
Saturday 2 June 2012

Castle - 2.8: "Kill the Messenger" Review

Castle and Beckett investigate when a bike courier is run over, leading to one of Captain Montgomery's old cases when he put away an innocent man. Alexis sets up a social networking page for Martha.

Castle (Nathan Fillion) and Beckett (Stana Katic) investigate the death of a courier who was run over by a car.  Alexis (Molly Quinn) sets up a Myface page for Martha (Susan Sullivan) who has two words for Castle, "hairline and receding," which prompts Castle to jump to the mirror for an impromptu check of his hairline!  The phone rings and he comments, "It's either a dead body or you just wanna hear my sultry voice."  Castle arrives on the scene before Beckett, which surprises her.  It was in his neighbourhood.

The courier Shamansky was left to die and Castle comes up with a Kevin Bacon movie reference, Quicksilver (1986).  Ryan (Seamus Dever) says the car had a stolen licence plate and the witnesses described seeing a masked man.  Captain Montgomery (Ruben Santiago-Hudson) complains about budget cuts and how they must meet their mandated minimum review.

Esposito (Jon Huertas) claims the courier service was delivering the parcel for S Nadal Mattar who is on the Terror Watch list, addressed to the 64th precinct. The team breaks into Sally Neidermeyer's (Hatty Winston) apartment.  It was sent by her nephew, Brady who was in prison and she doesn't know what was in it.  He called her to send the package to the man who arrested him, Det Montgomery.  The Captain explains Brady confessed to killing a woman and Esposito finds he was killed in prison this very morning.

Beckett has to break the sad news to the courier's sister and the Captain thinks Beckett is good at this and Castle wonders how she does it.  The phone log from prison, has Brady asking for the package to be delivered and one call was logged to Brady's wife, Val (Sonya Leslie).  Her son has a respiratory condition.  Ryan still has a copy of Castle's new book.

Martha has received a Friend request from Chet, whom she knew from high school.  He was her first which is too much info for Castle and asks if she should accept.

Brady was paid $7,000 a month for his son's treatment.  Castle knows his calls would have been monitored and the Captain wants a list of the prison staff.  Castle believes they should begin at the start in order to solve this case, just like a mystery story.  All mystery stories are the same.  In this case a murder was committed to cover one up from ten years ago.  He came up with that all by himself, without any help.

Olivia was killed in her apartment and it looked like a robbery.  Beckett finds Olivia was at a high society club party where the waitress saw her arguing with a man in a blue blazer and orange striped tie.  Ryan tells them Perlmutter (Ayre Gross) doesn't t find Olivia was killed by a baseball bat.  Castle tells him it's unhygienic to eat in the morgue.  They want to exhume Olivia's DB.  Jeff Dillahunt (Ron Melendez) took Olivia as his date and asks why a man and woman can't be friends.  That's taboo to Castle.  Also he wonders if the two of them are together.  Castle: "Not yet."  Beckett: "Absolutely not." Jeff has an alibi.  One of the Wellesley's, Blake is running for the senator's seat.  Jeff agrees to take Castle to the party next time he's invited.

Ryan can't get the duty roster from the warden.  The waitress recalls one of the men spilled wine and  Beckett spots one in the photo.  The Wellesley matriarch, Leanne (Jill Andre) mentions her stolen ring, a clue.  Trent (Josh Daugherty) had an argument with Olivia since he wanted her to leave.  She was taking advantage of his uncle Winston (Gregg Henry).  Winston claims to have been home alone and from his mannerisms it's obvious he's lying, cos he's gay.  The Captain gets hold of the roster. He has his ways and asks why the money was no longer paid to Brady.  Blake (Mark Moses) wants them to question other family member at his office and the Captain refuses to comply.

Castle sweet talks Martha, describing her as being pretty in the past and she's pretty spectacular now too.  Castle accepts Chet as her Friend on her behalf.  Chet's also posted a younger photo of himself.

Olivia's coffin is found to be empty which was obviously going to be the case. Castle notices the coffin is expensive and from his research for Storm Warning he recalls they usually have a secret drawer, where a photo of Olivia's mother is found, who wears a pin for Senator Casper Wellesley. Beckett asks Castle if he's viewing porn. No, he uses Ryan's computer for that.  Patterson, a guard at the prison was paid off.  Winston admits he was Olivia's father.  Esposito and Ryan discover Winston's alibi, he was with a man and he was protecting the family.

Blake didn't know she was his daughter and Winston hid it cos of the campaign, which Blake lost anyway.  Their mother mentions her ring again.  She saw Olivia at her apartment and had  it "taken care of." Frank (Jeff Harlen) leaves to get her meds and is arrested by the Captain since the guard confessed.  It could only have been him since he's still doing things for their mother.  He was the 'family fixer.'  Blake took over power of attorney from their mother and so the money wasn't available.  Frank stole her ring to make part payment.  Beckett says they've closed three cases so have met their quota.  Also there's closure for Olivia's aunt and Shamansky's sister.  Castle wonders if "having answers makes it any easier?"  Beckett: "It does in time."

Castle tells Alexis he's already ruined their family reputation.  Blake has given $420 million to a children's charity which will help Brady's son.  Martha goes on a date with Chet since she just wants some fun.  Alexis wonders if insanity is hereditary.

Plenty of family skeletons lurking around in this episode for the Wellesley's; so it was only fitting Alexis signed Martha to social networking; where she also had a few clanking about in her closet. Re her young photo and Chet deciding to post the same.  Makes you wonder just how many actually look like their photos when they upload to such sites.

Wow wonders will never cease,the Captain got to work a case this episode; even if it turned out he put  someone away for a crime he didn't commit.  At least he admitted he made a mistake and did something about it.  Castle being in awe of the Captain not backing down when dealing with Blake, calling him, "awesome."

Ryan's still reading Castle's book. For a few episodes he didn't have one but clearly he's reading the new one.  Castle also gets to mention Derrik Storm once again and Storm Force, the driving force behind his success after all or he'd never have met Beckett.

Another moment where it become painfully obvious Beckett would like her mother's case solved but can't bring herself to do it.  Doesn't look like Castle's going to volunteer anytime soon.

Okay here we have Castle returning to those porn comments again - even if it was Beckett who brought it up.  Hadn't heard the 'P' word in a while.  Castle, cats and tea!  This episode was directed by Jonathan Frakes, Number 2 from Star Trek: The Next Generation.  So he did an excellent job and kept the action going, the laughs coming and some sombre moments too.

Mother was behind the killing and it was apparent from her 'missing ring,'  also how Frank was her 'go to man' for taking care of such things for her.

Hey no one gave any clues to anyone this episode when it came to solving the case; which also made a change.  Oh and for once, okay, maybe twice, Mark Moses didn't play a killer.  Martha's Myface account was an obvious reference to MySpace and Facebook.  Gregg Henry starred alongside Nathan in Firefly  episode The Train Job and in the movie Slither (2006).  Beckett said a magnifying glass isn't standard issue for detectives since Sherlock Holmes. Well, he wasn't a police detective!

The Closer - 6.10: "Executive Order" Review

The big day arrives for the announcement of Chief of Police. As expected it wouldn't go easy for Brenda, as Major Crimes investigates the killing of two paramedics and Brenda must work with her rival, Tommy Delk.

Paramedics arrive at the scene of a call-out, where they find a man alone, distressed and apparently unwell.   They get him onto a gurney and take him to hospital.   Anthony, (Emerson Brooks) one of the paramedics, blares the siren, which appears to distress him further.   He wakes up uncontrollable and Anna Vargas (Jaclyn De Santis) asks for help.   He then holds a gun on them both and shoots them dead.   Wiping his prints clean form the ambulance; he misses the fact he got hold of Vargas's glove when they lifted him onto the gurney in the beginning.

Brenda (Kyra Sedgwick) arrives at the scene and Tao (Michael Paul Chan) demos what a GS lift is - giving her an idea as to what to look for on the DBs.   But Taylor (Robert Gossett) tells her the LAFD took them away.   Just as the LAPD does for its officers, she wants the DBs brought to the morgue, but in a certain way.   Vargas has paper bags on her gloves to protect any evidence on them, viz, fingerprints belonging to the killer.   Morales (Jonathan Del Arco) knows Vargas, they were friends and Brenda tells him he doesn't have to perform the autopsy yet.   There wasn't one shown to be done either as it wasn't relevant.

Tao reveals a fingerprint on her glove belonging to Kevin Mason (Matthew Glave).   Sanchez (Raymond Cruz) informs Brenda about the use of a phone and this is connected to another case.   They think Kevin had an accomplice who made the 911 call for help.   Listening to the call, Brenda believes it's the killer's voice.   She  wonders how Kevin could have faked his symptoms.  Obviously some sort of medication would be required.

Pope (JK Simmons) tells Brenda she has to deal with Chief Tommy Delk (Courtney B Vance) - part of counter-terrorism, who investigated the earlier case.   He's also in the running for Chief of Police.   Brenda clearly bereft of this asks why a grown man would call himself 'Tommy.'  She doesn't want him taking over the case or bringing in the FBI until she as more to go on and as usual, no one listens to Brenda's requests anymore.   But Tommy has already called them, giving them three hours before the FBI shows up to take their evidence.   Like the way they always put deadlines in the show, cos it's gotta be solved in less than 40 minutes.  Pope wants them to work together.

Going through the evidence from the previous case, Brenda thinks the real targets were the firemen and not the IRS, where the bomb was left outside of their building.   Fritz (Jon Tenney) and some agents arrive for their evidence and Tommy lets them take everything.   Then suggests to Brenda they investigate the lead on Kevin, as they wouldn't want to lead  the FBI on a "wild goose chase."    Tommy came across as cunning.

Kevin puts the gun away along with dozens of empty medicine bottles into a drawer and puts on his name tag, 'Bob.'  He works in a nursing home and wheels around an old man as he's going to fix his electric wheelchair for him.   Kevin has other needs for it.  Taylor informs the paramedic's memorial will be moved forward so the announcement for Chief of Police has been moved to Tuesday.   Just to cause more tension in the air, did ~I say tension, I meant so Brenda can solve the case.

Brenda and Tommy question Dr Wexler (David Barry Gray) who analyzed Kevin when he applied for a position as a fireman.   He was rejected twice as he was described as controlling and sure of himself.   Dr Wexler advises to take what they think Kevin might do and think much bigger than that.   The patient asks about his wheelchair and threatens to report Kevin, when Kevin kills him, then makes a DVD recording before changing into an LAPD uniform.   The casings from the gun match Owens', (Kenneth White, the old man) and lead them straight to the nursing home.   Sanchez, Flynn, (Tony Dension) Provenza (GW Bailey) and Gabriel (Corey Reynolds) arrive too late.   Tao finds bottles of oxybutynin, which is used for bladder control.   Gabriel tells them Kevin was identified as one of the attendants there and Sanchez asks how long the DB will be released in since the staff want a quick burial - giving Brenda a clue as to what "the bigger" plan is that Kevin had in mind: to bomb the paramedic's memorial.

Kevin sits in the wheelchair carrying two oxygen canisters behind him.   Brenda wants the memorial cancelled and Pope does it for her - she could lose the position if she does this herself.   Flynn finds his abandoned van and the DVD inside an envelope addressed to the media.   The DVD contains his manifesto.   Brenda races to the van and Tao calls to tell her the bomb contains sarin.   Oxybutynin is used for the effects of this.   A policeman tells Kevin about the memorial being cancelled and he returns to the van, where Brenda comes face to face with him.   Wonder who got the bigger shock?

She tries to talk him down by telling him she's watched the DVD and agrees with he part about the system being corrupt.  Sanchez flees to get a better shot at Kevin from behind and he calls him a scared Hispanic - but he's not "racist."  Yeah that's why racists have to justify themselves by always using that line.   Gabriel goes for Kevin and they fight.  In the struggle, Brenda manages to get a shot off in Kevin's head and Tao arrives to in time to stop the canister from rolling into the pillar.   September 24 was when an executive order for affirmative action was given.

Flynn says she should have let him take the shot, she's got no hope of becoming Chief now.   Taylor arrives pointing out the Mayor wants to see the Chief, not Brenda but Tommy.   Taylor couldn't help but gloat, "an example of how things in life aren't fair."  That was obviously an allusion to Tommy being black.   Brenda hands out  treats to everyone after she breaks the DVD in half and throws it away.   Saving the people wasn't as important as being made Chief.  

Brenda was disappointed even if last episode she said she didn't want the job, especially how everyone talked her into it.   Pope says he's going to type his resume.   Also can't help but think Tommy played Brenda knowing she'd take all the risks to bring Kevin down.   Just as well Brenda threw Kevin's manifesto away.   Of course Major Case won't be disbanded - not just yet anyway.   What's with the 'warning' Taylor gave Brenda earlier on, like he knew who would be the next Chief; or more likely wanting  to keep both Brenda and Tommy happy too, so he'd get on with either Chief.  "In addition to your two vics, there are several still living people counting on you."  Yes, to save the day, solve the case and miss out on being Chief.

CSI: Miami - 8.9: "Kill Clause" Review

A company is suspected of taking out insurance policies on its employees and then killing them off to collect. Jesse is suspected of stalking a woman. Natalia is jealous.

Ryan (Jonathan Togo) moonlights as a security guard and looks at the tank containing jellyfish.   When asked by the other security man if he's doing his job, Ryan remarks, "...feel at ten grand a plate there aren't many murderers" at the charity event.   The security man spots a 'bad man' because of his moves, "like he's stalking prey."  Referring to Jesse (Eddie Cibrian).   So Jesse's character could have gone either way at this point in the season, he could either have been all bad or all good and no shades of grey in between.   Ryan asks for ID from Jesse.   Ryan says Jesse, "looks gorgeous in your tux."  Hey, Ryan didn't know you felt that way, ha.   Jesse watches a woman and then denies he knows her, but Ryan insists she knows Jesse.

A man hangs over the balcony above the tank and falls into the jellyfish, which pounce and kill him.   Jesse was the only one with any initiative and quick-thinking to run and try and help him, even putting his hand in the tank and getting stung.   Ryan arrives at the balcony too late.   Horatio (David Caruso) arrives at the scene in his shades, but no lines from him, strange for a CSI:Miami episode.   ME Tom (Christian Clemenson) comments they need to "preserve his injuries."  His name is Jeff Lofton (Ciro Suarez) and he was stung over hundreds of times.   The jellyfish were of the predatory variety and the stings led to cardiac arrest.

Calleigh (Emily Procter) tells Jesse Horatio asked for a statement from him, and jokingly asks who he's stalking, cos by now Ryan's been texting her with the low down.   Couldn't wait to tell everyone the goss when it's not about him.   Jesse uses balsamic vinegar on his stings, he's been stung before whilst out surfing and tells Calleigh to "...stop asking me about the women in my life."  Ahh, so admitting he really does know that woman!  Walter (Omar Miller) and Horatio check out the balcony.   Walter says the glass was too thick and Horatio believes the railing was too high so Jeff had to have been pushed.   There's blood on the floor from the Vic's fingers.   The railing was wiped clean so any prints they find will be fresh.   Max DeSalvo (Sam Hennings) CEO of the company arrives and Horatio notices something in his pant leg.   Walter uses the UV light and he also smells of ammonia.   Max's office is here and he tripped over the bucket.   Walter finds a palm print on the railing and they need a print from Max's hand.   So if his office is there and they're having a charity do, wouldn't he have changed his suit or was he planning on attending smelling like a cleaner.

Tom comments on Jesse smelling like a "dinner salad."   He takes infra red photos of the Vic and notices he suffered subdural haematomas, the kind from a bar fight, so was in a fight before he was killed.    Jeff's wife, DeeDee (Laura Ceron) arrives for a death certificate to collect on his insurance policy.   Calleigh looks it over, using the word, 'expedite' as if everyone will know what that means.   Ryan checks the palm prints and says he'll need to look at Jesse's print too.   Jesse was there as a paying donor and not with someone, at $10,000 a ticket.   It was for a good cause.   To stop him prying, Jesse says if "you were this curious about this case, you'd have solved it by now."

Calleigh wonders if his wife had an alibi and Jesse assumes it's about the money for her and wants her palm print checked.   Jesse makes judgements in this episode about DeeDee and he hasn't done that before, so naturally something's going on with him, since he seems to be picking her out as a suspect.   He hasn't done this before or again, so yes something's up.   A noticeable aberration in his character.     Jesse tells Ryan to compare the print he found on the balcony with DeeDee's print.   It was Walter who found the print and not Ryan.   She was on the balcony and helped him clean because of his knee and if the company found out they'd fire him, no, they'd terminate him is the correct term and they did that regardless of not being able to do his job or not.   Jesse still considers her a suspect and this time Calleigh helps her out by asking Jesse to make a call to the insurance company pretending to be Jeff Lofton, asking who took out the policy.   The beneficiary is listed as Renovation Warehouse.

Max explains they take put policies on all employees, known as 'Dead Peasant' policies; for the company's protection since they invested in him.   The policy oversees their loss.   How exactly, when they have a contract, he does his job and is paid for it.   Why should it be fair for the company to cash in on employees.   Ryan and Jesse return to the tank to search for evidence.   Ryan suggests they look inside the coral as they have filters and Jesse finds sequins.   Natalia (Eva LaRue) comments on how "not to come between a girl and her dress."  Jesse talks to the woman from the party, Anna (Mini Anden).  She thinks he followed her from LA.   she says, cryptically, it's "always a dead end with you."  It's business, not personal.   Again, we're meant to suspect something bad about Jesse.   He promises he'll explain to Natalia over drinks, if she promises to stop everyone from grilling him.   And of course, Natalia was just angling for that since she laid eyes on Jesse!  There's one girl missing, Caroline (Michaela McManus) so they can't check her dress.  

The files from the company are delivered by the actuary, Garrett Yates (Chris Eigeman) and Tripp (Rex Linn) thinks maybe they are trying to help.   There are a large number of files.   Ryan, Calleigh and Walter look for any discrepancies or connections in the file.   There are spikes in June which is the end of the company's fiscal year.   Walter finds a death in Michigan and Ryan finds one in Upstate New York and one in Vegas (was there an in joke here in getting these two states mentioned, re CSI shows set there).   There was also one death, where a receptionist, Hannah Wilcox hanged herself.   Thought you couldn't collect on suicide, in most policies.   Walter concludes they're killing employees, to collect on their insurance.   Hannah left her brother, Aaron (Ian Anthony Dale) the house and she donated her body to science.

Walter and ME Tom collect her body, but instead ME Tom conducts the autopsy right there, finding evidence of peticule hemorrhaging, consistent with manual strangulation.   ME Tom: "Too bad you can't travel back in time to the original CS."  Providing Walter with the clue to carry out a reconstruction.   He finds two rope burns across the beams and so Horatio says the body was hoisted up after she was already dead.   Epithelials weren't checked or collected in the original autopsy, so Natalia collects them from the rope now.   Matching Garrett.   He confesses the company wanted those people killed and that Max was behind it.   Calleigh surmises the only problem is they have no hard evidence on Max.

They find Caroline and her dress, which matches the missing sequins.   She's his executive assistant and she and Max were together.   Jesse informs her there's a policy on her too.   Horatio claims there should be evidence of Jeff on Max and so Jesse checks his clothes.   Max claims it was self defence.   Horatio accuses Max of being responsible for the murders.   Even if it's Max's word against Garrett.   Horatio comments "these things have a way of working themselves out."  Yes they do as demonstrated by numerous episodes from all three shows; where the killer escapes justice, only to be given poetic justice in being shot by a surviving relative.   As Max is shot here by Aaron.   He throws the gun in the water, so does he get caught.

Jesse stands up Natalia and he sits in his car watching Anna.   Leading us to believe Jesse has stalker tendencies written all over him, if he's resorting to such activities.   No one believes that for a minute, it's not in his character or nature and if Eddie was staying in the show as a regular, he would never be portrayed as bad.   Not from what we've seen of him so far, he's too caring a person to be keeping suspicious secrets.

CSI:Miami handling crusades against CEOs this season and corporate greed.   All having a detrimental effect on the ordinary person.

Merlin - 3.8: "The Eye of the Phoenix" Review

Merlin agrees for Arthur to go on his quest for the Golden Trident of the Fisher King alone, but that was before he finds out about Morgana's parting gift to Arthur. The Eye of the Phoenix, not a good luck charm or a protector.

Ooh scene 1 and already we get a shirtless Arthur! (Bradley James) Stop it writers, you can't spoil us already, you'll leave us with no surprises.  Arthur meditates and soon after he comes up with a quest of his own: to search for The Fisher King and bring back his Golden Trident.  This Merlin (Colin Morgan) calls "an important day in Arthur's life."  This Trident is mentioned in the legends of the Fallen Kings.   (It's Arthur who makes another reference to this.)  Uther (Anthony Head) tells him Arthur must journey on this quest alone and this will prove him worthy of Camelot and to be King, in front of his subjects.   Well going it alone is not on the agenda, not when Merlin's around and certainly not when he finds out about Arthur's bracelet.

Gaius (Richard Wilson) provides Merlin with the lowdown on the Fisher King (so what's happened to all these books he told Arthur he was reading, okay, there weren't any.) He was a sorceror who lived hundreds of years ago.   After being wounded in battle, he was not only infected by this throughout his body, but his lands were also infected.  Many believe him to be still alive, sustained in this way by his magic.   Merlin has hiccups, he's eating hurriedly, he could have cured them with some magic!  That's one thing about Merlin, he doesn't use magic for himself, or on himself, but only to help others.   In sharp contrast to Morgana (Katie McGrath) who knows no bounds as far as being selfish and evil goes.   (The one time he did try and use magic to save himself, look how that worked out.)

In the market with Morgana, Gwen (Angel Coulby) notices she's approached by an old hag and lead away.   It's Morgause (Emilia Fox) in disguise.  She hands Morgana a bracelet which will significantly weaken Arthur on his quest and drain him of his life force, eventually leading to his death.   Begging the question of why Morgana didn't realize it was Morgause and not an old woman.   Surely she can recognize her in any old disguise.  She has to make a "likeness of Arthur" in order for the bracelet to work.   Ahh, that'd be similar to a voodoo doll, to you and me.  And "bind it to the gift" i.e.  the gift Morgause taught her.   Gwen sees Morgause's reflection in the mirror but thinks nothing of it.

Uther talks with Morgana about Arthur being the true heir and she reassures him that "a Pendragon will rule over Camelot for a long time to come." Referring to none other than herself as this Pendragon.   Morgana really oozes evil and cruelty out of every orifice and that's a huge change in her character.   She had us fooled into thinking she was so perfect, shy and timid and could do no wrong.   Clearly the magic in her, the nightmares she had, has surpassed any civility or humility she may have once possessed.  

Merlin worries about Arthur and the bracelet, he felt it's magical power and sets out to help Arthur.   Well Merlin is the only one who can save him and knows of Morgana's treachery.  The bracelet is the Eye of the Phoenix.  Like the phoenix itself, the eye burned of fire and drains the life force, as said, which is why everytime we see it light up, it makes Arthur that much weaker.  Anyway, the quest wouldn't be complete without the help of Gwaine (Eoin Macken) since Merlin isn't really any match in the fighting stakes, or should that be sword-wielding stakes, or both.   Right, he's not a fighter but a magician.   He finds Gwaine in  a tavern, naturally, facing yet more trouble and having to escape the clutches of some thugs.   Loved the music in this chase scene, it was very Pirates of the Caribbean (2003), at least to me!

Morgana weaves her magic and binds Arthur's doll, burning it.   Prompting Gwen to become suspicious of the burning smell.   Morgana is abrupt with her.   Again letting her guard down around Gwen in her haste to hurry Arthur's demise along.   I have to say, for someone who is meant to be endowed with the gift of magic, she doesn't come across as very bright.   In fact she doesn't have half the power or brains that Merlin has.   Morgause has to tell her what to do, practically all the time and give her magic 'gifts' to use.   At least Merlin knows how to use his powers, to a certain extent, without any help.

Arthur barely manages to stave off his attackers and finally comes to a bridge, where he meets Grettir (Warwick Davis), akin to a magical dwarf.   He comments, Arthur "must be courage." What was interesting about this conversation was that Grettir knows the bracelet Morgana gave Arthur is magical, but Arthur can't see that.   It's as though he's had his eyes closed to magic since Uther outlawed it in Camelot.   A cruel joke or kind teasing on Grettir's part about Arthur, especially when he tells him he'll need "strength and magic" to complete his quest.  Not all within Arthur, but in all three (Arthur = courage, Merlin = magic and Gwaine = strength) put together.  He disappears as as quickly as he appeared.

Morgana gives Gwen time off, for good behaviour, had to fit that in, no, it's for being short with her, but Gwen isn't falling for it and hides in her closet to spy on her.  Merlin and Gwaine share a joke in a bonding moment.   These two really have a developing friendship and it's good that Gwaine is ready and willing to help Arthur because he genuinely feels Arthur is a good guy and not because Merlin just tells him he is.   He's always looking for a fight and a good tavern.   I also like the threesome (not in that sense!) of the characters in how they all have such great chemistry together as actors and characters, bringing real passion to their scenes.  shown by their stopping in front of the fire and Gwaine admitting he's there to help Merlin and not there for Arthur.   Merlin is the only friend Gwaine has.   Which is a sad indictment of Gwaine's position, he's a knight so would have had many prospects and no need to venture to taverns for drinks, he could make his mark in Camelot, but he chooses not to.   Not only because he doesn't agree with Uther and his 'vision' of Camelot; but he doesn't like the entire injustices of the nobility.

Gwen admits what she saw in Morgana, her "fiery eyes" and Gaius tells her they must beware her.  At last Gwen finally gets some meat to her role.   She's been the servant for far too long and now she knows what Morgana is really up to and Merlin, Gaius and Arthur, unwittingly, gain another ally in her.

Arthur survives quicksand, only to meet Wyverns, magical creatures, similar to dragons, his energy diminishing as time goes on.  Splitting up to find Arthur, Merlin has to call upon his role of Dragon Lord to cause the Wyverns to retreat.   Arthur had to be unconscious so he wouldn't see Merlin using magic, but Gwaine kills one of the Wyverns with his sword when it attacks again.   There, magic and strength both in action to save Arthur.  Arthur can only be angry for ruining his quest, like who'd know they helped!

Merlin gets locked in the chamber with the Fisher King (Donald Sumpter), who calls him Emrys.   He wants to die and was waiting for Merlin for so long.  The others look for a door to get Merlin out and Gwaine calls Arthur a 'princess'.  A bit of his own medicine there, as he's always calling Merlin a girl.  The Fisher King was waiting for "the time of the once and future king."  And the "chosen one."  being Merlin, of course, not another chosen one seems all TV shows must have one or more.  This is Merlin's quest and the Trident falls from his hand, this is all Arthur wanted.   Merlin's true prize is the water from the Lake of Avalon and in order to save Albion, Merlin will find help in this water, it "...will show you the way."  In return he wants something from Merlin, the gift of death.   Merlin gives him the Eye of the Phoenix and places it on his wrist so he may die.

Morgana is shocked to see Arthur return, dropping her goblet.   If only we could have had some looks from Gwen, now knowing what she's like, it's only fair, since Morgana gets to smirk in evil fashion.  Gaius warns Merlin of their one enemy in Camelot and they should heed the warnings of The Fisher King.

The pursuit of the Fisher King and the Trident was not Arthur's quest but that of Merlin.   Since sure enough, Uther has the Trident locked away in the vaults of Camelot.  It was another extension of Merlin's destiny and the need for him to embrace it whole heartedly.  Think that in an abstract way, when Grettir mentioned the three requirements to Arthur's quest, he could also be referring to Merlin's strength too, not physical, but will power; and courage: the courage and determination to  do whatever it takes to protect Arthur.   Morgana was Uther's ward once upon a time, and I like to think that Merlin is Arthur's guardian and protector.

Merlin has continually excelled this series (season) and this episode was no exception.   Can't wait for the next.

Grettir appears to Merlin saying, "Magic has arrived."  for Arthur to become king, Merlin has to be by his side, this is revealed as Merlin's destiny, but Merlin already knows that.   he was told this several times by the Dragon.  (John Hurt).   Gwaine he calls "strength" and Grettir turns Gwaine's sword into a bunch of flowers.  Grettir parts company with them by telling Merlin he should obey the wishes of the Fisher King.   Already Merlin is told he is alive, even before he's arrived at his destination.

Supernatural - 1.1: "Pilot" Review

Pilot introduces us to Sam and Dean as children and what happened one night to seal their fate and their future. how losing their mother impacted on all their lives, especially their father.

As far as season openers/pilot episodes go -- you don't get much more brilliant than this.  Oodles of suspense within the opening  scene; after all, what can go wrong?  It's a tranquil night (the silence before the storm), a mother checks on her baby.  Moments before the ensuing horror torments a father turning up to see his beloved wife burn.  You'd be forgiven for thinking you've seen the opening moments of a horror movie.  And you wouldn't be wrong since that's exactly what the creator of Supernatural Eric Kripke intended.  To make a tiny horror movie within each episode.  Underpinned with lots of atmosphere, action and heart-wrenching dialogue.

This is how violently the adventures - that's too ordinary a word to use - how the anguish, of two brothers, Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles) and their sad life eeked at us to keep tuning in for every second of their tales.

Following the events of that fateful night in Lawrence, Kansas, their home town; the action moves forward to focus on Sam, now grown up and attending Stanford.   Living a normal life, studying law (and it doesn't get more normal than that, some might add, even boring!) with a loving girlfriend, Jessica (Adrienne Palicki).   Listen out for Sam's phrase to describe his life without Jess, he'd "crash and burn."  His family life is not exactly "The Brady's."  Referring to The Brady Bunch.

Cue "long-ish, lost" brother, Dean.  The eldest and not exactly the brains of the outfit.  But he's cute and has a roving eye for the ladies!  I won't go into the fans' debate of which one is more hotter than the other, suffice to say, I like Jared, but I always liked Jensen from way back!  And I'm not afraid to admit it either!

Dean's on a mission to coax Sam to accompany him on his search for Dad, aka John Winchester (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), who's missing.  He does act surprised at the life and style (ha) Sam's chosen over their demon hunting and all things supernatural.  Okay, I added the style part in reference to Sam's shirts!

Lots of funny lines about Dad not reassuring Sam of the "monster" under Sam's bed when he was little and he shouldn't be afraid of the dark.  As expected Dean tells him these very things do exist and they need to be afraid of.  You see, unlike the rest of us, they know from first hand experience bad things: ghosties, ghoulies and evil is very real.

That was another aspect of this show that I personally loved -- not only the legends; monsters, the two leads, but how the two had so much chemistry and knew how to act off each other.  So not only did we drool over our fave brothers, but we could understand their pain and suffering.  Sam wanted out of the hunting life and all its baggage, but Dean -- the warrior -- had to continue, it was the only thing he knew how to do.  Not only out of loyalty to Dad, but he felt it a kind of duty too.  Now he needs and wants Sam's help in tracking Dad and knowing he's safe.

The critics and cynics have asked why Dean didn't search for Dad alone.  Yes he could have done that, but this was his family, their family, all they had left in the entire world.  Dean believed Sam would join him too not only out of worry but love.  Even if in round-about fashion, he wanted Sam to hunt with him full-time.  As Dean rightly asserts, he doesn't want to do this alone.  Sam reluctantly agrees, as long as he's back by Monday for his law school interview.

Dad's been missing three weeks, his last sighting in Jericho, California, where Dad was investigating the disappearances of men on a lonely stretch of highway.  Dean managed to slow down the voice on Dad's voicemail and a woman's voice could be heard saying, "I can never go home."

In Jericho itself, a woman dressed in white hitchhikes and asks the man to take her home, at the end of Breckenridge Road.  He obliges, since no redblooded male can refuse a cool chick in plunging neckline dress, and she seduces him before attacking him on the bridge.

Sam discovers Dean's collection of music cassettes, heavy metal, rock, but the MP4 revolution hasn't hit him yet.  Loved the way Dean calls Sam "Sammy" and gets away with it.  Hey, big brothers get away with a whole lot more.  Which Sam hates, "Sammy's a chubby 12 year old."

From his vast collection of fake IDs, he pulls one out for themselves when they roll over to ingratiate themselves into the investigation.  Another appealing moment of the show, a fake ID moment.  There's also Supernatural's homage to the X-Files, namely, Mulder and Scully as Dean comments "Agent Mulder, Agent Scully" when passing the FBI agent.

They chance upon the missing man's girlfriend in town and Sam notices her Pentagram necklace.  "Penta meaning protection against evil."  Dean sarcastically thanks him for that line of info...  don't see you doing any better Dean!  As I said Sam is clearly the brains, Dean's just there for the brawn, looking good, using guns and getting laid!

They piece together a local legend about a woman who was murdered and she haunts the highway, picking up male hitchhikers, who subsequently disappear.   When Sam researches this on his trusty computer, he comes across Constance Welch (Sarah Shahi).  She killed herself by jumping from the bridge, after she murdered her two children in the bath, chancing upon her husband's affair.

Dean picks the wrong time to discuss, or rather bring up, Sam's chosen career path and future life with Jess.  I hate to say it, but at first glance, it appears Dean jinxed Sam's future happiness when he said this.  He hasn't been honest with Jess in not telling her about the "things he's done.  What they've hunted."  Dean: "sooner or later, you're gonna have to face up to who you really of us."  Some of the best scenes are when they argue, man had me glued for hours!  As Sam didn't know Mom (Samantha Smith) doesn't mean he can be disrespectful to her, when Sam tells Dean she's gone and won't be back.  Dean berates him for this, don't ever say that again.

Dean notices Constance jump from the bridge.  Next minute she's driving his beloved Impala.  Woe betide the man or woman who comes between Dean and his beloved Impala.  The other love of his life, or you could say, the love of his life.  Sam has his computer and Dean his car.  She drives towards them and they have to jump to avoid being run over.  So Dean ends up smelling like a toilet!

They find clippings of Dad's research in his motel, containing important leads and clues on this case and in another of my favourite bits, Sam calls Dean a "jerk" and Dean returns the compliment by referring to him as "bitch."  That's brotherly love for you.  No, it's not a bad comment but their "catchphrase-y," insult moment!

The cops move in on the motel and Dean is arrested as he gives Sam the heads up, "Five-O."  Dean's a suspect and he rightly points out he wasn't old enough when the first victim vanished, being only 3.  He uses a paperclip to escape his cuffs.  Strangely, no MacGyver moment was mentioned here!

Sam questions Constance's husband (Steve Railsback) admitting he knows about "the woman in white" also known as "the weeping woman."

Sam also gets his own experience with the woman in white when she turns up in the Impala, wanting him to take her home.  But he plays a trump card; you see, he's never been unfaithful, so she can't kill him.  That's what you think Sam.  He has the bright idea to drive her to her house.  Sam: "I am taking you home."   Where she's attacked by her dead children.  She vanishes with them, leaving behind a pool of water.  Sam gets the first kissing scene in this episode.  As well as the first sad scene too.

Sam doesn't want to continue hunting and looking for Dad.  As he returns, he gets the fright of his life, being too young to see Mom die, he sees Jess in flames on the ceiling.  Dean breaks down the door to save Sam from the fire.  In what seems to be events from that night in Kansas.  Dad gave Sam to Dean to look after back then too.  That was my reference in the beginning to Sam uttering the words how he'd "crash and burn" without her.  Alas, it's Sam who witnesses the burning of Jess.  Sure enough, it gets him riled to find what or who did this.

After an exceptional start to the series, the ending was a bit of a let down, as the death of Jess appeared the only way to get Sam back into the fight.  My only qualm, but I can't hold that gripe for long!

Friday 1 June 2012

Castle - 2.7: "Famous Last Words" Review

Castle and Beckett look into the murder of singer Hayley Blue, whom Alexis is a fan of. A particularly dark and disturbing episode of the show. At least they get their killer.

Castle gets some fast talking narrative in the opening to introduce the premise of the show in season 2, narrated by Nathan Fillion, as Castle: "There are two kinds of folk who sit around thinking about how to kill people - psychopaths and mystery writers.   I'm the kind that pays to better.   Who am I? I'm Richard Castle.   Every writer needs inspiration and I 've found mine.  Detective Kate Beckett and thanks to my friendship with the Mayor I get to be on her case and together we catch killers."

Castle plays Guitar hero and rolls about all over the floor etc, really getting into it, this is how he unwinds, when he's interrupted by a sad Alexis (Molly Quinn).   Hayley Blue is dead and Castle thinks if that were true then Beckett (Stana Katic) would call, which she does, as if by magic.  Hayley is found in an alley suspended from a ladder and Perlmutter (Ayre Gross)  finds her neck was broken.   Castle says they don't need ID as he took Alexis to see her band perform last year.  Alexis waits for Castle in the Captain's (Ruben Hudson-Santiago) office for news.   Which is confirmed.   She has to set the parental control on his computer for him.

Ryan (Seamus Dever) does a search for the song on the computer and finds she was singing about a stalker and had a restraining order out on him.   There's a scene from the video which resembles the scene of how her DB was found.   Castle will call the truant officer if she doesn't get back to school and asks the Captain if there is one.   The Captain comments budget cuts, which Castle believes makes Alexis lucky.   Esposito (Jon Huertas) says Hayley's stalker called her a "b-i-t-c-h." Castle tells him Alexis can spell.

Franco (Bernardo de Paula) was her stalker and Beckett thinks it's refreshing to see Castle as a father.   Castle asks if that makes her want him.   Becket thinks he's acting twelve again.   Hayley's producers, Bree (Anne Ramsey) and Ian Busch (Robert Curtis Brown) sent her to rehab as she was hooked on drugs.   She went missing.   Bree tells of how she woke up screaming at night, which was a clue to Ian.   Her sister Sky (Erin Foster) didn't like her for becoming famous.

Franco is found on the bus and he ran cos he'd be suspected.   He was listening to Hayley's song on the Net and the song lyrics stated it was going to be her final show, "death she grows near."  He recalls a man yelling at her, Zack, her guitarist.   Esposito finds Zack (Jesse Head) has a record and likes hitting women.   Castle comments if he was a woman he'd hit him back.  Beckett: "everyone looks like a killer to me, it's a job requirement."  Castle asks if he looks like a killer to her.   Beckett: "you kill my patience."  Ryan also discovers Hayley went to the police but she left without talking to anyone.

Zack claims to have been at a gig.   Hayley went solo and took the band name with her.   He calls the order 'cease and desist'.  Castle corrects him as he's been doing a lot lately this season, it's "cease and desist."  Castle tells him to "feel free to bathe."  Sky comes to the morgue to ID Hayley carrying a bottle and a knife.   She sold the bracelet Hayley gave her.   Hayley left Bree and Ian to get clean and she saw them with her dealer, Tony.   He says Hayley wanted a gun not drugs.   Perlmutter finds Hayley was clean and sober, so Beckett says she wasn't killed where she was found.   She goes through her theory which Castle claims she thought sounded so smart when she started.   Castle reverts back to the butler doing it in such cases.   Then Alexis doesn't have an alibi so she'd be the perfect suspect, he adds.

Alexis tells she would inform him if she killed anyone cos she'd need help hiding the DB.  Actually she's too clever to need help and besides she's the one who's always giving out clues for the cases to be solved.   Alexis believes her song was about new beginnings since Tarot cards are symbolic and death means something new.   Castle comments about "Final Destination in song form."

Sky's taken over Hayley's place as lead singer and John McGinnis (Clayton Rohner) is their manager.   He was the one who turned Hayley into an addict and a star he says when questioned.   Ryan is seen with Castle's book.   McGinnis called Zack, who hit Sky.   He wanted to get Hayley hooked again through Sky and lied about not seeing Hayley on the night she was killed.   Her phone kept ringing.  "Death" was calling and she freaked out.   Beckett thinks the killer tracked her down and killed her after the phonecalls.   She was right for once.

Beckett believes Bree represented change in her life.   Castle asks if Beckett's crying since he hears sniffles.   It's Sky when she sang Hayley's song she felt her.  Beckett says Hayley was strong and she wasn't using.   Ryan finds Bree's credit card was used at a pharmacy and she also brought Lava Red lipstick.   Bree left messages for her.   Hayley came to the studio and she gave her drugs to complete her song.   Hayley refused them.   Castle noses around and discovers a replaced panel in the wall, concealing a bullet hole.   Castle worries about Sky like a father, being out there alone.  "Kills me thinking she's out there alone."  They find Sky and she hasn't used.

Alexis listens to Hayley's song.   Castle tells her that losing an artist is like losing a friend.   After John Lennon died he stayed in his room for a week.   Alexis gives him another clue from the song.  "I can explain if you're listening."  The song was written a week before she died.   Ian abused her.   He used Bree's phone to lure her to a meeting.   Castle posits he was too powerful for her so the gun was useless "when it comes to slaughter."  Castle claims he was trying to work though something in his life.   The GSR matches Ian's coat.   Castle goes home to tell Alexis the truth.   They attend a vigil for Hayley.

Not such a hilarious episode of Castle as have been in the past; though it had it moments.   More of a serious, touching one in which Castle was allowed to explore his feelings and emotions as a father, rather than a writer.   How he was there for Alexis in her time of grief and she helped him solve the senseless and tragic death of a singer who died before her time.   More importantly it raised the ugly subject of sexual assault and abuse and its silent victims,who can't speak out about it.   If Hayley had, she would have been alive today.

Yet again we delve into Castle's obvious anger and helplessness in a way.   As a father he's aware of the position of trust and responsibility this places on anyone else in that position.   Ian was a father figure to Hayley.   She saw him as such, which made his crime all the more heinous.   Again showing Castle's caring and compassionate side as he went looking for Sky, not wanting to see her suffer out there alone.

When Castle and Beckett spoke to Bree and Ian in the opening, it was obvious one or the other was her killer, narrowed down when Castle found  the newly fixed panel at the studio and she was also suspended form the fire escape which would have required more strength.   Also it took Hayley's death for Sky to clean up her act.   Ryan reads Castle's book this episode, Heat Wave.

The Vampire Diaries - 3.13: "Bringing Out the Dead" Review

Klaus invites Stefan and Damon over for a tete a tete with Elijah. Alaric and other town council members, including Bill are attacked. The occupant of the locked coffin is revealed.

Klaus (Joseph Morgan) and Elijah (Daniel Gillies) fight and just after Klaus finished redecorating too.   Never mind not much damage was done.   Elijah warns if Klaus uses the dagger he'll have Kol (Nathaniel Buzolic) to deal with, Kol being another sibling and original.   Klaus admits to killing Mikael with his own dagger.   Klaus agrees to tell him things he didn't want to disclose before.   He also recalls the oath of loyalty Elijah gave him and Klaus needs him by his side in order to destroy Stefan (Paul Wesley) and their family will be together once more.

Alaric (Matt Davis) admits to calling Meredith (Torrey DeVitto) when he was drunk.   The sheriff (Marguerite MacIntyre) tells him and Elena (Nina Dobrev) of Brian's death with a stake which was taken from Elena's parent's lakehouse cabin.   It has Elena's prints on it, well duh.   Elena calls Damon (Ian Somerhalder) who suggests she should ask Alaric about the doctor.   Alaric tells him he's on speakerphone.   Elena stands up for Alaric as far as women are concerned, "I refuse to believe your  your luck with women is that tragic."

Stefan is referred to as a 'bunny snacking pacifist in the day.'  Damon left Elijah a note in his pocket, ooh Damon people will talk! Ha.   He signed it with xoxo too.   He wants to know what could be sealed in the coffin.   Abby (Persia White) doesn't have any powers.   Once again Damon trusts Elijah when he's the last person/vampire he should be trusting; especially since Elijah doesn't have any loyalty towards the Salvatore's, or anyone else for that matter, except for Klaus who reminded him of that earlier.

 Elena confronts Stefan and asks if he killed Brian and he replies if she asked the same thing of Damon.   Caroline (Candice Accola) visits the hospital for Bill (Jack Coleman) and thanks Meredith for saving him.   He's been discharged and Caroline calls him, she hears his phone in the hospital.   She and Elena find him stabbed but it's okay he has vampire blood in his system through no choice of his own.   Abby brought the only Grimoire she needed for the spell.   Bonnie (Kat Graham) talks of their family history and how they were all turned into vampires by their mother.   Abby notices a blood knot on one of the pages.   It needs two generations to bind it and so two would be needed to unseal it.

Damon selects a wardrobe for Stefan to wear, "Black makes you look all villan-y."  Damon thinks undaggering Elijah was a smart move on his part.   Stefan says he was right about him being loyal, however Damon trusts Elijah about as much as he trusts Stefan which was good to hear.   Not that he doesn't trust his own brother though.   The subject moves onto Elena as we knew it would and he blatantly tells Stefan if he hadn't been such a screw up then the kiss wouldn't have happened.   Yes it would have happened, considering Elena made the first move and kissed him back in the season 2 finale, cos she thought Damon would die from the werewolf bite and she wouldn't get another chance, the crafty minx!

Bill didn't see who attacked him and Caroline wants him to drink blood.   Elena says he needs to feed to finish the transformation or he'll die which he is prepared for.   The dagger matches the ones Alaric has and he's taking inventory of their weapons.   All roads lead to Meredith and they can't ignore the facts.   Stefan doesn't want to be at Klaus's.   Damon: "Leave Grumpy Stefan at home."  Damon also reminds Stefan he was the one who killed their own father.   Klaus has spilled to Elijah about killing their mother, so it seems matricide and patricide runs in both families.   That's another thing Stefan has in common with Klaus then, killing parents.  

Elena is adamant Alaric deserves to be happy and the sheriff is told about Meredith.   Caroline suspects Tyler.   Elena tells Caroline the only thing Bill has left is his choice and she knows all about choices since Stefan gave her the choice of whether she wants to become a vampire or not - something Damon wasn't letting her decide when he fed her his own blood in 2.20 The Last Day.    Elijah asks after Elena and Stefan replies he should ask Damon.   Then decides the Elena talk is too much for him and if they continue to mention her Stefan will leave.

Klaus brings up Tatia: the originator of the Petrova line.   She was a beauty and all the men wanted her even though she had a child by another.   Both Elijah and Klaus loved her.   Just like they wanted Katherine.   Their mother took Tatia's blood and made them drink it when they were turned.   That was a twist of fate, they each got part of her, ha.   They both fought over her but "recognized the sacred bond of family."  Still Damon didn't get it, unless there's something else to the plot.  

Bonnie thinks Abby isn't trying with the spell.   The spirits are angry at Abby.   Bonnie believes she had the dreams to find her and doesn't have any memories of Abby.   She needs to help Bonnie and the coffin almost opens.   Bonnie calls Damon.   Damon's side of the deal is that the coffins will be returned and they should leave here forever.   Klaus needs Elena's blood to ensure he has hybrids.   He's worried she may die or become a vampire if Stefan and Damon continue their fighting.   She should marry someone like Matt (Zach Roerig) and continue the Petrova line.   So Stefan tells him he'll have a new doppelganger every hundred years.   So his hybrids will continue and he won't be alone.

Alaric is found at home and he's been attacked.   Matt says the entire town is meed up.   Alaric wants Elena to kill him so that he can die a supernatural death and come back.   She's the doppelganger so she's supernatural and she stabs him.   Stefan accuses Klaus of inviting them over to drive he and Damon apart and they fight.   Klaus holds Stefan's hand in the fire and will burn him if he doesn't get the coffins.   Klaus promised to give Elijah their family.   Bill wants to die and doesn't want Caroline to call Steven.   Caroline wants him to change his mind since he can handle being a vampire.   Becoming one is wrong and Bill's strength is in his beliefs.   He doesn't hate who Caroline is.   Klaus asks Stefan where the ripper is?  Elijah returns with the other originals.   He doesn't trust Klaus and is doing this on his terms.   SO it appears Elijah didn't trust Klaus whereas it was made to appear he didn't trust Damon.   Rebekah (Claire Holt), Kol and Finn (Casper Zafer) all stab Klaus.

Bill dies and Elena doesn't want to lose anymore family, so she keeps saying.   Stefan congratulates Damon on his smart move with Elijah.   Damon doesn't want his thanks until he's thanked Stefan for all the times he's saved him.   He also didn't do it for Elena.   They both love her.   Stefan believes if he had died then Damon could have had her.   Damon hangs up on Elena when she calls him.

Meredith has an alibi.   Alaric wakes.   Council members are being attacked.   But Carol Lockwood hasn't been attacked, so much for Klaus giving his promise of protecting the town.   Their mother was in the coffin as I already guessed.   Klaus wanted a place for them all.   She's here to forgive Klaus, he's her son.   Klaus threatens to hunt them all down and Elijah tells him he'll become the very thing he hates, their father.   Mother (Alice Evans) wants them all to be a family.

Elena seemed to be everywhere this episode: she's at home, in the hospital, at Caroline's, back at home, on the phone to Damon.   A wonder she had time for anything else.   No scenes in person with Damon this episode.   Highlight of the episode when she called Damon and he rejected her call - showing Stefan he did what he did for Stefan and not for her.

As for Elena's 'talk' to Caroline about her father's CHOICE not to become a vampire, even if she was faced with that choice a few episodes ago; she didn't give that same level of freedom to Jeremy (Steven R McQueen).   No she treated him like her possession, only she could decide what was best for him.   Getting Damon to compel him and then sent him packing.   Wasn't it Jeremy's choice  whether he stayed or left?   That he was thinking about leaving town doesn't come into it.

 Also Elena was harping on again about not wanting to lose anymore family to Matt.   Well how does she think Caroline felt?   Not only will she be 17 forever but she hasn't got her dad now and she doesn't know what's happening with Tyler.   Then Elena takes it upon herself to 'kill' Alaric just to save him and bring him back.   She wasn't even hesitant about that either.   Alaric suggested and she just did it - mentioning again she's the doppelganger.

Lots of family sticking together happenings this ep, so naturally, or unnaturally it had to be mama in the coffin.   Just how much is she going to keep the family in check and rein in Klaus, or run amok through the town?   Why didn't she harm Abby and Bonnie? Question of the day: how'd Elijah manage a haircut when he was in the coffin?  Was it a case of Damon freeing him and then 'oh I'm off for a haircut before I do some hybrid killing and confront brother dear?'

Other questions raised: not being told mother/Ester was in the coffin, who managed to put her there and seal it?   A witch, Klaus?  Then he just chanced upon the coffin too.   Why is Klaus so fearful of Kol?  Would Ester really forgive Klaus for killing her and no word on Mikael and his killing too?   Can't really believe she'd turn the other cheek.   Bill not wanting to see Steven before he dies.   (Jack Coleman played Steven in Dynasty - I digress.)

Hey Matt on the killing spree - no it's only a think-out-loud moment.   He's really the only human left out of the Mystic Falls bunch, non-adult human that is, who knows what's really going on in the town.

There was Klaus reverting to that 'innocent' child at heart look again when mother arrived.   Stefan still has his humanity for all the being bad demeanour he displays.   It seems to be Elena who brings it out in him still.   So not looking good for Damon, also Klaus suggesting Matt would be a good match for her.   Hasn't she been there, done that?

Supernatural - 6.20: "The Man Who Would Be King" Review

Cas has a crisis of faith and confidence and well,a general crisis over who he is and what he does and his betrayal of friends, which he still believes is for the greater good.

Castiel (Misha Collins) sits and contemplates, well reveals much about his life over a vast millenia.   Being at a shoreline - old fish - wash up, Tower of Babel and how it fell, Cain, Abel, David and Goliath, and recalls the Apocalypse cos it never happened.   Beaten by "two boys, a drunk and a fallen angel.   Who has ideas of his own, big plans.   Leaving freedom and choice and no destiny..."  How would he know if he made the wrong choice?   "Let me tell you everything."

Cas in Dean's (Jensen Ackles) car - Satan Jr's alive, meaning Crowley (Mark Sheppard).   Cas claims to be looking for him and he looked suspicious when he so innocently sat in the Impala asking Dean all those questions.   Crowley is torturing more monsters - see Cas was sneaking around.   Eve opened the door to purgatory and Crowley would have.   Cas screwed up cos he's distracted.   Crowley can smell the Impala on his coat (always that coat.)  Shame no one smelt the smell of Crowley on that coat, actually that should read the scent of betrayal.   Cas had to find out what they know.   Cas: "My interest was conflicted."  Cas was their guardian and they "taught him to stand up, what to stand for and what happens when you do."  Sam (Jared Padalecki) was 'put back' at the end of season 5.

Sam watches Dean after he's freed from Lucifer's cage in hell.   Cas was full of confidence but didn't raise all of Sam.   Crowley referring to them as "denim wrapped nightmares." Cas needs to find purgatory or they'll both die again and again until the end of time.   Crowley is the King of hell.

Dean tells of Cas and he didn't tell him anything.   He was their friend and now he's lying to them.   Bobby is unsure about Cas and his loyalty.   Cas listens in on them.   Sam would die for Cas and Bobby thinks Cas has gone darkside and should stock up on Kryptonite.   Dean calls Sam 'Lois Lane.'  Cas thinks Dean was trying to be loyal.

Ellsworth, (John Tench) the demon version of Bobby, is the dispatcher.   So now Cas will dispatch him for Sam and Dean, only cos he'd lead them to Crowley who would then kill them.   Was he protecting the dudes or himself?  Cas: "I don't know motives used to be so pure" before the corrupting influence of humans, ha.   He saved Sam and returned to heaven where he met Rachel.   (Sonya Salomaa).   She tells him God chose Cas but he is sure they are "free to make our own choices and free to make our own destinies." He had to meet Raphael who demands Cas pledge his allegiance to him, free Lucifer and Michael and bring the Apocalypse.

At Ellsworth's Bobby comments on the place being too clean.   Dean wants to call Cas cos that's what they'd normally do.   Dean tries to convince them it's Cas and he's helped them.   They "owe him the benefit of the doubt."  Sam calls and he doesn't come.  Cas was afraid and Sam, Dean and Bobby are attacked by Crowley's 'bitches.'  Cas must save them.   Another choice he had to make in saving them cos they're his friends.   Cas believes Crowley's alive.   Dean: "You think Kojak?"

Bobby posits Cas burned the wrong bones.   Dean should have asked him straight out.   They trusted Cas and he remarks, "Superman going to the darkside.   I'm still Cas."  Dean comments they can put away the Kryptonite.   Cas is angry at Crowley.  Crowley responds as long as long as his minions believe Cas is good - he can do the same.   Cas threatens to to end their arrangement if he touches them.   He's still an angel.   Raphael was stronger and he wouldn't survive, so he went to Dean for help - but couldn't.   Crowley calls him the "Angel of Thursday."   Crowley wants to deal with him.   Dean rakes the garden and is watched by Cas.

Cas thinks of himself as prideful and Crowley takes him to Hades when all Cas had to do was to reach out to Dean, no really.  The  souls in hell wait in line and when they get to the end the line starts up again, not very original.   May as well put them on a production line.   Cas should be a leader and start a civil war in heaven.   Crowley knows about purgatory: all those souls for the taking.  Cas doesn't want to go to Dean cos he's "retired" and that was an excuse.   He would have had time for Cas, cos Sam wasn't around anymore.   So Cas was actually corrupted by Crowley and not humans.   He can use Samuel instead.   Wouldn't Cas have preferred to have Crowley in charge of hell.   Crowley gives him 50,000 souls for heaven and they strike a bargain.

Raphael is disposed of.   Sam has a plan to track Crowley by putting Cas in a ring of fire.   Dean tells him his talk of Superman and Kryptonite shows he spied on them.   Cas can't look Dean in the eye.   Sam repeats "trust you."  How can they?  Cas raised him from perdition.   Sam says he did a poor job.   Did he bring back Sam soulless on purpose?  Dean  tells him he had a choice and made the wrong one and he's not willing to make another deal with the devil.   Cas: "Where were you when I needed you?"

Souls rain in from hell, so why listen to Cas when he tells them to run?  Crowley has to put the fire out and comments on the "artfully tousled heads" of Sam and Dean not being touched.   Cas doesn't want to see Crowley and he tells Cas, "You are what you're Castiel."  Likening him to a whore.

Angel symbols are on Bobby's place to keep Cas out but he gets in  with Dean saying, "Too bad it wasn't angel proof in the first place."  Cas claims he did this for Dean cos of Dean.   He told him about freedom and free will.   They were close, a family and he was like a brother to Dean.   But Dean is only a man.  Cas: "I am an angel." Cas asks God if he's doing the right thing and desperately needs a sign but nothing comes.   So he should have fallen on his sword and done the right thing.

Cas is conflicted here - on the one hand he believes he's on a righteous path in averting the Apocalypse if Raphael gets his way and so he has to defeat him, needing those souls from purgatory, saving not only Sam and Dean but the world.   On the other hand, he is full of pride. He's an angel and nothing and no one can stop him.   Cas falling into the usual trap of giving himself away when he mentions Superman and Kryptonite.   In many respects he is still a child as Dean says.   A child with a new toy of free will, which he clearly doesn't know how to control or use it making deals with Crowley.

Crowley bought back Samuel and it was Cas who brought back Sam, suspected as much and Sam asking if he he was returned without a soul deliberately.   Sometimes you have to wonder since he "gripped Dean tight" and pulled him out of perdition, he was intact.   Did Sam have his soul when he was Lucifer's and Michael's plaything in the cage?

Does the title refer to King of heaven or king of hell.   Dean is genuinely shocked Cas could do that to him, to them, betray so completely.   He passionately attempted to defend Cas and the number of times Cas threw his arrogance around since he's an angel was prove he didn't know what true friendship or loyalty meant.

Cas and Crowley or Casley could start their own comedy double act, since there were some laugh out loud moments in this episode.   Like many fans I was also in two minds over this episode.   There were some downright excellent moments and some parts were a little tedious.   Overall the episode managed to redeem itself especially with the more emotional scenes with Dean realizing he's been betrayed and wondering how far it extends.   I liked how it was Cas who raised Sam from perdition as he did with Dean in 4.1 Lazarus Rising.   We've come a long way since then with everything that's happened from that season to now.  

I really think Cas should have been more firm of mind - stronger in his determination to win the civil war without resorting to dirty tactics and deals with Crowley.   So this was his 'dirty, little secret'.   Cas was an angel with morals, even if he didn't always understand human nature or fallacies.   The writers have taken this and made him weak in his resolve.   The lines between good and evil and just forsaking people that matter must have become so blurred in his mind.   Don't' think Cas knows why he did the 'dirty' on Sam and Dean.

I was reminded of the season 4.7 It's the Great Pumpkin Sam Winchester, episode where Cas was also doubtful of what he was doing in helping Dean.   Sam is upset by Cas's behaviour in wanting to smite the town to prevent a seal being broken and Dean wants Sam to maintain his faith in Cas and their plan.   Dean at the end of the episode sits on a park bench watching the children they've saved.   Cas reveals he was ordered to let Dean  do whatever he felt and this was a test.   Cas was hoping Dean would decide to save the town and he divulges his own doubts to Dean over heaven's plan.   Cas does not want to be in Dean's shoes when he has more tough decisions to make.   Cas was on the bench here - alone looking to heaven, to God for answers and he watches Dean later on raking leaves.   A bit of a reversal in this scene as in 4.7 Cas went to Dean.   Here he ponders and is taken in by Crowley instead.

Yet Cas never faltered in season 4 as he does here and it makes me wonder if this was one reason Cas was unable to bring back the whole Sam - soul intact, as he did with Dean.   I don't truly believe it was intentional.   But the beauty of Cas was his lack of emotions and poker face.   So it wasn't immediately apparent if he was lying, being honest, funny, disloyal, which is the result of great acting on Misha's part.

The title is from a movie with Sean Connery and Sir Michael Caine.   Bobby's character in Deadwood was Ellsworth.

Charlies Angels - 1.3: "Bon Voyage, Angels" Review

The angels embark on a cruise in search of a missing reporter, the same reporter who broke the story about dirty cops and wrecked Kate's career. Kate gains some redemption in finding Amanda.

4 years ago: a policeman tells crooked cops how not to spend their ill-gotten gains.   Kate's (Annie Ilonzeh) fiancee still doesn't know about her .   They're family he says.   Kate hears a noise and chases after the reporter, Amanda (Tahyna Tozzi).   She's working to expose them all and Kate takes her photos, like that will prevent her from writing the story.   Amanda asks why Kate is doing this as she's not like the others.   Kate lets her go.  

Today: Abby (Rachael Taylor) comments that when they run after the bad guy, Eve (Minka Kelly) always takes the car.   Their client, Scott (Eric Aragon)is engaged and has hired the angels to find his missing fiance who disappeared on a cruise ship.   The case isn't in their jurisdiction.   Charlie (Victor Garber) also says there's no evidence of foul play.  Charlie names the reporter as Amanda.   Eve: "a blast from your past."  Kate says she destroyed her career.   Bosley (Ramon Rodriguez) gives her the option of staying off the case.   She refuses.

Eve plays a tourist.   Abby is an IT tech and is here to check the computer system.  Kate is cruise director.   Eve and Kate search Amanda's cabin.   Eve wants to know what happened to Kate after her story hit the news.   It destroyed her life, she lost her fiancee and it was hard for her to face her mother - who claims to have forgiven her.   It's not cos of the story that she lost everything.  It was all her fault, so she can't really blame anyone now.   As Eve still harps on about Amanda destroying Kate's life (why's she so interested in Kate anyway?) more so than Abby, me thinks Eve has the hots for Kate.   Even after Kate told her Amanda didn't wreck her life.   They find an empty tube in her room.

Abby finds Amanda on the ship's surveillance camera in the casino.   She met a man on the ship.   Abby has seconds to download the footage before the man returns.  Why didn't she just download before?   The prints on the lucite tube belong to Amanda who from the surveillance image appears to be afraid of Roman Stone, (Nicholas Gonzalez) the croupier.   Bosley meets with Roman and makes comments about Eve.  Roman confronts her about cheating at the table.   She practices being the best.   They go back to his suite.   Eve makes an excuse about needing to freshen up and searches his bedroom; she took a long time putting on lipstick.   She finds the same tube but with a flower inside.   He gets called away.

Bosley doesn't find any matches for the flower - it's one of a kind but it was important enough for Roman to break a date with Eve.  Kate asks for a micro-cam to film the guests at the casino.    A man arrives wearing the same flower and Roman gives him a card.   A woman also wears the flower.   Legitimate names are fronting for organized criminals and are called "faces" as they explain to Abby.   Richard Stancati (Frank Mondaruli) doesn't have an image or a profile so Bosley can go undercover as him but first Abby has to put him out of action, posing as a masseuse.   She takes his flower.

The angels are unable to read Bosley on the Comms.   He enters the suite with the key card Roman gave him where he greets the guests and offers them drinks.   They pass out and why did Bosley have to drink too?   Roman drugged their drinks.   Bosley wakes up naked and meets the boss who had a good look at him naked!  Their weapons etc will be returned later and the woman, Erica (Aerica Leone) asks for her watch, which the man tells her has a GPS device on it.   His place is secret and shows them the flowers.

Charlie finds one island belongs to Carlton Finch (DB Woodside)  who thought he was untraceable, so much for wanting his location kept secret.   It's Abby's turn now to mention Amanda broke the big story and "broke you along with it." So much for turning over new leaves, they all seem to not have gotten over their bad pasts.   She also adds, "Angels know how to fly under the radar." They're on the boat (similar to the scene from the Charlie's Angels (2000) movie).

The guests must bid for the distribution, Bosley must bid first.   Charlie finds eight armed men around  the grounds.  Bosley won't bid until he has proof of the effects of the drug.   Abby locates Amanda on the surveillance camera.   She'd get discovered obviously, as does Kate and Eve.  Bosley tells him he needs better security.   Eve has to rig poison to the water supply to destroy the flowers.  Roman sends Finch Ricki's real photo.   Kate is taken to Amanda and during the fight injects the security man.  Bosley: "I believe in angels." Let's not be phrasing the Abba song now.  

Charlie is proud of Kate.  Amanda is in rehab.   Kate explains to Amanda she thought she could take the dirty money the first time and thought she could walk away.   Her story helped Kate realize she was wrong and she used the money on those she loved.  Kate wants to become someone she and her mother can be proud of.   Kate and Eve have some sort of attraction going on and Kate says she was saving a part of herself by helping Amanda.   Eve will always be there for Kate.

An episode where Kate's background and her life of crime is explained in some detail, making her and us confront it.   She has to re-live it to get past it for good and Eve is there every step of the way ensuring she knows everything that happened in her life.  That's a little close for comfort and she's very curious too.   The number of times Kate told Eve she didn't blame Amanda for wrecking her career and her life and yet Eve still went on about it.

Kate's background isn't explored enough, okay they had to have snippets of info but here it's just left with more holes than explanations.   She took bribes cos she wanted to put bad money to good use and became a dirty cop but why? Doing good isn't an explanation.   Why didn't the rest of the dirty cops chase after whoever was around and go after Amanda too?   They didn't know who was watching them and there could have been others out there too, or even the good cops themselves.   They just stand around and let the woman do their work, typical men!

On the cruiseship Amanda could have been fed to the sharks and have done with, but she's taken as a guinea pig and given drugs as if someone knew beforehand (well the writers did, ha) that Bosley would ask for proof of the effects of the drug.   Abby running from the security man on the ship, why, he knew she was there, unless he found out there wasn't any faults in the system.   He didn't look that clever.

Charlies Angels - 1.3 "Bon Voyage, Angels.

Original Charlie's Angel's episodes this alluded to include: Angels at Sea where the angels went on a cruiseship.   Kate's background as a crooked cop and working in vice could have been obtained from the episode The Blue Angels, but none of the original angels were bad or corrupt to begin with.   Angels in Paradise, where Sabrina (Kate Jackson) and Kelly (Jaclyn Smith) weren't pleased at Charlie (John Forsythe) hiring a new angel, Kris (Cheryl Ladd) but take to her, partly cos she's Jill's (Farah Fawcett) sister.   Also same as Gloria and Eve in the Pilot.   Abby is particularly unaccepting of Eve and hostile towards her.

Angels Ahoy!  Another cruise ship episode (there were a lot of those) where Kelly was the activities director, Kate here was the cruise director and Kris was a passenger, where Eve played the passenger here.   In Angel Blues, an episode featuring drugs, where the client's daughter was given an overdose against her will; proving fatal.   Amanda is saved here by Kate returning the favour for her life being saved and being given the wake-up call by Amanda's story.    Angel in Love saw Bosley (David Doyle) shirtless.   Here we got another scene with Bosley naked and he was also shirtless in the Pilot.

Lie To Me - 1.13: "Sacrifice" Review

Cal helps the FBI investigate a number of suicide bombings, whilst having to deal with lying to Ria, Gillian breaking up with her husband, and concern for Zoe and Emily.

A man wakens in the morning and cleanses himself for prayer.   He's a Muslim and in order to pray he should have been clothed not half naked!  Walid (Walid Amini) meets his friend at the bus stop and he tells him he can have his notes as he won't be needing them anymore; implying he's about to do something like ending his life.   Walid's friend  can't get on the bus as he doesn't have fare.  Moments later the bus explodes.   He could have borrowed money from his friend.   But not getting on he makes it look like he knows what is about to happen, the suicide aspect aside.   This episode was filmed 2009 and appeared to be rather insensitive to the 7/7 bombings in London, choosing the bus as the target.

Walid is viewed as the bomber more than his friend as he's still alive, they could have been in league together.   As soon as he put on his earphones, it was apparent he wasn't involved and was oblivious to what was about to happen.   Cal (Tim Roth) et al watch the news and Cal and Ben (Mekhi Phifer)) are cleared by the FBI Director to attend the interrogation of a suspect, Sharif Hamza Ali (Don Wallace) before Cal leaves, Zoe (Jennifer Beals) brings Emily (Hayley McFarland) to stay with Cal at work as she has to go into the DOJ.

Cal bursts into the interrogation to show Messler (Molly Price) how to make the suspect more comfortable and less afraid. She hasn't been getting anywhere with her tactics.   Ria (Monica Raymund) and Gillian (Kelli Williams) are taken to the mosque where the boy was in attendance.    They wear headscarves and Ria drops her papers. She's helped by one of the boys.   She stares right into his face, she also 'accidentally' drops her scarf, feigning being hot.   Watching the footage they see one man displays anger towards her and he is suspected along with two others; who exhibit similar emotions.

Sharif admits to knowing one of the men in the photo but he didn't know about the bombing.   He was afraid to talk as he says the boys are illegal and he's a smuggler; bringing them in so they can have better lives.   Beepers sound at once informing them of another bombing this time at a mall in Virginia.   The main suspect this time is Shi Khan,  the same boy who helped Ria with her papers.   Ria berates herself for missing it.   Cal relates a story to her about being in Ireland and letting a man go, later he shot six in a pub and killed three outright.   Sometimes it happens.

Eli (Brenden Hines) and Ben are at the mall and Ben shows Eli blood spatter, Eli commenting he's going to be sick now.   Ben wonders why the bomb was detonated there and not nearer the food court where it would have done more damage.   Then notices the absence of cameras.   Eli points out a camera which would have gotten some footage as it was opposite a mirror.  Cal walks in on Gillian in tears and tells her Dupree (Sean Patrick Thomas) is missing.   Gillian immediately wants to tell Ria but Cal refuses since she needs to focus and already blames herself for the second bombing.   So it's common knowledge that Ria is with Dupree.   Cal also knows why Gillian is upset but he doesn't push her to talk at this point, letting her tell him in her own time.

Gillian and Ria interview Shi's family and his mother and father, Omar Khan (Anthony Azizi) who is always typecast as a foreigner and most times a terrorist as in a Criminal Minds episode.   They did not see their son as a terrorist.   Ria notices Khan's nephew is ashamed.   Watching the video from the mall, Eli says Shi was moving in on a girl and wasn't the bomber.   Gillan also agrees.   Both the boys were innocent.   Ria then notices the look of anger on the Imam's (Bernard White) face as he hurries by in the background.   Ben is kind of impressed she noticed from so far away.   The Imam was an informant for the FBI during the last administration, under the auspices of Agent Bitcher (Jonathan Banks).   Ben doesn't know him.   He was angry Bitcher bugged the entire mosque.   Nothing new this was also done in NCIS season 5.11 episode Tribes.   Zoe informs Cal that Dupree has been found alive and is in hospital.

Cal lets Ria know and she rushes to be by his side.   Later when Gillian turns up she notices Gillian already knew, and that it was Cal who didn't want her to know.   Gillian's hidden so much from them about her personal life and yet she lets this one slide.   Cal and Ben pay a visit to Bitcher and Ben finds his secret mansize vault where he keeps the recordings.   Zoe says the tapes can be used if there's an imminent threat, which there is.   Eli and Gillian analyze the recordings and she recognizes a voice - cos she listens and not cos as cal says, she remembers everything.   The voice is of Omar Khan.   At the mall Eli analyzes the blast pattern on the computer and Ben determines they had to have been carrying the bomb in something they were given.   The shrapnel on the wall looks like that from coins.   Thus Ben knows the bomb was in the collection tins from the mosque.

Khan admits it was his nephew and he was punishing him and he can't believe he did this to his son.   He was obvious as a suspect and when Ria noticed his shame she didn't say why he was ashamed in the store, was there a reason.   Ben finds him on the rooftop about to detonate more bombs and shoots him, he had no other choice.   He tells Cal he saw it in his eyes and Cal thinks they need to find him an office here.

Cal sees Gillian and she tells him she's moving out; she and Alex are separating.   Lots more touchy feely moments between them.   Cal then visits Ria and she is furious.   Cal had to do what he did.   She has a talent but it's not about her or about him, she has to share that talent with others, it belongs to everyone.   He won't stop lying to her.   We're not told why Gillian left Alex, perhaps she's finally realized  he's no good and come to her senses.   Maybe she's stopped deluding herself that nothing's wrong.

Lots of tension this episode especially since Cal still keeps lying to Ria to get the job done cos that's what it's all about and he continues to undermine her even when she's trying to do her job.   It's not the work she hates but having to work for him.   Ria appears to be so confident in reading people and her ability and it was good to actually see her come down to earth; or as Cal would put it, brought down a peg or two.   She really believes she missed reading Shi and Cal keeps this misapprehension going for a long time.   Then her confidence in her talent should return since she was right in the end, he wasn't a bomber.   It was cruel of Cal to let her beat herself up over it and not tell her about Dupree; but he attempts to justify his reasons.   Oh forget justification, this is Cal and he doesn't need to apologize for his actions to anyone.

A bit of an exciting episode to ensure there would be a season 2, with still plenty of questions left unanswered.   Was Cal's team about to unravel with the weight placed on them with their personal lives impinging on the case, as Cal 's feelings seem to be unravelling as far as Zoe goes? He still loves her but he also has feelings for Gillian.   Emily also demonstrates Cal's talented trait in reading people as she tells Gillian Cal's happier when he's with Gillian than with Zoe.   The job has to be done regardless of costs to Cal especially since he's still burdened with the guilt of his mother's death.

It's apparent there's more to Cal and Gillian's relationship, yet neither one broaches the subject and now that she's finally moving on, the door is wide open.   Who dumped whom?  Ria upholds the 'integrity' of the group.   She doesn't lie or keep secrets, except when she was drawn in by Eli to do so for him, she believes she can get the job done honestly and without trampling on people's feelings, something which sets the master apart from the apprentice.   At least for now.   Eli is still plodding along and hanging around for free.    Cal called Gillian and Ria "love" in the same episode.    Okay it's more of a Brit phrase or term of endearment, but he's never used it before for either one of them.

Doctor Who - 6.5: "The Rebel Flesh" Review

The TARDIS lands on an island following a solar tsunami,where the humans use doppelgangers to mine dangerous acid and their doubles began to take on their counterpart's traits spelling doom.

A woman pushes one of her fellow workers into the acid tank where he burns and he later returns again, as his doppelganger.   Rory (Arthur Darvill) plays darts with Amy (Karen Gillan) whilst the Doctor (Matt Smith) still attempts to get a fix on whether Amy is pregnant or not.   He volunteers to drop them off for fish and chips, but Amy wants to be a part of whatever he's up to.   So what was he up to on the sly, it couldn't really have been landing on that island as that was the result of the freak solar storm, or was it?  A solar tsunami strands them on an island, housing a monastery.  Doctor: "behold a cockerel, love a cockerel." Referring to the weather vane.   Always have to have one of those around.  Rory says it's not medieval as he can hear Dusty Springfield.   Being the Doctor he can't resist nosing around.

They got here by accident and acid is being pumped off the island in unstable looking pipes.   Inside they notice the people's doubles on harnesses.  The Doctor shows one of them his ID, he's from the  meteorological department.   Another solar wave is about to hit them.   They're a factory and the woman, Cleaves ( Raquel Cassidy) tells Dicken (Leon Vickers) to scan them for viruses or bugs.   The Doctor asks to see their "critical systems," she knows which one he means.   Was it me or did he already know what the critical system was and where it would be?  He had to go and put his hand inside the tank and we all know what will happen now.

 The material inside the tank is known as 'the Flesh' and it can replicate itself; "manipulating living matter into anything." Doctor: "Only living things grow."  They mine acid using "gangers" doubles of themselves.   The Doctor was scanned by the Flesh when he stuck his hand in, and he "felt it in my mind" and it also reached out to him.   He monitors the progress of the solar storm on his snowglobe!  Jennifer (Sarah Smart) replicates herself in a demo for them.   He wants to take them off the island in his TARDIS.

They use solar power on the island and the alarm sounds.   Cleaves won't prepare for the storm.   The Doctor needs to check the storm and is involved in yet another climb to the top of the weather vane.   (As in the episode Daleks in Mahattan when he climbed the Empire State Building and in last season's The Vampires of Venice episode.   There has to be a vane of some sort involved, which includes a climb.) "I have to get to that cockerel before all hell breaks loose." He falls off the ladder.   Everyone was out for an hour and he says plenty can happen in an hour.   Rory comforts Jennifer, who takes a shine to him.   The gangers return to pure flesh and the Doctor says they've gone "walkabout."  Buzzer (Marshall Lancaster) mentions the Isle of Sheppy where a ganger killed his operator.   The Doctor tells them they need to know their gangers have their memories (thus his double will have his memories too.)

Jennifer throws up some pure flesh, she wants to live.   The Doctor heats up a plate and gives it to Cleaves who holds it as if it was cold.   She'll stabilize eventually.   Doctor: "Please trust me I'm the Doctor."  Amy's worried about Rory as he hasn't returned with Jennifer.   Doctor: "Always with the Rory."  If the Doctor can talk with them then he can put things right.   Jennifer is a ganger and searches for Rory, who hides.   The Doctor returns to the TARDIS to find it's sunk into the acid and so do his shoes in the process.  Amy searches for Rory alone and comes across the Eye-Patch woman (Frances Barber) again.  That's twice in this episode alone.   Jennifer noticed Rory's kind eyes.   The Flesh is replicating the Doctor and the words, "trust me" can be heard.  What's with Dicken and his sneezing, is that so we can tell he's not a ganger, or is it some way for them to defeat the gangers, infect them with human bugs; since Cleaves had them scanned for bugs when they first arrived.   The gangers have taken the acid suits so they can now "strike at will."

Jennifer is happy Rory called her by name and kisses him on the cheek, Amy's lucky to have him.   Rory returns with her and says they need to protect her.   The Doctor needs size 10 shoes and has "very wide feet." Convenient losing his shoes wasn't it, let's see what sort of shoes his doppelganger will be wearing, oh well maybe it won't come down to shoes in the end.   Just like Dicken and his sneezing.   The Doctor says they're becoming people with souls.  Cleaves arms herself witha  cattle prod and electrocutes ganger Buzzer.  

She's antagonized the others by stopping his heart and this means war.   The Doctor speaks in a northern accent, "Oh well I'll just go up t'foot of stairs; aye by gum." Cleaves is adamant "monsters need to be destroyed and it's us and them." Which the others, including Jimmy, (Mark Bonner) all repeat.   "Us and them" is also uttered by the gangers.   They head for the "most fortified and defendable room in the monastery" the chapel and Rory leaves them to search for Jennifer again, that was like deja vu, he already looked for her once.   Like looking for a ganger in a room full of doubles.   Amy's peeved he didn't come inside with her.

Will they have Doctor ganger on their side now to reason with them, or will he on the side of the gangers.   Doctor: "...about to get even more insane-e-rer." As the Doctor's double appears and he just had to be in the chapel where they barricaded themselves in, like he was waiting for them there.

Great to see Rory taking a stand against the others; that none can shake him in his resolve in protecting the innocent Jennifer, not even Amy.  There's no need for Amy to be jealous, don't think she was but she did appear to be perturbed he didn't listen to her and she had to go looking for him this time round, usually it's Amy who does the wandering off, or disappearing.   But that's something Rory would do if that had been Amy, as said he's done so in the past.   Also he's had plenty to put up with, including, he believed, her attraction towards the Doctor.  So he's come a along way from when we met him the season 5 opener and has the courage to take a stand when all are against it.   Don't think anyone quite expected him to do that.

Oh the ganger Doctor, he looked evil and fancy him, (some do) the real Doctor losing his shoes like that in the acid, wouldn't have expected that of him.   Still it was a funny scene, or do we read something more into it.   At least there wasn't any mention of the Doctor's future that awaits him this time round.   Though why can't the TARDIS determine if Amy's pregnant or not and I hope we get the reveal on the Eye-Patch woman pretty soon too.

Raquel Cassidy appeared with Matt Smith in the BBC series Party Animals.