
Friday 1 June 2012

Charlies Angels - 1.3: "Bon Voyage, Angels" Review

The angels embark on a cruise in search of a missing reporter, the same reporter who broke the story about dirty cops and wrecked Kate's career. Kate gains some redemption in finding Amanda.

4 years ago: a policeman tells crooked cops how not to spend their ill-gotten gains.   Kate's (Annie Ilonzeh) fiancee still doesn't know about her .   They're family he says.   Kate hears a noise and chases after the reporter, Amanda (Tahyna Tozzi).   She's working to expose them all and Kate takes her photos, like that will prevent her from writing the story.   Amanda asks why Kate is doing this as she's not like the others.   Kate lets her go.  

Today: Abby (Rachael Taylor) comments that when they run after the bad guy, Eve (Minka Kelly) always takes the car.   Their client, Scott (Eric Aragon)is engaged and has hired the angels to find his missing fiance who disappeared on a cruise ship.   The case isn't in their jurisdiction.   Charlie (Victor Garber) also says there's no evidence of foul play.  Charlie names the reporter as Amanda.   Eve: "a blast from your past."  Kate says she destroyed her career.   Bosley (Ramon Rodriguez) gives her the option of staying off the case.   She refuses.

Eve plays a tourist.   Abby is an IT tech and is here to check the computer system.  Kate is cruise director.   Eve and Kate search Amanda's cabin.   Eve wants to know what happened to Kate after her story hit the news.   It destroyed her life, she lost her fiancee and it was hard for her to face her mother - who claims to have forgiven her.   It's not cos of the story that she lost everything.  It was all her fault, so she can't really blame anyone now.   As Eve still harps on about Amanda destroying Kate's life (why's she so interested in Kate anyway?) more so than Abby, me thinks Eve has the hots for Kate.   Even after Kate told her Amanda didn't wreck her life.   They find an empty tube in her room.

Abby finds Amanda on the ship's surveillance camera in the casino.   She met a man on the ship.   Abby has seconds to download the footage before the man returns.  Why didn't she just download before?   The prints on the lucite tube belong to Amanda who from the surveillance image appears to be afraid of Roman Stone, (Nicholas Gonzalez) the croupier.   Bosley meets with Roman and makes comments about Eve.  Roman confronts her about cheating at the table.   She practices being the best.   They go back to his suite.   Eve makes an excuse about needing to freshen up and searches his bedroom; she took a long time putting on lipstick.   She finds the same tube but with a flower inside.   He gets called away.

Bosley doesn't find any matches for the flower - it's one of a kind but it was important enough for Roman to break a date with Eve.  Kate asks for a micro-cam to film the guests at the casino.    A man arrives wearing the same flower and Roman gives him a card.   A woman also wears the flower.   Legitimate names are fronting for organized criminals and are called "faces" as they explain to Abby.   Richard Stancati (Frank Mondaruli) doesn't have an image or a profile so Bosley can go undercover as him but first Abby has to put him out of action, posing as a masseuse.   She takes his flower.

The angels are unable to read Bosley on the Comms.   He enters the suite with the key card Roman gave him where he greets the guests and offers them drinks.   They pass out and why did Bosley have to drink too?   Roman drugged their drinks.   Bosley wakes up naked and meets the boss who had a good look at him naked!  Their weapons etc will be returned later and the woman, Erica (Aerica Leone) asks for her watch, which the man tells her has a GPS device on it.   His place is secret and shows them the flowers.

Charlie finds one island belongs to Carlton Finch (DB Woodside)  who thought he was untraceable, so much for wanting his location kept secret.   It's Abby's turn now to mention Amanda broke the big story and "broke you along with it." So much for turning over new leaves, they all seem to not have gotten over their bad pasts.   She also adds, "Angels know how to fly under the radar." They're on the boat (similar to the scene from the Charlie's Angels (2000) movie).

The guests must bid for the distribution, Bosley must bid first.   Charlie finds eight armed men around  the grounds.  Bosley won't bid until he has proof of the effects of the drug.   Abby locates Amanda on the surveillance camera.   She'd get discovered obviously, as does Kate and Eve.  Bosley tells him he needs better security.   Eve has to rig poison to the water supply to destroy the flowers.  Roman sends Finch Ricki's real photo.   Kate is taken to Amanda and during the fight injects the security man.  Bosley: "I believe in angels." Let's not be phrasing the Abba song now.  

Charlie is proud of Kate.  Amanda is in rehab.   Kate explains to Amanda she thought she could take the dirty money the first time and thought she could walk away.   Her story helped Kate realize she was wrong and she used the money on those she loved.  Kate wants to become someone she and her mother can be proud of.   Kate and Eve have some sort of attraction going on and Kate says she was saving a part of herself by helping Amanda.   Eve will always be there for Kate.

An episode where Kate's background and her life of crime is explained in some detail, making her and us confront it.   She has to re-live it to get past it for good and Eve is there every step of the way ensuring she knows everything that happened in her life.  That's a little close for comfort and she's very curious too.   The number of times Kate told Eve she didn't blame Amanda for wrecking her career and her life and yet Eve still went on about it.

Kate's background isn't explored enough, okay they had to have snippets of info but here it's just left with more holes than explanations.   She took bribes cos she wanted to put bad money to good use and became a dirty cop but why? Doing good isn't an explanation.   Why didn't the rest of the dirty cops chase after whoever was around and go after Amanda too?   They didn't know who was watching them and there could have been others out there too, or even the good cops themselves.   They just stand around and let the woman do their work, typical men!

On the cruiseship Amanda could have been fed to the sharks and have done with, but she's taken as a guinea pig and given drugs as if someone knew beforehand (well the writers did, ha) that Bosley would ask for proof of the effects of the drug.   Abby running from the security man on the ship, why, he knew she was there, unless he found out there wasn't any faults in the system.   He didn't look that clever.

Charlies Angels - 1.3 "Bon Voyage, Angels.

Original Charlie's Angel's episodes this alluded to include: Angels at Sea where the angels went on a cruiseship.   Kate's background as a crooked cop and working in vice could have been obtained from the episode The Blue Angels, but none of the original angels were bad or corrupt to begin with.   Angels in Paradise, where Sabrina (Kate Jackson) and Kelly (Jaclyn Smith) weren't pleased at Charlie (John Forsythe) hiring a new angel, Kris (Cheryl Ladd) but take to her, partly cos she's Jill's (Farah Fawcett) sister.   Also same as Gloria and Eve in the Pilot.   Abby is particularly unaccepting of Eve and hostile towards her.

Angels Ahoy!  Another cruise ship episode (there were a lot of those) where Kelly was the activities director, Kate here was the cruise director and Kris was a passenger, where Eve played the passenger here.   In Angel Blues, an episode featuring drugs, where the client's daughter was given an overdose against her will; proving fatal.   Amanda is saved here by Kate returning the favour for her life being saved and being given the wake-up call by Amanda's story.    Angel in Love saw Bosley (David Doyle) shirtless.   Here we got another scene with Bosley naked and he was also shirtless in the Pilot.

Lie To Me - 1.13: "Sacrifice" Review

Cal helps the FBI investigate a number of suicide bombings, whilst having to deal with lying to Ria, Gillian breaking up with her husband, and concern for Zoe and Emily.

A man wakens in the morning and cleanses himself for prayer.   He's a Muslim and in order to pray he should have been clothed not half naked!  Walid (Walid Amini) meets his friend at the bus stop and he tells him he can have his notes as he won't be needing them anymore; implying he's about to do something like ending his life.   Walid's friend  can't get on the bus as he doesn't have fare.  Moments later the bus explodes.   He could have borrowed money from his friend.   But not getting on he makes it look like he knows what is about to happen, the suicide aspect aside.   This episode was filmed 2009 and appeared to be rather insensitive to the 7/7 bombings in London, choosing the bus as the target.

Walid is viewed as the bomber more than his friend as he's still alive, they could have been in league together.   As soon as he put on his earphones, it was apparent he wasn't involved and was oblivious to what was about to happen.   Cal (Tim Roth) et al watch the news and Cal and Ben (Mekhi Phifer)) are cleared by the FBI Director to attend the interrogation of a suspect, Sharif Hamza Ali (Don Wallace) before Cal leaves, Zoe (Jennifer Beals) brings Emily (Hayley McFarland) to stay with Cal at work as she has to go into the DOJ.

Cal bursts into the interrogation to show Messler (Molly Price) how to make the suspect more comfortable and less afraid. She hasn't been getting anywhere with her tactics.   Ria (Monica Raymund) and Gillian (Kelli Williams) are taken to the mosque where the boy was in attendance.    They wear headscarves and Ria drops her papers. She's helped by one of the boys.   She stares right into his face, she also 'accidentally' drops her scarf, feigning being hot.   Watching the footage they see one man displays anger towards her and he is suspected along with two others; who exhibit similar emotions.

Sharif admits to knowing one of the men in the photo but he didn't know about the bombing.   He was afraid to talk as he says the boys are illegal and he's a smuggler; bringing them in so they can have better lives.   Beepers sound at once informing them of another bombing this time at a mall in Virginia.   The main suspect this time is Shi Khan,  the same boy who helped Ria with her papers.   Ria berates herself for missing it.   Cal relates a story to her about being in Ireland and letting a man go, later he shot six in a pub and killed three outright.   Sometimes it happens.

Eli (Brenden Hines) and Ben are at the mall and Ben shows Eli blood spatter, Eli commenting he's going to be sick now.   Ben wonders why the bomb was detonated there and not nearer the food court where it would have done more damage.   Then notices the absence of cameras.   Eli points out a camera which would have gotten some footage as it was opposite a mirror.  Cal walks in on Gillian in tears and tells her Dupree (Sean Patrick Thomas) is missing.   Gillian immediately wants to tell Ria but Cal refuses since she needs to focus and already blames herself for the second bombing.   So it's common knowledge that Ria is with Dupree.   Cal also knows why Gillian is upset but he doesn't push her to talk at this point, letting her tell him in her own time.

Gillian and Ria interview Shi's family and his mother and father, Omar Khan (Anthony Azizi) who is always typecast as a foreigner and most times a terrorist as in a Criminal Minds episode.   They did not see their son as a terrorist.   Ria notices Khan's nephew is ashamed.   Watching the video from the mall, Eli says Shi was moving in on a girl and wasn't the bomber.   Gillan also agrees.   Both the boys were innocent.   Ria then notices the look of anger on the Imam's (Bernard White) face as he hurries by in the background.   Ben is kind of impressed she noticed from so far away.   The Imam was an informant for the FBI during the last administration, under the auspices of Agent Bitcher (Jonathan Banks).   Ben doesn't know him.   He was angry Bitcher bugged the entire mosque.   Nothing new this was also done in NCIS season 5.11 episode Tribes.   Zoe informs Cal that Dupree has been found alive and is in hospital.

Cal lets Ria know and she rushes to be by his side.   Later when Gillian turns up she notices Gillian already knew, and that it was Cal who didn't want her to know.   Gillian's hidden so much from them about her personal life and yet she lets this one slide.   Cal and Ben pay a visit to Bitcher and Ben finds his secret mansize vault where he keeps the recordings.   Zoe says the tapes can be used if there's an imminent threat, which there is.   Eli and Gillian analyze the recordings and she recognizes a voice - cos she listens and not cos as cal says, she remembers everything.   The voice is of Omar Khan.   At the mall Eli analyzes the blast pattern on the computer and Ben determines they had to have been carrying the bomb in something they were given.   The shrapnel on the wall looks like that from coins.   Thus Ben knows the bomb was in the collection tins from the mosque.

Khan admits it was his nephew and he was punishing him and he can't believe he did this to his son.   He was obvious as a suspect and when Ria noticed his shame she didn't say why he was ashamed in the store, was there a reason.   Ben finds him on the rooftop about to detonate more bombs and shoots him, he had no other choice.   He tells Cal he saw it in his eyes and Cal thinks they need to find him an office here.

Cal sees Gillian and she tells him she's moving out; she and Alex are separating.   Lots more touchy feely moments between them.   Cal then visits Ria and she is furious.   Cal had to do what he did.   She has a talent but it's not about her or about him, she has to share that talent with others, it belongs to everyone.   He won't stop lying to her.   We're not told why Gillian left Alex, perhaps she's finally realized  he's no good and come to her senses.   Maybe she's stopped deluding herself that nothing's wrong.

Lots of tension this episode especially since Cal still keeps lying to Ria to get the job done cos that's what it's all about and he continues to undermine her even when she's trying to do her job.   It's not the work she hates but having to work for him.   Ria appears to be so confident in reading people and her ability and it was good to actually see her come down to earth; or as Cal would put it, brought down a peg or two.   She really believes she missed reading Shi and Cal keeps this misapprehension going for a long time.   Then her confidence in her talent should return since she was right in the end, he wasn't a bomber.   It was cruel of Cal to let her beat herself up over it and not tell her about Dupree; but he attempts to justify his reasons.   Oh forget justification, this is Cal and he doesn't need to apologize for his actions to anyone.

A bit of an exciting episode to ensure there would be a season 2, with still plenty of questions left unanswered.   Was Cal's team about to unravel with the weight placed on them with their personal lives impinging on the case, as Cal 's feelings seem to be unravelling as far as Zoe goes? He still loves her but he also has feelings for Gillian.   Emily also demonstrates Cal's talented trait in reading people as she tells Gillian Cal's happier when he's with Gillian than with Zoe.   The job has to be done regardless of costs to Cal especially since he's still burdened with the guilt of his mother's death.

It's apparent there's more to Cal and Gillian's relationship, yet neither one broaches the subject and now that she's finally moving on, the door is wide open.   Who dumped whom?  Ria upholds the 'integrity' of the group.   She doesn't lie or keep secrets, except when she was drawn in by Eli to do so for him, she believes she can get the job done honestly and without trampling on people's feelings, something which sets the master apart from the apprentice.   At least for now.   Eli is still plodding along and hanging around for free.    Cal called Gillian and Ria "love" in the same episode.    Okay it's more of a Brit phrase or term of endearment, but he's never used it before for either one of them.

Doctor Who - 6.5: "The Rebel Flesh" Review

The TARDIS lands on an island following a solar tsunami,where the humans use doppelgangers to mine dangerous acid and their doubles began to take on their counterpart's traits spelling doom.

A woman pushes one of her fellow workers into the acid tank where he burns and he later returns again, as his doppelganger.   Rory (Arthur Darvill) plays darts with Amy (Karen Gillan) whilst the Doctor (Matt Smith) still attempts to get a fix on whether Amy is pregnant or not.   He volunteers to drop them off for fish and chips, but Amy wants to be a part of whatever he's up to.   So what was he up to on the sly, it couldn't really have been landing on that island as that was the result of the freak solar storm, or was it?  A solar tsunami strands them on an island, housing a monastery.  Doctor: "behold a cockerel, love a cockerel." Referring to the weather vane.   Always have to have one of those around.  Rory says it's not medieval as he can hear Dusty Springfield.   Being the Doctor he can't resist nosing around.

They got here by accident and acid is being pumped off the island in unstable looking pipes.   Inside they notice the people's doubles on harnesses.  The Doctor shows one of them his ID, he's from the  meteorological department.   Another solar wave is about to hit them.   They're a factory and the woman, Cleaves ( Raquel Cassidy) tells Dicken (Leon Vickers) to scan them for viruses or bugs.   The Doctor asks to see their "critical systems," she knows which one he means.   Was it me or did he already know what the critical system was and where it would be?  He had to go and put his hand inside the tank and we all know what will happen now.

 The material inside the tank is known as 'the Flesh' and it can replicate itself; "manipulating living matter into anything." Doctor: "Only living things grow."  They mine acid using "gangers" doubles of themselves.   The Doctor was scanned by the Flesh when he stuck his hand in, and he "felt it in my mind" and it also reached out to him.   He monitors the progress of the solar storm on his snowglobe!  Jennifer (Sarah Smart) replicates herself in a demo for them.   He wants to take them off the island in his TARDIS.

They use solar power on the island and the alarm sounds.   Cleaves won't prepare for the storm.   The Doctor needs to check the storm and is involved in yet another climb to the top of the weather vane.   (As in the episode Daleks in Mahattan when he climbed the Empire State Building and in last season's The Vampires of Venice episode.   There has to be a vane of some sort involved, which includes a climb.) "I have to get to that cockerel before all hell breaks loose." He falls off the ladder.   Everyone was out for an hour and he says plenty can happen in an hour.   Rory comforts Jennifer, who takes a shine to him.   The gangers return to pure flesh and the Doctor says they've gone "walkabout."  Buzzer (Marshall Lancaster) mentions the Isle of Sheppy where a ganger killed his operator.   The Doctor tells them they need to know their gangers have their memories (thus his double will have his memories too.)

Jennifer throws up some pure flesh, she wants to live.   The Doctor heats up a plate and gives it to Cleaves who holds it as if it was cold.   She'll stabilize eventually.   Doctor: "Please trust me I'm the Doctor."  Amy's worried about Rory as he hasn't returned with Jennifer.   Doctor: "Always with the Rory."  If the Doctor can talk with them then he can put things right.   Jennifer is a ganger and searches for Rory, who hides.   The Doctor returns to the TARDIS to find it's sunk into the acid and so do his shoes in the process.  Amy searches for Rory alone and comes across the Eye-Patch woman (Frances Barber) again.  That's twice in this episode alone.   Jennifer noticed Rory's kind eyes.   The Flesh is replicating the Doctor and the words, "trust me" can be heard.  What's with Dicken and his sneezing, is that so we can tell he's not a ganger, or is it some way for them to defeat the gangers, infect them with human bugs; since Cleaves had them scanned for bugs when they first arrived.   The gangers have taken the acid suits so they can now "strike at will."

Jennifer is happy Rory called her by name and kisses him on the cheek, Amy's lucky to have him.   Rory returns with her and says they need to protect her.   The Doctor needs size 10 shoes and has "very wide feet." Convenient losing his shoes wasn't it, let's see what sort of shoes his doppelganger will be wearing, oh well maybe it won't come down to shoes in the end.   Just like Dicken and his sneezing.   The Doctor says they're becoming people with souls.  Cleaves arms herself witha  cattle prod and electrocutes ganger Buzzer.  

She's antagonized the others by stopping his heart and this means war.   The Doctor speaks in a northern accent, "Oh well I'll just go up t'foot of stairs; aye by gum." Cleaves is adamant "monsters need to be destroyed and it's us and them." Which the others, including Jimmy, (Mark Bonner) all repeat.   "Us and them" is also uttered by the gangers.   They head for the "most fortified and defendable room in the monastery" the chapel and Rory leaves them to search for Jennifer again, that was like deja vu, he already looked for her once.   Like looking for a ganger in a room full of doubles.   Amy's peeved he didn't come inside with her.

Will they have Doctor ganger on their side now to reason with them, or will he on the side of the gangers.   Doctor: "...about to get even more insane-e-rer." As the Doctor's double appears and he just had to be in the chapel where they barricaded themselves in, like he was waiting for them there.

Great to see Rory taking a stand against the others; that none can shake him in his resolve in protecting the innocent Jennifer, not even Amy.  There's no need for Amy to be jealous, don't think she was but she did appear to be perturbed he didn't listen to her and she had to go looking for him this time round, usually it's Amy who does the wandering off, or disappearing.   But that's something Rory would do if that had been Amy, as said he's done so in the past.   Also he's had plenty to put up with, including, he believed, her attraction towards the Doctor.  So he's come a along way from when we met him the season 5 opener and has the courage to take a stand when all are against it.   Don't think anyone quite expected him to do that.

Oh the ganger Doctor, he looked evil and fancy him, (some do) the real Doctor losing his shoes like that in the acid, wouldn't have expected that of him.   Still it was a funny scene, or do we read something more into it.   At least there wasn't any mention of the Doctor's future that awaits him this time round.   Though why can't the TARDIS determine if Amy's pregnant or not and I hope we get the reveal on the Eye-Patch woman pretty soon too.

Raquel Cassidy appeared with Matt Smith in the BBC series Party Animals.

CSI: Miami - 8.11: "Delko for the Defense" Review

Calleigh, Ryan and Horatio catch a suspect running from a crime scene who claims he only broke in. Delko returns as forensics expert for the defence but finds he can't remain objective enough.

Calleigh (Emily Procter) and Ryan (Jonathan Togo) answer a 911 call and give chase to a suspect.   Think this is the first in a chase scene for Calleigh.   I'm sure the heels of her boots kept changing, everytime the shots were replaced with her stuntwoman.   Calleigh finds the suspect in the swimming pool, pretending to be swimming but the pool water turns red from the blood on his pants.   Horatio (David Caruso) joins them in the chase and his stuntman was so obvious from the back.   Can't beat CSI:NY for chase scenes!  Horatio comments that "maybe he's still here." The boy denies killing the girl but he's caught out since no one mentioned any girl as Calleigh tells him.

The news reports the death of Summer Davenport.   The suspect, Zach (Eric Jungmann) who is homeless, says he climbed in through an open window and never saw her.   Tripp (Rex Linn) says they'll get him for the break and enter charge.   Adrianna Villani (Jo Champa) introduces herself as his lawyer.   Tripp does get some great lines: " some sort of ambulance chasing intuition?" She introduces the suspect, her client to her forensic expert.   Marking Delko's (Adam Rodriguez) return, cos he never really left!  Tripp questions him on when he started working for the other side and by episode's end you know that was short lived, cos he just couldn't hack working for the defence.   So much for his telling Calleigh he wanted to help people.   Which just goes to show he can't remain objective whilst doing his job since he was meant to be the forensics expert only and not have any preconceptions or opinions on their client's guilt or innocence.   But he's happiest when he's helping put people away.

ME Tom (Christian Clemenson) determines Summer was stabbed six times and has defensive wounds on both hands.   The weapon used was a single-edged blade; 5" long.   Jesse (Eddie Cibrian) comments that they can't let a strong case be built for the defence.   Zach thought the house would be empty.   Jesse makes a judgment about him being guilty and he turns out to be right.   So was that his intuition talking then.   Horatio points out the scuff mark in the blood.   Jesse checks the knives in the kitchen.   Someone had cooked breakfast.   Jesse, Calleigh and Ryan document their findings on a tape recorder, which is very rare for them to do that.   Though Jesse did this in the first episode of this season before he left for LA.   Ryan doesn't find any signs of forced entry, the bed was slept in and the window was open; just as Zach described.

Delko tells Calleigh about Tripp's comment that he's gone over to the dark side and that he and Calleigh are both looking for the truth.   He's only observing them.   Jesse tests the blade and it matches the dimensions of the murder weapon and the blood on it belongs to the Vic.   Delko video taping everything that's been done.   So how come no other suspect in the show ever had a forensics expert working for their lawyer.   The prints on the handle match Zach's.   Calleigh notices a dark stain on Zach's pants and the scuff mark shows he knelt in her blood.   He claims to have slipped and fallen.   Calleigh determines Delko has one of Villani's 20% of suspects who are guilty.

Zach took sleeping pills and didn't hear anyone but thought he heard a man's voice.   He could have been dreaming.   To which Delko answers if a suspect dreams then he's more involved in the case than he said.   Delko asks him to draw what he saw when he ran out.   Delko surmises when a suspect draws from their own perspective they are telling the truth, but Zach drew from a bird's eye view, so he's hiding something.   Zach admits to Villani he is keeping a secret but he'd rather go to jail than tell her.   Well that's exactly where he ended up.

Horatio still thinks Delko is part of the family and spells out some words of wisdom for him when he can't seem to handle the case, that "a forensics expert cannot walk on the case." Calleigh testifies to her finding but is contradicted by Delko by saying that the splash pattern on the tile could have happened when he slipped on the blood.   Jesse testifies about the knife and he shoots down his testimony by stating that if the timeline is examined, then the prints on the knife don't reveal when Zach touched the knife.   He used the knife to cut limes and the blade tested positive for citric acid.   Well he was homeless but his hygiene was questionable, who uses a knife and puts it back dirty.   Also it could be argued he could have used the knife later on, after the killing, just to throw them off the scent.  The judge finds there's no evidence to bring a murder charge.

Horatio et al go over the CS and the Vic's house.   Delko films and Ryan suggests Delko should take photos to see if Ryan's doing his job correctly.   Rather sarcastic on his part especially since he got on much better with Delko than he appears to with Jesse.   Also Ryan is the CSI who usually finds himself in trouble a lot and as a suspect too, soon to come, so it's ironic he tells Delko to film him.   Horatio tells him Delko has every right to be here.   Ryan wonders "who's watching him, watching us?"  Horatio finds a bra in the sofa which appears to have tearing on it so could have been ripped from the Vic.  Horatio asks ME Tom to conduct an exam on the Vic for indications of sexual assault.   Which reveals evidence of bruising and tearing.

Valera (Boti Bliss) in a rare appearance turns up, we don't get to see her much since the addition of Eva LaRue to the cast, which is a shame.   She carries out biologicals  for a DNA profile and compares them to Zach.   Back at court where Delko helps out Villani again, however this time the Judge orders Zach to give a blood sample.   He protests and Tripp comments he's got something to hide.   Valera gets a line about forensics, "let the blood tell the truth." Which of course it would.

Boa Vista (Eva LaRue) tests the blood sample and has to exclaim "Oh my God" three times before letting Horatio and Delko in on her findings.   Zach doesn't have any sex organs, Tripp has to confirm visually.   Which is almost like something Flack (Eddie Cahill) would have to do as in the episode, Personal Foul of CSI:NY; where he looked under the Vic's dress and determined the Vic was actually a man.   Jesse and Walter (Omar Miller) take a moment to share a joke with Tripp about this and Jesse asks if he pat him down at the CS.   Tripp's not amused.   Jesse and Walter don't really seem the type to make such a comment which seems to be at the expense of Zach, but it was probably allowed since he was guilty after all.  Zach suffers from AIS: Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome.   That's why Delko said he gave them a bird's eye view of the murder as he didn't want anyone finding out.

Calleigh and Delko share a moment when she tells him Miami missed him and he says he missed Miami too, meaning each other.   Oh just come out and say it.   Also letting him know that the States Attorney's office is looking for a forensics expert.   Conveniently, just to ensure Delko stays close to home and near to her.   That wasn't very subtle.   Calleigh asks ME Tom what the Vic ate and he replies nothing.   Causing her to liken this case to that of the 'Night Stalker' who made his Vics cook him breakfast before he killed them.   Walter checks these out but doesn't get any hits in the Miami area, but does get one in another county.   An Ellen Sheffield (Gretchen Egolf) was raped in her home 8 days ago.   Luckily the files he has to examine, carry a microchip allowing the computer to read the files and find a match.   She was forced to make him breakfast.

The others search for a connection and find both Vics had their computers serviced by the same tech, Justin Porter (Jeff Staron).  Calleigh and Horatio question Ellen who mentions her attacker wore some garbage bags.   Calleigh has to ask why.   Duh!  How long has she been a CSI?  Horatio replies to prevent any transfer getting on him.   The suspect looked different which Horatio believes is because it wasn't him but someone else.   So there were two attackers.

Dave (Wes Ramsay) checks Ellen's computer for clues and finds her webcam was on.   Justin never sent the video to himself and so it never got erased.   They watch the attack which Calleigh asks to be fast forwarded.   Someone is online and Dave traces the IP address to a storage facility, where Jesse, Ryan and Tripp find Justin watching the videos, dressed only in his shorts.  Jesse is disgusted and unplugs the computers.  Horatio checks Zach's blood, "following facts" leading to Zach and finds no trace of sedatives in his blood.   He was involved and he looks for a connection between Zach and Justin.   They both worked for the Miami Globe paper.   Zach admits he killed her because killing was the only way he could get close to them.   Proving once again that criminals in CSI:Miami always give themselves away, either by being too helpful or being just plain stupid.   As in this case when he made up the story about taking sleeping pills, begging the question was it his lack of manhood he was afraid of being found out; or that his blood would reveal the absence of sedatives.

Delko gets a job with the Attorney's office cos he can't hack working for the other side, or even leaving the show either.   Horatio comforts Ellen.  So you see, Jesse's instincts were right about Zach being guilty.    Question: if the Vics, or at least Ellen, was left alone when they changed places, why not make a break for it.   she could of course have been surprised by one of them outside, but she wouldn't know this unless she tried.   She didn't even try to arm herself to fight back if she couldn't escape.

What a hash Delko made of this episode and he was uncomfortable throughout it.   For someone who is meant to be a forensics 'expert', would've thought he'd get on with the job, irrespective of which side he was working on.   That was so unprofessional of him to let his personal feelings get in the way.   His was not to question why, but to get on and do.

Thursday 31 May 2012

Castle - 2.6: "Vampire Weekend" Review

Castle and Beckett investigate in the world of the supernatural, vampires and werewolves as a man is found staked to death. Castle throws his Hallowe'en party

Castle (Nathan Fillion) tries on his space cowboy outfit from his time on Firefly.  Alexis (Molly Quinn) says he wore it five years ago.  "Don't you think you should move on?"  She's reading the Pit and the Pendulum by Edgar Allan Poe which should have been a clue to Castle's outfit at the end.   She's skipping his Hallowe'en party this year.   She's looking after a baby egg for school, called Fagin.

Beckett (Stana Katic) calls about a case.   A man is found in the cemetery with a stake though him.   Castle loves this time of year.  He also loves walking in cemeteries since there are so many stories behind the graves, pointing out one called Elizabeth Dryden, but there's no year for when she died, which of course was another clue for the current case.   Castle 'looks like Buffy visited.'

Lanie (Tamala Jones)  thinks the DB hit his head on the stone or was hit on the head.   Castle thinks of Lichens who are at war with vampires.   The Vic was wearing fangs but were actually ceramic veneers.   Castle stops Lanie from removing the stake since if he's a real vampire he'd come back to life.   Does Castle really buy into the entire vampire legends/myth?   He is a writer but thought he'd be less into that sort of Gothic fantasy.   Lanie also finds two bite marks on his thigh.

Castle notices black smudges on the stake.   Didn't Lanie notice those, since she needs to send everything to be analyzed? But Beckett has to tell her to send to CSU.   Castle knows someone who's a fang master and could ID the fangs.   At the store, Castle suggests Beckett should get a costume for herself.   She's not coming to his party.   Dr Barry Frank (Jim Gleason) made the fangs for Brad Pitt on Interview with a Vampire.   He Ids the fangs to someone named Crow and Castle has to tell her they wouldn't use their real names - umm, I'd come out with my 'how long has she been a cop for' comment right about now.   Castle tries on some fangs and picks out a "slutty nurse's outfit" for Beckett.   So we're back to slutty references as far as Beckett is concerned.   Mind you her dresses were like that in season 1.

They find an address for Crow, real name Matthew Freeman.   Castle mentions graphic novels, Frank Miller and Beckett comes up with "Epic comic or Darkhorse year."  That's the sexiest thing he's heard from her all year.   She replies the things he doesn't know about her could sell a book.   He did sell a book!  His landlady tells of a fight at his apartment with a girl.   Ryan (Seamus Dever) looks up 'Den of Inequity' on the computer and vampire covens.   He was a relationship with someone into all this but he drew the line when she wanted sex in a coffin.   (Abby from NCIS is into coffins.) Esposito (Jon Huertas) "did the relationship suck."  Ryan is made to call his ex for info.

They talk to his former girlfriend at a club of sanguinarians and she tells them Crow had a boyfriend, Damon.   They found her hair on him cos they were together.   Damon talked him into writing a graphic novel.   Morgan Lockerbie (Rob Arbogast) was an original member of his coven and thinks he's a real vampire.   Castle believes some sort of childhood trauma , such as the loss of a parent makes them interested in murder.   "Some people become vampires, some people become cops." Referring to Beckett, that's his version of Psychology 101.   Beckett needs to make that call which changes everything and she prefers to do it alone.

Crow's father, Alan (Robin Thomas) says his son changed and his mother, Janice (Anita Barone) who so obviously was crying fake tears, talk about having rapid eye movement.   Morgan is missing.   Castle is reading the graphic novel and finds Morgan is in the novel as Morlock.   Beckett gets close to Castle who smells her scent of cherries, but Ryan and Esposito walk in, ending their moment.   There are drawings in the novel of the location.   Inside they find a coffin which Castle removes the lid of with Beckett and then jumps back.   He's attacked and bitten by Morlock who appears to combust in sunlight.

Lanie says he suffers from Porphyria. It's not contagious but is genetic and she gives Castle plenty of antibiotics.   Castle: "You wanna bite me, you buy me dinner."  That's a simple request from him.   Morgan slurs his words and doesn't make any sense.  Beckett calls in a psychiatrist.   The smudge is identified as India ink used in graphic novels.   Alexis is allowed to go to a senior's party and Martha (Susan Sullivan) is going out to find her Great Gatsby, as she's dressed for the occasion.   Castle has to babysit Fagin.

The psychiatrist, Dr Holloway (Phil LaMarr) deduces Crow can't separate fantasy from reality and the woman in the drawings is an angel in acts of violence.   Castle was right about the childhood trauma.   Esposito calls Beckett about Damon. He's dead with a bullet through his heart, dressed as a werewolf.   But not with a silver bullet.

Damon's real name is Jonas and he was a student at NYU.   Lanie determines he died the same time as Crow and she also spots what they're looking for, an envelope taped underneath his desk.   Castle also finds India ink, meaning Crow's killer was here too.   Damon's research was in the envelope and Beckett wonders what happened to Castle when he was younger.   She comments, tit for tat.   Castle's seen her tat, won't show her his t-t.   Being interrupted before he gets to finish.  The woman's face in the drawing is the same as in the clipping.   So Crow knew the woman before she died.

Alexis calls for help with Paige and she slurs drunkenly, which Alexis understands but Castle doesn't.   Alan and Janice don't know who the woman is, but his sister, Rosie tells them about his portfolio and he had his "own personal ghost."  It was apparent Alan was hiding something when he saw that photo.   Damon found out the woman died 18 years ago and was shot in the chest.   The bullets match the gun that was used on her and Damon.   Ryan brings in his portfolio and the tree is the same as where her body was found.   He's remembering it.   Beckett looked after Fagin when Castle left it on her desk.

Esposito discovers Alan's name was McGinty and he took Janice's maiden name when married.   Elizabeth was his first wife, as in Dryden as in the grave in the cemetery.   It had to be the babysitter/nanny harking back to season 1 episode of Castle again.    Can't seem to get away from those.   Castle notices spots on Janice's coat and recalls what Morgan was ranting.   Janice shot Damon and used the same gun she used to kill Elizabeth.   Crow was putting flowers on his mother's grave and she killed him.

Castle tells Beckett about his childhood trauma and reels her in, hook, line and sinker.   He was spinning a yarn, as is his profession.   Castle dresses as Poe and Beckett scares him with her Alien costume.   She's "giving him the bird."  And Castle gives her the raven.   It was more Alien than a bird.   And there was he thinking she'd turned up in a sexy number just for him.  Then his mind was in the gutter earlier on with the slutty nurse remark.

Castle - the show - had to do a vampire episode for Hallowe'en  and he believes in vampires too, or was he just having us on.  This time round everything Castle said was what actually transpired but he needed that all important clue from Alexis to recall what Morgan was saying about the spots, blood and burying the wicked boy.

Beckett and Castle being interrupted in that scene and her smelling of cherries.   Even Ryan and Esposito suspect there's more going on than either one of them want to admit.   Yet another nanny involved in a murder, re season 1 eps.   Castle must be relieved his babysitter was normal and he's also relieved he doesn't have any issues with Alexis.

Watch out for Rosie's shirt with Hayley Blue written on it as she's the subject of the next episode.

Castle: "Looks like Buffy's visiting the Big Apple."  Yeah in search of Caleb.   Castle as Poe with a caterpillar, er, moustache made him look older and more mature and in his words, not so "ruggedly handsome."  This episode was all very Vampire Diaries what with the mentioning of Damon and originals.

The graphic novel sketches - all dark and showing the woman with red blood took me back to  to season 1 episode of Without a Trace, Clare de Lune where Clare had suffered a traumatic event as a child, and pushed her mother over the balcony.   When older, she began to recall these memories and she painted : black images with splashes of red representing blood.

There are cows in space as in the episode Safe of Firefly where Mal Reynolds carried a herd of cattle on his ship.   Esposito was dressed as his character from Generation Kill  (2008) Sgt Antonio 'Poke' Espera.   Ryan was dressed as a doctor which he's played in General Hospital and Army Wives.

CSI 12.12 Willows In The Wind Review

Sara (Jorga Fox) tells Nick (George Eads) about Catherine's (Marg Helgenberger) resignation, which comes as a shock to him.  He was the last to know, but she would have told them if she was leaving, especially Nick.

Sara, Nick and Brass (Paul Guilfoyle) then arrive at the scene of DB's (Ted Danson) abandoned and shot out car.  As well as finding their phones, which Nick has the brainwave to call.  They left them behind so they couldn't be tracked.  DB's wife calls his phone and Brass says this call is his and the CS is theirs. Nick is contacted by Doc Robbins (Robert David Hall) he was meant to meet him at a CS.  Doc then gets a text about the 'DB in Room 12.'  Good name for DB, came in handy here!    Doc manages to stitch up Catherine's wounds using a curling iron to cauterize the wound.  Luckily the gunshot was a through and through and she was helped by her friend, Kitty (Tangie Ambrose).  Catherine wants a "bullet to bite on." DB wants Doc to get a message to Brass to "bring us in."  When Doc leaves the Raincoat man (jack Dimich) stands outside and watches him leave.  Surprised he wasn't spotted standing out like a sore thumb.

FBI agent Pratt (Matt Lauria) is angry he wasn't called in sooner.  Brass comments someone ends up dead when the FBI are called in.  Pratt is pulling rank, even over Ecklie (Marc Vann).  Mark (Titus Welliver) wants to see his wife's DB.  Greg (Eric Szmanda) and Morgan (Elisabeth Harnois) process the CS at Catherine's house and find a blood trail which leads to a bloodpool, where a car drove though it.  More blood leads to the embankment where a DB is found.  The same as the others, this one is also already shredded to the bone by the super beetles.

At Catherine's, Nick and Sara process inside to find everything has been cleaned up.  Note shoddy patch up job again.  There's a bullet in the wall, a .40 calibre, which Sara comments was used by the shooter at the farmhouse.  The cleaning crew also missed the blood under the rug so they may be able to get DNA.
Mark only wants to speak with Ecklie and Brass.  When Brass arrives after Doc gives him the message, both DB and Catherine are gone.  The window is open so they made a quick exit.  Kitty called DB to warn him and they drive away in Jackory's (James Black) car.  DB gives her a 'get out of jail free' card.  Then gets a phone to call his wife.

Catherine takes them to a strip club and asks for Teddy Jnr (Rod Rowland) using the name 'Goldilocks' for herself.  Nick tells Doc Catherine's still out there.  Doc finds the recovered DB was shot four times with 5.7s; the same rounds used by the hitmen.  Nick comments on using the 'coup de grace' to finish him off.  This being the title of a previous ep, one which is very close to the hearts of many fans of Enrique Murciano.  Hey come to think of it, wonder if there was some subliminal reason Nick mentioned this?  Preparing us for 12.20 Altered States. Ha.

Nick adds "for pros been making a lot of mistakes."  Well that's cos it's not them.  DB also gets a gun for Catherine as well as the phone, as she's "Annie Oakley."  Catherine tells DB how she used to crave attention and met a man, a detective, Jimmy, who used to talk about his cases and ask her opinion.  All detectives are named Jimmy for some reason, there's Jim Brass also.  Which got her started on the forensics trail.  DB calls his wife.

The rest of the CSIs ponder the case and Greg comments how the assassins were more hit than miss.  They were both efficient and then Nick adds they left behind sloppy CS too.  Then missed Catherine when she was being shot at.  Nick asks why there were inconsistencies?  Sara believes they were intentional.  Nick believes the evidence was made to point to Mark and Sara thinks it's intentional.  Of course Laura (Annabeth Gish) was behind it. SO I was right about McQuaid and Laura being alive, thus the emphasis on the badge and the ring with the burnt out corpses last ep!

DB comments on needing a cover story, thus her resignation and how Catherine's rage would be directed at Mark and they would use her back-up gun on him.  Sorry but why is her back up gun in the front room and not somewhere else.  DB says she needs to "come in out of the cold."  Like something straight out of a spy movie.  He wants Teddy to call the coroner to collect two stiffs and bring bodybags.  Catherine tells Sara she's not resigning and the letter was a fake,  her computer was hacked.  Catherine doesn't know what she wants, thought it was a man.  Lindsay's left home and Laura is her friend.  Sara would prefer to go with Okham's Razor (the simple hypothesis making the fewest assumption is correct) the simple answer is right in front of her.  Laura had the info on Mark, portrayed him as a an abusive husband.  DB also says she would be the one to benefit.

Henry (Jon Wellner) examined exemplars from Laura's condo and her DNA matched. Catherine suggests they compare her clothes from the hospital.  The match comes up to the hitwoman.  One assassin shot by someone she trusted.  Thus McQuaid is alive too.  He updated the FBI database himself and the second DB from the car belonged to the hitman, Kruger.  Pratt can't believe McQuaid was dirty.  Ecklie thought it was Pratt.  Which doesn't make him feel better.  He worked with McQuaid and he said he was leaving, also had a weakness for beautiful women.

DB suggests a banking connection to contact the hit team and use them to set up Laura.  Pratt and Catherine meet and tell Mark about Laura and he wants to handle it himself as they knew he would.  Raincoat man is arrested when he tries to kill Laura.  He gives up mark and  also tells them McQuaid is already with them, obviously the DB they found near Catherine's.  His ex-wife provided them with DNA and he was the one who carried the .40 gun.  He was hit in the back with 5.7s and was trying to save her.  Pratt offers Catherine a job with the FBI and she asks if he's asking her out on a date, ha.  McQuaid saw someone with integrity in her, how he used to be.

Laura thinks she can get one over on Catherine and knows her.  Since Catherine would go for the boy who needed her and Laura would go for the one who could give her things, so how'd that work out for her?  As Catherine says she won't be out in the world anymore.  Also she misjudged her and Laura should have known how things would work out in the end.

She calls a family meeting and says her farewell speech: "a great team...respect all of you...changes initially hurt me but ultimately ended up being a great thing."  Catherine talks to Nicky again, cos he's her fave isn't he.  She was "wrong when I said it's been a long 19 years - gone way too fast...They're all family and this is the hardest decision" she's ever made.  Which sets Nick off again!  Ahh, he's always the one with the tears which doesn't make him weak, just very emotional.  Besides they were close friends and she always calls him Nicky, as do I.

Nick: "We all just love you'll always be here with us."  Catherine eats with Morgan to talk about the rush of solving a case which is fleeting like life.  This is all Morgan has.  She should hang on tight and Catherine says her father would agree.  So that marked the end of an era for CSI as another original cast remember leaves.  Thought Catherine's swansong would be a little more than this.  It just seemed a little hurried.  Also what happened to Vartaan, (Alex Carter) she didn't even say goodbye to him and imagine not having him in this episode to say her goodbyes to.  He wasn't even around to bring Catherine in or help her, which seems pointless since they were meant to have shared a lot even if it wasn't lasting.

Hey I wonder if George actually really cried in that scene?  If you're thinking you've seen that final scene before, it reminded me of the one with Catherine and Holly Gribbs in the Pilot, where she takes Holly aside after a robbery at a shop and convinces her to stay with the job and that she won't regret it.  Well she didn't regret it in some ways since she was shot at a CS.  Mind you the same thing happened to Catherine this ep, being shot, only she recovered albeit at miraculous speed - even if it was a though and through, she lost a lot of blood.

CSI: NY - 1.8: "Three Generations Are Enough" Review

The CSIs investigate the apparent suicide of a woman from a church rooftop, the suspected suicide of a stockbroker and conclude the cases are connected.

In the first story, an abandoned briefcase is found at the Stock Exchange.   A robot is sent to check if it's a possible bomb and the X-ray shows traces of nitrates.   There are 60 seconds in which to obtain prints from the case and then to disarm it.   The briefcase is blown up in a controlled explosion.   Mac (Gary Sinise) finds a message inside the case: "Incase something happens to me." Mac gets Danny (Carmine Giovinazzo) to run a DNA sample.   He checks on CODIS and looks into the financial data.   Adding he can work around a spreadsheet.    He doesn't get a hit on AFIS, but gets a hit from the New York Mercantile Stock Exchange.

The print matched Luke Sutton (Steven Flynn)  but he's missing.   His apartment is trashed inside.   Aiden (Vanessa Ferlito) thinks he could have been kidnapped.   Mac: "Something happened and it wasn't good."  Well that's obvious.   Mac interjects that if a single man was kidnapped in a foreign country, a ransom would be demanded, but what would a kidnapping in NY be about.   Isn't greed the same the world over, no matter where.   If he was kidnapped then why did his briefcase end up at the Stock Exchange.   More whys for this episode.   Metal shavings are found and a degauser, a magnet was sued to erase electronic info.  Mac finds documents on the harddrive of Luke's computer.   Relating to the Supreme Court decision in Buck v Bell.  274 US 200.  Aiden looks at the harddrive, if they knew what they were looking for, then why trash the apartment.

In the second story, Stella (Melina Kanakaredes) looks into the apparent suicide of a woman at a church.   There's no GS wounds, or stabbing.   Flack (Eddie Cahill) comments on suicide being a sin.  Cue unnecessary definition from Stella from the Catholic Encyclopedia, does she really have to show off and be one up on everything, even when it's not needed.   Flack's Catholic, sure he knows what suicide means!   The DB was Katrina Roylston, known as Trina.   She was counsellor at the church.   She was found by a handyman on the roof.   Cigarette stubs are found next to the DB.   There's no note only a rosary.   Stella: "Suicide's not just sin, it's a statement and I don't see one here."  Well that's not always the case and not everyone leaves behind notes.

Danny finds traces of cocaine in the case.   The trader was tracking the illegal trading practices of dealer Nick Lawson (Tom Bresnan).   Lawson prearranged trading and sold at below market price.   The note says: "I am aware of your illegal trading pattern - Charles has given me a week to deal with this."  E-mails were sent between Luke and Charles.   There are at least 89 people called Charles, working on the floor.   Danny questions Lawson and he's aware Lawson is trading illegally.   Danny wants a DNA sample from Lawson to match to the blood found on the case.

The priest, Father Murphy (Larry Clarke) tells Stella Trina didn't leave any suicide note and she wasn't married.   Hawkes (Hill Harper) finds Trina was pregnant.   She was found on her back so it's hard to explain why she had a broken tooth.   She reached terminal velocity.   If under the velocity then suicides give in to the fall, resulting in trauma to the frontal bones.   Anyone who is pushed, fights gravity, resulting in vertical fractures to the tibia and fibula.   Trina isn't any of these.   To land horizontally means she was already dead or unconscious.   COD is fracture to the left occipital condyle, an injury seen in car accidents, the base of the skull separated from the spinal column, she was murdered.   Stella finds a candlestick holder under the seat with a fibre stuck to the base.   There's a typed letter in a prayer book: "Hearts are not had as a gift but hearts are earned, or by those that are not entirely beautiful."  Father Tim Murphy is the name inside.

In the first story, blood from the note and knife matches DNA from the secondary sample from Luke's apartment, therefore the DNA belongs to Luke.   Mac: "Fear tends to trump logic."  An abandoned car is found, registered to Luke.   There's a burnt body inside.   Accelerate was poured over the head, Hawkes finds, when he was still awake, there's no head trauma.   An accelerate pattern is on the shoe.   X-rays reveal the presence of a bullet on the left side of the skull, no vital organs were hit.   Aiden finds the hard drive in the car.   Danny finds the gun, the bullet hit where Hawkes said.  

Aiden asks why he didn't shoot back if someone shot at him and Danny asks why only one bullet.   At least these questions were answered unlike the previous episode.   Stella asks Mac if he goes to church.   Mentioning sermon being part of forgiveness.   Mac: "Forgiveness isn't part of our job."  No, not at first it wasn't, but later on, we will find Mac and the others feeling some sort of sympathy towards their Vics and in certain circumstances, the accused.

Stella prints the candlestick holder and the prayer book and they match Trina.   Father Murphy's fingerprints were on there as he fixed the candlestick holder.   The line was from a WB Yeats poem.

Aiden traces the serial number on the gun, which is registered to Emily Dent (Sarah Aldrich).   Luke was her boyfriend, until a few months ago.   He made her get the gun as Charles has people watching him.

Stella finds the cigarette stubs also has Trina's DNA and that from a male donor.   The father of the baby is the smoker.   Paul (Peter O'Meara) the handyman, was convicted two years ago.   Stella tells him his DNA will be on file forever.  He kissed Trina when he found her and he gets physically angry.

Mac goes over the case so far.   Danny thinks it would make more sense if Charles is a dealer since he's not a lawyer.   The Mercantile Department already has a case against Lawson.   Danny and Aiden examine the trace and Mac goes over the harddrive.   The accelerant poured over Luke was unleaded gasoline.  petroleum distillates include toluene, which is found in paint, thinners, sealants etc.  On the screen: "Three generations are enough" is repeated from the harddrive.   An e-mail is found agreeing to deliver money and the parking ticket shows the location of the meet.   Danny, Aiden and Mac all find money here.   Mac: "I got the money."
Danny: "I got the money too."
Aiden: "I'm in." She also finds a half empty can, or as Mac says, "half full when we send it to DNA."  Spent casings are also found as well as a gun reloader and gunpowder, which could explain the presence of nitrates outside the case.   Mac: "With all the evidence we collected, you'd think we could find Charles." Well that's cos he doesn't exist.

Stella examines Paul's clothes to find Trina's hair, other prints match Paul, i.e two partial points of reference in common with Paul.   Flack: "yeah, you could probably find two points of reference in common with my print too."  Stella: "true."  Paul is a schizophrenic.   Mac and Stella are both paged by Jane (Sonya Walgar), cos we know what's coming next, the bits of an episode that I like, when two or more stories are linked and become one case.   Jane finds a connection between  the DNA sample which matches Paul.   He hasn't been taking his meds.   Mac: "Every case has a trinity: Vic, suspect, location."  In the second story, Trina was the Vic, Paul was the suspect and the Church, St Martin's was the location.  In the fist story: the Vic was Luke, the suspect was Charles and the location was Randall's Island Park.   They connect Paul to Charles.

Mac looks in the files and finds the case reference: the opinion of Oliver Wendell-Holmes, affirming the mandatory sterilization of mentally challenged people..."three generations of imbeciles are enough." Paul was schizophrenic and so was Luke, Luke and Paul were brothers.   Charles wasn't found as he doesn't exist, as I said.   The partial print on the candlestick belonged to Luke.   Luke was susceptible to delusions, he took Trina to the roof.   Danny mentions the roof was repaired with product containing petroleum, thus the accelerant pattern on the bottom of his shoes.   He threw her over the roof.   Luke was a third generation schizophrenic and Trina was about to have the fourth.   Paul getting Trina pregnant was an accident.  He doesn't like Yeats but James Joyce.   The letter wasn't his.   He went back to the apartment and attempted to destroy everything.   He thought of shooting himself, until Mac tells him the message changed.  Paul left home at 18 but wasn't strong like Luke.

As I said I like the episodes where the two stories are connected and Pam Veasey and Zachery Reiter said those are especially hard for them to write.   This is the first episode where this has taken place this first season.  The episode title and the clue to solving the case turns up about a third of the way through the episode on the computer screen when Mac is in front of it.   However anyone who knew the case of Buck v Bell would have this solved instantly,

Have to say, though perhaps I shouldn't, oh never mind, the funny scene where Paul turned the tables on Flack and Stella, though it had to be on Flack too, a pity, but that was coming.   That's never happened before and didn't happen again, so we had to enjoy the moment while it lasted!

Lots about science and religion here and Stella asking Mac about church as we saw him at church in the first episode.   Also  numerous CSI episodes where two cases have become one, such as Spark of Life, Face Lift, Blood Lust.   With reference to Mac alluding to the trinity of evidence here,  in CSI season 3 episode Play with Fire, Gil Grissom (William Petersen) finds that a toe nail on the nail clipper places the suspect at the CS, his nail (the killer's); her DNA (the Vic's)  and traces of these were found at both scenes (the location)  and he calls these the "holy trinity" i.e.  Killer, Vic, location.

CSI season 2 finale, The Hunger Artist also had a schizophrenic and in CSI episode Mea Culpa, Sara (Jorga Fox) shows Greg (Eric Szmanda) how to make the scratched serial number of a gun reappear.   For anyone who is into law, or not, the case of Buck v Bell makes for interesting reading.   By the way Eddie is also into James Joyce.  

Charlies Angels - 1.2: "Runway Angels" Review

This time around the angels look into the disappearance of a girl on behalf of their parents who was a model. Kate comes face to face with her ex fiancee, Ray.

The angels attend a photoshoot looking for a missing girl; find a man who was her stalker and took photos of her.   A chase begins and he ends up in the water, courtesy of Eve (Minka Kelly).   Gabriella (Hayley Higgins) is missing and Eve thinks he's about to pull out a gun, but it's his phone.   Bosley (Ramon Rodriguez) says the man can talk to Eve if he won't talk to him.   Eve rearing to go and cause some major hurt.   He wants to find Gabriella too.

"Once upon a time there were three young women who got into very big trouble.   Now they work for me.   My name is Charlie." The opening narration has been made shorter than the Pilot episode and quite honestly, they could have given it some major oomph.   It's so flat and boring.

He claims he was at the hospital and his alibi checks.   Kate (Annie Ilonzeh) takes the memory card from his camera.   Back at the office they watch the video message Gabriella was sending her parents.   Charlie (Victor Garber) says they need to find her.   Devon, apparently one of her friends was also on the card and they see a photo where they had an argument, which Devon failed to mention.

Bosley found the photos on the card.   Kate believes it must have been a rookie detective on the case, cue her ex fiancee, Ray (Isaiah Mustafa).   He was through with the questions and tells them the Russian First Lady is in town,   which was a clue to this case.   Kate: "The best private detectives solve the case."  She's in two minds at seeing him and her feelings for him begin to resurface. At least it seems that way.   Abby (Rachael Taylor) tells Eve who is always curious to know everything about Kate.   She tells her Kate was engaged, was busted for being dirty and then broke it off.   She still has the ring.

Bosley has been on Devon's Facebook page and she's in search of  a new roommate.   Abby wonders how a struggling model can afford such a grand mansion.   Abby has to play the model undercover and Kate plays the photographer.   A way for Abby to get into the house is by playing a down-on-her luck model.   She tells Devon she's from East Lansing and they bond.   Eve arrives with Abby's suitcase in tow and throws her out of the apartment for non payment of rent.   Kate fires her from the shoot.   Devon takes her  home and offers her a room.   She should trust Devon.

Abby knows Devon lied about seeing Gabriella.   Eve suggests they should take her hostage and "shove Ben and Jerry's down her throat ad get her to talk."   Cos she's stick thin and a model, well the same could be said for these angels.   See, Eve is always with the confrontational stance.   It's in her nature.   Abby is going to check out Gabriella's room and needs Bosley to distract the women as she scales the balcony.   Bosley is there as a Krav Maga teacher.

 Abby's heels become flats, then heels again after she gets into her room.   Abby posits every girl has a secret and these angels seem to have more than one, not to mention Bosley, who being a guy also has secrets, when he talks to Devon later on.   She finds lots of shoe boxes in the closet and Kate notices there are only 14 boxes and 15 pairs of shoes.   Abby susses the Yves San Laurent box is missing, which she finds in the crawl space above her containing money, along with a deed for a condo which she must have bought for her parents.   Eve: "What are you, the shoe whisperer?"

Mitch wants Abby for a client of his. He's the girl's attorney.   Devon assures her it'll be the easiest money she'll make.   Ray's at Gabriella's condo already when Kate and Eve arrive.   Kate says Abby would pick the lock and Eve just breaks the glass.   She speaks with Ray and feels he doesn't trust her.   But he doesn't "trust her decisions.   She broke the law and them up.   He'll always worry about her.   Gabriella is found dead in the shower.

The ME told Charlie she died a day ago so they couldn't have saved her.   Eve is ready to take down whoever killed her.   They wait for Abby at the dinner date.   Kate: "Abby runs on Abby time." Eve wants the lowdown on Kate and Ray, she's counting how long they were engaged for and were only two days away from the wedding.   Eve and Kate have a 'special' relationship.   She kept the ring so he'd see she's changed and have a second chance.   Bosley wants Abby to head to the toilet if anything goes wrong.

Mitch wants her to marry Obregon (Oscar Cheda) for a Green Card for him, in return for money.   Abby moans she only gets proposed to when she's undercover.   Bosley finds Obregon's part of a drug cartel so he hasn't got a Green Card.   Abby heads for the loo and Mitch gets swirlies for not giving info on Gabriella's husband's name.   Abby can't fit a badge in her dress.   Ray walks in and arrests Mitch who demands a lawyer.   Ray is angry he lawyer-ed up so the killer will go free now...  hey these are angels they won't let him get away.

Bosley talks to Devon and she saw it as a way to make money.   Bosley: "Pursuing dreams means people get hurt and you can decide who you want to be." His name is Simon Genks.   Abby: "Tall, dark and gloomy."  He got a job in a security firm after he got his Green Card.   They check out his place and  find a photo with a man in the army.   Kate takes prints from the photo frame for his real ID.   Eve finds a hiding place - like in the previous episode in Gloria's place.   The case has sniper rifles and no one heard the man coming.   He shoots and Eve is wounded.   His real name is Nickoli (Nikolay Nedyalkov) and he's an assassin who holds Russia responsible for the death of his wife.   He's after the Russian first lady.   Eve says they can ask Ray for info on her.   Kate asks him if he trusts her and he doesn't reply.   She's watching a dance troop.   The hotel would be the best vantage point and Kate spots him on the balcony.   Why would a security guard be carrying such a case?

On the roof he speaks Russian .   Abby recalls the second shooter from the photo as the security man, but Eve just says she knows him.   Kate shoots Nikoli saving Ray.   The Russian President thanks the angels.   Kate has a meet with Ray and Bosley asks who picked the cafe.   Ray did thus it's a date.   He cares about Kate and apologizes.   Kate: "I get it." Another Supernatural phrase.   He misses her.   She misses his approval but it doesn't mean love.   She returns his ring but he didn't ask for it back.  She can't hold on to the past.

Not much of an interesting episode, stumbling upon a Green Card scam with some shady characters giving the chance for Kate's ex fiancee to make an appearance, delving into her backstory and why they broke up.  She doesn't want to be with him anymore. He reminds her of her past and everything she did, so she'd want to leave that behind.   Maybe she feels she isn't really good enough for him, her being a 'fallen angel.'  yet she still has/had feelings for him so why did she return his ring anyway? She wasn't making a new start cos she had all that time to do that.   But she held on and now that he's on the scene, she has a change of heart.

Can't say much for the outfits.  They could have done better.   Know Kate was at a model do in the beginning but that top left a lot to be desired.   This second episode was more favourably received, but not enough to save the show.   Loving Bosley though.

Original Charlie's Angels episodes alluded to here include, Night of the Strangler, where Jill (Farah Fawcett) and Kelly (Jaclyn smith) played models and Sabrina (Kate Jackson) a photostylist.   In the Killing Kind, Kelly went undercover as a photographer.

Castle - 2.5: "When the Bough Breaks" Review

Castle is offered a three book deal to write about a great British spy, but that means not being able to work with Beckett anymore. This week's case is the murder of an immigrant.

Castle's (Nathan Fillion) publisher, Paula (Debi Mazar) tells him about  a new three book  publishing deal to write about a 'British secret agent.'  Castle has just launched his own character so why would he get involved with someone else's character?   Then he realizes who that is and claims his entire reason for becoming a writer was this agent.   His phone rings, Castle: "Another body must have dropped."  Aptly put, seeing as the DB is found in a manhole.

Perlmutter (Ayre Gross) puts COD as blunt force trauma and she was killed two days ago.   Ryan (Seamus Dever) asks if he can narrow it down.   Castle arrives at the scene late and they tease him about the weird CODs he's just missed.   Beckett (Stana Katic) joins in too, continuing on from last episode where she called him a pushover and seems he hasn't got the hint here either.   Some 007 music is played.

Perlmutter doesn't get any print match.   Castle comments two days and no one reported her missing.   She was an immigrant and has a candy wrapper which Castle recognizes as being Czech.   Castle: "Almost ordered a Russian bride once.   A Czech mate."  Beckett tells the Captain (Ruben Santiago-Hudson) Castle had to buy something from each shop they went to, Russian dolls being the product of choice.   Captain Montgomery suggests he could include the wrapper hunt in his next book.   She knows how the mayor feels about Castle.   Beckett insists, "I am not Nikki Heat."  Ryan and Esposito (Jon Heurtas) find the shop where the candy was bought, the wrapper was from a lollipop and Castle has to taste it.   Tastes like soap but he likes it.

The Super (Jeff Doucette) of her building recognizes her as Eliska and she paid rent every week in cash.  Another clue.   There are postcards on the wall and Castle finds one photo where the woman's face has been scratched out, but not the little boy.   Alexis (Molly Quinn) wants to invite a friend to his book launch party and Martha (Susan Sullivan) tells him it's just to hang out with boys and dress up.   Martha: "...think everything is about you." Well it is thus the name of the show, ha.     Martha insists Beckett would be doing fine before he was on the scene.   Somehow I don't think so.   Neither does Beckett by the end.

Beckett already thought about checking out the playground in the photo and sent Ryan and Esposito down there.   The woman in the photo is Melissa Talbot (Elaine Hendrix) with her son, Zane.   Eliska was fired and she gave Zane a lolly which Melisa didn't like her doing.   Dr Cameron Talbot (Reed Diamond) is an obvious suspect again, seeing as he's a doctor and a child was involved.   Melissa didn't like Eliska being too friendly with Zane.   Beckett reassures her what happened isn't Melissa's fault.   Eliska used to be married to Teodore (Ivo Nandi) and he was reported for domestic disturbance by neighbours.  Teodore and Eliska lost their son to a disease and she left him.

 Poor Ryan getting no chance to drink his coffee.   Beckett tells Castle about his other book and she would have liked him to have talked to her about it first.   Castle says she should be relieved it's not about her and clearly she's upset.   She doesn't want him gone cos she's not the type to let fame get to her, so it has to be him.   A woman with a suitcase returns and none of them spoke with her.   She identifies the man she saw arguing to the sketch artist who turns out to be Talbot and he had a pager too.

Talbot claims they had an affair and his nurse (Timi Prolhiere) alibis him.   Lots more clues here: Eliska working at the hospital too.   Beckett's scarf changes position from covering her chest to falling back.  Castle invites Ryan and Esposito to the book launch, which is where we came in, in the Pilot episode, the launch for Storm, his final book.   Also Castle signs more women's chests.   Martha tells him nothing lasts forever.   Beckett's dress was horrible, didn't like it at all.   Also she can't really go undercover now, if you think about it, especially since her face will be everywhere.   Paula suggests he should take the book deal and just sleep with Beckett.   he did sleep with Paula before, mentioned last season.

The Captain tells Beckett she should be flattered by the dedication.   Castle's offer is made official.   Beckett and Castle argue and there's one moment where Beckett so wanted Castle to kiss her and vice versa.   But they fight instead when he deliberately spoils the moment by coming up with the wife did it theory.   The dedication: "To the extraordinary KB and my friends at the 12th."

Castle's use of "hell hath no fury" as a motive again and Beckett he thinks hasn't been scorned, as what man would turn her away.  (Hell Hath No Fury the title to episode 1.4)  He hasn't accepted the offer yet and she asks why he doesn't accept since she didn't ask him to write about her in the first place.  She's gotten nothing but grief over the first book.   Castle forgot his glasses on her desk and she thinks he was there just for her.  The Super rented the apartment on a weekly basis which Castle realizes and Beckett misses.   Kerpowsky (Diana-Maria Riva) tells them someone paid for the apartment after she was dead.   They suspect Melissa, but the nurse turns up to collect Eliska's mail for Talbot and she lied about his alibi.   Beckett waits on a warrant for the mail.

Esposito finds both Eliska's and Melissa's babies were born on the same day at the same hospital.   The letter from the lab was DNA test results.   Talbot swapped the two babies since his baby had Neimann Pick Disease.

Melissa allows Teodore to see his son.   Eliska gave him the lolly to take a swab and Beckett acknowledges Eliska was the detective on this.   Castle: "Her mission to find out the truth." Beckett thanks Castle for his help in solving the case and wishes him luck with the new books.   Their phones ring.   The Nikki Heat sales have gone through the roof, must be that certain scene on Page 105.   They want him to write three more books for an extortionate amount of money, which he agrees to.   It's a re-election year for the mayor and he wants Beckett to continue working with Castle.   Beckett acts perturbed but secretly she's loving it.

Aside from the character moments the story really was another  routine 'domestic' case in that the killer is either spouse, as in season 1's Nanny McDead episode or the season 1 kidnapping case, Little Girl Lost.   Aside from having the baby being stolen which was sad.

Castle thanks Beckett for "using irony correctly.   Ever since that Alanis Morissette song, people use it when they actually mean coincidence.   It drives me nuts."    As does spelling and grammar.

Supernatural - 6.19: "Mommy Dearest" Review

Sam and Dean finally get the location of Eve from Lenore, but she's already aware of them coming. Crowley is revealed to be alive still, casting doubts on Cas's honesty.

 Eve (Julia Maxwell) touches a man from the bar and when she goes in, one notices the blood on her dress.   She kisses him giving him a gift and infects everyone.   A rabid fight breaks out as they all attack each other and she watches.   Dean (Jensen Ackles) prepares bullets containing ash: enough for 5 shells.   Bobby (Jim Beaver) comments the lore states ash should work and it doesn't do anything to Dean...  trust him to try it, well he's human so it wouldn't affect him.   Dean tells Cas (Misha Collins) to "get out of my ass."  Cas: "I was never in your..."  Eve is hidden from angels.   Sam (Jared Padalecki) believes a vampire could help.   Cas brings Lenore (Amber Benson) to them.   Last seen in season 2, she was just brought in to be finished off like a loose end.

Sam tells her he lopped off Gordon's head when he became a vampire himself.   She has nothing to say about Eve and warns them to stay away form her.   Her voice is in their heads and her nest began to kill and Eve listens to them even now.   Sam knows Lenore still cares.   Eve is at Grant Pass, Oregon.   Eve will know they're coming.   Lenore wants to be killed which Cas obliges without hesitation, justifying it as being dangerous as she fed on humans and will do it again.   Cas is turning into quite the killing machine, not that he wasn't before but lately he seems to relish it.   Cas: "We needed to move this along."  Like a bad movie.

Grants Pass Oregon.     Dean calls it less Pleasantville, Smithy McSmitherton is on their side, i.e.  Cas.   Sam gives Bobby an ipad for research. He wanted a computer with buttons.   Besides, Bobby's into his books.   Cas can't vanish no matter how hard he tries.   Dean: "Now you just look like you're pooping." (Cos he's got that constipated look on his face, ha.)     Cas is powerless.   Dean: "Without your power, you're just a baby in a trenchcoat."  He's just rolling on out the one liners!  Dean hurt his feelings.   He takes Cas to see Dr Silver who called the CDC about the mysterious illness.   Cas tells his assistant he has a "painful, burning sensation."

Cas asks how long it will take Dean to pick the lock but there's no need to since he finds a DB; a "gooey corpse."  There's no stopping Dean now with his descriptions.   The doctor has two sons.   There's no Impala and Ed's (Nathan Witte) in the house when they meet up with Bobby and Sam.   Cas doesn't have any practice using guns.   Dean again comes up with the hilarious comments of only babies whine.   There are lots of Eds inside.   This one's not Ed, he's Todd (Jason Cermak).

Dean tells Sam he's bathing in Purell and there's his use of gooey again.   You'd think it was an ep of CSI.   They find everyone in the bar, all dead.   Dean finds a vampire wraith.   Eve's making hybrids and Dean gets to name it a Jefferson Starship cos they're "horrible and hard to kill."  The sheriff (Roman Podhora) arrests the three of them and Dean ducks out of sight.   At the station, Sam spots their eyes in the TV and calls them Jefferson Starships.   Sam and Dean find the two sons, Ryan (Griffin Parsons) and Joe (Travis Turner) in the jail and suspect them of being the same Starships too.   But being Sam and Dean and recalling their own life and predicament they garner only sympathy from Sam and Dean, even if it was foolish to trust them.   Dean has to ensure they're human, then again Eve isn't exactly a demon so anything she 'produces' or makes will not show on their tests.   If she's making hybrids nothing will affect them.

Cas needs the two here since millions of lives are at stake, not just two.   Dean insists on saving them.   But they should have listened to Cas this time round, even if they reminded them of each other.   Cas believes they'll find more "wayward orphans" along the way.   Cas asks Bobby for five minutes along with the pig, er sheriff since Cas knows torture tactics, which don't involve him using his power.

Eve is in the diner and Dean says she was there the entire time, a waitress which they didn't notice when she served them.   Sam says they're all Starships.   Dean: "dragons - really and Khan worms."  Eve talks of the arrangement they had.   She turned a few of them and they hunted some , but they were all kidnapped and tortured by Crowley when Samuel was taking them to him.   Dean comments she's using the "mother of the year defence." Eve turns into Mom (Samantha Smith).   She died to protect her sons and Eve demands Crowley to be killed as he's alive.   The souls are power and Eve calls Sam a monkey too.

Dean posits her beings are imploding.   They were actually the children, Ryan was a Starship and Cas was right about him.   They slipped by hunters undetected - like I said too.   Eve calls him a "wayward orphan" just like the phrase Cas used.   Eve makes them an offer, if they find Crowley she'll let them live.   Dean refuses.   Bobby and Cas are also held.   Eve is older than Cas and knows how angels work.   Dean wants her to kill them cos they don't work with monsters, unlike Samuel, who worked with the king of hell.   She can turn them.   Dean had the fifth bullet and says, "bite me."  He drank the ash.   Dean: "call you later mom."  Eve carks it.

Cas gets his power back to smite everyone.   They should take him on more hunts and he cures Dean too.   Crowley's alive but Cas burned his bones and since when does Cas get it wrong? H knows better and vanishes.   Bobby asks how he got away since Cas doesn't make mistakes, he's an angel, unless...Dean refuses to believe he's a traitor and Sam has doubts.   Jefferson Starship's 'Miracles' plays on the jukebox.  Crowley arrives to clean up Cas's messes, but for how long?

That was obvious Cas saying he's an angel and he buried his bones and then he wouldn't have got it wrong if he really wanted to kill Crowley.   That line from Cas about millions compared to two, had an ulterior motive sounding to it.   He needs millions of souls in his war in heaven, so it was a loaded comment from him last episode, 6.18 Frontierland.   It was time for Sam and Dean to bring the fight to Eve and move it up a notch or two.   In a rather hurried attempt to move the story 'arc' along.   Eve it seems, wasn't the formidable foe and wasn't mean to last long as a Supernatural monster.   So much for being the Mother of All.   She turned out weak.   Especially when facing off with Dean who was always one step ahead of her and drank the ash beforehand.  He's becoming very methodical in his thinking - planning ahead.   He'd never be mistaken for one to use foresight.

So much for Eve turning into Mom, which just pissed Dean off even more.   In a way it was good the Eve plot didn't linger too long cos it didn't turn out to be all that interesting in the end.   All that hype and build up, just turned out to be anti-climactic.   She wasn't so much a foil in so much as a distraction in bringing the story foreward alerting them to Crowley being alive - ultimately to the realization they may have a traitor in their midst in the form of Cas.   If demons lie, angels can cheat and manipulate just as much. We've seen it all through season 5 in particular how Zach et al all wanted to use the boys for their own ends.   Yet through all that Cas seemed so different, so above all the bickering and deception.  Boy were we fooled.

As for Cas and everything he's fighting for, what he stands for becomes meaningless.   Betrayal came so easily to him, like second nature.   Shown too readily by his quick dispatch of Lenore.   (Her role was too brief) she's another casualty of season 6, as though the show was tying up loose ends in one fell swoop.   Again demonstrating how Cas thinks and acts on his feet.  If someone is a hindrance or of no use to him, then it's curtains for them.   He's clinical and callous when he needs to be and yet he's also selfish.   The souls, helping Sam and Dean was all about winning the war in heaven for himself.   He wasn't lying when it came to that. No, the lies came when he went behind their backs instead of trusting them.

Lots of funny scenes to detract from the serious issues, Dean telling Cas to 'get out of his ass.'  Dean and his baby remark.   That's what it boils down to with Cas.   At heart he's a baby, taking things too simplistically as we'll see in the remaining three episodes.

As for Eve becoming Mom, she was Sam and Dean's mother and losing her was a definitive moment in their lives.   Why would Sam and Dean be intimidated by Eve turning into her? This was not explained or done as well as it could have been.   Though seeing Samantha Smith again was a great blast from the past.   The other defining moments in their lives were the ones involving themselves as brothers.   Their love for each other.   This was highlighted by the two brothers they found in jail.  Their need to see them safely home stemming from childhood.   Also ironically, the younger brother was the infected Starship.   A look back to Sam in early seasons as being Azazel's choice to go darkside, having his blood and Sam - younger brother - being Lucifer's vessel of choice.   The younger brother being easily manipulated.   Not that Sam had any choice in the fate that befell him as a baby.   I won't bring up the whole fate, destiny, etc argument here.

The redeeming force behind this episode was Cas's deception coming undone.   Dean refuses to believe point blank.   Bobby is the voice of reason and Sam has his doubts.   What was also good to see was Dean's staunch loyalty to his friend after the number of times Cas was there for him.   The ultimate betrayal of not only a friendship but of Dean's confirming they don't work with monsters.   Having to work for Crowley was a necessary evil but Cas being in league with Crowley doesn't bare thinking about.   Is Cas a monster, was he one in the making with Dean teaching him about free will.  

Dean drinking the ashes should have seen it coming cos it's in his nature to experiment.   In 1.10 Home, he tasted the poultice they were to place in the walls of their former home.   The title if spelt Mommie Dearest would be an allusion to the film based on the book on the life of actress Joan Crawford, written by her daughter.

Lie To Me - 1.12: "Blinded" Review

Cal is hired by the FBI to question serial rapist Andrew Jenkins about the identity of his copycat. Gillian and Ria seem to get angry with Cal over his decision and Cal brings FBI agent Ben Reynolds to the team, against his wishes.

A nurse meets a doctor for coffee and there's some flirting and he comes across as charming.  Cue her running and screaming on train tracks after being attacked.   The man she was with turns out to be serial rapist Andrew Jenkins (Daniel Sujata).   Now in prison, Cal (Tim Roth) goes in as an inmate to garner the identity of the copycat and picks a fight with another prisoner.   Cal is beaten with Andrew watching.   Gillian explains since Andrew is a pathological liar he can't be interrogated in the same manner.  Cal ignores him at mealtime and sits at the same table.   Andrew displays signs of proudness - he's much more content seeing his Vics live in fear than killing them off, after Cal tells him he's been accused of killing a policeman who helped his wife.   But he's innocent.

In the prison laundry  Andrew approaches Cal and realizes Cal isn't really a prisoner and wonders if he's police, much to the chagrin of FBI agent Ben Reynolds (Mekhi Phifer) who doesn't believe they're getting anywhere either.   Andrew wants to give him info in return for a deal, Cal agrees and he asks for a weekly box of Chocodiles.   Andrew gives them the address of the next Vic, Camille (Shannon McLemore) and when they arrive there's no one there.   Ben pulls strings and has Andrew brought to their office and Eli (Brendan Hines) monitors his vitals.

Ria (Monica Raymund) looks into his 'fan' letters and  Andrew notices Ria on the other side of the glass.   All the time Ria and Cal display their emotions and anger at not getting anywhere.   Andrew mentions 'Lightbringer' as one of his fan's names, after mentioning Cal's name is Lightman.   A letter is found with this name belonging to Milo (Jonno Roberts).   When confronted Milo did write the letters but didn't abduct anyone.   He says Camille's in the next room.   Ben pulls out his gun and threatens to shoot him, like that would lead him to finding the Vic.   Cal wants him to stop as it's not Milo.   Cal cuts his hand in desperation to show Milo winces at the sight of blood.   His room of clippings, photos etc could turn out to be useful.  

Gillian visits Natalie, (Mageina Tova) one of the recent Vics and suggests she should speak with his first Vic, Michelle (Clea Duvall) as Natalie doesn't recall anything.   Ria and Eli watch Cal in the prison laundry tape and Ria notices Cal gave himself away by folding the laundry perfectly.   Cal asks if they want to concentrate on his screw ups or find Camille.   Cal spots the prison guard (Emilio Rivera) flare his nostrils.   He was afraid for his daughters and he's been passing mail from Andrew out of the prison and leaving it under a trash can (what they'd call a trash can drop or dead drop in the spy trade.)  He left a letter a few hours ago.

Michelle brings her husband, Paul (Grinnel Morris) with her, to show Natalie she can still get on with her life.   Natalie recalls she didn't hear anything, meaning she was probably kept underground.   Paul was a bit of an obvious suspect since the question many would ask is why he married her to begin with.   Gillian leaves and is attacked by the copycat, with Cal and Ben arriving too late.   Why no warning call to Gillian?   In hospital, Cal suggests she should rest but she wants to continue like he did, it was fine for him to carry on after being beaten, but she can't.   Ria calls Cal wanting to bring Michelle in to confront Andrew. He refuses and she does it anyway.   Cal forces his way into the room and asks Michelle to leave.   Then he and Ria argue in front of Andrew and he even spits on her whilst shouting.   Andrew comments Cal is angry cos she didn't listen to him.   Cal overturns a table and gets a photo from Ben showing Camille is dead.

They're too late and the copycat has gone over Andrew's head by killing his Vic.   Eli notices Andrew's heart rate increase.   The photo isn't real, Cal had Ben make it up beforehand, so Andrew would be over confident.   Gillian explains Ria was the 'long con' so Cal didn't give himself away in prison after all, it was his plan.   Milo has a video from Andrew's parole hearing, where they see Paul lose his temper immediately.   Gillian says real anger builds up gradually and on close-up, Paul reveals being in admiration of Andrew, his mentor.   Paul's real name is Leo Carty and he began writing to Andrew.   He married Michelle to be closer to Andrew and his "work."

Paul's an estate agent and Ben hunts for properties with basements.   They find Camille still alive and also Paul.   Ria is upset she was used by Cal and asks if they're ready to break away yet.   Cal replies she's still got a lot to learn yet.   Cal has been given a retainer by the FBI and wants Ben on his team, as he doesn't have anyone as security especially after what happened to Gillian.  Cal 'analyzes' Ben too but he doesn't have a choice, the decision's already been made.   Ben still maintains he works for the FBI.   Not really he doesn't.   Just goes to show what Cal wants Cal gets and he always gets his own way.

Cal demonstrates yet more manipulation on his part, not only of Andrew who he fools into giving himself away by showering him into a false sense of security; but also with Ria, as he gives her orders he knows she'll go against and barks at her when she does exactly that.   Then after all that she's still not ready to go out on her own.   As his darker side is on display much more than usual with Ben also, as he's brought him to the team without even discussing it with him first.  His gentler side is only visible with Gillian to whom he's tender and caring after she gets beaten.

Gillian: "I'll be on my cell."
Cal: "If you need me...cos normally you add, 'if you need me'...  you think I blew it in prison."
Gillian: "I'm not blaming you..he's out of jail, he's getting all this attention.   We are fulfilling his every fantasy."
Cal: "By 'we' you mean me."  Seems like that' one conversation with Gillian where he won't win the argument but with everyone else they have to do what they're told.   Finally the show seems to be finding its feet with episodes of this standard.