Morgana (Katie McGrath) continues her attempts (pathetic) to wage war on Arthur (Bradley James) as she tracks down, no, hunts down Alator the Catha (Gary Lewis) who made his last appearance in season 4.7 The Secret Sharer ep where Gaius (Richard Wilson) revealed the true identity of Emrys. She catches up with Alator and once again threatens him with torture if he doesn't comply with her will. Thing is she knows he's been trained to withhold all forms of torture and physical pain, yet she still insists on doing this. Until she decides to use the Nathair, or threatens to, the evil looking snake. This will engulf his soul and he will reveal Emrys. Though it isn't shown or said whether she actually goes through with this and if Alator withstands it or not.
Elsewhere, Merlin (Colin Morgan) has to endure yet another picnic outing with Arthur and Gwen (Angel Coulby) and yet more jokes at his expense. One about Arthur's dog being bale to catch the pouch and Merlin replying it's cos he gets treated better. Gwen says Arthur's changed and Arthur wants Merlin to fill the water pouches. He throws them at Merlin who doesn't catch them and Merlin finds magical markings on on trees, which Arthur puts down to hunting. He also finds a piece of jewellery near the tree. They find refuges flooding in from across the border where magic is freely used and Merlin wonders why Morgana would hurt these people. Arthur sends out more patrols on the border, but what will these knights do against Morgana and magic? Gaius tells Merlin the medallion could have been dropped by a refuge and is probably used by the high priestess.
Merlin knows Alator would never betray him and Gaius adds not willingly, since Gaius has been subject to Morgana's torture and magic last season too. He reminds Merlin it was he who betrayed him and told him who Emrys was. Whilst picking flowers for Arthur (ha!) who wants them to serve with Gwen's breakfast in bed, Merlin chances upon a high priestess, Finna (Sorcha Cusack) who has a message for him and wants him to meet later. Gaius warns him against going and feels it's a trap set by Morgana to ensnare Emrys. Merlin doesn't believe this but Gaius gets him to promise not to go to the meeting.
Gaius later engages in another betrayal of sorts by informing Arthur of this woman and he sends out his knights to find her. In a moment where Merlin once again feels likes an outsider, Arthur takes Mordred (Alexander Vlahos) aside, telling him he has a task for him. Merlin can't help but feel this way as Arthur once more puts all of his trust and faith in Mordred. Plus we don't know what Arthur actually says to Mordred. Merlin goes out to meet Finna anyway and the knights arrive, prompting Merlin and Finna to run. Merlin has to use magic to keep the knights at bay so they can both make their escape. Had a feeling Mordred knew exactly what was going on then. Also the bit where Finna sends a message via the crow to make us believe she was on Morgana's side, where it's actually Alator she's contacting.
Merlin tells Gaius of this and has to find her. Alator receives the message saying that she has found Emrys and all will be well. Two mistakes here that people with magic so obviously shouldn't have made, Finna signing her name, surely they would have had some other name or symbol and Alator keeping the note. Why? He could have torn it up and thrown it out the window or buried it in his cell. Morgana's henchman finds the note leading Morgana to kill Alator. As she heads out to find Finna.
Percival (Tom Hopper) finds Merlin who thinks he's given them the slip and admits he was out looking for herbs, commenting on how they helped Percival and his 'palsy', it wasn't palsy. Gwain (Eoin Macken) and Leon (Rupert Young) won't let him return and he tries to sneak away in the night, with Mordred catching him. He won't tell Mordred where he's going but Mordred covers for him. Morgana catches up to Finna as does Merlin and he is injured by an arrow in his leg.
They get to a tower and Finna gives him a box. Warning him of the great battle to come for Camelot and Arthur. She is pleased to have served him, sending Merlin to the roof and leave her his sword. She waits until Morgana comes in and then kills herself. Oh dear, another waylaid plan Morgana! Merlin lies helpless and calls for the Dragon (John Hurt) long time no see; carrying him to safety he tells Merlin he will serve him as long as he can but he grows weary and it will soon be his time, it's the circle of life. Ahh poor Dragon.
The knights bring in a dead knight and Gaius once again breaks the news of it being the work of magic, his skin has grown over his face. It is a declaration of war on Arthur and Camelot by Morgana. Thought she was doing that anyway! So not that much happened this episode, seems this one was all about tying up loose ends as to who could give away Emrys's identity and next week's one will set up Mordred as an enemy and then we get Arthur to be his own "Bane" in the two-part final episodes. So what of the blue creature encountered earlier on and of course Morgana hasn't found Arthur's bane either and what she was looking for in the caves.
Merlin is distraught he has gotten two people killed and Gaius tells him he is the only one who has the magical ability to help Arthur, no one else can do it. Yet it seems he doubts himself. So what happened to the knights after Merlin left them and where did they find the dead knight's body, well he was dressed in knight's clothes.
Finna's prophecy is all about the impeding battle: "let loose the hounds of war" immediately reminding me of Shakespeare's line from Julius Caesar, "let slip the dogs of war..." She also refers to Arthur as "the once and future king" said many times before and in season 3.8 The Eye of the Phoenix. The Nathair Morgana used on Elyan last series. "The ...cold dawn of Camlann" is where Arthur will meet his doom (but then they can't have any movies?) Incidentally it is said that Mordred also met his death in this battle, but we don't know if it was battling against Arthur or with him. Be good if after all the prophecies and doom, they could turn it around with Mordred turninng out to be good after all, but that'd be too much since he will join Morgana. Lots of mentioning of destinies too, like Finna's to "serve you until the end" she tells Emyrus. Of course it was apparent what Finna was going to do with the sword, she's hardly going to use it to fight Morgana and her henchmen. SO much for Morgana wanting her alive.
Gwen was quite boring now that she's back to her usual self and Arthur fawning all over her after everything, well perhaps he won't be around much longer so...Thought Merlin forgave Gaius a little too quickly, but then he is a father figure and mentor, plus there's no one else he really trusts or can turn to. The knights not having much to do again this episode. The title was from Tennessee Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire where Blanche DuBois depends on "the kindnesss of strangers." Here that is what Merlin relied upon with Finna and Alator who he didn't really know and who went to their deaths for him.
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