
Tuesday 3 July 2012

CSI: Miami - 9.4: "Manhunt" Review

Horatio continues in his pursuit of Meemo as he leaves a trail of carnage in his wake. All tying in with his daughter and how no one helped her when she was placed in foster care; with flashbacks to Marisol.

The hunt is on for Meemo (Robert Lasardo) hence the title, as he goes on a killing spree.   Tripp (Rex Linn) tells Walter (Omar Miller) all air units etc are out in the search.  Horatio (David Caruso) catches one escapee on the bus, except for Meemo.   Flashbacks to Marisol getting killed.  Horatio says they'll get him, "if it's the last thing we do."  Well it wasn't.   Meemo boards a yacht, kills the husband and steals the jewellery.   In another episode where Horatio no longer has the final word before the opening credits.

Ryan (Jonathan Togo) finds prison shoe treads on the yacht.   The dead man's wife rips off her necklace when Calleigh (Emily Procter) questions her and tells her she can't blame herself.   Ryan has no idea how he's getting away.  Natalia (Eva Larue) finds Meemo's girlfriend, Ivonne (Melonie Diaz) works at a drycleaners.   She denies being in contact with him or seeing him.   She wants to get her daughter Elsa (Faith Dyer) back so she can't see him.   There's nothing on her phone but the earrings matching the necklace are found.   It was apparent she was lying.   Delko (Adam Rodriguez) loses his cool a lot lately, since he returned to the show.   She was going to sell the jewels and put them into savings for Elsa.

Meemo goes to the hospital and shoots two workers there when they give him the wrong answer on when they started work there.   He let's a third one off, not only cos the policeman fired at him, but cos she's new there.   CSI:Miami in an unusual departure from its violent episodes doesn't show such graphic scenes of people getting shot like that, and did this time in an unprecedented scene of violence directed particularly against women.   The social worker, Aaron and Kenneth aren't shown being shot but the women were.   He leaves his clothes behind under the truck covered in fresh spatter, as well as stealing a 9mm handgun and the dispatch radio to listen in to the police.   Then hides in a garbage truck.

Horatio is contacted by a civillian on the radio.   Aaron (Khary Payton) tells him he needs to be arrested for not doing his job.   He doesn't want to die.   On the contrary, Aaron was doing his job and wanted Elsa removed from the foster home, so Meemo killed an innocent man, not that he hasn't already done that.   Meemo shoots him regardless.   He's got unfinished business, as does Horatio.   It's been 5 years since Marisol was killed, as he reminds Horatio and us, oh what for, we don't need to be reminded now after all this time.   Was CSI:Miami really clutching at straws for storylines in its ninth season.  Marisol hasn't been mentioned for so long until now.   Horatio: "I'm gonna kill you for that."  That's one threat he wasn't able to keep thus far in the episode.   He usually keeps all of his promises.

Ivonne tells Delko Elsa isn't in her life but he tells her she let Meemo back into hers.   He wanted to see her but he couldn't  and she opened her big mouth, so it was all her fault those killings took place.   She told him Elsa was in foster care.   Elsa was taken to hospital when she was injured and she told Meemo about the accident.   Horatio agrees she shouldn't have done that.   Walter asks Kenneth (William Ragsdale) if he was familiar with Aaron's case and he claims not to know anything.  Elsa was taken to hospital with secondary burns.   Walter gets the address of foster mother, Joanne (Annie Corley) who was only shot in the leg by Meemo, why leave her alive.   The hospital couldn't take her in rightaway which is why he shot the two intake workers.   As Walter draws the conclusion that's why Meemo asked when they started work there.

Look it's Ryan with Horatio this time and not Delko.   Elsa didn't come home from school.   She was missing two days and she didn't report her, that would've been enough to get her shot by him but he let's her off.   Ryan can't believe she didn't report her, "are you kiddin' me?" Hey that's Flack's (Eddie Cahill) line.   Horatio says they'll find her.   So why's Meemo persistently calling Horatio when he can find her himself, just to taunt him and why's Horatio reassuring him that they will find her, in order to save some lives, but not like that will help.  

Ryan, Walter and Delko process Joanne's house and Walter finds a small torn piece of paper in the garden and Delko finds the same under Elsa's pillow.   Ryan finds someone broke into the house.   The paper was from a drycleaning leaflet, again leading to Ivonne and this was getting rather boring.   She was there to be near Elsa and left her a glass teddy.   Delko hopes it's a promise they can keep and find Elsa.   Calleigh hiding behind the desk and Delko just standing around when they were meant to be investigating, but there's not a shred of paper or anything else before them on the desk.

Calleigh says one person should know where she is.   Hey Delko still standing around, when Ryan comes to inform them about Joanne.   Aaron recommended Joanne be removed as her foster mother.   Kenneth knew everything about the case and has Elsa.   Meemo hears about Kenneth's sighting, which was stupid broadcasting it over the radio when he has one with him.   Then Horatio and Delko are surprised when he turns up where they've stopped Kenneth.   Delko demands Meemo doesn't talk to him about family and threatens to shoot him on several occasions, but doesn't.   Meemo takes Kenneth hostage and shoots him.   Horatio has flashbacks to Marisol, as Meemo escapes once more.

Another routine episode, but I have no idea how anyone can find needless and senseless carnage thrilling, even if it is CSI:Miami.   There wasn't anything exciting about it and it's a wonder CSI:Miami actually was renewed for a tenth season.   I used to like CSI:Miami  once upon a time, especially in its heyday, but then it got all about drug lords and gangs and Russian mobsters pretty quickly.   It was my fave CSI show at one point (now replaced by CSI:NY - wonder why.)  With a newer, fresher approach last season, CSI:Miami has now returned to its familiar action-orientated stance.   I wouldn't have minded so much if it had newer villains, but returning to the older characters doesn't make it interesting.   Lots of posturing over Marisol.   No one lined up gunning for Horatio, though only one escapee was actually shown being arrested and that was by Horatio too.   He didn't appear to be menacing or gunning for Horatio, he was getting away.   So much for LaBrock's warning previous episode that they'd be out for a "red-headed detective."   Not even Meemo gunned for Horatio.

A hardened criminal and killer like Meemo was placed in a private prison, instead of maximum security was ridiculous.   He may have been searching for his daughter, but his first act out of prison is to shoot an innocent man for the fun of it and to steal from him.   There's no sympathy that can be garnered for such a vile human being, even when he finds out about  Elsa he still goes on a shooting rampage and yet through it all he has the audacity to demand Horatio gets her back.   Plenty of people lose their children, but his action was extreme.

Monday 2 July 2012

Without A Trace 3.4 "Upstairs Downstairs" Review

A family are at dinner with their baby and have plans of going to Paris, Roma and Milan.  Terri (Susan Floyd) the mother of the baby is drunk and her father tells her she’ll turn the baby into an alcoholic as she’s breast feeding.  Lawrence, (Chad Lowe) the father tells June (Esperanza Catubig) that the nanny has stolen one of her dresses and jewellery.  So she’s upset with her and he’s letting her go.  June and baby Nicki go missing.

9 Hours Missing
June’s mother doesn’t know where she is.  Danny (Enrique Murciano)  and Sam (Poppy Montgomery) search her house.  Jack (Anthony La Paglia) questions Lawrence and Terri.

10 Hours Missing
Terri is on medication as she’s depressive post partem.  He doesn’t know if Terri is an alcoholic.  They’ve been married 9 years.  She could be an alcoholic but he’s not having an affair with June.  They’ve been trying for a baby for 3 years.
Martin (Eric Close) finds the house alarm was set at 1:20am and went off at 4:12am.  She left her mobile behind.  Martin thinks June and Nickki may have been kidnapped. Terri let her try on her rings.  June reminded Terri of herself at that age.  June couldn’t imagine that Terri has everything and she let her borrowthe necklace.  Then she accuses June of betrayal.  Jack says if June took Nicki then the motive is important.
Sam finds an Armani dress and jewellery in June’s room.  Her mother says terri gave her the dress.  Danny asks how she could afford the plasma TV?  Her mother says they should be looking for her daughter not treating her like a criminal.  Jack finds a dummy in the cot.

11 Hours Missing
No one saw June at the train station.
The housekeeper has worked there for 32 years and raised Terri herself after her mother died when she was 9.  June idolized Terri.  She caught June eating caviar with Anthony de Bellis (Anthony Joseph De Santis) the gardener.  He’s worked here for 20 years and his father passed the business onto him.  June was out of line with the guest at the dinner party, he accuses her of having “greedy eyes.”

A ransom demand is made from a mobile phone at W 42nd St Manhatten:  The call is made through a voice distorter.  Computer analysis is done on the tape.  Sam finds it hard to belive that June isn’t involved.  Viv (Marianne Jean Baptiste) says the low tech voice distorter was bought at the leectronic district.

Jack tells the family that if June is innocent then he has an obligation to involve her family, if she’s guilty then their reaction could tell them something.  Jack says they have 2 options; either pay the kidnappers the ransom and then follow them or use decoy money, arrest them and force them to talk.  He recommends the latter.  June’s mother wants the ransom paid and then see.  June’s sister comments they’re worried about the money.

13 Hours Missing
June called him at 3:45am and told him she’d been fired and was saying goodbye.  They’d been sleeping together a few weeks, it wasn’t serious.
Sam says her sister works on W36th St and was out of the office at the time.  Her sister says June called her this morning from a bus and sounded afraid.  She took Nicki because Terri was abusing her and wanted to protect her from them.  

14 Hours Missing
Lawrence doesn’t believe it.  Terri wouldn’t hurt their baby.  Jack tells Terri about the call and abusing Nicki.  Jack tells her June betrayed Terri so maybe it had something to do with the gardener: Terri’s either sleeping with him or June is.  Terri wanted June fired because she saw them together.  Anthony told June Terri was beautiful and happy.  June says Terri doesn’t love Lawrence.  Terri loved Anthony since they were 15 and it was the only time she was happy.  Her father stopped her form seeing Anthony.  Laurence didn’t know so she made up the stealing story.
The housekeeper tried to straighten Terri out by telling her father that Anthony shouldn’t be around because Terri loves him.  Terri won’t make it without Nicki.

Jack calls his daughters, he’ll see them next weeked with their favourite bagels.  Hannah won’t talk to him.  They showed June’s photo to bus drivers.  The call came in at 10 from a 314 area code, that of St Louis.  She must have borrowed a phone from another passenger.

Jack gets a call.  Nicki is dead.  She was buried in a shallow grave.  Danny says it was dug in a hurry.  COD was suffocation there were no signs of abuse.

Martin questions Anthony and tells him Nicki was buried in the woods outside the family home.  He’s not protecting Terri and he didn’t make plans with June to Kill Nicki.  A man lent June the phone at Pennsylvania, the next stop is Pittsburgh.  Here June is found on the bus.

Viv thinks perhaps someone paid her to kill Nicki.  Jack thinks it could be a black market deal gone wrong.  He asks Viv to question her.  June was read her rights.  She was afraid of the police as they’d blame Nicki’s death on her.  She ddin’t kill Nicki and wants to talk with Laurence.

Jack talks with him.  Jack tells him Terri was abusing Nicki and June saw it so he sent her away because she knew too much.  Terri killed Nicki.  Lawrence says there was no abuse but an accident.  Terri was feeding her and suffocated her by falling asleep on her.  June came in and saw what happened.  Lawrence gave her the money and forced her to leave or he’d call the police and tell them June did it.  They’d believe him.  He couldn’t tell Terri because she’d kill herself.  He put Terri to bed and buried Nicki.  He thought June would go away.  Jack tells him he believed he could hire an expensive lawyer and get away with it.  Lawrence wants to tell Terri himself.  He’s going to arrest them both.

Jack goes to his office and cries after he thinks of his daughters.  Viv asks June why she ran and didn’t just stay and tell the truth.  She’s not rich or powerful and everyone thought it was her all along.   Viv explains it's because she ran.

 A family orientated episode which hits close to home for everyone, especially Jack.  He’s more involved this time around because of his daughters and sends Viv in to question June.  Also because of season 3 episode 3 when he took out his anger on the abused man.

Another episode where Danny very much “finds” the dead baby and again it gets too much for him. As he walks away when Jack opens up the bag, he can’t bare to watch.

In this episode Sam believes June is guilty and took the baby but she thinks differently of the missing mother in episodes 6 and 7; so her attitude isn’t consistent or synonymous with all victims, except may be the ones who remind her of her own situation, at least it appears that way.  What prompts her to suspect June is guilty anyway?

Terri’s father says he’ll turn the baby into an alcholic but what about a drug addict by popping all those pills. Terri says June can borrow the necklace “when you have a hot date,” she already knew about her and Anthony.

Martin: “wouldn’t be surprised if we get a ransom call soon.”  Which they do.
Kidnappers using the old ploy of voice distorters as did the one in the season 1 episode.  But the voice isn’t distorted much as it still sounds like a woman.

Jack: “Is it possible June witnessed something to prompt your wife into you firing her?”  Jack is right about this.  June did witness something only Terri didn’t know.
Danny: “…wrapped in her baby blanket with a lot of care.”  Who would wrap up a baby so carefully, only someone close to her.

Jack: “I think you should take a crack at her.”
Viv: “Why?”
Jack: “I don’t think my approach would be particularly useful right now.”

June has posters on her bedroom wall of Britney Spears, Ashton Kutcher, Lindsay Lohan and Orlando Bloom.
For afficiandos of both this show and CSI, this episode was straight out of CSI season 1 epsiode Gentle, Gentle  where they found the missing baby buried at the golf course behind the family house, after their other son had smothered him.

This episode was a foray into the dysfunctional family life of people who have too much money and can buy silence.
Danny likes to keep his sensitive side hidden – when he couldn’t sit around Jack looking at the baby.  Now sporting a bangle on his wrist. Like Sara in CSI Danny also gets cases which have an impact on him: either anger or sadness or both.  So who does he talk to about all this when it gets too much for him?

Viv asking why Jack wanted her to talk to June when the case was too close to home for him.  When he cries at the end, not that we get to see his face: private grief.  In the clip with his baby daughter, he probably never used to wear black back then, as he also never wore black in the pilot episode.

The ending was obvious, Terri suffocated the baby.  Clue: when she was feeding the baby under the blanket in the flashback she practically smothered her.

CSI: NY - 7.3: "Damned If You Do" Review

Mac arrests a suspect on the basis of his mother's ID for his father's murder and her own attempted murder. However his mother later tells Mac it wasn't her son who was the killer. The CSIs must examine all the evidence to piece together.

Whilst his parents have been brutally attacked, Billy Travers (Taylor Handley) lives it up at a party.   Appropriate choice of music with Phil Collins' In the Air Tonight, but that was going back a few years.   Mac (Gary Sinise) arrives at the CS and elicits from the mother the identity of their attacker.   She uses finger motions to indicate her son from the family photo.   Flack (Eddie Cahill) arrests Billy.  Hawkes (Hill Harper) asks Danny (Carmine Giovinazzo) and Lindsay (Anna Belknap) if they would have had the foresight to ask her the same questions as Mac did in order to obtain an ID.   No they wouldn't have and also because it's not conclusive.   Even if she may not survived, her ID would still not have been enough to convict her son, but it would have carried some weight.   They analyze the CS and collect trace evidence and samples.

Jo (Sela Ward) questions Billy, who can't believe his mother would have accused him.   He denies everything.   She's been a detective for a long time and "this is as bad as it gets."   Everyone's so sure he's guilty and the evidence isn't even in.   Flack questions Billy's girlfriend, Jules (Crystal Reed).   Asking her to go over her story again, she'll only "say something different if she's lying."   She is sure Billy's innocent.   Prompting Flack to reply: "I'm gonna let you into a little secret, everyone has it in them to do something like this, everyone."

To me, Flack seemed to be speaking from personal experience, like he was referring to how he pulled the trigger on Angell's (Emmanuelle Vaugier) killer in the season 5 finale (Pay Up), out of revenge.   He also tells her it's usually 6 months into dating that he can say for certain whether anyone has 'homicidal tendencies'.   Good to know!  (What about after 6 months?) To which Jules quips: "You're kind of a bitch you now that."  No retort from Flack , only a smile.   Flack didn't use any "severe threats" when interviewing Jules either.

Jo has to establish Billy's alibi and he tells her he was alone in his room before the party, to which she comments, "because you're not man enough to admit what you did" she'll have to resort to Math and she hates Math.   Er, you need Math in order to take up any discipline involving science.   Danny failed algebra and Jo hates Math.   Jo was calm with Billy and didn't throw her weight around (that's probably my oft-used phrase).   No, she's cool, calm and collected and doesn't let any of her tactics slip.   She was left to conduct the interview alone this week.

Jo questions Sid (Robert Joy) on the nature of blunt force trauma and he's taken aback by her and Jo asks if he didn't expect her to be female.   We know Sid has an eye for the ladies, look at the photo of his ex later in the episode.   Also because nobody introduced her, again.  There are puncture wounds on the father's DB, TOD (Time of Death) is narrowed down to between 9-10pm and the weapon is probably a hammer, crowbar or tyre iron.

Flack informs them about a prisoner in Rikers, Owen Hicks (Alex Solowitz)  whose cellmate, Manny Ravarra (Marcos de la Cruz) confessed to the crime.   Manny was an escapee and was picked up last night.   Danny and Flack question Manny, not one of their usual interrogations.   Danny tells him they have an eyewitness who says it wasn't Manny.   He just replies "sometimes crackheads tell the truth" and he's got nothing to lose since he's already serving life.   Danny's "not buying it" and rightly so, since he states the attack was personally motivated.   He suggests they look in the sewer.   Flack and Danny were calm when they questioned Manny at Rikers.   No threats or manipulative diatribes of any kind, that was different for them too.

Lindsay and Hawkes find the shoe prints were from the officers and EMTs and none of the blood matches Billy.   Lindsay comments he either didn't do this or he was really careful.   That's strange, how can someone who brutally attacked in that way be really careful, since even if none of the blood matches, there has to be other evidence.   No one can be that careful.   Mac doubts his decision to question Grace Travers (Stacey Edwards) "maybe I pushed too hard in the moment."  Gotten used to seeing Stacey Edwards in mother roles now.   She played Debbie Montenassi in CSI:NY  season 1 episode, Tanglewood.   Where her son was a gang member, killed by one of his own gang.

Flack and Danny check out the sewer, actually Danny does it.   Well he is the CSI.   Flack thinks Manny's probably laughing at how "two moke detectives are knee-deep in crap"  Danny tells him it's "one moke detective."
Flack: "I don't do sewers."  Since when,  he was in  a sewer with Danny last season, chasing the Compass Killer!  Danny finds a crowbar.   Hawkes sees Danny is going to date the rust from the crowbar but it doesn't match the rust from the door, so Manny wasn't there.   Grace tells Mac Billy wouldn't do this and tells him to leave.

Sid tests his neurone reactions to seeing familiar faces in a photo and when he has an emotional connection to the woman in the photo, the results go off the scale.   That was a reaction to alimony.   He concludes Grace's memory could have been affected and the movements in her hand could just have been ceasures.

Danny tells Jo, Manny and Billy were at the same police precinct at the same time, so he could have overheard the policeman talking, calling upon his girlfriend to dump the crowbar in the sewer.   Giving Jo an idea using the polygraph.   For which she needs Adam's (AJ Buckley) help as a polygraph expert.   Wonder how Jo convinced Adam to take part in the polygraph ploy, anything more about his file, ha.   Using big words Adam forces Owen to come clean.   Even timing it down to the nearest second when Owen will crack.   Manny wanted to see his girlfriend more, so if he confessed he'd be at trial for a year at least.   As he confessed, there wouldn't be a trial, only a sentencing hearing!

 Jo reads the DD5 on Grace's misidentification and places it back on Mac's desk.   Of course, Mac being Mac, had to see her.   Jo admits she "sees history repeating itself."  But this isn't Mac's history, she was under oath to reveal any wrongdoing she may have witnessed in the FBI.   She knew Frank for 12 years and "trust became just another word."  She doesn't regret what she did and wouldn't hesitate to do it again.   Mac: "my team does not sacrifice integrity for a desired result."

So we find out what that reference Adam made about Jo's whistleblowing was in reference to.   Mac reassuring her she won't have the same problem here.   Again alluding to the integrity of his lab and his workers.   Think back to the dressing down he gave Aiden (Vanessa Ferlito) in season 2, when she falsified evidence against the rapist she was after and Mac referred to the integrity of his team/lab and how she jeopardized it.

Lindsay (always interrupts them in the office) links the shard of glass found in the bed, to 'Glasphemy' where people go to take out their aggression.; and to a worker, Paul Benson (Brian Guest).   He grew up in the Vic's (victim's) house.   What is it about Danny and Flack that gives them away as cops.   I sense a chase coming on, that's almost expected everytime they're in a scene together and second one for this season.   But not like past chase scenes when they had to run quite a bit to collar the suspect.

The dirt on Paul's shoes matches the soil from the house.   Danny likens him as the guy "you loved to hate in every John Hughes film."    Flack and Danny talk about how he had everything going, which was a good scene, seeing as they had to apprehend him.  They don't normally share like that, we usually go straight to an interrogation.   They had nothing but Paul's girlfriend's statement about him raping her and his parents testified against him.   Jo reassures his parents they did the right thing.   Mac tells Paul he was old enough to accept responsibility for his actions and not to hide behind his parents, whom he betrayed.

Mac visits Grace in hospital and to say sorry to Billy, "sometimes we lose sight of how hard it is to be called a suspect."  That's true.   Mac's anger is better suited when it's directed at the suspects and criminals that deserve it, not his own team.   Then his character really comes into his own, since that's where you see all the years of hard work and dedication to the job and you know it isn't really a job to him anymore.   It's almost a calling.   Mac having the last word, that he could've made something of his life when he got out, but instead he destroyed an entire family and

The opening was good - how Billy was having a good time at the party whilst his parents had been attacked.   They painted him as being so cool and carefree at the same time.   Also the parallels, in some respects between the two families: both had sons, one set of parents turned in their bad son and Billy's mother was convinced her son was good.   Mac tells her she's lucky at the end, can't help but think he wasn't only commenting on Billy and having a good, caring son, but also her being lucky to survive.

As for the title of the episode, "damned if you do" the family who testified against their son, and "damned if you don't" the family who had nothing to do with Paul, but were unfortunate enough to be in his line of fire.   As for making snap judgements, and decisions over the guilt of Billy, that's something CSIs aren't meant to do.   They need to "follow the evidence" as we've heard often enough.   Letting the evidence lead them to the suspect.   That's why it was a bit of a shock seeing Mac rely solely on Grace's ID to pursue Billy.   Sid spelled out what I also said, that a good defence lawyer would discredit the case.   Since when can you solely rely on statements made by someone who has just suffered such a traumatic attack and hasn't even received proper medical care yet.   It should've occurred to Mac that she was reaching out for her son in the photo for comfort/safety after what she endured.  An episode clearly showing, you can't decide until you've got all the facts.

CSI:Miami episode, MIA/NYC-Nonstop (the crossover/introductory CSI:NY) had a similar storyline, where a man ordered a family killed, only the wrong family was killed as he was dyslexic.   Wrong family, wrong address.  The dead couple's son was framed as a suspect for their murder.   Here Paul killed the wrong family, and wrong address.

This case was loosely based on the real life case of Chris Porco who was accused of killing his father with an axe and attempted murder of his mother, who survived.  The case on him being a leading suspect was centred on him as the investigating detective at the CS asked his mother to ID his killer and he asked if it was her son, to which she nodded.  He was found guilty on both counts.
CSI episode Blood Sports where a coach was attacked and went about his normal routine before he collapsed and died, was also based on this case.

NCIS - 7.21: "Obsession" Review

As the title suggests Tony becomes obsessed with a TV reporter after she disappears, whilst working on a story. Allison returns with a man in tow, who looks awfully suspicious. 

A man crashes his car outside a hospital.   McGee (Sean Murray) tells Tony he has two reminders from Brenda Bittner, she's posted on line that she's in a 'committed relationship' with Tony (Michael Weatherly).   She's the barista from Gibbs' (Mark Harmon) coffee shop.   Ziva (Cote de Pablo) asks when Tony was going to tell them about being in a committed relationship (cos we all know how committed Tony can be, ha.)  Tony's not dating her, they only spent the night together.   Tony hasn't set his private settings correctly.   Ziva thinks he's getting too old for these one night stands.   Oh she got that expression right.   Tony will settle down when he meets the right girl, whom he thought was Jeanne, luckily she wasn't Ms Right.   Gibbs tells Tony, "don't ever settle DiNozzo."

The Vic was Lt Jeffrey Hutton.   Ziva asks what Tony is looking for in Ms Right? Tony: "Very independent, intelligent, successful, professional."
Ziva: "What would this woman possibly see in you?"

Ducky (David McCallum) can't determine the COD.   The Vic's sister is ZNN reporter Dana Hutton, (Ashley Scott) Tony want to accompany Ziva to interview her.   Gibbs lets him.   She's blond, really cute but Tony's a professional.   Brenda calls Tony and they find Dana's apartment trashed.   Allowing Tony the chance to snoop around, he looks at the piano and her photos.   I have to admit, I immediately thought of the movie Laura as soon as I read the one line summary for the episode.   Though I was waiting for someone to mention it in here and finally Ziva did.

Gibbs: "We don't answer anything," to Navy Operations Command.   Tony says NIOC has secrets and he's obsessed with Dana already  Abby (Pauley Perrette) has the laptop.   Jeffrey's CO, Capt.  Austin Sears (Bobby Hosea) asks if it was an accident.   Ducky can't find any reason for his multiple organ failure, he was in perfect health.   They'll need SecNav clearance as he was working on a classified project.   Gibbs asks Tony about his pal at NIOC, whoever he was cos we didn't get to see him.

Dana's producer, Rex (Jonathan Kerrigan) tells Ziva and Tony that her old friend was killed in a car accident and she was overseeing the sale of his bookstore.   Ziva clearly flirts with him.   She was working on a piece on Private Military Contractors (PMC).   (Cue Hart and Bell.)  Tony sits on Dana's anchor chair.

Rivera (Marco Sanchez) is from the Mexican Justice Department and Vance (Rocky Carroll) says he's here courtesy of the State Department.   Rivera's legal counsel for the Justice Department in Mexico.   Allison Hart (Rena Sofer) helped secure Bell's release.   Enough with the 'Mr Gibbs' already!  Vance gives her temporary employee status.   That was easy for her to obtain, especially with her past associations with Bell and she wasn't even vetted!  Abby says the Tox screen will take time and Tony hugs her.  Palmer (Brian Dietzen) tells him she's in a foul mood.   Abby threatens them with the guns in the ballistics lab, for someone who doesn't like guns.   Palmer suggests a double date with Tony and Brenda.

Tony's 'missing' from work and is watching Dana's interviews and asks McGee for her number.  "Give me the number or I'll Gibbs slap you." Tony wants to check out the bookstore.   Besides wouldn't Tony be able to get her number without McGee's help, he's an agent after all and an obsessed one at that.   Ziva is curious as to how Tony knows, "called research Da-vid." Palmer worked on the Vic and found a small puncture wound on his shoulder.   Ducky lets him remove the dot.   Abby says it looks like a bowling ball, she'd say that.   Allison brings Rivera to the lab and he invites Abby to Mexico.   She's too busy to give him a tour of the lab.  Why is Allison (Mallison) ordering Abby around, she's not her boss, she should have complained.

There's a sax player outside the bookstore, recall Tony undercover as a singer outside a restaurant in season 4.   He meets Maggie Reed (Kerrie Keane).  Now she was an obvious suspect, having access to the bookstore.   The safe inside is open and empty, also how could she have missed that.   Gibbs has clearance now and the DB was Charlie Baskum.   Jeffrey was doing a report for the joint chiefs at PPMCS.   McGee says Dana was working on the story and Abby realizes Jeffrey was murdered.   Ducky says the metal pellet contained ricin inside.  Abby comments Gibbs hates it when she asks him to guess.   Ducky concludes he was killed by a cold War weapon and recalls 1978 and the umbrella murder, when Gregor Markov was killed when a passer-by with a folded umbrella injected him with a pellet.   The hospital couldn't help since there's no antidote.   Dana was writing on the negative aspects of PMCs like Bell, thus the presence also of Allison.  Who turns up in Gibbs' basement.   If he locked his front door he wouldn't have a social life.   She knew he was investigating PMCs and Dana was a friend of hers, small world.  

Rex was Dana's boyfriend, which makes Tony jealous.  "There are consequences for misleading Federal Agents."  But nothing's serious with her and she uses people so he let her use him.   Which prompts Tony to grab him by the collar.   Abby loves the word 'symposium'.   McGee comments Rivera probably wants to know how many tattoos she's got.   Abby teases, perhaps she's got another one.   Tattoos were mostly discussed in seasons 1 & 2 when Kate (Sasha Alexander) was around and when McGee got one too, to impress Abby.   1985 was the year of the spy.   There were many arrested on US soil.   Ziva says Charlie's death was an accident and he had the name of a dead man who emigrated from Canada.   Ziva asks Gibbs if he's spoken with Tony.   He went to ZNN and got "physical" with Rex.   He might be obsessed with Dana, not might, he is.   Tony plays her piano and leaves her a message on her phone.   Ziva worrying about Tony again, as she did in season 4 when he was seeing Jeanne and making all those hospital trips.   Then telling Gibbs about Tony once more.

Finally Ziva turns up and mentions Laura (1944).   Tony: "Ziva making a film reference - go figure."  Ziva claims Dana won't walk through his door as this is real life, she was wrong.   Ducky finds the COD was "pink tooth."   The use of an arsenic compound from Russia during the twentieth century.   Vance recalls the legend of Yuri, a mole in the DC area, who funded KGB operations in the US and Charlie fits this profile.   He had $10 million in a slush fund.   Tony associates him with Kevin Costner's landlord in No Way Out (1987) mentioned again.   McGee thinks these would be great characters if he was writing a novel.   Gibbs says it's about the money and they search the bookstore.   Dana calls Tony and they meet at Gibbs' fave backdrop.  

Gibbs finds Microfiche which is the earlier version of the flash memory as McGee tells Gibbs.   Who refers to them as the 1970's version of those memory plug in things in the side of the computer.   Dana has been in hiding and he tells her about Yuri/Charlie.   She opened the safe and found Russian documents and codes.   She told Jeffrey and they did their own research.  There's no money in the safe cos it was obviously in his books, the first editions, etc, William Shakespeare's works were worth $6 million and the Guttenberg Bible printed on vellum was worth 10 times $2.5 million.   Dana thinks it was "probably the same person who killed me." She's been injected too.   (Didn't this remind you of the season 4.16 Dead Man Walking episode with Ziva and her brief love, Roy Sanders.   The parts with Tony and what happeend to Dana at the end, I mean.)

Vance says Fornell owes Gibbs dinner.   The microfiche was a ledger and Gibbs sees one name on the list stand out: Maggie.  He converses with her in Russian, she wanted the KGB money.   She was at the bookstore all this time and didn't think there might have been something of value there.

Tony's turn to acquiesce Gibbs' basement now for some bourbon.   Dana died peacefully.   Tony's not fine, he broke Rule number 10: never get personally involved in a case.   Gibbs: "it's the rule I've always had the most trouble with."  As we know from past experience.

Well they had to make this episode eventually, even if it took 5 years to get there; the number of times Tony's mentioned the film Laura, only in this episode Dana dies.   In Laura, played by Gene Tierney, the detective who falls for her was played by actor, Dana Andrews, wonder if that's why Dana was named so.   Ashely Scott was in Dark Angel and Michael actually got some scenes with his former co-star, which he didn't get with William Gregory Lee.   Laura was first mentioned in season 2.17 An Eye for an Eye.    Tony and his allusion to No Way Out again as in 5.5 Leap of Faith, where he said, "sort of an Arab version of Kevin Costner in No Way Out."  Clearly a movie that can be applied to many genres and nationalities.

At least this episode was enjoyable and as atmospheric as a film noir, especially the haunting music in the scenes where Tony is obsessing over Dana.

Tony got involved personally in this case, but we knew that was coming, they all do, one way or another as we know, they either fall for the suspect, like Ducky and Gibbs in the past, or the object of their obsession is killed, like Ziva's amour in season 4.   Which no one mentioned here, but Ziva was more involved than Tony was, he only just briefly met her.   Tony turns to Gibbs in his darkest hour.   And Brenda was all but forgotten.   Think Tony believed Dana could have been Ms Right, but he didn't really know her and Rex said she used people, so, probably not right for him anyway.   Besides at the end of the day, she was just the woman on the other side of the TV screen for Tony.   However Tony tends to get 'obsessed,' at least intense over his female counterparts, friends, colleagues, or should I just say women, in general and be done with it, when he's genuinely concerned about them, jealous, or just plain fancies them.   Such as with Ziva in season 6 after he found out she was keeping secrets about her relationship with Rivkin and felt he had to protect her from him.

McGee's tattoo, or the possibility of him having one was mentioned in season 1's Sub Rosa and Kate's tattoo which Tony was so curious about was in My Other Left Foot.   Allison's there for a reason, has an ulterior motive for being there and not just cos she was friends with Dana, curiously the episode started out with Dana investigating PMCs, as Allison is so connected with those and ended up with Russian spies.  

Also Ducky calls the umbrella murder Vic, Gregor instead of Georgi Markov, who was actually Bulgarian, not Russian.   Though his hit was ordered by the KGB.

Sunday 1 July 2012

Desperate Housewives - 7.8: "Sorry Grateful" Review

Thanksgiving for us and for Wisteria Lane has everyone revealing their doubts and insecurities, Renee about her choices with men, still wanting Tom; Susan missing Mike, Gaby plotting to keep Grace.

Mary Alice (Brenda Strong): "Felicia (Harriet Sansom Harris) knew many things: Paul killed her sister, had to find proof and needed help.  She knew she was lucky to have a daughter who did what she was told."  Beth (Emily Bergl) hasn't been able to find out anything about Paul (Mark Moses) and Felicia realizes she slept with him.  Beth considers it a sacrifice for her aunt.

Mary Alice: "Thanksgiving: defrosting turkey; visiting family; performing in pageants, shopping and stress."  Just like the ghosts in Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol (2009), each of these is going to be 'visited' upon the residents of Wisteria Lane. Gaby (Eva Longoria) - I've dropped the Parker from her name - forces Carlos (Richard Antonio Chavira) to cook to celebrate his Mexican culture.  She's Mexican too, isn't she?  Grace's (Cecilia Balagot) parents would prefer to eat Mexican food on Thanksgiving.  How does she know they would, she's only known them a short while and socializing with them is so beneath her, she's only doing it for Grace.  Carlos' culture is contained within the two shopping bags.

 I can't help but think that celebrating with Mexican food was just a metaphor, or rather an underlying story that Grace's parents were illegals, so Gaby could get her grubby little paws on grace for good.  Just as Paul appears to be scheming with Beth, it seems like he's just toying with her and stringing her along because he knows who she really is, that Felicia is her mother and once he's got his way with her, the penny will drop and he'll admit everything.  (Penny dropping is an English term meaning "it will occur or happen.")

In the same way that it seemed Gaby forgot to bring home the pies on purpose because she could take Hector (Rolando Molina) with her and made him drive on the shoulder so he would be arrested.  She only had a sip of wine that we saw and claiming she couldn't drive.  Well when Hector is arrested and deported back to Mexico that's strike one for Gaby and one parent taken care of. Renee (Vanessa Williams) invites Lynette over for dinner and Lynette (Felicity Huffman) wants Susan to come too, but as a guest, not the hired help.

Susan (Teri Hatcher) doesn't like the idea of sleep training, she hates to listen to babies cry.  Paul tells Beth he thinks Felicia has mental problems as who else would cut off their own finger to frame him for murder.  That's rich coming from him, didn't his son also have so-called mental problems?  Which makes Beth begin to wonder too.  Seems almost like acting on his part, I can't believe he really doesn't know about Beth.  Also all Paul wants is vengeance on his neighbours.  That's not exactly healthy.

Mary (Nancy Travis) apologizes to Bree (Marcia Cross) with flowers, her marriage to Richard (John Schneider) is strained.  Bree tells her to make him aware of her feelings and invites them to dinner. Tom (Doug Savant) brings Renee a cream pie from Lynette, it'll be eaten at their house and sees her in her blue towel.  He recalls every detail of her in her blue, striped towel, way back when.  She admits to fishing for compliments from Tom, who develops a clumsy streak all of a sudden, surprised her towel didn't just "fall off!"

Carlos says Gaby didn't cook, she just did her hair for two hours and so now has to pick up the pies she forgot.  As said, that was convenient for her.  Hector doesn't have a licence as he's illegal.  Another notch on Gaby's belt for taking care of people selfishly and an obstacle removed furthering her foray into getting her grubby, little paws into Grace for good.  She drives home and complains of not being able to use the stick shift on Hector's car and blames him for driving on the shoulder like it was his idea.  Juanita in true Gaby fashion can only think of where the pies are.  Well, substitute Prada bags for pies!

Susan can't resist doing her job and attending to Paige when she cries.  That's the job of a nanny though, looking out for the baby, not pandering to the whims of parents.  Lynette wouldn't expect a stranger to let Paige "self-soothe" (maybe she would) then she'd sue them for neglect!  Mary demands a divorce from Richard and Bree insists that wasn't the advice she gave her.

Beth tells Paul about not having a proper Thanksgiving when she was little.  She invited a boy over, Danny Sullivan, one year and her mother wouldn't let her answer the door to him.  A bit dangerous name dropping like that, Paul's sure to recall it when he needs the dirt on Beth; or at least to find out who she really is, if he doesn't know already.  Beth realizes her mother may be "damaged." She's thankful for Paul. Susan quits as she can't bear MJ crying himself to sleep over Mike (James Denton) every night and so does she.  That's another reason why she can't bear to see Paige cry.  Lynette allows her to call him from her phone, but not for long.

 Renee has a sob-story moment with Tom that she could have chosen any man she wanted but she chose the rich ones, unlike Lynette who knows how to pick them, kind and gentle, like him.  Oh have your one night stand with Renee already and get it over with!  Either that or tell Lynette about the past, 'cause either way the truth will out. Keith (Brian Austin Green) comes to believe marriage is futile since his parents are divorcing after 35 years, but Richard tells him it was leading to divorce anyway.  He shouldn't be cynical and Bree hopes to be married again one day.

Richard tells Bree he knew she was special from the moment he saw her.  Cue him making a play for her soon, in my opinion.  He's going to do something bad. Beth visits Felicia and admits Paul didn't kill her sister, she can't believe what she's hearing and tells her to join a wine club and get him drunk enough to confess, then tells her to leave him.  She won't, he's her husband.  You wouldn't expect Beth to be so naive or stupid.  She writes to a man in prison expecting never to meet him, then marries him and falls for everything he tells her.

So whose idea was it to chase Paul, probably Felicia's. Grace is a US citizen, causing the wheels in Gaby's brain to turn faster as she now plots to keep Grace all to herself, since Hector is deported and her mother will have to go into hiding.  Sure that thought crossed her mind on many occasions.  Mary Alice: "Once a year we remember to...count our blessings; thanks for friends who understand us, lovers who make us happy, children who do our bidding...thankful for what we are given, even if it's just an opportunity." The title is from a song in the Stephen Sondheim musical Company.

CSI: Miami - 9.3: "See No Evil" Review

A blind man overhears a woman being attacked, who is then kidnapped for a ransom. Horatio meets up with an old nemesis with links to the abduction, sparking a hunt for escaped prisoners.

A blind man in an 'out of order' public toilet hears a girl being attacked and backs further into the toilet, making a noise.   He tells him he's blind and begs for his life.   The attacker calls him worthless and won't shoot him.   The blind man heads straight for the police and lo and behold said police turns out to be Horatio (David Caruso).   Who just happened to be nearby.   Horatio runs to find the van taking off with the girl inside.   The blind man knew the police were there as he heard the clicks from the sirens.   Ben (Jonathan Keltz) describes the scene to Ryan (Jonathan Togo) and Natalia (Eva Larue)  both given the dirty jobs of analyzing the toilet.   That was left to Walter (Omar Miller) in last season's In Plane Sight episode.   This time Ryan has to do it after he blatently refused last time.

Ryan whispers to Natalia that he doesn't know how good a witness Ben will be as he didn't see anything.   Well the moral being you don't have to see a thing to be helpful.   Ryan should know that from when he got  attacked by a nail gun in his eye a few seasons ago, in 4.8 Nailed.   Showing how everyone takes their sight for granted.   Ben tells Ryan that he's standing in front of him and waving his hand in front of his face too.   Ben heard footsteps, a crash and the sound of metal on metal.   Something dropped down the drain, which turn out to be dog tags belonging to a Todd Peterson (John Allen Nelson).   Natalia thinks the girl must have pulled them from her attacker.

Todd tells Horatio the dog tags belong to him and she's his daughter, Lyndsay (Kaili Thorne).   Delko (Adam Rodriguez) had to accompany Horatio.   Yet more assumptions are made from Delko.   Lyndsay called him for the PIN number to the account to withdraw money.   Her mother, Claire (Erika Eleniak) says she's talking to Lyndsay right now on the phone and Delko clumsily attaches the wire to the phone to begin a trace.   The kidnapper heard him and knows the call is being traced.   Horatio promises Lyndsay won't get hurt in yet another routine kidnapping episode.

The kidnapper tells Lyndsay to wear the vest attached with C4.   Calleigh (Emily Procter) and Walter ask for Ben's help in listening to the call to ppssibly  identify which branch of the bank the kidnapper is near to.   Calleigh says he can Id the sounds.   Calleigh in yet another desk job, hiding behind the desk that is.

Ben hears a recycling truck.   Lyndsay walks into the bank to make a $50,000 withdrawal.   Ben also hears dogs barking.   Calleigh thinks it's a kennel.   Both are located to one street where Ryan and Horatio arrive.   Horatio asks Lyndsay to turn to her left so she can be photographed by the ATM camera.   Ryan gets a look at the kidnapper and describes him to the sketch artist, April (Keelin Woodell) with whom he also flirts.   Claire identifies the kidnapper as her hairdresser, Dominic Giordano (James Carpinello).   Of course she'd tell him everything about the family, cos that's what happens at hairdressers.   She blabbed they keep lots of money in their accounts.

Horatio catches up with Dominic which isn't shown how and gets heavy handed with him.   Delko also tries to play rough in this season too.   He won't name his partner as he'll kill him.   He's somewhere Horatio will never look, well he got that wrong.   Calleigh comments the money doesn't belong to the Petersons and Todd admits he puts money from Japanese investors into his account in return for a fee.   Todd says he's not a criminal and he doesn't get arrested in the end either.   For all he knows they were probably money laundering.   It was obvious Dominic wasn't working alone since that wasn't his voice in the toilet.

Horatio looks at the ATM footage.   Tripp (Rex Linn) finds Dominic only has a DUI in 2007.   Horatio recognizes the signature of the bomb panels as belonging to Joe Labrock (John Sharian).   He was after Kyle in prison.   Labrock is being held in a private prison.   Ben hears Labrock's voice and identifies him as the man in the toilet.   Labrock gives himself away by saying Ben is "blind and crazy."  If he'd never seen him before how'd he know he was blind.   Labrock has the audacity to ask Horatio about Kyle.  He uses being behind bars as his alibi.   Ryan tests his hands for explosives, testing positive.   Horatio: "Shocking."  Labrock and Dominic were in detention together, where he came up with the plan.   Labrock tells Horatio, Lyndsay is probably dead or dying.   Prison won't be anything he'll need to worry about if she's dead, threatens Horatio.

Delko checks out the prison cell and he doesn't even wear any gloves.   Walter processes Labrock for trace.   Then finds sodium alginate when he analyzes the trace evidence from his shoes.  This is used in pet foods and meat.   Calleigh recalls Ben said Labrock smelt of fish, thus he must be near a fish factory.   Leading Horatio and Ryan to Labrock's location and his half of the money, as we ll as to Lyndsay.  Labrock's hideout is close to the prison.  Delko discovers the object he found in the book was a make-shift wrench used to remove the screws from the toilet attached to the wall.   A tunnel has been dug which leads to his hideout.   The guard puts the prison on lockdown and finds 8 other cells like this one.

Horatio and Delko only find 3 other prisoners in the tunnel and Delko is attacked by a prisoner with a syringe, then chooses to ignore Horatio's advice and doesn't get it checked out.   So anything happening there then with perhaps a pending future storyline.   Like Stella in season 3 CSI:NY episode, Heart of Glass where she cut herself with a bloody piece of glass from a CS.   That's stupid of Delko not to be checked out, since the syringe came from the prison.   Horatio wants the city locked down.  "Let the manhunt begin."  The title for the next episode.

Natalia thanks Ben for his help, he helped them and proved Labrock wrong, he's not worthless.   Well we gathered that already.   Horatio tells Labrock he missed his "own jailbreak."  He told them to wait for his orders.   Horatio's going to lock him in a deep hole.   Labrock lets him know that the prisoners are talking about a certain redheaded lieutenant.   Horatio replies; "I say, bring - it - on."  Yeah why's Horatio still only a lieutenant after the number of criminals he's caught.   There was a joke there with Ben using a toilet which is out of order and it wasn't very funny either.   If he didn't use it then he wouldn't have stumbled across the kidnapping.

Labrock was in the season 6 episodes Inside Out and Chain Reaction with Kyle.   More of a routine episode as I said and one that's been done many times in CSI:Miami: not only the kidnappings but the prisoners too and prison escapes.   What was with Labrock returning to the prison for an alibi, when he was out, what made him think he'd need an alibi since Dominic was too afraid to even name him.   All he had to do was take the money and run.   Also why are the other prisoners hanging around waiting too get back at Horatio, when they can be long gone.   He didn't even know there was a prison escape from an inefficiently run private prison.   The emphasis being on private.   Yeah cos state and federal run prisons don't get prison breaks!

Delko siding with Horatio aplenty thus far this season - when Horatio almost always did the job alone.   He's also coming across as aggressive this season, following Horatio's lead.   Walter didn't have much to do this time round and as I said before there's no more joking around with him and Ryan, as there was last season.   Everything's pretty glum and all routine work.   There's less focus on characterization also and more on fast-paced action, as in the 'old' CSI:Miami days.   Only those episodes were far more interesting.

Saturday 30 June 2012

Supernatural - 1.15: "The Benders" Review

Sam and Dean's search for missing men leads them to a family of twisted backwoods monsters, but of the human variety, this time, shaking Dean's faith in human nature.

Hibbing, Minnesota:  A boy watches a man being dragged away from under a car.   Cue Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) as State police.   The boy, Evan (Ryan Drescher) describes what happened and says it sounded like Godzilla, from Godzilla v Mothra, one of Dean's fave movies.   Better than the remake.   The original is always better than the remake/reboot.  Here's a scary thought, can you imagine years down the line Supernatural being remade!  He heard a scary whining sound.   Sam finds there were signs of a struggle.   Dad (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) marked the area in his journal as a possible hunting ground of the phantom attacker.   Dean asks why?

Sam relays the local folklore of a dark figure at night, taking people and vanishing.   Statistics also reveal there are more missing people in this part of the State than any other.   Dean says phantom attackers take people from their beds and Sam recalls some attacked anywhere, anytime.   Sam says they'll make an early start and leaves the bar.   Sam's on his own when he hears a noise near a car and sees a cat, as is always the case when somethings about to happen.   Dean can't find Sam and he also sees the cat on the car.   Then sees the CCTV camera.

Dean has to do something they never do, contact law enforcement.   He claims he's Officer Washington, looking for his missing cousin from the bar.   He comments that Sam, has "two beers and he's doing Karaoke."  He names him Sam Winchester, as in the rifle.  His name comes up on the police database and also states his brother, Dean Winchester is deceased.   Deputy Kathleen (Jessica Steen) asks if he knows Dean was killed in St Louis.   Of course he'd know that if they are "cousins."  Dean: "Dean's kind of the black sheep of the family.   Handsome devil though."

As usual Dean must extenuate and exaggerate his description of himself, ha.   Kathleen gives him the missing person's report to fill out, but Dean insists on tagging along, he's family.   He asks if any missing person's come back and then tells her, "Sam's my responsibility and he's coming back.   I'm bringing him back."  That responsibility is something Dean will mention over and over and that same responsibility, devotion, love, whatever you want to call it, will drive them to hell and back.

Sam finds himself locked in a cage, with another man across from him.   The CCTV gives an image after every 3 seconds, part of the Amber Alert Programme.   After Sam left the bar, a black truck was seen.   New plates on an old rust bucket, so it had to be involved.   Dean spots the same truck.   The man with Sam is Albert Jenkins (Jon Cuthbert) the man Sam was in search of and Sam asks him what they are.   They're human.   Sam is given food and attempts to escape.   The truck pulls off somewhere and these backwood's properties have their own roads.   Kathleen gets an alert on the computer screen in her car, she ran his badge number.   The badge is stolen from a  black man.  

Dean wants her to find Sam and  Dean's not lying.   He pulled him from a fire and feels responsible.  "My job is to keep him safe."  She looks at a photo of her brother.    Jenkins calls him 'Sammy.'  Sam: "Don't call me Sammy."  Cos only Dean can do that.   The bracket is pulled back and the cage opens.   He tells Jenkins to get back as it was too easy.   Jenkins is chased by his captors and is caught and killed.   Well he was the token extra.   Sam hears his screams.

Dean asks why she's helping him and tells him of her own brother, Riley who disappeared 3 years ago.   He was never found.   She handcuffs Dean to the car and he tells her she'll need his help and they always do.   Dean doesn't have a paperclip this time as in the Pilot episode to escape his cuffs, but he's no stranger to handcuffs! A girl answers the door at the house and Kathleen shows her a photo of Sam.   Her father knocks her out with a shovel.   Dean reaches for the car aerial and hears the engine running.   He manages to get out of the handcuffs and hide, as they take the Kathleen's car.   She tells Sam about Dean being cuffed to the car.

Dean finds them, he knows a trick or two.   Sam: "Dude they're just people."
Dean: "And they jump you - you're getting rusty." Dean thinks people are just crazy.   He saw a Black Mustang out the back which belonged to her brother.   Dean goes in search of the key and sees photos inside the house, as well as souvenirs of their kills.   Dean: "I'll say it again, demons I get - people are crazy."  The same girl, Missy (Alexia Fast) sneaks up behind Dean and pins him to the wall before shouting for help.   Dean is knocked out by a shovel.  What was he just saying to Sam about being taken by people.   That shovel gets around.

Dean put up a fight so he'll be fun to hunt.   The father, Pa bender (John Dennis Johnston) hunted all his life and the best hunt is humans.   Dean tells him he's sloppy.   He questions Dean on whether he's with Kathleen.   Dean: "If I tell you, promise you're not gonna turn me into an about it's not nice to marry your sister."  Dean: "Oh eat me! - actually might." Dean has to pick the next one hunted, Sam Kathleen.   Sam is going to be shot in the cage along with Kathleen.   Dean will kill him if he hurts his brother.   Sam fights and the gun jams.   Sam hides in the loft and Kathleen is almost shot.   She shoots Pa Bender, he killed her brother, after he tells her it was fun.   Sam rescues Dean who was locked in the closet, it was Dean's turn to be locked in a closet now.   Kathleen tells them she shot him trying to escape, nah, it was revenge and tells them to leave.

Dean: "don't ever do that again - go missing like that."  Sam asks if Dean was worried, but Dean won't look for him if he does go missing.   Sam: "So you got sidelined by a 13 year old girl."  Yeah Dean, at least Sam was taken by a crazy man.   An episode where we see again how much Dean looks out for Sam and since the night of the fire, when Dad asked him to carry Sam out, he's been Dean's responsibility ever since and he doesn't take it lightly.

Dean can't believe that humans can be worse than the monsters they hunt, but he prefers hunting them since you know exactly what you're getting with demons.   Demons, humans, they're all underhanded, lying, two-faced.   here it's more a case of humans can be evil monsters too, of the worst kind.

Dean asks Kathleen for a ride since he didn't come in his Impala and this time both he and Sam have to walk, instead of their customary driving off.   Pa bender claims to only take one or two Vics a year, but they took Sam after Jenkins and that was within the space of a week.   Guess you could say someone just couldn't resist Sammy!  The database has them both listed as being 6' 4", but that's Sam/Jared's height only.   Dean's death in St Louis, alludes to the season 1.6 episode Skin, where Shapeshifter Dean was killed.  Dean's ashtray line was a reference to serial killer Ed Gein, who used human body parts as decor, including skulls as ashtrays.

The only Supernatural episode where they didn't hunt demons/monsters.

CSI: NY - 7.2: "Unfriendly Chat" Review

Adam witnesses an online murder whilst at work and calls on the team to investigate. Leading them onto a company being investigated by the FBI. An episode showing the full extent of Adam's emotions and his actions as a result of what he's seen.

Adam (AJ Buckley) accesses the online chat site 'looking at yo and is attracted to the girl on the site.   He likes her moves and music.   He notices Mac (Gary Sinise) approach and thinks he's going to enter the lab.   Adam liked the way she said his name with her French accent.  When he goes back in he finds the girl being strangled by a hooded killer.   Don't know why Adam switched from the site so many times when he saw Mac, since if Mac was going to enter the lab he'd have seen him and his computer was facing inwards, so he still would have had time to switch to something else.   He was hiding what he was doing from Mac, yet it's Mac who he has to run to, informing him of what he's witnessed.

What's this silent thing Flack (Eddie Cahill) and Jo (Sela Ward) have got going?  There's some sort of attraction there.  At least from the looks they give each other, especially Flack, there's something there, or must be my over-active imagination!   Jo: "What is it with you boys?"
Flack: "...snails and puppy dog tails."

Adam explains about how the site 'looking at' has a live feed between two computers.   The killer choked her, but he wasn't able to video capture it.   The video transmission only lasts until someone gets 'next-ed'.   Flack doesn't even know if the murder occurred within their jurisdiction.   Hey but that would mean they'd have no case...  Adam believes what he saw was real, he's never seen anyone murdered before.   Kind of questioning his integrity there by asking him this since even if he just worked in the lab, he should know what he's seen, he's not flaky or prone to making up such stories.

Hawkes (Hill Harper) has set up the computers to different databases so he can research everything Adam recalls, but he can't remember anything.   Jo explains memory loss is not uncommon in trauma as the "brain locks out information" and uses her valuable FBI training to illicit the necessary clues from Adam, by asking him questions such as when he had his first kiss.  (Something which Adam doesn't object to as being personal, since last episode, he didn't like the way Jo knew everything about him in his file.)  She then asks him to describe the girl he saw getting killed.

Jo continues, sometimes when "the memory experiences a traumatic collapse, sometimes you have to dig from the other side using memory triggers...emotions from the past, to trigger the present."  They narrow down the countries from what Adam remembers.   Such as the news being on the TV with a 58 in the corner.   Jo mentions local TV news usually put the temperature in the corner.   Narrowing this down, to surprise, surprise, Manhattan.   It could only be...Adam recalls the stone face of a woman, this leads them straight to her building.

I have to say it, only 2 episodes in and Sela has grown on me.   Her FBI skills make a refreshing change from their normal investigative tactics and she's a welcome and refreshing change from Stella (Melina Kanakaredes).   She doesn't try to be one of the guys and  is a great actress too.   Sorry to all Stella fans, but I never was a fan of hers.   Jo fits right in.

The expression on Adam's face when he sees the DB says it all, that he's clearly a lab guy, but also because he was talking to her seconds before and to actually see the horror that he did, it's not easy for him to face.   Danny (Carmine Giovinazzo) and Lindsay (Anna Belknap) analyze the CS.   Sass's iPad screen has fingerprints on there, larger than hers.   Also a piece of wood with a number in the corner is found.   The DB was still lying there and hasn't been moved, like it usually is, before they carry out their investigation.   Seemed cold and cruel, leaving her there like that and Danny and Lindsay, working around her, as if she doesn't exist.   Is in sharp contrast to Adam, who had to leave and couldn't bear to be in the same room.   It does show how the two of them are CSIs and this is what they always come across, so take it in their stride, but it's not so for Adam, he's never seen a DB so close, if at all.

Flack identifies her as Sass DuMonde (Amra Silajdzic)  from Paris.   Didn't know what to make with the next scene when Jo tells Adam to "man up."  It was both funny and poignant at the same time, since what he believes she's telling her to do is insensitive, he realizes she was only trying to get him to talk.   He can't keep things locked in, or "contents may explode under pressure."  You can just picture Jo saying that to her children, which we get to hear about and may get to see in the future too.   (Which we did.) As Adam's chat was terminated, someone else may have seen the actual murder take place and thus the murderer.

How did Lindsay ascertain she was strangled with the headphones at the CS, since they are missing, but also since she hasn't been through autopsy yet.   Anyway, having said that, I also deduced the headphones were used to strangle her.   I don't like Danny and Lindsay working together at a CS.   It's enough that they are together.   Danny has an excuse to mention Lucy, not once, but twice in this episode, saying she could have picked Sass's lock, it was so old.   Danny comments, how it doesn't feel like just a murder and oh no, now Lindsay's almost finishing off his sentences.   Oh, seems Adam and Danny buy their plimsoles from the same store.  Ha.

Hawkes finds the IP address changes and locates it to Draga Financial, a Wall Street firm.   Sass wasn't an employee, but it's like "finding a needle in a stack of needles."  Adam can come up with another way, as he explains, "every computer accesses the Internet through a series of virtual ports."  He could find Draga's 'financial network and locate a computer with a matching port, cease it with a virus and remotely control everything on Sass's computer'.  Mac doesn't want him hacking into their network, "just because you were witness to a crime, doesn't mean you need to start committing them."  He was very abrupt towards him again.

Sass's professor Aldicott (Gerald Downey) used to own the headphones.   Danny found a fragment of rare wood used to make them .   Danny: "I failed calculus, but my teacher didn't kill me."  He was threatened by her boyfriend and he stole the headphones from him.  Jo analyzes the iPads for prints and Mac can't resist going on the 'looking at you' website, where he helps a boy with some of his homework, before telling him he's to young to be on there.

 Lindsay finds a father who installed a network logger on his daughter's computer and he caught the suspect's image on camera.   Mac: "we're looking into the eyes of our killer."  Hawkes suggests running it through the visual enhancer.   The prints from the iPads match Torry (Escher Holloway), he's in the system for theft.   Flack is impressed with Jo's interrogation techniques, just as he was last episode.   Torry denies killing Sass.   He admits he gave her the stolen laptops, but she later dumped him and so interjects Flack, "he was dead to you."  Jo hones in on Tory's swallowing.   He swallows an awful lot and that's due to an OCD disorder as a result of stress.   If he admits the truth, he'll get better.   She provides us with more exposition on the body and the nervous system.   Which wasn't at all boring.   causing him to describe the car he stole the iPads from and Flack comments that he's thirsty now.   Again, like last episode, he asks Jo if she thinks he killed her.   Hey, he never used to do that before, he used to decide for himself.

Hawkes enhancement of the photo reveals a cross between Torry and Aldicott, to give a third suspect.   Jo accesses the 'looking at you' site now and connects to a marine in Afghanistan, to whom she shows NY City through her laptop.   Adam attempts to hack into Draga's computer, well at least, accesses it and Jo warns him off, after she receives a call from an FBI friend who informed her someone from the NYPD was snooping around.   They provided her with info on their investigation of Draga.   Adam could get charged with intent.   Adam tells her he knows about her reputation at the FBI and how she whistleblowed.   Now she's going to do the same to him.   Her reasons for leaving were due to "conviction and evidence" and getting her job done.  

Adam again admits his feelings of sadness since Sass shared her final moments with him and then he saw her die.   he may even have fallen for her, a bit.   It was over 3 minutes later, and you know what, it was exactly over in 3 minutes.   I didn't exactly time it, but it was.   Jo convinces him that what he's attempting to do will only harm him and it won't bring her back.   (Like Cat (Marg Helgenberger) in CSI) Jo too tells Adam to go home.   See, she hardly knows him and yet she has his back.

Flack's got an iPad too!  A theft report was filed from Draga by a Christopher Garcia (Ricardo Molina) .   They check out his office, but he's not there.   He's out chasing Adam.   But stupidly he leaves behind Adam's photo on his computer.   He took a long time going after him.   Wouldn't it have been better for him to find out who Adam was before he had a chance to spill about the murder.   Mac calls Flack, Don now.   Normally, he calls him Flack.   Didn't Garcia realize if Adam saw him then someone else may have too, so it was a little futile going after Adam to cover his tracks now.

Good to see Adam get in  a punch or three.   At least he can fight when it counts and isn't just a cute geek!  Then it took Garcia ages to pull the trigger, why don't you have a good look at him first instead!  He was on the take, when his laptop was stolen, he panicked.   When he found Sass he killed her.   Therein lies the danger of using stolen goods!  The message being crime doesn't pay and her boyfriend got her killed by giving her the stolen computer.

Lindsay downloads her music and plays it in the lab.   Danny comments she had talent and Carmine should know, since he's a talented musician himself! Ha.   Mac bawls out Adam in his office and suspends him for 3 days.   Even if it was in the office, people could still hear him.   Usually he likes to dress down his team in front of others, like he's done with Hawkes in the past, in front of the entire lab.   As he did a few seasons ago.   This time it was poor Adam's turn to suffer his wrath.   Which Flack and Danny have also suffered at some point.   Some of them, more than once.   He wouldn't have treated Lindsay in that way!  Anyway, speaking of Flack, he wasn't around much in this episode, hope that changes in the future.   Also his hair was much more tamer this episode.

Hawkes and Danny engage in  a little light sabre teasing of Adam.   Jo and Mac connect to each other online.   She thinks he was tough on Adam and he probably wished he too had a next-ed button in his office.   Mac stands by his actions, he disobeyed him and Mac's orders are law.   They then vie over who can next-ed each other first.  

 What can I say, Danny's well and truly domesticated by Lindsay now, she has him under her thumb.   The change in his character is noticeable too, whereas before he was a care-free spirit, he's now rather restrained.   See the contrast when she's not around, he can be one of the guys and be himself, the funny Danny we knew and loved.  Not that we still don't!  Such as the teasing of Adam with Hawkes here, with his "Obi Wanna-bee Kenobi" remark.   Telling Adam he disobeyed one of Mac's direct orders.   Danny's done that too in  the past, as in season 1 twice, when Mac wanted him to stop investigating the misdemeanour, but he carried on anyway.  

Also appears to be Adam's second run-in with Jo, last episode she told him about his file and this week she caught him accessing the computer, but at least she did understand why he was doing that.   I call this an 'Adam episode.'

Friday 29 June 2012

Desperate Housewives - 7.7: "A Humiliating Business" Review

Susan needing a job becomes nanny for Lynette. Bree admits she's undergoing menopause after meeting Keith's parents. Gaby wonders if Carlos could become gay after spending time with Bob.

Mary Alice (Brenda Strong) narrates on the "fear of humiliation..."  Bree (Marcia Cross) falls flat on her roller skates, not out of the fear of being humiliated, but she's having hot flashes.   She's undergoing menopause.   "Humiliation is something we should all try to avoid, especially women who date younger men."  As well as those who "attend to their husband's needs."  Paul's (Mark Moses) former cellmate Yeager (Evan Parker) has been hired by him to fix his old house.  Again leading to Beth (Emily Bergl) getting suspicious as to why he's really here.  Of course, if she was really interested in her husband to begin with, she wouldn't be asking all these questions.  What possible interest could she have in renovations?

Renee (Vanessa Williams) plans to begin an interior design business with Lynette (Felicity Huffmann) working from home.  For this Lynette needs a nanny and Renee suggests some "poor schlep desperate for money" --  turns out to be Susan (Teri Hatcher).  Who, as regular as clockwork, makes a scene in the supermarket about being poor!  Would've thought you'd want to keep that down to a dull roar, dear!  Seeing as how she didn't tell Mike (James Denton) what she was doing in her lingerie but she tells a bunch of nobodies that she can't feed her son the cereal he deserves.

Gaby (Eva Longoria Parker) demonstrates the art of burning the meatloaf again, she's invited Bob (Tuc Watkins) for dinner to thank him for finding their biological daughter.  So why didn't she cook Mexican?  Neither Carlos (Richardo Antonio Chavira) or Gaby can recall the date of their wedding anniversary; well, it's not exactly a Versace dress is it, or as important, so why bother remembering.  The plots are getting so contrived now seven years on, seems the writers are getting desperate themselves; maybe they need a new formula.  That's just my opinion.

Carlos, so bored with meatloaf jut sits there picking at the remains on his plate.  Gaby's bought tickets to Cats for Bob, but he admits he prefers college basketball and beer.  It was Lee (Kevin Rahm) who was into the theatrics.  Bob wanted to "gay-bash" Lee for watching Annie six times.  As Carlos and Bob "male bond," Gaby gets jealous; as always, she sees herself being the center of attraction, slipping away from her, she's upset since Bob isn't into the entire "gay stereotype" thing.

The others talk of Bree's menopause and Gaby and Renee say she can't tell Keith (Brian Austin Green) and should just lie, something Bree has never done.  (No, sure she has lied before!)  Bree has a new doctor, Dr. Wagner (Nancy Travis) and asks her what she could take to mask the symptoms of menopause.  She has a younger boyfriend.

Lee is worried Bob's been seeing someone, "a hunky Latino" and when he discovers it's Carlos he informs her of how Bob "flips" straight men.  His nickname in college was "Flipper."  Gaby knows Carlos can't be flipped.

Beth comes up with the idea Yeager tried to attack so he'll spill on what Paul's up to.  Carlos has planned a golfing weekend with Bob, they're sharing the same room, whilst he helps himself to Gaby's moisturizer.  Gaby tells him Bob's intention of seducing him and Carlos has no intention of becoming gay.  She's got him into male grooming for starters but suggests he should stop with the moisturizer.  Which is what I said, 'cause he's never used it before in the show.

Bree meets the parents, Richard (John Schneider) good to see him after Smallville, you see we in the UK don't get to see certain actors in anything after they leave a show.   Surprised, or not, Mary turns out to be Keith's mother and Bree's doc!  So what follows is endless chatter on how Mary talks about her work, patients who suffer from menopause, and how it must be hot for Bree. Pretty hard when your boyfriend's mom is also your doctor, since doctor/patient confidentiality becomes null and void!

Mary expects grandchildren from Bree, who admits she's in menopause before wanting to cool off in the freezer.  Mary's attitude changed she was all sweetness and light in the office when Bree told her about lying to her boyfriend, but as soon she finds out it's Keith she's not having any of it!  Keith and Bree discuss children; he wants to adopt, but Bree doesn't want any, as she's been through that.  Again it's about Bree too, so didn't she think of that when she began seeing a younger man.

Barbara (Erika Eleniak), Renee, and Lynette's client wants a sneaky peak at their designs, when Susan opens her mouth and says they should try a favourite character for her daughter's bedroom walls.  Barbara's on board with that and Renee insults her as just being the hired help.  Lynette didn't even bother sticking up for Susan and yet she's meant to be her best friend, we know what they say about friends and not needing enemies!

See it's all about Gaby, she thought Bob was a "fun, gay guy" she had lots in common with, now he's interested in Carlos, but Bob's just lonely.  He should try flipping Tom (Doug Savant) instead.  She brings Bob and Lee back together.  See she can do something right if she puts her mind to it, but Gaby being Gaby was thinking only of herself again.

Susan vents she thought she was being offered a job with them, not as a nanny and now she's poor none of her friends treat her in the same way.  Even after Lynette assures her this isn't the case, don't see her giving Susan an invite to join their  business, clearly showing she doesn't think much of her friendship or design capabilities.  Me thinks Susan should start her own business to rival theirs!

Beth feigns to understand Paul's vengeance against his neighbours before running off to prison and mommy dearest to reveal his plans to her.  Mommy being Felicia (Harriet Sansom Harris).

Mary Alice: "Humiliation is not always something we can avoid: wives insult masculinity - take jobs we feel are beneath us - we may have boyfriends who make us feel get your dignity back is to get what you've been waiting for."

CSI: Miami - 9.2: "Sudden Death" Review

The team investigate the murder of a bottle girl killed by a college football star, but there's more to it than that. Calleigh and Delko are just friends now and Horatio takes an interest in helping one of the other bottle girls.

The judgements and recriminations were out in full force this week in Miami, with Delko (Adam Rodriguez) and Ryan (Jonathan Togo) deeming the suspected quarterback to be guilty  even before the evidence was in.   Yes you've guessed the one time Jesse (Eddie Cibrian) was needed around to be objective.   With Delko coming up with the old, "guilty people run" line.   So what was that he did back at the end of season 7 in the episode Seeing Red, when he came charging out in the car with his father and was shot at by Calleigh (Emily Procter).   How wrong was he here and not so much as an apology  or remorse for wrecking someone's life.

The scene opens with Ryan and Delko chasing the suspect and Ryan attempting to to follow suit when he jumps the railing and barely hangs on.  Ryan almost made it.   With flashes of the suspect, Brady Jensen (Zane Holtz) with the bottle girl, Kristen (Nicole Taylor) getting it on.   Brady can get to pick the team he plays for.    An agent, Chip Ford ( Glenn Fitzgerald) tries to sign him up.   Naturally Horatio (David Caruso) would be waiting for him at the other end, gun in tow, "You can't outrun this." Flashback to Brady being chased and finally the DB of Kristen in the pool, showing what he was running from.

Brady desperately tries to get Tripp (Rex Linn) and Delko to stop the car and not drive into the media frenzy that awaits him and denies killing Kristen.   Delko with his line: "guilty people run."  Tripp doesn't want to hear him out.   Kristen said she wanted to talk but kissed him instead.   Delko adds he did this.   Since when do CSIs start making false judgements and accusations, they've barely begun to collect the evidence and when does the evidence not speak for itself.   ME Dr Victoria Mercier (Meta Golding)  takes the place of ME Tom (Christian Clemenson) this episode as he's teaching a seminar.   Walter (Omar Miller) apparently also knows the lowdown on bottle girls to add to his repertoire of knowledge as far as women go; continued on from last season.   Mercier says the DB was on her back and was flipped onto her front.   Walter finds a phone in the pool filter, whilst taking CS photos.

Natalia (Eva La Rue) dries it in the Women's under the dryer and Walter's uneasy about being there.   He had to go in there with his sisters when younger and didn't know where to look.   The last call was made to Sarah Walker (Nadine Valezquez) who tells Horatio that Kristen asked her to cover her tables.   Sarah has scratches on her arm.   Horatio is eager to help her, especially when he hears she's a mother with a son.   She denies going to the cabana.  Mercier doesn't find any chlorine present in the water in her lungs, but there is alcohol.    The crown of her pre-molar was chipped with force.   The bottle was forced into her mouth.   Ryan and Natalia look for alcohol run-off on Brady's clothes.   He didn't buy any and nothing is found on him.   Ryan forcefully replies he's hiding something so he's going to sit in the cage and rot.

Calleigh was hiding behind the computer the entire episode until the end and offers to run a SIM search on the card from Kristen's phone for Natalia.   Kristen sent a text to Amanda telling her she's 'not doing this anymore, it isn't right.'  Amanda (Peta Wilson) was Kristen's boss and claims to run the hottest club and wants it back.   Travers (Christopher Redman) examines Kristen's stomach contents and says they can use radioactive carbon isotopes to determine the vintage of champagne.   Grapes catch small amounts of radioactive carbon isotopes in the atmosphere and radioactive explosions increased the amount of C14 and the use of fossil fuels diluted the amount.   The vintage is put at 1957 which is a rare champagne.  

Bottles are electronically tagged at the club and the buyer is traced as Richard Ellison (James Frain).   Well that was an easy find.  He's not wearing his jacket which is at the cleaners and Sarah is working there too.   Her job is 24/7.   So who looks after her son since she says she's doing this for him.   She can't point the finger at anyone since they're all powerful.   Delko and Natalia don't find any champagne run-off at the cabana or the missing crown.   Delko poses the question: when she was forced the champagne not where and they still think it's Brady.   Even Natalia's joined in now agreeing he's guilty.   When he worked scuba he came across a phenomena called delayed drowning, when Vics appeared fine but later died.

Tripp calls the cleaners but gets no luck with the jacket, cos it's not there, that's why and they can't get a warrant as there's no cause, which Walter finds unbelievable.  Erica Sykes (Amy Laughlin) sees Ryan for the exclusive on the case and attempts to trick Ryan into giving her the details when she shows him a photo the DB.   Brady didn't take the photo and Ford denies it too.   They think he was going to blackmail Brady into becoming his client.   Brady did lie as he found her on the bed and Ford was going to take care of it if he signed with him.   Brady wanted to call for help.   Horatio: "no killing, no photos, no bail."  Mercier calls Delko, why him?  She found metallic PVC confetti in Kristen's lungs of a golden colour and this blows their case wide open.   Answering Delko's question of 'where' she was killed from earlier on.

Amanda says the confetti is released at midnight, giving them the timeline for Kristen dying when the confetti was released.   Ellison got the champagne at 11.17.   Ryan and Dave (Wes Ramsey) check out the camera angles to determine the height the photo was taken from.   Which turns out to be 5' 3" thus a woman took the photo.  Sarah puts the blame on Amanda making her do it.   Amanda was making money on photographing celebs at their worst when they're inside the club and Brady said he was saving himself for marriage.   Horatio follows the confetti back to Ellison's table and the CSIs go over their evidence.

Ellison forced Kristen to drink the champagne and then kept his clothes on his yacht.   Look he's even wearing the same shoes too, so much for having money to burn, seems men with money don't need to change.   As in 8.3 when the suspect's shoes also gave him away as the killer.    Tripp gets his warrant to search the yacht.   Finding the jacket and Delko analyzes it to find the missing crown strategically landed in his top pocket.   Walter also finds he's got champagne over his shoes.  Kristen didn't want to be his bottle girl anymore.   Horatio tells him she humiliated him and so he returned the favour.   It was involuntary manslaughter, his actions killed her.   He warns him to stay away from Sarah.

Erica gets her comeuppance when live on TV Brady says they should think of Kristen and her family and calls Erica a jackal.   Which Delko finds amusing.  Ryan finds this is the first time she's ever been speechless.   Calleigh is going to dinner with a friend and he's also her friend.   Delko is also her family  and she loves him like family.   Horatio buys bus tickets for Sarah and her son.   Horatio always has a particular soft spot for a damsel in distress.

Running doesn't always necessarily signify or prove guilt, which Delko should know and the rest of them too.   How long has he been doing this job now.   This suspect, Ellison, actually feels some surprise at learning Kristen died as a result of his actions, but doesn't mean he should get away with such behaviour.   As for Sarah, well she wasn't in any sort of life-threatening situation and neither was her son, so there really wasn't any cause for Horatio to take such a personal interest in her.   She'll just go away  and find another dead-end job like this when she returns.   If she couldn't/didn't want to do it, she could've gotten out, since no one was really holding her to ransom.   Suppose it appeared she was in some peril from the 'clients' cos of what happened to Kristen.

An episode also about demonizing  press/TV reporters, getting what they deserve in the hunt to feed the frenzied public every morsel of celebrity outrageous and immoral behaviour they demand.   Erica was only there for the lowdown anyway which is why she showed Ryan the photo, hoping for a scoop, well she got that all right!  Hope ME Tom returns to the show as his character portrayal was a breath of fresh air.  Especially since this season appears to be rather subdued, there's no bonding anymore, or jokey comments coming from Walter and it's not as fresh or as interesting as last season.

The scenes with Calleigh and Delko were awkward, first they appeared to be flirting when she was stuck behind the computer, but she came up with the 'just friends' bit at the end, which moved on rather quickly after he rushed in to save her last episode.   No she couldn't wait to rush off to dinner with a friend; when she said that, thought she'd follow it with Delko being the 'friend.' But it didn't happen.

Meta Golding who plays ME Mercier was Tina in CSI, Warrick's (Gary Dourdan) wife.