Wednesday 20 April 2016

Once Upon A Time 5.14 "Devil's Due" Review

                                           Image result for once-upon-a-time devil's-due photos
As Hook (Coilin O'Donoghue) didn't do what Hades (Greg Germann) wanted in engraving the graves, he transports him to a place far worse through the River of Lost Souls and there he suspends him from chains, to be lowered into the river, eventually.  Ay me hearty, Hook was already a lost soul when we first met him, seeing as the pirate's life wasn't such a good one after all.  But anyway, yeah thought Dean in hell once again in Supernatural here, when he was all chained up and calling for help, but no help came.  Hook will be more fortunate then.  Hades was just jealous cos he couldn't stand looking at Hook's devilishly handsome features and his hair!!

In order for Hook to be rescued and for Gold  (Robert Carlyle) to get back to Belle (Emilie de Ravin) after seeing her through a crystal ball which he subsequently breaks, he had to enlist the help of Milah (Rachel Shelley).  Well hello dearie, you're now a crossing guard, making sure children cross the road safely, but you ran out on your son also!  Gold introduces her to an awkward meeting with Emma (Jennifer Morrison) who was not only with her former lover (and still is) but also with her son and there's nothing like nepotism and keeping it within the family.  Though Hook isn't related to them.  Oh and forget to mention she bore Milah's grandson too!! Rumple had found a boat to take them out of the underworld after they rescued Hook and Milah stayed behind to guard it with him.

Then appeared Hades and made a deal with Gold, get rid of the boat so they can't make it out and also revealed that he knows Belle is pregnant, no wonder Gold wanted to high tail it out of there. Especially after the flashback to where Bae was left alone whilst the two bickered and Bae was bitten by a poisonous snake as a child and they had to find a cure.  Gold couldn't kill the man with the cure, Fendrake the Healer (Aaron Douglas) but made a deal to give him his second son, cos dearie he wasn't gonna have anymore children.  Milah was angry with him cos he put a kerb on her having anymore children and ran off with Hook, whom she met in a tavern and still propositioned her to run off with him even if she was married.  "I'm in port very often, luv!"  That would've been tempting enough!  Still she could've had little Hookers with Hook!  Ha.

Gold also sent Milah into the river cos she knew his deal with Hades, as Emma was taking an awful long time bringing Hook back out, yeah have a reunion there when you're still in danger and miss all the action outside.  Hook was surprised to hear Milah was here and then was no longer around! Didn't he think she may have been here especially since she had unfinished business too and now we won't know what that was.  Gold pretending that Hades got rid of the boat and Milah too.  So no awkward meeting with the threesome and Hook having to say he loved (loves) Milah his one true lost love (who's now lost in the river of souls) and he wanted revenge for the last 300 years, but he's got  Emma now.

Regina (Lana Parilla) found Daniel's grave but she'd also learned from Cruella (Victoria Smurfit) that if a gravestone stands up it means unfinished business, if it's flat down then they're not in the underworld and if it's cracked to bits, well there's no hope!  She then helped a horse back in town and found her magic was working.  But she couldn't take Emma's heart and split it into two giving Hook the other half.  Wasn't her magic though was it, it was the underworld after all and having to prolong them being there.  Of course maybe her love for him isn't that strong after all, or his for her, okay I had to to add that in.
I'll forget about the awkwardness of writing Milah over and over then!! Ha.

They find Hades has been busy engraving the gravestones himself with the names of Snow, Regina and Emma, apparently he wanted the women to remain behind.  See Hook that's what you did when you didn't pick, he could've picked the men and left the women which he could've had all to himself in true pirate fashion!  But the worst was yet to come for Gold as Fendrake and the one he'd killed as the Crocodile had signed over his contract to Hades, thus he was going to get Gold's second born child now!

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