
Sunday 10 June 2012

The Vampire Diaries - 3.16: "1912" Review

Alaric is arrested as a suspect in the murders and Damon recalls his time and meeting a vampire named Sage for the first time. Rebekah tries to grill Damon for info on the white oak.

Mystic Falls 1912 Sheriff Gerald Forbes (Lee Spencer) is worried about the safety of Zachariah Salvatore (Marcus Hester) after a councilman is murdered.  This fate soon befalls him too.

Carol Lockwood (Susan Walters) is worried about the present day sheriff  (Marguerite McIntyre) solving the murders.  Alaric (Matt Davis) wakes behind bars and he's a suspect.  Meredith (Torrey DeVitto) thinks he could have stabbed himself.  Only he believe she's being framed.  Damon (Ian Somerhalder) resolves to find out what happened and the sheriff suggests his involvement could just make things worse.

Matt (Zach Roerig) has talked to Bonnie, and Abby has decided to become a vampire and she doesn't blame Elena (Nina Dobrev) who disagrees.  All this was to save her life and it's her fault.  It almost always is about Elena and that won't really change.  Damon thinks he should "rip out Dr False accusations throat or tongue."  Elena wants him to show some compassion towards Abby.  "Should I send Lasagne?" She warns if he "keeps pushing people away he'll end up alone."

Damon: "You hate me the world is back on its axis."  Damon returns home to read one of Stefan's (Paul Wesley) journals and comments they could "activate our Wonder Twin power."  He wants to bond as brothers.  Damon recalls 1912 when Mystic Falls also had a serial killer.

Stefan was Zachariah's nephew as he speaks with Samantha Gilbert (Lindsay R Garrett) and Mariana Lockwood (Hannah Fierman).  No one is discussing Zachariah's death.  Samantha says he was murdered.  Damon arrives, "Have you been eating the relatives again?" he asks Stefan. The brothers haven't seen each other in 50 years.  Stefan turned him into a vampire and he's been spending time drinking peoples' blood.  Stefan has missed Damon.

Present day:  Stefan thinks Damon's bored and he agrees to help Damon solves the murders. Rebekah (Claire Holt) grills Carol about the tree records.  Carol assumes they were probably cut down as as the Salvatore's owned the logging mills.  Damon: "She-Devil 9 O' clock!"  That look Damon gives Rebekah was either enough to send shivers down someone's back but not in a cold way, rather seductively actually!  Damon comments Bill and Brian were all on the Founders Council.

Alaric doesn't have a motive for the killings and he spoke with Meredith for over an hour on that night, though he doesn't recall the conversation since he was drinking.  He doesn't have an alibi for Bill's murder.  Damon refers to Rebekah as "Blondie Bex" and if she wants more sex then she should just ask.  Stefan ponders the possibility a vampire could be behind the killings.  Damon thought it could be Stefan.  Charming!  There wasn't any other vampire around then.

Sage (Cassidy Freeman) was around in 1912. She was a boxer.  Flash to Stefan being able to show Damon how to survive without human blood.  He can't lecture Damon anymore.  Back in the present, Rebekah says she knew Sage and then Stefan suspects it could be Sage behind the killings.

Elena defends Alaric and Meredith questions what Elena knows about him - that Isobel got  a restraining order against him twice.  Elena dates vampires so she shouldn't be shocked Alaric is a murderer.  Damon then calls Rebekah "Lushy Pants" and that she's not invited to join their conversation.  Elena and Zach break into Meredith's apartment, since she'll have a skeleton in her closet.  She's got files on Brian, Bill and Alaric.

Damon doesn't believe Meredith could be a killer as she couldn't stab three men, but Rebekah says she could.  Stefan doesn't kill human beings anymore and Damon hated how Stefan used to be all self-righteous.  Damon reads from Stefan's journal and how he wrote about Damon continuing to waste his life.

1912  Damon doesn't want fun as the woman he loves has been entombed for 100 years.  Sage tells him his technique is all wrong, "bad vampire."  Women are for pleasure.  Damon's spoken for. He should relish the pleasure of being a vampire and look for the women who are buttoned up. They secretly crave seduction.  Damon's a vampire and it's all his for the taking.

Sage was obsessed with Finn over 900 years ago.  Damon wants Stefan to admit he wants to eat the staff.  Meredith has the Gilbert journal.  A letter from the Coroner's office states the TOD was wrong and Meredith returns home to catch them both hiding in her closet.  The sheriff already has the letter and has apologized for accusing Alaric.

Damon talks of Stefan's "eternally guilty conscience."  He's stubborn  and has opted for a life without drinking blood.  Rebekah offers to help Damon, as he feeds on a random woman.  Stefan stops him. It was just to lure Stefan and Damon's version of tough love.  He threatens to let Rebekah lose on the woman unless Stefan feeds.  Damon tells him he let blood control him and he must fight it.  Stefan feeds ravenously.  Damon wants Rebekah gone and Elena and Matt catch Stefan in the act.  Damon refers to Stefan's actions as an "experiment."

Matt doesn't see why Elena  has a "thing" with them.  After her parents died she wanted to feel safe and being with Stefan felt this way.  He'd always love her and never die like her parents.  As for Damon, he "snuck up on me." He gets under Elena's skin.  Matt comments once you're in love he doesn't know if you can "ever shake 'em."  Then he and Elena have a moment of closeness. Obviously he's talking about their past relationship.  Matt stole the journal for Elena.  He's "invisible in a town of vampires," being human.

Damon believes Stefan did fine and Elena will understand.  He's not bothered with what she thinks but why does Damon care?   He thinks he's getting Elena to hate Stefan so he can go back to hating him. Damon's trying to help.  Last time Damon tried to help in 1912, he convinced him to drink human blood.  Sage reminded Damon it was worth it to drink human blood and Stefan picks out a woman.  Stefan drinks and can't stop, eventually killing her.  Stefan then became the "Ripper of Monterrey."

Damon watched Stefan go over the edge back then and didn't stop him.  Stefan doesn't think Damon could have stopped him.  Damon didn't want to, now he does cos he's the only one he has left.  Alaric doesn't want Elena to get into trouble for him.  She has to since there's no one else around to get into trouble for.

Samantha was as crazy as Jonathan Gilbert.  Stefan found the archives from 1900 and a confession ten years later.  Samantha was locked up in an asylum and her trail ends.  Damon had killed her.  Meredith forged the Coroner's letter to clear Alaric's name, that was apparent.  The sheriff was easily fooled.  The journal had extracts of "not feeling like myself" and "losing time." Stefan wonders if Samantha is still alive since she was a Gilbert and had a ring.

Alaric had black outs, his weapons were used in the murders.  Meredith asks, "How many times can you die before it changes you?"  The same thing happened a hundred years ago.  Elena hated to say it but Meredith was right.  Samantha had a ring and she was the one who killed Zachariah and the others back in 1912.

Great twist the way they had us going as Meredith being the killer.  Turned out to be Alaric.  Talk about heading head first into murky depths.  Never pegged Alaric as the killer, though there were obvious signs, like his weapons and not being able to recall.  The clues were there, especially since no one knows the effect of using the ring so many times.  So what now with Jeremy (Steven R McQueen)?  He's used it once only and they have to let him keep it, as Elena sent him away to be safe.  Also good to see Damon made the same discovery about Alaric at the same time too.

Damon's and Stefan's flash to 1912, where Damon was going to teach him how to live without human blood was so reflective of today.  Here Damon enticed Stefan with human blood in order to help him control it.  Trust Elena to appear when she did.  Caught in the act. If ever that phrase was so relevant, it's here.  Damon didn't want to know Stefan back in 1912 and he didn't want to help him either as he walked away .

This now changed dramatically as Damon wants to help.  Would've thought that would have still been the case back in 1912; seeing as Katherine was entombed.  also the parallels here between Elena saying she didn't want to be alone and that's why she felt safe with Stefan; then telling Damon he'll end up alone if he keeps pushing people away.

Stefan's journals transported us back to season 1 of the show.  As well as Matt wanting to know why Elena got involved with Stefan and Damon to begin with.  Didn't expect her reply to have been so enlightening and also selfish in a way.  Stefan would always be around, even when she would eventually grow old and would leave him alone, just as she lost her parents.

The reveal that Alaric's ring was the cause of his changing personality, whilst interesting, as it drew parallels to Samantha Gilbert (Elena's cousin) who suffered the same fate as him by using the ring many times over.  Still has along way to go in terms of storyline.  What is interesting is that the ring is a Gilbert family heirloom and Alaric kind of 'inherited' the ring as he married into the family and as such is now left to face this consequence.  Seems like a Gilbert family curse in that wearing the ring ensures life, but at the same time, it takes away the user's faculties.  Wonder if Jeremy will endure the same fate.

One thing I didn't like was how Alaric was introduced as having a tainted past.  A violent one too. This was probably just introduced as adding some sort of weight to the mix of Alaric being someone of questionable character and predisposed to violent tendencies.  (Think they're mistaking him for Damon, ha.)  This isn't the case shown by the love he has for Elena and Jeremy. Hey the guy even likes Damon, now that's saying something about the man.

Stefan's flashback's were amazing and I know the Vic's head falling from her body could be viewed as a funny moment in a macabre way. Yet the desperation in Stefan trying to piece it back to her body was sad.  Illustrating how the frenzy he showed here was going to turn him into a killing machine and earn the name of "Ripper."

The Closer - 6.14: "Living Proof: Part Two" Review

Continuing on from last episode, Brenda and the others investigate the murders and bring the killer to book. Major Crimes gets to celebrate Christmas eventually, but not how they wanted.

The coroner, Kendall (Ransford Doherty) examines Sara's DB at the scene, stating she hasn't been dead all that long.   Buzz (Phillip P Keene) uses his video camera to film as usual and Sara's computer is missing.   Brenda (Kyra Sedgwick)  asks Provenza (GW Bailey) to speak with Skander (Aaron Refvem) as he's kind of close to him.   Morales (Jonathan Del Arco) was meant to be with his boyfriend's family.   He finds Sara has the same torture marks on her body as her sister, Anila.   Brenda invites Morales to Christmas dinner with everyone else at work.

Flynn (Tony Denison) crosses off everyone's names on the board, as each one of their plans is put paid to.   Tao (Michael Paul Chan) has an Albanian translation book and tells them of an Albanian rule of the 'blood feud' called 'Kanun' which doesn't allow for anyone to be killed in their home, or for women to be killed either.   Taylor (Robert Gossett) asks if he can help out and Provenza hands him the Santa Claus suit.   Raydor (Mary McDonnell) plays the 911 video of Armand (Michael Aronov) and Shariq fighting, but it's in Albanian and she can't understand it.   Brenda needs Skander to retract his statement about Pope (JK Simmons) and for Joan ( Margaret Easley) to withdraw the lawsuit, then Raydor can leave.   Tao has Sara's e-mails from the computer, though they're also in Albanian,  he shows her a photo with Joan and Armand which Sara sent out before the killings started.

Fritz (Jon Tenney) calls Brenda, Willie Rae (Frances Sternhagen) is distraught.   Arriving home, her parents show her the RV has been broken into and the presents have been stolen, as has their microwave.   Fritz mentions Clay (Barry Corbin) found the yellow CS tape.   After a moment where Clay talks of the real meaning of Christmas, Brenda's phone rings and she's called back in.   For someone who's just had a robbery in front of their home, Fritz didn't seem too concerned, so what's he hiding?

Sanchez (Raymond Cruz) and Gabriel (Corey Reynolds) found Joan had surgery at the hospital and that's why Sara sent the photo.   Small world ending up at that hospital, in the same town, in the same country.

Brenda shows Joan the video of the attack on Armand, after Gabriel and Brenda wonder which one of the two they can ask to translate for them, since Fritz was unable to find an Albanian translator.   Joan translates the word, "ghost."  They also show her Skander's taped interview with Provenza, who told them Shariq was afraid of the police.   Skander tells the same story as Armand; only Shariq's son died on top of him, after Shariq was shot in the back.   Her husband isn't Armand, which is what I said last episode review.   She's shown the bullet removed from Shariq's back, which matched a Serbian weapon.   Armand's DNA didn't match any of his 'family' but it did match Skander.   He is Armand's son.   Joan tells of Armand coming home and changing his clothes, he told her he was covered in blood after the fight but in the video, he didn't have any .   Brenda believes if they can see blood inn the car they can have probable cause to search it.   Joan worries everything she told her about their conversation is privileged between husband and wife.  

Joan wears a camera and wire and speaks with Armand, Tao relaying anything Armand says in a police station to his wife has no expectation of privacy.   She told him her alibi consists of being with him so he replies he'll say the same thing.   Brenda has other ideas on how to catch Armand for murder.   Willie Rae invites Raydor to Christmas dinner with them.   Fritz and Brenda question Armand, asking him his real name - to check whether he's on the list of war criminals.   if he's not then Brenda will release him.   Skander's his son and he claims  he fell for an Albanian girl and was hated by everyone, so he left.   Brenda doesn't believe him, he'll just going on making up another story and another.   He reveals his name is Zoran Antonowicz - he's not on the list.   Thus he's also not legally married to Joan, that name's not on the marriage licence.  

Tao searches the car for blood with luminol and it comes back positive.   Gabriel arrests Armand/Zoran for the murder of Anila and Sara.   Joan's going to take his children and Skander and disappear.   Brenda's parents decide to leave and return to Atlanta.  Fritz and Brenda planned the break in.  

Don't you hate it when you're right.   Armand being a Serb - whether a war criminal or not, was what I said in one of my scenarios last episode.   It was apparent why he killed the entire Marku family.   But how could they have been sure Zoran was even his real name either?   Still at least he didn't get away with murder as he thought he would.   That's Brenda he was dealing with and she never gives up.   Also the way he spoke to Brenda showed his true colours.   Though Skander wasn't involved, I stand by my previous comment on that look he gave Brenda last episode, if looks could kill.   He may have been right to act that way due to his grandfather Shariq's fear of police.   Skander was more defiant.

For all the work Joan did in that village, she didn't know who Armand really was, but it's easy to become someone else when you're suspected of genocide and war crimes.   Though nothing was found on Armand/Zoran he was still guilty of murder and Skander was 'living proof' of his crimes.

At least the team had Christmas dinner and no one was alone for Christmas and they got their killer in the end too.  

NCIS - 7.14: "Masquerade" Review

The agents investigate a bombing and think it could be terrorist related. However the case leads them to a company and a Defence Bill being passed. Allison Hart rears her head again in another ploy to get under Gibbs' skin.

Alfonso (Jeremy Ray Valdez) picks up a girl in a bar, or at least attempts to before seeing his brother Roman's (Yorlin Madera) car explode in a police chase.   Tony (Michael Weatherly) finds a new fad, May 25th is national Tap Dance day and he wants to be prepared.   Ladies are into parties.   Ziva (Cote de Pablo) says McGee (Sean Murray) is wearing a tux as he's attending a wedding over the Internet.   Tony: "I would be laughing if this wasn't so sad."  Hey that's never stopped Tony from making fun before.   He thinks McGee is taking technology too far, well he wasn't the one who started this whole technology revolution.   There are some who would argue social networking sites etc take technology too far.   Gibbs (Mark Harmon) gives McGee a minute to change and then tells him he's had his minute.  At least he let McGee 'attend' the wedding.

They arrive at the scene of the explosion and Ziva says the blast was isolated.  Lance Corp Roman Vega was the Vic.   Acetone hydroxide was found in the boot (trunk) of the car, as Gibbs informs her.   Ziva believes the explosion to be an accident.   Palmer (Brian Dietzen) finds the torso.   Ducky (David McCallum) tells them he needs DNA for a positive ID and several body parts are missing.   McGee is carrying the head in a bag, or at least what's left of it.   Found near a bowling alley of all places.   No jokes now please, as this brings to mind the CSI season 10.8 Lover's Lane episode where the headless body of a man was found near a bowling alley and his head was actually used as a bowling ball.   Ducky: "I do hope that when the time comes and you find the head removed from your body, it is treated with more respect."  A joke in there unexpectedly, since when the time comes they won't know what's happened to their head.

McGee says he wasn't meant to be disrespectful.   Tony on the other hand, can only see the funny side, as is Tony: "...weirder than you carrying your head around in a bag and forgetting about it." McGee finds the signal is close to the car.   Tony comments about the dead spot like that near his therapist's office.   Notice McGee missed that remark and has to stop and ask about the therapist.   We didn't know Tony was seeing a therapist, and what for, not more fallout from Jeanne, let's hope not.   Mind you he could have said he's seeing  therapist, as in dating.   Though Tony's dates don't tend to last for more than a day or night.   Then he had to go and spoil the moment and add, physical therapist.   He hurt his knee kneeling.   What practising dancing or the other thing one does on one's knees and I'm not expanding on that!  Just think Tony and extra curricular activities, or not.   Agh, move on already!

McGee comments a Geiger counter causes RF interference.   Tony says first the plague, now radiation poisoning, someone's got it in for him.   That's the plague being mentioned twice this season and within the space of two episodes.   Gibbs mentioned it to DiNozzo Senior in episode 12 Flesh and Blood.   Tony being affected with the plague in the season 2 episode SWAK.   This isn't about Tony, but his "little DiNozzo makers."  Tony retorts McGee's kids will be smart, "but mine had a shot at being really beautiful" cos looks are everything to Tony.   Mind you they'd probably take after their mother, ha.   Abby (Pauley Perrette) jumps onto Tony in her Hazmet suit for a hug.   There are only minute traces of radiation on the car.   Tony: "Nice work, McPanic."

McGee finds the source of the radiation isn't from the explosion, but the car had Cobalt 60, used in dirty bombs.   The X-ray machine being a clue.   Ziva wonders where it is now and the story is already on the news.   Tony adds it's good for ratings.  McGee was working when Tony was showering for the third time.     Vance (Rocky Carroll) has heard of Walter Kane (John Getz) he's been following his work.   Gibbs asks "what on my Blog?"  He's been tracking the Nueva protest against the US anti-drug policies in Peru.   They've been planning an attack.   Oh forgot to add Walter was my suspect.   Roman is a link to their cell.  Vance mentions the Defence Contractor Bill and spending money on things they don't need.

Alfonso logged onto the e-mail at the hotel.   Tony asks Gibbs if he wants to break the door down.   They forgot about Maggie, his lawyer, i.e.  M Allison Hart (Rena Sofer) who is there.   Ziva: "This is going to get ugly."  But everyone likes ugly, especially all of them.  Tony: "I hope so" but aren't allowed to stick around to hear what happens.   Gibbs tells her he doesn't have a problem with   the law.   The others still listen in outside the room.   She has Col Bell's men for security, they owed her a favour.  Under the law, Gibbs has a right to talk to Alfonso, as long as she's around.

Tony brings drinks to the interrogation, Ziva's bringing popcorn.   Gibbs informs her he's Special Agent Gibbs, not Mr.   He needs answers and he wants answers too.   He talked to Roman who told him to run.   Allison tells him not to talk anymore.   Gibbs tells her she's unaware Alfonso was a member of Nueva.   He denies being involved with them.   He wanted to back-trail the calls to a warehouse in Virginia and trusts Gibbs now.   Ziva runs with the popcorn but she's missed everything, Gibbs helps himself to popcorn.   Allison wants him to release her client as he's not been charged with anything.   If he's involved with terrorism, he doesn't need to be charged, as a  lawyer she should have known that.   In which case she's hanging around too.  Didn't she come across as so wanting Gibbs!

 Tony talks about how Gibbs would go for  a hand to hand gunbattle and Tony comments Allison's good with a blade.   Ziva adds spirit is vital in a knife fight.   Tony mentions the Geiger counter and Ziva says they don't have a warrant for the warehouse.   Technically it's owned by people.   Ziva doesn't think Allison would approve.  Tony says she should spend a night working homicide, everything wasn't all black and white back then, when it was all red.

Ziva doesn't believe it's all black and white when life is threatened either.  She recalls when she was a hostage, (7.1) Saleem justified his actions in a similar way.   Going back to the season 7 opener, which no one has really talked about.   She's not defending him, irrespective of his reasons for his actions, Ziva: "this country holds itself to higher standards - nation of laws to be followed."  But only when it suits them to do so.   Tony says she doesn't talk about it, in what appears to be a close moment for them.    Ziva knows what Saleem did was bad but becoming like him is worse.   Oh here we go, hypocrisy, what did she used to do as an assassin.   She wasn't making the world safe for anyone using those killing tactics and they weren't justified either. They find acetone hydroxide, wires, timers.  A bomb was being built.

Abby removes the Hazmet suit and finds prints belonging to the old occupants of the car.   She blew up the car five times, most of it is still out there and analyzed the harddrive from the burnt computer.   Gibbs times it perfectly as she's waiting for a hit and finds an encrypted Vic file where Roman talks about orders to detonate the package.   Ducky finds the COD was dismemberment and the wound predates the blast.   It was a from a cigarette lighter and wasn't self-inflicted.   The dental impressions didn't belong to Roman, he's alive.  They belonged to a John Cook, former sergeant.   Vance says Roman and Cook made bombs and Roman gives the orders.   Vance and Gibbs back it up since he went to the dentist, a new one every few days.   Vance believes they need to prepare for the worst but the real threat is the panic.   So a dirty bomb is a WMD and people are scared.  His testimony was like overkill yesterday.  

The dentist, Dr Shore ( Brad Greenquist) recalls he had perfect teeth and working on him was orgasmic, which McGee didn't want to hear.

In the robbery X-ray machines were taken which had Cobalt 15.   There are sources for bombs everywhere, which is what Abby said.   Allison's at their office and sits at Gibbs' desk, naturally; still calling him 'Mr'.   She wonders who cuts Gibbs' hair.   You can tell a lot about  aman who cuts his hair.   Her sister cuts hers, well that's not very adventurous of her then is it and is she saving money!  Tony comments he spends more on his hair than it would cost to feed a Third World family for a year.   Kate (Sasha Alexander) already had that conversation about Gibbs' hair in season 1.23 Reveille.   Also Abby has mentioned it too.  Gibbs orders her out of his chair.   She's filing suit against Gibbs and NCIS, for violating State and Constitutional protections.   Gibbs released Alfonso.   Tony wanted to call security, which he should have done.

Gibbs plans on using Alfonso as a tail, he hopes he's not around when Allison finds out.   Gibbs used Alfonso as bait, "or maybe I am."  Roman signs a waiver against having a lawyer.   He was working for the DOD who required Spanish speakers for a top secret training programme.   Everything was a lie and they were recruited by Cook.   He doesn't know anything about  a terrorist attack.   Tony finds traces of blood on the street where the car was found, belonging to Roman.   Gloria his girlfriend was a nurse in Lima and no bomber would have a girlfriend like that, unless Gibbs' gut says otherwise.   They needed a fall guy.   Ziva finds the dentist is missing.   The news reports of one dirty bomb being exploded a day within the hour.   Tony hates dentists since Marathon Man (and Alias, thought I'd mention that myself.) Ha.

Vance bans Allison and two fatalities are reported in the city.   McGee looks up, photos of a bus station were viewed from the Pentagon.   McGee takes radiation sensors and accompanies Gibbs inside the bus station.   Tony tells him not to make him say it.   McGee: "be careful Tony."  They find the bomb in the briefcase and McGee disobeys Gibbs' order to leave.   He cuts the red wire.   Similar to the bomb episode with the Korean women assassins, 3.14 Light Sleeper, where Tony and Ziva refused to leave Gibbs too.   Abby tells him the bomb should have exploded when he cut any wire.   He got an 'F' in chemistry.   Gibbs suspects Kane, he's the expert.  He doesn't think Vance should do anything.   Vance says the Defence Bill is terrible and would never pass, but after the bombs it would.   So Kane would make millions as a defence contractor.   No one would vote against the Bill at threat level Red.   Everything was traced back to his computer.   Vance: "I guess we have better nerds."  Ziva brings in the results after Kane's fallen for their bluff.

Allison is on Gibbs' couch at home.   Gibbs says he's not the only one who needs a warrant.  Gibbs says she never helped the wrong man get away.   Roman doesn't pay for her clothes, but Bell does.   She gets 5 requests a week for Pro Bono work but only accepts the cases Gibbs is on.   He has a job and she keeps getting in the way.

Allison going on about the law and constitutional rights and so was Ziva, becoming a proper little citizen.   With Tony and Gibbs on the other side.   More references to Tony's little swimmers, back to the season episode when Ziva tricked him into revealing he'd been donating sperm.   Then we get Abby jumping him and Allison after Gibbs.

So what's Allison's real motive for going after Gibbs, she's just been stalking him and he finds himself attracted to her, as he told Ducky a few episodes ago.   But why, she's not his type and now all of a sudden he trusts her, when he doesn't even know her.   That's a bit unbelievable for someone like Gibbs.   Also Gibbs hates lawyers so why the turnaround now.   Tony's line of hating lawyers more than Klingons in the season 4 Hallowe'en episode.   Now what possible reason could Tony have for that.   That's just following in Gibbs' footsteps again.   How could Gibbs be attracted to his stalker like that - she's stalked and then attempted to seduce him - did he fall for it and her? Breaking into his house like that is classic stalker behaviour.   Dina Meyer  as Holly Snow was better even though she's "out of bounds" being a Madam, but is a redhead.  

Another episode where you just don't know what to make of it.   Ziva reveals some of her feelings to Tony about being held hostage but they're not really personal feelings, they're more to do with right and wrong and the fact she wants to become a citizen.  Before getting here, she didn't really feel that strongly about such things.

The CS tape Gibbs carries around in the beginning seems to change from each scene from being around his waist, to being over his arm with the sling.   Tony asking Gibbs if he wants to break down the door, when clearly Gibbs has a bandage, which Tony sheepishly remarks, he forgot about.   Tony doesn't mention any movies this time, but there were plenty he could have alluded to.

Lie To Me - 2.5: "Grievous Bodily Harm" Review

An old face from Cal's past arrives looking for help, as we get snippets into Cal's secret criminal past. The rest of the team look into death threats filmed in a video for school.

The scene opens with Cal (Tim Roth) telling a man he's lying and Cal is shot.  
28 hours earlier:  Gillian (Kelli Williams) informs Cal that he has a Sally Robinson waiting for him in his office.   Sally is actually Terry (Lennie James) an old friend of Cal's.  At a bar they both agree to leave their past behind and Terry wants Cal to play Texas Hold 'Em as he owes money.   Ben (Mekhi Phifer) tells Gillian that Terry is on the Scotland Yard watchlist and so he's on the FBI watchlist now.   In which case why was Terry even allowed to enter the US, especially since he's got a criminal record and spent time in prison? Since when did the US allow prisoners into the country?

Cal calls one of the players at the table and wins.   Terry asks for a break and Cal elicits he actually owes $95,000.   Cal headslaps Terry (hey that's Gibbs' (Mark Harmon) specialty in NCIS.)  Gillian and Ria (Monica Raymund) watch a video which appears to be a threat to kill.   The headmaster, Anders (Spencer Garrett) closed the school for a day but refuses to shut it down completely.   Ria shows the video to some pupils at school and gages their reactions.   Cal pays back Terry's debt and then some and calls them even.

Next day Cal watches the video and points out how some of the pupils are looking at each other and the teacher is looking at one in particular.   Cal finds Terry in his office with broken fingers and he's been beaten.   Lance McClellan (James Frain) the man at the poker table, wants to meet Cal or he's threatened to kill Terry.   Cal questions the pupil after getting them to stand and asks who made the video.   Stacey (BK Cannon) is about to say something but Jared (Alex Stamm) confesses.   Gillian doesn't believe he's telling the truth.   Eli (Brendan Hines) watches the tape and notices the expression of relief on Stacey's face when he confesses.

Terry wears one of Cal's shirts and he uses pressure on his broken fingers to make him admit what's really happening.   Terry sold a fake home to a man as part of a scam and he has connections.   They meet Lance in a hotel room, with Ben as back up after Cal tells Ben what's going on, but wants Gillian kept in the dark.   Lance wants Cal to pick out the informant from three men but he knows Lance is lying.

Stacey confesses she made the video but didn't want to kill anyone.   She's being bullied by the popular girl, Jasmine (Brittany 'Nieko' Mann) and others.   She hates PE and she's told the teacher.   Ria and Eli find Fitzgerald (JR Cacia).  The PE teacher knew what was happening and ignored it.   Cal used to run scams with Terry and Cal tells Lance to cancel his meeting as Terry has an FBI agent on his tail, pointing out Ben's car.   Jasmine is sorry for what was happening.  Is that only cos she's been found out but Fitzgerald wouldn't let them stop?   Ria and Eli find Stacey in the toilet after taking an overdose and Gillian was wrong.   It wasn't homicidal intent Stacey was exhibiting, but suicidal intent and she missed it.   What was wrong with Gillian this episode - worrying about Cal?  Or her date?

Cal must inform Lance if one of the men who brought the money is confident in its quality.   Cal is really stalling and that's obvious since he must know Ben is back up and if he read the man at the poker game, then he must also have read that Terry and Lance having planned all this from the outset.   He needs the counterfeiter here and the money to determine where he's lying or not and is sure the money is good.   Stacey accuses Fitzgerald of ignoring her pleas for help and actually encouraging the bullying, backed up by Jasmine.   Lance's bodyguard, Jimmy, (Jay R Ferguson) shoots Cal when he says that he's been stalling and he is shot by Ben.   Jimmy is actually FBI, that wasn't a surprise and again apparent Cal would have gathered what was going on.

Cal asks for Terry's freedom and punches him.   He doesn't want to see him anymore.   Gillian et al wait for Cal at the office to make Cal undergo an intervention.   Gillian says they're a team but he didn't come to them for help.   Cal fires them all, Ria protests she didn't want any part of it and he fires her for being gutless and Ria not being able to tell Cal was lying as she let her emotions get in the way, which she needs to work on.   Well he took over that intervention and turned it round.   Does Cal really not trust his team or did he just not want them involved in his past and his private life?   We know he has trust issues from the Control episode, spying on his employees but he still can't really not rely on them.

Eli tells them about a coach at his school who bullied a boy and made them all take part in it.   Eli: "It's always the popular ones who think they can get away with murder."  Does Eli have a dark past or something that's affected him deeply.   He always gets these little gems of dialogue and they never follow through on them.   Eli had something in common with Stacey but he puts it down to another boy being bullied.   Could this other boy have been Eli?   Still Stacey got away with making that video who's to say she wouldn't have gone through with it being a proper, little psychopath for real.   Seeing as she wouldn't have gotten away with it, she could have tried to kill herself, knowing she'd be found and saved.   Yes I am cynical.

Cal timed his dive when he was shot right down to the second, think maybe he knew that was coming, or was it just surprise on his part and then played along with it?   Think he knew since he asks Jimmy how he does that with his eyes.   Gillian getting into another misread case, though nothing serious happens when she does that.   This is her second misread.   Though last episode Ria berated herself for messing up and it wasn't her first time either.   Cal's remark that Eli isn't getting a raise cos they can't afford it. Is he being paid now?

Contrast Terry to Cal's university friend, Jeff, we get to meet the complete opposite in Terry; who Cal tells Gillian saved him and did time for him - losing three years of his life.   He knew Cal had a brain which he could use for good.   Unlike Jeff, Cal and Terry do share a stronger bond.   If Cal didn't care about him he wouldn't have seen it through to the end, cos he was onto what was happening from the outset.   Jeff left Cal after things didn't work out on the drugs case and Cal wired him without his knowledge; Jeff couldn't decide if he wanted to be friends with him still.   But Terry can't let go of Cal's friendship and vice versa.   There's a love/hate relationship here and they genuinely do care, thus Cal repays Terry's sacrifice for him by asking Ben to let him go in return for the help he provided with Lance.

CSI: Miami - 8.17: "Getting Axed" Review

A woman is killed at work and there are numerous suspects, the evidence pointing to one in particular, which makes it a work related murder after all.

A woman is found in the lift (elevator) shaft with an axe through her head after the lift crashes to a halt and blood drips onto the occupant inside.  Tripp (Rex Linn) asks the man, Jeffrey ( Matthew John Armstrong) when he last saw her alive.   Ryan (Jonathan Togo) can't do anything about the DB until ME Tom (Christian Clemenson) arrives.   He wonders how she could have been axed and no one saw it.  "It takes hard work to kill somebody."  Horatio (David Caruso) adds, "Harder than people think."  Ryan is anxious for the DB to be moved and determines her ankle caught in the pulley, causing the lift to freefall and dropped from the nineteenth floor.   Calleigh (Emily Procter) notices the axe is missing, which Horatio already said.   Jesse (Eddie Cibrian) notices the spatter pattern is obscured so he can't determine which print was last put on the button.   Calleigh mentions the dye gel pack on the fire alarm, which is spread by water, so they can see who pulled the fire alarm.   Jesse says they'll need a court order to test the employee's hands.

Walter (Omar Miller) is hoping the killer is still here.  Valerie (Kaylee Delfer) pulled the fire alarm as she had to pick up her boyfriend from the airport and wanted longer than the allotted lunchbreak and Renee (Bridget ann White) sees everything.   Walter: "I think I smell a lie."  No one liked her and Renee was getting people fired, that's a huge misconception there.   Ryan finds some ceramic piece with a picture of a boy and leaves ME Tom stranded without a ladder.  Kent (Bryan Callen) pretends the boy is his, which Walter finds out is a lie, he's a catalogue model.   There's another lie he smelled from before.   Renee figured it out and told him to own up.   Kent was tired with the parents getting all the privileges of leaving early, best holiday time etc.   Walter, getting all the funny lines, "We don't have to believe you, dad."

Horatio hears a noise in the ceiling above them and Teddy (Adam Wylie) crashes through the ceiling.   I Iove Jesse's purple tie!  Teddy lives up there and Horatio thinks he was spying on Renee.   Jesse bags everything from the space in the ceiling and they find bloody towels there too, which matches the Vic.   ME Tom questions whether Renee was smoker and then gets a brainwave, removing her nail polish he notices Mees lines on her nails, an indication she was being poisoned slowly overtime.   She was being given arsenic to make her sick.   Calleigh says Teddy was stealing Renee's food leftovers.   Horatio points out to him that he's being affected by the poison, shown by the white lines on his nails.   Valerie says Calleigh has poisonous fruit and she won't be able to be use it against her.   Calleigh comments that poisonous friut is exactly what she's looking for and so has probable cause to search Valerie.   Valerie wanted revenge on Renee and so was using a teensy-weensy amount of poison.   Adds Calleigh, that's a "teensy-weensy felony."

A note is found, which was sent to Renee telling her she'll pay for ruining someone's life.   Horatio refers to it as a death threat.   The date on the envelope was two years ago, bfore Renee worked here.   They check out her house and Ryan says he'd like a house like that, after Calleigh asks how a single woman could afford it.   Jesse says maybe she has a rich family.  Calleigh wonders what Renee was doing two years ago.   She had a business degree from the Wharton School and asks why she was working on the front desk as a receptionsit.   Renee was the former VP of an investment firm and she was making payments to a local cemetary.   Calleigh says the more they learn about Renee, the less she makes sense.  

Travers (Christopher Redman) tells Jesse that all motor oil has the same chemical structure and make-up.   Jesse noticed the narrow tyre treads outside Renee's house and so wants him to run the sample he found anyway and then asks if he's got a girlfriend yet.   What did that have to do with motor oil?  Anyhoo, the sample comes up with excessive amounts of phosphorus which hasn't been allowed in oil for years.   So it's from a classic car, which leads them to Mark (Daniel Roebuck).  

Horatio tells him he's got lemon peel in his tyres, proving he was at Renee's.   That was yesterday and he got a call from HR, meaning he was about to be fired.   He mowed down her lemon tree with his car.   She didn't know he was being fired and didn't report him bring in in his dog to work.   She told them it was for his epilepsy.   So Tripp says he "axed her in return."  She didn't want anyone in their department to suffer, she knew they were laying people off, but Renee was protecting them.   So no one knew what she was really doing for them, cos no one bothered to get to know her and just saw her as the office ogre.

Ryan discovers she had the same flowers delivered every month to the cemetary.   Luis (Daniel Zacapa) believes she and Paige were close.   She brought her purple hyacinths, cos Renee thought she was going to hell and was asking for forgiveness.   Dave (Wes Ramsey) looks up the police report on Paige's death.   She committed suicide and left a note, which matches the writing on the note sent to Renee.   Paige was fired from where Renee used to work and Calleigh determines that's why Renee chose to become a receptionist.   Paige was Jeffrey's fiancee, the man in the lift.   Walter notices that Jeffrey is leaving and so they'll need to find evidence against him quickly.

Jesse comments it's strange he killed her and the lift was working fine until he got into it.   Ryan thinks Renee could have been trying to avenge her own death.   Jesse says they're letting Renee down.  They examine Jeffrey's clothes from the hospital and the spatter on his shirt.   Ryan refers to as the "fried egg effect." Which would be consistent with blood clotting.   Jesse points to the drop of fresh blood which should be gravitational, but Ryan notices it's eliptical, consistent with horizontal spatter.   Horatio tells Jeffrey the blood evidence confirms he killed Renee.   He admits he took a job there to get close to Renee and he waited a year to throw her down the lift shaft.   Serves him right using the lift after a fire alarm to be caught with her blood on him.

Tripp gets into the lift and the others join him, but he decides to take the stairs instead; followed by Walter, Ryan and then Jesse leaves it too.   This was a final end funny scene, notice there weren't any women in there, fear, it's a guy thing!  Biut why did they leave the lift, it's not like MDPD has dead bodies floating around the place, might have some skeletons, but no DBs.   Who'd want to work in that office, CSI always comes up with extremes in characters and their motivations to act in the way they do.   we may have met some obnoxious and irritating people at work but they're completely looking out for themselves here, when they don't have a reason to be competetive, other than focussing on keeping their job.

Saturday 9 June 2012

Smallville - 10.18: "Booster" Review

Clark meets one of the Justice League members, Booster Gold from the future, who arrives in Metropolis to take over from The Blur. Booster's only interested in fame and money. Lois is promoted.

Clark (Tom Welling) tells Lois (Erica Durance) that his glasses are driving him crazy, so's the jacket, Er it's a raincoat/mac.   He thinks the Blur needs to show his face soon so that people continue to trust him.   Lois tells him there's nothing heroic or handsome about Clark Kent so he should stop being so great.   Clark was a klutz in Smallville.   Lois is vying for the promotion to City Desk.  A clumsy boy that Lois noticed earlier on, falls in front of a truck and is rescued by Booster Gold, (Eric Martsolf) before Clark can get to him.   Booster claims you have to "keep yourself open to the cameras."  A bug escapes from the vehicle in the boy's backpack.   Booster to Clark: "Nice glasses."

At the Daily Planet, Clark bumps into another man with glasses too, who asks Clark if he's forgotten how to walk.   This is ridiculous, as my earlier comments suggested that all of a sudden Clark wears glasses and he's clumsy and bumbling, whereas all his teen years and beyond that, he was fine.   Booster waits at Clark's desk, "The Gold Guardian of Metropolis."  Lois is meant to interview him and he knows about her promotion, her potential promotion that is.   Cue Cat Grant (Keri Lynn Pratt) ahh, not again.   Lois tells her Clark has assets, he's got nothing to hide.   Lois made Cat believe in heroes and she's also going for the promotion.   That'd get Lois frazzled.   Lois believes that Booster's "gold star will burn out faster than you can say, 'up, up and away'."   Another reference to Superman of course.

Lois appears to be watching how the clumsy boy, Jaime ( Jaren Brandt-Bartlett) reacts to those around him and he is teased by other teens.   Lois advises he should stand up for himself and it's okay to get mad; attempting to give him a pep talk, which backfires.   In a solitary alley, the bug enters Jaime's body.   Clark didn't send Lois roses but Booster did.   Clark finds he's appearing at every CS in the city and Lois thinks Clark is jealous.   Booster appears to be saving the Vics at the last minute for fame.   Ted Kord (Sebastian Spence) , whose company Lois calls, 'the Blackwater of the Midwest' has a device that went missing from the truck.   The device appears to be a missing superweapon.   Clark is now also doing Chloe's job on the research front on the computers at Watchtower.

Booster signs autographs for his fans and Cat wants, no demands, to interview him cos he doesn't have anything to hide, unlike the blur,  but he only wants to speak to Lois, who thinks he should "hit the skies" cos Metropolis is the Blur's territory.   Yet more sky references.  The people are excited by a hero they can see, "they wanna look up in the sky - they need to look up in the sky."  Booster replies.   Booster isn't here to be like the Blur, but to replace the Blur.   Or as I said, to replace the Blur's alter ego with his Superman name.   Lois doesn't agree, Booster will never replace the Blur.   However Booster wants to take Clark's place in history, clearly knowing that Clark is the Blur.

Cat claims to have seen Booster first and Lois washes her hands of him and Cat.   The Blur 'doesn't rescue for the money and real heroes don't stop to pose', Lois tells Cat.  Clark turns up to ask Kord questions about the missing weapon.   Have to say Clark's clumsy act was irritating, especially as we haven't seen him like that for over nine seasons and then suddenly, overnight, he becomes Mr Bungler.   Booster volunteers to help find the device and admits it's a weapon, but firstly he wants a deal: the key to the city, which was going to be given to the Blur.   Kord refers to the bug as a Scarab.   Booster's poster on the billboard is replaced with an 'S' one.   Jamie comes to see Booster but he doesn't have time for him, too busy rehearsing his acceptance of the Key to the city.   Cat dressed in wig, as if she won't be recognized, volunteers to present Booster with the Key to the City.   Jaime turns into the scarab.

Clark tells Lois this isn't a competition between them and they should be worried about the weapon.   He finds the weapon has extra terrestrial technology and bonded with the scientist who experimented with it and they became one, like a parasite.   He died when they attempted to remove the scarab.   Clark can't reveal himself yet.   Booster calls Clark for a meeting, calling him 'Blurboy.'  Booster seems to think the people need someone to look up to and that's him.   Clark, as always, has a stirring speech about real heroes needing to earn people's trust.   Booster shows him the Legion ring and calls them acquaintances of his.   The device Booster wears on his ear which gives him historical data  is a droid called Skeet.   Booster was a hero from the twenty sixth century and is worshipped by billions.   He believes whoever gets the Key to the City automatically gets Metropolis.   Clark can be a man of gold or steel.   Clark:  "a hero is made in the moment by the choices that he makes."  He hasn't seen the hero in Booster, who wants Clark to appear in front of the cameras.   Clark refuses.

Inside the scarab reeks havoc and Booster doesn't really do anything but duck for cover, leaving Cat in the line of fire.   Begging the question as to why Clark didn't hear the commotion inside sooner.   He rushes to change in the phonebox, cue another slo-mo scene, after he sees people running.   The Blur saves Cat and Booster zaps the scarab, but not for long.   Jaime tries to fight from inside and doesn't want to hurt anyone.   Booster finally tells Jaime that the suit doesn't make the hero, he must fight, it's his choice.   Clark watches from a distance as Booster talks Jaime round.

Booster tells Clark he thought he could take  Clark's place in history, "being the miracle people are hoping for."  Admitting he was a sportstar once, but he wasn't a hero.   He started betting on his games and then throwing them.   It was easier to lose than to win.   He stole the ring and the suit.   Clark believes Booster helped Jaime, when Booster believed in what he was saying and so did Jaime; who needs someone to watch over him and Kord needs someone to transport the scarab.   Booster tells Clark that the Blur sounds like a rollercoaster.   He needs "something strong starting with an 'S', something Super." Clark will think about it.   He gives Clark one of his shirts.   Jamie says he's unique and doesn't want the scarab removed,  wanting to learn to use its power.   Booster  thinks Jaime is a real hero.

Cat gives Lois cookies with an 'S' on them.   Clark sporting glasses, in clumsy mode, knocks over Cat's box.   She's his new partner, after Lois gets her promotion.   Poor Clarkie!  Cat: "Clark's nice but he's no Blur."  Lois believes Clark can make the glasses work.   He saw the way people looked at him, he's not perfect.   It doesn't matter to him what people say about him, this is about Lois.   She tells him  he can live down the expectations of Clark Kent when the Blur saves people.   He's worried about what people will say about Lois wanting to marry the new Clark Kent,  cos she's perfect and sexy.   Lois wants him to trust her, they can make this work.   Yeah, like he changed overnight, did he?  People are meant to look beyond the glasses.  

Another episode introducing another hero and yet it's been ages since anything's been said or done about Darkseid.   Looks like the intention is to wrap it up quickly in the space of an episode or two.   Since next episode it's back to the Phantom Zone for Clark and Oliver (Justin Hartley.)

How come Lois Lane ace reporter and newly promoted, isn't remotely interested in an interview with Booster.   She can pick and choose now.   Well okay she wasn't promoted yet, but would've thought she'd have jumped at the chance of getting the lowdown on the new 'hero' in town, intent on taking over the Blur's spot.   As he was fast becoming the peoples' new hero of Metropolis.   Of course comic aficionados will know the scarab is known as the 'Blue Beetle.'  Clark ripping his shirt open at the end is reminiscent of Superman.   Still hard to buy the bumbling act of Clark though.   It's a little too late isn't it and no one's noticed either, that suddenly he's changed.    

NCIS - 7.13: "Jet Lag" Review

Tony and Ziva are in Paris to protect and bring home a witness on board a plane. The usual 'did they', 'didn't they' ploy ensues of their time in Paris, when sharing the same hotel room.

A maid enters a hotel room and finds Parsons DB in the bathtub.   McGee (Sean Murray) is alone at his desk and there's no Tony (Michael Weatherly) around for Director Vance (Rocky Carroll) to talk to.  Tony and Ziva's (Cote de Pablo) flight has been delayed.   Vance: "Paris can be very hard to leave."  As well all know.   Including Gibbs (Mark Harmon) and Jenny (Lauren Holly) who have also been to Paris and seen plenty of action under the covers, as well as their job as agents.   McGee doesn't think Tony and Ziva will be enjoying themselves now, as they don't like doing much together.   More lines like this to keep fans guessing about the two.

Tony snaps shots of Ziva in Paris, artists love Paris cos of the light.   Ziva tells him this isn't a vacation.   Tony remarks it's a beautiful day, he slept well, didn't she?  She looked comfy enough.  OH stop it with the loaded questions!  Tony: "An arms dealer and his fetching daughter were all he had to go on in Paris."  Referring to Le Grenouille (Armand Assante) and Jeanne (Scottie Thompson) from season 4.   Well meaning, they were French and not that Tony has been to Paris.   He takes Ziva onto the back of his scooter.   Gibbs takes McGee on their own trip downtown.   McGee asks if it's just the two of them, well Gibbs, McGee and Ducky, plus a dead marine.

Ducky (David McCallum) comments that in Tony's absence, he should make an observation on the CS.   Viz, Janet Leigh and an inability to enter the shower, of course from the Alfred Hitchcock classic, Psycho (1960).   TOD was 36-48 hours.   Sodium silicate absorbs odour thus the absence of any smell from the DB.   He could have been here for days.   McGee notices there's no signs of any struggle.   McGee locates the safe.

Tony and Ziva at Charles de Gaulle airport, their whistleblower , Nora ( Lily Rains) has Tony to protect him.   Tony: "I'm nice."  It's like protecting Hayley Mills in Pollyanna (1960).  A Disney classic with a happy ending.   Ziva says Tony prefers Bambi, where the mother dies.   he's into his tear jerkers then, ha.  (And The Little Mermaid, Disney version, in Dark Angel  when he played Logan) .   Tony comments, "I'm not the nice one."  Ziva notices the air marshall, Neely (Kevin Symons) and Tony's ready for his hot towel in Business Class.   The flight attendant, Tiffany Chase (Victoria Pratt) isn't friendly towards him.   McGee finds watches, files and clippings from a murder in NYC and home invasion in the safe.   It appears to be a professional hit but McGee asks why the clippings were kept in a safe.   Parsons, the DB marine was a hitman and he had info on their witness, who is a new target.   Mark Parsons was a good marine but  a loner and was on leave in NY.

Abby (Pauley Perrette) finds a burn phone was used.   All of Nora's medical records etc are found and her fiance, Daniel (David de Latour) is here.   He tried to talk Nora out of testifying against Beringer (Ryan Cutrona).   They met in the Accounting Department.  Beringer was embezzling the Navy out of millions and Vance says the only evidence they have is Nora's memory.   Vance reassures Daniel that nothing will happen to her.   Beringer has no knowledge of the case against him, but their best agents are with Nora.    Tony looks at his photos, all consisting of geometric lines and spacings, he should be more creative with his life.   Nora calls them postcards and Ziva comments about CS photos.   She and Tony have had "enough together."  They shared the hotel room and the flight.   Tony adds there was only one hotel room available.   Rule number 12: never date a co-worker is mentioned.    Tony: "can't be done."
Ziva: "Should not be done." Ziva says they don't get along.   Tony: "Ever."  McGee calls Ziva about Nora.

Ducky talks about Gaston Laroux's idea for Phantom of the Opera came to him when a chandelier crashed to the floor.   Ducky: "...honourable marine was masquerading as a hitman."  Gibbs tells him it was the other way round.   I.e.  the hitman was masquerading as an honourable marine.   COD was a fractured C12 vertebrae.   His neck was broken by a deliberate single move.   A trained professional killed the hitman.   It's a long time since Ducky's been to an opera.   Gibbs: "Asking me on a date Duck?"

Abby found extra nothing, aside from one call on the phone from a Holly Snow (Dina Meyer).   McGee's heard of her by reputation, she's a DC Madam.   Gibbs; "when did love business turn into death business."  She hired him to kill Nora.   Holly's a matchmaker.   She connected them online.   Holly is an accessory to murder.   Gibbs says she's providing a service, she's responsible.   She can give him the account where the money was wired, but only in return for a deal.   "I don't give it away." Gibbs isn't offering a deal.   Gibbs: "Whoever gets the kill, gets the catch."

Ziva thinks something's going to happen on the plane.   Neely calls it a modern day Orient Express, any and everyone could be the suspect.   Ziva says all that's needed is a convenient weapon, like plastic cutlery; she killed someone with a credit card once.   Row 16, Steven Baker (Darren Keefe) he hasn't eaten nor drank anything but has been to the toilet lots of times.   Doesn't mean he's a killer.   Tony isn't comfortable and asks the male flight attendant, Stephan aka Mr Spock (Clark Koelsch) for the bottled water to be opened in front of him.   Tony comments about it raining in her sunny view, Mary Poppins.   Calling Nora 'Mary' this time.  Tony and Ziva look at each other.

Vance says the 'higher-ups' are afraid of a Madam.   McGee has been doing background checks on the passengers and Neely asked for an earlier departure, he was too obvious as a suspect.   Ziva searches his bag and Tony asks if she's found a book, he's finished reading Twilight saga book 4, Team Edward.   Another reading remark from Tony, well it's everyone else who keeps telling Tony he doesn't read and how he only looks through GSM.   Ziva picks Neely's pocket.   Abby can run his phone.   Nora comments she and Tony make a great team.   Tony thinks Ziva's much 'spark-ier,' Paris has changed her.

Daniel attacks Beringer, that was for show and blames him but Daniel was my suspect from the outset.   Gibbs mentions Nora to Beringer and he likes jokes.   Tony doesn't see any connection between Parsons and Beringer.   He finds Neely  DB in the toilet with a knitting needle.   Neely wanted to see his daughter in the school play.   Gibbs confirms the killer is on the plane.   Vance called SecNav.   Gibbs asks if he had something to drop.   Holly's plea deal has been approved.   Ziva absolutely denies she and Tony got together.  "Absolutely, definitely, no."  Ziva took the couch or he'd have moaned about his back the entire flight.   Tony undertakes a William Shatner impression from the Twilight Zone.   He uses the inflight wifi and Ducky is surprised Tony isn't a member of the mile high club.   Tony says he never said he wasn't.   It was a quick death and silent.   Ducky needs high resolution photos to determine his hypothesis, Tony can use his camera but it's out of memory.   Why didn't he just download the photos onto his computer, why didn't he use a memory card.   Tony: "like Sophie's Choice, can't choose."

There's a print on the needle.  Abby needs to enhance photos of the bloody partial before she can search for a match.   Abby wants to see Holly.   Holly asks if there's "no foreplay, no seduction" from Gibbs.   Gibbs says the deal is done.   Holly: "You like it rough don't you."  That's getting personal.   Gibbs tells her there's a time and place for eveything.   She's good at reading people and asks Gibbs to 'roleplay' which he refuses.   The deal ends if Nora dies and she'll be charged with murder.   He can read people too.   Hey Vance was listening to their conversation!  Steven was out of his seat in the plane, looking for his battery.   Nora goes into anaphylactic shock.   Call Ducky for help.   She needs epinephrine, which Steven gives them.   Hey they didn't ask if there was a doctor on board.  The epinephrine pen was missing from the first aid which is a clue to the killer's identity.   Nora didn't eat anything but Ziva tells Ducky her pillow smells of nuts.   Peanut dust was put on it.   See back to the medical files at the start of the episode, which mentioned Nora's medical condition.

Ziva asks who gave Nora the pillow.   It was Tiffany of course.   She was in DC when Parson's was killed.   McGee finds money is still in the off shore account and only Nora and Beringer have access to the off shore account.   Tony couldn't fight Tiffany, but luckily he's got Ziva on board.   Tony: "Talk about Snakes on Planes." (2006)  Tony wasn't there to mention Psycho, but he's mentioned plenty fo films to make up for that oversight.   Daniel disappears and runs Gibbs over when he pushes McGee out of the car's way.   McGee calls an ambulance, thought it was for Gibbs.   Gibbs didn't hit his shoulder, the car did.

Nora is still testifying, she liked happy endings.   Tony has to give her the bad news about Daniel.   Tony comments Bogie and Bergman will always have Paris (in Casablanca (1942)) and so will they.   Tony shows off his very best photo of Ziva, "very French new wave."  Gibbs mentions Rule number 12.   Tony says he took the couch and Ziva had the bed.  McGee calls it a tough break.  Ziva asks why Tony lied to McGee and he asks why Ziva lied to Nora? Ziva thinks her photo "would look better in black and white."

So much for Nora saying she and Daniel were compatible and so are Tony and Ziva.   So compatible that he ordered a hit on Nora.   Imagine Ziva and Tony in that kind of a position.   Ziva wouldn't need to pay for a hit, she'd do it herself - but I jest.  They're not compatible, they're so very different and no it wouldn't work out.   If they had any feelings towards one another it's probably just a fleeting attraction.   I like my Tony and Ziva just the way they are, without the romantic and messy complications!  Gibbs and Holly on the other hand, were engaging in foreplay of their own even with Vance around.  How brash was she telling him Gibbs likes it rough.

The number of films mentioned in this episode alone!  So the 'did they/didn't they' in Paris was meant to be a confirmation of season 3's Undercovers episode.   Where fans were meant to believe Ziva and Tony did get it on and the same question was posed here.   In my personal opinion, I say they didn't get together.   Not only would it change the dynamic of the characters; but it's not really something Tony would keep to himself (aside from not wanting Gibbs to know).   Well Tony says he doesn't kiss and tell (as he did in season 4) but he's quick to gossip about everyone else and he  wouldn't  keep it a secret with Ziva involved.   Besides Ziva knows him too well and knows he's a commitment phobe so what would come of it.   Tony's quick to bring up Rule number 12 when his personal life's up for discussion, he's very defensive.   Now Gibbs and Holly is another matter.   Could cut the attraction with a knife - but our Gibbs wouldn't get involved with someone of her reputation.  Even if she's a redhead.   Dina Meyer is great whatever she's in, but is always sadly under-used!

Tony gets talking about le Grenouille and Jeanne but not by name.   That he could mention her so casually shows he's over her, good for him and Ziva didn't comment on it either.   Kind of a love triangle going on in this episode; Nora and Daniel, Tony and Ziva and Gibbs and Holly.   Everyone's talking but no one's doing, no that didn't come out right.   Tony should've been suss about Tiffany cos she didn't fall for any of Tony's "come-ons," she was a cold-hearted one.

Tony refers to Bogie as in Humphrey Bogart and Bergman as in Ingrid Bergman from Casablanca, love stories as they should be!  Ziva's photo in black and white was rather Audrey Hepburn-esque.   The most romantic city in the world didn't do it for Tony and Ziva, which is just as well, personally I prefer Venice.

Merlin - 3.10: "Queen of Hearts" Review

Secrets out, Arthur confesses his love for Gwen before Uther, who banishes her and then thinks Arthur has been enchanted. All thanks to Morgana, but luckily, her plan falls through.

The episode opens with Arthur (Bradley James) crowning Gwen (Angel Coulby)  Queen of Camelot, but only in Morgana's (Katie McGrath) nightmare.  Good to see she's still having those and that her healing bracelet hasn't prevented all of her nightmares from disappearing, as she had hoped.   Morgana deserves some pain and comeuppance for her evil deception and playing everyone to her own tune.   Getting what she wants from them and then casting them aside.   As for her nightmare, we know it's not just a nightmare, but a predetermined outcome.

Morgause (Emilia Fox) calls out to her.   Morgana tells her of her dreams, but clearly they are nightmares, so why not call them that.   Even Morgause calls them dreams and that certain dreams will be too strong for her healing bracelet to prevent (as I said.)  She instead calls it a prophecy.   Prophecy, nightmare, dream, no matter what the label, it's the future  any way it's painted.

Morgause: "There are many futures sister and some are shrouded in mist..." Morgana is sure Uther (Anthony Head) will never permit the marriage to take place.   For someone who wants rid of Uther and can't stand the sight of him, she still wants/needs Uther to clear a path for her towards the throne.   Morgause tells her Gwen can never be queen and Morgana must destroy their relationship at all costs.   Morgana, taking her lead from Morgause again, questions Gwen about Arthur and the difficulties in keeping her feelings quiet.  Thought Gwen would have been more weary of  Morgana - she has the king's ear after all.   Not to mention Morgana's foray into dark magic, witnessed by Gwen not long ago.

At dinner, Morgana watches Arthur, watching Gwen, he's so clumsy when she's around.  He's so caught up in his feelings for Gwen that Morgana should be the last person he opens up to.   Morgana, to gain his trust, tells him she only knows of his feelings for Gwen because Gwen can't stop talking about him.   Again, it's meant to be a secret so why would Gwen have loose lips all of a sudden.  Especially when she has told Arthur so many times that their love cannot be.

Morgana tells Arthur to set his own rules and to follow his heart, since Uther "doesn't have to find out."  That was an obvious clue to what she has in store.   Casually suggesting Arthur should spend more time with Gwen.   Merlin (Colin Morgan) too is of this thought when he tells Gwen to 'risk' it.   She should forget Arthur is a "spoilt, arrogant brat."  Note the subtle loss in translation here, no one knows Morgana has set all this in motion, as Arthur doesn't tell anyone.   Merlin knows all that matters are their feelings, but he's always one to advocate in favour of emotions rather than common sense and reality.

Gwen pretends to be ill to gain time off from work, prompting more evil smirks from Morgana.   Gwen gets a new dress and Arthur is speechless at her appearance.   Morgana puts her plan into action further, by convincing Uther to ride with her.  Arthur feels he can be himself around Gwen, alone, and has dreams of becoming a farmer one day, Merlin could do all the hard labour.   But he fears he "will never leave Camelot." Surprise, surprise, Morgana leads Uther right to Arthur as they kiss.

Uther is highly amused and recalls his youth and knows the temptation of "mere serving girls."  Showing how very little regard Uther has for equality, unlike Arthur.   But he's had his fun and can't see her anymore.   It doesn't matter to Arthur that she's a servant, he loves her.   He defends her in every way possible, but Uther's having none of it.  The look Uther gives to Arthur when he touches him on his shoulder says it all.   It looks like one of contempt and not the way  a father would look at his son.

Arthur blames Merlin for this predicament, "You couldn't keep a secret if your life depended upon it."
Merlin: "You'd be surprised." Because he's been keeping many for ages.

What peeved me is that Merlin and Gwen know what Morgana is capable of but Gwen believed she could trust her completely - even when she didn't tell her she was meeting Arthur , but confided her feelings.   That they could be so careless and let their guard down around her was not entirely believable.   It was a good argument between Arthur and Merlin again pointing to their on-screen chemistry.

Another smirk from Morgana, this time directed at Merlin.  Arthur will leave with Gwen; relinquishing his right to the throne.   However, Gwen doesn't know where she'll go, as she has nothing and no one else.   Her brother has been forgotten very quickly and surely she could go to him, seeing as she risked everyone's life to rescue him.   Seems the writers have too, wasn't he running his own forge now.

Morgana, determined more than ever to have her way, tells Uther how Arthur never mentioned his feelings for Gwen to her before and they share everything (no, not really they don't.) Persuading Uther that Arthur has been enchanted by Gwen.  A poultice is found in Arthur's chamber.   (Sorry no shirtless scene!) which could be used to cast a spell on him.   Gwen doesn't see how someone like Uther could know what love is and he strikes her.   Morgana's good at pretending to be so innocent.  Uther believes she cast a spell on Arthur to seek vengeance for her father's execution.   Gaius (Richard Wilson) tries to defend her, as does Arthur, demanding a trial, but the poultice is irrefutable proof that magic is at work, also Arthur confessing his love for her didn't help.   She's to be burnt at the stake.

Oh finally Gwen uses her brains to figure out Morgana was behind it, she saw her evil smirk.   Also how could Gaius and Merlin ignore the fact it could only have been Morgana.   Just when we thought we wouldn't hear it again, we get Gaius' customary line of, "Uther will never believe it was Morgana." Quite frankly, Uther, you as a father, suck!  He doesn't believe his own son, falling for the old 'it has to be sorcery' ploy, yet he's at the mercy of Morgana, his daughter born out of wedlock, being big on legitimacy back then.   It's okay for him to be seduced and have an affair with a married woman because she was of noble blood, but perish the thought Arthur could love a servant girl.

To save her, the only way is to invent a sorcerer, that's Merlin's bright idea and he will get caught red-handed.   Gaius: "Do you know of a sorcerer stupid enough to get caught doing such a thing?!"
Merlin: "Me."  Enough said.

With the aid of an aging spell, he transforms into an old man.   Excellent seeing the future Merlin finally get to make an entrance, as we'll know him and for Merlin getting to see himself as he'll be.  He was still recognizable: he sounded like himself and also had his mannerisms, such as his voice and facial expressions.  "I can't believe one day I'll actually look like this."  Even Arthur feels he knows him, "have we met?...your eyes..." Merlin clobbers him.   Merlin's explanation before Uther for his enchanting Arthur is due to Uther's blindness towards magic and his treatment of those who used it.   Then gets to throw in how badly Arthur treats his servants.  Strike 1 Morgana.   Gaius tells Arthur, Merlin's at the tavern.   Couldn't he have just said he's on an errand.   Merlin can't reverse the spell and change back so Gaius needs to concoct a remedy, in the meantime, Merlin must stall.   He tells Arthur he has to confess more crimes, Arthur in reply tells him he's only going to be burned once!  Much needed humour here.   You almost feel Arthur thinks he really is talking to Merlin, but only for a brief instance.

Finally drinking the potion, Merlin reverts back to his 'old self,' ha.  Morgana lies and tells Gwen she did everything she could to save her.   Arthur and Gwen still meet, in secret.   Arthur: "My place is with you...things will change" and they will be together...

Loved how Morgana was left dumbfounded, or maybe just confounded, as Arthur, the loyal man, vows he will never abandon Gwen or the love they share.   He's defiant and more so than ever now that they will be together.  So instead of driving a wedge between them, Morgana only succeeds in strengthening their bond.  Super watching Morgana reel  and can't believe how her plans have been unravelled right before her.   Had she not meddled, spurred on by Morgause, who knows what would have happened.

As for Arthur confessing his true feelings to Uther, in a moment of madness, he knows the man and the king, so why would he do this.  Clearly he underestimated his father's feelings for him, or mistakenly expected him to understand and approve of their love.   You only need to look at the 'arranged' marriages to see where Uther's feelings lie, to Camelot and its survival.   Arthur misread the signals in Uther's joke for his dalliance with a servant.

This is one of Merlin's best and strongest episodes this season, fuelled by plenty of passion and emotions and the chance for Merlin to shine as his future self!

Doctor Who - 6.10: "The Girl Who Waited" Review

The Doctor takes Amy and Rory to a world of beautiful sunsets but all they get is a white room and Amy being quarantined for an eternity. The Doctor spending this episode conducting proceedings from the confines of the TARDIS.

The Doctor (Matt Smith) takes Amy (Karen Gillan) and Rory (Arthur Darvill) to Apalapucia, a world of sunsets, but Rory comments there are only white doors everywhere.   Amy needs her phone to take photos and the Doctor thinks it's for Twitter updates - so he's familiar with Twitter.   Of course Amy gets separated this time.   The Doctor suggests Rory pushes a button and he selects the green anchor.   There's a giant magnifying glass in the room (well there were giant scissors last episode.)  Rory also tells Amy to push a button but not which one.   Why'd she go for the red waterfall?  The Doctor finds Amy but only through the "looking glass," well magnifying glass.   A robot with hands welcomes Rory and the Doctor.   The Doctor comments "Time's gone wobbly."  Doesn't it always, time's just like jelly.

Amy's been here a week already.   The Doctor tells her it's the same room but different times, two time streams are running parallel and Amy's in  a much faster time stream.   The robot sees with it's fingers.   Was the red to signify danger perchance?  Rory pushes the red waterfall button but doesn't find Amy.  But the Doctor just said she's in a different time stream so she wouldn't be there.   Though he manages to get back to the Doctor.

The robot mentions Chen 7 disease and "the one day plague."  Rory asks if "you get it for a day?"
Doctor : "No, you get it and then you die in a day."  The Doctor covers his nose and so does Rory, and Amy will too.   They must remain in sterile areas.   The Doctor's safe if the area is sterile, it affects two-hearted races such as Time Lords.   They can watch them live their whole lives in a day.   Rory: "Watch them grow old in front of their eyes - that's horrible."
Doctor: "No Rory, it's kind." They have a choice to sit by their bedsides and watch them die, or they can watch them live for 24 hours.   The Doctor reassures Amy he won't leave her.    He pulls up the magnifying glass and takes it back to the TARDIS to get a lock on her and then he can use the TARDIS to get her out.   She should leave a sign for him.   He warns her the robots don't know she's immune so she must reject anything they try to give her. "Their kindness will kill you."  Yes the robots were like kindness killing them.

He finds a glasses-cam for Rory, who exclaims the Doctor looks ridiculous.   Doctor: "Glasses are cool."  Hasn't he worn glasses before anyway.   It's a 'Rory-cam' for Rory so the Doctor can monitor what's happening.   He needs to smash through a timewall which isn't easy.  A robot scans Amy and she's carrying bacteria and tries to inject her, uttering "This is kindness."  Amy hides in some fumes where the robots don't detect her presence.   The Doctor locks onto Amy's timestream.   Rory gets out of the TARDIS into the gallery and stares into the bust of a statue.   Doctor: "eyes front soldier."  Amy speaks with the Interface (Imelda Staunton) who tells her she can go into the entertainment area.  Amy chooses the garden.   Amy: "You really could spend a lifetime in here." Ironically, she will.   More robots approach and she locks their hands together to make them touch so they knock each other out.   Some kind of a '60's retro feel to this show and the music too.   Amy leaves a message/sign on the door; "Doctor I'm waiting" with an arrow.

The Doctor overlaps 40,00 timestreams.   Rory wonders if they're happy.   Rory would think of that.   Doctor: "I think they're happy to be alive." He would considering death is nasty, death is sad and something that awaits him.

Rory meets older Amy who waited for him.   Amy's theme from 5.1 plays throughout most of this episode, as it does usually also when Rory's around.   The Doctor thinks the "timestream lock might be a bit wobbly."  Here begins the 'soppy romanticism' but I liked it.   It was very character orientated for a change.    Amy uses her sonic probe which she made and she survived by making the robots believe she didn't exist, cos she won't really exist.   They didn't save her.   Rory explains this is them saving her now.   She spent 36 years alone and it's difficult to have good thoughts about the Doctor.  Rory looks at her.  "Eyes front soldier."  She hates the Doctor more than anyone in her life and calls him a "raggedy man."  As in 5.13 when he was her "raggedy Doctor," but not anymore.   She waited a lifetime for him, as she did when she was little, cos little Amelia grew up by the time he returned and now this Amy is older too.

'Ninja' older Amy fights more robots.   Rory tells the Doctor he needs to take the TARDIS back to the right timestream and he replies this is all there is.   Rory cares they didn't grow old together.   She walked in here and she died.   Rory doesn't notice the sign she left on the door, the first time he walks in.   She converted a robot to a pet and called it 'Rory'.   Amy still has her red lipstick but doesn't use it.   She refers to the Doctor as "the voice of God."  Her number one lesson was to survive since no one was coming for her.   The Doctor taught her that.  "Blue Box man flying through space on a whimsy."  Her life is hell and she makes no bones about it.   Amy is still Amy and can vent her anger.   There's no question Amy would survive but it wasn't fair on her to have to do that.

She takes Rory to the garden and the Doctor asks the Interface where the regulator is located.   Amy comments the glasses are ridiculous too.   Rory: "Still anything to beat a Fez, hey."  Amy laughs.   It's the first time she's laughed.   As the Doctor said, "Fez's are cool." In 5.13 and 6.1.   Is the Doctor feeling remorseful? He tells her, "There's still time Amy, there's still time to fix everything." Can't help thinking he was referring to himself too, or trying to reassure himself there's time for Amy, so there'll be time for him to fix things too.

Amy saves Rory from another robot and it's 'kindness'.   Doctor needs to work out how to fold two points of Amy's timeline with the temporal engine.   Amy refuses to be saved.   Rory notices the 'sign' she left for the Doctor now and shows it to him through the magnifying glass.  Amy waited but if she's rescued she'll cease to exist, at least the older Amy will and she'll die.   The Doctor could take this Amy out, but he says "our" Amy will have to wait 36 years to be saved.   So that means she'll grow old again waiting for them to rescue her.   Rory: "So I have to choose."  Rory blames the Doctor, "this is your fault." He doesn't want to travel with him and throws down the glasses.   The Doctor hears 'their' Amy crying.   Rory sees her through the magnifying glass and older Amy won't help her.   He shows her Amy through the glass, they left her here.   Younger Amy is adamant Rory would never do that - but she stopped him, "the older me."  Younger Amy says three words will change that, "what about Rory."  She didn't call the robot after the Doctor or their cat Biggles, but Rory.   They recall Rory saying he was in a rockband and getting a weird haircut.

His personality is written all over his face.   "Rory's the most beautiful man I've ever met."  Amy tells older Amy "to do it for him."  "You're Amy, he's Rory."  It's like Amy and Rory's love story being played out here.   The Doctor believes, "Sometimes knowing your own future is what enables you to change it, especially if you're bloody minded, contradictory and completely unpredictable.   If anyone can change pre-destiny it's your wife." Thus he'll be able to save himself - unless Amy's the one who's going to save him going on his statement, cos he's describing himself too.   Mind you, the pre-destiny and wife line could mean something altogether different.   Like River Song (Alex Kingston) being the one to save him.   Well we know how cagey these episode titles can be sometimes, having a hidden underlying meaning, like The Doctor's Wife or Let's Kill Hitler; or the final episode to this season.

Rory always has her back and older Amy wants to leave in the TARDIS too.   Rory asks if two Amy's together can work.   The Doctor replies it's his marriage and then says maybe "the TARDIS could sustain the paradox."  He needs a signal from the two Amy's, share a thought powerful enough to get through time, so that both Amy's will be in one place.   They say, 'Macarena'.   Rory: "Our first kiss." The Doctor tells Rory to swap the valves over and to throw several levers.   Rory gets temporal feedback and he's on his own now.   Amy 1 should speak first.   Then they quibble over who Amy 1 is.   The Doctor asks the TARDIS what 'nasty Amy's' done to her.   Knew one of them would get left behind, viz, older Amy since she's the one who's meant to die and cease to exist (Like the Doctor in 5.13).

Rory wants older Amy to stop flirting with him.   She's known him her whole life.   They fight the robots and Amy is touched by one and is put to sleep.   Rory carries her into the TARDIS.   The Doctor locks the door.   She can't come with them.   Oh that was mean after everything she did to save them and get them here.   Doctor: "I lied to her."  The paradox in the TARDIS won't sustain her.  There can only be one Amy so which one does he want.   The older Amy will never have existed as if he's willing him to choose their younger Amy.  Rory: "This isn't fair, you're turning me into you." For all the times, all the choices the Doctor's had to make and he gets angry when he can't make the choice for himself, like he did with Amy in 5.2.

Amy speaks to Rory from outside and the way he looked at Amy when he carried her, was the way he used to look at her.   She'd forgotten how much he loved her.   She tells Rory not to let her in cos she'll fight.   They forgot Rule number 1: The Doctor lies.   But he genuinely felt sorry for what happened, since she was still Amy.   She's giving Amy the days to be with Rory.   Older Amy asks the Interface to show her earth and the robots get her.   The Doctor promised he'd save her and he did cunningly not answering Rory's question about not knowing if the two Amy's together would work - saving them both.   Does the Doctor regret what he had to do.   Also can't help wondering what he was thinking in the final shot of the episode.

An improvement on last week's episode.   Pure emotion in this one with life changing decisions to be made and Rory had to make them this time round.   A moving episode and the ending, as said, was inevitable, it was seen coming.   Karen's performance was passionate and compassionate and utterly believable, especially as the embittered older Amy, who waited 36 years.   A lifetime, for the Doctor, for Rory, to be rescued.   She never had to wait this long before for the Doctor.   It's also possible to imagine that without Rory, Amy would still have become that embittered older version of herself, or was it circumstances that drove her to it, and loneliness.

Who knew Rory could play such a hero - twice over.   Once as the centurion who never let the Pandorica out of his sight when Amy was in it and now.   A great performance from Arthur too having to makes choices and his outburst of becoming like the Doctor, who always has such choices to make.   But as said they're his choices and no one else's and Rory being in that unenviable position of not being able to choose.   He wanted to save both Amy's and it was left to Amy herself to convince him not to do this.   That she was making the ultimate sacrifice by letting her younger self grow old with him.   Again Rory didn't have to choose, it was Amy's choice!

The opening was likened to the episode The Mind Robber from 1968, with Patrick Troughton, with Matt Smith having to remain in the TARDIS and giving a similar performance to him.   Even though he was confined there, he still managed to give a poignant portrayal with just that look Matt Smith has the knack of giving.   Portraying an emotion with a look, it's eerily sad and emotional.   Karen can now see how she'll look when she's older.   Amy has already been in contact face to face, with her younger self in season 5 episodes, Time and The Big Bang; though not simultaneously in the TARDIS.   Rory as we know has been deleted from existence, most recently in season 5.9 Cold Blood.   In the past, the TARDIS has sustained two Doctors, in the episodes The Three Doctors; Time Crash.   Also there were two Amy's, two Rory's and two eleventh Doctors in the TARDIS in the episode Time.  River told Amy that the Doctor lies twice in season 5 in 5.13 and was said in 5.12 too.   The Doctor said it himself in 6.8 Let's Kill Hitler.

CSI: Miami - 8.16: "L.A." Review

Jesse's past comes back to haunt him from his time in LA and he is labelled a dirty cop. Horatio has to help him out, whilst taking down the bad guy in Jesse's life, who killed his wife.

There's a party at Tony Enright's (Paul Blackthorne) mansion and one woman is attacked, Jesse's (Eddie Cibrian) 'friend' Anna, (Mini Anden) whilst another is killed inside.   Nosferatu (1922) plays on TV.    Horatio (David Caruso) knows who Tony is and what he did in LA.  (Hence the title.) Tony was acquitted of his wife's murder.   He has ink on his hand and the woman was killed with a pen.   He's a pornographer.   Horatio: "Well then roll credits, that's a wrap."  Walter (Omar Miller) wonders what kind of  party this was.  Calleigh (Emily Procter) checks out the murder weapon.   Walter finds a bug, someone listened in to the murder.

Anna tells Natalia (Eva Larue) the Vic was in Tony's films.   Natalia recalls Anna from before.  Anna doesn't see Jesse as a friend and says he stalked her all the way from LA because of Tony.  But that was for her own good.   Jesse angrily retorts Tony "kills every girl he gets close to."  Horatio threatens to arrest Tony.   Coop (Michael Madson) reminds them he played for the Miami Dolphins.   He refers to Jesse as 'Johnny Hollywood' and accuses Jesse of being a dirty cop.   Jesse tells Horatio not to let Tony get away with it.   That should apply to Coop too, cos he's so damn shifty and slimy.   Jesse tells Anna she was roofied and she screams for Jesse to go away.

ME Tom (Christian Clemenson) finds Leslie, (Kristina Klebe) the Vic, wasn't roofied.   Ryan (Jonathan Togo) believes she stumbled upon the sexual assault.   Calleigh calls the fountain pen she was killed with a weapon of opportunity and Coop's prints are all over the pen.   Calleigh is "dead serious."  Coop was a dead giveaway as a suspect, the way he lusted after Anna in the beginning, so much for wearing a mask.    Ryan knows Coop did it, who accuses Ryan of being a killjoy.   Coop was signing autographs all night (they must've been desperate!)  He berates Ryan  by calling him "little man" and "pintsize."  Ryan replies he's 5' 9."   Coop responds, so are his pants.   Did he really have to say anything back to Coop, it was obvious he was just pushing his buttons, like calling Jesse, 'Johnny Hollywood'.    Dave (Wes Ramsey) analyzes the bug to find it's Soviet made and is a laser microwave transmission unit.   The signal is traced to their own garage.   Calleigh just had to check it out, since it was apparent the bug was planted by none other than Jesse.   So where'd he get a Soviet made bug from.

Jesse was about to link the recording, he planted the bug 8 days ago and he doesn't know if he caught the murder on there.   He didn't break in, but walked in during a party.   Tony is a murderer.   Jesse thinks of his wife, Tracy, everyday when he sees his face.   Calleigh says if Jesse's right then she'll help.   Actually it was Horatio who helped Jesse clear his name.   She helped put Tony away.    Walter listens to the recording and says it's Leslie on there and a man's voice.   Rebecca (Christina Chang) won't use the tape in front of a jury and says that Jesse will still be dirty since the evidence disappeared in the LA case.   Horatio didn't fire Jesse as he's a member of his team.   Rebecca is determined to reject any evidence Jesse will bring in so Horatio says he'll have to clear his name.   Horatio is accompanied to LA by Delko (Adam Rodriguez).   In what is reminiscent of having Horatio look out over the Miami skyline, he now looks out over the Hollywood sign as a backdrop.

Horatio waits for Captain Sutter (William Forsythe) who tells him Jesse was the primary on the Enright case.   Don't know about you, but he was my suspect as soon as I saw him.   Horatio needs Jesse's file.   Delko goes over the file.   The evidence shows Tony murdered his wife.   Jesse photographed the cufflink but it didn't show up in evidence.   It had the initials, 'A.T'.   The case was covered on TV.   Jesse is questioned by Tony's defence attorney, Darren Vogel (Malcolm McDowell) who tells him those aren't Tony's initials.  He asks whose blood was on the cufflink, but Jesse doesn't know.

 Vogel refers to the cufflink as important evidence but Jesse doesn't know where it is.   No wonder Jesse went back to Miami after this and Horatio took him back.   That must have been a fight, especially if he was accused of being a dirty cop.  Question being if this was such a high profile case, which garnered media coverage, why did none of the CSIs in Miami know anything about it.   Jesse's been on TV, so everyone's seen his face, aside from Miami criminals, it appears, as no one recognizes him, not even the hostage taker in the second episode, Hostile Takeover.  Apparently Horatio is much more famous as far as TV coverage goes!

Natalia tells Anna there's evidence of forcible sexual intercourse, but no evidence from the male donor who used a condom.   She won't believe Tony had anything to do with this.   Natalia relays her thoughts about her own husband and how she'd always defend him too.   She gives Anna her card.   Dave sets up a meeting via a secure line.   Jesse assures Horatio he never took the cufflink.   Dave puts the cufflink through image recognition software which is much newer and finds the jeweller who took orders for those cufflinks.   A pair was bought by Vogel a week before the murder.

Horatio determines Vogel's gift is planting evidence and threatens to personally drive him to Chino if he plants anything else.   Ryan is intent on catching Coop, well after being called short names by him, that riled him up.   Calleigh thinks perhaps it will help if they go inside the print and break down the chemical compound; which shows up a silicone based compound and lambskin, found on a condom.   Ryan tells Coop of the unique chemical signature, providing evidence of the  type of condom Coop uses.   Coop refers to the lambskin, giving himself away, since no one mentioned anything about lambskin.   Only the killer would know.   Coop admits Tony told him Anna would be willing and he was fed up of her.   Leslie tried to stop him.   Tony roofied Anna.

Calleigh offers to give Tony her phone to call a lawyer.   Tripp (Rex Linn) says they can tie tony to Leslie's murder.   Coop sold him out.   He'll be charged with felony murder.   Tony uses his magic word, "Cardoza." That any evidence he comes across will be tainted.  Calleigh replies he's wrong.   Horatio looks over the LA CS photos and notices the same woman in all of them.   She has a camera and a press pass, Olivia Birch (Sheri Moon zombie) who gives them her photos of the CS.   Horatio calls the Captain and tells him of Jesse's clean policework.   Now he's going to find out if the Captain's clean.   Olivia still has her negatives and Horatio notices the Captain bending down and removing the cufflink from the evidence marker.  

Horatio meets him at the Hollywood Bowl and comments the Beetles played here.   The Captain likes his privacy.   He let Jesse take the fall.   Horatio wants him to come clean.   The Captain knew Tony killed his wife and when he saw the cufflink he knew his lawyer would get him off, so he took it.   Jesse had already taken photos of it and he didn't know Jesse's wife would get murdered, probably by Tony.   He keeps the cufflink with him.

The Captain apologizes to Jesse via the media.   He's an example of what officers should strive for.   Anna spits on Tony through the glass and leaves a 'Thank You' note for Jesse.   The Captain clears Jesse's name and reputation.   Horatio wants Vogel out of Miami.   Jesse thanks Horatio who states Jesse would have done the same for him.

That was nice of Anna after he was looking out for her, all she could do was just leave him a note and couldn't even say sorry to him in person either.   She just walked off.   Was Natalia trying to come to terms with what her husband did to her by telling Anna of her ordeal.   She seemed a little peeved at Jesse turning up in the beginning when she was questioning Anna, willing him to leave just as Anna did.   Probably still harbouring those feelings after being stood up by him.   So the Jesse storyline was finally laid to rest but not very convincingly.   Like those loose ends that I mentioned already, such as no one knowing what Jesse had been involved in over in LA and how he was suspected of being a stalker when he came to Miami.   Also how thought he might have been a dirty cop, at least Calleigh had suspicions about him for a while.   Which is exactly what he was accused of being in LA.   Yet again no one in Miami knew of this.  

Why did Tony have Jesse's wife killed, was it because he was getting too close to him in the investigation, hoping Jesse wouldn't come after him.   But killing her made Jesse even more determined.   Tony moved to Miami with Anna, so this was probably another reason why Jesse also returned to Miami