
Wednesday 13 June 2012

NCIS - 7.15: "Jack Knife" Photos

Werth returns, much to Tony's chagrin, to help the team investigate the death of his friend, a fellow truck driver. Tony thinks Werth and Ziva have a thing for each other.

Werth (Paul Telfer) wakes to find his friend's DB in the trash.   McGee (Sean Murray) drives Gibbs (Mark Harmon) home and notices his house is tidier, it's "homey."  McGee's pleased to drive Gibbs.   He has a new lock on the front door which Gibbs says is "to keep out unwanted guests." Viz Allison Hart.   Didn't know Gibbs had goldfish.   Werth ate his steak  Only Gibbs' friends are welcome, he's paranoid.   They worked for the Szwed trucking company and his friend was doing questionable work, he carried him out of the desert and told him about his last job, they shared a few beers.  

Gibbs asks if he only recalls the couple of beers he had.   McGee comments the "day's not over."  Werth was still lying there even in the day.   McGee thinks the case is Metro's jurisdiction, but Gibbs insists they have a cooperative witness.  Gibbs: "Get Ziva (Cote de Pablo) and DiNozzo (Michael Weatherly) out of bed."  McGee thinks they're together and then remarks, "get them out of individual beds."  In a continuation from the Jetlag episode, where Tony and Ziva shared a hotel room together and lied about who took the couch, leading us and McGee to think they're actually together with each other right now.

Gibbs notices McGee's bags under his eyes and he replies "it's a look I'm going for."  Heatherton recruited Werth for the next run of driving the truck.   Szwed (Jason Spisak) told him he can drive but it's a two man job.   Gibbs objects to Werth getting involved, he's a witness and "not a very good one."  Gibbs needs Fornell (Joe Spano) and wakes him up.   Gibbs: "What happened to your face?" as he now sports one of Gibbs' old looks from season 4, ie.  his beard.   Fornell: "What happened to your arm?" Fornell then adds "try not to look so chipper" to Gibbs, yeah why is he so chipper, not cos of Allison is it.   Gibbs is taking Fornell's CS.   McGee is tense as he's had no sleep.   Werth tells him you had to get sleep wherever you could in the Marine Corps, he can still manage to fall asleep again.   McGee's brain keeps spinning, "never know what's gonna happen next right."  Cue lullaby music for McGee as he falls asleep.  He wakes to find Fornell and Gibbs in the car.  

Tony, Ziva and Ducky (David McCallum) are already at the CS.   Tony's got knots cos he sleeps in the chair.   Ziva tells him a massage chair that gives him knots isn't healthy.   Ducky suggests he should give up the chair and Tony wants everyone to stop saying '(k)not.'  Ducky finds the DB's throat was slit with a serrated blade.   Ducky: "Odds he did not - would've been quick."  Szwed is into trafficking.   One driver is always armed.   Lucas (David St Louis) is head of security.   Gibbs says they don't know what Szwed is up to yet.   He tells Werth to eat, drink and then give a urine sample.  

Gibbs tells Fornell Werth's a marine who saved lives and other people too.   Gibbs says he's a "Marine who broke the rules."  Again as in the Jetlag episode where Gibbs told Ducky the hitman wasn't a marine but a hitman posing as a marine.   Gibbs gave him a medal.   Fornell asks if he's going steady with Gibbs since he's not wearing his pin.   Ducky mentions being responsible for a man after saving his life in Eastern cultures.   The mutual saving of  a life is a bond just like Fornell and Gibbs have, Fornell having saved Gibbs.   They love sharing the misery.   Gibbs comments Fornell calls when he needs grief.   Ducky discovered fractures of the metacarpals very recently on the DB, the bones were crushed.

More sleepy lullaby music for McGee.   Tony and Ziva find McGee asleep.   McGee asks if they did something to him like put his hand in water.   Tony says he wanted to strip him naked, put a tag on his toe and drag him down to autopsy.  Ziva objected and thought it was "in poor taste."  Tony: "A lot of people would like to see you naked." That's so juvenile and he calls McGee "Sleeping Beauty."  That's disgusting Tony coming up with that, does that include Tony wanting to see him naked too.   Cos they already were naked in the showers in season 2's SWAK episode, ha.   Tony won't tell him what Ziva did to him.   Gibbs needs to put someone on the truck with Werth.   Tony: "Let Johnny Rambo go First Blood (1982) again."

Abby (Pauley Perrette) wakes up McGee by putting a headphone in his ear.   She asks if he was bitten by a Tsetse fly when he was in Africa.   (Cos they cause sleeping sickness.)  He's just tired and realizes how hard Gibbs works.   He wonders what Gibbs has running through his veins and Gibbs replies "coffee."   Abby tells McGee Gibbs enjoys having a valet.   She discovers Werth was roofied.   Gibbs adds if anything else is needed McGee will do it.   Tony tells them the last one who used the van needs to clean it out and says it wasn't him.   It smells of felafels.   Ziva says a few strings were being triggered to make her a citizen/agent.   Tony: "pulled, you pull strings."
Ziva: "The heart has strings."
Werth: "According to poets."
Tony: "Don't confuse the girl, it took a lot of marionetting to get her this far."
Werth: "Who's the puppet master?"  Why Tony of course.

 Fornell is only observing and Ziva is selected to accompany Werth.   Rule 27 is mentioned: "First way they never notice you.   Second way they only notice you."  McGee drinks lots of coffee and Tony notices it's with plenty of sugar.   Tony calls Werth "pretty boy," adding he dislocated McGee's shoulder, broke Tony's nose and he only has one nose.   McGee has two shoulders.  McGee tells Tony he can hold a grudge.

Tony  talks about how he keeps coming back, should live his own life.   Robin Hood Prince of Thieves v The World's Greatest Athlete.  (1973)  McGee watched that film.   Tony tells him the blond guy was a young Jan Michael Vincent and he should know, being up on his Airwolf trivia.  See he adds how he loved him on Airwolf.   Tony: "Stringfellow Hawke may be the best character name ever." There are two schools of thought on life saving or responsibility issue.   In Prince of Thieves, (1991) Robin's life was saved.   McGee says Werth served his country.

Lucas takes Ziva and Werth's phones, they can use the CB radio.   Fornell asks if Gibbs hired a cleaning woman as his house looks different.   Gibbs is letting Fornell drive his car which is a big deal for him.   Gibbs: "Whatever you already slept with my wife." The truck has melons inside and Ziva and Werth are going to empty it.   They need fuel.   Uses the CB radio talk which Ziva wouldn't understand anyway.   Tony thinks they're having trouble driving the truck.   Tony tells McGee to stop tapping his fingers, but it's Morse code.   "Fu - el."  He's out of coffee.   Of course they had to take Gibbs' car to make themselves conspicuous cos it's all about cars.   Gibbs and Fornell pretend to fight and Fornell talks cars with Werth.

Gibbs tells him Werth used to be on steroids and gives Ziva earwigs so they can tall.    Tony swerves the van when McGee gets out of his seat on purpose.   Werth is uptight.   Heatherton was hit when driving a leading convoy.   Ziva talks about trauma intensifying memory.   McGee gives them the garage address of Devoisier (Peter Woodward) - a stuck up Brit guy (who obviously had to be the killer.  He was too smarmy and shifty.) He had a wager with Szwed, who lost.   They were driving in a cross country race and even says  it's dangerous.  Fornell: "speed limits aren't just suggestions."  That's what Vartann (Alex Carter) said to Catherine (Marg Helgenberger) in the season 11.9 Wild Life CSI episode.   Devoisier feigns shock when he hears about Heatherton being dead.   Devoisier had speeding tickets so Gibbs suggest they look for accidents.

The cars are in the back of the truck.   Tony can thinks of a few cars worth killing for, like Gibbs' Barracuda.   They use a trailer to block the road.   Tony gets a blow out.    The truck is stopped and Fornell and Gibbs are in the back.   Lucas and Szwed deny killing Heatherton, so by a process of elimination, it could only be Brit guy.   Abby talks about boys and cars, she's a Hot Rod girl herself.   Devoisier paid $1.2 million for the car.   Fornell advises you should take a magnet when you look at old cars.   The magnet sticks to the metal.   There was a hit and run in Oklahoma, Heatherton took the girl to hospital and so he killed his only witness.   Abby will find traces of blood and hair when she takes the car apart.

McGee's asleep and more lullaby music plays.   Ziva tells Werth she'll see him later and Tony asks what she means by that.   Tony can get him a job in Cleveland, so he'll be miles away from Ziva.   They say goodbye and Tony questions whether she means goodbye or "hey I'm gonna see you at a later date."  Ziva doesn't answer.

Tony being overly concerned with who Ziva's date is going to be and who she sees.   Getting McGee to drink coffee was already done with Tony when he was boss in the end of season 3.23/24 and early season 4, with everyone saying he's not Gibbs.   Gibbs and the locks on his doors, to keep her out or make sure no one enters unannounced when she's around.   He also needs some curtains.

Tony should display some Airwolf memorabilia on his desk or keep some in his drawer.   He had a lonely childhood, no wonder he watched so much TV, being left alone and forgotten by Senior in a hotel room.     Gibbs and Fornell like an  old married couple and the stealing wife jokes.   Gibbs and Fornell's argument over fuel was demonstrating Rule 27.   Ducky wears an ordinary tie in this episode which no one notices yet.   How does Ziva know Tony sleeps on a chair, besides the one at work, unless it was a topic of hot office gossip we weren't a party to.   The photo shown by McGee with Zwed's distribution operation was a photo of the Valencia studios where NCIS is filmed.

Tony glaring at McGee when he says "Fu..." That'd be a first McGee telling Tony where to go!  But our Timmy's not like that.   Tony had a hamster when he was little named "Ferrari" named for Magnum's Ferrari no doubt.   Did he have any friends whilst growing up.   Mind you he hasn't got many now aside from college and his time at Baltimore PD.

Some asides, we haven't seen how Gibbs got his boat out (sounds rude) did he take it apart and then put it back together, as Abby did when she was analyzing it in the Inlaws and Outlaws episode.

Smallville - 10.20: "Prophecy" Review

Lois is given Clark's powers by Jor-El when he takes her to the Fortress for his blessing for their wedding. Oliver comes across Kara in his search for the Bow of Orion.

Lois (Erica Durance) is running around doing a million things before the big day, working on a story and wedding planning and she believes there's a conspiracy behind her new story. "Go jump in the river" she tells Clark (Tom Welling.)  Well it's her story and he's standing on the river she's got mapped out on the floor of her office.   Their catering company has gone under and has been bought out like other businesses in the area, by Marionette Ventures, really the name in itself provides a big clue as to who is behind this!  All the owners have left town.

Clark says he told her father about the wedding but he hasn't told his and they head for the Fortress.   The Head of the House of El approves all unions and he stresses his "desire to start a lifebond with this woman."  Jor-El (Terence Stamp) talks about their lives being joined, so they have to understand,  ice falls onto top of Lois.   Lois gets Clark's powers and he loses his.   She relishes this, it's right up her street.   Or should I say lane!  Lois: "I'm super."

Oliver (Justin Hartley) finds Kara (Laura Vandervoort) trapped in caves.   Fancy that, no one missed her, so much for keeping tabs on each other and the League.   The symbols on the walls aren't Celtic.   Kara refers to them as Apokolyptian.   Oliver notices the Bow symbol and they both have their reasons for being in search of the Bow.   Kara needs it to protect Clark and she asks him who he's here to save.   That'll be himself.   She reads the prophecy written by Orion depicting the end of the world and the "balance must exist between light and darkness."  Oliver thinks they need to add to the scales on one side in order to release her from her trap.

Lois finds it so easy to get a million things done now and thinks Jor-El might have good intentions for giving her powers, maybe she needs to feel what it's like to be Clark.   Anyway his powers will return to him at sunset which Clark says is 6.48pm.   Lois discovers what the businesses have in common, water rights come with the building rights.   There's one business left to buy out.  Lois and Clark stake this out and she returns from a few rescue missions she couldn't help getting involved in, with a burn on her collar.  The business left is Theron Layne.   Clark needs her to focus her hearing and that he must ignore certain problems and pleas for help as the Blur.   Clark doesn't call it ignoring, but prioritizing.   Lois realizes he has to do this all the time.   Lois hones her hearing skills, which took Clarkie ages to perfect.   She hears the owner being attacked inside the store.   Throwing off her attacker, she discovers it's Courtney, aka Stargirl (Britt Irvin).   There's red flashing from her ear.  

Oliver thinks the Bow is his for the taking and "medium is the message."   He must wield the Bow as he's trying to change his fate.   Orion turned away from the darkness and is revealed as Darkseid's son.   They get to the Bow but need to use two shots of Oliver's bow in balancing light and darkness.   Lucky he brought two then.   Oliver says Clark trusts Kara so that's enough for him.   They shoot the arrows simultaneously and the door is opened.   Kara is called away by Jor-El, conveniently leaving Oliver on his own.   She's trusting him to take the Bow to Clark.

At the Fortress, Jor-El tells her that Kal-El's destiny is the Bow and the battle with Darkseid is his alone to fight.   She has the choice of two paths, either leave Earth now and let him embrace his destiny or stay here and destroy Earth.   Her destiny is in another place and time.   That was kind of cruel, dragging her away from the only family she has.   Kal-El was too weak back then and was almost destroyed by the darkness.   He must fight now.  "This is his time...the greatest sacrifice is to give up something they hold dear."

Tess (Cassidy Freeman) believes the diode made Courtney open to suggestions.   Courtney explains she and John Jones looked into the company's shareholders - which Lois didn't think to do and these include, Roulette, Dark Archer, Mettallo, Manta.   Scan of the diode reveals the initials WS, i.e Winslow Schott, the Toyman (Chris Gauthier).   Lois is off in a flash to see him in prison, where he's allowed privileges, in a max security prison!  He's got his phone and calls her a "mild mannered reporter."  Lois tells him about the diode on one of their own and he notices her engagement ring.   She says her lovelife has nothing to do with the Blur, a bit defensive.  

Toyman proceeds to enlighten her about Lana Lang, Clark's first love, who sacrificed everything for him.   That's the line Jor-El said earlier.   Clarkie really hasn't said much about Lana to Lois.   She tries to deny Clark is connected to the Blur.   To protect this secret he orders her to wear a diode too.   He calls his group "minions" just like Darkseid's minions.   He wants her to kill the Blur.   One moot point really, was there no way for her to overcome the effects of the diode with her powers.   She succumbed a bit easily.

Oliver is about to grab the Bow after reading the inscription on it, "The only true power comes from within."  But he's foiled by Granny Goodness (Christine Willes) who turns up in the nick to grab the Bow and destroy it.   It was selfish of Oliver to want the Bow to remove the stain from his soul.   Claiming the Bow was "one power Darkseid could not defeat."  Oliver's been serving him from the moment he gave in to his darkside and he's got potential.   He won't recall their conversation.   Suppose it will end with a showdown between Clark being light and Oliver being the dark, mentioned with Kara at the beginning.

Toyman on conference with his minions gives them info on their targets, i.e.  Justice League members.   He underestimated Clark.   Lois turns up and fights Clark.   Tess tells him to hold on until sunset and he has to ask how long it is when he already knows.   He tells her to fight it and "I love you" doesn't seen to work on her, for long that is.   Looked like this made her even stronger for a second.   Anyway, cue sunset, his powers return and Lois in another fainting pose just like when she was defeated as Isis.  hey why didn't Tess use Kryptonite on her, or would this not have worked with the diode, but she did still have her powers, even under its influence.

This time it's Clark's turn to visit Toyman who thinks Lois has done the deed and returned.   Clark is flattered at being called his "pretty little play thing."  He threatens to expose his identity as the Blur and Clark says if he wanted to do that, he'd have done it by now, but then he wouldn't be able to play.   Clark will always be there to stop him.   Clark then returns to the Fortress realizing Jor-El's removing his power wasn't a gift but a trial, all about control.   His "trials are stepping stones on a long path," replies Jor-El and Clark understands it's up to him to take control of his destiny.   When he's no longer a son of Jor-El or Jonathan Kent, that's when he can help the world.   The time is now.   Which is what Jor-El told Kara.   He can no longer guide him and Clark pulls the plug on Jor-El and we see that 'suit' in the ice, just beckoning!

Oliver digs for the gold Kryptonite that will rid Clark of his powers and finds it.   Leaving Clark with another dilemma from Lois and no finale would be complete without the wedding being called off.   She tells him what he does is never over for him.   It's up to him to tip the scale of good and evil and she knew he had  a big heart but she didn't realize how "strong it was."  Kara floats outside Watchtower and uses the League ring to disappear to the future.   Look she'll even miss his wedding too.   Kara chooses her destiny, just as Clark did.   Lois was weak and she let Toyman control her, hey I said that.   Lois: "you are my greatest weakness."  Clark begs to differ calling her his strength.   Jor-El is his past and his destiny is with Lois.   He could be out saving people every moment she has him to herself.   She can't marry him.   No but she can hug him instead!

Cue all the showdown for the series finale, which we will get in two parts and not one, darn!  Toyman's minions are known as the Legion of Doom and not all of them were named. Solomon Grundy and Captain Cold were left out.   The diode is star shaped as it's akin to a miniature starfish utilized by Starro in the comics.

CSI: Miami - 8.18: "Dishonor" Review

Horatio's son, Kyle returns to Miami and has to help out one of his friends,when he's accused of murdering his girlfriend's father. As CSI:Miami delves briefly into honour killings and arranged marriages.

Horatio (David Caruso) has breakfast with his son, Kyle (Evan Ellington) and thinks the waitress likes him.   Horatio says it's the uniform she likes.   Actually Kyle thinks it's the man wearing the uniform.   He's going to be transferred and deployed in 14 days.   He has a dangerous job; which Kyle likens to being just as dangerous as Horatio's job.   His friend Brian Nassir (Ethan Rains) appears to be missing and he inherited the lot from his father.   Someone's on fire inside and Kyle believes it's Brian.   ME Tom (Christian Clemenson) warns the others to be careful as the limbs may fall off the DB.   To Horatio, the killing resembles an execution and reminds ME Tom of the gang wars in the 1990's.The DB is encased in rubber.  Natalia (Eva Larue) finds an antique torch.   Horatio tells her the gas can may have prints.

The Range Rover parked outside doesn't belong to Brian.   The torch is from the Vietnam War and belongs to the neighbour.  Kyle loses his temper with him.   The neighbour, Glenn (Jeff Kober) says Brian was a Muslim and he won't apologize for the fact this is his country.   He thinks he's an extremist, since things go on there at night, he has to be vigilant.   Tripp (Rex Linn) calls Glenn a piece of work and they'll be watching him.   Kyle explains he and Brian were at Boot Camp together and Glen's just mistaking racism for patriotism.   As does most everyone these days.   ME Tom checks dental records to find that the Vic isn't Brian.   Tripp finds the car belongs to Rahim Farooq (Navid Negahban) and the dental records are a match to him.   How could they already know the dental records match Rahim, if Tripp has only just found out the car belongs to him.    That makes Brian a suspect.

Rahim's wife, Salumeh (Necar Zadegan) tells Calleigh (Emily Procter) and Jesse (Eddie Cibrian) that her husband found it hard here.   She feigns grief.   Like Tony (Michael Weatherly) in NCIS, I too went for the wife as the obvious suspect.   At any rate it's a wonder the CSIs didn't suspect her, since in such cases, the spouse is always considered a primary suspect.   Jesse looks at the photos.  Maya (Inbar Lavi) is her daughter.   Jesse scans the mother's prints so she can be eliminated as a suspect, but they match the gas can.   She claims Rahim always left it in the car.   Calleigh asks her if she's ever been to the garage.   Horatio alongside, ME Tom, finds a piece of charred paper, which he's sending to QD (Questionable Documents.)  Brian calls Kyle, who has Horatio turn up and Tripp arrests them both for murder.  Kyle doesn't feel he did the right thing in telling Horatio.

Ryan (Jonathan Togo) processes Brian and Calleigh checks the contents of Maya's purse, coming across a bus ticket to St Petersburg.   Ryan uses a portable gas chromotographer to read the signals of any compounds Brian's touched and tests positive for gasoline.   But he's been at the garage, he's bound to have gas there.   Maya also tests positive for gasoline on her arms and hands.   She admits the gas was meant for her as her father had a violent temper and was angry at her.   Calleigh asks if he was trying to kill her.   Maya was promised to another man in an arranged marriage but she met Brian.

Her mother says Rahim is a proud man and wouldn't agree to the marriage being called off.   Horatio says he and Brian share the same faiths, but it wouldn't matter to her father.   They left him alive.  Walter (Omar Miller) calls it an honour killing.   Horatio doesn't believe Rahim's death was self-defence.   Walter gets defensive when it's said he's accusing Brian of murder, but Walter isn't doing that.   Kyle lets Horatio know Brian saved his life from an IAD, why's he only telling him this now.

Walter finds the Vic's jacket protected the paper but not enough.   Horatio advises to view it under the infra red filter as ink dyes show up better.   Horatio recognizes the writing as Farsi, how did he know? and he's got a translator in Kyle.   He must have been an expert in the language already, so how'd he learn it so fast.   Kyle calls it a contract and the signature reads 'A Saleem'.  Ryan questions Ahmad (Assaf Cohen) and asks what his motive is.  Walter tells him a witness (Glen) saw him outside the garage.   He admits he's been there and followed Maya.   He saw them together and they just had to kiss outside.   He called off the marriage.   But Rahim said she brought dishonour on both families and shamed him.   Ahmad thought if she found someone then she deserves to be happy.   He didn't tell Rahim where he saw them.

Calleigh examines the call history of Maya's phone and finds a voicemail she left for her father, saying they need to meet at the garage.   Jesse concludes that her phrase "put an end to this, doesn't ooze confidence." That Maya probably had access to the family gas can too.   Maya just wanted to tell Rahim the truth and introduce Brain to him.   Calleigh warns her only Brian can corroborate her story.   Jesse refers to them as Romeo and Juliet and that they left before the fire was set, but they need more than circumstantial evidence to prove it.   He and Natalia grid search the garage.   Natalia finds two holes made from a heel.   The heel was dug into the silt.   Ryan thinks it could be Maya's, but it doesn't match hers as it's too chunky.   Just because Maya was their main suspect they automatically suspect her and she had to be wearing heels too.   But they didn't think of her mother until now.   She also happened to be wearing the same shoes from the garage still!  Wouldn't they have smelt of gasoline and also her clothes as well, viz, her trousers.

She didn't want Maya to go through this and Rahim was angry at her for supporting her daughter.   She wanted to warn Maya.   Horatio tells her she stood over her husband whilst he burned.  She says there was no honour in what he was doing and she didn't corrupt her daughter.   Oh and why was Rahim carrying the contract around with him anyway.   Brian isn't going back with Kyle just yet.   Horatio wants Kyle to come home alive.   Horatio was really concerned for Kyle and him leaving for dangerous lands and it was good to see him portray such emotion towards his own son, which is usually reserved for others children.   The relationship between father and son has developed with Kyle displaying a more mature character and now that he's leaving again, real emotions are revealed.

A bit judgemental in its portrayal of arranged marriages, as if the daughter has no option but to go through with it, it is the case with many Feudal, or traditional families, but not with everyone.  A mother would do anything for her child and here, Salumeh demonstrates just that.  An episode which delves into the life of this family and their relationships, whilst also focusing on that of Horatio and his son.   Salumeh killed her husband to keep Maya safe and alive, Horatio wanting Kyle back home safely and alive too, where he'll always be waiting for him.   Also showing the extreme contrasts in his feelings for Kyle and Rahim's for Maya.

The neighbour's threats, or suspicions don't pan out into anything this time, but shows that bigotry and racism, are truly alive and kicking, lashing out at Muslims, albeit American Muslims and how they will always be viewed with suspicion and contempt.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

CSI 12.13 "Tressed To Kill" Review

A girl in the mall gets her hair cut whilst in the lift and later a woman at the station reports the same thing happening to her.  Paula (Brianna Brown)was at the cinema and DB (Ted Danson) asks her if she was watching Matt Damon?  It was Daniel Craig.  The girl from the mall, Eva (Sasha Jackson) is found dead and has been dressed and given blonde hair.  Her eyes have been removed.  Brass (Paul Guilfoyle) asks "why?"  DB: "hell with why, I wanna know who?"  Something which was synonymous with Gil and how he'd want to know the who rather than the why and vice versa.  What this show is all about.  The Vic was given a make-over and David (David Berman) can't find the COD as there are no wounds or trauma.  Sara (Jorga Fox) comments on how she was blinded and finds a braid of hair in her mouth.  DB thinks it could be the killer's calling card.

Greg (Eric Szmanda) looks at Catherine's empty desk and is interrupted by Nick (George Eads).  They've both spoken to Catherine and she showed them all "how to fly straight."  Well that was Catherine's first bit of name dropping and the next part comes at the end from DB and Sara doesn't mention her by name when she talks about someone who used to work here who used to keep DNA of her child. A bottle of blood in the fridge.

The sheriff (Barbara Eve Harris) refers to the killer as a homicidal maniac.  DB informs her eleven women came forward and the press have to be told, but she finds the need for them to solve it.  Brass: "I think she was looking at you when she said that."  Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) and Sara process the CS and Morgan says she opened the door to the killer, her tooth was knocked out by the force.  Sara can't find any products or packaging and Sara tells Morgan she should watch herself since the killer dyed her hair blonde.  Morgan comments Sara should too.

Eva's sister Bridget (Rose McIver) is angry that they should have been told about the killer, especially since Greg tells the sheriff that they knew about him three weeks ago.  Nick says he would bring back her sister if he could.  She was dressed in retro dress and sunglasses and Bridget claims she hated that style.  Doc Robbins (Robert David Hall) finds the injuries weren't caused peri mortum.  COD was morphine overdose and the killer added hair extensions to repair the cut hair but he didn't find the right colour.

Hodges (Wallace Langham) sorts through the hair samples and processes each one and finds 26 samples.  He asks Sara if she's seen the Japanese movie The Ring, where the girl vomits hair.  Sara thought the only Japanese culture he was into was octopus porn, from 12.1 73 Seconds.  The hair could refer to a list of future Vics.  They need to follow up on the list of women.  Paula watches DB  and one Vic didn't show up, Joyce (Brittany Beaudette Dunn). Brass finds her DB and she's dressed in retro clothes.  Sara comments he sued ammonia to blind her and DB says she was alive when he did this.  Paralytic pills were found in her which made it easy for him to make them over.  Thus pointing to a doctor or to someone with such knowledge.  This makes him harder to catch and he's more confident.

DB convinces the sheriff to alert the press cos all these women are in danger and they could save one, unfortunately this wasn't the case and not especially the one DB was concerned about, no wonder she was the only one who got his card, so she could call him twice when in trouble.  Hodges stands behind the dress as he talks to Nick who can't help but laugh.  He spoke with his mother (for future ref as she's making an appearance soon.)  she's an expert and "still has the figure for it."  Yes cos she's Jaclyn Smith and I can't wait to see her.  The 1978 reference must be an allusion to her when she was younger and on TV in Charlie's Angels.  The dresses were stored in mothballs.  Nick thinks it must be someone he was trying to turn those women into.

DB tells Sara they can garner a picture of his obsession from the dresses and he goes to his "psycho place" when serial killers are around.  Putting them to sleep  re the morphine he thinks is an act of kindness.  Sara goes to her "Ted Bundy" place and thinks it wasn't kindness, he "gauged" out their eyes.  Morgan analyzed the hair and it came from one person.  She ran an isotope ratio and the woman has been to Japan, Germany and Las Vegas, the hair had cancer meds.  Leading her and Sara to the hospital and the Dr Bill Ryan (William Ragsdale).  SO obviously it was him, the way he was looking at that nurse when she touched her hair and also he was so helpful in leaving the file out for them.  (As suspects in CSI:Miami always are helpful.)  The woman is Ided as Lucinda Kemp (Jill Larson).

DB calls her the "killer's muse" and Brass Brass adds, "your muse is a dead ringer."  Paula panics when a delivery man knocks at her door, that was a false alarm.  They get night deliveries.  Delivery men over here aren't so persistent, they knock once and run off, leaving the parcel outside.  Brass: "Hoping Norma Desmond can ID our killer."  Norma Desmond was the character played by Gloria Swanson in Sunset Boulevard, an aging actress who refused to accept her mortality and growing old.  Lucinda doesn't recognize the girls and is accompanied by her son Adam (David Gallagher).  But Jeffrey makes her wigs.  Adam was a bit uptight so we'd cast suspicion over him.  How come no one could tell she was wearing a wig.

Sara tells Jeffrey (Roger Bart) to "stop looking at my hair."  Greg finds the dresses at his place and Morgan finds a bottle of morphine, which was an obvious plant.  He would have Lucinda's hair if he made her wig.  DB tells Sara they need a DNA match on the hair.  Paula calls for help when she's being attacked but it's too late  DB says the killer panicked and killed her good.  He wants Nick and Greg to thoroughly process the CS.  Brass: "their best suspect was in custody."  Nick comments on the hair not matching the Vics so it wasn't Jeffrey, so Greg posits it could be Adam.  Nick finds some short, brown hair in the blood and Greg spots the corner of a photo in the mirror and finds the photo.  Another dead ringer for Lucinda, so they think it's her.  Oh why would the doctor need a photo if that was his mother in the photo?  Surely he'd know from memory as he's made up three Vics we know about so far.

Nick spots a fingerprint on the photo and matches it to the Doctor.  It was his mother in the photo and DB watches Paula's DB.  He tells Sara of a serial killer in Seattle and he thought of his daughter.  He keeps the plasters of his children in the fridge for DNA references.  Sara tells him of a woman who used to work here who did the same.  Greg finds the DNA on the hair doesn't match Adam.  The doctor actually tries to run which may have been a first especially when it's apparent he's cornered.  Sara tells him he dressed them up like his mother was coming back.  They found all the products, make-up in his house.  He was everything to Lucinda and DB calls him a "mama's boy."  He killed his mother by giving her a  morphine overdose and DB can't sit in the same room as him.

DB calls Catherine as there are some things he doesn't take home to his wife.  He lost one and he feels he "could have done something more."  This ep was personal for him and mentions his daughter this ep just to show the effect the job has on him and how personal it can get, as all the other CSIs have shown in the past.

Dressing up Vics has been done before in CSI and in the Pilot episode with serial killer Paul Millander, he became a suspect when his fingerprint was found on the tape recorder used for one of his Vic's.  In 7.18 Empty Eyes, Sara holds the hand of a Vic who dies and she comments how they show up too late to meet the Vic.  Nick asking her if she's okay.  Here DB showed up too late to save the Vic and had already met her. Nick again showing his caring side too as he comforts Bridget.

Roger Bart you may recall always plays the killer role, as in Desperate Housewives and in CSI:Miami season 8, hey he killed Jesse (Eddie Cibrian.)

Without A Trace 3.2 "Thou Shalt Not" Review

A nurse cleans a burn victim and promises to return the next day.  She disappears by a roadside in the rain whilst changing her car tyre.

6 Hours Missing
Sam (Poppy Montgomery) thinks maybe someone stopped to help and Danny (Enrique Murciano) adds maybe they didn’t stop to help.  She didn’t have a mobile phone.  The police called it in when they found the car at 1am.  Sam says she’d be afraid too on a road like this alone.

12 Hours Missing
The Chicago office called wondering where Jack (Anthony LaPaglia) is.  He was going to call them.  He has personal issues and the transfer won’t work out.  Olczyk (Bill Smitrovich) says he asked for the transfer.  Jack tells him Maria’s left and if he wants custody he has to remain in New York.  He’ll take anything available but not his old job.  Martin (Eric Close) asks Viv (Marianne Jean-Baptiste) if Jack’s around.  Viv doesn’t tell him anything.  Yeah rub it in Martin after last episode.

13 Hours Missing
There was a West Virginia toll receipt found in Maureen’s (Claire Carey) car.  She was meant to attend a medical conference.  Her husband, Nathan (Max Martini) assumed she was working late. Sam says it’s their experience that people usually go missing because of something in their lives.  He saw her at a coffee shop with another man.

The nurse at work tells Martin that Maureen is religious.  The Burns Unit is the toughest there is.  Maureen had to deal with an abuse case of a 6 year old and she cried recently.  It took 8 years to wear her down.  Maureen said she was crying over something else and gave notice the next day.

Jack picks up the phone, he’s waiting for an important call.  Viv tells him to go home.  They too of Natalie Genjingian, (Suzanne Santo) her name’s special.  Sam calls and is surprised Jack’s there.  She canvassed the area around the coffee shop, no one remembers Maureen or the man.

17 Hours Missing
Natalie has been seeing Luke, (Jesse Head) Maureen’s son, for 11 months.  She went to her birthday party.  Maureen had been drinking and told her to call her Lilly; her middle name.  Jack finds a Lillian Dillard on a computer search.  Lillian is on the FBI Wanted List for bombing an abortion clinic 15 years ago.  Danny refuses a coffee refill from her husband and then asks for one when Viv calls him.  He’s knocked out.

18 Hours Missing
Sam finds bullets and money in a box at their house.  They were part of a group called Legion of the Cross and carried out bombings and attacks.  In the last one in Ohio, one person died.  Earl Ridgeway (Scott Haven) is the leader.  In 1989 all their activities stopped.  Viv comments extremists never stop.  The NYPD has an informant in the movement.  Viv thinks Ridgeway may have picked up Maureen.

19 Hours Missing
Martin meets the informant. They had  a secret banquet to honour them for their work in defending the unborn.  They’re planning something else.  Jack checks the footage from Ohio.  One speaker there at the rally survived the bombing.  Jack thinks Maureen may be atoning for her sins.

20 Hours Missing
Danny questions Luke and tells him his father left him.  Viv tells Danny to let Luke go and follow him.
Sam visits Maureen’s mother, Annie (Amanda Carlin).  She hasn’t seen her in 15 years.  The toll receipt was dated last week.  She came down last Sunday and asked if Luke could call her.  She apologized and left.  She told Maureen if has had the baby she wouldn't help her.  Maureen ran away to the church group who gave her a wedding..

22 Hours missing
Maureen was seen arguing with Ridgeway a few days ago.  Martin finds detonator caps there.  Jack says they’re aluminium and are old school; the trade mark of the bombing group in the South.  They used to destroy buildings and last time it was different as they targeted people.  Martin thinks they’re using nails as shrapnel like the Atlanta Olympic bombing.

Danny sees Luke making a phonecall from a payphone.  The call is traced to Hope Divinity Bible Church

38 Hours Missing
It’s a safe number.  The church member calls, leaves a message and another one picks it up.  'Jacob calling for Rebecca’.  Viv says they were married in the Book of Genesis.
Danny questions Luke again, he’d be the last person he’d want to talk to, blowing up another clinic.  Luke tells him they’re not blowing up anyone and told him everything the night of his birthday.  They killed a woman who had a son, she was a janitor, they’re murderers.  The other survivor had burns all over her body.  She must turn herself in.  Luke will attend college soon and have his own life.
Danny says his spent his entire life thinking they were the bad guys.  He should call his father and ask him to meet somewhere and give himself up.

42 Hours Missing
Viv asks who Isiah is?  Probably Ridgeway.  Maureen went to see him.  He called the church after they left, there was a message for Ridgeway.  He’s holding her prisoner.  He doesn’t know the target and they must find her.

Jack checks out the list of clinics.  There are messages from the church regarding Cynthia.  There’s a Cynthia St 12th.  Viv says the linen for the clinic is subcontracted out.  Viv thinks they should evacuate the clinic and Jack thinks the bomb could be on remote as that’s their trend.  Viv says it could be on a timer.  Jack tells her it’s her call.

Sam and Martin pose as expectant parents.  Sam uses the bathroom.  She finds Maureen in a linen basket with a bomb taped to her back.  Danny tells them not to use mobiles within 500 feet.  Sam says the bomb is on a timer.  She cuts the tape from Maureen’s back as the clinic is evacuated.  Sam takes her out the back and stops her in the parking lot to handcuff her.  The bomb is deactivated.  Maureen is shot by a sniper.  SWAT searches for him.  Maureen wants forgiveness.

Viv receives a call from Director Baines.  She’s disappointed but has no choice and give up her new position.  Jack asks if she’s leaving work already?  She just wants to go home.

Jack: “Nobody’s gonna patch anything up, trust me.”  (See ep 3.10)

Martin: “New boss has got me running.”

Danny: “This day and age – must be tough being a teenager without a cellphone.”

Sam: “…some conflict, some secret, everyone has secrets.”  Don’t they just, re Sam and Jack and Sam and Martin.  Sam saying people disappear because of something they’ve done echoes Jack.

Jack fights the phone in the office.
Sam didn’t share her umbrella with Danny in the pouring rain(!)  Danny telling Luke he doesn’t like the FBI agents and talking to them probably because of his own experiences too.  When Danny mentioned being in trouble with and his scar on his leg.  Imagine Luke’s parents skipping out on him and leaving their son to fend for himself – he’ll be at college soon but that’s no excuse just to save themselves, especially his father.

Danny is hit on the head yet again, see season 2 ep 17.

Viv: “Nice theory Jack, but why’s her husband bashing people on the head.”  He’s not just people he’s Danny.

Sam meeting Maureens’ mother after all these years the two have been apart must have brought back memories of her own life and relationship with her mother.

Danny: “Must be tiring carrying around all those secrets.”  He should know!  An episode for secrets this one as everyone keeps mentioning secrets and nothing but.
Danny interviewing the teenager again as he’s got some personal insight into what it’s like re his own life.

Viv: “I hope you’re right about this.”  Jack just happened to be wrong since the bomb was on a timer and Viv was right.

Sam stopping to chat out in the open as if the bomber wouldn’t still be around to see his handiwork.  Don’t know if he’s caught or not.

Viv expected that phonecall and must have been dreading it.
Viv: “It’s been a really sad day Jack.”
Jack: “I didn’t want this but I couldn’t say no.”
After the call, she wouldn’t want to hang around Jack being insensitive there.

Viv’s promotion was shortlived so we didn’t get the chance to see what she would’ve been like as a leader, all for 2 episodes.  Jack getting his job back so easily, the FBI powers that be don’t like change.  It would have been good to see him working under Viv for a few more episodes at least as one of the troops.
The end scene re the clinic was very déjà vu.

Actually proved Viv right and Jack wrong about the bomb being on a timer.
Danny sports a new white suit!  Didn’t want to get this dirty, hence his meagre 3 scenes!!
Would finding religion provide absolution from their past transgressions – since on the one hand they’re trying to save the unborn and on the other resorted to violence and killing to do this.  Not in the eyes of the law – but perhaps their church and conscience?  Where’s the justice in that?

CSI: NY - 1.16: "Hush" Review

A truck driver is found splattered under a trailer and Danny and Aiden investigate the goings on at a fetish club. Plenty of jokes galore this episode.

There's a truck jacking involving a shooting and there's blood found on a container.   Stella (Melina Kanakaredes) can't wait to get her jokes in, "That's gonna need a bit more than a bag and tag."  They call Hawkes (Hill Harper) out of the morgue once more and Mac (Gary Sinise) suggests he brings a spatula, which he does.    Part of the DB has been found.  Kevin Harrington, (Mark Sheppard) the foreman says they can't shut the port down.     TOD was within the past 4 hours.   Mac tracks the databases and the computer shows where the container was during the last 12 hours.  The rest of the DB is found under another container.   The ME is in charge of the body.   So obvious who the killer is here cos he's in charge and so knows all the ins and outs of the port and what to hide where..

A dead woman is found on the side of the road in the second story, with blood on the tree bark and headlight glass on the ground, as well as the presence of skid marks.   Danny (Carmine Giovinazzo) says, "First thing you learn on this job is that anybody can do anything to anyone." Hawkes finds the DB has candy cane ligature marks on the neck and body.   No rope or tape was used and this was done quickly, the bruising is even, could be straps were used.   There's glass on the passenger side and a bag inside containing a latex body suit.   The straps have teeth impressions.   Ron Bogda and Debbie were involved in a fetish stunt, glasses were broken and these are but there is no match to the glass found.

Hawkes puts the DB together to determine COD.   He was crushed and the hands were in a defensive position so he was still alive when he died.   There's a knife wound, he is Paddy Dolan.   Mike, (Bumper Robinson) says the supervisor didn't treat the workers well, they're not meant to be talking to Mac.   The knife is used for work and all workers have one.   The worker's knives don't match and Sean's (Tory Kittles) knife is spotless.   Mac: "What worker keeps their tools clean, that isn't a science-obsessed criminalist."

Paddy's jeans contain insect eggs at this time of year from the south pine beetle.   Sean had a work accident a week ago caused by Paddy.   Mac and Stella check the containers and one is locked, revealing a DB inside, Mike's brother, Jimmy.   Hawkes finds multiple blunt force trauma to the head.   Brass knuckles were used.   The DB was preserved by the cold.   Mac believes Paddy was involved and was in the container; but why?

The latex suit is like a sponge and has prints on it.   Danny tells Aiden (Vanessa Ferlito) he'll  take the top, but she wants it.   Danny: "You getting all free on me because we drew a bondage case."  Aiden uses the ALS to reveal a print, matching Jennifer who has a record for public lewdness.   Danny and Aiden attend a safe bondage seminar, where they are mistaken for the Andersons.   Danny: "Yeah, traffic was murder."  In the garage, Joe (Ted Raimi) has contraptions and he makes a run for it and they lose him.   Bruising shows the DB was a passenger in the car but John (Albie Selznick) wasn't the driver.   Danny tries to get Aiden to try out the 'Robospanker'.   Aiden: "That's sexual harassment Danny."  Danny finds a hair that Aiden misses.  Then tackles Joe to the ground with a blowtorch.   Joe only sells the equipment.

Mike was fired and Mac has to make it right for him.   Paddy was stealing from the containers.   The bartender claims Jimmy and Paddy had a fight and Mike followed Paddy out.   Two samples of blood are found from the Vic and epithelials from a male.   The container was found in a shipment to Kong Kong and was moved by someone with authority and training.   Paddy doesn't know how to use the equipment and Kevin almost runs Mac over and Mac takes his knife.   Mac says Kevin wanted to teach Jimmy a lesson and Paddy helped with the body and wanted money.   Kevin stabbed him and made it look like an accident with the container.   Mike gets his job back and Mac thanks Stella for saving him.

The glass found was an optic lens from a camera and the bruising on the eye was caused by the lens.   Jennifer (Laura Leigh Hughes) wanted to make sure Debbie was safe.   Her husband didn't slow down, lost control and crashed into the tree.   The body was planted and wasn't wearing a belt.   It all occurred just for the fun of it.   Danny asks Aiden if she wants to get some food.  Danny: "I'll drive, put you on the hood."
Aiden: "Put you on the hood."

CSI:NY's first bout into a fetish case, which have been the subject of many a CSI episode.   Aiden missing the hair on the rack, what was she thinking?  Stella telling Flack (Eddie Cahill) he woke them up just to inform them he's solved the truck jacking case, really Stella?  The reference to the Marlon Brando movie was obviously, On the Waterfront.    These crims don't know how to go about committing the perfect murder, when Jimmy's body could have been dumped elsewhere, no body, no proof of murder.  The same with Paddy.   Mac getting 'physical' with a suspect as does Danny when he arrests a suspect and gets emotional too over the children no longer having a mother.

Two cases which had certain things in common; how the bondage had an affect on people's bodies, done voluntarily and then Paddy being crushed by the container, being killed that way.   Mark Sheppard went on to star in many other shows, such as Leverage, Doctor Who and playing ruthless Crowley in Supernatural.

The Vampire Diaries - 3.17: "Break on Through" Review

Elena tries to help Alaric and seeks Bonnie's help, who has her hands full with Abby and her transition. Sage returns to town looking for Finn and double crosses Damon in the process, as she reads his mind.

Meredith (Torrey DeVitto) tests Alaric (Matt Davis) to see if she can find something to explain his behaviour and if she can medically treat him.  Elena (Nina Dobrev) asks when she suspected him.  It was after she saw his ring and her grandmother had told her about Samantha Gilbert. Meredith doesn't like seeing someone get hurt by something they have no control over.  She wants to help Alaric, who sees his alter ego appearing like Jekyll and Hyde.  Everything's normal with him physically and he still denies the killings. He thinks he's gone insane like Samantha.

Elena calls Bonnie (Kat Graham) to see if she has a spell which can reverse the damage, since the ring was made by the Bennett witches.  Alaric doesn't want to wear the ring anymore.

Damon (Ian Somerhalder) asks about Alaric ditching the "house of horrors" and whether he should bring chicken soup.  Elena talks about Stefan's (Paul Wesley) vampire pub crawl.  Damon confesses he made Stefan drink, "We're predators, not puppies."  Stefan needs to learn control. Elena claims he was fine when he was drinking Elena's blood everyday and Damon didn't have any right to teach Stefan self-control.  Yes he does, they're brothers.

Caroline (Candice Accola) brings blood and the hospital was having a blood drive.  B+ being her fave.  Bonnie made Abby (Persia White) a daylight ring.  She's still adjusting to becoming a vampire.  Abby is upset and angry she doesn't feel anything when she touches the plants.  Bonnie explains a witch's connection is to the earth and they can feel nature.  Abby's lost her connection.

Damon knows Rebekah (Claire Holt) is up to something and comments the world can't stop because, "You're an accidental serial killer."  Carol (Susan Walters) complains about Alaric not bringing the restored sign for the bridge.  Sage (Cassidy Freeman) is in town.  Damon was her fave student and she's his fave teacher.  Oh enough with the false flattery, you can tell Sage is up to something.  She's here to see Finn who went in search of her.  Sage hates the "elitest original bitch," referring to Rebekah.

Elena drops by the house in search of Samantha's book and bumps into Stefan.  That was awkward.  She doesn't have to read the book as he can tell her what happened.  Samantha bled to death on the cell floor trying to give herself a labotomy.  Thus Elena can't help Alaric.

Finn was Sage's true love and he turned her.  Damon comments on his "hate sex" with Rebekah and Sage claims she can help him by getting inside her head to find out what she's thinking. She's still a girl and can exploit her weakness.  Damon thinks Sage is sexy when she's bitchy.  Damon attempts to seduce Rebekah.

Jamie (Robert Ri'chard) refuses to see Abby since he's afraid of her.  Caroline tells him she connects to people she loves and she won't let herself die for them.  Alaric looks through his restraining orders and was stupid when he was younger.  He needed to find a way to deal with his darkside and became a vampire hunter.  He slayed Logan Fell, Meredith's cousin.  He even tried to stake Damon once, who ended up killing Alaric.  Stefan comments on Damon and his blonde binge and wants to be left out of it next time.  Damon: "Own it, live it, love it." In reference to the vampires that they are.  He mentions the "Sage/Rebekah sex sandwich."

Jamie wants to be there for Abby who has an uncontrollable urge to bite him and does just that. Rebekah has a fear of being left alone like her brother, Klaus and she comes to the party.  Damon tells Sage Finn's gone and he tells Rebekah he wants her, not Sage.  Damon dancing with Sage was hilarious, for some reason.

Abby decides to leave and will end up hurting Bonnie if she does.  Alaric gives important info to Elena and Jeremy (Steven R McQueen), such as his bank details, will etc.  She's confident Bonnie can reverse the effects of the ring with a spell.  She needs a personal effect before he wore the ring.  Alaric thinks of his wedding ring.  Sage shows Damon what Rebekah is planning, she's searching for the oak tree.  It took them getting naked in the shower for this.  Damon looks through the family business records, as we get more shirtleess action from him!  Stefan found out more on Samantha, that Alaric can still be violent without the ring.  So after this discovery, no one thought to call Meredith and warn her.

In 1912, the Salvatore's chopped down the forest and used all the wood for the bridge.  This is a weapon and Sage thinks Damon can use it on Finn, so it's a problem for her.  Damon burns the records. He promises to leave Finn alone if Sage helps him kill Rebekah.

Stefan tries to make Elena realize it's not her responsibilty to save everyone.  He finds photos of Alaric's Vics.  Sage is gone.  Alaric has a file on Jeremy with a note wanting him to take over from him as far as the killings go. He asks Meredith if she feels remorse?  The council is ignoring their responsibilities and attacks her.  Rebekah burns all the wood from the bridge, but then you get all that ash from it. What did she do with the ash which can still be used for something?  Damon's plans go awry as usual.  Sage knows about the originals being linked and she got inside his head too.  Damon will end her and he'll start with Finn when he finds him. Yeah he forgot the sign as did everyone else since there had to be a reason why Carol mentioned it.

Elena reaches home and lies about not finding Alaric's ring.  Stefan helps with Meredith and feeds her his blood - it's only fair as she does that to other people.

Damon looks after Alaric and makes sure Bonnie's spell doesn't turn him into a toad.  The darkness got hold of Alaric's psyche everytime he died.  Bonnie has herbs for Alaric to take everyday.  He let the darkside take him over.  Elena and Bonnie hug and Abby leaves.  Caroline tries to talk her out of it as she can help her be a vampire but not how to be a parent.  She has an eternity to make up for leaving Bonnie, but she chooses to go again.  Caroline: "No one is better off without their parents."

Elena rings Jeremy as she misses him.  The song played here was appropriate, Rosi Golan's Can't Go Back.  Damon, forever the philanthropist, as he calls himself, locates the sign which is made from white oak.  Stefan realizes they have a weapon.  Damon: "Game's back on brother, let's go kill some originals."

Yes let's and by that I mean it won't be Klaus or Rebekah who willl get killed.  Maybe one of the 'extra' originals, like Finn or Kol.  Since Klaus and even Rebekah (dare I say it) have picked up quite a fan following.  Many have also clamoured for Damon/Rebekah 'sharing the love' to continue - cos it's that whole love/hate deal going down!  People think they have good chemistry together, but I said Damon would have good chemistry with anyone!  Okay moving on.

Finally Alaric gets a story he can sink his teeth into, not being a vampire though the imagery still somehow seems relevant.  Maybe should have used the phrase, 'dig his daggers into' instead of teeth.  It was interesting seeing him with his alter ego making an impromptu appearance when he was being tested in the opening.  He transforms into Mr Hyde right before our eyes, like being on one of those (not so) scary movies.  As for Bonnie's herbs will they prove to be a help or a hindrance and has her spell really done anything for him?  Especially since she wasn't shown actually casting the spell.

Bonnie faces her own problems with Abby and her transition, who chooses to run for a second time.  The first time was to protect Bonnie and now she's also got Jamie to think of.  But if Abby really leaves she'll just leave a trail of Vics wherever she goes.  Caroline won't be around to help her.

Alaric recalls trying to stake Damon and it's fun to see their scenes together, as it's Damon who comes to get him out of hospital and then it's Damon who's roped into watching him under house arrest.  Have to say not liking Sage one little bit and her betrayal of Damon just to protect Finn who was all ready to help his mother with the ritual to kill his siblings.  Can't believe Damon didn't see her reading him coming as he just blatantly trusted her.

Vampires can read people, but why can't Damon do that too? Let alone remember she would do that to him. So much for him keeping the fact 'to kill one original is to kill them all' to himself.  So Damon should have been able to read Rebekah, no?  Elena in the past has mentioned Damon isn't able to get into peoples' heads but in the Rose episode, Damon got  into her head.  Damon has also gotten into Elena's mind in the past.  

Stefan smelling Meredith's blood but only after he knocked out Alaric.  Then almost changing into his vampire face in front of Elena who must now realize how difficult it is for Stefan to exercise control.  Elena finds that newspaper in Alaric's drawer about Brian being murdered, in the sub-heading the word 'found' is spelt incorrectly as 'fouund.'

Merlin - 3.11: "The Sorcerer's Shadow" Review

Another tournament in Camelot, this time open to all and sundry; leads to a meeting between Merlin and a fellow kindred spirit. Morgana encourages Uther to take part and he faces off with Arthur.

A boy by the name of Gilli, (Harry Melling) uses magic to fend off his attackers on a lowly road to Camelot.   Hiding a ring in his belongings, but how could they have not found it, it wasn't very cleverly concealed.  He's taking part in the tournament.

Merlin (Colin Morgan) wonders the sort of riff raff that will turn up, just for the money.   Arthur (Bradley James) tells him it's an open tournament and it's a tradition that takes place every 10 years.   Arthur: "The only rule is, there are no rules."  As soon as he said this, I thought Fight Club (1999).   So I ask you, "what is the first rule of fight club - there are no rules." Merlin's own version of the movie, circa medieval times.

Camelot is over-run with participants, as Merlin pointed out, so won't Uther (Anthony Head) fear there being sorcerers around.   Merlin is menaced by the same thugs who attacked Gilli, also here for the tournament, well they wouldn't turn down the winnings and Gilli saves Merlin from a whipping.

Uther brags he's won the tournament 3 times.   Morgana (Katie McGrath)  urges him to compete by playing on his sense of pride.  Merlin can only speak of the number of people killed in the tournament as if Arthur really wants to hear that. Gwen (Angel Coulby) is strangely absent from this episode, and in the past she would have had to sit with Morgana in the stand.   Strange she wasn't there to cheer on Arthur, from a distance of course.  Having said that, notice the purple favour on Arthur's arm, it was suggested he was given this by Gwen, as she may have been the subject of a scene being dropped.  This is not questioned by Uther, probably thinking he was given this by Morgana.

After the first round, Gilli is wounded and uses his magic ring to heal himself, within the castle; leaving behind a burning odour.  Dropping his ring when chased by guards.   Uther suspects sorcery at work  (now that's what I said already).   Gaius (Richard Wilson) finds the ring on the floor and picks it up before Uther can see it and convinces him the smell is from the brewery.  Gilli was very amateurish in his use of magic and talk about using it in the most obvious places.   During the fight, his eyes would light up when he used magic on his competitors and yet nobody noticed; not even Uther in his fight scene.

Merlin attempts encourage Gilli to refrain from using magic and Gilli refuses to show him his wound.   He denies he's using magic; giving Merlin the chance for his spiel on the old religion and he has nothing to be afraid of.   Gilli believes his father was scared of Uther and of using magic and he wasn't proud of who he is for this reason.   Merlin reminds him of someone, himself no doubt, but he doesn't tell him who.   Gilli: "Without magic, I'm a nobody."  Merlin calls him "special" and  warns Gilli he'll be executed if he continues using his magic.   (Prompting the question if those who were sorcerer's were put to death for using their magic, how come they never used their magic to evade death?)

One by one the opponents are whittled down.   Leaving Arthur to face Uther in the next round.  Arthur raises his doubts about fighting him: he could either kill him or humiliate him.   Arthur: "Do you have any idea what it's like to live with a man who constantly thinks he's the best?"

Merlin: "....must be irritating."  Conversation alluding to Arthur and Merlin here obviously.   Arthur lets Uther win.

Gilli continues to fight in the tournament because people respect him now, he's the underdog who can take on the king.   Merlin knows what it's like to be him and shows him some magic of his own.  "It's lonely to be more  powerful than any man you know and have to live like a be special and have to pretend you're a fool.   I know how it feels." Summing up Merlin's raison d'etre.   Magic is for good, not "for vanity."    Merlin did sound a little arrogant here, as if he's better than everyone else because he has powers; for someone who was meant to be convincing Gilli to be proud of his ability, but not to use it.   Merlin is protecting Gilli and hasn't forgotten who he really is.   Merlin shows who he is everyday, but he uses his magic only when absolutely necessary and only to save others.

Merlin calls upon the Dragon (John Hurt) who says, "I was beginning to hope you had forgotten me."  Ahh, not so easily, poor Dragon.  Merlin ignored his advice last time- and comments a Dragon Lord shouldn't abuse his power.   He should hope that Arthur "brings about a new age...where the likes of you and I are respected once again...if he sees his father killed through the use of magic, it will harden his mind forever...all great struggles demand sacrifice."

Merlin: "...some choices...stay with you forever."  It's difficult ro see why Merlin didn't know this for himself as he knows how much Arthur does care for his father, so if anything did happen to him he knows he wouldn't stop at hunting down those who would harm him.   In the same way if Uther was harmed by magic, Arthur too would begin to see all magic as evil.   Merlin can only converse with the Dragon since being of magic he is the only one who can advise him.   Merlin's line of choices staying with him forever means merlin having to be the one to protect Arthur and ensure he brings about a better age for all, not just those with magic.

Merlin shakes his head towards Gilli in the tournament, in the hope he won't use magic and kill Uther.   Morgana's absent from this scene, would've had her there in a flash to gloat at what Uther was going through!  It was her suggestion he fight after all. Merlin uses magic to obstruct Gilli in the fight.   That was a bit of a cheat, in the same way Gilli was going to use magic to win, Merlin used magic to make Uther win.

Merlin tells Gilli he was going to kill Uther regardless and "there's no honour in that."  Gilli comes to see his father wasn't really afraid of magic, but he was frightened of how magic could corrupt.   One day Merlin assures him, they'll be free to use magic in the open.   They are kin and will meet again.

Uther is aware of Arthur throwing the fight, as if he wouldn't know and hopes Arthur's sons will give him the same honour when he's king; causing Morgana's blood to boil.   Arthur's actions have "shown that he is now truly ready to be king."  Prophetic words from Uther.   A little confusing as to why Morgana would encourage Uther to fight, considering there are other ways to have him killed, was she so sure he would be killed as he has been champion 3 times in the past, granted he was younger then, but he hasn't lost his fighting prowess, even if Arthur did let him win.   The heir apparent is still alive in Arthur, or did she think Arthur would also succumb to a stronger opponent.   But wait, Morgana, Uther hasn't told anyone she's his daughter yet, so how would she succeed to the throne?

Don't much like these tournament episodes, they're usually more action than intellect; nevertheless, a chance for Merlin encountering a kindred spirit in Gilli.   Again showing how positions could have been reversed and how Merlin could have found himself in Gilli's place, if he hadn't been taken in by Gaius.   Some character development for Merlin, which was good to see, at least he's not stagnant and he is being moved forward and moulded into the merlin he will become one day.

Admittedly this episode felt out of place here, like it was just thrown in before the two part season finale.   Since it's clear Morgana has no clue as to how to go about killing Uther and maybe it would have better served its purpose earlier on in the season.

Monday 11 June 2012

Desperate Housewives 8.22 "Give Me The Blame" Review

Mary Alice: "Karen McClusky had never been sure what her neighbours thought of her...did they see her as merely a baby sitter - or just the mean old lady who lived down the street...but for the first time in her life, she found herself thinking about such things.  Because she knew that her life...was coming to an end."  The women agree to care for Karen (Kathryn Joosten) at home so she doesn't have to leave for the hospice and can die at home like she wants.  Wow Gaby (Eva Longoria) carried  a lot of things back to the house - don't over do it Gaby!

Mary Alice (Brenda Strong) "The town of Fairview have been rocked by scandal.  A housewife had been accused of murder, and her trial was growing more sensational each day.  It truly was all anyone was talking about."  WEll after 8 years of murders, deaths, divorces, betrayals and marriages etc, seems Fairview is still besotted with its scandals.  (Hence the name of the other ABC show, Scandal.)

Gaby tries to hide the newspaper from Carlos (Richardo Antonio Chavira) as it has the bombshell headlines about the trial, but he sees it anyway.  Susan (Teri Hatcher) hasn't told anyone of her decision to move and wants Lee (Kevin Rahm) to remove the sale sign - paying him a compliment about his ass.

Trip (Scott Bakula) believes Ben's (Charles Mesure) testimony could be damning but Bree (Marcia Cross) tells him he doesn't need to worry.  Stone (Christina Chang) plays the tape (from Any Moment) about how Bree put  a body in the ground.  Ben refuses to testify and is held in contempt.  Tom (Doug Savant) tells Lynette (Felicity Huffman) he's filed for divorce and she thinks he was coming round to get back with her.  Renee (Vanessa Williams) meets Ben in jail and recalls the night of the progressive dinner party, though how she could have recalled must be amazing even for her seeing as she was drunk.  She saw Bree coming out of her car and tells Ben this in jail.

Stone hears everything she said to Ben as there's "no expectation of privacy in jail."  She got that line from CSI:Miami no doubt.  Stone threatens to send Ben back to Australia, yeah cos it's a deprived country isn't it and Renee falls for her threat.  The next day, Ben still refuses to testify and tells the judge to "save time and send me back to jail."  Renee testifies as to what she saw to the women's surprise and disgust.  Even though Renee was drunk, Stone was was so desperate for a conviction that she didn't want to check the facts.  She recalls Bree in her car and carrying a shovel.

Lynette is angry as friends don't turn on each other.  Renee was forced to testify to protect Ben.  Picking the man she loves over them. "judging by how I was treated..made the right choice."  She was kept in the dark for a year and that's something Susan can relate to when she complained about the others keeping secrets from her earlier on in the season,  which prompted her to paint that picture.

Trip demands the truth from Bree but she promised her friends.  He tells her she should be scared and admits he has feelings for her as they passionately kiss.  Which prompts Bree to blab, well she was easily convinced, I don't mean that in a horrible way, I like Bree, but after everything she's been through she still falls for a man in the same way as before; admitting it was Carlos and tells Trip everything.  Susan hides the sale of her house from Gaby and tells her the old couple are friends from high school.  Gaby: "What year did you graduate?"

Trip recalls Gaby to the stand and he made a promise to keep Bree out of jail.  Yes but that's his job and besides how unprofessional was kissing his client and then doing the exact opposite and breaking his word to her.   No wonder Bree was angry.  Gaby doesn't recognize Ramon but she knew him as Alejandro, her step father.  Bree feigns a fainting spell and tells Trip not to touch her.  Gaby and Carlos argue at Karen's house and she isn't really asleep which was obvious.  Carlo's admits the truth.  Gaby will tell them she was a victim of abuse and the jury will side with her, not Carlos.  Gaby was selfish and wants to change.  She could have buried the body and killed him out of fear, adrenalin, "you'd be surprised what people can do."  Meaning Karen as she overhears everything.

Gaby wakes and knows it's 2 in the morning without looking at the clock!  Carlos doesn't want Gaby to sacrifice her life for him, she's their daughter's role model. Karen wants to testify that Renee was drunk and convinces Trip to put her on the stand.  Gaby: "I've always been in charge and made Carlos wear the coat.  If it's cold in the courtroom, why was she wearing such a skimpy dress.  She planted a knife in the coat to keep Carlos out.  Karen talks about the Lane and how they "protect each other" and tells of how Gaby's stepfather abused her and confesses.  She did it with "adrenalin, fear" and repeats Gaby's words.  Gaby is too late to confess, well she couldn't even do that right, ha.

Stone accuses Trip of knowing this and he claims she wanted it off her conscience.  She drops the charges against Bree and doesn't file any against Karen.  Roy (Orson Bean) is proud of Karen and got her recipe card for her pot roast.  He tells Tom to not leave anything unsaid, which makes him change his mind about Lynette.  They celebrate Bree's freedom. Bree wants Trip to leave her private party and he wants to explain why he put Gaby on the stand.  He lied to her to win.  In fairness Bree did the same, I mean the man was her lawyer, everything was confidential, to a point.  She claims he was pretending to care about her but she manages to forgive Renee.  Calling Ben her hero;  but not her lawyer!  How could Bree not expect him to do what he had to for her.  Yet she was once a stickler for doing the right thing, irrespective of the consequences.

Tom admits his feelings to Lynette as does she.  She'll "always be the love of my life."

Hey no one mentioned what Lee was doing with Lynette and that it was him who unzipped her dress, that was  a bit of a niggle.  Nor did they get Murphy for falsifying documents in order to arrest Bree for Alejandro and Vance's hit and run which wasn't really solved either.  It was obvious Tom and Lynette would be back together, that is after all how the show began.  E4, dedicated this episode to the memory of Kathryn Joosten who passed away the week this episode was aired in the UK, which made it even more poignant.

Only fitting this episode was more about Karen and how her final swan song was to save Bree - not to mention a few eps ago she actually wanted Bree to end it all for her.  Lynette looked smart in her trouser suit, she should have worn those more often.  Loved the courtroom scenes and they didn't detract from the remainder of the stories either, since it was all kind of interlinked anyway.    Aww Bree treating Trip like that, I mean she had feelings for him and when he reciprocated she was just setting herself up for more heartache!

The title of this episode was from a lyric in the song Last Midnight from the Stephen Sondheim musical Into the Woods.  Which kind of started the whole season going with burying Alejandro in the woods.

Supernatural - 1.6: "Skin" Review

Sam is called by an old friend to look into the arrest of her brother for murder and the duo find more than they bargained for when they run into a shapeshifter, who takes on Dean's appearance.

St Louis, Missouri.   Police stop Dean (Jensen Ackles) and tell him to drop the knife.

One week earlier:  Dean: "Sam  (Jared Padalecki) wears women's underwear."  Is the first line Dean utters.   Sam's reading some e-mails from his Stanford friends.   Dean jibes him about keeping secrets.   Sam: "I just don't tell them everything."  On a job like this, it's not wise to get close to people.   Sam's told them he needs time alone and is on a road trip with his brother.   Dean calls that lying.  Leading Dean onto his fave topic, when he asks, "Is she hot?"  Sam mentions Rebecca (Amy Grabow) and her brother Zach's (Aleks Holtz) been charged with murder.   He was arrested for killing his girlfriend.   Dean: "What kind of people do you hang out with?"  Same kind Dean does, but it's all part of the job for him.

Rebecca tells them Zach came home and found his girlfriend in the chair, he could have only killed her if he was in two places at the same time.   As he's seen in the ATM footage.   Sam tells her Dean's a detective in Arizona.   Dean doesn't  think this is their kind of problem, so Sam can't help out an old friend now if something supernatural isn't involved.   Sam wonders how Zach could have been in two places at once and they've looked into a lot less before.   There's blood everywhere in the apartment and one week later there was a break in and Zach's clothes were stolen.   Dogs keep barking outside.   Sam looks at the photo with all three of them.   Sam comments that animals have a strong sense of the paranormal, hence the dog barking.   Kind of got the feeling here that the dog was barking cos Dean wasn't really him, but that couldn't be possible yet.   Dean looks at the video Rebecca stole from the lawyer.

A husband says goodbye to his wife and his eyes shine, which Sam notices on the video and it's not a camera flare.   Many cultures believe a camera can catch glimpses of the soul and the dog saw it.   Sam believes Zach is a double, Dean: "a doppelganger."  Which would explain how he could be in two places at once.  Sam doesn't see the killer leaving the building in the video, so they have a trail to follow.   There's blood on the tree and an ambulance drives by.   The husband allegedly killed his wife, but he was driving home so couldn't be in two places at once.   Dean decides this is their kind of problem.   Sam thinks they're dealing with a shapeshifter.   Dean explains every culture has a lore on this.   Sam refers to them as skin walkers, werewolves.   The shapeshifter ran out of the back, but the trail ends there.   Dean suggests they go down into the sewer.

Dean notices slimy mucus on the ground, which means it sheds when it changes shape.   The only way it can be killed is with a silver bullet to the heart.   Rebecca finds out Dean isn't a detective and she doesn't want his help.   Dean says Sam lies to his friends "because if they knew the real you, they'd be freaked - that's just easier."  Sam replies it would be if he was like Dean.  But they're not like other people.   Dean finds more mucus.   Dean: "I think we're close to its lair."
Sam: "Why do you say that?"

Dean: "Cos we're close to its puke-inducing bile next to your face."  Sam didn't smell that.   Love that part, it was just like Mulder's  (David Duchovny) scene from the X-Files episode, Squeeze.  Sam sees the shapeshifter behind Dean, who attacks Dean on his left arm with a knife.   Sam shoots and it escapes.   Dean says they need to get back to the car and his eyes flash when he crosses the road.   Sam throws Dean the car keys and recalls Dad (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) facing a shapeshifter in San Antonio.   Sam tests Dean.   Dean catches the keys with his left hand.   Sam is knocked out, very easily again.   Shapeshifter Dean says he used to worry about himself but the more he knows about Dean's background, he was better off.   He tells Sam about Dean's "issues" with Sam being able to go to college and he had to stay home.   Dean had dreams of his own but he had to be there for Dad.   He claims Dean is jealous of Sam having friends and he had dreams of his own.   Shapeshifter Dean: "Me, I know I'm a freak and sooner or later everybody's gonna leave me."

Shapeshifter Dean says he's met the nicest people and Dean would sleep with Rebecca if he had the chance.   That's nothing new to us, we know what Dean's like after all and this would be nothing new to Sam either.   Though the part about Dean's jealousies is new.   of course he'd have dreams of his own and want a life of his own, but nothing's ever easy for the eldest.   Dean wakes up and hopes that's really Sam and not that "freak of nature...  he's not stupid, he picked the handsome one."  Shapeshifter Dean visits Rebecca, thought she wanted nothing more to do with him.  He tells her of the shapeshifter and maybe it was born human, but was hideous and hated and learned to become someone else.   His eyes flash.

Sam tells Dean he was becoming him, downloading all his thoughts and memories.   Dean: "Like a Vulcan mind meld."  Dean believes they need to be kept alive for a psychic connection.   Shapeshifter Dean is alone and wants someone to love him.   He beats her up when she doesn't comply.   The police go after shapeshifter Dean and shoot at it.   It sheds its skin.   They see Dean's sketch on the news.   Dean: "First I want to find that handsome devil and kick the holy crap out of him...there's a guy walking around with my face, so it's a little personal."  Sam says they have no weapons.   Dean: "The thought of him driving my car, it's killing me!"

Sam: "Let it go."  Police car sees them and Sam holds them off.   Dean enters the sewers and finds more bile.   It's now shifted into Rebecca.   Sam is knocked out, again! If he kills Sam he'll be hunted forever.   Dean has good qualities, he should appreciate him more.   Shapeshifter Dean puts the knife down and Sam tries to cut loose after being tied up.   They fight and the shapeshifter tries to strangle Sam.   Dean shoots him through the heart, taking his necklace back.   Thus leaving the dead shapeshifter with Dean's face.   Sam tells Rebecca what they really do, Jessica (Adrienne Palicki) didn't know either.   It's his family and he can't do anything about it.

Dean is the police's suspect for the murders.   They find the murder weapon and blood stained clothes in his lair.   Dean's sorry and he wishes things could be different, that Sam could be 'Joe College'.   Sam didn't fit in at Stanford.   Dean: "That's cos you're a freak.   Well I'm a freak too.   I'm right there with you all the way."  Dean's sorry he's going to miss his own funeral and not many guys get to do that.

Once again we delve into their family life, or lack of and how Sam got to live his dream, go to college and get out of hunting.   Whereas Dean felt he had an obligation to Dad and he needed him.   The shapeshifter does tell Sam some home truths about Dean and as we know, Dean's not one to talk, so he won't tell Sam any of this.   Preferring to keep it to himself.   Good to see he thinks he's as much a freak as Sam is, since he calls him a freak on many occasions.   What else can he call themselves since not many people would do what they do and if push came to shove, they would opt out for a normal life too, instead of saving people.   Also good to see some people from Sam's past to show he did have a life outside of the family.

The Closer - 6.15: "An Ugly Game" Review

Brenda is tasked with a case that isn't the usual realm of Major Crimes by Taylor, who doesn't want them sitting around idle as that's what Chief Delk would want.

Two mounted policemen find a man smoking crack.   He's arrested and tries to resist especially by dropping some keys to the ground.   The policeman puts the keys back into his pocket.   He also has blood on his shirt and claims to have been attacked.   At the station he's stripped searched and his pockets are emptied, but only a pack of gum is found.   The keys have mysteriously disappeared.   One goes back to search for them and finds them discarded in the rubbish.   The policeman takes the case to Taylor (Robert Gossett) and tells him the suspect's name is Thomas Arthur Gavin III, known as Trey.

Taylor passes the case to Brenda (Kyra Sedgwick) as Delk doesn't want them sitting around doing nothing.   Provenza (GW Bailey) reads out Trey's academic achievements.   He's told to make copies of the keys and find the Mercedes they belong to.  Brenda questions Trey (Riley Smith) and he asks for chocolate as it helps him when he's in withdrawal.   He claims to have been treated badly at the rehab clinic, Credence and Brenda takes him under her wing by ensuring she'll look into it, as well as speaking to his parents on his behalf.   Of course knowing Brenda, she won't do this and she 'strings' him along the entire time.  Flynn (Tony Denison) posits Trey could have left rehab anytime he wanted as it wasn't court ordered and so he left last night.  Flynn also knows the rehab clinic isn't run by a bunch of cons.

Trey offers to talk but asks for protection from the man who attacked him, known as Sarge.  (Matt McTighe)  The police should know of him, stating also the keys belonged to him, he also has a knife.   Sanchez (Raymond Cruz) finds out the Merc was stolen but that a girl - Kimberly Adams - was reported missing by her father, Kevin Adams (Matt McCoy).   Kimberly was able to withdraw money from her card but it was in the name of K Adams like her father.   So explains Flynn, she could still use it.   Kevin brings in photos of Kimberly and says she had an appendectomy scar but no tattoos.

Gabriel (Corey Reynolds) finds she bought drinks for two people at a bar.   Sarge is known as Edward Cain and Brenda asks Sanchez to assist the police in bringing in Sarge unharmed as she wants to check him for wounds.   Buzz (Philip P Keene) sends Provenza Kimberly's photo.   Sarge has been pepper sprayed as he resisted.   Also Gabriel calls in Pope (JK Simmons)  who wonders why a drugs case was within the remit of Major Crimes.   He also tells Taylor he hasn't left yet and he may not leave, even if Taylor doesn't want him around.

Sarge claims he didn't rob anyone and the knife is Trey's.   Gabriel can't shake the feeling he has about the keys and why Trey would throw them away.   Trey wants out and throws a chair through the glass.   Gabriel warns Brenda to be careful of Trey and not trust him and he shouts back to Trey that he's treated like a criminal cos he is one.   Provenza locates the Merc and finds a DB in the boot/trunk they assume is Kimberly.   Morales (Jonathan Del Arco) doesn't find any scar on the DB, but she has a tattoo on her ankle.   Kevin IDs her as Michelle, Kimberly's best friend.   Kimberly is still missing.

Fritz (Jon Tenney) is also called in by Pope and he admits to Brenda everything he did when he was  an alcoholic, including shooting up his car one time.   He was lucky he didn't shoot anyone.   He calls himself a "monster" as well as being good.   That's who he used to be be as well.   Gabriel shows Brenda ATM footage of Michelle  being attacked brutally by a man in grey hoodie, who beats her up over and over.   Brenda can't stand what she sees and is upset she believed Trey.   Brenda lies to Trey by telling him someone in his condition can't be held legally responsible for what he did within ten hours and he left the clinic nine hours before.   If anything happens to Kimberly then he will be responsible for her death.   He tells them she's in a container, still alive.  Sanchez, Gabriel and Provenza also find a bloody hoodie.

Trey confesses to killing Michelle when she ran out of money and Brenda points out he could have got more money from Michelle.   Brenda views him with contempt calling him a "monster," in Fritz's words.   He's arrested for first degree murder.  Brenda talks to Gabriel about going over her head to Pope and she hopes he doesn't have cause to do that again.   Gabriel insists he's always on her side.   Wonder if Brenda believes tha?  It looked like she had her doubts, especially since Gabriel has been watching out for her since she arrived in LA in season 1 and had a better rapport with her even before the others warmed to her.

Fritz talks to Brenda about his life as an addict cos he thinks they need to as it's been too long.   An episode where you almost think Brenda suspects Trey from the outset especially when she tells him she'll talk to his parents and help him.   Yet it's just a 'ploy' to use as leverage and get him on her side and trust her; to open up to her.   Not until she tells Fritz she was wrong about him do we realize she did believe he was telling the truth.   Even Gabriel suspects Trey, but at least she doesn't falter when she finds the truth and uses this to get him to confess and find Kimberley.   Maybe if she had spoken to Fritz about his addiction earlier, she'd have seen the warning signs and how addicts lie to get their next score or drink and would do anything for money.

Then again she's had such suspects in the past and what makes her so trusting of Trey?   Surely it can't have been his privileged background.   Flynn has to point out to Brenda and Gabriel that they still have a missing girl to locate when she and Gabriel are at loggerheads over Trey's guilt or innocence.   Will  her relationship with Gabriel be the same again?   Also in 6.6 she saw firsthand what addiction can do when the addict killed the man at the ATM for cash.

Fritz: "Okay you know that conversation you never want to have - we've put it off as long as we can.   I'm an alcoholic which means I'm an addict."
Brenda: "You're making it sound like you're some kind of monster.   You're the most decent person I know."
Fritz: "I'm not honey, I'm sorry but I'm both."