As an astronomer, Marmion (Leo Gregory) prepares an instrument for viewing the eclipse, with masked men wearing doctor's masks, well that was a clue when they arrived there, but no one blinked twice or thought of it, thinking it was just a charade, especially since they wear the masks that doctors would wear when treating the plague and would burn herbs in it so they wouldn't have to inhale the smell. Louis (Ryan Gage) partakes in a play explaining what happens when the moon overshadows the earth, with Milady (Maimie McCoy) playing the moon and Anne (Alexandra Dowling) the earth. Athos (Tom Burke) says he can't be there and rides back to the garrison. They ride out to the place with the Musketeers and Rochefort (Marc Warren).
Witnessing the eclipse, they are then held captives and there is nothing they can do. Even when they fight Marmion and Aramis (Santiago Cabrera) asks for his compassion in sending out the women and the dauphin, Marmion is far from charitable and asks him what he said. He shows his compassion by pushing Aramis out of the window and as they fight, Porthos (Howard Charles) and Rochefort are chained together. As D'Artagnan (Luke Pasqualino) is chained to Constance (Tamla Kari) when she tells Marmion that she cares about him and he's her friend.
Marmion tells Louis to play his game and to pick a side of the coin, heads or tails, but he refuses to play. Milady says she will cos she'd rather die than continue listening to his babble. She picks heads and is allowed to leave when she gets it right and rides straight for the garrison. When she arrives Athos tells Treville (Hugo Speer) they don't have to believe her, but they must ride out and she goes with them cos she knows the way in. If they see the Musketeers there they'll kill everyone. Which was going to happen anyway.
Athos: "She is a liar and a cheat, why should we trust her?"
Milady:" Aramis is dead. The king is in terrible danger, but by all means, let's discuss my moral character, we have all day." That's something they always do in here, have discussions when they shouldn't be. But what has Aramis being dead got to do with it, the others were still there. Seems Athos always gets the line about her being a liar and a cheat, even next series. Though he tells her she has his respect for what she did. But respect doesn't pay her and it's not really her world.
Two courtiers also pick heads cos of Milady and are subsequently dispatched with when he gets it wrong. Marmion orders Anne, Marguerite (Charlotte Salt) and the dauphin to be taken away and are locked in a room, as the other courtiers are locked in another room. Louis pleading for their release. Porthos can't get out of his chains or reach the metal hook hanging on the wall and Rochefort tells him he w as held prisoner for five years by the Spanish and he must've enjoyed every single one of them. He says the love of a woman kept him going, but they didn't get together as she's married. Oh enough of the small talk already.
Aramis wakes on the roof of a window and climbs back into the house, as Robert (Nathan Wright) gets the servants and other people to pack up their belongings since they'll be leaving here. Marmion tells Louis to pick a number and D'Artagnan tells him not to indulge him and choose. He finally picks the number 1 and his man kills the courtiers, with Aramis unable to save them, but he does save Anne. As Marguerite watches them as she thanks him and he looks at the dauphin, she suspects something but Anne says how he has his saviour once again and he takes them out of the room. Louis wants to know who he killed and D'Artagnan tells him not to keep him in turmoil. Anne and his son are still alive and Robert, his brother tells him he wasn't going to kill anyone. He then tells them about his little town which had an outbreak of the plague. They were cut off and had no food so everyone died, not of the plague but starvation. Louis didn't send them food and he says they had to be cut off to save the other people.
Marmion had to watch his wife die, then had to choose which one of his sons would have food, so he tossed a coin and let fate decide, but he too was dead within a week. Now it's Louis's choice, as he must pick a side again. D'Artagnan tells him not to, but he picks anyway and Constance is his next target. D'Artagnan pleads with him to let her go and he'll take his place cos all he wants is a life for a life. She asks him what his wife and family would think of what he's doing and wants him to look her in the eyes before he shoots. Porthos tells Rochefort to reach for the hook no matter what and dislocates his shoulder in the process. Well maybe he should've been the one to suffer for a change.
Athos: "that was either a wounded bull, or Porthos."
The others arrive and Aramis takes Anne out, with Athos telling him to come straight back. As Marmion is about to shoot D'Artagnan, Robert takes the bullet for him, with Marmion trying to escape. Rochefort goes after him and shoots him. Louis once again being more grateful to him, yeah cos he saved the day didn't he as per usual. As they wait for Constance in the carriage, she kisses D'Artagnan and Louis asks if they're together. As he also said Milady deserted him, he doesn't want to see her again. An episode where once again it's Musketeers to the rescue, really don't know what Louis would do without them, so much for Rochefort and the Red Guard. As Constance reveals her feelings, Anne is suspected of hers for Aramis and Athos doesn't want anything to do with Milady.
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