Tuesday 19 April 2016

Mysteries of Laura 2.3 "The Mystery of the Locked Box" Review

                                             Image result for mysteries-of-laura the-mystery-of-the-locked-box photos
Laura (Debra Messing) investigates the murder of a computer genius, Zac Romero (Christopher Reed Brown) in his penthouse after he's found with several stab wounds.  The dilemma being there's no way in or out without being seen and the apartment is too high for anyone to access it.  No knives are missing and there's plenty of food in the fridge which his mother cooked for him, as well as a Popsicle stick in the bin which the maid (Karina Arroyave) emptied hours before.  He didn't have any in the freezer either.  There's also no phone which Jake (Josh Lucas) suggests Max (Max Jenkins) should trace.  Zac loved Superman and called his place the fortress of solitude.  Which it literally was.  Meredith (Janina Gavankar) has a few ideas being their computer genius and also the concierge says no one entered and Zac didn't leave his apartment as he was the only on with a key.

Santiani (Callie Thorne) wants to know what happened and sends them out on various leads.  Laura speaks with his mother, Rosalie (Linda Powell) and Billy (Laz Alonso) and Meredith talk with Shane (Gabriel Mann) his business partner, who essentially Meredith accuses of being nothing without him. Thought hey Nolan, typecasting here from Revenge, you know computer mogul and all that!  Ha.  He helped Zac move to the apartment cos he had a stalker, Abby Pollard (Rebekah Brockman).
She attacks them with a knife when they see her, registered under 'A Romero' thinking she's his wife. After good cop, bad cop between Laura and Billy, she tells Laura she and Zac had dinner at a Chinese place and they were there for around forty minutes and he always order the no 8.  She only attacked them with the knife cos she thought the killer was after her now.  Abby says a White man in his '40's wearing a baseball cap followed Zac.  Which they see on the jewellery store camera from across the   road.

Laura and Jake attend the autopsy where of course she'd be reprimanded for eating.  Renaldo (Marc Webster) tells them there aren't any prints, hairs or other fibres on the DB and that the knife is too blunt to have been used.  Max finds the stick belonged to an ice cream and that he most likely bought it from a bodega cos it only has his prints on it.  Jake and Laura head there and the owner recalls him. He was nice and he most likely returned to his apartment, Laura had to shop there and is surprised at the high prices, so why shop now then.  He had a secret passageway Zac used so that's why no one saw him come and go.

Jake forgets the conversation they just had in the bodega and Laura tells him they already discussed that.  He takes another pill and checks his heart rate.  Laura reminds him of this at the end and he says he's got a minor heart condition as a result of the shooting and his college doctor friend confirmed it for him, he has to take a pill a day to thin his blood; keeping it under the radar and away from the PD, cos he loves being a detective and being out on the street.  If they knew then they'd stop him from doing this.  Well he could get his office job back as a captain.  (More on this in later eps.)  That involved plenty of sitting around and paperwork.  She does look up memory loss but didn't get much headway with that, being disturbed by Santiani who didn't think his mother was very good if she let him alone in the city at 16.  But Laura says she's a single mother too just like her, though Santiani adds she does have Jake around.

The baseball hat man attends Zac's wake as one of his friend's, Jordan (Bubba Weiler) gives a elegy and the man runs off with Jake in pursuit.  Always a chase in every ep, be it on foot or in car!  He's Zac's father and thinks he can inherit but Jake tells him if he didn't pay any support for 21 years then he can't get any of his money.  His father told him he shouldn't sell the company for nothing which is what Zac wanted to do.  Also Shane has a meeting with a mysterious woman, which Meredith thinks is a date.  At wouldn't you guess it, the restaurant that's Laura's new favourite.  He speaks with Grace (Sejal Shah) who Laura knows cos of the boys and then they see Zac's phone with a Superman cape cover.  Jake gets the phone and Laura arrests Shane.

He has an alibi and he wanted to sell his wifi idea which Meredith gets angry at cos Zac wanted to use it to save the world.  They find Zac had plenty of unanswered e-mails and voicemail where Laura recognizes the wheezing noises were from Jordan.  He also used a drone to get into the apartment and kill Zac cos he didn't help him out and didn't care enough when he told him he was going to kill himself.

For a moment there in the bar, it almost felt like Laura was more worried about what would happen to their children than she was about Jake.  Though he tells her he's fine and he'll pick them up in the morning and drop them off at school.  Also kissing her on the forehead, as well as some hand touching.  Of course, should he be guzzling beer, no, that's not what I was going to say, I was going to say, let's hope this isn't the reason why Laura mellows with him and confronts her feelings for him, out of pity, cos that wouldn't be right, or romantic.

Jake didn't have that much to do in the ep and also Billy disappeared too after a while.  Not much of a surprise with the drone killing cos CSI:NY did something similar years ago using a remote controlled helicopter cos drones weren't that big back then in 1.18 The Dove Commission.

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