Sunday 24 April 2016

Once Upon A Time 5.18 "Ruby Slippers" Review

                                             Image result for once-upon-a-time ruby-slippers photos
Ruby (Meghan Ory) wakes up in the apartment and there's a scrap of gingham she's been carrying around.  Obviously it belongs to Dorothy (Teri Reeves) who else.  There's always some scrap of material around, just like Ruby sniffed out Arthur as the killer of Merida's father with a scrap too. Back in Oz she and Mulan (Jamie Chung) ran into Dorothy who had lost Toto, what again and Ruby said she could sniff him out cos she's a wolf, which Dorothy was excited or sarcastic about, or whatever.  Until she actually did find him being held hostage by Zelena (Rebecca Mader) so Mulan came up with a sleeping potion idea, only they needed a poppy and this gave Ruby and Dorothy time to gal bond together.  Like Ruby being run out of town and how her family tried to put Dorothy away for speaking of a land over the rainbow, except for Aunty Em (Gina Stockdale) who believed her. Bringing up some emotional feeling between them which neither one wanted to talk about.  Ruby admitting to Mulan Dorothy doesn't feel the same way.  Mulan told her to go for it but Dorothy was missing and all that was left was her scrap of gingham.

Belle (Emilie de Ravin) asked for Zelena's advice about the baby and got even more worried when   she found out that Emma (Jennifer Morrison) speeded up the birth of hers when she was the Dark One, so Hades (Greg Germann) could probably do the same.  Maybe he could or couldn't but he isn't exactly the Dark One is he.  She thinks there's a way of slowing down the birth, now that Belle knows time isn't on her side.

Some questions like why didn't they: send Robin back with the baby too, also Belle as well, sure those slippers could've carried more than just Snow (Ginnifer Goodwin) if all they have to do is hold onto each other.  I mean he's still hiding out in the woods with their baby and there's no need for him to be here.  It's not like he's got his name engraved on the stones, when Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) came up with a novel idea when the Charming's were worried about not knowing how Neal is, cos Cruella (Victoria Smurfit) was tasked with taking away the phonebox cos of them thar do-gooders being around.  She told Henry (Jared Gilmore) she wouldn't do it if he wrote her back, but then it happened anyway.  Zelena even gave Regina (Lana Parilla) the slippers without any fuss whatsoever.

Hook and David had a talk over how David didn't want to leave here but he had to, with him actually admitting he was growing to like Hook.  "I have that effect on people."  Thus they came up with the idea that Snow should return instead, cos she's a better leader anyway and if Storybrooke is in trouble she'd handle it better, whilst being left to hold the baby once more.  Hook had engraved David's name on the stone instead cos Hades didn't remove his power to add names using his hook.

Dorothy having had a sleeping curse placed on her was in need of true love's kiss and they thought Em might be here, so they find her gravestone and the witch (Emma Caulfield) tells them she's working at a rival diner.  When she finds out about Dorothy, she wants to help by putting true love's kiss into the magic bottle, but Hades is already there and put some water from the Lost Souls river into the soup, having to mop her up when she liquifies.  He thinks his plan is foiled but we know it's actually Ruby who holds true love's kiss.  So it was time to say goodbye and using the slippers they arrived in Oz where Dorothy was surrounded by munchkins and Ruby kissed Dorothy, whereupon she awoke and it was a rugged kiss fest all round with the two of them.

Henry also showed the others a page from the book showing Snow with Neal and she'd made it back from Oz.  Belle rushed into see Rumples and told him she couldn't wait around for a solution cos her baby could grow anyday now and she pricked her finger with a gadget given to her by Zelena , was that a mini spindle and fell into a deep sleep, wanting her father to wake her up with true love's kiss cos Rumples said he wouldn't.  Er, how sure was she her father is around and also that he would use the kiss especially since he most likely blames Belle for her mother's death at the hands of an ogre. Wouldn't it be more ironic if it was the same baby ogre she let go.

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