Wednesday 20 April 2016

Once Upon A Time 5.13 "Labor of Love" Review

                                            Image result for once-upon-a-time labor-of-love photos
Obviously the title being in reference to Hercules and his twelve labours.  As Snow (Gennifer Goodwin) meets up with him again.  Anyway this one showcases Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) also as he steps down some steps after a fellow captive tells him not to do it cos he'll come after them.  Hook of course wouldn't listen to her and he tells her to run and escape, to find Emma (Jennifer Morrison) and tell her where he is as he saw Emma's message to him.  That wasn't immediately apparent from this scene. Huh?  Anyway Snow and David (Josh Dallas) are walking around the graves when she notices Hercule's (Jonathan Whitesell) name and then flashback.  Snow (Bailee Madison) when a girl sitting with Regina (Lana Parilla) at her throne and her people demanding help.  Snow can only reply that her father is on a diplomatic mission and is powerless to help.  See that glint in Regina's eye cos we know that she's behind the peasant's almost revolt with her thugs terrorizing them.

Oh forgot to say Snow fell into a hole and was rescued by none other than Hercules, a mere whisper of a would-be demi-god and they instantly become best pals, cos here he teaches her how to shoot a bow and arrow and train her, much the same as Mulan did with Merida!! Don't these royal children have natural skills and abilities of their own then?  He tells her about his labours and how he's only a demi-god and his first labour of killing the lion.

In the underworld Regina says she would have had plans of Storybrooke in her office and that would give them clues on where else to search for Hook, as Henry (Jared Gilmore) goes off with Robin (Sean Maguire) cos he knows her office inside and out.  Storybrooke was the product of Regina's curse and she even made blueprints and plans for the town, hmm, must've pooffed those up in a smokey mist too.  She and Emma run into the girl who's being chased by the three headed hell hound, Cerberus, cue Supernatural hellhound lore territory here!  Snow finds Hercules at the docks tasked with moving around paper mache anchors and large blocks and the heels on those shoes, Dean Winchester would be jealous, just joking, I think!  ha.  As she tells him all her life story and he can't believe she's a grandma and he hasn't aged cos obviously he's dead.  She wants him to help with Cerberus not knowing that was the labour he couldn't failed cos he was killed by it.  Obviously uncle Hades (Greg Germann) having a hand in it.  He couldn't fight three heads at once!  Hook and Hades have words about how they can't really kill each other and he continues to torment Hook with his boring comments!!  Couldn't they find a better Hades??  Not a fan of Greg Germann, he always acts the same no matter what character he's playing.  This must be a harkback to Ally McBeal: the failed comedy years!

Snow takes on the thugs and fails miserably as she can't reach for another arrow and drops them all, as well as falling to the ground in shame herself.  Needing another helping hand from Hercules.
In the underworld Emma, Snow and Regina went down the mines to find Cerberus and let Hercules take care of the hound but he gives up and runs away.  What was the problem, he was already dead wasn't he, so wouldn't die again or was it seeing his awful uncle again.  Hades having a fun time showing Emma Hook's hook.

Henry crawls into the office through the vent and finds Cruella (Victoria Smurfit) there apparently taken over from Cora, she wants him to use his author skills and write her back into the living which he can do cos even if he broke the quill, it's still a living entity and he can fix things.  Which Henry doesn't tell Robin about.  If he re-writes her death then Emma won't be a murderer anymore.  So that means Henry can do the same for everyone else, re-write everything we've seen and everyone can be good and as pure as the driven snow, including Hook not killing his father.

Regina tells Snow how she was kickass as Snow and so she drops the Mary Margaret and Snow adding there's nothing like getting help from her former enemy in Regina!  And decides she's going to help Hercules kick some hellhound heads, even roping in Megara (Kacey Rohl) to help.  As back in her land, Snow kicks the thugs asses out of her kingdom.   Hellhound gets stabbed and vanishes. Hercules and Megara later do some bonding in the diner and also get to climb the steps to Mount Olympus.  Still Snow doesn't tell David she and Hercules snogged, minor plot point, she probably went round kissing all her friends, so she shared her first ever kiss with ol' Hercs!

Hades was still tormenting Hook to the point where Hook's hair kept standing on end in despair, but no, loving Hook's hair and told him he had to engrave three names on the grave of the three people he wants to remain behind, well he could've started off with Gold!  Then Robin and anyone else who was still here who he didn't know about but could've guessed, like maybe his father.  But downside was, they had to be living!  Hook refused.  Uh oh more torturing for him then with Hades' excruciating jokes!  Emma bought her woolly hat with her, maybe she could hide Hades's blue light CGI hair under it!

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