Emilie (Emma Lowndes) preaches about her visions from God where she's been told to help France and the people rise up against Spain and defeat the Spanish. As she does this, the people take to the streets and attack the Spanish as Navas's (Oliver Rix) carriage is taken over and he's left for dead, suspended from it. Louis (Ryan Gage) wants something to be done about this and as the Musketeers arrive at the camp, they hear her talk to the people. Rochefort (Marc Warren) is given the task, but he is convinced by Treville (Hugo Speer) to let them handle it. Aramis (Santiago Cabrera) is to enter the camp and discredit Emilie as he is an authority on the Bible and as he arrives at the camp he's stopped by the guards. Emilie agrees to speak with him and she tells him of her visions. He tells her he's deserted after hearing her speak.
That night he hears Emilie's nightmares as she screams out. Anne (Alexandra Dowling) arrives at the camp again thinking that if Louis won't grant her an audience, she can speak with hr and make him see things differently. Unfortunately she's recognized by Raymond (Charles Venn) and she and Constance (Tamla Kari) are held at the camp.
Aramis: "faith has little to do with reason."
Perales (Will Keen) finds himself in danger and is taken by D'Artagnan (Luke Pasqualino) Athos (Tom Burke) and Porthos (Howard Charles) to the garrison where he'll be safer. He tells Treville he's been granted passage home by Philip and asks him if he's ever eaten an orange from Seville. Before he's taken away, he visits Rochefort's prostitute and pays her money for taking care of him. But he stops her and asks who orders his death. After she tells him, Rochefort strangles her and sends her ear to him at the garrison. Porthos asks who would do this and they know it's someone who knows he's here, but once again, Rochefort isn't the immediate person they think of. Perales says he will tell them once he's safely away and a carriage is ordered for him by a letter meant to have been signed by Rochefort.
Rochefort wants Milady (Maimie McCoy) to do something for him and she has to agree. D'Artagnan is sent to check the carriage and as Porthos, Treville and Athos escort Perales to the carriage, D'Artagnan tells them it's a trap, but they're too late, as Milady has already struck, poisoning Perales with a prick on his hand. So once again, Rochefort gets away with it.
Constance is told to eat her soup as Emilie says she's not hungry and that night, she has nightmares about Anne and Louis being murdered and an axeman. She wakes up and doesn't know why she's had such nightmares since this is the first time. Aramis takes the soup to be analyzed and asks Constance to give it to doctor (Ed Stoppard).
Lemay: "I'm a doctor, not an alchemist." He tastes it and find it's been drugged with some sort of mushroom, thus Emilie's visions aren't from God, but her mother has been drugging her.
Athos has to stay with her cos he's familiar with such things and he and Constance make sure she gets over the withdrawals. They tell her that her mother's behind it and she rides into the village telling everyone it was all a fake, her mother is behind it. They should disband and go home. As Raymond throws a rock at her mother, who dies. Emilie tells them to leave her alone. Once again Rochefort gets everything he wants, including info from Allard (John Harding) on Milady which he used to blackmail her, as he also blackmails him about his wife not knowing of his mistresses. Being the cardinal's man he would've known everything about her since she was in his pay.
A bit of a Joan of Arc episode which doesn't really go that far as Emilie's visions are not from God but manipulated by her mother to further her daughter's name as well as her own and some kind of feeble attempt to wage war with Spain. Well it wouldn't be her fighting for France. Once again Anne goes head first into the camp again without thinking, as if she could possibly influence the rabble and once again must be rescued. Well that's okay then, as her saviour and hero Aramis was there and does just that.
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