Sunday 17 April 2016

Once Upon A Time 5.8 "Birth" Review

                                                  Image result for once-upon-a-time birth photos
Finally everyone found Arthur (Liam Garrigan) in his tent, where else wanting to know why he lied about burning the mushroom, er, the crimson crown.  Didn't Emma (Jennifer Morrison) already tell Regina (Lana Parilla) about Arthur at the end of last ep or did I imagine it somewhere in a distant realm.  Anyway he thought he'd stop them from contacting Merlin (Elliot Knight).  Arthur however got away and was chased by Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) like why didn't they have all sides to the tent covered and where was Regina with her magic, which appears to be used the writers wantonly, when they feel like it!  Arthur stumbles and Hook fights him, but then loses his sword with Arthur remarking on how Hook was only going to fight him with his hook, not funny and Hook replying he brought a sword.  Of course we knew Emma would arrive to save him and with Excalibur too. Seeing as it's so very coveted by Arthur.

Hook was grateful for being saved but then she's the Dark One still and wanted to know about their memories and what happened in Camelot.  Cos of course he loves her and everything which was actually said at last.  Emma finally revealing she's dark cos of Hook.  Which shouldn't really have come as a shock or surprise, she ha to become dark or remain dark for someone she loves.  It was the same for Rumple (Robert Carlyle) too with Bae.  Which seemed impossible for Regina to understand, cos how could she become dark for Guyliner?  Okay now where's the line about Regina knowing what it's like to be dark cos she was evil and all that.  How she become that way after losing her lost love, Daniel and so on.  Thus thinking how I mentioned their lives being mirrored here, it wouldn't have been so easy to guess or work out that Emma must have lost her love too, not Neal but Hook. There that's a little foreshadowing on my part!

As Regina tried to tell Hook he was being manipulated by the Dark One and she was lying, by now all Dark Ones lie and manipulate, take it from Rumple.  Emma then vanishes as Hooks scourers the town in search of her and realizes the only way she'll be summoned is if he puts his life in danger, so he throws himself off the roof and she appears to save him.  This led to Hook explaining how he understands guilt and being dark cos every ring on his finger represents someone he made to walk the plank or some such pirate-y thing; but that was before he knew what love was.  Also explaining about the necklace he gave her, cos it saved him for so many years.  There another reason why he died in Camelot.  He thought he wore the rings out of punishment to remember but not anymore.  He loves her even if she is dark cos he knows what it's like.  I mean killing someone just for drinking wine! His wine albeit.  Emma wants to show him and does this by taking him to a telescope in her house, which he can look at the sea through cos she knows it calms him.

The others had taken Zelena (Rebecca Mader) to hospital cos she was giving birth and surprised that she's grown so much in two months and wasn't ready to give birth a moment ago.  Thinking Emma has the sword and now she needs a baby for nefarious purposes.  Funny quote from Zelena about knowing about babies cos she was a fake midwife!  More jokey remarks from Whale (David Anders) who reminds Zelena she knocked him out last time, not killed him.  But she won't do that this time.   No, Emma did it!  Ha.  Also remarking on his hair dye job and him saying no one commented on Emma's hair!!  Touche!  Ha.  No they wouldn't dare to comment on her hair would they?!  The baby's born and it's a girl and Zelena saying how Regina is envious which she confides in Snow (Gennifer Goodwin) that she is.  Emma shows up and takes Zelena.  Locking her up with Hook in her dungeon, well it could've been a dungeon, doesn't look like a basement at all.  She wants to get rid of her dark magic now and give it to Zelena.  Hook tries to reason with her cos it's not right, but Emma can't think of any other way.

In Camelot, as the others plan on how they can sneak into Arthur's castle and get the sword back, Zelena's given her chance to speak and tells them of a way in she found when she was trying to escape.  In return she wants her bracelet removed.  Getting inside the castle and leaving Snow in charge of her outside, which was a silly thing to do since Snow is no longer the Snow we used to watch as a bandit and can no longer fight and gets duped.  In other words, she's softened over the years.  Zelena appears and helps Arthur as she puts Merlin's name onto the sword, so he can be controlled by Arthur.  He wants the dagger or he's going to kill her family and friends by using Merlin to do the dirty deed.

Arthur thought he'd start the killing with Snow and as Merlin wound some branch around Snow's neck, even if he was a tree at one point, wasn't this going a bit too far and the ropes were too tight for Regina and Robin (Sean Maguire) to undo, but Hook managed to unhook his hook and go after Arthur, but he manages to nick him with the sword.  Which Emma healed.

Back in Storybrooke, Hook and Zelena are chained in the basement and Zelena can't use magic or cut her hand off cos of Regina's spell, but Hook can use his hook again and cut it off.  Striking a deal to set him free as well.  Outside Emma wants to confront Regina again when she turns up at her house with the Charming's not far behind and they won't let her hurt Emma.  That's why Regina reminds them Emma gave her the dagger.  Emma turns up again and puts them into some 'dome' light spell which holds them there as Hook searches for the squid ink Emma stole from Gold' s safe, to make her tell him what really happened in Camelot.  As he finds it behind a painting, Emma arrives and he throws it onto her, but Zelena returns freezing Emma and showing Hook the dreamcatcher she found outside.

He watches how his wound returned cos the sword's wound can't be fixed and Merlin can't help him either, so Emma whisks him away to their field of roses where she watches Hook die.  Making her turn dark(er.)  Of course he can't be left as just dead cos that'll send pirate hearts a-breaking all over the realms. The wound reappeared after Emma had used or was about to use Prometheus's flame and ready to give up being dark, or something about immortal magic being unbound.  But then Merlin's name was on the sword too and he didn't become dark, or was those cos he had light magic and the sword didn't work on him that way, even when Arthur manipulated him, Emma made him see the good in himself, so will she do that with Hook too?  Anyway in the field of roses she bound him to the dagger as well as his name appearing there, Killian Jones and not Hook, so she effectively turned him into a Dark One too, against his will!  Hook just wanted to die but she wouldn't let him.

Hook in a cape as the Dark One, so how long has he been dark, don't answer that cos he said he's been around for 300 years or so and I had a feeling it was him under the hood and mask, well I just did.  Seems like there can be more than one Dark One around over the ages, not to mention all those other Dark Ones too.  Do they never really go away then and remain that way, in which case why wasn't Rumples with them too.  Suppose they had to make this a bit more interesting especially as we know Hook was always a cruel pirate so he had the potential in him to be a Dark One, but she was justified cos Emma needed to save his life and that was the only way she knew how.  The other question being, why did Zelena choose to give Hook back his memory now, or was she in search of someone she could get on her side.  Especially since Emma made him dark when he wanted to die and now he's meant to be resentful and hold grudges against her.

Emma also confessing she wouldn't declare her love for him cos she was afraid of what they have, but she saw that Henry (Jared Gilmore) and Hook found the house that Hook wanted for them and making things more permanent, the house that she has now in Storybrooke.  Suppose Hook dying was a test for her too in how far she'd go to bring him back, but also how she believed turning him dark was the only way she could prove her love for him and part of that involved bringing him back. Love the Hook eps and can't wait to see him dark!

Anyway Hook was dark, that was her secret so why did she say they all betrayed her when they were in Camelot after they first came back to Storybrooke.  Has that been forgotten then?  How long could she have protected Hook from finding out he was a Dark One too if Zelena hand't butted in, cos as long as he didn't know he was no threat and this was one big reason she didn't want to stop being a Dark One.  Then he'd remain dark in her place, so much for wanting Zelena to become dark, was she actually getting the darkness out of Hook and not herself when she had them chained up, cos why else chain Hook too.  Seems like this was what she was hiding from Regina when she used the dagger and tried to find out what Emma was really hiding from them, but it was Hook of all people who stopped Regina using it!  But I also have to mention how Hook said her 'smouldering pirate would be waiting for her', again implying he wasn't really Hook all this time, at least I saw it that way.

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