Friday 15 April 2016

Once Upon A Time 5.5 "Dreamcatcher" Review

An improvement on the last ep with a harkback to the early days of the show especially when Henry (Jared Gilmore) and Emma (Jennifer Morrison) share that moment when Neil played Yazoo's Only You song for them and she just melted, Henry hoping to do much the same with Violet (Olivia Steele-Falconer) as he plans a date with her.  Awkward for many reasons, firstly back in Camelot her father, Sir Morgan (Ryan Robins) has told him he's not a squire and thus won't be able to fight the ogres to protect his daughter.  That's all the bad villains they ever had to deal with, just the ogres!  She has her first taste of soda and then she realizes he's 'courting' her and tells him she doesn't feel that way about him.

Emma sees Merlin (Elliot Knight) being turned into a tree as he bemoans his lost love by a Dark One who's wearing a mask, which leaves open the question and future plotline of who this could be.  She watches it all through the dreamcatcher and tells Regina (Lana Parilla) what she saw.  Regina gets the idea that they could get Merlin out by using first lost true love's tear.  Only her moment of losing Daniel didn't work as Emma tells her probably cos she's got Robin now and is over it.  Though she does sympathize with her over what Cora did to Daniel.  Which was hypocritical when we later learn she did much the same thing to Henry sabotaging his first love!  So much for saying she doesn't know how a mother could do that, her motives aside, it was cruel.

She also stopped Regina from handing over the dagger to the Charming's who were under the spell and told Regina they had to rescue Merlin so they could undo the magic.  That Arthur wanted to kill Merlin and then she'd remain the Dark One.

In Storybrooke Henry thought they'd improve morale by throwing a party, especially for the Camelot bunch can't do anything without a ball or two!!  Emma wants Gold (Robert Carlyle) to be brave but he tells her it won't work and she'll just lose everyone that she cares about if she becomes dark by using Excalibur.  You see the sword can remove light magic also.  Belle (Emilie de Ravin) tells the others Gold's missing like two eps later and they also waited two eps to break into Emma's by having Henry lure her away to find Violet's missing horse who apparently likes pumpkins.  Was that a variation on the Cinderella tale?  ha.

Breaking in they find Excalibur in the basement and Belle notices it looks just like the dagger, as well as finding Gold's ropes.  He's meanwhile stuck in the forest with Merida (Amy Manson) who wants to teach him to be brave, use a sword and then take down Emma.  As they leave the house Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) notices a box on the table and being a curious pirate with an eye for trinkets, I had to get that in, he opens it up and finds the dreamcatcher, recalling how Neal gave her one.  Yes the one that hung in his apartment in New York.  Regina uses it and it shows Emma taking Violet's heart back in Camelot and wanting her to break Henry's heart, as Henry sees everything.

Regina confronts her about what she did and tells her she knows all the tricks about being dark and she can't fool her.  As Emma explains she needed his tear to free Merlin and Regina finds out that Merlin's free.
Henry and Emma had a moment from the past as he says she's still inside, his real mother and he found the horse and brought it back for Violet, so they could hang together as her father was grateful.
In Camelot Merlin (Elliot Knight) is freed and also releases the Charming's from the spell.
Also Regina, Hook, Belle and Robin (Sean Maguire) realzing it was Emma who took their memories, so much for the bad thing she said they did to her in Camelot, which we still haven't had any reveal of.

Emma's and Regina's confrontation on her porch as just like the good old days when Reggie was dark and evil and Emma was new in town wanting to see Henry.  Yet this was turned around and now we'll have to see why Emma really took their memories again, as if losing them once wasn't enough.  Just not into this season as long as the Camelot plot is still around.  But talking of taking their memories, she still can't recall meeting Merlin when younger seeing as all her memories are intact.

Some funny lines when Regina remarks if David learned big words like "implicitly" from shepherd school and also Merlin saying being a tree is good for the skin.

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