Friday 15 April 2016

Once Upon A Time 5.4 "The Broken Kingdom" Review

                                                  Image result for once upon a time the broken kingdom photos
This was a boring episode if ever there was one, concentrating on Arthur (Liam Garrigan) and Camelot, I mean who's idea was this inclusion and why should we be interested in it aside from Emma (Jennifer Morrison) wanting Excalibur.  Arthur and his quest to find the dagger so he reunite his kingdom, was more about his personal feelings and motivations to be king, so much for going on about Merlin and his prophecies.  We even get to see Arthur the stableboy (are there no other 'professions') and Guinevere when they were children, with his grandiose notions and wanting to be king.  To make matters worse the ep kept jumping from Camelot five years earlier to later to earlier like a broken record in search for the dagger.

Snow (Gennifer Goodwin) confides in David (Josh Dallas) and the others about not being able to trust Arthur and that Lancelot (Sinqua Walls) is alive, with Emma thinking she can get her hands on the dagger, fuelled by Rumple (Robert Carlyle) in her mind.  For starters the one reason why Emma will never be as good a dark one as he was, cos she needs help and can't really think for herself.  She then tells Hook (Colin O'Donohue) about him who thinks it's a good idea to do what Henry (Jared Gilmore) did with Violet (Olivia Steele-Falconer) and go riding.  But she still sees Rumple everywhere until later he disappears.  Thee they kiss amongst a field of roses, but no declarations of love from any of them.  Regina (Lana Parilla) having placed a spell over the dagger meant Emma couldn't get to it like Rumple wanted her to.

Regina hides the dagger so Arthur can't find it, as Snow and David have a blue and he goes rushing off to Arthur to spill the beans!  So set on giving Arthur the dagger but Snow tells him then he'll be able to  control the dark one who is their daughter.

Five years ago Guinevere (Joana Metrass) used the gauntlet to find the dagger after Arthur showed her some symbols on a scroll and it was her birthday but he wasn't interested in the frivolities of celebrating and so she danced with Lancelot, then went off with him in search of the dagger herself. Coming to its protective place through a door and finding Rumples there.  Who wants the gauntlet in return for sand from Avalon which will unite the kingdom and their love.  Back home Arthur watches her with Lancelot and then says he doesn't believe he w as only saying goodbye.  She didn't bring the dagger but shows him the sand which he uses on her and hey ho, she's all obedient.

Snow had Lancelot hiding out at Granny's along with the dagger and they took it to the secret hiding place of Rumples, where Snow recalled this was the place where Emma took her heart when she was younger.  Thus she always was going to become dark.  Arthur arrives cos he followed them and they give him the dagger, but it's the fake dagger.  David also shows up to save the day cos they planned it all but their fight was real.  Cos she's his daughter and he wasn't about to let Arthur have the dagger. Tied up back at Granny's Arthur's an ace up his armour as Guinevere shows up to throw Lancelot in the dungeon, where he meets Merida (Amy Manson) as well as Guinevere using the sand on the Charming's.

Back in Storybrooke Emma has Merida tied up and is going to use her to turn Gold into a hero despite his protestations that he can't be a hero.  She removes her heart and wants her to make him 'brave.'  In reference to the movie of course.  Don't want to see the epic of Arthur and Guinevere's love triangle along with Lancelot, but that was changed for this episode as Guinevere's been under Arthur's command for all these years cos their relationship can't be fixed, only the sand made her believe it was okay.  SOOOO bored with it, sorry but I was!  The broken kingdom, never mind that, it broke this ep completely, Camelot popping up in the forest in the opening credits, well fancy that. There wasn't much added to the general and main storyline of the main characters in this, it just plodded along with villainous Arthur.

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