Sunday 24 April 2016

Once Upon A Time 5.17 "Her Handsome Hero" Review

                                       Image result for once-upon-a-time her-handsome-hero photos
Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) Emma (Jennifer Morrison) and Snow (Ginnifer Goodwin) are at the graveyard when all of a sudden Hook notices a storm's coming.  As they run for cover, a creature comes out of there and chases them, striking down Snow.  Said that was Ruby (Meghan Ory) how many other wolves do we know.   Hook calling that a quick storm.  Emma wakes up at the dock, Hook let her sleep cos she hasn't slept in ages and she tells the others about her dream, promising to sleep for a week when they get back home.   At the library Regina's (Lana Parilla) written runes all over the door so that using their magic they can open it, which only opens the door but they're met by bricks, as David (Josh Dallas) earlier remarked the element of surprise on Hades (Greg Germann) would be good, but he's everywhere so that wouldn't have worked anyway!

Belle's father (Eric Keenleyside) wanted her to meet Gaston (Wes Brown) and as we know from Disney Gaston was never good.  He thinks his father's armies will help them in the ogre wars (yeah think Once could get a whole series out of that: OUAT: The Ogre Wars, though guessing they did nothing to infuriate the ogres to begin with.  Belle (Emilie de Ravin) doesn't want to meet him, she doesn't know him and then is being palmed off into a loveless marriage.  Gaston tells her it's okay but at the same time they could go for a walk.  Clearly Belle was naive here, probably still is.  During their walk they find a huge hole where an ogre has fallen down and Belle thinks it's just a baby ogre. Thus she rushes off home thinking there's a magical object somewhere which will tell if it's evil or not as the eyes will light up red in it.  Always a mirror!
Whilst looking for this object through the many books that her mother has collected, something which her mother always does, she finds a book, 'Her Handsome Hero' which she gives to him to read.  It's not romantic but contains stuff on courage and the like.  As she gallops off to find said mirror.  He takes it with him while he guards the ogre.

In the underworld, Belle returns to Gold (Robert Carlyle) with yet more unfilled demands, after saying she wanted nothing to do with him until he gets their baby off  Hades' list.  But she didn't want him to use dark magic to do this, only he tried explaining he is the Dark One now, but maybe he could use dark magic to make light work, no, for the purposes of it being light.  Hades turned up to see Gaston in the animal shelter where he was working and told him about Belle and Rumple.  This was after Hades  found a flower growing and curse it, hope was now coming to the underworld.  All Snow's doing obviously, or not but she's big on hope.  He wanted Gaston to take care of Rumple who is supposedly his unfinished business.  So he fired magical arrows at him, which Rumple caught and still Gaston didn't the get the message that he can't be killed like that.  Belle later decided she was his unfinished business, as she made Rumple open Gaston's locker and found that same book.

In her kingdom, she found the mirror but found Gaston injured, saying the ogre escaped.  It was him of course and she convinced her father she'd use the mirror which Gaston broke, so um, seven years bad luck didn't enter the equation to seal his fate and she saw his red eyes in the reflection she knew it was him.  The ogre ran away and lived to fight, maybe even being part of killing her mother, so we see Belle and her foolishness also probably contributed to her mother's death.  Yet Gaston still returned to give her another chance which she accepted.  Of course we know she didn't marry him cos she was 'given' to Rumples instead.  But I did like the part where Rumples turned Gaston into a rose.  Reminded me of when the Blue Fairy gave Belle a rose to carry around in that bell jar showing how long he had to live.  Well it looked like a rose to me, ha!

Regian and Zelena (Rebecca Mader) had a sisterly chat in the hopes that she'd tell her a few secrets about Hades and she did reveal he's in love with her and she maybe feels the same way too.  Back at the graveyard Emma decided she wanted to see if her dream comes true, but Snow insisted on going, cos she would.  Yes the same happened again and they took cover in Regina's vault.  Then Regina turned up and they went to face the monster, only it was Ruby, as said.

Hades offered Belle a deal, let the two of them face off and one will fall into the sea which leads into the River of Souls, he'd give her back her baby.  Later Gaston returned to the shop, thought he'd killed Rumple cos he'd be stupid enough to turn his back towards the door and not hear anyone walking up. But it was Belle testing him.  Gaston told her he kept the book not out of love but as a reminder. Belle telling him Rumple's her husband.  Shock, horror.  Still that didn't stop them meeting at the dock and Rumple, suspending Gaston in mid-air ready to throw him over.  But Belle turned up again, stopped Gaston from firing an arrow and basically pushed him in herself.  But that wasn't enough to square the deal, since Hades didn't want her to do it. Hades finds a dead flower and got his dream come true!  Which he sent to Zelena and she was pleased (easily!)

Belle should stay out of things always meddling.  Her actions did get many people killed by the ogres it seems, but she still doesn't learn that trying to do the right thing never works out for her.  Not enough Hook and his one liners in here, though I'd wager that book title and the ep title was about him really!!

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