Wednesday 27 April 2016

Longmire 4.4 "Four Arrows" Review

                                              Image result for longmire/four-arrows photos
The FBI and forensics arrive at Walt's (Robert Taylor) place and clear up the scene, as well as taking Barlow's body away, which we get interspersed with Walt talking a shower (not saying a thing, just imagine it instead!) again and close up on the blood on the step.  Walt decides to completely rebuild a new step instead of cleaning up the old one, yeah remove all trace of him from his house and his mind.  As he then builds a whole new shelf/bookcase for his office and reads whilst guzzling umpteenth cans of Rainier.  He's ready to return to work and in doing so, changes the message on his answering machine from Martha's voice to his own, "This is Walt..."  the woman's voice sounded a little like Tippi Hedren to me.

Ferg (Adam Bartley) helps Walt carry the bookcase to his office and the town is buzzing as the casino's opened, Four Arrows.  No one was expecting him back until Monday and Vic (Katee Sackhoff) hired a replacement deputy, Eamonn O'Neill (Josh Cooke)) with him away, who came across as rather smug.  Walt doesn't like him and at the end he tells Vic that Walt wanted him gone cos he was jealous of them, don't think that at all, though it may have seemed that way, thought it was more to do with him as a person, I'd say.

Lucien (Peter Weller) helps regulate traffic on the highway as there's a collision between a bus and an RV, with plenty of commotion and drinking.  He was doing their job for them seeing as they were short staffed, well I didn't see them needing any replacement for Branch these past three eps.  When everyone leaves, Walt picks up rubbish and finds a duffle bag left behind which is a bit too heavy to pick up, inside is a DB of a woman.  Vic needs to take her to the morgue and he goes to the casino to find Archer Loftus (Lew Temple) whose bag tag has been found too.  Walt bumps into Henry (Lou Diamond Phillips) who's been roped in by Malachi to cook.  Walk asks  Nighthorse (A Martinez) for help in locating the man, but he refuses until he gets an apology, which he called the worst one he's ever heard.  He locates Archer who says he works on an oil rig and the company just want him gone, what better way to do this than to frame him.  Walt says he used to work on an oil rig out in Prudoe Bay, Alaska and it's not easy.

Nighthorse also helps under the condition that he doesn't give the story to the press since his casino doesn't need a bad rep, he needs the money to finish building and Barlow left him short changed since his money's in probate.   Walt gets Lucien to help since he already was helping and he heads off to talk to the bus load of women in the RV.  Vic and can't find any clues to who the girl is.  Ferg's APB on the missing bus driver, Randolph Hale (James McDonald) comes up with nothing and another rig worker tells Walt he saw a dark haired woman on the bus, as some men tried to come onto her. Talking with the RV women, Walt doesn't really find out much, surprised they weren't shown her pic as well.

Nighthorse is angry that Walt went to the press but it's actually Eamonn who said they didn't find anything so it'd be an easy way of getting results.  Vic stands up for him cos that's how they do things here cos Walt's been gone along time and Ruby (Louanne Stephens) comes in with her name, Delia. Her friends saw her on TV.  Walt didn't want her parents to get the news from the TV.  Sarah (Molly Burnett) tells him that she didn't want to come to the wedding, it was a last minute thing and she didn't want to come, but she must've changed her mind.  Sarah seemed to be a little too helpful and overdoing the tears.  Walt shows them the bag and they think it's what she would've used.

Ferg finds Randolph and there's an awkward chase when he runs naked out of the shower.  He thinks his wife reported him but doesn't recall seeing her.  See new breed of criminal and riff raff in town, I mean who'd want to steal his dirty, old clothes.  Walt and Vic later talk to the rest of the wedding party and the bride, Nikki (Brooke Nevin) and groom, Noah (Drew Fuller) who was having an affair with Delia.  He also notices there was no basket with Delia's name on it inside the RV.   Vic finds nothing in the luggage compartment.  A credit card search on Noah doesn't reveal he bought a bag but Sarah knew of the affair, see quick to help cos she was guilty.  She says they fought and was pushed, she fell out and hit her head, so in the confusion of the accident, they hid her body and dumped her there.

Henry helps out a woman, Tall Grass's wife (Marisa Quinn) and her son, Cade (Teo Briones) after he writes to Hector about his father beating his mother and takes them out of town it seems.  Mathias (Zahn McClarnon) needs Walt's help in searching Henry's apartment for him as a neighbour saw Henry drop off Cade.  Walt needs to do this cos right now no one trusts him.  They don't find anything but Henry spots Cade's missing tooth on the table.

Walt and Lucien talk and he says he should've been a better brother, then maybe Barlow wouldn't have turned out like he did and Martha would've been alive.  Someone should've got him with a bullet every minute of his life.  Vic and Eamonn have each other's numbers and he's only in the next county, good, they're welcome to each other then!  Don't know about you, but I found this ep to be a little slow going especially in comparison to the last three eps and the case was a little routine too. Thought they'd have made more about Barlow's shooting but the FBI took that in their stride what with all this handshaking going on.

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