Wednesday 20 April 2016

Once Upon A Time 5.12 "Souls of the Departed" Review

                                            Image result for once-upon-a-time souls-of-the-departed photos
Emma (Jennifer Morrison) has a dream about seeing Neal (Michael Raymond-James) and how he's moved on and is in a happy place now, guess he got his happy ending then and he knows she wants to get Hook (Colin O'Donohue) back.  Then wakes up in a Storybrooke which which as all red filters and the clock tower lies broken on the ground.  Finally something destructive happened to that clock seeing as everything took place there. This is the Storybrooke as seen in the underworld, or created there.

In the Enchanted Forest, Regina (Lana Parilla) tries a berry pie which has been made for her birthday and is about to wreck some more of her havoc until Snow (Gennifer Goodwin) arrives to save the day again.  The best birthday gifts were yet to come, as her father wanted Regina to stop her nonsensical quest for power and revenge and summoned Cora (Barbara Hershey) with the help of Regina's mirror, (Giancarlo Esposito) from Wonderland.  She came to make things worse for everyone and she did what no one else could do, took Snow's heart and gifted it in a box to Regina.  Regina couldn't resist crushing the heart of her rival, only one of her guards carked it instead, as daddy dear had switched hearts.  He doesn't have magic, so how was he able to do this, did he raid Regina's vault or something.  Which made her even more angry cos no matter how much she loves him, she still exacted her revenge on him by shrinking him and placing him in the box instead and then showing off her new miniature to Cora.

Regina finds a new boss in her seat, none other than Cora, only she can't be in charge of the underworld cos not even OUAT would dare change the story of the underworld and Hades.  Anyway didn't she become good or something or was that not done, after Snow crushed her heart too.  See Snow got her revenge on Cora doing that to her, well at least for taking her heart.  Not so much crushing it.
At the diner Snow looks for Hook, as do the others and meets with the wicked blind witch (Emma Caulfield) from Hansel and Gretel who now cooks there.  Er, does she serve up departed children. Was that some sort of a terrible Sweeney Todd and Mrs Lovett pie moment.  (See connection: Regina and pies, oh never mind!)   When Snow is kissed and doesn't recognize true love's kiss anymore it seems, cos she didn't realize that was James and not David!  Cue David (Josh Dallas) as he leaves and nothing else was spoken!  So he's going to be David's unfinished business perhaps, or not, since it appears everyone roaming the underworld hasn't had their chance at putting things right.

Cora wants Regina to be safe and tells her to leave otherwise she'll have to burn the one person she loves the most, that being her father, Regina having found Henry Mills' grave.  But no one had still located Hook, cos this was being dragged out as far as possible, you'd have thunk they'd have wanted to drag out him being dark, sorry that only lasted two eps, would've been good to have seen for longer.

Gold walks on over to the pawn shop and there he forlornly looks at the chipped teacup and also his father's doll!  Well Pan (Robbie A Kay) shows up.  He wants to get back home and asks Rumples to do this just by ensuring one of the people he came here with doesn't make it back, or he can piggy back on them or something.  Though they haven't really mentioned their unfinished business, isn't he supposed to get redemption, ask for forgiveness for being younger looking than his own son and move on to the light.  Guess that wasn't happening.  He gives Gold some magic potion on the house, enabling people to talk to their dead when poured onto their graves; so later on he can say there were strings attached to it and not just in the Pinocchio sense either.

This potion didn't work for Hook who was tortured to the nines, but Regina could speak withe her father and also introduce his grandson Henry (Jared Gilmore) to him.  Giving her some more of his wisdom of how she can't leave here without her friends and now she's turned that corner and isn't like Cora, she listens to him, for once.  He must've been proud.  A stairway to heaven (can I say that) appears as Cora vanishes when Regina decides she will stay and her father leaves for a better place. Well that was easy.  So if Hook hadn't done all that he did after going dark and ending up in the underworld after dying, their loves ones would have been suffering still.  Hmm so turns out they had him do something meaningful.  As Regina returned to the clock tower, the hand moves a minute thus symbolizing a soul had been taken to its rightful place with Regina smiling, she did something right.

Funny scene must've been Jimmeny Cricket popping out of Snow's corset and what prithee tell was he doing there??  Just as Regina crushes her heart! Seriously what was the purpose of this scene if not for comic effect?   That potion was "the Ale of Seonaidh from the land of Dunbroch" as Gold tells them, back there again hey.  What would they do without the wee Scots.

Then the reveal of Hades (Greg Germann) not very exciting and Cora being turned back into the peasant that she was, for failing to do her job, as if that could possibly be the worst of her worries.  I just miss the Guyliner quotes!!  It must be saying something about this show now when I only watch for Hook!! and Regina too of course, but mostly Hook!!

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