
Thursday 14 June 2012

Lie To Me - 2.7: "Black Friday" Review

Cal and Gillian have a case fall into their laps when a boy hires Cal to find his parents. Eli and Ria must determine if a store is responsible for inciting a crowd to stampede.

 A crowd awaits the opening of Digital Convertor for Black Friday.   As a man searches for his wallet, the crowd get restless and frenzied.   A woman is trampled; as a girl lets go of her father's hand and wanders off.   Whilst at Cal's (Tim Roth) a boy, Max (Daniel Ross) hires Cal to find if he is James Knox, who was kidnapped.   Lots of cold case solving in this show.   He shows Cal the scar on his body and pays him.   Gillian (Kelli Williams) can't believe he took his money.   Hey I said that.   Cal allows Max to question his current parents, the Roland's and advises him not to back down on anything.   Max took a DNA test and found he isn't related.

Eli (Brendan Hines) has the photo of the footage from the store and Bernardo (Shashawnee Hall) hires them to show they're not at fault, thus significantly reducing the settlement payout.   Eli negotiates a percentage of their fee based on the amount he saves them.   Eli explains convergence theory: which holds aggression runs in the mindset of such crowds.   Cal wants Ria (Monica Raymund) to help and leaves them alone as the Institute needs the money.

Cal and Gillian visit the Knox's and Gillian tells them about possibly finding their son.   Cal watches Mrs Knox (Hannah cox) become nervous and fidgety.   She admits James died in the bath when she left him alone; it was an accident.   This is news to Knox (Randy Lowell).   Jackie Roland ( Lisa Waltz) confesses she got Max from a woman named Cheyenne (Jackie Debatin) who didn't want him.   There aren't any records and they didn't tell him out of fear he'd be taken.

Eli and Ria meet with the plaintiffs and they state a security guard was the cause of the frenzy.   All of them look to one man who describes the guard as bald.   But none of them actually saw him.   Cal looks through video footage and finds one of Ben (Mekhi Phifer) accessing his password, which Cal uses to access the FBI database, finding an address for Cheyenne.  Emily (Hayley McFarland) catches him and he leaves it logged on incase she wants to check someone out.   He's committed a felony.  Cheyenne say she is Max's mother and hugs him, but she's lying.   She's an addict and stole the baby from her dealer, Romeo.  She replied to an ad in the paper for a baby.

Ben catches them out as he was meant to be playing golf on holiday but he's been informed by the FBI his password was used.  Emily talks with Max who thinks she shouldn't talk to a freak, she tells him of her dysfunctional family.   Ben has the Roland's arrested.   Max runs away.   Did he actually want to find his parents so what was with the running away business?   Ria notices Bernardo is hiding something as he hides his "gonads" and has Eli pull up footage of Churchill doing the same with his hat.  Bernardo admits he has security tapes showing the guards and customers in the crowd having a fight before the frenzy ensued but they have a confidentiality agreement with the Institute.

Gillian lies to Emily by telling her they've found Max's parents, which Cal asks her to do since he can't lie to her.   Ben discovers Romero's real name is Blake and his daughter died when he was in prison.   Emily is upset with Gillian for lying.   Ben locates Blake's parole officer, Donnelly (Nick Searcy) who finally admits there was a break in at his house 16 years ago.   His wife was killed and he was shot in the back thus ending up in a wheelchair.   His baby son was stolen.

Ria finds a man in the crowd who was grabbed.   Eli mentions contagion theory and how crowds are affected by it.   They also have the video, but Ria is aware Eli wants to get into Cal's good books, let's face it he needs to.   Sense a little jealousy on her part.   She's not the only one who wants to do the right thing and get to the bottom of it.   As we know, Eli is big on doing the right thing, especially if it means blowing the whistle on someone who deserves it.   The man, Ken heard his daughter and she broke her arm, but not during the riot.   He just wants a pay out..

Max is Donnelly's son.  Eli tells Cal they found the riot was started by a man in the crowd and Cal offers them dinner on him, which Eli accepts, but Ria comes across as stroppy and wants to see it through to the end, watching more tape.   Eli has a few drinks at the bar and leaves when he sees a woman slip on some ice.   Max's real name is Owen but  but he refuses to believe he is his father after seeing him in a wheelchair.   See the difference between Max now and his reaction to Cheyenne, whom he immediately hugged.   Cal provokes max into lashing out at him and Max finally breaks down and cries.

Bernardo has settled for $2 million and hands them a cheque for $1.8 million.   Eli asks how they clear up the ice outside and the employee replies they salt.   The girl slipped on ice and that's why the crowd stampeded.   Bernardo again brings up the confidentiality agreement and Eli threatens to expose the report.   We know Eli is more than capable of exposure.   Oh not in that way!  They can use it but Bernardo won't be using any of the report.  

Cal questions Blake (John Bishop III) who wanted to keep his daughter and exacted revenge on Donnelly.   Blake wishes he knew who took his son and Cal tells him now he does.   Eli wanted to tell the truth and Cal is proud of him for standing up and not taking the money - he'd be fired if he did.   Donnelly and the Roland's agree on co-custody of Max and Emily wants to invite him for Thanksgiving next year.   Eli and Ria being allowed to work on their own where such a lucrative deal is concerned, wonder if Cal was expecting one of them to mess up?   Ria once again demonstrating the truth of her convictions in wanting some form of justice for the two who died and for their families.

As for Max and his search, it seemed to take forever to reveal who they were and each one of the would-be parents had something to conceal.   Max remarking to Gillian if she wants a kid she should have one of her own, already said before and sad for her as she's tried that already too.   As far as Max was concerned looking for his parents seemed like a vicious circle or a wild goosechase.  First lot, the mother killed her baby.   His actual adopted parents got him from a drug addict, who stole him from her dealer, who stole him from his parole officer.

Cal: "How'd it go with the suits?"
 Eli: "We got the job.   Where were you?"
Cal: "None of your bloody business.   I figured you were up to it.   It's probably a gross over-estimate on my part."
Eli: "I appreciate the confidence boost."  Funny part, Cal blaming Eli for accessing the FBI database.

Supernatural - 1.7: "Hook Man" Review

Sam and Dean investigate the legend of the Hookman and Sam finds he's attracted to the girl who appears to be the cause of the Hookman appearing and killing his Vics.

Theta Sorority, East Iowa University.   A friend, Taylor ( Christine Laing) gives Lori (Jane McGregor)  a top to wear on her date and she's driven to a spot  to make out.   Lori's father calls her but she doesn't pick up.   A sinister man with a hook lurks outside the car.   Rich (Brian Skala) goes out of the car and the man slashes the car.   Then disappears.   Lori runs to find Rich, hanging.  Dean (Jensen Ackles) comments Sam's (Jared Padalecki) half-caff double vanilla latte is getting cold.   Sam's on the phone, but Dad (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) doesn't want to be found.

An article reports a mutilated body found in Iowa and the 'attacker was invisible'.   Dean is certain this is something Dad would check out.  They visit the Vic's fraternity house under the guise of being fraternity brothers from Ohio and need a place to stay.  The guy wants his back painted and Dean gives Sam the privilege of doing so, "he's the artist, things he can do with a brush." Rich was with Lori who is also the Reverand's daughter.   The church door bangs when Sam and Dean enter, alerting their presence to everyone.   And causing Lori to look at Sam, with her lustful eyes, oh me getting carried away!  Sam nudges Dean to bow his head in order to pray, Sam being the religious one.  Sam knows what Lori's going through: "I saw someone get hurt once, you never get over it."  Referring to Jessica (Adrienne Palicki) of course.   The police appear to blame Lori for Rich's death.  Dean can't help adding that she's hot and so they have to look into it.

Rich was suspended upside down over the car, immediately prompting Sam to recall the Hookman (Sean Millington) legend.   That's the most famous urban legend around.   Sam noticed "something in her eyes."  Sam knows every legend has a source and so maybe the Hookman is a spirit.   Searching arrest records dating back to 1851 and in 1862, a preacher named Jacob Karns was arrested for murder.   He was angry over the red light district in town and killed 13 prostitutes.   Some were found suspended upside down from tree limbs, serving as a warning against 'sins of the flesh'.   The preacher lost his hand in an accident and replaced it with a silver hook.

They investigate Nine Mile Lane, where Rich was killed.  Dean: "Nice job Dr Venkman" From Ghostbusters (1984) he was the geeky, brainy one.   Reverand Sorenson (Dan Butler) worries about Lori in her dorm,  but she says she needs to live her own life.   She returns to her room, where blood is dripping, but she doesn't notice Taylor is dead.  Dean says you don't have to go to college to be a genius.   No Dean doesn't need that he's got life experience, that's is why he spent 4 years doing manual research, which he could have just done on a computer!   The Sheriff (Alf Humphreys) finds them in the woods and some quick thinking and talking on Dean's part saves Sam from arrest, to receiving a fine.   Sam was a pledge and being hazed.   Dean: "Dude I'm Matlock."  Not the first time this show will be mentioned.   Dean: "Well, you look like a dumbass pledge." Yes he does, ha,  sorry, wonder what sort of hazing Sam had to undergo at Stanford.

Sam and Dean climb into Lori's dorm room, causing no end of excitement on Dean's part, "sorority girls, think we'll see a naked pillow fight."  They find the message, "aren't you glad you didn't turn on the light" written on the mirror.   Which they both know is straight from the classic Hookman legend.   The same symbol is on the message as they found for Karns in their research, cluing them in he was buried in an unmarked grave after his execution.

Dean is miffed and surprised at this whole college thing, saying it's "awesome" and Sam was holding out on him.  But this isn't Sam; he's not into the partying, he was there to work.  Sam and Dean check out the Lane and Dean hands Sam rock salt, it "won't kill him but it will slow him down."  They think the Reverend is lying to Lori and could be summoning the Hookman, Dean thinking the spirit could be latching onto the Reverand's repressed emotions, feeding off them.   Sam keeps an eye on her whilst Dean has the dubious task of salting and burning bones.   As usual, it's left to Dean to dig up buried bones.   He locates a headstone with the same cross symbol from the message. "Next time I'll get to watch the cute girl's house."  Sam watches Lori and the Reverend arguing through the window.

Sam was worried about her and she thinks he's sweet.  She tells him to stay away as she's cursed, "people around me keep dying."  Boy does Sam know that feeling.   Dean manages to salt and burn the bones but he doesn't notice that the hook isn't there.   She admits her father is seeing  a married woman and her family comes to church.   She kisses him, ahh Sam's first kiss after Jessica.   He can't do this and the Reverend is attacked by the Hookman.  Sam realizes the spirit latches itself onto Lori as she's upset about immortality.   Dean thinks she's conflicted and the spirit of the Hookman is punishing for her.   Dean: "remind me not to piss this girl off." Sam tells Dean he didn't burn the hook, the source of his power.  Checking records they find the hook wasn't buried with him and was made into something else.   Sam checks her house and Dean checks the church.   Dean: "stay out of her underwear drawer."

Lori cries and prays in church, it's her fault and she's angry at her father.   Sam tries to convince her she's not to blame.   The Hookman chases them and attacks Sam.   When Sam was aware the Hookman latches onto repressed emotions, why didn't he realize he would come after Lori, as she was all moralizing again.  Dean missed something: Lori's necklace, an heirloom given to her by her father.  Dean burns it and the Hookman burns.

Dean tells Sam they could stay and watches Sam say his goodbyes in the car mirror.   Yes but how long could they stay before they had to be on the move again, to investigate another supernatural phenomena.   Lots of angst in this episode, as well as Sam trying to come to terms with losing Jessica and his attraction to Lori.   Perhaps another reason why he wanted to leave is that he's still not over his guilt, not being able to save Jessica, but at least he got to save Lori, with Dean's help of course.   Sam still searches for Dad with more determination than Dean and it's never a dull moment with big brother around.   It's not that Dean doesn't care about Dad, it's just all that hunting without him most of the time probably has Dean weary that he's been known to go off on his own.

A classic legend and this epsiode was criticized for being a carbon copy of I Know What you Did Last Summer (1997), but this episode of  Supernatural was based on the legend and Supernatural always does its own storylines.   It was different enough to original.   Besides if, as critics said,  this was meant to be a rip-off of the movie, then the movie was a copy of the legend!

CSI: Miami - 8.19: "Spring Breakdown" Review

It's Spring break again in Miami and yet more murders to contend with. when the CSIs find the three cases they are investigating are all connected.

A DB is found buried in the sand, another is found stacked inside a washer and a third is found impaled on a spike sculpture.   Calleigh (Emily Procter) is pretty vexed and questions what type of person puts a girl out in the laundry.   Tripp (Rex Linn) blames it on Spring Break.   Calleigh given the limelight now, away from Horatio (David Caruso) when she has the last line before the credits, "There are going to be consequences."  Ryan (Jonathan Togo) believes the sand constricted the DB's lungs, suffocating him.   Since when did Ryan start second guessing before the evidence is in (my fave phrase).  He's not an expert on determining COD.  

Jesse (Eddie Cibrian) thinks he most likely drowned as the tide was high.   ME Tom (Christian Clemenson) will enlighten them.   There was probably more than one killer.   Ryan is adament that it's a prank gone wrong and the tide ended it.   That's his theory.   First he suffocated and then the tide finished him off, now Ryan can't make up his mind.   Don't know why they keep chopping and changing Ryan's character so much, he goes from extremes in practically every episode.   Jesse tells him they still need to find who did this.

Walter (Omar Miller) can still recall his Spring break and calls it a miracle he's still alive.   Some characterization of Walter, we know he's a fun loving guy from past episodes but not so much about his misspent youth.   ME Tom thinks it was a bad aim, commenting on the DB.   Calleigh still harping on about how Spring break is meant to be the best part of your life, not the worst.   Well, maybe it was for her, but not everyone's like her, or as pretty as her.   Bet she didn't have any problems throughout school and college.  Tripp calls it a body dump and all the hotels send their laundry here.   Any evidence on her form the killer would have been destroyed in the washer.   Calleigh notices the debris collector on the side which could have collected something belonging to the Vic or the killer.  

ME Tom is majorly outnumbered and overwhelmed with the body count and he can't examine everyone's body, no but he kind of favoured Calleigh's over Ryan's.  But opts for Horatio's DB.  There were no IDs, but present were second and third degree burns and residue on the pipe.   Horatio likens them to being flare components, so he was shot with a flare gun.   Walter finds tempered glass from the window.  and scorch marks.   Horatio surmises the blast originated from the hotel room.   Dean (Peter Mooney) admits to firing the weapon at a man at the party, but he didn't hit him.   He doesn't recognize the DB.   Walter thinks he's lying; "That story's got holes in it as big as the one in our Vic's chest."

He and Horatio conduct a demonstration with dummies, judging where the body was found and where it landed; 20 feet away.   So he fell from a bigger height.   Horatio ends up on the roof.   The dummy still lands 4 feet short, he's 'fast running out of real estate'.   The DB was never in the room, the flare was fired as he was falling from the roof.   Walter calls that an urban legend.   He's big on those; calling the murder  Dean's alibi.   Heel impressions are aslo seen close to the edge of the balcony.   Horatio concludes he was pushed.

Ryan calls ME Tom to see how the autopsy is progressing but ME Tom tells him their body isn't the only one in town and Ryan proceeds to hang up on him.   That was uncalled for, see what I said about his character constantly being altered by writers.    The female DB had broken bones, no bruising and blunt force trauma.   Calleigh refers to her as a "poor thing, beaten and thrown away."  Sympathy and compassion is all fine and good but  Calleigh was acting in a way she hasn't before either, never seen her show this much feelings towards a Vic before.  

Usually she's the voice of reason more than over zealous emotion.   ME Tom has the Vic's room key.  Tripp and Calleigh question a woman at the bar, she's been charging drinks to her room.   Her name's Courtney (Chelsea Hobbs) but she wants to see Tripp's ID first.   Tripp was becoming annoyed with her as he asks for her ID.  She denies recognizing the photo of the Vic, and claims she's drunk.   She dropped her keycard on the beach, so the Vic must have picked it up.   She's drunk, but not enough to realize she must have dropped her keycard, or it's location; so why not tell the hotel she lost it.

ME Tom finally gets round to Jesse and Ryan's DB and finds saltwater in the lungs, so he drunk-drowned and was murdered.   Ryan still thinks it's an accident.   His jaw was fractured perimortum.   Jesse notices burn marks on his ear.; identified as residue from a flare.   Dean shot him with the flare.   Calleigh finds a button from the washer belonging to the Vic's dress.   She thinks chlorine would've set the print.   Walter finds their Vic had a VIP bracelet from a club and Jesse also turns up at said club.   Calleigh says all three Vics went through the same club.   The bouncer recalls the woman as she left her credit card at the bar.  her name is Alexis (Teresa Castillo).   She was helped by a blonde.   Walter: "At least their Vic has a name."

Calleigh and Tripp check out Alexis's room and there's a huge blood stain on the floor where she was killed.  Calleigh says she was sharing the room with the two other Vics and there's photo of them all together.   From their university records they're identified as Brad (Simon Miller) - Horatio and Walter's DB and Paul, (Alan Ritchson) - Jesse and Ryan's DB.   They all had wrap sheets but the charges were dropped.   Ryan plays the video on the laptop from a social network site belonging to Alexis, uploaded a year ago.  An overweight blonde woman was ambushed in a humiliating way.   Whoever threw Brad off the roof, states Walter, was wearing a VIP bracelet.   Calleigh had very little to say on the video and Alexis's behaviour, presumably she would have found out about it.   The bracelet wearer is identified as Hillary (Cassie Scerbo) and Brad gave her a black eye, she's blonde, but she's not the killer.   There was another woman there; Courtney, but she claims not to recognize Brad.   She denies everything.

ME Tom had to peel back Alexis's face to reveal she suffered skull fractures.   Calleigh offers to help him cast them, see again so hands-on from her for this Vic.   Alexis was struck with an iron from the hotel.   Ryan pulls  blonde hair from Paul's shirt.   Calleigh comments this is not a fluke, they were being targeted "by a killer blonde."  At which point Ryan looks at Calleigh when she's walked away!  Courtney is swabbed for DNA and Hillary refuses as she had no reason to kill them.   Travers (Christopher Redman) analyzes the hair to find it was bleached, dyed and starightened.   He comments there's no justification for murder, but those three were asking for it.  

So it's left ot the lab rat to put forward his feelings in contrast to Calleigh's, well no else had anythign to say.   Ryan understands what Travers means after he explains why he said that.   Tripp tells them Jill (the woman from the video) filed a complaint against Brad and she's missing.   To humiliate someone like that, he'd want to disappear too.   Travers finds evidence of appetite suppressants on the hair, the side effects of which include, alopecea.  Ryan explains that's thinning hair for Tripp's benefit, no doubt, he already knows.   Yeah Ryan so do most people.   Ryan and Travers exchange glances on the thinning hair part.   Tripp says she doesn't look like she did in the video.

Dave (Wes Ramsely) uses visualization software to see what Jill would look like, and she resembles Courtney.   Who's really Jill.  Horatio says she's not a Vic but their killer.   The video gives her motive.   Jesse says she was the last one seen with Brad before he was pushed.   She dyed her hair and the DNA is a match.   Would've thought she'd have worn a wig instead of dying her hair, it would have been easier to disguise; no need to dye it and perhaps she wouldn't have left her own hair on Paul's shirt.    Amazing that hair was still on his shirt.  

Horatio comments she took advantage of Alexis when she was drunk.   No one helped Jill when she needed it and they got away.  "I'm the fat girl whose life you destroyed." The joke ws on Brad and she claims impaling him was the icing on the cake.  Jesse tells her when someone goes through such a change as she did, they're much happier.   Horatio ends by saying she's spending her life in jail;  he hopes it was worth it to her.   Yes it was.   Almost a cheesy joke there, what with dying her hair and being worth it, you know out of the TV ads for hair products!

Calleigh still feels sorry for Alexis.   When Courtney is led away, the end scene was like from a movie, strutting away without a care in the world, until she's locked up.   She's happy with what she did but not for long.   Calleigh was kind of overdoing it in the sentiments stakes when she clearly is disgusted at Alexis's treatment, how she's killed and dumped so coldly.  

Yes it's understandable - but as I've said many times - what goes around comes around.   They didn't deserve to be murdered - no one is - but they were sorry excuses for human beings and it's not just the ravages of youth, or having a good time, they were a poor reflection of humanity.   It was fine for them to humiliate and make jokes at another's expense, but to get away with it.   The Vic of their jokes never received justice.   However, Calleigh really did go overboard with her emotions.   So it was good to see her thoughts levelled out by Travers, bluntly coming out and saying they deserved what they got, someone had to say it.   Shame it wasn't from a main character.  

Ryan wasn't saying much on the subject  and once again it was Calleigh who reminded him in a previous episode that all Vic's deaths need to be investiagted, irrespective of whether they were good, bad or indifferent.   That being said, Calleigh hasn't shown this much compassion to other Vics of crimes, those who were worthy of it and deserved it more than Alexis.   Jesse's comment about people who undergo the changes she went through, losing weight,etc, end up being happier is true, but she was only happy with the end product of her becoming another person, of becoming Courtney.   Then she hung around to see the results of her actions; until it hit home, they were the ones who got justice for their killings, for what she did to them and she was going to rot in jail.   Horatio in contrast didn't seem to have an opinion either way, not like he normally does.   Of course it was worth it to her - but the dust hadn't settled on what she'd done until now.

Ryan being abrupt with ME Tom was unneccessary and Walter mentioning his Spring break briefly.

In season 1 CSI:NY episode, Crime and Misdemeanour, Stella (Melina Kanakaredes) and Mac (Gary Sinise) trace the DB of a woman found in a laundry, back to a hotel.   Here Alexis was found in a laundry too and this led back to the Ciel Blue Hotel.   In season 4 CSI:NY episode, Personal Foul, a basketball player dies after kissing several cheerleaders and one of them kissed him to death with her poisoned lipstick.   Said cheerleader used to be overweight; changed her appearance and exacted her revenge on the player who teased and humiliated her because of her weight.   A photo of her obese appearance is also found.  Danny (Carmine Giovinazzo) is the one who says he hopes 'it was worth it', showing a degree of sympathy towards her.   Here Horatio uses similar words, saying he hopes it was worth it.   I actually recall this episode for much more shallow reasons, oops, the fact that when Flack (Eddie Cahill) lifted part of his shirt, the scar he should have had from his injuries sustained in the bomb blast from episode, Charge of this Post, was conveniently absent!

Wednesday 13 June 2012

The Mentalist 23.4 "Red Rover, Red Rover" Review

This episode the team investigate the discovered remains of a body inside a disused bulb factory where there's mercury present, which Rigsby (Owain Yeoman) comments isn't safe.

Patrick's (Simon Baker) character was a turn up for the books.  They really 'changed' him in that one instance and it was such a dramatic change too, that it made me wonder if it was real or if he as just acting, since it was something he hasn't undergone in the space of almost four years of the show.  The trigger being Red John, who else, sending him that 'happy anniversary' card was the kicker - or rather the trigger, or so it seemed.  On the worst day of his life, Red John gets the little girl to deliver him that message since it would provide Patty with the ultimate heartbreak, as if losing his family wasn't enough.  Red John as we know plays dirty and no expense is spared or feelings too for that matter.

The girl was also dressed in pink, akin to his own daughter smelling of strawberries and cream, kind of pink if mixed together.  His family's names are also revealed on the headstones again and we get to see how Patrick spends that horrible day: a visit to their graves and then 'dinner' at  a table for three; drowning his sorrows in Bloody Mary's.  The irony's in the name, 'bloody.'  Meaning blood, red. Also we haven't seen him drink anything besides tea or water.  So you know something's not right.

He then burns the Red John files; again that was overly dramatic for him, he wouldn't just do that when it's taken him so long to amass all that info.  Still drinking from a bottle as he wants to stop playing Red John's game and he believes Red John will leave him alone.  Though that's highly unlikely.  Again that's probably what he wants Red John to think and us too, but that won't be the case, since Red John is the entire premise of the show.  No Red John, no Mentalist.  Now Patty really has nothing to lose as he doesn't seem to be too bothered about working at the CBI anymore and goes out to ensure the killer of the DB they found (who I may add was obvious as usual) is brought down.

This time he finds himself enduring his own medicine - the killer Ben (Aaron Lohr) that is - when Patrick locks him in the coffin in the hopes of garnering a confession, his last ditched attempt to prove him the killer.  In a way Patrick was also taking out his own grief and anger over Red John and I think this is something he'd like to put him through, slow torture to gain some form of retribution for his family.  Said killer having also locked Antonio (Dave Baez)in  a box and letting him suffer in agony, being a sadist.  (Think CSI Grave Danger).

Lisbon (Robin Tunney) is notably angry and disgusted at Patrick.  Yet he has an ally in Van Pelt (Amanda Righetti) as she agrees with what he did - which was to be expected, given her record of late, especially with her treatment of men.  But neither Cho (Tim Kang) or Rigsby offer support.  Well, would've thought Cho would understand Patrick's intentions and reasons behind his actions and motivations.  Especially with beating up Summer's drug dealer last episode.

Patrick has left the CBI before and now he's fired for calling Wainwright (Michael Rady) a "mummy's boy" - think he was aching to let out that put down for a while now and weren't we all.  Wainwright is very weak as a leader and all for doing things by the book.  Again having Patrick leave the CBI all seems like a contrived plot on Patrick's part and with his cunning mind he played everyone just how he wanted.

Patrick calling Lisbon "sweet" he's not done that before when she says she'll come and see him after work.  Proving she is sweet and genuinely cares. She clearly doesn't want to see him like that when she knows how much he still suffers for his loss.  She will hate to see him go, but he'll be back.  He has to.  Particularly since Patrick acting in this way won't provide him with the closure he desperately needs and that will only come with Red John's downfall and ultimately death in Patrick's eyes.  Clearly he was manipulated by Red John here, but I think it's all an elaborate ploy, Patrick is too clever and well adjusted to let this get to him now.

Patrick knows that 19:24 is from the Bible which he gets and Van Pelt knows what it says too.

Patrick must have been shocked to see that girl with the smiley face on her hand - a reminder of his own daughter, Red John's intention no doubt.  Hayley, he ensured forgot what Red John told her about him too, cos let's face it, no girl should have to have such psychotic ramblings placed in her head and also we're not privy to what Patrick elicited from her.  Though Lisbon would agree with Wainwright about asking her questions as they may have revealed something further, using the 'freash eyes' approach.

The murder investigation I felt was ancillary to the main storyline here - at least I think so since you couldn't really care who did that to Antonio.  He was foolish, desperate enough to fall for a ritual, initiation, whatever you call it just to join that club and do everything Ben asked of him without any warning lights at all.  He didn't even ask if he'd be able to breathe in there.  It was just a childish schoolboy, dangerous prank which he fell for, but really it was more than that.  It was sadistic torture and Ben got off on it.  Hence Patrick's rouse at the gathering of the club members to ascertain who was lying when answering his questions.  Ben was a sadist.

Who cares if Marcy had an affair, it was only relevant in so far as Patrick was concerned, being blunt and to the point but that was nothing new on his part.  What actually was of interest is what he said see later.  The case was just a way to get Patrick involved in going to extremes to coerce a confession from Ben and how he wanted all and sundry, especially Red John to believe he'd cracked.

Van Pelt picks up on Patrick acting oddly - what more than usual, ha and that was all that was said, which is exactly what Patrick wanted them to believe.  Van Pelt has become stronger as a person and character since we first met her, she was naive and she's less gullible now.  Partly I think that's to do with Patrick and partly cos of her experiences with O'Laughlin.  This episode showed some of Simon Baker's truly amazing acting - the grief he suffers from still; whilst trying to carry on and then he mentions 'cheating' to Marcy.  As if this is a reflection of his own life, the death of his wife, how he cheated death.  Especially when he tells her "you've moved on.  It happens."  But it doesn't happen - it hasn't happened for him and it's been 9 years.  It won't happen until he finds Red John and destroys him little by little as he destroyed Patrick.  To the point where Patrick still wears his wedding ring, signifying there's no moving on for him.  You see, you can move on eventually, but you never forget the loss.

His response to his behaviour with Ben: "I gave an evil psychopath justice."  As an indication, no strong and bitter indictment of what he'll do to Red John, harking back to an earlier season where he told Lisbon he will kill Red John when he finds him (and he did in season 3, at least he thought he did at the time.)  Maybe putting Ben in the coffin was a dress rehearsal for when he finds Red John.  He can't end his life so immediately, where's the fun in that.  I mean justice, not fun, ha.

In Cackle, Bladder Blood, Patrick told Danny he doesn't visit the cemetery cos "they aren't here."  Did he mean in a spiritual sense or cos he buried them somewhere Red John couldn't get his hands on them anytime he wanted, so as for them to not find peace even in death.  We don't know where Patrick really goes on their anniversary and maybe he was here for another reason too.

As for the title, it is from a children's game going back centuries originally from Britain, moving to Australia and the US.  A player from one team is picked and children say. "Red rover, red rover, let...come over..."  In much the same way as Red John goads Patrick into playing his game over and over, even when Patrick says he's through, he doesn't take the hint or message. April mentioned red rover in an episode of  Aussie soap Home and Away in reference to Heath.  The title is also the name of a character in James Fenimore Cooper's The Red Rover, the name of  a pirate.

I shall be back to blogging some articles on the Mentalist soon, I have a lot to say on many shows, but this one in particular gets my brain going, gets me thinking and there's plenty to think about. Ha.

Doctor Who - 6.11: "The God Complex" Review

The Doctor takes Rory and Amy on another visit where they end up in the wrong place again. a hotel which hides your worst dreams in your room. The Doctor realizes it's time to let Rory and Amy go.

Muzak plays in an empty hotel lobby, where a policewoman looks through all the rooms.   There's always a clown about somewhere, only this one is sad.   The police woman, Lucy (Sarah Quintrell) writes her observations in a notebook.  "You don't know what will be in your room until you see it and you realize it could never have been anything else...Praise him."  she writes over and over, before being taken by some monster.

Amy (Karen Gillan) remarks they're not where they're meant to be.   The Doctor (Matt Smith) calls Rory (Arthur Darvill) 'Beaky' this time round and not his usual 'Pointy Nose'.   The Doctor's excited about the hotel as it's not on Earth but made to look like it.   There are photos of the Vics on the walls.   Rory points out Commander Halke - Sontaran.   Wouldn't think a Sontaran would give in to his worst fears.   Which must have been 'defeat' as it's written under his photo.   Lucy was attacked by a gorilla .  The Doctor rings for service.   Two people and one alien appear and the Doctor claims he's never been hit with a chair leg before.   He lies (!) He has.   He thinks Rita's (Amara Karan) good.  

Doctor: "Amy with regret you're fired."  (Who was Amy all this time, The Apprentice?! ha.) He's joking.   Not by the end of the episode he's not.  Amy asks Rory if he just said "we're nice." Rita explains everything in the hotel moves and rooms vanish.   The Doctor checks the door and finds a wall behind it.   They're not doors but walls, or "Dwalls."  The Doctor loves things.   Rita tells them the rooms contain bad dreams.   People are snatched and dropped into a hotel.   the TARDIS has vanished from its spot.

They are taken to Joe  who is tied up and surrounded by ventriloquist dummies, laughing.   He'll feast on Joe soon.   Joe tells the Doctor they're not ready, they're still raw.   Then says everyone has a room, even the Doctor, has he found his yet?  The Doctor takes Joe with them.   Also warning not to go into the rooms.   Joe speaks another rhyme; "here comes a candle to light you to bed, here comes a chopper to chop off your head."  Howie (Dimitri Leonidas) is into conspiracies and thinks this is a secret CIA facility.   Rory is amazed Howie's theory is "more insane than what's actually happening."  A PE teacher (Dafydd Emyr) comes out of a room and tells the Doctor he's forgotten his PE kit and will have to do it in his pants.   Girls in another room laugh at Howie and make fun of his stammer.   Amy finds Lucy's notes on the floor.   So much for rooms vanishing, they seem to have found where Lucy disappeared.  

Rory stops to tie his laces and for a second you think he's going to get lost too, but he doesn't thankfully, that would have been too coincidental.   They all hide in a room.   Rita sees her father (Rashad Karapiet) reprimanding her for only getting a 'B' in Maths.   The Doctor enters into the room with the others and walks into the Weeping Angels.   Amy: "Don't blink."  The Doctor can put his hand through them and tells her they're not real.   It's easy to see why Amy would fear them after turning into stone, practically, but apparently they're for Gibbis (David Walliams).   He was a right old weasel!  Thus my name for him.   The Doctor must see what's outside and calls the creature ( Spencer Wilding) 'beautiful,'  as usual.   Joe's restraints come undone and he's devoured, as the Doctor loses him in a maze of corridors, which keep changing.

Rita makes tea.   Amy tells Gibbis she's met the Weeping Angels and thought the room was for her, which would have been easier than what she'll have to go through.   The Doctor's never let her down before, even when she was little, he came back for her.   This gives a clue as to what Amy's room will hold.   Rory comments "when the Doctor gets pally, he has an urge to notify their next of kin," and he's not far wrong.   The Doctor has a degree in cheesemaking.   (Didn't know you had those ha.)  The Doctor realizes he's got tea, she's a Brit.   She thinks this place is "Jahannam."  That's her theory.   Doctor; "You're a Muslim."  Rita: "Don't be frightened."  She thinks it's hell.   The Doctor likes Rita, she's a "clever clogs." She's tried to live a good life and that keeps her sane.

Amy recalls the notes she found.  Lucy was terrified of a gorilla from a book she read when she was little, as the Doctor reads her notes out aloud.   Howie says "Praise him." It's coming for him.   The Doctor promises he'll be fine - again and insists they stay together.   He has a go at Gibbis - the weasel- he knows what he's really like, his civilization is the greatest - his cowardliness is aggressive.   Doctor: "No one else dies today."  That's what he always says and it always happens.   Howie must answer the Doctor's questions next time he's possessed.   Spoken like a true Doctor.   He asks why they've not been got at.   The Doctor believes it feeds on fear.   Everything was there to frighten them and he tells them "not to give in to the fear."  They're going to catch a monster, which they do.   Rory with another mop!  he only just had one in 6.9 Night Terrors.

The Doctor talks to the Minotaur who tells him this is a prison.   Howie talks weasel, er, I mean Gibbis, into letting him go.   He can tell them he was overpowered - with tied hands.   The Minotaur makes them ready, "you have lived so long, even your name is lost."  The Minotaur wants this to end.   Take it that line refers to the Doctor.   Doctor: "Pond bring the fish." - Pond, ha.   Rory asks if Amy hit him, when the Minotaur escapes to get Howie.   Amy relies on the Doctor as she normally does and takes a look inside Room number 7.   The Doctor's clearly disgusted with Gibbis and his cowardly behavior.   He asks Rory if he's found his room.   Rory's not scared of anything, "what's there left to be scared of?"  After all the time he's spent in the TARDIS.   The Doctor says he used the past tense and said scared, but Rory denies this.   Rory: "Not all victories are about saving the universe."  This strikes a cord with the Doctor, as we'll see at the end.  

Rita asks why the Doctor should be the one to save them and comments he's got a 'God complex.'  He replies, "offer someone all of time and space and they'll take that too."  He'll show Rita all of time and space when they get out.   he notices the video surveillance camera and now it's Rita's turn to say "Praise him." Was that line another reference to the Doctor when he "borrowed" the TARDIS to go exploring.

The Doctor finds his room, number 11, for obvious reasons, him being the eleventh Doctor (and this being the eleventh episode of the season.)  So what or who was actually in there when he says, "Of course, who else."  He finds the monitors and sees Rita enter a room.   He attempts to talk her out of it but she doesn't come back to them.   He loses his temper when she dies.

The Doctor believes there's some connection between them.   Then finally realizes it's not fear but faith which is their downfall.   Joe gambled and believed in luck.   The Doctor told them to find what keeps them brave and in the process made them expose their faith.   It didn't want Rory that's why he was shown the way out, he's not religious or superstitious, but he wanted Amy cos of her faith in the Doctor.   Doctor: "faith is an energy the creature needs to live."  Amy says "Praise him."

She sees herself as Amelia (Caitlin Blackwood) in her room, sitting on her suitcase in front of the window, waiting for the Doctor to return.   He tries to convince Amy to stop believing in him.   He stole her childhood - led her to her death, he knew this would happen.  "This always happens."   Just like he keeps saying 'no one dies today' and they do.   She should forget her faith in him.   He took her with him cos he was vain.   "The girl who waited for me.   I'm not a hero.   I really am a mad man in a box."  The Minotaur gets weaker.   The Doctor calls her Amy Williams, "it's time to stop waiting."

No matter what the episode is like, good or mediocre, Matt always turns it around, all that emotion he exudes in his performance is so believable.   The Doctor sacrificed their faith in him allowing the Minotaur to die.   The hotel vanishes.   The Minotaur was a distant cousin of the Nimon, they set themselves up on planets to be worshipped.   Amy tells the Doctor it didn't just want her and asks him what Time Lords believe in, which he cleverly doesn't answer.   The Doctor translates what the Minotaur tells him; his dying words about "an ancient creature drenched in the blood of the innocent, drifting in space though an endless, shifting maze.   For such a creature, death would be a gift."  Knew he was talking about the Doctor, it's always subtly disguised when it's about him.   The Doctor tells the Minotaur to accept it.  "I wasn't talking about myself."  Even the Minotaur knew about the Doctor's bad dream.   What was in his room?

The Doctor gives Amy a house and Rory the car he always wanted.   He's leaving but they haven't seen the last of him.  "Bad Penny is my middle name." Yeah as the saying goes, he keeps coming back like  bad penny.   He's leaving now cos Rory and Amy are still alive.   He tells her the alternative would be his standing on her grave, or Rory's.   Amy wants him to tell her mother, River Song, (Alex Kingston) if he comes across her, to contact her mother.   Amy tells Rory, "he's saving us." The Doctor is left alone in the TARDIS.

Is the Doctor really saving them from their fate, which is not an eventuality for them or is he saving them so they don't see his destiny fulfilled.   Whatever he saw in his room, could not have been River could it, or was it death itself, or was it himself.   Oh hate these endings cos there's so much there to set me thinking.

The idea for this episode was meant to have seen fruition  in season 5, but Toby Whithouse wrote the Vampires of Venice instead.   Thus the God Complex was moved to season 6, where I think it fits in better with everything that is happening with the Doctor and his future date with destiny (and River, ha.)  Have Amy and Rory really gone as companions - no they are great - don't want to see the old codger, lodger, Craig, back next episode.   Also if the Doctor forced them out of the TARDIS to live their own lives and not be his companions anymore as he doesn't want to see them die, how can it be okay to get Craig involved and be placed in danger.   Besides Amy and Rory have to return for the finale as it features River and Amy's mentioned her now too.   Karen and Arthur have signed a season 7 contract so...let's hope they appear full time.

Also new companions don't really work with the Doctor all the time, remember after we watched Rose (Billy Piper) for so long, Martha (Freema Agyeman) didn't go down too well as the Tenth Doctor's (David Tennant's) companion and neither did Donna (Catherine Tate.)  He always feels sorry for his companions eventually and having them around means he always has to let them go in some poignant manner, especially with Donna and Martha and most especially his beloved Sarah Jane (Elisabeth Sladen) as he said in 6.7 Let's Kill Hitler, he saw them as his guilt.   Maybe now with Rory and Amy he couldn't live with that guilt if anything happened to them, which could not be reversed, so he let them go.  A hint at what his past companions have had to endure.   Yet still he took on more.

The title again alluding to the Doctor and Rita spells out the Doctor has a "God complex" - the inalienable (no pun) need to save and to help everyone he comes across.   Also he just can't help interfering.   As for Rita being Muslim, couldn't she have a proper Muslim name, which Rita ain't!  A bit topical when she asks the Doctor if he's afraid of her cos she is a Muslim.

Amy's room was number 7 indicating Amelia was 7 when she waited around for the Doctor to return in 5.1 The Eleventh Doctor.   Some inconsistencies - such as why is Amy's fear that the Doctor wouldn't come back for her.   She knows he does return for her - he always does.   Maybe it was more of a way to compound  that faith she has in him, making her realize she should believe in someone more like Rory, or not at all.    Thereby removing her faith in him, but also reinforcing she still has faith , but that she doesn't see him as a God or a hero, to be reveered.

Also weasel Gibbis saw the Weeping Angels but the Minotaur didn't come after him, opting for Amy, who opened her door after Gibbis had already seen the Angels.   (Well no episode with an allusion to God would have been complete without angels!) Suppose like Rory, he didn't have any faith in anyone or anything, as we recall his civilization was all about cowardly giving in to any one who came to conquer.   Not that Rory is a coward or sly, far from it.

Amy being fearful of the Doctor not coming back - maybe she was fearful of him not coming for her now - of being left behind, or more rather I have this niggling feeling it's cos he never existed (5.13) until she brought him back.   Afraid he'll be wiped from existence, this time with his death; which none of them talk about anymore.   Amy was she was older in 6.10, lost faith in the Doctor and when he shut the TARDIS door on her to keep her out, the look on his face as if he didn't want to know that bitter, older version.   Perhaps here he was hoping that moment never arrives for him.   Amy even said she hated the Doctor and maybe that was too much to bare from the "girl who always waited" for her "raggedy Doctor."

The TARDIS' cloister bell was last heard in the episode Logopolis with Tom Baker, signifying death/regeneration.  The Doctor with another Rubik's cube, where'd he get that from then, 6.9.   He doesn't like apples either as in 5.1.   Hey is the Doctor actually the Doctor or perhaps his ganger has reappeared somehow.   Oh that'd be too, too confusing or far fetched.   As I said in my review of 6.6 The Almost People, is the Doctor's ganger going to be killed in place of him, as this is what the bell tolls for.  

Another clown as he mentioned those in 6.9.   This ending was a bit of a letdown, as in 6.9 as far as the Minotaur goes, as the boy was an alien who latched onto the parents' need for a child.   Here the Minotaur was of a race of Nimons who do much the same thing.   Nimons were seen as an enemy in The Horns of Nimon.

Convincing Amy not to believe in him was also done in The Curse of Fenric, where the Seventh Doctor (Sylvester McCoy)) has to coerce Ace to do the same.   Oh, oh, in 6.7 A Good Man Goes To War episode, one of the soldiers comments  they were being paid to fight him, not praise him.   Here there were praises galore, were they meant for the Doctor and his God complex.   Or perhaps we're not meant to recall that as being of any significance.   Who knows...Have to say Matt Smith just gets better and better in portraying the Doctor, I thought David Tennant was great in his performance, but I have to say Matt has surpassed all expectations for me!  Not that I don't still like David as the Doctor.

Lie To Me - 2.6: "Lack of Candor" Review

Ben's past as an FBI agent undercover comes back to haunt him and Cal has no alternative but to help him as we get some insights into his character.

Ben (Mekhi Phifer) and some men celebrate the new year at a club where they also beat up a man.

11 months later  The beaten man, Mark (Roy Werner) wants to make a deal with assistant US Attorney, Denning, (Brian Howe) in exchange for his testimony on mobster Elliot Greene (Michael Harney).   Mark also wants his mistress in protective custody with him.   Outside the safehouse, Mark is shot and killed by a sniper. Cal (Tim Roth) walks into Gillian's (Kelli Williams) office and closes the blinds. He informs her and Ben of what's happened.  Cal knows everything about Ben, just like Ben knows everything about Cal.   Cal explains how Ben spent two years of his life undercover to bring down Greene.  Here we were led to believe that Ben was bad.

Ben is now the next witness on the list and will be placed in protective custody.   Denning arrives and is led to Ben in their interrogation room which has bullet proof glass.   Cal is holding him hostage and wants to make a deal.   Cal and Gillian question the US Marshalls assigned to the case to discover which one gave Mark up to Greene.   One of them, Johnson, (Matt Gerald) shows signs of double fear and he's questioned further.   He didn't want Mark dead even if he didn't like him.   Cal tells Ria (Monica Raymund) to watch out for Johnson.   Cal must speak with Greene.

He examines Greene as a doctor and adds Ben is a friend.   Greene is certain he will be cleared at trial and suggests Cal should asks Ben about Scotty, whom Cal mentions to Ben.   He rushes in to look through Denning's file but doesn't find what he's looking for.   He refuses to testify.   Ria wants to question Johnson but Eli (Brendan Hines) thinks they're being tested.   They ask him everything about that day and he let Mark use his mobile phone, so Johnson messed up.

Ben calls Sheila (Alicia Coppolla) his handler at the FBI when he was undercover.   Gillian asks Sheila why Ben doesn't want to testify.   She and Ben have a bond, like she shares with her other agents and Gillian says she keeps commending Ben but there's more.   Ben had been sanctioned to commit crimes undercover if necessary and he took drugs to get in with Greene.  Something which would come out at trial, but that's not all.  

Cal accuses Ben of being a 'cokehead,' but Ben was doing his job.   Cal talks to him in his office without cameras - that'd be a first for Cal, since when has Cal not used a camera especially since he was spying on the place even on holiday.   Ben knows what Cal did in Northern Ireland.   Ben used to work with Scotty who was one of Greene's men.   He found out about Ben when his wire malfunctioned.   Ben tried to explain but he didn't listen, so he had to shoot him in self defence and planted his wire on Scotty, gaining Greene's trust.   He told sheila but there was no record of this in the file.   The truth will get out at trial if he testifies and Greene will walk free.   Cal plays back their conversation and then erases it, showing he's now in the same boat as Ben, since Cal could go to prison for what he did.

Cal catches Ria and Eli watching the Internet, where Kimi (Arlene Tur) is an exotic dancer.   Eli explains if they could see she's embarrassed by what she does then they could bring her in and use it against her.   Why would she be embarrassed by that? If she was she wouldn't dance to begin with.   Cal just tells them to question her and Mark's wife, Mary (Kari Coleman) together.   Cal gives Ben a gun and Gillian chats with Sheila about Ben's drug use and also Scotty.   Sheila denies knowing anything about him.   Ben goes in with a gun and she does the same with him.   Ben is adamant he told her about Scotty and wrote a report.   She blames the drugs.   Denning has Ben arrested for murder.   Both Kimi and Mary deny wanting him dead.   Mary was divorcing him cos he lied about who he was and Kimi admits the phone was hers.   She gave it to him and he used it for work calls too, so Greene would have his number and explains Eli, anyone with the number could track the location of the safehouse.

They watch Sheila's tape and Ria knows she's lying.   Cal buys Sheila drinks at a bar and she comments on his accent.   Cal: "Gotta use what you've got."  He thinks he knows her and tells her he works for Greene .   Cal is going to kill Ben and she pulls a gun on him.   She doesn't want him harmed cos he will discredit himself at the trial.   She doesn't care what she has to do even if it's outside the realms of justice.   She tells him to talk with Greene's lawyer.   She finally confesses for failing to report Ben's actions over Scotty and he'll be seen as a rogue agent.   Cal plays this back to Denning and Ben.   Sheila wants credit still for bringing down Greene cos without her it wouldn't have happened.

At the courthouse, Ben can't wait to get out of protective custody.   Cal doesn't want Ben's thanks cos he's family and after what he did for his friend Terry, Cal owes him.   He tells Ben about the woman who is there for him and don't think Ben quite cottoned on to this being Gillian.   Also Cal trying to read her when he should be reading Sheila.   We get some insight into Ben's work as an agent and find that life at the FBI was very different for him than just some cushy job at the office or conducting investigations.   He had to do whatever was necessary whilst undercover no matter what it involved.   So now that leaves us wanting to know what Cal did in Northern Ireland.

Don't think Cal was that surprised at Ria and Eli using their own initiative - he was expecting it, but isn't it time he stopped testing them.   Ria: "I'm going in."
Eli: "Lightman will be furious that you interfered."
Ria: "I'm gonna go find out what he wants."
Eli: "Then he'll be angry we didn't take the initiative sooner." Eli and Ria congratulating themselves for doing their job.   More flirty goings on between Gillian and Cal especially when he asks her how she feels about Ben and drugs after everything with her ex husband.   Then he proceeds to read her.   Great scene.

NCIS - 7.15: "Jack Knife" Photos

Werth returns, much to Tony's chagrin, to help the team investigate the death of his friend, a fellow truck driver. Tony thinks Werth and Ziva have a thing for each other.

Werth (Paul Telfer) wakes to find his friend's DB in the trash.   McGee (Sean Murray) drives Gibbs (Mark Harmon) home and notices his house is tidier, it's "homey."  McGee's pleased to drive Gibbs.   He has a new lock on the front door which Gibbs says is "to keep out unwanted guests." Viz Allison Hart.   Didn't know Gibbs had goldfish.   Werth ate his steak  Only Gibbs' friends are welcome, he's paranoid.   They worked for the Szwed trucking company and his friend was doing questionable work, he carried him out of the desert and told him about his last job, they shared a few beers.  

Gibbs asks if he only recalls the couple of beers he had.   McGee comments the "day's not over."  Werth was still lying there even in the day.   McGee thinks the case is Metro's jurisdiction, but Gibbs insists they have a cooperative witness.  Gibbs: "Get Ziva (Cote de Pablo) and DiNozzo (Michael Weatherly) out of bed."  McGee thinks they're together and then remarks, "get them out of individual beds."  In a continuation from the Jetlag episode, where Tony and Ziva shared a hotel room together and lied about who took the couch, leading us and McGee to think they're actually together with each other right now.

Gibbs notices McGee's bags under his eyes and he replies "it's a look I'm going for."  Heatherton recruited Werth for the next run of driving the truck.   Szwed (Jason Spisak) told him he can drive but it's a two man job.   Gibbs objects to Werth getting involved, he's a witness and "not a very good one."  Gibbs needs Fornell (Joe Spano) and wakes him up.   Gibbs: "What happened to your face?" as he now sports one of Gibbs' old looks from season 4, ie.  his beard.   Fornell: "What happened to your arm?" Fornell then adds "try not to look so chipper" to Gibbs, yeah why is he so chipper, not cos of Allison is it.   Gibbs is taking Fornell's CS.   McGee is tense as he's had no sleep.   Werth tells him you had to get sleep wherever you could in the Marine Corps, he can still manage to fall asleep again.   McGee's brain keeps spinning, "never know what's gonna happen next right."  Cue lullaby music for McGee as he falls asleep.  He wakes to find Fornell and Gibbs in the car.  

Tony, Ziva and Ducky (David McCallum) are already at the CS.   Tony's got knots cos he sleeps in the chair.   Ziva tells him a massage chair that gives him knots isn't healthy.   Ducky suggests he should give up the chair and Tony wants everyone to stop saying '(k)not.'  Ducky finds the DB's throat was slit with a serrated blade.   Ducky: "Odds he did not - would've been quick."  Szwed is into trafficking.   One driver is always armed.   Lucas (David St Louis) is head of security.   Gibbs says they don't know what Szwed is up to yet.   He tells Werth to eat, drink and then give a urine sample.  

Gibbs tells Fornell Werth's a marine who saved lives and other people too.   Gibbs says he's a "Marine who broke the rules."  Again as in the Jetlag episode where Gibbs told Ducky the hitman wasn't a marine but a hitman posing as a marine.   Gibbs gave him a medal.   Fornell asks if he's going steady with Gibbs since he's not wearing his pin.   Ducky mentions being responsible for a man after saving his life in Eastern cultures.   The mutual saving of  a life is a bond just like Fornell and Gibbs have, Fornell having saved Gibbs.   They love sharing the misery.   Gibbs comments Fornell calls when he needs grief.   Ducky discovered fractures of the metacarpals very recently on the DB, the bones were crushed.

More sleepy lullaby music for McGee.   Tony and Ziva find McGee asleep.   McGee asks if they did something to him like put his hand in water.   Tony says he wanted to strip him naked, put a tag on his toe and drag him down to autopsy.  Ziva objected and thought it was "in poor taste."  Tony: "A lot of people would like to see you naked." That's so juvenile and he calls McGee "Sleeping Beauty."  That's disgusting Tony coming up with that, does that include Tony wanting to see him naked too.   Cos they already were naked in the showers in season 2's SWAK episode, ha.   Tony won't tell him what Ziva did to him.   Gibbs needs to put someone on the truck with Werth.   Tony: "Let Johnny Rambo go First Blood (1982) again."

Abby (Pauley Perrette) wakes up McGee by putting a headphone in his ear.   She asks if he was bitten by a Tsetse fly when he was in Africa.   (Cos they cause sleeping sickness.)  He's just tired and realizes how hard Gibbs works.   He wonders what Gibbs has running through his veins and Gibbs replies "coffee."   Abby tells McGee Gibbs enjoys having a valet.   She discovers Werth was roofied.   Gibbs adds if anything else is needed McGee will do it.   Tony tells them the last one who used the van needs to clean it out and says it wasn't him.   It smells of felafels.   Ziva says a few strings were being triggered to make her a citizen/agent.   Tony: "pulled, you pull strings."
Ziva: "The heart has strings."
Werth: "According to poets."
Tony: "Don't confuse the girl, it took a lot of marionetting to get her this far."
Werth: "Who's the puppet master?"  Why Tony of course.

 Fornell is only observing and Ziva is selected to accompany Werth.   Rule 27 is mentioned: "First way they never notice you.   Second way they only notice you."  McGee drinks lots of coffee and Tony notices it's with plenty of sugar.   Tony calls Werth "pretty boy," adding he dislocated McGee's shoulder, broke Tony's nose and he only has one nose.   McGee has two shoulders.  McGee tells Tony he can hold a grudge.

Tony  talks about how he keeps coming back, should live his own life.   Robin Hood Prince of Thieves v The World's Greatest Athlete.  (1973)  McGee watched that film.   Tony tells him the blond guy was a young Jan Michael Vincent and he should know, being up on his Airwolf trivia.  See he adds how he loved him on Airwolf.   Tony: "Stringfellow Hawke may be the best character name ever." There are two schools of thought on life saving or responsibility issue.   In Prince of Thieves, (1991) Robin's life was saved.   McGee says Werth served his country.

Lucas takes Ziva and Werth's phones, they can use the CB radio.   Fornell asks if Gibbs hired a cleaning woman as his house looks different.   Gibbs is letting Fornell drive his car which is a big deal for him.   Gibbs: "Whatever you already slept with my wife." The truck has melons inside and Ziva and Werth are going to empty it.   They need fuel.   Uses the CB radio talk which Ziva wouldn't understand anyway.   Tony thinks they're having trouble driving the truck.   Tony tells McGee to stop tapping his fingers, but it's Morse code.   "Fu - el."  He's out of coffee.   Of course they had to take Gibbs' car to make themselves conspicuous cos it's all about cars.   Gibbs and Fornell pretend to fight and Fornell talks cars with Werth.

Gibbs tells him Werth used to be on steroids and gives Ziva earwigs so they can tall.    Tony swerves the van when McGee gets out of his seat on purpose.   Werth is uptight.   Heatherton was hit when driving a leading convoy.   Ziva talks about trauma intensifying memory.   McGee gives them the garage address of Devoisier (Peter Woodward) - a stuck up Brit guy (who obviously had to be the killer.  He was too smarmy and shifty.) He had a wager with Szwed, who lost.   They were driving in a cross country race and even says  it's dangerous.  Fornell: "speed limits aren't just suggestions."  That's what Vartann (Alex Carter) said to Catherine (Marg Helgenberger) in the season 11.9 Wild Life CSI episode.   Devoisier feigns shock when he hears about Heatherton being dead.   Devoisier had speeding tickets so Gibbs suggest they look for accidents.

The cars are in the back of the truck.   Tony can thinks of a few cars worth killing for, like Gibbs' Barracuda.   They use a trailer to block the road.   Tony gets a blow out.    The truck is stopped and Fornell and Gibbs are in the back.   Lucas and Szwed deny killing Heatherton, so by a process of elimination, it could only be Brit guy.   Abby talks about boys and cars, she's a Hot Rod girl herself.   Devoisier paid $1.2 million for the car.   Fornell advises you should take a magnet when you look at old cars.   The magnet sticks to the metal.   There was a hit and run in Oklahoma, Heatherton took the girl to hospital and so he killed his only witness.   Abby will find traces of blood and hair when she takes the car apart.

McGee's asleep and more lullaby music plays.   Ziva tells Werth she'll see him later and Tony asks what she means by that.   Tony can get him a job in Cleveland, so he'll be miles away from Ziva.   They say goodbye and Tony questions whether she means goodbye or "hey I'm gonna see you at a later date."  Ziva doesn't answer.

Tony being overly concerned with who Ziva's date is going to be and who she sees.   Getting McGee to drink coffee was already done with Tony when he was boss in the end of season 3.23/24 and early season 4, with everyone saying he's not Gibbs.   Gibbs and the locks on his doors, to keep her out or make sure no one enters unannounced when she's around.   He also needs some curtains.

Tony should display some Airwolf memorabilia on his desk or keep some in his drawer.   He had a lonely childhood, no wonder he watched so much TV, being left alone and forgotten by Senior in a hotel room.     Gibbs and Fornell like an  old married couple and the stealing wife jokes.   Gibbs and Fornell's argument over fuel was demonstrating Rule 27.   Ducky wears an ordinary tie in this episode which no one notices yet.   How does Ziva know Tony sleeps on a chair, besides the one at work, unless it was a topic of hot office gossip we weren't a party to.   The photo shown by McGee with Zwed's distribution operation was a photo of the Valencia studios where NCIS is filmed.

Tony glaring at McGee when he says "Fu..." That'd be a first McGee telling Tony where to go!  But our Timmy's not like that.   Tony had a hamster when he was little named "Ferrari" named for Magnum's Ferrari no doubt.   Did he have any friends whilst growing up.   Mind you he hasn't got many now aside from college and his time at Baltimore PD.

Some asides, we haven't seen how Gibbs got his boat out (sounds rude) did he take it apart and then put it back together, as Abby did when she was analyzing it in the Inlaws and Outlaws episode.

Smallville - 10.20: "Prophecy" Review

Lois is given Clark's powers by Jor-El when he takes her to the Fortress for his blessing for their wedding. Oliver comes across Kara in his search for the Bow of Orion.

Lois (Erica Durance) is running around doing a million things before the big day, working on a story and wedding planning and she believes there's a conspiracy behind her new story. "Go jump in the river" she tells Clark (Tom Welling.)  Well it's her story and he's standing on the river she's got mapped out on the floor of her office.   Their catering company has gone under and has been bought out like other businesses in the area, by Marionette Ventures, really the name in itself provides a big clue as to who is behind this!  All the owners have left town.

Clark says he told her father about the wedding but he hasn't told his and they head for the Fortress.   The Head of the House of El approves all unions and he stresses his "desire to start a lifebond with this woman."  Jor-El (Terence Stamp) talks about their lives being joined, so they have to understand,  ice falls onto top of Lois.   Lois gets Clark's powers and he loses his.   She relishes this, it's right up her street.   Or should I say lane!  Lois: "I'm super."

Oliver (Justin Hartley) finds Kara (Laura Vandervoort) trapped in caves.   Fancy that, no one missed her, so much for keeping tabs on each other and the League.   The symbols on the walls aren't Celtic.   Kara refers to them as Apokolyptian.   Oliver notices the Bow symbol and they both have their reasons for being in search of the Bow.   Kara needs it to protect Clark and she asks him who he's here to save.   That'll be himself.   She reads the prophecy written by Orion depicting the end of the world and the "balance must exist between light and darkness."  Oliver thinks they need to add to the scales on one side in order to release her from her trap.

Lois finds it so easy to get a million things done now and thinks Jor-El might have good intentions for giving her powers, maybe she needs to feel what it's like to be Clark.   Anyway his powers will return to him at sunset which Clark says is 6.48pm.   Lois discovers what the businesses have in common, water rights come with the building rights.   There's one business left to buy out.  Lois and Clark stake this out and she returns from a few rescue missions she couldn't help getting involved in, with a burn on her collar.  The business left is Theron Layne.   Clark needs her to focus her hearing and that he must ignore certain problems and pleas for help as the Blur.   Clark doesn't call it ignoring, but prioritizing.   Lois realizes he has to do this all the time.   Lois hones her hearing skills, which took Clarkie ages to perfect.   She hears the owner being attacked inside the store.   Throwing off her attacker, she discovers it's Courtney, aka Stargirl (Britt Irvin).   There's red flashing from her ear.  

Oliver thinks the Bow is his for the taking and "medium is the message."   He must wield the Bow as he's trying to change his fate.   Orion turned away from the darkness and is revealed as Darkseid's son.   They get to the Bow but need to use two shots of Oliver's bow in balancing light and darkness.   Lucky he brought two then.   Oliver says Clark trusts Kara so that's enough for him.   They shoot the arrows simultaneously and the door is opened.   Kara is called away by Jor-El, conveniently leaving Oliver on his own.   She's trusting him to take the Bow to Clark.

At the Fortress, Jor-El tells her that Kal-El's destiny is the Bow and the battle with Darkseid is his alone to fight.   She has the choice of two paths, either leave Earth now and let him embrace his destiny or stay here and destroy Earth.   Her destiny is in another place and time.   That was kind of cruel, dragging her away from the only family she has.   Kal-El was too weak back then and was almost destroyed by the darkness.   He must fight now.  "This is his time...the greatest sacrifice is to give up something they hold dear."

Tess (Cassidy Freeman) believes the diode made Courtney open to suggestions.   Courtney explains she and John Jones looked into the company's shareholders - which Lois didn't think to do and these include, Roulette, Dark Archer, Mettallo, Manta.   Scan of the diode reveals the initials WS, i.e Winslow Schott, the Toyman (Chris Gauthier).   Lois is off in a flash to see him in prison, where he's allowed privileges, in a max security prison!  He's got his phone and calls her a "mild mannered reporter."  Lois tells him about the diode on one of their own and he notices her engagement ring.   She says her lovelife has nothing to do with the Blur, a bit defensive.  

Toyman proceeds to enlighten her about Lana Lang, Clark's first love, who sacrificed everything for him.   That's the line Jor-El said earlier.   Clarkie really hasn't said much about Lana to Lois.   She tries to deny Clark is connected to the Blur.   To protect this secret he orders her to wear a diode too.   He calls his group "minions" just like Darkseid's minions.   He wants her to kill the Blur.   One moot point really, was there no way for her to overcome the effects of the diode with her powers.   She succumbed a bit easily.

Oliver is about to grab the Bow after reading the inscription on it, "The only true power comes from within."  But he's foiled by Granny Goodness (Christine Willes) who turns up in the nick to grab the Bow and destroy it.   It was selfish of Oliver to want the Bow to remove the stain from his soul.   Claiming the Bow was "one power Darkseid could not defeat."  Oliver's been serving him from the moment he gave in to his darkside and he's got potential.   He won't recall their conversation.   Suppose it will end with a showdown between Clark being light and Oliver being the dark, mentioned with Kara at the beginning.

Toyman on conference with his minions gives them info on their targets, i.e.  Justice League members.   He underestimated Clark.   Lois turns up and fights Clark.   Tess tells him to hold on until sunset and he has to ask how long it is when he already knows.   He tells her to fight it and "I love you" doesn't seen to work on her, for long that is.   Looked like this made her even stronger for a second.   Anyway, cue sunset, his powers return and Lois in another fainting pose just like when she was defeated as Isis.  hey why didn't Tess use Kryptonite on her, or would this not have worked with the diode, but she did still have her powers, even under its influence.

This time it's Clark's turn to visit Toyman who thinks Lois has done the deed and returned.   Clark is flattered at being called his "pretty little play thing."  He threatens to expose his identity as the Blur and Clark says if he wanted to do that, he'd have done it by now, but then he wouldn't be able to play.   Clark will always be there to stop him.   Clark then returns to the Fortress realizing Jor-El's removing his power wasn't a gift but a trial, all about control.   His "trials are stepping stones on a long path," replies Jor-El and Clark understands it's up to him to take control of his destiny.   When he's no longer a son of Jor-El or Jonathan Kent, that's when he can help the world.   The time is now.   Which is what Jor-El told Kara.   He can no longer guide him and Clark pulls the plug on Jor-El and we see that 'suit' in the ice, just beckoning!

Oliver digs for the gold Kryptonite that will rid Clark of his powers and finds it.   Leaving Clark with another dilemma from Lois and no finale would be complete without the wedding being called off.   She tells him what he does is never over for him.   It's up to him to tip the scale of good and evil and she knew he had  a big heart but she didn't realize how "strong it was."  Kara floats outside Watchtower and uses the League ring to disappear to the future.   Look she'll even miss his wedding too.   Kara chooses her destiny, just as Clark did.   Lois was weak and she let Toyman control her, hey I said that.   Lois: "you are my greatest weakness."  Clark begs to differ calling her his strength.   Jor-El is his past and his destiny is with Lois.   He could be out saving people every moment she has him to herself.   She can't marry him.   No but she can hug him instead!

Cue all the showdown for the series finale, which we will get in two parts and not one, darn!  Toyman's minions are known as the Legion of Doom and not all of them were named. Solomon Grundy and Captain Cold were left out.   The diode is star shaped as it's akin to a miniature starfish utilized by Starro in the comics.

CSI: Miami - 8.18: "Dishonor" Review

Horatio's son, Kyle returns to Miami and has to help out one of his friends,when he's accused of murdering his girlfriend's father. As CSI:Miami delves briefly into honour killings and arranged marriages.

Horatio (David Caruso) has breakfast with his son, Kyle (Evan Ellington) and thinks the waitress likes him.   Horatio says it's the uniform she likes.   Actually Kyle thinks it's the man wearing the uniform.   He's going to be transferred and deployed in 14 days.   He has a dangerous job; which Kyle likens to being just as dangerous as Horatio's job.   His friend Brian Nassir (Ethan Rains) appears to be missing and he inherited the lot from his father.   Someone's on fire inside and Kyle believes it's Brian.   ME Tom (Christian Clemenson) warns the others to be careful as the limbs may fall off the DB.   To Horatio, the killing resembles an execution and reminds ME Tom of the gang wars in the 1990's.The DB is encased in rubber.  Natalia (Eva Larue) finds an antique torch.   Horatio tells her the gas can may have prints.

The Range Rover parked outside doesn't belong to Brian.   The torch is from the Vietnam War and belongs to the neighbour.  Kyle loses his temper with him.   The neighbour, Glenn (Jeff Kober) says Brian was a Muslim and he won't apologize for the fact this is his country.   He thinks he's an extremist, since things go on there at night, he has to be vigilant.   Tripp (Rex Linn) calls Glenn a piece of work and they'll be watching him.   Kyle explains he and Brian were at Boot Camp together and Glen's just mistaking racism for patriotism.   As does most everyone these days.   ME Tom checks dental records to find that the Vic isn't Brian.   Tripp finds the car belongs to Rahim Farooq (Navid Negahban) and the dental records are a match to him.   How could they already know the dental records match Rahim, if Tripp has only just found out the car belongs to him.    That makes Brian a suspect.

Rahim's wife, Salumeh (Necar Zadegan) tells Calleigh (Emily Procter) and Jesse (Eddie Cibrian) that her husband found it hard here.   She feigns grief.   Like Tony (Michael Weatherly) in NCIS, I too went for the wife as the obvious suspect.   At any rate it's a wonder the CSIs didn't suspect her, since in such cases, the spouse is always considered a primary suspect.   Jesse looks at the photos.  Maya (Inbar Lavi) is her daughter.   Jesse scans the mother's prints so she can be eliminated as a suspect, but they match the gas can.   She claims Rahim always left it in the car.   Calleigh asks her if she's ever been to the garage.   Horatio alongside, ME Tom, finds a piece of charred paper, which he's sending to QD (Questionable Documents.)  Brian calls Kyle, who has Horatio turn up and Tripp arrests them both for murder.  Kyle doesn't feel he did the right thing in telling Horatio.

Ryan (Jonathan Togo) processes Brian and Calleigh checks the contents of Maya's purse, coming across a bus ticket to St Petersburg.   Ryan uses a portable gas chromotographer to read the signals of any compounds Brian's touched and tests positive for gasoline.   But he's been at the garage, he's bound to have gas there.   Maya also tests positive for gasoline on her arms and hands.   She admits the gas was meant for her as her father had a violent temper and was angry at her.   Calleigh asks if he was trying to kill her.   Maya was promised to another man in an arranged marriage but she met Brian.

Her mother says Rahim is a proud man and wouldn't agree to the marriage being called off.   Horatio says he and Brian share the same faiths, but it wouldn't matter to her father.   They left him alive.  Walter (Omar Miller) calls it an honour killing.   Horatio doesn't believe Rahim's death was self-defence.   Walter gets defensive when it's said he's accusing Brian of murder, but Walter isn't doing that.   Kyle lets Horatio know Brian saved his life from an IAD, why's he only telling him this now.

Walter finds the Vic's jacket protected the paper but not enough.   Horatio advises to view it under the infra red filter as ink dyes show up better.   Horatio recognizes the writing as Farsi, how did he know? and he's got a translator in Kyle.   He must have been an expert in the language already, so how'd he learn it so fast.   Kyle calls it a contract and the signature reads 'A Saleem'.  Ryan questions Ahmad (Assaf Cohen) and asks what his motive is.  Walter tells him a witness (Glen) saw him outside the garage.   He admits he's been there and followed Maya.   He saw them together and they just had to kiss outside.   He called off the marriage.   But Rahim said she brought dishonour on both families and shamed him.   Ahmad thought if she found someone then she deserves to be happy.   He didn't tell Rahim where he saw them.

Calleigh examines the call history of Maya's phone and finds a voicemail she left for her father, saying they need to meet at the garage.   Jesse concludes that her phrase "put an end to this, doesn't ooze confidence." That Maya probably had access to the family gas can too.   Maya just wanted to tell Rahim the truth and introduce Brain to him.   Calleigh warns her only Brian can corroborate her story.   Jesse refers to them as Romeo and Juliet and that they left before the fire was set, but they need more than circumstantial evidence to prove it.   He and Natalia grid search the garage.   Natalia finds two holes made from a heel.   The heel was dug into the silt.   Ryan thinks it could be Maya's, but it doesn't match hers as it's too chunky.   Just because Maya was their main suspect they automatically suspect her and she had to be wearing heels too.   But they didn't think of her mother until now.   She also happened to be wearing the same shoes from the garage still!  Wouldn't they have smelt of gasoline and also her clothes as well, viz, her trousers.

She didn't want Maya to go through this and Rahim was angry at her for supporting her daughter.   She wanted to warn Maya.   Horatio tells her she stood over her husband whilst he burned.  She says there was no honour in what he was doing and she didn't corrupt her daughter.   Oh and why was Rahim carrying the contract around with him anyway.   Brian isn't going back with Kyle just yet.   Horatio wants Kyle to come home alive.   Horatio was really concerned for Kyle and him leaving for dangerous lands and it was good to see him portray such emotion towards his own son, which is usually reserved for others children.   The relationship between father and son has developed with Kyle displaying a more mature character and now that he's leaving again, real emotions are revealed.

A bit judgemental in its portrayal of arranged marriages, as if the daughter has no option but to go through with it, it is the case with many Feudal, or traditional families, but not with everyone.  A mother would do anything for her child and here, Salumeh demonstrates just that.  An episode which delves into the life of this family and their relationships, whilst also focusing on that of Horatio and his son.   Salumeh killed her husband to keep Maya safe and alive, Horatio wanting Kyle back home safely and alive too, where he'll always be waiting for him.   Also showing the extreme contrasts in his feelings for Kyle and Rahim's for Maya.

The neighbour's threats, or suspicions don't pan out into anything this time, but shows that bigotry and racism, are truly alive and kicking, lashing out at Muslims, albeit American Muslims and how they will always be viewed with suspicion and contempt.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

CSI 12.13 "Tressed To Kill" Review

A girl in the mall gets her hair cut whilst in the lift and later a woman at the station reports the same thing happening to her.  Paula (Brianna Brown)was at the cinema and DB (Ted Danson) asks her if she was watching Matt Damon?  It was Daniel Craig.  The girl from the mall, Eva (Sasha Jackson) is found dead and has been dressed and given blonde hair.  Her eyes have been removed.  Brass (Paul Guilfoyle) asks "why?"  DB: "hell with why, I wanna know who?"  Something which was synonymous with Gil and how he'd want to know the who rather than the why and vice versa.  What this show is all about.  The Vic was given a make-over and David (David Berman) can't find the COD as there are no wounds or trauma.  Sara (Jorga Fox) comments on how she was blinded and finds a braid of hair in her mouth.  DB thinks it could be the killer's calling card.

Greg (Eric Szmanda) looks at Catherine's empty desk and is interrupted by Nick (George Eads).  They've both spoken to Catherine and she showed them all "how to fly straight."  Well that was Catherine's first bit of name dropping and the next part comes at the end from DB and Sara doesn't mention her by name when she talks about someone who used to work here who used to keep DNA of her child. A bottle of blood in the fridge.

The sheriff (Barbara Eve Harris) refers to the killer as a homicidal maniac.  DB informs her eleven women came forward and the press have to be told, but she finds the need for them to solve it.  Brass: "I think she was looking at you when she said that."  Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) and Sara process the CS and Morgan says she opened the door to the killer, her tooth was knocked out by the force.  Sara can't find any products or packaging and Sara tells Morgan she should watch herself since the killer dyed her hair blonde.  Morgan comments Sara should too.

Eva's sister Bridget (Rose McIver) is angry that they should have been told about the killer, especially since Greg tells the sheriff that they knew about him three weeks ago.  Nick says he would bring back her sister if he could.  She was dressed in retro dress and sunglasses and Bridget claims she hated that style.  Doc Robbins (Robert David Hall) finds the injuries weren't caused peri mortum.  COD was morphine overdose and the killer added hair extensions to repair the cut hair but he didn't find the right colour.

Hodges (Wallace Langham) sorts through the hair samples and processes each one and finds 26 samples.  He asks Sara if she's seen the Japanese movie The Ring, where the girl vomits hair.  Sara thought the only Japanese culture he was into was octopus porn, from 12.1 73 Seconds.  The hair could refer to a list of future Vics.  They need to follow up on the list of women.  Paula watches DB  and one Vic didn't show up, Joyce (Brittany Beaudette Dunn). Brass finds her DB and she's dressed in retro clothes.  Sara comments he sued ammonia to blind her and DB says she was alive when he did this.  Paralytic pills were found in her which made it easy for him to make them over.  Thus pointing to a doctor or to someone with such knowledge.  This makes him harder to catch and he's more confident.

DB convinces the sheriff to alert the press cos all these women are in danger and they could save one, unfortunately this wasn't the case and not especially the one DB was concerned about, no wonder she was the only one who got his card, so she could call him twice when in trouble.  Hodges stands behind the dress as he talks to Nick who can't help but laugh.  He spoke with his mother (for future ref as she's making an appearance soon.)  she's an expert and "still has the figure for it."  Yes cos she's Jaclyn Smith and I can't wait to see her.  The 1978 reference must be an allusion to her when she was younger and on TV in Charlie's Angels.  The dresses were stored in mothballs.  Nick thinks it must be someone he was trying to turn those women into.

DB tells Sara they can garner a picture of his obsession from the dresses and he goes to his "psycho place" when serial killers are around.  Putting them to sleep  re the morphine he thinks is an act of kindness.  Sara goes to her "Ted Bundy" place and thinks it wasn't kindness, he "gauged" out their eyes.  Morgan analyzed the hair and it came from one person.  She ran an isotope ratio and the woman has been to Japan, Germany and Las Vegas, the hair had cancer meds.  Leading her and Sara to the hospital and the Dr Bill Ryan (William Ragsdale).  SO obviously it was him, the way he was looking at that nurse when she touched her hair and also he was so helpful in leaving the file out for them.  (As suspects in CSI:Miami always are helpful.)  The woman is Ided as Lucinda Kemp (Jill Larson).

DB calls her the "killer's muse" and Brass Brass adds, "your muse is a dead ringer."  Paula panics when a delivery man knocks at her door, that was a false alarm.  They get night deliveries.  Delivery men over here aren't so persistent, they knock once and run off, leaving the parcel outside.  Brass: "Hoping Norma Desmond can ID our killer."  Norma Desmond was the character played by Gloria Swanson in Sunset Boulevard, an aging actress who refused to accept her mortality and growing old.  Lucinda doesn't recognize the girls and is accompanied by her son Adam (David Gallagher).  But Jeffrey makes her wigs.  Adam was a bit uptight so we'd cast suspicion over him.  How come no one could tell she was wearing a wig.

Sara tells Jeffrey (Roger Bart) to "stop looking at my hair."  Greg finds the dresses at his place and Morgan finds a bottle of morphine, which was an obvious plant.  He would have Lucinda's hair if he made her wig.  DB tells Sara they need a DNA match on the hair.  Paula calls for help when she's being attacked but it's too late  DB says the killer panicked and killed her good.  He wants Nick and Greg to thoroughly process the CS.  Brass: "their best suspect was in custody."  Nick comments on the hair not matching the Vics so it wasn't Jeffrey, so Greg posits it could be Adam.  Nick finds some short, brown hair in the blood and Greg spots the corner of a photo in the mirror and finds the photo.  Another dead ringer for Lucinda, so they think it's her.  Oh why would the doctor need a photo if that was his mother in the photo?  Surely he'd know from memory as he's made up three Vics we know about so far.

Nick spots a fingerprint on the photo and matches it to the Doctor.  It was his mother in the photo and DB watches Paula's DB.  He tells Sara of a serial killer in Seattle and he thought of his daughter.  He keeps the plasters of his children in the fridge for DNA references.  Sara tells him of a woman who used to work here who did the same.  Greg finds the DNA on the hair doesn't match Adam.  The doctor actually tries to run which may have been a first especially when it's apparent he's cornered.  Sara tells him he dressed them up like his mother was coming back.  They found all the products, make-up in his house.  He was everything to Lucinda and DB calls him a "mama's boy."  He killed his mother by giving her a  morphine overdose and DB can't sit in the same room as him.

DB calls Catherine as there are some things he doesn't take home to his wife.  He lost one and he feels he "could have done something more."  This ep was personal for him and mentions his daughter this ep just to show the effect the job has on him and how personal it can get, as all the other CSIs have shown in the past.

Dressing up Vics has been done before in CSI and in the Pilot episode with serial killer Paul Millander, he became a suspect when his fingerprint was found on the tape recorder used for one of his Vic's.  In 7.18 Empty Eyes, Sara holds the hand of a Vic who dies and she comments how they show up too late to meet the Vic.  Nick asking her if she's okay.  Here DB showed up too late to save the Vic and had already met her. Nick again showing his caring side too as he comforts Bridget.

Roger Bart you may recall always plays the killer role, as in Desperate Housewives and in CSI:Miami season 8, hey he killed Jesse (Eddie Cibrian.)