There wasn't a dry eye in the house for this series finale and what an ending it was, leaving us with lots of possibilities for the future. The Battle at Camlann continued as Merlin (Colin Morgan) rode his damnedest to help Arthur (Bradley James). With Mordred (Alexander Vlahos) getting closer to fulfilling the prophecy. Lots of slo-mo action scenes again with Arthur and there stood Merlin/Dragoon on the hilltop, throwing down Morgana's hoards left, right and centre with his magic staff, as Arthur and the knights looked on. Gwen (Angel Coulby) also saw him and asked Gaius (Richard Wilson) who that was, Gaius knows him but doesn't let on it was Merlin. Think Gwen had a pretty good idea anyway.
Morgana (Katie McGrath) even sent Aithusa into the battle but he was no match for the power of the Dragonlord. Until finally the showdown between Arthur and Mordred, and it wasn't really much of a showdown, Arthur didn't even get to fight. Mordred just skewered the sword in and that was it, all over for our fair and princely knight, er, king. But not before Arthur got the blade in too and twisted it with relish. Mordred saying Arthur left him "no other choice." Oh you had choices, you just chose to side with Morgana, on the losing side of course!
Merlin roams through the bodies in desperation searching for Arthur but alas he is too late. For Arthur lies mortally wounded as he eventaully carries him away. In the woods and by Arthur's side, Merlin reveals his true self and his real powers. Confessing to Arthur he has magic and always did. Arthur is shocked and I was about to say what a time to tell him, you know, on his last legs and everything which could hasten his departure even sooner than expected.
Arthur is shocked and wants Merlin to leave him. He can't face him through all the lies he told. Yet Merlin won't leave him. He shows Arthur his magic by conjuring a dragon from the fire. Arthur once again had to tell Merlin to not be "ridiculous." But he wasn't. For all the times he saved Arthur, he used magic to do it. This is what made the show and gave the two their last moments together, so touching and poignant. For Merlin reveals his true self to Arthur and Arthur won't be around very much longer to see Camelot or his beloved Gwen. The bromance was to have some continuance before ending on a sad note.
Morgana is despondent but still wants Arthur. "I want him dead" she tells her men and shows some more magical strength by dispatching one of them when they say they have searched everywhere for Arthur. The knights too are in search of Arthur as Leon (Rupert Young) tells Gwen they haven't found him yet. Seems Gwen is resound to the inevitable too at this point, but soldiers on to help the wounded. She won't give up hope. Gaius is also missing, as he seeks out Merlin.
Gaius convinces Arthur that Merlin is his best hope to save him as he must get him to Avalon and the Sidhe (shee) [Seen in Merlin episode The Changeling] who can help save him. Gaius leaves for Camelot and Arthur gives him the seal for Gwen, he will need it as queen to rule over Camelot. So the one person who didn't want the throne, ends up with it. All this time I was wondering what happened to the Dragon, why didn't Merlin just call for him in the night and get there much sooner, than calling for him in the final moments when it's too late. Of course we know Arthur wasn't going to survive but it was wishful thinking, you know just for a brief second.
Gaius also tells them about Eira and her betrayal and they get Gwaine (Eoin Macken) to set her up by telling her where Arthur is heading, she sends a message to Morgana and is caught. Being hung for her troubles! Another hanging at Camelot with Gwen presiding this time, showing she will be a good queen. Morgana gets the message and rides out with her Saxons. Gwaine after watching the hanging tells Percival (Tom Hopper) they wanted to see Morgana killed and so they know where she is now and can kill her. Yeah with heh magic, that was a bit far fetched. So they overcome her henchmen and Percival proceeds to drive a blade into Morgana's back. But it's not that easy as she strikes them both down. Then ensures Gwaine reveals the truth of Arthur's location by the use of her pet Nathair again. Gwaine's anguish screams are heard by Percival as he breaks lose from his ropes, but it's too late. Seems like everyone was dying and being killed off here. That makes Mordred, Eire and Gwaine so far.
Merlin still forges ahead in a bid to save Arthur, using his magic along the way. In one scene Arthur asks why he doesn't just use magic to light the fire? Cos he hasn't done so in the past and it's his job. As they almost reach their goal, the horses flee and Arthur knows he's in his final breaths. It's futile. Cue Morgana who is the epitome of smugness thinking she has the last laugh. Saying she will stay by Arthur's side as he dies. Merlin won't let that happen and he stabs her with the sword, still smug, she thinks it's a mortal blade however he tells her it was forged in dragon's breath too just like hers. So that's Morgana gone too.
Arthur can't go any further and tells Merlin he is sorry for all he said to him and thanks him. Merlin still won't give up and calls on the dragon, Kilgharragh (John Hurt) for one last favour as he flies them both to Avalon. Arthur didn't even know he got to ride on a dragon! Arthur dies in Merlin's arms and he sends him on his way, a journey befitting a king on a boat. The Dragon having already told Merlin it was too late. Yet he must recall that Arthur is known as the "once and future king." That Arthur will rise when he is needed. (Does that signal a film or two, please?!!) Merlin takes Excalibur and flings it into the lake where a hand reaches out and takes it, a hand looking a bit like Arthur's, but obviously it's not.
SO it ends. The battle scenes being cut short for the brotherly conversation between the two. It would have been nicer I think if they had had the big reveal a few episodes ago so that Arthur could have come to terms with Merlin being a sorcerer for a bit longer and also it feels like Merlin only told him this now cos he was dying and it was inevitable. Yet Gwen also works this out as she tells Gaius that she also knows the man they saw. That it was Merlin and he will take good care of Arthur. Gwen is hailed as the queen, as Leon announces, "The king is dead, long live the queen," and the knights follow suit.
Merlin however isn't shown at Camelot. Instead we jump forward into the future as a bearded man gets off a truck, it's Merlin, or old man Merlin/Dragoon. He walks the road with Avalon in the background. Does this mean Arthur will rise soon, in modern times? That would be interesting to watch. Also the show ends on a light note with Merlin having survived for so long and we presume he was back at Camelot helping out Gwen and the others.
But for my liking Arthur's demise was truly sorrowful. Yet there was humour. Arthur commenting at one point that Merlin isn't an idiot so that was a lie too. Best line from Merlin: "I am a sorcerer. I have magic and I use it for you Arthur. Only for you." That was a deep and meaningful line and if you weren't already in tears, you would have been now.
As Excalibur is returned, there were some remarkable scenes between Bradley and Colin as Arthur asks why he did all this when he was more than a servant. Cos he wanted to, it was his job. That he didn't tell Arthur sooner about himself cos he'd have "chopped off my head." He didn't want to put Arthur in that position, of having to choose if he had told him earlier, or make those sorts of decisions. They even recall how they first met with Arthur almost killing Merlin. He reveals he used his magic to save himself. Which Arthur calls cheating. But the number of times he was there at Arthur's side to save him, take the brunt of his jokes, it was only fitting Merlin was the one there with him to the end and at the end.
Arthur asking at one point that Merlin isn't an idiot so that was a lie too. That Merlin could have asked for credit for what he had done but he didn't. Arthur rewards that with thanks and with his words; "I don't want you to change. I want you to always be you." Merlin came round full circle, going from light hearted nonsense in earlier seasons, especially 1-3 to realizing the true potential of the show, cast and stories and raising its game to give us real darkness, evil, action and above all, to signify the importance of friendship and loyalty in the end.
Glastonbury Tor was used as the island of Avalon here and it is alleged that Arthur and Gwen's tomb is here by certain monks. Funny scene where Gaius and Merlin argue over what herbs Gaius has brought, this was not time for nitpicking, Merlin! Big in the bromance stakes would have been Arthur's line of "hold me" to Merlin! But through it all, Arthur knew he was dying and embraced his destiny just as Merlin did his. The mark of a true and brave king; with loyal sorcerer and friend at his side. Oh can't write this without a lump in my throat, several lumps!!
Farewell Merlin, you shall be missed!
1 comment:
AS I read your review, the tears begin again. I am getting a visual of the scenes as I read and can not contain myself. I stopped a few times before I could begin again. Overall good review and I shall always remember.
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