Monday 18 April 2016

Once Upon A Time 5.6 "The Bear and the Bow" Review

                                                Image result for once-upon-a-timethe-bear-and-the-bow photos
Back to ye olde mushy again, the mushroom that is and how it should help them summon Merlin. More jumping around from realm to realm and times past.  Seriously some people couldn't follow these time lapses, even more timey-whimey than Doctor Who!  Here we get more on Emma (Jennifer Morrison) wanting Gold (Robert Carlyle) to become a hero so he can pull the sword for her and it took Merida (Amy Manson) so long to think of getting the one thing he covets most and that's the chipped tea cup, er, didn't she think Belle (Emilie de Ravin) would've been more convincing as a hostage in danger, so he'd be able to do this.  Merida not getting anywhere with Gold and her training. Well two eps later we learn she wasn't any good at fighting either until her father signed her up for combat lessons with Mulan, who else.

Gold manages to escape his dungeon and heads to the library of all places and he was clearly flustered.  I mean he didn't even want to head to his shop when Belle suggested he should do that. Finally getting there he took a pouch from his safe and hightailed it out of there with Belle, as Merida showed up with her arrows.  See he got his car back.  But Belle didn't want to leave cos once again her words of wisdom were that he should stay and face his fears, as well as all her friends being here. He admits he didn't fight in the ogre wars at all and broke his foot so he could be around for Bae as a father which he failed miserably on both fronts.  She tells him to stop the car or she threatens to jump out and walks back to Storybrooke.  Of course we know he wouldn't leave either and the mini pouch contained a transformation spell so they wouldn't have any effects from crossing the town line.

As Belle heads back she's confronted by Merida who says she'll have to drink the potion Emma gave her as she has no choice and turns into a bear. Cue Gold as he rides in sans white horse and saves Belle, throwing the pouch into the bear's mouth and turning her back into Merida.  Belle calls him a hero and Emma takes him back to pull out the sword which he does for her.  Gold telling her she's turned him into a hero now and wonder if that'll come back to bite.  Not had much on the Gold front lately.  Though Merida got her heart back.

In Camelot Merida takes Belle and conks her so she can help with her magic potion and brew it up at the witch's cabin, that witch gets around, and so she can use it, turn into a bear and rescue her brothers from Macintosh (Paul Telfer).  Belle does it but then they have a talk about how she can use her arrows and rescue them without resorting to magic (see ep 9 for a rehash of this scene).  Merida confronts Macintosh, threatens them, drinks the potion but nothing happens.  Belle substituting it for water.  Merida has no choice but to uses the arrows and intercepts the three arrows fired by his men. As Macintosh and his men bow down before her.
Belle also gets recognized for her brainpower by Merlin (Elliot Knight) too, which no one else has done, not even her friends, commending her for her thinking and getting them out of tight squeezes, bookworm aside!

In Storybrooke, Emma kidnaps Zelena (Rebecca Mader) feeds her onion rings cos she's craving for them, all cos Emma knows what it's like to give birth in jail, so who's fault was that anyway.  For being dark, she's not that dark is she.  All Zelena can do is talk of how Emma took Henry's (Jared Gilmore) girlfriend's heart and wrecked his first love.  She didn't want to help Emma with the wand thingy.

Having got the potion ready to summon Merlin, Arthur (Liam Garrigan) said he needed to be alone and the others left.  Stupid thing to do obviously cos he said Merlin only communicated to him alone and no one else.  So he did the decent thing for himself and threw the mushroom into the fire.  Then told them it didn't work.  David (Josh Dallas) finds the burnt out mushroom which Regina (Lana Parilla) gets Henry to use since Merlin made him the author and a hologram of Merlin appears (Princess Leia style again) Merlin saying it's too late and the Dark One's after him.  They need Nimue.  Wish they said that name correctly!  Ha.
Regina: "We're getting Merlin's voicemail.

Merlin getting his hands on that bar of chocolate that Emma stole in the cinema when she was little and then recalled he was Merlin and he warned her to to pull the sword out, but she did it anyway in Storybrooke.  What was her excuse, she didn't suffer from any memory loss.  Gold gives Belle  a heart rendering farewell just incase he can't pull the sword out and he turns to dust, about how he'd do things differently and he would change for her.  Belle replying it's not too late, in their on-again, off-again romance.  Sees he could pull the sword out, thus reinforcing his hero status.

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