Sunday 17 April 2016

The Vampire Diaries 7.18 "One Way Or Another" Review

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Damon (Ian Somerhalder) goes all out to rescue Stefan (Paul Wesley) and to swap his body as he gets Alaric (Matt Davis) to drive to Memphis with him and help.  Of course this wouldn't by any ordinary road trip but also a chance for Alaric to tell him how he's moved on and how much he found a relationship with Caroline within those three years he wasn't around.  That he doesn't really want to help him with Stefan and find Ambrose, having been over this insecurity with Valerie (Elizabeth Blackmore) last ep.  Damon's sorry he left him but he didn't want to be around to constantly keep hurting people and he selfishly thought (my words) this was a good out for him and now he comes round asking for favours, even if it is for Stefan, who no one really wants to save except for Valerie and Damon.

Damon gets the paramedics to help him so he can go off and save Stefan, at least keep his human body going for as long as possible, as Valerie prepares to cast the Gemini spell getting Stefan his own body back.  In the meantime Ambrose continues with his killing spree just like a poor man's Ripper Stefan and Damon finds he can't get into the frat house cos he's not invited in.  Ambrose has conditions for returning Stefan's body and this includes Damon finding Rayna (Leslie-Anne Huff) and killing her, or at least he'll kill her himself.  Seeing as he was the one who turned her boyfriend too.  Rayna heads to the frat house too, as she still suffers from her nightmares; but is side tracked by Enzo (Michael Malarkey) who wants a cure for the pills the Armoury were testing on Mary Louise. Valerie does a locator spell for Rayna but obviously Enzo beats them to the punch!

Bonnie's (Kat Graham) at a session in the psych ward and talks of how Damon really messed her up as a girl sits and watches her.  Later Bonnie takes away her pills as she asks if she's had any message from her doctor.  She follows her and finds Bonnie's been taking her pills, as Bonnie tells her it's cos they're making her ill.  She knows her name is Virginia St John (Aisha Duran) and her family put her here.  But she needs answers so eventually after bonding over the nurse's secret stash of chocolate, which was shortlived, Bonnie needs to know why the Armoury are after her and why she needed to hide out here for the best, or worst part of three years.  Apparently they can't find her cos of those same pills Enzo gave her, which suppresses her magic.  Virginia finally says there's a vault in the basement of the Armoury but she doesn't want it opened and it was sealed by a Bennett witch, Lucy. But doesn't tell her what's in the vault cos she can't let it out.  Oh great we get a game of 'what's in
the vault' now.  She tries to kill Bonnie with a broken piece of mirror for which she'd have bad luck alone, even more badder than having to live in a psych ward!

Ambrose manages to hear Damon telling the paramedics where to take Stefan so Valerie can do the spell and he kills everyone at the frat house and leaves to get hold of Stefan's body by stopping the ambulance.  Stefan escapes into a house where Ambrose can't get in cos he's not invited, the perks of being human still Stefan tells himself, but then Ambrose tries to gas him out by setting the house on fire.  Luckily Damon arrives and Alaric knocks him out.

In the Philippines, Stefan writes Caroline a letter but she doesn't reply back, clearly she's moved on and as Alaric told Damon, Stefan left her.  Well it wasn't his fault he was marked by Rayna and what's more he was marked saving Damon, not that Alaric would have any sympathy for that cos Damon's no longer his bestie, he's found other friends,as has Caroline.  Oh and Damon won't be getting an invite to the wedding either.  Valerie does the spell, but she appears in Stefan's head where they share a moment together of how she really loves him.  Then her nose bleeds and he says he can't do the spell any longer and not to save him.  But she's pushed on by Damon, as Stefan says she can't sacrifice herself for him.  Which is exactly why Damon chose to leave the world, so that Stefan ad others wouldn't keep sacrificing themselves for him, but no one gets that!

Finally there's some heart wrenching moments here as Alaric tells Damon he found a fiance, has two girls he loves and got a job which he earned.  He did it all without Damon around and honestly he doesn't want him  around anymore cos he's doing just fine.  Ooh cut the air with a knife which can also be used for backstabbing.  Everyone's deserted Damon all cos of that nameless girlfriend of his and cos he tried to do the right thing by not wanting anyone else hurt by him.  Seems that plan of Damon's backfired, as always.  Stefan also admits he wants Caroline back and that Valerie wasn't what he really wants.  Even though back in his head he said she wasn't just a distraction for him. Well clearly she was.  Valerie was going to write him a letter just like he wrote to Caroline, but then she must be confusing that with Damon, cos he left letters for everyone three years ago!

Alaric telling Damon where Bonnie is so he can make it up with her instead, maybe she'll forgive him.  Enzo tells Bonnie to stop taking the pills and promises to do everything he can to save her.  She doesn't want to die cos, been there done that quite a bit and she hated it.  Damon shows up with flowers and is speechless, but she's not having any of it as she closes the door on his face.  As they say with one door closing, another opens.  Suppose he'll also have to help Bonnie now out of his guilt, again.  Damon and his guilt is getting to be old news like he can't ever do anything right!  What was she doing closing the door on him anyway, was it cos he left but cos she has deeper feelings for him as she tells Virginia Damon's not her boyfriend and she doesn't really know what he is. Probably everyone's punching bag poor guy!

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