Damon (Ian Somerhalder) should have made Elena (Nina Dobrev) leave since he promised Stefan (Paul Wesley). Everything she feels isn't real and Damon should make her leave by revoking the sire bond, which he doesn't do. He told Stefan he'd set Elena free but he wants her "back in my bed and never let you leave." Oh get over it and her!! Saved by the bell, Bonnie (Kat Graham) calls Elena.
Stefan walks in on Klaus (Joseph Morgan) finishing off a painting for the Winter Wonderland Charity event and Stefan thinks it looks like a giant snowflake. He gets Adrian (Mica Joe Parker) to take it over there and uses the free labour of his hybrids. Stefan wants the cure for Elena and isn't sure how they can keep Jeremy (Steven R McQueen) from killing them, they are vampires after all. Klaus has the sword, the hilt has a cipher which will help decipher Jeremy's marks. Klaus is the best friend Stefan has right now.
Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin) tells the hybrids she's found a witch to save their lives and they need the body jump spell so Klaus can jump into someone else's body so Tyler (Michael Trevino) tells Caroline (Candace Accola) he volunteered. They can bury Klaus in the concrete. Tyler started this and it must end with him so h needs Caroline's support. Bonnie tells Jeremy that Damon and Elena are here to help. Damon refers to "shady pants" being there, i.e Shane (David Alpay). Jeremy tries to stake Elena again.
Stefan looks through more journals and Caroline needs him, she's having a crisis. He tells heh the sword decodes the map as Klaus told him. She tells Stefan about Tyler and the hybrids taking out Klaus. Caroline looks at Klaus's painting and they talk about Dickens. She says it looks lonely in there. She also corrects him by saying, "we don't have a thing." Stefan doesn't find the sword in his safe.
Damon thinks Stefan should try the sock drawers (er, that'd be soap dish to you Damon!) or he can kill Tyler or tell him about the hybrids so Klaus can kill Tyler. Stefan ask about Elena and he replies she's trying to deprogramme Jeremy. Bonnie explains how persuasion reverses Elena's conscious thoughts. Shane adds Jeremy's subconscious thoughts will recognize Elena as someone he needs to love and protect. Elena talks to Jeremy and reminds him how Jenna made them come to the cabin and how their parents wanted them to stay together and fight for each other. Jeremy wakes and says Elena ruined their lives and she's not his real sister and will kill her even if he dies himself.
Tyler refuses to call it off and can't believe Caroline told Stefan. All the hybrids are here to help Tyler. Stefan doesn't have a choice they need Klaus. Damon: "I travel with the bar" as he talks with Elena and she recalls how she loved Stefan the last time she was here, but now she's happy to be here with Damon. He doesn't respond but instead thinks they should try something else with Jeremy. He should attach his feelings to someone else, like Damon. Jeremy feels that way about Damon anyway.
Shane tells Elena there's no spell for her as he tried to forget his wife and son after they died and not miss them. Damon wants to know why he's after the cure. Shane knows where it is as he's already been there. Carol (Susan Walters) drinks a toast with Tyler little knowing it'll be for the last time. He tells her he's the hybrids alpha and has to help them. His father would have been proud of him as Tyler is la leader like him.
Shane brings out that rock again and mentions the story about Silas again. The witch who was in search of an immortality spell and wanted a cure for immortality. Human blood being the life force of mortality. Silas's DB is the cure so they don't need the sword. Oh another plan to go awry. How do they know Shane is telling the truth, cos like Damon, I wouldn't trust Shane as far as Damon could bite him. Shane explains the mark of the brotherhood of five leads to the murder of a girl (who April?) and when the mark is complete, they will have the spell to dig up Silas. Shane is interested cos up until now it's only been a myth.
Caroline tells Tyler they'll fight plenty as he has to get someone else's body, thinking of Rebekah and they can bury her. Tyler thinks Bonnie can help. SO when they kill Klaus what of the vampires he sired, they will die too, no? Hayley tells Shane about this plan and he wants her to fix it. Elena trusts Shane now and Damon doesn't, telling her about how he blew up 12 people. Shane coming up with a convenient story of the Pastor being depressed, hey he has a story for every occasion doesn't he.
Jeremy thinks he's fine now and hands over the stake to Damon. Hayley tells Klaus about the hybrid plan and Stefan sees them together. Stefan doesn't trust Klaus since he found his letters, those of his Vic's. Klaus reminds him it's similar to Stefan's wall of names, "Ripper." He recalls their loneliness and how they hold their lives in their hands, then rip it away and are left with nothing. In the end they're all alone. A bit like Stefan and Damon in this episode especially when Caroline blabs to Stefan about Elena being at the lake too and Damon and her being together. Just like Tyler said she blabbed to Stefan about their plan. She seems to be doing a lot of 'bonding' with Stefan and blabbing too. Shouldn't she be out looking for April (Grace Phipps) especially when the poor girl will be so distressed after what she heard.
April finds Caroline and thinks she's dead since she doesn't have a pulse. Caroline again foolishly blabbing about Rebekah having the dagger in her and compels her to forget. Matt (Zach Roerig) tells her about Adrian following Klaus to the cellar and that April is wearing Jeremy's vervain bracelet so compulsion won't work on her.
Hayley admits there isn't a witch and made it all up, she needed Klaus for the sacrifice, so he would kill them all. Klaus calling Kimberley (Alyssa Diaz) 'love.' So did killing all his hybrids pain Klaus after his speech to Stefan, he finds himself all alone again and betrayed once more.
Elena brings out mistletoe to kiss Damon under but he can't. Elena is certain she knows her feelings are real and he thinks it's good to see her normal with Jeremy. Christmas was Damon's and Stefan's fave holiday. Damon revokes the sire bond and do right by both. He wants her to go home and he'll teach Jeremy how to hunt and kill vampires without her. He's setting her free, which will make him happy.
Caroline and Stefan together for their tete a tete again. Stefan feels guilty over Klaus and Caroline does too. They all do horrible things but they are better than him cos they have trust. Well not when Caroline blabs about Damon being with Elena. Right after Damon's let her go. Elena can't fight Damon and must leave. Stefan's angry and Tyler finds the DBs. April hides in the cellar and finds Rebekah, Sure you could see Rebekah breathing when April opened the lid.
Carol calls Tyler for a ride but Klaus gets to her first, knew it. She tells him Tyler is her son and she's all he is, then drowns her. Yeah a gory revenge fueled episode for Christmas. Well it was with all that killing going on and Klaus staining his shirt red. SO not only will we get Tyler on the war path to avenge his mother, not that he wasn't already on the war path as far as Klaus was concerned, but it seems Caroline will probably be caught in the middle, no matter how much she tells Klaus they have no "thing." She already felt guilty about Klaus. But she can't get together with him after he killed Carol, she has to stand by Tyler.
What about the way the carol was playing in the background (some pun there with Carol's name, oops) and how Klaus was out on a murderous spree. Yet he was bonding with Stefan a few moments before lamenting over being lonely in the world. When all is said and done there's not much loving for a vampire really, not unless you're Stefan or Damon!! It's kind of macabre that Stefan and Klaus kept 'tokens' of their Vics, at least something they remembered them by and that sort of gives them something to share and have in common. Along with Klaus threatening to compel Stefan again.
So there's more anger between Stefan and Damon, seems whenever they get close, they end up fighting over a girl! Is their brotherly bond not strong enough for them to overcome the girly issues and make them a real family, cos after last episode, it's clear Damon really loves his little brother and vice versa, I mean they were going to war together. But Elena the minx, ha, gets in the way over and over. Please let the love triangle be over with and let her have Stefan. So Damon can be mine!! ha.
Then there's Shane and his using Hayley to get his way, surely killing the hybrids was something he wanted and as for that story about the Pastor being depressed, don't buy that for a moment and I hope they keep having Damon being cynical over this and not trust him. Bonnie was kind of boring again, not doing much if anything. A nice touch with Jeremy having to invite Elena in showing she's the undead.
Oh and appropriate title, not so for Christmas, but in Klaus having to kill his loyal hybrids who were no longer faithful to him, after the sire bond being broken. Then Damon doing the same for Elena, who was no longer in his control, not to mention being unfaithful to Stefan in a way, even if they weren't 'together.'
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