As the Musketeers escort Princess Louise (Perdita Weeks) Louis' (Ryan Gage) cousin to Paris for her wedding to the Prince of Sweden, thus forging an alliance with France and Sweden she is attacked en route and Porthos (Howard Charles) finds Spanish coins. The Musketeers bring her to the garrison before they take her to the Archbishop Jacqueme (Laurence Kennedy). Treville (Hugo Speer) is told of their plans. Whilst she is at prayer with the archbishop, she is attacked again by someone with an arrow and as D'Artagnan (Luke Pasqualino) is unable to catch him, he escapes. Well there's only a few people who could've been the assailant and that had to be Francecso (Ben Starr) her bodyguard. Louise was coincidentally lucky as she trips whilst greeting the Archbishop, so he's killed instead. Again she didn't strike me at all as clumsy and the Musketeers are to told to bring her to the Louvre by Rochefort (Marc Warren).
Still up to his conniving ways he tells Marguerite (Charlotte Salt) to bring the cross that Aramis (Santiago Cabrera) wears to him and he also tells her to spy on them. She thinks he and Anne (Alexandra Dowling) are close and he threatens to tell her father of her liaison with Aramis, which she says would kill him. Also making sure she doesn't find a suitable match for herself which is why she's at court. She meets with Aramis who can't stop with those glances at Anne and vice versa, being very obvious with each other and Marguerite tells him if it's over he should tell her now. He calls it a fling and nothing more, as she asks him for one final embrace and removes the necklace from him. He didn't feel the weight of it gone form his neck! He later tells her he's misplaced it, after he preens his moustache in the mirror (see 3.1.)
D'Artagnan is tasked with looking after Louise and she sees him with Constance (Tamla Kari) who tells him she's going to tell Bonacieux (Bohdan Poraj) about them and will leave him. However when she does this, he slaps her and orders her home. D'Artagnan notices and says he will kill him and Constance stops him. Louis is angry with Milady (Maimie McCoy) and has her leave and as she does so, Rochefort stops her and takes away the necklace he gave her, saying she'll leave with what she came. Athos (Tom Burke) is there and tells her to leave Paris after giving her his money, it's all he has. It's a gift but she calls it charity and refuses to take it. Of course she can make her own way.
Louis refuses to leave his chambers out of fear and won't let Anne in, she asks Rochefort to go to him and he tells him he doesn't want to see Louise, but Rochefort convinces him to meet with his chancellor, who is on his way to see him. Anne tells the courtiers Louis is unwell and asks Rochefort to get the present for Louise but he hands Treville with the task instead. A mundane task he's not happy with and thinks he should've accepted the post of minister when he was offered it. A new captain will be named soon and he thinks it should be Athos. Athos tells him to take the gift straight to the queen and show her his loyalty.
As he arrives at the house, he is watched by Francesco and Milady sees him too, but doesn't stop him from shooting Treville. Constance tells Aramis and he has to help him, but says they need doctor Lemay (Ed Stoppard). Aramis removes the musket round but he can't do anything further, as the doctor bleeds his lungs of fluid. Marguerite fives Rochefort the cross and he talks of how Anne promised she'd always keep it, so that was his cross she gave her, which she gave to Aramis and not one of her own, strange she shouldn't give him something belonging to her, but what was given to her by another man! He tells her to give it back to Aramis and to still continue spying on them, she has no choice. She returns it to Aramis saying she found it in the corridor. Otherwise think of the trouble it would've stirred up. Which he doesn't really get.
The Musketeers question a man who manufactures such weapons and he tells them the weapons were taken and the Red Guards have them now. They convey this to Rochefort who isn't convinced they have a traitor in their midst, he is the traitor of course so he wouldn't want anything found out or to investigate further. Rochefort relieves D'Artagnan of his post in guarding Louise and enters her room with a case, containing another bow. She is the assassin and she must kill the chancellor. Athos and Porthos search the house where Treville was headed and find the painter dead and the painting which was to be a gift, missing. Athos tells them to look for the sketches and find the woman in them doesn't resemble Louise at all, so she's an imposter and chancellor Dupre (Tony Guilfoyle) is in danger.
Bonacieux arrives to take Constance with him and Louise tells him she's gone home cos of the way he commanded her. He leaves and she gets ready with Francesco to kill. As Aramis and D'Artagnan wait for him to arrive, Bonacieux returns for his hat and is killed by her, she hates wife beaters, adding to her earlier comment of how she'd kill him for Constance, so she could be with D'Artagnan. Porthos and Athos arrive in time as they protect the chancellor and D'Artagnan arrives to see her skirts flowing behind the wall. She ends up behind bars and says it's over, also mentioning she left him in the state room and did him a favour, she can't get out as Aramis and Athos are on the other side, as Porthos fights Francesco. He stabs himself with his sword.
D'Artagnan rushed to find him there and pauses for a moment before he decides to help him, but it's too late. D'Artagnan wants to tell Constance himself as he has his blood on his hands. He tells him Treville will be fine. Louise is imprisoned but is paid a visit by Milady who tells her she'll release her if she tells her who was behind the attempt. She says it was Rochefort, he's a Spanish spy and is killed anyway. Rochefort taking care of everyone in his path and working his way to the top. As Louis tells Rochefort how he's pleased with him and is the only one he can rely on, he makes him first minister and gives him the ring. As he walks past the courtiers and the Musketeers, he was really expecting them to bow before him too, don't think so!
Treville tells Porthos when he's better he will tell him the truth. Well can't wait for Rochefort to be found out but he's going to plunge them into a war with Spain since his new position will enable him much greater influence with the council, but also to do whatever he wants and get away with it, not that he hasn't bee doing that already. At least this leaves the way open for D'Artagnan and Constance to be together now, even if it isn't how either one of them would've expected it to happen. Obviously Milady will use that information she knows as leverage against Rochefort. But as I said, Aramis is rather careless in his glances at Anne and now Rochefort is convinced of this, he'll have to watch out for him too.
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