
Tuesday 19 June 2012

Supernatural - 1.9: "Home review

Dean reluctantly agrees to accompany Sam back home on a case, when Sam dreams about the tree in front of their house and a woman in trouble. In Kansas they meet Missouri and Mom.

Lawrence, Kansas: a woman, Jenny (Kristen Richardson)  looks through photos and her daughter, Sairie (Haili Page Philippe) says there's something in the closet..   But the closet is empty.  She puts a chair in front of the door so it won't open, but the chair slides away.   Jenny finds a chest in the cellar with photos of the Winchesters: John, Mom, Dean and Little Sammy written on the back of the photo.   The door opens and there's fire.   The woman screams through the window.   Sam (Jared Padalecki) dreams about her.  He draws the tree.   Dean (Jensen Ackles) surfs the Net and finds a case about a trawler crew being missing.   Cattle mutilations and a man shooting himself int he head three times.   Real X-Files territory.   Sam's seen the tree before in photos and knows they must go back home.

Dean: "Okay, random, where'd that come from?"  Sam tells him their house was rebuilt and there's people there who need their help.   Dean must trust him.   Sam: "I have these nightmares and sometimes they come true Dean.   I dreamt about Jessica's (Adrienne Palicki) death for days before it happened."  Dean thinks it's a coincidence.   He dreamt of blood dripping, fire and did nothing about it.   Now he's dreaming about the tree, the house, it must mean something cos that's where it all started.  

Well Sam's secret is out now, at least about his dreams/premonitions.   Sam thinks a demon could have killed them.   Dean: "First you tell me you've got The Shining , then you tell me that I've gotta go back home, especially when...when I swore to myself that I would never go back there."  Dean's done plenty of swearing so he's sworn to himself too, bad joke.   He's just like Dad (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) then since he didn't go back there either, though we find that Dad had been in Lawrence (and is still there when they arrive.)  Yet Dean knows they have to go.

Jenny opens the door and Sam introduces them as Sam and Dean.   They wanted to see their house and she found their photos, now that couldn't have been a coincidence.  Yes but now they could have been anyone using their names.   She has a baby int he kitchen, Ritchie (Jamie Schwaneback) who loves his juice.   She moved here from Wichita.   They have lots of happy memories and the light flickers, there's rats, the sink's blocked.    Dean asks if she's seen the rats or if she's heard them.   Up to his usual questions.   Sam says there's nothing in the closet.   Sairie says something came into her room and it was on fire.   Sam adds that flickering lights and scratching is a sign of a malevolent spirit.   Dean: "I'm just freaked out that your weirdo visions are coming true."  As if they wouldn't.

Dean tells Sam he doesn't recall much from that fateful night, the fire, heat and he carried Sam out the front door, which Sam didn't know.   Mom (Samantha Smith) was on the ceiling and the Thing disappeared.   Sam needs to find out if it's the same Thing and needs to talk with neighbours, friends.   Dean calls Dad.   There's a voice message: 8669073235.   Dean: "Dad, I know I've left you messages before, I don't even know if you get them.   But I'm with Sam and we're in Lawrence and there's something in our old house...I don't know what to do, so whatever you're doing, if you could get here please.   (he breaks down.)  I need your help Dad."  Well that plea fell on deaf ears.   At least Dean had the courage to actually step foot inside the house, unlike Dad, who not only didn't go into the house, but didn't even show his face when his son asked for help.

Plumber Joe (Jerry Rector) comes to fix the sink and puts his hand down the disposal, only to lose it.   Now who in their right mind would put their hand down there.   The mechanic at the garage tells them it's been 20 years since John disappeared, but he loved Mary and the kids.   Something caused the fire, an electrical short in the ceiling.   John read books and went to see a palm reader in town.   There's a Missouri Moseley (Loretta Devine) in Dad's journal.   Dad: "I went to Missouri and I learned the truth." Dean thought he was referring to the State.

Missouri: "You boys grew up handsome and you [Dean] were one goofy looking kid too."  She takes Sam's hand and says sorry for Jess, she can read thoughts and sense energy.   She tells Dean not to put his foot on the table, which he was thinking about doing.   She went to the house with Dad and she could sense the Thing.   It was evil.   Ritchie wants his juice.   Missouri thinks something is back in the house, keeping an eye on the place... "It feels like something's starting."
 Dean: "That's a comforting thought."  The door to the baby pen is opened and Ritchie gets shut in the fridge.   They return to the house with Missouri, Dean wanted to show her the house he says.   There's something in the house wanting to hurt the family and she wants to stop it.  There's a dark energy in the house centre;  Sam's nursery where it all started.   Dean uses his EMF.   Missouri: "amateur."

Missouri doesn't believe it's the Thing that took their mother.   It's a different energy than the last time she was here.   There's more than one spirit here.   Missouri: "all those years ago, real evil came to you - it walked this house, that kind of evil leaves wounds and sometimes wounds get infected.   This place is a magnet for paranormal energy."  A Poltergeist is here and it won't leave or rest until it's killed Jenny and her children.   Dean: "Nobody's dying in this house ever again!"  Missouri makes some poultices and Dean even tastes it.   The poor boy is starving again, ha.     They need to be placed inside the four corners of the house walls.  Should destroy the spirits and purify the house but they need to work fast.   Sam takes his time putting the poultice in and the lamp cord comes after him, like a snake and the knife drawer opens in the kitchen.   Look a knife for Dean.   Which is thrown at him.   Sam gets strangled with the cord.   Dean saves him after he puts the pouch in the wall first.

The spirit seems to have left and Missouri says Dean will clean up the house.   But Sam's dream hasn't taken place yet, when he saw her in the window.   Dean watches the house from the outside and Sam has a bad feeling.   He sees her at the window.   Dean goes for the children, just like he did with Sam that night and gets to kick down the door again, as in the Pilot when he came looking for Sam at the end.   Sam gets trapped int he house;  he's thrown around and pinned to the wall.   A figure appears and turns into Mom.   Sam tells Dean not to shoot, he knows how it is.   Dean: "Mom."  She just ignores him and makes for Sam to say sorry and she tells the spirit to leave her house, to let go of her son.   Then turns into fire.   Sam: "Now it's over."  Jenny gives them their photos.   Missouri: "Your mom destroyed herself going after that thing."  To protect her sons.   She tells them to keep in touch and was never heard from again.

Missouri returns home, where Dad is and was all this time.  She believes, "the boy, he has such  powerful abilities, why he couldn't sense his own father, I have no idea."  Dad wants to talk to them but not yet, not until, "I know the truth." So after all that, he waits around when his sons are in trouble.   Can't forgive him for ignoring Dean's pleas like that when he's clearly distraught and not just about returning home.   Okay so he knows they can handle themselves, especially Dean, but that's no excuse.   He was practically begging for help.   A bit selfish in Dad not wanting to step foot in that house.   

So nothing much is revealed about the events from that night or what killed Mom, since this was a Poltergeist Mom came to fight, but why did she wait until the boys arrived to do that.   (Get me, calling them boys now! ha.)  Missouri didn't tell Dad Mom's spirit was possessing the house, not that we know of anyway.   Perhaps he already knew and this was another reason why he didn't want to go back.  Clearly the traumatic events were too overwhelming for him to go there.   Probably another reason why their photos,etc, were still in the house.

Dean realizes the extent of Sam's visions and so does Missouri.   Of course Sam not being able to sense Dad was to open up a whole new can of worms, casting doubt on whose son he really is, or why that Thing was in his nursery and how everything started there.

Some bloops in this episode, when Jenny gets Ritchie out of the fridge, the child lock on the door is opne, but when Ritchie was inside it was locked.  Dean's phone number on the phone message is different to the one used in 1.4 Phantom Traveler.   Sam's strangled by the lamp - the lamp behind him moves away, in the next shot, it appears to be further away.

CSI: NY - 1.20: "Supply & Demand" Review

Mac et al investigate the killing of a boy and get themselves into a case of drugs. Stella has another complaint lodged against her. Mac must apologize to a Vic's father.

A girl hears gunshots from a neighbouring apartment.   A boy is dead and the lock is broken.   The place has been trashed and so has the Vic, comments Mac (Gary Sinise).   The blood trail and the position of the debris reveals the Vic was shot and dragged near the door and the killer was using the DB to send a message.   The Vic was Will Novick (Devin Cromwell) from Hoboken, a business major at Chelsea Uni.   Jordan, (Lindsay Parker) the roommate was a freshman who ditched classes.   Mac: "Killer could've come for one thing, left with another."  There are no usable prints at the CS.   Blood spatter from the gun is revealed after the place was trashed.  Stella (Melina Kanakaredes) finds theatre tickets with blood.    There are razor scratches on the glass and traces of heroin.   Jordan is missing.

Hawkes (Hill Harper) finds a fatal GSW to the head and other various evidence of beatings.The Vic wasn't a user.   Mac needs to follow all leads.   Will's father says he wasn't a dealer and Jordan's father, Martin (Matt McCoy) paid her rent.   Danny (Carmine Giovinazzo) determines the purity of the product.   Stella checks out Will's social security number and doesn't find any paycheques since high school.   But there were deposits.   Stella: "The worst part is the people they leave behind."  Aiden (Vanessa Ferlito) matches the blood on the tickets to the Vic.   Two tickets are missing.   Will was a scalper and Jordan was seen a month ago by Will's digger.   Jordan's purse with broken straps is found in an alley still containing cash and credit cards.

Mac discovers a knife used in a home invasion, which has synthetic fibres consistent with furniture cushion fillings.   Fresh blood is on the ground.   High velocity spatter is on the wall and a gunshot ricochet mark.   The blood trail leads to the end of the alley, where a man jumps out and attacks Mac.   He knows his rights and under the Fourth Amendment he can't be forced to undergo surgery.   A phone is found in his pocket.   Jordan wanted to use the laundry but didn't have a bag with her.    Stella believes Jordan could be in danger of a run in.   Flack (Eddie Cahill) finds the college has its own laundry.   Aiden examines scrapings from Deroy's (Don Wallace) fingernails and uses a tazer on him.

Stella checks the PDA with the name of Paul Collins who was 18 and OD-ed.   Danny mentions there being white powder in the baggie.   There were two incoming texts for a meeting on campus.  The phone rings.   Jordan was the dealer not Will.   Mac answers the phone and Stella has to ask what he's doing at this number.   Would've thought that was obvious.

Stella wants to prevent a fatal OD and shows Jordan a photo of Paul.   Flack: "Well I'm the cooler head.   You knew you blew it."
Stella: "I blew it, what about Buffy the friend slayer back there."    Flack says there's a Chinese wall around Jordan.   Aiden discovers superglue on Deroy's  hands and clothes.   Compared to Jordan's DNA sample.   The witness was collateral damage.   Mac processes the contents of the purse to find a time line or links to Deroy.   White residue is in the purse.   Stella looks at Jordan's financial records.   Flack: "There's nothing more depressing than looking at a rich kid's money line."  Six weeks ago her cards were paid off and then frozen.

DNA from Jordan's lipstick match Deroy's fingerprints.   Her bag was snatched after 11am.   Aiden sues the student ID to track done what she did.  Stella shoves an autopsy photo in the face of a teen and it's the fourth complaint against her in three years.  Mac doesn't want any management tips from IA Chief Hillborne (Joe Morton) and tells him to run his own staff as he does his.  Thar's just it though Stella can get away with anything and does.   Stella: "I know how trials work Mac."
Mac: "Good, act like it." That's all the reprimand she got.

Aiden looked for more heroin to check and found a designer bag with more drugs.   But the bag is a fake.   She took it apart and superglue was used to glue a fake insignia.   Someone got the wrong bag and they check out the fashion district.   A card was swiped at 11.31, Andrea Alixx has a campus address.   Jordan sold her drugs.   Aiden looks at different bags from each store.   Seven stores use the same benzene based glue and one uses superglue at a warehouse.   Danny notices powder on the table.   Flack gets a warrant to search Jordan's home.   Stella: "Thar's why evidence collecting is so important.  People lie."    Water in the toilet bowl is positive for drugs.   The water diluted the drugs.   Deroy had her address and she never told Will and the jury won't forgive her for not warning Andrea.

Mac says they were thorough, disposed gloves, shirts, shoes, weapons but not the T-shirt which has stray blood from Will.   Deroy killed for sport.   His distribution ring is broken up.   He'll be taken care of in lock-up.   Mac apologizes to Will's father for doubting his son.  "The evidence is solid."  Another episode where Mac apologizes to the Vic's family for making hasty accusations and assumptions, just as Danny did with the gypsy cab driver's son in 1.18 The Dove Commission.   Stella has been over zealous as per usual in her treatment of suspects, but doesn't really get much of a dressing down.   She also loses her temper again and is a loose cannon, even if she was looking for justice.

Stella also missed finding the blood spatter in the alley and the knife and she arrived there before Mac did, so not much of a thorough investigation of the CS on her part.   What was the point of flushing the contents of the bag and not the bag in its entirety and why keep the T-shirt of everything else has been discarded.   Stella hates criticism so doesn't acknowledge Flack's comment about losing her head when interviewing.   The IA chief was especially introduced for the next episode when it all goes pear shaped for Danny.

CSI episode Chaos Theory also had a missing roommate.   In CSI episode Play with Fire, Gil (William Petersen) defends Catherine (Marg Helgenberger) just as Mac defended Stella here.

Monday 18 June 2012

NCIS - 7.17: "Double Identity" Review

The agents look into the death of a marine and Tony once again suspects one of the two wives. All about double ids, stolen money, and attempts to get their hands on it.

A park policeman hears gunshots in the park and finds a dead marine.   Tony (Michael Weatherly) is washing and drying his sock in the office.   There, bet you didn't think he could also do his washing there, I mean after the countless number of shirt changes and deodorant refreshers, ha.   Tony got his feet wet.   Ducky (David McCallum) comments Gibbs (Mark Harmon) is working him too hard and he doesn't have time to do his laundry except in the office.   Tony stepped in a puddle whilst texting Ziva.  (Cote de Pablo).   He thinks cos she's a Probie that she's also his PA.   Ducky loves the rain, don't we all.   Actually it's mostly raining in NCIS, especially when one of their own is killed off, or hurt.   Tony asks for talc.

McGee (Sean Murray) notices Ducky is wearing a tie and not his customary bow tie.   Gibbs gives Tony socks and he only wears one white one.  The park policeman comments the DB has muddied prints and when the FBI were involved in a case, they identified a man with a mobile fingerprint scanner which lights up McGee's face.  Tony says they haven't been issued with those yet.   The policeman prints McGee and his police record comes up, which was meant to have been expunged.  "You broke into a police impound yard?"  Tony to McGee: "What's the matter with you?" Notice Tony didn't seem too perturbed by this, since his police record may not have been expunged either.   But then being in the PD formerly, Tony probably still has his connections.  (Or not.)  McGee doesn't have a middle name.   Thought that would always be 'Probie'.  Ha.

The Marine, Lt Mayne  has a wife and he was MIA in Afghanistan 6 years ago.   (Mark had a cold when these scenes were filmed.)  Tony's face lights up this time when he hears 'wife.'  Tony to Gibbs: "You subscribing to the DiNozzo theory - always suspect the wife."  I was waiting for him to come up with that.   Gibbs smiles, that'd be too obvious.

Ziva removes Tony's sock from the lamp and she can't resist smelling it.   Yuk.   Ziva has a fetish for smelly socks ha, or the fact they belong to Tony and she just can't help herself.   Well she's been accustomed to smelling his armpits and when he passes wind.   Mayne was on a three man deep cover recon mission and went missing.   One of the three, Gontz (John Edward Lee) was dishonourably discharged.   Abby (Pauley Perrette) has a puppy in the lab, Mortimer is a seeing eye dog.   The gun is unregistered with the Mayne's prints.

Abby notices Ducky not acting like himself, "un-Ducky like."  He left during lunch.   Gibbs thinks he's fine, he said that about Tony in season 4 when Ziva was certain he had some sort of an illness everytime he slipped off to the hospital.    Gontz is questioned.   They left Mayne there to get the car after he broke his leg and he disappeared there.   Holcomb (Michael Rose) is the major and they both repeat the same story verbatim.   Ziva and McGee look at each other.

Mayne is conscious but can't be questioned.   His second wife, Rachel (Christine Lakin) shows up providing Tony now with two suspects in the wives club.   She met him two years ago and they were both runners.   She didn't go jogging that day cos of her hamstring.   They've been married over a year and he lied to her about his family and also inheriting money.   McGee finds over $5 million in one account and Mayne was worth over $22 million.   PI Iger (Joe Guzaldo) investigated him.  

Tony sneaks in to question Mayne.   Thereby agitating his condition and he dies.   Tony asks the doctor if he's ever been married.  he's been married twice but not at the same time.   The question Tony should have been asking is why isn't he married already ha.  Ducky wears another new tie.   He needs some personal time but everything fine.   Gibbs tells him half his team is worried about him and Ducky guesses which half, Ziva and Abby.    So anyway why didn't Mayne return to his first wife, Leah (Susan Misner) even though she'd want to know about the money, none of the other marines disappeared.   Ziva sits inside Iger's dirty car.  "Stake-outs are brutal." Particularly when Tony's around.

 Iger ran credit card checks on Mayne and had a  photo of a a marathon runner, he thought he knew him.   Holcomb hired him.   McGee comments he acted shocked.   Tony jumps on the bandwagon about one of the wives being guilty, or so he thought but Holcomb looks guilty.   Gibbs finds it's all connected to what happened in Afghanistan.   Tony looked like he was expecting a slap..   Holcomb and Iger are escorted so they 'meet' in the lobby, on purpose, courtesy of Ziva and McGee.

Iger told Holcomb it wasn't Mayne and he never come to terms with what happened; he was lying again.   Ducky discovers Mayne never broke his leg.   Abby suggests Mortimer should have a playdate with his mother's Corgis.   Abby finds a second gun was involved.   Ducky comments his "neckwear seems to be a source of fascination."

Tony finds an Afghan drug lord claimed the Americans stole money from him.   Tony: "he is the weakest link."  Gontz took fire and found the money.   They left Mayne to guard the money and Mayne stole it.   It rains again.   Holcomb is seeing Leah, he used to check up on her and his own marriage fell apart.   She called him from the hospital and was trying to protect Holcomb's career and marriage.   Their alibi checks as they were together in Falls Church.   Tony still suspects Rachel, wife number 2.   He thinks "the hotty did it."

Tony hates the rain, he had his car washed.   Gibbs comments you wash the car in Winter.   Ziva recalls Iger's car was clean outside and the phone was turned off.   Ziva says he never turns his phone off.   Tony and McGee check out Iger's car and Tony wants to break in.   He gets McGee to use his computer programme.   McGee says he's got a record and no warrant.   He has an App on his phone with which he can use the VIN number to access all the data and download all the codes.   Tony thinks his MIT education paid off for something as he unlocks the door.   McGee should patent it.   Tony then gets him to access the files on Iger's laptop.   McGee still falling for Tony's "requests" though not as much as he used to.

Ducky gets flowers for his mother and Abby follows him to the cemetery.   He missed her at the opera, Madame Butterfly.

An e-mail is found on Iger's computer from the private lab which matched the print to Mayne so he knew about Mayne.   He has a registered .45.   Tony says by withholding this info he could blackmail Mayne.   Tony regrets they can't use the info cos McGee broke in and obtained it illegally from his computer.    Tony posing on the car as if he hasn't done anything wrong and didn't put McGee up to it either.   Gibbs stops Iger with the car and he claims self-defence.  

Ducky was going to tell Gibbs soon about his mother's passing but he didn't want to impose with his personal loss and wanted to deal with it himself.   He also met a woman, a real estate agent, Sophie, who  is younger than him.   He's selling the house and found a home for the dogs.   Gibbs thinks Sophie doesn't like his bow ties then.

A lot going on here especially with Ducky as we see he lost his mother and then met a woman who hates his bow ties and is really just attempting to change him.   What is It with PIs and money.   There was also a PI in season 2 episode Blackwater where the PI wanted the reward the dead marine's family had put up.   He was one of McGee's 'mentors' as he was a writer.   Okay he was someone McGee was in awe of.   Tony telling McGee it's "all about the Benjamen's."

Michael Rose was also in the season 1 episode Left for Dead.  Re the mobile fingerprint scanner, in 7.7 End Game, Ziva used a similar device to to ID a Vic.   Randy Vasquez was also in JAG as Gunnery Sergeant Galindez.   Nina Foch, Mrs Mallard, passed away in December 2008 and this was written into the show as Ducky's mother also passing away.Tony could have quoted the film Three Kings but didn't, wonder why.  

Bible class: Leah and Rachel were sisters who were both married to Jacob.

Lie To Me - 2.9: "Fold Equity" Review

Cal et al are in Las Vegas to find who kidnapped a player for the World Series and Cal goes wild, even after Gillian warns him about Vegas and 'roulette.'

A finalist, Jake (James Immekus) at a World Series poker tournament is missing after he witnesses a murder and Cal (Tim Roth), Gillian (Kelli Williams) and Ben (Mekhi Phifer) are in Las Vegas to scope out his disappearance and monitor the other players.   Cal is requested by even organizer, Ellis (Todd Stashwick).  The one place where Gillian told Cal not to go in episode 2.1 The Core of It when they were having financial trouble and yet, funnily enough; they end up here.   Gillian: "...promise me you'll never go back to Vegas."  Well someone made Cal forget that promise.

Ria (Monica Raymund) and Eli (Brendan Hines)  hold the fort at the office and end up in a bet when Eli keeps talking about his date and Ria tells him she's only into him cos of the expensive restaurants he's talking her too.   Ria seems jealous.   Yeah maybe she wanted to eat at those restaurants too!  There was a brief moment of visible attraction when she leans into him telling him to look into her eyes to show him her dilated pupils and Ria touched his leg.   Then she backed off quick smart.  Perhaps this moment was nothing more than lust!  So if Ria didn't like him romantically or lustfully in the past, why did she dilate her pupils to demonstrate, more importantly if there was no attraction there, how did she get her pupils to dilate?   Silly question, oh never mind.

Also why the big fuss over who Eli was dating, just co he has the world's lousiest success rate when it comes to women, er, Ria hasn't fared much better when it comes to men.   Did Eli not read the micro expressions in Ria's face when she was that close to him?   Eli and Ria's burgeoning 'friendship' seems rushed for someone who didn't much like him.   A case of when the cat's away - this is what they'll end up doing at the office.   Let's hope not.   Ria had a nerve trying to play Eli since she doesn't lie or much like those who do normally or voluntarily.   Yet she had no qualms about doing so when he was seeing someone else.   She was peeved at him  for lying on several occasions in season 1 and for drawing her into that web of deceit too, but it seems okay for her to lie now.

A distinct lack of continuity here when Cal doesn't leave use his webcams behind to monitor his office, okay they didn't have to show him visibly watch his staff, but at least he could have mentioned it.   Since this was his second foray away and Gillian was with him this time.   Think that 'spying' was just to watch Gillian and his rival back then.   The "world's best liars" in one place and yet they weren't good enough to fool Cal.   They were full of it, manipulating and using each other.   Mason (Richy Jay) faked the kidnapping to remove Amadeo (Jose Pablo Cantillo) as a player and competitor and he was doing much the same to Mason.  Poppy (Abby Brammell) accuses Cal of not being able to read her and where did she get off criticizing and insulting Gillian and her walk.   Cal: "[Gillian] feels women like you bring out the worst in me."  Which they do and she did.   So much for defending Gillian that's all he had to say.

Highlights: Cal telling Ben to bet on 00, Ben betting on his own lucky numbers.   Ben decides he's going to show Gillian there's more to Vegas than gambling and (crime scenes, ha!)  Gillian finally letting her hair down in another black number.   Cal in his suit and tie just so he could bet everything on his numbers of choice.   What a huge risk that was, especially as roulette was one game where he couldn't cheat by reading the roulette table for lies.   Cal thinks Gillian is "smothering" him when she mentions the "pull this town has on you."

 Once again showing she knows a lot about Cal and his past, more so than we do.   Hey Ben was a former drinker, should he even be gambling; appears that too is an addiction for him, or is it just cos they're in Vegas.   You know the saying, "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas."  Maybe Cal had that in mind when he slept with Poppy.   After Gillian called her "roulette" and tried to make him stay away.   Not only did he get to play with Poppy but also the roulette table at the end.

I didn't much enjoy the main storyline of this episode, the interaction between the characters was more interesting.   The way people were using each other; including Cal who managed to have a good time out of it all with Poppy, who was also using him too.

This episode was out of order production-wise and was supposed to air during Fox's Simpson's Week.   Hence Cal's reference to sideshow Bob.   Also after Cal and Gillian being so close in the past,  this week it was as if they hadn't progressed at all in their 'relationship', especially having been with Poppy and then taking her to the CS where the DB was found.

Cal: "You know what my fave poker phrase is?"
Ben: "All in, open limp, the nuts?"
Cal: "On tilt. It's so expressive."

CSI: Miami - 8.20: "Backfire" Review

Ryan and Calleigh are caught in another housefire and Calleigh succumbs to smoke inhalation, exacerbated by her previous condition. Then returns in ghost-like form and attire.

Calleigh (Emily Procter) and Ryan (Jonathan Togo) are involved in another housefire and she runs inside to save a boy she sees.   Ryans tell the officer to stay out, "We don't need anymore heroes."  She finds a boy upstairs, barely alive, so how come Calleigh was the only one to see him at this point when there was nothing wrong with her, since he's too far gone to be saved, it means she had to have seen his spirit calling for help.   But she's not in the hospital yet and hasn't succumbed to her symptoms.   She and the officer fall though the floor upstairs, when Ryan carries the boy out.   Calleigh is overcome by smoke.   Horatio (David Caruso) tries to save the officer, Leah (Megan Markle) whilst the boy reaches out exclaiming he's not dead.   Ryan notices his burnt hands and thinks he may have started the fire.   Ryan lets the EMTs know Calleigh's had respiratory problems before.   Ryan says it could be an accident, or adds Horatio, murder.

Tripp (Rex Linn) questions the boy, Patrick's (Robert Bailey Jr) grandfather, Henry Dawson (John Beasley) who believes Patrick to be at school and he wouldn't set the fire.   No that's cos Henry suspiciously looked guilty himself and that was a giveaway.   ME Tom (Christian Clemenson) finds Patrick had 70% carbon monoxide fumes in his blood, making COD asphyxiation.   Also he has third degree burns and a chemical smell on him.   Ryan: "...find it in your heart to give me a sample."  Was Ryan grovelling after the last episode, where he was so rude to ME Tom by hanging up on him.   Calleigh walks in behind Ryan saying she's okay for work, but Ryan can't see or hear here, though it looks like he may be ignoring her.   Thus she's not really there.   Ryan: "Calleigh, Calleigh, Calleigh, you always gotta be you."  She couldn't have saved Patrick.

Calleigh proceeds to peer through the microscope and identify an oil-based solvent.   Ryan calls Jesse (Eddie Cibrian) to find the painter.   Patrick had turpentine on his hands.   Walter (Omar Miller) describes that as an accelerant.   Walter suggests they find the area with the deepest charring, which will locate the point of origin.   Ryan uses the mini-ray to find heavy concentration of turpentine.   Walter feels a draft which the others don't.   Jesse thinks Walter doesn't want to be in the house as he's watching too many Rob Zombie movies.   Good to see Jesse knowing lots about Walter in their burgeoning, short-lived friendship! Patrick protests his innocence but no one can hear him.   Jesse notices the house had sprinklers but they weren't on during the fire.   Walter spots the absence of insulation in the house - turning the house into a killer.

Horatio questions the contractor, he let the fire burn and he didn't get round to the insulation as Henry wanted to save money.   Horatio arrests him.   Cue Calleigh in a white suit which she doesn't normally wear, and seems to be surrounded by a glowing light, akin to a halo, someone overdid the lighting!  Cos we know she's really not there, not her colour for starters, she doesn't wear all white, at least not for many seasons.   In the UK, there was a show from the '60's called Randall and Hopkirk, Deceased, about private investigators and Hopkirk was killed, subsequently returning as a ghost dressed in a white suit.   Only Randall could see him.  Calleigh is at the CS.   She notices an oily substance in the burn, finding a second point of origin.   Calleigh can hear Patrick as she's in a coma.   Patrick's hanging around until he clears his name and asks if she would believe him if he was dead.   Calleigh gets angry, she's never seen a ...ghost?

Tripp questions Henry's neighbour, Stephanie (Robin Bartlett) who set their lawn on fire, but claims she's not a criminal.  .   She wasa infuriated with the workers making noise at 6am.   Horatio believes she's hiding something, which she was.   Walter finds a second point of origin in the house, just like Calleigh, wax paper on the wall, which is combustible.   Jesse finds the box of wax paper in the kitchen.   Henry chews tobacco, another clue.   He denies setting the fire.   Tripp informs him Patrick has missed school on several occasions this past month.   Patrick wanted to work on the House.   Jesse believes the fire could have been set for Henry.   Patrick says the fire began in the hall.

Jesse talks with Natalia (Eva Larue) and Calleigh gets into the lift with them, but they still don't see her.   They visit Calleigh in the hospital.   Delko (Adam Rodriguez) comments she's worse than he thought.   Patrick adds no one can hear her.  Calleigh asks if she's dying.   Only she and Patrick are able to see each other.   Jesse tells Walter that Calleigh is holding on.   Horatio isn't convinced Patrick set the fire intentionally.   He could have been cleaning brushes.   Jesse says if so, then the fire was an accident.   Walter feels the draft again.   Jesse: "feather's not gonna scare away a ghost." Since we were having a surreal CSI:Miami moment this episode, it would have been good if Walter could have seen a ghost, okay that sounds far fetched, but at least we could have been led to believe the draft he was feeling was Patrick leading them to the DB body, but then he didn't know about it.   The feather floats away in the draft and Walter says the wall hasn't been sealed properly.   A DB falls from inside.   Jesse thinks the fire damage masked the smell and they wonder when he died.

ME Tom identifies Ralph (Chris Dollard) as a plumber.  Horatio surmises he died before the fire.   He has burn marks on his knees from electrocution (here's another reference to electrocution in a CSI:Miami episode.   Second one this season too.) Horatio: "Maybe that floor was hot."  Jesse finds exposed wire in the kitchen and water would have been needed to conduct electricity.   Jesse having to explain that again as in the season's earlier episode, Bolt Action.   Ryan finds evidence of water damage and Jesse checks the fuse box which contains a penny inside from Key West.   Pointing to the Stephanie.   What a silly neighbour, putting it mildly, she was a danger to everyone.   She admits the penny is hers.   Ryan tells her she's admitting to murder.   She "treated him in kind."  She had to stop the noise and freely admits to murder like she's proud to have committed it.   She'll sleep like a baby in prison - not.

Ryan tests the sprinklers and gets himself wet in the process.   Calleigh watches and says he's on the right trail and counts steps to the lawn.   She needs to let them know what she's discovered and at this point she goes into defib, just as a way of getting through to them, or so we're expected to believe.   The doctor (Scott Alan Smith) explains the smoke aggravated her pre-existing lung disease.   She writes a message for Horatio, who claims it makes perfect sense as she was first on the scene and probably saw something.   Land surveyors measure distance.

 In Miami, the water line is buried at 36.   Digging up the garden, there's a towel on the water pipe.   Horatio thinks the water was turned off and the carbon dioxide solidified turning into dry ice, this froze the pipe and stopped the water from flowing.   Tobacco stains are seen on the towel, proving  Henry set the fire.   Well, something always gives them away.   Jesse tells him he'd have let Patrick take the blame for him.   Henry did it for a better life, for the insurance, but crime doesn't pay.   He sees Patrick briefly.  Calleigh felt like she knew Patrick.   Horatio doesn't put his shades on which was good, almost as a mark of respect for Patrick.

Oh wow, Miami's foray into ghostly territory, was going to type ghastly, never mind.   What with kooky neighbours, hyped up on adrenalin and not caring about the cost of human life, she killed for some sleep.   Henry killed for money, though it wasn't intentional on his part, he'll have to live with the death of his own grandson on his conscience forever.  Then Walter and his drafts, Calleigh as a would-be 'ghost' and Patrick as a ghost and it wasn't even Hallowe'en.

CSI:Miami also likes its fire episodes, such as Alexx (Khandi Alexander) and Delko getting caught twice in fire, once in the Everglades in Slow Burn, a good episode with Joe Flanigan.   Then this was Ryan and Calleigh's second encounter with a fire.   In the previous episode, Smoke Gets in your CSIs (from season 7.14) Calleigh refused to get medical help, choosing to chew gum instead, which had a toll on her health.

Ryan here wasn't as obnoxious as they've made him out to be in some episodes, but he didn't visit Calleigh in hospital though and neither did Walter, which was a shame, since Walter asked Jesse how she was doing and Ryan was with her in the beginning.  Most of the CSIs were making prejudgements this episode, with plenty of suppositions, before the evidence was in, but Ryan kept on with his one theory about Patrick being responsible for the fire, just like in the previous episode, he was sure the DB on the beach was an accident, or a prank gone wrong.  Lots of questions to answer though, was it an accident, deliberate, was it murder, did Patrick do it.   No wonder the poor boy had to express his innocence, even as a ghost.   Calleigh was the one who provided the clue, the nail in the coffin, oh that was in poor taste, never mind.

The thing I didn't like about this episode was that just as in the season 8 opener, Delko, in his hospital bed was looking back at how it all started, how the team got together; there were lots of events he wouldn't have known have taken place, in the same way here, Calleigh kept cropping up during their investigation, when there's no way, logically, she could have done that.  

Sunday 17 June 2012

Desperate Housewives 8.23 "Finishing the Hat" Review

Mary Alice (Brenda Strong) takes us back to how it all began, at least for her and how Martha Huber (Christine Estabrook) realized she was keeping a secret.  Mary Alice wasn't a convincing liar for someone with a secret.  Martha was so insistent and she just couldn't handle her.  Mary Alice: "This is how it started; the woman who had lived on the street for years came outside and introduced herself to the woman who was moving in next door...and just like that, Martha Huber figured out I was hiding something...and my new neighbour made it her mission to find out what my secret was...and this was the beginning...of the end."  (Also for the show, ha.)

Flashes back to 8 years of episodes and gunfire from Mary Alice et al.  "It was just after breakfast when Susan Delfino told her friends she'd soon be moving from Wisteria Lane.  They were shocked their old friend was already shocked it took them a moment to notice another had returned."
Katherine (Dana Delaney) returned only to offer Lynette (Felicity Huffman) a job as CEO in New York.  Her pastry company is going great.  Bree (Marcia Cross) comments on how Katherine mistakenly thought her croissants were best on the Lane.  Renee's (Vanessa Williams) wedding dress was ugly, as she tells Ben (Charles Mesure) "beauty is suffering."  Ben now realizes why it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding.

Carlos (Ricardo Antonio Chavira) tells Gaby (Eva Longoria) the gardener quit as one of them was too hard to please.  Gaby just tells him to find a new one and gets promoted to new Head of VIP Sales.  Gaby worries she'll mess up.  Notice how the men's roles were all reversed at the end of the show.  The women were all working and in charge.  Susan (Teri Hatcher) pushed Julie (Andrea Bowan) on a date with her obstetrician, Dr Baily (Wes Brown).  Julie reminds her she found Mike (James Denton), which Susan replies made her lucky.

Karen (Kathryn Joosten) wants Bree to find the Johnny Mathis song, Wonderful for her the record and she needs a record player too.  Trip (Scott Bakula) calls Bree who isn't interested.  At least he didn't give up on her.  Bree liked him but can't trust him.  Karen wants Roy (Orson Bean) to get his number as it's "fun to screw with peoples' lives one last time."  Lynette tells Katherine she and Tom (Doug Savant) are back together and she can't take the job.  Katherine thinks Lynette won't be happy just sewing buttons and okay she was right but that's not exactly the way you recruit someone.

Gaby returns home late and Carlos ate her steak, he asks if she lost her phone?  She gives him an expensive watch and he likes it but then recalls that's what he used to do to her.  He used to buy her jewellery for being a lousy husband and Gaby also quotes him too.  Carlos should have paid more attention to her.  Gaby: "you're sexy when you're angry."
Carlos: "that's mine too."

Lynette bumps into Natalie (Nike Doukas) who makes Lynette realize she misses work.  That meeting looked like Katherine had planned it.  Carlos hires a new gardener, a woman, just like Gaby and John were floozing.  Renee's dress was horrible, as I've already said and that hat, what was with the hat?  The second one was much better and more her style.  Bree checks on Karen before she leaves for the wedding and Roy tells her Trip found the record for her and a record player.  Karen was happy.  He tries to convince Bree that Trip's a good guy and he didn't even drop by Bree's either.

So anyway what was Julie even doing in the limo?  Gaby and Renee go to the store to get a new dress for Renee after Julie's water breaks.  Suppose that scene was one last funny piece of action in the show when Susan steals the limo and Gaby and Renee run off without paying for the dress and shoes and run all the way to the wedding.  What no taxis?

Renee taking the dress from the woman was how she typically shopped in New York as she mentioned to Bree a few eps ago.  Gaby and Renee's escapade on the street, where else would you see such a scene and the passer-bys didn't even notice Renee having a shouting fit at Ben.  Oh and Gaby needing to pull her dress up every second!

Lynette wants the job and Tom claims she was negotiating her salary with Katherine.  He would go anywhere with her if he "believed it would finally make her happy."  But nothing will make her happy and complete.  Ben invites Trip to the reception and Bree just happened to be standing by the cake and the door.  She thanks him for helping Karen and he replies, "once helped out a client of mine."   He asks if she's got anything else to say to him - like giving him a second chance.  He wants her and Bree asks why?  He knew everything about her.  He won't beg for her and she thinks he manipulated her when he kissed her so he knows all her flaws.  He explains everything she did only makes her human and he doesn't want to "love an ideal."  Of course panning in on the cake signified a wedding for them too.

Carlos is sorry for the joke with the gardener and Gaby admits that was a shameful thing in her life, having the affair and it was for Carlos too since he neglected her.  There Carlos says what I said earlier on, "our roles are reversed now."  Gaby has grown up since then and they do the Tango.  Susan tells Julie she may have one torrid affair left in her but if she feels lonely, she'll have all her memories.  Lee (Kevin Rahm) and Bob (Tuc Watkins) toast the couple and Lynette makes a speech about herself, well it was about herself really, as everything always was. Bree has her make up done at this point after making out with Trip!

Lynette was already happy and toasts "to remembering" - the show no doubt!  Tom agrees to go to New York with her and Karen passes listening to her song.  Julie gives birth, which was a tribute to Karen, as one life ended another began.  That's the cycle of life.  Roy calls Bree, but no one else.

Mary Alice: "Susan Delfino moved from Wisteria Lane on Thursday..."  The women play poker for the last time and know Gaby's tell of tapping the side of her glass.  Bree says it is the last time they will play and Gaby used to have a fantasy of them staying here - of how she stays gorgeous and they all age.  Lynette adds she's dreamed about that.  Mary Alice: "It was a promise made in all sincerity but sadly it wasn't meant to be."

Susan drives around the block one last time.

Funny Bree had to go to Kentucky to get elected!  The new home owner, Jennifer (Lindsey Kraft) has a secret of course cos that's how Mary Alice started out too and she looks like she'll be boring.  But we don't get to see what's in the box she hides.  Appearances by Mike,  Rex, (Steven Culp) George, (Roger Bart) Karl, (Richard Burgi) Martha, Mary Alice, et al, as Susan drives away. Including: Lillian (Elle Geer), Alma (Valerie Mahaffey), Ellie (Justine Bateman), Juanita Solis (Lupe Ontiveros) and an uncredited one by Vance (Jonathan Cake).

Bree didn't have a relationship with her lawyer as Mary Alice says in the opening, since they only kissed and she didn't see him again after that.  Ben and Renee never got a mention at the end and neither did Lee, Bob or Roy.  They weren't members of the cast proper but could have had a line about them, it would have been fitting.  It's as if they weren't even part of the Lane and especially Renee, she wasn't an original but deserved a mention.  Oh and Paul appeared at the end too as a ghost, so take it he's dead now too. It was Paul. I had a feeling Susan was going to drive into Mike as she wanted to drive round the block. Oh and what happened to Orson too?

So ends an era. The title of this episode was a song title from the Stephen Sondheim musical Sunday in the Park with George.  Marc Cherry had the idea for the ghosts of Wisteria Lane since season 1.  Also Mary Alice killed herself on a Thursday and Susan leaves the Lane on a Thursday when she moves away.  Roselyn Sanchez auditioned for the part of Gaby.  Marc Cherry also wanted Nicholette Sheridan back as Edie but that wasn't possible cos of the court case which led to both fans and critics complaining of this.

Lynette also met Natalie at the store in the Pilot and there were more references to season 1, such as Lynette being married to Tom and still being married to him at the end.  Bree was a conservative in the first season and she goes back to being this again at the end.  In Ah But Underneath in season 1, Carlos lavished Gaby with gifts, which is what Gaby was doing for Carlos now.  Susan was single when she moved to the Lane and single when she left, albeit with her children and grandchild in tow.  Katherine returned as she first arrived in season 4's Now You Know, with the camera showing her heels.

It's a shame that after being through so much together, none of the women kept in touch in the future.  Though it's understandable, I know people like that who used to be my friends.
As for the wedding cake reference as I pointed out between Bree and Trip, Mary Alice called Bree and Orson the "perfect couple" in the episode It Takes Two.  Bree was married to Rex, then Orson and now Trip.  As for her career in politics, would these conservative women really have accepted her with background of indiscretions, okay it's nitpicking, but still.  No wonder she ended up in Kentucky.

In the Pilot, Lynette, Gaby, Bree and Susan were introduced in this order and that's how they were shown in the end too.
Mary Alice and Paul Young kept their secret hidden in the toy box (as shown in One Wonderful Day) and the newcomer, Jennifer keeps hers hidden in a small box. "No secret remains Buried..."  it's as if the Wisteria Lane curse will continue for whoever moves in, though it wasn't like this for every resident.
Mary Alice: "Even the most desperate life is oh so wonderful..."

The Vampire Diaries - 2.15: "The Dinner Party" Review

Damon throws a dinner party to try to lure Elijah into a trap and use the dagger on him. Jonathan lies to Damon about the dagger and Katherine is free of her compulsion.

Elena (Nina Dobrev) reads John Gilbert's (David Anders) journal and Jonathan (Joe Knezevich) in a flashback says he can prove there aren't any vampires with the use of a compass, but it begins to whir.   Can't run from a vampire and he is killed by Stefan (Paul Wesley) who else.   Tyler (Michael Trevino) ran away from home.   Damon (Ian Somerhalder) has a dagger to kill Elijah (Daniel Gillies) and tells Stefan he's got a murder to plan.   Damon: "Yes Stefan I've become you, how tragic for all of us."  Alaric (Matt Davis) turns up at Jenna's (Sarah Canning) tour of the property with Elijah.   She's on one of Elena's list of loved ones to protect.   Elijah comments he doesn't go after younger women.

Bonnie (Kat Graham) needs practice with her magic and tells Luka (Bryton McClure) everything is normal when he says she did something to him, but he doesn't believe her.   Elena has agreed to sacrifice herself for Klaus and Stefan disagrees.   Jonathan wrote things which Stefan hasn't told her.   He didn't know about Jonathan's journal and that he'd survive, Stefan calls himself a monster.   After becoming a vampire, he went to the darkest place.   Flash to Stefan's past blood fests and Damon gets rid of Stefan's female company.   Damon wants to stay alive and clever like Katherine.   He's had it with Stefan and is leaving town,  leaving Stefan to kill himself.   Elena: "Sounds like you were Damon."  Stefan was much worse.

Alaric leaves Jenna with Elijah.   Andie (Dawn Olivieri) wants to help with the dinner party.   Damon will host and Jenna agrees.  Damon feeds Katherine, "You're almost pretty again." John's back in town and told him how to kill an original.   Katherine asks him if he told him whether it was true or not.   She doesn't want Damon to kill Elijah or she'll be compelled to stay in the dungeon forever.   Can be killed with a dagger and white oak ash.   Damon doesn't want to help her out.   Katherine's confirmed it's possible to kill an original, which Damon will.

Stefan only knew how to "hunt, prey or kill."  Had an endless blood supply during the war.   He met Lexi (Arielle Kebbel) then and didn't know about the vampire massacre.   Lexi calls him a ripper.   There are good and bad parts to being a vampire and Stefan is bad.   Alaric is hiding things from Jenna and John's telling her things she doesn't want to hear.   Alaric doesn't want anything to hurt Jenna and he makes this clear to Damon, like he'd listen or care.   Elijah's stronger and faster than Damon so he needs the element of surprise.   John arrives to the party, he invited himself.

Bonnie tells Elena everything about her and Jeremy and she might not like hanging out together.   Elijah says he and Elena have a deal and if he crosses him will kill everyone.   Jenna lets it be known that Damon's family isn't a founder family of Mystic Falls.  Damon wonders why Elijah wants to know the location of the witch massacres.   Jonathan researched the originals and has a sketch of the dagger.   The oak was burned and the ash was saved and the dagger was forged by the ashes.  "It must be brandished by humans alone or it will bring death to all who wield it."  John wants Damon to use it.   (This was shown in 3.9 when Elena uses it to kill Mikael.)

John told Jenna Alaric wasn't being honest about his dead wife and wants his ring back.    Stefan calls Alaric.   Elijah didn't tell Damon why the site is important and Alaric interrupts, he forgets about dessert, writing Damon a note, 'Dagger will kill you if you use it.'  That's something John was being sneaky about.   Elena hates him so there's no need to keep him on Elena's list.   Alaric stabs Elijah.   Stefan wants to ensure Elena keeps her life and she's giving up, but she shouldn't  like Lexi didn't let him give up either.   Lexi tells Stefan to let the pain back in, "When you can hurt, you can love." Everything's intense as a vampire and he wants Elena to fight for survival (repeated again in season 3.)

Alaric is Damon's friend and he doesn't have any, so he doesn't want anymore lies from him.   Elena says it's forbidden for one vampire to kill another so both died.   Bonnie tries to channel Jeremy.   Klaus has Luca's sister and Jonas (Randy J Goodwin) wants to get her back.   Jonas tries to kill Bonnie and takes her powers.   At the cabin, Elijah can't come in  so he'll wait.   Elena wants to negotiate and threatens to kill herself but he'll heal her and she'll become a vampire like Katherine.   How will he heal her if he can't come in and get to her body.   She makes him promise not to harm anyone she loves.   Elijah doesn't so she stabs herself and when he finally agrees, she stabs him.

Damon tells her not to pull the dagger out of Elijah.   Jenna asks about Isobel.   Alaric isn't honest with her cos he doesn't answer when she asks.   John can put her right about Isobel if he wants and returns his ring. He'll need it more than Alaric after what he did to Damon.   Damon takes the moonstone from Elijah's pocket but why leave him lying around in the cellar?   Elena wants things done her way now.   Does Stefan recall Lexi and has a flash to her?: 'His hate will get to him'.   Katherine got out as she knew Damon would kill Elijah if she begged him not to and when originals die, the compulsion is released.   Originals can compel vampires and Katherine agrees to help Damon.

Elijah gets stabbed not once but twice, first by Elena and then Alaric all in the same episode.   He'll return since no one stays dead in this show - not for long and only if they're absolutely not coming back.    Sometimes this stabbing frenzy goes a bit over the top but it would be Alaric to stab Elijah with the dagger, cos he's human and John keeping this from Damon - that a vampire who kills a vampire also dies, John sees it as a way to get rid of Damon.   No can't do that.   Alaric mentioning he's the only friend Damon has and he'll say this again next season, so it was fitting to see him save Damon and write him a note.  The fact that he actually read it was another matter.

John turned up at the party not only to cause trouble for Damon, but for Alaric with Jenna.   Why didn't Damon just throw John out and why the need for him to cause friction between Alaric and Jenna?   It's up to Alaric to tell Jenna about Isobel (or not) as and when he wants.   Isobel being mentioned can only mean she'll turn up soon enough, as does anyone who is remembered.   Stefan's turn to convince Elena to fight, as Lexi did for him and again lots of this will be repeated next season.   Why did Alaric give the ring back to John? In this town it's needed, considering Damon didn't exact  any sort of revenge on him.

Also knew Katherine was playing Damon when she said he can't kill Elijah or she'll never be free of his compulsion.   She also didn't tell him about the dagger or didn't she know, cos Stefan didn't know either until Elena read it in the journal.   Only now she's free does she agree to help Damon.  Feels like Damon would rather be rid of her.   Yet another plan falls by the wayside, or so it seemed to, but Elijah was put down...for now.

Lexi was known as Alexia Branson when Stefan meets her.   Alaric: "You said there wasn't going to be any violence."
Damon: "Said the guy who did all the killing."  Damon telling Elijah about the lion, the witch and the wardrobe when he said he needed to find the burial ground, along with the doppelganger and the moonstone.

Supernatural - 1.8: "Bugs" Review

Sam and Dean investigate some strange creepy crawlie, goings-on, are mistaken for gay and Sam admits some home truths about him and Dad, much to Dean's displeasure.

Oak Plains, Oklahoma.   Workers at a site find a sink hole and one falls in to be attacked by bugs.   Sam (Jared Padalecki) reads in the paper about a local death being blamed on a medical mystery.   He thinks they could get occasional day jobs to pay their way.   Dean (Jensen Ackles) wins some money, nope hunting's their job.   Don't think anyone can imagine Dean on an actual job!  They're good at hunting.   The man died from Creutzfeld-Jacob disease, human mad cow disease (X-Files territory here, or should that be Scully (Gillian Anderson) territory since Sam is the one who mentions it and you know what Dean says, Sam's the red-headed girl and he's Mulder (David Duchovny).   Dean: "Isn't that on Oprah?"
Sam: "You watch Oprah?!"  Of course amongst a million other shows, ha.   Dean changing the subject asks why it's their case.

Sam posits geekily (!) brain degeneration takes years and this man's brain disintegrated in an hour or less.   Dean's unhappy it's always work and has no time to spend his 'hard earned' money.   (Yeah on booze and chicks.)  They drive to Oasis Plains estate, the site of the injury.   Sam finds whatever it was, worked on the inside of the brain and they need to go down the hole, but don't know what's there.   Dean flips a coin, he's not afraid.   Sam goes down instead and finds dead beetles but no other tracks, tunnels or signs of any other creatures.   Some beetles eat meat, but normally it's dead.   They need more information on the area.

Dean suggest they start at the show home, free BBQ, that signals all you can eat for free, for Dean.  As Sam says, "free food's got nothing to do with it."
Dean: "No, I'm a professional."  Dean knows growing up in such a place would have freaked him out, it's so normal.   Sam: "There's nothing wrong with normal."
Dean: "I'd pick our family over normal everyday." The developer says they accept all sorts of homeowners regardless of sexual orientation.   Dean insists they're brothers.   Lynda (Carrie Genzel) mistakens them for a gay couple too.  To which Dean replies to Sam: "...okay honey."

His son, Matt (Tyler Johnston) likes bugs, a spider comes towards her and Sam picks it up, yuk.   Sam comments Matt's on a first name basis with his father and it reminds Sam of him and Dad (Jeffrey Dean Morgan.)   Dean recalls Dad never treated them like that.   Sam: "Dad never treated you like that - you were perfect, his was all over my case." Cos Sam was out of line at times.   Sam recalls he wanted to play soccer but had to learn bow hunting.   Here comes the brother differences and how Sam believes Dean was the favourite whereas that was Sam, cos in all families the youngest is always the favourite.   Dean wasn't perfect as we'll see in some later episodes.   He just had to do what he thought was right and that was in hunting.

Dean realizes this wasn't the first strange death, there was one from an allergic reaction to bee stings a year ago, before the development was started.   Sam adds hauntings sometimes include manifestations of bugs.   Sam likens it to Willard who liked rats.   There are cases of psychic connections between people and animals, elementals, telepaths.  Dean likens it to Lassie and Timmy.   Dean wants to try the steam shower in the house.   Lynda is attacked in the shower by (CGI) spiders.   Sam hears the call on the police scanner.   Dean: "Shower's awesome."  With towel over his head; like a girl!  Then has to venture out in the rain!  Dean notices the spiders in the towel (fake plastic ones more like.)

They follow Matt into the woods where he collects bugs.   He knows somethings happening to the bugs and he tried to tell his father but he wouldn't listen, "he's too disappointed in his freak son."
Sam: "I hear you."
Dean: "You do."  Sam comforts him as he can go to college in two years and get away from him.   Dean: "What kind of advice is that - kid should stick with his family."  Sam notices the earth mound in which Dean puts his hand and pulls out a skull (and he just had a shower.)  Sam says it's an unmarked grave, so why the bugs and why now?

Dean gives Sam the third degree, why did he tell Matt to leave his family like that.   Sam: "I know what the kid's going through."
Dean: "How about telling him to respect his old man - how's that for advice."  Great let the fireworks begin.   These moments are classics for this show.    Sam knows this is about him, Dean thinks he didn't respect Dad, which he did, but he couldn't do anything that was good enough in his eyes.   Dean agrees Dad was disappointed in Sam.   Sam: "Was, is always has been...because I wanted to go to school and live life, which in our family made me the freak."

Dean: "You were like the blonde chick in The Munsters."  Again Dean tries to inject some humour in this conversation which has been on the cards for a long time..   Sam recalls Dad threw him out of the house and Dean also recalls that fight, "I seem to remember a few choice phrases coming out of your mouth."  Then Sam comes down to the bit about finding Dad, eventually but he probably won't want to see him.   Dean admits Dad wasn't disappointed in Sam, he was scared of what would happen to Sam if he wasn't around and rightly so.   Look at everything that will happen to Sam.   Dad used to see him at Stanford even when they were arguing to ensure he was safe.   So why didn't Dean do that too, keep in touch.   Seems like Dean's the one who had more of a grudge against Sam for living his life than Dad did.   But that's to come.

They have an appointment with a professor (Jim Byrnes)who tells them events 170 years ago on the Native American time scale, when there were no tribes and relocation was common.  They should talk to Joe (Jimmy Herman).   They admit they're not really students.   Dean: "Truth is..."  He shouldn't start a sentence with truth is and is rebuked by Joe.   Truth is they're liars.   He likes Sam, he's not  a liar.   Joe tells them what his grandfather told him: 200 years ago his ancestors lived here and the US cavalry came to relocate them, they resisted and on "the night the moon and the sun share the sky as equals, the cavalry raided and they resisted and on the sixth day everyone was dead in the village.   On the sixth night, the chief whispered to the heavens, no white man would ever tarnish his land again, nature will rise up and protect the valley."  Sam says it's the spring equinox and the houses have been built on cursed land.

Dean tells Sam you don't break a curse you get out of its way.   Matt finds bugs outside the house and Dean calls and says he should say there's a gas leak and leave.   (Travis doesn't recognize Dean's voice.)  Dean suggests not to tell him the truth cos he'll think he's crazy.   Matt told his father the truth.   Dean: "What happened to the plan?"  Dean hears a swarm approach, they cover over the doors and windows.   Sam says they need to outlast them as the curse will end at sunrise.  Dean sets fire to bug spray and they head for the attic.   They're attacked and just as the spray gun runs out, hey presto it's daylight.

The development is on hold, Matt throws his bug collection away.   Sam wants to find Dad, so does Dean and Sam wants to apologize for what he said.   He was doing the best he could.   Dean knows they'll find Dad, apologize and then Dad and Sam will fight again.   Yes that's true.   Not one of the episodes high up on my favourites list, but at least we get some arguing between Sam and Dean, which was stewing and building up.   That's the best bits in this show, well some of them anyway.   That they're brothers and of course siblings fight, families fight, but at the end of the day it's not over anything trivial.   Then they kiss and make up, ha.  The first time Sam and Dean being mistakenly alluded to as gay.

The bees through the fireplace reminded me of The Birds (1963) and I know I've said it before but it did.   Anyone who hasn't seen that Hitchcock classic should watch it and then see some similarities between the swarm attack.   Also what Jensen and Jared do for their art, they were actually faced with real bees, cos the fake ones were too small to film.   Yeah bet a lot of us would have liked to have applied ointment to their bite marks!!  Dean calling Sam the blonde chick, Marilyn in The Munsters, since in their family she was the freak, as she was human and the others were monsters.   Thus Sam was the normal one in the Winchester family and thus the freak.

Saturday 16 June 2012

Doctor Who - 6.13: "The Wedding of River Song" Review

The one we've been waiting for: see the Doctor die, can he be saved, what is the question that can never be answered, does River marry her Doctor, will Silence fall...

London 5:02pm  22nd April 2011:  Cars fly on the end of balloons, a stream train storms through the Gherkin.   Charles Dickens (Simon Callow) on the news, interviewed by BBC journalists Bill Turnbull and Sian Williams, telling them of the ghosts, past, present and future all at the same time.   Children are chased by pterodactyls.   Meredith Kieira, speaks of Emperor Churchill (Ian McNeice).   There's a Roman centurion on guard outside the Palace, but it's not Rory (Arthur Darvill).  Churchill is being attended by Mahlokeh (the Silurian doctor from 5.8 The Hungry Earth and 5.9 Cold Blood) and he asks why the time is always 5:02 and the date is also stuck.   He summons the Soothsayer held in the Tower.

Enter the Doctor (Matt Smith) all beard and chains.   (He also sported a beard in 6.1 The Impossible Astronaut, when Canton Delaware III (Mark Sheppard) had him tied to the chair.   Churchill reminds him of the rhyme, "tick tock goes the clock" is what they say, only these clocks don't tick, "all of history is happening at once."  What happened to the time?  Doctor: "A woman."  Yes that's right, blame a woman for all of the world's woes!

Earlier:   The Doctor asks what you would do if you were afraid, away from home and "saw the face of the devil himself" donning his Stetson.   He approaches a wounded Dalek to retrieve info from its datacore about the Silence.   So how come all of these various species all knew of the Silence and yet, they Doctor himself, doesn't know of the Silence.   Would've thought he'd have known about them since he's been around forever.   Cos you don't remember them that's why, but the Daleks with their memory core would.   But Amy had that photo of them on her phone from 6.1.

The Doctor meets with Gideon (Niall Greig Fulton) - former envoy of the Silence who has been dead for 6 months.   Then goes about reeking havoc on the Teselecta's systems with his Sonic (6.8 Let's Kill Hitler).   They're investigating the Silence and he asks about their weakest link.   The Doctor then plays live chess with Gantok (Mark Gattis) where all the pieces are electrified.   Gideon and Gantok all wear eye patches.   So naturally there had to be a reason behind it.     Gantok works for the Silence.   The Doctor will die soon and he'd rather know why he has to die.   Dorian Muldovar (Simon Fisher-Becker) is the only one who can help.   He was killed at Demon's Run (6.7 A Good Man Goes to War) by the Headless Monks.   He's kept in an obelisk, at least his head is.   The Doctor says he hates rats, a line from Indiana Jones.  Gantok exclaims no one wins him at chess, pulling his gun on the Doctor and falls into a pit of live skulls, as opposed to snakes (as in Indy Jones again.)  Also there was Indy Jones style music there.

The Doctor tells Churchill in another reality, they're friends.   Churchill demands to know who the woman is.   Doctor: "Hell in high heels."  (His torment cos she won't let him die.)  Dorian tells him the Silence is a religious order and he is a man with a "long and dangerous past" but the Doctor's future is even more terrifying.  "On the fields of Transelor at the fall of the Eleventh, when no living creature can speak falsely or fail to answer a question that must never be asked or answered.   The Doctor will never reach Transelor."  The oldest and first question hidden in plain sight.   The Doctor asks what the question is - he has to die.   The Doctor asks Churchill if a  man knew a secret that must never be told, what would he do?  Churchill would destroy him.   Doctor: "I never realized it was my silence, my death.   The Doctor will fall."

Dorian tells him Utah is a still point in time, it's easier to create a fixed point, the Doctor's death is a a fixed point.   In the TARDIS, the Doctor calls Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart and finds out he's dead.   Then looks at the envelopes, "it's time." He has to accept his fate.   He asks the Captain to deliver his messages for him and the Captain then asks, "Is there nothing we can do?" The Doctor tells Churchill he had to die, "but I didn't have to die alone."  So he planned a picnic with his friends, remember planned is the operative word here.

Some more clips/flashbacks to 6.1 at the Lake.   He invited River (Alex Kingston) and she came twice.  This scene wasn't filmed in Utah, when River and the Doctor speak with each other, as the background is CGI and they're in front of a green screen.   River in the spacesuit claims she can't stop it, he must run.   He did run and ended up here, it has to happen, "this always happens." She won't recall serving time for his murder.   Doctor: "You are forgiven, always and completely forgiven."  Now would someone who was dying at her hands actually forgive her, even if it is the Doctor.   River still claims time can be rewritten, she fires her weapons and drains them and he's still alive.   "Hello sweetie."  Fixed points can be rewritten.   The Doctor disagrees, everything is happening at once and can't be stopped.  "Time is dying."

The Doctor has a mark on his arm, he and Churchill have been defending themselves against the Silence in the Place, he has more than a few marks on his arm and there are hundreds of the Silence on the ceiling.   Cue, "Pond, Amelia Pond;" with eyepatch.   The Doctor wakes on a train to Cairo.   He tries to explain to Amy (Karen Gillan) that she knows him.    She has sketches of everything she's come across, Daleks, Amy as a pirate (6.3 The Curse of the Black Spot) and she gives him his suit.   Doctor: "Geronimo."  He said that in the season 5 finale too.   She tells him it's not an eyepatch.   They've noticed that time's gone wrong.   The Doctor's never had an office before, or and he wants an office/train office.   She has an idealistic sketch of Rory, cos it doesn't look like him.  Cos she doesn't remember Rory.   She recalls the Doctor's death twice, but in different ways, two versions of the same event.

He tells her time is disintegrating and reality will fall apart.   (Same as season 5.13 and he was the only one who could save it by not existing anymore and here he has to save it by dying.   We could call that two versions of almost similar events too.)  Rory enters, also with eyepatch and calls Amy, "Ma'am." He's Captain Williams.   The Doctor tells her she'll find her Rory, she always does but she doesn't look hard enough.   The Doctor is the epicentre of the explosion, he's the cause of it cos he's still alive.   The train enters the pyramid with Area 51 written on the side and an American flag.   They're not eyepatches, but eye drives and act as external storage devices.   The Silence are held inside the pyramid in tanks of water.   The Doctor wondered what they looked like.   But after what they went through, they still had no way of recalling their appearance.   They're in tanks as they draw electricity from anything and that's how they attack.

Rory doesn't like the way one looks at the Doctor, with menace in mind.   He suggests Rory should ask Amy out, she calls him "Mr Hotti-ness."  They should go out for texting and scones.   Rory says the Doctor hasn't done this dating thing before.   That was the TARDIS bell sounding again when they show the Silence after the Doctor and Rory leave.   Wonder if this was in response to what the Doctor saw in room 11 in 6.11, maybe to subtly or cunningly signal to us that's what he saw.

Doctor: "Hi honey I'm home."  River: "and what sort of time do you call this?"  Which they said to each other in 5.13, when he rescued her from the TARDIS.   Kovarian (Frances Barber) wonders why he didn't just die.   River and the Doctor flirt.   She used hallucinogenic lipstick on President Kennedy and Cleopatra to cause this pyramid to come about.   The Doctor tells River he doesn't have time for dinner.   River refused to "kill the man I love."  She knows what will happen when they touch.   The Doctor comes closer to her, "so you love me."  Ooh Doctor!  He grabs her arm.   They short out the differential if they touch - time will mend and there's no other way, she'll be killing him at Lake Silencio.

 River tells him of the theories about the woman who married him or murdered him.   The Doctor doesn't want to marry her.   Water leaks from above and Kovarian tells the Doctor the Silence weren't trapped, but waiting for him.  Which means when she took River from the university, (6.12) she knew all along River would find ways to save him and thus the Silence would be waiting for him, or rather it appears to be the Silence who are in control of Kovarian and not the other way round.

The Silence attack through the patches, which the Doctor tells them to remove.   Kovarian tells them the effect of the patches vary from person to person and can cause death or extreme agony.   Kovarian is also attacked through her patch, poetic justice really.  The Doctor wants this stopped now.   Amy is doing this for him.  He's angry, people are dying because of him and he won't thank her for that.   (He doesn't like people making choices for him, as we know from 5.2.)

Rory can't remove his eyepatch as it's been activated, he's holding down the fort.   Amy remembers Rory and comes back to shoot the Silence and save him.   Amy won't help Kovarian.   She took her baby and hurt her, she'll never see her baby.   Kovarian insists Amy will save her cos he would.   The Doctor is precious to Amy but he's not here.

River built a distress beacon, the universe is still turning outside their bubble and she sent a message everywhere.  "The Doctor is dying, please, please help."  He tells her she embarrassed him.   The solar flares were actually full of a million voices of help.  he touched their lives.   He may have decided the universe is better off without him, but the universe has not.   He insists he must die.   She can't let him die without knowing he is loved by so many and so much, including her.

He asks for a strip of cloth a foot long, then uses his bowtie (cos they're not only cool but come in handy.)  He wraps it around River's hand and asks for permission from Amy and Rory to marry river.   He whispers into River's ear and she must remember it, "tell no one what I said." He told her his name he says out loud and has a request from his wife, "you're the woman who married me." The world is dying and he can't bear it, she must help him and there's no other way.   They kiss and he promises to make it a good one.  Time begins to move and he dies, and his body is burnt at the Lake.   Doctor: "you are forgiven, always and completely forgiven."

Another verse of the rhyme; "Tick tock goes the clock
he gave all he could give her [his life and/or his love too]
Tick tock goes the clock
and prison waits for River."

River returns to see Amy from the Byzantium (5.5 The Time Of Angels, 5.6 Flesh and Stone) and she lets her know where Amy is now and she doesn't know who River is.   Amy says he's dead and she killed someone in cold blood.   Then River already knows that and tells her it was in an aborted timeline in a world that never was.   So the Doctor can't be dead, if you think about it and they aren't really married.   She calls Amy 'mother' and blabs to her about him being alive.   He didn't want her to tell anyone.   She asks if she wants to know the Doctor's last secret, but he didn't tell her his name, Rule number 1, he lies and so does River, she "has to lie all the time - Spoilers." But she eventually does know his name.   He's one step ahead of everyone, always has a plan, which is what I said last episode.   River's his wife and Amy's his mother-in-law.   Hey she does know his name since in season 4, this was mentioned, only she doesn't tell Amy, cos of 'Spoilers' and it's River's past.

The Doctor as a monk, puts Dorian back.   The Captain made a Teselecta version of the Doctor and he told River to look inside his eye when he whispered to her.  "A Doctor in a Doctor's suit," he tells Dorian.   He dressed for the occasion.   He got too big for his boots and had to "step back into the shadows."  River gets out on days and nights, "well that's between her and me, 'ey."  Dorian tells him everything is still waiting for him at Transelor and the first question, the one that can never be answered, is hidden in plain sight, the one he's been running from all his life, "Doctor Who, Doctor Who, Doctor Who?"

So there you have it, season 6 done and dusted.   Some good stuff in this episode and some, well some repetition and yet we still ended up with more questions than answers, some reveals, some spoilers, but we're not all that wiser.   As for a double of the Doctor's getting killed, always knew that was up Steven Moffat's sleeve.   He had everyone speculating on the Flesh Doctor, but here it was a Teselecta Doctor, but a double's a double so we were right!  That was apparent when the Captain asked him if there was anything they could do for him and as I wrote last episode, the Doctor's got a plan - he's always got a plan and River said it too here.   Remember he had a plan at the end of the season 5 finale too, too putting all those 'blue' thoughts into Amy's head so she'd remember him.

As for the question that should never be asked/answered, that was galling: Doctor Who? - should've spotted that right off.   Oh well, should've could've, would've.   Should've known from the episodes The Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead, when the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) said there was only one way River could have known his name and here we finally find out how that came about: that only when he marries can he reveal his name.  But here, Dr Eleven didn't tell River his name, cos he only whispered "look into my eye." So it leaves open the question of, which can be interpreted in any number of ways, of whether they really married.   Since River tells Amy she's his wife and River in that episode from season 4 knew his name.   So even if they didn't marry, strictly speaking in this episode, they must have somewhere along the way, along one or other of their timelines.   Then the Doctor says she wanted to marry him and at the end  he says how she spends her nights is between them.

As for the title, at least it wasn't merely suggestive this time (or is it) and gave us a wedding, though River would have expected something more bigger and flamboyant.   Now we know why the Doctor was so insistent in having River go through with killing him cos he had  a plan!  Also she had to live up to her destiny.   Irony: they had to keep it hush, hush and she end up in Stormcage for a crime she didn't commit.  At least she gets to escape.   So anyway, back to the marriage they couldn't have genuinely married yet; since she'd know his name, he didn't tell her yet and that's the question, staring us in the face: "Doctor Who."   Oh well at least I was kind of right about the question, in a way; no?

River in 6.7 said this is where he forgets her, after their first kiss (for him that is) but she'll go on remembering.   Now we wait to find out WHO the Dr Doctor is as another future plot line is set up as to what will happen at Transelor when the Eleventh Doctor falls.   Though this sets up future plots and ensures they never run out of stories.

In the prequel to 6.13 - the rhyme is sung: "tick tock goes the clock, tick tock goes the clock, tick tock goes the clock, Doctor brave and good, he turned away from violence, when he understood the falling of the Silence."  Hey that's even more confusing.  However when he found out (and he said it often enough) that he MUST die for time to continue - that was how life would continue and not be stuck in stasis, therefore he had to die in order for the Silence to be brought down.   But they're not all dead.   The line: "he turned away from violence" has a double meaning - he doesn't go around killing if it can be prevented.   remember he's a healer, a doctor whose Hippocratic oath is: first do no harm.

That didn't stop Amy from being violent.   First she shot the Silence with a machine gun and then she put the eye patch over Kovarian's eye, so she'd meet her end.   Amy always packed a punch and had the potential to do anything to survive, as we saw in 6.10 The Girl Who Waited, when she was left behind, but many couldn't think she'd resort to cold blooded murder, including Amy herself and not behind the Doctor's back.   Then remember Kovarian said that whatever happens to the person wearing the eyepatch varies, as it can cause death or pain.   Leaving open the possibility she isn't dead.   Rory didn't object to Amy putting the patch over her, then, Rory didn't do much this episode, aside from attempting to take the final stand against the Silence.

Simon Callow reprises his role as Charles Dickens from the episode The Unquiet Dead.   Malohkeh (Richard Hope) was treating Churchill, but he was killed in 5.9.   The Doctor finds out Brigadier Sir Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart has died, after the passing of actor Nicholas Courtney.   This gives him the incentive to soldier on and meet his death.

In 5.13 the species/enemies gather to ensure the Doctor is put into the Pandorica so reality doesn't end and they all mass together.   Here River builds the beacon so all of the Doctor's friend, people he's helped, gather to say goodbye and show him he's loved.   Yet in 6.7  River tells him the Battle of Demon's Run occurred cos of what the Doctor does and has done, that they are afraid of him.   He's no longer known as a healer but as a warrior and perhaps here this is what the Doctor was trying to achieve, that he can still continue to help, but without being boisterous and loud about it.

So for a little bit, he'll be 'incognito', in the shadows (but for how long).   Probably this was needed after 6.11 The God Complex where he's woken to the fact he's always the one to save everyone and he can't help but interfere, as he told baby Alfie in 6.12 Closing Time.   Get the feeling if the Doctor wanted Amy to know he was still alive, he'd have told her or shown up, yet River went and told when he asked her not to.

Oh and a damaged  Dalek had to make an appearance for the Doctor to take info from its memory core on the Silence.   The last time we'll be seeing a Dalek.   So the Doctor knows more about the Silence than we do, they're a religious order like the Headless Monks.   Maybe the Monks are headless, cos they are the silence.  This episode was a little deja vu to 5.13 The Big Bang, in that the Doctor goes back in time to get Rory the Roman centurion to rescue him, creating a paradox.   Here he does much the same thing, in that he's a prisoner in the Tower and he has to relay events to Churchill as a soothsayer, yet all of history is a mish mash of events colliding and occurring together.  History was also mentioned in 5.13, regarding the Pandorica.    What does occur when a fixed point in time is undone, now we know.   That was one question answered.   More continuity from 6.1/6.2 with the use of the marks on the Doctor's arms everytime he's seen  the Silence.

Also what did the Doctor see in room number 11 in 6.11, that too was not resolved.   As for him eating an apple in that episode when he hates them, take it that was a red herring then and he wasn't a double there.

Matt and his brilliant acting had us completely convinced about the Doctor's death, his destiny and having to meet it.   All those scenes where we empathized with him, felt sorry, sad, mixed emotions and him accepting death with open arms, with a plan up his sleeve, I should say, Fez, or bow tie instead; only for the Doctor to be given a new lease of life.   Well that was inevitable.   Which he happily embraces, as do we, though in our off screen reality he was never going to die and intends to live in the shadows.   Must be hard with the Blue Box .

Then River's timeline can be a tad confusing - especially if you haven't been following closely, all this time she knew the Doctor would survive; that's what she didn't tell Amy he would die in 6.1/6.2, not in so many words anyway, but that he'll be fine.   But she's the one who has the horrible event waiting for her, which we think is her being imprisoned for murder.   Actually it's when she died to save the Tenth Doctor in the Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead, to save the man she loved, who didn't know who she was.   Then he saved her, putting her memories in a computer, so technically, a Doctor did die - back then - but not THE Doctor.   Semantics, ha.   Doctor Who Confidential did an excellent segment on the Life of River song.  Oh hey, River's memories in a computer, the Doctor inside the Teselecta, more deja vu?

 There were some aspects of this episode that stood out, firstly the oldest question of  'Doctor Who?' at the end, typical for two reasons, since the series first started in 1963 without any explanation as to who the Doctor was, it wasn't until the end of season 6 in 1969 that it was revealed he was a Time Lord; so this brings us back full circle as it was kind of suggested back in 1989 that the Doctor was half-human, half Gallifreyan and that the human side of him was, none other than Merlin the magician! This was  from the episode Battlefield in 1989.  

 Leading towards two nice possible connections.   Merlin season 4 returned just after Doctor Who finished, thus the question: who is Doctor Who...and here's Merlin on UK screens.   The episode Battlefield featured the final appearance of the Brigadier, mentioned here.   It was also speculated, but not confirmed, that the Doctor visited the Middle Ages and became Merlin when he first arrived on Earth.   Another Time Lord, the Meddling Monk disguised himself as a monk during that time when the Doctor was undergoing his first regeneration.

 The Silence in their tanks was reminiscent of the episode Earthshock, from 1982, with the Cybermen.   Everyone wearing eyepatches was reminiscent of Inferno and the pyramids from the episode  Pyramids of Mars. When the Doctor talks of everything g he could have done with the TARDIS being able to time travel - he thinks of seeing Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) when younger, so he could help her with her homework; attend Jack Harkness' (John Barrowman) stag parties in a night and mentions Elizabeth 1 again.  River pretended to be Cleopatra in 5.12.

 One of the Silent refers to Rory as "the man who dies and dies again."  We know how many times he's died.   Also 5.12 The Pandorica Opens was about the destruction caused when when River tries to re-write a fixed point in time - she tells the Doctor here that it can be done.   the tenth Doctor tried rewriting a fixed point in time in The Waters of Mars, but this backfired and failed.   Fixed points in time were also alluded to in the episodes The Fires of Pompeii and Cold Blood.  Mark Gatiis here was credited as Rhondo-Haxton. Also 'Death Is the Only Answer' was premiered on Doctor Who Confidential, a brief episode written by school children after a competition.   This was about Albert Einstein accidentally entering the TARDIS whilst working on his own time machine, sporting a Fez.   In one scene he turns into an Ood.

Doctor Who is one question that will never be answered - so there's no danger of the show ever ending...

There's so much that can be written about this episode, but it'll turn into a case of overkill if I keep doing that here and believe-you-me, I can write about this show all day, all night and beyond...

Lie To Me - 2.8: "Secret Santa" Review

Cal is sent to Afghanistan to determine if an American captive is telling the truth and to get him to admit the whereabouts of two missing marines. It's Christmas and Emily plans the office party,someone has to.

US soldiers ambush some enemy fighters in Afghanistan and one surrenders claiming to be American.   Emily (Hayley McFarland) buys a Christmas tree for the Christmas party Cal (Tim Roth) will throw his staff and Gillian (Kelli Williams) agrees.  Emily then introduces Cal to Rick (Carter Jenkins).   Cal and Gillian meet with Lennox (April Grace) who works for the President regarding the detainee.   Cal via satellite link asks the prisoner, Franco, (Michael Goorjian) some questions.   He claims to know the location of two missing marines.   He was an aid worker and his life was saved by the Taliban so he became one too.   Cal can't have Franco brought here - he's needed to ensure the rescue of the missing two but Cal must go to him, which appeared to be his worst nightmare.   Emily gets him to pick his Secret Santa and the expression on his face shows it's Eli (Brendan Hines) - well it has to be.   He tells her he'll be in Florida.

The commander of the US outpost in Afghanistan, John Parkstein (Jason Gedrick) is about to raid the position and Cal must question Franco before the raid.   Franco gives Cal the name of his aunt Wendy in Baltimore.   Cal immediately believes he's lying and suspects he worked for some covert government agency - maybe CIA.   Franco describes the location as the "safest" place where the Taliban can hide.   Gillian via the satlink knows he's lying since he used the word "safest" meaning there is more than one place.   The raid is aborted.

A man named Komisky (Mark Rolston) arrives from the Department of Defence.   Cal asks if Franco led them into an ambush and calls him a coward.   Gillian calls it a ploy to give Franco an opportunity to redeem himself.   Franco agrees to answer Cal's questions if he answers his questions in return then points out the location of the hideout on the map.   Ria (Monica Raymund) suspects Komisky who deliberately avoids being seen on the satlink and spills her drink on Gillian to get her alone.   They are convinced Komisky knows Franco.   Emily worries about Cal, she hasn't heard from him and Eli calls them back in, leaving her none the wiser.

Mohammad (Homie Doroodian) loses his temper at Franco for leading them into an ambush.   Ria moves the camera to show Komisky's face and Franco recognizes him.   Franco accuses Cal of getting high on war.  Cal was in Bosnia.   He tells them there's another way into the cave.   Lennox doesn't know who Franco is as there's no record of him anywhere.   Franco just wants his story told, which Cal has the power to do.   Emily sneaks into the video room and sees Cal under attack from mortar shells.   Franco's radio was used to find his location.   Wouldn't that have been anticipated and made alternative arrangements?   The marines are rescued but communication is lost.   Mohammad tells Cal he needs to leave in 18 minutes if he's not back.

Cal worked in Intelligence - MI6 in Bosnia and they made a soldier walk into sniper ally to determine the locations of the snipers.  Franco confesses his name is Glenn Welsh.   He got into trouble and was sent to the brig for manslaughter.   There he was stabbed in the back and was recruited to work here.   Gillian and Ria meet with aunt Wendy (Myra Turley) and Komisky lets her tell the truth.   She was "acting" for her country and wanted to help after 9/11.  

Gillian says everyone wanted to help and gets angry at Komisky for leaving him out there.   He replies his battery died in his tracker and when he didn't get back, they assumed he was dead.   Franco betrayed after he was abandoned to survive.   Cal uses pliers to pull a transmitter from his back, proving he was one of them.   They need to evacuate and Franco used his code word 'aunt Wendy' when he was caught.   Cal convinces John to let him stay and fight, providing him with a gun - to do what he came here to do.   Franco gives Cal his address in Iowa, also showing he wasn't a coward as Cal accused him.

In Iowa, Komisky doesn't want Cal to tell his parents the truth.   Cal calls Franco a hero and sometimes they have to take responsibility for their actions.   Komisky has a quick change of heart and wants to tell his parents himself.   Cal agrees as long as  it's the truth.   Emily was scared and doesn't want him doing anything like that again.   Cal gives Eli his secret Santa present - see it was Eli.   A paper snowflake from the outpost, which Eli places on the tree.

Some more insight into Cal's past this episode, but it wasn't that detailed, other than working for MI6 - he clearly isn't an advocate of war. It's a dirty business and wants the "past left in the past."  Thus his reluctance to tell Franco about himself.   But what he revealed wasn't heard by anyone else.   Ben was missing this episode and from this party.   Being a Christmas episode there had to be a happy ending - though not for Franco and his family.   Komisky felt compelled to talk to his parents pretty quickly - a way to allay his guilt perhaps.   Yet he maintained the lies for so many years and still didn't want to admit the truth.

Gillian: "You can't go to that place again."
Cal: "I've never been to Afghanistan in my life."  Gillian: "You know what I'm talking about Cal."
Which suggests Gillian knows something about his past  or his being in such a position before.   "Place" actually meaning his state of mind or emotions, rather than the country.   This episode aimed to show the ugliness of war and how those caught up in it react.   Also shown by the sniper story from Cal's past.

 Some flaws in the science here is revealed when Cal says he's only about 70% sure that Franco was telling the truth in the beginning, showing this isn't an exact science.   Cal reveals he betrayed himself not his country and helped a soldier to his death.   The irony being Franco can never return home after fighting against US troops.  Even when he says he shot above their heads at first but had to shoot back.   Cal once again found himself in "that place" where Gillian told him not to go - just as in his past, he now has to leave Franco to his fate: allowing him to do what he was sent here to do and redeem himself in those final moments.

Gillian and Cal once again show their closeness to each other as the hugs and kisses continue.