
Wednesday 27 June 2012

CSI: Miami - 9.01: "Fallen" Review

The show returns with a bang or should that be gaseous explosion, as the CSIs battle to find evidence to bring psychopath Starling to justice for Jesse's murder. With the CSIs finally bidding farewell to one of their own again.

The episode begins with Horatio (David Caruso) rushing back to the lab, with Starling (Roger Bart) repeating a quote from Hamlet: "Revenge delayed  invites madness."  Don't know if that was a jibe at himself or the CSIs wanting to bring him to book for the murders of his faculty members.   Why didn't Delko (Adam Rodriguez) think about shooting out the window for air, instead of opting to carry out Calleigh (Emily Procter) and failing miserably in the attempt and dropping on top of her at one point.   No, it was left to Horatio to save the day and them and for Natalia (Eva La Rue) to find Jesse (Eddie Cibrian).   Also when last we saw them none of the CSIs had their lab coats on.   And what happened to the lab extra in the green jumper who was propped about all over the place in the season 8 finale.

They made a miraculous recovery after inhaling the halon gas which Delko describes as poisonous, no after or side effects for either one of them, so all the CSIs managed to crawl out into the hallway except for Jesse.   Natalia was the most distraught when she found Jesse, especially when she couldn't revive him and Horatio telling her "he's gone."  What a cop-out Jesse going like that, as are all the episodes where one of the CSIs gets killed off, viz Speed (Rory Cochrane), who was shot in Lost Son.  Here Jesse just hit his head when he fell and casually, or coincidentally  fell over the vent, inhaling the brunt of the gas.

ME Tom (Christian Clemenson) removes Jesse's clothes and comments his autopsy would have been even fuller if Horatio hadn't shot out the window.   He believes Jesse died from cerebral hypoxia.   Horatio explains oxygen deprivation, to clarify for those who don't know what that is.   There was no trace of any toxic gases.   He also suffered subdural hemorrhaging, hitting his head when he fell.   Horatio takes Jesse's badge, he'll deal with his things.   All the evidence they had amassed against Starling has been destroyed or compromised.   Ryan (Jonathan Togo) looking rather trim, says they have his gun, but Calleigh shoots that down (no pun) by adding the gun isn't linked to him.   Tripp (Rex Linn) says he doesn't know how Starling got the gas when he was behind bars but they'll find out.   Obvious answer being he had an accomplice and no surprises for guessing who, as Melissa (Kristen Hager) immediately comes to mind.   He was her mentor after all and so they were closely associated.

Horatio deals with Starling in no uncertain terms and tells him his name, Jesse Cardoza.   Starling has no regrets or remorse and only replies Horatio can't stop what's about to come.   Horatio tells the CSIs they need to get Starling for Jesse's murder and with all his past killings he left clues.   They start with the note Horatio was given and with Melissa.   Natalia has the dubious honour of trying to question Melissa who just wants to conveniently drive away and is deliberately evasive.   She wanted to be so helpful for her thesis when she was trying to get one over them, but now she doesn't have a word to say, not even after she's been told Starling killed a police officer.   That'll change.

Nikki (Alexandra Adi) tells Calleigh the note was printed on an inkjet printer, which uses wet ink so they could match it to Starling's printer.   Well he wasn't so clever using his own printer for starters.   Ryan is in the ventilation duct and finds traces of halon, which Horatio says is a fire repressant.   Delko adds it's been banned.   They open up the AC unit to find tanks of the gas.   Someone got into the AC system and again we're shown Jesse falling near the vent.   Not very good security for a crime lab if that can happen so easily.   In custody, Starling manages to remove one of his cuffs.   The lettering under the rust on the tank shows it belongs to Dade University.   Horatio being rough with Starling and the rest of the suspect's in this episode, don't get to see him heavy-handed very often, but still can't match the hands-on approach they had with Horatio when he used to help out int he lab, which is missed, cos these days he doesn't do much, except stand around, which is where the producers make their mistake.

Walter (Omar Miller) asks why no one's cleaned Jesse's face; he's still being processed.   They had a basketball game today which Walter would've won.   As we get flashbacks to them paying ball from the season 8.10 episode, Count Me Out.  His mother wants him returned to California and Horatio will make that happen.   He begins to clean Jesse's face and finds a piece of glass.   The glass was from the room and so he tells Natalia he wants to now where it came from.    The glass is tempered and there are roller marks on it.  The glass matches Starling's camera as there's another flashback to Jesse falling down , talk about rubbing it in.   Dave (Wes Ramsey) tells Walter the server's down and Jesse gave him a memory card to check.   Deleted photos can still be obtained from the card.

Ryan says there was 6% concentration of halon in Jesse's blood, so they can add to the area of a same sized lab and work out when Starling set off the gas and where he was at the time.   It takes 5 seconds to get to 6%.   Ryan does the math, or at least most of it for Delko, and they work out it took 35 minutes, "before we all fell down." As Delko says, but he wasn't even here.  Ryan says Starling was teaching, so he had an accomplice, well that took long enough and the first thought they have is of Melissa.  Who is tied up in her house with a gun rigged to the door, she had to have rigged it herself.   Horatio got to the the second floor pretty easily.   If Starling was meant to be so clever than all of them put together it's a wonder he didn't realize they would find out what he's done, they solved all his clues too.   She says a man was waiting for her when she got home and the gun belongs to Keith Garwood (Channon Roe) a janitor at the university, who was the dupe, the patsy.  

Three canisters of gas are missing and Horatio, again losing his cool, tells him the murder of a policeman carries mandatory death sentence.   Garwood's not talking since he doesn't want to be his fourth Vic, that should have been fifth; if you count all of the Vics, including the professor who survived when Natalia saved him.   Calleigh feels the rifle round weight is wrong.   The gun powder has been replaced with sand, so the gun wouldn't fire, which Delko says is lucky for Melissa.   Starling repeats "tick tock" whilst in solitary.   Nikki says the note had shiny areas on the paper, which makes Horatio think of invisible ink, which fluoresces under UV light.   Symbols have been drawn between the words which Horatio calls a cipher.   Natalia says different cultures depicted such symbols and the Mayans depicted 'end of days' as Horatio says.     Natalia mentions bubonic plague, prompting Delko to recall what was written on the cologne bottle in 8.24 All fall Down.

The server's down so they have to look through the books, manually, whilst Horatio just stands by and doesn't help.    The symbols read: 'Man Marks Earth Ruin'.  Travers (Christopher Redman)  repeats the Byron poem it's from, but he doesn't know what it means.  Horatio finsihes: "but his control stops at the shore." There's a bomb at Pier 25, near the Byron Hotel.   The bomb threat turns out to be a hoax, with 'poof' written inside the box, cos it's a distraction by Starling who is about to escape en route to prison, again that was apparent.   Tripp gets knocked around in yet another escape attempt by car.   They just happen to take him to prison already, thought they would have waited till the case was over.   There's gunfire from the van and again that was firing automatically.   Since if Starling rigged the rifle to fire automatically in 8.24, then he'd have done that again now; as Calleigh confirms it was a remote-rigged rifle.   Delko ask the silly question of how this was done when Starling and the accomplice were in custody, since duh, they have the wrong accomplice.

Horatio recalls Melissa had dud bullets aimed at her cos she wasn't meant to die.  Walter  and Dave find deleted photos of Starling and Melissa together on the memory card.   Horatio tells her she gassed his lab for Starling and all the evidence points to her.   She's taking the fall for him, but suddenly she wants to deal, whereas before she had nothing to say to Natalia.  Starling is making his getaway on a yacht, thought he'd have left by now and yanks the wire from her.   She killed a cop fro him and Starling thought she was smarter than that and admits she wouldn't have been able to gas the lab unless he told her how.   She shows him the real wire on her belt.   Tripp arrests him for Jesse's murder.   Horatio: "Jesse Cardoza was our friend."

Calleigh gives Jesse a Saint Christopher to send him on his way, dressed in his uniform.  "Have a safe trip."  They find Walter playing basketball, they knew he'd be here.   Delko: "We're always here for each other."  Ryan's on Walter's team cos he and Calleigh bet money and he's going to throw the game.   Ryan still talking about gambling.   Horatio throws a basket for Jesse, "this is for Jesse."

Shame to see another CSI leave the show in such a manner, seems everyone has to be killed off.   But Eddie Cibrian was a particularly great addition to the show.   Now who's going to find their clues and point them in the right direction.   His character of Jesse was particularly compelling and passionate, in that he was a CSI who cared about the Vics and solving crimes.   It was a pity he had to be killed off since his part could have been left open.   Also Adam Rodriguez returning to the show.   I don't have any qualms about making my feelings known and Delko was one character I never was into since CSI:Miami began and it was sad that one actor had to leave to be replaced by a cast member who never really left the show back in season 8.  Jesse was a little like Speed and his character was more interesting and had potential, just as Jesse did.   Speed questioned the job and their reasons for doing it, when at the end of the day, some criminals got away.   Delko more or less accepted the job.  Adam's photo in the opening credits, replaces Eddie's at the end.

Anyway Walter had a touching farewell with Jesse when he cleans his face.   Both happy and bitter sweet moments too.   Only fitting that a newer cast member Omar, like Eddie, was to share this scene with him, since they both got on so well.   Any fun scene was spared until the end as Jesse's mother wanted him back home.   No mention of a mother before now as is always the case.   First Jesse lost his wife and then we lost Jesse.   Next episode he'll be all but forgotten.

As for the storyline, well Starling was going to be caught by hook or by crook, it's the nature of the show and had to be done for justice for Jesse.    Starling's so-called intelligence was no match for the forensics and the CSIs and at the end of the day, that of an accomplice.   Emily being hidden behind set pieces and not being shown full view in front of the camera to mask her pregnancy.

Tuesday 26 June 2012

CSI 12.15 "Stealing Home" Review

This was one of those CSI episodes where you don't know whether to laugh or to cry at how dismal it really was, especially considering the family feuding, done to death in CSI episodes and then this one took the prize as having the house as the killer.  Or should I say killer house comments.

Sara ((Jorga Fox) asks Nick (George Eads) if he's dating the nurse from last episode, see I said that didn't I in my last review.  The mega flirting that was going on there!  Then she asks about Doc Robbin' niece from 12.4 Maid Man and Nick's 'keeping his options open.'  Yay Nicky, we always knew he was a ladies man!  The scene doesn't show a murder or some other crime taking place as is usually the case but this time the crime's already been committed.  Dwayne (Jason Sklar)reports his wife missing and also his house has been stolen.  Nick asks if someone's "after the house or the wife?"

Finn (Elisabeth Shue) has to undergo her routine lie detector test and when asked if she's had sex with animals she replies her first husband was a dog and her second one was a pig.  DB (Ted Russell) knew she'd get that in.    At least she says the photo ID is much better than the Seattle one.  Just in case you can't recall she's from Seattle.  Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) takes her on a tour of the lab, including unofficial tour.  Brass (Paul Guilfoyle) did I mention he was absent from the last episode, well I have now; finds the car belongs to Dwayne's wife, Debbie and Jimmy (Randy Sklar) arrives.  He being Dwayne's twin brother.  Marla (Kira Sternbach) is their sister and she's treated like dirt.  Ugh what a family.  No wonder Sara's glad she's an only child.  Nick posits if they figure out what happened to the house, they can figure out what happened to the wife.

Sara doesn't find any prints but Nick finds four sets of shoeprints.  He tells her how easily a house can be moved overnight, making him an expert on house removals too, ha.   Jimmy tells DB Debbie (Ashley Williams) loved to gamble and Dwayne says as a result they had to move in with his mother, who didn't leave a will.  Their father left ten years ago with their money.  Fred (Larry Anderson) moved in but he wouldn't steal the house, Marla says.  Dwayne threw Fred out and it was Debbie's idea.  Marla doesn't want the house and who can blame her with all the bad luck it carries.  It's definitely cursed.

Greg (Eric Szmanda) and DB are called to a CS where the Vic has been run over.  David (David Berman) doesn't find any ID on him but he has tread marks on his DB.  He lost an arm and a leg and was run over by a big rig, like the type needed to move a house but no one made that connection here!  DB notices there's not much blood and David adds his blood wasn't circulating.   Causing Greg to comment he was already dead.  Hodges (Wallace Langham) reads out the house number, '528' on the surveillance video.  Nick: "As opposed to the other houses stolen last night!"  Finn arrives and tells Hodges she heard about his tentacle fetish (revealed in 12.1 73 Seconds  And asks how he answered the sex with animals question on his lie detector test. Well, maybe he didn't have a fetish back then relating to octopus.

They map the route of the rig from the surveillance until it leads off into the desert.  Nick: "follow the destination, find the house."  He's been getting lots of those lines this episode.  He calls Brass for a helicopter to locate the house,  which was heading East.  Nick: "wrap it up, take it back to the house."  Which DB finds amusing! There's a DB under the house.  Finn says he's wearing "ruby red shoes."  Hey I was going to make the Wizard of Oz connection!  DB: "I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."  The Wicked Witch of the East was killed when Dorothy's house landed on her after the tornado.

David finds the DB's chest concaved so he was crushed by the house when he was attempting to fix the jack holding it up when the house was being lowered.  Idiot!    Nick notices his shoe impression matches those he took from the house's original site.  He also recognizes him as Dennis from the surveillance photo.  Inside the house Finn notices the high velocity blood spatter and an air bubble on the wall inside the blood spatter indicating the blood was expirated.  The cast off pattern shows a short arc from beating and sharp force trauma.  The DB was stabbed four times.

Dwayne refuses to give a DNA sample and Debbie turns up alive.  She was out gambling, well lucky for her, even if she was a loser at gambling.  Now she can put up with more family feuding and join in too.  Doc Robbins (Robert David Hall) finds a piece of the murder weapon inside the Vic, the tip of the knife.  Greg says he was stabbed which makes it Finn's DB.  He's Fred as his DNA matched the blood from the house.  DB posits he fell out of the truck when it turned a corner.  Marla knew Dennis and asked him to steal the house as a favour, since he wanted to go out with her.  Sara: "that's one killer house."

Morgan and Nick search for knife in the house and Nick finds a skeleton in the closet.  The house has killed four people.  Morgan: "makes it a serial killer."  Possible blunt force trauma on the skeleton and Nick finds a dead blowfly showing the DB decomposed in the wall.  That was out of Edgar Allan Poe again.  Only he wasn't buried alive.  It's been dead ten years.  Again the clue being that's how long Walter's been gone when he left them.  So really that's a giveaway to the suspect.  Henry (Jon Wellner) comments their "mummy is a daddy."  The DB in the wall is the biological father of Marla.  Epithelials under Fred's nails match Dwayne which is why he was reluctant to give a DNA sample.  He claims they fought when he threw Fred out.

DB sends Morgan out "with boyfriend Greg" only she doesn't react to that; to look for the knife handle/blade.  They find some fragments on the road and a partial print is found after they join the pieces together.  Morgan was good at jigsaws.  It's a match for Walter (Jeff Kober) found on AFIS.  Nick sent the papers he found with the mummy to QD, which doesn't explain why he's the one who worked on them.  The DB was Tony, a handyman and he was Marla's father.  He wrote her mother letters and was her soulmate.  Tony was reported missing.  Her mother wanted to leave Walter.

Brass ran a search on Walter using his full name and found a hit.  He used his credit card in Vegas two days ago, not very clever when he could have gotten away with murder if he hadn't turned up.  Or would he?  I mean why bury the DB in the wall to begin with instead of disposing of it elsewhere.  He killed Tony and Fred caught him in the house when he was retrieving the skeleton.  He killed Fred and had to leave him behind cos the house was moving.

Finn threatens to divide the house for the siblings with a chainsaw and Marla donates it to charity since no one was willing to pay the bill for the damage the house caused.  Sara suggested Marla give it to charity to get out of paying.  Finn comments the lab is like family so why'd he want her here?  DB: "best of the best can only get better."  She doesn't want a repeat of Seattle, was that when he fired her as Greg mentions earlier on.

Even after catching the killer, not said if they found the rest of the house stealer's, surely they need to be found too and was Dennis really a dumb criminal, was he crushed by accident or killed, well it's a question no one thought of.

The Vampire Diaries - 2.20: "The Last Day" Review

Events heat up as they try to find a way to prevent Elena from being sacrificed. She and Stefan spend a day together as if it could be their last. Damon takes matters into his own hands, as only Damon would.

Elijah (Daniel Gillies) says tonight is the full moon and they should prepare to prevent Klaus from breaking the curse.   If Klaus (Joseph Morgan) manages to break it then he'll be a true hybrid.  Damon (Ian Somerhalder) wonders why he's letting them break it since they have Bonnie (Kat Graham).   Damon says he'll write her an eulogy.   Elijah explains the moonstone will channel the power of the full moon to release the spell in the stone.   Klaus's sacrifice must include one vampire and one werewolf.   He will then need to drink the blood of the doppelganger, "at the point of your death."

Elijah has an elixir with mystical properties for resuscitation which he got for Katherine.   Damon sarcastically comments that's his plan.   Oh and Damon doesn't wear a shirt either!  "A magical witch potion with no expiration date."  Elijah tells him the ring only works on humans but a "doppelganger's a supernatural occurrence" and the ring won't work for Elena (Nina Dobrev).   Elijah knows Klaus will have a werewolf by tonight, i.e.  it's meant to be Tyler (Michael Trevino).   Lockwood (Susan Walters) calls Tyler asking him to return, with a little persuasion from Maddox (Gino Anthony Pesi) and then throws her down the stairs.   Stefan (Paul Wesley) says they need to put their faith in Elena and bet on her instincts.   Damon says maybe he shouldn't be sure about her instincts.   Elijah warns the elixir may not work.

Jenna (Sara Canning) holds a crossbow on Alaric (Matt Davis) who has a message from Klaus after he let him go, the sacrifice will be tonight.   Tyler arrives back as he would do.   Matt (Zach Roerig) can't pretend anymore.   The sheriff (Marguerite MacIntyre) explains about vampires, her family was raised with this, it's all an act, he doesn't have a soul or humanity.   Thought Damon was the sheriff's ally but she thinks of him as a killer.   Matt wonders why the sheriff hasn't done anything since Caroline (Candice Accola) is her daughter.   Matt believes Damon is the problem, not Caroline.   Well he would say that.

Alaric doesn't recall anything of what happened to him.   Elena wants to make Damon understand why she's doing this.   Damon replies they want it to work but he's sure it won't.   He can't lose Elena and he turns into a vampire and makes her taste his blood.  This way he knows Elena will return if she dies.   Stefan wonders "How could you of all people take that choice away from her?"  They fight as usual and Damon comments Stefan only wishes he could have done it himself and stakes Stefan.   Elijah tells her that giving her vampire blood means the elixir won't work.   Damon doesn't know anything and Elena will never forgive him.   Elijah: "Never for a vampire is a very long time."

Alaric tried to protect Jenna from all this but she can handle it.   She's glad he's okay.   Jules (Michaela McManus) has been helping Tyler, oh look another werewolf, giving Klaus plenty of choices now.   Tyler left for a reason.   Madddox goes after Tyler and Caroline is attacked.   Damon messed up and meets Klaus at the bar.   "Klaus I presume." Damon and Stefan "Fancy my doppelganger."  That's old news cos they fancied Katherine too.   Damon asks for a month but Klaus has everything he needs for the ritual and if Damon wants to live then he should stay away.   Without a werewolf he can't perform the ritual.   Alaric says Damon will be dead anyway.   He'll help Damon.   Maybe Elena will forgive him then.   After all that, Alaric still helps Damon, but little does Alaric know his world is about to collapse around him.

Stefan takes Elena to the waterfall.  She knows how she feels and it's fine to tell Stefan.   As her last day as a human Stefan wants her to climb to the top of the mountain.   Alaric invites Damon in to see Katherine and he demands to know where the werewolf is.  Caroline is the vampire Klaus is sacrificing and he has Tyler too.   Damon tells her Elena has vampire blood in her system and he can compete with Stefan for Elena's love forever.   In the tomb the witches gave her vervain.

Caroline tells Tyler he shouldn't have come here.   Elena wonders what the best part of being a vampire is and Stefan replies, be anyone, do anything, "live more intensely, love more powerfully."  Emotions are too overwhelming so they turn them off.   Klaus asks what Katherine's been doing, compels her to take her bracelet off and stand in the sun, as a means of testing her.   She burns until he stops her.   Maddox asks which one Damon wants to save.   Matt shoots Maddox.   Damon's here to rescue Caroline and he knocks Matt out.   Jules helps Tyler deal with what he is.   Caroline deserved someone better than Tyler but she doesn't hate him.   He needs to get to his family's cellar and lock himself in.   Damon doesn't want Tyler to make him regret this.   Damon tells her Matt knows Caroline's a vampire.

Stefan knows Elena's thought about drinking vampire blood to survive.   He'd want to be with her forever, but it was selfish to ask her.  Damon did it cos he loves Elena but she loves Stefan.   Elena doesn't want to be a vampire and he doesn't want her to go with Klaus.   He tells Damon that Elena's already gone and Tyler turns into a werewolf, fighting Damon.   Elena's with Greta (Lisa Tucker).   Damon asks Klaus to postpone the ritual and he can kill him for it - it was all him,  "impulsive vampire in love with his brother's girl."  If that was the case then he and Elijah had feelings for Katherine yet they each were dismissive of them.   Klaus was aware one of the brothers would stop him.   Werewolves travel in packs so he's got Jules.   Didn't think of that did they.   Jules was the convenient little scapegoat.  Always have a back-up.

Luka's sister is in league with Klaus.   Katherine had to go along with Klaus or he'd know she was on vervain.   Jenna is Klaus's back-up vampire.   She's in transition.    Klaus couldn't use Damon cos he was bitten by a werewolf and was as good as dead.

So that's it then, Damon forces Elena to 'drink' his blood so she will turn into a vampire, perhaps if the sacrifice goes ahead and she  will come back as such.   How did he know this would actually work?  She's the doppelganger and not exactly the same as everyone else, i.e.  other humans since her blood is what Klaus craves, thus there are no guarantees she will actually turn.   This way as Damon comments - he'll know she will stay alive, once more he's so certain his 'plan' will work.   This he does even if Elena never forgives him. He'd prefer her around, to losing her forever.   That wasn't his choice to make - as Stefan and Elena later talk about her choice and if she'd ever want to become a vampire.   She decides against it.   She wants to grow old.

Well fine for Elena, she has/had a choice though it appears to have been temporarily removed from her for the present, but others like Jenna are put through the wringer with no such luck.   Stefan was too late to stop Damon from possibly 'converting' Elena and look there's another brother battle.  We couldn't see that coming.   Yeah I'm being sarcastic.   Elena is the 'meat' in the sandwich or the blood shake ha, even if technically she's Stefan's girl.   Damon just won't let her go.  He doesn't get the message and he doesn't want to either.   That's his choice.

So instead of being together, all romantic-like on their last day, potentially, as the title suggests, Stefan takes Elena to the waterfalls.   She must have seen those already; as if that'll be her final memory.   Matt comes to the rescue this episode. It's about time he took some action instead of wallowing and shoots Maddox.   He finally takes a stand against the sheriff, showing he does care about Caroline and will help her; but it's too little too late, cos she's kind of moved on to Tyler.

Greta clearly had not time for her family who were in search of her, since she wasn't "lost," she tells Elena.   She was too busy siding with Klaus to notice or care..

Jenna becomes part of Klaus's back-up plan, or rather he probably thought of her as this when he was 'possessing' Alaric.  Damon gets bitten by Tyler, knew that was on the horizon, but rest assured, no lead actor/character will be killed.   Though Damon is clearly doomed.   It's just a way to get some sympathy from Elena, well it won't hurt, when she eventually finds out.   Damon when he wanted Elena to come back as a vampire was so true to his character and it would be something only he would think of and actually go through with.

NCIS - 7.20: "Moonlighting" Review

The agents help Fornell investigate a killing and the suspects include a judge garnering a higher Federal appointment. Also Susan turns up to be a thorn in McGee's side all over again and Gibbs is in fear of having his secret outed.

A Navy Petty officer hears shots fired and ends up getting shot too.   McGee (Sean Murray) has killed a thousand people in a day, news courtesy of Tony.   According to Tony (Michael Weatherly) Palmer (Brian Dietzen) the,  'autopsy gremlin' is in the office, it's apparent what happens when sunlight hits his skin.  Commitment issues are part of this week's episode.   Ziva (Cote de Pablo) says it's not a record killing a 1,000 people.   Palmer has a henna tattoo.  Gibbs (Mark Harmon) comments they shouldn't get him wet, cos as Gremlins do, he'll multiply, ha.

Two duds tell what they heard and saw.   Gibbs tells them to use words, "helpful ones" and ask if they're sure there were 2 of them and not an echo.   They drove off.   McGee matches the fingerprints of one of the DB's.   Ducky (David McCallum) asks if McGee's magical new machine can tell him how they died.   Tony adds McGee should know it was a GSW to the head.   He killed people in a video game.   The other dead man was Petty Officer Roebuck (Andra Fuller) and the other DB was found hanging from the pier.   Tony used to like spending time with McGee.   McGee scans him too and an AFIS hit suggests to contact the FBI.   The petty officer witnessed a hit.  

Gibbs comments on Fornell's (Joe Spano) beard.   Fornell's undercover and Gibbs says he thinks he's Kenny Rogers.   Gibbs calls him 'The Gambler.'  Delmar (Mark Allen Stewart) was part of organized rime, he turned State's evidence and was in witness protection.   What about Gibbs and his beard/moustache in season 4, or should I say caterpillar!

Palmer scratches his back, he's around sand.   Ducky tells him sand mites bit him.   The COD is drowning and he had punctures on his feet.   Delmar was in FBI custody so Gibbs suspects they have a leak.   Tony starts to speak about middle school now and how the smart kids checked the dumb kid's homework.   McGee asks which one Tony was?  He doesn't answer so figure it out for yourselves.   Tony hopes Rick Sack's was the leak.  The FBI used Coopershawk Security, an outside contractor.   Tony: "...can't take what career criminals say at face value."  Therefore the punctures on the feet, pain doesn't give an accurate reading.   So how does he know? Has he tried this when taking a polygraph?

Fornell asks the judge Evelyn Wallace (Isabella Hoffman) who sat on the last trial to grant an order, which she refuses.   She was my suspect anyway.   She does allow them to have access to Delmar's testimony.   Fornell says he has a cup of coffee every morning and Gibbs says it's his fifth cup and it's not even 4 0'clock yet.   McGee finds a way to hack into Cooperhawk's and he looked before they saw the  judge.  The personnel file comes up with Susan Grady (Jackie Geary) the NCIS polygrapher.   Tony: "One of McGee's specialists - meaning she specializes in McGee." Susan got clearance from Director Shepherd (Lauren Holly) to go freelance.   Gibbs tells her it's not his fault she feels guilty.   The building explodes.

Abby (Pauley Perrette) uses a megaphone to give orders.   McGee says the explosion wasn't an accident.   Gibbs questions Susan.   She and McGee didn't have a relationship.   McGee adds she practically sexually harassed him.   Susan hugs McGee.   Vance (Rocky Carroll) has a surveillance camera in the conference room, but doesn't have one in the lift yet, so Gibbs' conferences are safe, for now.   Gibbs wants to borrow Vance's TV.   Vance replies everyone makes mistakes that's why God invented knocking.   Susan is treated like a leper at NCIS, like she's going to discover their secrets.   The Internet was down, so the techs came in.   That was a clue.  She believes fate brought her and McGee together again.   Vance calls her lucky or Gibbs says she may be involved.

Palmer makes a joke about carrying a rabbit's foot for luck, should get his money back.   Ducky: "If you've finished your multi-species insensitivity."  Tony makes sickly faces over the DB, but it's not the first DB he's encountered throughout his career.   He then tells Abby, Susan has taken a shine to McGee and she replies McGee is naive in matters of the heart.   Was that from personal experience, Abby?  However she mentions his last girlfriend tried to kill him.   In 7.7 Endgame.   Oh Ziva - where's she been all this time, goes on to ask my question when she wonders if Abby is speaking from personal experience.   Abby responds it's classified.   Also why has it taken Abby this long to be told Susan has a thing for McGee, surely she should have known already the rate they gossip at.

Cue McGee in Abby's lab with Susan, with a bed for her to sleep on.   Abby listens in to them on her computer.   Susan remembers not all the records were destroyed, she has some at home to study the data - she can't read people without her machines.   When they log on, someone is stealing files from her home.   Tony believes Susan knows something.   They ID a missing Coopershawk employee as Gus Templeton, (Daniel Sauli) the janitor.   McGee wants to go with Tony so he can avoid Susan.

Tony sees it as an opportunity to give McGee some lady advice, and McGee posits he'd rather get a lap dance from a nun.   Palmer's 'out-girling' him.   He should give Susan a chance, she's got a nice butt underneath.   So he's been checking her out.   Gus talks about arson and McGee says this wasn't mentioned to the media.   Gibbs says he's lying.   Ziva talks about subtle tells to notice he's lying but to Gibbs, it's all about the gut, he's never been wrong.   Ziva thinks McGee might be playing hard to get with Susan.   Gus is too scared to speak for fear of being killed.   He had gambling debts and cleared them in exchange for his access card, allowing them to pose as computer techs: Peter and Arnold Rafferty, mentioned in Delmar's testimony.

Ziva thinks they've "hit a schamu."    Susan corrects her, "snaffu."  Look Tony's already mentioned that word before.   Tony: "Roll with it."  Abby finds the brothers killed the petty officer and Delmar, they were incinerated by the explosion; they weren't there to kill but to hide something and the gas exploded.   Susan straps Gibbs to the polygraph machine and says there are questions involving each case.   Oh she was getting a bit too close for comfort for Gibbs.  Tony comments Gibbs has never taken a polygraph before.   Vance shows up to see the spectacle, saying Gibbs has "been dodging this for years."  Gibbs asks if he needs a buzzer and Susan says no as it makes the "test-ee" too nervous.   Wrong choice of words there!  Gibbs refuses to answer if he's ever been involved in a felony, cos we know he has from his flashbacks at the end of season 3 and in season 4.   I.e after his wife and daughter were killed.   Gibbs comments  failure will lead to loss of  security clearance and job.

Abby finds a list of clients of Coopershawk and this includes Judge Evelyn, who else.   She was handpicked for a Federal nomination.   Does Gibbs want anyone digging up his skeletons.   They give Judge Evelyn a polygraph and it keeps going off on the 'no' answers.   Fornell says Delmar's case ended up in her court.   She went to Coopershawk to become a better liar.   To "mete out vigilante justice from a higher bench."  Gibbs tells her it was murder by proxy, the brothers did her dirty work.   There was no evidence she was involved in any crime, except for the break-in, she left behind  red hair.   Fornell is disgusted, she was appointed judge, not jury and executioner.Tony tells them they found a hair but it wasn't red.

Tony: "Dear God someone fed him after midnight,"  referring to Palmer.   He's allergic to henna.   No one wants to apply balm to his back.   Seems to me Palmer is allergic to many things.   McGee asks Susan out and she refuses.   Well he had his chance.   Abby will be relieved, she's very protective of McGee, even to the point of excessive jealousy, for someone who doesn't have romantic feelings for him.

An episode highlighting vigilante justice is wrong and that even the highest judge can't escape the wrath of NCIS, or should that be Gibbs.   Also directly referring to Gibbs, which is what he did, meted out his own brand of vigilante justice down Mexico way.  But as is obvious, Gibbs doesn't want anyone knowing about his past, that's why he's evaded the dreaded polygraph for so long.   As in this show and as they say, "truth will out" very soon.   Which is just as well, cos it was kind of dragging on for about 3 years and now they can put it behind and concentrate on something new.Susan last appeared in 7.3 The Inside Man.   Delmar was in 6.5 Nine Lives, so how come Fornell has to tell Gibbs what Delmar was involved in now ; if he's already been in the show.   Why did McGee have to scan his prints for a possible ID, Gibbs should have recognized him.   Unless it was just an oversight to get Fornell involved in the episode.

Tony calls Agent Sacks, Rick, instead of Ron, played by Don Franklin.   He appeared in season 3.9 Frame Up, he questioned Tony when he was framed for murder and Tony joked he had a piece of spinach stuck in his tooth, making him self conscious.   Then returned in 4.1 Shalom and in 4.10 Smoked.   Tony calls him "Agent Slacks."   So it's no surprise Tony would have liked him to have been the leak in the FBI.

Only Gremlins (1984) was alluded to here, though Fornell does allude to Gibbs being Batman - when he says, "I'll save him a trip to the roof to flash the Gibbs signal."

CSI: NY - 1.23: "What You See Is What You See" Review

Mac comes across a shooting whilst in his coffeeshop, talk about a case falling in your lap. Here he also meets a woman who takes a shine to him and asks him out after he saves her life.

Mac (Gary Sinise) comes into his usual coffeeshop for breakfast and comments on the woman's new boyfriend.   He orders what we think is the usual, oatmeal, raisins and maple syrup.   A woman talks to Mac, he's an oatmeal person.   The waitress, Amy (Emily Harrison) accidentally drops a plate of bacon on the floor and a man holds a gun behind a newspaper.   Another man pulls a gun and is shot, so is Amy.   Mac helps her.   Mac: "Save it for your new boyfriend, Amy, you're gonna tell him about how you survived all this."
Flack: (Eddie Cahill) "I'm never gonna get a better eye witness account than this."  Mac recalls there were three shots fired, first ricocheted off the metal chair, which Danny (Carmine Giovinazzo) finds went through the pastry tray and into the wall.   The second hit Amy and the third hit the man.   There are prints on the phone.   The killer was alone and left a DNA sample.  Another man alone in the booth gave $20, it wasn't "just a nickel and dime robbery."

Stella (Melina Kanakaredes) speaks to the woman, Rose (Penelope Ann Miller) at the counter who doesn't know what she saw.  She was distracted and Stella has to talk to the man, i.e.  Mac.   Stella: "You're free to go" as if she's a suspect and not a witness.    Rose gives Mac the address of a bar she goes to. He saved her life and she wants to buy him a drink.

Hawkes (Hill Harper) finds the DNA belongs to Adam Baxter who has a minor rap sheet.   He cracks the bone containing the bullet so it drops out. He doesn't want to risk scratching the stria.   Aiden (Vanessa Ferlito) processes the evidence from the shop.   Danny finds there were three years of activity on the gun for unsolved crimes and then nothing.   Aiden wants to tell Danny about mandatory psych evaluation.   He claims she's not his mother.   Aiden is looking out for him which Danny couldn't see in 1.21 On the Job and here we get another mention of it which is good continuity; since Danny didn't think anyone was in his corner and here Aiden is showing him she was and still is and he doesn't want to know.   Maybe it was the rejection she gave him, ha.  Danny: "Don't worry about it, I can handle it."  Something he always seems to say.

Aiden checks the DNA on the swizzle stick on CODIS, which comes up with Steve Collins.  (Garret Dillahunt)  He spent 5 years in Rikers so that's why there was no activity on the gun.   His apartment is checked out, where they find a bloodied shirt with tape on it and a rent money envelope on the floor.   Mac processes the clothes.   Stella finds his DNA has one allele in common with his mother (Sandy Martin) who doesn't know where he is.   There's a swizzle stick in the coffee which is a dead giveaway.  Shoeprints on the carpet lead to the trailer outside.   Stella has her permission to look for him.   There's a gun inside.   Mac tells James (Dave Power) to return to hospital and Amy's brother calls her Aiden and not Amy.

Stella and Mac need evidence and ballistics confirms Steve was the shooter, Stella: "That combined with your eye witness testimony."
Mac: "...means he goes free."  Steve is released and shot at by a biker.   The gunshot originated from across the street.   Mac rides in the ambulance.   Steve has been "handled."  He has "evidence to back up what I saw."  He's working as a confidential informant that's why the tape was on his shirt.   You'd think they would have known the significance of the tape, working in forensics and in the police.   He was wired in the coffeeshop.  

Aiden compares the bike tyre tread and some other substance left behind.   Flack helps her out.   Aiden takes tyre impressions from the spin out.   Aiden: "It's all about the tyres Flack, not the bike."
Flack: "speak for yourself."  Well it's not like he's going to check out the treads so he checks out the bike instead, ha.   One matches a Suzuki.   IBIS reveals nothing on the casing.   COBIS: where all legal guns sold in NY are test fired, only state that does this.  The gun belongs to James, brought it for Amy for protection.   He sold his bike for cash.   Flack canvassed the neighbourhood and there's no sign of the gun.   He also informs of a department turf battle.  No one knows who's handling Steve.   Aiden uses GCMS to check the unknown substance.

Hawkes finds Steve's mother was killed and she was an innocent Vic.   She was beaten and strangled.   Garbage bin down the street with metal object and a blank piece of paper was in her mouth.   Mac: "On a blank piece of paper what are they trying to say?" Stella analyzes the paper.   Danny want to psych eval and it's over for him.   He checks the murder weapon which reveals glucose and fructose, the first shot hit the pastry tray.  Caffeine is found in the trace from the boot sole.   Mac believes the shooter was in the shop.   Stella finds the paper is used to print counterfeit bills.  

Steve was Secret Service bait for the counterfeiter.   Mac: "That's why we don't rely on eye witness testimony.   I saw what I saw but the evidence knows what was really going on."  The ink on the paper can change colour and the Secret Service didn't tell them of this.   Research is needed in these colour changing particles and this leads them to university.  The professor (Ben Bode) says the assistants have no money and a list of former assistants reveal Amy's boyfriend's name, Dennis (Wil Hornef).   Amy gave him the gun.

Dennis's phone is traced to a warehouse with a bike outside and a printing press.   He needed US Treasury paper and was meeting Steve.   When Mac arrived in the coffeeshop, Clark coughed warning him.   Tyre treads match and the gun is in the bike.   Clark missed Steve and killed his mother with a printing press component.   Steve was no longer needed.   He will be tried for Adam Baxter and says Mac: "I'll be the first on the witness stand." Mac looks at Rose's card.   Danny tells Mac he did the eval, "What about you and me, we good?"
Mac: "We'll see." Yeah it'll take all of summer til season 2, then Lindsay will come along and they will be all good, he and Mac.   So much for Mac saying that's why they don't rely on eye witness testimony, yet in 1.21On the Job he did look at eye witness testimony and statements from the witnesses who were in the subway at the time of the shooting.  They may not have been probative but they are necessary.   Besides eye witness testimony is used in trials and it's subject to cross examination.

Stella asks if he talked to Danny about his eval, like she cares now all of a sudden after the fact.   Mac tells her Hawkes wants to be in the field, he should've seen that coming.   Stella removes his tie and he meets Rose.   Funny Stella gets a date when Mac gets one too.   As for removing his tie they were removed next season, aside from Flack's, nah I'll remove that myself, ha.

It would have been good to see Danny at his psych eval since we'd get an insight into his character and how he behaved there, or answered questions.   No, we had to endure that with Lindsay in season 7.   Hawkes was good as an ME but they probably wanted to move him away from that and into CSI territory.   He felt he was ready to leave the lab.   Haven't written much about Hawkes this season so I suppose this was a good way for him to actually do something different each week, giving more insight into him.

CSI episode Table Stakes involved analyzing the suspect's drinking straw for DNA.   Season 3.14 One Night Stand episode of CSI:Miami where a counterfeiting ring was exposed.   Mac loses his temper with a suspect here.

For some reason Carmine said he would have liked to have had a romantic moment with Jane (Sonya Walger) from the lab.   Ironically Carmine also commented that they could have been cancelled after the first season, but "I think we came out with a bang."  I wanted to mention that as CSI:NY is once again 'on the bubble' regarding cancellation by CBS.   I think that's pretty disgusting especially since fans and actors found themselves in the same predicament last year too.   It always comes down to the wire with CSI:NY which is unfair for all concerned.    Season 8 was already cut in terms of the number of episodes.  What else do they want - blood?!  They'll do the same thing with season 9.

Monday 25 June 2012

Supernatural - 1.12: "Faith" Review

Dean electrocutes himself and is on the verge of dying before Sam takes him to see a faith healer. Where as luck would have it, not only does Dean get saved to the detriment of a chick, but there's more evil here than expected.

Dean (Jensen Ackles) and Sam (Jared Padalecki) are on a hunt.   Dean uses a stun gun on the Rawhead, who preys on bad children and electrocutes himself when he crawls into some water.   Sam uses a fake credit card to pay for the hospital bill.   Dean under the alias of Joe, found some children in the basement.   The doctor tells them electrocution triggered a heart attack and his heart is damaged.   The most he has is a few weeks or months.   They can only keep him comfortable, they can't work miracles.   Which is what this episode is mostly about.   So already they were playing havoc with our guys and putting their lives at risk and the death that stalks them with hunting is made even more real for Dean now.

Dean: "You don't actually watch Daytime TV, it's terrible."  Yeah as we know that's an in joke since Jensen was in a Daytime soap, Days of Our Lives.   Dean says Sam's going to leave town without him and he'd "better take care of that car or I swear I'm gonna haunt your ass."  Sam doesn't find that funny.   Cos even in Dean's darkest hour he still jokes and can think only of his beloved Impala being in good hands.

Dean is realistic, well as much as he can be by putting it into context for Sam, who refuses to give up on him.   Dean drew the short straw and that's the nature of the job.   Dean asks Sam what he means by 'he's got options', burial or cremation.   Well from what we'll see, hunters are normally cremated.   Dean: "I know it's not easy, I'm gonna die and you can't stop it."

Sam dials 86 69073235 and gets a voice message.   He tells Dad (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) that Dean is sick and he's going to do whatever it takes to get him back.   Dean checks out of the hospital, "I'm not gonna die where the nurses aren't even hot."  Sam can't believe how non chalant Dean is being.   Sam: "You know this whole 'I laugh in the face of death thing' it's crap.   I can see right through you."  Sam's been on the Net for days and calling Dad's contacts too from his journal.   He says they're heading to Nebraska to see Roy Le Grange ( Kevin McNulty) a faith healer.   Sam said they were going to a specialist.

A man tells everyone Le Grange is a fraud.   Sam: "When people see something they can't explain, there's controversy...maybe it's time to have a little faith Dean."  Cos even if Dean doesn't, Sam has enough faith for the both of them.   Dean only has faith in reality.   Thus bringing up the entire believing in things he can see argument, as Sam rightly questions, "how can you be so skeptic with the things we see everyday."
Dean: "Exactly, we see them we know they're real." Then comes the whole evil exists cos Dean can see it bit and people are evil which is what it's real.   Sam: "If you know evil's out there, how come you don't believe good's out there too."
Dean: "because I've seen what evil does to people."  Maybe God works in mysterious ways and Sam believes for them both.   Dean notices hot chick, Layla (Julie Benz) which makes his face light up.   Dean: "Well I bet you she can work in some mysterious ways."

Sam and Dean had to sit at the front in the tent  Sam notices the cross on the altar.   The Reverend Le Grange is blind and his wife, Sue Ann (Rebecca Jenkins) reads him the news  Le Grange preaches.   Dean mutters and Le Grange calls him to the stage.   Dean comments he's got sharp ears.   He's here to be healed and the Lord picked Dean, not Le Grange who picked him.   Sam tells him to go.   He puts his hand on Dean's head, Dean goes down on his knees and faints.   When he wakes up, Dean sees a dark figure behind Le Grange.

The doctor finds there's nothing wrong with Dean's heart.   A 27 year old suffered a heart attack yesterday and Sam just believes it's a coincidence.   Dean can't put aside the feeling he felt wrong when he was healed.   Sam believes since he's been seeing  a lot of things he would have seen the 'spirit' too.   Dean: "Excuse me psychic wonder, you're just gonna need a little faith on this one."  Dean getting Sam back for his wanting Dean to believe, now it's Sam's turn.

Dean visits Le Grange in an attempt to make sense of what happened to him.   Le Grange only had a short while to live, he was in a coma, after praying for a miracle he recovered and he was able to heal.   Dean wants to know why him.   He was guided by the Lord and he saw a man "with an important purpose in his life...a job to do and didn't finish."  That's drawing us to the fact Dean is a hunter and he's got  a lot more to do and more lives to save, especially considering how far they have to go in order to get the demon that killed Mom.   Sam discovers the dead man was healthy and was running before he collapsed.   Something was after him.   The clock stopped at 4.17, that's when Marshall died.

Layla's mother, Mrs O'Rourke (Gillian Barber) talks to Le Grange and tells him about her brain tumour, it's the sixth time they've come but he won't be seeing anyone else.   Her mother asks the same thing Dean did, why him over Layla or anyone else?  Sam says sorry to Dean.   Marshall died the same time Dean was healed.   He checked the obits and found six people died when someone else was healed of the same symptoms.   Trading one life for another.    Dean is angry someone died to heal him.   Le Grange heals another man, whilst a jogger in the woods is chased by the Grim Reaper (Alex Diakun).   Sam didn't know and he doesn't understand how Le Grange is doing it.  

Dean believes something else is behind the healings.   Deep down he knew it, there's only one thing that can give and take a life like that, a reaper.   Sam asks if he believes it's the Grim Reaper like the Angel of Death, that collects your soul.   Dean corrects Sam it's not THE reaper, it's A reaper.   There is a reaper lore in every culture.  Reapers stop time and they're only seen when they come after you, so Dean saw him.   Sam believes it's controlled using the cross as seen on the Tarot card.   More exposition on how in early Christian era when priests used magic, some went to the dark side, necromancy.

Dean says they're using black magic to control the reaper.   Sam tells Dean they can't kill Le Grange.   Dean: "Sam, the man's playing God, he's deciding who lives and who dies, that's a monster in my book."
Sam: "We're not going to kill a human being Dean, we do that we're no better than he is."  Here's the first time Sam comes up with this argument to counter Dean always wanting to kill first and ask questions later.   Sam always wants to find an alternative method before they resort to killing.   Sam says if a black spell is being used they need to work it out and how to break it.   They return to the service and Dean thinks maybe there's a spell book.   Sam takes a look at the book, an Encyclopedia of Christian history back at the house, whilst Dean stalls Le Grange.   He finds it hidden behind this book, clippings of a gay man, an abortion worker.   He's choosing Vics he thinks immoral.  

Dean must stop him, just as Layla is chosen to be healed.   Dean stops her from going on stage as something bad will happen.   The reaper goes after a man outside.   He and Sam run.   Dean shouts 'fire' to evacuate the tent.   Le Grange isn't behind it, but Sue Ann.   Dean spots her medallion and she hides it.   He's not a healer.   It's not fair on Layla, he can't explain but Le Grange is not the answer.  

Le Grange agrees to see Layla in a private session.   Le Grange really believes he can do this.   The book has a binding spell for trapping the reaper using  a black altar, human bones and blood.   Sue Ann crossed the line.   She was desperate and wanted to save her dying husband.   Sam says she's forcing the reaper to kill people she thinks deserve it.   Dean: "God save us from the people who think they're doing God's work."  Need to find the cross and destroy the altar.   Dean tells Sam about Layla being picked and Sam is adamant they can't let someone else die, even if it's not nice.  

Sam: "You said it yourself Dean, you can't play God."   Sam finds Sue Ann's altar with an 'X' marked on Dean's photo.   She gave Dean life and she can take it away.  He knocks over the altar and she traps him in.   Dean is wicked he deserves to die.   Dean sees the reaper after him again.   Sam breaks her medallion cross and nothing happens to Layla.   The reaper comes for Sue Ann.   A pity Sam broke her cross as Layla would've been healed, considering the reaper was going to kill Sue Ann anyway.   That was a waste of a life.

Dean says sorry to Layla.   She tells him you have to have faith when miracles happen and even when they don't.   God works in mysterious, which was said earlier on.   Dean isn't much for praying but he'll pray for her.   Layla calls that a miracle.   Dean had his moments in this episode, first he was going to die and coming to terms with that, but he didn't really since he just laughingly brushed it aside so he didn't have to go into the whole touchy/feely talking aspect of it with Sam.   Then he's saved, by some miracle, which turns out to be evil at work.   Then meeting someone who deserved to be saved more than him in Layla.   But what made him think that since Le Grange told him he's got to work to do.   Then he feels guilt at being saved at the expense of someone else's life.

This episode highlighting the differences between Sam and Dean's beliefs.   Sam believes in God and has unquestionable faith, even in things they can't see, whereas Dean is more into believing evil things as they've seen those time and again.   Could signify the good and the bad in them both, which will make sense in the future when we get the reveals about Sam and the demon that Killed Mom.   Or put it simply, Sam was the one who believed in good, thus will have his faith tested at every outset especially when Dad tells Dean what he knows about Sam.   Dean believed more in evil and so he remains good throughout.   Sam was like Scully (Gillian Anderson) in the X Files always maintaining her faith throughout.

With hindsight, after watching the later seasons, there are plenty of themes in this episodes which became future episodes in their own right.   There was more on reapers, then the Tarot cards which we got in season 4.12 Criss Angel is a Douchebag,as well as the necromancy aspect too.   Great to see Julie Benz too.   All the time I was typing this I had George Michael's 'Faith' going through my head!   No film references in this episode and also Dad doesn't show up again, not even to see his son before he dies.   This was Eric Kripke's fave episode from season 1 as he realized there was more to this show;  such as "is your life worth more than someone else's life.   It's a metaphysical and moral study of the boys' universe" as he told the season 1 companion to the show.

The Vampire Diaries - 2.19: "Klaus" Review

Since Klaus is around now in Mystic Falls, we get an episode devoted to his background and how he met Katherine. Stefan and Damon fight over Elena again and Elena takes it upon herself to bring back Elijah.

England 1492  Elijah (Daniel Gillies) asks about the mystery girl, she reminds him of someone.   Meanwhile in the present, Elijah and Elena (Nina Dobrev) ask if they can trust each other and she gives him the dagger.   Stefan (Paul Wesley) educates Damon (Ian Somerhalder) that Andie's (Dawn Olivieri) not a 'wind up toy.'  Maddox ( Gino Anthony Pesi) is going to retrieve Klaus so he can get out "of this bad haircut." He needs t be here as it's the birthplace of the doppelganger.   He found her birthplace and slaughtered her family.   Hopes Elijah isn't as stupid as Katherine and compels Katherine to stay.

Elena wants Elijah's help and he needs her help to kill Klaus.   Elijah lives by a code of honour and Elena trusts him.   Stefan believes Elena can convince Elijah to kill Klaus.   Damon needs to back off and trust her.   That's what Bonnie's (Kat Graham) there for.   Elijah tells Elena one of Klaus's fave tricks is taking over bodies.   Another flashback to the real Klaus (Joseph Morgan).  The name his father gave him is Lord Niklaus, but he prefers Klaus, cos it hides a multitude of sins, my insertion.   Ha.  

Elijah compels Carol Lockwood (Susan Walters) to help.   He got her off vervain before he was killed twice.   Jenna (Sara Canning) called Stefan and left messages for her to stay away from Alaric (Matt Davis).   She's back home now.   Damon is backing off so nothing stupid is done.   But he's going "rogue."  Katherine was released from his compulsion when Elijah died and wants Katherine to pay.

Flash: Klaus is from Bulgaria (as is Nina Dobrev).   Klaus is Elijah's brother and he tells her the word she's looking for is "OMG." Damon takes Andie to Alaric's apartment (why are apartments in Mystic Falls so ordinary looking.)  Damon thought Katherine might be dead.   Alaric/Klaus is already home before Stefan arrives.   The whole family of originals, had seven children and their whole family was human, "and from us all vampires were created."  Klaus is Elijah's brother and he wants him dead. Surely nothing can be simple.  Not in this show.   As Elena has a plan whereby Elijah will kill Klaus for them, we know beforehand this won't work since all plans backfire!

Damon is here to see if Katherine deserves to be rescued.   Alaric/Klaus had too much info and Damon's brought vervain for Katherine.  She can prevent further compulsion form him when she drinks it.   Damon is still peeved she doublecrossed him with Isobel.  She owes him and he's here to collect.   Alaric as a history teacher finds vampires fascinating and he's obsessed with them.   Stefan comments he only likes them in literature.   There's an Aztec curse on both species, vampires and werewolves and Klaus wants to do anything to have it broken.   Elijah tells Elena nothing can kill an original but the wood from one tree: white ash which must be put on the dagger.   Klaus wants to break the sun and moon curse.

Flash to Elijah with Roman scrolls containing Aztec drawings.   It was Klaus who drew them and not he Aztecs.   The curse of the sun and moon doesn't exist.   Elijah says he faked it.  There is a real curse placed on Klaus and Elena's his only hope.   Elena's word won't mean anything to Elijah until "you live up to it."   Another flash to Katherine (looked as though Elijah wanted Katherine) telling him Klaus doesn't care about her, she wants more. "True love is not real unless it is returned."  Elijah claims not to believe in love, yet he professes to loving Klaus.

Elena's mother told her about vampires and didn't know it was true.   Jenna's meant to protect them.   Elena blames herself.  Damon doesn't want Elena to leave.   Saying Stefan stood in his way twice, "I wouldn't try a third."  She pretends to be compelled.  Greta (Lisa Tucker) turns up.   Elijah says their father wasn't close to Klaus, he's not his father's son but from a different bloodline.  He killed their mother's lover igniting a war between the species: vampires and werewolves.   Klaus's real father was a werewolf, making Klaus both.   A hybrid, deadlier than a vampire or werewolf.   Klaus wants to trigger the werewolf part and sire his own bloodline.   An original can't be killed without anything on the dagger, white ash, which he already said.   The curse can be broken during the full moon.   A witch with enough power can kill Klaus, since it was a witch's curse.

Flash:  Elijah says the witches may have a way to spare the doppelganger .   Klaus says Katherine is human and her life is meaningless.   Klaus: "Love is a vampire's greatest weakness."  Something which Damon and Stefan choose to ignore throughout the ages.   Klaus says they are vampires and they don't feel or care but Elijah reminds him they used to once.   There is a way to save the life of a doppelganger and Katherine took things into her own hands.

Stefan believes Damon is victimizing Andie, who keeps him "from going after what I really want." Stefan adds Damon can be in love with Elena all he wants if he can protect her, but Stefan's got her respect and he'll never have that.   They fight.

Flash: Elijah told Katherine nothing but she's gone.   Elijah wants an apology in return for not harming Damon and Stefan.   That's all they ask for don't they, see next season.   Stefan apologizes.  He did it for Elena, who is adamant the sacrifice will happen and Elijah knows how to save her life.   Damon wants them all to go to hell.   Andie wants to be with Damon but he's angry with Stefan and demands she leave.   Andie cares about him and he bites her.   Compelling her to leave before he kills her.   There that's what I was saying about Damon venting his anger on humans.

Maddox and Greta chant.   Alaric returns and faints.   Klaus returns.   Damon's all mad over Elena and how Stefan has her so he's got no hope, so he turns into a vicious vampire killer like he used to be, so nothing's changed.   An episode with lots of exposition with flashbacks galore to fill in the blanks about the curse placed on Klaus and Klaus himself.   Yet throughout it all, Elena forgets Elijah is a vampire - an original at that and vampires lie.   She's so willing to trust Elijah who loves his brother, it's apparent he does.   She goes behind everyone's back and removes the dagger from him, "resurrecting" Elijah.   Something Klaus told Katherine he didn't want to do last episode.   Elena is certain she can trust him even returning the dagger to him.   Big hole in story: why Stefan and Damon still had him lying around in the cellar to begin with, where anyone could get to him, at least Luka and Jonas did, they being witches aside.   They seem to have forgotten that.   But for the purposes of this show, he wasn't disposed of since he needed to be brought back.

So much for Klaus declaring he's against love and Elijah being much the same back in 1492 (Christopher Columbus discovered America then, any coincidence to this year being used?)  Both brothers were after Katherine.   Oops, flash forward to Damon and Stefan, first both wanting Katherine and now both in love with Elena!  Joseph Morgan (also in Ben Hur) gave Klaus his evil side which was both believable and refreshingly charming and cruel.   He was really in his element here.   Klaus knew what he desired even back then and nothing and no one was going to stop him, just as now.   Didn't like Damon brooding and ruing over Elena and being horrible to Andie.   It's fine when he needs 'fulfillment' from her, but the rest of the time if whinging Damon can't have Elena; he'll fight with Stefan and then take it out on someone else - a trait he doesn't appear to get over.   It's just akin to a child throwing a dangerous temper tantrum.

As for Klaus's sun moon curse being a fake, it doesn't look to be plausible even if he would make it up to conceal he's a hybrid.   Elijah knows and tells Elena too.   Elijah came across as 'slippery' since he claims he has a code of honour - but he is loyal to Klaus. His allegiances would lie with his family.   What an easy way to get hold of the doppelganger for Klaus by spinning her  a yarn.   Elena is surely taken in.

Klaus finally gets his own body too, "bad haircut" in all, ha.   Jenna also shockingly discovers vampires exist when Stefan turns into one to fight Alaric/Klaus.   Damon being so tortured by his feelings for Elena, but I can't really see him killing Andie just cos he can't have Elena.

CSI: Miami - 8.24: "All Fall Down" Review

The CSIs come across a case whereby someone sends them out pieces of a puzzle, when joined together reveal the location of a shooting. Plenty of suspects in this finale and one where the lab is attacked by a noxious substance. Not everyone will rise

Similar mail is sent to the CSIs.   Walter (Omar Miller) thinks it might be his seminar registration.   Ryan (Jonathan Togo) asks how many nerd clubs Walter belongs to?  Walter asks if he wants to be beaten up.   A woman gets shot through her kitchen window.     The envelopes contain transparencies cut into pieces and there's no postmark or return address.   They join together to form the woman in the the window, through the cross-hairs of a rifle.   Numbers are on the transparencies giving the woman's location.  Horatio (David Caruso) comforts her daughter, Daria (Abby and Emma McCoy) she's okay now.

Calleigh (Emily Procter) thinks if they opened the mail sooner, they could have saved her.   Jesse (Eddie Cibrian) doesn't know if that's the case, since the message had already been sent to them.  The shooter left the rifle in the plants outside and is found by Jesse and Walter.  Jesse realizes the shooter wasn't here to actually shoot the woman, as the rifle was wifi enabled and controlled remotely.   Her husband, Craig (JR Cacia) gets threats from the ex-spouses of his clients as he's a lawyer.   Horatio asks what his wife, Janice (Justine Eyre) did at Dade University as she has pay cheques in her maiden name.    Delko (Adam Rodriguez) asks why anyone would target the CSIs.   Horatio picks up on hearing the word, "us" and asks if he wants to return full time.

Janice was working for a university  psych project for a student, Melissa (Kristen Hager) studying the human brain.   The Milgram Behavioural Study of Obedience.  If questions are answered incorrectly then an electric shock is administered, which is what Janice did.   Natalia (Eva La Rue) attempts to trace the trigger command to its origin and get an IP address.    Calleigh doesn't find anything on the bullet in IBIS.  The mail was left in Chris Potter's mailbox, for the CSIs.   Ryan notices this envelope is postmarked and also has an augmented reality tag marking, a barcode, websites put 3D graphics on the computer screen and can be accessed via the barcode.   (As did Lindsay all the way back in 2008 episode of CSI:NY, entitled Dead Inside.) A photo of a pool comes up and Natalia thinks it could be from anywhere.   Sometimes she's so defeatist, that's why the photo was sent to them so they use their nouse and work it out, not just give up.   A man dives into the pool and is killed when the pool cover closes over him.   Drowning him.

The pool is located at the university and is used by faculty members.   Horatio walks through the press furore and asks them to let him do his job.   ME Tom (Christian Clemenson) attributes COD to drowning.   With bruises and contusions to the scalp and the Vic has torn and bloody fingernails.   Also finds a trace of blue fabric.   Delko concludes the Vic was fighting the pool cover.   Horatio posits Janice volunteered in the Vic's, Dr Brusatti's (Jim Vickers) department.   A Fleur de lys on fire is painted onto the pool cover.   That was their next clue.  They believe Melissa  killed Janice and Dr Brusatti; as Janice saw Melissa doctoring her results and was going to report her.   Melissa manipulated the data to fit her theory and was thrown off the course.  

Horatio calls Melissa to ask for her help, she tries to be clever.   Horatio comments Melissa cheated and didn't get her PHD.   He asks if she killed them?  That's Horatio's theory.   Melissa replies there's no evidence to accuse her and she says Horatio is the one cheating.   Horatio says he'll find her.   Professor Madsen (Esai Morales) and Bob (Roger Bart) are placed under  MDPD protection.   Bob was Melissa's adviser but none of them recognize the significance of the Fleur de lys symbol.   Bob is adamant he doesn't need their protection.   As he would be since he was my suspect as soon as I saw him and not cos he was in Desperate Housewives, where he actually was a killer either.   He knew Melissa was cheating but he covered it up, as he later tells her, the trick when doctoring your thesis is not to get caught.   What sort of advice is that to give to your student, that's why he was shifty.

Madsen gets Natalia as his protection and she was so flirting with him, even to first name basis! Madsen gets burned after taking a shower and using the cologne.    How did he miss the symbol on the aftershave bottle.   The flowers he tells Natalia, beforehand, were from a departmental party he hosted.   Tripp (Rex Linn) watches Bob.   Walter locates the symbol on the cologne bottle.   Delko conducts a flame test  to determine the incendiary agent.   The flame burns purple, indicating the presence of potassium, which combusts on contact with water.  Ah flame tests, takes me back to school chemistry.  Melissa was on the guest list and there's a message on the bottle.   Natalia researches to find an article written by Bob.

Jesse shows Bob the article and Tripp acerbically comments he, "couldn't put it down."  Jesse tells him of the quote left for them at the Madsen's home and they again believe Melissa is behind this.   Bob admits he sees Melissa all the time.   Jesse processes everything in Bob's office.   Tripp audits his class, as he puts it.   Melissa turns up at the lab.   She gives Horatio her diary.   Walter times how long the Fleur de lys took 46 minutes to dry after being painted by the killer on the pool cover.  So he works out it was painted about 1.30pm.

Melissa was at her Pilate's class and brings in witness statements to that effect.   Delko comments she wanted them to believe she was guilty.    Oh come on it was so obvious they were being used by her for her new thesis!  Based on first impressions; false perceptions.  Delko again puts his foot in it by saying they followed actual evidence.  (It was evidence she wanted them to find.)  Melissa adds they followed the evidence to their detriment.   Horatio tells her she's not an impartial observer if someone else dies.

Ryan, making judegements again, believes Melissa is guilty.  Jesse looks over Bob's articles and Calleigh discovers his application for tenure was denied, two of the Vics were on the committee who rejected him.  Calleigh: "What if the person we're protecting is actually our killer."  Ryan finds the stamps used on their envelopes in his things.   They'll have fingerprints on them as each sheet has a watermark to prevent counterfeiting.   Jesse determines Bob sent them the letters and the marks match.   They begin to cough and fall down in the lab.

Horatio arrests Bob at uni.   He admits Janice made him look bad so she was the first target.   Horatio asks why he sent them messages.   Tripp hands Horatio a letter with the message, "They all fall down" written in it.   As in the 'Ring-a-ring-a-roses rhyme.   Only we don't use "ashes" in our version, we use "atissue," as in sneezing.  (Since it dates back to the time of the plague/Black Death in medieval England.   Delko arrives at the lab and rushes to Walter but leaves him in search of Calleigh, how nice.   Notice the lab woman in the green top falls down in the middle of the floor, but when she's shown again, as Delko arrives, she's propped up against the wall.

Obviously none of the main cast will be affected by this storyline, except Jesse, as Eddie Cibrian isn't in season 9.   Perhaps one of the regulars may suffer from some sort of lasting effects from the noxious substance.   CSI:Miami does plenty of that in its storylines, having the cast suffer from the fall-out, such as Calleigh in the fire, twice, Natalia and her hearing from the bomb blast.   Delko from when he was shot by a bullet first time round and then last season.   Bob's articles also revolved around pandemics; so this was him testing his theory out on the entire lab.  

It's not clear whether Bob had singled out  MDPD beforehand  since he already sent them those messages, or whether he decided he would test his theory on them later, since maybe he thought he'd get away with the murders.   Also Jesse processed the things from his office, only after they saw him as their main suspect, when they found his article.   Then again, letting Melissa get away with cheating, he could simply be doing the same, he was evil enough to murder, so he'd release the substance in the lab anyway.   Just another way to prove his point.   Melissa wasn't so squeaky clean either, surprised she got accepted to conduct another thesis at a new uni, clearly they didn't care about her antics at Dade Uni.

At least this cliff-hanger made a change to the more usual ones we have of chasing suspects, CSIs going missing or being shot at, like Delko in season 7.

Sunday 24 June 2012

Desperate Housewives - 8.01: "Secrets That I Never Want to Know" Review

As the final ever season returns, the women try to cover up the murder of Gaby's stepfather, but Susan has a lot to live with, as does Carlo. Who will crack first?

Mary Alice: "Previously...Bree's relationship with Detective Vance got serious.   Tom and Lynette decided to separate.   Gaby's stepfather returned to terrorize her again until Carlos stopped him, permanently.   Yes there was the dinner party."

Mary Alice (Brenda Strong): "Every hostess knows there's work to be done after the guests leave the party - only best friends stay to help clean up the mess."  They need to bury Alejandro (Tony Plana).  "No task more unpleasant than getting rid of an unwanted guest."  Bree (Marcia Cross) tells them the hardest part's over after they finish burying him and then his phone rings, cos no one checked his pockets.  As Susan (Teri Hatcher) also says.   So what else did they miss and she thinks people will come looking for him and they can still go to the police.  Lynette (Felicity Huffman) adds it was self-defence.   Susan: "We're not criminals."  Bree takes a firm stand in that they have to protect Carlos (Richardo Antonio Chavira) and Gaby (Eva Longoria).   Bree: "When we bury the body, we bury the secret forever."  They all make a pact.   Though nothing lasts forever in this show.

Mary Alice: "It's only the best friends who stay to help clean up the mess...even when that mess may be bigger than they bargained for. It has been said that change doesn't happen overnight..a woman who helped cover a crime is now sleeping with a detective [Bree] - a woman who once told her husband everything  is keeping a terrible secret [Susan]...a couple will go to great lengths to show nothing has happened."  Lynette and Tom (Doug Savant) still haven't told the children they're separating and he thinks they should.   Gaby's having a barbecue now. What was that in aid of? Wasn't it a bit too soon even though she said she wants to move on?

Vance (Jonathan Cake) tells Bree everything's changed since they had the party but Bree attempts to take his mind off things using her feminine wiles.  Juanita (Madison De La Garza) has made waffles and Carlos is abrupt with her.   Carlos is angry cos he killed a man and wants to move on. He needs to confess and Gaby agrees.   He needs his conscience to be clear.   Susan resorts to cleaning tiny dust particles from the windows, causing Mike (James Denton) to worry about her.   She's had a fight with the girls and she doesn't see them now.   Susan goes jogging and ends up in the woods by the grave.   So will she cave in and blab, but that would be too soon since the show's only just started. They haven't had the blackmailing element introduced yet.   Oh wait, that's happening next episode.

The women talk of a new man moving in. He's rich and single, called Ben (Charles Mesure).   Renee (Vanessa Williams) thinks the worst about his looks and he comes up behind Gaby.   He now realizes why his jeans cost $200.   Renee shouts "dibs" on him. Well who else was going to chase after him, considering they're all married or have someone, aside from Lynette who's separated.   Susan's avoiding them and they worry about that, with Gaby calling her a loose cannon.   Bree finds comfort in the fact if there's an investigation, she'll be the first to know.   Really it's cos Vance is great in bed.

Susan is a substitute teacher and has to bury a dead school pet, bringing up those memories for her. She did look a nervous wreck.  At confessional Carlos finds there's a new priest and Father Dugan (Sam McMurray) is taking a sabbatical, also he's about to tell Carlos what he heard in confessional.   Gaby tells him she once made out with two chicks in college (when did she go to college).   Susan is anxious about burying the hamster and wasn't meant to be here today.   She's "in the wrong place at the wrong time" again.   Gaby is still concerned about Susan  and begs for her to keep the secret for the sake of Carlos and the girls.

Vance informs Bree about finding a DB today and it's not theirs of course, not yet.   He saw the car which the killers forgot to get rid of, which sends warning signals to Bree's brain.   She and Gaby have to find his car.   She suggests they drop it off in the bad part of town.   Gaby has to drive since it's a stick shift, which is actually called a gear.   She gets pulled over by Vance no less and he drives for them, needing them to resort to pretending it's Gaby's aunt's car.   Vance was nosing around in the car. Even if he is a cop, remember don't let someone like that in your car, or anywhere else.   He finds men's cologne which Bree attributes to her aunt being a lesbian and Gaby chews tobacco.   When they stop cos Gaby's sick, the car is carjacked and Bree says Aunt Shirley took it.

Ben refuses Renee's advances which wasn't anything new cos he has to have some secret of his own and he didn't invite anyone in.   Nor did Bree turn up with her muffins, or Susan even.   Okay they have things on their mind but still it's a Wisteria Lane ritual.  Gaby finds Father Dugan and takes the airport van on a detour. He tells Carlos he needs to show repentance by what he does, such as confessing to the authorities, but he can't cos other innocent people are involved.   Carlos won't ever be okay and Gaby needs to find a way for him to stop thinking about this.   Carlos finds there's "no absolution" for him so Gaby will absolve him.   She tells of how her stepfather, Alejandro, would always be waiting for her everywhere.   She was afraid of him and he'd be in her dreams, her nightmares, she couldn't escape him and now she's not scared anymore cos of Carlos.  "Took a life but you also saved one."  Gaby managed to escape him just fine for 7 seasons, until the writers wrote him in, ha.

Lynette dreams of Gaby's stepfather now but it's a ploy to make her run to Tom for comfort and they spend the night.   He's okay with them getting back together but that wasn't what last night meant to Lynette.   She was afraid.   They finally tell the children.   Susan doesn't want to go to the barbecue.   Mike has concerns about them and their marriage cos she's been keeping him out and Susan insists it's not him.   The others, especially think her telling Mike is a bad idea and Lynette sides with Susan. Susan should let Mike know.  Also stating Bree didn't ask for anyone's opinion when she made that pact.   Gaby and Susan wrestle one another and end up in the pool on the pretext of a lost earring.   Lynette thinks Mike and Tom not knowing means they can't be implicated.   Susan can never tell anyone and she'll try and live with it.   Wonder if she would have done the same thing for Mike when he killed a man?   Bree would agree with Gaby as she's been through all that with Andrew.

Mary Alice: "It's only the best friends who to help clean up the mess - to cleanse the pain of a guilty conscience, to pick up the pieces of a broken marriage...good to have friends who clean up our messes - every housewife knows when one mess is cleared another appears."  Bree gets a note: 'I know what you did and it makes me sick.  I'm going to tell.'

Don't know about you but this episode was kind of tedious with just the usual happening over again.   One of them would have a guilty conscience, Susan, whilst the others would try and prevent the secret getting out. (Think this show did run its course so it was best to quit while they were still a little ahead.)   There are only so many secrets and acting up stories that can be done.   Also Renee wasn't a part of their pact, wonder why?   Now we've got the mystery of the new neighbour moving in and this time it's man and not the usual family or single woman.  

This opening episode however, did bring us back full circle to the Pilot episode, where Deidre was also put into a chest just like Alejandro here.  Also Mary Alice's 'I know what you did...' note rears it's ugly head again now and harks back to the first season too.   But Mary Alice was alone and didn't really share anything with the women, though they were around at the time, which led her to taking her own life.   Another episode title taken from a Stephen Sondheim musical, 'Into the Woods' from the song lyric, "I know things now."  A reason for this being used is that they buried Alejandro in the woods.  

Alejandro drove a two door Ford Focus in the season 7 finale and here it tuned into a four door.

CSI: Miami - 8.23: "Time Bomb" Review

The plot thickens as to who planted the bomb killing ASA Rebecca Nevins, leaving Delko to come clean about his spying on the CSIs. Elsewhere the identity of the evidence thief is also revealed. Not as shocking as it could have been.

20 minutes earlier:  Calleigh (Emily Procter) agrees to meet Delko (Adam Rodriguez) for coffee and then follows him.   See there's hardly any trust demonstrated between them.   Calleigh freaks out, he's been lying to her and Delko's still working for ASA Rebecca Nevins (Christina Chang).   Calleigh demands the truth.   He admits he's working on the theft from the lock-up, only cos he was placed on the spot; and half a million dollars worth of heroin is missing.   Delko tells Horatio (David Caruso) this is Sully's (Brad Leland)  past case.   Horatio suspects the bomb could have been for Delko.  No one else knows what Delko was working on.   Horatio: "She was our friend, let's not forget it."  Horatio did have a relationship with her of sorts and as we know, anyone who has a relationship in this show has got to be killed off, or be a suspect.   Delko only told Sully about it and no one else.

Jesse (Eddie Cibrian) tells Calleigh he's here if she needs to talk.   Just like he eventually opened up to her about his wife.   Also sadly this relationship could have developed further, as friends and who knows maybe giving Delko a run for his money, but then there was no Jesse/Eddie next season.   Calleigh's found thin, grainy residue on the site and on the door panel from the car, which isn't dust.   Jesse notices the white residue smells of fuel from the bomb; contains ammonium nitrate and the bomb originated from the car.  They need to find the detonator.  

Natalia (Eva La Rue) asks Delko what he knows and he should "drop the act."  Calleigh overhears.   Everyone deserves to know.   Delko admits to wearing a wire for Rebecca.   Walter (Omar Miller) is completely shocked, "you were spying on us."  Though he shouldn't be really since he knows Delko blabbed to Rebecca about his bank records.  Delko in an attempt to cover his back says it was either him or someone who wouldn't protect them, well he didn't do a thorough job of protecting Walter or Ryan (Jonathan Togo) when it comes to it.   Natalia knew what he was doing.   Walter: "some team." Yes but he'll get over it.   He'd be twice as shocked if he discovered Natalia was also a mole once upon a time.

Jesse has to call Delko over, which he's relieved with since he can make his escape without any further recriminations from anyone.   As conveniently Jesse missed the 'reveal' about his 'spying' as he was actually working.   Jesse tells him every VIN was  stripped before the blast.   Delko analyzes the remains to find the car had an hydraulic suspension system and the serial number for it will be as helpful as the VIN.   The car was a 1986 Cutlass and was used in a bank robbery in 2008.   MDPD owns the car, it's in their impound yard.   Det.  Carmichael signed it out.   Tripp (Rex Linn) says he didn't bring it back.   Delko finds another car was signed out by Carmichael, so they need to begin with his last case.   Leading Horatio and Delko to prisoner, Tino (Ramon Fernandez) he was being investigated by Carmichael and disappeared.  Tino admits he killed him and Horatio doesn't believe him.  Tino says they're being played.   That was obvious.

Horatio talks to Rick Stetler (David Lee Smith) who tells him to go through all of Carmichael's files and inform him of his investigation, there are to be no interviews without him present.   At this point the writers were attempting to be sneaky as Rick, being IA would need to investigate Carmichael as he could have been a dirty cop.   On the other hand Rick would have his own ulterior motives for wanting to be kept in the loop, if he was somehow involved.  We have seen the worst of Rick's personal side, so anything's possible.  Walter still reeling over Delko's revelation, admits to Ryan he's never stolen anything in his life.   Delko doesn't know him that's why he went after Walter.  Ryan defends Delko in that he wouldn't just pick on him like that.   Well he has to prove himself right at the end of the episode.

Walter finds lots of metal sprockets which were part of the bomb.   Ryan works out the bomb was detonated remotely using a cell phone.   (How many times has that been done in both CSI:NY, season 2 episode Charge of this Post  and CSI 11.1 Shock Waves).  Walter thinks they can match the sprocket with the motor, which turns out to be used in golf carts.  Pollock ( Brett Rickaby) says he cooperated with Rebecca that's why he's out of prison.   Ryan accuses him of revenge against her.   ME Tom (Christian Clemenson) conducts Rebecca's autopsy with a digital fluoroscope, she suffered massive concussive injuries and scrapnal wounds were present everywhere on her body.  He also finds a GPS chip on her body, which was from the car.   If Jesse uses the chip to reverse journey, it should lead back to the bomber.

Calleigh asks Delko if he was wearing the wire when they were together.   He's hesitant when he replies but answers in the negative.  Though I wouldn't put it past him after what he did to Walter.  The GPS leads them to Ryan's house.   Ryan being the obvious Patsy of choice as he's been in so much trouble since he joined the team.   Jesse defends him in that no one can believe it would be Ryan.  Walter wants them to be careful with his things as he's one of them.

 Calleigh firstly tells them they have to do what they have to do, it's their job and then adds they have to exonerate Ryan by doing this.  As if to justify tearing his place apart.   Natalia isn't happy with it.   Ryan naturally would be angry and accuses Delko of investigating him now that Walter's investigation didn't get him results.  Delko finds the diamonds.   Ryan's being set up, but Rick says the diamonds aren't his because he stole them.   Again Rick being there to get in on the search and can't wait to arrest him.   He asks if Ryan had more gambling debts and if Rebecca was getting too close, and the evidence is leading them one way.

Horatio practically orders Ryan to back off.   Ryan counted the diamonds and signed out with an officer.   Horatio concedes this is procedure and it's still an active investigation.   Rick cuffs Ryan and when Horatio says they're not necessary, he repeats what he said, "By the book, Horatio." Walter sees what's happening and gets the others to look, this isn't right.   Jesse says they don't have any DNA or usable trace to help Ryan.   Natalia adds they don't have any human DNA, since she read an article about leaving behind a bacterial signature when any object is touched.   This signature remains for two weeks and doesn't match 87% of the population.  They need elimination samples from the workers.

Delko tries to bring a case against Pollock and Sully worked it, he was also the only one he told about the investigation, well more fool him.   That's why he got Rebecca killed, he didn't have to tell him about it so soon and thought he was suspecting everyone there, which should have included those no longer working there, as the drug case was Sully's.   If Sully's dirty he'd want Delko and Rebecca dead.   Horatio questions Sully and tells him it's his chance to come clean.   Lots of that happening here.   Including the writers also clearing the Miami house.   Sully pulls a gun on Horatio in the hopes he will be shot since the other alternative was too dire for him to face.   I.e telling him who was behind it.   Horatio concludes they're looking for another cop.

Orlansky (Rashawn Underdue) worked the impound yard, so knew Carmichael.   He wasn't in the lab when the diamonds were stolen and admits he didn't call Tech Services when the cameras lost their feed but instead went there in person.   Horatio asks him who signed the cars out.  Rick gives Delko Ryan's file, so unbeknown to him, Natalia can check out his bacterial signature, which matches Rick.   Tripp gets Ryan released.   Rick: "So we got our man."

Horatio: "We do, Rick." There he spelled it out for him.   Horatio doesn't need Rick's DNA as they have Orlansky's testimony.   They can't wait to get their claws into Rick with Delko accusing him of always going after one of them, now he's the dirty cop.   Rick explains it began with one car.   Carmichael was missing and no one cared or noticed.  Everything remains in the impound yard and in evidence.   He threatened Orlansky with failing his next drug test unless he covers for him.   The diamonds were meant to be his last work and he didn't want to let years of work go to waste.  Rick:  Twenty years, "I gave my life for this." The only thing he'd have to show for it would be a pension and a cheap watch.   He only stole from thieves, which doesn't make it right.   The thieves stole from others.   As he told Ryan, the diamonds weren't his.   Horatio calls this "the nature of the sacrifice."  That Rebecca was one of them and he killed her.

Ryan takes pleasure in returning the favour and cuffing Rick.   Then thanks Delko for having his back, thereby proving my earlier point about Walter being wrong about him.   Delko and Calleigh get lovey dovey in their own cryptic way.   Delko calling her "quite a sight."  Flattery won't get him anywhere.   It will take a while for him to earn back her trust.  hey he could have meant quite a sight in a bad way! Ha.

Shame to see Rick go in such a way, yes he was always on their case and abused Yelina (Sofia Milos) but he was meant to be  a cop and one of the good, 'good' guys (cos he was IA, then again I suppose that says it all.   No one was watching IA watching the cops.) No one likes IA so true to form he had to have been stealing evidence.   It's always the last one big steal which brings them down.   As for framing Ryan he really should have known better since he's been working with Horatio and his team for so long, he knows how good they are.   Horatio goes to bat for them and would never see Ryan be accused of something he didn't do.

Over the seasons Rick proved to be a worthy adversary for Horatio and the rest of the CSIs, constantly breathing down their necks.   Pity they had to take him on this road.   Let's hope he reaches out from prison in a revenge attack.   Either that or they just may kill him off there instead.  You never can tell with CSI writers, they don't hesitate in killing off characters we get to like or love to hate.

Rick accuses Ryan of his gambling addiction leading to the theft of the diamonds; but who had the hidden addiction, including taking risks.  It started out with stealing one car and the way they showed the scenes where it escalated into another and another was a nice touch.   No one noticed which made it easier to come back and take another; but that he got away with it time and again due to his threats against Orlansky.   This made Rick bolder, upping the anty and graduating onto other evidence from lock-up.   It was also nicely demonstrated that when Orlansky was assigned to lock-up, that's when that evidence began disappearing too.   Probably Rick may have had a part in his transfer.  

At least Ryan got to get angry this episode and never got the chance to make silly comments.   He blew his top at Walter especially, as well as Delko, who has known him for a long time and is the closest to.   Ryan's neck was on the line yet again.   He also would have loved putting the cuffs on Rick as he sacked him in 5.22 Burned when his secret gambling addiction was discovered and that he was gambling on the job.  But back in season 5, the writers had no idea they would turn Rick into a dirty cop and in doing so now, just felt so rushed and an afterthought.   (Can't help but wonder why Warrick (Gary Dourdan) wasn't fired in CSI - with the amount of betting and gambling he got up to , also whilst he was on the job.   Especially early season 1.   Guess most of the CSIs were into making bets with each other, if not at the casinos or with bookies etc.   They still do.   Maybe it's cos they're in Vegas.  Anyway, that's moot point now.)

So they took out plenty of birds with the old proverbial one stone in this episode, Rebecca, Rick, Sully.   The three shows never fail in 'recycling' stories, plots and dialogue from each other.   In CSI:NY 7.21, Life Sentence, Hunt (Peter Fonda) Mac's (Gary Sinise) former partner, used the same justification for his stealing the money from a  drugs bust.   Saying he'd get a measley pension, he's divorced, after so many years of service with nothing to show for it.   He even mentioned the obligatory cheap watch being handed out.   Which was no excuse for being corrupt, as Horatio said here, them's the 'perks' of their job.  I.e you don't get any benefits.  It's good old fashioned work all the way, the pay sucks, it's lousy hours but if you can't hack it, you shouldn't be in it.