Monday 18 April 2016

Once Upon A Time 5.7 "Nimue" Review

                                             Image result for once-upon-a-time nimue photos

1,000 years before Arthur

Merlin (Elliot Knight) roams the desert with an extra who gets blasted into dust after he drinks from a chalice, meant for Merlin, aka the Holy Grail!!  Liberties here with timelines and the like!  He drinks from it and thus gets magical powers.  Starts to help those in need and meets Nimue (Caroline Ford) who wants to plant some flowers, known as middlemist flowers cos Vortigan aka The Dark One (Darren Moore) invaded her village and killed everyone.  She wants the flowers as a reminder of her people and that's her revenge, though she changes her tune later.  Merlin plants said flowers, helps them grow ASAP and then says she can come see them anytime.  Falling in love he says he doesn't want to be with her and then see her die whilst he's still here and he can't make himself mortal or immortal when she suggests she should drink from the grail.

Merlin tells Hook (Colin O'Donohue) he needs the sword if he wants Emma (Jennifer Morrison) to stop being dark.  As he will take Emma on a quest to find the Prometheus flame.  Merlin was also going to use the grail to make a sword and then remove his magic so he could become mortal and get his happy ending. Hook also handing one of his ring necklaces he got from some man to Emma, thought he was going to say it was mine, er I mean Milah's ha!!  Yes so confusing, in my mind, or rather my dreams, I'm his Mila!!! ha.  Okay not going there!!

Merlin forged the sword to be confronted by the Dark One hiding behind a mask cos this seemed like Phantom of the Opera barring the  music as his face was so disfigured.  Anyway he took hold of Nimue but she killed him even after Merlin's protestations and became the Dark One.  But not as pretty as the Crocodile!  After he killed her, unknown to Merlin, she had drunk from the grail so she didn't die.  Also she didn't get poofed into dust either.  Merlin tethered Nimue to the dagger and also put Excalibur into the stone.

Merlin and Emma find the pile of ash and Nimue appears urging Emma to kill Merlin but she fought against it and took Nimue's heart instead which was Prometheus's flame or part of it or something.   Whilst Arthur (Liam Garrigan) concocted a magic potion of acid and will use it on the Storybrookers, as Hook comments it was meant for them, which wasn't used.  Also Nimue put Merlin's name on the sword too.

Back in Storybrooke, Emma having gotten Gold to retrieve Excalibur from the stone, was being watched by countless Dark Ones.  I didn't know what to make of this ep, hence short review cos a lot of it really beggerd belief and had to suspend our belief too when watching.  How this show has come to this, the most boring telling of Arthur and the Camelot legend moulded into OUAT.  Why?
Regina (Lana Parilla) trusting Zelena  (Rebecca Mader) and that she'd actually help them, more like helping herself to get free and meddle some more in their plans.

Emma still making comments to Hook that he wont understand, "working my way back to you."  But he nonetheless doesn't tire of hearing them.  Am missing Hook when he was a lone pirate on the waves, not softened by true lurrve!

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