and Soma in Tina's house belonging to Marcus.  As well as an LVPD uniform.  Fritz (Jon Tenney) explains Marcus was a policeman in Las Vegas and had to leave before his wife filed a lawsuit against him and the LVPD for domestic abuse allegations.  Marcus told Tina from the outset he didn't want to be a parent and wouldn't marry her.  Glen calling that immoral.  He later proposed to her but she refused. Again suggesting she's the killer.  He was more of a father to Eric than Glen.

Tao's wife, Cathy (Patti Yasutake) arrives to take Kevin home and they quarrel over his being there and not being able to get a driver's licence.  Kevin says he won't drive away like Eric did with his bike, giving Brenda a clue about the bike.  Kevin's 16 and he can't treat him like a child.  Tao hugs Kevin saying he can hold onto him forever.  Clearly this case is close to home for Tao as he has a son too and is protective of him.  Which he has every right to be after what he sees in his line of work.  Brenda finds their conversation moving.  We have a situation with Tao and his son which is in stark contrast to the case involving Eric and his parents. Eric was the one who suffered his parent's anger and inability to get on, even for his sake.  He was used as a pawn by them both.

Brenda is angry she couldn't go to the CS cos of Raydor and Fritz asks if she wanted to be there when they found Eric.  She wants to see their divorce decree and settlement.  Tina took him for everything he had and then for everything he would make.  Glen wanted primary custody calling her an unfit mother.  Brenda is told by Raydor that she needs to get her own lawyer since Brenda maintains Turrell was her responsibility only as long as he was in her custody.  Tao has a hard copy of Glen and his alibi and Brenda shows him buying  a purple drink and a chocolate bar at the mini-mart.  He gave Eric the bike so he would pester his mother until she let him ride alone.  He admits he killed Eric so she couldn't have him and so she won't get his money anymore.  He took what she had and she'll have to live with that forever.

Seems like they were both unfit parents.  Tina wanted to torment him by having custody and by getting alimony from him so she didn't marry Marcus.  But he only wanted Eric to torment her back.  Eric was the innocent one here being pulled part by his parents until he is finally killed over their petty squabbles over money.  In short neither one deserved to have Eric.  Buzz (Phillip P Keene) tells Tao at least he got the killer.  Tao agrees to driving lessons for Kevin.  Flynn (Tony Denison) asks if anyone knows what Raydor is doing here.  Provenza replies they're the police and they're always in trouble.  Well, speak for yourself, Provenza attracts trouble judging from the last episode, ha.

Raydor takes Brenda to Turrell's house and shows her his blood and where he was eventually killed.  Her criminal liability would be cleared by her explanation that he wanted to go home and her responsibility ending but not from civil liability.  If the attorney settled then that would leave Brenda to take the blame.  Raydor: "for your own sake get yourself your own lawyer."   Does this mean Raydor is watching her back after all? Beneath all the facade Brenda is worried about this case and I wonder if she thinks she would have done things differently now.

As the title suggest everything isn't under control, not for Brenda and certainly not for Glen and Tina.  Oh what a horrible, selfish set of parents for Eric to have had the misfortune of having.

Supernatural - 1.17: "Hell House" Review

Sam and Dean look into the activities of a house where teens are attacked by a man. It's the practical joke episode where the brothers play tricks on each other, instigated by Dean.

Richardson, Texas,  2 Months Ago:   Group of teens enter a house with a Pentagram on the floor and symbols on the walls.   A man strings  up girls in the cellar, one of them says.   The cellar contains jars and a girl is hanging.

Interstate 35  Present Day:  Sam (Jared Padalecki) is asleep in the car and Dean (Jensen Ackles)  puts a plastic spoon in his mouth and takes a photo.    Sam says they're not children anymore and it's not the prank shift again.   Dean: "what's the matter Sammy, you afraid you're gonna get  a little Nair in your shampoo again."  Sam warns Dean to remember he started it.   Dean: "bring it on baldy!"  They talk about a local haunted house and girls dying there.   The legend talks of them being strung up on rafters and some teens saw a dead girl in the cellar.   When the police arrived there was no body.   Read accounts on  paranormal website:

Sam is still going on about how it was a mistake to let Dad (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) go.   Each of the teens tell them their accounts of what they saw and each one varies from the Vic having black, blonde and red hair.   Craig (Shane Meier) works in a record store.   Sam and Dean feign being reporters from the Dallas Morning News.   The killer appears to be Mordecai Murdoch (Nicholas Harrison) and the house is known as 'hellhouse.'  In the 1930's Mordecai lived in a farmhouse with 6 daughters and he hanged them, before hanging himself.   His cousin, Dana (Krista Bell) told him.   Dean looks at the records, cos it's his kind of record store, i.e.  vinyl, well he's into cassettes still.

Electric wiring is interfering with Dean's readings from his EMF.   Sam comments the reverse cross symbol was used by Satanists for centuries.   The sidual of sulphur didn't show up  in San Francisco until the late '60's.   Dean: "That's exactly why you never get laid."  Well, Deano, hate to break it to you, but some girls prefer brains, ha.   Yes it is a joke.   Sam notices a symbol he's never seen before and Sam takes photos on his phone.   Notice how they stopped taking photos and filming the scenes in later episodes, until this completely disappeared.   Dean's seen the symbol before somewhere.   Sam notices it's freshly painted.

Dean thinks the police might be right in calling them suicides, as two guys break in with cameras, calling themselves professionals, paranormal investigators and have a card.   Ed Zeddmore (AJ Buckley) and Harry Spangler.  (Travis Webster) and they run the website.   Dean: "We're huge fans."  Love it when Dean goes all sarcastic.   They "know they're amateurs looking for ghosts and cheap thrills."    They're conducting a scientific investigation and tell them about EMF detectors; entities cause fluctuations.   Sam: "Woah."  Sammy's not so bad at sarcasm either.   Dean asks if they've seen ghosts before.

At the public library (where's the old computer then Sam?)  Sam doesn't find any record of any killings and nothing matching the description of the dead girl.   Dean's car wipers and radio goes off.  Sam calls that 1 to him.   Dean just sees it as weak.   More teens enter the house and one is dared to retrieve a jar from the cellar.   She is also hanged.

The police think it's suicide as she's a straight 'A' student and Dean is sure they missed something.   The two ghostbusters turn up and Dean comments, "Who you gonna call?"  The police chase them, leaving Sam and Dean to go over the house.   Dean still can't place that symbol.   Then dares Sam to drink from a jar.  Eeww why would he, disgusting.   Sam asks why?  Then double dares him.   A noise is heard from the cupboard, it could be rats, but Dean hopes it's a ghost.   They shoot at Mordecai but he still comes after them.   The other two return as Sam and Dean come running out of the house.  "Sweet Lord of the Rings."

Dean draws the symbol again and is bothered as to why in the legend he "only goes after chicks." Sam: "He does."
Dean: "That will explain why he came after you - why me?"
Sam: "Hilarious."  Mordecai slit his wrists and carries an axe, but in the actual legend he keeps hanging them.   Sam then reads a new posting saying Mordecai was a Satanist who chopped his Vics up before slitting his wrists.   Dean realizes where it began.

Dean buys an album from the store and explains the symbol doesn't mean anything.   It's the Blue Oyster Cult logo.   Dana showed the girl the house and made it look haunted, taking symbols from Theology text books.   They made up stories and posted them on the web.   Dean asks how they'd explain the appearance of Mordecai.   Dean puts itching powder in Sam's clothes.   Sam says it's a Tibetan thought form: a Tolpa.   Sam shirtless and in a towel!!!  In 1915 Tibetan monks visualized a Gollum in their heads and meditated so hard they brought it to life.   That was only 20 monks.   These are 20,000 websurfers.   Dean says as people believe in him, Mordecai is real.   Dean: "People believe in Santa Claus, how come I'm not getting hooked up every Christmas."
Sam: "Cos you're a bad person and cos of the Tibetan spirit sidual on the wall."  The sidual was used for centuries and thoughts were amplified like a magnifying glass and could have brought the Tolpa to life.   Dean says rock salt didn't work as Mordecai is not a traditional spirit per se.   Dean wonders how to kill the idea.

Sam thinks he's allergic to the motel soap and realizes it was Dean when he sniggers.   The ghostbusters, later to be known as Ghostfacers are warned not to return to the house, but if they can get footage they'll get movie deals and money as well as "sex with real girls."  What as opposed to inflatable ones!  Dean: "Action figures in their original packaging, what a shocker."  Dean wants them to shut the site down.   Sam thinks they could tell them about Mordecai but it still wouldn't help them, they'll shut down the site.   Sam says from the death certificate, COD was self-inflicted .45 gunshot wound with rod iron rounds, which killed the SOB, i.e Mordecai.   Dean pushes the string on the laughing fisherman toy commenting Sam needs more laughter in his life.  Think he gets enough from Dean.  

Dean's hand gets stuck on his beer bottle.   Courtesy of Sam.   They leave the fisherman outside for the police to find as a distraction to enable them to get into the house.   Dean doesn't have any skin left on his palm he says.   Cue ghostbusters and Mordecai with axe in hand.   Bullets don't work on him and the server conked out.   Sam acts as bait so they can escape and Dean uses fire, Mordecai can't leave the house and they can't kill him so he improvises and sets the house alight.   Sam retorts that's his solution.   Well, no house = no haunting.   Sam asks what will happen if the legend changes and Mordecai returns.   Dean replies so will they.   Sam:  "kind of makes you wonder of all the things we hunted, how many existed just because people believed in them."  The ghostbusters get a call from a Hollywood producer wanting to option movie rights.   Sam called them and Dean put a dead fish in their backseat.   Sam and Dean call a truce; for the next 100 miles at least, adds Dean.

Great episode in the sense that it was purely about hunting the beast and putting him down, what they do.   The addition of the Ghostfacers was a little annoying upon watching for the first time, but they have their fans and their moments.   Love AJ Buckley as lovable Adam in CSI:NY, which I think is more his niche.   An episode full of laughs, killings aside and showing us how juvenile Dean can be, which is just a reflection of not just his funny side, since he doesn't get serious very often and especially not when Sam wants to talk feelings and he doesn't.

As for Dean's comment about Mordecai coming after Sam, implying he's a chick, kind of became redundant since the legend kept changing, so Dean couldn't really call Sam a chick this time round.  Since he also came after him.   Blue Oyster Cult's Don't Fear the Reaper was used in 1.12 Faith and here the band is mentioned again.

In joke: Jensen hails from Richardson, Texas.   Eric Kripke told TV Guide how fans wanted to see Jensen and Jared in little clothing and so he wrote the towel scene so Jared would be shirtless!  Er, naked, practically!  In the opening when Dean turns up the song, the lines heard include: "a fire of unknown origin took my baby away."  Alluding to Mom and Jessica.   The song is entitled Fire of Unknown Origin by Blue Oyster Cult.   Dean saying he hates rats and prefers ghosts and his use of "pursqueeter."  Casting your minds forward, Ruby played by Genevieve Padalecki, will use this in a season 4 episode.   Sam saying he could probably bitch slap both Ed and Harry.   Britt Irvin, credited as  'first teen girl' went on to play Stargirl in Smallville.

Desperate Housewives - 7.09: "Pleasant Little Kingdom" Review

Paul's mysterious plans for Wisteria Lane are revealed. Lynette and Tom argue as usual, then count their blessings for having each other, whilst Renee laments letting Tom walk.

Mary Alice (Brenda Strong): "There are things every parent should quickly their children grow up."

Lynette (Felicity Huffman) is upset at the prospect of not being able to have any more babies, how many more does she want and only last time she was complaining about how difficult it is to raise children too.  Tom (Doug Savant) reminds her then there'll only be two of them, which is the best bit.   Suddenly getting them all hot and passionate!  Then in stumbles Susan (Teri Hatcher) right into the nursery, catching them flagrante delicto.   That's their problem, one word or one conversation on anything in the entire world, gets them in the mood.  

Mary Alice: "Questions we all ask ourselves: do I trust the folks next door...will the couple across the street be there when I need them...great neighbours are ones that do exactly what they're told."  Leading to Paul (Mark Moses) continuing his mission to buy up Wisteria Lane and puts up a sign outside informing of his plans.   Well about time his plan was revealed, thought it would be dragged out for a while yet.   But we just had to wait  a few minutes longer for it to be unveiled.

Susan knocks on the door this time and has a conversation about Tom being well endowed in the private parts department and how Lynette hasn't told any of them; a proud Tom listening in the next room.   With Lynette telling her she doesn't want to tell everyone.   Of course as soon as he hears this, there'll be trouble brewing!  Tom and Lynette having one of those volatile relationships that flare up into huge arguments, you'd think half the time they only have such fights for the sex, make-up sex that is.   However it's the case they don't really need any excuse, as I just said.

Gaby (Eva Longoria) overhears Carmen (Carla Jimenez) planning to leave for Mexico, to be with (Danny Trejo) until he can find a way to sneak back into the US.   She suggests Grace (Cecilia Balagot) should stay with her until they're settled.   Then there's an argument with Carmen telling Gaby she's not a good mother, look at how Juanita (Madison La Garza) turned out: spoilt.  With Gaby rubbing it in that she's Grace's birth mother.

Paul's plan is to open a Community Correctional facility, called Second Chances.   That's why he's buying up realty.   A bit disappointing, would've expected something more than that.   He recalls how he felt when he was released and had nowhere to go, but here, remembering what it was like here.   It will be a "testament to how I feel about each and every one of you."  Don't really need his feelings spelled out to us, they're obvious and the residents know him anyway.

As if Susan couldn't do anymore walking in on people, it's Renee's (Vanessa Williams) turn now, Renee is crying.   It's her birthday but that's not why she's in tears.   Susan asks her out for drinks to celebrate.  For someone who she doesn't like, Renee agreed to go out with her, must be desperate! Gaby decides to report Carmen to Immigration and picks Bob's (Tuc Watkins) brains on this.   He replies it's legal as she's the birth mother, she could keep Grace, but it doesn't make it right.   That's not something Gaby is good at listening to.   As we know, Gaby always tends to do the opposite of what she shouldn't and goes ahead anyway.

Tom asks Lynette why he's always the butt of everyone's jokes and why she never tells anyone about his manhood; but is first to tell them of his mess ups.   That's a bit of a silly question to ask, since he's been married long enough to know what she's like and it's not something she would come right out and bring up in a conversation.

Keith (Brian Austin Green) dons a suit and stares at the engagement ring again.   Whilst Bree (Marcia Cross) has a conversation with Richard (John Schneider) about why he's wasting his life away indoors.   She thinks he's handsome and a catch, inviting him to dinner.  Way to go Bree, ask the father to dinner too, it's not everyday his son wears a suit, didn't she think there was something behind it; or did she think they were at the stage of their relationship where he'd change how he dresses for her.

The Homeowners Association needs to approve Paul's idea for the halfway house, he needs 14 votes and they're all sure he won't get them.   Starting another argument between Tom and Lynette, by Susan this time, as she lets slip how Mike (James Denton) would deal with Paul if he was here.   So naturally, they go round the room wondering who the best macho man would be for the job, such as Carlos (Richardo Antonio Chavira).  It's even suggested that Lynette could beat up Paul; everyone thinks she's tougher than Tom.   So Lynette mentions his manhood in her usual abrupt and angry style and he's still not happy with that either.

As the ICE agents stop outside the house, Gaby sees Carmen with Grace and realizes she may have been hasty and wrong, that'd probably be a first.   To save them, she passes herself off as Carmen; and is arrested.   But Carlos tells her since Gaby made fools of a US government agency, Carmen and Grace are leaving for Texas and can't come back to the house.   Now if she hadn't meddled, they would still be there.   They thank each other for taking care of their babies.

At dinner, Bree invites her friend Tracey to join them, they were in the church choir together.   That backfires, as Tracey goes on about how she doesn't have faith in the church anymore, something Richard doesn't want to hear.   He's an army man after all; his faith kept him going through combat.   She nearly swallows Bree''s engagement ring in the shrimp cocktail.   That was a shock to Bree as she wasn't expecting him to propose, and now he probably won't.

It's a wonder Susan and Renee weren't at the same place.   Renee: "when you said you were the fun one on the lane, who was your competition, the mailbox?"  Susan believes birthdays are difficult when you're single.   Unless Renee tells her what's wrong, she'll continue with her 'what to do with chicken leftovers' .   Renee was thinking of a man from her past, they had one weekend together, 20 years ago, he was the one and she let him go.   She calls Susan the smart one.   Debatable!

Lynette admits to Tom everyone sees him as thoughtful, having a sense of humour, whereas everyone sees her as a bitch.   For 20 years she was sick of people telling her how lucky she is to have him.   Hey, don't tell me, Renee and Lynette were thinking that right at the same time!  And about the same man, spooky.  Tom's lucky to have a great wife.

Meanwhile, Renee gets drunk and mentions 'her man' lives here on the lane.   Tom is "the love of my life."  Which Susan hears.  Now the cat's out of the bag, it won't stay a secret long, let's count the episodes until Susan blabs.   Richard sees his chance to tell Bree she should go after someone her own age, someone who shares her values and her faith.  Didn't take long for that to come out, but it was on the cards.

Paul brings up his 7 votes at the meeting and he needs one more.   Everyone is angry at Lee (Kevin Rahm) for selling him the houses and begin to squabble with each other.   Falling into Paul's trap, because that's how he's going to get his 1 house, they're going to make it easy for him with their in-fighting.   Yes but this is Wisteria Lane and we all know who has the winning vote on this lane and show!  With a halfway house house prices will tumble.

Mary Alice: "Do I trust the people who live next door...can I count on the woman who lives down the block...if we discover our neighbours can't be trusted, then it may be time to move."  No can't really picture anyone moving from this lane.  Unless they're carried out.   Not very much going on in this episode, a little predictable in places too.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

CSI: NY - 7.4: "Sangre por Sangre" Review

Mac investigates the deaths of gang members, which at first appear to be linked to a rival gang, before the suspects are narrowed down to one in particular, whom Mac had a past association with.

Mac (Gary Sinise) bleeding from a wound to his arm, chases a man to a deserted building.   He raises his gun and fires at Mac.  This chase scene was reminiscent of the one he had in season 4 DOA for a Day, when he cornered the serial killer, Suspect X, in the building and also shot and killed her too.

12 Hours Earlier

Mac is called to a CS at a hotel, where a DB has been discovered impaled on  the spike of an awning (and still they persist in having these dangerous spikes everywhere.) He is identified as Panthro Torres (Eddie Fernandez) from the El Puno gang.   Flack (Eddie Cahill) believes it to be a hit from a rival gang.   The room is in shambles, Flack: "This is why they take your credit card when you check in."  He was shot twice and fell back through the window, or as Flack more poetically puts it, "...hazing out the window...ends up a shish kebab."  That's another shish kebab allusion there, the first was in CSI's Blood Moon episode by Doc Robbins.  (Robert David Hall.)  Mac: "A lot can change in one day."  So true as we'll see.

These split screens are put to  much better use in CSI:Miami, they seem out of place here.   Sid's (Robert Joy) out of the lab for a change and finds defensive wounds on the Vic, gun shot wounds from a large calibre, through and through and another went through his chest.   Inside, Lindsay (Anna Belknap) finds no signs of forced entry.   Danny (Carmine Giovinazzo) makes the same comment Flack did about it possibly being a rival gang.   He finds something in a bottle which he describes as "something ugly." As well as 2 glasses.   Lindsay sees lipstick on a mirror.

Sid comments on there being 6 million ways to die and that Panthro died from 3: a cracked skull from hitting the awning, a ruptured vena cava from a fragmented .45 and he would have died from exsanguination too.   Jo (Sela Ward) jokingly tells Mac to "give me 'til lunch" to solve the case.   All she did mostly this episode was to stick sad 'smiley' faces onto deceased gang members, sadly for me, that wasn't much! Instead we had to endure Lindsay with her rolled up jacket sleeves, someone should've told her that went out in the '80's!  Also Danny and Lindsay working the CS together again, does not make for interesting viewing either!   Jo tells Mac, Lisa (Yara Martinez) is the brains of the outfit; Rick (Yancey Arias) is the 'muscle' and the least brightest.  

Mac pays a visit to the restaurant owned by the El Puno gang and is told by Luthor (Edward James Olmos) he'll give him his word there will be no retaliation for Panthro's killing until after his funeral.  Luthor tells Fernando Flores (Mario Ardila Jnr) he should go to Mac if he needs to as he's  "a fair man."  Luthor and Mac shake on the undertaking he won't take matters into his own hands, Mac put away Luthor for assault.   If he does get involved he'll put Luthor away and this time he won't get out and he was right.

Adam (AJ Buckley) doesn't find any prints on the glasses, but only 2 separate DNA profiles, one from the Vic and the other one isn't in CODIS.   (See later with this major bloop!) He doesn't know what the fishy thing in the bottle is, but he knows a man, who knows a man, etc.   He looked so uneasy there when he said that.   Hawkes (Hill Harper) says the bottle was tampered with.  Danny gets a DNA match on the lipstick to Hazel Ortega (Lymari Nadal), an escort.

Hazel carries a .45 and Flack apprehends her.   En route to the station, well he's hardly left the alley when he's ambushed by 2 men with guns.   In one of Flack's best action scenes (my bias again!).   He anticipates it's a hit and tells her to get down, saving her life and fires off bullets to defend themselves.   Hazel is wounded and Flack  tells Mac: "I'm good, I'm pissed" she was shot on his watch.   Hawkes finds the bullets are marked with a letter 'P', which Flack says are for intimidation.   Mac wants them found as they fired 50 rounds into a police car.   (Yeah more worried about the car than the Flack!)

Neat trick, cutting to the ambulance, making us think for an instance, that Flack maybe didn't get a shot off or was hit!  Also before this scene when the shooter had the gun pointing to him, it appeared Flack turned around and just froze, as he did in one of last season's episodes and couldn't fire his gun, like he almost hesitated - luckily he just ducked!  Great to see him saving his prisoner when faced with fire from all directions.   He was on the ball with his quick thinking and reflexes to determine it was a hit.   Good to see he was concerned about Hazel being wounded on his watch too.   He's come a long way from season 1.

Adam calls the fish head in the bottle 'Fishzilla' - a snakehead fish which are illegal to the US.   Jo at the hospital, talks down Hazel from holding a policewoman hostage and she insists she didn't kill Panthro.   He was alive when she left, but someone else came in but she won't say who, out of fear.   Mac meets with Luthor once again and doesn't believe his getting out of prison and the deaths are just a coincidence.   Luthor doesn't hustle, he won't look Mac in the eyes and lie.   He didn't order the hit on Hazel but someone in his gang did.   The men will surrender themselves at a designated place.

Hawkes discovers the stria from Hazel's gun don't match, but he pieced the bullet fragments together to find a 'P', revealing it to be an inside job.   That was obvious when Adam made the comment about the snakehead eating its own.   Flack says much the same thing with his "someone inside's eating their own" comment.   None of the El Puno gang can be found, but Mac comes across Fernando running from the restaurant, seconds before it explodes.   Lisa's body is found inside, along with a cut gas line, a palmprint and Danny finds another bottle.   Mac determines a Molotov cocktail was used to start the fire.

Sid tells Mac there was no smoke in Lisa's lungs, she was shot twice, he found "mushroom .45s."   Danny finds another snakehead, "Cajun style."  Adam's source informed him of the arrest of a smuggler who sold 3 of the snakeheads to a Puerto Rican man.   Fernando turns himself in and will only talk to Mac as he's "a fair man."  Lindsay calls him telling him she matched the palm print.   Which was to Luthor.   Funny that when Adam examined the DNA on the glasses he only got one hit back and didn't get one for Luthor, as he's an ex-con his prints would have been in the system and should have come back much sooner!

Mac finds Luthor and Rick together and warns Rick he's the next target but he doesn't believe him.   Rick fires at Mac, thus the wound in his arm in the opening teaser, and then runs away.   Turns out the man Mac was chasing in the opening was Luthor.  Luthor's motive was the way in which the 3 of them had changed the ideals of the gang from the old days, it was not about protecting the neighbourhood any longer.   Luthor fires at Rick, Mac turns around to see Rick fall to the ground - only after he's got off 3 rounds of his own at Luthor.   He doesn't want Mac calling for help.   He started it and he ended it too.

Going back 12 hours made very little difference to the plot of the episode or the outcome, since it w as apparent Mac would not be fatally wounded in any way.   Due to Luthor's conversation of the 'old' days and ways, Mac should've realized Luthor wouldn't kill him, since Luthor had kept his word on all occasions with Mac, like not going after the others until later.   Although Luthor wanted to be the one to bring the other gang members to book for corrupting his gang.

The  chases were left to Mac this episode.   Think these gang episodes are better suited to CSI:Miami, got to admit they do them so much better.   With Mac stealing Horatio's (David Caruso) line here of telling Luthor "you should've come to me" and they would have taken care of it together.   Mac didn't need to get 3 shots off since he just appeared to be going for a kill rather than defending himself.   It was a case of what Hazel said to Jo about 'whoever got off the most kill shots, survives.'  That's what Mac did here, but he shot at the wrong man and from their 'understanding'  and they shook hands, Luthor had too much respect for Mac.   He was there to kill Rick and that's what he eventually did, to the detriment of his own life.   Shooting his own brother to save Mac isn't too heroic since he wanted him dead anyway.   Mac again just appeared to be there for the job and to get it done "at all costs"  in a cold way.

The title meaning "blood for blood."

CSI:Miami's Spring Breakdown episode had a DB falling out the window and being shot by a flare gun, before landing on  a large protrusion.   Also the episode, Dude, Where's My Groom, where Jesse (Eddie Cibrian) discovered a palm print on the limo which lead to the identity of the killer.

NCIS - 7.22: "Borderland" Review

The death of a marine, discovered without feet leads to Mexico, where Abby is sent by Vance and it's all part of Gibbs' past catching up with him, as we near the end of the season.

A DB bleeds from a car in a scrapyard.   Ziva (Cote de Pablo) goes over the First Amendment.   Tony (Michael Weatherly) is on  his computer, as usual, sometimes you think he spends more time on there than McGee (Sean Murray) does.   Tony reminds her this Amendment  includes his freedom of speech.   Ziva; "Clearly they did not have Tony in mind when writing that."  Well they didn't have a lot of people in mind when writing.   Tony is on the website and is 'Nexted'.   (Something similar in CSI:NY season 7.2 episode was also done.)  Ziva comments Tony keeps getting 'nexted'.   Tony says it only takes 10 seconds.   One girl online says he's old, 'like 40'.   Which he is, (but over 40 in real life, ha.  Yeah it's like we're not all going to get to 40.)    Tony puts on a Graucho Marx mask, well many people won't even know who that is, Tony, talk about showing your age! Ha.

Tony: "Hi boss, not what it looks like.   Just out of curiosity, what does it look like?"  Gibbs (Mark Harmon) has no answer for that.  Gibbs: "Grab your gear and a little self-respect DiNozzo!"  Marine Corporal Ray Collins was found in the scrapyard.   Ducky (David McCallum) "Discarded like trash in an old junkyard."   Feet are missing too.  He was court martialled.   Tony comments on the Ducati motorbike and McGee says he can't afford them.   Abby (Pauley Perrette) says Vance (Rocky Carroll) wants to see her and if her "Gibbsometer" is working, then Gibbs should walk in right now.   Abby is flustered.   The DB had tissue under his fingernails but there's no DNA match.   Gibbs thinks the killer isn't in the military, "rules out Director Vance."

Abby is worried about seeing Vance means a bad omen, "it does not bode well for my future."  Gibbs says he has her back, "always have, always will."  So I ask, who's got Gibbs' back here, Abby?  Abby was also right about her omen.   Abby: "What the biohazardous material is this?"  When Gibbs gives her the mini Caf Pow.  We didn't  see Gibbs coming in it the Caf Pow, where did he hide that?  Though it was small enough.   Ducky mentions a Persian proverb about having no shoes, then met someone who had no feet.   Palmer (Brian Dietzen) does a Fred Flintstone impression.   Ducky: "Yabba Dabba Do."   COD: he bled to death, he wasn't conscious when his feet were cut.   They were sawn off and Ducky notices a welt on the side of his neck with '666.'  (Going back to Abby's omen.)

Vance is sending Abby to Mexico with McGee to accompany her cos he never goes anywhere, aside from LA and Mexico isn't really a good place for him.   Alejandro (Marco Sanchez) wants her to speak at a Law Enforcement Symposium.   Abby: "As long as it's not McGee, he's been acting all squirrely, when Alejandro tried to undress me with his eyes." Tony and Ziva go to the address found from the GPS on the Vic's watch, a truck and find it full of feet.   Tony's 'charming' was funny.

Benito Juarez, Mexico:   This house features a lot, ranging from JAG to Charlie's Angel's.   McGee comments that Monte Zuma got his revenge on him last time he was in Mexico.   Abby says he should stick to bottled water.   McGee gets a text from Tony telling him they're on the hunt for a serial killer, when McGee isn't there, not what he wants to hear.   Alejandro has cold cases for Abby to look through and conveniently, used loosely, one comes up in relation to Gibbs.   Alejandro calls McGee Agent Magoo, hey that's Tony's name for him., well one of his names.   The cold case is all about drugs and the escalating drug wars.

Tony: "I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say serial killer."  "Can I give you a hand," these are terrible jokes.   Ducky finds they were all unconscious when dismembered.   Ziva says sulphuric acid is strong enough to destroy bone.   They have the killer's trophies so probably will kill again.   Tony calls Palmer the 'autopsy Gremlin' again.   The killer is targetting bikers judging from the tattoos.   McGee now eats the local yogurt which Abby tells him is unpasteurized.   McGee asking if that's bad, er, he's a geek, he should know.   Geek used in the nicest way possible.  

Abby always wanted to be a teacher.   One woman, Natalia ( Stephaane Escajeda) asks her, after they stare at Abby's sense of dress, "who told you the Day of the Dead was in May?"  Natalia, Abby replies, is ovulating.   Tony and Ziva hit the biker bar.   This one's mainly full of women and Tony doesn't get any  response.   The barkeep, Velver Road (Claudia Black) (suspiciously my suspect) tells them to leave.   Cos she was trying to be helpful in the CSI:Miami way, i.e.  when they're too helpful, they're guilty and have plenty to hide.   Besides she was actually the only suspect.   She says the Corporal was sleeping with everyone.

Abby takes the class out on a field trip and is met by a woman from the drug cartel.   She, Paloma Reynosa (Jacqueline Obradors) talks about Pedro Hernandez, who was shot and killed 20 years ago.   The fracture pattern on his skull shows the bullet was travelling at high velocity so the police report was wrong.   McGee says a long range weapon was used.   of course we all know who uses those, or used to use those.   As said, all roads lead to Gibbs here.   She gives Abby the bullet which she wore as a necklace.   McGee offers to be held in their place.   This is Reynosa Cartel family business.   Abby tells her he wasn't shot point blank.   Paloma says he was killed by a sniper on the ridge and the sniper left behind a message in the form of the bullet.   She likes Abby's shoes.

Ducky and Palmer talk about toe cheese, oh please.  Ducky regrets not having a window.   Er, but they've been in the truck for several days though.     The feet have been salted which retards bacterial growth but not insect activity.   The first one was cut about 2 months ago.   All the Vics were already dead and were poisoned.   Gibbs knows serial killers do not change their MO.   Abby has a bad feeling about the cold case.   McGee has a bad feeling about the bed.   They remind us they shared a coffin together.   Abby mentions Ziva taking the couch in Paris (episode 7.11 Jet Lag).   McGee tells her Tony said he took the couch in Paris and they look at each other.   They've told them different stories, to get our goat and to begin yet more rumours about Tony and Ziva.   McGee brushes his teeth and uses the tap water.   Abby's developing her own gut, like Gibbs.   McGee's put on a few pounds.   He was joking.

Tony tries on a gas mask in front of the computer webcam, he can't get past 10 seconds before being 'nexted.'  Telling Ziva he's earned his pay.   Ziva threatens to tell Gibbs.   Gibbs: "Gibbs is gonna find out anyway."  Tony says Ray is the serial killer.   Ziva has a photo of an illegal right turn from the truck and he started killing when he returned here.   Abby finds a clipping with the news of Gibbs' family being killed.  Pedro's DB has been exhumed and sent to Ducky.   Lapua is a fave bullet of snipers, as we know going back all the way to season 1 and the season 2 finale when Kate (Sasha Alexander) was killed by Ari.  

Vance approved Abby going to Mexico but the request came from Alejandro.   Probably cos Allison (Mallision) was behind it.   Well her or Paloma.   At least Allison is meant to be our chief instigator cos she was here for Bell, then she was insistent that Alejandro should meet with Abby.   Tony: "Ola McTaco" and asks if he brought anything back for him.   How about some unpasteurized yogurt.   Tony tells McGee about the killer's antics on purpose cos he knows McGee isn't well.

Ducky mentions Pedro Hernandez and Gibbs drowns out Palmer's voice.   Flash to Gibbs shooting Pedro.  Ducky concludes Ray committed the murders but he doesn't know what his motivation was.   Gibbs signs for the bullet for Abby and acts remarkably suspicious in the process.  Also the looks that pass between Abby and Gibbs.   The poison used on the men was snake venom neurotoxin, from the sand viper found in Afghanistan.   The killer was targetting drug dealers.   Drug cartels cut off the feet of drug dealers.   Tony is glad McGee is back cos it's nice to talk to someone for more than 10 seconds, but Ziva was still around.   McGee was getting his revenge on Tony for making him fall in love with a non-existent woman when Tony faked his profile on the Net.   So he set his browser to stay for 10 seconds before he's 'next ed'.   Yes but I think Tony would have been next ed irrespective of this.

Velvet killed Ray.   The '666' impression on his neck was from her ring.   So his DNA must still be on her ring.   They have her DNA from his fingernails.   She's immune from the poison and he tried to kill her, she claims it was an accident.   She made him look like a Vic and was hired by the Reynosa drug cartel.   Abby's in Gibbs' basement this time and there's no boat, he's not building anymore.   He knows why she's here.  She matched the bullet from Pedro's head to Gibbs' sniper rifle and he killed him in cold blood.  "Gibbs doesn't do things like that - now I don't know."  Abby didn't find this out by accident and he quotes Rule 40: "if someone's out to get you, they are."  Abby wants vilification from him.   Gibbs can't reply that she's wrong.   Abby wants him to tell her how she's a daughter to him and he loves her.   She needs to know he'll love her no matter what.

Well there had to be a closure to this story sometime since it was on going from season 3 finale, with the flashbacks.   Seems it took Allison to bring it to the furore and for Gibbs and Abby's friendship to be tested and maybe altered.   Will the others find out.  It's obvious Alejandro is also involved, insisting on Abby coming to Mexico and handing her that particular cold case.

Tony finally gets a Gibbs slap, haven't seen that in a while.   Also Tony's line to Ziva: "You wouldn't understand - being irritating is second nature to you." That can be said of Tony too, ha.

Tuesday 3 July 2012

CSI 12.16 "Unplugged" Review

A nanny, Shelby (Laura Fraser) and the boy, Harper (Aiden Lovekamp) go missing from the house.  Brass (Paul Guilfoyle) tells DB (Ted Danson) and Finn (Elisabeth Shue) that Riordan, (Jeffrey Pierce) the father, claims he was sleeping when Shelby put him to bed.  He's dressed in a tux.  Brass: "I dress a little less formally."  In Harper's bedroom there's blood everywhere which is tacky and Finn finds a bloodprint on the headboard too, which she sends to Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) before there's a powercut.

DB notices Saturn is missing and metal particles are also found which Finn thinks could be transfer from the kidnapper.  Hodges (Wallace Langham) tells Henry (Jon Wellner) to hold the lift but he doesn't and forces Hodges to stop the door closing with his case.  Henry didn't want to hold the door.  They need to find Harper within three hours.  DB: "if the lights don't come back on we'll find the kid in the dark."  Morgan calls and tells him all the 'iss's' are down."  So they can't run the print against any database.  DB tells her to "use your head, use your hands" and to go back to basics.  Hodges tells DB that Morgan will dial faster for help if she knows he's in the lift.  Oh come on that means they have something going on together which no one knows about yet, which is more obvious at the end of the episode.

Finn finds white residue and blood patter on the ceiling.  Which DB explains means the kidnapper was already in the house.  That narrows down the suspects.  There's a void on the floor where the rug was taken, presumably someone was carried out in it.  They assume the blood could be Harper's but DB says they don't know whose blood it is.  Finn: "go old school."  Greg (Eric Szmanda) needs to use ABO typing to find the blood type.  Sara (Jorga Fox) found no sign of  a break in. When Sara mentions the number of candles in the house, it was apparent there was some sort of a seance going on there.  Nick (George Eads) spots blood drops on the table and floor leading towards the door.

Riordon says Shelby was his nanny since he was born and his wife died five years ago.  He was going to go out but fell asleep.  He doesn't know Harper's blood type, which is what DB and Sara were talking about a few episodes ago and how he and Catherine used to keep their children's hair or bandages in the fridge in DB's case it was bandages, just incase.  He recalls there may be Harper's bandage in the trash.  Greg tells Morgan to be creative when it comes to analyzing the residue.  He finds Harper's blood type is O.

Finn suspects Riordan.  DB: " I have a feeling this case is not gonna follow the rules."  Well not many cases do otherwise they wouldn't make for interesting TV.  Sara and Nick find the missing Saturn and the rug outside with Shelby inside.  Also a note is attacked to her with the knife, reading, "We have Harper."  Doc Robbins (Robert David Hall) can't see to conduct an autopsy but she was stabbed with a double edged blade, like the type that was recovered.  David (David Berman) makes his own version of a bright light using luminol and permanganate.  Doc concludes it could be a straightforward case of kill the nanny, take the boy.  Sara thinks there was an accomplice.

Greg and Morgan bump into each other and he suggests she use crystal test for the remaining 10% of her analysis since she can't find what narcotic the residue is from and an old fashioned microscope.  She finds it was ketamine which was kept in Riordan's medicine cabinet.  Greg also finds Shelby was AB and the blood type on the handle was O, belonging to Riordan.  Brass contacted the San Francisco police department and he neglected to tell them his wife, Natalie (Lauriane Gillieron) drowned in their pool.  Riordan admits he had a seance and used his blood.  So that's a clue as to who took the knife and also to the kidnapper.  His mother-in-law, Patricia (Bess Armstrong) was there and the medium, Karen (Rachel Roberts).  Anyway Karen could have said whatever she wanted.  He misses his wife.  He's a father and not a murderer.

Nick finds prints with tented arches on the note and Sara finds the same on the headboard and no match to Riordan.  Nick: "computers have really spoiled me."  Finn still suspects Riordon.  As said before it's not their job to suspect until all the evidence is in.  The kidnapper calls and asks for Natalie's jewellery as ransom.  Patricia believes Karen when Natalie told her Riordan didn't kill her.  Karen claims to have left with Patricia and tells Brass Natalie told her that Riordan betrayed her and he was holding onto her for selfish reasons.  His grief is all about him.  It was a giveaway when Karen calls him, "my husband."  Again she could have said whatever she wanted.

Henry posits they're CSIs, "of sorts" so they should analyze the metal particle for themselves whilst still stuck in the lift.  Nick notices there aren't any rear windows on the van and the kidnapper escaped out the back.  Shots are heard and they find the kidnapper wearing a red cap shot outside.  The jewellery is still there.  The prints match Trevor (Anderson Davis) as he has tented arches.  Sara finds Natalie's wedding ring is missing from the jewellery.  Greg also finds Harper's blood type is O and Shelby's is AB so she can't be his mother.  He already worked that out, it took him this long to tell DB.  Thus Shelby was a surrogate and there was no affair.  Natalie died accidentally and drowned in the pool whilst drunk after she threw his ring in there and later went to get it out.

Nick finds a wire transfer of money was sent to Trevor and the was signed by Natalie.  Power returns and Sara tells DB the metal particle was magnesium used in mag wheels, from a building across from the wire transfer place.  A part of town with abandoned buildings.  Nick finds Karen used fake ID to send the money.  At her place they find Harper.  Karen became obsessed with Natalie and became her.  DB finds Karen downed in the pool, like Natalie, only she was wearing the wedding ring and Natalie wasn't when she drowned.

Hodges claims it's good to have the "iss's back.  Just like Morgan did so there must be something more here between them.  As Morgan replies "it's good to have everything back."  Greg says they may "go ancient" again so she should keep the microscope, which she does. DB tells Finn he's good at hiding losing faith better than her.

This episode not only reminded me of the CSI episode Gentle, Gentle, about the kidnapped baby, where the baby was found dead.  But also of CSI:NY  2.11 Trapped, the panic room episode when Danny got stuck in the panic room and had to analyze the evidence the old fashioned way and had to improvize.  Stella found a bloodtrail leading from the room.  A knife was also the murder weapon and prints confirmed the suspect - but his prints were on the knife as he made himself a sandwich.  Here Riordan has the blood/seance alibi.  Another suspect's wedding ring is found in jello (jelly) again the use of a wedding ring as motive which was stolen by Karen here.  Danny discovers the ear of the DB's brother as 'proof of life' which is also what DB tells Riordan to ask for.  There were accomplices also in this episode.

Though CSI didn't need to do much.  That ABO blood typing was laborious though and there was potential to get it wrong too, as many would say, just like Nick, thank goodness for computers.  CSI has had many kidnapping episodes, including Gum Drops. A particular fave of mine.

Supernatural - 1.16: "Shadow" Review

Sam and Dean finally meet up with Dad and encounter Meg again, who has more up her conniving supernatural sleeve for the boys. dad leaves again cos it's too dangerous to be together. Dean wants Sam around with him all the time.

Chicago, Illinois.   A woman hears  a noise in an alley and is later attacked at home.   Shadows can be seen on the walls.

One week later.   Sam (Jared Padalecki) reads the paper as a manhunt continues for the killer.   Dean (Jensen Ackles) comments how, "Dad made it fine without all these costumes."  He feels like a high school drama dork.   They dress in overalls.   He recalls Sam in the play he did at school, Our Town, he was cute.   There were no signs of a break in at the woman's home and the alarm is still on.   Everything is in perfect condition, but Meredith (Melanie Papalia) was in pieces, could be the result of a wild animal.  Dean uses his EMF and he spoke with Amy, "the charming, perky officer of the law."  Meredith's heart was missing.   Sam doesn't think it's a werewolf as the cycles aren't right, but it could be a spirit of some sort.

Dean sees  a symbol, like a Z' shape.   Dean chats up the bartender (Nimet Kanji) and gets her number on a napkin.   Sam: "Do you mind doing a bit of thinking with your upstairs brain, Dean."  Lots of this upstairs/downstairs stuff going on.   The symbol isn't in any books or journals.   Someone named Ben, was found mutilated in his home but there's no connection.   For Dean the only successful piece of Intel he got was the bartender's number.   Sam spots Meg (Nicki Lynn Aycox).   I have this strange urge to call her 'Peg leg' everytime I hear her name.   She's in from California, only reason she was headed there in 1.11 Scarecrow, was cos Sam was.   So it's more than a coincidence that she's found him now.   Meg says she's from Andover, Massachusetts and Dean coughs, cos Sam, hasn't introduced them.   She tells Dean to cover his mouth.   Oh, Meg, one of those women you wouldn't mind bitch slipping.   Sorry thinking out loud!

She has a rant at Dean, telling him to stop dragging Sam around everywhere.   Yeah like Sam can't speak or decide for himself.  Meg: "If it were me, I'd kill him a hell of a time."  Dean asks who she was and Sam can only reply, 'weird.'  Dean: "You bitchin' about me to some chick," and gets angry.   Cos this 'chick' ain't worth the hassle.   Sam thinks something strange is happening here, which Dean thinks is about him, ha.   Dean: "tell me about it, she wasn't even that into me."
Sam: "No, our kind of strange."  Dean thinks random consequences happen, but not to them.   Sam can't quite put his finger on her.   Dean, with his one track mind, "I bet you'd like to...maybe you're thinking a little too much with your upstairs brain."   They need to find out if she's real.

Sam watches Meg and Dean calls him, as he's lurking outside her apartment.   Dean: "You've got a funny way of showing your affection."   Dean suggests he should invite her to a poetry reading.   The symbol turns out to be Zoroastrian, 2,000 years before Christ.   It's a sidral for a Deva which means "a demon of darkness." (Or you could say diva, ha.)  A Zoroastrian demon is animalistic, like a demonic pitbull.   Sam wonders how Dean worked all this out.   Dean: "you don't have the corner on paper chasing around here."  Sam asks the last book Dean read, and he admits he called Caleb.   The Devas bite the hand that feeds them and haven't been seen for millennia and no one knows what they look like.   Dean tells him to give her a stripogram.   Sam: "bite me."
Dean: "bite her, don't leave teeth marks though." Meg changes in front of the window.   Look Sam's not interested in you, right!  A woman coughs at Sam and calls him a pervert, like Dean did.

Sam follows her to an empty building, where he notices a black alter and cup.   She speaks in Latin.  Telling 'It' not to come as they're in town.   Sam sees a symbol on the alter in blood.   Dean: "Sam's got a thing for the bad girl."   Sam says she was talking into the cup like witches scrie into crystal balls.   Someone else is giving her orders.

Dean got a favour from Amy and the first first Vic was from Lawrence, Kansas and so was Meredith.   Meg is connected to the demon.   Dean leaves a message for Dad (Jeffrey Dean Morgan.)  Sam thinks they've found the demon and if so, it'll be over tonight and he'll sleep for a month.   But it couldn't be that simple, cos we have miles to go with this show.   Sam could go back to school, which Dean thinks is great for Sam.   Dean: "it's never gonna be over, there's gonna be others, there's always gonna be something to hunt.   I don't want you to leave the second this thing is over, Sam."  Dean asks why he got Sam from Stamford in the first place and takes him everywhere.   Sam thinks it's cos Dad was in trouble.   Dean wants the three of them to be a family again.   Sam: "Dean, we are a family.   I'd do anything for you, but things will never be the way they were before." Sam doesn't want to go back to that life, "I'm not gonna live this life forever...when this is all over, you're gonna have to let me go my own way." This is when Dean realizes, for Sam, it's all about living his life and not hunting.   That Sam will never want to be a hunter again.

They hide in the building and Meg summons the Devas.   She knows they're there.   They're attacked by Devas and are tied up.  Dean: "Sam, your girlfriend's a bitch!"  The Vics being from Lawrence didn't mean anything.   The trap is for Dad.   Dean: "Oh sweetheart, you're dumber than you look!"    He's not in town.   Meg says they're his one weakness and he will be killed by the Devas.   She saw Sam watching her.   Dean: "get a room you two."  Dean tries to untie himself and she hears him.   Sam's got his own knife and he turns over the alter.   The Devas attack Meg and throw her out the window.   Dean: "Sam, next time you wanna get laid, find a girl who's not so buckets of crazy."

Dean sees a shadow at the window, it's Dad.   (He did look like the demon from behind.)  He saw her go out the window.  Demons have tried to stop him before.   They can't be with Dad yet, he doesn't want them hurt.   He hugs Sam and is thrown back by Devas.   Meg is okay and has a medallion with the symbol on it.   Sam uses flares to light them up and escape.   Dean realizes Dad can't be with them cos they'll use them to kill him.   Dean: "Dad's vulnerable when he's with us - he's stronger without us around."  Dad tells them the fight is starting now and they will be a part of it.   Sam must let him go.   Meg watches them drive away.

Can't believe they didn't realize that if Meg has some sort of a connection to the demon, then she won't be killed that easily.   Plenty of laughs as is the norm with the show and Dean wanting Sam to meet a girl, but not this one Dean.   At least he's been out getting numbers.   Also Sam wants to get out once this is over, but it's not, so he has to stick around, never mind.   Meg says they're vulnerable when together, which we'll see later in the season and in other seasons too, but it's not just when they're with Dad, it's also when they're with each other, since they'll do just about anything for each other.   As Sam says here and we'll see later on.   It's the brotherly love they share.